Burning Desires Sexy Wife Sexier Sister-In-Law – Part 1 free porn video

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The day Preeti married Siddharth, her older sister Madhu felt like she got a younger brother. She always wanted a brother, but her parents decided not to have any more kids after her sister Preeti was born. Madhu was 4 years older than Preeti.

Growing up, they were very close as sisters and always supported each other. They both were gorgeous women. Preeti and Madhu had killer hourglass figures and were very well endowed with ample breasts and round asses. Good genes handed down from their mother.

Their facial features were sharp and complimented well to their shapely bodies. The only difference between the sisters was their height, Preeti being a bit taller at 5’6’’ while Madhu was 5’4’’. But both sisters look like sex goddesses, if anything.

Madhu was married to Ayush, and they have a son together. Madhu put on a few pounds after her child was born. But it all went to the right places to further enhance her sexual appeal. Both sisters married men they fell in love with.

Getting back to the story, Madhu was more than happy with Preeti’s choice. Siddharth was 2 years older than Preeti, which made him the perfect age for Madhu to boss around as her younger brother-in-law. She also liked that he was a very easy-going person who was funny and knew how to handle himself.

Preeti would joke that she married Siddharth to give her sister a brother rather than a husband for herself. That became an inside joke in the family. Preeti and Siddharth lived in the same city as Madhu and Ayush. So every time they met for a family get together or festival, Madhu and Siddharth would be inseparable.

They shared many similar interests with each other and would talk about everything for hours. Madhu loved spending time outdoors. Whether it was to watch movies, eat at restaurants, or just go for drives. Siddharth, like a typical guy, loved to drive. Madhu felt like she finally found a partner in crime.

No matter what anyone else was doing, Madhu and Siddharth would be immersed in each other’s company, either chatting or going out for drives. Even though she was a very sexy woman, Siddharth did not have any sexual feelings towards Madhu. He enjoyed being her brother-in-law and pampering her.

Everyone was hanging out at Madhu, and Ayush’s house for a weeklong family get together. Madhu loved to watch horror movies, but she gets easily scared. After dinner, she and Preeti decided to put on a horror movie. Madhu was sitting very close to Siddharth as he sat between her and Preeti.

Every time a scary moment came up on the screen, she would get startled and hold his arm. She grabbed him so tightly Siddharth felt her boob being squeezed into his arm during one such moment. She has nicely shaped, 34 D boobs that he could not help but feel their softness every time she held him.

This got him very aroused, although they were all watching a horror movie. He wished for more scary scenes so Madhu would keep holding him. He could keep feeling her boobs. His wish came true that night, and he ended up with a hard dick in his pants by the time the movie ended.

He could not stop thinking of Madhu’s boobs ever since then. He started paying more attention to her body, her boobs, her ass, her curvy waist. The more he observed, the more he started getting sexually attracted to her.

He wondered how he failed to notice her beauty even though she was always so close to him physically. He thought it was never too late and continued to cherish every single one of those kinky moments.

One day, Madhu and Siddharth were on their evening drive as usual. They were completely engrossed in a conversation when the car in front of them came to a sudden stop. Siddharth hit the brake hard and stopped just in time before hitting the other car.

Reflexively, he moved his hand to his side to hold Madhu sitting in the passenger seat so she would not fall forward. After a few seconds, they recovered from the shock. Slowly as they came back to their senses, Madhu realized that Siddharth’s hand was on her boobs.

Siddharth did not pay attention to where he placed his hand in the middle of the chaotic moment. A split second later, Siddharth turned to look at her and realized it. They both had a shocked expression on their face, and neither talked. Siddharth did not move his hand and kept it on Madhu’s boobs.

He was very aroused, and instinctively without even thinking, pressed her boob slightly. “Haa!” Madhu let out a slight sigh, almost like a moan. While they were stuck for a few more seconds, the traffic started moving. The car behind them blasted the horn, signaling them to move.

They both came out of their shock-like state, and Siddharth quickly took his hand away. They both adjusted uneasily in their seats as he drove the car home. Neither of them talked for the rest of the drive. After they reached, Madhu quickly got out of the car and walked into the house without saying a word.

She did not talk to Siddharth for the rest of the evening. He, too, needed some time to process what had happened, so he kept to himself. He knew he was clearly aroused from the whole incident, but he wasn’t sure if she was. He desperately wanted to know. But felt it would be better if he gave her some time and space to think.

The next morning, Siddharth woke up earlier than usual, dying to see Madhu. He went to the living room and waited for her to wake up and come out of her room. Everyone else woke up and came out to the living room area. Madhu was the last one to come out of her room.

She did not talk with Siddharth, did not even look in his direction. She kept some distance from him. She did not come and sit next to him while they all ate breakfast. Siddharth kept looking at her as often as he could without making it seem obvious to others.

He waited for her to make eye contact with him, but she did not. The rest of the day, she pretended to be busy with some chores around the house. Later that day, everyone planned to go out to the local community park.

Even when she was outdoors, where she was her most excited self, she kept her silence and spoke with Siddharth only if she had to. She still made no eye contact.

Siddharth was feeling bad and guilty from all this. Not only was she not talking to him, and that she was even avoiding him. He felt as if he had lost her and became anxious fearing, she would never talk with him.

After a while, Madhu told Preeti that she had a headache and wanted to go back home to rest. Preeti asked her if she was okay. “Yeah, I am fine,” Madhu said right away. “It’s just one of my usual headaches, don’t worry. I want you all to keep having fun. I will feel better after I take a small nap.”

Siddharth knew she was lying and that she was saying that just to be by herself. He thought to himself that this was his best chance. “I can take you back home, Madhu,” he volunteered.

“No, you should stay and play with the kids. They like to be with you,” she said. “Just give me the keys, and I will drive back.”

“It’s not good to drive by yourself when you have a headache,” Siddharth interjected. “It’s okay. Come on, I will drive you back.”

“What wrong with you, Madhu? You never say no to driving with Siddharth? Is everything okay?” Preeti asked, slightly concerned about her sister.

“Nothing’s wrong with me,” Madhu said back sharply. “Okay, fine, let’s go then,” she said, not wanting anyone to think too much of it.

Siddharth and Madhu got in the car, and he started driving back. She was quite the whole time, so Siddharth tried to talk. “Are you okay, Madhu? Do you want to talk? We are just by ourselves now, so it’s okay,” he said to her.

“No,” she said back plainly.

“But it will be good to talk about what happened,” he said, trying to get her to talk. “It’s always good to express what you are feeling.”

“You mean, I don’t know how to express my feelings?” She retorted back.

“Come on, that’s not what I meant. You know what I’m talking about?” He said.

She was quiet and did not say anything for the rest of the drive back. As soon as they reached, Madhu got out of the car. “Go back to the park,” she said, and she quickly walked back towards the house. She unlocked the front door and went in.

Siddharth got out and stood by the car, wondering if he should let her be and drive back to the park or if he should go in and talk with her. He thought for a few minutes. He closed the car door and walked towards the house, deciding to listen to his inner voice.

When he got inside, he started looking for her everywhere in the house. She was not in the living room or the kitchen. He checked the bathrooms, but they were empty. He then went into the master bedroom. She was leaning on the dresser deep in thought with a solemn look on her face.

She looked up in disbelief as Siddharth walked in..

“I told you to go back to the park! I don’t want to talk to anyone right now!” she said back, visibly angry.

“I’m sorry!” Siddharth said.

She was taken aback by the abruptness of the apology. But it did help her calm down a bit.

“I’m sorry,” he said again, “for what happened last night. I did not mean to touch you the way I did. My genuine intention was to brace you so you would not fall forward and hurt yourself. It was unintentional. All I was trying to do is protect you,” he blurted it out without giving her any chance to interrupt him.

Madhu listened to him for a few minutes quietly, “I understand why you did it. To be honest, that not why I’m angry.”

“Then, why are you angry?” Siddharth asked, puzzled.

“Really? You still want to pretend as nothing else happened?” She asked in a frustrated tone. Siddharth looked at her in silence, waiting for her to finish the sentence.

“Fine. I will just say it then. You just kept your hand on my breasts even after you realized where it was. Instead of removing them, you then went ahead and pressed them as if holding them was not real enough!”

Siddharth kept quiet, thinking about the best way to express what he has been feeling for so long, “I’m sorry about that!” he said finally. “I know I should not have done it. But I could not help myself.” He thought hard about what he wanted to say next.

He did not want to risk losing her forever, but he did not want to hold back any longer. “I have had feelings for you for some time now. I know that was not the right way to express it. But I was too aroused, I wasn’t even thinking straight.”

“Aren’t you ashamed to say that?” She retorted back, “you are married to my sister! I am your sister-in-law! How could you think about me like that?”

“Madhu, I’m not trying to justify what I did. I love Preeti a lot, but that does not mean I cannot or should not have a feeling for other women. Just because I have feelings for you, it does not mean I love Preeti any less. I know that you too have feelings for me more than what you are letting out,” Siddharth said.

“That’s not the point! I’m your sister in law! I look at you like a brother! How did you think it would be okay for you to have feelings for me?” She asked back, now a bit concerned than angry.

“Listen, I could have just hidden my feelings for you and pretended to be as a brother. Maybe even try to take advantage of my relationship with you. But I know that’s not right,” Siddharth kept talking as Madhu listened quietly to him.

“We both share so much in common. Every time we talk, we feel so invigorated by each other’s company. You know it’s not easy to find such amazing chemistry between two people. We cannot force ourselves to be attracted to someone, nor can we force ourselves to stay away from when we want to be with them. I know we have these so-called roles that society wants us to put on. But in the end, we are just two people that want to feel loved.”

As she heard him speak, Madhu was now thinking about everything he had said. After a few minutes, Siddharth spoke again, “As long as it’s okay for you, I don’t care what anyone else thinks. If it comes to that, I can even talk to Preeti about it openly, and I know she will be okay about it,” Siddharth said as a matter of fact.

Madhu was taken aback hearing how sure and confident he sounded. It actually made her feel good that someone had such strong feelings for her. She knew deep down that everything he said was true. She does not have to force herself to be happy when she is with him, she simply is!

As he said, you cannot deny such a strong attraction from happening. “But what about the people? My husband? Our relatives, the society?” she asked, questioning herself rather than him.

“It’s up to you if you want to tell Ayush or not. I don’t mind either way,” Siddharth said, maintaining his stance. “As for the others. I don’t care about those who only want to pretend that they care about others. Why should we be afraid of being true to our feelings because of them? Besides, none of them have to know. They won’t even understand anyway.”

Madhu could not believe what she was hearing. Siddharth kept looking at her, and she could feel his love for her in his eyes. She always did. That’s why she felt so comfortable with him. Even though she really did think of him as a brother, she knew she had feelings for him that were more than just brotherly.

Ayush is a wonderful guy. He takes care of her, and she loves him. But over recent years, she has not felt the same kind of love from him as she did before. She knew he, too, was feeling that change.

There were days when she felt drained, being in such a relationship constantly wishing for something to change, something to make her feel alive. She knew that no one can make anyone love a person a certain way. It just has to happen. She knew that she wanted to be loved like the way Siddharth did.

She also wanted to show him how much she loved him. She came back to reality and looked at Siddharth, who was still standing in front of her. She looked at him properly. He was 6 feet tall with handsome features and a well-built body that wasn’t too thin or too bulky.

He had this glowing charm about him, which she loved the most about him. She feels so comfortable every time she even stands next to him. As much as she was feeling aroused, she was still uncertain. “But wouldn’t this be considered cheating?” she asked, doubtful of the righteousness of her feelings.

Siddharth smiled. He looked into her eyes and asked her, “If it’s a sin to want to be with someone else other than your spouse because you are not happy, then what about cheating yourself to live a life pretending to be happy because you are too afraid to love?”

Those words hit her hard like a rock. What’s the point of simply living for the sake of satisfying others when you don’t feel happy? She knew many who pretend to be righteous, who would be ready to point fingers and blame others.

But they were cowards who wished others to fail because they lacked the courage to follow their hearts. She vowed never to be one of them. She looked at Siddharth, who was still standing graciously in front of her. “I want to ask you something directly, and I want a direct answer.”

“Sure. Go ahead,” he said.

“How much do you love me?” She asked.

Siddharth thought for a few seconds. He swiftly moved towards her, took her face gently in his hands, and kissed her on her lips. Madhu was shocked! She did not expect that. She instinctively pushed him away and slapped him on his cheek. Both of them were quiet for a few short seconds.

She quickly realized what she did. He was calm without any notion of anger. He simply looked at her with love. Madhu looked back into his eyes. She realized what she wanted, what she had been missing. She quickly moved towards him, placed her arms around his neck, and

He took her into his embrace, placing one arm around her waist and another around her neck locking her tightly as he kissed her back. They both kissed passionately like two long lost lovers finally reunited. They opened their mouths wide, pushing their tongues into each other’s mouths, and kissed harder.

“I love you, baby! I love you so much!” Madhu said back in between smooches.

“I love you too, honey,” Siddharth said, kissing her with more vigor. He picked her off her feet, placed her on top of the desk right next to them, and continued to kiss her. She crossed her legs behind his back, pulling him into her.

They were going at it like teenagers. Their bodies flushed with hormones flowing vigorously through their blood. “Haa!” Madhu moaned as he bit her thick lips in between kisses. She bit him back, and they giggled like kids.
They heard the sound of cars coming into the driveway.

They stopped and looked out the window. The rest of the family had just come back from the park. Madhu looked at Siddharth. “Looks like we have to hold off our fun for some time,” she said with a naughty smile teasing him with her big brown eyes. She pushed him back slightly as she got off the desk.

“How much time is some time!?” Siddharth asked, visibly frustrated they had to stop. “You will have to wait to find out,” She smiled, biting her lower lip. She turned around and ran downstairs.

Siddharth stood in the room, reeling from what had just happened. He smiled and thinking about the way things turned out for the day. He then went downstairs a few minutes later. Everyone was inside, and they were all talking with each other.

“How are you feeling?” Preeti asked Madhu.

“Oh! Much better!” She smiled and said. She looked at Siddharth as he was coming down the stairs and winked at him, “My little brother took good care of her.”

“That’s awesome!” Preeti said excitedly. “I was worried that you were sick or something. I am glad you are feeling better.”

“Yes! I am too!” Madhu said, smiling.

To be continued.

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Srilata 8211 My Hot MotherInLaw And My Wife

My wife had just visited the hospital and she came to know that she cannot be a mother as her ovaries are not forming naturally and the only other option left is IVF and that too surrogacy IVF. My heart jumped a beat and I sank down on the sofa after hearing the news. This meant that I cannot be a dad anymore and all the visuals of being a father to a son / daughter came in my mind and I started to get emotional. By now my wife who had been a strong sense of pillar to me all my life broke down...

3 years ago
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Threesome With Sister In Law And Brother 8211 Part III

Hello to all ISS readers, hope you all enjoyed my earlier stories and thanks for your comments and feedback. This is my third story in continuation of my Threesome experience with my Sister in Law Vani and my brother. Now I go directly to the third day experience where we shoot our very first home made xxx video. Since we decided to make our own blue film, I started making all the preparation right from the morning itself. I went for some shopping and bought a halogen lamp which is used for...

2 years ago
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Wife and SisterinLaw

I recently told you the true story of my sweet teenage sister-in-law and how I took her virginity. Since that time, Karie and I had been fucking regularly for the last six months. We both knew that it was wrong and felt guilty about it but we were addicted to each other. Forbidden fruit always taste sweeter. The sight of her firm teenage tits and her tight snatch was more than I could resist. Karie had tried dating boys her age and fucking them, but she always came back to me because she said...

4 years ago
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Dominating My Wife MotherInLaw And SisterInLaw

This morning I woke up with a tingling feeling on my dick , I opened my eyes to see my sister-in-law Tania sucking my cock , she was just 19 , short hair , fair , and small but growing boobs , with a nice ass , I don’t remember fucking her last night at least , but now she was sucking my cock , I was hard , my 6.5 inch cock was pointing right in her face as she began licking it and sucking it , I got up and she smiled at me , I instantly pulled her hair and made her suck me deeper and harder ,...

2 years ago
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Suhagraat With SisterInLaw At A Marriage In Delhi 8211 Part 1

Hello every one how are you .hope that you people r doing well in u r life. readers this is my very first story on iss .hope that my story will not disappoint you. so without wasting your time lets come to the story .first of all i want to tell that this is little bit a long story so please read it fully with patience.it was the 2nd week of December in indore .the cold winter was spreading its effect all over the horizon. As it was Sunday deepak was still sleeping in his bedroom. the clock on...

3 years ago
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Awesome Sex With Sister In Law 8211 Part I

Hello everyone, My name is Vinay and this website was my friend in nights when I was not married. This story is a real one. the incidents detailed here took 1 yr to happen. For any feedback, Please email me at I got married approx a year back. I stay in Noida. I work for an IT company. I had a traumatic past and was cheated by my girl friend whom I wanted to marry. She was very beautiful. I always being a traditional guy never indulged in any sex thing. After I was cheated, I decided not to...

3 years ago
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Mark fucks his sister in law next to his wife

Mark was sat at his computer looking at porn and wanking himself off before his wife got home.Tina had sent him an email thanking him for yesterday and telling him that she couldn’t wait until he visited her again today and filled her cunt with his cock and semen. The email finished with ‘See you at 7pm … but here’s a little something incase you can’t wait either …’ Attached was a video clip.And that clip, was what Mark was wanking himself off to. His face was getting sweaty and his hand was...

1 year ago
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Dominating My Wife MotherInLaw And sisterInLa

This morning I woke up with a tingling feeling on my dick , I opened my eyes to see my sister-in-law Tania sucking my cock , she was just 19 , short hair , fair , and small but growing boobs , with a nice ass , I don’t remember fucking her last night at least , but now she was sucking my cock , I was hard , my 6.5 inch cock was pointing right in her face as she began licking it and sucking it , I got up and she smiled at me , I instantly pulled her hair and made her suck me deeper and harder ,...

3 years ago
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Srijata My SisterInLaw 8211 My Lover

Srijana 38c-34-40 was a woman of very high character and she very well knew that her son in law which is me will see to it that all is taken care of where her daughter is concerned. Her daughter sandhya 34cc-32-36 is married to me and is my wife for last 14 years. The only problem she is facing is shrijata 34b-29-34 marriage, my young sister in law who was all of 10 when I was married to her sister who was full and ripe of 18 then. Sandhya one day very casually suggested that why don’t I speak...

1 year ago
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Poonam8217s Inexplicable Problems 8211 Pt 2 Excited Sister And BrotherInLaw

This narration is based on true events narrated by Poonam with some fantasies and spice incorporated if and when required. This in continuation to my previous story. I hesitantly kept my hands on her boobs, I could sense my sister Priya getting turned on with my touch. But she tried to not show that and continued to feel my huge milky boobs. When she first touched my boobs, it was purely in surprise, now she started enjoying the soft and silky touch of my melons. Despite both of us having huge...

4 years ago
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How My SisterInLaw Gave Up To Her Desires

Hello fellas, This is Raj, writing my first story at ISS about a very recent real encounter with my sister-in-law. This story is dedicated to all the Housewives and mature girls, who have sacrificed their own deepest, wildest desires in order to please someone else. Request you all to encourage the further writing through personal mails and comments at First things first. Let me introduce myself. I am 26 years of age, married to a beautiful gal since one year and currently live in Bangalore. I...

3 years ago
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MIL In Love 8211 Part 5 Marriage With SisterInLaw

Our sex life was going great guns. Nisha, my wife, is not at home. We were very open and fucked when every possible. We were having sex at least 4 times a week at night and 3 or 4 times during the day like honeymoon couples. My wife called one day and said her project got extended. She will have to stay for another 4 to 6 weeks. I was delighted but had to act sad. My mother-in-law was also delighted, and now we can spend more time. During this period, my office work became a bit busy for a week...

1 year ago
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Lusting For Wife8217s Sisterinlaw

Hi Friends, This is Jai. Am 29 years old, working with an MNC in Pune. I got married when I was 26, Nisha my wife was 23 then. We had a great time at the starting days of our marriage, sex being our favorite. Slowly Nisha lost interest in sex after a couple of years, so we just do when she is in mood for it, that too after lot of persistence by me. But I could find its getting boring with her. Before marriage I did have affairs with few young gals and a couple of my friends’ wives. But after...

2 years ago
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With wife and sister in law

That Friday night, I was feeling a bit down and hence decided to take off of Saturday. I told my wife so. She, however, insisted that I should go to work, since I would be requiring some holiday the next month. I had mentally decided to take off and that night, since my son was out of town, I enjoyed the usual sex with my wife and slept peacefully. Next day morning, when I got up, I found my wife besides me, staring at me. I smiled and started fondling with my member. I asked her to suck me,...

3 years ago
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Telugu 8211 My First Seduction With SisterInLaw

Hi.. Good evening all.. Andariki deepavali shubhakankshalu…. Na life lo almost oka 5 stories unnai.. Andulo this is one of the story.. This is real incident happened in my btech 3rd year with my sister in law ramya.. I am normal guy with 5.6″ height and 52 kgs weight.. Just one line before going to incident. Atleast oka 2 times ina iss stories chadivi mastribute chesukokunda padukovatledu from the last 6 years.. Ok coming to the incident it was happened when I am studying my btech 3rd...

3 years ago
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Oral sex with wife and sister in law

Introduction: On a normal Friday-evening having oral sex with my wife and her sister Oral sex with wife and sister in law It was Friday-evening and my sister in law, Aisha, was planning to stay the weekend with me and my wife Layla. I love my wife and we have a good sex-life, but every time I see Aisha, I got excited. I cannot resist myself jerking off now and then while having a fantasy about my sister in law. It is half past eight that Friday and we are sitting in the living room and watch...

2 years ago
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Sexy SisterInLaw And Rainy Encounter

Hi guys, this is Rahul, and I am back with recent encounter. I am very thankful for the responses I received for . Happy that people like my story. This is about the recent encounter with my favorite and cute my sister-in-law Sruthi. It all started with a marriage function of my relative. Let’s move to the story folks. It was my distance relative’s marriage function and it was a must that someone from my family should attend it. As my wife had left with the kid, everyone decided it should be...

4 years ago
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Sister In Law And Niece Fuck My Brains out Part 8211 1

Hi, I am Sri, 32 years of age. Sharing a story about how I fucked my sister in law, Anupama, and my cousin sister, Vaishali a few years back. My cousin brother got married a few years back to a beautiful and hot girl. She is about 5 feet 1 inch but a beautiful face with big eyes and a nice smile. She is about 34-28-34 and age 23, so you can imagine how sensuous she is. No extra fat with a navel that’s soft and inviting. After her marriage with my cousin, Anupama was friendly with me and was...

2 years ago
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Jolly My SisterInLaw 8211 Part 2

Hey friends, this is the second part of my previously posted story which you liked and commented. I am trying to conclude the same story with the same narrative and for this, I suggest you go back and see the first part of this story Jolly, my sister in law If you find this story worth reading and commenting please do that and if you like you can message me at my email id I had been lucky enough to be enjoying my sister in law, jolly in absence of my wife at home and so far, I had made her cum...

4 years ago
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Threesome With Sister In Law And Brother 8211 Part II

Hi to all ISS readers. Hope you enjoyed my first story. This is my second story of my continuing three some incest experience with my brother and my sweet sister in law Vani. After the very first threesome encounter, I started to look for the next opportunity with lot of anticipation and excitement. The second day I was thinking how I should act for today night and recalling all the scenes which I had seen in blue films. I was preparing myself for an enjoyable night. In the evening I took a...

1 year ago
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Fucked Wife Thinking Of Sisterinlaw In Next Room

Hi all, today I am going to tell you all about a real incident that happened in my life. I am 37 years old, have an average-sized dick, which can be taken up easily in hand. However, I also feel that size does not matter that, it is the stamina that is required for one has to perform. I live with my wife and kid. My wife is 32 years old, having a very nice figure. She has a 30 waist and wears a 32C bra, so that’s how it is. Coming to the incident, a few days ago my sister-in-law (my wife’s...

3 years ago
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Fucked Wife Thinking Of Sisterinlaw In Next Room

Hi all, today I am going to tell you all about a real incident that happened in my life. I am 37 years old, have an average-sized dick, which can be taken up easily in hand. However, I also feel that size does not matter that, it is the stamina that is required for one has to perform. I live with my wife and kid. My wife is 32 years old, having a very nice figure. She has a 30 waist and wears a 32C bra, so that’s how it is. Coming to the incident, a few days ago my sister-in-law (my wife’s...

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Priya 8211 My Wife8217s Sister 8211 Part I

This is my first story. Hope you all like it. This is a fantasy regarding my wife’s sister, Priya. I think she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Her smile can make a dead man get up and start running. Her lips are perfectly shaped and a kiss from her could stop a man dead on his tracks! Her eyes sparkle and a man can easily drown in them and her figure is something to die for. Her skin is white as marble and her assets are just right. I think her figure is probably 32 30 32 just perfect...

4 years ago
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Helping A Widow 8211 My BrotherInLaw8217s Wife 8211 Part 1

Hi friends this is Dev again. Thanks for all your wonderful comments. For Mami relived her married life part 1 and 2 This story is about how I got hooked to my bro in laws wife, who became widow at a very early age. She is lonely, sweet and sexy. Coming back to the story : After returning to from bali with my sexy mami. We were always finding chances to meet and have sex. One such incident happened one of our relative had brought a huge bungalow in gujrat and we were invited all my family...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Mother In Law 8211 Part VI

It all changed the day after. I became one of them in the sense that they could change the clothes in front of me and I can change before them. Kissing on the lips became very usual. I could even help both for hooking the bra and even choosing the panties for wearing. But one thing was not certain and that was hurting me. Could it be possible for me and for my mother in law to do oral sex in full consciousness? this question disturbed for quite few days thereafter. I and my wife do visited her...

3 years ago
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Seduced My SisterInLaw And Fucked Her 8211 Part 1

Hi readers…. Like lot of you I am a vivid reader of Indian sex stories and have a lot of fantasies… Today I am going to share my sex experience which I had with my sister in law…. Well I am Krishna, working in a private company in Hyderabad,26 yrs of age. Ours is a big family but not joint , I had totally 3 cousin sisters,we always used to have normal fun whenever there was a family function at any relatives house cracking jokes and playing cards and games ….Two sisters were married and one was...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Sexy SisterInLaw

Ki Hi all, my name is Abhinav. I am a 29 year old married guy from Delhi. This story is about my sexual experience with my sister in law (my wife’s brother’s wife). Her name is Kavya. She is 34 year old with a kid. She is 5’4” in height with dusky in color. She is bit on little bulky side, not plump but with right fat at right place. She has huge body assets. I don’t know about the right size but looking at her figure she must have 38C bust, 34 waist and 42 butt size with black hairs till her...

1 year ago
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Jolly My SisterInLaw 8211 Part 1

If you like my story please comment and or mail me at My Wife Sushma was pregnant for six months and my in-laws wanted to take her to their home but due to office Job she did not get leave. But she was becoming weak after a days work in office and so I decided to hire a house maid but my mother-in-law suggested she would send someone form their place. In a week Jolly joined us. She was cousin sister of my wife and had completed graduation and was waiting for her marriage. The moment I saw...

4 years ago
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brother in law staring at sister my wife

My wife is a bbw Latina and in the process of losing weight. She's already a sexy woman with large hips and butt. She's also got some of the largest fat nipples I've seen on a woman. On a cold day her padded bra struggles to hide her headlights! My wife is very conservative when it comes to cloths. She covers up everything and will sometimes wear it loose fit. But she has an awesome body underneath.About 9 months ago my brother in law came to live with us due to no place to say. And he's very...

1 year ago
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Neighbor And Her SisterInLaw 8211 Part I

Hi guys this is Sam (name changed) i am from Karnataka i am a govt. servant before getting a govt. job i was working in Bangalore in a call center and i was staying in a rented apartment in north Bangalore. Before i start with my story want to tell u guys about myself. My name is Sam and i am 5 “10” and fair in color and have 7.5 inches long penis, and as i am from a small town never had a girlfriend now let me take you guys to the story. This incident happened when i was working in a mnc as i...

3 years ago
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Oral sex with wife and sister in law

It was Friday-evening and my sister in law, Aisha, was planning to stay the weekend with me and my wife Layla. I love my wife and we have a good sex-life, but every time I see Aisha, I got excited. I cannot resist myself jerking off now and then while having a fantasy about my sister in law. It is half past eight that Friday and we are sitting in the living room and watch television. Aisha just had a shower and wears exercise clothes of my wife. Her hair is still wet which gives her a...

2 years ago
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Young Rounded Fuck With SisterInLaw 8211 Part 2

Hi Indian sex stories readers.. Hope everyone enjoying their sexual passions.. I have received fantastic response from readers and here is my other experience with my sister-in-law (cousin of my wife) continued… I am continuing my experience with my maradalu (wife’s cousin sister).. We just exhausted with long lasting fuck and relaxed for an hour with leg lock, body lock tightly in heavy blanket.. And slept.. After an hour she got up and walked to wash room by covering with her inner...

3 years ago
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My SisterInLaw 8211 Part 1

Might as well as happened to some of you..MY SIL. Friends this story is about me and my SIL, her name starts with A and my name starts with S. Well this story starts a little while ago when A was around ** years old. A’s body started developing very early and I was in my 2 years of marriage, as days turn in months and years A started showing promising hormones and she looked gorgeous with a height of 5’5″ high cheek bones deep settled eyes and jet black straight hair and beautiful hands, calf...

2 years ago
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Slave To Mother 8211 In 8211 Law

Hello ISS readers, this is Suresh from Andhra pradesh and this is a real story happened in my life. If you like it, send your feed back to me at Ma athagari name Jayalaxmi age 50 years. Nenu valla ammai Ramani ni marriage chesukuni illarikam vellanu. (son in law lives in mom in law’s house). This is a culture in Andhra Pradesh. I am 27 years old. Because of our poorness, I had to marry my wife Ramani. Nenu ma annayya, vadine la intlo undevadini. Ma vadine chala cruel lady. Naku food kooda...

1 year ago
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My Wife 8211 Part 18 Incest Sex With Inlaws

Avantika finished her bath, and she went to her room. As she went in to change her dress, she saw her father-in-law entering from the main door. Surender came and sat in the dining in the hall. Avantika felt weird about her father-in-law coming in the middle of the day. He usually comes from the farm in the evening. She then thought that he might have come because of some work. But again, she thought that if he had come for work, why was he sitting in the hall. Meanwhile, her mother-in-law...


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