A Day At The Nudist Beach free porn video

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I eased the car out of the slip road into the freeway, lowered my window fully down and I was away! Finally, a day at the beach! Byron Bay is a magical place and even though it was only two hours away, I hadn't been there for years.

I was so looking forward to this adventure. I hadn't been to a nudist beach before and couldn't wait to try it. I had been a home nudist for many years and wanted to enjoy the same freedom outside, at the beach. I might even meet some new friends!

The day was a perfect summer day: sunny, warm, light breezes and according to weather bureau, there was just a light swell. The traffic flowed surprising smoothly for the morning peak hour. That was a great relief. The radio was blaring out some great tunes and banter, making it altogether a perfect situation.

To fit the theme of this adventure and to help pass the time, I had planned a special treat for myself on the way down. Before departing, I had carefully laid a beach towel on the driver seat so that the seat was covered by one half of the towel while the rest of towel draped down between the seat and the door and collected on the floor. I needed to wait a little while for the treat, yet the anticipation of it was making a most pleasant feeling inside my pants.

I knew that at about an hour into the trip I would reach the border with New South Wales. I also knew that, around that point, finally past the sprawl of the Gold Coast, the traffic would thin out and I could relax driving just a bit, giving me the opportunity to focus on other things as well.

And so it was that while passing the turn-off to "Tropical Fruit World" and Murwillumbah, I pulled my shirt out of my jeans and using one hand, undid all of the buttons and let it open up exposing my chest, both nipples and my abdomen. It felt great to be exposed like this and a little exciting. Driving along, I playfully rubbed and tweaked my nipples as I find this very pleasurable.

After a short period of nipple play, other parts of me were stirring in harmony. My cock seems to have a direct line to my nipples! It was then that I undid the belt of my jeans with one hand, still steering with the other. Next, I slid down the zipper and undid the button of my jeans. This allowed me to reach my hand inside my underpants and feel my still flaccid cock. Even soft it felt nice to touch.

I had shaved my balls in the shower before leaving and they felt great. My cock is cut and the head of my cock is very sensitive. The gentle strokes were enough to initiate the familiar chain reaction as my cock began to stiffen.

The access to my cock was quite constrained as I was still in my pants and my cock was growing. The traffic was now quite light and the road straight, so I removed my hand from my cock and taking my other hand from the steering wheel, quickly slipped my pants and underpants from my hips down to my knees! My cock, sensing its new freedom, now responded more fully and grew to an upright erection. I spread my thighs and returned one hand to feel my cock's shaft, head and balls. I imagined how good it would be to have a nude co-pilot travelling with me.

It was a long-time fantasy of mine to drive naked! I did not stop playing with myself even when other vehicles passed, this being part of the thrill, hoping some fellow traveller might look in and be pleasantly surprised by the sight of a nice hard cock on display. However, if I were to be slowed by roadworks, for example, I could simply pull the draped towel over my bulging manhood to conceal it.

It was very enjoyable alternating between stroking my exposed cock and tweaking my nipples. I felt my balls and occasionally touched behind my balls towards my crinkly arsehole. One time I pretended that my cock was a gear stick and moved smoothly through the gears making several gear changes up and down.

At one point, a truck driver in a higher driving cabin passed and sounded his horn, giving me the thumbs up. I think he would have been pleased if I had followed him into the next rest stop, but I had other plans today! I felt a tingling in my balls, signalling that I needed to ease off a bit, edging it, keeping that pleasure for later, maybe when I was home. In fact, I was relieved to be soon leaving the freeway and heading east towards Broken Head and my destination of Kings Beach.

Finally, at Broken Head, I took the gravel road on the right rising invitingly into the coastal rainforest. Dust hung in the air, lit by shafts of sunlight creating an atmosphere of steamy anticipation. The little parking bay came into view on the left at the top of the first headland. I found a parking spot and was pleased to see quite a few cars already there. Kings Beach was not an "official" nude beach and I thought it reassuring others would be there. I buttoned my shirt and readjusted my pants. Hopping out of my car, I gathered my beach bag put on my hat and was soon walking through the beautiful rainforest down towards a perfect beach.

It was a magic day, blue cloudless sky, a dark blue ocean with clean sets of gentle waves breaking on the golden sand. At a lookout near the beach, I could see some hikers walking along the strand. They were clothed but I could also see some fellow nudists! Two guys, obviously naked, walked down from the rainforest ringed sand towards the water and dived in.

I reached the sand and sought out a good spot in which to set up camp, near the bush with some shelter from the breeze, some shade from the sun and not too exposed to passers-by or hikers. Nearby was another camp but currently, there was no one there. I made sure to be discreet and kept some space between us in order to create some mutual privacy for both of us. I spread out my towels and looked around. There were a few nudists lying down taking in the sun.

A few of the nearby nudists glanced my way, wondering whether I was a fellow nudist or one of the few others at the beach who remained clothed. I was much more nervous than I expected. I hesitated, working up the courage and then stood up and slowly unbuttoned and removed my shirt. I decided now or never and then standing undid my belt. I felt my cock stir a little as I slid my pants and then my undies down and stepped out of them.

I was naked at the beach and the knowledge that a few people were glimpsing me with my semi-erect cock on display sent a delightful shiver down my spine. Still standing, I applied sunscreen and then made myself comfortable on my towel. The dappled sunlight felt great and I was able to now better take in my surroundings.

There were a few single guys of different ages and body shape nearby. I could see the cocks of some of them resting, nestled on their bellies or thighs. There were one or two naked women as well accompanied by a naked man. I felt my cock shift position then and so I reached down to move my shaved ball sac from under me and make sure my cock had plenty of room and was discreetly on view. I was getting turned on by others looking at me and by me seeing them.

I leaned back, watching the surf, with my cut cock semi-hard laying lazily on its back on the junction between my thigh and abdomen. A slim guy walked past. He was wearing a cock ring which helped his penis sway a little as he walked. Kind of like a small elephant. He gave me a good look and said, "Hello." I said the same back to him. He was totally shaved while I had only shaved my balls and trimmed my bush above my penis.

"Lovely day," he said and I agreed. His hand brushed his cock absent-mindedly and my cock jumped.

I wondered if he noticed. He suggested we might like to take a bushwalk together but since I had only just arrived, I said, "maybe later."

I was feeling braver now and l decided to leave my lair to take a walk along the water's edge as I had seen others doing. There were still a few other nudists doing likewise. We nodded and said hello as we passed. Everyone was very friendly. I was fully aware of being on view from all directions and others would be looking at my cock or arse as I walked. It was thrilling! I adjusted my cock from time to time which helped maintain the slight swelling.

When I returned I was surprised to find my unknown "neighbours" had come back from their walk. They were a middle-aged man and a woman, husband and wife presumably. Both were in very good shape. He was fit with some body hair and shaved balls. She was slim with small dainty breasts, wide hips and a nicely trimmed bush making a lovely vee starting at the point where her inner thighs met her body.

"Hi," I said, "I hope you don't mind."

The man responded, "No, not all. It's cool. Hi," he said coming over and reaching out a hand, "by the way I am Andrew and this is Kerry." As we nakedly shook hands our cocks jiggled, Kerry came over to say hello and I introduced myself to them.

"Hi, Steve," said Kerry, "would you like to join us? It's always good to meet and chat with other nice nudists!"

Andrew quickly seconded the suggestion, so, with my cock hardening, I moved my towel and bag next to theirs. My penis was now fully erect and I put my hand, I hoped, very discreetly over it, to cover it. I mustn't have been very successful, though, as Andrew said, "Don't worry about that, Steve. Those things have a mind of their own. It happens all the time," which made us all laugh and put me at ease.

"It's only natural, anyway," said Kerry, "and besides, it is quite a nice cock."

I blushed and laughed at the same time. I was surprised, too, by Andrew's ready echoing of his wife's opinion about how nice my cock was. I could see that he was sincere as his own lovely member had begun to swell in reaction. He grasped it and gave it a few absent-minded strokes which only caused the erection to accelerate. Feeling emboldened, I commented on Andrew's cock being similar to mine and quite attractive too. I noticed a quick glance was exchanged between them as we all sat on our towels.

We got comfortable and made some small talk when, to my surprise, I saw Andrew take his hard cock more purposefully in hand and recommence stroking it, picking up from where he had left off before. Seeing this was like a signal as Kerry quickly repositioned herself, sitting up facing us both, with her legs flat in front of her and now modestly apart.

The deep slit of her pussy's outer lips was clearly visible even under her wispy light coloured pubic hair. She looked lovely. I, sensing it was ok, felt the head of my cock with my thumb and index finger enjoying the view of them both. Kerry's nipples were firming and I heard a faint sound that betrayed the wetness of her arousal, as she spread the outer lips of her cunt to reveal a sexy nest of inner lips and a lovely rosy pink colour.

Andrew moved closer to me in order to have a better view of his wife's now open pussy. Kerry rubbed and teased the outside of her cunt before positioning two fingers either side of her hood and, executing a swift upwards motion, exposed her rosy clit, which she proceeded to pleasure in front of us.

Kerry laid back and with her other hand inserted one and then two fingers into her now very wet hole. At the same time, I felt Andrew's hand on my inner thigh moving up and down in time with my now steady rhythmic strokes on my cock's shaft. On each stroke, my hand travelled up my shaft and rubbed part of my glans as I found this most pleasurable.

"Would you mind?" I heard Andrew asking. Instinctively I knew what he meant and I removed my hand and repositioned my legs, granting him full access to my throbbing cock. It seemed only fair, after all, since they were sharing so freely with me that I should somehow return the favour.

I had never had a guy play with my cock before and now I wondered why, as Andrew expertly stroked my cock, at times taking a detour to cup my balls and feel and tease my hot glans. He even spread my precum delicately over the head of my cock, greatly increasing its sensitivity. No woman had ever stroked me so well!

Meanwhile, Kerry removed her two fingers from her hot steamy now gaping cunt and offered them to me to suck. I eagerly took them in my mouth and tasted her deliciously pungent salty cunt juice. Kerry returned them into her pussy and now inserted a third and then a fourth finger into her delicious wet hole.

We must have been making some sounds because when I glanced to the side I saw the man who had said hello earlier. He and some of the guys I met walking by the water's edge were standing around stroking their boners and watching us. I had never been in such a hot situation before!

Andrew leaned over and took my cock in his mouth. Its warm wetness lubricating my shaft. I lay back, looking at the other hard cocks around me, feeling the hot, wet, hungry mouth take my cock further inside. Occasionally, Andrew's tongue paused and tickled my shaft underneath at the soft point where the glans joined. It felt sensational.

I could still see Kerry erotically fisting all four fingers deep into her own cunt while she expertly stimulated her clit. One man stepped forward and offered his cock to her which she kissed but did not take into her mouth.

I could feel my balls tingling as Kerry groaned, raising her hips in a great climax. She removed her hand from her cunt just before the waves of climax hit and expelled a great gush of her lovely cunt juice that ran all over her exposed arsehole and on to her towel. That was too much for me! I whispered to Andrew that I was about to cum, he didn't stop sucking me but instead intensified his sucking and licking of my cock! I came in his mouth like I had never cum before.

My cum filled Andrew's mouth, my cock shuddered several times. He swallowed my thick milky load, then releasing my flagging cock from his mouth, leaned over on all fours to kiss Kerry's mouth and then her cunt hole which still gaped open from the four-finger workout she had given it. The men around us were all soon groaning and cumming as well in a rain of jism. While Andrew was kissing his wife with my cum in his mouth, I reached over from behind him and took his hard cock in my hand.

I had never held another man's cock before. It felt fantastic! Warm, hard, powerful and so sexily erotic. I stroked his cock making sure his glans was not ignored. I also felt his delightfully heavy balls which hung at first but soon contracted close to his body.

Andrew remained on all fours while I stroked him to a massive climax with large amounts of cum spewing from the slit in his cock's head. I maintained a firm grip on his shaft as his cock erupted. Warm gobbets of his cum dripped onto my hand. He groaned and turned to me and as we kissed, our cocks touched. A first for me. Kerry came over and kissed us both and then licked Andrew's cum from my hand. The watchers dwindled away sensing that the fun was over for a while at least.

We lay together exhausted, happy and relaxed, our bodies intimately entwined. Kerry's skin was soft and smelled sweet. I kissed her wide hip. We went for a swim together and rubbed each other's bodies to clean off all the remains of the dried sex juice and it was then that I felt Kerry's cunt hair and small titties for the first time, her nipples made erect this time by the cool ocean water.

I even dared to slide my hand between her arse cheeks and briefly felt the crinkles of her arsehole. She didn't seem to mind. Meanwhile, Andrew did likewise to me and I to him. It felt naughty, adult and erotic.

Eventually, it was time for us to leave. We exchanged contact details and were pleased to discover that we did not live too far apart in Brisbane. They assured me that I could contact them anytime. They mentioned a "soirée" that they were planning to hold in the near future and promised to keep in touch about it.

I looked forward to it, very much.

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Saturday Night at the Nudist MotelChapter 6

The eight of us were all sprawled out in the living room and a couple of strangers face down out on the lanai with their untanned backsides sticking up obscenely in the sea of fully tanned nudists. I didn't recognize them but their white buttocks marked them as newcomers to the nudist lifestyle like a signpost saying "keep an eye on this one". I remembered Eve treating my Nora shamefully and I hoped she was none the worse for wear. I looked around for my Kristy and Julie and saw their...

2 years ago
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This is all fantasy,, no one is real, just a story of sex between men and woman by a friend of mine.I WAS TURNED BY MY NUDIST WIFE My name is Rob, and today I am a widowed bi nudist male in my mid 60's. I was introduced to a huge varied sexual lifestyle by my deceased wife Maria. Maria was raised as a nudist and in a very open sexual promiscuous family, and from the first meeting with her family I too was nude and was turned into the bi guy I am today! But, let me start at the beginning. As...

4 years ago
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Life Changing Nudist Resort Visit

My name is Ryan, and now at the age of forty-five, my wife, Julie and I are empty nesters, living in the same home in the Atlanta suburbs where we raised our two children. Our youngest left home for college two years ago, and this story begins at that time, when I had been looking for ways to take my mind off missing our kids so much.Our neighbors, Daniel and Amy, are our age, and they are in the same situation, with their youngest leaving home for college at that time. We raised our kids...

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The Babysitter and the Nudist Campers Chapters 1 3

Little Dolly Packer hadn’t been a babysitter very long. In fact, she had only started to babysit for money the previous month. Her father was away on a long sea cruise earning much needed cash for the family of five. She and her three other younger sisters were a burden on their sickly mother’s shoulders and Dolly did her best to help out with the earning of income to put food in their mouths and the rent inside her mother’s purse for the dreaded first Friday of every month.Dolly was still a...

Group Sex
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 7 A Real Nudist

Tom looked at his water-proof watch again as he very cautiously advanced towards the water then quietly slipped in for his truly first ever swim as a ‘real’ nudist! The water was still quite cold and made Tom’s penis shrivel up to a small lifeless ball of flesh that looked quite pathetic and totally non-threatening. All the same, the whole experience felt just wonderful. The water flowing over his bare skin had a very sensuous feel to it and made Tom feel quite frisky despite the ridiculous...

1 year ago
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Saturday Night at the Nudist MotelChapter 7

Author's Note: This story was produced over a period of three years. The original story which was heavily incestuous in theme was revised for publication in e-book format. This chapter will return to the original concept but will be restrained to only "In-Law" incest between the two principal characters. If you have read the version that has Nora as the former housekeeper and not as the Sister-in-Law, please understand the revision was done to conform to a publisher's requirement. The...

3 years ago
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Saturday Night at the Nudist MotelChapter 3

My sister-in-law Nora joined us in Don and Trudi's motel room. She looked fearfully over her shoulder as if she were expecting the four firemen to be following her down the hallway. It was obvious from her reddened bottom and her teeth indented breasts that she had been "broken in" vigorously into the nudist lifestyle of the recently established Nudist Motel. When I mentioned my conclusion to our host and hostess Don and Trudi, they hastened to inform me it was not really typical of...

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Patti Visits The Nudist Mobile Home Park Chapters 1 2

In the first place, even Patti would have to admit that she had no idea the appointment to do an in-home massage was inside a nudist mobile home park. She only knew it was called Gulf Side Sunny Acres and that the woman who placed the call sounded like she was a senior citizen with a need for relief for a bad back and other issues with her knees and lower calves.She was not entirely certain that the sign at the entrance included the word “Nudist” but there was no doubt in her mind when she...

2 years ago
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Nudist Family Tradition

My parents were nudists, or naturists, depending on who you talk to. From the time I was born they were bringing me to the Nudist Camp several towns away. So as I got older it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. We’d always spend our weekends and the whole Summer there. Being a nudist wasn’t that much different than anyone else. I had my friends, we swam, played baseball, basketball, hide-n-seek, whatever. Of course when I was eleven I started getting erections, my...

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My name is Martin Blackshaw. I am sixty four years of age and a retired long distance driver. It all seems so long ago now, but the details are as sharp in my mind as they were at the time. My wife Susan and I were both in our late thirties and regularly took packaged holidays to Spain. We often saw the signs for nudist beaches as we passed in a car or bus. I suggested going to see what they were like every time, but Susan hastily declined the idea on each occasion without giving it any...

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Nudist Sunbathing in Suffolk

Being a nudist in the UK can be rather challenging as the weather is rarely warm enough to stay nude all day and there are very few places where you can feel comfortable naked. There are beaches were nudist sunbathing is allowed but I have never found them to be the best beaches. I travel around the country with my job and always try to find time to seek out any nudist beaches to try them out but often the best places are where you can just find a secluded spot rather than an organised nudist...

2 years ago
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Me and My Brothers Chapter XIII Not Just a Nudist Camp

We had a complete hook-up so my brothers hooked up the water, sewer, electrical, and TV cable. Soon I was in the shower getting all cleaned up so I would feel comfortable walking around in the nude. I blew my hair dry and put on a little makeup. While Donny and Bobby took their turns in the shower I went through the schedule of events. The first thing we were scheduled to attend was a get-acquainted dinner where all new visitors would be introduced. After that a skit would be performed...

3 years ago
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Episodes From My Nudist Life 03 The Live Model

Episodes From My Nudist Life 03: The Live Model When I was a student in Jerusalem in the mid seventies, I was sharing an apartment with Etty. She was studying ceramic arts and I was going through my life science studies. She had to take complementary courses, one of which was photography. I also liked taking photos. It was my most serious hobby. It was different then. No digital cameras were existing. SLR was the norm, with mostly black and white films. It was expensive to shoot a lot of...

2 years ago
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Episodes From My Nudist Life 03 The Live Model

Episodes From My Nudist Life 03:The Live ModelWhen I was a student in Jerusalem in the mid seventies, I was sharing an apartment with Etty. She was studying ceramic arts and I was going through my life science studies. She had to take complementary courses, one of which was photography. I also liked taking photos. It was my most serious hobby. It was different then. No digital cameras were existing. SLR was the norm, with mostly black and white films. It was expensive to shoot a lot of photos,...

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Kayakers First Time To A Nudist Club

 I was and still am very much into kayaking, both white water and touring boats. Saint Louis has a fairly active paddling group and I became friends with a divorced, early-fifties woman who was an avid touring paddler. Due to her profession and the fact we are still friends I will simply call her “R.” R held a high level professional job downtown and a masters degree. She has a very thin build with not a single curve to her body, and long thin legs. She was built with a thin boyish figure and...

First Time
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The Nudist Father

A man well old enough to be my father sat across from me – completely naked. I found it difficult to look at him. I kept smiling and trying to make it seem like I was comfortable, but inside I was shaking like wet kitten. Accurate description really, because my kitten was pretty wet. How could she not be? I was sitting across from an attractive older man with a charming, friendly personality. No, I made myself look away from him again. I stared down at my legs. I fumbled with a pillow. I put...

Oral Sex
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Episodes From My Nudist Life 03 The Live Model

When I was a student in Jerusalem in the mid seventies, I was sharing an apartment with Etty. She was studying ceramic arts and I was going through my life science studies. She had to take complementary courses, one of which was photography. I also liked taking photos. It was my most serious hobby. It was different then. No digital cameras were existing. SLR was the norm, with mostly black and white films. It was expensive to shoot a lot of photos, so each one shot, had to be planned carefully,...

3 years ago
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TV Nudist

[Note: Thanks to my French friend Avaro, C.C. begins to find long-overdue recognition on Fictionmania. C.C. created the world of Clinton Crayle. Somehow, "TV Nudist" has survived and here it is. So enjoy. If you have any of his stories, send up a flag on the message board. And to be clear, it's my honor to post this wonderful story but I did not write it. TOXIS.] TV NUDIST - A Clinton Crayle Story by ...

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Lisa Viva And My Nudist Resort Fun

I'm known as Lisa Viva. You know, like Viva Las Vegas. I've lived in Vegas for the past nine years. I don't know how people can stand living in calm places like Dallas (where I am from), Chicago or even New York. Life is exciting here every minute and twenty-four hours a day. We have everything you could want or imagine here in this little corner of our world.The story I want to tell you happened a few years back. I was married to Mark at the time. We're no longer married, but I still think the...

3 years ago
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Mom Became a Nudist

Like most Californians we enjoy the outdoors. Mom is an attractive woman in her mid forties. We live in the suburbs of San Francisco in a large house with a swimming pool, a hot tub and an ocean view. After father died mom kept pretty much to herself. My sister and I tried to get her to date and go out, but were unsuccessful. I'm Bob and am a junior in high school. My sister Sindy is a freshman. No matter how hard we tried, mom did not want to leave the house. She spent most of her time in...

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The Nudist and the New Roommate

My name is Bob and I'm an avid nudist. I have a great, three day a week job, which pays well. I go to the local gym regularly, I enjoy bicycling and going out with my friends. Since I broke up with my girlfriend Sue, I've been living alone in a large two bedroom apartment. I was at the local supermarket shopping when the rent ads on the bulletin board caught my eye. Reading them, I didn't find any that seemed promising, so I placed one of my own. Looking for roommate 21y to 35y, non...

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Tv Nudist

TV NUDIST My name is Clinton Crayle, and I'm a very different kind of Private Eye. I specialize in untangling the kinky sex problems of the very rich. My fee is One Thousand Dollars a Day, and I'm seldom out of work. My clients know that my discretion is absolute and I guarantee my results. So if you're rich and in a jam, come to my office. Harold Belt did.... "Mr. Belt," I said, "Your problem sounds interesting. Blackmail from a professional Dominatrix is, fortunately, rare. But...

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Saturday Night at the Nudist MotelChapter 4

The Nudist Beach at Split-Tail Cove The trip from the nudist motel down to Split-Tail Cove was somewhat subdued. Nora was sitting up front next to me and the two girls were sprawled out on the back seat wearing only their bathing suits. Every time I looked up into the rear view mirror, I was getting these semi-pornographic views of spread legs and fingers touching damp camel-toes. Julie's breasts were spilling out on top, on the sides and even on the bottom of her skimpy bikini...

4 years ago
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Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp

Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp I could not believe it when I got hired as a lifeguard at a nudist camp. Interestingly I had to wear trunks that identified me as the lifeguard, while everyone else was naked. The job came with food and lodging. I saw women from babies through teenagers, adults, and old ladies. I saw breasts from nonexistent to drooping to their waists. I saw guys too but tried not to look at their cocks, even so I saw some real monsters. I saw all sorts of scars from...

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Nudist Helen Part 2

Next morning my daughter comes in to me come on mom Dave says we are going to the beach all day today. So I went outside and Dave said its supposed to be great again so thought best plan beach for a nice relaxing day.Well we set off us following them, but as we travelled I said to Paul are we heading back to the beach we were at yesterday, it looks like it but it was massive we can go on the first bit near the car park it will be fine. When we got there Paul said if we don’t go to far we can...

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Naughty Nudist ReportChapter 4

Author’s note: This is a continuation of earlier reports. Please see Parts 1 - 3 to understand the purpose of this narrative. It’s taken a while to gather these cases and I appreciate readers sending me their stories. The first one in this part was emailed to me from someone who read the earlier reports. Case 15 – Current – Narration by a reader which I compiled from a series of emails. It is pretty much just as she mailed it to me: My name is Tess. I am married and 56 years old. Our two...

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A Nudist Family

Synopses: The Lifestyle brings us closer together. Chapter One: At Home We are all nudists in this house and the usual thing do as soon as we get home and inside is to go to our rooms and strip off then rejoin the family. So it was no surprise to wake up and walk out to breakfast in the nude. Now for a bit of background I’m Ted my daughter is Alice and my wife is Amy. Alice is quite smart for her age and was advanced a year in grade school making her the youngest in her graduating class....

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My name is Clinton Crayle, and I'm a very different kind of Private Eye. I specialize in untangling the kinky sex problems of the very rich. My fee is One Thousand Dollars a Day, and I'm seldom out of work. My clients know that my discretion is absolute and I guarantee my results. So if you're rich and in a jam, come to my office. Harold Belt did.... "Mr. Belt," I said, "Your problem sounds interesting. Blackmail from a professional Dominatrix is, fortunately, rare. But from what...

1 year ago
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The Babysitter and The Nudist Campers Chapter 4

CHAPTER 4  As only to be expected, the sun came up that next cloudless morning on the faraway shimmering horizon highlighting the shapes of the merchant ships sailing in both directions in the deep channel that paralleled the beach with narrow alignment making them all seem a little too tight for comfort.Strangely, they were close enough to make out a number of distinct details about their cargo and design, but they were distant enough to make any thought of swimming out to their location more...

Group Sex

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