The Fine Line Between (Pleasure & Pain) free porn video

Helmut sat securely bound in the straight back wooden chair in he and his wife's bedroom while Marta (Helmut's wife) sat directly in front of him---clutching his tightly bound testicles in her left hand, while, with her right hand, she very lightly, very teasingly, stroked his engorged cock. As Marta did so, she would sometimes give her husbands balls a squeeze; which she slowly, but surely, increased the pressure...until Helmut would let out a deep groan! She would then maintain that pressure as she released his cock.
"Oh---GOD!" Helmut would say aloud, as his entire body would tremble uncontrollably.
"Does this hurt?" Marta would ask Helmut, as she watched his face as he grimaced.
"Oh yes!" He would say, breathing rapidly.
"Do you want me to stop?" Marta would ask.
There would be a slight pause, and then, just as Marta had already supposed from she and Helmut's many past experiences with this, he replied, emphatically: "No! At least...not yet! Keep going."
"Very well," Marta said, and she took Helmut's testicles in both hands now, one in each, and began squeezing them slowly, but surely harder, and harder, and harder, until Helmut would be squirming as if he was being electrified; and then she's slowly lessen the pressure.
"Oh god, that feels SO GOOD!!" Helmut would say.
"The pain feels good?" Marta would say, mockingly.
"Oh, YESSS!" Helmut would reply with unmistakable veracity; and this pleased Marta considerably.
This peculiar 'ritual' between them had become rather common; and to such a point that Helmut had quickly come to greatly prefer it to anything else! He had a rather small cock (or, as he referred to it 'penis'), and Marta agreed with that. Hence their cuckold lifestyle; begun five years previously. Now days, at least for Helmut, what he and Marta were now doing, had become his sole means of sexual release...and he'd quickly come to absolutely love it!
Marta worked her husbands bound balls and penis with slow, teasing attention. She'd let him have an orgasm---eventually, but not quite yet! It was better for him if he had to 'work' for it first (meaning, he'd need to 'suffer' until he had 'earned' it---as Marta saw it).
So, over the course of just over half an hour (with a few breaks in between, in order for Helmut to set there squirming to have an ejaculation, more than any other reason), Marta stopped stroking her husbands penis, and concentrated solely on squeezing and tugging on his testicles...'testing' his limits of endurance...that is, until he would suddenly begin ejaculating his long pent-up load of cum!
She could be quite forceful in her treatment of Helmut's balls during this phase, and it had to hurt, and yet, at the same time (and this had always fascinated Marta), it was perfectly obvious (from his noticeably throbbing erection, if not for his heavy breathing and loud moans) that her husband absolutely loved the 'pain' that hurt, on the one hand, but also felt so powerfully 'pleasurable' on the other!
So, Marta kept alternating the pressure her hands were exerting, first on one testicle, and then another; back and forth (also while pulling down rather hard on both), and holding and maintaining this force until, and quite suddenly, Helmut would begin shooting his load of sperm!
As this occurred, Helmut groaned even louder than before, and they both watched as he exploded a large quantity of sperm---which, under pressure, shot forth a considerable distance, in one, two, three, four, and as many as six separate jets!
"Oh---GOD!!!" Helmut said out loud, and the unmistakable sound of his relief made Marta smile broadly into her husbands face.
She kept squeezing her husbands balls until there seemed no further sperm to be 'extracted.' Then, she slowly released the pressure, and still smiling, she sat back facing him, as he kept breathing heavily.
"Thank you!" Helmut said, looking up into Marta's face.
"Your welcome!" She replied. "I hope that was sufficient."
"Oh, yes!" he said, smiling faintly tired, but happy as well.
Looking down at the floor, where her husband's sperm now lay strewn, Marta remarked: "That was quite a mess you made."
"I'm sorry," Helmut replied, in what could only be mock repentance.
"Well, that's okay," Marta replied. "But, the least you could do is to get down there and lick it all up. You'll do that. Won't you? For me? After all, I was nice to you today. Right?"
Smiling broadly, Helmut replied: "I'd LOVE to do that! But, of course!"
Marta untied Helmut from the wooden chair, and then, standing back, she quietly watched as he got down on the floor on his hands and knees and began eagerly lapping up every last drop of his sperm from the polished wood flooring.
"Well done," Marta said, as Helmut stood back up.
"Thank you!" Helmut said, emphasizing the word 'you' as he replied.
"We did what we did because I'm going out tonight...on a 'date' ", she said; laying particular stress on the word 'date.'
"I see," Helmut replied, understand precisely what that word implied. She was going to fuck someone. Probably one of her growing number of admiring black studs; only a few of which Helmut had been introduced to.
"So now that you've been adequately 'drained' " (by which she meant his most recent orgasm) "I can go out and not wonder if you here watching porn and jerking that small white penis behind my back. Which I know you do, from time to time, even though you SAY you don't! You won't need to do any of that tonight, though. I've dealt with that!" She smiled as she finished saying that.
"Yes you most certainly HAVE!" Helmut answered smiling in return.
"Good," Marta replied. "Now I need to get ready." She paused, then added: "You'll have to fix something for dinner yourself. I don't have time."
"I understand," he replied. "I'll find something. No worries."
"Oh, I won't!" Marta said.
The End

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