Hardman Hill
- 2 years ago
- 33
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Princess Amelia von Heiden trudged up the dry riverbed. Strands of red-orange hair fell into her face, which she blew away with a huff. Her plate armor weighed her down, and her long, padded skirt caught on every thorny plant in her path. She sighed. This was not how she had planned on traveling.
“Princess,” Harper called from yards behind Amelia, out of breath. “Slow down.”
A rock dared to bar Amelia’s progress. She stopped and kicked it aside before peering over her shoulder. “Someone has to keep us on track since some idiot decided to lose our wagon and horses.”
“Don’t blame me,” Jonas snapped. A pack large enough for two sagged off his broad shoulders, yet his pace remained crisp. “You’re the one who wanted to take a shortcut.”
“You agreed with me, mister grand survivalist.” Amelia smirked and stared into Jonas’ icy blue eyes, waiting.
“Only because you wouldn’t give it a rest.” Jonas shook his head, and his disheveled golden locks flipped this way and that. “I’m not the one with the willpower of a gnat.”
Tiny Harper stormed up beside Jonas, brown eyes ablaze, and smacked his maroon brigandine armor. “Jonas, do not speak to the princess in that manner.”
“Harper,” Jonas stopped and turned his frustrated attention from Amelia, “I know you’re just doing your job and trying to keep the peace, but I’ve known Amelia for decades. She needs someone to call her out sometimes.”
Amelia snorted. “Call me out? We wouldn’t have needed a shortcut if you didn’t try to chase after that elf girl.” She planted her left hand on her hip and raised the right, palm up. “Who, might I add, was clearly uninterested.”
Sighing, Jonas rolled his gaze back to Amelia. “And what were you doing during that time again?”
“Nothing that delayed us.” Pleasant memories filled Amelia’s head. She shuddered but drew herself up and stood tall. “I may have my vices, but I try not to let them get in the way of duty.”
“Bullshit.” Rage flared in Jonas’ voice, and he brushed past Harper toward Amelia. “Every time we stop in any kind of city, we lose you for days.”
Amelia lifted her chin and turned her head to the side, eyeing Jonas down her nose. “Maybe you should put more effort into protecting your princess.”
“Quit it,” Harper said, stepping between the two. “Both of you. We are all tired.” She straightened her wrinkled and dirty indigo travel clothes over chainmail. “Let’s focus on moving forward.”
Amelia smiled at Jonas before spinning around and continuing their trek. “So, how long until we reach that town?”
“We should reach it before nightfall.” Brush several yards behind Amelia rustled as Jonas followed her. “Would be easier if we didn’t lose my maps.”
“We’ll get there. As long as you can keep up.” Not content to give Jonas a break, Amelia picked up her pace, reclaiming her commanding lead.
The rest of the afternoon’s journey went on without incident. However, it grew rather dull and tiring. Each hill they crested, Amelia hoped to see signs of civilization in the distance, and each time she was disappointed. Thirst and hunger took to the forefront of her thoughts.
Amelia struggled to the top of a larger than average rise and rested a hand against the trunk of a massive oak tree. The sun hung low, forcing her to squint. Through the pervasive lighting, she spotted the walls of a settlement. Relief washed over her. Soon, they could rest in comfort.
Leaves crunched behind Amelia, and she straightened her back and shoulders. “That town is about another half-mile out.”
“Good.” Jonas’ breaths came shallow and quick, much to Amelia’s amusement. “Only problem is we don’t have any gold to rent a room at an inn or get anything we need to continue this little venture.”
“I’m sure they won’t refuse a princess,” Amelia said, grinning.
Harper came up behind, chains jingling at her waist. “Maybe if we were in our own lands, princess,” she sucked in a sharp breath and flipped her shoulder-length brown hair to one side, “but I doubt the people here would care much for your lineage.”
“That’s not exactly what she means, Harper.” Jonas glared at Amelia, which only broadened her grin.
“Oh.” Realization came over Harper’s face, and her eyes widened, and jaw dropped. “Oh. I would advise against that, princess.”
Amelia waved away Harper’s advice and distaste. “We’ll see. Maybe we’ll get lucky and someone will help us out of the kindness of their heart.”
“Someone’s getting lucky,” Jonas said, contempt clear in his words and on his scowling face.
Raising her arms over her head, Amelia stretched and twisted until several of her vertebrae cracked. “Shall we go, then?”
As they approached the town, they encountered more life. Bands of tattooed, twig-like elves marched out of town, heading east. Amelia had seen the BLANK before, they were a sect of normal wood elves, yet their stilted appearance threw her off. She increased her pace.
The shouts and hollers of busy streets filled Amelia’s ears as she and her entourage entered the walls. People hawked their wares, carried cargo, or lounged around. Mostly humans ran the town, but a small assortment of squat dwarves, broad orcs, and wispy theenes were sprinkled throughout the crowds.
Amelia was impressed. Small towns, especially those so deep inside the PLACE borders, were all too often occupied by a single race. While she herself also came from a majority human kingdom, sights like this stood out. In a good way.
A quaint wooden sign with a large ale mug carved into it caught Amelia’s eye. She banked left toward the tavern. Several men exited the business, and she stepped aside and smiled. One of them gave her a passing glance, but the others ignored her. She cursed her messy attire.
Jonas approached, a smirk curling the corner of his mouth. “Something wrong?”
Amelia unfastened her gauntlets and spaulders before tossing them at Jonas. He fumbled with the pieces of armor but none fell. A quick twirl, and she bound her wild hair into a sloppy ponytail. She rolled her shoulders, happy to be free of the excess weight.
“How do I look?” Amelia placed her hands on her hips and posed.
A blank stare from Jonas met her inquiry. “Crazy.”
“A bit worse for wear,” Harper managed, eyes avoiding Amelia’s, “but beautiful as always, princess.”
Brushing past Jonas, Amelia threw her arm around Harper’s shoulders and pulled the short woman close. “Thank you, Harper. I might just have to keep you around.”
“W-whatever you need, princess.” Harper’s hand twitched against Amelia’s thigh, and her cheeks turned red.
Metal clanked as Jonas dumped Amelia’s discarded armor on the ground. “You don’t have to kiss her ass, Harper.”
“But it’s the truth, and I am happy to serve the princess,” Harper wrapped around Amelia’s waist, “quirks and all.”
Amelia smiled at Harper, expecting a hug, but she shied away. Disappointment soured Amelia’s excitement. She pulled away and stepped toward the inn. “Let’s see what I’m up against.”
Music thrummed in Amelia’s chest. A small troubadour band played an unfamiliar song on the far side of the tavern. The melodic tune of the lute; however, put a smile on her face. She strode through the crowd, head high and eye on her goal.
An orc several heads taller than Amelia manned the drink counter. His dark green skin glistened with sweat as he handed out an order to a human waitress. Amelia smirked, watching his eyes linger on the woman as she went about her work. This would be easy.
Amelia sauntered up to an empty spot at the bar and caught the orc’s eye. “Good day, sir. My name is Princess Amelia von Heiden. Are you the owner of this establishment?”
“Aye.” Deep brown eyes flicked up and down Amelia’s form, and she puffed her chest out. “Not every day we get princesses in here. What brings royal folk to our humble town?”
“My entourage and I were waylaid by bandits. We managed to escape with our lives, but they made off with all our gold and transportation.” Inching closer, Amelia put her elbows on the counter, leaning in. “I was wondering if you might make a trade for a place to stay and some horses.”
Suspicion ran all over the bartender’s face. He pondered Amelia’s words for a long moment before speaking: “What do you got?”
“Me.” Amelia gestured to herself with her thumbs and winked.
“Are you joking?” The orc asked, voice raised in disgust. Amelia shook her head. “I don’t take in prostitutes.”
Amelia tilted her head, gave him a sidelong glance, and ran her index finger up and down a tall mug. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while—a night you won’t forget.”
A strained expression came over the man’s face, and his eyes peeked over Amelia’s shoulder. She followed his gaze to a nervous-looking Harper by the entrance. “Your friend going to join us?”
Amelia tore her eyes off the innocent woman, cocked her hips, and licked her lips. “I believe you’ll find that I am more than sufficient.”
“All right,” the orc whispered, shying away from Amelia’s emphatic stare. “Here’s a room key.” He slid it across the counter, and she snatched it up without hesitation. “Get yourself washed up in the back and eat something and meet me back here. Your friends can stay in the room, I’ll see if you’re worth it.”
“You won’t be disappointed, mister…” Amelia trailed off, gazing up at him, expectant.
“That’s a good name.” Amelia turned to leave but peeked back over her shoulder with a wink. “I hope I’ll be calling it out later.”
The waitress from before walked past, shooting Amelia a dirty look. She shot an exaggerated smile back; she had succeeded in her mission and didn’t care what the woman thought. Several patrons glanced her way, but they hid the moment she returned their gazes.
Harper fussed with her messy brown cloak, oblivious. She jumped as Amelia’s boot thudded on the wooden floor in front of her. “How did it go, princess?”
“Great.” Amelia held up and jingled the key. “Once I get cleaned up and eat something, I’m off to work. Don’t wait up for me.”
Concern darkened Harper’s face, and her words came softly. “What if he tries to kidnap you or worse?”
“Don’t worry, Harper. I can take care of myself.” A yelp escaped Harper as Amelia draped herself around the shorter woman’s shoulders. “You should worry for him if he decides he wants more than a taste.”
“What about transportation and supplies?”
Amelia’s lips curled up in a sly smirk. “Once I have him where I want him, it’ll be easy to get him to offer up anything I want.”
“You’re such a whore,” Jonas snapped, arms folded across his chest.
“Awww, don’t be jealous, Jonas. You can join me in the bath if you’d like.” Amelia unwrapped herself from around Harper, winking.
“I’ll pass. I have some self-respect left.” Jonas brushed past Amelia and stormed off.
“Harper, keep an eye on Jonas until I get back.” Amelia handed her the key. “Make sure he doesn’t go chasing after any unsuspecting ladies.”
Harper’s cheeks turned red, but she locked eyes with Amelia. “Y-yes, princess.”
“I’ll see you later,” Amelia said before she took off toward Jonas.
“Aren’t you going to be late?” Jonas asked.
Amelia lifted her hand and twirled her index finger. “Turn around. I need a change of clothes.”
Jonas sighed and did as he was told. “You should just go naked. You’re going to end up that way anyway.”
“Yes, but a princess must keep up appearances, you know.” The bronze clasps snapped open, and the leather straps groaned as Amelia fished around inside the pack.
“I don’t think you’re fooling anyone.” Amelia jerked around, and Jonas let out an annoyed huff. “And you’re freaking Harper out.”
Regret tightened Amelia’s chest. She didn’t want to force anything upon the young disciple. “He wanted her to join us, and I refused. I’m keeping her comfort in mind.”
“You’re not a completely lost cause.” Part of Jonas’ face peeked over his shoulder.
“Thank you.” Amelia withdrew her selection and flipped the flap back down with a pat. “I’ll be back with whatever I can get.”
Amelia strode past curious onlookers toward the back door Roy had pointed out. The thought of getting out of her dirty clothes and washing away the sweat and grime thrilled her, and her steps quickened. Her stomach rumbled. She diverted her course, caught the attention of a waiter, and ordered something light.
Her other needs seen to, Amelia poked her head through the door. A small five-by-five room opened up before her. Used towels were thrown in a hamper to the left while a stack of folded ones lay opposite. She snatched up one of the towels and pressed on.
Steam clung to Amelia’s face as she entered. No one else occupied the bath; not that she cared if anyone saw her. She popped the straps on her armor and doffed the heavy things as soon as possible. Her sweaty clothes came off an instant later, forming a crumpled pile in the corner.
Amelia, free of the impeding garments, meandered and unraveled the braid holding her hair back. A veil of red-orange covered her face. She tilted her head back and shook the locks over her bare shoulders. Her gaze shifted down, and she dipped her foot into the bathwater.
Warmth surrounded Amelia as she sank into the water. She sighed. Every inch of her skin sang at the soothing sensation washing over her. Her eyes slipped closed, and she held her breath. The world drifted away. Hair floated all around her. Bliss swelled inside her, and the tension in her muscles melted away.
Amelia’s lungs burned. She enjoyed the calming water for a moment longer before she rose for air. A soft gasp filled her ears the second she broke the surface. Hair molded to her neck and shoulders, tendrils cascading down her face. She brushed them aside into a fan at her back.
Positioning herself on the little step, Amelia slouched until she submerged to her chin. She spread out and stretched her feet and toes. Pops worked their way down her spine as it decompressed. She twisted and cracked her hips. The pressure vanished.
Amelia let herself go, and the water carried her. Her nipples rose, emerging from the warmth, and stiffened as the cooler air met them. Anticipation crept in, replacing the serenity enrapturing her body. She wanted to hurry and fill the void growing, but she thought to enjoy herself a bit first.
Supple flesh yielded to Amelia’s purposeful hands, eliciting a quiet moan. She groped herself in a slow, steady fashion, sure to give attention to the sensitive protuberances. Her back arched. Heat grew between her legs, and she imagined the fun she would be having later.
Amelia’s lower lips parted for her fingers. She shuddered and eased back into a seated position on the step. Her hand went to work. Pleasure wormed its way through her as she teased herself. She ran her index and middle finger in circles around her little button.
Soft breaths and gentle splashes echoed off the nearby wood walls. Amelia increased her pace and squeezed her tit. One little orgasm wouldn’t hurt—in fact, it would only make things more gratifying. The more excited she got for later, the better. She didn’t know when the next time she could blow off some steam would be.
Amelia curled two fingers inside. A moan rasped out of her as she took her time. Her walls stretched at the delightful intrusion, and she rubbed her fingertips against the ribbed spot above. She squirmed, sinking fully onto her fingers.
The door creaked, and Amelia’s hand shot out of the water. She jolted upright and attempted to appear as if she hadn’t just been fondling herself. Her shoulders tensed up no matter how hard she tried. With reluctance, she tilted her head to the entrance.
A woman’s head and bare shoulder peeked around the door. Short brunet hair swooped to her right, shaved closer to the head on her left. A series of studs ran down the outside of her visible, pointed ear. Deep brown eyes caught Amelia’s, and a smile spread across her face.
“My apologies,” the elf said, hovering in the doorway. “I didn’t know anyone else was in here.”
Amelia leaned back in her seat, resting her arm on the rim of the bath. Her heart still hammered in her chest. “It’s all right. Nothing we haven’t seen before.”
The woman swept into the room, silent, closing the door behind her. She stood a couple of inches taller than Amelia with a lithe frame. A small steel bar pierced each of her nipples. Little of her body jiggled as she approached, tight and firm. Amelia couldn’t take her eyes off her.
Water tickled Amelia’s neck as the elf sat beside her. “What’s your name?” she asked, brown hair blocking the edge of her face.
“Amelia von Heiden.” Pride swelled, and she glanced over at her bathing companion. “Yours?”
A grin split the woman’s face as she turned to meet Amelia’s gaze. “Just Vivian.” Her eyes traveled up and down, devouring every inch of bare, wet skin. “Would you like a hand there, Amelia?”
“Whatever do you mean?” The intent stare Vivian gave Amelia excited her. She wouldn’t mind a woman’s touch.
“Don’t be coy; you weren’t exactly being subtle.” Vivian scooted closer and eased her back against Amelia’s outstretched arm. “So,” light fingers drummed along Amelia’s hip, “would you like a hand?”
Amelia leaned in close, making sure Vivian noticed her eyes dip downward. “But we only just met.”
“You’re the one masturbating in a public bath.” Vivian’s hand slid down to Amelia’s thigh, and she probed the other woman with her fingertips, just shy of her anything intimate.
“Maybe you should punish me for acting so indecent.” A quick scoot brought their bodies together. Metal grazed Amelia’s nipple, and she let out a sharp breath in Vivian’s ear.
Vivian wrapped her other arm around Amelia, pulling her tight against her. “You’re awfully naughty for a princess.” She inched between Amelia’s legs, forcing a gasp out of her. “What would the people say if they saw you like this?”
Amelia’s hips rocked forward, eager for someone, anyone, to finish what she had started. “Oh, you know?”
“What did I say about you and being subtle?” Two fingers invaded Amelia’s womanhood, and Vivian teased her earlobe.
“I hope you don’t have any ideas of doing anything”—Amelia moaned as Vivian hit all her spots—“unsavory. I’m at your mercy.”
“I would never dream of it, your highness.” Despite her words, a mischievous expression graced Vivian’s face, and her fingers explored deeper.
Impatience bubbled up inside Amelia, but she suppressed her desires and let Vivian work. “Ooo, you’re good at this. Accost many women in the bath?”
“Get in my lap, and I’ll show you what I’m capable of just with my fingers.” Vivian’s fingers parted, spreading Amelia enough to flip her switch.
Amelia needed no further prompting. She stood and stepped between Vivian’s legs, presenting her ass. The elf gave Amelia’s cheek a solid slap before she patted the space in front of her. Hesitation rooted Amelia in place. She stared at Vivian’s cute, little pussy and licked her lips.
“Patience,” Vivian said, drawing Amelia’s attention back to her face. “Let’s get you settled first.”
Body heat seeped into Amelia. She eased back into Vivian until trimmed pubes tickled her backside. The other woman pushed Amelia sideways, so her chin could rest on her shoulder. Vivian nipped Amelia’s ear; her teeth rough across sensitive skin. Thank the Gods the night was young.
Hands roamed all over Amelia’s abdomen. Tingles danced across her flesh at the light caress, but she wanted more. Her desires were answered. Vivian cupped Amelia’s perky breasts and squeezed. She enjoyed playing with herself, but it never quite compared to another’s touch.
Amelia arched her back, and Vivian took advantage. Nails scraped her flesh with the lightest pressure. Her nipples slipped between busy fingers, and they rolled and kneaded the stiff nubs. She moaned. Their heads joined, lips brushing against cheekbone.
“You can be a little rougher,” Amelia cooed. She melted in Vivian’s arms. “I don’t mind.”
“No, that won’t do. A princess needs to be pampered.” Vivian’s ministrations became lighter, slower, teasing.
Amelia squirmed. Desperation bloomed between her legs. “You may pamper me with a little more passi—”
Electricity webbed through Amelia’s chest as Vivian pinched her tender nipples. Amelia threw her head back and cried out. Another tweak and Vivian’s right hand slid down off her breast. Her ab muscles spasmed from her partner’s touch and the anticipation of her next move.
Amelia sucked in a sharp breath. Vivian’s deft, slender fingers glided between Amelia’s thighs and parted her folds. Little murmurs bubbled out of her as the elf teased and toyed with her. The tips probed her entrance, threatening to push inside yet never did.
A pleading noise reverberated in Amelia’s throat. After all the build-up, she wanted it straight and to the point—she wanted to climax. However, her partner had a different objective in mind. It seemed that she sought to torment Amelia as much as possible before giving her what she desired.
“Please,” Amelia begged, spreading her legs to give Vivian easier access. Silky thighs tightened around her and prevented her from moving more than an inch.
Vivian’s hot breath invaded Amelia’s ear. “My, my. Begging is a bit unbecoming; don’t you think?”
“I don’t care. Just give it to me.” Struggling, Amelia managed to throw her right leg over Vivian’s and spread herself wide.
Vivian stopped shy of Amelia’s needy hole and groped her breast. “How can I deny such an earnest plea?”
Three fingers plunged into Amelia. Her body tensed up, and a shuddering sigh escaped her. The intruding digits brushed up and down her g-spot in a rush of heat and delight. Her head spun. Vivian drew moan after moan out of her, and she didn’t try to keep her voice down.
“You have such a delightful voice.” Gentle nips ran up Amelia’s neck as Vivian fingered her. “I could get used to hearing it.”
Disappointment superseded Amelia’s pleasure for the briefest of moments. She’d have to settle for a mere taste. “It’s a shame I’m leaving for PLACE in the morning.”
“Oh,” Vivian’s voice perked up, and she penetrated as deep as she could, “we might be in luck. I have business there in a short while myself.” A pinky popped inside. “Maybe we’ll meet again.”
“Perhaps. I might be able to,” muscles contracted, and Amelia clamped down on Vivian’s lovely fingers, “squeeze you in.”
Vivian tweaked Amelia’s nipple and slammed her pussy hard and fast. “You’ll be doing a lot more than that.”
“Oh, yes,” Amelia cried, cocking her hips forward to allow Vivian in deeper. “I’m so close.”
Fingertips poked and prodded, bumped and rubbed, spread and stuffed. Elation rippled through Amelia with each precise movement. She teetered on the edge, a moment away from erupting. A little longer. Her body screamed to give in, but she held on to extend her pleasure.
Noise—a series of knocks on the door—came, but Amelia ignored the nuisance. She wanted to get off more than anything, and she didn’t care if anyone else heard. Pressure strained against her limits. The tight coil of self-control wound around her snapped and…
Vivian stopped.
Amelia rocked forward, so close, but Vivian’s fingers slipped out of her. Confusion rushed in to replace them and the pleasure they brought. She turned her head. A blank stare greeted her before a slight smirk twitched the corners of Vivian’s mouth.
“Why’d you stop?” Amelia demanded, suppressing the urge to shove her hands between her legs and finish herself off.
Vivian stroked Amelia’s hips, sides, and arms, careful not to stray into sensitive areas. “I’m afraid I have something I need to take care of. Time eluded me.”
“Thirty more seconds. That’s all I need.” Amelia bit her lip and squirmed, missing Vivian’s skilled hands.
“Duty calls.” Water sloshed as Vivian stood. “I’m sure you understand.” She towered at the rim of the bath, and her expression softened. “I do hope we meet again. I promise I’ll finish you.”
Vivian padded across the cozy room, and Amelia couldn’t tear her eyes off her tight backside. A graceful tip forward to grab her towel, and Vivian flashed her womanhood. Amelia growled. Not only did the elf leave her high and dry, but she teased her with more things she couldn’t have.
Wrapping a towel around herself, Vivian strode to the door. The handle and hinges creaked. Sound flooded in from the tavern beyond the hall. Hesitation swayed her slender frame, and she curled her fingers around the door. She shot a glance over her shoulder, winked, and left.
Amelia plopped down in the corner of the tub, alone. Uncomfortable pressure bloated her pelvis. All she had to do was play with herself just a little more to relieve her frustrations, but she held off. She would soon have her fun with Roy. If she ever met Vivian again, she would have to pay her back for leaving her like this.
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There is something just plain incongruous about a woman who buys a rifle and ammunition to shoot furry dog-like things and then, on the way home, flashes bare legs at the old man driving the truck as, with a foot pressed to the dashboard, she paints her toenails bright, playful red. Not for the first time did I realize there was a woman hiding in that teenaged body, and that Jill Simmons was a complicated female of the species. She hummed with the radio as she painted, making me wish I were...
You and the stranger both like Roleplaying. Stranger: hi I'm Marcus 22 m US You: Ok so Im your son's girlfriend, Alex. 5'5 Wavy red hair, Nice tits D-Cup. You hate me because you think im only dating your son for his money. Your son is on a trip and asked me to check on the house. You come home and find me sitting on the couch in a tight, white tank top, a lacy red bra, and shorts that barley cover my ass, which has nothing but a black thong on it, doing my nails and reading fashion...
Today is Sunday and your 18th birthday. You have never had sex or seen a naked girl in real life. When the day is over, you fall asleep and start dreaming. It is pitch dark and you cannot feel your body. You hear a voice start talking. You cannot discern any qualities about it, even its volume. "I have given you the abillity to stop time. You can now stop time whenever you want by wishing it. When you stop time, people will do everything you tell them to. In addition, people's bodies will...
TeenI don't need reminding I'm different from the other kids, but they do it anyway, eroding my self-confidence like waves pounding the headland. Sure I wear black jeans, trench coat and eyeliner. Docs, not Converse. Trivium on my playlist over Bieber or Swift. But so what? Dad understands. Says I should live each day in the moment. Carve a niche in the world and to hell with what others think. Mum would have hated such spontaneity. The dark irony being the day she deviated from habit, Travis...
Fantasy & Sci-FiFor the past 5 years my friend Sam and his grandmother Barbara have been taking a trip to Vegas for 2 weeks to just hang out and enjoy life. Barbara has had the Timeshare for about 10 years and used to go with her husband Sam's grandfather Fred before he passed away. This year Sam invited me and my grandmother Alice to join them. I thought it would be a great time to get granny out the house and since the Time Share is already paid for that makes it even better.My granny Alice is 72 and Barbara...
It was the 14 February 2011 st valentines where many couples try to flatter the other partner to end up haveing long and hard sex with them. this was no different for 16 year old carl, Carl was physically fit young guy; who has a shy personality to go along with his short brown curls. Carl was walking along the warm avenue where his sexy high school girlfriend lived. He had flowers, cards and a lucky durex in his back pocket just In case things went well. HE knocked oh the large red door to...
Matt had no reason to feel particularly proud of his 'accomplishment.' All he had done was put an extension on the browser of a public library computer that collects passwords and forwards them to his email, but it still felt rather thrilling to suddenly have such intimate access to other people's lives. He wasn't sure what would come of it, or if he would even do anything with the information. One particularly boring night, he decides to pop into one of the dozens of accounts he had managed to...
TranssexualI drove a regular route through the Ozarks and frequently stopped for dinner at a little family-type restaurant. Food and prices were good and I got to know the people who ran it. The boss seemed to be a woman they called Grannie, although I wasn’t sure why. She looked barely old enough to maybe be my mom. One night the weather looked grim and I was debating whether to drive into the night. Grannie came over and said she’d just heard from the state police that the roads were getting closed. I...
Kate's version. After speaking to Billy on the phone I had to go to bed, I was so worried, where was Bradley? His parents had tried to get the police to look, but they said that they couldn't do anything for 24 hours, but I knew they'd never find him anyway, at least not yet. I knew that, HE, had Bradley, whoever HE was. I could still feel the touch of his hands on me, I couldn't help it, I was lying in bed and I slipped my hand under my nightdress and panties, touching that place, I...
I heard Kate calling to me as I/Cassandra was about to enter her body, I could hear the anguish in her voice, see Darcy standing beside us, Cassandra saying to me 'Go on Billy, do it, she'll love it eventually!' I didn't like the eventually part of her words, and so I pushed her out of my mind and rolled away from Kate before I could touch her. I tried to concentrate on my feeling and so I didn't notice what was happening at first Cassandra was speaking. "... did to you, I thought it...
I’m walking down Orchard Road. It’s not the Orchard Road you think it is, Elm Street is not around the corner, I’m in Singapore, in fact, crossing a busy section in the heart of the shopping district, observing the red pedestrian traffic light that keeps everybody on the curb and extends priority to a passing tram car. The tram stop on the other side of the street is busy, rush hour has already started. I’m looking at the waiting crowd, expats, locals, poor tourists, and somebody reacts to my...
I’m walking down Orchard Road. It’s not the Orchard Road you think it is, Elm Street is not around the corner, I’m in Singapore, in fact, crossing a busy section in the heart of the shopping district, observing the red pedestrian traffic light that keeps everybody on the curb and extends priority to a passing tram car. The tram stop on the other side of the street is busy, rush hour has already started. I’m looking at the waiting crowd, expats, locals, poor tourists, and somebody reacts to my...
Gay MaleOn the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, Lenore and I went out by bus to Pelham Bay Park and Orchard Beach. We weren’t going to swim that day, just walk around. We had gotten off the bus as it entered the park so we could do just that.It was a ghastly hot day, and the entire scene out there was chaotic. Cars kept pouring into the area and, with the parking lots filled, people parked all over the grassy lawns. One group of guys opened up a hydrant and sprayed water on passing buses.Lenore had a denim...
OutdoorTwo years later they hit a financial snag. Lynne mentioned it in the same casual way she might have said that there were two weeks left before apples would blossom. We knew each other pretty well by then. In many ways I knew both Lynne and Jill better, and was closer to them than I had been to Vicky, and it bothered me sometimes. I had loved Vicky, and what I felt for both Lynne and Jill was very different than what I'd felt for Vicky, but the closeness we DID have was something I hadn't...
It didn't take me long to get her to stop crying, mostly because I caved completely and assured her I wasn't going anywhere, and would stay there all night and all the next day if only she'd stop crying. Then, when she was lying in my arms and did subside almost magically quickly, and I realized I'd been played yet AGAIN, my finely tuned analytical adult mind finally began using the few brain cells I had left. "You knew I was going to cum and you LET me cum in you," I accused her. She...
“Did you finish the agency report Jack? I want a simple yes-or-no answer.” asked the old man angrily, looking at the handsome young intern through his bifocals.“No sir, but –” stuttered Jack knowing that he had really screwed up this time, and the boss was not going to let him off lightly.“So you sat at your desk doing nothing all week knowing fully well that I needed that agency report this morning. I am at a loss of words at your lackadaisical attitude Jack!” the old man was shaking with...
Richard arrived in a taxi at his friend Aaron’s family home, a huge mansion like house for the mid-winter party at the same time as an elegant looking lady with silver grey streaks in a stylish expensive coiffeur cut to just below her ears. She was very fashionably dressed wearing white tailored cut satin slacks that shows her ass nicely. She was also dressed in a designer black faux-fur vest, black soft leather gloves with a small designer leather bandolier strap i-phone wallet hanging from...
Margaret arrived to do the cleaning on Friday and she knew that she would be returning to the house again that evening to spend another night with Richard. She had still not made up her mind whether the caning that Richard desired would be administered on this day or whether she would postpone it until another time.Richard was determined to keep the caning at the forefront of Margaret's mind and she smiled to herself when she found a magazine opened on a page showing a young man bent over and...
SpankingRichard has never understood himself when It came to love. He just wasn’t ready for it. But, in one of trips home he found love. He found love in a girl names Jeanette. Jeanette was a pretty girl, something Richard was not to used to. She was about 5’ 3” tall, no more than 120 lbs, and a nice B size chest. Not overly top heavy, but enough to make him happy. She has soft blonde hair that goes just past her shoulders, with bangs that hang just past her eyebrows. Blue eyes that can just cut...
Hardware WhoreWhen we first moved to the farm, we discovered that like all new owners there were always those things you wanted to change or that needed repairs. Very quickly, the local hardware store became a much-visited place, ranking up there with the grocery store for number of trips. Dad seemed to enjoy the hardware store visits leaving the grocery store to us girls. One afternoon Dad was getting ready to head out to the hardware and I raced out and jumped in his truck. I needed some...
"You do have a choice Richard. You don't have to do it, but life will be so much easier for you if you do. If you do it nothing changes except that you will never sleep in my bed again. Although I'm going to be taking on the role of CEO you will still be president of the company, you will still have your country club membership and you can even keep your bimbo. If you don't do it you are out of a job, homeless, probably not able to buy your little blond slut a cup of coffee and the only way...
Richard invited his parents to the graduation ceremony and they drove to Gatton on Thursday, 1 December. The ceremony ran from about 10 to 11, before it became really hot. Andy and Sybil then helped Richard load his accumulated detritus into their (new) Ford Falcon and a few things into the (rusting) Jeep. “It’s done well over these three years,” Andy remarked. “Yes. I’ve had no major problems: plugs, belts, shocks, tyres, wiper blades, but nothing large.” “Well, it’s little over two hours...
Richard showed Margaret his (skeletal) house and described what he hoped to do. She told of her school in Brisbane – St. Margaret’s – and how she had worked in the new school library. “It seemed like a fine way to spend time: surrounded by knowledge and both preserving and disbursing it.” Richard told her about the Agricultural College and his two years at Lamorbey. “My folks live in Warwick! That’s only an hour from Gatton!” “And only double that to Southport, where my parents...
Lamorbey Station seemed to comprise a sprawling house, a second, smaller house, a pair of barracks-like buildings, and a number of barns and sheds. At first it seemed more extensive than College, but fewer people. Richard had been introduced to the Millers and several other people at dinner, but he recalled none of them. He’d slept in his swag on the floor of Ferd’s room. They were up at six, washed, and outside to join a group of about forty, half of whom were aborigines, to hear the day’s...
Lamorbey Station seemed far away when Richard pulled onto campus early on Monday. He’d spent Friday night in his Jeep, near Tambo, an hour past Blackall. He’d lunched and dined out of the esky. The next night he’d spent in a motel in Roma, where he’d enjoyed a shower. Last night he stayed at the Royal, an older hotel in Gatton, and so was well-rested. He was also in a good mood. He’d opened the “pay envelope” and discovered ten five pound notes – far more than he’d expected for just under...
The year ended. Richard drove west and north, arriving at Lamorbey on schedule. He was welcomed by Janey with an exuberant night of sex. In the morning he was welcomed back by the foreman and many of the crew. Ferd was in Emerald on a “shopping trip.” Ferd turned up in mid-afternoon. He’d been purchasing ammunition: .30- .30 and .30-06 cartridges and a box of slugs for the 12-gauge shotgun, which Richard had never seen. The “hunting party” was to be made up of Ferd, Richard, Janey, Al, and...
Richard asked for the Christmas to New Year’s Day week off and drove to Southport in two harrowing days, with extremely high temperatures. He was welcomed by his parents with the news that “Cat’s on a cruise to Auckland.” After unloading the Jeep he showered and re-dressed. It was a luxury to have real hot water on tap. “How are things?” Andy asked him. “Well, I’ve worked hard for two months and I think I’ve learned a lot. I’ve been talking to one of our Aboriginal drovers and learned from...
Part 1, Husband's view of the Adventure, the beginning.Good morning everyone. Here is just a piece of the story. Do you think it sounds okay or do you think I should edit out more before finishing the final edit?The Hardware Store and the Store OwnerWell it had been a couple of months since the mailman and we figured for this town that was as good as it would get ever, were we wrong. It was a Saturday morning and I had gone into the garage to do a table project. I had got a few of those large...
“It’s actually just under 30,000 acres,” Richard was told about two weeks later. “Can you explain?” “Of course. First of all, it’s unclear to me whether the property is within the bounds of Womalilla or of Mungallala. Most likely Mungallala’s too far west. I don’t think Brisbane’ll have to adjudicate. But the land itself extends south of where that two creeks you crossed join to an unnamed east-west road. The land is lightly wooded in the east and shrubby in the west. Because of the...
Richard drove to Mitchell on the 28th, taking a room in the nearly-empty Richard’s Hotel. He ate dinner, washed up and slept. It had taken nearly nine hours to cover the 400 miles from Southport to Mitchell. But he felt invigorated in the morning. After a hearty breakfast, he drove to the store, and bought a 600’ coil of 1/4” manila, a small sledge, a bright orange grease marker and a 40’ measuring tape; he also bought ten pounds of sugar, two bricks of chewing tobacco and a tin of pipe...
Time flies, they say. Richard knew from school that Ovid wrote “omnia mutantur, nihil interit” (everything changes, nothing perishes Metamorphoses XV), where he later refers to “tempus edax rerum” (time the consumer of things). But what eats up the days, the weeks, the months? One of the Greeks wrote that everything flows. 1962 certainly flowed away. Like water or sand through your hands. Jenna was pregnant again. Joyce would have a sibling before she was three. Ferd was married, but was...
"Oh damn!" I groaned. "Not you too!" "The last time I made love in this pool was almost nineteen years ago, Bob," she huffed in my ear. "Paul got me pregnant with Jill in this pool." Her pussy muscles rippled and she sobbed "Oh yes!" as she began to cum. "It was ... October," she panted. "It was snowing. This ... pool ... is famous ... with the ... locals ... for ... ahhhhhhh ... this is so good, Bob ... people think the pool helps ... uhhhh ... women ... get ... mmmmmmmm ......
Richard had little use for his wife anymore. He couldn?t even remember why he had married her, aside from it being a naïve college sweetheart thing. He had been a bright young ROTC cadet, on his way to a commission in the Army, while she had been an ambitious marketing major, seeking a career in advertising. Well, Uncle Sam had dragged him around the world in 19 years of service. He had no choice in where he was stationed. This was something that Lacey had never grasped. She had constantly...
*This isn’t my usual style, but it comes from the heart – I hope you enjoy!* The wind howled across the plains as the wolves sang their woeful evening song, making the desert sand seem endless. The warrior closed his eyes and let his mind go. Soon he was aware of her presence. Although he knew it was only a dream, it was a dream he was very familiar with. He had been having the same dream his whole life. And this time was no different. He felt her beneath him, his long dark hair falling around...
Hi friends it’s sameer back with one more story of my sexual encounter. This is the continuation of my last story “hardware aunty ki hard chudai “.Thank you very much for your great response, I was really surprised that you guys liked it so much! So after I helped that aunty to get inside the shop, I was just standing right across the shop and the rain wasn’t getting any lighter. But after what I had seen, those sexy cleavage, wet waist , my mind was all in her boobs and my dick was getting so...
Hi, my name is sameer and I am 24 years old. I am average built neither fat nor slim and Caucasian colour, I am currently living in a small family where my elder brother is working and my parents are retired government service. I am in my final year of engineering. So that is a brief summary of myself, now let’s go to the story. In this story, I am going to narrate how I met a hot aunty in a hardware shop and how my lust compelled me to have sex with her in a totally awkward situation. It was...
After one more lingering smoky kiss, I disengaged myself from Rolanda's arms and hopped out of the Cadillac's passenger seat. Always the gentleman, I strode quickly around the front of the car to open the driver's door for Rolanda to alight, completely forgetting that my stiff cock was still protruding from my open fly! As I opened her door, Rolanda slid off the rich leather seat and onto her 5 inch heeled red and gold pumps, her lovely gold clutch wedged delicately under the arm of...
Richard's Second Visit If you read "Not just another day dressing up as Gemma" you'll know I've recently made contact with a very nice gentleman called Richard and that I met him for the first time last week. I did a number of things for the first time culminating with me giving my first blowjob. I'd enjoyed it very much and couldn't wait for his next visit which was to be a week later. When you're looking forward to a special day, time can appear to pass all too slowly, but today...
New Student’s First Day Part 2 By Victor Lavay It sounded reasonable when Principle Lazlow said it, he had that kind of a voice. But a few moments later, when he was actually unbuttoning her blouse, Sandra started to have second thoughts. She struggled against the leather straps that held her arms behind the chair. This time she was trying to more calmly work her hands free, instead of wildly tugging at the bonds. Lazlow noticed what the girl was doing, but was confident she would not...
New Student’s Second Day Part 2 By Victor Lavay & J.F. Kimberly finally turned around, but now she had one arm across her perky breasts, and a hand covering her teenage pussy, pretending to be shy. Sandra just giggled, glancing at the others to gauge their reactions, but otherwise to shy to actually do anything. A couple of the girls were giggling, one of the boys was masturbating his hand fully under his kilt, another boy seemed frustrated that Kimberly was teasing so much and not yet...
New Student’s Second Day Part 1 By Victor Lavay & J.F. Sandra woke up and for a moment had no idea where she was. She looked around the small room. It was easily recognized as a school dorm room, neat and tidy with a minimum of furniture and nearly no personal stuff s**ttered around. She noticed that the bed opposite her was empty, she was alone in the room. The next thing she noticed was that she was naked under the covers. This realization brought flooding back all the memories of her first...
New Student=s Second Day Part 6 By Victor Lavay & J.F. Sandra was tense as the older pair moved in on her, not relaxing but not resisting as they closed in. ‘W… what do you want me to do?’ she asked nervously, watching them. Jenny didn’t use words to answer. As her lips touched Sandra’s cute little tits, she took her new s****r’s hand and guided it to her own full boobies. Then she began to lick. The young girl cupped the large mounds in her small hands, delighting in the wonderful feeling...
New Student=s Second Day Part 4 By Victor Lavay & J.F. They found Tongue Use 103 on the second floor, again the room is full of new students, k**s their own age who look excited and nervous. At the front was the teacher Miss Likensgud, and older stern faced woman who some would have called beautiful in her younger days, and her two assistants, one boy one girl, Sandra towed Magan to a seat at the back and then settled down with the others to watch… her hand ‘accidentally’ resting on Magan’s...
New Student=s Second Day Part 3 By Victor Lavay & J.F. Sandra composed herself after the rather intense intro session to her first class at the Hardonis Academy, and then joined the rest of the k**s as they left the class room. She was looking around to see what else the school might offer. Many of the k**s in that first class chatter with each other as they walk out. They talked about how hot it all was, others talk about how they would never be able to get up and strip in front of everyone....
New Student=s Second Day Part 5 By Victor Lavay & J.F. It had been a long day, with a lot of excitement, yet Sandra felt energized rather than tired. She’d left the others with a promise to meet up again before class the next morning and was heading back to her room with a spring in her step. She wanted to be cleaned up before the evening meal, imagining that it would be as different as anything else here, and a corner of her mind was curious about the roommate she would undoubtedly be...