Valeria's Hysteria free porn video

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“Dr. Connors, Miss Martin is waiting for you in the next room,” Nurse Nancy said.

“Again?” Dr. Connors sighed. “I just made a house call yesterday!”

Dr. Dick Connors had just arrived back to the little back rooms of the pharmacy that allowed him to use the space in return for his using prescription slips with the pharmacy’s name on them. They provided one room for his office and one room where he could see patients, although he primarily saw patients in their homes. He’d had to hire a nurse to help him, as his practice was growing quite large and he needed someone on-site when he was out making house calls.

Nurse Nancy said, “The poor dear is suffering, Dr. Connors. Perhaps when she has a husband, he will be able to help keep this under control. But until then, what choice does she have?”

“I know, and I am trying to be sympathetic to her plight, but my hand grows weary,” Dr. Connors complained.

“You should see about getting one of those machines that Dr. Benson has over in Linville,” Nancy suggested. “My cousin is a nurse there and she says that the machine has been a Godsend!”

“A machine? Perhaps I need to investigate a bit,” he mused. “In the meantime, I’d best get in there and see what I can do about poor Miss Martin’s hysteria.”

Valeria Martin was a lovely young woman with the bluest eyes and long, red waves of hair. So, Dr. Connors had to admit to himself that it was no hardship having to help her out. Still, she was so prim and proper that it took her forever to relax while his hand stimulated her private area to release her female semen. And, one time, she screamed so loudly upon release, that she frightened the patrons of the pharmacy in the front of the building. But she was always so grateful for his service that he couldn’t be cross with her. After all, it wasn’t her fault that she had such frequent bouts of hysteria. With no husband to provide her with the means for proper release, these visits to his office were her only recourse.

When he opened the door to the patient room, Valeria seemed very out of sorts, and more than a little embarrassed.

“Good afternoon, Miss Martin. It’s nice to see you again, your malady aside. I hope you are otherwise well,” Dr. Connors said in his kind, but professional manner.

“Good afternoon, Dr. Connors,” Valeria answered. “I’m so sorry to be here again so soon. But I was working in the library and was distracted by a book someone left on the counter called The Nunnery Tales. I couldn’t stop reading about how the priest punishes the young novice by thrusting into her. The more I read, the more flustered I became, but I couldn’t put it down. Then, I felt the swelling in my nether region again, and I knew I’d better rush right over here.”

“I see,” the doctor said. “Perhaps you should bring that book to me for safekeeping, so it doesn’t tempt you further.”

“Yes, of course. That’s exactly what I will do,” Valeria agreed. “But please, I need you to treat me now. I’m having the headmaster of the school and his wife over for dinner this evening. I’m terrified that I might say or do something untoward in my current state that would embarrass everyone.”

“Yes, of course, Miss Martin. Now, I want you to lie on my examination table, lift your skirts for me, and I will remove your underclothes for you,” Dr. Connors said.

“Yes, of course, doctor,” she answered shyly.

He felt a little impatient. After all, this was hardly the first time she’d been here for treatment and she should know the routine by now. However, he tried to imagine the frustration and embarrassment she must feel in her condition, so he did his best to show compassion.

“Now then, Miss Martin, please spread your legs for me so that I can begin treatment. But before I do, I’d like to suggest that you close your eyes and pretend that I’m not even here. Imagine yourself floating somewhere while I massage you in your most delicate area,” he told her.

Valeria closed her eyes. But instead of floating, she was imagining that she was the young novice, Emilie, from The Nunnery Tales, and that she was being stimulated by the priest. He rubbed while she panted for the better part of a half-hour before she screamed, and the gush of liquid provided her with relief.

“Well, that was a lally-cooler, Miss Martin! That took about half the amount of time it usually does. I think the idea to use imagery worked quite well, don’t you?” the doctor said, pleased with himself for finding a way to shorten the treatment and not have his hand cramp so badly.

Valeria blushed. She didn’t dare tell him that what she envisioned was not anywhere close to what he suggested. But she thanked him for his help, and she put her bloomers back on, before scurrying back to the library. Once there, she continued to re-shelve the books that had been returned that morning and spotted The Nunnery Tales on the counter. Soon, it was in her hands again. She looked around to see if anyone was watching her. When it was apparent that she was alone, she slipped the book under her skirts into the waistband of her bloomers. She felt her face go hot. But she had no intentions of stealing the book. She would merely borrow it for an extended amount of time.

While Valeria finished her workday, Dr. Connors took his horse-drawn wagon to Linville to see Dr. Benson’s steam-powered contraption. Nancy had assured him that her cousin said the treatment of hysteria took less than fifteen minutes typically and that the doctor did not need to use his hand.

“Well, hello, Dr. Connors, I’m Victor Benson. Please, come into my office and have some tea,” Dr. Benson said, welcoming his colleague.

“Please, call me Dick, and I appreciate you allowing me to come and look at your vibration machine,” he answered.

“My pleasure, Dick,” Victor said. “It’s been a wonderful addition, although my unmarried female patients have to come here to receive treatment as it isn’t practical for me to cart it all over town.”

“Yes, well I can ask the pharmacy about giving me extra space should I decide to purchase one of these machines for my practice,” Dick explained.

“Would you like to observe the machine in action? I have a patient due to arrive in about fifteen minutes. You could view the treatment firsthand,” Victor suggested.

“What luck! My timing is perfect. That would be marvelous!” Dick said enthusiastically.

“Let me show you the machine before Miss Dorchester arrives. You will be amazed at how sophisticated it is!” Victor said as he showed Dick into the next room.

Dick Connors was, indeed, amazed. He’d never seen such a thing. With its steam-powered motor and gears, it was quite an impressive contraption. But when you added the vulcanized rubber phallus on the metal rod, it was quite possibly the cleverest invention he’d ever seen.

“It’s called the Manipulator,” Victor said, noticing how impressed Dick was. “it was invented by a doctor named George Taylor. I can’t imagine running my practice without it now.”

“And it really works?” Dick asked. “You really don’t have to use your hands?”

Victor laughed, “I have to admit, I never minded using my hands, if you know what I mean. But it cuts down the time of treatment considerably.”

Dick chuckled, “Well, if I’m being honest, I don’t mind using my hands either, but sometimes it takes close to an hour or more. Where can I locate one of these for purchase?”

“The mercantile in Westwood had two more like this one when I purchased it. They have a large supply of medical devices there since it’s an actual city. I suppose you could try there,” Victor suggested. “I believe I just heard Miss Dorchester arrive. Let me get her situated and then you can observe the treatment.”

Moments later, Miss Dorchester was laying on a table with her skirts pulled up, her bloomers removed, and her legs spread apart. Dr. Benson positioned the phallus so that, when he turned the machine on, it would piston in and out of her engorged vagina.

Both doctors watched as Miss Dorchester became flush from panting and writhing on the table. Her moans were indescribable, and Dr. Connors felt a twitch in his member while he witnessed the incredibly powerful release of liquid as she screamed, “Oh, God, yes!”

Miss Dorchester was shaking and nearly crying, “Thank you, doctor! I feel so much better. Your machine is like a miracle. The relief was much swifter and complete this time. More so than ever before. I may be able to go longer between treatments.”

“Well, if that doesn’t beat the Dutch!” Dick said, very enthralled with the device. “Thank you, Victor, for such an impressive demonstration!”

“You’re most welcome,” Victor replied.

Upon leaving Linville, Dick Connors turned his carriage west, instead of east, and headed to Westwood.

Meanwhile, Valeria Martin was struggling to not touch herself while she felt her bloomers go damp and her labia swelled. She told herself to put the book down, but it was impossible to stop reading. There was so much deviant sexual activity in this book! Things that proper, God-fearing people shouldn’t be doing in a book called The Nunnery Tales. It was set in a convent, for goodness sakes!

She was nearly in tears from need and decided her only recourse was to give her private area a sharp slap with a wooden spoon. The sting was enough of a shock to her system to stop her from wanting to self-treat her hysteria. It was becoming harder and harder not to let her own fingers do the work of the doctor. So many times, it felt like if she could just redirect his hand, the treatment wouldn’t take so long. She put the book on a high shelf and decided to focus on preparing dinner for her guests. Hopefully, they wouldn’t stay long so she could read more about the intensely inappropriate acts the characters in the book were committing.

When Dr. Dick Connors arrived at the Westwood Mercantile, he was pleased to see that there was still one Manipulator available. It was more costly than he expected, but the proprietor agreed to take half the amount now and the other half next month. After making his purchase, he loaded it into the back of the wagon, and he hurried the horses along so he would make it home before the sunset.

The next day, he set up his new steam vibrating machine and waited for Miss Martin. She was supposed to bring him the scandalous book that was causing an increase in her hysteria. Upon her arrival, she looked extremely flustered.

“Miss Martin, you’ve been reading the book again, haven’t you?” Dr. Connors admonished her.

Valeria blushed. She was mortified to know that he could tell just by looking at her that she’d read more of the shameful book.

“I am so embarrassed, Dr. Connors,” Valeria admitted. “But I just couldn’t help myself. I’ve never read anything so titillating and immoral. Women are touching each other and spanking and…”

“That’s enough, Miss Martin. I’ve heard plenty to know that this book not only cannot stay in your possession, but it should not be returned to the library. I will put it in my office for safe-keeping,” he insisted.

She handed him the book, “Thank you so much, I agree. It’s a dangerous book. There’s even a part where a young man has relations with his mother and his aunt!”

It was the doctor’s turn to blush. He hoped to God that Miss Martin didn’t notice the bulge growing in his pants. He leafed through the book and stumbled upon a passage that made him rock hard. He had no intention of leaving the book in his office, now. He had no choice but to take it home and read it cover to cover.

“My dear, you are in luck. I have a new method of treatment. I think it will be very successful, as I have seen it work with another young woman such as yourself,” he explained.

“Can we try it now? I can’t possibly go back to the library feeling like this!” she said, near tears.

“Of course!” he said. “Come into the treatment room and see what I have to address your needs.”

“Thank you, doctor,” she said as she followed him.

When Valeria was laying on the table, she was nervous but hopeful. The idea of having a steam-powered motor moving a phallic device in and out of her was downright scary. But the alternatives were to spend an hour wishing the doctor would move his hand just a little to the right, or to leave here feeling like she might die of need.

“Just relax, Miss Martin. This will work, I promise!” he reassured her.

He powered up the Manipulator and watched as it invaded the young, tender pussy covered with soft red curls. He realized he’d never really looked at Miss Martin up-close. Normally her skirts were covering her lady parts while he massaged her there. But, to avoid her dress getting caught in the moving parts of the machine, it was bunched up around her waist, exposing her like never before.

The phallus felt marvelous moving in and out of her. Valeria had never felt sensations like this before. She started gyrating and moaning within minutes. Dr. Connors had to sit down to hide his burgeoning erection. He’d need to get a handle on his reaction to this new form of vaginal massage. It would never do to get aroused every time he watched the treatment.

Soon, Valeria was bucking and screaming, “Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, God, yes!” Then she flooded the table with a gush of juices.

Dr. Connors found himself with a full-blown erection and needed relief. He should have rushed Miss Martin out of the office before he did anything inappropriate. He was her doctor, for goodness sake. But right now, he wanted to take the Manipulator’s place and fuck her pretty little pussy.

“Is the treatment over, Doctor?” Valeria asked innocently.

“Ummm, no, actually, there is one more part,” he lied. He looked up to the heavens and hoped he wouldn’t be struck down for his perjury, or for the fact that he was about to commit a very unprofessional act.

“Close your eyes and imagine whatever makes you feel happy, Miss Martin,” Dr. Connors said as he took his trousers off and moved the machine out of the way. “There’s another part of the machine that will repeat the action, but this time the phallus will feel different than the first time. But I guarantee, you will feel even better when the treatment is over.”

“Anything you say, Dr. Connors!” Valeria said.

Then Dick Connors did the unthinkable. He fucked his pretty red-haired patient like a horny eighteen-year-old boy. Oh, she felt so fucking good! He couldn’t help himself, he grabbed onto her hips and pumped into her until he was ready to explode. He meant to pull out, but her pussy felt too good. He had already crossed the line, why stop now? He thrust hard and deep until he emptied himself inside her. And, when he did, she bucked, moaned, and felt the gush of her own juices mix with his semen.

He should feel remorse, but he couldn’t deny that this was the best sex he’d ever had. “Miss Martin, I must apologize for my unprofessional behavior, but I can’t deny enjoying that so very much. Can you forgive me?”

Valeria smiled, “I think you may have cured my hysteria, doctor. Perhaps you’d like to take me to dinner to celebrate?”

Dick grinned, “I’d love nothing more.”

When she was cleaned up, she nodded shyly at her doctor, “Shall I meet you at the diner? Or will you pick me up from the library and make it a proper date?”

“I will be there to walk you to dinner once I am finished with my last patient,” he promised her.

“Oh, doctor? I don’t recommend that you perform that second part on any other females today unless you plan to father many children,” she winked.

He gasped, “Oh, no, of course not. That was my longing for you that caused me to take you like that, Miss Martin.

She blushed, “Well, I’m certainly glad to hear that. I will see you later.”

He nodded and went into his office to prepare for his next patient. While he did, he said a silent prayer that he didn’t impregnate her. But, since he had every intention of courting her, that wouldn’t be too terribly unpleasant. He’d simply have to move the courtship along a little quicker.

As Valeria left, Nurse Nancy stopped her, “How was the treatment?”

“it was wonderful! Thanks for talking Dr. Connors into getting that amazing steam-powered vibrator! It was so much better than his hand!” Valeria answered.

Nancy grinned, “And did the book do the trick?”

“The book?” Valeria asked blushing. “How did you know about the book?”

“Who do you think planted that book in the library for you to find?” Nancy asked mischievously. “You and the doctor just needed a push! So, did it work?”

“Oh, most definitely. He penetrated me as a man possessed! Thanks for making sure the book fell into my hands. I will return it, although it might be tricky to get it back to you since he confiscated it,” Valeria answered seductively.

“Don’t worry about returning the book, dear. I have my own copy,” Nancy winked.

Then she added, “Hmm, if Dr. Connors kept the book, I predict there will be more than just a cure for Valeria’s hysteria!” Nancy laughed.

“Well, he’s taking me to dinner,” she shrugged.

Nancy wiggled her eyebrows, “And I’ll just bet he will take you home and perform cunnilingus afterward!”

“What does that mean?” Valeria asked, embarrassed that she didn’t know that word.

“It means the good doctor is going to eat your pussy for dessert!” Nancy laughed.

Valeria turned eight shades of red and felt her pussy go damp. She secretly hoped she would get to have dessert as well!


Victorian words/phrases that might be unfamiliar:

Beat the Dutch: If something "beats the Dutch", then it totally surpassed your wildest expectations. Whatever you originally thought was impossible was suddenly proven to be possible.

Lally-Cooler: This was another way to describe a great success.

Vulcanized Rubber—natural rubber or related polymer converted to a more durable material via the addition of sulfur or other equivalent curatives.

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He was well mannered and did great on the ride home. When I let him inside he went straight to the couch and laid down making himself at home immediately. He followed me around the all night and laid on the floor in the bathroom when I took my shower. When I got out I wrapped myself in a towel and sat on the edge of the tub and went to work drying my hair. Out of nowhere Bruce started licking my leg. I thought he was just kind of licking the water droplets off so I patted him on the head...

4 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 38 Games 89

Chapter 38: Games 8/9 Receiving mail is a common instance for every family, lots is junk mail, but that is just a fact of life, most are utility bills, but now and again there is something of interest. Parcels are less common, but more often than not they are more exciting since they have been ordered and are expected. Not really so much for the younger generation, there might be the occasional item, but more often than not it is our parents who get the post and parcels. Not today though,...

2 years ago
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AngelicaChapter 12 Fond Hearts

Angel spent the weekend alone with Jordan and it seemed to her that for a short time at least, the outside world didn't exist and she and Jordan were the only two people on earth. It was a stark contrast compared to Monday morning when she accompanied Jordan to his office to resume her new job as his receptionist. Even though Angel had only known Jordan a matter of days, to her it seemed a lot longer. She was surprised he was able to accept her, despite her filthy past. Connie and Meredith...

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My Brothers GenieChapter 10

In the year 2013, at 32 Wayford Way, 12 teenagers and a genie were having the time of their lives. The senior football team had just won the big game, thanks in no small part due to some “wishful thinking” on the part of one Sophie Swift. In fact, it would be fair to say that they utterly trounced the opposition, although victory was likely even without magical intervention. After the game, Sophie and her genie Alexis had taken the 11 players home, telling them that they were their reward for...

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Holiday Sex

Hi, my name's Lisa and I want to tell you a story about my first girls holiday abroad. At the time i was 20 years old, stood at 5ft 6 and pictures of me taken on this trip would reveal that i wouldn't look out of place in any hot list. My shoulder length brunette hair caressing my slender figure and whilst my breasts were small they were adorned by fat nipples that demonstrated when I was turned on.It was about halfway through the holiday and so far i'd been very disappointed with the sexual...

1 year ago
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FamilySwapXXX Dee Williams Vanna Bardot My Family Swap Sister

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Codey Steele is staying in his own home while his swap mom (Dee Williams), dad (Brock Doom), and sister (Vanna Bardot) come to join him. There are definite sexual vibes between Vanna and Brock, and busty Dee would rather peel off her shirt than change into clean clothes. Codey thinks his swap dad wants to get rid of him by asking him to do chores so he can get some alone time...

1 year ago
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The Many Faces of AndieChapter 3 Shes A Big Girl Now

Andie pulled up in front of the Honolulu Inter-island Terminal and saw her dad wave at her. She pulled over and quickly found the trunk button and pushed it. Ben tossed his two bags in, closed the lid and got in the car next to his daughter. She leaned over the console and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "Where did you find this car?" "I borrowed it from my roommate. She's away for a couple of days so we can use it to look around," Andie said. "I'm anxious to see your...

4 years ago
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My friend

I'm Rosie and I'm 18, until recently I wasn't 100% sure I was a lesbian. I was slowly coming out to the ones I held close to my heart. I decided to text Kelly Saturday morning saying, ‘It’s been so long since we have caught up. I want us to have a sleep over’. We both agreed on a week from Saturday. I was so excited; it had been so long since we had seen each other. I didn't have my licence then, so I had to get the train and then a bus up to her house. She met me at the bus stop. "Hey...

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Rough blowhob with black milf

So it was about 11 o'clock at night I was sat down my local industrial estate in my car, smoking a joint. Somewhere it was quiet were I could relax. When I heard someone approaching my car I could hear it was a woman straight away from the sound of her heels. She tapped on my window and asked me what I was doing? She then asked me if I had any money for a taxi home as it was a 3 mile walk. I told her that I didn't have any cash on me, she looked at me and said well can you give me a lift i can...

1 year ago
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A Fixation of Hatred

I hate you. Damn you for looking upon me with such benevolent eyes. You may have fooled me momentarily, but I certainly will not allow it to happen again. My sex will no longer give in to the caress of your skin. You thought you could get away with it. Cheating on me in such a disgusting manner. Waiting until I had a long day at work to screw your ex boyfriend You thought I would never find out. I see right through you. I know the way you feel. I know when there is longing, guilt, sadness,...

4 years ago
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A sexy night with my cousin

one day i visited my cousin sisters house. my cousin sister was three years older then me. all the people in her house went out for a tour. it was 10.00pm. myself and my cousin were alone and we were in one cousin went to change her night dress in bathroom. she came out she was too sexy.her boobs were so tight in the dress. her ass was so sexy.i became so horny.she bent down to take something down i saw her cleavage and i became so horny.we started talking.i thought of touching her...

2 years ago
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I got ensnared under my bed and he took me

You crawl under the bed to retrieve an earring, then all of a sudden, you're trapped in the most embarrassing manner, your skirt has somehow become ensnared on a rough edge, or spring, whatever, but as you backed out, everything is exposed, stockings, garter belt, panties and crotch, because the panties are more designed for showing, than covering.You reach back and try to recover your modesty, then you realize it's a no win situation, as your very positioning has anchored everything, what you...

3 years ago
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High School Newspaper Convention Part II

Tyler laughed and stretched his arms up giving his friends another full view of his naked body and dried cum from last night. He grabbed his towel and walked to the shower with a new level of confidence and self-esteem.As Tyler closed the bathroom door, he announced, “Hey guys I’ll leave the door unlocked if anyone needs to brush their teeth.  I take long showers.” Mr. Brandt picked up on his cue and said, “Yeah, great, I always brush my teeth first thing in the morning.”Tyler let the hot water...

Gay Male
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Keeping lookout while Niki had a pee

I had been for a drink after work down the local pub from where I worked. There was a few of us there, and it had been a long week. We all had been working hard in the office, and just needed to chill out a little. At the end of the night, I said my goodbyes, and said that I needed to get home.One of the women I worked with, Niki, asked that if I was walking, could she walk with me. She didn’t live that far from me, and needed to clear her head a little. She had drunk a little too many glasses...

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The Roommate

Kyle and I hadn't been married for a year yet, when our best friend's split up. Paula moved away with another guy and Mark moved in with us for a while to save money for his own place. We used to go on trips with them - we did everything with them. We had been best couple friend's with them for 3 years. So he moves in. Our house was a continual party - all of Kyle's single friends were ALWAYS at our house. There was always a couple of guys sleeping on the couch or on our floor! One night...

2 years ago
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Sex With The GM As Well As Pro

Hi readers, I am back with my very own sex story of how I drilled two ladies, one is beautiful high class lady and the next one is her sweet pro who completed her MBA recently. The gm’s name is Prathiksha she is having around 4 companies at Chennai and she is also a partner for various companies. She is having a lot of money but god’s curse her husband was not a such good person. So she was in stress and finally somehow we got hook up many times. Many times she used to fly and come from Chennai...

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The Librarian Part 71

Carter separated from his passionate kiss with Daniel, and gently pushed him into a sitting position on the bench. He took the pistol and held it in front of him. “What's this all about?” he sternly asked. Daniel was ashamed, but said, “it's all done, Carter, it's all done. Everyone is better off without me; mom, Peter, and even you.” He leaned down and put his face into his hands. It was genuine pain, not some dramatic gesture meant to draw attention to himself. Carter thought...

1 year ago
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JenniferChapter 4 A New Parent

"Hi, Zack, do you have a few minutes to talk?" Frank asked his boss. Zack was a partner, and a pretty good boss, although he was as driven as anybody in the firm. "Sure, Frank, come over," said Zack, pointing to a guest chair in his office. "How are you getting on? And how is Jennifer doing?" Zack had attended Angela's funeral, and had told Frank to take as much time as he needed before returning to work. "That's actually what I wanted to discuss. Jennifer gets home at about two...

4 years ago
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With football being high on the weekend pub crawl, one of the traditions of Sunday lunch time drink is the pub meat draw. Like most pubs tickets are sold for a couple of hours before the game starts with the draw taking place during the half time break.For some bizarre reason we had been dropped off at a different pub that we would normally watch the game in. Brian had dropped us off while he went to finish so business. As it turned out my Sunday lunch time was very eventful.As we sat watching...

3 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 60

Day??? “Well, that was ... interesting.” John said to Adam as he approached from the floor’s entry spot. The SEAL was leaning against the opposite side of the corridor by the now blank door that had borne Dulgan’s name. “Can you ... talk about it?” Adam asked. John shook his head. “I got a headache last time, so let’s go do yours.” “I wonder.” Adam mused. “Do you think all three of the hidden doors are on this level?” “Let’s keep an eye out.” John suggested. Back in the SEAL’s...

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Whisky Lemonade

Ethan ran upstairs to his bedroom to get dressed. He put on a pair of boxer shorts. His thing was not as hard as before, but it hung out the left leg of his shorts. He put on his jeans and looked at himself in the mirror. His thing clearly stood out against his left leg. He sighed and took the jeans off.Somewhere in his dresser was a pair of jockey shorts he no longer wore. He found them buried in the bottom drawer. He took off the boxers, put on the jockeys, and put the boxers back on over...

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Part 5 Matric holiday Beach sex with Tarryn

Waking up after midday on the Friday after an interesting thursday evening Mark and I discussed how much fun it in fact was having sex with the two blondes in the same room and on the same bed. They were really just a one night stand as we never exchanged numbers or anything. Mark then said it would be awesome if we could get it right with Sandra and Kyla when we see them again. I agreed and said we must send a few hints that we would love to see them kiss again and maybe a bit more. We agreed...

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My Boy Nigel

This story follows on immediately from Auntie Mary Part 2 Nigel stood, soaking at the door to the garden. "Go get a towel from the kitchen and dry yourself off. Then get dressed." I said. Make sure you don't leave a mess anywhere. "Yes, Miss." "Oh! And bring me my clothes." A few minutes later, Nigel was back with my clothes neatly folded in his hands. He presented them to me. "Thanks," I said, and stood up. I dropped the towel and dressed right then and there. No point in standing on...

2 years ago
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Bleach A Shadow story

Chapter 1 Shadow’s birth and introduction to the living world Our story begins in the rukongai district of the Soul Society where a young boy name Shadow Kyo was born. When Shadow was born he had the spiritual pressure of a Vice captain so at his birth there were 2 captains there, Squad 6 captain Byakuya Kuchiki, and Squad 9 captain Kaname Tousen. The two captains were there to take the young child away after birth so they could study it and maybe make it a valuable resource to the Soul...

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Sacred GardenChapter 6

You better find somebody to love - G. Slick A cool and misty dawn broke upon the marsh. The skies were leaden slate and pregnant with a coming rain. On a grassy knoll, a muddied figure lay in a deep sleep beneath a woolen blanket. She looked like Brer Rabbit's tar-baby and her breathing was an irregular, yet satisfied snoring. The lone figure rolled over in her slumber and snapped to a wakeful alertness. With a retching groan, she hoisted herself to a leaning position. Every muscle in her...

2 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 28 Petals on the wind

We left the club at around three, as Claire was finally starting to look a little tired. I had gotten my second wind at around one, but probably looked worse than I felt. The trip back to the car was uneventful, and we didn't talk until she had gotten us back into the more respectable side of town. "So, what next?" she asked five minutes later, as we were waiting for a green light. "Got any more ideas for things to do up your sleeve?" I raised my bare arms. "No sleeves, so that's...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of James and Emma

Emma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Brias Boobies

Andrea had to admit she was glad that Bria would be back in the office that morning. Her mousy little administrative assistant was not the most skilled employee she could hope for, but, unlike the temp, she usually did as she was told. Andrea was the youngest executive in the company, female and Asian in an industry dominated by white men. If she was going to rise, she needed every advantage. And after a week with a temp, Andrea had to admit Bria was an advantage. She had been a bit ditzy...

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Elaines Dog ShowChapter 5

"How could you get mixed up with people like that? HOW?" in cried out as they reached the hotel lobby. "Shhh!" Wanda cautioned her friend as they walked quickly through the tiled lobby. "People'll stare if you keep shouting like that," she whispered. "I don't care, Wanda," Elaine said, feeling herself pulled quickly into the first set of revolving doors. "Okay, we're outside now," Wanda said, sighing in relief. "You know what they did to me up there?" Elaine cried out,...

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Daddy's ClientsbyDJ Erotiqa©Daddy's Clients: A Twisted Modern Fairytale----- Part I -----Clara, 22, and right out of college - sat on the deck of her daddy's new mansion, soaking up the view of the smallish - but well manicured and landscaped lawn...She was bored - she was always bored, ever since she finished college with her major in Social Engineering and The History of Independent Film - a self-designed major, of course. Liberal arts. She sighed, stretching herself out on the lawn chair...

4 years ago
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My Sexy Older Cousin And I

She tried to talk but had trouble with my cock in her mouth. She looked up at me with her light blue eyes. She looked beautiful in her complete nudity. The bed was soft, and the lights were dimmed, but not enough to stop me from being able to gaze at this lovely little doll sucking my cock.She was my cousin. But, to tell the story of how we got to this point, I have to back up.My cousin had moved out to California to attend Stanford University after graduating in 2012. But, wait, let me back up...

1 year ago
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RosemarieChapter 6

I showed Rose-Marie what I'd written about her. For the most part, she approved. "I want to say my bit, Edward. Yours is a bit ... limited." So ... here is her 'two pen'orth'... As Edward said, I grew up in a very restrictive home environment. I didn't know any better, of course, and I was happy enough. When I was old enough for school, they sent me to a small, private, independent 'Christian' school. It was actually a very good school. Although less ... free ... than a State...

3 years ago
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My Wife My Hooker Part 2

Introduction: Part 2 Part 2 — I return to my slut, completely filled and used. I lean over to her and say How was that, exactly what you wanted?, she replies Yes and so much more I pull everything out of her. All of her holes are gaping open, cum is dried on her face and hair and I think to myself she never looked sexier. Aimee takes a shower and when she is done we both fall asleep. We both wake the next morning. I turn and look at the clock and it displays 9:30. I roll back over and look at...

2 years ago
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The Triangle Part 1

The Triangle Part 1By AnonymousNote: I am not the author. I discovered this story on an different site and felt it needed to be shared. The author never signed it, but the story held me spellbound until I read it all. I did some small editing with spelling and removed some redundancy in sentence structure but by no means did I change the story or the characters personalities. I hope you like it as much as I did.The story begins;It's funny that we had never really done anything sexy with each...

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