Kopy Kat Show Lounge free porn video

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KOPYKAT SHOW LOUNGE I didn't know what else to do. Years of what I felt was abuse culminating with my mother making me wait in my bedroom for my father to get home, "then maybe you would learn your lesson," my mother stated. So, I sat and waited for the, no other way to describe it, a "SPANKING" that was coming but was undeserved. My teacher at the newly formed Christian school had added a few comments to my report card, probably just to justify his existence. The first commit was that I needed to pay more attention in class. The second was that blue jeans are not acceptable attire. I can tell you it's pretty difficult to pay attention to material that you already covered two years previous from the supposedly failing public school system. I did own one pair of corduroy pants but the inseam was threadbare. They however did still make that cool zipping sound when you walked if you made an effort to keep your legs close together. The only other pants supplied to me were blue jeans. After reading what was just handed to myself by said teacher, I approached him and implored him to change his comment to at least fully describe his observation for improvement for my behavior. He casually informed me that his comments were directly to the point and rather bland compared to some of his other students. I should have no problems having my report card signed. These comments were interpreted, as always in the worst possible light. My mother just didn't like little boys. Four hours of waiting for the inevitable, my father had come home. Upon arrival my Father was accosted by my mother with her reasoning for him to do his fatherly duty. It must have been a bad day for him as he came down the old oak floor hallway that they never bothered to wax anymore. The look on his face was grim. No, his belt would not due this time, after all the little school was attached to their church and the biggest crime in this household was to embarrass the family at, God forbid the sacred church. Out in the yard he harvested a willow tree branch, I can only imagine the satisfied look on my mother's face as he headed past her to do his fatherly duty. Upon entering my bedroom, he made a show of his intended switch. "Next time I would bear the brunt of such a devise," he claimed. Not wanting to give anyone the satisfaction, even with my bare ass exposed, I did not react for as long as it was physically possible. He pulled his belt which was the normal punishment back in the day (old school mentality of sparing the rod...etc.). After he finished administering his duty, he let me know that this hurt him more than it did me and I should be ashamed of myself that I made him do this to me. No dinner for me, he let me know as he closed the door behind him. I could hear some muffled conversation and then the tv went on and that was the last sounds coming from the other end of the house. I didn't know if his threat of using a willow tree branch to administer my punishment was true or not, but I did not want to find out. The real problem is that although I never lied to my parents, they always took the side of any and all accusers. It was my mother that always sided with anyone and everyone except her youngest child. She now never even asked my side of the story. She just took any implied wrong doing from any source as gospel and punished as she saw fit. This always landed with my father and it was easier for him to just go along than argue with her. I certainly was not in any danger of being spoiled as the saying goes. There is only so much that the human spirit can take. I packed my duffle bag and slipped out the window. I stole my sisters ten speed bike, as my parents never deemed me worthy of such a gift, and headed towards the quarry. Four and a half miles from my parent's house as my father was fond of saying, "This is my house and you better do as I say or else." I thought I could stay here for a while until I figure out what was my next move. It's too bad that I had not thought this through. If I had waited, I could have gone to my bank and emptied it. I might be just a boy but even I knew this was no longer an option. Well, I put together a small shelter with peoples discarded junk. Actually, it was pretty comfortable and there were crawdads and fish available to me in the quarry. In the back of my mind though I knew winter was only a few months away and any fire started would bring the authorities. And authorities always took the parents' side. While I was scavenging for my shelter, I came across somebody's stash of alcohol. It was probably a teenager that had slowly pilfered their parents' bar. The Knob creek grabbed my attention and with several swigs followed by extreme shakes of my head that seemed to flow down my whole body as a dog rids himself of water after coming out of a pond, I was good and soused. Now I had two reasons to get out of here. Not only did I not want to be found by my "family," I was afraid of teenagers and their propensity for violence. If someone realized that I had stolen their stolen loot, I could be in for a pretty good beating. The freight train was coming through and it was not hard to jump aboard. Westward bound I knew that if I could go far enough West I would not have to deal with winters. If my parents were looking for me, a big "if" in my mind, the only clue they might find is my sister's ten speed by the makeshift shelter that I created. Two days in, I jumped the train. I needed something to eat and I had in my possession just under ten dollars. There was a small gas station and I was able to purchase a package of hot dogs and a can of beans. Next time I need to find a can with an easy opening top. After smashing the can open and losing almost half the beans, I was pretty proud of myself for procuring a "fine meal." Ok so cold hotdogs uncooked with half a can of beans may not count for most people but I haven't eaten in three days. Why I didn't throw the bike in the quarry, I'll never know. Two days later after jumping another freighter, God these things roll so slowly, I jumped off again having seen a nice-looking township. I stashed my duffle bag in the woods next to this populated area and proceeded to look for anything that I could use to my advantage. I made my way into the heart of this small town with people that seemed very nice. In an alley way I watched as stray dogs got a nice meal out the back of an Italian restaurant. This was very tempting but fighting dogs for their dinner didn't seem a logical plan. I headed for the residential area. I'm ashamed to admit, being a good Christian and all, but I came across a bum that had obviously scored a large cash windfall. He already had begun celebrating his good fortune, where ever he acquired his small fortune from could not have been an honest endeavor. Also, he was already, two sheets to the wind as it were. People make very bad decisions when they have consumed too much alcohol. I lifted his cash and proceeded to the towns' Amtrak office and got tickets all the way to California. I was on my way, but to what end? Almost to my goal and not knowing where to go from here, I met an extremely nice lady. She was traveling in the same direction as me. She genuinely seemed interested in me. We talked about general things and she really put me at ease. I have never met anyone that talks to someone like me with respect and admiration. She had a knack for making you feel like a long-lost friend. I'm fifteen, almost sixteen, years old and come from a family that gives no value to my existence. She orders up chicken salad sandwiches for the ride forward. My stomach is turning and to my surprise she has ordered for the both of us. This is a good sign that God is watching out for me and all the lessons that were drummed into me are coming to fruition. Sally must be a God send. After a time, it is decerned that I have no end game and that I could use a little help. Sally seems to have all of the solutions. When we arrive in LA, I will follow her to her place of employment. I might even have a job when I arrive there. We enter a side door; Sally has the key. "Come with me Johnathan, let me show you this great establishment," she beckoned. Even at only five pm this place is rocking. There are girls, sort of dressed as cats. The strange thing is most of them body wise are identical. They are not really dressed as cats but there is a resemblance that is undeniable. "So, what is this job that you alluded too Sally?" Chapter 2 Sally lets me know that she really is concerned about the stress that my absence is putting on my family. Would I not rather call them and make good on that relationship? A well-meaning Sally has no idea how much damage an uncaring mother can inflict. I basically freak out. Sally apologizes and changes the subject. She informs me that if I do not want to bring my family into this we won't. She goes on to say that "if at any time before I put you to bed, we can contact your parents and sort all of these issues out," She would prefer this but understands that this may not be possible. "I tell you what, why don't you just enjoy the rest of this evening on the house. Just stay off to the end of the bar so that we don't get in trouble with the local authorities. We can talk about your employment tomorrow." Johnathan ordered Knob Creek not knowing what else was on offer. He still consumed it in the same fashion as he did when he found the stash of alcohol in a strange little stash. The Kopy Kat Girls were amazingly captivating, sexually similar to each other, an anomaly that on face value could not be understood. He fell asleep and when he opened his eyes, he was hopeful as to the meeting that he would undoubtfully have with Sally. "Enjoy your day," Johnathan, Sally says as she is leaving for the afternoon. Nothing much happens here in this timeframe. Sally informed Johnathan that due to his age the only position available to him was as a bar back. The local ordinances would prevent anyone underage to participate in serving alcoholic beverages except as a barback. Still this was a doable option. Sally let Johnathan know that at any time he missed his family, she was willing to intercede on his behalf. She had informed Johnathan that he was welcome to stay and be a part of this large family of sorts. She was saddened that his actual family has been disruptive to his happiness. She inquired what Johnathan thought of the club's Kopy Kat Girls. Johnathan informed Sally that he was not only attracted to these girls but hoped to become much closer to them. This brought an immediate response from Sally. Sally beamed with pride and commented, "That is what we are going for here." Johnathan mused to himself that he was glad for a place to stay and a paycheck in his near future, but he would happily do this job for free. All these Kopy Kat Girls were absolutely wonderful. They seemed to always smile, had a great attitude and their bodies were incredible. As if someone had created the perfect female body and then xeroxed them. These girls all had that perfect ass that had a little divide and formed the perfect upside-down hart. They had the smallest waist and those full hard breasts that the nipples pointed slightly upwards. All were within 2" in height and the only real difference were in their faces and tails. Yes tails, well obviously the tails were fake but there was something animated about them. As these Kopy Kat girls strode around on top of these crazy high heels, on the floor and their tails seemed to have a natural movement. And if someone caused one of the girls to react, Johnathan could swear their tails would raise in the air and swish around a little. This club was ridiculously expensive. Coming from the Midwest, Johnathan never knew that such places existed. Very sexy Kopy Kat Girls bringing a little liquid in clean glasses netting horrific profits just didn't compute. Where was the value, you could go down to the local drug store and get that drink for a mere fraction of what these people were willing to shell out. Then an announcer came on for tonight's special event. A new Kopy Kat Girl was going to get plugged. The lights went down and spot lights were turned on from above. A curtain opened revealing another almost exact Kopy Kat Girl strapped to what looked somewhat like a pommel horse. Her heels were touching the floor and her breasts were squished against the restrictive devise. A mad hatter character came on stage holding a tail that displayed the same color shine and sheen of the Kopy Kat Girl's beautiful mane. The audience was now absolutely quiet. Dance music started to play and the mad hatter approached what could only be described as a damsel in distress, one that Johnathan was now having some unchristian thoughts about. He took the tail which seemed to have a dildo or butt plug attached, Johnathan didn't know the difference, and rubbed it up and down her stocking clad legs. Then he started sliding the rubber end up and down the separated ass checks that were so perfect looking. How did all these girls have such perfect heart shaped asses? Only one in a thousand girls has an ass like this, and now we are witness to what must be all that are in existence. Moving around front and the mad hatter slid the rubber end against the Kopy Kat girl's glistening lips, she opened and received the full length wetting it to the hilt. Walking to the final goal the top hatter ceremonially sent the tail into the intended goal. A loud "Meow" could be heard and then the crowd went ape shit. The red headed Kopy Kat girl was released and once she got her bearings started strutting off the stage. Momentarily she paused when her tail seemed to have a life of its own. This place is so cool, thought Johnathan. How could he have been so lucky to have ended up here? There really must be a higher power at work. One that somehow must make those tails work. He would really like to pull one of those apart to see how they work. At the end of the night, after mopping the club floor, Sally appeared giving Johnathan some time for his inquisitive nature. He wanted to know the obvious question. "Sally, where does the club find all of these beautiful girls that all have the same body type?" Her answer confounded Johnathan. "They all grow into their form with a very unique experience. Experience is everything Johnathan." "Do you enjoy being around these lovely creatures?" A shake of his head was all that was needed. Sally let Johnathan go about his business to create a pain free existence, stocking the bar and generally helping out all that he could. Now was the time to ask the quintessential question. "Do you want to contact your parents or do you want a place at this club. The answer was yes, Johnathan wanted a place at this club. What fifteen-year-old boy wouldn't? After all the perceived abuses heaped upon Johnathan, he stated unequivocally he wanted to spend more time with the Kopy Kat Girls. Sally was so supportive. She let Johnathan know that as long as he did a good job he could continue as the club's barback until he was eighteen. Then he would be able to take on more duties. She also informed him that fraternizing with the Kopy Kat Girls was not allowed until he was of age. This was something to look forward too. CHAPTER THREE Sally also stated that since it is his birthday tomorrow, they would have a party for him the next morning after closing. It was a celebration with the club's employees including a large number of the Kopy Kat Girls. This is the closest Johnathan had ever been to so many wonderful sexy creatures in his life. Someone passes Johnathan's "favorite drink" to him, Knob Creek. When he downed what was claimed to be, a severely limited amount of this confectionary (Sally had instructed "not too much"), the Kopy Kat Girls loved how cute he was as he shook. Top to bottom and bottom to top was Johnathan's physical reaction. They wanted to watch his "manly" consumption again and again. Each time the results were the same, he would screw up his face then shake his head and then his whole body would quiver all the way to his toes. Kat Susy grabbed his face and planted a big wet kiss on his lips. Then a quick peck on each cheek. She took her thumbs and rubbed her lipstick marks on his cheeks. This formed a cute blushing on his cheeks that matched what now resided on his lips. She looked at what a simple action had accomplished and then to see the reaction of the other girls. Unspoken, it was understood what would transpire next. Another shot and a little tipsy bar back were soon to be wearing full makeup, he was just so adorable. The Kopy Kat Girls started to make a game of it. If Johnathan could down the Knob Creek shot without screwing up his face or shaking, they would make out with him. If he couldn't then more feminine items would be added. The attention was so wonderful that Johnathan didn't mind their administrations as he failed drink after drink. He soon found himself completely decked out as a Kopy Kat Girl minus a tail. He actually felt somewhat sexy as these new sensations caressed his freshly denuded and drunk body. He might be out of it but he did know he was the center of attention of a large group of very sexy creatures. Kopy Kat Judy suggested that they should complete the costume with pierced ears. Faced with so many sexy women how could he admit that he was afraid it would hurt. So, he put it to the game, he was sure he could drink this time without shaking. It was a good attempt, but he shook. Kopy Kat girl Melissa gave Johnathan a freebee. As she started to make out with this feminine clad barback, her compadres pierced his ears. Between all of the new sensations of how he was now dressed, the alcohol and an absolutely beautiful Kopy Kat Girl pressing her sexy lips to his as her tongue invaded his mouth, Johnathan was soon sporting dangly silver earrings without feeling any discomfort whatsoever. Johnathan now looked so cute in his outfit, full makeup stockings with heels so high he probably couldn't walk in without being drunk, and a black sequined leotard. All of this was set off with his new dangly silver earrings. Someone produced a boa, pink feathered, and the music was turned up. They all started to encourage him to dance for the sexy crowd. In good humor Johnathan started to put on a show for his coworkers. They gave him pointers and just as things started to get more professional, Johnathan's lights went out. He woke up in his room still dressed as he was for loosing the drinking game in the early morning hours. He had a hangover to beat the band and he was late to work. Groaning he rolled off the bed and landed on the floor on his knees. The heels were unmanageable and his addled brain remembered his thought of not being able to walk in these torcher devises unless drunk. It was a small victory, but it brought a smile to his pained face as he understood he had been correct. Suddenly there was a knock at his quarter's door followed by the door opening. Sally was not pleased. "Over did it a little last night, Johnathan?" She saw acrylic nails attached to his young slender fingers, full makeup that was still not ruined from sleeping in it and their barback decked out completely as a female. She had a sneaking suspicion that his locker lock would already have been changed. Sally called out for her PA. Go bring Jena some more sensible heels and a skirt and blouse appropriate for a new female barback. Also, get the straight auburn wig, it should look right. Johnathan looked at her with confusion. Sally explained that there wasn't time to undo all of the things that he had got himself into last night. He was already late to perform his duties and as there was no one else to do his job today, she suggested that next time he should be a little wiser about consuming alcohol. "Go brush your teeth and we will get you ready for what will be a pretty tough day if I'm judging your hangover correctly," She just encouraged Johnathan to go and perform his day as he was soon to be outfitted in good humor. It would endear him to the Kopy Kat Girls. Sally was right. Although, the hangover removed much of his anxiety about being dressed as a female, he actually started to enjoy the attention he received from the Kopy Kat Girls and customers alike. Never before did he receive tips and now, they were plentiful. This aspect was very welcome. He didn't understand why there was a difference but he enjoyed the tips and attention. Johnathan's shift was now over and again he was descended upon by the Kopy Kat Girls. Only this time they were undoing everything that had transpired previously. Soon, Johnathan was back to the old boring version of himself. He knew that this was the way things should be, but now something was truly missing. He understood that the niceties and tips from customers had just been removed. Something had changed but now his safe existence seemed a whole lot less glamorous. It's strange, the trepidation felt before coming out on the floor in drag was extreme, but now that this had been removed after such a positive experience, Johnathan felt somehow empty inside. The hangover had become secondary and in between all of the positive attention that he received, all these new sensations from the female clothes were consuming with their tantalizing ministrations. Everywhere he turned his reflection showed an attractive auburn girl going about her job while customers ogled her. He did not know what to do with this new found information. He was a boy on the cusp of becoming a man, but had been introduced to new possibilities. Confusion made way for complacentry. He could not possibly ask to be made over and repeat his experience. What would all of these Kopy Kat Girls Think. They might even make him leave. Since he had nowhere to go, he needed to play it smart and keep his head down. That is what Johnathan did. Although when he was alone at daybreak in his quarters, he enjoyed those memories while he pulled his chain as it were. CHAPTER FOUR Sally likes her boy toys. A little jealousy reared its ugly head, Sally brought a small male to the club. She was fawning all over him. Johnathan didn't like this one bit. She brought Zack over to Johnathan, having noticed his contempt and introduced him. She informed Johnathan that Zack had issues with his family much as he did, but he was already of age. Johnathan didn't need to be worried about his position. Zack was just a distraction for Sally. Then she ordered Knob Creek for the boy in Johnathan's honor. "Drink with us Johnathan." And the three proceeded to get inebriated. Johnathan was a little guarded having remembered Sally's advise not to consume too much. His senses were still intact as Zack was clearly compromised. Sally called over some of the Kopy Kat Girls that strangely laid some plastic down on the club's floor. Zack was brought front and center clearly enjoying the ministrations of all these lovely girls. He soon found himself lathered up and completely shaved from the neck down. His toenails were painted pink and his fingernails received acrylic extensions in short order. These were also painted pink. Zack didn't mind anything that was transpiring. Johnathan didn't think he was capable at this time. Sally, now satisfied announced that she was going to take Zack to bed. She clearly had some interesting fetishes. Even Johnathan understood that some people enjoyed things that went beyond the missionary position. But Sally, his God send, clearly had issues that Johnathan didn't understand. She clearly intended to enjoy what this boy in his feminized state could offer. There was more to Sally than met his eyes. Sally was in such a good mood the following day. Apparently, every time she brought a boy toy to the club, she was in a grand mood the next day. There must be another exit as Zack never was seen leaving the club. Johnathan wondered if she let them sleep after extracting her pound of flesh or if she kicked them out straight away. Anyhow, he was sure that they must have enjoyed making love (or having sex) with Sally as her body, although very different to the Kopy Kat Girls perfect representation of the female form, was a close second. It had to be an honor to enter Sally's vagina in any way that she seemed open to it. If you had to become slightly feminine to approach that goal, it was most certainly worth it. This was repeated about once a month with different boy toys. As the months wore on, Johnathan didn't mind so much. He had been saved from a family that he thought was extremely abusive. Sally, basically could do no wrong. She was his personal God send and her sexual prow less was not his business. It was actually intriguing watching boy after boy so easily manipulated into performing whatever these sexy women wanted them to do. If anyone involved had nefarious motives these poor individuals could be in deep trouble. As it was, Sally was their guide and only wanted some satisfaction to her obviously lively libido. They could be assured that she only had their best interest at heart. Some of these boys were brought well beyond the shaving and painting of their nails. Some actually produced a response in Johnathan's pants after their conversion. It was almost as a glimpse to the future of someone that would be converted to a girl to see what the end result would be. The results were always the same. Sally would at some point deem her boy toy ready to be brought to bed. That person would obviously leave the premises sometime during the daylight never to return. Sally must be the most satisfied woman in existence. Now we know why she never married. She had found young studs to be so very satisfying. Time was slipping away; Johnathan's seventeenth birthday was tomorrow. Again, he drank too much and he ended up dressed as a Kopy Kat Girl, only this time several make out sessions had transpired. The hangover was real and performing his job in drag once again had been extended for three days this time. Johnathan was in heaven. The tips were larger than before and he considered staying in character to continue his good fortune. Sally was in good humor as she had had another boy toy the previous night. She was the one that talked Johnathan into staying in drag and to enjoy all that it offered. Johnathan picked up on the inuendo. In his mind Sally was interested in him. He clearly was not mistaken. He would do anything to bait her interest, including playing the female barback indefinitely. All this time, the induction of new Kopy Kat Girls continued. About once a month a new girl would be plugged. The new girls were terrible at their jobs but soon adjusted to the required service and their control of their tails. All of this didn't make a lot of sense, but regardless was the way things progressed. The trapped Kopy Kat Girl always turned Johnathan on. The way they rubbed the tails keeper all over her legs and wetted its length with her mouth, was such a turn on. Then when they sent the plastic end up the rear passage accompanied by a load "meow," sent all in attendance into a pseudo sexual frenzy. As the new Kopy Kat Girl walked away sensing the tail having a life of its own, they invariably paused as these sensations were engulfing to the max. Johnathan still wondered where all these beautiful sexy creatures were derived from. Sally's comment about experience made no sense. Things progressed as they would and as normal as any club offering sexual gratification could. Isn't that false advertising? Sexual gratification Johnathan never saw. He continued with gratitude towards a family that was chosen not forced upon him. He was determined to be the best barback that this club ever saw. He had been at this club for fifteen months now and it was a place better than any to call home. As he started to approach his eighteenth birthday Sally had a renewed interest in him. Then tragedy struck. Sally had brought new young boy that would be given a bar back position. Johnathan was besides himself. How could she do this? She informed Johnathan that he was to move up. In the mean time he should train up his new prot?g?. Relieved, Johnathan helped the new boy all he could. He actually grew quite fond of the new boy as he related many shared experiences with his hurtful family. Everything sounded so familiar. Johnathan was reminded of his family. He really wanted to just look forward. He really appreciated Sally's efforts to help young boys in their desperate hour of need. Mother Teresa eat your heart out, you have competition. Sally is such a good person. CHAPTER FIVE Sally was so excited. She was so looking forward to my eighteenth birthday. She exclaimed that I could do so much more, now the local authorities could attribute my work to a former minor. "No restrictions on your Knob Creek this time," she proclaimed. She was looking forward to me as a new boy toy, now that I would be of age. She brought every Kopy Kat Girl to the forefront. They would help induct me into my future. I became worried that if I made love to Sally if my place would be forgotten. The frivolity of the situation overrode any negativity that would nag at the back of my mind. She now had designs on me and seemed to encourage Knob Kreek to flow freely. As I became inebriated, I realized that the Kopy Kat Girls were shaving my body hair and painting my toenails. My acrylic fingernails would also soon be covered with pink nail polish. Sally was close to putting me to bed. She seemed especially animated. Over two years of being taken care of was now dissolving into what I needed to do to make the playing field even. I now apparently needed to contribute to the club. He thought that was what he was doing. "We need a party to initiate Johnathan to our club," Johnathan started to enjoy again Knob Creek. A drink too far to the South of enjoyment. Suddenly, more than a few of the Kopy Kat girls descended upon him. I do not want to let this go. Johnathan was in the middle of no less than six Kopy Kat girls removing his clothes while Sally watched. The stroking and feeling of his now exposed skin led to water and soap and further glasses of Knob Creek handed to this willing participant. Going forth to a somewhat inebriated state, Johnathan was helpless as safety razers removed all of his body hair. A few more Knob Creek drinks and Sally descended upon Johnathan to put him to bed. Johnathan was so out of it he didn't realize that he had just been denuded. He took the proffered hand of Sally and followed her into a space that until now he never had been witnessed to. The door standing in front of them was impressive, almost like a safe door. Sally entered a combo and they went through. Chapter 3 Once through thru the door, a strange sight beheld the greatly inebriated Johnathan. There were 30 or so molds of sorts that looked a lot like the Kopy Kat girls inside the club. Twenty-five or so were occupied. Sally led Johnathan to the nearest one that was open. Carefully guiding the drunk youth to his waiting "bed". He was looking with curiosity but not totally registering what was happening. Sally had him confirm that this was his preferred future instead of contacting his abusive family. Johnathan in this state could only adulate his agreement. Looking down he noticed what seemed to be a mold of the sexy Kopy Kat woman that populated the front of the club. He realized, even in his current state that he was still too small to fill this mold, but he was being pushed to enter its confines. The explanation for so many girls having the most perfect separated hart shaped ass was staring him in his addled mind. He was directed to lay down in this iron padded, with what seemed to be a white silicone padding devise with thousands of holes permanenting its surface. All he could do is comply in his state. The occupant next to his mold started pleading to be let go. This seemed to aggravate Sally. Johnathan had never seen this side of Sally. She marched over to this occupant and as she bent down, he started pleading that he would behave. "No, no please, I'll behave, no mew, meow," Sally seemed pleased with herself. No more complaints from the peanut gallery. If that occupant could have reached for his throat, he would have as he no longer could form words just let out animal sounds as any cat could. She then selected a color informing her victim that she wanted the perfect shade. A push of a button, another Meow and clamps of sorts held the future Kopy Kat girl still. This will keep you quiet while you have your lips tattooed. A machine started that seemed to tattoo permanent make up on the hapless victim's lips. God, she enjoyed the power she wielded in this forum. Johnathan perceiving something was amiss had stood back up standing in his intended mold. After having witnessed something unnatural and disturbing, he started to disembark from the open mold he was told to occupy. Sally soon pushed him back into his "bed," She spread his ass checks to fit over the separation structure and ensured the proper placement for enclosure. She attached a sleeve over his alcohol relaxed penis and shoved his testicles back up into his body where they had descended from. The sleeve was then pulled down causing it to go between his legs and out a hole in the bottom of the mold. Now she endeavored to close the front encasing the new victim in his new bed. The rest of the mold still had plenty of room for future growth. Johnathan was now encased in this very futuristic looking mold of a stunning girl except his feet; hands and head were still exposed. Having locked Johnathan in his long-term bed Sally started to gloat as to his new circumstance. She was not happy about the extent of his attention and decided to forgo any thing further until the large amount of alcohol he had impeded himself with subsided. She left for the evening and returned early morning. Johnathan was really upset now that he had sobered up a little. Still drunk to some extent but now participating in the world around himself he realized that he was completely immobile. He saw last night a white padded shape of a sexy girl that was surrounded by hard iron that he now understood he was trapped in. Sally was now standing in his line sight with an expression on her face of absolute pride and superiority. This is the part Sally really enjoyed. She held up what she called foot crushers 3000. Only the best for our employees. With that she started fitting these devises on Johnathan's feet. These were snug and pretty much just pointed his toes. As she fitted the other one, she explained to Johnathan that his feet were already at the limit of acceptability. These babies were designed to stop the further growth of his feet while keeping them in a pointed fashion would shrink his tendons and make wearing anything but the highest heals very painful. Moving on to his hands she attached growth limiting devises to both of these. Now as I've told you, "if you come to work here, you will be given a bed that you will not leave and have all that you could eat whenever you want to," This was his bed and he could not leave it. The food provided was hanging just above his mouth ready for whenever he was hungry. A large tube that contained a high protein and calorie substance that would cause fast growth that would fill the mold he now was trapped in. The other benefit is that this would cause fast hair growth. This formula also basically exited the body predominately through the kidneys. Only a real small amount basically came out the other end as a clear tasteless liquid that acted as a lubricant. Small suction devises were there also to encourage growth in the right directions. Sally seemed to be able to pick these victims for size and especially height and waist. The rest was taken care of by the mold. As she had gotten better at spotting victims and luring them into her horrible trap her bonuses were increased exponentially. Never once did any of these soon to be Kopy Kat girls ever choose to call home. She really didn't know what she would do if one of them had asked to do so. The inevitable pleading by the previous one to be let go always made her day as she pushed the button that took away their ability to speak. This almost always happened as she was situating a new victim into their bed. They were always too out of it to put up much of a fight and this made the whole experience so much more enjoyable for her. When she then added tattooing the newly removed victim of speech her sexual pleasure from the power, she wielded was three-fold. She couldn't imagine the torture of being locked into a mold for months on end but the results were very profitable. "I'll leave you now Johnathan, but do understand that the food available to you is all that you will receive." "You might as well partake of it and not prolong your suffering." The quicker he would partake of the hormone rich; high protein with fat enhanced calories would help him grow into the mold he now was trapped in. The quicker he could be plugged and eventually sold; the less time he would need to be held in the confines of his personal mold. Some of the Kopy Kat girls actually took two years to reach the limit of the mold. The suction helped but it was not full proof. Johnathan finally reached his head forward to take what looked to be an utter in his mouth. He held off for as long as he could just like the willow tree branch blows that could rain down on him by his abusive parents. Suckling on this fake cow udder didn't sit well, but what did? He had seen for himself what the end product would be and there simply was no choice. Starve to death or become a fixture in the club for customers amusement. He was right, people do not make good decisions when alcohol is involved. He was not going to win this perceived standoff either. A couple of months had transpired and Johnathan noticed the form to his left was open. In came Sally with another very drunk youth. He immediately started to warn him to run. "Get out as fast as you can, Sally is a terrible human being," The youth was still standing trying to figure out what was going on but his brain simply could not put facts together due to the alcohol or drugs that he had consumed. Sally came over to Johnathan and looking him in the eyes pushed a button on his controller. "No, please have mercy, Mew, Mew, Meow," God how Sally got off on this part. This was the part that her victim now understood that no one was coming to save them. Their families have long given up trying to find them. They could not even communicate any longer. There life as they knew it was over. Sally started picking the perfect color for Johnathan?s lips when there was a pleather of Meowing in the chamber. "Alright everyone that will be another round of permanent hair removal for everyone. Also, I will add a ten-minute delay for cleansing," This was extremely painful, as the chemical caused a burning affect. Ten minutes longer was going to be torture. Now Jonathan no longer able to talk started having his lips permanently tattooed in Sally?s color of choice. Then shortly after the chemical was introduced through the thousands of holes in the siliconized padding in the mold. The suffering was approaching the level that his family had enjoyed and inflicted upon him. Johnathan could turn and watch the events unfold as they did for him as Sally let the new victim know what was in store for their future. If he turned to the right, he saw future tattoo treatments and other indignities performed on his cell mate. After a time, which no longer held any meaning for Johnathan, someone came in and worked on his nails; feet and hands. The auxiliary appendages were no longer in danger of growing. He was close to becoming one of those exquisite creatures that he himself had lusted after. The day finally came that he was released from the hated mold, eighteen months. Now he needed very high heels just to exist. He did not believe that this shrinkage could ever be overcome. He needed to build strength just to be able to walk again. But when he was brought to a mirror, he saw another Kopy Kat girl ready to serve very expensive drinks. Just as his strength seemed to become normalized, he found himself tied to something like a pommel horse. The top hatter character appeared and after whatever show that he deemed necessary proceeded to impale me with my tail that matched my midnight black mane. I was released from my confinement only to realize my tail had a life of its own. It?s strange to feel something moving of its own accord. Now Johnathan has a tail and a body that is the same as the rest of the sexy servers in this establishment. I?ve grown into this position and have no other options. If they had at least left me a way to communicate, I might have been able to have something of a normal life. I?m now a sexy Kopy Kat girl ready to serve or as I?m soon to find out ready to be sold. This club has a rear commodity and as I?m to find out some clients will pay a lot for such a rear commodity. Sally knows her job and I?m sold to the highest bidder. I hope my mother can reconcile with GOD what she has caused.

Same as Kopy Kat show lounge Videos

2 years ago
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Kat Finally Gets It From Daddy

Kat kept her face forward, ostensibly staring out the car's windshield at the expanse of utterly boring scenery, but her eye strained to the side as far as she could to admire the stiff bulge of Daddy's erection in his tight gray shorts. For the last twenty minutes, at least, his prick was fully erect inside those somewhat-tight shorts, so stiff that she could easily see not only the bulbous head but even the ridge of the helmet of his cock, and some of the ribs of the thick base. Over eight...

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Mickey and Kat

"Run, Mickey, unless you want to bring that over here." "That" was his prodigious cock, now swinging as he ran and jumped. Yes, young Mickey happened to be running naked, his clothes in his hand. There was a good reason for this. Only a few minutes before Mickey had been feeding that cock into Mary O'Connell. As he paused a moment to catch his breath Mickey thought back to humping his long thick cock into Mary, giving her what she begged for over and over. At least until her husband...

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Mickey and Kat Episode 2

Tool repairs and sharpening, Odd jobs Michael & Katherine Corcoran, proprietors It had been a good five years. Mickey and Kat now had two children, their shop was a success and the city continued to grow around them. Locals knew that the 'Will return at 1pm' sign went up most days and rumor had it that it meant more than a lunch hour. Five years and still Kat wanted Mickey's long thick cock as often as she could get it. And Mickey desired her every day. Despite her initial concerns...

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Kinky Kat

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Kat Takes a Weekend Drive

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Kat Renae

‘Thump thump thump’. She knew the sound. Every morning Kat would get up and go for a run. And she, being her lazy self, would sleep in til well after sunrise and sip her tea by herself waiting for her to return. “Hi” said Kat as she bounced through the door, still perspiring from the jog. “Morning.’ Renae replied, a small smile playing along her lips. Kat reached for the towel at her waist and wiped her forehead. “I'm just gunna jump in the shower…you’re welcome to join me” she said with...

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Broken Birds Part 19 Kat Reborn

Kat Reborn Alice and Kat spent many hours together after her meltdown. The women understood. Kat had finally broken through the scars of denial, pain and humiliation and now had to learn to deal with the hideous reality of what had been done to her. Michael could not swim with his stitches, so he spent time in his gym, practicing old skills. He was working on the heavy bag when Lynne came in. He was dressed in workout pants, and athletic shoes. He was naked above his waist and...

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Miss Pink Part 5 A Day Out With Kat

ONE I woke from a pleasant dream in which I was a real woman, laughing and accepted, delighted - to a blunt, loud knocking on the door. I headed down in my long nightie, lace back and slit, and peeked through the spy-hole. It was Kat and Jenny, one of the temps. I remembered she was the one who had gotten some amusement from the cheer-leading video on her induction night. She couldn't have been more than twenty. Fresh faced and bubbly. Kat, on the other hand, while still attractive...

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Kat Mick

Edited by: Sixty-nine My brother and I never had gotten along, so when he and his wife of ten years argued, as they often did, there was no doubt as to who had my sympathies. Still, I hadn’t expected her to show up at my doorstep that night. ‘He’s locked me out of the house this time,’ my red headed sister in-law started in even before she stepped inside the door. ‘That bastard locked me out of my own house! It’s too much this time, even for him!’ ‘Calm down, Kathleen,’ I said, trying to...

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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 15 Setting Up My Young Nephew With Kat

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various others. As previous readers are aware, I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the terrible...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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A Little Too Much Spice for KatChapter 6

The next morning, Sunday, Kat got up and went over to wake up Evan in the usual manner at the usual time. He hadn't said anything last night but she assumed that was what he wanted. I had breakfast ready when she got home about forty-five minutes later. She had been right. He had indeed wanted his usual morning wakeup call. She sucked him off after he got up and took his normal bathroom break. After he finished using her they went downstairs. While Kat made his coffee Evan called Amy and...

3 years ago
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Marilyn and Kat

Here's something quick I dashed off to get the writing juices flowing again. And I didn't forget my promise to stick you in one of my stories. I just gotta have time to write it, OK? Enjoy! 'Brett' -------------------- Well, here's another installment of my wonderful Marilyn's adventures. I thought I was tapped out of this story for now, but fan support (and a needed break from writing) have brought the fire back. Enjoy this one. Oh and by the way...too young, too offended, too...

3 years ago
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Alaskan Kat

Her Ok, I admit it. I wanted a son. My first and only child was a girl. However, one minute after she was born, I was holding my daughter in my arms, and she instantly became the light of my life. I loved her completely from that point on. After Mary’s rough pregnancy, I had a vasectomy. We had agreed it was for the best, and I did not want her to have to take pills all the time. I also admit that I raised my daughter as a boy. Ok, my wife Mary, and I raised her with me just adding a bit of...

3 years ago
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One More For Kat

Ok I've told you all stories about my wife Kat and how she loves to get in the panties of married women who have never been with another female before and she's dam good at it too. I have lost a lot a bets due to her knack to do so.Once we were at the mall and a lady about 30yrs with two young k**s walking ahead of us thinking it was a sure bet I told Kat she could have the new car she wanted if she got the woman there in the mall. Following them into a toy store Kat walked right up to them...

3 years ago
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KAT gets another one

My wife and I are at a highschool football game when she spots this women about 36yrs. old she is talking to her daughert a cheerleader and I can see Kat's dirty mind go into overdrive, she is watching them real close and tring to hear what they are saying. It looks like a small fight about after the game and the curfue time, findly it is over and the women goes to set down Kat drags me over to set next to the women and they start talking (the womens name is Gail she is 36yrs. old married to a...

2 years ago
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Christmas With Kat

(Just so you know, the little girl’s name is Aibhilin, which is pronounced ‘Aveleen’. One of those Gaelic things, I suppose. If you haven’t read the previous Kat Magic stories this might not make a lot of sense.) Harry Bird stretched with a groan and ran his hands through hair that was much nearer silver then the mostly brown it had been a year earlier. “Are you okay, darling?” His wife, Kat, spoke softly, deep concern in her voice. She’d watched her husband slowly regain his former energy...

4 years ago
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A Session With Kat

This wasn't the first time I'd made an arrangement to photograph a woman naked and in sexy poses, but for some reason I felt this was going to be more exciting than previous occasions. In the past I had made contact, as today, with women who posted pictures of themselves either in magazines like Fiesta or Escort, or on websites. I would usually make contact by email and enquire about rates for private photographers, and also ask them where they were based – that information wasn't generally...

2 years ago
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Kat teaches her replacment

It was a Thursday morning I woke to the moan of Joey Penny the new ass that Kat my wife was laying Joey a 38yrs. married mother of two was working at Kat's accounts office and bent over in front of Kat who grab her ass Joey pulled away in a huff but, Kat liked that ass and pressed on pinning Joey against the wall kissing her mouth and neck while her hand was up Joey's dress needless to say only an hour later she had Kat's 11" strap-on deep in that prefect ass ( never been fucked ass at that...

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You Souldnt Say no To Kat

As you all know Kat loves to have control over her ladys and when she doesn't get her way watch out.. To start this let me give you some back ground here first off the women in this story is Sally she is a mother of two girls one 12 one 16 years old she is a teachers aid and very envolded in her church, she had falling to Kat's powers about 8 months ago ( Kat tells me that Sally is very hard to keep her in control because she always feels so gulity afterwards )Kat worked on her for 2 1/2...

5 years ago
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Kat Tries Something New

“He did what?”“He ate my ass!”Red sat there unable to comprehend her best friend for a moment. Then she shook her head. “You’re kidding me?”“Fuck no, Red. It was great. You know we’ve fucked for the first time last weekend, but last night he went down on me like he was a starving man.”“Damn, I wish my husband would do that,” said Red wistfully.Kat gave her friend a sad smile. Ever since Red tied the knot, Kat’s been listening to a litany of her husband’s failures in bed. It was a shame because...

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Kat and the Electric Chair

I was married, twenty-something years ago, to a woman named Kat, and she was the hottest women I ever knew. She was about five foot four inches tall, with dark brown hair, brown eyes, broad cheek bones, an exaggerated hourglass figure, and small but perfectly formed breasts. Her lips were unusually full, and soft, with a pleasant pinkish tint to them. I had no problem with her looks, and other guys found her attractive too. I would sometimes enjoy watching as their eyes tracked her as she...

3 years ago
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Kat and the Waitress

A couple of days ago Kat and me go to a local dinner for supper setting at are normal table a new waitress comes to take our order. She's tall long dark hair big tits and great smile and of course a wedding ring Kat's favor kind of woman. Kat says Well hi there and who are you? Hi I'm Jenny can I take your order? Wait a second there how long have you been here? Only a week me and Rick my husband just moved to town. Kat and me ordered are food and both watched as Jenny walked away her ass...

2 years ago
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Kat Again

Those of you who have read my stories know about Kat those who haven't then shame on you. Kat and me were in the middle of a great fuck when someone started banging on our front door, it was Tina Kat's latest conquest as I know it Kat has been working her but not yet got more then some kisses. This alone was enough to upset Kat but pound on our door and cause us to stop fucking was enough to really piss her off. Opening the door Kat pulled Tina in and yelled WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT...

4 years ago
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House of KatChapter 2

I arrived in Montana. The airport was near the city. I did rent a car to get around in rather than take the shuttle. I found the street where Seiena's husband had his women's apparel store. It had the single name of "Dribbles," and was within walking distance of Main Street. I went on by and checked into a hotel. Ordinarily I would have preferred a motel, but this put me closer to Dribbles clothing store. I did not have any idea what Seiena's home address was, but I was sure I could find...

2 years ago
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My Second Encounter with Kat Kat Makes Dessert

It’s late Tuesday morning and I am lying in bed recounting the events of Monday afternoon and I still can’t believe what I had gotten myself into with Kat. All those fantasies I had about her were nothing compared to the real thing. Just then my cell chirped with a text message from Kat. “Just wanted you to know that I’m thinking of you” was all it said. A few seconds later my phone chirped again and to my surprise there was picture of Kat’s sweet pussy all wet with a finger rubbing her clit in...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Kat Seduces Sarah ndash Again

After our romantic weekend, I decided to stay in Paris with Sarah for a few more days. One afternoon, we stopped at a sidewalk café for an afternoon drink. As we enjoyed our wine I told Sarah that I had invited Kat for dinner. “Kat is going to treat us,” I explained. “Well, you dropped enough money in her store the other day.” “And you loved every minute, didn’t you? We’re meeting her tonight at 8.”I knew what the evening would bring and dressed accordingly: a sheer see-through blouse and one...

4 years ago
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Kat and CaroleChapter 2

Naomi and Rebecca departed for the train to return to University, insisting that Kat and Harry not accompany them to the station. Instead, Flame-headed Kat, with Aibhilin, who was equally flame-headed, if perhaps a shade lighter, set off for the park. Harry, a little reluctantly, settled down to some work. Kat collected a bag of duck-food from the cafe – bread, especially processed white bread is not good for ducks – and they were soon surrounded by squabbling water-fowl. The ducks were so...

3 years ago
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Kat on the loose again

Kat is my wife of almost 20 years we have two daughters and lead a good life. Kat is my one and only but well first see when Kat was sixteen her Aunt Bev taught her the ways to please a woman by force and though it was new and Bev was forcing her self on Kat she liked the pleasure not the pain. So over the years she has learned to get what she wants just by talking and in a way that makes you think it's your idea. Kat likes to get married women with k**s that have never had sex with a...

3 years ago
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Kat helps to keep the spark

This somewhat different then the normal so I thought I would tell you guys, but frist let me set things up for you 1. Kat is my wife she is 42yrs. loves to fuck women who have never been with a women before then she dates them under there husbends noses. 2. Rose is one of Kats ladys, I think for about 3 years now. 3. Trish is a close freind to Rose who is always upset cause her husband doesn't love her like they use to. Ok so Rose and Trish were having lunch like they do every tuseday talking...

3 years ago
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NEVER Lie to Kat

Attention, pets! Do not miss this blog swap with the luscious and wildly talented Nikki Haze. I love this girl and her way with erotic words, and I follow her blog and wicked writings. Follow Nikki on Twitter, and don’t miss my original short story on her blog. Be sure to check out Nikki’s collection of erotica; the links are at the end of the story.Never Lie to Kat – by Nikki HazeAkira knelt on the cement floor of the sweltering basement, her arms tied behind her back by thick rope that...

3 years ago
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Never Lie to Kat

Akira knelt on the cement floor of the sweltering basement, her arms tied behind her back by thick rope that threatened to break the delicate skin of her wrists. Sweat dripped down her hair, pooling around the thick ball gag in her mouth. Kat only gagged Akira when she was very angry. Never Lie to Kat She looked down at the filthy floor, a spider crawled dangerously close to her knee, where the evidence of her lie was dripping down her thighs. She twitched at the closeness of large black bug....

2 years ago
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Kat New Easter Friend

My wife and me were at the G's it is a bar we go hunting for pussy at on Friday nite before Easter and in came this man and woman that caught are eye. The women about 30 maybe and around 5-4 but not heavy or sinky tits kinda small but a great ass and her man nothing to speak of just a man now don't get me wrong they looked good but I could not say why. They sat a couple of tables from us and when the band started Kat wasted no time getting her to move with her. After a few they sat with us...

4 years ago
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A Little Too Much Spice for KatChapter 4

The next morning started out just like yesterday. Just before I left for work Kat left for Evan's house to wake him with her mouth on his cock. I watched her cross our yards and enter his home. It wasn't until his door closed that I was able to get in my car and leave for work. But at least today I was somewhat better able to concentrate at work. Kat and the things she was doing with Evan were constantly in the back of my mind. But now I suppose the extreme novelty was starting to fade and...

3 years ago
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A Little Too Much Spice for KatChapter 5

We followed Evan out to his car. Thankfully he had parked in our driveway and Kat didn't have to parade around outside in that slutty outfit. Evan drove a couple of miles to a small bar I had never paid any attention to. As he pulled up into the parking lot he said, "This place doesn't look like much. But they have the best fucking hamburgers in town. Oh, and do you guys play pool?" "Play at it," I said. I was never going to impress anyone with my skill at pool. He told Kat to wait in...

4 years ago
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Return to Kat On The Prowl

When last here Tammy was begging Kat to fuck her right there in the dinners restroom but Kat being Kat takes Tammy out the back door in the alley it only 6:30pm. so still lite out side uncaring Kat put Tammy up to the wall and started to kiss her soft at first gentle with lite touches very this had Tammy panting and moaning Kat asked what happen at JJ's house and Tammy started to say but Kat stop her don't tell me show me Tammy's eyes grow big her hands sweat and body shook as she pulled the...

3 years ago
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Kat My Sex Life Part 1

Mr. D’Angelo was the director of the department I worked for. I was working for the company for two weeks when I was told to go to his office one day because he wanted to talk to me about career opportunities. He told me that although I got hired, the first 6 months were really a trial period where I would be evaluated. He said so far I have been doing well. He asked me what I would like to do. I didn’t know how to respond I just said “I don’t know yet.” He asked me if I wanted to make...

4 years ago
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Kat Has To Try Hard

Well I know it may sound like Kat gets every cunt she goes for and the truth is she does get a lot sometimes she misses. She hates to but if she tries and fails she leaves them alone. Lynn Toms is a mother a lawyer and a total knockout. Lynn was 37yrs. 5'6" maybe 118lbs. and most likely 34C tits. Kat was trying to get a dress shop to sell to her and Lynn was there lawyer. After about eight meetings they came to a price and things moved on from there. Kat did her best without coming on to...

3 years ago
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Rest of Kats Replacement

After eight months Kerry is so taken with Kat's way of controlling a woman that she ask Kat to teach her some things. What do you mean teach it just comes out of me when I see a woman I'm interested in things just seem to happen and before long I either get her or give up the chase. Kerry says you mean some get away? Oh yea not everyone falls but most do. Like how many can I ask? Kat smiles lets find out together ok she leads Kerry to her bedroom and a drawer opening it it's full of panties...

4 years ago
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My First Encounter with Kat

I moved into my place about 12 years ago and became quick friends with all of my new neighbors, most of who had young kids that I have had the pleasure of watching grow up. The oldest of the kids was Kat who is now 23 and what can I say but she has grown into an amazingly beautiful young woman. She is about 5’ 10” with long brownish red hair and a perfect body that I attribute to her long dance career. As Kat got older I began to notice what a beautiful young woman she had become. We would talk...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Kat My Sex Life Part 5

We went back to watching the movie. In the next scene the guy had a big cock. Karen laughed and whispered to me “reminds me of Mr. D.”. I said me too. After the movie, in the car, Karen and I discussed the movies we saw. In one of the scenes there was a 3 some scene between 2 guys and a girl. I asked Karen if she would try that. She said yes. We both agreed we would try a threesome either way, 2 guys or 2 girls. Karen changed the subject and started talking about Mr. D. She said it was...

4 years ago
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Kat My Sex Life Part 5

Introduction: These stories are about my true life experiances. They take place in the 1980s I couldnt wait to meet up with Mr. DAngelo. That Friday I hung out with Karen. We smoked some pot and ended up going to a porno movie. It was my idea. The theatre wasnt that crowded maybe 20 people were there. We sat in the very last row, no one was around us. We had walked in during the middle of the movie. We were buzzed laughing and joking around. It was Karens first XXX movie. I guess we were...

3 years ago
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Watching KatChapter 2

When it was time for bed, Kat asked Robbie if she could sleep in his bed, since Trey's room felt so lonely. Robbie welcomed her into bed with him, letting her head rest on his chest as she fell into a deep peaceful sleep. Several hours later, Robbie awakened to a gentle thrusting sensation, discovering that in their sleep, he and Kat had taken up the natural and comfortable spoon position, with his top arm loosely draped over her tummy. What had awakened him was Kat quietly humping her rump...

4 years ago
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Her passed out friend Kat

This is a shorter one about making up for a lost opportunity with one of Erin's old friends.This one happened about 10 years ago. We were having a get together with an old friend and her k**s and her new hubby. Kat had gotten married a few years before to a guy we found to be very loud and obnoxious. You know the type, 5 foot 7 with a big voice to compensate for his vertical challenges. Kat we’d known for well over a decade beforehand. She had 3 k**s from a previous relationship and they were...

2 years ago
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Kat and CaroleChapter 3

Kat woke with the dawn, despite their activities and the late night. She lay, revelling in the comfort of her husband’s – her lover’s – arms. Her hand wandered and found, as was quite usual, that his cock was standing hard and proud. She could feel herself moisten in response. It was the work of just a moment to lift a leg over him, guide him into herself, and slide down until he was fully inside her. She supported herself on her elbows, never having fully accepted his assertion that he loved...

3 years ago
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Carpool with Kat

This story has absolutely no truth or reality in it. This is 100% a fantasy based on thoughts rambling through my head and put to words. If you enjoy it I’d love to see your comments. If you hate it, well there are plenty more stories on this site for you to enjoy.It was my turn to drive in our work carpool this week. I didn’t mind driving for a week because on some commutes it can get a bit boring just setting in one of the four positions in the small cars that the other two people drive...

4 years ago
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Kat Meets Dusty

When they got home, Kat immediately went upstairs to put on a swimsuit and grabbed the lotion and a towel. On the way out to the pool, she asked Robbie if he could oil up her back, since Trey wasn't there. They stepped out onto the patio and Robbie surprised Kat by saying, "Hey Dusty, how are you boy?" She followed his gaze and saw he was speaking to a very handsome dog standing off at the edge of the patio, warily wagging his tail. "Oh look! He's beautiful! Where'd he come from," Kat...

3 years ago
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Kat My Sex Like Part 7

This one particular day, Dan had come over for a little BBQ on a Saturday afternoon. It was just my husband (John), Dan and I. Dan was dresses sloppy as usual. He had on a stained t-shirt and “self cut” sweat pant shorts. I was wearing blue shorts and a white tank top. We were all drinking and having a good time sitting on our back deck. Dan was a funny guy even more so when he was drinking. At one point, I went in the house to make snacks. I had the radio on listening to music as I worked...

4 years ago
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Kat My Sex Like Part 7

Introduction: This story is about me cheating on my husband with his friend My husband had a friend from work named Dan. Dan was pretty much a sleaze. He was a few years older than my husband. My husband was 9 years older than me and Dan was another 4 years older than him. I was married when I was 22 and Dan would come over the house to visit my husband. Dan was tall about 6 3 and he was balding AND really not a very good looking guy. He was also sloppy. He had dirty blond hair and an average...

4 years ago
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Kat being Kat

Friday night I had get got ready to watch MMA fighting on TV when Kat comes in yelling to get cleaned up we're going to a party. Knowing my wife I ask invited or uninvited she holds up a note so I give in. About an hour later we enter Joann's house and she comes running at me.( Joann is one of Kat's bitches for about a year now 32yrs married to Ted a mobile tech. has a 17yrs goodness for a daughter and a son 12 I think. we have been fucking pretty much too.) Tony please keep Kat under...

2 years ago
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Kat meet a young friend

My wife Kat is asked to give a talk at the high school on safty as far as dating goes. ( why her I have no idea) she thinks and then agrees to it. On the day of the talk a young gril about sixteen ask to talk alone so they go into the hall where the girl grabs Kat's tits Kat jumps back and says what gives here? the girl says my name is Tess and PLEASE fuck me just like you did my mom friday nite! Not knowing what to do or say the girl tells Kat friday nite about 8pm. my mom and me were walking...

2 years ago
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Kat and Old Man

I was sitting at a slot machine, lost in the beauty of the scantily clad sirens, as the reels spun. One hundred six free spins... total win, three dollars fifty cents. I had nothing else to do, so why not sit here, wasting money? “Gueth who?” The tiny hands, and the lisp, gave Kat's identity away immediately. Kat worked for her dad, as a second job, in the bingo hall. It was not far down the street, but it was only open on weekends. I had seen her at the casino a couple of other...

2 years ago
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Kat and Cyrano Chapter 8

Kat and Cyrano Chapter 8: Tasting It was now a few weeks after that very first time Eric entered me, cut short by my bleeding period and other assorted tortures my body chose to put me through. It was a Friday, and my lover Eric and I skipped work for the day, to check into a motel for the afternoon and to play, play, play. He always called me Kat, partly because my name is Kathy. But mostly because whenever he licked and nibbled on me, or lovingly stuffed all of his goodness into me, I...

4 years ago
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Kat and Cyrano Chapter 8

Kat and Cyrano Chapter 8: Tasting It was now a few weeks after that very first time Eric entered me, cut short by my bleeding period and other assorted tortures my body chose to put me through. It was a Friday, and my lover Eric and I skipped work for the day, to check into a motel for the afternoon and to play, play, play. He always called me Kat, partly because my name is Kathy. But mostly because whenever he licked and nibbled on me, or lovingly stuffed all of his goodness into me, I...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Kat got the Cream

I hope you read my story, “Not Everything in Life is Black and White.”  My experiences there were enough to keep my imagination on full throttle for some time.But ‘some time’ is not forever and I was beginning to get antsy wondering if I dare call V and make another visit.  Life had dealt me some really lucky hands, and with the vision of Amber and Kat making love, and then the threesome with Amber and V, I assumed I had claimed all the luck I deserved.After picking up the phone and putting it...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Pussy Kat

The first thing Catherine Dahlgreen did when she walked in the door was kick off her shoes. Friday evening at last! The slim brunette wasn't usually a clock-watcher, but today her boss had been more talkative than usual - was it necessary to tell the same story to everyone who walked into the store? If only they sold earplugs! But the perils of Gabby Greg were only a distant Monday threat. If it looked to be another uneventful weekend, well there was a mercy in peace and quiet. Of course,...

4 years ago
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Kat and CaroleChapter 4

Everyone slept in. Well, it’d been a late night with a lot of tension. Aibhilin was the first to wake, and snuggled happily between Rhiannon and Carole for a few minutes before deciding that she was hungry. Turning slightly, she kissed her grandmother’s cheek. She whispered, “Máthair mhór.” (Granny) Rhiannon stirred and yawned. “Uachtarán grámhara.” (Beloved granddaughter) “Tá ocras orm.” (I’m hungry.) “Come on, then. Try not to disturb Carole.” “Ceart go leor.” (Okay) Rhiannon rolled...

1 year ago
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Zays kat

It was evening, a simple evening, the cool breeze in between trees causing them to whish the way they do. The air felt the hint of hint a soon apporaching fall and yet there was an enough warmth to insense one’s skin. A tall dark man stood outside her apartment building deciding to venture further as he finished inhaling the vapors of his cigarette. Zay found the door of a woman's apartment slighly ajar, as he started to knock. Somewhat cautious he entered her abode unafraid. The sight he found...

5 years ago
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Kat My Sex Life Part 2

I looked across the bar and wondered if he would talk to me. I had been feeling guilty since the Christmas party. I shouldn’t have let that happen. He is older and married. It isn’t right. Besides nothing career wise happened to me. I decided I am going to tell him that I don’t want to do this anymore. I had it all worked out just in case he did talk to me. By 8:00 many of the people had already left. I was about to go myself. Mr. D’Angelo walked up to me and said “Hi how are you doing?”...

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