- 4 years ago
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“Dr. Connors, Miss Martin is waiting for you in the next room,” Nurse Nancy said.
“Again?” Dr. Connors sighed. “I just made a house call yesterday!”
Dr. Dick Connors had just arrived back to the little back rooms of the pharmacy that allowed him to use the space in return for his using prescription slips with the pharmacy’s name on them. They provided one room for his office and one room where he could see patients, although he primarily saw patients in their homes. He’d had to hire a nurse to help him, as his practice was growing quite large and he needed someone on-site when he was out making house calls.
Nurse Nancy said, “The poor dear is suffering, Dr. Connors. Perhaps when she has a husband, he will be able to help keep this under control. But until then, what choice does she have?”
“I know, and I am trying to be sympathetic to her plight, but my hand grows weary,” Dr. Connors complained.
“You should see about getting one of those machines that Dr. Benson has over in Linville,” Nancy suggested. “My cousin is a nurse there and she says that the machine has been a Godsend!”
“A machine? Perhaps I need to investigate a bit,” he mused. “In the meantime, I’d best get in there and see what I can do about poor Miss Martin’s hysteria.”
Valeria Martin was a lovely young woman with the bluest eyes and long, red waves of hair. So, Dr. Connors had to admit to himself that it was no hardship having to help her out. Still, she was so prim and proper that it took her forever to relax while his hand stimulated her private area to release her female semen. And, one time, she screamed so loudly upon release, that she frightened the patrons of the pharmacy in the front of the building. But she was always so grateful for his service that he couldn’t be cross with her. After all, it wasn’t her fault that she had such frequent bouts of hysteria. With no husband to provide her with the means for proper release, these visits to his office were her only recourse.
When he opened the door to the patient room, Valeria seemed very out of sorts, and more than a little embarrassed.
“Good afternoon, Miss Martin. It’s nice to see you again, your malady aside. I hope you are otherwise well,” Dr. Connors said in his kind, but professional manner.
“Good afternoon, Dr. Connors,” Valeria answered. “I’m so sorry to be here again so soon. But I was working in the library and was distracted by a book someone left on the counter called The Nunnery Tales. I couldn’t stop reading about how the priest punishes the young novice by thrusting into her. The more I read, the more flustered I became, but I couldn’t put it down. Then, I felt the swelling in my nether region again, and I knew I’d better rush right over here.”
“I see,” the doctor said. “Perhaps you should bring that book to me for safekeeping, so it doesn’t tempt you further.”
“Yes, of course. That’s exactly what I will do,” Valeria agreed. “But please, I need you to treat me now. I’m having the headmaster of the school and his wife over for dinner this evening. I’m terrified that I might say or do something untoward in my current state that would embarrass everyone.”
“Yes, of course, Miss Martin. Now, I want you to lie on my examination table, lift your skirts for me, and I will remove your underclothes for you,” Dr. Connors said.
“Yes, of course, doctor,” she answered shyly.
He felt a little impatient. After all, this was hardly the first time she’d been here for treatment and she should know the routine by now. However, he tried to imagine the frustration and embarrassment she must feel in her condition, so he did his best to show compassion.
“Now then, Miss Martin, please spread your legs for me so that I can begin treatment. But before I do, I’d like to suggest that you close your eyes and pretend that I’m not even here. Imagine yourself floating somewhere while I massage you in your most delicate area,” he told her.
Valeria closed her eyes. But instead of floating, she was imagining that she was the young novice, Emilie, from The Nunnery Tales, and that she was being stimulated by the priest. He rubbed while she panted for the better part of a half-hour before she screamed, and the gush of liquid provided her with relief.
“Well, that was a lally-cooler, Miss Martin! That took about half the amount of time it usually does. I think the idea to use imagery worked quite well, don’t you?” the doctor said, pleased with himself for finding a way to shorten the treatment and not have his hand cramp so badly.
Valeria blushed. She didn’t dare tell him that what she envisioned was not anywhere close to what he suggested. But she thanked him for his help, and she put her bloomers back on, before scurrying back to the library. Once there, she continued to re-shelve the books that had been returned that morning and spotted The Nunnery Tales on the counter. Soon, it was in her hands again. She looked around to see if anyone was watching her. When it was apparent that she was alone, she slipped the book under her skirts into the waistband of her bloomers. She felt her face go hot. But she had no intentions of stealing the book. She would merely borrow it for an extended amount of time.
While Valeria finished her workday, Dr. Connors took his horse-drawn wagon to Linville to see Dr. Benson’s steam-powered contraption. Nancy had assured him that her cousin said the treatment of hysteria took less than fifteen minutes typically and that the doctor did not need to use his hand.
“Well, hello, Dr. Connors, I’m Victor Benson. Please, come into my office and have some tea,” Dr. Benson said, welcoming his colleague.
“Please, call me Dick, and I appreciate you allowing me to come and look at your vibration machine,” he answered.
“My pleasure, Dick,” Victor said. “It’s been a wonderful addition, although my unmarried female patients have to come here to receive treatment as it isn’t practical for me to cart it all over town.”
“Yes, well I can ask the pharmacy about giving me extra space should I decide to purchase one of these machines for my practice,” Dick explained.
“Would you like to observe the machine in action? I have a patient due to arrive in about fifteen minutes. You could view the treatment firsthand,” Victor suggested.
“What luck! My timing is perfect. That would be marvelous!” Dick said enthusiastically.
“Let me show you the machine before Miss Dorchester arrives. You will be amazed at how sophisticated it is!” Victor said as he showed Dick into the next room.
Dick Connors was, indeed, amazed. He’d never seen such a thing. With its steam-powered motor and gears, it was quite an impressive contraption. But when you added the vulcanized rubber phallus on the metal rod, it was quite possibly the cleverest invention he’d ever seen.
“It’s called the Manipulator,” Victor said, noticing how impressed Dick was. “it was invented by a doctor named George Taylor. I can’t imagine running my practice without it now.”
“And it really works?” Dick asked. “You really don’t have to use your hands?”
Victor laughed, “I have to admit, I never minded using my hands, if you know what I mean. But it cuts down the time of treatment considerably.”
Dick chuckled, “Well, if I’m being honest, I don’t mind using my hands either, but sometimes it takes close to an hour or more. Where can I locate one of these for purchase?”
“The mercantile in Westwood had two more like this one when I purchased it. They have a large supply of medical devices there since it’s an actual city. I suppose you could try there,” Victor suggested. “I believe I just heard Miss Dorchester arrive. Let me get her situated and then you can observe the treatment.”
Moments later, Miss Dorchester was laying on a table with her skirts pulled up, her bloomers removed, and her legs spread apart. Dr. Benson positioned the phallus so that, when he turned the machine on, it would piston in and out of her engorged vagina.
Both doctors watched as Miss Dorchester became flush from panting and writhing on the table. Her moans were indescribable, and Dr. Connors felt a twitch in his member while he witnessed the incredibly powerful release of liquid as she screamed, “Oh, God, yes!”
Miss Dorchester was shaking and nearly crying, “Thank you, doctor! I feel so much better. Your machine is like a miracle. The relief was much swifter and complete this time. More so than ever before. I may be able to go longer between treatments.”
“Well, if that doesn’t beat the Dutch!” Dick said, very enthralled with the device. “Thank you, Victor, for such an impressive demonstration!”
“You’re most welcome,” Victor replied.
Upon leaving Linville, Dick Connors turned his carriage west, instead of east, and headed to Westwood.
Meanwhile, Valeria Martin was struggling to not touch herself while she felt her bloomers go damp and her labia swelled. She told herself to put the book down, but it was impossible to stop reading. There was so much deviant sexual activity in this book! Things that proper, God-fearing people shouldn’t be doing in a book called The Nunnery Tales. It was set in a convent, for goodness sakes!
She was nearly in tears from need and decided her only recourse was to give her private area a sharp slap with a wooden spoon. The sting was enough of a shock to her system to stop her from wanting to self-treat her hysteria. It was becoming harder and harder not to let her own fingers do the work of the doctor. So many times, it felt like if she could just redirect his hand, the treatment wouldn’t take so long. She put the book on a high shelf and decided to focus on preparing dinner for her guests. Hopefully, they wouldn’t stay long so she could read more about the intensely inappropriate acts the characters in the book were committing.
When Dr. Dick Connors arrived at the Westwood Mercantile, he was pleased to see that there was still one Manipulator available. It was more costly than he expected, but the proprietor agreed to take half the amount now and the other half next month. After making his purchase, he loaded it into the back of the wagon, and he hurried the horses along so he would make it home before the sunset.
The next day, he set up his new steam vibrating machine and waited for Miss Martin. She was supposed to bring him the scandalous book that was causing an increase in her hysteria. Upon her arrival, she looked extremely flustered.
“Miss Martin, you’ve been reading the book again, haven’t you?” Dr. Connors admonished her.
Valeria blushed. She was mortified to know that he could tell just by looking at her that she’d read more of the shameful book.
“I am so embarrassed, Dr. Connors,” Valeria admitted. “But I just couldn’t help myself. I’ve never read anything so titillating and immoral. Women are touching each other and spanking and…”
“That’s enough, Miss Martin. I’ve heard plenty to know that this book not only cannot stay in your possession, but it should not be returned to the library. I will put it in my office for safe-keeping,” he insisted.
She handed him the book, “Thank you so much, I agree. It’s a dangerous book. There’s even a part where a young man has relations with his mother and his aunt!”
It was the doctor’s turn to blush. He hoped to God that Miss Martin didn’t notice the bulge growing in his pants. He leafed through the book and stumbled upon a passage that made him rock hard. He had no intention of leaving the book in his office, now. He had no choice but to take it home and read it cover to cover.
“My dear, you are in luck. I have a new method of treatment. I think it will be very successful, as I have seen it work with another young woman such as yourself,” he explained.
“Can we try it now? I can’t possibly go back to the library feeling like this!” she said, near tears.
“Of course!” he said. “Come into the treatment room and see what I have to address your needs.”
“Thank you, doctor,” she said as she followed him.
When Valeria was laying on the table, she was nervous but hopeful. The idea of having a steam-powered motor moving a phallic device in and out of her was downright scary. But the alternatives were to spend an hour wishing the doctor would move his hand just a little to the right, or to leave here feeling like she might die of need.
“Just relax, Miss Martin. This will work, I promise!” he reassured her.
He powered up the Manipulator and watched as it invaded the young, tender pussy covered with soft red curls. He realized he’d never really looked at Miss Martin up-close. Normally her skirts were covering her lady parts while he massaged her there. But, to avoid her dress getting caught in the moving parts of the machine, it was bunched up around her waist, exposing her like never before.
The phallus felt marvelous moving in and out of her. Valeria had never felt sensations like this before. She started gyrating and moaning within minutes. Dr. Connors had to sit down to hide his burgeoning erection. He’d need to get a handle on his reaction to this new form of vaginal massage. It would never do to get aroused every time he watched the treatment.
Soon, Valeria was bucking and screaming, “Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, God, yes!” Then she flooded the table with a gush of juices.
Dr. Connors found himself with a full-blown erection and needed relief. He should have rushed Miss Martin out of the office before he did anything inappropriate. He was her doctor, for goodness sake. But right now, he wanted to take the Manipulator’s place and fuck her pretty little pussy.
“Is the treatment over, Doctor?” Valeria asked innocently.
“Ummm, no, actually, there is one more part,” he lied. He looked up to the heavens and hoped he wouldn’t be struck down for his perjury, or for the fact that he was about to commit a very unprofessional act.
“Close your eyes and imagine whatever makes you feel happy, Miss Martin,” Dr. Connors said as he took his trousers off and moved the machine out of the way. “There’s another part of the machine that will repeat the action, but this time the phallus will feel different than the first time. But I guarantee, you will feel even better when the treatment is over.”
“Anything you say, Dr. Connors!” Valeria said.
Then Dick Connors did the unthinkable. He fucked his pretty red-haired patient like a horny eighteen-year-old boy. Oh, she felt so fucking good! He couldn’t help himself, he grabbed onto her hips and pumped into her until he was ready to explode. He meant to pull out, but her pussy felt too good. He had already crossed the line, why stop now? He thrust hard and deep until he emptied himself inside her. And, when he did, she bucked, moaned, and felt the gush of her own juices mix with his semen.
He should feel remorse, but he couldn’t deny that this was the best sex he’d ever had. “Miss Martin, I must apologize for my unprofessional behavior, but I can’t deny enjoying that so very much. Can you forgive me?”
Valeria smiled, “I think you may have cured my hysteria, doctor. Perhaps you’d like to take me to dinner to celebrate?”
Dick grinned, “I’d love nothing more.”
When she was cleaned up, she nodded shyly at her doctor, “Shall I meet you at the diner? Or will you pick me up from the library and make it a proper date?”
“I will be there to walk you to dinner once I am finished with my last patient,” he promised her.
“Oh, doctor? I don’t recommend that you perform that second part on any other females today unless you plan to father many children,” she winked.
He gasped, “Oh, no, of course not. That was my longing for you that caused me to take you like that, Miss Martin.
She blushed, “Well, I’m certainly glad to hear that. I will see you later.”
He nodded and went into his office to prepare for his next patient. While he did, he said a silent prayer that he didn’t impregnate her. But, since he had every intention of courting her, that wouldn’t be too terribly unpleasant. He’d simply have to move the courtship along a little quicker.
As Valeria left, Nurse Nancy stopped her, “How was the treatment?”
“it was wonderful! Thanks for talking Dr. Connors into getting that amazing steam-powered vibrator! It was so much better than his hand!” Valeria answered.
Nancy grinned, “And did the book do the trick?”
“The book?” Valeria asked blushing. “How did you know about the book?”
“Who do you think planted that book in the library for you to find?” Nancy asked mischievously. “You and the doctor just needed a push! So, did it work?”
“Oh, most definitely. He penetrated me as a man possessed! Thanks for making sure the book fell into my hands. I will return it, although it might be tricky to get it back to you since he confiscated it,” Valeria answered seductively.
“Don’t worry about returning the book, dear. I have my own copy,” Nancy winked.
Then she added, “Hmm, if Dr. Connors kept the book, I predict there will be more than just a cure for Valeria’s hysteria!” Nancy laughed.
“Well, he’s taking me to dinner,” she shrugged.
Nancy wiggled her eyebrows, “And I’ll just bet he will take you home and perform cunnilingus afterward!”
“What does that mean?” Valeria asked, embarrassed that she didn’t know that word.
“It means the good doctor is going to eat your pussy for dessert!” Nancy laughed.
Valeria turned eight shades of red and felt her pussy go damp. She secretly hoped she would get to have dessert as well!
Victorian words/phrases that might be unfamiliar:
Beat the Dutch: If something "beats the Dutch", then it totally surpassed your wildest expectations. Whatever you originally thought was impossible was suddenly proven to be possible.
Lally-Cooler: This was another way to describe a great success.
Vulcanized Rubber—natural rubber or related polymer converted to a more durable material via the addition of sulfur or other equivalent curatives.
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Warning: Same old same old. This story contains blatant acts of sex and sexualization, do not read if these things bother you or if you are underage (if so...shoo! Why are you here at all!). Any semblance to people living or dead is accidental and unintentional. If you wish to reproduce this story, please contact me at [email protected] and I will likely allow it, so long as credit is given. Just West of Happy, Part 2 By: Whimsy When I awoke, dazed and confused, my head...
Lexie and Lori were having an amazing summer! Lexie was staying at the beach house with Lori and her mom. Lori’s dad had left when she was little, so he wasn’t in the picture at all.Lori had always been the dominant one in their friendship over the years. She chose what music they listened to, which movies they saw, and what games they played.So, when Lori began to use Lexie as a slut, it seemed normal that she would continue to make the decisions about what they would do sexually. Lori made...
BDSMPassionate One NightHis name was Shawn. He was a cute, very cute, guy that was living in Houston when he was making his way to the small town of Llano, Tx. He was planning to meet family so he could go dove hunting. I had posted an ad that night to see if any of these dirty minded straight boys would respond. He responded late at night when it was about two in the a.m. I was a bit skeptical. He had that southern accent, great body, tattoos, seemed a little too good."Too Good" turned out to...
This is a true story as all mine are. I have been in a hotel on assignment for more than 2 weeks and I am getting horny and bored. As this opening suggests I found my way on a hook up site for gays and Bi. I got a response from a guy I had hooked up with 2 years previous. At that time he said he was wanting to come by my hotel and when I said yes and gave him the room number. No later than 15 minutes passed when he knocked on my door. All he had time for was to present his cock through his...
GayI remember when I was in middle school I saw a girl infront of me in class lean forward and her pants started to roll down and yet her underware did not, thus I see her brand of underware and color. She was preety smart and studied alot. It was jockey brand white panties and the cut(or trim) on the waitband wasnt straight it had a design or went up and down like a roller coaster I dont know what its called. I guessing it was french cut panties. This I guess started it all with my my turn on....
Brandon did not know what to do. He had four minutes before he had to leave for his hotel shift but Caroline was still asleep on his bed and he had this horrible, gut-wrenching feeling that if he left her alone, she’d be gone when he returned. He didn’t have the heart to wake her. She looked so at peace, knees curled up to her chest, hair splayed out across the pillow, with her smudged makeup giving her a smoky morning-after kind of appeal. He moved silently around the tiny bedsit, showering...
[[[NOTE: Please refer back to parts 1 and 2 of this story for the context, I'm just going to dive right in here, though there will be a few references. There might be a different tone for a couple of reasons. One being that it has been so long since last I visited my subspace for this story. The other being that the inspiration for the story isn't doing it for me any longer, but I am mildly inspired by another who does not share the name of the focal point character in this story, though I'll...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Charles had a fairly predictable, albeit grueling childhood as he grew up, with his parents imposing the strictest application of Mormonism on him. His mother had only stopped reproducing after she nearly died giving birth to him, and she had been forced to get a hysterectomy. He was the baby of the family, and his older sibling were all in college, so he lived alone with his parents, bearing the full brunt of their harsh code. No liquour, no caffeine,...
IncestHi everyone, Hi all, this is hertb2 almost 6ft light brown in color from Bengaluru, currently studying in a reputed b-school from South India. Any girls who like in having sex, phone sex, friends with benefits, virtual relationship, chatting, etc. can contact me through Privacy is guaranteed 100%. Guys stay away if you need any of the contacts. I won’t share at any cause. May be I can help you on sorting out few things ;) You can share your views and comments at Not wasting your time....
Be glad youngster, you are a chosen one. Yes, you have been chosen by me the GUB (God of Ugly bastards). I am not like other Gods demanding my followers to do stupid and meaningless things like pray or such nonsense, your worship of me is much simpler as all I demand is that you be what you were always meant to be: A UGLY BASTARD! I know it may sound bad, but you will love this. I now give you the options in this list of mine and after that you shall go to a world of your choosing. Remember,...
She is now 22 years old, married to a rich, handsome and sexy business man for the last one year, still having no baby as she is completing her post graduate studies. She is as voluptuous and steamy as she was before her marriage and leads a very successful and happy sex life with her hubby. Her hubby, my son in law is a well reputed business entrepreneur with lavish life style residing in one of high class luxury apartments in Karachi. He belongs to an ultra modern social family where sex is...
IncestShe returned home from the party on Monday. She was very confused, so she called Kim to come over. “Are you all right?” “Yes, I am.” “He sold me to some black brothers for the next weekend. They loved to fuck me, the younger brother had a big cock, 10 inches long and 3 1/2 inches thick. He loved to fuck my pussy and ass but I could not take it to suck it. Then he called one of his slaves and brought her and fucked her. She did a deep throat on him and I loved to watch it. He made a...
Itsuki enters the office of Maiko Shimazaki the hot ex model sits behinder her desk. He needs all his willpower not to constantly look at her cleavage. As usual she wears a white blouse with a lot of cleavage. "Hi Itsuki" she says
I guess ours isn't an unusual story, Paul and I married in 1990, I was a silly eighteen year old girl and Paul was twenty, just starting his own building business and married life in the same year. I didn't have a career as such, just spent my forty hours a week in an un-demanding office job, earning minimum wage but it didn't matter as Paul was doing very well in his 'one-man-band' building operation.All went 'normally', well, unremarkably, I didn't fall pregnant as I, or should I say...
1. The End As he stomped out, Mike Kimmel slammed the front door of their plush, new tract home in the Gleneagle development just south of Arlington, Washington so hard it shook the windows. His poor wife, Anna, was visibly shaken as she melted into the couch in tears. Why did he have to always resort to the insults and shouting? Wasn’t it enough for him to just humiliate her and leave her in smug self-righteousness? Why did he have to insist on breaking her emotionally? He was likely cutting...
You are a young man who just hit his twenties. You are quite slim and your muscles are developed by your frequent gym visits. Your hair is blond and you have it short. You live with your milf mother and your younger sister, which is a year younger than you and still flat as board. You tried to like her, but she’s not making it easy, and you think she hates you. About two years ago, she found out that her boyfriend was gay and instead of going with her, he tried to get closer to you. You don’t...
FetishErin and I went up to our room. As soon as we were out of the kitchen, Erin asked, "Is something going on between you and Tyler?" "No, baby. He may enjoy our company. But he is an accomplished, educated, sophisticated, and extremely sexy man. He can do a lot better than me. I think that maybe we have brought a little pleasure into his life and Karen just misinterprets his reaction to having us around." Erin thought about that for a minute before saying, "You really do have a huge...
About noon the next day he called Marie Carbonet and left a message for her to call him. It was two days before she returned his call. He told her that his investigation was complete and that he needed to speak to her in his office. She tried to make him bring the results of the investigation to her house but Don insisted on meeting her at his office. He felt that he might need some "home court advantage" on this one. Marie walked into his office about two that afternoon. She was dressed...
Beneath me I could feel her. Her breath such a silk as it caressed my neck, the tender kisses falling from our lips to meet each other’s bodies, our necks. She paid close attention to there, just gently letting her kisses touch against my skin and running them up and down my neck. Then she turned her attention up to my face, the kisses, so sweet, connecting with my cheek and meeting my lips in the softest of ways felt like a bliss that shouldn’t ever end. Our lips parted and she entered me with...
Michael was sitting alone in his office when he heard a timid, “Can we talk to you now?” Vicky and Abigail stood in the door holding hands, Eminence draped around Abigail’s neck. The latter was a sure sign of stress in the young woman. Michael patted each knee, and the two rushed over, sat, and tucked their heads into his neck. “What’s troubling my two ladies?” he probed. “Abigail is hurting for a friend,” started Vicky. “I told her that she could ask, and maybe you could fix it -- or at...
Ian unlocked the door, and entered his one-bedroom apartment. He locked the door behind him, and began to wind down after a long day at the office. His modern apartment was filled with a sensual smell of perfume and incense. Who was in his apartment? When he walked over to the living room, he noticed his girlfriend Zuli. She’d gotten herself in his apartment and had waited for him since. “Hello Ian,” she spoke in sultry British accent. “Welcome home.” There she was… Zuli. She laid on his sofa...
AnalHi my dear ISS Friends, Hope you have enjoyed my last story “Sexperience in Chennai”. I am going to narrate what had happened after myself and Nandini came out of my bedroom into the hall.Those of you who are reading this story for the first time, please read the previous story for the continuation. As mentioned before only I was aware that Raagini and Abhirami were watching us copulating and after we came back from the shower the door was closed like normal and Nandini was not aware of the...
Thursday December 29 The trip home seemed to take forever. Whenever I wanted to be somewhere in a hurry, LA traffic reared its ugly head. Then the plane I was on had mechanical problems, and we had to switch to another flight. That meant that I lost my first-class seat and was sent to the back of the plane in a middle seat. It was either that or wait another day to get home. We landed in Chicago in the early morning, so traffic sucked getting out of the city. When I finally got home, I found...
Justin and Steve were best friends. They had been best friends since high school but only recently had they shared a drunken kiss. Which made things a bit awkward between them as they were both very much into girls not guys. One night when Justin went to a club with some mates from college he noticed Steve within the crowd hunched over his glass at the bar in his black leather jacket. His golden blonde hair glistening underneath the light. Justin decided to walk over to him, ‘Hi,’ he...
Hello everyone I am Krish, back with my second incident to be posted on this website. Thank you all for your overwhelming responses and comments on my previous encounter, which has inspired me to write my next encounter on this site again. For people who are reading my stories for the first time I am Krish from Hyderabad 6ft tall and well built with a good cock that can satisfy a women. For any further conversation with me or any more insights on any aspect either in the incidents or about me...
What a beautiful morning, Molly thought as she looked out the spacious picture windows of their new home. She had awakened happy and with a strange feeling of exhilaration as she remembered last evening's delightful activities. Just thinking about it, she could feel the tingling of a slight arousal. I feel like I need to go in, lie on the bed, and do myself, she thought, laughing at how her sensuous thoughts of last night had aroused her. The phone ringing in the kitchen interrupted her...
Neil plopped his travel and computer bag in the open closet area of his latest room which happened to be a Radisson Hotel. It was another faceless room in another faceless City and he was tired from the road. He peered over at the bed and it looked inviting. His watch said 4:30 and he thought to himself he had probably crossed a time zone making it actually an hour later. So much for calls for today he thought. The lure of that bed was too much and he decided to take a quick nap before heading...
I love it when a man cums over with only one goal in mind, to fuck the hell out of my tight pussy. So you know it’s on when Will Tile comes over. In a flash, I had my hot lips wrapped around his massive shaft, he couldn�t even get his dress shirt off & I was already sucking away. Then it was my turn, with my legs spread wide apart, Will muff dived until is he absolutely breathless! While Will munched away on my pussy, I could not help but to play with my big tits, are you getting...
xmoviesforyouMaya Bijou is back in Miami and she’s as horny as ever. She is tired of the same old LA dick and has come to Miami to get kicked down by some good ol’ Miami dick. Maya knew that the bus would be the perfect place to try out different cocks. She jumped on and we cruised around town looking for some lucky SOBs the give her a good fucking. Three different fools got a chance at her sweet sweet pussy. Maya Bijou took every single inch of their cock and when she was done with one, shed dump his ass...
xmoviesforyouI had always been a fan of toys, vibrators, etc. and during a trip to the local adult store, I saw it for the first time. I had seen them written about, I had heard about them, but I never seen a “feel doe” in real life. I had to buy it, not sure when or how I was going to use it, but I knew that opportunity would come one day. I do love a woman that loves to ride cowgirl. There is nothing hotter to me than a woman giving me a nice wet dick sucking, where she has been sucking my cock, playing...
She explained that it started one night when Tom and I where out town and Julies invited her over for dinner. They had eaten and where cleaning up when Julie spilt something downs her and changed her clothes. She thought nothing of it when Julie came back with a robe on. It wouldn’t be until later she would find out that was all she had on. We made coffee and went to the living room. After chatting for a while we turned on the TV. Flipping through the channels there was nothing that...