Baseball Player To Baseball Wife Complete Story free porn video

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Hazing To the real Gina-I wish there was a Thomas to make your dreams come true. On behalf of your sisters, we always knew that you were wearing our clothes! Lol In 2016 Major League Baseball banned the hazing practice of having new players wear dresses. This story is about a MLB player and his experience with the hazing ritual. Mike Young was living what many American men would consider the ultimate American dream. He was a starting pitcher for the California Seals, MLB newest team. He wasn't just starting for the Seals; he was the best pitcher in the league. Halfway through the season he was 15-1 with a 1.20 ERA. He was enjoying his first year in the show. Even as a major leaguer, Mike was discovering that there were many things that were the same on all teams, regardless of the level of play. One of the things that was the same from little league to the big league was the teasing of the new guy on the team. The only thing that was different in the leagues was that the higher you go the more elaborate the pranks were. ______ Major league baseball's hazing ritual was to have the rookies wear women's clothes, or more specifically skirts and a blouse, and sometimes a dress. The veterans would usually pull this hazing ritual when the team was on the road and getting ready to go to the airport. With the help of the clubhouse attendants, the veterans would "steal" all of the rookie's clothes and force him to wear a mini skirt and a blouse with spaghetti straps out of the stadium, on the bus, in the airport, and on the plane ride home. Most players took this ritual in stride, knowing it was a way of making you part of the club. When they arrived home, they were given back their clothes and welcomed to the big league. The veterans and former rookies would go out for a dinner and drinks, courtesy of the veterans. Usually during this dinner, the newly hazed veterans began to plan how they would get the next class of rookies. While most rookies laughed this ritual off, occasionally there would be a player who would put up a fight against the hazing. When this happen a coach or an older veteran would pull the player aside and talk to them, letting them know this wasn't personal, it was a tradition that had been around for as long as baseball had been around. The player would reluctantly go along with prank, praying that it would end soon. _____ Mike had just won his 15th game, a 4-0 shutout over the Giants. After the game he went to the media room for the post-game interview. Then to the training room for treatment to help him recover from throwing 100 plus pitches. When Mike finished his treatment he walked into the locker room and froze. What he saw horrified him. He saw his fellow rookies wearing very girly clothes. He saw a crowd of vets around his locker, laughing and saying to Mike, "Ok stud you're next." Mike nervously walked to his locker and saw that his uniform and all of his clothes had been removed. The suit that he had worn to the stadium had been replaced with a black and white Gingham mini skirt and a Lisa Marie Mauve Pink embroidered top. A quick look into his locker told Mike that his luggage with all of his personal clothes and belongings was missing. Mike begin demanding that his clothes be returned, immediately. The veterans begin laughing and taunting him. Mike's rage burned as he heard the laughter. He turned and swung at the player standing closest to him, the team's hard slugging first baseman, Al Murcer. Murcer was caught by surprised and went down quickly. Almost as soon as he hit the floor the laughter stopped and Murcer leaped up to go after Mike. Players and coaches immediately intervened to separate the two players. _____ Mike was in the coach's office for almost an hour. The coaches were able to talk him down and helped him cool off. A compromise was worked out. He would wear the clothes on the trip home, but he would not have to change in front of everyone Mike returned to what he thought was an empty locker room. He took the Victoria's Secret Black cheeky panty out of the locker and worked it up his leg to cover his groin area. He then took the Violet Pearl Lace strapless bra out of his locker. He immediately put the clasp in front of him and fasten the bra and then turn the bra around, so the clasp was in the back. He then put the blouse and skirt on with little effort. Watching all of this, hidden from Mike's view was Malissa Halle. Malissa worked for the team's Public Relations & Marketing Department and often traveled with the team. The veterans had asked her to come down to the locker room and be available to help the rookies as they put on the women's clothes. Malissa had to help all the other rookies get dressed. She had left the locker room to take a break while the coaches were dealing with Mike. She was on her way back to help Mike when she saw him getting dressed. Something had told her to stop before Mike could see her. She watched Mike get dressed, waiting for his cry for help. Surprisingly he didn't ask for help. A shocked Malissa noticed that he put the undergarments, blouse, and skirt on like he had done it many times before. _____ Once he was dressed Mike walked out of the locker room and onto the waiting team bus for the ride to the airport. Normally MLB baseball teams don't travel via commercial airports. They boarded their charter planes from different airports or from sections at commercial airports that have special gates for charter planes. On this particular night the Seals plane was parked at one of the commercial gates, due to technical problems at the charter gates. This meant that the players would have to walk through SFO. Airport walks were nothing new to the players. Usually when they had to leave via commercial gates, they would have an escort walk them though the terminal to their plane. On the walk to the plane players were always approached by fans for autographs and selfies. The player usually granted the fans request, even after a loss. This walk through the terminal was not much different. The fans still wanted pictures and autographs with the veterans. What was different was the way the rookies were treated. Fans knew the tradition of hazing the rookies in this way. They immediately knew what was happening and they looked for the rookies so that they could take their pictures in women's clothing. Because Mike was the most well-known rookie fans were flocking to him and taking his picture. The veteran players knew this could set Mike off, so they approached the fans and asked them to stop taking pictures of the hazed rookies. The veterans sweetened the request by taking pictures with fans and signing jerseys, hats, balls, etc, giving Mike an opportunity to enter the safety of the plane. Secret Revealed and Renewed If he had been asked, and if he had been willing to share Mike would tell everyone why this event was so upsetting. Malissa was right in her observation; it wasn't the first time he had worn women's clothes. Mike's mother had dressed him like a girl for most of the younger years of his life. Mike had three older sisters and was just entering preschool when his dad was killed during the first Iraq war. His mom figured it would make things easier if she dressed and treated him as a girl. His mom had seen a documentary where Franklin Roosevelt's mom had kept FDR in dresses and long hair for the first six years of his life. That idea inspired her. She refused to cut Mike's hair and dressed him in his sister's hand me downs. Unlike FDR's mom she did have to take Mike out in public from time to time. When it was necessary for Mike to be in public, his mom would put him in one of his two sets of boy clothes. However, she refused to cut his hair. When she was asked about this, she would respond that short hair on Mike reminded her too much of her deceased husband. Her explanation ended further discussion on the matter. Eventually Mike entered public school and his mom had to start treating him like a boy. Mike remembered vividly how his mom cried when his long blonde curls were cut. Even though his hair was cut, and he wore boys clothes most of the time, it still didn't stop his mom from treating him like a girl when he was in the house. She had Mike sleep in a night gown, conditioned him to pee while sitting down, and had him wear a dress during long weekends and vacations from school. Mike's mom received help in the feminization of her son from her three daughters. When she was at work the four kids were often left alone. The kids would entertain themselves playing games. When the girls played, they always had their brother play dolls with them, Mike even had his own Barbie. His sisters would often dress him up in one of their dresses. Their mom would come home and see her "four daughters" and silently wished that she had four daughters. _____ Mike's sisters and mother did their best to treat him as a girl, but their influence was limited. Mike had to spend time away from them at times, usually at church or school or an occasional friend's birthday party. It was at one friend's party that the journey that would change Mike's life began. He was in the 3rd grade when he attended his friend David's birthday party. David's dad knew that Mike's dad had died several years before, he tried to fill the void from time to time. During the party David's dad Rick asked Mike to join the little league team that he was coaching. Normally Mike would have said no, but on this particular occasion he said yes. Mike's mom was not pleased when he chose to play little league baseball. However, she couldn't stop him when various friends from church volunteered to help get Mike to practice and help him to learn the game. ____ As it turned out Mike was gifted when it came to baseball. He dominated little league. He never lost a game that he pitched in his entire little league career. And as an added bonus he hit over .500 When he entered high school his baseball talent only improved. It wasn't long before he started attracting scouts, both college and professional. It was not only scouts that were flocking to Mike's games, girls started coming to his games also. Most of the girls who came to his games knew very little about baseball. Some came because when Mike pitched it was the place to be. Social media tracked all of his games. One way to increase your friends, followers, and traffic on your social media sites was to be at Mike's games, especially if you could get a picture of yourself with Mike in the background, or even better a selfie of him and you after a win while he was still in uniform. Truth be told many of the girls came to his games because they thought he could be their golden ticket to a better life. This was borne out in that Mike received countless texts, and messages from young women offering him a night of sex. In the beginning there was something that kept Mike from accepting any of these sexual temptations. No one knew that the star pitcher was harboring a dark secret, a secret that he could not share. _____ After Mike's mom realized that she could no longer dress him in girls clothes, she reluctantly accepted that was the end of his crossdressing. What she didn't know, was that Mike still enjoyed wearing girl's clothes. Not long after his mom ended his forced crossdressing, he realized that he missed wearing feminine attire. The struggle continued all through Mike's junior high and early high school years. He wanted to wear, now the clothes of teenage girl, but he knew that he could not ask his mom to buy some for him, this led Mike to suffer in silence. Then one day relief came for Mike in an unexpected way. It was in his 9th grade year and Mike had an early morning baseball game on the same day that his mom and three sisters would be out shopping for several hours. When the game was over Mike walked home to his empty house. After showering he went to get some clean clothes out of the laundry. When he entered the laundry he saw his clean clothes next to his sister's clothes. He gave into temptation, and seconds later he was wearing his sister's dress. At first he was only going to wear his sister's dress for a few minutes. Then a few minutes turned into an hour. He swapped his jockey briefs for her panties. Than he added her bra and stuffed some socks into the cups of her bra. For the first time in a long time he felt truly happy. Mike said out loud the words he had kept hidden inside him for many years; he was happier dressing up and pretending to be a girl than he was with any success that he had achieved on the baseball field. As the years progressed Mike would have more opportunities to wear his sister's clothes. One by one each sister would go away to college and they would leave behind some of their clothes. By the time he was in 10th grade it was just him and his mother in the house. And his mom was usually working or out on dates. What Mike didn't know was that his sisters were well aware that he liked wearing their clothes. The clothes that they would leave behind when they went away to college, were clothes that they purposely selected for Mike to wear. An absent mom and house full of clothes for young women gave Mike many opportunities to fulfill his fantasies and darkest secrets. He would spend more time in dresses and skirts than he did in his baseball uniform. Mike would usually come right home from practice and games, shower and change into his sister's clothes. He would make his dinner, do his homework, and watch tv alone, always pretending he was a girl. _____ Mike's success on the baseball field made it harder and harder for him to maintain his secret life. His popularity meant more people wanted to be part of his life which led to less alone time to carry out his fantasies. Mike feared that one day someone would barge in on his private life. It was this fear that eventually drove him to forsake his alone time and socialize, especially with girls. He started accepting dates and started asking girls out for dates. _____ Mike was not homosexual, but society (especially at that time) would view his crossdressing the same as homosexuality. He didn't want to risk his celebrity status or future by being discovered. Mike started dating and became sexually active It did not take long for Mike to assimilate into this life. His new life consisted of sex and baseball. By the time he graduated from high school he had many offers to play baseball in college and professionally. Mike decided to go pro, after all he had not applied himself academically during the last two years of high school. _____ Mike signed with the Seals a new MLB team that had replaced the Padres in San Diego who had moved to San Antonio after that city gave them a great deal on a new stadium. Mike was able to move through the minor leagues and into the majors in less than two seasons. Once he made it to the major league he became the hottest rookie in all of baseball. Things were going great for Mike during his rookie season. He was having the time of his life, he could hardly remember a time that he had been happier. He saw nothing but a great future for him, a career that would end in Cooperstown. He was on the top of the world until that night in San Francisco. _____ An alcoholic can be sober for many years and lead a normal life, as long as they avoid alcohol. They know that abstinence is the most reliable way to avoid falling back into their days of being mastered by their drug/drink of choice. But once they have a drink, it is easy to slide back into the depths of their disease and after that first drink it is hard to stop with the second, third, etc. A person in sobriety rarely stops after just one drink. For Mike, his drink was cross dressing. Until that night in San Francisoc it had been over four years since Mike had last worn women's clothing. Mike's outburst at his teammates was not that he didn't want to participate in the hazing that was a tradition in baseball. He was scared because he knew what would happen once he felt the familiar comfort of women's clothes on his body, the feel of the lace of the under garments, the tightness of the skirts and blouse. All that was missing was how sexy he felt when he wore four-inch heels. MLB which allowed the hazing, forbade heels. They didn't want their million-dollar athletes to fall and break their arm and have to miss the rest of the season. Just like an alcholoic who falls of the wagon, who can't stop with just one drink, Mike would not be able to stop wearing women's clothes after just one night. _____ The Seal's charter flight arrived late back in San Diego. It was so late that Lindbergh field was closed and the Seals were diverted to North Island Naval Air Station. This proved to be a lucky break for Mike. North Island, being a military airfield, was restricted, and fans were prohibited from coming to the air field. The lateness meant that the traditional after hazing dinner would take place the next night. When Mike and the other rookies got off the plane they found their clothes waiting for them on the tarmac. All of the rookies quickly changed into their own clothes underneath the plane's wingspan. Mike and the rest of the Seals boarded the bus that took them back to their headquarters and private vehicles in downtown San Diego. When the bus parked Mike was the first one off the bus. He sprinted to his car and drove home. Once Mike was safely inside his home he went right to his computer instead of going to sleep. He went to Victoria's Secret, Neiman Marcus, Forever 21, Tiffanys, Amazon, and various other clothing and accessories websites. In one night he ordered $20,000 worth of clothes, causal and formal. He also ordered shoes, lingerie, make up and accessories. He paid for next day delivery on all of these items, not even thinking about the delivery cost. He also did some research and found sites that sold female forms, to give any man a feminine shape body. He found that he could choose any size breast that he wanted, and forms that would give him wide hips and a round butt. Most of the websites selling these forms seemed shady and Mike passed on them. There were only a few legitimate ones that he could find, and all were expensive. But Mike didn't care about cost, one of the benefits of earning $16 million a year. One site intrigued Mike. They advertised life like forms, claiming they can give you any female body parts, "And we mean ANY parts" claimed the site. They also promised delivery within three hours. Mike wondered how could they guarantee three-hour delivery. He started to leave the site thinking of the adage that if it is too good to be to true.... He started to close the browser but he stopped when he saw this at the top of the site: For there are some men who from birth will never be able to have children. There are some men who have been made so by men. There are some men who have had themselves made that way because of the holy nation of heaven. The one who is able to do this, let him do it." Matthew 19:12 Mike froze. He read the verse over and over. He couldn't believe what he was reading. His mom had raised him as a Christian and he did have some church background and some knowledge of the Bible, but it had been years since he had been in church let alone read the Bible. He went to an online Bible site and found the verse. He read it over and over. For the first time in a long time he had some peace in his life. Mike decided to place an order with this site. He noticed something odd about the site. It didn't ask him what he wanted, sizes, etc, nor did it ask for a payment. Once the order was placed he received a text message telling him that his specialized customer service agent Thomas would be at his house at 7:00 am. Mike looked at the clock on his computer and realized that Thomas would be at his house in three hours. He decided to get some sleep. He found it easy to sleep and when he woke up in the morning he could not recall ever having a full peaceful sleep as the one that he had just experienced. Mike meets Thomas The alarm clock rang at 6:30 am. Mike had only a few hours of sleep, but it felt like he had slept much longer than that. He jumped out of bed and took a quick shower so that he could be ready for Thomas's arrival at 7:00. Fortunately, it was an off day for the Seals, which meant Mike had a day with no obligations. He was looking forward to trying on all of his new clothes and jewelry. As he was contemplating what he would wear he realized that he had forgot to order a wig. He hoped Thomas might have one that he could buy. As he wondered how he would look as a blonde, brunette, or redhead the doorbell rang. Mike looked at his phone and saw that it was 7:00. He was amazed at how precise this guy was. He opened the door and saw one of the biggest guys he had ever seen. Being a professional athlete Mike was used to being surrounded by big guys, he was 6'5" himself. When he looked at Thomas, he did something that he seldom did with another person, he looked up to him. Mike was wondering "how big is this guy?" It was at this moment Thomas interrupted him and said "are you going to invite me in? And the answer to your question is over seven feet." Feeling a little embarrassed that Thomas knew what he was thinking, Mike quickly regained his composure and invited Thomas in. As Thomas entered the house Mike asked, "How did you know what I was thinking?" "When you are a big guy like me, it's what everyone wonders." "Well thank you for coming. I am interested to see what you have to offer." "Before I tell you what I have, why don't you tell me why you contacted me." Mike took a deep breath. He wondered how much he should share with Thomas. He thought, considering what the guys sells, he probably already knows about me. He proceeded to tell Thomas the whole story. How his mom used to dress him in girl's clothes, his sneaking into his sister's rooms to wear their clothes, and he told him about last night's hazing. "Last night when I wore those clothes, it felt so right. I missed the thrill of a pretending to be a woman. I want to enjoy that thrill again. I have a big house, I live alone. I can keep this secret from society." Mike explained Thomas waited for a few minutes before speaking. "Are you ok with fulfilling your desires in private? Wouldn't you like to experience wearing your new clothes and accessories in public?" "Of course, I would like to wear those things in public. But there is no way that I can wear women's clothes in public," Mike answered with some sadness in his voice. "Why can't you wear women's clothes out in public?" Thomas asked in a way that made it sound like he already knew the answer. Mike shouted back, "Don't you know who I am. I am a famous baseball player. My face is everywhere. People would recognize me. My career would be over. Not to mention the ridicule and harassment that I would receive when people saw me dressed in drag." "Suppose I told you that there was a way you could go out in public in your new clothes. You know the parts that I provide are very convincing." "They are not that convincing. People would eventually figure out that I am a fake. Besides there are certain things that I cannot conceal." Thomas continued to play along and asked Mike, "What can't you hide?" "Seriously? Are you really that dense? People will know that I have a penis, Adam's apple, five o'clock shadow and let's not forget that I am 6'5"," Mike responded showing his irritation. "Mike, there are many companies that sell the things we provide. Why did you select us?" Mike thought before he answered. "There are three reasons that I selected you. You claim to have the most realistic women's forms. Second, you promised three-hour delivery-and you kept that promise. Finally, the Bible verse on your site told me that I could trust you." "What would you think if I told you that all these things are connected?" "Well I am skeptical, but I am willing to listen," Mike replied almost challenging Thomas to prove his claims. "Mike when you would sneak into your sister's rooms and put on their clothes what did you use for your breast?" "I would roll up some socks and stuff them in one of my sister's bras." "Would anyone have believed that they were real?" "No one would have believed they were anything but rolled up socks." Mike then asked Thomas "where are you going with this?" "The breast that I offer are authentic. If anyone feels them, they will think that God himself gave them to you. Did you ever try to give yourself wide hips?" Mike laughed and then answered, "As much I wanted a female form, I could never figure out a way to give me wide hips." "Well I can give you parts that will give you wide hips and a nice round butt. Anybody who saw you from behind wouldn't think that you were anything but a natural born woman." Mike answered back, "I want to believe you, I really do. But what you're saying is just not possible" Thomas seeing that he had Mike's interest continued. "How would you like long full hair, any color you want?" "Are you talking about a wig?" Mike asked. "No wig could match the quality of hair that I can offer you" Thomas paused then asked, "How would you like to be rid of that Adam's Apple and have a feminine face?" "Of course, I would like that, but that's not possible." "All of it is possible and more," answered Thomas with authority. "More?!" "How would you like a full female reproductive system with a uterus and a womb?" Thomas answered with a big smile on his face. "That's it you are crazy. I want you to leave now," demanded Mike. Thomas quickly answered "you don't want me to leave. I can make your dreams come true. Besides early this morning you spent over $20,000 on clothes and accessories. Don't you want to wear them outside of the house, in public? And the next time that you go shopping wouldn't you like to go to the store and try those things on and feel like a real girl?" "How did you know how much I spent on clothes?" asked a very surprised and now somewhat frightened Mike. "All right Mike let's get down to it. My name is Thomas and I am an Angel." "What do you mean you are an angel? Angels are cute babies, or they are beautiful women. You are a freaking giant, and you are neither cute nor beautiful, just saying," Mike replied with a little bit of a smile. Thomas forcibly answered "Don't you people read your Bibles? "Angels are warriors. God has sent Angels to protect, to fight. People on earth would call us bad ass warriors. We are getting off subject. Do you want to hear more about my offer? Mike thought this guy was a loon, but he wondered if he might be telling truth. What if he could do what he claimed? He figured it wouldn't hurt to hear what Thomas had to say. He told Thomas, "I want to hear about your offer." Thomas usually liked to be direct when meeting with earthlings. He sensed with Mike he was going to have to give it to him in spoonfulls. "Would you agree that you like to wear women's clothes?" "Well duh! As you have already said, last night I spent over $20,000 on clothes and accessories," Mike said while laughing. "Would you like to wear those clothes outside of the house?" Mike wondered where Thomas was going with this. He decided to continue to play along. "Yes, I would like to wear the clothes outside. But I don't want to be ridiculed or be the subject of mockery from the press." "Well I could fix it so that you will never be made fun of when you wear feminine attire." Mike asked, "Are you telling me people will not care that I will look like a guy in drag? Thomas sensed it was time to close the door. "Mike they will think that you are a beautiful woman wearing women's clothes. They will think that because you will be a real woman in every sense of the way. You will be a woman and Mike will cease to exist." Thomas looked at Mike while he tried to take everything in. Mike was trying to process all of this wondering how could Thomas do this? Thomas continued with his presentation. "Mike, I have the power to change you into a woman." Mike feeling less sarcastic, "What do you mean. You have the power to do instant transsexual surgery?" "No. What I am offering you is a different kind of change. You will be fully female. You will have 100% female characteristics. You will be given memories that will equal to what you would have acquired if you had been born female." Mike still finding it hard to believe what he was hearing asked a series of questions. "I will have complete female anatomy with no fake breast? "That's right Mike you will be 100% female. No one will ever know that you had once been a man." "Will I be an anatomically correct woman?" "Mike you will be a woman in every sense of the word. You will experience menstrual cycles, decades from now you will experience menopause, and if you have unprotected sex you can get pregnant." "I could get pregnant and have a baby?!!!! This was more than Mike had expected." "Mike, pregnancy and childbirth are part of the female experience. Being a woman is more than wearing the clothes of the feminine gender." Mike thought about this for several minutes. He had so many questions about becoming a woman. "Well I have to give up this house and my cars? What about the clothes that I ordered and paid for?" Thomas patiently answered, "Well Mike if you become a woman you will no longer be a major league pitcher earning a multi-million-dollar salary. So how would you afford this house and your cars? As for the clothes you can keep them." "I haven't even thought about what I would do for money." Mike asked, "What would I do for a job? Where would I live?" "Mike normally, when we do these changes, we change those things in the person's life. You will have a new home and a new job," Thomas continued, "You will retain all of your knowledge and memories. We want you to use to the knowledge that you have acquired in your new life in order to help yourself and others when you switch." "What about my family. How will I explain the new me to them?" Thomas answered Mike with compassion. "When you become a woman, Mike Young will have never existed. Your mom will have had only three children, not four." "If Mike Young will not exist then what will my name be?" "Your name can be anything you want it to be. What would you like for your new name?" "When I was younger my mom used to love this movie where the lead character was named Gina. Call me Gina." "Mike are you ready to become Gina?' Mike did not hesitate. "Yes I am." Hello Gina In an instant Mike went from his home in a Rancho Santa Fe gated community to a condominium in Del Mar. In an instant he went from being Mike to being Gina. Things were different on so many levels. But Mike, now Gina did not freak out. She looked at Thomas. Thomas smiled and simply said, "Welcome to your new life Gina." All Gina could say was "Wow you really did it. I can't believe I am a woman. Everything on me feels so real." Taking a quick look around her new surroundings she then asked Thomas, "Where am I? Who am I? What about my job? Do I have a family?" Thomas smiled. He took much pleasure seeing people enjoying their new life. He began to answer Gina's questions. "Your new body parts feel real because they are real. They are as real as if you had been born a woman." Thomas paused to let Gina admire her new body. "Your name is now Gina Bailey. You have been aged a few years to help you in the workforce. You have all the memories and knowledge that a woman of 23 would be expected to have acquired in her lifetime. You have a degree in Marketing from the University of Washington." Gina gasped, "I am a college graduate? I didn't do very well in high school." "We have given your mind the knowledge that an employer would expect a graduate with a Marketing Degree to have. Even if you no longer have the physical skills of a baseball player you still have all of your baseball knowledge. These two things should help you to secure employment." Thomas let that information sink in before continuing. "You have no family. Your family died in a tragic accident and left you with a five- million-dollar trust fund which enabled you to buy this Del Mar condo. You still have a Mercedes to drive. You also have an interview next Monday with the San Diego Seals. The position is in the public relations office." "If I have a five million dollar trust fund, why do I need to work?" "In order to make you a happier person we needed to do more than change your physical appearance, we needed to change your internal self. One of Mike's problems was that he was closed off from others. Gina needs to be different, and one way to accomplish this is by helping others. Your career and trust fund will put you in opportunities where you will be able to help others." Gina asked, "Why is the interview next week?" "Thomas answered with a smile "To give you a chance to enjoy all of the new clothes that you have purchased." At that moment the doorbell rang. The FedEx Deliveryman had a number of boxes for Gina Bailey, the items that had been ordered by Mike Young. Gina was like a little kid on Christmas morning. She wanted to open all of her new packages and try own all of her new clothes. Then she remembered something and her heart sank. When she placed the order, she had ordered clothes to somewhat fit Mike. Somewhat, because there are not many clothing options for women who are 6'5. She had ordered the largest sizes that she could. There was no way those clothes could fit her new 5'6 frame. Her joy had disappeared. Thomas knew why she was unhappy. "Relax the clothes will fit you. Don't ask how, they just well." He looked at Gina and could see that she was both relieved and confused. "We need to have a chat before I leave. Come and sit at the table." "I want you to enjoy your gift, your new life as Gina, the woman you always wanted to be. Gina expressed surprise that Thomas knew that she had always wanted to be a woman. Thomas continued, "Ever since you read Bruce Jenner's book 'The Secrets of My Life"' you have wanted to be a woman. You found many similarities with Bruce and you. Both of you were highly successful male athletes who saw a woman in themselves. Both of you used to try on your sisters' clothes. Unlike Bruce you have been given the gift to be a fully functional woman. But be responsible with this new gift," Thomas commanded. "Be responsible how?" asked an inquisitive Gina. "You are a fully functional woman now. A woman in every sense of the word. You need to be aware of some differences. You are no longer 6'5 250 lbs. You are now 5'6 140. Another change in your life has been income. You no longer have your multimillion dollar income. While Gina is not poor by any means, you will need to be a good financial steward." As with any gift you must use it unselfishly. You have to use to it to not only to make your life better, but to make other people's life better. Gina begin to wonder how she would make those adjustments. Thomas read her mind, "You have been given the tools to handle these changes and more when you became Gina." Thomas let all of that sink in for Gina and then he continued. "From time to time you will need guidance. You can summon me to visit you. Use those visits sparingly. You can also seek advice in between visits from prayer, reading your Bible, and friends." Gina replied, "I don't pray or read the Bible. And I really don't have friends." Thomas looked at Gina and said, "It is time to change all three things," and disappeared. The Interview The week between her transformation and her job interview was like a vacation for Gina. She enjoyed trying on all of her new clothes, changing clothes several times a day. An unexpected thrill for Gina was shopping in the stores at UTC and Del MarHighlands and going to the women's departments and trying on clothes.She loved picking out several articles of clothing and going into the dressing room and trying on outfit after outfit. She felt happiness when she looked in the mirrorand saw her feminine self looking back at her. Gina couldn't get over how no one gave her a second look when they saw her. Everyone thought she was nothing more than a beautiful woman. No one batted an eye when she walked into the dressing room. When she sat down in the make up chair for a makeover, no one thought there was anything unusual. Another thing that surprised Gina was how easy it was to talk to others, especially other women. As Mike he avoided people at all cost, partly to protect his secret and also because he believed (often rightly) that people wanted something from him. The best thing for Gina, was that she was doing all of this out in the open. She was notdressing up like a woman in the privacy of his home. She was a woman outin public wearing women's clothes, make up, jewelry, and did not worry ifanyone would notice. She always dreamed for a female body, she just never thought it was possible. ----- The week wound down and Gina knew that she had to start focusing on her interview with the Seals. As Mike she had never had a job interview before, not even for a part time job. Fortunately Gina had "experience" knowledge that Thomas made sure that she had when Mike became Gina. She spent time researching the job. She was surprised about two things. She had this vast knowledge of marketing. She knew that it had to be by divine intervention that she had this knowledge. She was pleasntly surprised by how much of her baseball knowledge could be used in this position. She relaxed for the rest of the weekend. She knew she was ready for the interview and she knew that she was the most qualified candidate for the position. On Sunday morning Gina woke up. She did not set an alarm on her Iphone. She figured that she would wake up when she woke up. When Gina did wake up she went to her Iphone (which now had a pink case) and checked the time, it was 7:55. She thought to herself why did I wake up so early? As a profesional baseball player, Mike seldom woke up before 11:00 am- unless he had a day gam and he was pitching. Gina racked her brain. The last time that she could remember waking up this early on a Sunday morning was when, as Mike his mom had took him to church. She had not been to church in ages. Mike's mom used to drag him to church every Sunday. After awhile his mom got tired of the Sunday morning fights and decided it was no longer worth the hassle of getting Mike to church. Until this past week Mike/Gina had not given much thought to church. She could no longer deny the existence of a Deity. There was no other way to explain the changes in her life. After a few minutes of internal debate, Gina decided to go to church. She reasoned it would be a nice way to say thank you for her new life. Besides it would give her another opportunity to get dress up! ----- Gina went online and found the closest church to her home and decided that was where she would go this Sunday morning. 90 minutes later she was dressed and had her makeup on and drove to Del Mar Lutheran churh. It had been over a decade since Gina/Mike had been in church and longer than that since she had been in church voluntarily. But after a few minutes she felt a special comfort. It felt like she was home again. The kyrie, the saying of The Apotles Creed, sharing of the Peace, taking communion, and the singing brought back memories of comfort and reminders of a time when she felt secure and loved. She decided that she would come back next Sunday. ------ Monday morning arrived and it was time for Gina's interview. It seemed eerie driving to the Seals front office at Petco Park. How many times had she made this drive as Mike? She arrived at Petco and recognized many employees. Same security guards, same parking lot attendants, and same front office staff. She had seen these Seal Employees many times before in the last two years. While she recognized their faces Gina had to admit she didn't know any of their names, and couldn't recall ever having a conversation with any of these employees. That morning she spoke to them for the first time ever. For the first time she started to realize that Mike was somewhat of a rude jerk. Gina informed the reciptionist that she was here for her interview and that she was meeting Ms. Malissa Hale. The reciptionist told Gina that Ms. Hale would be with her shortly and offered her a cup of coffee. While Gina waited for Malissa, she gave her dress a once over, using the front office window as a substitute mirror. She could sense that the receptionist was judging her, she hoped she was being judged favorably. Gina had put a lot of thought and research into her outfit. She was glad that she had chosen a conservative dress. She had chosen a Maggy London Sheath Dress with elbow length sleeves with closed gray Franco Serto Pumps with Mocha trim. Before she knew it Malissa approached Gina and escorted her back to Malissa'soffice. Walking past all of the offices was an eye opener for Gina. As Mike she had no idea that all of these people worked here. She woundered what most of them did in the office? Malissa went over the basics of the job with Gina, She then proceeded to ask her a series of questions abut her marketing experience and knowledge. Nothing impressed Malissa. Gina gave the same generic answers to her marketing questions that all the other candidates had given to her questions. But it was the next round of questions that would separate Gina from the rest of the applicants. Women tend to dominate the marketing profession. Naturally most of the applicants for a position in marketing or public relations would be women. Most women have little knowledge of the fundamentals of baseball, let alone direct knowledge of baseball. To use a baseball term, Gina hit it out of the park with her responses to Malissa's baseball questions. Malissa was impressed with Gina's baseball knowledge. She asked Gina, "How do you know so much about baseball?" Gina wasn't sure what she should say? She really hadn't looked at her resume too closely, what did Thomas put on it? She decided to ad lib. "My late father coached baseball and I use to spend time with him." Gina paused and then smiled. "I must confess I dated a few guys who played baseball and they taught me a few things." Much to Gina's relief, Malissa laughed. "It looks like it paid off for you. But it does bring up some things I should cover with you. For starters, dating players is a big no-no." "I can understand that. I can see how that would create problems," Gina quickly replied. "However, it doesn't stop players from asking employees out. If a player, ask you out I strongly encouraged you to say no. Because when it goes bad, which it most likely well, and things get ugly the organization will decide to keep the multi-million dollar player and let you go" warned Malissa, with a touch of sadness that gave away the fact that she had seen that scene played out a few times. Malissa continued, "Let's go over some of the other parts of the job." Gina asked, "What kind of requirements?" "There will come a time when you will have to travel with the team. In addition to your regular Marketing/Public Relations duties you will be expected to do personal things for the players." Malissa replied. "When you say personal things, what do you mean?" Gina asked, faking ignorance. As Mike he had witnessed what these personal favors were and often these personal favors were sexual in nature. Sex between players and the front office staff happened no matter what the team's policies are. Malissa chose her words carefully. "You might have to do some personal shopping for a player, i.e. order a gift for their wife/girlfriend. Sometimes you might have to buy gifts for both their girlfriends and wives. And you will be expected to be discreet and keep these activities confidential." "Do I have the option of refusing if I do not wish to be part of a husband deceiving his wife?" "Well you can, but I am not sure if that would be wise" Malissa was disappointed with that response, but she continued with the interview. Gina was the best candidate that she had interviewed so far. Malissa hoped that maybe Gina would change her mind once she was employed. Malissa then told Gina about another task she would have to do when on the road. "On the road you will work with the team security and try to keep the groupies away from the players." Gina decided to keep playing ignorant. "What do you mean by groupies?" As Mike, Gina had lots of experience with groupies and knew exactly who they were and what they did. Mike had many teammates that had had fallen victim to groupies. A few married teammates went through nasty divorces and paid millions in alimony and legal fees because they "couldn't keep it in their pants." Single baseball players were not immune to the trappings of groupies. Mike knew players who careers had been derailed because they had been taken advantage of financially by groupies. Some players found themselves in unpleasant romantic entanglements-which sometimes turned violent. The temptations of drugs that some groupies offered would lead to the demise of some players playing days. Some players would see their careers end because they simply became distracted by the groupies that hung around Major League Baseball. As Malissa described what groupies were and what they did, Gina reflected on how lucky, as Mike, she had never fallen victim to groupies. The main reason Mike had never had a problem with groupies was because he was loner and and pushed people away. His teammates were the opposite of Mike. They were lonely and desired the company of others, especially the company of beautiful young women. "I understand my role. Alert security to women I am suspicious about," Gina replied smiling. Malissa laughed. "You understand completely. She paused then spoke with a more serious tone. "There is one more thing you have to do sometimes." "What is that?" "The players have a tradition. Once a year they make the rookies wear women's clothes. They always do this when they are on the road. They make the players wear the dresses or skirts on the plane ride home. When this happens you will have to help the players get dressed into their feminine attire, making sure that they look somewhat decent since they will be in public. Are you ok with this?" Gina wanted to shout, "No it's not all right," but she remained quiet. For a several seconds She said nothing. She finally spoke, "I m willing to do this. This is uncomfortable for the players. I know that I will be expected to keep the players calm and not make them feel so awkward and help them get through the experience as painlessly as possible." "You are my choice for the position. Pending a background check you are hired!" "Thank you. I look forward to working with you." Gina then left the office wandering how she would pass a background check. Murcer Strike One Gina was feeling good and a little concern about her job prospects with the Seals. She knew that she had performed well. and she felt a strong connection with Malissa. But she couldn't shake her worries about a background check as she did not have a background. Once she was safely in her car she called out to Thomas, and asked what she was going to do about the background check? At that moment her IPhone sounded an alert that told her that she had a text message. Gina looked at her phone and saw that it was from an unknown number. She read the message: "Do not worry. Your background check is fine. They will only discover the alternate history that was created when you became Gina. Remember Mike no longer exist. Thomas. It took only a day for Gina's background check to be completed and for Malissa to finalize the offer with the Seals. Malissa told Gina to enjoy her weekend and she looked forward to her starting on Monday. ______ The Sunday before her first day of work, Gina went to church again. She decided to go back to the Lutheran Church in Del Mar. Just like the previous Sunday she left the service with a sense of peace, a peace that she had never enjoyed before the transformation. Gina begin looking forward to Sundays, not only for the worship. She enjoyed meeting new people, especially new women. It was a new and refreshing experience relating to women truly as friends. Another thing that Gina enjoyed about church was dressing up, even though most other congregants-especially men did not dress up for church service. She would spend Saturday night picking out her clothes and the jewelry that she would wear to church the next day. As Gina began getting ready for church, she looked at herself in the mirror. She had looked at herself many times since becoming Gina. On this particular Sunday she took an extra long look at herself in the mirror and began to analyze how she looked. When Mike first became Gina, she looked at Gina through the eyes of Mike. And Mike saw a hot girl who was flawless. Most men saw Gina for who she was. A tall brunette with the looks of a sexy and attractive Italian woman. Her long brown hair, hourglass figure, and cute smile would drive any man wild. After several weeks as Gina she saw her body differently. She now viewed her body as a woman views her body. She was more critical of her looks. She imagined that her body was covered with imperfections, when in reality there were only a few minor blemishes on her body. Her body was beautiful and most woman would love to have had a body like hers. She would look at the mirror and wonder if she was fat? Did her hair look stylish enough or was it a mess? Why didn't she look as good as (name the woman), and many other self-criticisms? This was a daily struggle for almost all women. They judge themselves more harshly than men which shakes their confidence. Of course, a compliment can make them feel beautiful again, which is why women long for compliments and to be noticed. _____ Monday finally arrived and Gina began her new job. The first couple of weeks were pretty routine. HR matters to take care of, orientation, learning about the organization, and discussing job responsibilities. A month after starting Gina was given her first player to do a marketing campaign on, Al Murcer. When she was told that she would be working with Al, she literally felt ill. Gina remembered what an arrogant SOB Al was and the run-ins that she had with him as Mike. She remembered most the altercation that Mike had with him in the clubhouse in San Francisco, the night he had to wear women's clothes as part of his hazing. On that night Murcer had laughed at and made fun of Mike. Mike responded by decking Murcer and sending him to the club house floor. Of course, Murcer would not remember any of this, because it "never happen." Reluctantly, Gina scheduled an appointment to meet with Murcer. He replied that he was excited to work with Gina and he wanted to meet inside of the Seals' club house. She was hoping that they could meet somewhere else, but she knew this was the norm. Besides she knew from experience there are always lots of people in the clubhouse. When Gina entered the clubhouse to meet with Murcer it was the first time that she had been in the club house since her transformation. Lots of memories, mostly good, came flooding back to her. As she was reminiscing, Murcer came up to her and introduced himself. "You must be Gina. I am Al Murcer. Looks like you were gazing around the club house, hoping to see some cocks." He laughed and continued, "If you play your cards right you will have a chance to see all the cocks that you want" Gina felt like she had been slapped in the face with that remark. Since she had never encountered remarks like that before she did know how to respond. Murcer could see that she was shocked. "Look I was only joking. Why don't we get to work." They were able to put in a couple of productive hours, even though Gina was still thinking about Murcer's crude introduction; she was unable to let it go." She was relieved when they called it quits and she started to walk out of the clubhouse and thought she was done with Murcer when he yelled, "Look forward to seeing you tomorrow night at my house." Gina immediately turned around and in a commanding voice, "What do you mean at your house tomorrow night?" Going to Murcer's house and being there alone with him made her nauseous and scared. Her "Mike" memories recalled all of the women that Murcer had been involved with and the many times that the club had to intervened to keep things quiet, especially when Murcer became violent and abusive. "I forgot you are new at this. They like to talk about the players at home. Since we play in Petco Park, they like to spotlight us with our pets. I have a couple of Golden Retrievers. We can finish everything up in a few hours. Tell you what. Let me know your favorite food and wine and I will ask my wife to prepare it for us tomorrow." Hearing Murcer refer to his wife, put Gina's mind at ease. Knowing that his wife would be there gave her a sense of security. Still none of her "Mike" memories could ever recall Murcer being married. _____ Gina returned to her office and closed the door. She knew Murcer was right. She remembered many of these publicity shots when she was Mike. Mike was very uncooperative with these things and eventually marketing finally stopped trying to market him in this way. Even though Mike didn't participate in these events at his home, she knew plenty of players who had cooperated with the request from marketing. And she knew that publicity of the player wasn't the only thing that took place during these meetings between and marketing and the players. _____ When Mike dreamed of being a woman, he never thought about this aspect of womanhood. Gina was realizing that she was experiencing for the first time what many women have had to deal with through out the centuries. She was going to have to meet with a guy in his home, and he was most likely going to try and make sexual advances. What could she do? She was at the mercy of Murcer. Murcer might be an asshole and a jerk, but he was a three-time league MVP and all star with a career batting average of .338. And if there was a conflict, she knew the Seals would stand by their player and ditch her immediately. As Gina thought about this, she started to recall all of the women who had worked in the front office and left suddenly. She was now realizing for the first time that their departures were most likely not voluntary. She was wondering what she should do. She knew she was in way over her head. It wasn't just the thought of sex that was bothering her. She knew that one day she would have sex as a woman, although that day was a long way off. When that day finally came, she didn't want it to be forced and she knew damm well that it wouldn't be with Murcer. It was time to call Thomas. She said in a normal voice, Thomas can you help me? She wasn't sure what would happen. Would he materialize in her office? While she was pondering this her office phone rang. Gina answered the phone and was informed by the receptionist that a Mr. Thomas wanted to speak with her. For the next 30 minutes Gina expressed her fears, anger, disillusionment, etc with Thomas. When she was finished Thomas spoke, "This is the other side of being a woman, the part that many don't think about when they wish for this change. You never imagined what it would be like to be a woman with no power and having to deal with powerful men who could deprive you of your job if you didn't cooperate or make your job hell if you do cooperate. But I do have good news all is not lost." "What is your good news, I need it" "When you became Gina, we left a little bit of your maleness in you to to help you retain your memories. This tiny bit of maleness gives you an advantage over other women, you have inside knowledge on how men think. You need to use this insider knowledge." ______ The next day Gina prepared for her meeting with Murcer. For the first time since becoming Gina she was not excited about dressing up. Remembering what Thomas had said, she decided that she needed to tone things down. She decided to wear gray slacks, a red blouse with little neckline, and very little makeup. Once she decided on her wardrobe, she begin doing a little more research on Murcer. She went through all of the data the Seals had provided her and all the previous articles that had been written about him. She knew it was time to confirm for the evening. "Hi Al I wanted to ask if I could bring anything for tonight's dinner?" "No need, my chef has everything covered. I will see you in a couple of hours." The Gina part of her brain told her that everything would be fine. His wife would be around, and she had nothing to worry about. The tiny male part of her brain told her otherwise. _____ Gina arrived at Murcer's La Jolla home. She rang the bell and was greeted by Murcer's wife, Chloe. Chloe greeted Gina with a hug and peck on the cheek. Gina was still getting used to this womanly way of greeting other women. As awkward as the greeting was it gave Gina another level of security. The trio enjoyed a wonderful dinner prepared by Chloe. The causal conversation, food and wine gave Gina another sense of security and she lowered her guard a little more and had another glass of wine. The night was productive, and things were going well when Chloe announced that she had to leave to meet a friend. Gina was surprised that Chloe was leaving, she knew they had at least another hour of work to complete. Gina tried to get Chloe to stay. She was not deterred "I have nothing more to add. You and Al will be fine. It was nice meeting you. Have a pleasant evening" As Chloe left, Gina wasn't sure, but she thought she saw Murcer smile at her. A smile that sent a chill up her spine. He invited Gina to sit with him at the dining room table. She reluctantly returned to her seat. Much to Gina's surprise Murcer behaved himself during the final hour and they were very productive and completed the article for the program. It was time to go and Gina said good night. Murcer tried to get her to stay. "Let's have a night cap and go out to the deck and look at the ocean." This was the last thing Gina wanted. "I have to be in early tomorrow. Unlike players I can't come in the afternoon." She started walking to the door. Before she could make it to the door Murcer grabbed her and spun her around and pushed her up against the wall. This stunned Gina for so many reasons. She wasn't expecting it and she had never been handled like this before. As Mike she had been a big man and never met anybody who was big enough to handle him like this. As Mike she could knock him to the ground. But now Murcer had six inches and a 100 pounds on her. For the first time in her life she was physically afraid for her safety. Gina was pinned against the wall. She could feel his left hand fondle her breast while he tried to position her face so that their lips could meet. She was wishing she had the strength of Mike again. At that moment a memory came back to her. When Mike was in junior high school, he had wrestled one year. He remembered that some of the moves involved leverage. At this moment Murcer was not firm in his stance. Gina's feet were flat against the wall. She realized that she was in a perfect position to push off from the wall. Thanks to her yoga and workout regime she had above average leg strength. She decided the time to act was now. With the help of some adrenaline she was able to get a good push off the wall that surprised Murcer and caused him to lose his balance and fall to the floor. His body broke her fall leaving her uninjured. She got up quickly, kneeing him in the groin to buy extra time. She was out of the house in seconds. Gina got into the car and sped away from his estate. She drove to a lighted, parking lot in a shopping center that had lots of people. She tried to take stock of the situation. She wasn't sure if Murcer was still alive or if he was injured. She wondered if she should call 9-1-1 and have someone check on him. She knew that Seals players, as well as all Major League teams, have a special emergency number they can call when they are in trouble. She dialed the number from memory. A surprised member of the Security Team answered the call and asked Gina how she got this number. She told him that wasn't important. The security guard listen to her description of what had happen. The guard told Gina to go home and not say anything. By the time she had arrived home she received a call from the Security Team telling her that Murcer had hurt his head but would be ok. The next morning the San Diego Seals announced that Al Murcer would be out for five days due to an undisclosed family emergency. The Next day and Life Goes On The next morning Gina drove to work. As she battled the I-5 traffic she heard that Al Murcer would not be with the team. As the news continued her mind began to have many thoughts about the previous evening. She was experiencing many emotions and feelings, among them was relief, conflict, anger, guilt and anxiety. Relief-That she would not have to face Murcer for a couple of weeks. As soon as his five game "family emergency" was over the Seals would leave for a seven-game road trip. However, she was worried as she knew that Murcer would eventually return and she would have to face him. She was conflicted because she didn't know what to do. The maleness in her said that she should say something. Her previous life as a man told her that she should say something. She knew that men often do things to women, because they believed that women would remain silent about what happened. More often than not women complied and kept silent. They kept silent out of shame, sometimes fear. Many times, women didn't want to speak out because they were afraid that they would be the ones who would be blamed. For the first time she began to truly understand one of the struggles of being a woman. The action that she was supposed to take was to not rock the boat. To keep quiet so that the organization would not be harmed by bad public relations. But she wanted to rock the boat. She wanted to rally her female colleagues and make a scene and demand that the Seals do something. She wanted to be able to do her job without having to deal with sexual innuendos, forced acts of intimacy, etc. Then she wondered if that was the best policy? She asked herself what did Murcer really do? He only tried to kiss me. Did I tell him no? Did I tell him to stop? Did I overreact and possibly jeopardize his career? While women have been dealing with these issues for decades, they were all new to Gina. Gina was approaching the Seals complex and she still wasn't sure what she was going to do? Speak out? Keep silent. The one thing that she did know was that this was making her angry. She was angry because she was unable to enjoy the gift of being woman. She was angry because some men were denying her the pleasure of dressing up, sometimes sexy. She was angry because she had to make choices that she never had to make as Mike. She was angry because she felt she had no control as to when, where she would have sex or have to be romantic or intimate. She was starting to believe that men would make those choices for her. Her anger turned to guilt, when she remembered her time as Mike. Mike had never had any negative experiences, actually he had no experience with women, as a professional baseball player. But he had seen many players treat women in a negative and unkind way. Remembering the things that she saw made her sick. For the first time she realized what those girls were going through. She felt guilty that he never stood up for them. Mike had bought into the code, "What you see and hear here, stays here." Gina's guilt created a new experience for her. As she was remembering all of the women that she had seen mistreated, her guilt overwhelmed her. For the first time that she could remember in her life, as Mike or as Gina, she cried. She really cried. By the time she pulled into the Seals parking lot she experienced another female first, makeup ruined by crying. She looked in the mirror and couldn't believe the mess that she saw. She cleaned herself up and reapplied her makeup in the car before she entered the building. She looked confident on the outside, but inside she was scared. She was scared about what would happen with her job. She was worried what would people say about her. And she was worried and scared that Murcer might try something again and/or get revenge on her. ****** A few weeks after the incident with Murcer Gina was watching "Legally Blonde." When she was Mike she never cared for the movie. Since her transformation it had become one of her favorite movies. She loved how the character Elle Woods matured in the movie. Elle went from being a pretty girl that no one, including herself took seriously. She got stronger when she decided to take herself and academics seriously. Elle became a sharp lawyer, who was afraid of no one, but still retained her femininity, charm, style, and beauty. Each time Gina watched the movie She identified more and more with Elle. The incident with Murcer had given Gina a new experience and feeling, but one that many women feel, being powerless. Mike always had the power no one ever intimidated him. For the first time Gina missed being Mike, well the power that Mike possessed. He still enjoyed being a woman. But why couldn't she be a woman with strength and power? She couldn't think of any reason why not. As she watched Legally Blonde for the 100th time, she decided if Elle Woods could do it so could she. The next day she applied to the University of San Diego Law School, took her LSAT and two months later she enrolled as a law student at USD. ***** After the incident at Murcer's home, the team found themselves in an awkward position of covering for a player that most likely did the things he was accused of. The Seals leadership knew that there would most likely be more problems between Gina and Murcer. Despite these concrens, the Seals weren't about to trade or release their best hitter and biggest fan draw. As much as the team would like to have let Gina go, that wasn't an option either. Gina had done nothing wrong and they had no cause to let her go. A few members of the club's leadership team were worried about the negative publicity if they did let her go. The Seals made her an offer. They told her she could reduce her hours to part time and it would't affect her pay. In return the Seals would get to boast how they were supporting women and that they were looking forward to her using her legal skills for the Seals. Gina was suspicious of the team's motives. She knew from her experience as Mike that the Seals, and all major league clubs did nothing out of the goodness of their hearts. She prayed and thought about their offer for weeks. She consulted Thomas. His advice was that she should take the opportunity. A law degree would enable her to help many more people. Even, if the Seals intent was questionable, it was a good opportunity for her. One of Gina's graduation congratulations came from the Seals. They sent her flowers with a card that said they wished her the best in whatever she choses whether with the Seals or somewhere else. Gina surmised that it was a clever way of saying, "We are good if you decide to go somewhere else to practice law." If the Seals were hoping that Gina would take her law degree and disappear and not rock the boat, they were to be disappointed. Gina was going to rock the MLB boat in a way that had not been seen since Jackie Robinson entered MLB and broke the color barrier. Life Moves On Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Months turned into years. Before long it had been three years since Mike had become Gina. She had graduated from law school and she was enjoying life more and more. Gina befriended many of the wives that she met when doing publicity stories for the Seals. One of the pleasant surprises for Gina since becoming a woman had been the discovery of the beauty of female friendships. These friendships were more intimate, deeper, and stronger than any friendships than she had ever experienced with male friends as Mike. More importantly she was making friends away from work. She was forming friendships with other women in church, at her gym, in her neighborhood, from law school, etc. She was getting invites to parties, etc, and she would add new friends from these events. One result from all of these friendships with young women her age was that she was getting invited to lots of baby showers. Before becoming Gina, she had never been to a baby shower. In reality she had never had a friend, or a had a friend who had a spouse that had a baby before. Babies, or kids for that matter never had a place in Mike's life. The first baby shower that she had ever attended was for a friend from her Bible Study. At that shower she met Denise. They discovered that they went to the same gym and they started taking classes together. And months later Denise had her own baby shower and Gina was invited. She attended showers that were thrown for her friends from other groups that she belonged to. Each one of these events produced more opportunities to meet more friends, which led to more baby showers. These showers did more for Gina than expand her network of friends. It reminded her of her condition. She was a young woman of child-bearing age, the same age as almost all of her peers. It was at one of these showers that this fact really sunk into Gina. Gina was watching the expectant mother open her gifts when the woman sitting next to her asked her a very simple question, 'have you ever thought about having kids?" Kids! Gina thought to herself. If I had kids that would make me a mother. To be a mother would mean that I would have to give birth. and I would give birth only after being pregnant for nine months. The thought of being pregnant brought Gina back to reality. The pregnancy and labor & delivery process scared Gina, as it does most young women who have never had a baby before. Then she caught sight of the expectant mother and saw how happy she was. Her mind went back to her fantasy. Being pregnant didn't seem too bad. Of course, to get pregnant would mean that she would have to have unprotected sex with a man. And because women seldom get pregnant after just one time, it would mean she would most likely have to have unprotected sex with a man many times! As Mike, Gina had had sex many times with women, although it was meaningless sex. She couldn't imagine being on the receiving end of being penetrated by a guy during sexual intercourse. She started to feel ashen again. She couldn't get her mind around having sex as a woman. Gina tried to get all of this out of her mind, she decided to get a snack. As she filled her plate she saw the expectant father and some of his friends-who were husbands of some of the other women in attendance. As each man went to his wife. She observed how each of the couples interacted. Each husband greeted his wife with a kiss. They either stood behind each other or side by with their arms around each other. As sweet as that was, her eyes were focused on the couple that was expecting a baby. She witnessed the husband coming up behind his wife, reaching around her and placing his hands on his wife's belly while he kissed her neck. For the first time as either Mike or Gina, she was jealous of a relationship of another person. The uprising thing was that she was jealous of the wife. She would love to be in a loving, caring, and supportive relationship, something that neither that she nor Mike had ever enjoyed. As she gazed upon the happy couple, she wondered what kind of wife she would be. Before she became a wife, she would have to be some guy's girlfriend. And before she became a girlfriend she would have to go on a date. Right now, that seem like a remote possibility. Murcer Strike Two Gina's first Christmas as a woman was so much different than Christmases as a man. Mike, never really celebrated Christmas, never mind being an active participant in the planning of activities and festivities. Gina was active in planning and assisting in the hosting of Christmas parties. She loved the adventure of finding the right Christmas gift for those that she was becoming friends with. She even tried her hand at making some holiday dishes. There was one other special moment for Gina during her first Christmas, hearing the Christmas Story for the first time as a woman. Mike was familiar with the Christmas story having heard it many times before, but it had no effect on him. The story of Christ's birth, the symbol of a new hope and a new beginning resonated with Gina, especially after the hope and new beginning she had received. She felt a special bond with Mary, who had also been visited by an Angel and told about the change that was happening to her life, a change that no one would believe. _____ Christmas was over much too quickly, and it was time to get back to the toils of work which was why Gina found herself driving to Glendale, Arizona for Spring Training in mid-January. Gina would be spending two months in Glendale, as part of a team who would be coordinating Public Relations for the Seals during spring training. She immediately noticed a couple of things that were different from previous spring trainings. One was the number of players at spring training. There were over 300 players at the Glendale complex, who were trying out for all levels of professional baseball. As Mike, she had never noticed many of the other players, especially those in the lower leagues. As Gina she was now responsible for all the players. The biggest change from Mike to Gina during spring training was the heat. Mike never worried about the heat. He had a team of trainers to take care of him. He had all the nutrients, liquids that he would need to stay hydrated. He also didn't have to worry about his clothes. He would toss his uniform into the laundry and put on one of the countless clean uniforms that the Seals supplied him with during each day. He also didn't have to worry about his personal laundry. The Seals took care of his personal laundry and gave him a generous laundry allowance. And when he finally called it a day, he simply took a shower and went on his way. Gina did not have those luxuries. She was required to spend at least half her time outside meeting with players at the different fields, granted she used a golf cart with a roof, but it was still hot. Unlike Mike she had to wear make-up, which the heat destroyed, and she found herself having to reapply it throughout the day. Clothes and laundry were another problem that Gina had. She didn't have the services available to her that Mike had nor did she have his generous income and laundry allowance. Sometimes she found it easier to just buy new clothes, which put a dent in her budget. _____ As it turned out the heat wasn't the biggest problem that she would have to deal with during spring training. Halfway through spring training she was told that she would need to meet with Al Murcer to prepare copy for the Seals' first home stand of the season. Gina did not want to do anything with Murcer, especially be alone with him. She voiced her concerns to anyone that she could speak to in the Seals Management, her concerns went ignored. She reached out to Malissa Halle. Malissa told her that she (Gina) was not being asked to do anything that the other women haven't done. She said it is part of the of working with difficult players. Malissa reminded Gina that she never filed a formal complaint against Al, so in the eyes of many there was no problem. Gina was regretting, and not for the first time, for not taking action against Murcer previously. ____ Two days later it was time for Gina to meet with Murcer. He wanted to meet with her in the Condo that he was staying in during spring training. She wanted no part of that, she was finally able to get the meeting switch to the spring training office that the Seals were using. She thought this would solve the problems with Murcer. Murcer was in her office waiting for her. "How did you get in here?" "The receptionist brought me back here." He could see Gina was getting angry. "Don't be too hard on her. She couldn't help herself. I am good looking and irresistible." Gina knew this game all too well. She had done the same as Mike numerous times to get many things. As a woman she understood how it was possible to be charmed by a good-looking guy like Murcer, but she didn't like it. "Let's get down to business." For the next 90 minutes they did just that. Everything was professional. As the appointment went on Gina began to relax. She thought to herself, "Maybe I over reacted." Murcer looked at his watch. "We got a lot accomplished today. I guess we should call it a day." Both Gina and Murcer got up to leave. Gina reached out her hand to thank him for his time. Murcer took her hand, "My pleasure. Listen I am not doing anything tonight, what do you say we get some dinner?" Gina froze. The afternoon went better than expected, and she didn't want to end the day negatively. But she didn't want to be alone with Murcer late at night. She needed an excuse; one came to mind. "Thank you for the invite, but I do have a lot that I need to do tonight. Gina tried to leave but Murcer would not release her hand. She started to panic. She was afraid that he was going to push her up against the wall again. Murcer, remembering what happened the last time they were alone wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. He sat down onto the couch and pulled her down so that she was sitting on his lap. Gina tried to get away, but she was unable to free herself from his grasp. For the first time she missed the strength that she had as Mike. Another first for Gina was that she was feeling vulnerable. As Mike she had always been a big guy and Mike could always fight his way out of any situation. She was truly afraid. She felt hopeless and vulnerable. Gina felt another first. She felt another man's penis for the first time. She could feel Murcer's bulge as she sat on his lap. It was weird. It was eerie. It was sickening. It was new. She felt so many other thoughts. She just knew that she didn't want to feel it anymore, and she didn't want to see it. She needed a way to get out of this predicament. Gina was facing another difference between being Mike and being Gina. She could no longer rely on her physical powers to get out of a bad situation. She was now a woman; a woman being held by a bigger and stronger man. She couldn't think of anything to do, the only thing that she could think to do was pray. Moments later there was a knock at the door. A Glendale Police Officer was standing outside of the office. The officer wanted to talk to Murcer about his car being broken into and vandalized. ______ Gina spent the rest of the evening, crying, drinking wine, and calling friends in San Diego. She wondered what she should do. The last time Murcer tried something she did nothing, and he tried again. Because she was afraid to rock the boat. This time she was going to rock the boat. The next morning, she informed Malissa about what happened and that she would be filing a formal complaint. Malissa immediately called her and begged her not to do anything. Gina told her that she was moving forward. She went to the Human Resource Director. She was shocked when the HR Director spent hours grilling her about her version of events asking over and over if she was sure that things happen that way. Was she sure that she did not encourage him? She was fuming. Why wouldn't anyone believe her. She knew that these things happen all the times, from her experience as Mike. That afternoon Gina received a written letter from the Legal Counsel of The Seals. Informing her they found no grounds for her complaints and reminding her that she had signed a non-disclosure agreement and any violation of that agreement would result in termination and possible civil penalties. For the rest of the Spring Training Gina did her best to avoid dealing with Murcer. She passed off the project to another girl in publicity/marketing. She volunteered to take the least desirable assignment, working with the players on the lowest level of the minor leagues. ______ Spring training was over. The players left for their various assignments. The major league club flew to New York to begin their season, it would be almost two weeks before the Seals had their home opener. Gina and Malissa were packing up the Seals office and getting ready to return to San Diego. They were the last two employees left in Glendale. Malissa caught Gina off guard when she said, "You know many of us have had similar experiences with Al Murcer, and other players, but mostly him." "The why didn't you say something?" "For the same reason that you didn't. The club makes it clear if you speak out not only will you be terminated, but they will sue you." Gina had to admit that Malissa had a point, it was hypocritical of her to criticize Malissa, or any of the other women in the organization if she wasn't willing to speak out. She decided to drop the subject for now. Later in the day Malissa said, "Do you know what would help you?" "No." "You know some of the girls, especially in the past have been avoided the likes of Al Murcer when they befriended a player." "What do you mean by befriending a player." "Well they look out for you, make sure guys leave you alone." "And what do I have to do in return?" "Maybe provide some companionship, do some errands for them, maybe some sex." Gina thought about this silently. She recalled that were many players who had this type of arrangement. She really didn't like it as Mike. Now that Mike was Gina and a woman, she really didn't like it. Trading sex for protection, was really a form of prostitution. She replied politely, "Thank you but no thank you." Gina knew that she wouldn't submit to "prostitution" in order to survive her workplace. She was going to take another route. She decided to violate her NDA and raise hell. Gina figured that the public fallout would be so bad that the Seals would have no other choice than to drop their lawsuit against her. On her drive back to San Diego her cell phone rang. Gina was surprised, she was in area of the desert where cell reception was terrible, pretty much non-existent. She answered, it was Thomas calling her. "Your plan is a good one, but the timing is bad. You need to get some allies before you break your NDA." Baseball Player to Baseball Girl Chapter Ten Dating Driving back to San Diego Gina wanted to kill time. She did this by alternating between listening to music and talking with friends. She was telling her friend Denise about her conversation with Malissa and recapped the events of spring training. Denise laughed. "I agree you don't need a pimp, but I think it is past time that we fix you up with someone." "No thank you. I don't need a man." "Well would you prefer a woman to date?" "No! I don't need to date anyone." "I disagree. When you get back to San Diego, we will start working on your dating profile." "No. I am not setting up a profile on any dating profile." "Well you have three choices. You do it, you and I do it, or Janet and I set up your profile." Gina and Denise ended their conversation just before her phone got out of range. They made plans to get together during the weekend." As Gina drove, she thought more about her conversation with Denise. The idea of a dating seemed impossible to imagine. 100 miles later, she was thinking maybe it wouldn't be so bad to try, to meet someone for lunch or dinner. It was just a date, not a marriage. An hour late she approached the California border. While she was waiting for her turn to cross the California Agricultural Inspection station, to prove that she was bringing no foreign plants, fruits, etc. into the state, she got a text message. It was from an unknown person: "If you went on a date and learn how to relate to men as a woman you would learn how to handle situations and people like Al Murcer-Thomas" When she walked into her condo she texted Denise and Janet and told them that she was home and safe, then added ok let's do it. Let's find me a date. Dating True to her word Gina met with Janet and Denise that Saturday and looked at various dating apps to build her profile. Janet, the lawyer wanted her to sign up on Bumble, because Bumble empowered women and it was women who instigated the first dating move. Gina didn't like Bumble. She wanted to be asked out on a date. Even as Mike she had a hard time asking out girls for date. Mike used to struggle with asking girls out on dates. He was grateful that many girls asked him out. Denise pushed Christian Mingle. Gina like this one. She had rediscovered her faith since becoming Gina. She had been going to church regularly and was involved in various ministries at church. The three women worked on building her profile that weekend. By Monday she had several connections and invites for dates. In the months that followed she would have many dates during the months that followed. Some were nice afternoon coffees. She would have lunch with some men. Walk along the beach, go hang gliding at Torrey Pines, or a visit to San Diego Zoo to name a few. The trip to the zoo with Travis was her favorite. Travis was a Marine Pilot stationed at Miramar. He would be her first repeat date. He would be her first kiss, her first physical intimacy- stopping just sort of intercourse. And she was falling in love in Travis. Sadly, Uncle Sam had other plans for Travis. Sam was given orders to Marine Corp Air Station Futenma in Okinawa. Travis and Gina both knew that they were not ready for a long-distance relationship. They reluctantly said goodbye and wished each other the best. After Travis's departure, Gina continued to date, but not as often. She would sometimes meet guys for coffee or lunch, no dinner dates as she was usually busy with work during Seal home stands. _____ During the off season the Seals had signed many players from Latin America and Central America. For many of these players Spanish was not just their primary language, it was their only language. In order to communicate with these players, the Seals hired a number of English/Spanish speaking translators. While this helped with functionality, it just didn't seem right to Gina. It seemed impersonal. Gina thought it would be so much better if she could speak with the players herself. She thought that the players would appreciate this gesture. It would tell them that they were important, and in return the players would be more productive and feel a part of the organization. ______ She tried to learn to Spanish in various ways, Rosetta Stone, and some online programs. These helped some, but not enough. She was looking for another way to learn Spanish. She found it in a place that had become more and more important to her life, church. One Sunday after worship service she was in the fellowship hall enjoying some refreshments when she overheard a conversation at the next table. A lady, Kirstin who was a member of the church, and about 15 years older than Gina was having a conversation with a visitor. Gina had met Kirstin a few times and knew she was a teacher, but she didn't know what she taught. She overheard Kirstin telling the visitor that she taught Spanish at the high school. Gina immediately joined the conversation. She introduced herself to Kirstin, her husband and three boys. They were excited when they learned what Gina did for the Seals. Their excitement increased when Gina promised them tickets to a game, and a behind the scenes tour at Petco Park. As the visiting family left, she asked Kirstin if she could speak to her for a few minutes. Kirstin listen to Gina's desire to learn Spanish. She told Gina that she would be happy to help her with this task. They would meet 2-3 times a week at Starbucks, Gina's townhome, or Kirstin's home. She made wonderful progress in learning Spanish. Her Spanish was improving at such a good rate that many of the Spanish Speaking players requested her when they had to deal with the Seal's management and administrative team, even for non-PR task. Gina enjoyed working with these players and she enjoyed the satisfaction that she got from being able to help these players and families adjust to the culture of the United States and Southern California. It wasn't too long before the wives of some of the players asked for Gina's help, with not only English, but how do you do everyday things, i.e go to a supermarket, find a pediatrician, enroll their children in school, etc. Gina was happy to help. She knew to be more effective and to help others she would need to increase her Spanish vocabulary and her Spanish speaking ability. She continued to meet with Kirstin on a weekly basis. As the school year was coming to a close Kirstin was becoming busier. She asked Gina if she would mind coming to the school to take her lessons. She happily agreed and she would always bring dinner for her and Kirstin. It was during her fourth visit with Kirstin at the school that something happened. Kirstin and Gina were getting ready to enjoy their meal when the school's baseball coach entered the room. He walked over to where Gina and Kirstin were sitting. "Gina this is our school's baseball coach and history teacher Nolan Reagan. Nolan this is my friend Gina Bailey." Gina stared at Nolan. She had never seen a more handsome man. He had dark hair, green eyes, and was tall and muscular. It was evident that he had been a player before he had become a coach. She was feeling things that she had never felt before. Travis had not been this attractive physically. After a couple of seconds Kirstin gave Gina a kick in the leg. Gina offered her hand and said, "Hi, nice to meet you" "Likewise." They talked for several minutes. Nolan was preparing to say good-bye. "Well I have to go to dinner. Too bad you already have food, otherwise I would invite the two of you to go with me." At that instant Kirstin "accidentally" sent Gina's dinner to the floor. "Oh no I am so sorry. Let me clean this up. Nolan why don't you go ahead and take Gina to dinner. I will treat." "No need to do that. It will be my honor. Gina would you go to dinner with me tonight?" "Well thank you for the invite it will be fun. Let me help Kirstin clean up and we will be on our way." Kirstin turned Gina around so that she was facing Nolan. "It was my fault I will clean it up." "Nolan, where are we going?" "There is a little Mexican restaurant a couple of miles from here. You can either follow me or leave your car here and ride with me." Before Gina could answer, Kirstin interjected "Gina could you ride with Nolan? I need to let my son take my car to get to youth group tonight. I am going to stay late to clean up. Let me borrow your car and I will pick you up." Gina agreed and handed Kirstin her keys. Minutes later she was in Nolan's car as they headed to Jose's Court Room for Dinner. Since Gina was in the passenger seat, she took the opportunity to send a text message to Kirstin. Gina: I know what you did Kirstin: I have no idea what you are talking about ;)lol Gina: Knocking my dinner to the floor, coming up with an excuse to borrow my car. You need to work on your acting skills. Kirstin: You know you are saying a lot. What I am not hearing is that you want to get out of this. Gina: Thank you :) Kirstin: You're welcome. Have Fun. I want details. _____ Kirstin waited for Gina to call to say she was on her way to pick up her car. Five hours after Gina left with Nolan Kirstin's cell alerted her that she had a text. It was Gina telling her that Nolan was giving her a ride home and she would call her tomorrow to pick her car up, she ended by saying, Oh by the way I am having a great time and thank you. ______ Gina was having a great time indeed. She and Nolan clicked. They found that they had lots in common. One of the most interesting things that Gina learned was that Nolan was a former minor league Catcher, he played a few years in the Mariners System before becoming a teacher and coach. Gina couldn't help but think about the special chemistry between catchers and pitchers, and for the first time but not the last, she wondered if that special chemistry was brewing between her and Nolan. After their very long dinner they got some ice cream and then took a seat on a bench where they looked out onto the moonlit ocean. They talked for another hour. Nolan got up to throw his empty ice cream cup to the trash, he took hers also. He came back offered his hand to pull her up. He said, "Let's go for a walk on the beach." "That would be fun." They started walking down to the coastline. Gina noticed that he had not let go of her hand. She made no attempt to pull her hand from his grasp. During their walk on the beach they talked a lot, but Gina couldn't remember what they talked about. All she remembered was that she was with Nolan. She was feeling and experiencing things that she had never experienced before. It wasn't just being with a man that was different, her previous dates and her three-month long relationship with Travis had exposed her to what it was like being with a man, and to be intimate with a man. No this was different. They walked along the water's edge holding their shoes in their hands, enjoying the warmth of the waves as they washed onto their feet. She was glad that she was wearing a skirt, and not jeans like she was originally going to wear. When Nolan stopped and turned around, so that their faces were facing, and then pulled closed and kissed her, parting her lips with his tongue, it was a different feeling, she loved this new feeling, she didn't know what it was, but it excited her and thrilled her and yes she did love what she was experiencing. Eventually they knew that they had to leave. Nolan asked, "Do you think Kirstin is still up, seeing how late it is?" "I doubt it. Why don't you drive me to my home and I will get my car tomorrow. I will text her and let her know." What he didn't know was that Gina had sent her text to Kirstin hours ago! As they drove to her townhome Gina fixed her lipstick and her hair. She was also thinking that if Nolan wanted to come into her townhome, she would let him. And if he wanted to make love to her, well a girl can dream. Again, she wondered wat was this feeling she was experiencing. It was greater than anything that she had experienced as Mike. They arrived at her townhome. Nolan got out and ran to the other side of the car to open her door. He grabbed her hand and they walked hand in hand to her front door. They both leaned in to say good night, with a good night kiss, a kiss that did not disappoint. As they kissed Gina decided to invite him inside. She broke the kiss log enough to ask, "Would you like to come in?" "I would love to, more than you know. But I have to teach class tomorrow morning. I have to get up in four hours lol. But I promise that I will call you tomorrow and we will get together this weekend." Gina and Nolan reluctantly said good night. She was thankful and glad that she didn't have to wake up in four hours. The Seals were on a road trip, she had the option to use one of her work from home days, which she was going to do. As she got undressed and ready for bed, she imagined getting undressed by Nolan. She also kept wondering what made tonight so special. At that moment her cell phone informed she had a text message. She looked at the phone even though it said unknown caller she knew it was from Thomas. Thomas: Why did you have fun tonight? Let me ask did you think about Mike tonight? There's your answer. She realized tonight was so special during her time with Nolan, Mike never entered her mind. She responded to Nolan, like a woman, like a woman who had born a woman and always been a woman. This had never happened to her before, not even with Travis. Meet The Parents True to their words Gina and Nolan got together the following weekend and many more nights and weeks. They looked forward to spending every minute together and longed for the other one when they were apart. One of the things that they bonded over was baseball. Nolan described that he was named Nolan because his dad was a huge Nolan Ryan fan. His dad used to hope that he would grow up and become a major league pitcher. Gina wondered what Nolan's dad would think about having a daughter-in- law (daughter-in-law she wondered where that came from?) who had pitched in the major leagues like Nolan Ryan. That was the last time she ever thought of Mike when she was with Nolan. At first Nolan was impressed and curious how she acquired so much knowledge about baseball. Then he remembered that she worked for a Major League Baseball team, duh! She also told him that her late father was a baseball coach. ***** The subject of her family history was always a sticky issue for Gina. Thomas had told her that her family has been killed in an auto accident. Most people accepted the story without question and moved on. Even Travis did not follow up on Gina's explanation of her family's tragedy. He just said that is too bad, and never mentioned it again. Looking back Gina wondered if that was a sign that they were not going to last. Gina eventually shared what happen to her family with Nolan. He hugged her and expressed his sympathy. They then cuddled with each other while they watched "Fever Pitch"-a movie that was becoming one of their favorites. Gina exhausted, fell asleep within the first 30 minutes. When she woke up Nolan had the USC-Notre Dame game on tv. When Nolan realized the she had woken up, he whispered, "Hey beautiful, how are you doing?" while he gently stroked her hair. She moaned a soft, "Good." He told her that he had read the articles about her family. He saw the picture of her dressed in black mourning her family. He told her how he had wished that he had been there to comfort her. "Can I see the story?" Nolan handed her his ipad. She looked at a picture of her that was taken a few years ago. As she looked at the photo many memories came back. She wished she had known this "imaginary" family. Once again, she couldn't help but be impressed by how Thomas took care of everything in regard to her transformation. ***** The more he learned about Gina the more he became impressed with her and the more he loved her. He told her that he admired the work that she was doing with the players who did not speak English as their primary language. Nolan shared tales of his time in minor league ball. He felt frustrated that clubs would bring all these players who had difficulty with the English language to the USA and neglect them. Gina supported Nolan's baseball coaching career. She went to as many home and away games as she could. It didn't take long before others noticed this dark-haired beauty who started showing up at games, who would spend a lot of time with the coach after the game. Many of the parents joked that they were happy that Nolan had a woman in his life. One of the reasons the parents were happy with Gina's presence was because of how much she had helped the team. She became a "surrogate" coach's wife. She would arrange club level tickets for family members who visited San Diego. Many of the players who Gina had helped volunteered to put on clinics for Nolan's players. And when a fundraiser was needed to raise money to go to a baseball tournament in Hawaii, those players not only made donations, but their wives put on bake sales and Mexican dinners at ball games. The Mexican dinners became so popular that they continued long after the fund raiser was over. It became a joke that people came for dinner and stayed to watch the game. _____ Their relationship blossomed. Nolan started visiting her church and got to know all of her friends. He visited her work and met all of her co- workers. Gina visited his school, knew his colleagues, players, and all the player's parents. There was another set of parents that Gina needed to meet, Nolan's parents. She flew down to Texas for Thanksgiving to meet Nolan's parents and family. This was a new experience for Gina, meeting the family that she was involved with. As Mike he never met the families of the girls he went out with, one reason was because he was only using them for sex. Second, he avoided entanglements at all cost. Most of her relations as Gina, while deeper and more genuine than Mike's relationships didn't last long enough to meet the parents. Even her longest relationship, with Travis never made it to the meet the parent stage. It was time to call Thomas. "Hello Gina. It has been awhile. You have been doing well in your new life. What can I help you with today?" "I am flying down to meet Nolan's family and I am nervous and scared." "Why are you scared and nervous?" "I have never met the parents of someone I have dated for starters. What if they realize I am not who I say I am?" "Who do you say you are?" "Gina" "That is who you are. You are a very beautiful woman. You are a woman in every sense possible. The only people who know about Mike are you and me. And I would recommend that you keep it that way." "I know that you are right. I just need that reassurance" "I am happy to provide the reassurance. Remember the times that you have enjoyed the most are the times that you let Mike go and just be Gina" "Why don't you remove Mike from my memory and DNA?" "Because there have been and there will be times when you will need Mike. You just need to learn how to keep Mike in hibernation until you need him. Have fun in Texas. Let Nolan's family see the beautiful woman who loves their son. ***** Mike took the holiday off and Nolan's families saw 100% Gina. Nolan's dad Darren was awed by her job with the Seals. He loved hearing the behind the scenes stories of Major League Baseball. Nolan's mom, Dianne was impressed with the work she was doing with helping the players and their wives learn English and American culture. Dianne developed a greater fondness for Gina when she shared how her parents and siblings died in a tragic accident, the same story she had shared with Nolan. By this time Gina was comfortable with sharing the story. She even took out her iPhone and shared a link to the story with Dianne. Gina and Dianne had a good laugh when Gina shared how they met, especially when Gina described how Kirstin "accidentally" knocked her dinner to the floor. By the end of their visit, Dianne had bonded with Gina so much that she was tempted to send a thank you note to Kirstin. ***** The holidays flew by quickly for Gina and Nolan. New Year's Day was special. Texas A&M was playing in the Rose Bowl against Gina's Alma Mater the University of Washington. Through her connections with the Seals Gina was able to get tickets to the Rose Bowl Parade and Game for her & Nolan and Nolan's family. Nolan & Gina rang in New Year's with a kiss at Midnight in front of the Wrigley Mansion. Darren & Dianne enjoyed a New Year's Eve Celebration at the Valley Hunt Club. They were grateful to Gina for obtaining tickets for this exclusive event. They were growing fonder of her each day. They all enjoyed the parade. For three and a half quarters the Texas clan enjoyed the game, until the Huskies scored three touchdowns in the last five minutes of the game to win 24-21. Gina was a good sport she only rubbed it on Nolan's family for 30 minutes. Prior to the game Nolan was wondering if he should root for his alma mater or root for his girlfriend's school. Gina told him she expected him to root for the Aggies, as she doesn't like traitors! This was one more thing that told Nolan that she is a keeper. Second Thoughts Before long it was time to start another baseball season. Gina was excited about all the things going on in her life. The Seals were disappointed that she had not left the organization to start her law practice. However, a future in law and the upcoming baseball season would have to wait, thanks to Nolan On the eve of opening day, Nolan and Gina had an early nice dinner in La Jolla. After the meal Nolan suggested that they go to Mount Soledad so that they could watch the sun set over the Pacific Ocean. The couple watched the last bits of daylight disappear while Nolan stood behind Gina with his arms around her. With only a few minutes of daylight remaining, Nolan turned Gina around so that they were facing each other. He got down on one knee and asked Gina to marry him. Gina was surprised and delighted with Nolan's proposal. She jumped up and down and said yes and cried when he slid the ring on her finger. Nolan's family and their friends were thrilled with the announcement of their engagement. And for a few days Gina was thrilled also. Then something happened, something she could never explain. She got scared. She wondered if she could really be wife and eventually a mother? She knew that this was always a possibility when she became Gina, and at times she had wanted both. But now the possibility seemed more than a possibility. It seemed like a definite reality. Gina wanted to talk to someone, but who could she talk to? Who would understand? Who would believe her? She could talk to Thomas, but would he understand? Did he have the experience of living both genders? Gina concluded that Thomas could help her only in an academic sense. He couldn't relate to Gina on an emotional level Gina kept up good front. Nolan didn't suspect that his fianc? was having second thoughts. However, she wasn't sure how long she could hide her fears from Nolan. She knew that she needed to do something or else her engagement to her true love was over. Nolan's school was beginning their Spring break. This meant that he would be away for a week at a tournament in Salt Lake City. Gina knew this was her best opportunity to get help. She prayed, she asked Thomas to visit. She understood that he couldn't help her completely because he really couldn't relate to her and what she was experiencing. Previously when she had called out to Thomas, he appeared to her within a day. It was now Sunday and exactly one week from when she had first reached out to him. Gina was shocked that there had been no response. She was still conflicted, and she knew that she needed to go to church. She entered her church and discovered that they had guest pastor in the pulpit. The contrast between the regular pastor and guest pastor was noticeable in their ages. The visiting pastor and his wife had a young child and his wife was pregnant with another child. They were a beautiful family. After the service Gina was in the women's room by herself when the wife of the visiting pastor entered the room. Gina asked the Pastor's wife "How old is she and how far along are you?" "She is two and a half and I am five months along with her baby brother." "You know you are having a boy?" "Not officially, but I just know," she said with a smile. For the next minute there was silence. The pastor's wife took care of her daughter while Gina looked through her makeup bag for a lip brush. The silence was broken when the pastor's wife asked Gina, "Do you miss being Mike?" Gina dropped her bag into the sink and had to use the sink to keep from falling to her knees. Gina meets Beth. You may want to read some of my previous story "Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister" to get some background on the characters in this chapter ****** "Be careful there.I am the one everyone should be worried about fainting.We have only a couple of minutes to be alone.My name is Beth and Thomas sent me to help you.My husband, Aaron has meetings with church leaders this afternoon.I will give you the address where we are staying, come over this afternoon and we can chat while Martha Anne takes a nap" ***** The minutes crawled for Gina as she waited until it was time to meet Beth.She wondered about Beth.Who was she?She knew about Mike. She knew about Thomas.Was she an angel like Thomas? Why did Thomas send her instead of coming himself?" Gina arrived just as Beth was putting Martha Anne down for her nap. They fixed some refreshments and sat out on the deck. Beth began, "I am guessing you have lots of questions." "How do you know about Mike and Thomas, are you an angel like Thomas?" "No, I am not an angel.I know about Mike because Thomas informed me about your prior life as Mike.I know about Thomas because I used to be a guy named Ken and Thomas changed me into who I am today." "I didn't know that there was anyone else's like me. How old were you when you became the new you?" "I was a sophomore in college, almost the same age as you." "What made you change? Did you always want to be a girl?" Beth went on to explain how becoming a girlenabled her to a avoid criminal prosecution and a second chance at a fulfilled life.She added that being a girl was never something that she had desired, but there was no way that she would go back to her old male self. "What made you want to be a girl? Gina told Beth how it started with Mike's mom forcibly dressing him as a girl, evolving to wanting to pretend to be a girl, He then told her about the night in San Francisco and his initial visit with Thomas "It sounds like you got your wish. What is the problem?" "Why do you say there is a problem?" "You called for Thomas and people only call him when they have a problem." "That's another thing. Why did he send you-not that there is anything wrong with you-but why didn't he come?" "Apparently you thought that Thomas couldn't relate to you and you thought there was nobody else who could relate to your experience, being both genders." Gina thought this over. "I did think those thoughts. Tell me how many people are there like us, you know who have been both a man and a woman?" "I don't know the exact number, but I do know that you are unique. Most people who switch genders have to. For you it was a wish that was granted." "I will admit it was what I wanted. I will also admit there have been things that I did not expect." "Well that is true of everything. Before we get to far off track, tell me why you wanted Thomas's help?" "I have been dating a guy named Nolan for almost two years. He recently asked me to marry him." "That's great or is it!?" "Well it was at first. But then I got scared." "Scared of what?" "Being a wife and mother. When I used to dream about being a woman, I dreamt about wearing fancy clothes, acting feminine. I never pretended to be a wife or mother." "Well that is a big part of being a woman. I am a wife and mother all the time, but I seldom wear sexy clothes! What worries you about being a wife and mother?" "I am not sure I can do either." "What you are experiencing is perfectly normal for ALL women, even those who were born women. You and I also fall into that category. We are 100% women. Every woman goes into a marriage and pregnancy wondering if she can do it. I can tell you that I was scared and worried. But my prayers, friends, family, and church gave me the strength and confidence that I needed." "Thank you, that helps me." "I can tell you that when I held Martha Anne in my arms for the first time nothing felt more right or more natural, and it was one of my happiest moments." "I would love to talk to you again, is that possible?" "I would have to talk to Thomas about that. In the meantime pray, talk to your friends. I have to get myself and Martha Anne ready, Aaron is coming over and we are going out to eat. Gina knew that was her cue to leave. On The Road Again. Following her conversation with Beth, Gina was felling more confidant and upbeat about her wedding. She reminded herself that Mike was another person, and Gina was 100 % woman. This fact was firmly established when she walked into a bridal shop to try on dresses during a Seals road trip in San Francisco. When she tried on the Galina Signature Beaded Brocade Mermaid Wedding Gown and saw herself in the mirror, Mike was history! She never gave being a woman a second thought. She never felt more feminine than she did in that dress. The $1500 price tag didn't deter her from wanting it. She figured that she was going to save money anyway because she would be dieting until the day of her wedding! The trip to San Francisco wasn't all fun. It was her turn to represent the front office on this trip. Being the only office person on the trip meant that she had lots of work to do. She was hearing things from some of the players that told her that this trip would not be pleasant work. In a sense of irony this trip to San Francisco would be the trip where the veterans make the rookies dress as women as part of their hazing into Major League Baseball. When Gina first heard about the hazing on this trip, she was conflicted. On one hand it wouldn't affect her, and she had benefitted from the last time she was on a hazing trip. She also knew that most players found this ritual fun, well most American born players found it fun. One of the most noticeable trends in MLB was that it was becoming more and more an international game. There were now not only players from Latin America, but there many players from Asia. These players did not find this ritual so enjoyable. They found it humiliating and degrading. During the last couple of years Gina had earned the trust of the Latin America players. These players told the Asian players about her and they ended up trusting her also, which is why it wasn't asurprise when these two groups came to Gina on the last day of the road trip. Acoupleof the veterans knew what was being planned and they knew thatsome of the rookies were already agitated about what was awaiting them after the game. Pedro Hernandez and Jan Le decided to approach Gina with the concerns of the AsianAmerican and Latin America rookies and veterans. Pedro and Jan both had gonethrough this hazing during their rookie year and they did not like it, they only wentthroughthe hazing because they felt they had no choice, or a voice to protest. Now things were different. They were everyday players with some clout and in Gina theybelieved that they had a voice. Gina listened to Pedro and Jan. On one hand she knew this was a long- honored baseball tradition that all players had to go through, and the rookieswere going to have to endure it just like Pedro did, like Jan did, like she did as Mike. She remembered that night when as Mike she was humiliated. Remembering that night brought back many hurtful memories. She decided if she could help it, no one would have to experience that shame and humiliation. Even before Pedro and Jan came and spoke to her, she was alreadyexperiencing somenervousflashbacks. The veteran players, led by her old and currentnemesis Al Murcer, had told her what was planned for tonight and that they would need her to help any of the players who were struggling with putting on women's clothing. She was hoping for a way out. After a couple of minutes of thinking she decided to fight back. She told Pedro and Jan."It is time for me to put my law degree to use. Tell your rookies to trust me and just do what I say tonight. Tell them to go into the locker room after the game as normal. I am going to make some calls and I will come up with a plan. Also tell your guys tokeep this quiet." ***** Gina immediately went to work. She called one of her classmates, who was now a partner in one of the largest law firms in San Diego that specialized in LBGTQ rights. After a few minutes ofcatching up with Matt she got to the point. She told Matt what was going on and asked what she should do. Matt said that he was going to pull one of thesenior partners in to help him. "Do you really think one of yoursenior partners will want to help with this?" "Are you kidding? Eric has been looking for a high-profile case, and this could be it. Give me a half hour and I will call you back." ****** The 3o minutes seemed like 30 hours. Right on time Gina's cell phonerang. It was Matt with the firm's Senior Partner Eric Schultz. Eric took over the conversation. He told Gina whatshe needed to do. First, she needed the players to retain her as their attorney. Second, they would send her a statement that she would need to readwhen theplayers objected to participating in the hazing ritual. Eric gave Gina his cell phone number and told her that he would be standing by. ***** The Seals beat the Giants 4-1. The players poured into the locker room thinking that they would be packing to head home, to have some fun with the rookies, and looking forward to their off day the next day. They had no idea they were walking into a storm. The rookies saw that their clothes had been replaced with women's clothes. They immediately went to Pedro and Jan, who summoned Gina into the locker roomPedro spoke for the group. "We have summoned her into the locker roombecause we, all the Hispanic and Asian players have retained her as our attorney." Murcer responded, "What do you mean you hired an attorney?" As arranged, Gina spoke for the rookies. "Gentleman my clients have retained me because they do not wish to participate in this activity of being forced to dress in women's clothes." "Come on Pedro, are you going to let her speak for you?" Gina continued, "Excuse me Mr. Murcer, at this time I must request that you speak only to me, I am speaking on behalf of my clients." Some of the other veterans saw that this situation had the potential to explode and they tried to get Murcer to back off an forget the ritual. Murcer wouldn't listen, he only became more determined. "Look this is nothing personal, it is just a fun ritual. Something that has been in MLB for as long asthere has been major league baseball." Gina ignored Murcer and addressed herclients."Gentleman, do you wish to participate in this traditional activity of rookies dressing as women on the flight home?" All of them said no. Sheturned to Murcer and asked"Is there anything in their contracts that states they must participate in this ritual?" Murcer feeling a mixture of defeat and anger replied, "No." "Then I must request that this activity cease. Failure to comply will constitute a denial of my client's civil rights, and civil and criminal proceedings may be initiated. In addition, I demand that my client's clothes and personal belongings be returned to themimmediately. If these items are not returned to my clients, I will have no choice but to call the San Francisco Police Department and file a complaint. Finally, you should know that I am working with the law firm of Schultz, Bryant, and Gomez and they are assisting me in this matter." Hearing the mention of Schultz, Bryant, and Gomez did not sit well with many of the veteran players. This firm was well known to everyone in San Diego. They were well knownbecause of theiractivism, and because they did not hesitate to fight their battles publicly. None of the players wanted to be associated in any way with any case that involved Schultz, Bryant, and Gomez. They begindemanding that Murcer end this now. ***** Murcer wouldn't back down. He became more determined. He foundhimself not onlyopposing the rookies and Gina, he now was battling the otherveterans, who were directing the clubhouseattendants to return the rookies clothes. While all of this was going on the Seals Manager Reggie Marks was in touch with the Seals Front Office. They were not pleased with what they were hearing. They were equally frustrated with Gina and Murcer, they weren't sure who they should blame forthis fiasco, but that was all forgotten when they heardthat Schultz, Bryant, and Gomez were involved. They told Marks to immediately bring Murcer into the manager's office, and he was told in no uncertain terms that this hazing activity was over for the night." ***** The rookies and the Hispanic & Asian veterans were in a celebratory mood as they left for the airport. The other veterans, except Murcer, were relieved that they were on their way home without an incident. Murcer was visibly angry. Pedro and Jan saw his anger, and they directed their rookies to surround Gina and form a buffer around her while on the plane and as she walked to her car. While Gina drove away, the other 24 players approached Murcer told him that nothing had better happen to her. The Fight Continues and Mrs. Nolan Reagan Some of the Seals were hoping that the incident in San Francisco would blow over and that things would return to normal. They were to be disappointed. The law firm that Gina had partnered with had no intention of letting things go back to normal. With Gina's blessing the rookies retained Schultz, Bryant, and Gomez. The firm partnered with other firms in other cities who were active in LGBTQ issues. Before long it became a national story that had made its way to the desk of the MLB commissioner. The commissioner debated with his advisors on what action he should take, if any. In addition to his inner circle, he was hearing from many retired players and veterans from other teams who saw nothing wrong with the practice, it was just good fun and a way of welcoming players to the major leagues. He heard from many fans who thought that the rookies were overreacting, and that this was just another example of political correctness going too far. The media began championing the rookies cause, stating that this was not only degrading to the rookies, it was an insult to the LBGTQ community. They were saying that it was time to end this practice. The media and the activist made things more difficult for the commissioner. LBGTQ activist in every major league city organized protest before every MLB game. Sadly, in some instances these protests led to someconfrontations with fans that became physical and ended up on the front page and not the sports page. Even with all of this negative publicity the commissioner was hesitant to take any action. Thevoice that he was payingattention to was that of his fans, and they were fine with the practice. In addition, hedidn't like giving in to protestors. For a while it seemed like the fight was stalled. Then Gina came up with an idea. Gina persuaded the law firms that they should add one more element to the protest. Not only was the practice ofdressing up as women degrading to those in the LGBTQcommunity, it was also degrading to women. When the women's groups join the protest at MLB games, andthreatened to boycott MLB-an act that MLB feared wouldmean thatfamilies would be boycotting games-MLB folded. Theyannounced that MLB was immediately banning the practice of having players dress up as women, and by extension they were ending all forms of hazing. ***** The Seals fans, players, and management accepted MLB decision of ending the hazing practice, but not all were happy with the decision. Some blamed Gina for what happened, saying she stuck her nose where itdidn't belong. Some of the Seal management even began looking into a way of terminating her from her employment. MLB got word of this and told the Seals to take no action whatsoever against Gina. Reluctantly the Seals let the matter drop. ***** One of the players whodidn't want to let matters drop was Al Murcer. He was embarrassed that he was beat by the rookies and that he was being treated as a bigot by the media. He blamed Gina for ending the practice since she was the one who hadreached out to Schultz, Bryant, and Gomez. Al was angry with Gina for what happen in San Francisco. Hebelieved that she had went to the players and organized them to protest-even though the players told him it was their idea. He was angry that her actionwas changing the culture in MLBlocker rooms. He was angrywith Gina for rejecting his sexual advances twice, and for getting him suspended for a week after the first time he had an encounter with her. Hewanted revenge. However, he was told in no uncertain terms that he was to have no interaction with Gina. This came from his agent, his attorney, the Seals, Major League Baseball, and his fellow players. Murcer wisely let things go, but he vowed that one day he would make her pay. ***** Murcer mayhave had a hardtime moving on, Ginadidn't. She used the recent events as an opportunity to reconnect with the legal community. She wondered how shecouldbest use her law degree. She had no desire towork 100 hours a week, like she would have to in corporate law firms. She wondered how she could combine her passions of baseball, helping others, and her faith with her law degree. All of that would have to wait. She had decided that she had waited long enough to marry Nolan. The plan was that she would rent a tux for Nolan, pick up her dress, invite Kirstin and her husband to join them in Las Vegas for a private weddingceremony. Well that was the plan until her conversation with Beth. Beth had told her how she and Aarongotten married in a privateceremony without their friends and families. Beth told her that it had really hurt their families and if shehad it to doagain she would have made sure that their families had been present. On a beautiful June Monday, that was an off day for the Seals, Gina and Nolan were married aboard a yacht off theCalifornia Coast. The yacht was a gift from the Hispanic and Asian players of the Seals. They rented the yacht as a present for Gina, a way of saying thanks for all that she haddone for them. Theyacht was big enough for Nolan'sfamily, theirfriends, and members of the Seals andtheir families. Pedro's wife Malissa and some ofthe other wives of the Hispanic players took over the reception. They decorated the ship for a festive party. They joked that they had always wanted to throw a Quinquennia on a ship! When Gina joked that she wasn't Hispanic, but Italian they retorted we think you can pass for a Latina princess! "Besides from what you have told us, you never had any celebrations likethis when you weregrowing up." Gina enjoyed every minute of the day. She felt love and acceptance in volumes andquantity that she had never felt before. The only thing her happier was knowing that she was now Mrs. Nolan Reagan. Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 16 Murcer Strike 3 As soon as MLB announced their new hazing policy, Gina began to ponder her next career move. She was proud of the part she had played in this decision. She now wondered what was her next career move? She felt that it was time to move on from baseball, at least from working in the front office. She knew that she neededto talk to Nolan, but she felt that she should check in with Thomas one more time. Gina was sitting in the I-5 afternoontraffic when she asked Thomas to visit her. Beforeshe knew it he was sitting in the passenger seat of her car."Congratulations on your marriage and for ending the hazing practice of having players dress up as women." "Thank you for the congrats on my marriage and I should thankyou for sending Beth to talk to me. I would have never gotten married had she not given me the confidence. As for the hazing, Ican't take credit I played a small part." "You are welcome for Beth. She has become an incredible woman. While the decision to end the hazing practice was acorporategroup decision, it would never had been made had you not started the spark and had earnedthe trust of many players. What can I help you with?" "I want to leave my job with the Seals. But Idon't know what to do next?" "Gina I can't tell you what to do. I can tell you that you are free to do anything you want. Your only requirement is that you need to help others. You have been given tools to accomplish whatever you want. You have the life experiences of Mike and Gina, plus you now possess a law degree. Anddon't forget about your trust fund. I am sure if you use all of these gifts you will find a way tohelp many." Justlikethat Thomas was gone. She called Nolan and said, "Let's go to Jose's Court for dinner tonight." She wanted him to be relaxed when she told him her plans. *** "I want to quit to my job." Nolan heardthese words from Gina just as he wasfinishing his first margarita. Nolan wasn'tsurprised to hear that his wife wanted to quit her job. He knew that she had been unhappy for awhile. But he thought her attitude had changed after she won the victory that ended the rookiehazing. "Well you know Iwillsupport you in no matter what you do. But why do you want to quit?" "So many reasons. Let's start with the latest battle, when I was able to stop therookie hazing. I am proud that I played a part, but I feel that I have worn out my welcome." "I am sure some of the old vets are disappointed that the tradition is gone. But I can tell you that many players are happy to see itended. Newer generation of players felt that it was stupid and demeaning. I can tell you that if I had made it to the Majors I was dreading having to wear a dress. What do you want to do next?" "I want to use my law degree, but Idon't want to be a corporate lawyer. I want regular hours, I want thefreedom to choose myclients, my cases, and my causes. I know you are worried about money, but my trust fund will buy us a larger home, we can pay off both cars and we will still millions left over." Nolan realized that Gina had made up her mind and there was no turning back. He simply replied,"I love you and you aregoing to be the greatest lawyer ever. I can't wait to see what cases you take on in your new career. *** Gina had one more fight with Major League Baseball that she would take on before she moved on to a full-time legal career. Before she went on the road trip to San Francisco, several of the women in the office told Gina that the reason they didn't want to travel with the team was because of Murcer. Apparently, he had a practice of trying to get the traveling staff to have sex with him. Sadly, a couple of women admitted that they did have sexual relations with him, but that they felt pressured to have sex with him, and it sounded like Murcer wasn't the only playerguilty of this. Gina wondered how many other women in the Seals office had been pressured to have sexwith the players. How many women have left the Seals to avoid Murcer and the other players whothought that the women in the office existed for their sexual pleasure. The Seals were just one of 34 teams. It was highly probable thatthis environment existed in all the other Majorleague Teams offices. Gina begin to discreetly contact women that she knew from MLB through theirprivate email accounts, or find a woman on social media who currently or previously worked for MLB and contact them through Facebook messenger, Marco Polo, Google Hangouts, Linked Messenger, etc. In one day, Gina heard from 129 women, who currently worked in MLB or had worked in MLB offices. These 129 women stated that they have had to deal with sexualharassment from players. By the end of the week that number had grown to over 300. For Gina this was herthird encounter with Murcer, and as far as she was concerned it was three strikes and he's out. Shedecided that there was no way she was going to keepsilent, the hell with her job. ***** MLB and the Seals wererelieved and happy that Gina turned in her resignation. But thatrelief andexhilaration only lasted 30 minutes. Gina drove right from the Seals Office to the local ABC affiliate wherea press conference was being set up. Waiting for Gina at the station were the Sr. Partners of Schultz, Bryant, and Gomez. Gina had lessthan five minutes to get ready before she was on the air. Local TV Host Tami Sewell introduced Eric Schultz. Schultz took over the conversation from there. He first introduced his co senior partners, and then he introduced thefirm's newest associate, Gina Reagan. Eric rehashed how Gina had been instrumental in ending the hazing practice of having rookies dress up as women. During that battle Gina had shown the firm how LBGTQ issues were intwined with some women's issues. Eric paused and lookedinto the camera and announced that today his firm was beginning the fight against Major League Baseball to end sexualharassment in all majorleague baseball clubs. Eric went on to explainhow they had partnered with firms in all Major league cities and they had collectedaffidavits from over 1,000 women who are currentemployees or former employees in major league baseball clubs. These women all swore under oath about their sexualharassment experiences. In their fight to end sexualharassment in baseball they were boycotting Major League Baseball and their advertisers until women could feel safe from sexual harassment in Major League Baseball. They wanted MLB to set up a safe reportingsystem, independent from MLB where women could report harassment and have their claims investigated by a 3rd party. *** MLB saw the writing on the wall and quickly made some changes. They hired an outside firm where sexual harassment claimscould be reported andinvestigated in a timely fashion. Theyestablished policies that provided a 10 game suspension, without pay, for any player found guilty of sexualharassment and banned from MLB if they were found to have committed multiple claims of sexual harassment. Epilogue and End Notes Gina spent several years as an Associate at Schultz, Bryant & Gomez-She had no desire for the partner track. Her experience at the firm gave her the financial security to pursue the causes that she was passionate about. She had dreamt about being a lawyer who fought for the poor, helpingthose whocouldn't helpthemselves. During her time in MLB and at the firm, Gina had earned the trust of many in the MLB community especially women and minority baseball players. Word had spread among players in the Latin America andAsian communities that Gina was a woman who could be trusted and she truly cared for you and your family. Many players retained her as their lawyer. Gina expanded thetransition services that she had provided to Seals players to include all MajorLeague players. The security she received from her clients enabled her to take up the following causes: A little league imposed huge fees for players whodidn't live within the city limits. The fees proved to be a deterrent to children from lower incomefamilies, most who were single mother headedfamilies. Gina led a fund-raising effort to establish an endowment that would build several fields for littleleague baseball and would be open to all even those who could not afford to pay. This league would produce great fruit, 21 major league players would come from this league. ***** A single divorced mom wanted to coach her son's little league teams. She was told that she couldn'tbecause she wasn't qualified, even though she had been an all-star softball player in college. Gina took her case and her client was able to coach her son's team. She would continue tocoach for 10 years after her son quit playing. During that time she would coach two future major league players. *** A talented softball player wanted the opportunity to play baseball. She believed thatplaying baseball would give her more opportunities forscholarships and she wanted to be atrailblazer. Gina won the right for her to play baseball. This young woman won ascholarship to play baseball in college, where she earned her MBA. She is now on track to become one of MLB firstfemale general managers. *** It wasn't all baseball for Gina. She and Nolan would go on to enjoy many more years together. Shewould become the mother oftwo daughters and one son. Her oldest daughter, Samantha, was an excellent athlete. She won a couple of CIF Tennis Championships and went to Pepperdine where she won an NCAA Championshipbefore moving on to the pro tour. Many of her coaches remarked how Samantha's serve wassimilar to a baseball pitcher. Gina felt some pride knowing she had passed some things on to her daughter. Gina also enjoyed watching her son Marco play baseball. He was a star pitcher on his school team. Marco reminded Gina of Mike when he was on the mound. She took pride in watching Marco move from little leaguetohigh school. LikeMike, Marco attracted both college and professional scouts. Both Nolan & Gina agreed that college was the best track for him. He would go on to play for Stanford and signed, to his dad's delight, with the Rangers. Whenever Gina watched Marco pitch she would alwaysreflect on the times she would show Marco that she knew how to throw a fast ball and a curve ball. Although she did not have the speed and power of Mike, Marco was still impressed at how well his mom could throw a baseball. Despite seeing physical traits of his old male self in her two oldest children, it would bewith her youngest child Lindsay that she would bond with the most. Lindsay had no athletic ability, andshelookedmore like her dad than her mom. What brought Gina and Lindsay together was the theater, music, and the arts. Gina had never been exposed to the arts as Mike. His mom never cared about the arts. She was happy having "four tomboys." None of Mike's sisters were interested in music, plays or any of the other fine arts. The first play that Gina would ever see was when she saw Lindsay play the role of Belle in Beauty and The Beast. She was hooked on the theater. She saw Lindsay play Liesel one year and the following year Maria in Sound of Music. At Christmas Lindsay played Julie in WhiteChristmas. Lindsay and Gina would go to many plays, ballets, and operas together. Mother anddaughter would make an annual trip to New York to catch a play on Broadway and spend acoupleof days in the city. Gina enjoyed all of these ventures with Lindsay, but they were bittersweet. As Mike she never had the opportunity toparticipate in plays, music, etc. Shecouldn't help but wonder if she had been born Gina, she would have enjoyed playing all the roles that Lindsay had performed, and she knew she would have been good atperforming. *** Decades after Mikebecame Gina, Gina was in her bed surrounded by her three children, and a dozen grandchildren; her beloved Nolan had already passed on. The family wasconstantly relaying to Gina all the accolades that were coming in from variousmembers of the baseball community. Several Little League Organizations from around the country informed the family thatthey were renaming their fields Gina Reagan Memorial Field. Many of the players that Gina had helped over the years announced that they had endowed baseball scholarships in her name at many colleges. Gina was proud of all these accolades, but the ones that thrilledherthe most were the endowmentsthat had been established in her name to help women earn their MBA and/or law degrees and who planned on going into baseball in leadership positions. Gina realized that she had done more for baseball andmade more positive changes as Gina than she ever did as Mike. As she drew her final breath the last sound she would hear was her son's ring tone, "Take Me Out ToThe Ball Game." Baseball Player to Baseball Wife-End Notes I published this story on this site and one other TG site. Between the two sites I have received a number of comments and questions, which I will try to answer, and share some of my thoughts. How did I start writing on these sites? I write as a hobby on other fiction sites, mostly romantic stories. Several years ago my brother was struggling with his sexual identity, or I should say he begin going public with his struggles. He told me about these sites and how he wished there were stories about being reborn as a fully functional female, as this was his dream. I told him that I would do some research and try to write some. I went to this site and similar sites to get some ideas. I discovered some things: Many authors do not finish their stories. This is a disappointment, as I read a number of stories that I enjoyed but were not finished. Often the last submission from the author was over three years ago. I decided I would not publish any stories unless they were finished. Although I am debating about one story I am writing where I might break this rule. Another thing that I noticed about many of the TG stories is that they lean heavily on physical body changes. I have learned that many of the stories on these sites are written by men, which probably explains why many of the female characters have DD breast are larger. I do not know why guys think a woman would want extra-large breast but trust me guys if you had to walk around with those things you wouldn't want them! LOL. I wanted to avoid making the story about physical changes and focus on the emotional and life changes of being a woman. In this story I tried to do that. Mike discovers that there is more to being a woman than wearing feminine clothes. He has to deal with guys harassing him, unwelcomed sexual advances, and some cases sexual assaults. Mike/Gina also experienced disparity in the workplace, ie the way players are treated by the club during spring training versus the way women employees are treated by the club during spring training. Another common question, where do these stories come from? Gina's stories come from several sources. I once worked for a professional sports team, and Gina's experiences are a composite of the stories of many women that I have known who have worked for professional sports teams. Many may not realize this, there are many people who work behind the scenes on professional teams, and some cases college athletic departments, and the overwhelming majority of these employees are women. Seeing how the majority of those who hold the power in these organizations are men, you can see the potential problems. Mike and Nolan's experiences are composites of many players that I have known, and none of them made it to MLB. The same with Murcer, his actions are also composites of many people. In all cases I have gone to great lengths to make sure that the original person cannot be identified. My first story on these sites was "From Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister" (yes I had ideas for many From...... type stories, most I have abandoned :) lol). It took me years to write that story. I wrote it during and between two pregnancies. I wrote this story during one pregnancy, I seem to do my most productive writing when I am pregnant! I have some ideas for future stories on these sites, but I want to focus on my passion of writing non tg romantic stories. Not sure how many more tg stories I will write. Another frequent question concerns my interjection of faith into my stories. My faith is important to me, however I realize that many in the LBGTQ community have not been welcome by some churches. These churches are the minority, and it has been my experience that most churches are welcoming. God & Jesus loves all, He is God of all. Jesus condemned adultery, stealing, lying, not honoring your parents, etc. He never spoked out against homosexuality despite what some in church community might think. God welcomes all. I want to thank all of you for reading and for your comments. Please email me @ [email protected] with any questions or comments.

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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 10

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The Player Chapter 1

Beth and her husband Brad are cleaning up after a party they have hosted. The guests were a mixture of co-workers from both Brad and Beth's workplaces. All of the guests are gone and they face the unenviable task of putting things back in order.Beth is an elegant five-seven with auburn hair done up in a bob. She has a trim figure kept in shape at the gym. She is twenty-eight. For their party she is fetchingly dressed in a figure-hugging black cocktail dress with spaghetti straps. It has a...

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The Star Player

"Hey! Mikey!" Sammy shouted across the street. "Are you coming tonight?"Mikey waved and then quickly ran across the street. "Hi, Sammy. How's your summer going?" he asked. "Enjoying the rest?"Sammy had been the star player in the reserves team last season. At only eighteen years of age, she was stepping up to the first team this term. Mikey had taken over coaching the first team last season when they were rock bottom, rooted to the foot of the table. Through some daring tactics and some blind...

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This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife

This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife. As I left off my wife had come to grips with her friend and husband having a cuckold marriage. Bonnie certainly did not approve but did not want to loose a good friend. Some weeks past before they talked. Sharon asked if my wife was freaked out about everything. Bonnie told her that what she and her husband did was between them and she was not going to pass judgement. They continued with their friendship as normal. A month had passed and Sharon...

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How my wife became a HotwifePart 2

This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife. As I left off my wife had come to grips with her friend and husband having a cuckold marriage. Bonnie certainly did not approve but did not want to loose a good friend. Some weeks past before they talked. Sharon asked if my wife was freaked out about everything. Bonnie told her that what she and her husband did was between them and she was not going to pass judgement. They continued with their friendship as normal. A month had passed and Sharon...

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Youre the Wife Now What if Magic Wasnt Real complete

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4 years ago
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The story of how my wife became a Hotwife

These series of articles was from my previous Xhamster page. I have copied them over and will continue the series to bring it up to present day.When my wife first met Dr, Sharon C. it was her first day at work. Sharon was an orthopedic surgeon and my wife was her new assistant. Sharon was your typical doctor...driven, confident, and the boss. My wife was more nurturing and had a better bed side manner. They were opposites but the made it work. They did share a lot of interests and became good...

2 years ago
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The story of how my wife became a Hotwife and foun

When my wife first met Dr, Sharon C. it was her first day at work. Sharon was an orthopedic surgeon and my wife was her new assistant. Sharon was your typical doctor...driven, confident, and the boss. My wife was more nurturing and had a better bed side manner. They were opposites but the made it work. They did share a lot of interests and became good friends. We had hung out with Sharon and her husband Jake many times. Sharon's bitchiness wore on my wife. Bonnie would constantly say she was...

1 year ago
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How my wife became a Hotwife Part 4

Where we left I was relaying the story told to me by my wife of just what happened in that fateful afternoon when Bonnie almost instantly changed from a wife and mother to a Hotwife in need of cock. She was being seduced by Hank...Hank is an older gentleman who seems to have the power to turn women into insatiable whores. He did this exact thing to my wife, and she has never been happier. As with part 3...this part was told to me as well by my wife some two weeks after the event. Bonnie had...

3 years ago
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How my wife became a Hotwife Part 4

Where we left I was relaying the story told to me by my wife of just what happened in that fateful afternoon when Bonnie almost instantly changed from a wife and mother to a Hotwife in need of cock. She was being seduced by Hank...Hank is an older gentleman who seems to have the power to turn women into insatiable whores. He did this exact thing to my wife, and she has never been happier. As with part 3...this part was told to me as well by my wife some two weeks after the event. Bonnie had...

4 years ago
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Conservative Indian Wife Turned Hotwife

My name is Ajit, and this incident is about 4 years Ago revolves around my friend Aniruddha (34) his hotwife Anushka (31) (Names are Changed). They were both happily married couples from Mumbai for about 4 years with no children. Let’s call my friend Ani. He is a Chartered Accountant who loves his job and is a caring family man. He was the happiest and optimistic guy I knew of. He was there for his friends and family and was always sweet and kind to everyone. He and Anushka were dating since...

2 years ago
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The Bass Player ch1

A chair smashes against the wall in the other room as my father tells my mother she's worthless whore. I slide the window up and step into the night. With a final look back I walk down the street. I make my way out of town, and start walking towards the nearest major city. After plodding along for a couple hours I see headlights in front pass me by, before they turn around and pull up behind me. "Mer' kid" the man calls out at me. Turning around I walk towards the driver’s side....

1 year ago
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11th Grade Chris the Player

“Hurry up! Or you’ll be late for school!” I roused myself from my deep slumber and wiped the sleep from my eyes. The rising sun cast a warm beam of light onto my blanket, warming me, and tempting me to drift back to sleep. To keep myself awake, I yelled back. “You tell me this every day, and yet I’ve never been late!” “That’s because I tell you every day!” I pulled off my blankets and stood up, completely naked. I went into the adjoining bathroom, and quickly took a shower, letting...

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The Guitar Player Pt 2

Playing on the beaches of Northwest Florida had its benefits. Not only was I doing something I loved, but I was well paid and the benefits! Well, the benefits were many and varied. Let me tell about one of my best seductions.Right after Memorial Day, the hotel started the summer season. A small group of ladies from Jackson, Mississippi came for a week's summer vacation with the kids. No men, as they were all divorced and, I guess, financially well off.Staying on the Gulf for a week was...

4 years ago
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The Guitar Player Pt 2

Playing on the beaches of Northwest Florida had its benefits. Not only was I doing something I loved, but I was well paid and the benefits! Well, the benefits were many and varied. Let me tell about one of my best seductions.Right after Memorial Day, the hotel started the summer season. A small group of ladies from Jackson, Mississippi came for a week's summer vacation with the kids. No men, as they were all divorced and, I guess, financially well off.Staying on the Gulf for a week was...

2 years ago
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The Player

THE PLAYER'S S+EP-DAUGH+ERInspired by true events(This story was told by a friend who wanted me to edit and post it for him. He is the "I" in the story, not me.-FredLake) I had always been something of a player. During school, I never had a steady girlfriend but was never without pussy for very long. Back in high school I had more money and a better car than most guys, so girls were willing to go out with me. I always made it clear that I expected them to give up their pussy and that I wasn't...

4 years ago
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The Player

The Player. By Her Revenge Roy Taylor was a player in the biggest way. For as long as he could remember he had held an almost hypnotic grip over just about all the women he met. Unfortunately for him he also believed that he was, in fact, god's gift to women but unfortunately he treated them like dirt. Although not the most handsome guy in the Brad Pitt mould Roy and a way about him that just drove the women wild. Most nights he spent down at the local night club "The Cage" in...

1 year ago
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PlayerCoach Relationship

After coaching several girls volleyball teams on the east coast, I certainly had a handful of former players who were quite physically attractive. Not that I made any sort of move towards them while they were playing for me, as I loved them like the daughters I never had, but their physical appearance was an undeniable fact of life. After spending most of my life in the northeast region of the country, I moved out to the Midwest to take advantage of a great job opportunity which was...

1 year ago
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The Player Ginger and I

I was working my usual late shift at the tables, the last night before the weekend that I was so looking forward to.  It was getting toward the end of my shift.  It has been a pretty quiet night, not a lot of players coming through the doors.  There was three players at my table, one very good looking guy I would guess was about 30, and two older men, both with graying hair.  There was not a lot of winning going on, the house was taking in most of the money placed on the table.  Then something...

4 years ago
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Housewife to HotWife A True Story

Where to begin? I suppose the answer is our honeymoon. My name is Bill and I married Kathy when she was only twenty-three years old and I was twenty-five. Young lovers totally into each other. Kathy is hot. She is a fitness buff and works out every day.  Her big, natural 32D tits are a sight to behold, firm but bouncy with perfect nipples. Her naturally slim belly and tight abs make her one of the most beautiful women there is. And her cute face just adds to her allure.We went to Tahiti on our...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Transaction complete story

Transaction (complete story) By Lisa Lovelace (This is the complete version of my first story on Fictionmania. It includes the first two parts of the story and adds the ending. The entire text has been edited and updated.) ~ ~ ~ The grandfather clock in the entrance hall struck six. I had half an hour to change into my evening uniform and prepare for my nightly meeting with Ms. N, after which I would set the table and serve dinner at eight. Just her tonight, no...

3 years ago
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Baseball Cuckold Ch 01

Timmy's mother pays the price for her husband's stupidity!Timmy had a future in baseball if it was not for his father. During one game he was taken out of the lineup at the last minute by the coach. Timmy's father was so angry he had run up on the field and started a fight. Mr. Smith the coach's assistant ran over tried to help and it became a pushing match where the father hollered quite a few racial slurs.The following week Timmy was benched and the week afterwards the same thing happened....

2 years ago
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Baseball Fun

I love this time of year. Kids started practicing and playing baseball in the spring and then, like now in the middle of August, they have gone through their league schedules, selected their all-star teams and played state and regional tournaments. Little League entrants have been reduced to sixteen teams representing eight regions of the U.S. and eight regions covering the rest of the world. I like to watch kids play organized sports. For one thing, they haven't learned to be as selfish as...

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