Slutty New Year free porn video

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The room went silent, everyone turned their eyes to the smaller boy of the group Kent, a conversation filled with the experience and closely kept fantasies of sex dying down to nothing, despite Kent’s grumpy personality and lack of interest in… anything he was the one with the highest body count being he was a sex worker.

“Not even for a second?” Another member of the circled friends, Bruce spoke up not believing the statement.

“In that industry, you just numb yourself as much as possible so the job can get done quicker and my cherry popper wasn’t the best, at loving or fucking” Kent just shrugged and took a swig of his beer.

Bruce wanted to say something but figured that Kent might have just chosen his job after that lover, who he knew who the boy was talking about since he was there when the relationship went up in flames but really? Not once? Could there have been a time he just didn’t remember? Unlikely as Kent never drank except special occasions like this, he has however found empty bottles in the med cabinet before and that could explain some things.

“Wanna have one?” one of the more perverted but still unlucky guys, Charm (weird name) offered with a sloppy smirk.

Kent stared at him with a blank look and said “my rates are too high for your cheap ass”

“Ouch,” the man fake pouted.

Bruce leaned towards Kent, not even close to touching him but still a noticeable amount “I think he’s right though, maybe you’ll loosen up a bit” the words spilled out faster than he could think.

“Fuck off” Kent looked away from the group continuing to take small sips of his beverage.

“Come on I didn’t mean it like that” Bruce tried to correct himself without actually knowing which way Kent had taken it, probably the way he usually takes which is him being a little stretched out “I just meant you’re stressed and blocking off a good source of dopamine is probably unhealthy in some sort”

“It is, my doctor’s still bitch about my blood pressure” Kent looked at the more built but still younger man sitting next to him, his dark brown eyes piercing as he pulled his knees closer to his chest “But you’re probably thinking of being the one to ‘take the stress away’ aren’t you? Not interested I get enough back pain from the idiots that pay to give it to me”

Bruce couldn’t think of a comeback for that one, it was true that despite Kent’s constant unhappy mood and occasional rude tendencies he was a very attractive man, deep brown doe eyes, lips with a slight puff to them, light brown hair you’d be was as healthy as it was despite his depressive rut going down to pool at his shoulders but no longer than that, a small body that’d perfectly fit in the arms of someone like Bruce but not really to the point you’d be concerned, a soft facial structure but you could still see his jaw, and if you were lucky enough to see him laugh genuinely he had cute dimples on both cheeks that made you go from thinking he hated your guts to being the cutest person on earth and just want to kiss him until you’re both blue.

Okay so Bruce had a small thing for the man, he never tried anything, at least not something that couldn’t be mistaken for just being friendly and that was very much on purpose, Kent wasn’t really into relationships, kept saying he’d rather get his shit together before looking when they were in high school now he was in his late twenties pushing thirty and he’s basically given up and just fallen on his clients to be his source of intimate touch not that it mattered as he was so out of it, he didn’t even register the feeling.

It made Bruce upset but he kept his mouth shut not wanting to be asked why’d he’d care so much about Kent finding something, if he lied he’d be immediately called out and he didn’t know if Kent only slept with men for the money or because he genuinely had an interest in them at one point to coming out wasn’t an option if their friendship would be on the line.

“Pervert,” Kent said blandly when he saw the look on his companion’s face.

Charm laughed and almost spilled his drink falling over, it was getting later in the night but all of the dumbasses were too drunk to drive from Kent’s place “ha! Imagine getting rejected on new years”

“Oh, and who do you have under your wing for the night” Bruce retorted, slightly offended.

“I got this guyzzz” Charm drunkenly hummed as he sat up and threw his arms around Hans, making their face mere inches apart.

Hans looked mildly annoyed, seeing as he was the butt of all Charm’s romantic jokes but as always just pressed his lips together and looked away, pushing the drunk away by his face who whined and tried to stay on, Jake laughed as he watched, Kent watched silently while Bruce tried not to think too much.

The reason they were all there was because they failed to get dates for that night so really none of them had room to talk about getting rejected, Hans the only one getting actually rejected although he refused to say who he asked but the rest of them just couldn’t think of someone to ask out and no one had come up to them… well a few people did for Kent but he turned them down because he didn’t want to be drugged up coming into a new year, he was going to pretend he had his shit together for a day if only that one.

Charm and Hans were still… doing whatever that was, Jake got a text and looked down to answer is not really paying attention like usual, Kent was staring at the trio in the middle of the room chewing on the rim of the beer can in thought, Bruce was trying not to let all the alcohol pumping through him make him do something stupid even though he wanted to.

After a moment Kent spoke so quietly Bruce almost didn’t catch him “I wanna do something different this year”


“It’s always the same when you think about it, sometimes you guys have lovers and spend the day with them or just a date you hope will work out, but I don’t really leave the house on new years, I just silently make promises I know I’ll break, being single sucks sometimes” He mumbled, can still pressed against his lips as he looked to the side at Bruce.

Bruce swallowed thickly and rubbed his thumb on his can, he didn’t want to say something stupid, but being intoxicated was really lowering his ability to keep his hands to himself when Kent was looking that attractive, “then maybe do something different man, even getting up and cooking would be a surprise right now”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kent furrowed his brows.

“Eh, I meant you invite us over all the time but you never really cook for holidays, it’s a bummer since you do make some good food” Bruce blabbered, not thinking he made things better but saw Kent’s expression go back to blank.

Kent blinked, his long lashes flushing against his pale cheeks before lifting up again to reveal his eyes and it almost hypnotized Bruce who coughed and looked away when he felt a stir in his pants embarrassingly from that one movement, he was a grown man for pete’s sake, not a freshman, “if you’re hungry you could have just said something dumbass”

Food wasn’t exactly the thing he was hungry for but being drunk on an empty stomach probably wasn’t smart so he just nodded and got up when he felt weight shift then disappear off the couch and followed into the kitchen, it wasn’t the biggest but wasn’t so small Bruce felt squeezed, he just leaned against the counter as the smaller man opened the door to the fridge and looked inside, he was honestly surprised every time because as little as he’s seen Kent actually eat in all of the years they’ve known each other there was always a good amount of things to snack on.

“What do you want”

Bruce almost said the first thing on his mind but quickly bit his tongue and pretended it was just him thinking despite the both of them knowing he doesn’t do that when he actually thinks, “uuuh, maybe a sandwich?”

Kent didn’t answer as he started grabbing things and started to set them down, it wasn’t until the man pulled out a pan did Bruce realize it wasn’t going to be a quick ham and cheese, he could make that himself anyway so he didn’t know why that was his immediate thought since they came in there for cooking.

He watched Kent closely, the man honestly worked fast but not too fast for obvious reasons still Bruce’s drunk brain couldn’t really grasp what was being made as he delved deep into thought, part of what made Kent one of the more popular sex workers in the town was the fact that he had a rather large ass, sort of like a brand new pillow, hadn’t even started to sag yet despite all the weeks he’d refuse to get out of bed before it was still perky, it was just softer depending if he was working out or in an episode, Bruce really wanted to see it naked at that moment, not even touch it knowing his hands would get slapped just look at it so he had something to get off to.

His attention was brought back from daydreaming of fucking his friend when a small plate was put in his vision, he blinked and saw a neatly made egg sandwich, a bit taken aback being both of them had a lot to drink, he took the plate and looked at Kent about to say something when the man turned the stove on and off, a small flame flickering in and out of existence as he did so “I sober up around flames”

Bruce nodded and looked back at the food picking it up and taking a decent bite out of it, he made a noise of satisfaction glancing at Kent who was already staring at him, Bruce chewed and swallowed slowly sucking some garlic mayo off his bottom lip “You really should cook more”

“Mention you’re hungry more” was all that was said in reply as Kent started putting things away.

“Awww! How come Bruce gets a treat and the rest of us get liquor bottles” Jake pouted, leaning against the island, almost squished against the wall.

Kent sighed, put a hand on his hip, and turned around in a way that made his hair fling off his shoulder by itself, Bruce had to bite his tongue, “why do none of you know how to use your mouths when it’s needed?”

“Why does the ‘perv’ get the sandwich” Jake pouted more.

Bruce wasn’t fond of being called a perv.

“Because he used his brain and asked for some food, now what do you want because I’m not stepping back into this kitchen tonight after this”

“Mac and cheese!”

It took Kent an hour or two but he finally made enough food to feed the house for the rest of the night, more drinking happened as it got closer to midnight, and Bruce finally got Kent alone upstairs after not so accidentally spilling the rest of his beer, it took everything in him not to just pin the man to the bed and have him screaming until sunrise but he kept it mostly together, “what?” Kent said a bit snappy once the door was closed and he started changing his shirt.

“I was just making sure you weren’t going to bed and not telling us” Bruce bullshitted.

“Bullshit” Kent immediately caught on “you’ve been acting antsy all day so don’t even lie to me”

Bruce sighed, running a hand through his hair staring at the floor, he hasn’t been this nervous since he came out to his grandmother, Kent had that influence on him and it was definitely showing tonight, after a minute he shook his head and backed up to leave the room “never mind it’s not important”

“Bruce” Kent grabbed his shirt to stop him from leaving, those goddamn brown eyes were serious “if you don’t just let it out right now you’re going to make me rip my hair out”

Bruce’s senses were overloaded, the sent of food and liquor wafted off him but also the underlying sent of his cologne and natural smell, it affected him much more than it should have and he couldn’t think because he was too busy trying to keep a tent from pressing against Kent’s stomach, “I…”

Autopilot kicked in and he just leaned down and mashed their lips together out of drunken stupor, holding Kent there until the man moved and he quickly got off embarrassed, hand gripping the doorknob so hard his knuckles turned white, “fuck, that… that was an accident”

“Didn’t feel like one” Kent said in a bland sarcastic tone, making Bruce feel like he just fucked up.

“It was, fuck, I’m not thinking clearly-”

Kent walked over to him and much softer this time pressed their lips together only for a second, “you babble too much, just admit you want to fuck me”

Bruce opened his mouth to deny that when Kent pushed his very obvious hardon with his pointer finger “you’ve been fumbling over your words all night but the one thing you forgot to take into account is that you’re not that small and wore jeans over here”

Bruce was frozen as he watched Kent look down and spread his touch from just a finger to cupping the tight tent and giving it a nice lift and drop, Bruce bit the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning at the friction as Kent met his eyes again “Hefty”

Bruce blushed from the tips of his ears to his neck, his shy persona creeping in from the intoxication as Kent didn’t let go and kept up eye contact, usually, he wasn’t this direct or surprisingly this sassy and it was hard to make coherent sentences when someone you were interested in was just holding your dick in their hand like a stack of English papers and not letting go.

“It’s out there now” Kent stated the obvious, there was no way for Bruce to lie about this one “do you want to act on it or pretend it didn’t happen and go back with the boys?”

Act on it

He strongly wanted to act on it, but he was worried Kent would hate him in the morning, they were both very much wasted but Kent had stated multiple times he didn’t want to be intimate with someone until he got his depression under control both drunk and sober, Bruce honestly thought it was a trap but Kent wasn’t the type to joke about things like this so there might be a small chance.

“If you don’t say anything then I’m going back down and ignoring your problem until we’re both conscious enough to not make spontaneous decisions” Kent threatened.

Bruce grabbed his arm and squeezed lightly “you’re going to hate me tomorrow”

“Most likely, but business has been slow for a few weeks so the sperm bank is overflowed” He answered honestly.

Bruce thought for a second but as soon as Kent made a move to leave he mashed their lips together and picked the man up by the back of his thighs so he could walk over to the bed and flopping them both on the mattress, Bruce stuffed his face in Kent’s neck and pushed his shirt up so he could get a good feel of the body he was about to fuck, he heard the drawer to the nightstand open and something rattle.

He looked up halfway and pinned Kent’s wrist to the bed sliding the bottle of pills out his hand with his fingers then lowered his voice to whisper “No drugs, I want you to feel all of me”

Kent shivered and nodded, a yip replacing whatever he was about to say when two giant handfuls of his ass were grabbed knowing there was still some fat there that could have been grabbed, he hated how big his ass was because everyone thought he’d be flamboyant and dress slutty when actually the opposite happened and he only wears “fitting” pants when he doesn’t leave the house as he was tired of it just being grabbed during highschool, Bruce wasn’t doing it out of malice though so he didn’t immediately go into punch mode.

“S-slow down” Kent huffed, stuttering slightly from a sudden spike in nervousness.

He hadn’t been sensitive to touch during sex since his last relationship nearly a decade ago, he honestly didn’t remember how it was going to feel and then again this was with a man, and this time he was bottoming, Bruce had been yanking off his pants but stopped when he heard Kent, nuzzling right under the man’s ear, “had a change of mind?”

“No…” Kent thought about it, he wasn’t opposed to it happening, he just needed a moment to grasp what was happening “Just stop being impatient, we aren’t racing against a clock”

Bruce smirked against Kent’s neck and rubbed the man’s thighs “Sorry, got a little excited”

Kent sighed relieved he was actually listened to but his eyes widened and he let out another yip as his lower half was lifted into air then plopped back down taking the pants off of him when Bruce shifted them to be more centered on the bed, Kent moved so he could look at Bruce with a halfassed glare and Bruce just smiled back innocently, after that the brute was much more gently pecking Kent’s lips and running his thumbs over the man’s sides.

Kent didn’t know if this was better or not from the previous manhandling, every touch ignited a feeling he wasn’t familiar with but he wanted so much more of, and going this slow was going to drive him insane, he huffed and stuffed his hand in Bruce’s hair to grip it forcing their lips together longer than half a second then rolled their hips together.

Bruce let out a sharp sigh and took Kent’s legs on his arms, the back of the man’s knees lining up with the inside of his elbows as he grabbed Kent’s hips and ground his hard-on in the crack of Kent’s ass making him shiver and let go of Bruce’s hair who locked eyes with him as he started to trail his lips down Kent’s body enjoying the small reactions he was getting, having to hold himself back when he took a long lick of Kent’s nipple and earned a whine in response.

Still holding those lustful doey eyes in his Bruce made his way even further down until he reached the waistband of Kent’s briefs, looking down at them for a second then back at Kent and ripped them clean off having Kent jump a little in surprise but the aggressive movement only made him hotter as he wondered what Bruce was about to do next, not really knowing what to do with his hands so he just kept them laying there until something happened.

Bruce kissed Kent’s hips intentionally avoiding the man’s dick as he went down further and buried his face between the two thick globes of ass he so desperate to take a bite out of, Kent’s eyes widened and he yelped quietly when he felt a tongue lick a strip over his hole, Bruce didn’t waste any time eating Kent out to his hearts desire with practiced skill.

It was hard for Kent not to close his legs tightly, his thighs squishing Bruce’s cheeks as lightly as he could hold them as one hand shot down and gripped the man’s messy hair as he pressed his lips into the clenched fist of his free hand and turned his head away so he could avoid meeting Bruce’s burning stare as he tried to keep the rising mouths in his throat but couldn’t stop the whines that escaped him.

Bruce didn’t like Kent holding in his moans so he got up biting his lip at the displeased whimper that left the older man under him as he opened the nightstand, finding a shit ton of pens, two books none of which were notebooks, and another bottle in the first drawer, weird collection but he’s seen worse, he opened the second drawer to see something similar finding what he was looking for.

Bruce shoved his face back in Kent’s ass feeling the man shake as he resumed eating him out, Kent bit down on his finger as he squirmed and whimpered but quickly let it go as a moan escaped his throat when he felt a slick digit slide into him, he looked at Bruce who was still staring at him intensely and moaned again when he felt the finger move immediately curling upward and dragging against his prostate, it was too much for Kent to handle as he started to moan and shake, embarrassingly enough he could already feel that creeping knot in his stomach signaling he was about to cum just from the small movements.

He tried to hold it as another finger was slipped into him again and started to stretch him out still torturing Kent’s sweet spot as he did so, Kent threw his head back and let out a long desperate whine, he didn’t want to be slow anymore he wanted to be fucked right then and there, he wanted to voice that but in the state he was in it would have come out as a beg and he wasn’t out of it enough to where that wouldn’t make his cheeks flush just yet.

“What are you thinking about?” Bruce asked, still acting innocent despite shoving three large fingers up Kent’s ass and fucking him with them “you seem distracted”

“I-I’m not distracted” Kent tried to be sassy but failed as moans kept slipping out his mouth, grabbing Bruce’s wrist but not making any movement to stop what was happening “I’m just, t-trying not to be l-oud”

“Oh?” Bruce asked with a smirk thrusting his fingers rougher directly into Kent prostate making the man moan loudly and toss his head back gripping Bruce’s wrist tighter “I guess you wouldn’t want the others to hear you getting claimed”

The term claimed made Kent’s hole quiver, he didn’t realize how much he wanted that until it was said aloud Bruce let out a low groan then while still fucking Kent with his fingers grabbed the remote for the small tv on the dresser across from them and turned it on, the new years’ celebration popped up and Bruce really didn’t care much to change it so he just turned up the volume and plopped the remote somewhere he didn’t see.

Kent bit his lip to try to silence himself but Bruce leaned down and sucked his bottom lip from between his teeth into his mouth and started to kiss him roughly, Kent whimpered and ground his hips to Bruce’s thrusts and felt the knot get stronger in his stomach, he didn’t want to cum from just this so he pulled back from the kiss with a wet pop and finally swallowed his pride “p-please, just fuck me already”

Bruce growled lowly in his throat and pulled out his fingers, Kent not being able to help the whine that left his lips, fumbling with his pants as he took them and his boxers off so rough he almost ripped them, slicking up his cock with the lube he got from the nightstand and pressed his tip against Kent’s entrance, thinking he was forgetting something for a second but Kent gripped his biceps tightly and rolled his hips staring up at him with such unfiltered want he lost his train of thought and slowly sank into the man.

Kent let out a long moan and his eyes rolled back as he cummed all over his stomach once Bruce was fully in and the head of his dick slid over his prostate, his face flushed in embarrassment at the fact that he didn’t even last long enough for Bruce to get a few thrusts in and was about to start babbling apologies when he looked up at Bruce’s face and there was such burning lust in his expression Kent went quiet.

“Fuck that was hot”

“I-it’s embarrassing” Kent admitted, almost shrinking back when their eyes locked due to the intensity of Bruce’s golden eyes “I’m in my twenties, not a teen just discovering sex”

Bruce leaned down and gave a surprisingly gentle kiss “want me to pull out?”

Kent’s immediate answer was no, sure he was going to be sensitive but he was still too horny to just let Bruce go, plus it wasn’t fair if Bruce had to go finish off himself when they were so close to just fucking like rabbits, not wanting to sound too much like a slut he quickly shook his head and felt his dick leak precum when Bruce let out a deep, low chuckle.

It was going to be a long night.

Bruce put Kent’s legs back up on his arms and gripped the man’s hips tight as he started to fuck him, not even starting out softly just roughly pounding straight into Kent’s prostate not quite brutally yet, Kent saw stars as he cried out in pleasure withering and shaking underneath the brute, it felt so good he could have cum on the spot again despite his spillage not even a few seconds ago.

Bruce let out heavy shaking pants as he slammed into the man feeling the hot fucktunnel he buried his cock in become a wet clenching mess, Kent wasn’t as loose as he thought he would be with how many people he sees in one weekend but his dick was being sucked back in eagerly every time he pulled out as Kent’s hole spasmed and clamped down on him, the way Kent was moaning and withering and digging his nails into his biceps turned him on just as much as what he was feeling inside.

Kent kept subconsciously begging to be fucked deeper and harder, he felt full with Bruce’s cock stuffed into him and he loved it, he wanted more and Bruce was very happy to give it to him, before they knew it the bed was creaking under the brutal force of Bruce’s thrusts slamming into Kent, he slid his hands under the man and grabbed as much ass as he could fit in two handfuls and raised his hips off the bed, creating a new angle that had Kent’s toes curling, his eyes rolling back and tongue sticking out as he panted between moans, the pleasure was almost too much as tears formed in his eyes.

“Bruce! Bruce please-” he begged in a whine, he was about to cum again and it was going to happen a lot quicker than the first time.

Bruce didn’t say anything as he concentrated on fucking Kent and trying to also hold back cumming, he wanted to savor the moment for as long as his body would let him, in the background the announcer said that the countdown was about to start and quickly after chanting started.

Kent was the only one that noticed it, even with his senses being overworked and the echos of his pleasure was pulsing in his ears the chanting was distinct enough for him to pick up on it, he was about to start a new year getting pounded into the bed by one of his best friends.

Once the clock hit ten seconds it was like his body just couldn’t force back his needs and the need to cum grew rapidly, he tried to count with the rest of the crowd but he was obviously too foggy-brained for that being he was getting roughly fucked and there wasn’t room for anything more than pure lust.


“1, happy new year!”

Both of them came at once as soon as that sentence came out, Bruce slammed his lips onto Kent’s and slipped his tongue down the other’s throat but it didn’t help muffle much of the pleasurable scream that left Kent as he cummed hard and felt himself being filled to the very brim as Bruce’s dick twitched and throbbed in him pumping out the hot thick milk-like liquid deep into his guts.

Bruce pulled back still panting, his cheeks flushing red when he realized the state Kent was in, hair all over the place, tears staining his face, lips puffy and bruised, and cum all over him, Kent had cum so hard a bit of it hit his jaw and the rest splashed on his stomach and pushed up shirt, it took a minute for the both of them to realize Bruce forgot to put a condom on, but even then it most likely would have ripped with the way they were going at it.

Bruce slowly pulled out seeing Kent’s hole was slightly gaping and it took everything in him not to immediately shove his cock in and dump another load when he saw the cum start dripping out of it.

“I-I’m not walking tomorrow” Kent mumbled, slightly pouty about it

Bruce laughed and kissed the man’s temple, Kent let out a small whimper and tried to grind his hips on Bruce’s dick when he felt the touch of Bruce’s shirt rub against his own not quite softening dick, Bruce looked down and got a wicked smile on his face “up for a round two?”

Kent blushed more than he already was biting his lip “pervert”


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I am a professor at a reputed college. That’s all you need to know! Each day my class is filled with some of the hottest young women that ever walked the Earth. And even though they turn me on, I can’t do anything about it! One girl came to the class with a tight top and a short plaid skirt and flirted with me for extra marks. I used all my willpower to decline her, but all I wanted to do was drop her on my fucking table and lift her fucking skirt and taste her sweet, young pussy. Fuck! Since...

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Slutty Wife Manisha8217s Gangbanged 8211 Part 6

Let me re-introduce again first (incase you guys forgot my stats and for my new readers), I am Manisha, a slutty housewife with a curve line of 36DD-34-36. I live with my hubby Saurabh . we had been dating since long time before getting married and thus we are more like buddies rather than a couple I must say . I am 28 years old and Saurabh is 29. Being together for such long time gets us both feel free to each other and with the time I came to know Saurabh is equally or even more kinkier than...

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Slutty Wife Manisha8217s Gangbanged Part 8211 1

Let me introduce first, I am Manisha, a slutty housewife with a curve line of 36DD-34-36. I live with my hubby Saurabh. we had been dating since a long time before getting married and thus we are more like buddies rather than a couple I must say. I am 28 years old and Saurabh is 29. Being together for such long time gets us both feel free to each other and with the time I came to know Saurabh is equally or even more kinkier than me. He has a massive 8 inches dick to ram me day and night. I will...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 2

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

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Slutty girls fantasy

Slutty girls fantasy Fantasy #1I am dressed in a very skimpy black skirt barely covers my bottom, lacy pink boy cut panties that cling to my pussy lips like a second skin,black thigh highs and my sexy "fuck me" high heels, a hot pink push up open cup bra with my nipples openly visible and accessible, lastly a thin black collar that reads SLUT across the front.. youve picked out my sluttiest outfit and have plans for me tonight you said.. I love Sirs surprises.. 7:00pmI wait on my knees by your...

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Slutty Sarahrsquos stripper audition

Slutty Sarah is back guys - and she's getting worse."I was talking to Sarah in a cafe one day. We weren’t dating and to be honest, I didn’t admire her slutty ways, which seemed to be getting worse. I’d just come back from working in London (UK) for a month and she asked me what was the best part about being there. I told her it was in the evening, after I’d finished work, going to a strip club, well really a strip bar, near the Old Street area. I won’t give the name of the place, but anyone who...

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Slutty stars nelly furtado

Slutty Stars 1 – Nelly FurtadoThe sexy half Portuguese babe Nelly furtado was just finishing shooting her new video. I was watching her on stage (being a camera man that’s pretty much my job), and she looked amazing. She was wearing the tightest skin hugging black Lycra cat suit you’ve ever seen. She was up there gyrating and it was driving me crazy, I wanted nothing more than to shove my cock right up her tight little ass, little did I know my wish was soon to come true.“That’s a rap” the...

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Slutty Kerry gets into debt

Slutty Kerry gets into debtKerry was just 18 when she came to work for me as an office junior. Even as a school leaver she seemed very forward and though she was a little overweight she was more than willing to wear low cut tops and short skirts to work which went down very well with the men who worked in the factory.She had a boyfriend but was more than happy to let everyone know that she was also seeing a married black man.It wasn’t long before she was cadging cigarettes from the men in the...

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Slutty Sisier 8211 An Intensive Relationship Part 8211 2

Hi Guys! I am back with my continuation of my story “Slutty Sister-An Intensive Relationship “. If anyone has suggestions they can send it to my Gmail ID: I am really into chatting with some girls, if anyone is interested they can have a nice hot chat with me in Gmail. Hope you would wet your pants with this story! You can read the Slutty Sister-an Intensive Relationship I in the link- After their first encounter,...

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Slutty New Years Part II

So, after a protein filled New Year's night, the morning dawned with a heavy hangover from all the mixing up of drinks with cum from different guys. I had promised to attend the party hosted by the colony people. It was a placid party but too much was happening. Every neighbor was opening about the peculiar stuff that happened around their apartments. I got hyper and started talking about how a hooded figure would always sneak in the apartment opposite to my place and this uncle from that...

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Slutty Pierced MILF

Slutty Pierced MILF The caption that went along with her pictures read: I am a slutty pierced MILF who likes to show off sometimes. Her location was USA and her age group was twenty-two to thirty. There were five pictures of her. The first picture was of her standing in the shower, fully dressed, and taking her own picture with her phone in the mirror. That was when she got her full height in the picture. In the second picture she was wearing a lavender bra, pink panties, and facing...

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Slutty Jennifer Gets A Pounding

My girlfriend, Jen and I often discuss our fantasies. They usually involve inviting another person to join us. Whenever we watch porn together she really gets off at watching some naughty young girl getting fucked every which way by at least two studs with huge cocks. While watching the dirty girl on the telly, she’s often sucking my dick while I fuck her pussy with one of her many toys, imagining that she is the one in the film.Until last weekend we kept this as our little fantasy, however, I...

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ANNIE'S STORYAT THE DEALERSHIPAfter that, I became Matt's cum slut. I could not get enough of his cock. I loved him and told him so. Matt reciprocated. Matt and I talked on the phone everyday. I would tell him how horny I was and he would call me his dirty little slut. I would play with my cunt and tell him what I was doing. This always got him hard. I started dropping by the dealership after 6 when just Todd and Matt were working. Matt's office was right next to the main showroom window...

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Slutty Apartment Neighbors Part 3

You've read about my landlady (Mature Seduction) and Kris (Slutty #1), and Flo (Slutty #2), so here's another for the record:Arelene (not her real name) was actually a classmate who also hung out near my apartment. She was sweet on me in school, but I was too dense to catch on. Then she got married to a foreigner, and moved away for a while. Then we almost got together (head job only); then lost contact again.Finally, we ran into each other in Fresno (she was divorcing and moving home), and...

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Slutty Sister 8211 An Intensive Relationship 8211 Part 3

Hey, sinners! This is Madassess here with the continuation of the series “Slutty sister”. This is part 3 of the series. Do check out the previous ones. It was another normal day in our home. After a cricket match, all my friends came to my home to chill. I and my friends were planning to go on visiting tourist sites. The suggestions for different places were coming up. My mom who was doing chores inside the house. She came to greet and gave water to my friends. At that time, she was wearing...

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Slutty Island Resort

Initially, I tried staffing the Slutty resort with girls that worked for me plus people we recruited. The problem was, it ended up always being minimally manned. If I took enough models, actresses and strippers to fix my manning issues, then I would have to close the rest of Slutty. I couldn’t get enough men to do the menial jobs like landscaping, maintenance, construction and any other labour intensive position. I also had problems recruiting educated people like doctors and lawyers. The...

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Slutty Tales Be a Slut Maddie

Maddie grew up in a small village and has lived nineteen years of her life being a good girl. Unlike all her peers she rarely went out and almost never got drunk. She tried cigarettes when she was sixteen but she saw no fun in the coughing and smelly breath that followed. So it was her first and last time.Having been accepted to her first choice university, she has been studying towards becoming a teacher. She even went to church every Sunday with her family. Not because she believed in any of...

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Merry Belated Christmas Happy Friggin New Years

Kate and I had only been dating for about seven months by the time we went to that New Year’s Eve party.She was, is, my everything.We had actually met back in college, earlier that year. We had a class together during our last semester before graduating. She sat next to me and was friendly at first. It took me a while before I realized she was flirting with me. But, despite my obliviousness, she stuck with me. Once I registered the fact that she was flirting, we out and it was awesome.I always...

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Slutty Awakening Part 2

Introduction: More adventures of a beginning slut After experiencing a drunken rape at a frat party which I loved and seeing my fathers cock I had been having all sorts of sexual fantasies about being used, and then used by my father. My problem was that at 17 and living in a small town I had no one to talk to about such things. I tried mentioning sex to my best friend once and she made it very plain that she believed sex was something ugly and you only had it after you were married. So I had...

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Slutty Awakening Part 2

The internet had many offerings for me. For a small town girl who had so far only had consensual sex twice with one boy it was all very wild and strange. In researching incest on the web I stumbled across several sites that had stories and short videos. I read lots and lots of daddy daughter stories, fingering myself to cums as I imagined these stories to be about me and my daddy. I’d read so many in a month that I actually began to feel it was ok to want my father’s cock, I just had no...

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Slutty Brenda really surprises me

That Friday afternoon Brenda called my wife, inviting Ana to go with her to a concert featuring her favorite symphony rock band.Ana’s girlfriend explained she had been quarreling with her husband; so he was now angry and did not want to drive her there.She added that I could even go with them, since she had bought four tickets. I liked the band, so I agree to go with both girls…Brenda forgot saying that the concert would be outside town, just a couple hours driving away from Savannah.We arrived...

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Slutty Little girl

Few months ago my friend mike revealed a deep and hot happening to me. He only told me cause im the only one who is fucked up enough to handle it. Mike got married to hot piece of ass a few months ago that he met in a titty bar. This woman was all ass and tits and i could tell that she knew how to fuck. That was nothing in comparison with her slutty step daughter (the father died about 2yrs ago) who was only eighteen. Ive seen her and pictured myself fucking her tight fat pussy. She was build...

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Slutty Apartment Neighbors Part 2

Well, you've read about my landlady (Mature Seduction) and Kris (Slutty #1), so here's another for the record:A slender, young dark-haired beauty named Flo lived over my landlady's apartment.  I'd watch her as she came and went, but especially when she was sunbathing by the pool.  I'd look through my curtains and slowly wank.  At that time I was experimenting with anal insertions besides my finger, which I'd learned very early on.  I didn't like fat carrots (still an anal virgin), but would...

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Slutty Sarahs first sexual experience

This is my ex-girlfriend Slutty Sarah talking about her first sexual experience.Honestly guys, this is what she told me. Okay, I’d taken her out for a meal and she might have had a glass or six of wine, but I believe it was the truth. What a girl!!! This is what she told me….“My first real sexual experience was a few weeks after my 18th birthday, so it was totally legal. My friend, Gemma, who was a bit older than me and I was sure was sexually active, rang me and invited me out with some of...

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Slutty Sarah Now she wants to be an actress

She’s back guys and she’s getting more slutty by the week. She rang me again a couple of weeks ago, saying she’s got some greats news and she doesn’t have anyone else she can tell it to. She came to my place and this is what she told me:-‘What a week it’s been. You can’t believe what’s going to happen to me. I’m going to be in a film, a movie, I’m going to be an actress. You know Maria, the French girl who got me to get naked for those Arabic people, well she rang me a couple of days ago and...

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Slutty Sarah is back

I didn’t think I’d hear from Sarah the Slut again, after this blog caused her to break up with her boyfriend, but last week she rang me and said she needed someone to talk to. She came over to my place and obviously wanted to talk about something, but couldn’t find a way of starting the subject. I gave her a few drinks and she started to talk. She’d been up to her slutty ways again. She said…..‘I just have to talk to someone. I must tell someone, I just must. I’ve been so, so bad and I can’t...

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Slutty Indian Cuckold Wife Keerthi

Hello, this is Sumith, 32 years old. I am basically from Coorg but running a company in Bangalore. This is one of my new experiences which is still very fresh in my mind. Thought of sharing the joy with you all. I met Satish over a chat portal around 8-10 months ago. He was into cuckolding but wasn’t very regular as he had other things to look after from the domestic front. After chatting regularly for a few months, we decided to have a casual meet somewhere around Bangalore. We met a prefixed...

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Slutty Bhabhi Becomes A Neighborhood Whore 8211 Part 1

The days were amazing with Jiana. With my brother gone, I had all of her to myself and she gave all of her time to me. She told her mother that she will stay here with me because I got a separate room for her and it is usually a very quiet neighborhood as well for her studies. her mother was convinced. So, she had packed all of her belongings and moved to my place. As days passed, I got to understand and know her better, and what a lovely, perfect woman she is. We both felt a need of belonging...

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Slutty Niece Seduces Young Uncle In The Car

Hi guys, I am 21 years old, currently studying at Chennai. I don’t want to mention any names here for privacy. Anyone can mail me your feedbacks & your opinions on the story. Coming to the story, this incident happened with my niece recently while at hometown. She is not my direct niece but my cousin sister’s daughter. She is 18 years old now and has got over with her board exams. To tell about her, she’s fair and has an average teenager kind of body – small boobs, average ass with an average...

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Slutty Wife Manisha8217s Gangbanged 8211 Part 5

Welcome to the 5th Segment of the real life incidents and our erotic and kinky journey. I am Saurabh , her husband and would like to see more and more comments on our story , as she is taking a great effort to pen down all stuffs that happened in our life. All comments are counted and we really enjoy nasty kinky comments from our readers. Also we are open to single guys /girls and couples who would like to try their luck can email us(but email us with your photos and ideas that can provoke &...

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Slutty Wife Horny Husband And European Adventure

Hi this is Yug and I am back with another story of European adventure, for those who are reading for the first time can search & read “Dreamy Vocation” series, our first European Adventure (in three parts). For new readers let me tell you about myself and my wife, my name is Yug Dhawan a handsome punjabi from Delhi with Athletic built. My wife is Shalini again a Punjabi kudi with oozing breast size, perfect figure, long legs, beautiful face and extremely fair complexion. The Planning The...

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Slutty Bitch And His Dream

“Aaahhh .. Aahhhhh…. Aaahhhhh” Rituraj was moaning very loud. His hands were rough and was moving all over on Rituraj’s smooth buttery body. He pressed Rituraj’s small but cute boobs very hard. He rimmed. He licked. He fucked Rituraj’s ass royally. “Yeahhhhhh …. Aaahhhh Ritu… Aaahhhhh … I am gonna make you go crazy, you slutty bitch…” With each push Rituraj felt that he’s in heaven & finally all the cum was to be feed in his cute, round ass. ******************** “Wake up Raj, wake up” said...

Gay Male
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Slutty neighbour vandana

In life people always like to partake in a little bit of risk. Just enough to feel a rush, but not enough to get caught or noticed. Here is a story of a slutty teasing aunty. Vandana was no different. She was a beautiful 27-year-old woman working a relatively unassuming entry-level job at a fortune 500 company. The pay was nice, but her job was boring and provided very little excitement. So to bring a little excitement into her life, Vandana began to dress sexier. First it started off very...

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Slutty fat girls

I am 5’5″, brown hair, blue eyes, you can call me Mae, and actually I’m quite pretty, except for the fact that I’m over weight. I’m one of those girls that always gets the “you’d be so pretty if you lost weight” backhanded compliment. So I’ve never gone out with anyone or had sex with anyone, boy or girl (I’m bisexual). Which is a huge issue because I get horny so easily. Everyone thinks I’m so innocent but goddamn do I want to...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

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Robins New Years

Continued from the Robin Bennett series: The Bitches Oven Ding-Dong the Bitch is Dead Saturday Arrives Robin’s Christmas Holiday ***** The girls got back to school still flying high. Nikki and Carey called Brandon and thanked him over and over, they talked for almost an hour. Robin had an idea that more went on during Christmas than either one of those two were going to tell her. Robin was on the phone with Danny for about five minutes. They were meeting in an hour at a local coffee shop....

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Newport Adventures

This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 78 NEWPORT ACADEMY

We all had a good night’s sleep and used one of our own Cargo skimmers that was part of the Destroyers equipment to fly back instead of walking and were told to join all the other cadets in a large assembly hall with flags of the Union hanging from the ceiling where I estimated perhaps 600 senior Cadets had gathered. There were no chairs, everyone was standing. At one end of the assembly hall was a raised platform and a lectern with the Newport Academy logo. I saw an Admiral coming in. I...

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Slutty Moms Secrets

My Mom's name is Saheen and she has a very gorgeous body figure, she is 5 ft.5 inch tall and a round well shaped body. Her boobs are bigger in size and a round well shaped ass. Her buttocks are bigger in size and whenever she walk, everyone stares at her ass, the swinging of her soft and very large buttocks. She is totally an illetrate and uneducated lady in her late thirties. Her sexual libido has no limits. My Dad's name is Mastool and he is a shopkeeper by profession, his shop is located...

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Slutty Janice

I met Janice on one of those fuck apps that are so popular these days. I was still fucking my semi-girlfriend and fuckbuddy, Rachel, but she was a boring fuck an I wasn’t that attracted to her, to begin with. I figured it couldn’t hurt to see what might come from meeting Janice. I was a bit misleading in the ad, implying that I may be interested in a relationship when all I was looking for was a good piece of pussy.Janice was one of only three women who replied. She had just moved to...

Straight Sex
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Slutty Mother of the Year1

Today, she was dressed in a small black bandeau top, a white mini skirt that she bought out of a children’s store that was meant for a 6-8 year old, and 4” stripper pump heels. She was on her knees in front of me with my cock in her mouth as she moaned and drooled around it, letting some of the drool drip down to her top that still covered up those luscious tits. She had every intention of getting a bunch of cum stains on her top, and all over her face and in her hair. She kneeled there, deep...

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Slutty Mother of the Year0

Today, she was dressed in a small black bandeau top, a white mini skirt that she bought out of a children’s store that was meant for a 6-8 year old, and 4” stripper pump heels. She was on her knees in front of me with my cock in her mouth as she moaned and drooled around it, letting some of the drool drip down to her top that still covered up those luscious tits. She had every intention of getting a bunch of cum stains on her top, and all over her face and in her hair. She kneeled there, deep...

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Slutty Lynn and her Son

I found shortly after I started dating, Lynn, that after a few drinks she would lose her inhibitions becoming damn near slutty. She is 5'2 about 105lbs has pert little ass and 34c breasts. We'd go dancing and after a few drinks she'd be grinding, going down and licking my crotch etc. She'd flirt with all the young guys (we were in our late 30's). Even at home if she'd been drinking and her Son (from a previous marriage, he was 14) had a friend over she'd flirt with him, hell she'd...

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Slutty Jennys Confession Diary Part 1

Introduction: My personal sluts first try documenting her dirty fantasies and true encounters. Introduction:This is the first entry in a diary I assigned my newest and favorite slut-in-training to write about her nastiest sexual fantasies. Jenny-Slut is a curvy, pale skinned redhead with massive tits and stunning blue eyes. I had seen her often at work, and frequently thought about fucking her ripe tits and seeing her innocent blue eyes looking up from my cock, but I had always assumed from her...

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Slutty Roommate fucked by two cocks together

This is two stories in one..enjoy: For a few years my roommate was a hot piece of ass named Shalimar. Shalimar worked as a cocktail waitress and wore skirts that her perfect ass would just be covered. When she bent over, her thong would be visible. She would glance behind her to see if anyone noticed and then give a shy look, as if she was all innocent. Then she’d find someone who she figured could give her a good thumping and bring him home and rock his world. I had told her how much I...

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