jacks mum part 2
- 2 years ago
- 50
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Jack left his house in a hurry, and as he walked out onto the pavement and was looking the wrong way, he bumped into Hannah next door his next-door neighbour of five years.
Jack was sixty-five-years-old. Hannah was forty-years-old. They both lived alone and were friendly towards each other, often going into the other’s house for a coffee and a chat, but the age difference stopped them taking it any further. Not that it should have done because Jack found Hannah was someone he would love to get to know better, whilst Hannah had a thing about men with the age difference they had.
Jack immediately apologised, “I’m really sorry, Hannah. I should’ve been more careful.” In fact, Jack had been looking out for Hannah as he had a fixation about her which included playing out fantasies in his mind but just then was looking the wrong way.
Hannah smiled at Jack and replied, “No problem, Jack. It can easily happen.”
Jack smiled back at Hannah as he saw that she was wearing a really tight vest top which showed off her curvy figure and well-toned arms, as well as a pair of tight cotton shorts which showed off her well-toned legs as the shorts only just covered her bottom. Her light brown hair was tied into a bun, but she often had it settling on her bare shoulders. Jack knew that Hannah loved this kind of outfit during the summer months, and she certainly looked good today like she always did.
Hannah was aware that Jack found her attractive, as was made clear almost every time they met because he would look up and down at what she was wearing, quite often studying her breasts, and also her bare arms and bare legs. However, she never minded him ogling her and actually found him sexually attractive as well because of her attraction to men that much older than herself. Having said that, she never looked on them as father figures, but as equals, as she was an alpha female and liked to lead any relationship she was in.
Hannah let Jack study her various curves and bare skin for a few more moments as she stood still, and then distracted him by moving and saw him jolt as she did so.
Jack was aware that he had been staring at Hannah‘s body, rather than looking at her face, and blushed, and immediately tried to cover his wrongdoing by asking cheerfully, “So are you off to the shops?“
Hannah was used to Jack trying to change the subject when she caught him ogling her and smiled as she replied, “Well, actually I’m just coming home, and I was looking to get some peace and quiet.”
Jack quite often thought about Hannah, fantasising being with her, kissing her, and making love. What was also strange was that whilst he was an alpha male, and had held very senior positions when at work, he also had submissive tendencies of a sexual nature, including fantasies about being spanked by attractive women. So, Hannah fitted that bill exactly because as well as having the most fabulous figure, she also had a haughty “Do as I say or else,” tone of voice which was a real turn on for Jack. So, Jack mainly fantasied about Hannah spanking his bare bottom, although as he was turned on by the thought, he would be clasping his erect penis when picturing it.
Jack inquired, “What do you mean, was going to?”
Hannah gave a wicked smile as she replied, “That might change now.” She waited a few moments and saw the inquisitive look on Jack’s face and then asked, “I saw you looking intently at my legs. Do you like them?”
Jack was blushing a deep red as he looked down again at Hannah’s legs as he replied, “Well, Hannah, yes you have the most fabulous legs.” After a moment, Jack looked up and saw the smile on Hannah’s face, and said whilst knowing he was blushing, a contrite, “Sorry.”
Hannah laughed and said, “No problem, Jack. So, do you like my arms as well?”
Jack was feeling uncomfortable even though Hannah seemed to be laughing as she asked the question. Of course, he liked her arms and often pictured them being raised and brought down on his bare bottom as Hannah spanked him. He certainly wasn’t going to say all of that, though, and just replied, “Yes, Hannah, you have lovely arms.”
Hannah thought she would now tease Jack as she asked, “So, Jack, do you know what it normally means if a man says how much he likes a woman’s bare arms?”
Jack certainly knew what he thought, but still wasn’t going to say it. Instead, he asked in what he tried to make an innocent tone of voice, “What does it mean Hannah?”
Hannah grinned as she replied, “Well it normally means that the man fancies the woman but not so much in a sexual way, but he pictures her giving him a spanking.”
Hannah saw the shocked look on Jack’s face and wondered if she had actually hit a chord. That was because only a few days ago she had been told by one of her friends, Sarah, that she had met a man who went on about her bare arms, and then admitted it was because he fancied her giving him a bare bottom spanking. They had already had a few drinks, and she did do it and had to admit that she was quite turned on by doing it, in fact, and had set about meeting other men who wanted to be spanked and was surprised at how many she found.
Hannah saw that Jack was not sure what to say so she thought she would have some more fun and pressed him with, “Well, Jack, you have been ogling me and if I was your girlfriend and you had done that to one of my friends I would certainly have given you a bare bottom spanking.”
Jack really was flummoxed as Hannah was putting into words exactly what he wanted and had thought about so many times in the past. On the other hand, what if she was just joking and he agreed to be spanked, and she just laughed at him and walked off? She would tell her friends and then his friends would find out and he would be a laughing stock so it was far too risky.
Hannah saw how Jack was struggling to say anything and started to think that he might be having the same thoughts as the man Sarah had met. So, feeling really cheeky, she said in a tone that was more like a command, “Well, Jack, I said that ogling should earn you are spanking and so that is exactly what I will do. Let’s go into the house and I will give you your just desserts.” With that, she pointed towards her house although, given that Jack was twenty-five-years older than her, she assumed that he would now refuse.
Jack’s mind was in a turmoil with the overriding wish to agree to Hannah‘s command and go with her to be spanked. His worries were quickly fading because this was now Hannah giving the orders rather than him asking questions. He looked once again at her bare arms and then down at her bare legs knowing that, if she spanked him, he would be lying across those fabulous thighs and was moving very quickly to accepting Hannah’s demand.
Hannah saw that Jack was once again ogling her arms and legs, although, interestingly, not her breasts which is what most men looked at. They were very shapely after all.
Jack’s attention was quickly diverted again when Hannah had clicked her fingers, and he said an immediate, “Sorry, Hannah, yes, of course.”
With that Jack turned and walked up the pathway towards Hannah’s house with his mind still not thinking at all straight. He stopped once at the door, realised it wasn’t his house so he didn’t have the key, but felt Hannah press one hand lightly on his back, presumably to stop him walking away, and with the other hand opened the front door with her key.
As Hannah pushed the door open so she ordered, “Inside, Jack, and go through to the dining area.”
As Jack walked into the hallway and then the living room and made his way to the far end where the dining area was, his mind was starting to clear but he hadn’t quite made the decision to stop what was going on. However, as he got to the dining table he did turn around and was about to suggest things slow down, but he saw Hannah standing there with her arms folded and an angry look on her face but there was no doubt that she looked every bit as sexy as she always did with her bare legs and bare arms and he relapsed to wanting her to spank him.
Hannah followed Jack into the dining area and stood a few feet behind him and purposely folded her arms knowing that would show off her well-toned bare arms and her very tight brief shorts would show off her bare legs. She wondered if Jack had noticed that she had picked up her wooden-backed hairbrush from the shelf in the hallway because that would certainly tell him what she intended to do.
Even as Hannah was thinking that last thought, so she saw Jack look shocked as he spotted the hairbrush and he looked as though he was going to gag because he was wanting to say something but couldn’t get the words out. So, to emphasise her control, she raised the hairbrush and then brought it down lightly on the palm of the hand, time and again, and then after half dozen times ordered, “I told you, Jack, ogling me gets you a spanking so take your shorts and underpants off right now.”
Jack had been trying to get out the words to say this shouldn’t be happening, but always loved Hannah’s authoritative tone of voice and that overrode everything else and so he opened his shorts and pushed them downwards, catching his underpants with his thumbs on the way, pushing both items of clothing down to the floor, balancing by holding onto the dining chair when taking off his shorts and underpants, and put them on the chair. As he stood up, he realised that his T-shirt only just went beyond his waist so his penis was on show and, as he looked down, he realised he was well on the way to having an erection. Instinctively he covered his penis with his hands as he looked towards Hannah.
Haley was now pretty much astounded that Jack was just following her instructions as he took down and stepped out of his shorts and underpants. She was even more astounded as he stood back up and she saw his erection. How could that be, she wondered, and then remembered Sarah’s recent experience with the men who were turned on exactly like this. So, now more sure than ever that Jack was going to go through with this, she ordered, “I don’t want to crease your T-shirt, so get that off as well, Jack.”
Jack had to admit that the stance that Hannah was taking, with those beautiful arms and legs, and the way she was demonstrating what she was going to do with the hairbrush, really did turn him on and rather than resist was now thinking that he would experience for real what he had fantasied about for so long. So, now eager to please Hannah, he pulled his T-shirt up and over his head and threw it on top of his other clothes and, as he turned back, he knew he was naked and that his penis was even more erect, but he was now eager to experience going across her lap.
As Jack stood back up, now totally naked and with an even more erect penis, so Hannah realised that Jack didn’t even try to cover himself up this time and kept his hands by his side being very submissive. So, taking control again, she walked over to the table and quickly turned another chair into the room and sat down and ordered, “Now get across my lap you very naughty man.”
Jack gasped at the instruction but it no longer mattered that he was being ordered about by a woman more than twenty years younger than himself because of the fantasies that he had had for so long about her. He quickly went and stood by Hannah’s side, looked down at the breathtakingly beckoning bare thighs he was going to lie across, and then started to lower himself across her lap. He balanced himself on the far side of the chair and then continued his fall until he caught himself with his hands on the floor before lowering his full weight, and in particular his erect penis, onto Hannah‘s bare thighs, settling down and loving the real sight of Hannah‘s upside-down bare legs and the underside of her thighs, at least as far up until the seat of the chair hid them.
Hannah was now smiling as she looked down at Jack’s bare bottom. It was larger than she had expected and thought it would take quite a while to turn it bright red, but then remembered she had the hairbrush and that was undoubtedly going to help. So, maintaining her authoritative tone of voice that she knew worked so well, she explained, “I’m going to give you a hand spanking first, Jack, and then use this hairbrush. You are going to learn not to argue with me, or, if you do, you will know this will be repeated.” She then thought to add to her own fun by ordering, “You will also address me as, ‘Miss,’ until your punishment is over. Do you understand you naughty man?”
Jack really couldn’t wait for the spanking to start and replied immediately, “Yes, Miss, I do understand, Miss.”
Enjoying the submissive response Hannah looked once again at Jack’s far bottom cheek, raised her hand, and brought it down firmly with a loud thwack. She saw Jack’s bottom cheek surrender and loved the way that it bounced back, but she didn’t linger and proceeded to spank his other bottom cheek and as that bounced around so she proceeded to spank alternate bottom cheeks time and again and was actually quite surprised how quickly she was turning both bottom cheeks darker and darker shades of red. She did go to the gym and did weights and supposed that helped when landing harder spanks than most would be able to do. Anyway, ignoring that fact, she carried on spanking Jack’s bottom, changing after several minutes to spanking the same bottom cheek time and again and then the other bottom cheek time and again. She was actually getting quite into the rhythm, and also realised that she didn’t have to stop because although her hand was warming up, she knew it wouldn’t be anything like the intense stinging that Jack would be feeling.
Jack was surprised by how hard Hannah was spanking him and he did start to gasp and squirm around on Hannah’s lap as the persistent and harder and harder spanks landed. He did have to admit that he loved to look at Hannah’s upside-down legs which were so close to his face, and he knew this reality was far better than the fantasy, at least until the stinging pain started to intensify. What he had quite forgotten was that in his fantasy he could choose when the spanking stopped, whilst in this reality, he didn’t feel able to say anything to Hannah and the decision had to be wholly hers. Well, that made sense to him, in fact, and he rather liked the reality of Hannah being in charge of him.
Hannah was getting happy with the shade of red she had now turned both bottom cheeks and proceeded to spank Jack first of all on the sit spot where his bottom cheeks met his thighs, and then moved further down to the backs of his thighs. Hannah remembered discussing this method with Sarah and now saw how it all made sense.
Jack was finding it increasingly difficult to cope with the harder and harder spanks particularly when they were landing on the sensitive sit spots and thighs. However, he did tell himself that this was the experience he had wanted and he was being spanked by the extra especially attractive and authoritative Hannah, his long-time fantasy disciplinarian.
Hannah decided she had spanked Jack long enough with her hand and so turned and picked up the wooden-backed paddle hairbrush that she used to brush her own hair with and tapped it on Jack’s now red bottom cheeks before raising it above her head, focusing on his near bottom cheek, and spanking it down so that the cheek immediately flattened although did recover just as she spanked the hairbrush down on his other bottom cheek. She heard Jacks pain-filled gasp and wondered momentarily if this was the experience he wanted, but then ignored the thought as she was enjoying herself too much to worry about it. After all, Jack was staying across her lap and taking every spank and that told her he was all for the spanking continuing.
Jack told himself that as much as he had found dealing with the spanking getting difficult, the spanking with the hairbrush was many times worse, and quickly found he no longer had a clear view of Hannah‘s bare upside-down legs because his eyes had filled with tears. He found it strange but now realised that he had never during his fantasy spankings by Hannah or any of the other women he fantasied about, cried and had always reckoned himself to be too manly to actually cry, and just thought about how his bottom would sting. Well, his bottom was certainly stinging and, now that he was crying, he did see that as an added admission of submission, and, with Hannah in charge of him, something he found even more erotic. Mind you, it wasn’t erotic enough for him to have an erection just then.
Hannah continued to spank the hairbrush down on Jack’s bottom, noticing now how both cheeks were becoming covered with bruises. Once again, she realised that going to the gym helped with being able to give a really hard spanking and wondered whether she would be thinking about this spanking next time she was on the treadmill or doing weights.
Once Jack’s bottom was almost completely covered in blue bruises Hannah decided that the spanking could finish. After all, ogling her was actually a bit of a compliment, although it did happen all the time. Nevertheless, she also knew that she was giving the spanking because Jack actually wanted it, or at least that certainly seemed to be what he was telling her by not actually saying anything against it.
Hannah then decided that as she had done all the work so far, it would be Jack’s turn to do something. She glared at the back of his head and ordered, “Okay, Jack, you can get off my lap but I want you kneeling down in front of me.”
Jack was still crying but he did hear the instruction and slid off Hannah‘s lap. He knelt in front of her, looking up at her, but couldn’t see anything other than her blurred outline. However, he had pictured her arms and her face so often he could at least picture her now as he waited for her to tell him what to do.
Once Jack was kneeling in front of her Hannah stood up and undid her cotton shorts and pushed them down to the floor, catching her knickers, and, as she sat down again, she bent down and picked up her shorts and knickers and put them on the table behind her. She then parted her legs and glared down at Jack, although realised she could actually smile because he wasn’t going to be able to see her facial expression.
Jack saw that Hannah had stood up and wondered if that meant his punishment was completely over but then noticed how she stood up and seemed to be taking down her shorts and knickers. He knew that in some of his fantasies he had given Hannah tongue sex as a present for giving him the spanking. It always helped him as he took his erect penis in his hand and helped make himself come. When he saw Hannah sit back down and could see that she spread her legs apart he thought this was going to be another part of his fantasy that was going to come true.
Hannah lent slightly forward and put her hand behind Jack’s head and ordered, “Now I want you to say thank you, Jack, and this had better be the best orgasm I have ever had.”
Jack didn’t say anything but lent forward and quickly started to kiss the soft inner thighs. He had pictured Hannah‘s legs so often and even with his blurred vision he was enjoying every second of kissing her so sexy thighs. He savoured every kiss as he worked his way up both thighs until reaching her pussy lips. There, he licked and sucked her pussy lips, not forgetting to flick her taught clit, and listened to her increasingly erotic gasps.
Hannah kept a hold of Jack’s head but only lightly because he wasn’t resisting at all and did like the way that he kissed her inner thighs and worked his way up her thighs and then reached her stretched pussy lips. As he licked and kissed and sucked away at her pussy lips, so she felt his fingers as they played with her taught clit. She had always liked tongue sex, and so knew this would lead to a fabulous orgasm, and it did.
As Jack listened to Hannah’s final loud erotic gasps, he kept licking her very wet pussy lips and breathing in the wonderful smell of her sex juice, which again he had only fantasied about before, but now breathed in the delicious reality. His bottom was still stinging and he had the stiffest of erections, but he was so happy to have lived out this reality experience.
Hannah calmed down after her orgasm and knew she was still turned on enough to say her thank you to Jack as she ordered, “Okay, Jack, sit on the chair.”
Moments later, a very eager Jack had changed places with Hannah and she was now kneeling between his parted legs. His vision was also clearing and he saw her beautiful eyes staring up at him and the gorgeous smile she gave him. Without saying a word, she leaned forward and took his penis in her mouth and sucked and licked until his cum flooded into her mouth, which was a taste she loved.
So now Hannah and Jack had both cum and Hannah sat on the chair next to Jack and kissed him on the lips and he kissed her back.
Hannah then sat back and said in her haughty tone, “Jack, I have to admit I really enjoyed spanking you, and the orgasm you gave me was right up there as one of the best, so I will tell you to come back here in two, maybe three, days time, and we will do this again. You won’t be able to say no, Jack, because it will be a command and not an invite. Understood?”
Jack replied, “I would love that, Hannah, really I would.”
Jack was taken by surprise when Hannah raised her hand and spanked his thigh and commanded, “You aren’t released yet, Jack, so you address me with the proper respect.”
Jack replied, “Sorry, Miss, I would love that Miss.” He meant it as well and knew he would obey Hannah forever if given the chance.
Hannah saw that Jack’s erection was returning and so he was turned on by being ordered about and controlled and hoped it only happened when she was the one doing the controlling and ordering. Even if not, he would certainly get another erection when she demanded he attend the house for another spanking and knew she was turned on by the thought of it as well.
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Hello Readers on ISS. I am one of the devotees of ISS. I read stories here daily. This is the first time I am posting my own real life experience. Let me first tell you about myself. I am Sonika here in this world from Surat, Gujarat. I am a regular not that handsome and not that ugly looking Man, aged 30 still single due to some of my internal fantasies and liking in the regular world. I am doing business. I smoke and chew supari and also drink while sex only. But in the world of sex, I am...
Gay MaleIt was late one night when my doorbell rang. I opened up to find my best friend Jacob standing on the front step. He looked like hell so I knew something was up. “Hey Dave, sorry I know it’s late, but can I crash here tonight?” he asked. Jacob and I were friends since we were in diapers so of course he knew my place was his place if he ever needed. “Of course dude”, I replied gesturing him inside. “What’s up? Where’s Kathy?” Kathy was Jacob’s wife, a rather sexy blonde with a great...
I am a 15year old boy. I knew I was bi-sexual because I had feelings for this beautiful boy who was two years younger than me. He was dark and extremly cute. His legs drove me wild each time I managed to get a glimpse of them, he had hairless dark brown legs and a beautiful bubble butt to go with them. His face was had a real look of innocence when ever I saw him. His smile just made me have an instant hard-on. His name was Ambrose. I didn't have much chance to get close to Ambrose because he...
GayHave you ever been completely captured within your own fantasy? No matter how hard you try to get it to go away, you can't, you think about it constantly, it invades your every thought when you're awake and when you're asleep. I have had that problem, and no matter how hard I shook my head the dream wouldn't leave. I knew how to get it to go away, and that would have been to commit the acts that I thought of, but I never thought I would. I live a pretty normal life. I am a house wife,...
My girlfriend some years ago was Niharika A (34B-24-36). She is now Niharika D, married to Alan D, and stays at Powai in Mumbai. (All names and places are changed) Although we were very intimate, I did not penetrate her (so that she would be a virgin when she got married) even though the relationship lasted for 10 years. I used to lick her cunt, and after some hesitation, she started sucking me off. She had extremely small nipples, a little bigger than a man’s (the auroelae were a little bigger...
So this is how it all began.My name is Tom, I am fifty years old and live with my wife of twenty years we have two children who are nineteen and sixteen.Back when I first met my wife I had a very high sex drive, I loved sex and would have sex five times a day if my wife had let me, sadly she did not feel the same way and was quite happy with maybe sex once a week or even every two weeks. So through the years my sex drive has had to take a back seat. My wife and I are very happily married and I...
CuckoldThe following story is true but the names have been changed to protect our privacy. Shannon and I dated for about a year back in the 90s in college, It didn't last and we went our separate ways. Fast forward 10 years and she had just ended a long term relationship that she ended mainly for the age difference as she was 42 and he was 27. So we started seeing each other and after a couple weeks, I asked her about him and she brings out a picture of him in a towel and he looked like a model. I...
I had told my boyfriend Chris about my fantasy of being taken in a bar full of black men, but it was just a fantasy, I had never even been with black man. Being the holidays we both had the week off, Chris wanted to go out on a Tuesday night, what the hell I thought we have the whole week off. I dressed in a black mini skirt and a white spaghetti strap tank top with a strapless bra, I knew Chris loved this outfit. We went to the next town over to a large dance club, it was Ladies night, 2 for 1...
20 YEAR OLD FANTASY COMES TRUEI was heading up to my grand-fathers cabin and decided I'd spend the night but I had to stop for some groceries on the way. A little country store was my only choice so I pulled in. While gathering some steaks and goods to go with it , from 3 isles over someone called out my name. I looked up to see my cousin Deb who was as surprised as I was. What are you doing here"? She said. I'm heading to grandpa's cabin I replied. So am I. How I asked, my car is the only one...
Friends, i am a normal guy in my mid twenties. I am working in Delhi. Though i am not deprived of sex and often have sex with number of girls both friends and call girls but still there is a fantasy left regarding sex. I have always have a fantasy of a place where i am the only guy and about 20 – 30 girls of different kind. All of them are naked and ready for sex of any kind 24 x 7. No one is there to question or stop you from having sex with any girl. But this is only a fantasy which i also...
It was a month of uncertainty, trying to explain and asking for forgiveness, she asked if I wanted a divorce. Of course not, that was the last thing I wanted. I was still in love with my wife and had to figure a way of showing her. She finally started to accept my transgressions and decided to work on restoring the marriage. We took a long weekend and drove down to the coast just to get away for a couple of days. That weekend we made love like never before, especially when she would...
I had always wanted to play with a cock other than mine. My fantasy led eventually to my being gangbanged. This is what happened.One day talking to a male friend of mine about our wives sucking our cocks it was mentioned how it wouldn't matter who was sucking your cock really, male or female. Your right said my friend Ian, maybe we should try it for real one day. And we did. It started by chance with my calling at his house one evening. Unknown to me his wife was visiting their daughter who...
It is the day after my fifteenth birthday as I am writing this, and I thought it was time to share my story. I have read and heard many stories or fantasies that are similar but thought people might like to read about what happened to me.A year ago mom and dad had brought me out for the day to celebrate my birthday and spoil me for the day, we had a great time as a family and had got back to our apartment late. We were all tired and basically went straight to bed. I felt thirsty and as I was...
This is a true story and like a lot of husbands I had always had a fantasy about a hung guy fucking my wife. However,I never thought it would really happen. My wife and I were in our mid thirties and my shy wife has a voluptous body that catches the eye of a lot of horny men. Linda is 5-7 139 brunette 38d,26,39 with very curvy legs and a sexy dark bush. We went to partys with another married couple Bob and Sue and little did I know Bob had his eyes on my wife. He danced with her a lot when she...
Several years ago, my gorgeous young girlfriend Stacy got a new job as a waitress in a classy restaurant. She was from a small town and was new to the big city. This was the first time she had ever been around openly gay, lesbian, & bisexual co-workers. She would come home with all the gossip of who's dating who & who got laid over the weekend. We had only been dating a few months and had a very active & creative sex life. She confessed early on that her secret fantasy was to watch...
It starts off as a wonderful day, it’s the first day of Laura’s new job as stay at home mom and Lydia has already left to pick up Ray Jr. at the airport so he can spend the summer at home. It would be a perfect day if Ray had been able to put off the business trip he had planned, but as usual, business comes first. As long as she can quit her job and relax at home for a while its worth Ray’s frequent out of town trips. Maybe with her added free time she can begin fixing herself up and try to...
It all began one Saturday afternoon when one of Vickie’s friends called. Vickie spoke with her then came to me to share their conversation. She said her friend had run into an old acquaintance of Vickie’s named Wayne. He had asked about Vickie , wanting to know if she still lived in town, if she was married and so on. Her friend had told Vickie that Wayne had asked her to call our house and see if maybe Vickie would agree to meet while he was in town that afternoons they could catch up on old...
Group SexThis is a true story.It was the day before my 25th birthday. I was having dinner with my girlfriend at the time, Julissia. As we sat at the table waiting on our appetizers she pulled a pretty large gift out of her overly large purse. She slid the gift across the table to me and said "Early happy birthday. I couldn't wait any longer to give it to you." Being the present whore I am, I was elated. I didn't waste any time ripping the decorative paper off. What was under the wrappings shocked the...
Believe it or not, this is a true story, some of it told from my recollections and some from my wifes. First let me say, I am a truly blessed man, my wife would rather fuck than eat and she is sexually submissive. It took me four months to get in to her pants, but since that time, she will fuck anytime, anywhere or any place and our best I think, was in a department store fur coat section. The first time we watched porn together, one of the tapes was a lesbian tape and it didn't take long after...
BisexualNote : This story is completely fictional! My name is Layla and I have just turned 20. I have had the most amazing couple of years of my life. A dream, a fantasy come true. This is my story. My eighteenth birthday! I couldn't wait, it was coming so fast. My family had planned a party for me, and it was extra special, as it was on new year too! But my birthday wish was to be able to kiss someone (someone i had fantasised about) I knew it wasn't possible, how could it be, it was so wrong to want...
IncestKatie was 16: blonde hair, blue eyes and 38 C breasts. She had fantasized about fucking her father before, but she knew it wasn't an option. He was happily married to her mother, and she didn't want to get in the way of that. But one day, everything changed. Her mother said she was going out with some friends and wouldn't be back until the next day, so now Katie had her dad all to herself. As soon as her mom left, Katie put on her low cut shirt and short shorts to try to get her dad turned on....
IncestI laid out on the bed of the studio where I was filming a hot sex scene with this hot guy for a movie with my eyes closed and began to imagine a hot sexy blonde beside me. She was kissing and teasing my erected nipples and then she would look up and kiss me hungrily as the guy would be fucking me. I gasped out loud as I gripped the pillow behind my head with full fists. My breasts bounced up and down as the guy fucked me until he came. "And cut!" the male director of the movie said standing...
Group SexMaking Her Fantasy Come TrueBy: Londebaaz Chohan Mario simply could not resist. He grabbed Nancy and started kissing her. She also started kissing him back. Their tongues were eagerly wrapped around each other. He was reminded; she was always eager to fuck. Mario grabbed her full grown breasts with his hands, giving them a nice tweak. She moaned very loud and began rubbing the front of his jeans. It was early morning on a Sunday, around 9:00 AM. Mario was feeling very horny but he was not at...
When Fantasy Becomes Reality by Susan Johnson This story may only be archived on free sites. Please note that I have used British spellings - apologies to non Brits! Additional notes: further apologies for the time taken to finish this one but I wanted to do a decent job and that takes time. Many thanks too to all who reviewed the first part of this story; it's what persuaded me to finish it. *************************************************************** My husband David...
Husband's Fantasy Becomes Hers by Mannyjackie This story was written for and with the help of a wonderful lady from Kansas named Carol. I enjoyed writing her story and hope that I can share other fantasies with her in the future. I will forward all your comments to her. The story really begins about six years ago when my husband introduced a little fantasy to me in our bedroom. His latest dream work was to watch me and another man! Well I have to say that I was more then a bit shocked, I am...
My wife of many years has always fantasized about being fucked by several BBC at once with cum all over her. She would tell me often about her fantasy. So one night her girlfriend was over and they were drinking margaritas and feeling fine. So I walked in and told my wife that this was the night for her fantasy to come true. She looked at me and almost creamed her pant and started squirming on the couch. I told her I found a place were there are several Eager BBC waiting for her. I looked at...
My phone rings and I grab it from my pocket to see who it is. The photo shows my wife, and I answer quickly. I have been away from home for work for several months, and she never calls during the day unless it is important. The call at two in the afternoon makes me anxious, and I answer with trepidation. “Hi, beautiful,” I say quickly. “Hi, sorry to bother you, but I have to tell you something really exciting,” she says quickly. “Do you have a minute to talk?” she asks. “Baby, I always have...
InterracialLilly was very athletic. Captain of her volleyball team, and a football cheerleader, she had to remain physically fit all the time. And with the popularity of being a cheerleader, came the flocking friends and boys that came with it. Jake could never bring himself to ask his daughter if she had sex yet, but he knew better. One night she came home flustered and smelling like cum, and that answered any questions that might have been thought. She swore she had never had sex with a man, but he...
Introduction: this is a long story so please keep that in mind Jack was an attractive man. Tall, dark haired, and had bright green eyes for his dark complexion. After his wife died it was never hard for him to find a date, if you could call it that. More like a long list of one night stands to satisfy his sexual needs. But there was always the look of his daughter Lilly that got a stern hard on in his pants whenever he saw her. Being the ripe age of 14 he would always just make excuses that she...
Hi everyone! This is my first ever real incident which took place last weekend. Also this is my first story which I am going to narrate. For feedback feel free to email me. Myself Krush, I reside in Mumbai. My email id is This story is about Sonia , 35 years in age. Let me tell you about her. Her figure is 36-28-34. She is a real beauty. She is fair and a perfect body. So without wasting time I would like to start my story. One evening it so happened that I was returning from the gym and I...
I always practice safe sex, well except for the fact that when I have sex I have the one rule, YOU HAVE TO COME IN MY MOUTH! My dream is to get this newest guy to get his brother in on this and we do a DP, have always wanted to and I think he will be the one to make this fantasy come to life for me. My other fantasy was to be tied up and blind folded and the last 24 year old did that for me. His name was James, and he was fine! He had a cock that could actually make me cum which is hard to...
He slept with Aunty Aunty Boobs how he got How his all fantasy comes true Aunty Pussy Usne apni Aunty se kaha ki vo bed pe sone Jaa Raha hai usse aake uske paas usse Sula de . Aunty aayi dono sath me lete vo bed ke bich le right side aur bachi thodi si jageh me aunty bhi leti uske sath uske sar par hath pherte hue chipka li usse thoda niche kiya aur khud upar karke aisa chipkaya ki aunty ke boobs thoda uske muh me aa rahe the phir vo Baal sehlane lagi aur sulane kuch der neend nhi aayi lekin...
FantasyMy mother is not a super model, most people wouldn't blink twice if they walked past her in the street, but she is everything to me and there was very little she could do wrong in my eyes. She was of average height, blonde hair that sat around her shoulder blades, medium build and average breasts. She dressed the way any 40+ year old mother would dress and treated her two kids with all the kindness of her heart. I have an older sister who is 3 years my senior; and while I had the odd...