Natalie Heaven Sex Story’s Slut Holiday Uk And Eur free porn video

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Hey it’s Natalie again with a nother off my real life sex story’s

I touched on this story a little in one off my last story’s fucked for a job so thought I would put it out there the story is off me whore my ass around some parts off the uk and Europe for all inclusive stay

Very long story hopefully not to long for yous

I was 19 at the time off this story

Story keys

So ( M 1 ) and ( M 2 ) stand for Manchester guys

( L 1 ) and ( L 2 ) stand for London guys

( Fr 1 ) and ( Fr 2 ) stand for french guys

( SP ) stands for Spanish guy

( G ) stands for German guy

So when I was 18 a started a swingers profile when it started it wasn’t really a big hit at all but fast forward to the age off 19

I had couple off verifications to the profile and had started to shave my legs and stuff I put up some nice pics with lingerie on and bent over holding a little cardboard sign come take a ride on my ass well didn’t think anything off it and went to bed woke up the next morning to find I had pretty much become a overnight star well in swingers terms

Profile had like picked up like 1200 and odd views my pic had been liked over 600 times and it shot me to the top off the swingers hottest pics for the month for tv/ts/cd and my inbox was packed full off message around 400 it was overwhelming to say the least

But at the same time I felt like some famous porn star that everyone wanted to fuck

Message form all over the uk and some from outside the uk I reapplied to what I could most with well thanks but bit to far the once’s from Scotland I vetted for my 25 mile rule and stuff so I end up meeting one off the guys he couldn’t believe he was meeting me keep going on about how he’s banging the number 1 hottest tv/ts/cd off the month he rember this one for the rest off his life and when I let him cum in me wow it was like I had forfilled his dream witch made me feel like a star even more

So I quickly grab my camera and take some more pics this time with no cardboard sign just me in a pvc dress and went to bed got up the next morning the pic did ok not the best to be honest racked up like 300 likes and my profile had like 600 views for the day and had like 200 messages that pic had made it in to the top 10 for the month so now I had two pics in the hot pics off the month first one at number 1 and then one at number 8 was so went though the message and meet a guy

After the meet we sat and talked and he asked if I get a lot off interest and I sed yes and no didn’t really up till this month but being in the top hottest babes off the month had gathered me a lot I have had offers from all over the place some even outside the uk but I sed they all to far
He then says well you could always just used that popularity to earn ur self cheap holidays train tickets and plan tickets are quit cheap you could always just get trains and planes and offer ur ass up for bed and breakfast I sed don’t know about that one I need to see

For the rest off the month I didn’t put pics up heat on my profile was starting to die out was only getting like 50 messages a day and like 200 views my 15 minutes off fame was fading fast and didn’t feel like the hot porn star that everyone wanted to bed

So thought ok the next month had came round I was no longer on top off the hottest babes page and the numbers had went way down was getting like 10 messages a day and like 50 views

So I thought ok need to do something so I hop on the swingers site and got a meet sorted

Got some more cardboard and put in big letters who wants sloppy seconds

Had a guy come over and fuck me full off cum and take my camera and I let the cum run out my ass down on to my knickers that were siting down at my thighs bent over holding the sign saying who wants sloppy seconds and posted the pic and went to bed

Well up the next morning to find profile had completely blown up 1500 odd views pic was once again on top off the hottest babes page for ts/tv/cd with over 1000 likes and had like 600 messages in my box back to feeling like the hot porn star that everyone want to fuck but this time I was going to make a trip out off it do a bit off sight seeing at stuff

And if ur wondering yes I can be found on the a serton swingers site under the same name as hear only it’s like this natalie-heaven I will never outright mention the sites name but if you know the site then I can easily be found if you ever want a go on my ass

And don’t worry I not one off them stuck up stars on it even though my profile and pics are in that 1% category off stars on a slow day without pics uploaded my profile gets anywhere bween 500-600 views and around 200 messages a day and on a new pic day profile can jump up in to the 1000 odd rage with views with like 300-500 likes for just a ass shot and like 500 messages

But I will say if I give you a no for any reason don’t try and back chat me or anything as that’s when the stuck up star in me will come out and you get told straight that I am not some desperate hpw and I can pritty much have any cock I want and I get offers all day and ever day so ur nothing special and it’s not my loss it’s urs anyway back on to the story

So I thought out a trip it would be train to Manchester and spend the night in Manchester then train to London spend the weekend there and get the euro star train to france and spend the 5 days there in Paris and then a train from pairs to Spain spend the weekend in Spain and then back to pairs for the day spend the night there before heading off to Germany for 3 days before getting flight back to London spending a night in London and then on to Manchester spending the night in Manchester before getting a train back to Scotland told all the guys that they probably be getting sloppy seconds on the first day as I was staying with Uther guys at different legs off my trip and would probably be give out moring sex to the guy I was staying with before make my way to them they all seemed fine with it so on to the trip

( M 1 )

So I got to Manchester and sins I was out off Scotland I was going to do this trip all dressed for all legs off the trip apart from the first leg Scotland to Manchester and the last leg Manchester back to Scotland

So I get in to Manchester and go to the toilets get dress and call the guy he comes picks me up and take me back to his place we hafe a nice night off siting on the couch watching tv and Chatting with a bottle off wine then he takes me up stairs to bed and fucks me two times full off cum nothing to put off the order wake up in the morning go for a shower come out get dressed and make up on let him fuck me once more before he ran me back to the train to get the train to London for the weekend as I had start my trip on the Thursday so on to London

( L 1 )

So London guy picked me up at train station plan was he takes me back to his house fucks me give him Manchester’s guys sloppy seconds and then out for a spot off sightseeing around London with him driving so we did that then back to his place for a little wine and more sex to top the Friday night off

On to the Saturday the plan was to do a spot off shopping for lingerie for french guy as I would be staying 5 days with him though I get him something special so me and ( L 1 ) have some morring sex and he dives me to the shops and comes with me holding my hand and stuff was quite a thrill shopping and cum runing on to my thong and down my legs and a wet patch on my dress whare the sticky cum filled thong was touching

He helps me pick out some sexy lingerie and I think him yes that’s right he help me pic out french guys set off lingerie that french guy was going to fuck me in didn’t know but just as I am about to go check out he says ur going to look fine in that to night I have something special planed for you I turned and sed ooo these aren’t for you they for my french part off the trip only staying a weekend with you he’s hosting me for 5 days though I would get him something nice

Well he tutted didn’t seem happy that he had pritty much help me pick out lingerie for a nother guy but I sed look you new the deal my ass for accommodation if you want to see me in Uther lingerie that I don’t have with me why don’t you pick it out and bye it for me but I am take it with me he sed ok then and dose so and he all so stops at a shop on the way home gets some champagne and then stops off at a friends house as I wait in the car then back to his for dinner

After dinner he tells me to go up and get changed in to the lingerie witch was a basque thong and stockings and a little frilly robe it was a black and pink combo basques was pink with black stripes and so was the thong with black stockings and a Black robe and a pair off strappy heels that I had with me so I do and come down stairs

He tells me that he wants me to sit all night like that and we start the champagne so we had one glass by this time it’s around 6.30pm and his phone gose off he then gets up and gose to the door and let’s someone in me and they come though to the Living room there me sat in lingerie and sed this is my friend bla bla told you I had something special planed for you to night

He had pretty much planed a 3 some or a spit roast witch was my first one ever but had dreamed about one so I was all over that then he give me a nother glass off He had pretty much planed a 3 some or a spit roast witch was my first one ever but had dreamed about one so I was all over that then he give me a nother glass off champagne and then pulls out a bag off Coke had never done coke before but then again I had never been spit roasted before ither and this is what this trip was all about doing things I hadn’t done before so thought we’ll this is like a once and life time trip what the heck only if I had known then that it wouldn’t be the last ha ha

So it was my first time being a little coke whore and being spit roasted witch I would later come to find out I love both and have had meny more night off being a coke whore and spit roasted some at the same time some times not anyway

The two off them pound my ass in the the early morning full off cum and coke take shots each on my ass and mouth what a night was really the start off two true loves being a coke whore with oooo my nothing gets me more horny than a night off lines and wild sex and being spit roasted On to the Sunday
Plans were ment to be so some more sightseeing but those quickly went out the window when I woke up and had my first coke hangover and my ass was totally ruined and sore end up just going to for a shower have some morning sex laying there like a bursts couch as he pumped away till he filled me with cum and fell back a sleep before falling asleep I sed sorry I wasn’t much fun there just didn’t feel that up to it he chuckled and sed it’s ok honey everyone like a burst couch the morning after they first time off being a coke whore witch made me feel better and then sed just go back to sleep so did woke up just in time for dinner and nice quite night in front off the tv and some sex before falling back asleep on to the Monday

Got showered and had morning sex and train to France

( Fr1 )

first night was nothing to special just normal tv drinks and sex

Tuesday we went sightseeing we went to the louvre whare he took to the toilet and fucked me in them not the first time I had been fucked in a public toilet or the last love being fucked in public toilets form shopping centres to night clubs to restaurants to just about any yip I am a classy slut lol ha ha then back to his for drinks and dinner then sex

On the Wednesday we went to the Eiffel Tower to the top and I stood looking over as he slips up my dress and slips his cock inside me and pumped me full off cum don’t know how we got way with it as there was plenty off people there maybe some did see maybe not may have help that we were all jam packed up there like sardines didn’t cum in me was just like a quick 15-20 stokes for how quick it was it was really good maybe because it was so thrilling and then back to his for dinner

we had a late night that night as he was take me two the Pont des Arts witch if you don’t know is the bridge with all the love locks at like 2 in the morning and why you ask that late we’ll I wanted fucked on it so we get there and I am standing looking over the water kind off bent over and he fucks me good and hard dress up knickers at my ankles he cums in me and then I pull my knickers back up and pull my dress back down turn and kiss him then put a lock on the bridge I know it’s ment to celebrate love but mine was to celebrate getting fucked there if you been on that bridge after 2006 there maybe a small chance you seen my lock and not knowing or stood in the very same spot I got fucked

Thursday was quite a quite day sleep most off the day got up around 3pm went and got ready

Put on the lingerie that ( L 1 ) had help me pick out witch was a bra and knickers set with a open ass and suspenders come down from them and stockings whole set was red and so was the stockings and a white dress and we went off to dinner had dinner in some nice restaurant in a swanky hotel as we be staying in the hotel for the him paying off corse after dinner we went to the bar and had drinks I total him I had sexy lingerie on for him that I had gotten specially for him to say thanks and told him but how I had ( L 1 ) help me pick it out and how ( L 1 ) thought it was for him and I had to tell him that were for ( Fr1 ) next thing you know he bursts out laughing and say oooo that couldn’t have went down well I sed no but he did get me lingerie and then him and his pal made me there coke whore for the night and fed me lines and spit roasted me

Instinly he was turned out he sed he loved know the fact that some Uther guy had picked out lingerie for him to fuck me in and the coke whore part was the iceing on the cake with even finshing or dinks he had me up in the room dress off and fucking me good and hard first time ever being fucked in a 5 star hotel

Ooo my god I do love to be fucked in a 5 star hotel love being a little posh slut feels so good being so dirty and nighty in such a fancy place where it’s ment to be all stuck up rich people even better when there some lines off coke involved just mmmm yes please my ass is urs all night if ur paying ha ha anyway

Anyway up in the morning and Friday morning sex and on to Spain

( SP )

So on the train to barcelona I got talking to the guy next to me telling him about my trip didn’t tell him about the nights off dirty sex or anything just place I was going as we talking he puts his hand on my knee then says ooo sorry didn’t realise and I thought ye right pal off corse you did and knew what ur doing but me being the total slut I am took his had and started move up up my leg to my thighs with my bare legs all shaved and fake tanned nice golden brown lend over and whispered in his ear want to take me to the toilet and fuck me don’t you and grab his dick over the top off his trousers he went instantly hard so we got up got to the toilet

We crammed inside this small train toilet not much room to movie I start kissing him then bend over and he slides my thong to the side and notices some cum runing out me he stops and pulls me back up turns me around

And asks me if I had sex with anyone to say I sed off corse and he says ooo that could be a problem this is whare I found out that non swinger vanilla guys aren’t that keen on sloppy seconds but me being the good little slut I am always carry 2-3 condoms on me at all times just Incase a problem like this crops up as if I am getting cock my knickers are ready and willing to be dropped no matter whare I am deal with the consequences off been seen or cought afterwards if ur willing to give me cock I am willing to take it no matter how public no matter how meny security cameras are around or who’s there anyway pull out the condom and say is this better he sed yes and bends me back over and fucks me then pulls the codom off and cums on my face and then I continue to suck him and he cums once more down my black dress opps cum and black don’t mix and stuck on this train for nother 3 hours no matter I just sit with a blazer jacket on anyway

Get to barcelona and meet ( SP ) the guy on the train had fucked all off ( Fr 1 ) cum out me and on to my thong and with such a long train ride it had hardened in thong was crusty and stiff and a bord so got in ( SP ) car took my jacket off and he noticed the cum marks on my dress

But Didn’t say nothing about them anyway as we driving down the motorway as he didn’t stay in Barcelona but like a hour and hafe drive outside it he turns and asks if that was ( Fr 1) cums as all the guys new that I was staying with Uther guys we’ll sort off like ( L 1 ) new I had stayed at ( M ) but didn’t know about ( Fr1 ) till I told him and so on anyway I say no his cums glued to my thong they crusty as hell that cums from the guy on the train who pumped ( Fr1 ) cum out me he then turns as says ur definitely a British slag then just how I like them love British slags that come to Spain for they holidays and get pumped silly and sent home to hubby ruined

( little stop to the story to get some thought and experience that’s nothing to do with the story just love give yous some insight to things )

And yes sorry to brake it to yous guys this may hurt but if ur woman’s away on a woman’s only holiday I can 90% gartee she’s been fucked by some local guy over there on that holiday or some Uther guy on holiday being a tv/ts/cd grants me some insight in to woman as woman love to sit and talk to us at party’s and such and I heard all the story’s over the years off holiday fucks like you know just general chat and Holliday comes up and pal turns and gose oooo that’s right and you went off with that guys and they like shh no ones soposed to know about that and anyway don’t know ur on about you want off with the two bartenders you dirty slag ooo ye that’s right let’s stop talking about that any way back to story hopefully my insight didn’t hurt anybody just the truth sorry to say

I turn and say to him off corse if I getting cock I take cock anywhere and he sed oooo really and pulls the car over on the hard shoulder off the Moterway and slides back his car chair and sed to me well hop on the love so I sed on clime on top off him and start to kiss him and reach down his trousers and wank him and I grind on him he reaches up my dress starts to pull my crusty dried in cum thongs down my legs particularly pealing the off from bween my ass checks and then down my thighs and slips them off one leg and then the Uther and then rolls down his window and says you not be needing these and throws them on to the Moterway then pulls his cock out and I slide on top off it and bonce up and down it and kiss him as cars drive past on the moterway till he cums in me then I get off slide back on to the passenger seat and puts his chair back and drive us to his place

Nothing really special that night just drinks and good night sex

Anyway on to the Saturday not much to tell morning sex drove me back to barcelona some shopping in a kink store for some bdsm stuff coller and lead handcuffs and a gag that holds my mouth open was for my Germany part off the trip stayed in a hotel in barcelona no fancy hotel just some 3 star plays and he wasn’t want to drive back to his then barcelona the next day wasn’t ment to be the plan but ok made him pay for it

Sunday nothing to special just morning sex and train trip from barcelona back to pairs no train sex this time

( F2 )

Nothing to special just first meet sex dinner drinks and good night sex only a one night stay over as I didn’t want to do all the travel form barcelona to Germany in the one day

And some morning sex on the Monday morning before heading to Germany Frankfurt

So I get to Germany and meet

( G )

So this is the kinky side off my trip

The Monday night is spent with me getting fucked in the dress the and clothes that all the Uther guys had fucked me in while sniffing all my knickers that had dried in crusty cum on them from then lovely night off lovely hot sex
Saturday came and ( G ) took me to some club and no wasn’t a night club was swingers club but was shut well not really was ment to be open that night but

( G ) new the owner off the club as he was a regular at it he had sed to the owner that I was comeing to stay and I was the top hot babe for tv/ts/cd on the swingers page for the month and he pay him to shut the club for a night witch he did

What ( G ) and arrange for me was my first creampie gangbang and Bukkake and piss fest ( little side track )

Yes I do love me some GGG and 666 porn in fact it’s probably my all time favourite porn hence why I was in Germany any way

There was 9 guys there all from the swingers club who ( G ) had argued to be there to fuck me all night

Oooo god one off the best nights ever cuffed my hands behind my back put the collars and lead on me gag that keep my mouth wide open and then starts to ram they cocks down my throat till I gaged multiple times stuck they cocks up my ass and filled me full off cum multiple times pissed on me and came all over me and dragged me round by the lead on my knees though a puddle off piss and cum all night to say I was ruined was a understatement only thing missing was some lines off coke can’t think off a better way to spend the night well I can close to my ultimate night ( going off topic to tell yous my ultimate night )

My ultimate night would be about 7-8 guys and a bag off coke and have the them fuck me all night while I snort lines cum in my ass on my face on my dress and pissing all over me all night long from like 6pm to like 6-7am the next morning then someone gose and phones me a taxi and the rest give me couple off more lines off coke and 2-3 guys fuck me while the taxis on the way filling me with more spunk and then 3 or 4 guys spunk on my face then you all stand round me and piss all over my dress and stockings or hold ups being carful not to piss on my face as not to wash the cum away then stand me up with the befor the taxi comes

With the Collars and lead on cuffs still on but uncuffed and then kick me out the door leaking cum from my ass face coverd in cum and dress and stockings or holdups all ripped and ladderd coverd in piss and make me wait on the curb for the taxi a complete ruined mess as yous all sit at the window and laugh so that when the taxi driver shows up he can see exactly how ruined and whore and how humiliated I have been

Omg I am take a organum just thinking about that happing to me if anyone dose want to make it happen and know the swingers site omg yes please hit me up with a message anyway back to the story

So Sunday not much just good morning sex and flight frankfurt to London

( L 2 ) and ( M 2 )

Nothing to special so I combined them as they pritty stander didn’t want to do the travel all in one day so i stoped over for the night

Normal night off tv drinks night sex morning sex and on my way

When I got home I had completely exhaust all my saveings need a job as I had packed my job in to do this trip done a story about that called fucking for a job

Hope you have injoy my story off whore my ass around parts off the uk and Europe

And if you do stay in the uk and know the swingers site don’t be scared to message me what’s the worst I can say no you never know I could be laying in ur bed being a complete slut a whore for the night sometime isn’t that worth a try

Isnt it most dream bed one off the 1% hot stars off the swingers site ;) xxxxx love natalie

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Natalies Revenge Part 1

Summary: Natalie Portman learns of her husband's infidelities. To relieve a little frustration, she turns to the neighbor's eighteen year old son.--This story is posted on other sites and I have made changes to make it fit xhamster's rules. No changes are real noticable though unless you really read the original in extreme detail.--“I’ll miss you.” Natalie told her husband as he was walking out the door, heading back to his native France.“I’ll miss you too, and you too.” He kissed their baby...

5 years ago
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Natalies quickie

Fan fiction that may contain content not suitible for people under the age of 18. Be Warned.Natalie is wearing what the pictures show above + a black coat.It was March 23rd. Two weeks after Jack and Natalie were together and had unexpected sex at the Sky Sports building in the toilets. The two of them only thought of each others as Fuck buddies as Jack’s fantasy is Natalie and Natalie recently got divorced.Jack is at home and Natalie is in the sky studios makeup room, she is on her own in their...

2 years ago
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She was devastatingly beautiful  NATALIE  She is devastatingly beautiful.  It?s hard for me to describe her without immediately gettingstuck on the image of her in my head, becoming lost in her beauty, aroused,intoxicated, and completely overwhelmed. Her body makes me weak, but it?s her smile that breaks all of myresistance.  It?s such a sweetsmile, with her bright eyes sparkling and her lip gloss shimmering.  If you saw her, you wouldn?t be able tolook away, not the first time. Your whole being wou...

2 years ago
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Natalies Revenge Part 2

“Come on little man, it’s time to go with your daddy for a week.” Natalie told her baby as she walked him down the stairs.In the kitchen was her ex-husband Benjamin. It had been two months since she learned of his infidelities. When he arrived home from France a week after she found out, he was welcomed home by his pissed off wife holding divorce papers.“I know about your whore Jenni. I want you out of my house and out of my life.” He had no idea how to react. Knowing how difficult it was to...

4 years ago
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The first days at the Anderson household were very strange, to say the least. Despite the fact that we were officially man and wife, he treated me like a de facto employee who simply happened to be living in the bedroom next to his and wearing a gigantic diamond ring. It was almost as if the whole prelude was done simply to ensure that I was very kinky for some future plan. He would leave very early in the morning in a rush, without even sitting down for breakfast. His sons had left for a...

1 year ago
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Natalie Makes A Movie

Note : This story is completely fictional! After cleaning up in the kitchen Natalie entered the living room to find Kimberly haphazardly sprawled in the lounge chair and Mark on the couch. It was obvious to her, that given their dejected looks, that they were bored. "Are we bored?" "Yeah," they said in unison and smiled at each other. "Hey, I got an idea! This should cheer you up." Natalie saw the questioning gleam of hope in their eyes. "Why don't we make a movie?" "About what, mom?" Kim...

4 years ago
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Natalie in the Vampires Den

Standing a dozen feet behind her, dozens of men and women lined the room, their eyes firmly rooted upon her form. None spoke, none moved. They simply watched her vigilantly. As her gaze traveled, she spied the large throne ahead of her, upon which sat a surprisingly young looking woman. Her skin was fair, too fair. Her hair was long and white, and as she rose from the chair, she had an air of confidence about her, the kind that could only be born from years of experience. The woman stood for...

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Natalie Conrad

Natalie and Conrad Natalie paced back and forth alongside her parked car. She stopped alongside the cars passenger window. She bit a nail, trying to stem her nervousness. What if this man, this Conrad, doesn't like her? What if she doesn't like him? Yesterday she had been so excited after Katy had told her about him she couldn't think straight, but now, if Katy had come by and said it was all off, she'd be glad. Wouldn't she? She glanced at her watch for the sixth time since getting out...

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Natalie and Daves night out

Natalie finished getting ready for what she hoped was going to be an exciting night,they usually were when she decided Dave was going to be cuckolded.Whilst he was a good lover and actually was all man,sometimes she liked to show him who was the boss and keep him on his toes This was a regular thing for them-and they both got a kick out of it,although she suspected more her than him.She wore nothing except a long black coat,black holdup stockings and black high-heeled shoes,always a good look...

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Natalie by Emily Ross [email protected] I'm always anxious when I'm waiting for my suitcase to appear at an airport after a flight. What if it's been sent to the wrong destination? Why does everyone else's luggage seem to arrive before mine? I was hot and sticky after a nine hour transatlantic flight. Although it was technically still the morning, thanks to the crossing of time zones, I had been up for hours. I was tired and jet-lagged. I just wanted my suitcase. Where...

4 years ago
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NatalieChapter 4

We're at an interesting stage, are we not? Our Natalie has recognised that she has a problem and is making positive moves to tackle it; but that is going to take time. She's got a new job, which is looking good (but what about her boss?) and that is going to help her confidence. She knows Stephanie, now, and that she isn't a threat, but she doesn't know about Alison. Charles is now rather distracted by Alison. Actually, make that very distracted. Alison may or may not see him as a...

4 years ago
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Natalie and IslaChapter 2 Weekend in London

When I awoke it was quite dark and my bed was empty of female company. I searched the unfamiliar room for my LED alarm clock. As this was a cheap London hotel rather than my home bedroom my search was unsuccessful. I thought about fishing about the darkness for my mobile but decided I didn't actually need to know the exact time. Instead I recalled the few hours before I'd fallen asleep. An ultra quickie from Natalie, a sexy thirty something, followed by a few hours of absolute magical sex...

2 years ago
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Natalie My First Time

My encounter with Natalie was an amazing one, the girl I would finally lose my virginity to on a wonderful sex filled weekend.It was August, and I'd been on the prowl for like crazy. after trying to date several girls, having minor hookups but nothing major. In retrospect, my problem was I was trying to date these girls, trying to fall in love, instead of fucking them silly.Annie had been fun, but I could never get up with her even just to hang out as friends. One other I started talking with...

First Time
2 years ago
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Natalie and Nathan

I knew it was wrong. I knew more than anything that I shouldn’t have been standing there watching her. There were so many reasons it was wrong. The first and most important was that she was my sister. The second was that she was ten years younger than me. She was only 16, but she had the body of a woman. She was 5’6”, long milky white legs that showed the definition of every muscle in them when she moved. Her hair was silky chocolate brown and it hung to her waist. It was teasing to watch her...

4 years ago
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Natalie is a sub Tenant

Natalie has a new job and is looking for an apartment. She has stopped at the Sunrise Complex for her 2 pm appointment with the manager, John. She is very timid and this is her first time out on her own and worries about what the place is like and can she afford it and the people there. As she drives up she is very excited as the building look nice and the property is very nicely landscaped. Oh boy there is a pool this is going to be a nice place, oh but can I afford it. She gets out...

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Natalie Submits

Sometimes I really questioned my sanity in taking a parttime job whilst at college. Whilst my friends were out partying, getting drunk and getting laid here I was serving over priced French cuisine to middle age couples who seem to spend their entire evening pretentiously professing about how wonderful their lives were. Sure the money was decent but was this really how I expected to spend what were supposed to be the best years of my life? The job would be much more enjoyable if there were...

3 years ago
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Natalie Submits

Sometimes I really questioned my sanity in taking a parttime job whilst at college. Whilst my friends were out partying, getting drunk and getting laid here I was serving over priced French cuisine to middle age couples who seem to spend their entire evening pretentiously professing about how wonderful their lives were. Sure the money was decent but was this really how I expected to spend what were supposed to be the best years of my life? The job would be much more enjoyable if there were...

2 years ago
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Natalie strikes again

I was out running some errands on this sunny Southern California Saturday afternoon when Natalie called me. It was great to hear from her since I hadn’t seen her in a few weeks. She asked if I was busy this weekend and even though I had plans, I told her that I was free. I’d basically drop anything I was doing if it meant spending time with her. If you haven’t read an of my other stories, Natalie was my carpool buddy, then my lover, and now we’re just in kind of a friends with benefits...

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NatalieChapter 2

The week began well enough. Charles spent most of the day sorting out his admin — preparing and sending invoices, updating his accounts and so on. He spent some time cleaning the old Norton and polishing chrome on that and Laura's old Matchless. Somehow, his time with Natalie had freed his emotions. As he worked, he thought about his wife; remembered the way she rode the Matchless — and, for that matter, the Norton — and shed a few tears. He was no longer paralysed emotionally. There is a...

3 years ago
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Natalie 1

We were invited to new year party to one of my wife's friend.We were five couples.It was a nice house.Everybody was so happy.My wife and me too of course.But, everybody was so drunk and so was I.There was a woman in this party.Her name is Natalie.My friend's wife.She is blonde, tall. and She has blue eyes.We know her and her husband for 20 years.But, I never had a sexual desire for her during this 20 years.She is about 47 years old.Perhaps, she was the most beautiful woman among of my friend's...

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NatalieChapter 6

Life went on; Natalie was offered, and accepted the post of administrative manager for the charity; she worked at riding the motorbike, finished the CBT and began riding on the road with L plates; of course, having passed the driving test for a car she had a head start on "Roadcraft" and the Highway Code. She put in for the test, but it wouldn't be until March. The both regularly visited the stables, and if Charles would never be an expert horseman, at least he knew what to do with the...

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NatalieChapter 5

It was nearly the end of September. Natalie had continued to see Stephanie, who had also introduced her to a friend who helped her with her wardrobe and makeup. "It's up to you," said Stephanie, "how much makeup you use, but some men don't like it much ... just as a word to the wise, Charlie's one of them" Natalie was astonished at what she saw in the mirror these days; the combination of her sessions with Stephanie and learning how to make the most of her personal assets meant she...

4 years ago
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Natalie Turned 18 And Experiences What Sex Is

Natalie was just your everyday kind of girl. She just had turned 18 and was a senior in high school. She was a straight A student and was involved with a few different clubs at school. She centered around making A’s at school and not much else. Her life was basically just plain boring, but that was all about to change. Natalie stood 5’4 and 125 pounds. She had dark brown hair to go along with dark brim glasses that she wore. She had a decent body as her tits were average size and her butt was...

4 years ago
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NatalieChapter 3

Charles called Stephanie almost as soon as he walked through his front door and recounted his day. She made sure she knew where it was he was talking about and then said; "Sounds like that's it, little bro', sorry." "I know, but not as sorry as me, I can tell you. Anyway, I'm off to Hope this weekend, taking the Norton to the Hope Show. Want to come?" "I'd like to, if only for the Heavy Horses, but I can't, I'm sorry. Be seeing you!" The Hope Show is one of those country...

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Nandita Boudi Becomes A Slut

I put the razor to my face, sliding it over the remaining patches of beard that had grown over the winter. This New Year’s Eve I wanted to look smart for the ladies at the party I was going. I have been going out with Shalini for some time, but I was getting tired of her. I even let Ayan (a dear friend of mine) fuck her brains out in a threesome with me. We fucked both her holes all night long till she could not scream or fight anymore. She couldn’t walk for days after that and stopped speaking...

2 years ago
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Holiday MemoriesPart 2 Thailand

You may remember my young girlfriend and I from my story about our holiday in Ibiza in the Spanish Balearic Islands last year. Sure you do. I'm Craig and she is Laurie. Well we're both now 25 and though she is not a particularly promiscuous girl, we had a whale of a time in Spain. Trouble is, she went back to being nun-like as soon as we got back. I had thought that after our wonderful experiences with the guys we met in Ibiza, we would be swinging like mad on our return but she said it was...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

3 years ago
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NatalieAlone Ch 06

The end is near so you better be ready, for all doubts will be clarified soon… Be aware that THE BIG TALK part is a bit confusing since Raphael’s mind (italic) talks too much!! lol ENJOY! ================================ MEET THE VEGA’S SATURDAY Raphael It’s 10 in the morning, Natalie and Sandra left for an appointment. Mike and I headed home to do some house chores and other things while they return. Natalie promised some time alone so, now I must decide how to address to her, how to...

4 years ago
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Natalie couldnt play

While Natalie has been out of action she took it into her own hands to ‘make me happy’.She started by looking on a local swinger site looking for men and women for me, and found a couple which we contacted. A girl named Emma was interested in sleeping with someone on the big side and who would like to be dominated. So we arranged a date to meet and talk. When meeting we talked about normal things as Emma was a little shy to open up in public so arranged a day for her to come over to our place....

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Natalie Portman Rave Girl

I had just completed a long day of class up at school and was greatly looking forward to the party tonight. It was going to be a massive rave, with some great DJ's including Moby & Fatboy Slim playing all night. My girlfriend dumped me less than a week ago and I was back on the prowl, looking for a new hottie to occupy my thoughts for a while (or a night at the least). Raves are a great place to meet women, not only because the music is incredible, but the babes on ectasy are even more...

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Holiday Park Slut

Introduction: Kathys guide to a good holiday We were staying at one of those caravan holiday parks, for once we did not have the kids with us so we had a lot of time to ourselves. I couldnt get enough, wanting to be shagging all the time where ever we were, on the beach, cliff top, Chas even fingered me to a climax in the back of a taxi giving the driver a good eyeful of my shaven cunt. By the middle of the week I had exhausted Chas and still craved more, and that night I wanted to go down to...

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Natalie Hears a Songbird

Natalie was sitting in the sun. She was covered with sun-screen to protect her skin. The grass was mowed and the blades were all trimmed short and neatly. She inhaled deeply to catch the scent of the freshly-cut grass. She loved that smell. It made her feel fresh and clean like right after a shower. Her sister and brother were away at some silly game. She has happy to be alone and have some peace and quiet. She loved them dearly but sometimes they could make her feel so vexed. “Thank goodness...

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Sophie is asked to seduce her granddaughter while on holiday in the sun

Since Wendy’s school trip to Paris, we had become very friendly with her teacher, Miss Roberts. Angela, as we had come to know her proved to be a good companion, and what is more interesting, an insatiable and imaginative lesbian. She often used to visit us and her relationship with Wendy blossomed into a passionate love affair. I was never excluded, however and after they had slaked their lust for each other I was always invited to join them for many come soaked sessions. Angela often...

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Holiday changes Sandra

Holiday changes Sandra Synopsis Sandra and her husband decide to go on a summer holiday to Turkey, where the sun shines hard every day (40?C). But they take the wrong taxi and are both kidnapped to a deserted place in the woods. 10 days later, she will be transformed into a depraved slut doing what she is made for: being a whore. The gang lets them go home but life will never be the same? Story         It’s over midnight. Sandra and her husband D. are sitting in the plane to Turkey. Married...

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NatalieAlone Ch 02

Once again, thanks to my great editor, SummerSphinx. This part of the story it’s being viewed, mostly under Mr. Raphael Vega’s eyes, remember that. Oh, um, there is no sex here…. Remember, not everything is the way you see it! ENJOY!!! ====================================== …but before leaving, Mr. Vega, would you like something to drink? A coffee, chocolate, anything?’… ALONE – CHAPTER 2 FIGHTING YOUR FEELINGS…. When Natalie greeted me, David was scared, you could see it in his eyes, he...

2 years ago
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There's a woman that lives two floors down from us, and Lucy hates her. She's an actress, or at least she thinks she is, and we all watched the one movie she was in once, some unbelievably bad zombie flick where she's the blonde, big-boobed girl that gets killed twenty minutes in by a zombie who of course manages to rip her bikini off of her before he chases her through the woods where she trips and falls in the mud and they wrestle for way too long before he chokes her and I swear you can tell...

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Holiday Park Slut

By the middle of the week I had exhausted Chas and still craved more, and that night I wanted to go down to the club that was on site. Chas said he was to tired to go and so I asked if he minded if I went for a while, he said for me to go and that he might join me later. I tarted myself up, put on a low cut dress, and off I went saying don’t wait up with a smile on my face, Chas called me a dirty slut as I went. I just laughed. After a few hours Chas must of decided to come and look for me...

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Sex holiday 1 Lust in the Sand Dunes

This is purely fantasy. My wife and I had finally been able to arrange a holiday to Maspalomas whilst our son was looked after at home by his grandparents. My wife had just gone through the menopause and was flitting between a depressed state as she had gone through the change, and feeling more randy. In recent weeks my wife’s sexual desire had returned with a vengeance and as there was no chance of becoming pregnant we had decided that all sex would now be bareback. Away had gone the condoms...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

4 years ago
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Part 3 Matric holidayfucking Sandra

Waking up Tuesday morning Mark and I decided we would spend the day at home. Seeing our parents in the morning for breakfast we told them we weren't doing anything major today and plans were then quickly made to have a braai for supper which was awesome. Hailey had a friend come over her name was Stacy. She was only 15 years old but very attractive. She was already quite tall, she was wearing short shorts which showed her sexy tanned and toned legs. Her boobs were obviously still starting to...

2 years ago
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The slut on holiday

Hello to all my regular readers, sorry I haven't posted a story in a few weeks, I've been on holiday! What an eventful holiday that was! As ever, all these events are really, and this did happen. However, the names of characters have been changed so that no one gets in trouble ;) My family and I went to South Africa for a bit of a fall getaway, and we booked this beautiful luxury hotel in the capital, Johannesburg. We arrived about 1pm local time, and the heat hit you instantly...

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