- 4 years ago
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“Dr. Connors, Miss Martin is waiting for you in the next room,” Nurse Nancy said.
“Again?” Dr. Connors sighed. “I just made a house call yesterday!”
Dr. Dick Connors had just arrived back to the little back rooms of the pharmacy that allowed him to use the space in return for his using prescription slips with the pharmacy’s name on them. They provided one room for his office and one room where he could see patients, although he primarily saw patients in their homes. He’d had to hire a nurse to help him, as his practice was growing quite large and he needed someone on-site when he was out making house calls.
Nurse Nancy said, “The poor dear is suffering, Dr. Connors. Perhaps when she has a husband, he will be able to help keep this under control. But until then, what choice does she have?”
“I know, and I am trying to be sympathetic to her plight, but my hand grows weary,” Dr. Connors complained.
“You should see about getting one of those machines that Dr. Benson has over in Linville,” Nancy suggested. “My cousin is a nurse there and she says that the machine has been a Godsend!”
“A machine? Perhaps I need to investigate a bit,” he mused. “In the meantime, I’d best get in there and see what I can do about poor Miss Martin’s hysteria.”
Valeria Martin was a lovely young woman with the bluest eyes and long, red waves of hair. So, Dr. Connors had to admit to himself that it was no hardship having to help her out. Still, she was so prim and proper that it took her forever to relax while his hand stimulated her private area to release her female semen. And, one time, she screamed so loudly upon release, that she frightened the patrons of the pharmacy in the front of the building. But she was always so grateful for his service that he couldn’t be cross with her. After all, it wasn’t her fault that she had such frequent bouts of hysteria. With no husband to provide her with the means for proper release, these visits to his office were her only recourse.
When he opened the door to the patient room, Valeria seemed very out of sorts, and more than a little embarrassed.
“Good afternoon, Miss Martin. It’s nice to see you again, your malady aside. I hope you are otherwise well,” Dr. Connors said in his kind, but professional manner.
“Good afternoon, Dr. Connors,” Valeria answered. “I’m so sorry to be here again so soon. But I was working in the library and was distracted by a book someone left on the counter called The Nunnery Tales. I couldn’t stop reading about how the priest punishes the young novice by thrusting into her. The more I read, the more flustered I became, but I couldn’t put it down. Then, I felt the swelling in my nether region again, and I knew I’d better rush right over here.”
“I see,” the doctor said. “Perhaps you should bring that book to me for safekeeping, so it doesn’t tempt you further.”
“Yes, of course. That’s exactly what I will do,” Valeria agreed. “But please, I need you to treat me now. I’m having the headmaster of the school and his wife over for dinner this evening. I’m terrified that I might say or do something untoward in my current state that would embarrass everyone.”
“Yes, of course, Miss Martin. Now, I want you to lie on my examination table, lift your skirts for me, and I will remove your underclothes for you,” Dr. Connors said.
“Yes, of course, doctor,” she answered shyly.
He felt a little impatient. After all, this was hardly the first time she’d been here for treatment and she should know the routine by now. However, he tried to imagine the frustration and embarrassment she must feel in her condition, so he did his best to show compassion.
“Now then, Miss Martin, please spread your legs for me so that I can begin treatment. But before I do, I’d like to suggest that you close your eyes and pretend that I’m not even here. Imagine yourself floating somewhere while I massage you in your most delicate area,” he told her.
Valeria closed her eyes. But instead of floating, she was imagining that she was the young novice, Emilie, from The Nunnery Tales, and that she was being stimulated by the priest. He rubbed while she panted for the better part of a half-hour before she screamed, and the gush of liquid provided her with relief.
“Well, that was a lally-cooler, Miss Martin! That took about half the amount of time it usually does. I think the idea to use imagery worked quite well, don’t you?” the doctor said, pleased with himself for finding a way to shorten the treatment and not have his hand cramp so badly.
Valeria blushed. She didn’t dare tell him that what she envisioned was not anywhere close to what he suggested. But she thanked him for his help, and she put her bloomers back on, before scurrying back to the library. Once there, she continued to re-shelve the books that had been returned that morning and spotted The Nunnery Tales on the counter. Soon, it was in her hands again. She looked around to see if anyone was watching her. When it was apparent that she was alone, she slipped the book under her skirts into the waistband of her bloomers. She felt her face go hot. But she had no intentions of stealing the book. She would merely borrow it for an extended amount of time.
While Valeria finished her workday, Dr. Connors took his horse-drawn wagon to Linville to see Dr. Benson’s steam-powered contraption. Nancy had assured him that her cousin said the treatment of hysteria took less than fifteen minutes typically and that the doctor did not need to use his hand.
“Well, hello, Dr. Connors, I’m Victor Benson. Please, come into my office and have some tea,” Dr. Benson said, welcoming his colleague.
“Please, call me Dick, and I appreciate you allowing me to come and look at your vibration machine,” he answered.
“My pleasure, Dick,” Victor said. “It’s been a wonderful addition, although my unmarried female patients have to come here to receive treatment as it isn’t practical for me to cart it all over town.”
“Yes, well I can ask the pharmacy about giving me extra space should I decide to purchase one of these machines for my practice,” Dick explained.
“Would you like to observe the machine in action? I have a patient due to arrive in about fifteen minutes. You could view the treatment firsthand,” Victor suggested.
“What luck! My timing is perfect. That would be marvelous!” Dick said enthusiastically.
“Let me show you the machine before Miss Dorchester arrives. You will be amazed at how sophisticated it is!” Victor said as he showed Dick into the next room.
Dick Connors was, indeed, amazed. He’d never seen such a thing. With its steam-powered motor and gears, it was quite an impressive contraption. But when you added the vulcanized rubber phallus on the metal rod, it was quite possibly the cleverest invention he’d ever seen.
“It’s called the Manipulator,” Victor said, noticing how impressed Dick was. “it was invented by a doctor named George Taylor. I can’t imagine running my practice without it now.”
“And it really works?” Dick asked. “You really don’t have to use your hands?”
Victor laughed, “I have to admit, I never minded using my hands, if you know what I mean. But it cuts down the time of treatment considerably.”
Dick chuckled, “Well, if I’m being honest, I don’t mind using my hands either, but sometimes it takes close to an hour or more. Where can I locate one of these for purchase?”
“The mercantile in Westwood had two more like this one when I purchased it. They have a large supply of medical devices there since it’s an actual city. I suppose you could try there,” Victor suggested. “I believe I just heard Miss Dorchester arrive. Let me get her situated and then you can observe the treatment.”
Moments later, Miss Dorchester was laying on a table with her skirts pulled up, her bloomers removed, and her legs spread apart. Dr. Benson positioned the phallus so that, when he turned the machine on, it would piston in and out of her engorged vagina.
Both doctors watched as Miss Dorchester became flush from panting and writhing on the table. Her moans were indescribable, and Dr. Connors felt a twitch in his member while he witnessed the incredibly powerful release of liquid as she screamed, “Oh, God, yes!”
Miss Dorchester was shaking and nearly crying, “Thank you, doctor! I feel so much better. Your machine is like a miracle. The relief was much swifter and complete this time. More so than ever before. I may be able to go longer between treatments.”
“Well, if that doesn’t beat the Dutch!” Dick said, very enthralled with the device. “Thank you, Victor, for such an impressive demonstration!”
“You’re most welcome,” Victor replied.
Upon leaving Linville, Dick Connors turned his carriage west, instead of east, and headed to Westwood.
Meanwhile, Valeria Martin was struggling to not touch herself while she felt her bloomers go damp and her labia swelled. She told herself to put the book down, but it was impossible to stop reading. There was so much deviant sexual activity in this book! Things that proper, God-fearing people shouldn’t be doing in a book called The Nunnery Tales. It was set in a convent, for goodness sakes!
She was nearly in tears from need and decided her only recourse was to give her private area a sharp slap with a wooden spoon. The sting was enough of a shock to her system to stop her from wanting to self-treat her hysteria. It was becoming harder and harder not to let her own fingers do the work of the doctor. So many times, it felt like if she could just redirect his hand, the treatment wouldn’t take so long. She put the book on a high shelf and decided to focus on preparing dinner for her guests. Hopefully, they wouldn’t stay long so she could read more about the intensely inappropriate acts the characters in the book were committing.
When Dr. Dick Connors arrived at the Westwood Mercantile, he was pleased to see that there was still one Manipulator available. It was more costly than he expected, but the proprietor agreed to take half the amount now and the other half next month. After making his purchase, he loaded it into the back of the wagon, and he hurried the horses along so he would make it home before the sunset.
The next day, he set up his new steam vibrating machine and waited for Miss Martin. She was supposed to bring him the scandalous book that was causing an increase in her hysteria. Upon her arrival, she looked extremely flustered.
“Miss Martin, you’ve been reading the book again, haven’t you?” Dr. Connors admonished her.
Valeria blushed. She was mortified to know that he could tell just by looking at her that she’d read more of the shameful book.
“I am so embarrassed, Dr. Connors,” Valeria admitted. “But I just couldn’t help myself. I’ve never read anything so titillating and immoral. Women are touching each other and spanking and…”
“That’s enough, Miss Martin. I’ve heard plenty to know that this book not only cannot stay in your possession, but it should not be returned to the library. I will put it in my office for safe-keeping,” he insisted.
She handed him the book, “Thank you so much, I agree. It’s a dangerous book. There’s even a part where a young man has relations with his mother and his aunt!”
It was the doctor’s turn to blush. He hoped to God that Miss Martin didn’t notice the bulge growing in his pants. He leafed through the book and stumbled upon a passage that made him rock hard. He had no intention of leaving the book in his office, now. He had no choice but to take it home and read it cover to cover.
“My dear, you are in luck. I have a new method of treatment. I think it will be very successful, as I have seen it work with another young woman such as yourself,” he explained.
“Can we try it now? I can’t possibly go back to the library feeling like this!” she said, near tears.
“Of course!” he said. “Come into the treatment room and see what I have to address your needs.”
“Thank you, doctor,” she said as she followed him.
When Valeria was laying on the table, she was nervous but hopeful. The idea of having a steam-powered motor moving a phallic device in and out of her was downright scary. But the alternatives were to spend an hour wishing the doctor would move his hand just a little to the right, or to leave here feeling like she might die of need.
“Just relax, Miss Martin. This will work, I promise!” he reassured her.
He powered up the Manipulator and watched as it invaded the young, tender pussy covered with soft red curls. He realized he’d never really looked at Miss Martin up-close. Normally her skirts were covering her lady parts while he massaged her there. But, to avoid her dress getting caught in the moving parts of the machine, it was bunched up around her waist, exposing her like never before.
The phallus felt marvelous moving in and out of her. Valeria had never felt sensations like this before. She started gyrating and moaning within minutes. Dr. Connors had to sit down to hide his burgeoning erection. He’d need to get a handle on his reaction to this new form of vaginal massage. It would never do to get aroused every time he watched the treatment.
Soon, Valeria was bucking and screaming, “Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, God, yes!” Then she flooded the table with a gush of juices.
Dr. Connors found himself with a full-blown erection and needed relief. He should have rushed Miss Martin out of the office before he did anything inappropriate. He was her doctor, for goodness sake. But right now, he wanted to take the Manipulator’s place and fuck her pretty little pussy.
“Is the treatment over, Doctor?” Valeria asked innocently.
“Ummm, no, actually, there is one more part,” he lied. He looked up to the heavens and hoped he wouldn’t be struck down for his perjury, or for the fact that he was about to commit a very unprofessional act.
“Close your eyes and imagine whatever makes you feel happy, Miss Martin,” Dr. Connors said as he took his trousers off and moved the machine out of the way. “There’s another part of the machine that will repeat the action, but this time the phallus will feel different than the first time. But I guarantee, you will feel even better when the treatment is over.”
“Anything you say, Dr. Connors!” Valeria said.
Then Dick Connors did the unthinkable. He fucked his pretty red-haired patient like a horny eighteen-year-old boy. Oh, she felt so fucking good! He couldn’t help himself, he grabbed onto her hips and pumped into her until he was ready to explode. He meant to pull out, but her pussy felt too good. He had already crossed the line, why stop now? He thrust hard and deep until he emptied himself inside her. And, when he did, she bucked, moaned, and felt the gush of her own juices mix with his semen.
He should feel remorse, but he couldn’t deny that this was the best sex he’d ever had. “Miss Martin, I must apologize for my unprofessional behavior, but I can’t deny enjoying that so very much. Can you forgive me?”
Valeria smiled, “I think you may have cured my hysteria, doctor. Perhaps you’d like to take me to dinner to celebrate?”
Dick grinned, “I’d love nothing more.”
When she was cleaned up, she nodded shyly at her doctor, “Shall I meet you at the diner? Or will you pick me up from the library and make it a proper date?”
“I will be there to walk you to dinner once I am finished with my last patient,” he promised her.
“Oh, doctor? I don’t recommend that you perform that second part on any other females today unless you plan to father many children,” she winked.
He gasped, “Oh, no, of course not. That was my longing for you that caused me to take you like that, Miss Martin.
She blushed, “Well, I’m certainly glad to hear that. I will see you later.”
He nodded and went into his office to prepare for his next patient. While he did, he said a silent prayer that he didn’t impregnate her. But, since he had every intention of courting her, that wouldn’t be too terribly unpleasant. He’d simply have to move the courtship along a little quicker.
As Valeria left, Nurse Nancy stopped her, “How was the treatment?”
“it was wonderful! Thanks for talking Dr. Connors into getting that amazing steam-powered vibrator! It was so much better than his hand!” Valeria answered.
Nancy grinned, “And did the book do the trick?”
“The book?” Valeria asked blushing. “How did you know about the book?”
“Who do you think planted that book in the library for you to find?” Nancy asked mischievously. “You and the doctor just needed a push! So, did it work?”
“Oh, most definitely. He penetrated me as a man possessed! Thanks for making sure the book fell into my hands. I will return it, although it might be tricky to get it back to you since he confiscated it,” Valeria answered seductively.
“Don’t worry about returning the book, dear. I have my own copy,” Nancy winked.
Then she added, “Hmm, if Dr. Connors kept the book, I predict there will be more than just a cure for Valeria’s hysteria!” Nancy laughed.
“Well, he’s taking me to dinner,” she shrugged.
Nancy wiggled her eyebrows, “And I’ll just bet he will take you home and perform cunnilingus afterward!”
“What does that mean?” Valeria asked, embarrassed that she didn’t know that word.
“It means the good doctor is going to eat your pussy for dessert!” Nancy laughed.
Valeria turned eight shades of red and felt her pussy go damp. She secretly hoped she would get to have dessert as well!
Victorian words/phrases that might be unfamiliar:
Beat the Dutch: If something "beats the Dutch", then it totally surpassed your wildest expectations. Whatever you originally thought was impossible was suddenly proven to be possible.
Lally-Cooler: This was another way to describe a great success.
Vulcanized Rubber—natural rubber or related polymer converted to a more durable material via the addition of sulfur or other equivalent curatives.
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Chapter 3 Jennifer didn’t sl**p too well since her stomach was growling from the washing out that she had received the day before. The large volume enemas had become entrapped in the folds of her intestines and as they became dislodged during the night she had to make many trips to let out the water. As she could hear from the toilets flushing in other stalls some of the other slaves were having a similar experience. Added to that was the thin gruel and small loaf of bread that was her supper...
Jeff's body was present with me at the dinner table, but it seemed as though he looked right through me. Lately he had grown a little distant. Not the distant that causes a wife to worry about her husband's faithfulness. Instead, it was the kind that occurs when someone seems to be searching for answers. "What's wrong? You look like something is really bothering you." "Ah, it's nothing. You know how I get to thinking sometimes." "Whatcha thinking about? Maybe I can help you...
I don’t want to feel like I’m watching some slut get railed from a cuckold viewpoint in the corner of the room. And I don’t want to have the camera zoomed in on some sweaty dude’s asshole and balls. What the hell is up with those cameramen? I swear, they find the worst goddamn angles known to man. I want to feel like I’m the one plowing pussy and choking the eager slut on the bed, and I’m sure plenty of you sex-starved bastards feel the same way. After all, it’s probably the closest you’ll ever...
POV Porn SitesIt was about a year and a half ago. I was twenty-six and horny practically all the time (not that today I'm not), and unsurprisingly, my best friend from work was pretty much as horny as I was.Mike was a year older than me and had the hottest girlfriend. She had big breasts, round and bouncy, and apparently she loved to stuff her enormous chest into tight shirts.Mike knew she drove me nuts by the way I looked at her. At first, I was quite embarrassed about it, but very soon he decided to bring...
Group SexLiz Baker grabbed her daughters' overnight bag off the hallway floor and yelled, "Come on Becky, we need to get on the road before traffic comes to a complete halt." Liz and her 21-year-old daughter were headed to Ocean City, Maryland for a three day holiday in the sun and fun of the Atlantic Ocean. Liz's husband Danny was out of the country on a ten-day business trip and Becky had just finished her junior year at the University of Maryland and had come home for the summer break. It had...
After getting the grand tour of the rest of their magnificent home, including spending nearly an hour outside in their beautiful gardens, we finished sipping our drinks on the edge of the pool with our feet dangling in the warm water. I didn’t want to leave. But if we were going to spend the night, we needed to get home and pack for Jim’s trip to N Florida and my stay with Kim. Mike got us out the door with the promise of the best steaks we have ever had if we got back in time for dinner. He...
"Give me a quickie or I'll give you a hickey." "Shut up!" "No you shut up! Get those panties off." "No! Do you think I don't know what you want to do to me?" "Come on Baby Girl, give me some of that Hoochie Poo." "You try anything, I'll slap your face, you horny guy." "Come on, raise your dress just a little. I want to see what color panties you have on. " "I raise my dress, the next thing I know, you'll be over here trying to pull my panties off with your...
You ask me to meet you at your favorite restaurant. You are already there, claiming your favorite booth.Your only instructions were to wear a short, loose skirt. I of course do as I'm told.I spot you across the restaurant and join you. We exchange pleasantries, and the waiter takes our drink orders.You push a gift bag to me and tell me go in the bathroom, remove my panties, place them in the bag, then insert the two toys, return to the table, and give you the bag.I quickly head to the ladies...
I could be an asshole and lie about it ... so I will. I asked Grace. “Lookit, sister mine. All I want is a date for the prom,” I said. The sister mine had her Immediate attention. Let’s face ... I’d never admitted she was related to me by thought, word or deed. Did I expect she’d fall all over herself to help her brother? Yes. Did she? No. Grace is smarter than I’d like to admit. She got that evil sister smile. “Ok ... I’ll order a dress.” “Whoa. Whoa, Whoa!” I said. “I said,...
July 27, 2020Since 1983, I have watched my wife take cock after cock into her little body. We (myself and the other 900+ different men) have put our penis’s into her mouth, pussy and extremely tight little butthole. Yes, I have wondered what she must be feeling with a dick is “inside” her. I have often heard her tell us “I can feel you cumming”. Can she really? Does she actually feel the jizz splashing against the lining of her bowels or or in the depths of her vagina?Yesterday morning, I was...
Traveling has always been fun for me, and this particular trip would likely be very different. Most of my excursions consisted of me operating on my own time, over indulging in a few areas and fully embracing the tastes of the local cultures. Not only would I be unable to engage in any of the sexual activity that I looked forward to and enjoyed while away from home, but I was constantly surrounded by family members and had absolutely no privacy.I was in Vegas for a week enjoying a destination...
MasturbationI have a friend, Katelin is his girl name but everyone knows him as Jake. He's the same age, and we've been good friends for quite a while. We found out about each other last summer. When a pair of panties I thought I had hidden, suddenly came out into the open. Before I could react, he grabbed them and started asking me all kinds of questions. "Whos are these, what are they doing here, How did they get here". Finally after 20 minutes of him bugging me I finally came out and said it....
As soon as Barrois had left the room, Noirtier looked at Valentine with a malicious expression that said many things. The young girl perfectly understood the look, and so did Villefort, for his countenance became clouded, and he knitted his eyebrows angrily. He took a seat, and quietly awaited the arrival of the notary. Noirtier saw him seat himself with an appearance of perfect indifference, at the same time giving a side look at Valentine, which made her understand that she also was to...
Nineteen and Counting.--------------Her delicate left hand was travelling erratically over her own soap drenched body, while her right was applying flat, concentric, experienced motions over her puffy engorged pleasure center, radiating its exaggerated sensitivity to her whole submissive crouch, lower belly and upper thighs. The warm water of the little three bedroom house’s shower was amplifying the masturbation induced heat of the young 19 year old. Jessie had now lost control of the pace of...
Men were pressed up against the glass of the front windows as Lou Anne put her car in reverse and backed up. "Damn!" said Randy Thornton and handed a dollar to Butch Flannery. "He actually made it into the car!" "Keep watching!" yelled Tim Clark. "She's going to kick him out within two blocks." "Bull!" snorted the Reverend William Hoskins, minister of the Third Avenue United Church of Christ. "She's an angel of mercy. I think our Lulu will take good care of the poor man." He...
When I was in college, my roommate Sherika was a lot of fun. We would hang out together in our dorm room and listen to music, watch tv or talk about boys. She had a steady boyfriend and they seemed to have an active sex life. I walked in on them having sex once or twice. It was quite embarrassing for me although they didn't seem to mind. One time they even kept going after I came in and said hello. They seemed to be right in the middle of it. I decided to sit at my desk and pretend to work and...
This story is harder to write than ‘When January Cums’, as I have not heard from Roger in days. Our only method of communication is email and it has been almost two weeks. I have a feeling that something bad has happened, as I know that he would not just up and leave me hanging, as I would never do that to him. I am worried to pieces, and can do nothing but imagine our last rendezvous. We met up in February, as planned. We met at the same hotel – we have decided this is ‘our place’ now. I was...
After a refreshing day at the golf course in which Vince sunk an eighty-yard chip for birdie, we decided to celebrate the shot of his life with a trip to I-Lounge. I had always been a fan of I-Lounge. It wasn’t a huge club, but it had a certain dynamic that made it perfect for my style. I loathe bars that are simply one giant room. The animal in me thinks it essential to hit on girls without the whole damn place as witnesses. I-Lounge was different, there were six separate areas where I could...
The company made its way into Southfarthing, where they broke up. The hobbits left for Fangorn with the pony cart containging the wood (and Entwives) while Ruth rode her little donkey cart pulled by Hansel and Gretel on towards her home. Just prior to getting home, the Grimms bought a pair of horses with their pub earnings from a farmer Ruth recommended, and headed into the capital, where they hoped their stories would be as popular as they had been on the road. When she arrived home,...
Introduction: A wife gets horney and it turns into a no holds sex romp The day began as most Saturday mornings do. Coffee for me and Decaf Tea for my wife Andrea to background county music playing. After we finished breakfast Andrea informed me that a friend of ours was flying in from Texas this evening and wanted to get together. His name is George, and he is an averagely built man with dirty blonde hair and a boyish face. She looked up at me with her girly brown eyes, over her steaming cup of...
Shortly after the foundation of the Galactic Republic, peace spread throughout the known galaxy. A tentative alliance with the Jedi Order is currently under way, and would provide reliable means of protection throughout the Galaxy. Unsure of this new alliance, and wary of his fellow Senator's motives in encouraging the alliance, young Senator Mulieres Dominantur from the system of Taris travels to Coruscant to confront Senator Organa.
Hi. I am Rocky. I stay in Bangalore and works for MNC. Coming to the queen of the story, I don’t want to mention her name, lets name her as Ramya. She is an average of 26 years old. We joined as fresher in same company at same time. As we joined at same time we became good friends. [email protected] Waiting for all your reactions. You can also chat with me on hangouts with same email. Privacy will be maintained. It’s a promise
Friend"Degraded Assets" Part 3 of 6 - "On the outside" By Quiet Savage "In all the above exercises, and after every exercise, please remember to give unlimited praise to your dog. I always tell my pupils to bring the right hand down and scratch the dog's chest after every exercise. Dogs love this, and stay still with a benign expression on their faces as long as you like to continue it." - From "Dog Training My Way" by Barbara Woodhouse "Bunny! Bunny!" she hated him and his pet...
Sunday, July 19, 2009, 6:00 AM Annie rolled into her bedroom and closed the door behind her, leaving Tricia and Joey in a stunned silence. It was all because Joey had just asked if he could sleep with Annie, and Annie had said ‘No’. He looked down to the floor. Shame crept over his face. “I’m sorry...” he started. “I ... I don’t know ... What just happened?” he asked Tricia in horror. Tricia waved to him, not taking her eyes off the hallway where she last saw her roommate. “You did...
Judy was visibly shaking as he walked towards her. His broad, towering frame dwarfed her own slim, petite body as he closed up on her. The front door had now been shut upon her husband and they were finally alone, it was just the two of them now. She could see hunger in his eyes and glancing down at his groin she could see that hunger manifesting itself. She was nervous standing there like an expectant virgin waiting that moment of surrender. He rested his hands on her shoulders and lowered his...
It is a mid afternoon in late July. The yellow curtains are almost fully closed but the sunlight is filtering through the fabric and one vivid bar of bright yellow is shining on the floor where the gap is letting the light through. One of the windows is slightly open and a light warm summer breeze is bringing the sounds and smells of the garden into the bedroom. I am 25, unmarried and have always been thought a little strange or possibly very shy because I have never really had what is...
Introduction: Debra -the red head I left Donna in the sauna to soak away the exhaustion .. I planned to stay at the resort till the weekend.... I arrived and had a shower, and dressed for a late dinner. With an unaccustomed amount of cash in my wallet, I felt I deserved a steak dinner, which I had. I tipped heavily, and made my way to the bar in the next room. The young lady I had met earlier took my order.."I"m Debra -- Wha'cha having ?" " A double please, Black Jack over ice. I remember you.....
Thank you extended to MaaddMaaxx for editing this chapter. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me become a better writer. Hope that everyone continues to enjoy the story. Sorry no sex in this chapter, trying to build the characters up a bit. Thanks for reading and enjoy! CinderLaw * The SUV ride was very tense. Ty, since she had better start thinking of him by name rather then Satan, sat to her right. To her left was Jason and he was holding her hand softly rubbing her palm as if...
M/FMy friend and college room mate, Ben, and I decided to go camping. I brought along a mutual, and beautiful, acquaintance, Mandy, and her tagalong nag of a room mate, Becky.We set up a tent deep in the woods. We built a beautiful fire. And, like the college k**s we were, brought out the drinks. We were having a good time, playing never have I ever, learning and humiliating eachother, taking cheap shots so the other team (boys versus girls) would have to drink. Mandy and I are sitting next to...
My wife and I really love group sex. It's especially fun to have either a third party or another couple join in. But not all of these stories are the super-fantastic, ultra-erotic adventures you hope they will be. Sex can have its sweaty, sloppy, clumsy side. I thought I would share a few of these adventures.ONE: My wife is at a party. I didn't choose to attend, so I stayed at home with a book. She ends up meeting a very attractive black man. He is handsome, tall (she says he's taller than I...
Group Sex