Futa City free porn video

Kara awakens on a crisp morning, she tosses her legs off the side of the bed and gets in a wobbly stance, she makes for the window, as she slides the curtains aside it allows a sky-high view of Night City. Kara starts a warm shower, slowly removing her baggy tanktop and panties, she steps in, water flows along her body like tiny streams of water, when she finishes, she steps out and looks in the mirror, now Kara lives in Night City, which is populated by many futa, she looks down and see's her small size of 6 inches flaccid, among futa's she was below average, she sighed and began to get dressed. She grabbed her apartment key and made her way out the door, she took the hyper train to her school.
It was her first day of school that year, as she entered the building she saw many females, many with sizable bulges, she frowned slightly at this, then a girl with a significantly larger bulge then most she's seen so far, approached her, this girl's name was Siri "Hey there! I'm Siri, what's your name?" She said with a bright smile, her green eyes sparkling, Siri caught Kara off-guard and she jumped slightly "O-Oh um, hello i'm Kara, nice to meet you" she said with a forced smile, Siri wrapped and arm around Kara's shoulder "let me see your schedule." she say's, Kara handed it to her, they had the same classes, Siri smiled "let's get to class shall we!" Kara noticed her unusually forward friendliness, but shrugged it off and they headed to their first class, English, Kara was fond of this class and took a seat in the back, letting out a deep sigh, Siri sat next to her, they both sat and listened to the teacher, Ms.Dingher.

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