The Week I Turned Into Erin - Chapter 4 - Bargaining free porn video

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THURSDAY I woke up scrunched on the couch for the second morning in a row. My neck and back are killing me. I opened my eyes and saw Kathy sitting cross-legged on the floor looking at me. Watching me. Petting Speckles. "Babe?" I said, still groggy. "What are you doing?" "I'm watching you sleep," she said. "You looked so cute and peaceful." "Cute?" "Yeah, your face is much more feminine," she said. "I've been watching you breathe. The way your... breasts... are going up and down." I sat up and I looked at my chest and realized I have real breasts now. No more puffy nipples. These are the real deal. I rubbed my eyes and then cupped them. They felt so soft. This is crazy. "May I?" she asked, holding her hands out. "I... I guess," I said. Kathy's my girlfriend after all. She can certainly grope my... breasts. She cupped my breasts and tested their weight. "This is amazing," she said. "They feel real. I'd say about a B cup right now." I turned red. I didn't know what to say. "I need help. I don't know what I'm doing. If I'm going to pull this off, I need help." "OK," she said, standing up. "Let's get you an outfit for work." I got up from the couch. I realized I was still naked after storming out of our bedroom after sex. I kept the blanket draped around me. We both walked to the bedroom. I was now very aware of the weight of my modest boobs on my chest. She opened one of her dresser drawers and shoved her hand in the back. She pulled out a tan bra and looked at the size. "Try this on," she said. "I have some older C cups in the back of my drawers." "Wait," I said. "I want to wear MY clothes. I was hoping you can help me cover all of this up so I look like myself again. You know.. Compression bandages, masculine make-up, maybe lifts." "Yeah, no," she said. "I don't own a professional makeup studio here. You look like a woman now. There's no covering this up. It will be far easier to dress like one than to try hiding it." "What about work? I'm really trying to regain control of this situation." She sighed. "At some point you have to start telling the truth. Hopefully they have a gender non descrimation policy. Or something that protects transgender people." "But I'm not trans!" "Babe. Seriously. The more you fight this, the harder it will be." "But I still identify as a man!" "Well the world is going to see a trans-woman. Tomorrow they might see a cis-woman. What are you going to tell them? That your stupid ass decided to transition into a woman for the money?" I didn't want to start an argument, so I let it go. I don't want to be a woman. I don't want to be trans. I really just wanted to hide myself. Hide my body until I can fix this. She placed the bra on the bed. She then pulled a women's cut polo shirt out of her closet and laid it next to the bra. "This should be acceptable for your work uniform," Then she laid a pair of leggings next to it. "I can't wear that." "Well you got my black pants dirty yesterday. You have no choice." I groaned. "Shower," she said. "Use my shampoo, conditioner and body wash." I groaned again. When I got into the shower, I looked in the mirror to see what Kathy was seeing. I looked like a woman. My hair was now shoulder length and mostly dark brown except for the tips. I clearly had defined breasts. My torso with wider hips had the hint of an hourglass figure. The fat that used to be around my gut seems to have shrunk or moved... elsewhere. My face... My face looked like my sister's face. It was softer and lacked any masculine features. The only thing that remotely looked like myself? My body hair. Legs, armpits, patches of chest hair just above my breasts. I also still had hair on my stomach trailing down to my pubic area. I got into the shower and did what Kathy had asked and used her shampoo and conditioner. I used the body wash and cleaned everywhere. Except the place I saved for last. My chest. I layered up some soap in my hands and started cleaning my breasts. They were definitely sensitive. It actually felt good. My penis twitched from those sensations. I noticed that it started to get hard. I tried to focus on the task at hand and put those thoughts out of my head. Maybe I could play with them later tonight. After all, I'm a dude. Dude's play with breasts. I just happen to have my own pair. That's not weird right? I started to get harder. Stop. Focus. After I was done I turned off the water and left the shower. I grabbed a towel and dried off. I looked at the mirror embarrassed at the loss of my masculinity. Just a few minutes ago I was excited about it. Now I'm embarrassed. I'm so confused. I wrapped the towel around my chest to hide my shame. Kathy and Speckles were sitting on the bed waiting for me. Kathy first handed me a pair of purple panties. I pulled those on. I blushed. This was embarrassing. She then handed me the bra. I held it in my hand unsure what she wanted me to do. She saw my reluctance. "You were wearing my sports bra, and jeans yesterday, no problem." I sighed. I then used one hand and pushed the cups up to my boobs as the other hand tried to wrap the hand around my back. She laughed. "This is too funny. Keep going." "Come on babe," I said. "I'm struggling here. I've only ever removed bras." "OK" she said. "Put the bra backwards so you can see the clasp. Hook them together. Rotate the bra, put your boobs in the cups then put the straps over your shoulders. Adjust." I did as she said. It was much easier. My new boobs didn't fill the cups completely. "It's too big," I said. "No one will notice since you'll be wearing a shirt that doesn't show off your cleavage. My cleavage? I pulled on the leggings. Kathy helped adjust them since I had them bunched up every which way. "Are you enjoying this?" I asked "I find it just a little amusing," she replied. She handed me the shirt. At least a shirt is a shirt so that wasn't so bad. The sleeves were higher than I'm used to and the torso was more form fitting. I asked Kathy to tie my hair into a ponytail. I told myself I'd get a haircut later tonight. I just wonder if it was too late. Would a hair cut even make me look more masculine at this point? "Listen Aaron," Kathy said, looking at me. Her eyes were watery. She placed her hands on my shoulders. "When you come home, I won't be here. I'm going to stay with my parents for a bit." "But why?" I asked. "I just - I just need time." I feel like I've just been punched in the gut. "But babe-" "Please Aaron, don't make this any harder than it needs to be. Please respect my desire for time to work this out on my own. I stayed long enough to help you this morning. I just need time to myself." "Ok," I said. My eyes were watering too. I walked out to the kitchen and Speckles followed me. Kathy didn't. I took care of the dog's breakfast and made myself lunch. I'm losing control of my life. It's spiraling out of control. I needed help. I needed help from a woman right now. I really wanted that help to come from Kathy. Maybe it will later, but right now she needs her space. If this was 10 years ago, I'd just call up my sister, Emily. There were many times I'd call her about relationship advice and we'd just talk for hours and have an honest conversation. She was the first family member who I introduced Kathy to. She never sugar coated anything and always gave me honest answers and advice. I could really use that right about now. I opened the door to leave the house. "Kathy, I'm leaving," It hurt to say that knowing that she won't be here to greet me tonight. I really hope this isn't the last goodbye. I wiped a tear from my cheek, and I left the house. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to call Emily now. What do I tell her? That I've been changing into a woman for the past 3 days? That's crazy. My situation is right out of a science fiction story. Maybe i'll just give her the abridged version. I sat down in my car, I picked up my cell phone and dialed Emily. I hadn't talked to Emily in months. We certainly haven't seen each other since before the pandemic. She's got her own family now to worry about. She answered on the 2nd ring. "Hi Aaron, what's up?" "Em, I need help." "What's going on?" "It's a long story, but right now.. I've been.," I was looking for the right words to use. Maybe I should just stick to the story Kathy advised me to use. "Transitioning..." "Transitioning? Transitioning to what? A new house? A new job?" "Into a woman," I said meekly. She was silent for a moment. "Into a woman?" she said in a surprised tone. "Aaron, You're trans and you didn't tell us? How long have you known?" "It's a longer story than that," I replied. "I really need a woman's help and advice right now. I was wondering if maybe I could just sit and talk with you this evening. I'm trying to get a handle on my life, and you've always been there for me when we were younger." "Absolutely," she said. "If my... sister needs my help, I'll be there." Hearing Emily refer to me as her sister felt weird. "Oh no - you don't need to physically come here." "I'm coming Aaron. I can get away this weekend. Expect me Saturday." "Thank you Em." I didn't want to interrupt her life, but hearing her say that she'll be there in a few days made me feel better. * * * I walked into the grocery store and got straight to work. I wanted to make sure I got as little interaction with my coworkers as possible. Especially those workers who I was introduced to on Tuesday when I still looked like a man. I wasn't able to avoid Ben, who to his credit seemed genuinely happy to see me, regardless how I looked. Mike pulled me over to the side at one point in the morning. "Aaron, is there something you'd like to tell me?" Not really. "No. I'm almost done with this section. About to go for another cart," I said, pretending as if nothing was wrong. "Well, you look like..." I could see his gaze drift to my chest. I didn't like this guy before. I certainly don't like him now. But he's my boss. "What do I look like, Mike?" Come on, give me a reason to call you out. "It's nothing," he said. Good. Confrontation avoided. My heart was beating fast. I didn't know what I was going to do there. The rest of the morning went by without any more incidents. At lunch time I walked into the lunch room with my sandwich. Darcy saw me and waved me over. She was chatting with some of the employees at the other table. "Everyone, have you met Erin?" she said to the group at the table. "She started Tuesday." Oh no. She called me Erin again. She called me "she." "Hi Erin," came a few greetings from the table. I turned red. No. This is NOT how you get control of this situation. Now everyone here thinks I'm a woman named Erin. Do I correct them? "Thanks for the warm welcome," I said in a higher octave. Oh my god, I can't believe I'm playing along with this. I'm so embarrassed. Clearly Darcy noticed my embarrassment. She pulled me aside. "I'm so sorry. Did I embarrass you?" "I'm just used to staying to myself," I replied to her. "I'm so sorry. I understand," she said. "If there's anything I can do, let me know." "Thanks Darcy." I found an empty table. I was about to eat my sandwich when Ben came and sat next to me. "Can I sit here?" "Sure," I said. I really just wanted to be by myself. "I noticed that you look a little down today," he said. "Yeah. It's been a rough week. Lots of... um... changes. My girlfriend might be breaking up with me. My world's a mess." "Hang in there," he said. "I want to let you know that what you're doing is so cool," He then lowered his voice to a whisper. "I envy you." That took me by surprise. I scooted a little closer so I could whisper back. "You envy me?" "Yes," he said. "It's so brave to transition like you're doing. You're doing it with so much confidence." Ug. Another person thinking I'm transitioning. "I wish I had that kind of courage to do it myself," he added. I let those words sit for a second. "Ben," I asked. "You're trans?" He smiled. "You're the first person I've told - in real life. I'm in a whole bunch of online support groups, but I haven't come out yet to anyone I know." I was speechless. I barely know Ben, and he just shared something very personal with me. "So when you wanted to hang out...". He laughed. "I really wanted a friend. Maybe someone I could have a um... girls night with. I really need a friend where I can just be... myself. I thought maybe I could be myself with someone who was just like me. Like you." "Ben I'm not much of a girl. I'm not sure how much I can help. I'm struggling as is. I'm a complete disaster." "Oh. I'm sorry for intruding then," he said looking disappointed. "No no, Ben" I replied. "I mean. I'm very new at this. I do need help," Sure, I didn't know what I was doing, but surrounding myself with people who did sounded like a decent plan. "I could use a friend too. You suggested we hang out. How about tomorrow?" "I'd like that," Ben said smiling. * * * When I left work, I sat in my car. I need to get control of my life. Slowly everyone around me is believing I'm either a woman or a transwoman. Maybe Dr. Fry has made some progress. I picked up my phone, scrolled through my recent calls and called Dr. Fry. There was no ringing. Just a message. "This number has been disconnected." What? Disconnected? Should I drive straight to his office and give him a piece of my mind? I need to get control. Wait, I can control my hair. So I drove straight to a salon to get my hair cut. After a COVID19 waiver and a temperature check, I was able to sit down. I stared at the mirror and saw a woman with a ponytail now past her shoulders. I suddenly felt anxious. Is this what I wanted to do? Cut my hair back to the way it was? I pulled the hair tie out and let my hair fall down. I ran my finger through my hair to see what it looked like, down. I look cute. The girl in the mirror I mean. Not me. There was a part of me anxious to see how I would eventually turn out when this process was done. The other half of me just wanted to cut it all off. "What can I do for you?" the stylist said. "Wow, you have very thick and healthy hair" she said running her finger through it. "I uh..." I wanted to tell her to cut it all off. I couldn't push the words out of my mouth. "Just a clean up" I heard myself say. "I see you could use some coloring. Do you want to go back to your natural hair color?" "Yes," I said, not realizing that she meant the dark brown roots. "I can clean this up and add some layering. It looks like you haven't gotten a haircut in a long time." "Yeah," I said. "It's been a while." I couldn't bring myself to getting it all cut off. I couldn't do it. The one thing I can control. The one thing that could bring me closer back to Aaron, and I couldn't do it. I was letting her give me a woman's hair cut. She dyed my hair a shade similar to the new color that was coming in. She trimmed my hair back to shoulder length again. When I turned back to the mirror I didn't even recognize myself anymore. The hair looked good. I look like Emily's sister. * * * When I got home. The house was quiet. Speckles was sitting on the couch eagerly awaiting dinner. After I fed Speckles and myself I sat down on the couch. I pulled out my phone and texted Kathy. "Hey babe. I was thinking of you. I just wanted to let you know that I still love you. I'm still the same person you fell in love with." I wanted to watch TV. But I just wasn't in the mood. I was feeling an incredible pain in my groin. It felt like blue balls. Now granted, I haven't had sexual release since Monday night, but I haven't felt this way since I was a teenager. Maybe I just need to rub one out. I found a box of tissues and sat back down on the couch. I slouched over and unzipped my pants. I pulled out my dick. It was looking thinner. I started stroking it, but it wasn't getting hard. I licked my fingers and played with the head. That felt nice and my penis throbbed a little, but It wasn't hard enough. I looked down at my chest, and I felt a twitch of my penis. That's right, I've got my own breasts to look at! I pulled off my shirt and looked down at my cleavage, that got my penis's attention. After a few minutes of stroking I realized I was having the same problem as last night. I unstrapped my bra - I mean Kathy's bra - and pulled it off. I stroked while looking at my own breasts. I still wasn't able to get the release I desired. I cupped my breast and rubbed one of my nipples, and suddenly my penis got rock hard. I gasp. "Oh shit. That's it." I started rubbing my nipple as I jerked off. It was nice. It felt good, but I wasn't near release yet. In fact it was starting to hurt. I reached down to my scrotum. It felt like it was crushing my nuts. Oh God - it was a mixture of pleasure and pain. I feel like I'm just making it worse. I just need release. I can't stop. I continued playing with my tits while stroking my penis. Harder faster. I wet my fingers as I pinched my nipples. Oh God It's coming. Oh no it hurts so bad, yet it feels so good. Faster. Faster. It felt like my ball sack was crushing my balls. I started to scream, "Oh God!" I heard my voice crack. Faster. Almost there. I felt something pop and fill my abdomen. Was that my balls? Faster. As I climaxed, I heard a feminine scream. Was that me? Suddenly I had the largest ejaculation ever into my hand. I slid off the couch and onto the floor out of breath. Still in mild pain. When I got my bearing I reached down for my dick and realized my scrotum was gone. I ran to the mirror to look. Just under my penis was a very contracted and empty scrotum. "Shit. They're gone," I said. Wait. That wasn't my voice. I looked at my neck. My Adam's apple was gone too. "Oh fuck!" I said in a cute voice. =============== Thank you to my proofreaders dgenerateone and mynameischloe! Thank you for reading and for all of the feedback! [email protected]

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 8 Lynn and Erinrsquos Story 04 ndash Love And Obligations

June – Year 2 Lynn crawled onto their bed and put herself between her wife’s legs and began to taste her juices as she inserted her fingers into her wife’s wetness. She began with a combination of long licks from Erin’s anus to her clit and synchronized the sucking of the clit with insertion of her fingers and the massage of Erin’s G-spot. Erin raised her hips to show that Lynn had hit the spot and that she needed her wife to keep doing what she was doing. Lynn went back to long licks and...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 10 Lynn and Erinrsquos Story 06 ndash Home On The Range

August – October – Year 3 The new house was impressive. As you drove up from the large security gate the drive took a single turn before heading off to the left towards the garage. The garage had bays for four cars with an enclosed connection to the house. There was a door out the back to the yard and a door that opened to the stairs up to the mother-in-law apartment above. The mother-in-law apartment was a two-bedroom apartment of about 1000 square feet. It had windows all around except on...

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Staying With Erin Chapter 8

The ropes in which I hung allowed only for the slightest hint of dangling movement, but to me, in my excited state, it felt like the whole world was rocking back and forth. I swallowed hard, my eyes alternating between the wicked looking riding crop in Mrs. Somerset’s hand that would swing forward and hit my unprotected body any minute now, and my friend Erin in her gleaming red rubber suit, kneeling between our future teacher’s splayed legs and waiting for the signal to attack her pussy. ...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 5 Lynn and Erinrsquos Story 01 Incoming

September – Year 2 Lynn went to the airport on Saturday. She was a little upset because Paul had not called that morning before he got on the plane and that had set Erin off. Lynn loved her wife and seeing her so distraught broke her heart. “Lover, I will bring him straight home, no sex in the parking garage. I promise.” “Something is wrong. I felt it this morning when I was feeding Taylor. Her eyes. Something was there.” “I’ll be home as soon as I can. I will have Paul call you when I...

1 year ago
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Tag Erin a Slut in NeedChapter 4 A Slut for Daddy

"Don't get my seat all wet," Stacy told me, giving me a little look and I smiled innocently. "I'm not!" I had my feet on the dash of her Mercedes, keeping my legs up as I pressed a wad of damp paper towels against my pussy. "God!" she giggled. "How many guys did you fuck, Erin?" "Ummm..." I shrugged. "All of them, I think." "Heh!" "Except that Chinese guy in the dress," I said with a laugh. "He just wanted to eat me out mostly." "He's weird," Stacy...

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Angel Carol Ben and ErinChapter 3

Angel stretched as she woke up feeling the stretched, sore feeling from her pussy and ass from last night's hard fucking. Her mouth tasted like male and female cum as well as anal juices. She stumbled upstairs to the bathroom to use the toilet and to shower. She had to soap her face thoroughly to get it clean from the encrusted cum. She stepped out feeling much better and even felt good after she brushed her teeth. She went into her room and lay down for some more comfortable rest. Tom...

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Angel Carol Ben and ErinChapter 7

Erin and Ben woke later. They realized that the other was in the bed and kissed gently. Erin said, "Oh, that feels delightful! I really like waking up next to you." Ben said, "Your parents looked in on us sleeping like this. They smiled." "Wow! Let's get moving. I'm going with you to the hospital. Let's get some breakfast and then cleanup." They went downstairs for a light breakfast. Erin asked, "Mom, did you look in on us this morning?" "Your father and I did. You two looked...

2 years ago
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Angel Carol Ben and ErinChapter 5

The sun rose on Wednesday just like it always does. The sky looked different. A front had rolled through and it would rain soon. Ben and Erin woke together and kissed gently. It quickly went beyond that bringing on a lot of passion until Ben rolled on top of her and pushed into her pussy. He fucked her tight pussy for many long minutes until they came together gasping from their orgasms. He rolled off her onto his back and she went to suck his cock clean. There was a light knock on the door...

3 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 26 Erin Comes Home

August – Year 1 When Lynn and I got home we had dinner and watched TV for a bit. We were naked and cuddling and while it felt right, it didn’t. “Honey, I need to tell you something.” “Oh shit! I’m gonna die.” “Paul! You are not going to die.” “Well in those silly cheater stories I used to read online, the woman always starts off the confession with that sentence.” “That is because of poor and uninspired writing techniques. Plus, you know that I would never cheat on you....

2 years ago
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Erin and Ryan Lead Meagan into Her First Threesome

Despite having been out with Ryan until after 2:30 A.M. that morning and despite having received a thorough, quite painful paddling from my dad when I returned home late, I woke up early that morning as the sun rose above the horizon and its rays showed through the thin curtains that crossed my bedroom window.I looked at the clock.  6:55 A.M. the red digits read.I yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.  As I sat up, a twinge of uncomfortableness overwhelmed me.  My ass was still a bit...

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Angel Carol Ben and ErinChapter 4

They quickly stripped and went out to the pool deck. Jack saw them come out and left Carol. He went up to Erin. "Sis, you're naked." "So are you, Jack. Lie on that couch. I'm going to fuck your brains out!" He looked surprised but lay down with his cock sticking up in the air. As soon as he was down, Erin straddled him and impaled her pussy on his hard cock. Both went "Oh!" Jack's cock went all the way in Erin's young pussy. She lay forward and Ben moved into position behind her...

4 years ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 18 Dealing with Erin

The next morning at work Nina was called into a meeting with a new client of her firm. She and her assistant headed down the hall to the main conference room and joined the group that was already there. As introductions were being made, Nina was stunned to see that the new client's representative was Mistress Margo, who had spent the previous evening watching Nina be cropped by Gretchen. Nina did her best to swallow her surprise and keep her expression calm and neutral, but inside she was...

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Tag Erin a Slut in NeedChapter 3 What a Slut Does

Do you believe some girls are born to be sluts? Not a whore, which is something else, but a slut, a woman who will give herself to anyone who wants her. A girl without loyalty to anything but the lust in her heart, incapable of fidelity, unable to resist temptation, and unwilling to repent or even apologize when her true nature is inevitably found out. Do you think it's in her soul? "Mom." I blinked at her as I stepped inside our small house, a white one that looked exactly like a million...

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Angel Carol Ben and ErinChapter 6

They came rushing in the door less than two minutes later. They washed quickly and joined the rest for supper. After supper, Ben said, "Sis, we need to talk." She got up and they went into the living room while Jack and Mike were getting chewed out my Miz Jones. Ben said, "Sis, you have to cool it. You don't' want to be sent home, do you?" "No, Ben." "Then the three of you need to be seen doing innocent things. Their parents will not tolerate our usual activities. The last thing...

1 year ago
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(Erin comes home from the convent)Erin was nervous. She was going home for the first time since she was 12 years old. Six years. Six long, lonely years. Strict years. Safe years. The train was making a clickety-clackety noise, over and over again, and she found herself automatically sliding into the rhythm as she tried to meditate, to pray, hoping for some guidance.The door to her compartment suddenly opened and a man appeared, struggling with two bags. Noticing her, he stopped, staring for a...

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(Erin comes home from the convent)Erin was nervous. She was going home for the first time since she was 12 years old. Six years. Six long, lonely years. Strict years. Safe years. The train was making a clickety-clackety noise, over and over again, and she found herself automatically sliding into the rhythm as she tried to meditate, to pray, hoping for some guidance.The door to her compartment suddenly opened and a man appeared, struggling with two bags. Noticing her, he stopped, staring for a...

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Blue Bloods Thetakedown of Erin

Taken Down This is a little story based loosely on the TV series "The Blue Bloods" starring Tom Selleck, Brigette Moynahan, Donnie Wahlberg, Sami Gayle as part of a police family. Grandpa was the NYC Police Commissioner (now retired). Dad is the NYC Police Commish, Daughter Erin is the NYC ADA. Erin's daughter Nicky (from Jack and Erins defunct marriage) is a college student in NYC. The family is all about law and order and...

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Erin and Jesses new adventure

Erin and Jesse were both laughing at the bare bottomed boy they had just spanked. They loved to hear a kid screaming and begging them to stop while they continued to belt and paddle the kid’s ass. The process was always similar. Pick a smaller kid follow him or her for a few days until they found the kid alone then grab the kid, strip them, fondle them, tease them. Finally bend the kid over and redden their asses until they cried and begged. It was easy to find kids alone in this small...

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Erin and Jesse

]Erin and Jesse[/s] were both laughing at the bare bottomed boy they had just spanked. They loved to hear a k** screaming and begging them to stop while they continued to belt and paddle the k**’s ass. The process was always similar. Pick a smaller k** follow him or her for a few days until they found the k** alone then grab the k**, strip them, fondle them, tease them. Finally bend the k** over and redden their asses until they cried and begged. It was easy to find k**s alone in this small...

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Erins XXX Fitness Routine

The last thing that Erin wanted to do was to go to the gym for the third time that week.Sure, her English husband Steve had purchased her a three month personal training package with one of his part-time co-workers, Eve, but that was two months and three weeks earlier. Now she’d shed five kilos and was looking tauter and was feeling better than she had ever felt since she met Steve when she was 22, seven long years ago.Erin stared at the message on the screen with a tired sense of despondency...

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Erin Hotwife

August in south Texas is not a pleasant time of year. The heat and humidity is stifling driving everyone indoors. When we were offered the use of a small house in Aspen for a week, my wife Erin and I jumped at the opportunity. It took some shuffling of things at work but we were both able to clear our calendars. To save money and to make it something of an adventure, we decided to drive instead of fly. It was going to be a long drive but I hadn't been on a road trip in years and Erin had never...

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Erin Jeremy Ch 03

Erin & Jeremy Chapter 3: And She Thought The Ride Was Over . . . Author’s Note: I would again like to thank agirl2envy for her help in this project. The name has remained changed to protect the sexy one. Erin sped up as she pulled on to the nearly deserted road. As she drove, the events of the last few days replayed themselves for her: Meeting her cyber-lover for the first time and fucking his brains out. She smiled to herself as she thought about how eager he had been to please her and,...

2 years ago
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The Deal Getting Involved With Erin

"Oh, babe, I'm gonna cum," he moaned.I let his cock out and sighed."I'm going to shoot those tits, Nina, just for you," he let out, stroking her wood. I failed to even look at him, and just a bit down on my bottom lip as I watched his cock. 'It's not like you'll eat me out though, but cum on my breasts after I suck you off, fucker.'"Yes," he moaned before letting out his first cum shot.I didn't respond and just waited for the whole thing to be over. I felt the hot seed blast onto...

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ErinDaddys Whore

As her hands rested on the counter, Erin stared intently into the mirror. She drew a deep breath as she readied herself. “Time to put on the happy face,” Erin thought to herself as she fluffed her long black over her shoulders and adjusted the black corset that covered her large round breasts. “Here we go,” she said aloud, softly enough her words barely audible to her own ears. Erin reached for the door handle and stepped her 5’ 5” frame into the hotel room. As she did, she felt her...

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Young Erin Part IIAmanda Joins In

Our intricate scheme began a few weeks earlier over the internet. I came to know Erin through a popular website and we immediately hit it off despite the 24 year difference in age. I soon learned Erin was one of those rare teen girls who was attracted to, and loved to be fucked by, older men. Somehow, I had been lucky enough to meet this incredibly sexy young nymphomaniac. Our plan involved meeting at a hotel near her home for a planned sexual rendezvous. Once in the room, Erin...

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Erin Brooklyn

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me; these two are might be beautiful, but they're fucking lazy. I assigned Erin and Brooklyn a report on their favorite poets, but both of them are covered in marks," I whined, holding them. "Did you two even spell check these?" I asked, before dropping them and covering my face. "Oh, crap, I'm gonna have to tell them to see me after class, and I'll have to spend more time with those two smoking hot college ladies. Shit, what I'd do to get a look at just one of them...

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Aunty Erin

This story is testament to how good alcohol is at reducing one’s inhibitions. I will start this as I usually do, with a brief description of my wife Erin. She’s one of those MILF’s that people lust after. Mid 40’s, red/salt and pepper hair, a tight ass with nice C-cups and that sexual appetite that comes with the natural red hair. Erin had 2 k**s before we met, and her very best friend at the time had a son who was the same age as Erin’s son. The boys were inseparable but funny to watch. Erin,...

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Erin Jeremy Ch 02

Erin & Jeremy Chapter 2: The Morning After Author’s Note: I would again like to thank agirl2envy for her help in this project. The names have remained changed to protect the not-so-innocent. * * * * * Jeremy woke slowly and peacefully. At first, in his grogginess, he could not remember where he was or how he had got there. And then, at almost the same time he felt the weight of someone lying in his arms as the person shifted slightly, and the soft moan that escaped her lips as she did so. ...

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Erin and Alicias Pharmacy Face Fuck Part I

In the old days, a pharmacy usually was a one or two-person operation. You had your pharmacist and MAYBE an assistant at a small corner location; and all they sold was… well… drugs. But the pharmacist knew everyone, and you always received personalized service. Nowadays, you have huge ‘drug marts’ that sell everything from food and clothes to movies and, sometimes, furniture items. And no one knows you at all. Luckily, at a couple of those big drug marts near where I live, two pretty teen...

Group Sex
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Erin Her New Neighbor Part III

Erin woke up on a sunny Monday morning. It had been a week since she and her new neighbor Nadia had threw caution to the wind and had a sexual encounter. Erin had been fantasizing about sex with another woman and her lover Jake had told her he would try to find a woman who would agree to join them in bed. Now Erin had her summer off, (she is a ) and was ready for a couple of months of good sex, especially now that Nadia had moved in next door. She felt that twinge between her legs as she...

Group Sex
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Erin Chloe

I was on my way home from work, I worked in the city so the drive home could take me nearly 3 hours, especially on a Friday, rush hour was horrendous.I phoned Chloe‘Hey babe, just on my way home, heavy traffic and a crash so stuck in gridlock, sat nav says I’ve got 3 hours until I’m home’‘Ok babe, Erin’s round tonight, we’re going to get take out, watch a movie or something’My heart pounded, Erin was going to be atmy home if I got back at a reasonable time. I hadn’t seen Erin since she sucked...

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Erins New Religion

I knew better. Those voices in my head telling me something could go very wrong had started the moment we got out of the limo. Now those voices were silent as my girlfriend of six months lay on a bed in the courtyard of a strange house, looking at me with an expression I'd never seen from her before. Her makeup had run from the streams coming down her cheeks earlier. Her auburn hair that usually fell to her navel was in wild disarray around her head. Her boobs fell a little to each side...

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Erin Jacobs

She was walking home from her swimming club; wearing jeans and a plain green t-shirt with her sports bag slung over her shoulder. She was feeling very relaxed in the warm July air and opened the gate at the bottom of her drive. She gasped as she saw the door wide open with a huge dent shaped like a foot in the centre. She hurried into the house, dumped her sports bag in the hall and called "dad?" There was no reply. "Dad?!" She called again panicking. As she made her way...

4 years ago
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This story is about a young woman that is seduced by the wealth and power of her rich boss. All the characters involved in any sex are over 18. Thank you for reading. Enjoy! TIM & ERIN prolog---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wedding bells were once again silent. The gifts opened, the honeymoon over. They had both lost their virginity on the first night in a honeymoon suite. Their sex was unsatisfying and painful for her...

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Kierra and Erin First time together

One summer night durring the break from college Kierra decied to invite Erin to a sleep over. Kierra is a hot 5'8 with 36D tits and a perfect ass. Erin, her friend since gradeschool, is 5'11, a little bit smaller tits and a gorgeous ass. It all starts with the phone call. "Hey Erin what are you doing this week?" Kierra asked. "Nothin really why?" "I was just wonderin if you want to come over for a sleepover,just us.? "Umm sure I don't have anything planned." "Great I'll see you here." "OK I'll...


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