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Mary opened the door to her son’s bedroom, she was unprepared for the sight that met her eyes as she walked in the room. “Alan, I wondered if…..” Her voice trailed off as she saw what he was doing. Alan lay there on the bed, his trousers and underpants were around his knees, his hand was moving up and down his erect penis.

“Oh my, I’m sorry Alan, I…”

Mary rushed out of the room and went back downstairs.

Alan quickly stopped, he struggled to get dressed and then realised that he would have to face his mother when he went downstairs.

As Alan struggled with the decision to go downstairs, he heard his mother call up to him. “I’m just popping out Alan, I might be a while.” Alan did not go to the top of the stairs, he merely called out from his doorway. “Okay mum, bye.”

When he heard the sound of the front door closing, he went downstairs, he realised that this reprieve was going to be short lived, for his mother would return eventually.

Mary Baker walked along the street towards her friends house. It was at times like this that Evelyn Hale could be relied on to offer the advice she needed.

Evelyn opened the door just after Mary had rung the bell. “Hello Mary, what brings you here?” Without waiting for an answer, she invited her friend in. The kettle went on and when the tea was made, they sat down. Evelyn detected that there was something wrong, but she did not ask what, she asked the usual polite questions, and it was when she enquired about Alan that Mary opened up to her.

Evelyn listened without interrupting and waited until Mary had finished speaking.

Mary explained that she had walked in on her son while he was masturbating and felt awkward about having to face him.

“You are going to have to face him.” Said Evelyn.

Mary shook her head, “but what am I going to say to him?”

Evelyn placed her hand on Mary’s arm. “Please don’t distress yourself, I merely think that because you walked in on Alan while he was doing it, well, he probably feels awkward and is concerned about what you think of him.” Mary shook her head again, “I know you’re right, but I just could not bring myself to speak to him about this.”

Evelyn started to pour another cup of tea, she seemed deep in thought. Finally she handed her friend the cup and said, “I know that Alan is sixteen, may I ask, when you saw his penis, was it very big?” “Well, I only caught a glimpse of it, but I would imagine it had to be at least seven inches long, why do you ask?”

Evelyn thought quickly, she needed a reason why she had asked the question, and quickly. “I needed to know in case Alan was especially small, that might have made him doubly awkward about you seeing him.” Mary seemed to accept this explanation. Evelyn continued, “I’ll understand if you say no, I know that Alan feels comfortable with me, would you like me to talk to him for you?”

Mary seemed relieved, “I was hoping you would offer, are you sure you won’t mind?”

Evelyn had to hide her delight, when her friend had agreed “Of course not, I suggest that you dig out those books you promised me and I can call round to collect them tomorrow evening, as they are heavy, you could ask Alan to help me to take them home, then I‘ll offer him a cup of tea, I’ll be careful not to embarrass him.”

“Thank you Evelyn, but what do I say when I go home? I can’t avoid him.”

“I would just pretend nothing happened, he will probably relax after a while.”

Mary returned home, she tried hard to appear normal in front of Alan. The boy seemed slightly on edge, but eventually relaxed.

The following afternoon, Mary asked her son to help get the books out of the loft, although the boxes they were packed in were covered with sheets, they still seemed to have collected a lot of dust. When they were all downstairs, Mary carefully unpacked them and between them they cleaned the dust off and repacked them.

They looked at each other and laughed. “Oh Alan, we’re as black as two chimney sweeps, I think we need to take a bath, I’ll take mine first.”

About six o’clock, Evelyn called round, Alan readily agreed to help her take the boxes to her house and found the old sack trolley to transport them on.

Alan did enjoy Evelyn’s company, although she was sixty one, the same age as his mother, she was not as uptight. Of course he had to be respectful, he always addressed her as Mrs Hale.

Evelyn Hale was a sixty one year old widow, she had been so since her husband died thirty years ago. Evelyn was always smartly dressed, she was clean, this was something that Alan liked about her, some of his mothers friends smelled a bit.

Mary had told Alan that Evelyn was a real lady, she did not smoke, drank only in moderation and never ever used bad language.

Alan pushed the trolley up to Evelyn’s front door and waited while she unlocked it and opened it enough for him to manoeuvre it inside. “Could you stack the boxes over in the corner please Alan?” she asked. “Certainly Mrs Hale.” Alan lifted each box in turn and stacked them as she had asked.

“Now I think that deserves a cup of tea.” Alan nodded, “yes please.”

Evelyn lit the gas fire and indicated for Alan to sit in one of the armchairs. When the tea was ready, she brought in the tray. “Alan, be a dear and pull out the foot stool.” Alan did as she asked and Evelyn sat down on it.

They sat drinking their tea in silence, then Evelyn remarked, “you smell nice Alan.” The boy smiled, “yes, mum and I got really dirty sorting out the books, so we had to take a bath.” Evelyn thought this might be the time to make her opening gambit, so she said, “not together I hope?” Alan’s face flushed, “Oh no, we took them separately.”

Evelyn reached out and placed her hand on Alan’s leg, he flinched slightly, then she said, “I’m sorry Alan, I was only teasing, I did not mean to embarrass you.” He smiled slightly and said, “that’s okay.”

Evelyn remembered an article she had seen in the paper and leaned back to the small table behind her. This caused her knees to separate and Alan’s heart jumped when he saw that gap between her legs. When Evelyn turned back, he was slow in averting his eyes, Evelyn realised where he was looking, but did not indicate that she had noticed. As she showed him the article, which was about Egypt, Evelyn took the opportunity from time to time to look away, then when she looked back, she saw his eye movement as he looked away from her legs and back to the newspaper.

Eventually Evelyn decided to make her move.

“I see that you like to look up between my legs Alan?” then before he had time to answer, she continued. “Is that the sort of thing you like to think about when you masturbate?”

Alan sat there in silence for a moment, then with a shaking voice, he said, “please don’t tell my mum, I promise I won’t do it again.”

Evelyn moved forward on the footstool, this caused the gap between her knees to widen even more. Alan’s eyes widened as well.

“Listen Alan, I’m not angry, I don’t intend to tell your mother that you were looking up my clothes, but I should explain that she told me how she walked in on you when you were masturbating.”

The boy started to cry, again Evelyn placed her hand on his leg, this time he did not flinch. “Listen Alan, your mother felt awkward about walking in on you, I explained that it was natural for boys of your age to have the need to relieve themselves, but she was still worried about it causing a rift between you.”

Alan was unsure what bothered him the most, that his mother had told Mrs Hale, or that Mrs Hale was discussing it with him.
“I expect you think I’m dirty?” he asked. Evelyn’s hand was still resting on his leg and she had not brought her knees together. “What, for masturbating, or because you want to look up between my legs?” “Both.” He answered, his eyes staring down at the floor. Giving his leg another squeeze, she said, “Alan, there is nothing wrong with masturbation, I imagine everybody does it at some time in their life, as for you staring up my clothing, well firstly I’m flattered that you would want to, and if it gives you pleasure, then I don’t really mind, would you like me to spread my legs a bit wider for you so you can take a proper look?”

Alan could not believe he was hearing this, he glanced down and saw her spread her knees even wider apart and he was able to see right up to the crutch of her underwear.

“Have you ever had intercourse Alan?” He shook his head. “Do you imagine you’re having sex when you masturbate?” Alan did not feel so uncomfortable talking to her about this. “Sometimes.” “Would you like to have sex Alan?” Then as he looked up at her, she continued the question, “with me?”

Evelyn wondered if she had gone too far, she had not intended this to progress further than to talk to the boy with the intention of putting his mind at ease about the incident with his mother. It was because of his interest in trying to look up her skirt, this seemed to have awakened something inside her.

“I’m sorry Alan, of course you wouldn’t want to, after all, your only sixteen, I’m an old woman, I’m sorry, please forgive me for asking you.”

There was a moments silence, then he said.

“I would, if you still want to.”

It was Evelyn’s turn to be surprised, when she had asked, she had not considered the consequences, then she had come to her senses thinking he would be revolted by the suggestion, now he was saying that he wanted to.

All manner of doubts started to creep into her thoughts, what if he thought her body was disgusting, if he rejected her because he thought her repulsive, that would be hard to bear. There had to be a way.

“Very well Alan, but there has to be conditions.” Alan nodded. “We cannot be naked, and there can be no touching.”

“I agree.” The look on his face showed his eagerness, “when?”

Evelyn knew that it had to be now or never, the boy was clean, he had just had a bath.

“If you go upstairs to the back bedroom and pull the curtains, I need to get ready, I suggest you undress, take everything off except your underpants.” Alan nodded and went upstairs.

Evelyn went into the bathroom, leaning back against the door, she wondered how she had managed to get herself into this. Talking to herself, she said, “I can’t very well back out now.”

Evelyn took off her clothes and filled the sink with warm water, she soaped the flannel and washed herself, concentrating on the area between her legs, it wouldn’t do for Alan to detect any odour from her vagina. Once she was satisfied that she was clean in that area, Evelyn remembered what Mary had said about the size of Alan’s penis, so she took out a jar of Vaseline from the medicine cabinet and applied a generous amount as far up inside her vagina as she could manage.

Evelyn put on the nightdress she had laid out for use that evening when she went to bed, then made her way to the bedroom.

While Evelyn was getting ready, Alan went upstairs and started to undress, as he unbuttoned his shirt, he remembered that he was supposed to close the curtains, he went to the window and drew the curtains together, it was still light outside.

He looked around the room, the duvet that covered the double bed had a floral cover, Alan wondered if he should pull it down, he decided against it and continued with his undressing. Soon he was only wearing his underpants, then he heard the sound of Evelyn coming up the stairs.

It seemed strange that she knocked before entering the room, he said, “come in,” his voice low with a slight tremble to it. Evelyn entered.

Without speaking, she walked round to the other side of the bed and switched on the lamp on the bedside cabinet. Then she spoke, “I think this should give us enough light.” He did not answer, merely nodding his agreement.

Evelyn climbed onto the bed and lay stretched out, Alan stood there, his hands positioned in front of his lower half. Evelyn moved her feet apart. “If you would like to climb onto the bed Alan, I suggest you kneel between my feet.”

Alan did as she asked, Evelyn noticed the bulge in his shorts, it was then that she wondered if she was going to be able to accommodate him.

“I think I’d better say, you will need to keep your weight off my chest, it might be easier if you support your weight with your forearms, is that alright?” “Yes, I’ll try.” He answered.

Alan looked at the nightie that covered her body, her chest had two small lumps, he guessed these must be her nipples. Smiling up at him, she said, “do you want to lay on top of me now Alan?”

Remembering that he needed to keep his weight off her, Alan carefully lowered his body over hers. It was uncomfortable, until she said, “it’s alright for you to let your lower half rest against me.”

Ever so slowly, he dropped his lower half until it was resting against hers, Evelyn felt the tell tale lump of his penis against her mound, then little by little, she felt it growing harder.

“Are you ready Alan?” The tremble was still there in his voice as he answered, “yes, I think so.” “Just relax Alan, it will be alright, I promise.” He gave a slight smile. “Just lift your bottom up a little.” Alan raised his backside up so that there was a space between their lower halves. “I just need to slide your shorts down enough to free your penis.”

Alan swallowed hard as Evelyn’s hands took hold of each side of his boxers, all the time she kept her gaze fixed firmly on his.

“If you can stay like that, I just need to hitch up my nightdress.”

Evelyn reached down and tugged at the nightdress, it was difficult and she wished she had taken the chance on Alan seeing her naked, finally she managed to pull it up so that she was naked from the waist down. “Lower yourself down Alan.”

Alan jumped slightly when his penis came into contact with her pubic hair. “It’s alright Alan, just get used to feeling my body up against yours.”

Evelyn gave him a minute or two, then said, “if you lift up again, I’ll open my legs for you.” Alan’s heart started to pound in his chest when she said this. Then he felt her bring her knees up so that they were either side of his body. “Okay Alan, just relax and lower yourself against me.”

Alan did not jump this time as his penis brushed against her pubic hair.

“Slide down a little bit.” He did until she told him to stop. “I want you to push your hips forward gently, don’t worry if you don’t go in straight away, just keep moving backwards and forwards, eventually it will slip in.”

Alan pushed forwards, but his penis just made contact with the side of Evelyn’s opening, he tried again with the same result. “It won’t go in,” he said, the frustration sounding in his voice. “It’s alright Alan, take it slowly, let me pull myself open, see if that helps.”

Evelyn slid her hands down around her legs and underneath, Alan waited.

Evelyn placed her finger tips either side of her opening and pulled gently until the lips separated. “Try now Alan.”

Alan pushed forward again and felt moisture against the tip of his penis. “That’s it Alan, now push gently and it should start to go in.” Increasing the pressure, he suddenly felt the end of his penis slide up inside her. “Stop a minute Alan,” Evelyn gasped, “I need a moment to get used to you being inside me.”

The boy resisted the urge to push himself right into her, there was a strange warm feeling in the part of him that was inside her.

Then Evelyn spoke again, “please take your time Alan, just push slowly in and out.”

At last he was going to be fully inside her, he moved his hips forward and felt himself go deeper inside her, then withdrew. He repeated the movement, each time trying to go in a bit more.

Evelyn started to moan, “that’s it Alan, urghhh, you’re doing it just right, urghhh, push harder, urghhh.” He pushed in harder, the feeling in his young body was unlike anything had experienced before.

Evelyn shifted. “Is there anything wrong?” He asked. “No Alan, I’m just trying to get my legs up some more, that way you will be able to get yourself in deeper, urghhh.”

Evelyn’s knees were almost on her chest, he found that in this position, he only needed to move his hips up and down.

After a few more minutes, he began to feel the tingle that signalled his impending orgasm. “I’m nearly there Mr Hale,” he said, “do I have to take it out?”

Evelyn had hoped he would have lasted a lot longer, but she did not want to stop him having his pleasure. “It’s alright Alan, just keep going, I won’t mind if you want to ejaculate in my vagina, urghhh.” Her groans were louder now.

As Alan started to approach the point of no return, Evelyn desperately wanted to say things to him, but she was afraid that it might put him off, so she just said, “oh yes Alan, that’s it, push harder, you’re starting to make me come, urghhh.”

Alan’s climax was unlike any he had experienced when he masturbated, the fireworks went off behind his eyes and he groaned out loud, “I’m there, arghhh.”

When Evelyn felt the first ropey strand of semen erupt into her vagina, she pushed her hips up to meet his thrusts. “Oh Alan, I can feel you coming inside me, urghhh, push harder, you won’t hurt me, urghhh, fill me with your come, urghhh.”

They lay together on the bed, still joined, then his penis started to go down and Evelyn reached down between them. “You need to withdraw Alan.” As he pulled out of her, Evelyn slid the nightdress down to cover herself, averting her eyes, she said, “You must pull your shorts up Alan. He did this and climbed off the bed.

Alan went downstairs to give Evelyn a chance to make herself decent, when she came down, he said, “I would like to thank you, it was the most wonderful experience ever.” Evelyn smiled, “I think it should be me who should thank you, you behaved like a gentleman, you were considerate to my wishes and I gained a great deal of pleasure from our union, but tell me Alan, was there anything that you didn’t like about the experience?”

Alan stood there, he shifted his feet, Evelyn sensed that there was something, but he seemed reluctant to say.

“I won’t be offended, as long as you aren’t crude.”

“Well, I was disappointed that I couldn’t see you, why was that?”

Evelyn motioned for him to sit down, then she said, “the reason I made that a stipulation, is because I was afraid you might have felt disgust, I’m sixty years old Alan, my body might not seem so attractive as you think it would, so I wasn’t prepared to take the chance.” Alan nodded as if he understood, then she said. “If you want to do it again, I might let you see me.” Alan looked at her. “Oh, I assume that you want to do it again, I’ll understand if you’d rather not.”

The boy’s face lit up, “yes, I thought this was going to be the only time, but I would love to.”

“In that case Alan, I will let you see a little bit of my body, then some more each time we do it, but if we continue with this, then we will need to be discrete, if your mother ever found out, well, you can imagine.” He nodded. “The first thing you need to do is let your mother know I have spoken to you regarding the time she walked in while you were masturbating.” Alan looked deflated. “Do I have to?” “Yes, you have to if we are to continue having sex.” “Very well, but what shall I tell her?”

Evelyn sat down on the footstool, her knees parted slightly and Alan was disappointed to see she had put on her underwear. “Right, pay attention Alan, this is what you will need to say to her.”

Alan returned home, “hi mum, I’m back.” “Hello Alan, did you help Mrs Hale with the books?” “Yes mum, she also told me to tell you not to worry about the thing I was doing, I promise I won’t do it anymore.” His mother felt relieved. “That’s good son, I knew Evelyn would know how to stop you needing to do that.”

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Hi dosto mera name he viren me mumbai se hu meri age 28 he meri sadi ho gay he or meri biwi ki age he 27 jo ek roop ki rani he inko dekh kar sale buddhe b jawan ho jate he q ki mene meri biwi ki wajah se bahut logo ko marna b pada tha jaha per jati he koi na koi unke sath ched khani karte he or ha mere ghar me mere papa meri maa b he or ha mere papa ki age he 51 jo dikhne me mere jaise he ye bat 2 mahine pahle ki he jab me meri biwi or mere papa meri maa ke sath gaw gaye the jahaper hamara...

3 years ago
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My life in a nutshell

I have never done anything like this before and I will be honest as I can be as it just seem natural for me to lie and I think a lot of people do most just don't recognize it. One thing that I do know is that I am not very smart although I figured out pretty early that happiness is key to a good life and keeping your body in shape. Now I have been fighting alcohol and d**g addiction since I was 11yrs old I was pretty much a full blown alcoholic by 14 and it was tough getting to 21 years old...

1 year ago
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Bi foursome with girlfriend and another couple

I hadn’t seen my friend Marcus for a couple of years so I was surprised when he called to say he was in town and wanted to meet up. Marcus wasn’t just a good friend, he was also my bi fuck-buddy for several years and the prospect of getting my tongue around his thick juicy cock again made my own swell as I heard his voice. We chatted awhile, catching up on our gossip – I told him about Jenny, my new girlfriend while he talked about bringing his partner without saying if it was a girl or a boy....

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What Girl Is ThisChapter 4

The door to his apartment opened for him as Stan was reaching for his key. The girl was there, smiling at him, helping him inside, helping him off with his coat. He smelled dinner in the oven, and his formica table had been covered with a sheet. Unlit candles stood on either side of a festive display of fruit. The table was laid for two, his simple Corelle set carefully. The apartment was clean, spotlessly so. He walked through the place admiring it. No more mold in the bathroom. His shirts...

2 years ago
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The horny bank official

Hello, this is Arman back again . This is a true story about my encounter with a bank official. First ill describe myself. I’m 24 t. Thanks for the response for the previous stories . I would need more response from horny mature ladies to post some more exiting events of mine . . I am 5.9″ tall with a muscular build. Now of my girl. Her name is Gurjit. She is around 30 years old. She arrived from Punjab 10 years ago, so she still has an accent. But she is so sexy. She is 5’4″, has black hair,...

1 year ago
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Repo Auto CenterChapter 20 The Broken Heart and New Adventure

Of course there so many reasons to be utterly sad about having to leave my new home. But I tried to treat the situation as totally temporary, the height of denial. I was going to have to leave behind my girls, my loves, do it with my virginity intact. Linda was distraught about the idea of me going to war. Siza was very unhappy but in her own way she knew how to do denial just as well as I. She refused to let herself accept my leaving as anything but ordinary. It was like I was just going to...

4 years ago
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A controlled Life chapter 12

The devices, programs, gadgets, toys, apps, and websites in this story are real. The use of their brand names and products allowed through nominative fair use. The potential for them to be used in the ways they are in this story really does exist. Research has been conducted to ensure the accuracy and efficacy of these items to make this story as realistic as possible at the time of writing. I apologize for any updates, changes, modifications, or changes in availability of any...

2 years ago
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VeronicaChapter 16

Veronica moved her king's pawn to start with, and the old man responded in kind. So far so good, she thought, as she brought up her queen's pawn to be next to the other piece. What would he do now? Again, a reciprocal move. She felt the sweat begin to pour off her and her heart rate increase. "For heaven's sake, calm down, Veronica" she told herself. After all it was only a game and she didn't need the money anyway - not a resourceful girl like her. All day, this thought had been...

3 years ago
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In Public

After spending a couple weeks in I was getting a little stir crazy and craving a night out dancing. I waited all day for Scott to come home from work. I know he had a long day and would probably be too tired to go out. So I dressed to impress, thigh high skirt, stockings with garter, tight near sheer belly shirt, and yes NO PANTIES. When he got home his poor knees were killing him but by the way I was dressed he knew I wanted to go dance and play. He agreed we needed a night out. He showered...

2 years ago
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Uma lenga Grega A Greek Legend

Uma lenda grega Cap?tulo 1: O anel Eu sempre fui fascinado por mitologia grega. Est?rias de deuses, semideuses, her?is, monstros me acompanharam desde a minha mais tenra inf?ncia e mantiveram minha imagina??o ocupada. Sendo "um vagabundo", como minha m?e costumava dizer eu tinha bastante tempo para dedicar a este hobby. Na verdade eu era "um vagabundo sortudo", pois um tio havia falecido e deixado DM 500.000,00 de heran?a que eu mantinha em uma conta de investimento. Eu n?o era exatamente rico, mas ta...

3 years ago
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Secrets behind closed doors

Introduction: First story…go easy…but be honest! I have always had a thing for older men. I always liked the thought of having one for myself, but never was able to find someone who would date a younger woman. This was until I met Jonathon. Jon worked at a violin shop, making and selling his work. He was not tall, nor was he short. He had a nice frame and a beautiful face. Jon was working the day I came to his shop. I asked him to give me a tour of the place. He stopped his work and led me...

2 years ago
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Part 1 of my mother in law experience

Today was like any other day, it was relatively warm and sunny and my wife had said that her parents had wanted an odd job doing in their spare bedroom. I often did little jobs for my wife’s parents as her father was away most of the time with his job so didn’t get time to do things around the house. My wife would be at work all day so I thought I’d go around when I wanted, if no one was in it wouldn’t matter, I had my own key to let myself in and I knew the alam code.   As early afternoon was...

1 year ago
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Developing Lust For My Mommy

Hi ISS Readers, my name is Raj 18 years old and I live in Delhi. I am greatly inspired by this website and my praise for its content is increasing every day. I belong to a rich and respectable family that enjoys all the luxuries of life. I have an elder sister, recently married to my cousin who lives in the same street as mine. My father works in UNO and spends only 1 month at home that leaves me, my mom and few servants back at home. My mom is 43 years old, 5’6 tall, milky white skin and a...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Layla 11052018

Super hot 19 year old redhead Layla is getting a cum ambush today. Is that a thing? Well, today it is – I had a feeling Vince is going to manage squeezing out 2 loads of jizz with this super hottie, and I was right. I let him cum inside her pussy (creampie) and then jizz again over her face and braces. I’m not surprised he was able to cum twice. I was surprised he didn’t jizz in his pants the second he met Layla. He already has a boner when he brings her in from outside the...

1 year ago
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Sunita Bhabhi Ki Mast Chudai

Hello friends!! I’m sumit I am writing another sex stories in hindi after a long gap about 1.5 years.Main aapko apne bare mein bata du main indore M.P ka rahne wala hu aur main govt job karta hu, meri height 5-10 hai aur dekhne mein gora and handsome hu koi bhi ladki asani se chahne lage.   Maine ke sachi gatna batyi thi apni karib 3 month pehle isi site ke madhyam se, uske baad ek bhabhi ne mujhe contact kiya phir main aur bhabhi busy ho gaye the aur ye story hum dono ke bare mein hi hai aur...

2 years ago
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Remote Control Slave Part 3“How did you find me here?” I stammered…this shouter punk boy from the mall was standing in my apartment doorway…I had given him my phone number as he demanded, but…“So you’re stupid too, hey faggot slut? Never heard of a reverse directory online? Or do you even have a computer?”I mumbled a yes, suddenly remembering that the door was open, I could hear neighbors in the hall, and I was standing in the doorway in the diaper and little-boy pants, as Master demands. I...

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just a little fun0

skimpy little bikini top with barely enough fabric to cover your nipples. It's sagging slightly under the weight of your gorgeous and tantalizing breasts. You have on a similar pair of thong bikini bottoms, the material going deep into your luscious ass, being completely covered, showing that you seemingly aren't even wearing on if it was for the strings going around your waist to the small v of fabric hiding your juicy treasure, molding in nicely to show off your pouty lips. I'm...

4 years ago
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Wheres the Remote

If I hurried, I had time to drive home, take a quick shower, get dressed and still not be late for my dinner date with Jason. He was working late, so he would be meeting me at the restaurant. Since I knew he wouldn’t be stopping home first, it gave me time to get my naughty surprise ready for him. Hopping out of the shower, I quickly dried off, rubbed on some lotion and made sure I was smooth all over. I put on a lace black bra and garter, slid on some black thigh highs and attached them to the...

2 years ago
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The Student Teacher BluesChapter 3

Cecelia looked grim as she drove, following Bob's older model Chevrolet. While she didn't actually know all that much about Bob Hawkins, she knew he was married. All the girls had known he was married. It had been the bane of their fantasies, back when she went to school at Harper High. His age hadn't dissuaded them from fantasizing about him, but it was a little difficult to pretend you could compete with a wife. Cee Cee had simply constructed a hazy fantasy in which the wife never seemed...

3 years ago
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Shamus JournalsChapter 55

I woke up with the phone ringing in my ear. It was our wake up call I had left the night before. I roused Sandra and we got ready to go to breakfast. She was half asleep as we sat down at the table. I ordered for us and she ate everything they set in front of her. I had my usual coffee but with what I knew was coming; I just didn't have any appetite. When I saw Sandra smiling and waving at a little girl at the next table, I knew she was awake and in her usual good spirits. "Honey, before...

3 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 79

Present – Ben, Jens and Ira – Visiting the Clinic Jens is practically sitting in my lap as we drive to the clinic while I ask Ira, “How is your arm this morning?” Jens asks, “What happened to Ira’s arm?” Ira replies, “Ms. Summers grazed my arm as she shot at Ben last night.” Jens practically goes ballistic as she complains, “Why in the fricken-fracken heck wasn’t I told? Ben can they treat her arm at this clinic?” I reply, “I suppose they can.” Jens orders, “Irina, never hide an injury,...

2 years ago
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The JaysChapter 33

James did indeed write to the chairman of the Venture board. He said how pleased he was that an amicable agreement had been reached and hoped that the board would be happy with it. He added that he was glad Mr Gordon had accepted his argument for retaining the discount on beer but was not sure that he had understood the underlying need. He was very grateful to Mr Williams for explaining it to him. Jenny thoroughly approved of the letter. "Brilliant, darling! That's exactly right. You...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 351

The Planetoid – Selina and Diana's Mission As soon as Diana closed the hatch behind her, she felt the tug of gentle acceleration as Selina began their ascent out of the crevasse. "I suited up while you were placing the device. You can leave the helmet cracked, but keep your suit on for now. Hurry back up here and assist me with our ascent," Selina ordered over the intercom. She desperately needed to pee, but because of the urgency in Selina's voice, Diana decided to let the suit take...

2 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 11

He waddled rather than walked towards the ornate French windows at the end of the conservatory. He felt absolutely naked and humiliated as he turned to walk back towards the young women. He instinctively covered his genitals with his hands, clutching his penis and testicles close to his body. "Come along, you can walk straighter than that." The doctor spoke firmly. "Hands by your side stand straight up and walk towards me." Richard blushed at the rebuke. He let his hands fall to his...

3 years ago
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The Christmas Eve Worker Part Four

The Christmas Eve Worker Part Four By Silly Sissy Sarah - Sarah's words - Hello, everyone! Sorry for the long wait. I struggled a bit in deciding which path the story takes. For the readers who hoped the story will end with this installment, I'm sorry that it won't be so. I still have some bunnies left in my hat. But I promise that this story will end in Part Five. Lastly, I must admit that the nice comments left me floating on air. I had a silly grin on my...

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Leanne An Innocent Massage

Leanne is a stunning slim girl with medium length brown hair and the most amazing brown eyes! Today she’s wearing a shortish black dress (just above the knees) and black tights. Her hair is up and tied back revealing a very sensual neckline. Leanne is an absolutely beautiful girl… intelligent, caring, funny plus the sort you would NEVER tire of being with and one that you’d fall madly in love with and want to keep and protect forever… a gorgeous smile and an infectious laugh… they don’t get...

2 years ago
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My College Education

My College Education Hello everyone. This Belle again with a tale from a client. I will my client tell the tale. Greetings everybody. I am John MacDonald. That was my name at birth, but this tale deals about the time when I was Jackie MacDonald. It starts when I first entered college. I was an incoming freshman. I was taking all the mandatory courses for a freshman. I was enrolled in Business Administration for my major. I know that sounds lame, but it is true. It was the first...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 51

These are compliments of Larry How To Give a Cat a Pill!!! Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process. Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy...

4 years ago
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The Moors Gabriel

Sandra coveted the tiny gift she held before reluctantly handing the precious thing back to her sister. The gift of life had to be the most wonderful thing on earth and she vowed to herself that she would love and cherish her newborn niece for all her days. She had never realised before that moment just how strong her maternal instincts must be, ‘One day I will have house full of babies,’ she informed her older sister Fran. Fran laughed at her impetuous sibling, ‘You never do things by half...

2 years ago
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Mommy8217s Xavier 8211 Part II

By : Achuthan_kry Hi guys its me kris again with part 2 after some rough sex season of three years, Xavier got married lost interest in my mom & left the city. Mom was again single for almost couple of years now & I thought that I have grown up to take care of my mom. Mom assets have become a bit big her stats was now 40-34-42 after the way Xavier made the most of her assets and left when he got a new chick. My mom shobha is now 42 & now more seductive than she is before when she walks around a...

3 years ago
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The Italian Job 11

The Italian Job 11I awoke again about 07.30, it took a few seconds to get my bearings then there was a stirring in my groin and I realised I was spooned up with her again, she turned as she woke bringing her face very close to mine in the bed, I straightened my legs down the bed and she brought her hips into me, passing a leg onto the top of mine, she had her eyes open and she was watching me “are you ok this morning?” she asked “I feel terrific” I replied “ any second thoughts or regrets?” she...

1 year ago
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My Second Sex Experience

Hi Friends aapne meri kahani padi My First Lover aur mujhe E-Mail Bhi Mile Bahut Accha laga. Iske liye me aap sabhi pathko ka shukraguzar hoon aur aapne mujhe pasand kiya iske liye to dil se aabhari bhi hoon. Aaj me aapke Samne jo kahani lekar Aa raha hoon wo Tab ki hai jab me Bhind me rahne ke liye chala gaya tha aur B.com kar raha tha aur kabhi kabhi mera Gwalior aana hota tha apne dosto ke paas aur aksar apni muhboli didi ke Ghar par hi rukta tha unki do bahne aur thi Renu aur Seema Renu ke...

1 year ago
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A Vida de Uma Barbie 2

A Vida de Uma Barbie 2 Didi62 ([email protected]) Se John achava que seu humor iria melhorar depois de ligar para Mary e aceitar o papel na pe?a, ele estava muito enganado. Ele n?o conseguiu relaxar nem por um minuto naquele s?bado, e a situa??o n?o mudou no dia seguinte... _ Eu n?o sei... acho que n?o quero ir... _ disse John ao telefone na manh? de domingo. _ Mas John! Voc? prometeu! _ disse Linda. John havia combinado no in?cio da semana que iria almo?ar na casa de sua namorada no domingo...

1 year ago
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Mary Me Another

Fast forward some four years. After more clandestine meetings, we'd made our affection clear to both our children and their respective grandparents. Whilst not all had been plain sailing through unruffled waters, our merged families enjoyed the renewed zest for life that Mary and I clearly displayed.As for us, we had had many conversations about advantages and potential problems such a blending could produce. However, those talks had usually ended up with us making love (yes, that's what it had...

3 years ago
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A Lodi ChristmasChapter 6

Just in time. I found you just in time. Before you came my time was running low. I was lost. The losing dice were tossed. My bridges all were crossed. Nowhere to go. Now you’re here and now I know just where I’m going. No more doubt or fear, I’ve found my way. For love came just in time. You found me just in time and changed my lonely life that lovely day. - Jule Styne, Betty Comden and Adolph Green Cindy’s best friend was her next-door neighbor, Alice Goodwin. The eighty-three year old...

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(WARNING: There is a male/male scene in my story. Letting you know, guys!) Hidden I was totally unprepared for what I witnessed. After working out, I went to get cleaned up, but the woman's showers were out of order. Seeing the maintenance man, I asked him if it would be alright to use the man's showers, since I was pretty sure that I was the only one here. He told me to go ahead, but be careful. I told him that I would keep a look out for other people, as I was invading their territory. I...

Group Sex
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Sat Afternoon Fuckfest

It was a hot Saturday afternoon. I had just comeback from running a few errands, and was laying back on the bed for a rest. I had the fan going as the air conditioner wasn’t getting the cool air around the house. Andrea comes up after putting a movie on for the k**s. She’s all hot and bothered. I’m wearing my shorts and am OK, but she’s wearing her jeans and a white top. She rushes in and goes to the bathroom, takes off her top and pants to reveal a sheer white DD Bra and dark green hip hugging...

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