Johanna - 5-1 free porn video

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The fall semester of my sophomore year of college was just as lonely as the spring semester of my freshman year. I did well at school, got to know classmates as acquaintances, but still made no friends. The longer it went on, the more I was convinced that there was something wrong with me.

Halfway through the semester I went to a presentation by the International Office on Study Abroad. I was really keen to leave campus, but the cost of program seemed prohibitive. I knew Mom didn’t have the money, so I just filed it away.

As the leaves fell and the days grew shorter, I went back to working at the stables with Robin and Misty Sue. I had a frank talk with Misty Sue and made it clear that our sexual dalliance was over. She was disappointed but took it well. I think Robin was relieved to find me working in the stables again instead of avoiding her.

I had dinner with the two of them a couple of times a week. I told them about my hopes of studying abroad.

“Don’t you think your mother will support you?” asked Robin.

“Of course, she’ll support me,” I said. “That’s not the problem. The problem is that she will support me, but I know she can’t afford it. She’ll scrimp and deny herself all her little pleasures in order come up with the money. She lives very simply as it is, I can’t make things worse for her.”

“Hmmm,” said Robin. She was quiet through the rest of the meal and finally spoke as we were having tea afterward. “You’ve worked for me almost ten years, Johanna. I’ve never counted the hours, but it’s been a lot. I haven’t had to clothe you or give you room and board. It’s been a good deal for me.”

“I’ve enjoyed coming here, Robin,” I said.

“Misty Sue and I would like pay for your study abroad thing,” she said. Misty Sue nodded.

“Are you sure?” I asked, not quite daring to hope. “It’s not cheap.”

“We’ll cover it,” said Robin.

I got up, put my arms around her, and kissed her on the lips. I kept my eyes open and looked at Misty Sue over her shoulder. Robin held me for a briefly, but didn’t open her mouth to receive my tongue. I tried for a moment to get a response, but she pushed me away.

“Don’t, Johanna,” she said. “You’ve worked here for years, you’re like a daughter to me. Let’s leave it at that.”


Mom was initially reluctant to accept Robin’s offer, saying that it was her responsibility to pay for me. But I kept at her with Robin’s argument that it was just a repayment for all my years of work at the stables. Eventually, she agreed.

 I worked with the university’s Study Abroad staff to get my paperwork in order. Just before the Christmas break of 2011, I got an acceptance from the University of Göttingen. I corresponded with their admissions office to finalize my student accommodation and course registrations.

In early January 2012, Mom drove me to the airport to begin the series of flights that would take me to Germany. As we stood together outside the security area, she hugged me tight, and kissed me hard. I was surprised to see she was crying.

“Write to me and call me every day, Johanna,” she sniffed. “I’ll miss you.”

“Of course I will, Mom,” I said. Faced with the reality of leaving her alone, I was beset with guilt. She looked so forlorn that I felt my own tears well up. “I can cancel everything and stay with you …”

“No, no,” she said, quickly wiping her eyes. “You must go. Have a lovely time and make new friends. Soar into the sky and see the world. But remember wherever you go, you will always have my love with you.”

I cried all the way on the flight to Newark.

Making the transition to my Lufthansa flight in the busy airport, I got into a conversation about my Study Abroad program with the person checking me in. As we talked about Göttingen, I got caught up in the excitement of my upcoming trip and began to feel more upbeat.

On the transatlantic flight, I read an Irmgard Keun novel in the original German. I spoke to the flight attendants in German. I was pleased when they all assumed that I was a native, and even asked if I was from Heidelberg. I was tempted to lie, but I ended up telling them the truth – that I am American and had picked up the accent speaking to a German professor from Heidelberg.

I flew to Europe every year, but it was always with Mom. This was my first trip by myself. I was feeling carefree and I guess my excitement showed only too clearly.

The flight was not very full and I had three seats with a window all to myself. I was able to spread myself out, sitting in the middle seat, but retaining the option of the window if there was anything interesting to see outside.

One of flight attendants was a cute, young guy and he came back several times to chat with me. He put a hand on my shoulder the first time and thereafter each time he came back, he grew a little more adventurous. He became bolder when the lights were turned down after the meal service and most passengers were drifting off the sleep or engrossed in watching movies.

The first time he cupped my breast through my blouse and bra I demurred verbally, "Wir sollten das nicht tun." (We shouldn’t do that). But I didn’t push his hand away. The next time when he unbuttoned my blouse, I whispered, Jemand wird sehen! "(Someone will see!) But when he leaned down and kissed me, I kissed him back.

Thus encouraged, he sat down in the aisle seat and took me in his arms. He pushed down the cups of my bra and my nipples hardened and stood out. He whispered that he liked my nipples against him as he held me tight. He pushed his hand up my skirt between my legs and his fingers teased me through my panties. I was breathing hard, but I knew this was more than I wanted. I managed to get his hand out from between my legs and put my hands on his chest to give myself some breathing room.

“Warum?” he asked. (Why?)

“Nur ein paar Küsse,” I murmured. (Just a few kisses.) I switched to English. “I don’t want to have sex with you. I don’t know you.”

“That’s the fun of it,” he responded in a low voice, also in English. “Come on, Johanna! You have gotten me so hard!”

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“Are you going to leave me like this?”

“I’m so sorry,” I repeated.

“Alles ist fair in Sex,” he said philosophically. “Küss mich noch einmal.” (All’s fair in sex; kiss me one more time.)

I kissed him again and he played with my nipples before I pushed him away.

He came by a few more times during the night, but I kept him at a safe distance. He gave me a card with his contacts and asked me to get in touch once I was settled. He formally wished me good day and auf wiedersehen as I deplaned in Frankfurt. I dropped his card in a trash bin on my way to immigration. I went to a restroom and sat in a cubicle crying quietly for a while. I felt like a cock teasing bitch.



I settled in quickly at the university in Göttingen. It was snowy, but much milder than the winters in Wisconsin. I made several acquaintances in my first week there. One of them was Dieter, a tall, lean guy with an easy smile and irreverent Bavarian country accent.

He invited me to a party on my first Friday there and I made the mistake of trying to keep up with him drinking beer. We stayed at the party, drinking, chatting and dancing till about midnight. We kissed and made out. When we left together, he put his arm around my waist.

He asked me to come by his place for another beer. I knew I was very drunk and refused, but he just laughed. I’m a bit hazy about exactly what happened, but we ended up in his place anyway. As he got me a can of beer from the fridge, he said his flatmate was out for the weekend. By this time, I'd sobered up. I didn’t really want the beer, but took it over my better judgment. We sat on the couch in the living room and he kissed me again.

I kissed him back hesitantly. I was not sure I wanted this, but I felt I had led him on and “owed” him, especially after the episode on the flight over from Newark. So when he pulled my top up over my head, I helped him take it off.

He unfastened my bra and kissed my nipples muttering, “Du hast kleine Titten, Johanna!” (You have small tits, Johanna!)

“Magst du sie nicht?” I mumbled. (Don’t you like them?)

“Ich wünschte, sie wären größer, Johanna,” he said in a low voice. (I wish they were bigger, Johanna.)

He hiked up my skirt and pulled down my panties.

“Please go down on me,” I asked, continuing in English.

He ignored my request and pushed a finger into me, using his thumb on my clitoris. It was not gentle, but I did begin to get moist. He grunted his satisfaction and led me to his bedroom. He undressed very quickly and mounted me with my skirt around my waist and my scarf still around my neck. He was not rough, and asked me if I was okay as he pushed his cock into me. I nodded. Once he was fully embedded in me, he lay there and kissed my throat, whispered in my ear in English, “Your pussy is tight and warm, Johanna. So lovely.”

His cock was rather small. Even fully in me, he was not very deep. I felt a yawn coming on and managed to stifle it. But when he began to fuck me, slowly with a straightforward in and out motion, I could no longer fight my tiredness. I fell asleep before he came.

I woke up in the morning with a splitting headache. Dieter was lying by me on his stomach, breathing the long breaths of deep slumber. I got out of bed cautiously to avoid waking him and got dressed. I went to the kitchen and drank several large glasses of water and felt a little better.

I put on my coat, walked back to my place, took two aspirin, and went to bed. I slept all day Saturday, waking up in the late afternoon. I looked at my cell phone and saw there were six texts, all from Dieter. They sounded increasingly worried, so I texted him back that I was home and fine.



One of things I’ve learned about men is that once you have sex with them, they assume that you’re going to let them have you again. I liked Dieter, but I certainly did not want to have sex with him again. I worried how he would take it when I told him. The week after our night together, he invited me out for dinner, and I accepted. When he tried to kiss me during the meal, I took the bull by the horns and told him that I really didn’t want to get physical with him again.

“What’s wrong?” he asked in English. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No, no,” I said. “It was all me. You asked me and I said yes.”

“Don’t you like me?”

“I like you,” I said. “As a friend, someone to talk to. But not as a sexual partner.”

“I see,” he said.

He was quiet for the rest of the meal. He walked me home and only responded in monosyllabic German when I tried to make conversation.

I assumed I would never see him again, but he texted me the next day – ‘I’ll be your friend, Johanna. Do you want to have coffee after class?’

I texted back – ‘Yes,’ and that was that.

Dieter was majoring in physics and we were in a statistical mechanics class together. My German was very good, but in the highly technical and jargon-laden class, I often had difficulty keeping up. Dieter helped me along with easy nonchalance, never making me feel stupid. As the weeks went by, my knowledge of technical German improved, in part from his tutelage.

Dieter was also the secretary of the university ski club. We were having our regular coffee after class in early February when he told me he was organizing the club’s annual ski trip.

“It will be in the semester break in the third week of February,” he said. “I’ve booked us a place in Zermatt in Switzerland. I have two questions for you. Do you have plans for the break? And do you ski?”

“No, I don’t have any plans and yes, I sort of ski,” I said. “I haven’t been on skis in about eight years. I was twelve when I skied last.”

“Well, come along,” he said. “I’m sure you can find slopes to ski on. There are lots of easier runs.”

“I can’t. I don’t have any skis. And I’m sure Switzerland is very expensive. I don’t have that much money.”

“Just join the university ski club. I can make you a member right now,” he said easily. “Just fifty euros. I have several pairs of skis you can check out. You can also check with some of the girls in the ski club. I’m sure we can find you good equipment.”

“But what about the expenses in Zermatt?”

“The ski club gets a subsidized hotel rate for its members. And we get funding from the university. It won’t cost too much. And if you’re still worried about it, I can pay for you.”

The thought of skiing again did catch my fancy. I’d never skied with anyone but Dad, and I’d never skied in a resort. Zermatt sounded so upscale, so sophisticated, so cool! So the next day, I paid Dieter fifty euros to join the university ski club. He took me to meet Ulrike, one of the girls on the university ski team, who was the co-organizer of the ski trip.

She was a tall, lean blonde in her mid-twenties with a long face and cornflower blue eyes. She had the easy grace of an athlete and asked me a series of questions about my height, weight, and what skis I had used.

“I don’t know,” I confessed. “Dad used to pick out all my equipment. I know I used pretty wide skis because we were often in deep powder in Montana.”

She had over a dozen pairs of skis in her closet. She went over each pair with me, explaining the pros and cons of each with unusual patience. Dieter chimed in from time to time. In the end we settled on a pair of all-mountain skis that were far better than any I had ever skied on. I also lucked out in that Ulrike and I had the same size in ski boots, so I just borrowed those from her as well.

Ulrike, Dieter and I drove down to Zermatt in his BMW, with our skis on the roof rack. He drove very fast on the autobahn, over 160 kilometers per hour whenever he could. He was quite casual about it, continuing to talk to Ulrike in the front seat and even turning to talk to me in the backseat from time to time.

“We’re staying at the Jagerhof,” he said. “Everything in Zermatt is pretty expensive, but its affordable with the ski club rate and the university subsidy. I’ve used our organizers’ privilege to book a two-bedroom suite for Ulrike and me. You’re welcome to join us. Then you won’t have any lodging expenses.”

“Thank you!” I cried.



We had dinner at an autogrill on the highway and arrived at the hotel quite late. I thought the Jagerhof was quite upscale, like everything in Zermatt. It had a Swiss chalet décor with everything finished in blonde wood and stags' heads on the walls of the lounge. It was nicer than any hotel I had ever stayed in thus far in my life. Dieter and Ulrike smiled at me as I looked around, round-eyed.

The “two-bedroom suite” the Dieter mentioned turned out to be open plan, with the “bedrooms” merely alcoves off a central common area that included sitting and dining spaces as well as a kitchenette. Each of the bedroom alcoves had a double bed.

Ulrike and I went to the bathroom with our toilet kits and brushed our teeth. She seemed to read my mind and said, “I’ll share a bed with Dieter, unless you don’t want to sleep alone.”

“I’m happy to sleep alone,” I said.

She mentioned the sleeping arrangements to Dieter as we traded places in the bathroom. I thought he looked a bit disappointed, but I may have been flattering myself. Ulrike stripped down to her sports bra and panties in the common area with unselfconscious casualness before sliding under the covers. Dieter emerged from the bathroom shortly after and also shed his clothes down to his shorts and joined her. I slunk away to the other alcove, changed into my nightie and got into bed.

A half-hour later, I heard the unmistakable sounds of their sex. The steady creaking of the bed and the thumping of flesh against flesh were impossible to tune out. I put a pillow over my head, but it was no use. I heard Dieter beginning to grunt and then moan. I listened intently, but I could not hear anything from Ulrike.

“Komm schon, Ulrike!” he cried. “Bewege deinen Arsch! Gib es mir, gib es mir!” (Come on, Ulrike! Move your ass! Give it to me, give it to me!)

Finally, I heard her panting. I imagined her arching her back, trying to lift his weight. I confess that I was tempted to sneak over and watch them. It was not long before he began gasp, “Ist gut! Es ist so gut! Ich komme!” (It's good! It's so good! I'm cumming!)

The bed creaked a bit more, there were a few more fleshy thumps, harder than those before. It was quiet for short while. Then I heard padding to the bathroom, first light, quick steps that I assumed was Ulrike. They were followed by a heavier step that I assumed was Dieter. I heard them settling back into bed and finally drifted off to sleep.



I got up about six-thirty and walked by the other bedroom alcove on my way to the bathroom. The bed was unmade and Ulrike and Dieter were gone. I hurriedly got ready, put on my skiwear – my Wisconsin winter jacket over a cable knit sweater and waterproof rain pants over my jeans – and headed down to the breakfast room.

I saw Ulrike and Dieter sitting together in a corner behind the coffee machines. I had to walk around the breakfast buffet to get to them and was out of their sight. They were talking in German and I realized they were talking about me. I stopped, unsure of whether to interrupt them. Curiosity got the better of me and I stopped by the coffee machine. I made myself a cappuccino and listened.

“… und sie scheint sehr jung zu sein,” Ulrike was saying. (… and she seems very young.)

“Sie ist jung. Sie ist erst zwanzig,” Dieter replied. (She is young. only twenty.)

“Schon so fortgeschritten in der Universität!” (Already so advanced in university!)

“Diese Amerikaner haben es immer eilig, Dinge zu erledigen.” (These Americans are always in a hurry to get things done.)

“Deshalb sind sie so unreif,” said Ulrike. “Und ungekünstelt. Du hilfst ihr im Unterricht?” (That's why they're so immature. And unsophisticated. Do you help her in class?)

“Ein wenig. Aber Johanna ist sehr schlau. Sie findet die Dinge jetzt selbst heraus und braucht mich nicht.” (A little. But Johanna is very clever. She's figuring things out on her own now and doesn't need me.)

“Hast du sie schon gefickt?” (Have you fucked her yet?)

“Nur einmal, als sie sehr betrunken war. Sie ist großartig im Bett, aber würde mich nicht wieder von mir ficken lassen.” (Just once, when she was a bit drunk. She’s great in bed, but she wouldn’t let me fuck her again.)

Dieter paused and I was about to come around the corner and join them, when he continued, “Ich frage mich, ob sie genauso gut Ski fährt wie sie fickt.” (I wonder if she skis as well as she fucks?)

“Nun, ich habe kein Interesse daran, wie sie fickt, aber ich werde bald herausfinden, wie gut sie Ski fährt.” (Well, I have no interest in how she fucks, but I'll soon find out how well she skis.)

“Bitte, Ulrike, töte sie nicht. Sie haben fast die Nationalmannschaft erreicht, und sie ist wahrscheinlich nur eine Anfängerin.” (Please, Ulrike, don't kill her. You almost made the national team, and she's probably just a beginner.)

I came around the corner with my coffee and said, “Hi!” and they asked me to join them.

“You should change into your ski clothes,” said Ulrike as we were finishing our breakfast.

“These are my ski clothes,” I said, surprised. Then I looked at the fashionable ski bib and silk underlayer that she had on and realized the inadequacy of my outfit. I continued nervously, “Not fashionable, but functional.”

She nodded. We shouldered our skis in the hotel foyer and walked the short distance to the gondola to meet the rest of the group. There were about twenty of us, roughly the same number of guys and girls. Like Ulrike and Dieter, everyone was dressed in the height of ski fashion. The women especially seemed to all be wearing tight outfits that showed off their svelte figures.

I looked like the round ball, and I could see the women exchanging glances when they saw me. Even Ulrike looked a bit embarrassed by my appearance, and I reddened. Nonetheless, I managed to sit next to her in the gondola.

“I hope you’ll let me ski with you, Ulrike,” I said.

“I’ll be skiing with the most advanced group, Johanna. Are you sure you will be able to keep up?”

“I’ll try,” I said.

“Well, don’t ski beyond your ability. Even if you lose us, the mountain is well marked. You can’t get lost. We’ll meet for après ski in the hotel bar at 1700.”

At the top of the gondola, we skied to a tram. I stayed on Ulrike’s tails and got on with her. We took another one to get to the highest point on the mountain. Our group mustered and quickly divided into three groups. Everyone seemed to know exactly which group to go with. I stayed with Ulrike and followed her.

She led the way to a black slope, and with a quick push of her poles, propelled herself over the headwall. I saw Dieter out of the corner of my eye launch himself on to the slope. He caught some air as he did so and was gone, streaking after her.

The long poles felt strange in my hands, for my memories were of the short stubby ones I’d used as a twelve-year-old. Nonetheless, I pushed myself forward and got on to the slope rather awkwardly. I pointed my skis straight downhill to get speed to try and catch up with Ulrike and Dieter. The slope was extremely steep and rather narrow, so I had to use my edges aggressively.

As I tried to carve my very first turn, I felt my edges running away from me and nearly ran into a rock outcropping. I had no control, and after two more slack turns, I managed to bring myself to a stop. What’s the matter? I thought. I’ve skied much harder terrain than this, but I’ve never skied this badly.

By now Ulrike and Dieter were out of sight. I wriggled my toes, and my boots felt loose. I looked down at them and realized the problem. My boots were unbuckled! I felt like a moron – in my haste to follow Ulrike, I had forgotten to buckle them. I did so now, cinching them as tight as they would go. Then I turned downhill again.

The difference was like night and day. My edges bit as I carved my turns and I quickly found my rhythm. The years seemed to melt away and I felt like I was back in Montana again, skiing with Dad. I whipped by other skiers, going so fast that most were just blurs. Ulrike’s carbon-braced skis hissed on the packed snow.

Their edges bit deeper and better than the cheap skis I was used to. I felt invincible. I finally saw Ulrike’s distinctive aquamarine jacket. I thought I saw Dieter’s red jacket just behind her, but there were so many red jackets on the mountain that I could not be sure.

I had grown up chasing Dad, so I was in my element. I raced after them in long slaloms. I saw a skier in front of me at a narrow chokepoint and I didn’t think there was room enough to pass him. I found an undulation at the side of the slope and took off from the lip. I sailed over him in a tight tuck, my skis above his head. I

felt the ‘whump!’ as I landed the jump and edged ever so slightly to line up behind Ulrike. She was going fast, but my jump had given me an extra burst of speed. I caught her just before the slope flattened into the shallow runout at the bottom. We came to a stop together and put up our goggles, breathing hard. Dieter came up a couple of seconds later.

“You were flying, Johanna!” he said. “I was almost flat out and you still came by me!”

“I got a slow start,” I said.

Then the skier I had jumped over came to a sharp stop just by us. He put his goggles up and started shouting at me. I realized he was speaking German, but his accent was so strange, and he was speaking so fast that I could barely catch a word here and there. I just looked at him dumbly. However, Ulrike and Dieter seemed to understand him.

“He says you jumped over him. He’s very upset, says you could have killed him. Did you?”

I colored.

“Yes, I did. I didn’t think it was dangerous, I cleared him easily. I wouldn’t have done it if I thought there was a risk of hitting him.”

The other skier continued to shout, holding his hands close together.

“He says your skis were just a few centimeters over his helmet,” said Dieter. “You really mustn’t ski like that. You’ll get yourself banned from the mountain.”

“Es tut mir sehr leid, mein Herr,” I said to the other skier. “Ich bin noch nie mit anderen Leuten in einem Resort Ski gefahren. Ich werde vorsichtiger sein. Danke, dass du mich korrigiert hast.” (I am very sorry, sir. I've never skied in a resort with other people before. I will be more careful. Thank you for correcting me.)

He calmed down and I looked at him more carefully. He was an older gentleman, and I had obviously shaken him up.

“Es ist in Ordnung, Fräulein. Lesen Sie die Regeln und seien Sie vorsichtiger. Ich wünsche dir einen guten Tag.” (It's all right, miss. Read the rules and be more careful. Have a nice day.)

I realized he was speaking Schweizer Deutsch (Swiss German), but he now spoke more slowly and enunciated clearly, so I could understand him. He raised a pole in farewell and skated off toward a lift station.

“What did you mean, you’ve never skied in a resort before?” asked Ulrike, when we were on the lift going up again.

“I’ve only ever skied with my dad in Montana,” I said. “We just hiked, climbed, and skied. Ropes, crampons, ice axes in our backpacks. ‘Earn your turns,’ Dad always said.”

“You’re a backcountry skier? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You didn’t ask.”

“You’re fast,” she said. “I was going nearly as fast as I can, and you still caught me.”

“I cheated,” I said, smiling. “I jumped.”

When we got to the top, Dieter said something to Ulrike and she laughed.

“Dieter wants a picture for the ski club social media feed,” she said to me. “Let’s give them something to see!”

“What do you mean?”

She dropped her poles, took over her gloves and her jacket. Unmindful of the few other skiers going by, she unzipped her ski bib and slid it all the way down to her knees. She pulled off her over layer as well as her silk underlayer. She put her hands on her hips, with just her helmet, gloves, pink-and-blue sports bra, and white athletic panties.

“Come on, Johanna!” she cried. “You too!”

“I can’t,” I mumbled, looking at the nice swells of Ulrike’s breasts. “I’ve got nothing to show.”

“Take it off, Johanna!” said Dieter.

“I’m getting cold, Johanna!” said Ulrike.

I gave in to their pressure and stripped off the layers from my upper body. Ulrike put her arm around me, and I posed with my back to the Dieter. I had on a yellow sports bra and Dieter said, “Nice color scheme, nice setup – Ulrike’s tits, your nice straight back!” as he took a series of pictures with his phone.

“Make it exciting, Ulrike,” he urged. “Come on, come on!”

She pulled her sports bra over her head and whispered to me, “Come on, you too!”

I felt her nipples on my skin, stiff and hard from the cold. I wanted to get it over with, get my clothes on again, so I just complied and pulled off my sports bra. Dieter took more pictures. Then I hastily got my clothes on again, dressing faster than Ulrike, even though I had more layers.



Dieter, Ulrike, and I skied together for the rest of the day. They were much better technical skiers than me, as they had both been in ski school since they were little, whereas I had never had a lesson. However, we were well matched, for what I lacked in form and finesse, I made up with instinct and experience.

I also had good chemistry with them, and we chatted easily on the gondolas and trams going back up. We got back to the hotel about four, tired but happy. Ulrike went in to take a shower, and Dieter made to follow her, but she demurred. He gallantly allowed me to go after her. We both dressed while he was in there. I sneaked looks at her body as she snugged on her bra and panties. I envied her lean musculature. She had perfectly defined abs, delts and pecs that could only have come from workouts in the gym.

“Let’s go down to the bar,” she said. “I’ll buy you a beer.”

“What about Dieter?”

“He’s a big boy. He’ll find us.”

We were the first from our group at the après ski, and got a long table, waiting for the others. Ulrike went to the bar and got me a big stein of beer. We tapped and drank.

“You’ve had sex with Dieter,” she said.


“It wasn’t very good, was it?”

“No.” I took a deep draft of my beer and wiped the foam off my upper lip. “If you knew that, why did you have sex with him last night?”

“It was better than nothing.” She sighed. “I’ve told him a dozen times what I want him to do, but Dieter’s problem is that he doesn’t listen. Sometimes he gets me so close to cumming, then leaves me hanging, I feel like hitting him!”

“It sounded like that happened again last night,” I said.

“Yes, I’m sure you heard us,” she said, giggling.

She put a hand on my cheek. “Dieter said you’re a great fuck, Johanna. And you’re a pretty young thing. It’s a pity I don’t like girls.”



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Robby Echo is waiting in a massage parlor but can barely contain his excitement. When his masseuse, Jay Taylor, steps in and introduces herself, he is bursting with energy. He doesn’t NEED any introductions — his buddy already told him ALL about her and her SPECIAL massage. Although Jay is taken aback by Robby’s enthusiasm, she manages to figure out that he’s there not only for a massage but a tittyfuck! Even though she has no problems with delivering, Robby’s...

2 years ago
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Hi this is Raj Patel from Ahmedabad. I am regular reader of all this story & I love to share my true Experience. I am working with call center in Ahmedabad as team leader & 23 yrs old with 5’9” height & 7” thick dick.This incident happen when I was 19 yrs old & studding in college. I am staying with my parents. My dad is having his own business & mother is house wife. We are staying in top floor of apartment & our apposite door only 1 lady is staying & she is 33...

1 year ago
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Disaster ReliefChapter 5

In the morning, we still had our arms around each other. She had her head on my shoulder. Her beautiful eyes found mine and she kissed me on the cheek. "Morning, Jordan." I held her to me and said, "Morning, pretty one. Nice to have you right here." I saw her brows furrow and she looked troubled. "Anything wrong?" She pulled back and said, "No, I just need to get started." She quickly left the bed and went to her room. That day, after getting Brianna off to school, she was on the...

4 years ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 1

Alana and Sibilius sat in the park, enjoying the music being played on the nearby stage. Things seemed to be going well. The six young girls who could psychically use the Goddess' powers against their perceived male 'enemies' were safely back on Earth, thirty-five thousand years in the past, along with about three hundred others who wished to explore prehistoric Earth and perhaps set up a colony in what the Praetor called Mesopotamia. According to the Praetor, that was about the time...

2 years ago
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First Meeting

My flight just landed and I cannot wait to see you. We have never met, just texting, talking on the phone, and sending the occasional sexy photo over the last 3 months. Now we will meet face to face. I hope that the buildup for this meeting does not leave me disappointed. We agree to meet at a bar about 10 minutes from my hotel. I check in, shower, and get ready for our first face to face meeting. My cab got stuck in traffic so you are waiting for me when I arrive. I see you standing at the...

2 years ago
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EmilyChapter 4 Later that summer

"Gently, Daniel." I stroked the underside of Emily's breasts, touching her only with my fingertips first, then brushing with my fingernails, as Emily leaned back in my arms. "Yeah, like that." I stretched to kiss the back of her neck and up behind Emily's ear. She shivered, and I moved to cup her breasts in my palms, entranced by their lovely heft and feel. "Mmh. Now above, OK?" I released her boobs with some reluctance and returned to drawing my fingertips across them, now above...

2 years ago
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Im not a rapist honest

Rape fancies are improper, but wantonly arouse her … so what happens if her date is with me? …. From the moment I first heard her speak, I knew she would be a push-over. There was something about that lightweight squeaky voice. Servile. Cowering. Deferential to power. Oh, my sweet little five foot two princess, you didn’t know it, but you were going to endure one of the most intense and humiliating episodes of your life. And I’ll bet you’ll love ever second and you’ll be my best one...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Sibling Differences Underground Secrets

But now Huw was dead. PC Jones had brought the news to Dai while he was at work at the recycling centre, sitting him. down with a cup of tea in the portacabin before gently breaking the news. Even then he was a bit surprised that Huw had died in a caving accident, but then they had always known the risks. However as more details emerged whole incident seemed very strange to Dai. The rest of the family, and the police, who weren’t cavers just accepted it as a sad but not unexpected...

1 year ago
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ReStorr A Day In The Life

ReStorr could reverse the aging process and make you twenty years old again physically. The catch was it only worked on men...and it turned them into women. RESTORR: A DAY IN THE LIFE by BobH (c) 2015 - 1 - Mindy's legs were drawn up, knees level with her shoulders, as I thrust into her, both of us riding the wave of our lovemaking, totally lost in our passion. She climaxed ahead of me, crying out a few seconds before I ejaculated, arching my...

3 years ago
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Slut Its what I am Part 3

Slut: It’s what I am! Part 3.It had been six weeks since the country house party where I succumbed to the delights of three different cocks. Alex and I had become firm fuck buddies, enjoying each other's bodies on a weekly basis. Dave and Andy relived our threesome on two further occasions, which were immensely pleasurable and each of the guys spent some time giving it to me just as I like it, and I have to be honest when I say that Dave's cock was my absolute favourite. It was easily the...

2 years ago
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Long Distance Birthday Gift

Scott and I went to college together. We flirted like crazy until one night when he powerfully had his way with me - or I should say we got our fuck on. We were never boyfriend/girlfriend, so when he moved away, we only stayed in touch with video sex. That was all a couple of years ago. A few months ago, Scott texted me and we caught up. Both of us had gotten married recently, but the sexual tension between us was still undeniable. Our conversation quickly evolved into more dangerous texts....

1 year ago
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TheCuckoldMaker Sheila Ortega Sheila Ortega and her consenting Cuckold

Sheila Ortega is in need of a nice fuck. She’s really fed up with her conjugal sex routine and that’s why she suggested her partner to introduce something new to their relationship. How? You may ask. Well, obviously she’s gonna hire the services of Nick Moreno, The Cuckold Maker. For just two-hundred euros, she’ll find the solution for all their problems: a nice fuck from Spain’s most famous womanizer. Will that be enough to satisfy insatiable babe Sheila Ortega?...

3 years ago
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The Scheme Part 4

Chapter Four - The New Household "Don't you think your sister looks quite the grown up girl tonight dear?" Grace asked Dale in that casual smiling way that forced you to answer in the same conversational manner. As if your poor friend being trussed up in God knows what humiliating feminine frippery was perfectly normal. Dale was constrained to at least look his friend over. "Yeah, yeah, she looks real nice Mum," he responded, quickly lowering his eyes and feeling a bit of a...

1 year ago
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Into The Woods

On my way to college I would have to go through a secluded wooded was relatively quiet with just the odd dog walker. I had walked that path a thousand times, and each time I went through the woods, I could sense somebody was watching me. I put it down to paranoia, and just put the thoughts to the back of my head. Until one day, on a winters evening after finishing college, I began my journey home, and as usual I went through the woods. It was dark already, and there wasn't much light...

4 years ago
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Zombies and Tigers and Swords Oh MyAfterwards

Oh Sardman, give us clever hands to dig and lusty hips and kissing lips and plenty food to eat Oh Jimbo keep the peace between the fangers and the 51 or let justice be done Oh Lady Tiger be not vexed and teach instead the feel of "Whee!". Feast prayer of the Rowdillan tribe Olady God-Mother thanks for your blessings and bedtime stories. May you always kiss our booboos. God-Mother Day prayer from the Pwetorika tribe The fifty one tribes all spoke the same language, and all...

4 years ago
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Beaches and Bitches 8211 II

Hey guys, this is Aakash from Bangalore continuing the previous story on how I and my friends had a crazy time in the islands of Lakshadweep. Before starting I would like to thank all the guys who hit me up on Gmail and showed their love. All those who haven’t read my previous stories, I would recommend you do. After I and Dammy came into our cottage I saw Aksha and Dammy whispering to each other, giggling and high-fiving each other. I realized Aksha knew what had happened so I asked her...

2 years ago
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A Family Find Part 1

Carter Moss had spent decades in denial about his true self. He was trying hard to fight his feelings but the battle was lost. He couldn't take it anymore, he had to be true to himself. He was a woman inside. He was Carly Moss. His whole life was a sham, one desperately covered up in a false veneer of masculinity and dangerous actions. The feelings started when he was young. At first it was just a few odd sensations, urges to play with the girls and even out the numbers. As school...

4 years ago
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Am I An Angel Or Devil Part20 Exercise Yoga And Swimming

Hi guys, it’s Deepthi again. Sorry for the delay in posting my story. Coming back to the story. After the museum incident, everyone in the class became more free to me. I too started to wear more sexy clothes freely in school as per my student’s wish. But not revealing. Days passed on like usual until one Saturday. I was absent for 4 days due to a fever. So I thought to take leave for the weekend too. But Prasad uncle called me to come to school on Saturday as they have some work to do. I went...

3 years ago
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What a day

i remember trembling with anticipation,as she took my hand and slid it up her short skirt."i`ve touched myself thinking of you",she whispered in my ear."mmm,do you feel how wet you make me?"she moaned softly as my fingers run over her hot,wet pussy.i didn`t know what to`s my girlfriends mother,skirt hiked up and my hand in her panties.i certainly felt shocked,yet tunred on.i knew was the luckiest guy in highschool.i was alittle intimidated by this older woman,but was up to the...

1 year ago
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“So, you’re a patron of Cyberwhore then, Kev?” asked Jeff with a sneer. Kevin nodded sheepishly. How had he let something like that slip out? “What’s wrong with the alternatives, Kev?” Jeff persisted, sipping from his beer glass in the window seat of the Red Encounter. “What about virtual sex? What’s wrong with penis pumps? And what about, heaven forbid, the real thing?” “Not much chance of that up here on Mars, Jeff,” Kevin pointed out. “How many women have you known who’d want to live here?...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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And Not A Drop to Drink

That message from the mysterious Alice and Joe was all we could talk about as we retired from the beach get some lunch. The ambiguous connotations were a tickle to our sexual sensibilities, and we were energized and preoccupied with speculation about what might happen if we went to visit. Perhaps they were doddering 80 year olds that simply wanted to be neighborly, in a completely innocent kind of way. Or maybe they were like us: sexual adventurers in search of the next escapade! The only...

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Good clean fun

Sophie was fed up. She'd woken up horny from a dream she couldn't quite remember, and then her husband had to rush off to work before he could help relieve her frustration. And now the people delivering her new washing machine were 2 hours late. She just wanted them to drop it off, fit it and leave so she could settle down with a selection of sexy pics on her laptop and her wandering fingers for company. Finally there was a ring at the door and she got up to answer. When she opened the door she...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Lost Empire 28

"Shelby, has anyone had access to access to my brain amplifier?" Derrick asked expecting her to tell him that someone had. "No Derrick all data on it is still in secure files within my mainframe, I haven't detected any incursion into any of those." Shelby reported a few moments later to an astonished Derrick. Derrick nodded thinking a moment, "Alright how did they do it? They're smart, a hell of a lot smarter than I was. I also know for a fact that neither had ever had access...

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Stephanies Virginity

They met in the break room on a Friday while Jasmine was preparing her boss' cup of coffee and he was there looking for something to eat. They started talking and the attraction was obvious from the very beginning. He offered to take her out to dinner that same evening and she accepted. By the end of the evening they were back at her place with her ass in the air as Peter pounded her pussy hard from behind. Jasmine was a single mom to her daughter Stephanie, a beautiful girl starting off...

1 year ago
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TwoWay MotherChapter 2

A week later, it happened again. Donna thought her sons had forgotten about what happened. She had not forgotten, though. All her waking hours were spent thinking about it, recalling it, even the feel of Mike's cock remained vivid in her mind. In the past week, since that happened, Donna fondled herself to orgasm three times, her imagination growing about what could have happened, what might have happened if she had done this, or suggested that, or moved this way, or... The only...

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Shes More Than Meets The Eye Ch 2

Previously:Soon, she pushed him away again, saying, “Can you get me my clothes?”“Going somewhere?” he asked.“Oh, yes, I am.” She replied. “I’m going to my room. And you’re coming with me…”Damien watched as Rebecca slowly slid her skirt up her smooth, silky legs. Her panties were so full of sand from lying on the beach there was no way she was going to even try to put them on. He held her lacy brassiere for her, but as he tried to help her put it on, he became engrossed in caressing her breasts,...

Oral Sex
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The first encounter

I remember my first relationship with another man. Sixteen, still in high school in a small town and ready to go to anywhere but where i was. John was 30 and a high school teacher. We met at a summer camp. A group of us became friends and would meet on week-ends to party and generally hang out. The first time that John and I were alone came that first fall; following the end of summer camp with both of us back to school. John called me and asked if I wanted to get together with some...

4 years ago
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Mommy Is My Queen

I was sitting in my room playing Fifa when I heard the door slam. I sighed and paused the game, listening as she climbed up the stairs. My door tore open with a bang, and my mother entered, wearing hotpants and a bikini top. "Dean," she said, looking at me with disgust, "I've just had an awful night. I made fuck all at the club, abd then I have to go and talk to your professor about your fucking grades. A D? Fucking hell." I didn't say anything; she would have just got angrier. instead I pulled...

3 years ago
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Jacking Off

Dave showed up at my house a few days later and showed me the contents of the bag he was carrying. A nice stack of playboys. He borrowed them from his dad's stash in their garage. "You want to head out to the fort and check these out?" "Yeah, let me finish up breakfast," I said ... Dave sat and chatted with my mom for a few minutes and then we grabbed our bikes and headed out to the woods. The woods was a five or six acre patch of trees near my house that had not yet been developed. We...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 15 Life and Death

“My Lord, the ships queueing at the gate are moving aside, we have priority permission to pass through. The Collective people at the gate have informed the hospital. You will be given an escort on the other side. Ten seconds to gate entry.“ The pilot informed Jason. They went through the gate at full speed and emerged with Charassa in sight in the distance. The pilot punched a button on the hologram and handed control to the ground. Two fighters moved to escort them. The shuttle jumped to...

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ScarredChapter 3

It was six in the morning when Charlie woke me up. Slipping into a pair of shorts, I went for my early morning jog. Charlie, running next to me as I jogged along the beach. Finishing our half-hour run, with a sprint back to the apartment. Preparing some dried dog food with peanut butter for Charlie before jumping into the shower. After having some fruits for breakfast, myself, we were ready to go. Turning the ignition key to fire up the engine, I looked at Charlie next to me. “Let’s do this...

1 year ago
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The Labyrinth of Destiny

I'm almost a bit embarassed to be offering this up as my first story. I've been writing stories on and off for almost as long as I've been reading them, and I have a huge backlog of half-finished stories that are a lot longer and a lot more meaningful. But since TGfiction is little more than a passing hobby of mine, my progress on them has been slow. I'm sure I'll get them all finished and submitted eventually. Until then, enjoy this bit of fluff, a story so short that I could actually...

2 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 3 Dr Ritas Officer Cindys Fairy Romp

Chapter Three: Dr. Rita's & Officer Cindy's Fairy Romp By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Ms. Ji-Woo Kim I followed the ice river in the direction of the moon. The direction of the Lands of Transition. I didn't know what else to call the strange piece of geography I walked beside other than an ice river. I don't mean it was a frozen stream, but it was almost like a glacier. But a glacier flowing through a channel far, far faster than it should. The ice moved. It rippled and crashed...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 67

We didn't call my father and ask him to come home. There had been enough challenges to his authority. We waited for him to return. If he didn't ask what we had discussed I would bring it up. When we were most of the way through dinner it was pretty obvious he wasn't going to bring it up. He had relented and agreed not to use my wedding as a commercial promotion. What more could possibly be expected of him? He didn't say that; it's how I interpreted his silence. I'd had time to think...

1 year ago
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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 7

We had two more concerts before the break, one in Donegal and the last in Londonderry. I had thought the girls would be nervous and a bit out of sorts but they really weren't. However the same could not be said for their security team. Wired and hot were how we looked and felt. I won't say we may have been a little bit trigger happy but our patience and restraint with assholes and obnoxious fans were nonexistent. When we were outside, Magaoidh and Caoimh walked with their hands under their...

3 years ago
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Book 3 RavlyrChapter 7 Misunderstandings

The two rode into the bailey and dismounted, then took their mounts into the stable. Natalie watered the stallion, then brushed him down. She smiled at Drapper as she walked out and was surprised to see him frowning at her. Telling Rav she was going to change and wash up for dinner, Natalie went up stairs to her room. Passing Mary on the stairs Natalie asked for a bucket of hot water be sent to her room. Mary gave her a cold look and nodded. Natalie waited in her room for the hot water, it...

2 years ago
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The Chronicles of Suzies Descent part 2

I was at work one day doing the usual... working off another day of being (full) of rubber cock. Since my sons had thrown ALL my underwear out. Matt had gone to the trouble of making me a couple of small straps attached to a leather gusset. This held my dildo in place and kept my cock hidden. It was very easy to fit and unclipped very quickly.... how thoughtful of him! I stepped out of the loo to find Sue, one of the other shop assistants leaning against the counter. I looked her...

2 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Chapter 10

The Greatest Lie Chapter 10 Beyond Bangkok Alexandra Rios Don't you hate commercial air travel? No matter how many drugs I take, when they wear off, I'm disoriented, my legs are twitchy, and there are still three hours (or whatever) to go. Not enough time to take the last of the Sonata I had borrowed from Mom's medicine cabinet before touchdown (and customs), but a long time to deal with boredom and discomfort. I got up to pee and stretch, but stepping back to my seat over my...

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Going to a Concert

Goingto a Concert My boyfriend and I are going to a concert in North Carolina; it’s about a three hour drive. It’s the middle of summer so it will be a hot day and night. I start getting ready by trying on different clothes to wear. I finally decide on a denim mini skirt with a black top that says “stay dirty my friends on the front” I love this shirt, it fits me perfectly and I don’t need to wear a bra with my small breasts, which I hate wearing bras anyway. I slip my black lace bikini...

2 years ago
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Your name is Eric Godfrey. You are a freelance engineer working for the Republic of Vallian. While mining asteroids for rare materials on the outskirts of the known galaxy, your shuttle became seperated from the main cruiser during an ion storm and you are forced to make an emergency jump. Your shuttle emerges from hyperspace badly damaged and running out of fuel. A single habitable planet shows up on your scanner and you just manage to make a hard landing on it's surface before you lose your...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Friend In The Ass Again

After the time I had fucked my long time friend Kate in the ass and taking her anal virginity we had become casual fuck-buddies and she enjoyed our times of fucking and she had grown to love taking my cock deep in her ass on a regular basis.This time we were on a drive out for a change of scenery. I was behind the wheel and we were casually talking but before long a small problem in the engine decided to become a big problem and smoke and steam soon started pouring out from under the...

1 year ago
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InterfaceChapter 12

Dad was still quiet the next day, but he was at least speaking to me. I took that as a sign that he was on his way to forgiving me. I headed up to my classroom, hoping I didn't get into more trouble again today. Vicky was waiting for me. I told her about detention and she made faces of sympathy and cursed Tara's name. It was comforting to have a friend backing me up. Eventually my arch nemesis Tara turned up, but she seemed to be back to just pretending I didn't exist for now. I was a bit...

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Genomorph Part 5

Synopsis: Brandi's enemies have fired the first shots, but are they ready for her kind of war? Inside the lab where she was created, she uncovers the startling truth about a tragedy in her past that threatens to unleash her destructive nature. Will she cross that line and become the thing she fears most? Part 5 of 5 Warning: Contains no graphic sexual content but does include adult language, situations and violent action scenes. Genomorph Part 5 of 5 By Scott Ramsey Edited by...

3 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 19 What happens in Las Vegas and some sound advice

I had little time for contemplation on matters of the heart because when I arrived back at CCC I found the prairie ablaze, and it was literally all hands to the pumps. The area affected was just to the east of where the Medicine Man Exercises were taking place, and it needed so much man power to contain the inferno that the exercises were put on hold, and the current BG attending Exercise Medicine Man, along with Canadian fire crews and OPFOR, were deployed. After a week of non-stop flailing...

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Some friends enjoying my wife

That evening after dinner, my sensual wife came down from our bedroom dressed like a slut. She was wearing a very tight little black dress, stockings, high heels and no underwear. She posed for me and asked where we would go tonight…I then told her that I would loan her to a couple friends of mine. Both of them were in town from a little village and wanted to know a porn theater; so I had arranged with them that my sexy Ana would be the perfect hostess to show them one of these naughty...

2 years ago
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Gwen Goes into ecstasy out on the Mountainside

So Gwen and I were were back up hiking in the Hills..A beautiful gay it was, After a couple of hours climbing I said to Gwen, " lets have a break and something to eat. She said that sounds great, " I need a rest "Then she said " let's go down this way, off the path " So we head down the hill a bit, then come across some large rocks, " Perfect says Gwen " Next thing she is taking her clothes off.. And starts to strip me naked. Then she gets on her knees and takes my cock in that beautiful slut...

2 years ago
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Barbara Ch 06

Chapter 6: The Prison Farm (part1) This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * When Barbara awoke she looked out the front window to see where she was. The van was parked at what looked like a farm. There was a barn off in the distance and from the van Barbara could see plenty of open fields, some planted and some...

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Teens with 50 year old whores is not fantasy anymo

I read a sad story today. A 23 year old man accidentally killed his 50 year old wife while playing a sex fantasy game. I have to say that even though it was sad, I noticed that young and very young men marrying older women is not too far fetched these days.I have had a 2 month, highly sexual relationship with a 49 year old school teacher with very small tits and long, extra long nipples. I remember one of her friends visited from Australia and was not wearing any underwear. Her tits and ass...

1 year ago
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I remember my first experience with bondage.  It was at college, I was a big-breasted blonde virgin with a hot body and perfect teeth.No not really, but that’s how people always seem to start their stories.  In truth I was about 21 and at college, but the virginity, no that’s a myth.  And Jamie and Adam from Mythbusters, along with John Mckenzie could work together to very quickly bust that myth.I’d love to say that my first experience was awesome; I’d love to say it put me on a path I have...

1 year ago
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Can She Give Good Fucking Head To This Big Cock

It was a sweltering late summer afternoon, so we decided to go the semi secluded beach of Holliway. Quickly changing into her golden t-back that disappeared between her lustful ass cheeks, and two almost nonexistent straps which barely covered her erect nipples, we jumped into the car and sped away. She was hot sitting there with those massive bronzed melons swaying in the breeze as we cruised the highway. Arriving at the beach cutoff, we took a narrow one lane road through the trees leading...

3 years ago
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LIBRARY BEHIND CLOSED DOORSEpisode 1 "Perfection in the Skirt"   He walked in thought, absorbed in the events related to the work at the Heat and Power Plant in Wrocław on the street Łowiecka 24 as the main power dispatcher. He considered the manager's accusations to be completely unfounded, even offensive, he probably intends to put his cousin on the job, so he looks for a "hole in the whole". Well, a lot of dark ones were gathering clouds, you have to start looking for a new occupation,...

3 years ago
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It Was Her Shoes

The following is a true story from when I was still in college. CLICK CLICK CLICK! The unmistakable sound of high heels clicked on the hard floor. The sounds echoing off the walls. It was hard to get a bearing on where the sound was coming from in the large figure 8 shaped halls. They appeared strongest up and to my left, I quickened my pace. I rounded the corner and saw a glimpse of a woman rounding the other corner. There was no doubt though who was the source of the sound. Even in that...

1 year ago
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Amateur Night

It was one of those nights where my girlfriend and me went for happy hour in the afternoon. We got pretty buzzed by 8 pm. We were on the way back home and took a detour to avoid traffic. In the path of the detour was a strip joint. My girl egged me on about visiting the strip joint and thought it would adventurous for both of us. I always complained about me and her being kinky and doing wild things. She wanted to prove she isn’t prude with me. She was feeling tipsy and it helped in her opening...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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A Teachers Rape PT 2

Saturday evening finally came around, the excitement in my body was sending shockwaves to my pussy as what I had planned for the night. I sent my husband to store to get some stuff for me about ten minutes before they arrived. They arrived right on time. Ashley is 25, stands about 5’5”, with long brown hair, brown eyes, weighs about 115 pounds, and about 32B chest. Ashley’s husband, Eric had joined her too. He is 28, stands about 6, with dark brown hair, blue eyes, and weighs about 165 pounds...

1 year ago
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Adult Theater Bukkake

I work up the other day feeling extremely horny and decided to wear some lingerie under my conservative work clothes. I choose a black outfit which consisted of a garter belt, stockings and a shelf bra and off to work I went. That mood stuck with me most of the day and on several occasions I hiked up my dress and played with my pussy in my office. I had been chatting with one of my Hamster friends and I suggested that I drive home with out my dress on and hoping others could see my in only...

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