SiL Blackmailed Ch 04 free porn video

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Ready for you last hurdle? One more and you will get access to my netbook and will be able to delete any and all files. On Friday night, you will go to the Emerson Hotel on Michigan Avenue at 11:30 pm. You will come to room 3041. Requirements for this night are: 1. Your pussy must still be shaved 2. You will wear the lingerie you had on for our last meeting.

It's time you returned the favor from your lesbian college experience. Be ready.

Happy times!

Glen sent out the email with a mixture of satisfaction and regret. It had been a fun two weeks with his hot, 22 year-old sister-in-law doing his bidding. He had felt he had needed to keep the hurdles within days of each other to keep her off balance.

Lauren's email came an hour later.

I can't see Leslie agreeing to this, but I will be there at 11:30. You better keep your own promise.

Glen felt a stirring in his crotch at her immediate acceptance and began to plan for Friday. He wanted the night to be perfect and it would take a bit of planning.


Nervously Glen paced the living room of the hotel suite. He glanced out the window and looked at the Chicago night time skyline. Would this actually work? He glanced at his watch. 11:35. He looked towards the closed bedroom door. How long to wait? Where was Lauren

He was just about head back into the bedroom when he heard a soft knock on the door. Finally!

He peeked through the peephole and there was Lauren, glancing nervously from side to side. He opened the door and ushered her in. She had on a tight, silver dress. It went up to her neck, but showed off her curves and body to great effect. Shame it had to come off.

"Sorry I-"

Glen placed an index finger over her lips. "Shhhhh... no talking."

Lauren gave him a quizzical look but quickly nodded. He took arms and raised them over her head. He then grabbed the hem of her dressed and yanked it off of her. She began to protest but then remembered his edict and merely ducked her head to help Glen get it off of her. As she stepped back, out of the dress, Glen took a moment to take in his beautiful sister-in-law. Her brunette hair was slightly messed but that only added to the effect. She was dressed in the black lingerie from the second hurdle. The top wrapped around her neck, collar-like, before cascading over each breast. The matching panties were see through and he was pleased to see her pussy was free of any hair. Her well shaped legs were sheathed in black thigh highs.

Unlike the previous time, she did not hunch or try and to hide herself. Instead she merely stood there, gaze averted to the ground, but shoulders back and almost confident. He grabbed her hand and led her towards the bedroom door.

"Remember, no talking."

Glen waited for her nod of assent. He kept a hand on the small of her back and opened the door. Lauren gasped and would have stepped back if Glen hadn't kept her in place. Sprawled on the bed was a blonde woman dressed in matching lingerie but in red. She was tied to the headboard and blindfolded.

But none of this is what caused Lauren's reaction. On the bed was Glen's wife, Kim, Lauren's older sister.


"I made reservations at the steak house at 7:30 hun." Kim came up and put her arms around her husband's waist.

"I was thinking of maybe getting a room at a hotel and making a night of it. What do you think?"

Kim smiled. "That sounds nice... Anything else? I can't think of anything to get you for your birthday. You have your Wii and blue ray. My sister has been no help. She's barely been returning my calls. My dad says cigars but I know you don't really like them."


"Are you blushing?" Kim playfully poked him. "What naughty things are you thinking of?"

"I don't want to piss you off..." Glen felt his pulse race.

"Hun, you know I feel guilty about neglecting you lately." She gave his chin a quick peck. "Work will calm down soon enough. But let's use this opportunity for me to make it up to you."

"I'd love to see you..." Glen barely thought it possible but decided the worst she could say is no. "I'd love to see you with a woman."

Kim looked at him open mouthed. She took a step back and shook her head. "I'm sorry but that just doesn't turn me on. I'm 100% hetero."

Glen had thought she might say that and gave her his best argument. "Remember when I blindfolded you?" At her nod, he continued on. "It turned you on so much. I've never seen you cum so hard. I thought, maybe put you in the same situation and have the woman go down on you."

Kim shook her head. "You are going to find a woman who will go down on me? With no payback from me?" She laughed. "You really think you will find a woman to do that?" She laughed again, gave Glen another peck, and started to walk back to the kitchen. She looked back at her husband and her expression softened. "I think you'll come up empty, but if you do find a woman, I'll let her go down on me."

She turned the corner and then peeked back. "You better get me drunk."


Lauren was shaking her head, still pressing back against Glen's hand.

"You find me a woman?" Kim called out, a drunken smile spreading out across her face. She opened her legs wider, clearly showing that between her two lace clad thighs there was no panties and only neatly trimmed brown bush.

Glen leaned into Lauren's ear. "This is the last hurdle... after this you are free."

"I thought - " His sister-in-law began to whisper but then shot a frightened look towards her older sister. Silently she mouthed, "I can't."

Glen nodded and pointed at the drunk, sprawled sister.

A look of agony crossed Lauren's face and tears began to well up.

Glen took her over to his netbook. He had the video of her dancing naked in a split screen with her face clearly shown. Then he pulled up his email account and pointed to the addresses. Lauren saw her parents' email, her uncles and aunts addresses, even her co-workers. She froze.

Taking advantage of Lauren's hesitation, Glen walked her toward the bed.

"I can hear you..." Kim giggled, her breasts jiggling just under the red silk. "I am ready for your 'woman.'"

Glen ushered Lauren onto the bed and took a step back. His sister-in-law, on all fours, just in front of his wife's lewd display.

"I feel you on the bed!" Kim closed her legs and a big pout sprouted on her lips. "What's taking so long?"

Lauren looked over at Glen with a silent plea. He shook his head and pointed.

She turned back and grabbed her sister's knees. She tried to pry them apart, but now Kim was putting up a mock battle. She kept her legs shut as Lauren pulled harder. Suddenly, Kim gave away and the force of Lauren's effort nearly caused her to fall back. But she clutched at Kim's thighs.

Slowly, she began to kiss down her sister's thigh, almost as if she was giving Kim time to pull away. Instead, Kim thrust her hips forward. Lauren hovered just over her sister's pussy and then tentatively put her tongue out.

"I feel your tongue..." Kim giggled and thrust her hips up again mashing her pussy against Lauren's face.

Glen watched as his sister-in-law didn't pull away but let the motion guide her tongue into the gash. He moved over to get a better view. He couldn't believe the sight! The 22 year-old moved back up the other thigh.

Kim cooed and then said, "Why don't you kiss me Glen? Kiss me while your 'woman' licks my pussy."

Glen walked around to the front of the bed. He saw Lauren tracking his progress as she continued to kiss around her older sister's pussy. Glen leaned over and kissed his wife. She stiffened in surprise!

"What?" For a moment, Kim strained against the rope binding her wrists. "I thought this was just going to be you pretending!"

Glen chuckled. "No, there's a woman between your legs right now." He reached over and grabbed the back of Lauren's head. He pushed her face into his wife's crotch.

"She must love pussy if she'll lick me without anything in return." Glen was pleased to hear Kim's voice soften to the idea. She no longer struggled against the rope, instead a flush began to warm her face. Glen saw his wife grinding her hips up against her sister's face. He saw a flash of a tongue and knew that Lauren was truly licking her sister.

Glen gave his wife a passionate kiss, he felt his own cock responding. Finally he broke the kiss. He wanted to see this. His wife seemed disappointed when he backed away, but then gasped slightly from Lauren's ministrations.

All hesitation from Lauren's actions were gone as now she moved with purpose. Her tongue kept a steady rhythm upon Kim's clit and the younger sister was moving a finger in and out as well. Clearly she had decided that making her sister cum was the fastest way for her to get out of this situation. Gene saw his wife's nipples begin to harden and knew that she would cum soon. Lauren continued her licking, meeting his wife's hips as she ground against her lips.

Glen move around behind Lauren, her fine ass wiggled in the air from her effort. He began to slip off her panties causing Lauren to turn around in confusion. She shook her head, but Glen merely arched an eyebrow and glanced at his netbook. Meekly, Lauren lifted each leg to let him take off her panties.

Kim assumed the woman was teasing her as her building orgasm began to subside. She groaned in frustration. "Please! Your tongue feels so good!"

Lauren realized her sister's body had lost the momentum towards climax and resumed moving her finger in and out of her sister. With one last glance at Glen, she moved back down to continue her licking, her ass sticking out in the air. He began to caress her ass, torn. He knew he couldn't fuck her as his wife would definitely feel that. His fingers moved to Lauren's shaved pussy. It was wet! He dipped a finger in easily, her passage hot, wet, and tight.

Just over her ass, Glen could see his wife starting to move her head back forth and she began to moan. Normally his wife was very quiet during sex, but this whole scenario had clearly gone to Kim's core. She aggressively gyrated her hips to meet Lauren's every lick.

Glen continued to caress Lauren, not really trying to get her off, merely reveling in the knowledge that Lauren was getting turned on eating out her sister.

"Oh hun!" Kim gasped. "I'm going to cum soon!"

Lauren's head increased her tempo.

"Come hold my hand hun! Quick!"

Glen moved around to the top of the bed and grasped one of Kim's hands. He kissed her and she returned it with a****listic desire. He thought her teeth drew blood as she latched onto his bottom lip and groaned again.




Kim's hips pitched against Lauren's face and her whole body froze and then shivered. Slowly her hips moved back to the bed, leaving the younger sister's face glistening with her juices. Lauren watched her sister's blindfolded face try to slow her own breathing. Lauren moved back down and kissed her sister's pussy... her belly button... her ribs... she kissed each of Kim's nipples before moving back off the bed and stood up.

Kim's body was limp and she whispered, "Thank you."

Glen moved back to his netbook and Lauren was quick to follow. He closed out of the email program and began to shut it down. As they waited for the computer to turn off, Kim called out, "Glen?"

He turned, smiling at his wife absolutely stunning tied up and flushed from pleasure. "Yes Kim?"

"I want to thank the woman who went down on me. She was soooo good."

Glen and Lauren exchanged looks of alarm and he stuttered to think of an excuse.

But Kim had other ideas. "If she doesn't mind an amateur, I'd like to lick her in return."

Glen's jaw dropped. He turned back to Lauren surprised to see a radiant smile spread across her face. When she saw him looking, she tried to downplay it, but Glen grabbed her hand and led her back to the bed.

Lauren stepped up onto the bed so she was standing over her sister. For a long moment, she stood there staring at Kim. Glen was almost worried that she was going to confess right there. But instead took a couple steps until there was a stockinged feet on either side of Kim's face.

Then she slowly lowered her pussy onto Kim's willing mouth. She was considerate of her sister and kept the weight on her own knees. Glen could see his wife's tongue slowly penetrate her sister's pussy. It trailed along one lip of the opening then down the other. She turned her head as far as Lauren's thighs allowed.

"She's wearing stockings too? I can feel them against my cheek..." Her commentary ended as she kissed her way up one thigh, playfully stopping before she hit Lauren's labia and then down the other leg. She snaked out her tongue into her sister's pussy, licking her slit, gauging the taste and then again stopped. This time her mouth moved forward.

"Is her pussy shaved hun?"

"Yes Kim."

"She really is a hot slut. I can feel her heat from pussy." Kim gave a few more licks. "Fuck me while I eat her out Glen. I am so horny, I need you inside of me."

No sooner had the words left her mouth and Glen had dropped his pants and angled her body so he could remain standing against the side of the bed. He then grabbed her legs, lined up his cock, and sank into her dripping wet hole. Kim moaned sending delightful shivers of pleasure up Lauren's body.

The younger sister let more of her weight fall against her sister's mouth and her hips began to buck back and forth. Glen saw Lauren biting her lower lip in an effort to keep quiet. He knew how vocal she usually was and saw her fight the moans welling up within her chest. Her eyes locked on to the spectacle of Glen fucking Kim. He thrust deeper and faster, spurred on by the taboo audience. It felt so good to be in his wife, the months of excuses washed away in the sublime moment.

Lauren had put her hands on Kim's breasts now, playing gently with her nipples. Glen reach forward and sharply tweaked Lauren's left nipple. She did gasp then breaking through her silence, but she did not pull away. Instead she arched her back bring her chest closer to him. He continued his long strokes in and out of his wife. He grabbed on to her right nipple towards him. It stretched out painfully and she ground her crotch rougher against her sister's tongue.

Glen looked down and saw Kim valiantly trying to keep up, but she didn't have use of her hands and could only continue to move her tongue against Lauren's clit. Suddenly, Glen saw her flick her tongue side to side rapidly. The effect on Lauren was electric. She squeezed Kim's head between her legs and her body began to shiver, reveling in the new sensations.

Glen saw her mouth open and knew she was about to scream. Quickly he grabbed both nipples and viciously pulled her towards him. He covered her mouth with his and kissed. He felt her whole body tremble and knew that an orgasm rocked her body. Her moans were muted by their kiss and their tongues intertwined. Glen realized that for all their activities the past two weeks, they had never before kissed.

He felt a warmth engulf his cock a half second before Kim's pussy clenched around him. Lauren's orgasm had triggered her sister's. Glen released Lauren so he could focus completely on plunging in and out of his wife. His own orgasm built. He watched Lauren, spent, still straddling Kim's face.

Glen came in an eruption of pleasure. "Oh Kim!"

He kept still feeling himself spurt within her, reveling in the sensations that would all too soon slip away.

Lauren carefully moved off Kim's face and made sure the blindfolded was still securely over her eyes. She tenderly touched a finger to her older sister's lips and then she got off the bed and looked for her underwear. Glen disengaged himself from his wife and went over to his netbook. He made sure it was shut down and turned to his sister-in-law. He motioned to the other room and she nodded. He then went over to his wife and whispered, "I'll be right back."

He stepped into the living room and saw Lauren already had her dress back on. He handed her the netbook. "Just get it back to me by next week please. I do have other stuff on it."

Lauren took the computer and gave him a long look. "This better be the only files Glen."

Glen smiled reassuringly and walked her to the door. There was an awkward moment as they faced each other. Finally, Lauren gave a sheepish grin and gave her brother-in-law and blackmailer a quick hug. He watched her walk down the hall, still admiring her ass moving beneath that tight, silver dress.

He closed the door and went back into the bedroom.

"Hey hun... you going to untie me?" Kim lifted up her bound wrists.

"Not just yet..." Glen went to where his briefcase sat on the desk. He flipped it open and made sure that the hidden camera was still recording.

The hard drive still had another hour of memory. The hard drive that held the five movies of Lauren. It was a risk to keep them, but he couldn't resist having this material at hand. Blackmailing Lauren was over, but he wanted to be able to jack off to them for years to come. He repositioned the camera a bit.

"I still want to play with you my sweet..." He moved back onto the bed and kissed his wife deeply as he began playing with her nipples. Kim purred and pushed her chest up to meet his touch.

"You are a naughty, naughty boy." Kim laughed. "I hope you enjoyed your birthday!"

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Mom is about to get blackmailed

Mom is about to get blackmailed. Cathy and Tim had been married for seventeen years, they had two sons Jim 15 and Rob 13. They were normal active kids who didnt get into much trouble so she figured she was ahead of things. They had a nice home in a decent part of town with a pool. One issue was her and Tims sex life was none existent. She had bought a big black vibrator and her and the device were very good friends. It was Sunday and Tims boss was having a cookout, they had gone with the...

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Blackmailed!! Pete was an executive with ADB Corp. Millie had gotten a job in the secretarial pool. Millie was a dark red hair Italian girl, she was 33 years old had three kids and a pain in the ass husband. She had 40D tits a tight ass great hip and was always horny. Pete had discovered her on day as he was telling the head of her department what one of the top executives was looking for. Millie flirted with him and was shocked that the department head said nothing to him. When he left the...

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BlackmailedI was feeling a little melancholy. I had been pretty busy since moving from my small town in down state Indiana to the north suburbs of Chicago. I hadn’t had a lot of time to get lonely but tonight was different, it was my 31rst. birthday and I had no one to celebrate with. Everyone I knew, including my ex-wife of 3 years, was back in Indiana. I decided to drown my sorrows in a couple of cold beers and left for a little dive I’ve seen a few miles from my house. I had been there...

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I remember my hands trembling as I opened the package, I knew where it was from and I knew that it wasn't going to be good. It all started about a month ago when I was out of town for the week on business. As usual, I snuck some of my "girly" clothes in with my regular stuff thinking that they would provide me with a distraction during the lonely nights away from home. I have been cross-dressing for quite some time now and since my job requires that I be out of town frequently I have...

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I remember my hands trembling as I opened the package, I knew where it was from and I knew that it wasn't going to be good. It all started about a month ago when I was out of town for the week on business. As usual, I snuck some of my "girly" clothes in with my regular stuff thinking that they would provide me with a distraction during the lonely nights away from home. I have been cross-dressing for quite some time now and since my job requires that I be out of town frequently I have...

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Silkie Rachel Denis and Julian in Paris 1991 fr

Twenty years go by. Silkie Greene had to give up her dream of singing opera roles on stage and has been singing jazz for many years. She is headlining at Club Crocodil in Paris. Her sister Rachel, an internationally famous pianist, is on stage with her. Her friend and lover Denis DeRuhe is at the club to see both of them. All three of them have been lovers for and wth each other, for may years:Two months before this evening,Silkie had learned that her friend and lover, Denis, was HIV positive....

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Silkie in Paris Part three from no Anestheti

Denis was holding Rachel's right foor by the ankle, with his other hand underneath for support. He was fucking Rachel's buttered toes the way he had been doing mine. Rachel was masturbating,her head back, her eyes closed, her red curls bouncing to her own rhythm, having herself a nice little series of cums. ....... Silkie: "Shit..........shit.....shit shit I am I going to go on without kissing you is the story again............yes, Rachel, I did, I...

1 year ago
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Silkie n Paris Part2015 From No Anesthetic

This continues from the most recent story. Silkie Greene is singing in a nightclub vin Paris, twenty years after her near death experiences in Seattle. She and her sister Rachel have been lovers for their entire lives. Denis, friend and lover to both of them, is with these two women at the club "The Beetles Wing"The crowd had been enjoying themselves, and now they are taking the party out onto the street, the way it is done in Paris. Silkie, Rachel and Denis have started their love and sex...

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Silkie and Casper from the Shamrock Tavern2018

"I got up on a weekday morning, took a long shower, washed my hair, put on a little light lipstick, then changed my mind and put this ugly, really red shade on. It looked terrible against my pale freckled skin.I put a lot of it on my lips. I thought "This is going to be all over some guy's dick pretty soon.""I piled my hair on top of my head, like I was preparing for some kind of stage role. I never used eye shadow or eyeliner, except on stage, but I found some and put that on around my eyes....

2 years ago
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Silkie and Denis in Paris 1991Silkie spins a tale

Denis went to his hotel.Silkie had to run a few errands. She went to his room two hours later. Denis had already finished most of a bottle of wine."You know I'm the kind of man who has a hard time getting hard after I've been drinking, Silkie...""Denis, I love you hard or soft, lover. I 'm going to take off my clothes for you. No, I don't have a body like I did when I was you like to see it? Do you?""The sight of you nude haunts me, Silkie. Your neck, your back...

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SilkieSylvia on Orcas Island with Tom and Leo

Later on that summer, I blew the drummer who played with my mom when she was singing. He was thirty, at least. Oh my god, Tom, I'm glad my mom never found out about that. I think she would have killed him, like shot in the face killed him. You have never met her, but mom has been playing and working in nightclubs since she was a teenager, she has a permit for a gun and carries one. She knows how to use it, too. I went to one of her shows, and she had to leave the club for something between sets...

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My name is Greg Newman and even though I am only16 years old most of my high school buddies consider me a computer whiz; I'm not sure if that is true or not but I am pretty good with the technical side of computers. I am also the starting wide receiver of my high school football team, not bad huh, a geek and an athlete. My best friend is Paul Johnson who just happens to live directly across the street from my house. Paul and his family moved into the house when both he and I were in the eighth...

4 years ago
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Silkie Denis Bruce and Rachel from Silkie i

"Rachel and I were born show-offs and working to become performers , so this was easy for both of panties were damp and the whole room was getting fragrant..............."Silkie stopped talking to masturbate. This time she didn't talk to Denis, but she could feel the bed shaking under both of them."I was masturbating and Rachel was too, just watching Bruce watching us, jacking off like he invented it and would never get the chance again...................""I want to taste them" "Oh ho!...

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Silkie Rachel Denis and Julian in Paris8

."Taste that, bitch"....Denis was moaning. tears were running off his face....."Oh please.......................Silke.......................oh...................oh please"If there was ever a tonic of love for her, this was it." Denis, I can reach down and rub my clit when I fuck you with it.....................oh shit..................that makes me so fucking hot....."Silkie had already had a lot of sex this evening, an orgasm that literally knocked her out; she thought about Rachel's tongue...

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Silkie Rachel Denis and Julian 5

........she was lying there beside him, quiet for now, masturbating gently, swooning, overcome with desire for him. She couldn't have him....not even a little bit.Rachel started up the game again."Julian, sweetheart, do you think you are ready for another go?"" I am going to put this thing back on and fuck you in the ass, Julian.....yes dear, right up your German ass....... Silkie is going to suck your sweet dick while we do that........I like variety........OOOooooooooohhhhhh...I want to fuck...

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Darrel James had waited patiently for this day. He had confronted Peggy almost two months earlier with the info he collected on her forgery scheme and, when he revealed the evidence to her, she crumbled quickly. Little by little he had taken more and more control. His job at the bank gave him more than enough to live on, and the recent additional windfall of cash, allowed him to put his plan into motion. First, he had insisted she continue college as well as quit her job. She had no family to...

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Mother in law blackmailed

Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and that in itself was strange – relations between us had never been particularly close; she was a woman who was very prim and proper and I knew that she found my brand of...

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This is about a mom’s life in shambles. Janet was a pretty brunette, she and her husband Roy had two young sons. Roy was a salesman for a chemical company, so he did a lot of traveling. Janet wasn’t the prettiest woman, but her body more then made up for it. She had 40 dd’s a bubble butt short well-toned legs and a great smile. Her youngest had started 1st grade so she was alone most of the day. She was unaware that two dropouts who worked at the local supermarket had been scoping her out...

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I'm still in high school but I'm not stupid or totally innocent. I knew that both my mom and dad were having marital troubles. But I didn't realize how bad until one day coming directly home from school, which I rarely did, saw a man, not my dad coming out of my house in a rush, but not before kissing my mom fully and sexily on the mouth.It was then I knew that their marriage was over. Possibly my nice sweet life was done. But I had to think of something to stop her. I liked my life the way it...

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This is a follow up to a letter I wrote last year. If you remember my husband had me to pose for his friends at his camera club. I had upset him, and done things which I regret many times over. This was his revenge. One of the men who was there was John. I knew him from school. I didn’t like him in school because he just gave me the creeps. John has lived in our street for sometime now. When I posed at the camera club John was there as part of my punishment. Which my husband thought was in some...

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Silkie spins a tale for Denis from Silkie in

She enjoyed the attention to her breasts. She held them in her hands and turned around. "Do you think they are pretty or just too big and goofy looking on my body?""Come over here and let me see"She was standing next to him.He put his arm around her waist and pulled her in." Those are the loveliest titties I've ever seen. All I want to do is just kiss them and love them."Silkie lifted her right breast, put it close to his face." Would you kiss my nipple, please?" Her nipple, her breast and her...

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Silkie Denis and RachelThings Change Forever

Denis stopped her. He was not excited. He was weeping."Silkie, stop. Please. Stop talking. Come into my arms. I love you so much............just let me hold you....."Silence"I think our time as lovers is at its end.""I have a letter from Rachel. In the envelope, she has a letter for need to read it: Slikie took the envelope from Denis and opened it:"Hey Syl...I'm back in L.A. ... I got some bad news yesterday.....I've got cancer! Yeah, fucking breast cancer. Cancer all over. I've...

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My older sister blackmailed

Introduction: I blackmail my older sister into getting anything, and everything I want Im Andrew, I just turned 15 a month ago, I do OK in school, but make up for that in athletics. I play many different sports, and excel in most of them. I dont consider myself a popular person, but I fit in with that crowd, and good looking enough to get my fair share of girls. My mom and dad are both very catholic, and my mom is completely against drugs. She constantly tells us that we should never drink,...

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Pauline The Slut Part 20 Blackmailed

Beth dropped my husband and me at our house before heading to her place. When we got inside there was a message from my sister, Anne, on the phone. "Hi Sis, I'll be visiting Dad and Mom at the end of the month and was going to call on you for a few days before heading home. I'll be on my own. Jim has to work. I'll call you." I looked at the phone and then at my husband. He had a huge grin on his face. Anne was three years younger than me with brown hair. Otherwise we were identical. She liked...

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My name is Aden, a shy, thin, 5 foot 8 inch, s*******n year old, average looking, dark haired, self-conscious high school student. I’ve never dated and have few friends. My social unease is significantly due to the fact that my penis is unusually small. Erect it is only two and half inches in length and very slim in circumference. It is uncircumcised and when flaccid it shrivels up to such a tiny size it appears to retract into my body.The last couple of years our parents have travelled half...

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Tammys tale of being blackmailed

"Please don't make me do this," Becky pleaded, her gorgeous green eyes filling with tears. "I'm not making you do anything," I told my pretty neighbor, leaning back into the couch, legs akimbo, waiting for my show. I was ready, wearing only boxers and a t-shirt. Her eyes flickered to the side, once again taking in the collage of pictures on the coffee table. "You know that if John ever saw those pictures he'd kill me." "So am I supposed to lie to him?" I asked her, pointedly. She stood quietly,...

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Laid And Blackmailed

Hello all, I am 30 years young, strongly built, athletic guy from Mumbai. I run my little business, which is financially rewarding and at the same time not too taxing either. This leaves me with ample time to keep in touch and meet up with my friends and family. Having passed through difficult times during my younger years, I am quite at ease with life now and I try to instill positive thoughts in everyone that I come in touch with, and the ones who are a bit down due to various problems. My...

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Allison Is Blackmailed

Allison sat in the class, but she was only half-listening to the lecture.  The professor was droning on and on about the differences between a mean, a median, and an average; quite possibly the most boring topic she could imagine.  Wait, no. Listening to calculations of slopes was even worse.  That had been yesterday’s topic.Fortunately, she knew how to keep herself entertained and had planned accordingly.She’d woken up that morning and checked the weather – warm with abundant sunshine.  That...

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Pam gets blackmailed

This is just a work of fiction. Any similarity to real cases is unintentional.If reading this is illegal for your age where you are, just leave right now and don't continue reading.This story contains non-consensual sex, forced exhibition, blackmailing, incest, etc. Most things I don't agree with. If you feel offended with this kind of materials just leave now and don't continue reading.If you reach this point, and like to go on reading, do it at your own responsibility. Enjoy this as much as...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 10 Katiersquos Blackmailed

Mrs. Jackson tried to get everything in order. A full day of interviews and meetings awaited her at the office. She hoped to be appointed to the Board of Directors. She knew she had done all she could to prepare herself even without her important files from her laptop. She looked into the bedroom mirror. Her hair flowed past her shoulders as she slowly applied red lipstick across her perfect lips. Katherine Jackson exhumed confidence. She had always been successful at her job and was very...

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Silkies story for DenisParis 1991

(author's note): Silkie, now thirty-eight, is telling her lover Denis, about things that happened in her life before she was eighteen. I don't know if her anecdote violates guidelines for this site or not. Can fictional adults in a piece of fiction talk about events in their past? Silkie might even be making some of this up for Denis' pleasure, which adds yet another layer of fiction to the story, I don't know the answer, so I'll just put it out there and see what happens. Thanks!...

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Silkie tells Denis a story from Silkie in Pa

He was getting all flustered. I was thinking:"Bruce doesn't want to come in his pants in the middle of the fucking library........I knew enough about boys to know they could go off really fast..but still, I was turned on too, and I wanted to be kissing him...........I wanted to kiss him and pull his dick out and kiss him and jack him off right there." So I decided it would be hot to talk to him about that. I had done some hand-jobs with boys at this point in my life, seen some boys come, I...

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