Dogging In The Car Park free porn video

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“Are you sure, you’re certain to be the only woman
there… It could get ‘interesting’ fast.”

She looked at me in the dim light, the low light of
the dash silhouetting her, but her eyes seemed to
shine out, like coals smouldering in the heart of the
fire, sending heat to my lions.

She silently took my hand, locking her eyes to mine,
her intensity mesmerising me. Slowly she drew my hand
to her bare thigh, and guided me up and under her
loose skirt.

I felt her heat immediately and within the space of a
heart beat I could feel moisture before finally she
wrenched my hand the last few inches and wedged it
firmly against her mound.
Her panties were missing, and her sex was molten hot
and soaked. She pushed her pelvis against the palm of
my hand as I slipped my middle digit into her with

Her gaze intensified and I found the world around me
dissolving. All that existed was her flashing eyes
and her slippery heat.

“I… want… to… go,” she stated slowly and

I turned the ignition with my free hand, and I saw
the glint of her lips in the low light as they curled
into a wicked grin.

The trip to the car park was quick and uneventful.
Light from passing cars would illuminate her, and I’d
catch glimpses of her, her eyes were wide with
excitement, her hand had wandered between her legs,
and as we drove she opened her legs as far as
possible. The light for the headlights was never
enough for me to truly know what she was doing, but I
could detect small telltale movements in her upper

We pulled into the car park of the picnic site, a
couple of cars were parked up, but there didn’t
appear to be any signs of life, I turned the car
around and backed into a space so that we could leave
quickly if we needed to.

Cutting the ignition, silence ensued. The only sound
our breathing and the quiet occasional ping for the
engine cooling off.

“How do we…” she trailed off.

“How do we what?” I asked. I had no intention of
making it easy for her.

“How do we start?” she whispered, fear and excitement
in her voice.

“You either wait to see if anyone else starts a show.
Or you start your own,” I grinned in the darkness.

“All you have to do is flick the lights to let
everyone know you want to be watched,” I said eyeing
her closely in the inky blackness.

She didn’t answer at first, then she leaned over to
me and pulled my head toward hers, out lips finding
each other in the dark.

Eager to feel her again, I rested my hand on her bare
knee and quickly drew it up her thigh, meeting her
naked and moist sex. She groaned into my open mouth
and I slipped two fingers into her easily, raising
her hips to meet my hand, grinding herself against
the palm of my hand.

I pulled back from her, and dipped my head to her
neck, nipping her sensitive skin with my teeth, her
fingers twinned into my hair as a loud gasp escaped

She desperately searched for my zip in the darkness.
A small cry of triumph and the zip came down with
force, the sound filling the air in the cramped
confines of the car.

Her hand snaked in and met with the smooth hot skin
of my already erect shaft, frustration wracked her as
she tried unsuccessfully to release me. With my free
hand I unbuckled my belt, and began to pull my jeans
down, realising what I was doing she attacked me
again with her mouth sucking the air from me as she
pulled at my jeans in her delirium.

Her decorum and control had evaporated, my fingers
were busy pumping her slick pussy, her juices were
free flowing and I could smell her scent in the air.
There was no time for finesse, we were animals, our
lust aroused and in complete control of us.

Finally my member sprang free and her cool fingers
wrapped around the hot shaft. Her hips immediately
rocked onto my hand and she gave a gasp. I broke our
kisses and headed straight for her neck, nipping and
licking the sensitive skin. She turned her head and
sighed in appreciation.

Suddenly she squealed and jumped back from the
window. There mere inches away was a long slim cock,
separated only by the thin pain of glass. His veins
protruded and his head was swollen, he stroked
himself slowly, his skin gathering near the tip, then
stretching taught emphasising his length.

I slowed my ministrations within her sex, but didn’t
stop, watching her reaction. Her hand gripped my cock
tightly. She stared at our voyeur intently. She could
see no more of him than his groin. His balls looked
full and swollen as they pushed their way out of his
He could clearly see in the car, but it as so dark
that he could probably only guess at what was
happening. Until a thin beam on light played over her
thighs tracking slowly upward, her treasure obscured
by my hand.

His excitement was obvious, as I could see his cock
tremble and a bead of pre-cum formed at his tip.

Inside the car her breathing was heavy and laboured,
not just from my efforts I suspected. Her eyes were
still glued to the cock, mesmerised and dreamlike she

“W-what do we do…”

I didn’t answer, trembling myself, I reached up and
switched the interior light back on as my own heart

She blinked in the light, bright in comparison to the
darkness that had so recently enveloped us. I took my
hand from between her thighs and started to unzip her
jacket. She didn’t protest, she didn’t react at all,
just stared, her les still open and the torch beam
now playing mush closer to her exposed pussy.

Her jacket undone, I pulled her top down fast, her
breasts spilled out as she squealed again. The cock
at the window gave jerk and he squeezed himself hard.
I pulled up her skirt further ensuring that he could
see her fully.

Then grasping her chin and dragging her eyes away
from the pulsing member at the window, I looked deep
into her lust filled eyes.

“Do you want to go?” I asked, my own breathing heavy.

Her hand still on my cock came alive and she stroked
me in answer before shuffling around, onto her knees
and shrugging off her jacket. Turning away from the
window, she bent at the waist and swiftly engulfed my
cock into her mouth. She took half of shaft

I threw my head back and groaned as I felt her tongue
bather the underside of me. Her hand snaked under me
and grasped my balls, squeezing me and she tried to
take more of me.

I looked over to see if our audience was still there,
he now had a great view of her ass, I reached over
with difficulty and itched her skirt up higher. I
then tried to reach under her and through her legs to
stoke her pussy. But her own hand was already there,
the dirty bitch was opening herself to her voyeur,
rubbing her clit to a stranger. She was really
getting off on it too.

She moaned around my dick, the vibrations mending
pleasure message to my brain.

“Do you like being watched baby?” I hissed quietly

“He’s looking at your pussy. His cock is twitching, I
can see it getting slippery” I continued without
waiting for reply. She moaned around my cock, her
lust up again.

“I bet you want him to touch you don’t you? To put
his rough fingers in your soppy cunt? All you’d have
to do is wind down your window…….” I teased “he’d
reach right in and feel how wet you are” I finished

“Oh god!” she moaned pulling my cock from her mouth

I didn’t wait for her consent and reached over to the
button on the door frame. The window whirred down
behind her. A cold stream of air invaded the car,
goosebumps started to rise on her buttocks.

The stranger was so close now, his cock poking
through the window, nearly touching her.

She jerked my cock near her face, her eyes were
screwed shut and her breathing was irregular and
ragged with excitement, small mewing noises escaped
her. She thrust her ass back, pushing against the now
open window, and the cock slide up her crack resting
in her back, his balls nestling against her arsehole,
his tip brushing her bunched up skirt. She jerked her
hips in small circles, then became ever so still, her
eyes snapped open and her back arched, her breath
caught in her throat.

Screwing her eyes shut again a deep strangled wail
welled deep inside her and burst forth, her hips
jerking as she came.

Her whole body trembled and twitched, as she gasped
between orgasmic contractions. The stranger had
barely touched her, but she’d already had the most
powerful orgasm I’d ever seen her have.

Eventually her orgasm started to subside, more after
orgasms bathed and shook her slightly as she came
down. The stranger hadn’t moved his shaft, he slowly
rubbed it up her crack, per-cum dribbled onto her

“Do you want to go?” I asked again wondering if the
reality of the situation was upon her now she’d cum.

“No,” she breathed quietly nuzzling my cock against
her cheek, she shuddered again and I looked over and
saw the stranger was pawing her ass, softly digging
his fingers into her flesh, trembling they began to
inch hesitantly downward, seeing no resistance, his
fingers brushed her dripping sex.

Grunting she pushed her ass back at him again, then
abruptly knelt up leaving me shaft waving, and turned
to face the window. Our stranger jumped back
slightly, surprised by the move, but his penis still
waved within reach.

Throwing her hair back, I watched amazed as she took
her breasts in her hands and presented them to this
utter stranger. He needed no encouragement and
quickly reached out, both hands shot out and cradled
her breasts, then moved to caress the nipples. As his
confidence increased he began to maul her flesh, but
she seemed or be loving it, and reached out to take
his cock in her hand.

I meanwhile, took myself in my own hand and sat back
to watch her being groped whilst she tugged off a

Cupping his balls she drew him closer and flicked her
tongue out, swiping his tip, collecting a dab of per-
cum. I heard him groan and watched him shudder as she
drew him closer still, lips parted, slowly opening
her mouth. The tip entered her moist mouth and she
closed her Lip around him.

She was moaning, whether to turn him on or because
she was turned on I couldn’t tell but the sound of
her muffled groan and the sight of his quivering cock
sliding further into her mouth made me twitch again
with a Lange of slight jealousy. But as my heart
pounded and I watched on my own shaft grew to new
lengths and stiffened beyond my recollection.

She continued to massage his balls, and shot the
other hand out of the window and grabbed his buttock,
trying to pull him closer, but the car was in the
way, instead he flexed his hips, and she swallowed
another inch. She squeezed his balls hard and took a
little more till it must have been filling her whole,
she brought her other hand back and wrapped her
fingered around the remainder of the shaft and
stroked him.

I could hear his breathing coming in gasps now and he
began to quiver, I didn’t think he’d last much
longer, she was an expert with her mouth, the
movements of her jaw made me fairly certain that her
tongue was working the underside of his prick,
teasing him and bringing him closer to the edge.

Suddenly through dim light I thought I could just
make out his sac tighten, he sucked in his breath and
tensed up, a low groan escaped him and with a release
he jerked his hips forward.

Had it not been for her hand wrapped around his shaft
his cock would have plummeted down her throat, but
she managed to read the signs just in time and bobbed
her head back to take his tip only whilst she gave
his shaft a strong tug.

The first blast must have been incredible, as even
though she appeared to be partly prepared and not shy
about swallowing she flinched as the jet hit the back
of her throat and gagged slightly. The erupting
member slipped from her lips, and as a second shot
jetted, she turned her head just in time to receive
the spray on her cheek.

Aiming the straining cock down toward her chest, it
pulsed again and again spraying forth more cum each
successively weaker than the last until the stranger
untangled himself from her hand, and moved off with a
solitary, whispered thanks, disappearing into the

I hadn’t realised that I’d been holding my breath
whilst she was taking the stranger’s cum, I finally
exhaled in a gasp, my cock throbbed and ached for
release, looking at her she seemed stunned, frozen,
like she was unable to comprehend what had just

I needed release, and I was in no mood to watch
again, my lust was up and I was going to have her. I
opened my door, shaft swaying and leading me around
the front of the car to her door. I pulled the
handled and swung the door open, she looked up at me
not saying a word, a dreamy look on her face as she
idly traced circles over her cum matted skin.

I reached in and took her by both hands pulling her
up, the cold air seemed to bring her around, the
breeze chilling the once hot sperm splattered on her
face and breasts. I looked her in the eyes, my own
seeing only a sex object to be used for my own
satisfaction. I span her around and bent her over,
she didn’t resist and rested her forearms on the seat
where moment before she’d taken a complete strangers

Taking my shaft in my hand I rubbed the head from her
asshole to her clit and back, on the way through I
lodged my tip inside her velvet pussy. She was slick
and hot and once I was inside her I glided in with
ease until my tight sack was pressed against her.

I needed release badly, had to have release. It drove
me and I picked up a fast pace immediately. The
images from those short moments ago flashed through
my mind and I felt myself shudder, my own cock
flexing inside her.

She could say nothing, only moan and shout as I began
to pound her harder and harder. I was snarling as I
drove myself into her repeatedly, again and again.

I sensed rather than saw, another figure near me,
turning my head whilst I fucked her I saw the figure
emerge from the gloom hesitantly approaching us. I
slipped my cock out of her, at which she gave a moan
of displeasure and surprise, then slammed myself back
in her again.
I beckoned the figure nearer, slipping myself from
her again, leaving it a little longer then re-
entering her with one hard stroke.

The figure approach, he was fumbling with his zipper
until finally he managed to release himself. I
indicated silently if he wanted a go. Wide eyed he
nodded eagerly. I pulled out of her again, then
slammed back in whilst he sidled up next to me.

He stroked his cock till it was fully erect and I
pulled out and stepped back immediately to give him
enough room to get in. He didn’t need any further
encouragement and stepped up behind her and lined up
his own tip, swiftly entering her, her juices turning
into cream from the hard fucking I’d given her.

I’m not sure she was in any state to tell that I’d
swapped with another stranger, but I walked around to
the driver’s door again, still open from before. Her
head was resting in her arms as she made small
yelping and groaning noises, she hadn’t seen me, but
as I knelt on the driver’s seat, she looked up eyes
glazed her whole body rocking a the stranger pumped

At first she only saw a cock pointing directly at
her, then her eyes tracked up between thrusts and
realisation dawned on her. Her eyes popped open wide
and her mouth hung open speechless. When her brain
kicked in it was too much for her and she hunched
over, a low wail starting in the it of her stomach
before she arched her back sharply, screwing her eyes
shut and holding her breath.

Finally her breath exploded with a scream which split
the night air and she must have clamped down on the
guy inside her, as I could hear moans from him as her
pussy convulsed like a velvet vice. He tried to pump
her still, but she was too tight for him to bear and
as her orgasm started to fade, he slammed into her to
the hilt and gripped her hips, his fingertips digging
into her flesh.

Her trembling body collapsed in the car seat,
aftershocks running through her body as it tried to
cope with the new sensation of being filled with
fresh cum, and a new smaller convulsion started and
she shivered and jerked as he emptied himself into

Panting she lay quietly moaning face down and ass up
as the stranger withdrew his wilting member from her,
a trail of their combined cum stretching then falling
on her quivering thigh. He turned and left quickly
into the night.

I wasn’t done with her yet and again walked around to
the passenger side, she hadn’t moved, exhausted form
her sexual marathon. Spunk ran freely down her inner
thigh, her tight buttocks still trembled from her
after orgasms.

I levelled myself to her height and slipped my cock
back into her again. The strangers cum was so hot and
her own cum instantly bathed my balls. The feeling as
incredible, and within two or three strokes I could
feel my tentacles contract and the tingling enveloped
my loins until I too tensed and reached into her as
far as I could. The pent up release was near
agonising and I became hyper sensitive, which only
served to heighten my pending orgasm, until I

Jet after jet entered her, mixing with the combined
cum, bathing her inner walls with fresh cum, I threw
my head back and cried out unable to keep control of
myself as I emptied into her. My knees buckled under
the intensity, and I slipped from her, my member
issuing one final weak line of cum, which dripped on
to her thigh, and mingled with the stream of cum
which was now flowing from her pussy.

I collapsed on top of her, not able to stand any
longer. Both of us were breathing hard and despite
the cold, sweat beaded on our bodies. She reached
down and took my limp hand squeezing it, and as we
lay there cooling said to me, “I want to go now,”
with a satisfied smile.

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Caroles Story 03 Caroles Training

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. Her...

2 years ago
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Carrie in the Park

Position. That was the problem. He was sitting in the cheap apartment he’d rented to save money while he was getting his credit equivalencies, after getting back. He was frustrated and pissed off. The school work bored the shit out of him and he hated the professors at the community college. They were a pack of soft, pudgy, pasty, smirking, condescending civilians used to dealing with a bunch of kids. It all seemed irrelevant and meaningless, and the people around him seemed aimless and...

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Carly a Caravan and me

I had been going out with her Mum for about 6 months, when Carly, her younger sister, her Mum and me went for a short break to a caravan park on the coast. Carly was just 16 and in her final year at school. She was a very attractive girl and had had a string of boyfriends over the few months I had known her. Although I am a normally red-blooded male, I had never looked at her in 'that way' before - she was too close to my own k**s ages for that! And, in any case, her Mum was an a****l in bed,...

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Carla Episode 1 Carlas Helping Hand

Carla and George, both live in an upper class, suburban neighborhood.  George is forty-nine-years-old, a very intelligent, and well-respected cardiovascular doctor who is committed to his practice, and his success is proof of it.  He has been divorced from his wife for the past five years, and his sex life has been non-existent.  His only excitement recently has been looking at Carla from the window, in her school uniform skirt.  The sight of Carla always gives him a massive erection.Carla is...

First Time
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Dogging comes to America 2

Introduction: couple continue dogging It had been about a month since Jan and I had been in the park at the mens room. I had a feeling that she was getting antsy. She would start sucking my cock when it was soft and after I had came a couple of times in her pussy. I think I need to get some replacements for you to have sex with before you kill me, I told her. Jan looked at me as she sucked my soft tired cock, Do you mean that we can go dogging again…ohhh I just hate that word. Yes but you...

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Carmen and Carole

I had left Joe and headed down to Carole's house for a visit and upon reaching there, I was greeted by Carole warmly. I had told her what had been going on with my black lover Jerry and she invited me down to help me out. As we kissed at the front door I whispered to Carole as we broke off, "I need a black cock" Carole said she would have her husband pick up the c***dren and keep them out leaving us the whole day to ourselves. We moved into the living room and sat down on the sofa. "I'm...

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Dogging With Mom

You need to read my other story ‘Glory Hole Mom’ before this one. I got the shaft in my divorce and had to move back in with my parents at the age of 42. My mom, Linda, is 58 and average looking woman. My dad works out of town alot and this has given me time with mom and her friend Vicki who is blonde and I find her very attractive. We drink alot and try to solve the worlds problems. We also went to do some gloryholing, I got to watch mom get some strange dick. Now the girls want to try...

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Dogging With Mom

You need to read my other story "Glory Hole Mom" before this one. I got the shaft in my divorce and had to move back in with my parents at the age of 42. My mom, Linda, is 58 and average looking woman. My dad works out of town alot and this has given me time with mom and her friend Vicki who is blonde and I find her very attractive. We drink alot and try to solve the worlds problems. We also went to do some gloryholing, I got to watch mom get some strange dick. Now the girls want to try...

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ICarly Carly has a new Idea

This story is OBVOUSLY fiction. Names and characters borrowed from nickelodeon studios purely for the sake of an interesting back story. Sam didn’t know what to do. Seemingly stiff, or almost frozen. Aside from Carly’s menstruations she didn’t even blink. Carly peeled Sam’s hair up and in into a tie. And she used a pink ribbon, which seemed to appear from thin air. She tied a bow at the top pinning Sam's locks. She then breathed hotly on her neck slowly. And in a low whisper she...

3 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 249 Central Park

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: August 15, 2011) Chapter 49 - Central Park The rest of the weekend was much more low-key than the previous week had been. After sleeping in slightly longer on Saturday, we spent most of the day traveling in the bus to New...

2 years ago
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Dogging Again

We’d gone dogging for the first time last week. That is, we'd found a remote parking area with several cars. In one of the cars, a couple was fooling around sexually. We and a couple of other people had watched, with their invitation. Then my wife and two guys had joined in. While the two guys had sex with the female from the car, my wife had stroked and sucked the cock of the male.The drive home was interesting. I was hugely aroused from watching; particularly watching my wife fellate another...

Group Sex
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I’d heard quite a lot of things about dogging, how filthy it could get, but I’d never tried it as I wasn’t even really sure where to go. My sexy owner next door was more than enough for me at first, but now I was craving even more.I went online, the usual sites, and researched/asked around where I could go dogging in the nearby area. I’d got talking to many regulars from the area and I’d come up with a reasonable plan. I’d finally just received my car, I knew it was about time to start my new...

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Dogging in Warwickshire

I thought I would write a story based on a true experience that happened last year, however, I thought it needed spicing up a little, as the finished product just didn’t reach my horny standards, so I will leave it up to you to decide what did and didn’t happen!It was a warm Summers evening last year. I had been feeling horny all day, and with it being a Weekend, I knew that there was a good chance of seeing some action at the local Dogging spot.The Dogging location is situated on the outskirts...

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Dogging First Guy Experience

I'd been curious for a while but I had never acted upon it, but recently that changed.I had a free weekend and found myself at the cinema watching a late film. Upon leaving the cinema I was feeling horny and adventurous, so I googled some local dogging spots when I got back to my car. I set off for the first location which was about 20 minutes away. I nearly missed the turn when I arrived, but I managed to find the most secluded location imaginable. It was just a shame it was so secluded that...

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Dogging with my slut wife

My ex wife was a horny slut. She was only about 5ft 3 tall but she looked gorgeous - a dead ringer for Samantha Fox. With her long bleached hair, her fresh round face and her large boobs she looked so horny. She could never get enough sex and we had an open relationship whereby we would tell each other about the sex we'd been having with others.She signed up with an escort agency and went out under the name of Carrie to meet sex mad clients who couldn't believe their luck when they saw her -...

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Dogging Mrs C

Well Mrs C and I decide to have some dogging fun before the summer left us for good. And with her new fan club of guys this was going to be one hell of a night. We had planned it to be the coming Friday night and with it only being Monday. They should be plenty of time to get the guys together. As the week goes by we get confirmation form about six guys that they are happy to meet Friday night. With this being a big event I go online shop for a slutty outfit for Mrs C. After a shot time I found...

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Dogging no cinema Porno

Confesso que não sou grande fã de assistir a filmes porno, mas a ideia não me saia da cabeça.Ir a um local apenas frequentado por homens devia ser vibrante. Saber que está a ser projectada na tela uma grande vaca a ser comida por vários gajos, e os espectadores completamente excitados. hummmmcomo seria a excitação deles ao saberem que estava ali uma mulher ao lado deles? devia quadruplicar.As minhas idas ao cinema sempre foram normais, na maioria delas, até fui sozinha. Compro pipocas e lá vou...

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Dogging and Neighboury love continuing story of a

Back home we decided to add dogging to our portfolio of activities and after the success of the first trip we got bolder and decided to keep to locations closer to home. We kept it spontaneous, one warm clear night we turned up and saw one of her neighbours cars, it was an easy spot not many powder blue s-type jags about and saw that both front windows were down and cocks were being sucked and pulled from both sides. The passenger side we could make out it was the wife but couldn’t make out the...

2 years ago
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GA – Thirsk, England – 30th April 2013.God, was I nervous that first time. I remember walking from the car to the bench, my stomach churning like a washing machine, legs trembling while I imagined them all staring at me. There were already six or seven cars in the secluded car park when we arrived, and one more pulled in behind me as I made that lonely walk.When I got to the bench, before I sat down, as instructed by my hubby as I got out of the car, I unbuttoned the front of the dress from the...

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Dogging Surprise

Earlier tonight I was about to make a new tribute when I thought I'd go out to one of the local dogging spots to see if I could find somebody to suck my cock and have a bi of fun myself. When I arrived there was a car there already so I locked my car and walked past the car, down the path to the wooded area. I waited a few minutes and noticed that the car had disappeared to my disappointment.I hung around for a few minutes, being a Saturday night I expected maybe a couple of guys would turn up...

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Never wanted to try dogging, the videos are ok but half the time the cunts they use are totaol pigs - so if they cant even pay good looking cunt to do it what are the chances that you will find a decent looking piece of cunt doing it for free?Two weeks ago i read on a site that a pub on the end of a bus route near me had some dogging going on in the car park beside it. went along to watch the match and kept an eye out, went outside prentending to make a phone call and saw a few others looking a...

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dogging after work

You are sitting in work and are feeling really naughty you can feel your pussy getting moist and its only been an hour or so since you sneaked out to have a wank, you decide you need a good hard fucking and start to search the web for some dogging sites, with luck you find one not far from where you live, the rest off the day goes over and you drive home and grab a quick shower and bite to eat and then get dressed for your night, stockings and suspenders tight skirt and blouse no knickers or...

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Dogging Near Andover

Take the main road out of Andover towards Tidworth and drive through Luggershaw. Through the traffic lights and over the bridge. Drive past the Wellington Academy on your right and then the road dips, at the bottom turn, first right (don't take the tank track so be careful when turning) drive up the single road track and you can turn left up a dirt track and you'll find an ideal dogging spot which is covered by trees. Alternatively, take the second turning on your left, follow the road and...

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Caroles Story 04 Carole in Porno

I, on the other hand, am a tall, thin, average looking guy, but I always keep myself in good shape. My best attribute was my cock. I am over nine inches long and am very thick, all the way to the bulbous mushroom-like head. What my wife, and other women, always appreciates the most is that it never really goes soft. It stays around seven inches, even when `flaccid', and hard enough to penetrate all but the tightest holes. This story is true, with some alterations like names and dates. I...

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Carla and Carrie III

After we dried ourselves, we lied down on the bed and fell asleep. It was wonderful to be next to Carla. She was a beautiful and sexy woman. And my cock was always hard as I spooned with her. I alarm went off after an hour. The was a knock on the door. It was the motel cleaning crew, twin young ladies from the Philippines, Ester and Ruth. Carla told them to come right in. Ester said, “Yes boss.” Carla giggled and asked her to call her Carla and then she introduced me. “Hi Mike,” came from both...

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Caroles Story 05 The Rape of Carole

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. ...

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Chloe Smythe A Day In The Park

This story is based on the idea Chloe Smythe isn’t a celebrity. Story Code: M/f, Oral “Hey mister, ya got any candy?” Tony looked up from his sandwich and saw a young girl standing about 4 ft. from his bench. “Swell,” he thought. “No sweetie. I’m afraid not,” he said trying for a warm smile. He’d chosen this secluded section of the park he found yesterday specifically to get away from people and enjoy his lunch in peace. Specifically people this extremely young girl’s age. It wasn’t that he...

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Carla and Carrie

Life was difficult for her she said. I shared some things about my life. Later in another series of text we share more. I asked if I could give her advice. She really wanted to meet, needing the money. I said I could not at that time. A few days passed; Carla sent a text. We chatted some. Later that evening, I said I could meet, asking just to talk. She agreed. We meet, talked, and I gave her $150. We hugged. A few days later another text from her, I gave her some ideas. After that...

2 years ago
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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 8 Have your cake and a free car

It was the seventeenth of May 2015. Rome, where I had been only four weeks ago, was but a dim memory. Fortunately Caroline’s face as she toppled over and fell into the drink was still available in my mind in Hi-Res. The weather was lovely for late spring and we had a chance to have ‘Sunday Morning Coffee And Something Nice’ in my back yard. I had baked a chocolate cake, which had turned out rather well. Didn’t look like much, because glazing cakes is actually very difficult, but it tasted...

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Carla and Carrie II

As our mouths met, Carrie lowered herself onto my hard cock. She moaned as my cock went deep inside her. Carla moved some. Carrie couldn’t help herself. Her movements became more pronounced. Faster. She wanted to cum. Carla was waking up. Her eyes opened to see her daughter’s face and my face close and our lips together. We looked at Carla and she smiled. Her hand came up and over to us caressing our cheeks. At that moment Carrie had her morning orgasm. Her pussy gushing her juices out and...

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DOGGING IN THE PLAYGROUND This story goes back a couple of years and tells you how my dog walking business led me to wanking and cumming on a group of schoolgirls. First a bit of background. Following a divorce that led me to be being screwed, I ended up in a big city in a little flat with very little money. However a stroke of luck, namely compulsory redundancy, gave me enough money to buy a small house in a little village a long way from where my ex wife lived,but near enough to visit my...

1 year ago
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Carrots at the Carnival

Carrots. Carrots!Remembering I needed carrots, I leave the cashier’s register, dash back to the produce section and quickly find the sign boasting ‘Today’s Special’ - freshly picked carrots. Reaching over them for a bag of smaller, bite-size carrots, my hand passes over the large carrots with green stems. My fingers barely graze the slightly dirty orange skin and large ridged, conical-shaped carrots when suddenly, my mind casts back into a kaleidoscope of images, smells, and sounds, and I hear...

Straight Sex
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Sarah Carerra 242 Paramount Theatre

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: June 27, 2011) Chapter 42 - Paramount Theatre Waking up for church the following morning was really hard. That was why I decided to stay in bed. Mom didn't like that decision, but at least she knew how tired I was. She was...

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Dogging Schoolgirl and the Older Man

Dogging Schoolgirl and the Older ManBy billy69boyThe true story that inspired this fictional one was written by SaraOz and can be read here: has given me permission to add my fantasy to her story. The following is an excerpt from her original story titled "First Time in the Park":********************************************************************************The large bush area with walking tracks is where the boys at school had said was...

4 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 203 Family Therapy

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 16, 2010) Chapter 3 - Family Therapy "That was your mom," Dad said while hanging up the phone as we approached the car. We had just left the set of 'The Tonight Show'. "She said that Kevin and his family have arrived. You...

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