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Workout Story by Liam Slade For more, please visit -- I had given Mark three of the best years of my life. I was twenty-seven and thought I could safely assume I was with the man I would soon marry and start a family with. Was I as happy as I could possibly be? Maybe not, but I thought things were good and solid between us. My foolish delusion was shattered one day when I was changing the bedspread and found an unknown pair of panties in the sheets. That asshole. That unbelievable moron of an asshole. Like I wouldn't know someone else's underwear from my own? How long had it been going on that he had gotten so overconfident that he forgot to get his skank to take her undies with her when she left? How much gall did he have that he had her over to our bed, while I was at work? In the bed where I sleep - and now I was changing the sheets she had dirtied. And I knew who it was, too. A year ago, Mark had started going to the gym. He had been pudgy ever since we had met, with a cutely cherubic babyface hidden under a fuzzy beard he could never fully grow. I never commented on his size except positively. I had a few extra pounds myself of course - thick thighs run in my family (well, none of us do much running, but all the same.) But so what? He was cuddly and we fit together well. I loved him for it., but he didn't love himself. Last New Year, he wanted to get "back into shape." And I let him. I had always been comfortable with his appearance - happy with it, loved it, even. But who was I to tell him to stop if he wants to do a sit-up every now and again, or lift a weight? The membership would pay for itself in open pickle jars and the lack of physical exasperation toward the end of our lovemaking, which increased, to my delight, as he gained more strength, energy, and stamina. Halfway through the year, I learned the source of this transformation. Her name was Janelle, and she was the personal trainer he had signed on with when he signed up for the gym. She was a short little coil of energy, with tight abs, lean legs, perfectly toned arms, and the tightest, firmest ass I had ever seen on a woman. I imagined she must be a drill sergeant, a nasty piece of work to whip someone into shape. To my annoyance, she was beautiful inside too, with a radiant smile, and an upbeat disposition. She probably never had any problem getting guys, unlike me, who had gone until my twenties before my first date. I told myself to be okay with it all. I wanted to be cool, the perfect trusting girlfriend. I didn't want to be like my friends, who snapped at their men anytime they came anywhere near the orbit of another woman. Nobody wants to marry someone who keeps them on such a short leash. So she was hot, an fun, and they spent hours together each week, sweating and grunting, while she was clad in skintight workout pants. That was her job. When he left the gym, she had a dozen other clients to see, and - if I can be fair to Mark - most of them were probably hotter and more appealing than him. So I let her rebuild him, thicken his biceps and traps and abs, and of course, his self-esteem. Not that he became an Adonis - he loved cheeseburgers too much for that - but his belly hung out over his belt no more. Little did I know she was seemingly sculpting him for herself. I don't know when it started, but I would guess probably around the time he invited me to come along and start working out with him, and I said no. Despite its flaws, I was happy with my body. And deep down, I felt insulted that he would suggest I needed to, that there was something wrong with me that going to the gym - which I heard as "losing weight" - would fix. I didn't see the rifts forming in our relationship quickly enough but in hindsight they were all there. He was quieter and distant. No longer the lovable goofball I had fallen for. We spent more time apart, especially with him at the gym four nights per week. Things that we used to be able to compromise on - where to eat, how to spend the weekend, even what to watch on TV - became full-blown arguments more quickly. He kept telling me I didn't understand him anymore. I struggled to see how that was true. When I found Janelle's XS-sized panties under my duvet, I flipped out. I was not a confrontational person but it was like someone else was in my body, using it better than I ever had, as I told him how shitty he was for doing this to me and not just being a man and breaking it off. He pled innocent, saying it meant nothing and would never happen again. I told him instead, he and I would never happen again and I stormed out, only coming back later for my belongings. For weeks afterward I seethed with rage about it. I wanted an outlet. I wanted to hit something. Then while driving home from work one night, I passed a gym. Not his gym, thankfully, one on the other side of town. So I decided there was no time like the present, if I had all this anger to burn off. I went in and signed up. I started on the treadmill. It was good to use up some energy, but I wasn't satisfied. So I signed up for some Cardio Move. Not bad, now I was used to exercising for long periods. I wanted more. I wanted to punch and kick, so I joined a kickboxing class. That still didn't quell the aggression in me. So one day, I picked up a dumbbell and started pumping weights. When I picked up that weight, it was like I had found my calling. From the moment I started doing bicep curls, I thought it felt right. I remember I had a gym teacher, Ms. Whittier, who told me women don't lift weights because we don't want big arms. But I thought screw it - I wanted my body to get as big as it could, to house the anger I felt. Working out this way turned that anger into something useful. I began to work out with a singular focus and determination, to leave my old self, the one that had been cheated and disrespected, behind. Dumbbells became bench presses, became deadlifts as I challenged myself to go further, lift more, to thicken my arms and legs. I saw and felt the muscles developing under my skin, from soft, pliable flesh to thicker, hardened steel. My body was transforming... and it excited me more than I ever thought it would. My back tightened into rippling lats and traps. I admired my arms as I flexed in the mirror. I cultivated hard, sculpted abs by doing endless crunches with a medicine ball. I felt my fleshy, feminine breasts shrink and flatten into stiff, functional pectorals, to where I didn't even need to wear a sports bra when I worked out. I noticed people at work looking at me differently. I thought, of course they would. It was a pretty radical change, but I liked what I saw. A lean, muscular, athletic figure, and proud of it. I cut my hair short to cut down on sweat. It became hard to find clothes that fit properly, so I just grabbed overshirts from the men's department. One day, I spoke up in a meeting, and someone asked if I had a cold, because my voice sounded a little rougher. I didn't hear a difference and shrugged it off. A few stray hairs gathered on my chin. Well, it happens, I thought as I waxed them off. I had virtually gotten a new face, pretty and angular but boyish, with high cheekbones and a pointed jawline that I had never noticed myself having. I could have been a model now, something I would never have said about myself before. I knew something had fundamentally changed about me, more than just losing fat or putting on muscle, but I chose not to think about it in terms of what I was or wasn't. I was still just me. After a while, I noticed someone I recognized around the gym. Someone much shorter than me, a perky blonde with a tight body and a glowing aura about her. I knew her on sight. I approached her. "Hey, you're new around here." She smiled at me. "Uh huh! I'm Janelle, I'm a new trainer here." I shook her hand, her delicate little hand, and felt something stir inside of me. "Alex," I said, barely suppressing a grin. I didn't know what was going on with me. I should have hated this woman, but instead I felt oddly compelled. I volunteered, "I'm here a lot." She smiled back, warmly. "Guess I'll be seeing you then! If you ever need a partner..." I bit my tongue. "Sure, sure..." I kept my distance at first. She didn't know who I was anyway, and I no longer resembled the person whose boyfriend she had stolen. I thought about changing gyms to get away from her because the very sight of her at first filled me with anger and pain as a reminder of what had happened to me. What she had done to me. But she was too friendly. She would always give me a wave when I would pass her on the way to the cable machines. That evolved into asking each other how well we did today, and other small talk about what was going on in our lives. Somehow over the weeks, that hostility inside of me dissipated. She was so sunny and alluring that there was no way to hate her. Even though, I had always disliked blonde gym bunnies and her worst of all, something inside of me refused to allow it and I softened toward her. I decided she must not have known Mark and I were together. He had lied to her too. We became close. She never mentioned any kind of boyfriend. So one day at the end of the night, when she was the only staff member left, and I was the only client, I just came out with it: "Do you want to get dinner sometime?" I asked, taking a deep breath to avoid stammering. I wasn't sure why I was so intimidated, and yet, something about her made me feel week and gooey all over again. "Oh, I don't know." She hesitated. "I'm on a pretty strict diet... it can be hard to find places I can eat." My mouth twisted wryly. "That's a shame. I don't believe in diets." "Oh, no?" she said, her eyebrow raised. "No... I just have whatever I want." I took a step toward her, closing the space. She looked up at me. "In that case," she said, "why don't we just go right to dessert?" In unison, we pushed our lips together, her arms wrapping around my broad shoulders, my hands finding her narrow waist, searching up and down her thighs and glutes, feeling every firm yet supple bit of her that I could. I felt one last twinge of a change in myself. Between the legs, something dormant erupted from inside of me, emerging with a vengeance, thick and hard, and long - at least seven inches, throbbing, ready for her. We found a mat. I laid back and let her ride my new equipment. I stared up at her in delight as she removed her braid to let her hair tumble down her bare shoulders, throwing her workout top aside. I reached up and cupped her breasts in my hands and felt amazed at the softness against the otherwise tight muscles of her body. I would never look like that. I had never wanted to. I hadn't realized I had wanted to be this. As she bobbed up and down, taking me deep inside of herself, I watched her writhe and moan in pleasure, her eyes rolling, her back arching, our sweaty, wet bodies finding the perfect interplaying movements. My pleasure was centred between my legs; it was nearly unbearable how hot and hard it was and I soon exploded inside of her. This continued for weeks after our workouts. I got good at it - very good. Using my new muscular body, my endurance and power to pleasure her in the ways I knew she would like, experimenting with positions I had never tried before, using muscles I never knew I had. It became my favourite form of exercise, and she the perfect partner. I came to love hearing her moan, pant and scream, "Alex! Alex!" One night she rolled over to check a notification on her phone and let out a disappointed sigh. "What is it?" I asked cautiously. She took a moment to consider what she wanted to say then told me, "It's the guy I was seeing before we met." "Oh," I said, trying to mask my reaction to learning she was still in contact with Mark. "Don't hate me," Janelle said, "nut we were still kind of together when you and I started hooking up." I couldn't quite suppress my smile at that. Knowing I had, with my new body, stolen the woman who had come between us out from under Mark was a bit of a thrill to say the least, and I felt myself getting hard again already. "He still wants to work things out," she said with a frustrated sigh in her voice. "I've told him there's somebody else but he won't listen." I bristled at that. Mark had never fought for me. "Well if there's anything I can do..." I said softly. "There is," she said - and her hand found my erect cock. Sometime later, we were both at the gym when Mark arrived. He had cut his hair and looked a little different - not as different as I did of course. By now I had grown my stubble into a full beard that Janelle said she liked. I had only a faint concern that he would recognize me but that was allayed when he brushed past on his way to see Janelle. I watched from a distance on the leg press machine as he walked to her and began to speak aggressively. She tried to walk away but there was not much room to move around and he kept following. I finally determined she could use some assistance, so I stood up and walked next to her. "Is there something I can help?" "This is between me and her, okay bro?" my ex-boyfriend said to me, dismissively, looking me up and down as if marking my strangely familiar appearance, but unable to place it. "Actually, it's not," Janelle said. "Alex, this is Mark, my ex." "Oh, you're the Alex guy she's seeing huh?" Mark said, shuffling anxiously in his stance. The way he said my name now, not even realizing it was still me inside, was startling. "That's right," I said - trying to keep my face stoic instead of smiling in triumph over my ex. "Well why don't you just back off and let me and the lady handle things?" he said. "She doesn't want to speak to you," I said. "She's made it very clear." "Just step away, okay meathead?" Mark said with a sneer. "I just need to say one thing." "So say it," I said. Janelle backed up to just behind me. Mark's mouth twisted as he agonized over something to say, but I guess the words failed him. I failed to notice his fist clenching at his side. Quickly, he threw a punch and caught me on the cheek that knocked me to the floor. I heard Janelle cry out. I had never been hit before, not in the face. It stung, and disoriented me, but really it just made me angry. Slowly, I stood back up. I was shaking a little bit, adrenaline rushing into my blood. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. I could do it. I could throw a punch. I had thrown countless in kickboxing classes over the years. He had thrown the first one, nobody would blame me. There was a heaviness in my chest that was telling me I needed to retaliate. All my rage rushed to my face and I could feel my judgment getting cloudy. I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him close. I narrowed my eyes and sneered. "You better go." He had this look in his eyes like he realized - he wasn't acting like himself. He was too far gone. Maybe he wished he could take the punch back, and he definitely regretted throwing it in front of Janelle. I looked back to see a stern look on her face as she regarded him. I let him go. He took a moment, straightened his shirt, and left. We never heard from him again. Janelle came to my side with an ice pack. "Baby," she said in a soothing voice as she held it to my reddened face, "I don't know what I would've done without you." I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a kiss on the lips, holding he body to mine. "Some people," I said softly, "need to learn to be better men." -- Copyright 2020 Liam Slade, all rights reserved. To be reprinted only with permission of the author.

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"Hussshhhhh" I sighed as I got out of the shower.I had just come back from college, and after a long day of boring lectures and random doodling on the back of my notebook, I had come home and I needed a hot shower to recharge my batteries. With a towel wrapped around my body and little drops of water still trickling down my legs to my ankle, I walked over to the dressing table. I picked up the bottle of hair conditioner and started applying it over my hair. I, then picked up the bottle of body...

4 years ago
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Jacks Education Ch 13

The next day at school the five guys met at lunchtime to plan how to get revenge for Jeff’s humiliation at the hands of Frank and Latesha. They decided that it would be too risky to try to get back at both of them at the same time, even with five against two, so they agreed that they would attack them one at a time. Since it appeared that Latesha was the main instigator of Jeff’s mistreatment, they decided to deal with Latesha first. They also agreed that they would gang bang her, including...

4 years ago
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With mom after new years eve

On the last day of the year I went to some party with friends. It was almost 5AM and I decided that it’s a time to come home. I entered the house and went to the kitchen to have some drink. I was really thirsty. Suddenly mom appeared in the door. In t-shirt and panties only. She asked how I was and said happy new year to me. I asked her how she was with dad. They were both at home with some of our friends. She said it was good, calm and easy party. They went to bed something aroud 2AM. I...

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Natashas The Naked Waitress

Natasha wakes up bright and early for her new job orientation. Shes 18 years old. She immediately hops out of bed and gets ready. She rushes out to the kitchen to make herself something quick to eat. She runs out the door and realizes she has no underwear just tight black leggings and a tight white tank top exposing her ass and her nipples. She arrives at her job and walks inside to meet the manager. She enters his office. "Hello Natasha it's a pleasure to meet you." He says to her "Thank you....

3 years ago
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Samanthas Strip PokerChapter 7 Getting Distracted

I put my blind in as I looked at the stack of chips that represented the lion's share of the girls panties. "That's too sweet! For the first time in this game I've got more chips than you. I've almost got your panties, and pretty soon, I'll be after your 50 chip bra." I should have realized that I was in trouble from the smell of male and female musk that was becoming noticeable. I didn't care that I was strip playing poker with total jailbait. I just wanted to see her get naked, and...

2 years ago
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Life Of Rahul 8211 Dinner With Roshini 8211 Part 1

This is a story about Rahul, a stud in the fictional village of Kama. A regular 22 years old who is popular among both men and women. Men, because they are jealous of him and envy his success; women because they just want him. This is the first part in a tale that will chronicle the life of Rahul and the many sexual encounters he experiences. Rahul was feeling a little bored. His parents had gone to the neighboring village to attend a function, and he was left all alone. He was pestered to go...

4 years ago
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Meeting the inlaws turns into a party

My oldest daughter Hollie had been going out with her current boyfriend Matt for about six months and it seemed that their relationship was getting more serious.Hollie, who is 19 and studying at a nearby university, was clearly besotted with Matt, 20, who was a friendly, affable handsome mixed-race guy.They made for an highly attractive couple – Hollie is 5-5 with long blonde hair, green eyes and a slim but shapely body; Matt is about 6-1, with short dark hair, big brown eyes and an athletic...

2 years ago
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Turok the Tormentor story1

TUROK THE TORMENTOR By: ROBO Turok sat upon his throne over looking his domain. He was the supreme Demon in the Universe and had no equal. He had defeated and destroyed all whom had opposed him. Ever since he had destroyed Satan his life had become boring and dull. He had conquered everyone and everything and now had nothing to occupy his time leaving him with a dismal boring life for eternity. "Bring me an advisor......NOW!!!" he roared. A man came running up "Yes Sir, your...

4 years ago
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Being a Mother for the First Time Part 1

Being a mother for the first time By Alexis Demoire Chapter 1 - Labor "Mommy, can I have some ice cream." I heard my lovely 5 year old daughter say. "Sure honey, but let mommy finish the dishes first, ok?" "Ok." She said. I cleaned up the kitchen, and I head over to the refrigerator to get my daughter some ice cream. All of a sudden, a sharp pain came from my stomach, and the next thing I know, my dress was soaped, and I called my husband immediately. "Sweetie, my water...

3 years ago
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First Fuck Flop Nonfiction

of the following first-hand account is true, as best I can remember:It was the summer of '91, and I had recently moved to Lancaster, CA from Northern California. I was 16 years old, and horny as hell pretty much all the time. If you've read my other true story about my first orgasm, then you know that this story begins about two years after that.I ran with some "interesting" people when I was younger...pretty much anyone I might meet at a party, at a dealer's house, perhaps at school when I...

3 years ago
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Penetrating My Mother

my mom just returned home from work, she was dog tired and a little more careless than usual. she left her bedroom door wide open while getting undressed and that bitch teased me again as i could see in full view from my bed from across the hall. she was sultry, a sheer black bra that outlined her brown nipples, matching bikini brief panties that showed that she had shaved her pubes and ultra sheer naked stockings. i was getting a hard-on from her beauty, she slowly rolled off the stockings...

3 years ago
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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 15 Religious Rachael

Dear Diary - (July 3) I'm turning over a new leaf. I'm sixteen now and I lost my old diary. I sure hopes nobody ever finds it - unless it's me. I would be just mortified if someone ever read it and I've prayed every night for the last week that nobody will. Since this is my first entry, Diary, I'll have to give you some background about why I'm so scared my diary will be found. There isn't anything special for the first three years, from when I was 11 until 14; it's mostly childish...

4 years ago
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Children of the LightChapter 17 Wide open Spaces

The battles of Precipice angered and elated us. It left us feeling glad and empty at the same time. We were still kids after all, and even though we admit we are precocious compared to others our age, we still see life through young eyes, and young hearts. The mighty Sh'kxu technology had been a shell, covering the ultimate truth. Everyone had wondered how a race with such an extreme ability had developed a technological society advanced enough to travel between the stars. They...

4 years ago
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DENTAL VISIT to Nirvana for the staff that

…breathing deep from the mask, it was only moments before she was gone …and immediately my nurse lifted the checkered skirt and I dropped to my kness , heaved her forward …shoved her legs apart and nuzzled into the girl’s cottoned crotch…almonds was the fragrance and a hint of urine…HEAVEN…suckling the fabric, I wormed my tongue around the gusset and found her slit and nosed onto her bud… My nurse had hiked her own whites up and was furiously fapping at her own exposed clit..briefs down at her...

4 years ago
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The experience of a lifetime

Intro: Lacy recently turned 18 and is a senior at her local high school. She lives with her liberal mom (Amanda) and her older sister (Natalie) who both believe she’s too shy about her body even though she has no reason to be embarrassed. They routinely attempt to get her to become more comfortable with showing skin and encourage her to be more open about her sexuality. As a single mother, Amanda is open about her sexuality and doesn’t hide it from her daughters. Natalie takes after her mother...

3 years ago
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His First Mission

4:30 PM I’m sitting in my recruiter’s beige coupé, driving to the place where I will sign my life away. I bite hard on my lower lip as I realize what a massive decision I’m about to make with my life. Enlisting in the Navy was not something I had really contemplated before this year, and everything since then has happened so suddenly. All at once I have a job, a plan. Then again, that’s just the way my life has always happened- suddenly. “There’ll be lots of nice looking men for you to choose...

5 years ago
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Senior Class TripChapter 1

My first night in a hotel, ever! It would probably have been more exciting if it weren’t such a flea bag. Well, I guess that’s unfair. The room is very small and more than a little run down. But at least it seems to be clean and I’ve seen no sign of insects of any kind. It’s just very old and threadbare. It’s in dire need of a major remodeling. Or better yet, demolishing and replacing. On the other hand, we’re quite close to many of the major sights we came here to see. I can only imagine...

2 years ago
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Meri Pyaari Bhabhi And Me

My name is preet singh My bhabhi name is sukhwinder kaur(sukhi) Figure 34-38-36….Ufff land khra ho janda yaad kar kar ..Baat ajj sye 3 saal purani hai Main 12th main tha meri umr 19 saal thi.Main ek sardar hu.Meri bhabhi ki age 32 ki thi.Bhabhi meri pdosan thi ..Sorry main bolna bhul geya.Ek din ki baat hai main school sye ayea.Kapre change kiye aur bhabhi k ghar cala geya.Main bahut sharmila tha.Aur bhabhi frank rahti thi mere sath..Bhabhi kush kaam kar rahi thi to mera theyan unke uper geya...

1 year ago
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Me and my girlfriends time

It was friday night and my girlfriend came over, my parents weren't home so we had the house to ourself for about 3 hours. We both had it in our minds that we wanted each other. So after about an hour of watching a movie i slid my hand on her nice small perfect titts, and my dick rose in excitment as i could feel her nipples poke through. She than looked at me with her nice blue eyes and pressed her lips to mine. We kissed for along time, than she stardeled me and took off her shirt and undid...

First Time
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Encounter With Big Spanish Girl Latisha

Hi all, I am Rohan, I am 27, over 6 ft tall and have a strong athletic body. This is a sex story about my encounter with a big Spanish woman (or as we call BBW, Big Beautiful Woman), while I was working in Houston, I am currently situated in India. This is my 1st sex story so pardon me for any flaws. This happened almost a year ago, while I was working in Houston, I had a 8 to 4 job, but I had nothing to do after work and was getting bored. So I decided to check some online dating sites, I...

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Train To Pune

Hi Friends, I thank you all for your extended support and love towards me. I would like to share a true and beautiful experience I had recently. I hope, I have put it in a way that everyone will like and enjoy. This story happened in December 2010, when I was going to Pune by train. I was working in a small company and then I got placed in a MNC. I don’t want to mention the name of the company for privacy reasons but I think most of you can guess it. My posting was in Pune, so I planned to go...

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Flight Attendant Threesome

Recently I went on a business trip to Chicago. On the plane, one of the flight attendants caught my attention for two reasons; he was more masculine then most male flight attendants and he was wearing a necklace from which hung the hardware I’d seen pierced through the end of some of the cocks in porn pictures I’d browsed. The hardware piece was u-shaped with a round ball on each end of the U. What got my brain and cock twitching was the gauge of the bent steel U. It had to be about ½ a...

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Beautiful Niece Kaylee Ch4

Introduction: We define our relationship. I have changed the age of my Niece to be compliant with the rules. This also throws off all future timelines. I apologize for any confusion, however I hope you will understand. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 4 Hey Kaylee, hold the end of this so I can measure. I put the tape measure up and checked the numbers twice. OK, Im gonna need 31 and 3/4 inches cut off this one. You got it! Kaylee took the 2×4...

2 years ago
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Newfound friend gives her what hubby won

"You sure this won't hurt?" Mary asked again."Absolutely. All you have to do is push back, like you are trying to go, and relax. Things will be just fine. I slide in a little, let you have time to get used to it, and take it easy. You'll love it." At least he hoped he wouldn't hurt her. He had used enough K-Y. If she were too tense, it would hurt. If she relaxed and wanted to enjoy this, it wouldn't."God I hope so. I've heard about this enough.""Girlfriends huh?" John said as he moved closer...

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Hubby and Masters Surprise

Hubby and Masters Surprise I’ve been with my Husband and Master for 10 years nowWe’ve been into bondage for most of that time, he introduced me to it and I have loved every minutes of itA couple of weeks ago we were talking about our fantasies after a couple of glasses of wine he asked me what are my main fantasies.I was a little tipsy so I told him in detail lots of my fantasies Several weeks later he told me he was going to make several of my fantasies come true. I said which ones but he...

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Kimberly 20Chapter 14

Tim's turn: I've become a legend for all the wrong reasons. Well, I guess that's incorrect. Kimberly Elkins is the very right reason. Medium-sized town. Many of the people I work with are married to or related to or friends with people at Kim's high school, so outside the few that already know who I'm marrying because I told them, there are others who found out from that other path. Some people shake my hand and congratulate me. Some just ask if it's true. Some shake their...

4 years ago
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My first story pt1

It was morning and they were in that bed, naked, with the bed spread wrinkled badly. Her head was on his chest and hands still in the hands even though they were asleep. And just then she woke up and kissed her hubby’s forehead, kept on looking at him like she was starting her day by seeing his god before seeing anything after waking up, then she put on his T-shirt and made her way down to the kitchen. There was a strange happiness and content on her face and her eyes were sparkling with the...

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