On Her Majesty's Sissy Service - A Call To Action free porn video

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On Her Majesty's Sissy Service - A Call To Action By Katharine Sexkitten The anteroom looked more or less the same as it had fifteen years ago, the last time I'd been inside. The last time I'd been an employee of the organization. Sure, they'd painted and spruced up since then. The walls were a slightly different shade of boring. The colour of a week old newspaper. The desktop was almost bare now, gone were the multiple phones and piles of paperwork strewn about. Clutter was a thing of the past, in this new and digital age. Moneypenny was new, as well. Not the svelte comely busty redhead I remembered. In my day, it was an important but entirely civilian role. Now, I presumed, a position held by someone with vast military training and skills. Certainly based upon looks alone. No longer a woman's job, Moneypenny now had the stature and swagger of a Special Forces graduate, as he welcomed me and offered me tea. I could tell from his physique under the blazer that he was very muscled, very fit, and no doubt trained in the art of killing. No doubt armed as well. The same way I had been, lo so many years ago. "M is just wrapping up a telephone call, and will be with you shortly." Moneypenny went back to typing on his laptop computer, the only electronic device in the room. On a very secure network, knowing the penchant for stealth in this country. I looked around, at the walls and where they joined the ceilings and floors, wondering if they'd gone so paranoid as to install a Faraday cage. It wouldn't surprise me. Vigilance and an almost-limitless budget was a frightful combination in my experience. After a few moments of silently waiting, Moneypenny's computer dinged, and he looked up at me and smiled, in a trained formal way drilled into him by generations of Warrant Officers, and told me that M was ready for me. Whatever updating on the d?cor had happened in the anteroom hadn't made it into M's office. It was almost exactly as I remembered it, right down to the fading carpet and the books on the shelves. Apparently progress comes slower to the higher-ups. M looked up from his chair as I entered the room, not bothering to stand or extend his hand in a greeting. I'd been away for fifteen years, and being retired I'd not kept up on the comings and goings of the bureaucracy. I'd had no idea who the current M was before walking in the door. I presumed the M I knew and faithfully served was years into retirement now. Or no longer living. "Ah, double oh-six nine, good of you to accept my invitation," he said, in that upper-class British voice of experienced life-long privilege, while his eyes scanned me from head-to-toe, revealing nothing in his face. Stoic, was the word some people used. The classic British stiff- upper-lip stone face. The reason why we made good poker players. I call it a look of benign indifference combined with class judgement and disdain. I knew the man, from my former life. His entire career had been spent serving Her Majesty's Government in one capacity or another. A Member of Parliament for a time, an Ambassador for a time, and decades in the upper echelons of government. A member of the peerage. A suit. A player, and a serious one at that. Governments of the day changed from time to time, but M had always been around. And almost all of his time had been spent in and around the halls of power, particularly in foreign affairs, intelligence, and the spy world. We'd never formally met, in all those years, but I knew who he was, and I knew all about him. Including his, how did we used to say it? Peccadillos. His unique personality traits. Which were interesting, but harmless. So, was I surprised he'd made it into this office? A little. Was I curious as to how he got there? Not one bit. He'd been a thorn in the side of intelligence agencies for years, a conservative voice in a world where liberal ideas needed to flourish, and my first reaction was that his placement in the position of M seemed perfectly fitting with all the other inanities of government. Why hire a spy to run the spy agency? Why not just hire the diametric opposite? "Invitation?" I asked, derisively. "Forgive me, M, but the wording didn't strike me as inviting. It seemed more of a direct order." He nodded, and feigned a smile. "These are times of enormous challenges, Blonde," he offered, while motioning for me to take a seat, "and I'm sure you understand that even retired agents are still technically subject to recall." I sat. M opened a file folder, thick as my forearm, and began scanning the papers inside. I assumed it was my personnel file. It looked thick enough. "Double oh-six nine," he continued, "I suppose normally at this point we would engage in an extended period of pleasantries, the social interactions common between people. But I'm not one for the rules of the road, so let's be frank with each other, shall we?" I nodded. "It should come as no surprise to you that we keep track of all of our ex-agents, most especially those with 'double-oh' classification. The license to kill is given out to but a few, and even in retirement Her Majesty's Government would still strive to keep up with your comings and goings. Agreed?" I nodded my head. "Of course I know all of that, M. And do give me some credit," I said, dangerously close to impertinence, "I've always been able to spot your agents, sent to check me out, insinuate their way into my life, and we both know they've always reported back to you the truth, which is that I've been retired for fifteen years, and completely out of the game. I live my life in quiet serenity, away from the madness. I am as invisible as can be, and I've never posed a risk to Crown or country. And I have no plans to change any of that." He nodded, scanning various papers. "Quite so," he said, "quite so. Nothing untoward at all, according to accepted methodology. And yes, it would certainly seem that you 'made' all of our attempts to watch you. From what I can read between the lines, damn near every man we sent to observe you ended up seduced by your charms, and ultimately in your bed." With that, he stared at me. Challenging me. "Not true," I responded. "Damn near every man implies some level of failure. And I," I paused, smiling, "never fail." M had an instant retort. "Proving, I suppose, that all the years of training Her Majesty's Government gave you paid off." I shook my head. "No, I disagree." His eyes met mine. He was either curious about what I might say, or offended that I had dared to correct him. "Training only goes so far, M. You and I both know that. Look at Moneypenny, for instance," I said, motioning to the anteroom behind me, "No doubt highly-qualified in all manners of tradecraft. He probably earned his plum role in your service. He looks the perfect choice for it, physically. Young, built rock solid. But," I paused, "even with all that education and training, would you send him out into the real world, to face those most evil of criminals that I dealt with in my career? Would you trust him to deal with whatever emergency you had with skill and tact and discretion? Does he have the 'double-oh' mindset? Would he succeed, or would he become just another statistic, another name on the honour roll of former military people killed in the line of duty?" M said nothing, but just stared at me. "Over the years, I spotted all your men because I'm better at it than them. Better at it than all of them. Combined." M just continued to stare at me. There was a long and uncomfortable silence in the air. Then, finally, he nodded, just a bit, and just slightly. "Quite," he said. Putting down my file folder, he leaned forward, as if we were suddenly acquaintances and he was about to share some truth, mutually understood to be important, or significant. "I was never a supporter of yours, Blonde. Or the Sissy Squad, as it was called." I nodded. "Yes, I'm well aware of that, M." He continued. "Your talents, your abilities, were undeniable. But I abhorred the morality of your unit, the very idea of it." I nodded again. There was no point in saying anything. His eyes narrowed on me. He was getting to a serious point. "Bloody distasteful, is what it was." I laughed out loud, and could see the anger rise in his face. "Distasteful? You find all our successes distasteful?" He snorted. "I found the entire business to be distasteful. Double-oh agents for the Crown, engaging in sexual exploitation to do intelligence work? Disgusting!" I snorted right back at him. "Exploitation? Are you mad? Do you think the heterosexual agents under your command didn't seduce the occasional target? Are you that old school?" He looked at me, the stoic face again. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. "We utilized our skills to get to our targets through the most basic and common of human emotions. Their sexual desires. Specifically, of course, their kinks. The fact that there are so many bad guys out there who have these deep-seeded sexual desires, the ones you find distasteful," I paused, pointing at the file folder, "is all the more reason to applaud us, instead of condemning us, or finding us distasteful. Or spending years trying to cut our budget, or eliminate us altogether." I paused, and looked at the man, allowing him to understand my knowledge of some of his actions, all those years ago. "Look at the files, M, see how many successes we had. How many evil people we neutralized. Criminals, often extraordinarily dangerous, now in prison. Or dead. Read the files, M, they're right there in front of you." He sat back in his chair, reclining for a few moments. "Do give me some credit as well, Blonde," he said, quietly, using my real last name, "I've no need to read the files. I'm well aware of their details. I remember all of them. Of course. I was there, you see? In the industry, at the highest of levels." I nodded. "Only a fool would deny our effectiveness, M. And you've never struck me as a fool." He nodded his thanks, in a genial upper-class way. "You're right, of course," he said, "there were many very positive outcomes you achieved, on your own and later in charge of your program. And, yes, only a fool would think otherwise. As I say, I remember them all. Who could forget them? I personally concurred on your last promotion, simply based upon your most recent case." My mind spun backwards to that time. "Ah yes," I said, remembering, "we'd eliminated all the leaders of the Communist Urban Mercenaries, far beyond even Number Ten's expectations." "Agreed," he replied, "facts are facts, and the adults in the room have to admit that you and your group swallowed CUM, without question." "Which had transpired," I added, "if memory serves, just after our mission in Eastern Europe, infiltrating the Crimean Orthodox Christian Kossaks, which left their entire network cut to ribbons as I recall." "Yes, indeed, your group sucked the life out of COCK." "Not to mention all of our forays against the Freedom Aryan Group, time after time, year after year. How we established relationships with so many in their cabal, all over the world, slipping our way into all their bank accounts, and dismantling their terrorism once and for all. What would you still be dealing with today if my squad hadn't been there, back then?" My voice had some indignance in it. His eyes recognized it. "Once again, double-oh six nine, no one, least of all me, would deny just how beneficial it was to Her Majesty's Government and to freedom throughout the world that your squad hadn't cozied up to every FAG leader out there, hadn't slept your way into the beds of their FAG upper echelon, including their mysterious leader." I thought about that particular terrorist. I instantly saw his face. A face I'd tried so hard to forget, for fifteen years. I'd almost died at his hands, after spending months slowly and quietly insinuating myself into his world, gaining his trust, learning his passions. Taking his cock into me, at first as part of the job, but soon it became more than that. I had fallen for my mark, and almost lost control. And then instantly, that man's last moments alive flashed by me, as my mind replayed the scene, the revolver in my hand, rising from my purse, aiming at him, and firing, the noise enormous, and then watching the starburst pattern emerge in the middle of his forehead, and the spray of blood and skin and bone and brain matter, all over my silk stockings, and garter belt, and bra, my panties and outer clothes strewn on the floor hurriedly a half hour earlier, before our last lovemaking, both of us exploding in orgasms moments ago, his fucking of me deep and passionate and intense, the greatest of our lives, and then watching myself turn, knowing his security guards would be breaking the door of the bedroom down within seconds, knowing I would have to take care of them as well. Double taps, each man, before barely making my escape, crying the entire time, at the loss of the greatest lover I'd ever experienced. "Dominic was the most evil man I've ever met." M looked at me, considering my appraisal. "Dominic Ignacio Cristian Knofflinger," he paused, "code-named DICK." I nodded my agreement. "You took DICK," he said, softly, and almost with feeling, "and then you retired, isn't that right, Blonde?" Again, I silently nodded. Sitting back in my chair, I crossed my legs, allowing M to see my skirt ride up slightly, baring more of my thighs, perhaps, I wondered, even a brief glimpse of my garter belt, or the top of my lace stockings? I saw the flicker in his eyes, and innately knew that he now was aware of the colour of my panties. He looked up at me. There was a certain interest in his eyes. I recalled what we knew of him from back then, how he'd lived a mostly unimpeachable life, dedicated entirely to public service, and other than the occasional dalliance with young male adult lovers his was a resolutely non-scandalous file. Always above reproach. There'd never been any hint that he might be at all into someone like me. "Blonde," he said, his voice serious, "how up-to-date are you on the affairs of the world, currently?" I shrugged at him. "On purpose, I've dedicated my life to not following any of it." He sighed. "Why?" I asked. "There appears to be a new threat, one of great concern to HQ. Have you heard of," and then he affected a perfect British-educated French accent, "Association National Aux Liberte?" I had not. He looked at me, more serious than before. "Double-oh six nine, Her Majesty's Government needs you back in service. Now. Today. You are hereby ordered to recruit, train, and command a new Sissy Squad. You have an eight-week window, from today, to get your team in place. We have every reason to believe these monsters will be meeting next in two months, when your team can begin operations." He paused again, and got even more serious. "We need every single member of this group eliminated." "Not arrested?" I asked. He shook his head, emphatically. "We need you and your team to take ANAL. All the way. There is credible evidence to suggest that this group, this organization of pure terror, has the funding, equipment and personnel in place to deliver a strike against democracy and freedom all over the world. Here. In Europe. In Asia. In America. All at once. Imagine 911 writ large. They have access, we believe, to a new kind of weapon, and the world will not be safe until that weapon is secured, and all the technology is destroyed." I felt my fear factor go up, just slightly. "What kind of weapon?" "The biological concoction of a madman," he breathed out. "One we've only heard rumours about. Apparently completely odorless, colourless, and tasteless. Easily delivered, it's one hundred percent effective. Within hours every victim will be driven mad, to the point of complete mental breakdowns. They become insane. Certifiably. They go through a few days of increased passions, what must be sheer psychological horror and pain, hallucinations and wild sexual frenzies, of the most outrageous kinds. The stronger of us will last only a short time, inflicting sexual havoc on the people around us, before our final hours of assumed mental anguish leading to our own deaths, almost always by suicide." "Good lord," I whispered. "Indeed," M replied. "Our brightest most learned physicians call it 'Suicide by orgasm'. Truth be told, the poor bastards literally cum themselves to death." I'd be a liar if I said that I wasn't concerned. I'd also be a liar if I said I wasn't the least bit turned on. They cum to death? M continued. "Blonde, you'll have whatever you need, regarding personnel, equipment, and technology. You'll operate out of a secured section of Fenwick Park." I was surprised. That was a highly-secret expanse of land two hours north of London, a private estate once owned by a third-cousin many times removed from one of the Kings, hundreds of years ago. SAS ran it, and lived there. They were the cream of the crop, when it came to military specialists. "The Special Forces chaps don't mind giving up the space?" M shook his head. "They've been told, from on high, to go along with this. Top to bottom." I smiled. "An interesting way of putting it, M." For the first time I saw a bit of colour in his cheeks, a slight flush coming to his face. Perhaps there was some semblance of humanity in there. He reached over to his desk, and picked up a pile of file folders, needing both hands to grip the stack. Then he turned to me, and thrust them in my direction. I took them from him, and put them in my lap. "We've assembled a small group of volunteers. They've no idea what they're up against, mission-specific wise, and you'll have to explain it to them discretely, but all of them are excellent military people, some officers, some non-coms, and all of them fit into who we assume are the 'kind' of volunteer you need." "Kind? What kind is that, M?" I asked, curious as to his answers. He fixed me with his steely gaze. "Cross-dressers. Transvestites. Sissies, or suspected sissies, most in the deep closet and probably denial, some with real-world experience and some still in the fantasy stage, but all of them are most assuredly latent homosexuals." I just stared at him. "And of course you'll also have support staff. Security, transportation, that sort of thing. I doubt any of them are gay, but they'll all do their duty, and obey their orders, which do originate straight from Downing Street." With that, he picked up a single piece of paper from his desktop, and handed it to me. I unfolded it, and saw the letterhead I remembered so well. The Office Of The Prime Minister. I stared at him for a little longer. "And how," I asked, "pray tell, do you determine these volunteers are all sissies? Is there some sort of computer sensor that's been developed since I left?" M shook his head. "Don't be na?ve, double-oh six nine," he muttered, "Her Majesty's Government keeps tabs on everyone, in the military, or government, or foreign service. Your volunteers might initially deny it, but every man fits the overall requirement. Whether they become good agents in the field, that's up to you." I thought about it, while I stared at him. "Why eight weeks?" He smiled. "We've managed to ascertain some things. Three of the four generals in ANAL are somewhat known to us. The fourth is a mystery. They're secretive, and cautious. But we know that three of them, almost certainly related, either cousins or brothers, enjoy the company of, um, well, without putting too fine a point on it, double-oh six nine, they enjoy the company of cross-dressing sissy sluts." I nodded my understanding. He continued. "It's like their private little thing. Now, there is a private gentleman's club in Paris, near our Embassy as it turns out, that caters to men of their desires. You have eight weeks to put your team together, get them up to snuff, and get to the city. We've got a property ready to go, fully setup, so you'll establish your own club and get the word out in the community, and then somehow get those three into your beds. It's considered a strong probability that if they hear about a new Sissy Slut Club, they'll be very interested in visiting. They love the new talent. And we know that they'll be meeting, all four of the leaders, in Paris, in that same time period. Now," he continued, "it's possible all four of them are into fucking feminine sissies, we don't know. Our humint only gets us so far. But regardless, understand this, Blonde, we need you to take ANAL, all the way, or as much as you can. Our intelligence says the three cousins, or brothers, are all keenly into finding new talent and using them for days on end before discarding them and moving on. And this is the dangerous part, Blonde." "Oh?" He nodded. "They're all three unbearably violent, unusually cruel monsters. When they move on, it's always with the sissy slut's death." I could see the concern in his eyes. "Let's not kid ourselves, double-oh six nine," he said, his voice solemn and breathy, "the slightest mistake, by your or any of your team, will almost certainly lead to miserable pain and then death. These volunteers need to understand and accept that." We looked at each other. "Done wrongly, and this is a suicide mission. I shudder to think of the horrors one of us might go through." He seemed genuine. His concern and empathy seemed real. I was beginning to question my thoughts of his character, based on everything I knew from years ago. Perhaps I'd been wrong about him, in some ways. "Us?" I asked. "Us," he said, confidently, and assuredly. "We're all in this battle together, Blonde. Anyone and everyone in Her Majesty's Government, which includes the military. I'm as much a part of this team as anyone." I nodded. "Except you'll not be going into the line of fire, in the field, using your sexual and sensual talents, learning their secrets and taking their passions and finally ending their plans and their lives." M nodded. "Quite," he whispered. "I'm not the one going out there and getting fucked for my Queen and my country." "No," I paused. "You do it for fun, because you love it and it's who you are, and almost always with oiled-up gym monkeys in your bed." I watched the shock register in his eyes. If he hadn't known before that I was keenly aware of his past, he was now. "Which is how it should be," I added, "if it makes you happy. You and I are alike, M, in many ways." "How so?" he asked. I smiled. "We both like to lay back, spread our legs, and have a big sexy man fuck us. Or more than one, at times, eh?" I smiled a little more conspiratorially. He smiled back. "Indeed." I nodded. "Will my squad all be given double-oh designations?" "To a man. And promotions, obviously." "The support staff?" "All promotions, presuming they all keep their mouths shut about it." I smiled. "That's what Special Forces do, is it not? Get medals and promotions as rewards for secret missions? Have a bauble, have a slight raise, and don't tell a soul anything. Forever. The usual fair trade." He nodded. "I'll need a second-in-command, someone I know and trust." "You've been out a long time, Blonde. I can't say there's anyone still in service you'll have had any relationship with." I thought about it. "I had a recruit, back then, just nineteen at the time, just before I left the Sissy Service. He was a comer." "A comer?" I smiled. "An obvious talent, proving his abilities from the ground up, quickly, to everyone's knowledge and satisfaction. It's quite possible he's still in the saddle, is it not?" Looking down at my file, M nodded his head. "Are you referring to Corporal Head?" I smiled, at the insinuation of the lad's real last name, and how it interacted with the man's obvious inclinations and talents. "Indeed, M," I answered, "that's him." He nodded. Then he clicked and clacked on a computer keyboard for a few seconds. "Flight Leftenant Robert Allan Head, aged thirty-five years old, born and raised in Blackpool, his father, one Reginald Head, now deceased, a mother named Elizabeth, currently sixty-two years old, and living in retirement in Torquay. Head himself is on assignment, in France." "Did he stay in the intelligence service? Did he go finish at the school? Is he a double-oh agent?" M answered my questions in order. "Yes, yes with honours, and yes." I hesitated at my next question. "Is he...?" M straightened up in his chair, becoming all business again. "As you well know, the Sissy Service was disbanded, a move I supported at the time, and so Head became what we'll call a normal operative. His career has been successful, he's a good man." Then he paused. "If you're asking if he's still a Sissy, well Blonde, you'll just have to ask him yourself, when you see him." "When I see him?" "Yes," he said, and they reached over and typed out a few lines, "I've just ordered him to report to Fenwick immediately. He'll be there within hours." I nodded. "There are some small things that I need to arrange at my home before I can begin." "Someone to feed the cat and water the ferns?" he asked. I smiled. "Something like that, yes." M nodded. "Write it down, we'll arrange it for you. You have my guarantee. There's no time to waste here, Blonde. Her Majesty needs you and your crew up and running as fast as is humanly possible." "I understand, M. One thing, though." "Which is?" he asked. "I've only brought a small amount of clothes with me. I assumed this would be a short visit, and I would return to my retired life within days. I certainly don't have my old military uniform with me." "Blonde," he said, leaning over to me, "we don't want Major Blonde in charge. We want Jayne Blonde, feminine knock-out in charge. We know for a fact that one of the cousins, or brothers, adores his gurls to be older. In your age bracket. We're expecting you to lead this mission, not just train others. You'll be in there, getting your hands dirty." "Or my mouth," I said, provocatively. "Or your bottom," he added, even more provocatively. We smiled together, sharing the moment. "Blonde," he whispered, and put his hand on my knee, softly, "the Queen needs you to get ANAL, take ANAL all the way, find their chemical weapon of mass orgasmic destruction and neutralize it. For the good of the country, and the world." "M," I asked, enjoying the heat of his palm on my leg, feeling it through my lace stockings, "how many other countries are sending their own Sissy Squads to deal with these monsters?" "The Yanks and the Russians, for sure. We assume the French as well, and possibly the Israelis. But it doesn't matter. You're the best Sissy agent there's ever been, hands down. Washington knows it, as does Moscow and Paris and Tel Aviv. This is your mission, Blonde. Your destiny." I nodded my understanding, as he sat back up and began his final summation. "Go out there and fuck your way into their organization, and then use that talented sissy crew and their lovely sissy pussies and destroy ANAL. Bring ANAL down. I never want to hear about ANAL for as long as I live." Then he paused. "Well, not in that context." I laughed. "Indeed, M," I said, proudly, "we both want ANAL the terrorists gone, but ANAL the activity, that's something different." He nodded. "Something we both want. We both need." I agreed with him. Then he looked wistful. "Two bottoms, you and I. It's a shame, in some ways, isn't it?" I nodded my head. "Two bottoms can have fun together, but not the best kind of fun. I'm not looking to rule the world. This bottom just wants to rock someone's world, every day and every night." M turned bright red. "Go out there and do us proud, Blonde. I envy you." "Envy me? Going into danger? Risking my life?" "No," he said, softly, "getting all that cock, as part of your job." This time it was my turn to smile. I stood up, and saluted him. "Major Blonde, Commander of Sissy Squad, reporting for duty." He nodded his acceptance. "What's the first thing you'll do, Blonde? Your first action?" I smiled at him. "I'm going out to your anteroom and suck Moneypenny's cock. I haven't had any cum in me for hours, and I'm hungering for it. And he looks like he's packing quite a beauty in his pants." M looked a little shocked, but in an almost proprietary way. It made me think, for a second. "Really?" he asked. "Is there time for that, double-oh six nine?" I nodded, enthusiastically. "M, there's ALWAYS time for sucking cock. First rule of a sissy worth a license to kill. And it will make his day, I promise you. It's good for morale, after all, to have your staff satisfied and happy in their work." His look changed to one of gratitude. "Her Majesty thanks you." I nodded, waiting. Finally, I spoke. "And you? Do you thank me, M?" "For doing your duty?" "No," I said, fixing my eyes on his, "for sucking Moneypenny off. You'll view it, on your computer screen. I know I would, if the situation were reversed. I'm more than aware that you have a camera or two out there, so you can see what goes on. And even money says that you're letting him fuck you now and again, am I right? What would be the point of being in your position without taking advantage of the perks? Like a hunky younger man out there with a great looking package?" He just smiled at me, and ran his right hand down his chest, across his belly, and to his groin, which he slowly and sensuously massaged, openly, in front of me. "Thank you, Blonde," he whispered, "I'm going to enjoy watching you blow my Moneypenny. But promise me one thing, would you?" "Name it, M." His eyes went wide, and his voice became hoarse. "After you've sucked him off, after you've swallowed all of his cum, and he can shoot a lot of it, let me tell you, please get him hard again, with your lovely mouth? I'll probably cum watching you give him head, and I'll be desperate for him to run in here and make love to me, in any position he wants, I don't care, just as long as he fucks me long and hard. Would you do that for me?" I nodded, and saluted again. "My pleasure, M." Just before I opened the door, he 'ahemed', and I looked back at him. "Good luck, double-oh six nine," he said, real feeling in his voice, "save the world for us, by taking ANAL." "I'll do my best, M." End of Chapter One.

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part VIII

A Sissy called Jezebel Part VIII - Jezebel has returned to hir classes at Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. We are all getting an education on the Matriarchy in hir sissy life skills class. (Authors note: We are definitely at that world building point, where I really let my imagination fly off the hook. I am throwing out a lot of ideas, but hopefully in...

2 years ago
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Catherine and Callie

I met Catherine when I was 16 and she was 14. She had a high school crush on me, a shy, skinny boy who she had seen playing basketball in her neighborhood park. We were introduced by a mutual friend, and spent a few hours that first day just talking on the swings, until her mother called her in for dinner. Catherine was a beautiful girl, with deep brown eyes, dark brown hair, and an hourglass figure even at her tender age. Though we dated for a few months, we never went farther than kissing...

Straight Sex
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A sissy called Jezebel Part VII

A sissy called Jezebel Part VII - Jezebel has finished hir tour with the Head Mistress into the secretive dungeon/reform school below the fair walls of the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. But is the Head Mistress entirely done with Jezebel? Additionally, what ever does one learn in a 'sissy life skills' class? I require the gurls in my harem to crawl on the floor at home and in private at the office. So get on...

4 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part IV

Part IV - Jezebel's has been sent to the Head Mistress's office of the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Jezebel is inspected by the fabulously wealthy Matriarch of the Beauregard family for the milking ceremony later that night. The Beauregards and McCarthurs have been feuding for decades, but is there more to the story? (Author's Note: I had no intention of writing with such 'world building' detail when I started on this...

3 years ago
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Sissys Calling

The most frustrating thing was that she was just letting this man touch her breasts. He was behind her, pawing at her pale flesh, tweaking a nipple and squeezing her breasts. She laughed and giggled and seemed to be pressing back into him. His hands explored more, down his hands went, lifting her skirt so he had better access. His hands snaked down to her shaved pussy and started diddling her clit. Her legs relaxed open, giving him more access. Sissy sat and watched, as the Bull whispered...

2 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXV

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXV - So many, many German swear words. Jezebel learns that 'sweet innocent' Irmagard is really the 'Teutonic temptress.' The womyn are having a grand time instigating the continuing, sexy humiliation of 'bad Jezzie.' 'Irmy that's just uncalled for.' I think to myself, 'calling me a stupid and about a million other things.' I put my hands on my hips and give hir the glaring of a lifetime, stamping my foot (that showed hir - not at all). I am told...

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A sissy called Jezebel

Part I - Jezebel starts her big day, serving as a sissy maid for the dominant females of hir family. We seen in depth hir morning routine, as sie gets her sisters and hirself ready for school. My alarm goes off at 5:30 in the morning. It is an old fashioned wind up alarm clock with the clapper bell ringer which would wake up the dead, or at least this sissy who had been dreaming sweet dreams of dancing in a full ball gown with hir Prince Charming. I turn on the light on my side...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XIV

A sissy called Jezebel Part XIV - The Headmistress of Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission, reveals even more mind blowing secrets of hir own family history to Jezebel. With that we enter the medical office. Headmistress Saxon says, "The Doctor will be here in a few minutes. So just to fill you in, many of our students were confused about what really happened. The womyn students of both the McCarthur clan and the...

3 years ago
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Catherine and Callie 3

When Catherine arrived, I met her at the door and gave her a huge hug. Callie came bouncing down the stairs and joined us in a group hug. After we were finished, I carried Catherine's bags up to her bedroom and helped her unpack. "So have you two been good?" Catherine asked. "No, Mom, I'm afraid that we've been very bad" was Callie's response. "Excellent!" said Catherine. "I was hoping you'd say that." "Mom, I wanted to say thanks for allowing me to fuck Bob this weekend. He's been the subject...

Straight Sex
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XX

A sissy called Jezebel Part XX - Jezebel and hir entire family next attend a family wedding, where the bride is a sissy (of course.) What sexy, submissive traditions prepare the beautiful blushing bride for hir big day? Will our bride vow to love, cherish and (especially) obey, all orders, whims, without any hesitation, from hir goddess/wife/mistress and to her complete and utter satisfaction? There is non-stop teasing in the car about the bridesmaid dress. Everyone knows I adore...

2 years ago
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Sissy services her football player part 2

While my man was playing football, (never understood the fasination with kicking a ball about), I changed into my schoolgirl uniform. My 'Special' white satin panties with a lace frill. Why special? well they have a little lacy hole at the back for the pleasure of my man! Sheer satin hold up stockings, white knee socks with a heart pattern, sooooo cute! Black patent mary Janes and to finish off, a Japanese sailor top and blue pleated skirt.Once dressed i would feel so good, prancing about in...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XIX

A sissy called Jezebel Part XIX - Jezebel and hir entire family have a big day of events, many of them milestones for a young sissy. Ever wondered what happens when a sissy is ready for hir first chastity? Here's a hint, it's both public and humiliating. (Author's note: Please don't hate me. Yes I am about to do a flashback that completely interrupts the story flow and takes us back to events that occurred over the last weekend. I am making this possibly tragic editing decision for a...

1 year ago
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A Sissy called Jezebel Part XXX

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXX- Jezebel really is about to be hosed off at a truck stop, am I crazy or does that sound kind of sexy. "Is it a point of honor Mother?" "Damn straight gurl." Mother is going to retrieve her 'lost property', so it's back to makeout point/the observatory for me. Mother has only 'threatened us' with the truck stop wash a few times when we were younger and my sisters found some muddy puddle to throw me into. We haven't actually been to it, but...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXVI

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXVI- Jezebel is sissynapped, a fairly common and often light hearted tradition in the Matriarchy, but this 'napping' takes a serious turn. My wrists are tied behind my back and I am led away. I am picked up and go over someone's shoulder, as I am taken down steps to the parking lot. I grunt with each step. Of course I don't resist, sissy-napping is pretty common. It is the moral equivalent of driving ten miles over the speed limit. I've been...

4 years ago
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Catherine and Callie 2

"Bob, I have a favor to ask of you." Catherine and I had just finished a long and hot fucking session; now both of us were trying to recover our breath. "Anything for you. What is it?" I responded. We had been seeing each other for over a month now, and not only was the sex hot, but I could see this relationship lasting for a long while. "You remember that I have to be out of town for three days next week, right?" "Yes, three days that I'm not sure I can survive" I said with a smile. I said...

Straight Sex
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XLII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XLII - A sissy's bitch or what a gurl has to do to get a freaking cuddle around here. (Forgive my little homage to Rocky & Bullwinkle, 'Find out next time......') "Uhm, how did you get into my diary?" I queried Irmagard. "Your sister Abigail generously told me how to pick the lock," she responds very matter of factly. I've operated under the assumption that my sweet sisters were getting into my diary, I just stopped caring that they could read...

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part LX

A Sissy called Jezebel Part LX - Agent Deavers makes an 'impression' on Jezzie, both physically and on a psychoneuroendocrinologically (say that one seven times fast, I dare you) level. We learn that Jezebel struggled with making friends as a 'tween' and Jezebel's mother doesn't know 'diddly poop about architecture'. I am led towards a fallen tree trunk. Mother says, "This will do, Jezzie climb up and lean over the trunk." I lean over the trunk, with my rump facing Agent Deavers. ...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XVIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XVIII - Ever wonder what the womyns football team locker room is like before the 'Big Game' at Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission? Let's find out, together. "Well, looks like you don't actually need the school uniform, it's time for you to get our football team ready for the big game, and then you need to practice with the band, my little majorette." "Yes Headmistress." "How do you...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XI

A sissy called Jezebel Part XI - Jezebel attends hir sissy lit class at Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. I only wish my English classes were this much fun growing up. I tear down the hallways and get through the door, just as the bell stops ringing. I try to saunter into my sissy literature class like there's been nothing crazy about being force fed sperm and oysters in front of half of the school. The gurls are...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XVII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XVII - Jezebel learns that political forces are swirling around hir mother encouraging her to run for higher office and Jezzie attends a sexy hot yoga class at the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission.. I raise my hand in order to ask the Headmistress 'what in world is going on about mother?' "Yes, yes, I know what you are going to ask, the cat is out of the bag, many, many powerful...

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part LIX

A Sissy called Jezebel Part LIX - We learn that the Matriarchy rates Jezebel as 'triple A ++' breeding stock, we also learn of Abigail's college plans that might include possibly Jezebel as well, and finally, that Jezzie is an expert at woodcraft, specifically finding the best and most painful switch. The whole breeding thing has me a little conflicted. I mean, I'm super flattered that Valerie wants to procreate with me. Sisters, donate eggs to infertile siblings and such. Vice...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXVIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXVIII- After having been sissynapped and left abandoned by the militia, Jezebel has found hir best friend Piper, but who is in the car with Piper and is 'three a crowd'? "Jezzie, your mother is through the roof, are you okay?" says Piper. "It's been a rough night, and I got ditched, but I'm fine, really." Another head pops out, sie has a beautiful Beyonce' hair style and is absolutely stunning. "Who's that skinny white gurl? Is that...

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Cheryls Hot Maid Service

Yes my wife was a slut, like my other stories of our adventures, but this one is fiction. I put this together because she did do maid service, for our place, and did it in naughty outfits, acting out being a maid service that made the term "full service" a hot term. So I wrote this up about her, wishing she had become a maid service in Denver.“You are going to hate and divorce me,” Cheryl said as she sat down at the kitchen counter, her hair a mess, clothing in disarray, and stains all over her...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part VI

A sissy called Jezebel Part VI - Jezebel's inspection has been completed at the Head Mistress's office of the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Jezebel is taken by the Head Mistress into the secretive dungeon/reform school below the fair walls of Templeton. All sorts of secrets and surprises are revealed. Headmistress Saxon looks at me. "What class did you just miss?" "Deportment, Headmistress." Forty five minutes...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXIX

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXIX- " Jezebel asks hir mother, "why can't I find a nice womyn, who wants to shag my brains out, and then just hold me tight and tell me sweet nothings, and then take me shopping, and then you know, shag me again, but you know, in a caring, sensitive way?" I head over to cousin Macy giving her a very respectful curtsey. "The Gurls are all asleep, your mother told me you had a rough evening, why don't you go in the bathroom in the foyer and change into...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXII - Jezebel primps, titivates, and beautifies for hir arranged date for the dance at the Harvest Moon Gala. Hir mother takes an extra 'precaution' with Jezzie, because a proper sissy on hir first date only gives pleasure, sie doesn't receive pleasure. We arrive at the house at warp speed 10. While in the garage, Mother, unlocks my sports chastity and locks me in my full chastity belt which really hides the 'bads' as my mother calls my 'equipment',...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part III

Part III - Jezebel's school day starts at the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. A dominant football player takes an interest in our fair sissy and Jezebel finds hirself the 'entertainment' for a teacher's birthday celebration. What classes will help mold our sissy into the perfect slave/maid and why is sie sent to the Head Mistresses office? I look over to the pillory, where Astrid is on display, naked of course. Her...

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Mothers Sissy Teachers Pet

Mother's Sissy, Teacher's Pet By Sandy Brown January 15th, 2012 Dear Ms. Brown, I am Sandy's homeroom and science teacher. I thought I would mention to you that I noticed that Sandy had a small amount of nail polish on the base of his fingernails today. I assume that he was having some fun with you over the weekend, and that before he left for school you used nail polish remover, but inadvertently left some polish on. The color is very pretty, and I'm sure he looked adorable, but...

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXX

A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXX - Jezzie returns to fair Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Jezzie fellow classmates get thir best blows in on poor Jezzie's derriere, then its time to party. Let's check in on the fun. Mistress Shelly walks up to me. "We have a 'special' job for you Jezzie." She has a huge smile on her face. "You are going to the library and shelve books." 'Hmmmmm that will get me out of way so they...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXVIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXVIII - Edging, pro-wrestling moves, side saddle? What exactly are Jezebel and Ismeralda up to? All shall be revealed. Mistress Ismeralda starts fucking me at a very slow pace. A slow, deliciously slow stroke out, and then a faster thrust deeper into me. Over and over the pace barely changes, then she picks up, faster and faster. I moan harder into the pillows. "Oh Goddess, oh Goddess, I am getting close." Mistress Ismy stops. And then, fairly...

3 years ago
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Appendix to A Sissy Called Jezebel

APPENDIX The world that Jezebel McCarthur lives in, is the present time, but in an alternative world where a sizable percentage of women practice female domination of males, as part of an organized international government, known as the Matriarchy. A third gender of sissified males has been created by the Matriarchy, who have almost no legal rights and live under complete domination of their mothers and later their female spouses. Sissies dress only in extreme feminine attire, wear...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXVII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXVII- Jezebel has been sissynapped, hir three primary captors are told by the militia leader to have some fun with 'it', and leave 'it' somewhere nearby. I am freezing. I am so cold, I am shivering convulsively. I am tied back to the car seat, some kind of blanket is thrown on me, I am sure my teeth are chattering like crazy. "Here take a shot, we need you to warm up." A flask of liquor is held up to my mouth. I take a slug. The burning liquid...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part V

Part V - The inspection of Jezebel by Mistress Beauregard continues at the Head Mistress's office of the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Does our little Jezzie make the grade, or will the milking ceremony be called off? (Author's Note on pronouns: in this alternate reality, the Matriarchy's goal is to convert all males into sissies, essentially a third gender. Pronouns evolved to reflect this new gender, he became sie,...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXII - Jezebel's date ends up at a bowling alley? What the heck happened? Mother looks at me while she is driving the relatively short drive to the Johnsons. She's looking a little misty eyed. "Jezzie, part of me can't wait to find you a suitable mistress and marry you off, but you'll always be my first little sissy." "Mother, I am only half way through Templeton, so you're stuck with me for a few more years, and I doubt Beth Johnson is going "pop...

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXVI

A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXVI - Jezzie is still apologizing to the womyn of the household for her errant nocturnal emissions. Sie learns that number of womyn she must crave forgiveness from is larger than sie realized. I find Honora, Abby, and Tabitha in the kitchen, having breakfast. Seeing me on my hands and knees, Abby says to me "back in the doghouse again, what did you now Jezzie?' I look to Tabby who is listening in, of course, her mouth filled with cold cereal. "I...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXI

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXI- The great dildo hunt BEGINS! As we pull into the observatory entrance I tell mother to go up to the specific parking lot where I found Piper's car, it would make sense to work our way from there. I see about a dozen cars, and a lot of family already waiting for us. "Totally stacked deck, right mother?" Mother squeezes my hand, "just don't drop your panties and moon the entire panel telling them to 'fuck off', well they may actually like that....

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXIII - It's a sissy Halloween! Who gets the tricks and who gets the treats? As we drive back to the house, the talk is all about the costumes! I mean come on. For a sissy, Halloween is a Big Night! It's sexy dress up time! But, since I am taking the twins and some other children trick or treating, I couldn?t go totally over the top in a slutty costume, dang kids. Besides, the twins really, really wanted to go in a matching outfit, so that led me to...

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXI

A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXI - Jezzie returns to fair Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Jezzie goes from the fun of hir party to another perilous situation. That Jezzie, trouble just finds hir. Now the party starts! Sissy parties are rare around here, but they do occur occasionally. There is fruit punch in a giant crystal bowl, snacks like popcorn and pretzels, and various low sugar versions of treats like peanut...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part X

A sissy called Jezebel Part X - Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission, has both a lunch and a show, featuring none other than our sweet victim Jezebel. Is there a method to this farce? The Headmistress hands me a green lace catsuit, with peacock feathers that attach to my butt plug and a crotchless opening for my chastity, surrounded in feathers as well. It's an attention grabbing outfit that concentrates said attention...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXIV

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXIV - We learn that there is a 'good Jezzie' and a 'bad Jezzie', so what happens to naughty sissies? Also we learn a bunch of German swear words. "Dear Jezzies (squared); One of you has been most naughty and of you has been nice, but since you are twins now, we can't be bothered to figure out who is who, so you both have to be 'suitably' disciplined. The real Jezzie's chastity will tell you whether you are getting 'warmer or colder' in terms of...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XIII - After the attack by Gina and her cohorts, it is our fair sissy that is put on trial at the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Is there any hope for Jezebel in a system where a mere sissy is presumed guilty, and must prove hir innocence beyond a reasonable doubt? The headmistress exclaims, "Oh Goddess, they did a number on you. This can be fixed. Look at me Jezzie. Pull yourself...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XII - Star football player Tonya asks Jezebel to the big dance, a very happy occasion is marred by disturbing events right afterwards. Will anyone at Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission, believe the word of a mere sissy? I head off to my next class, Dressmaking, still humming to Rodgers and Hammerstein. I enter the classroom, wave at my friends, and get immediately swarmed by a gaggle of...

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part LXIII

A Sissy called Jezebel Part LXIII - We get to meet Aunty Eden's pack and the family sees the harem chamber and the incredible indoor pool. "We've organized the closet a little bit, there's some hand me down clothes for everyone, but we'll fuss with that stuff on a future trip." The twins are back up, and we follow mother to the harem chamber. It's down one floor. Mother opens up the huge double doors, and the vaulted chamber is enormous. "Mother how many sissies did your parents...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXIV

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXIV- Jezebel seems to be having more fun at the bowling alley than sie would have had on hir date with 'freakin' Beth. What is up with that? Sie isn't even allowed to bowl. Duckpins, only for sissies. ["Okay enough! Let's go bowl! Jezzie, I guess you're stuck here for a bit, I'll duck out during a break and drop you off before the dance, ahem, that I already paid for, starts, so you can go 'hind' still have a good time."] says Mother. I'm...

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXIV

A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXIV - Jezzie returns to fair Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Is Jezzie ever going to finally have just a 'normal' day of sissy school? Probably not.....oh to live in interesting times." Mother interjects, "Did Pepper get you up to date, Princess?" I nod and give a thumbs up. "It just occurred to me Jezzie can't swallow that fruit, I'll have one my gurls make it into a smoothie. ...

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2088 Its a Sissy World

2088: It's a Sissy World Charles Pauline - Data Processor Cindy Pauline - Charles' wife Ms. Miriam Jensdotter - Charles' Boss James Marie - Charles' work friend Ms. Marysdau - James' boss Creampuff - A Sissy Store Worker Babykins - A Sissy Store Worker Suzi - The Sissy Store Owner Butterscotch - Creampuff's Roommate Supervisor Gabriellez - Creampuff's Apartment Supervisor Janice and Roger - Passengers on the Looper Ms. Hardcastle - Milking Salon Director Nurse Hamilton - Milking...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXIX

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXIX - We learn that sidesaddle is mucho fun, and then someone drops the 'love bomb'. "Sidesaddle?" says Ismeralda in a confused tone. I look at her in surprise (well sort of, I am facing away from her, so I look at her over my shoulder.) No way I stumped my older and clearly more experienced sex partner? "You know, Sidesaddle? I use your knee as a riding horn?" I get a blank look. I try to think, does this position have another name? "The...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXV

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXV- Jezebel is swept off hir feet by the dashing Val at the Harvest Moon Gala. It is absolutely impossible for my mother to stealthy make her way to the sign in table and leave. We are not two feet in the door, before several womyn are welcoming her, and also getting her input on a dozen issues related to her foundations, her charity work, or some issue related to her high office at the Matriarchy. Mother is simply a VIP, wherever she goes. Mother,...

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Meinen Mann zur Sissy erzogen

Achtung diese Geschichte ist noch voller Rechtschreib- und Gramatikfehler. Jeder der m?chte kann diese Geschichte als Vorlage nehmen und sie verbessern. Jetzt reicht es mir. Ich hatte die Internet Seiten meines Freundes gefunden. Er surft also st?ndig auf Adult Baby Sissy Seiten. Ich hatte mich schon l?nger gefragt warum er im Bett nichts zu Stande bringt. Das kann er haben, ich werde ihn einfach in ein kleines Babym?dchen behandeln bzw im Grunde verwandeln. Er war eine Woche zu einem al...

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Chrissie The Saga of a Lovestruck Sissy Maid

Chrissie by c.w. cobblestone BOOK ONE "Mrs. Martin" Part I My right leg had a mind of its own. Rebecca frowned. "Why you keep bouncing like that? What's wrong with you?" "Um, I ... I ... nothing." "Bullshit, nothing. Something's up; you been acting weird ever since we got back from Paris. What the hell's going on, Chris?" I balled my fists. Clenched my jaw. Closed my eyes. Drew a breath. Took the plunge. "Okay. Okay. It's just ... well, now that we're...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XLIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XLIII - We return to fair Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission, where the big rivalry football game against Sackler is about to start. Jezzie has a lot to do.

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Sissy spit roast sleep over

Pt 1: Long black limoSissy Saraya was very excited because her new mistress had told her they were going to continue with her corset training tonight, she had been wearing her waist trainer and inflatable plug all day along with her favourite pink maids outfit and cute sissy 6" white heels and stockings with pretty pink bows, She had been watching BBC porn all day and was dreaming of cock while she finished her chores, Mistress text to say her driver would be arriving at 6pm sharp, Mistress...

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The SissyMaster

THE SISSY-MASTER CHAPTER 1 I have read many tales and stories on this site over the years; some of them 'autobiographical' and some of them complete fantasy. It strikes me that most of the stories have been written by the, either real or wannabe sissy girl and therefore is 'her' fantasy from a sissy's perspective. So I have written my stories of my experiences, beliefs and methods from the perspective of the male. This is for the REAL MEN that read this site, a guide to the...

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