Ferry Girl
- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
One afternoon Holly and I were hanging out at a coffee shop in Manhattan. Along the way we got to talking about role-play games. We had already done some of those, but she proposed a new one.
Holly started describing it. “We’re going to be playing a pick-up game. Have you heard of those?”
“No; I’m not up on them.”
“What they are is this: two people pretend they don’t know each other. Then one picks up, or tries to pick up, the other one, as if they had just met. Presumably, this has to be in some public place, like maybe a bar, but it could be in a store, a library, on the street, whatever.”
“Okay, that seems simple enough. But it sounds like the pick-up can fail too; is that what you meant?”
“Yes, it could fail depending on how the plot is going. But that seems pretty boring. In this case, I’m going to pick up you, and I assume you won’t refuse me.”
“Well, of course not. So, where will this happen?”
“On the subway.”
“You’re kidding me.” I knew one of these ladies would talk me into some stunt like this.
“Hear me out. First of all, we’re going to play versions of ourselves; we’ll use our real names. Dress like you usually do at City College.”
“Those clothes, you know, are kind of downscale.”
“That’s fine; it will seem more authentic that way. Carry a notebook too, like you usually do.”
“Okay, so what is the plan?”
“The timing for this has to be right. The way I see it, I’ll get on a southbound 1 train at, I think, 28th Street.”
“And I have to be on it.”
“I’ll give you a fifteen-minute grace period for whatever time we agree on. You can’t be really late, or I’ll just leave.” Of course this was long before cellphones. She continued, “It will be a Sunday, so the trains won’t be too busy. Also, the southbound 1 train gets emptier as it goes along, especially in the rear cars.”
“That’s because of the short platform at South Ferry. The rear five cars don’t open there.”
“Exactly. So you’ll be in, say, the ninth car.” That would be the next to last one. “Sit on the far side so I can see you when you ride in. Don’t acknowledge that you know me when I get on.”
“Where are we going?”
“Ah, you’ll be going in cold. You won’t know until we get there, and I’m not telling you now.”
“So you have been thinking this through.”
“Yes, I have. I will tell you one thing. At the end of all this, we are going to part and I, or my character, will tell you that we are never going to see each other again.”
“Why is that?”
“Because my character wants it that way. At that point you can protest, or pretend to really, but it won’t get you anywhere.” She looked at me for a moment. “Sounds interesting?”
“I guess so.”
“I think you’ll find the whole thing quite intriguing.”
On the designated day, my train rolled into 28th Street, and I saw a tall, dark-blonde woman on the platform. It was Holly, of course. She got on and looked around the car with a look of disdain. She then sat down directly across from me.
Her outfit that day was pretty amazing. She looked great, as usual, and it really was as if I had never seen her before. She was wearing a sort of off-white jacket and skirt ensemble. Her jacket had a plunging neckline, and I could the the lacy top of what might have been her bra. There was some kind of thick bracelet around her throat.
The most notable accessory was her large, brimmed hat, which was also off-white. To complete it all, she had nylon stockings and black, medium-heeled shoes.
Meanwhile, I was sitting there in my horrible college-boy cIothes, plus I really needed a haircut as usual. Holly was beautiful but haughty, I thought; I was actually intimidated by her. In fact, I couldn’t imagine why she’d go for the likes of me. It’s a good thing she’s going to approach me, because I wouldn’t have the nerve to approach her. Yet I was also touched that she had done all this to please me.
I had a soft-cover book as a prop, and I pretended to read it. Yet I tried to keep track of what she was doing.
She seemed kind of fidgety. She’d cross and uncross her legs, and then she'd hold her own knee. Her glances went around the car, but never at me. There were only about five other people there, and none of them were close to Holly.
We were between 23rd and 18th Street when she stretched her legs out. Her skirt went below her knees, but she pulled it back and splayed her legs open enough so I could look up her skirt. She finally looked at me, and she had an expression of disapproval. Finally, she slammed her knees together.
In a minute, she was back at it. Her legs went even further apart, and she yanked her skirt up even more. Now I could see that she had white garter straps holding up her stockings, which was hardly a surprise. My view went right up to the crotch of skimpy white panties. Those hardly covered her pussy at all.
She went through the whole process again: looking annoyed, closing her legs, and then spreading them even further on the next go-round. By now I had stopped pretending to read, and I was frankly staring at her
After closing her legs this time, she crooked a finger at me. I pointed to myself, me?
She nodded, yes, you.
I went over and sat to her left. She said, “You’ve been looking up my skirt. You should keep your eyes to yourself.”
There was some reserve of boldness in me. “With all due respect, Miss, you’ve been flashing your panties at me.”
“I must say that you are a very impertinent young man.” She looked away from me, but not for long. “Okay, I admit it, but it was just some harmless teasing.”
I couldn’t think of a response. She crossed he legs and started to ask questions about me. “You must be in college. How old are you?”
“I’m at City College uptown...”
“I know the place.”
“Anyway, I turned twenty-one in May.”
She got more personal, “I assume you have a girlfriend up there?”
Actually, I didn’t have one at that time, but I lied. After all, this was a game in which I was supposed to make up dialogue. “I do; her name is Michelle. By the way, I’m Paul.”
“Hello, I’m Holly.” She didn’t say, pleased to meet you, but I didn’t expect her to.
I could see that she was pondering something, “Paul, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but does this girl satisfy you, I mean physically?”
Well, Michelle wasn’t around any longer – not since the previous December - but I lied my ass off about what she had been like.
“Not really.” I said something I would normally never tell a stranger. “All she does is sit somewhere and expose her body, or parts of it, and I can sit opposite her and, you know.”
“Masturbate. You don’t have to mince words with me.”
Michelle had actually done everything sexual with me that I wanted, and a lot of it too. She had an apartment in Long Island City that I'd often visited.
Holly said, “I’m surprised you are not doing better. What are there, like 4,000 girls attending that school?”
I just shrugged. Actually, I was doing very well that summer banging lonely Manhattan matrons.
“Anyway, I imagine a young guy like yourself masturbates all the time.”
I felt myself blushing, which was surprising, because Holly also did everything sexual that I had wanted. She gave me a little tap on the arm. “Don’t be embarrassed, it’s only natural. And, this girl isn’t being fair to you. However, I can help you help you with your, ah, physical problems.”
I thought for a second that she was going to set me up with somebody, but that couldn’t possibly be it.
“All right, how?”
“Get off with me at South Ferry, and I’ll show you.”
What the hell are we going to do there? I remembered Tiffany making a tentative plan for us to drive a car onto the lower level of a Staten Island ferry and using the thirty-minute trip for, well, something. But I had shot down her proposal as impractical. Now, Holly and I didn’t even have the automobile.
We were now at Chambers Street, just three stations from the last stop. Our timing had been almost perfect. I noticed more about her, like her red lipstick and the complicated design of her hat. It had a band and some kind of bluish thing that I supposed represented flowers.
“By the way, did you like what I showed to you?”
“Oh yeah, of course.”
“Especially my panties, I bet. Well, there is a lot more where that came from. We should move to the forward cars now if we want to get off.”
At South Ferry we went up to the street and I looked around. It was a Sunday, but we were on foot in Manhattan during the middle of the day. What could she possibly be planning? She simply walked and I fell into place next to her. We must have presented quite a sight. What is that young guy in sneakers doing with a woman like that?
We left the area of the 1950s-era ferry terminal and walked east to the old one next to it. This was a big building, sheaved in copper that had turned a dark green in the sixty-seven years since it had been built. The Coast Guard ran a single, infrequent ferry service to its base on Governors Island.
She turned into the first bay and we walked along the wall. Security was lax in those days and hardly anybody was around. People were only checked if they were on line at the single slip still in use.
About halfway down, she opened a door and we stepped inside. When she closed it, the room was completely dark, but she flipped on a single overhead light. Of course, she must have been in here before; that’s how she knew where the switch was.
It was a fairly small room that looked like it was used sparingly, if at all. About the only things in it were a desk (but no chair) and some storage boxes.
The first thing she did was lock the door; then she walked over and leaned against the desk. She said her first words since Chambers Street, “I think we’re safe in here, but keep the noise level down.” Then she beckoned me to come over to her. .
She immediately grabbed me and started kissing me passionately. Her hat fell back and landed on the desktop. Soon after the make-out started, she was rubbing me all over, starting with my back. Then her hands were on my ass and my thighs. In turn, I did the same to her.
Holly unbuttoned her jacket, and I saw the top half of what was a white full-length slip; however, she didn’t undo that. She said, “Please feel me up.”
“How do you want it?”
“Silly, fondle my pussy.” She sat on the desk and she yanked her skirt up. Now I could fully see her white garter belt and straps and her skimpy white panties. I obliged her request by putting my right hand up her thigh and into her panties. Then I played with her cunt, putting my fingers into her, then moving them up to her clitoris. It was surprising that she was already wet. Had merely anticipating this aroused her so much?
She obviously liked it a lot; she put her head back and moaned. It definitely wasn’t acting. For the sake of variety, I sometimes moved my hand to the back and squeezed her behind. I couldn’t see it now, but I remembered how shapely it was.
“Let me get these panties off.” She dropped them on the desktop.
There was a natural progression to the next steps. Her hand rubbed my crotch. “My, someone has a big boner.” Holly, you’ve seen it before; what did you expect? That was revealed when she unzipped me and took out my erect cock. As she stroked it, she said, “I’m surprised the girls at your school aren’t flocking to get this.”
I thought, well, classy but horny New York ladies are doing the flocking. Besides my youth, I wasn’t sure what they saw in me. It doesn’t matter; it’s their choice.
Holly was soon quite blunt, “Paul, fuck me, fuck me right now.”
“Ah, shouldn’t I lower my pants first?”
“No, just stick it in, as is.” However, after a few thrust, she giggled, “Sorry, you’re right; the zipper is catching on my crotch. Here, I’ll take care of it.”
She unbuckled my pants and lowered my clothes; I guided myself back into her. She hugged my body; sometimes she wrapped her legs around me too. At other times, she spread her legs wide. When that happened, I steadied her with one hand on her waist and the other on one her thighs.
Holly was able to talk near the beginning. “I’m such a horny slut; I crave young men and I pick them up on the street, at colleges, wherever I can.” That doesn’t sound like the woman I know; but how can I be sure what she does when I’m not around?
She continued, “Afterwards, I just discard these guys.” Well, I had been with her for over two months now, which seemed like a good sign. A stray thought came to me. She has a thirteen-year-old daughter; could this girl imagine that her mom fucks her young lover in a ferry terminal?
She also talked about me, “I know you really needed to get laid; I know how much you must have masturbated.” That didn’t sound like a compliment. but I accepted it as a minor quibble.
I, in turn, was blunt with her although not particularly witty, “You look like a classy dame, but I’m going to fuck the hell out of you.”
She came first, and when she did she held on to my shoulders and lifted herself off the desktop. Her hips thrusted on me instead of the other way around. I think she tried to keep her voice down, but she failed at that.
I was too busy to worry about it. I babbled the usual things for these situations, “I’m going in deep and hard; I’m going to shoot it into you.”
She replied, “Well come on, shoot it already.” I went up on my toes and put my head back at the climax. At least I was quieter than she had been.
Afterwards, I stayed in her and we held each other; I kissed her face and her hair. Now she was my Holly again, not a mere stranger. As I relaxed, a familiar uncomfortable feeling came to me – one I knew from other sexual encounters in odd places. I wanted a bed or couch where I could hang out with her, but of course there was none.
She seemed to understand that too. She pushed me back and said, “We really should go now.” We got her clothes together, although she put her underpants into her purse. She turned off the light before opening the door. After looking out, she said, “Come on, the coast is clear.” She looked back, “Don’t forget your books.” They were still on the desktop.
Outside, on South Street, we blinked in the sunlight. As usual after these abrupt encounters, I felt disoriented to be out in public again, and I think she did too.
She said “I’m leaving you now, and we’re never going to each other again.”
“Why is that? Is this your idea of a zipless fuck?”
She smiled at me, “So you’ve read that book too. That is just the way I want it.” She took her panties out of her purse. “Here, you can keep these as a souvenir.”
How thoughtful of her. I had no place to stow them except by jamming them into a back pocket.
She said, “If you ever see me on the street, which is very unlikely in a city this large, please don’t try to talk to me. I’ll just shoo you away.”
With that, she turned and started walking west in the direction we had come from. I could see her ass swaying inside her tight skirt. She must have guessed I was looking at her, because she briefly turned her head and frowned at me.
Even though I knew this was all a game, I still felt upset. She hadn't even kissed me good-bye. Well, the sex hadn’t been made up; that had been very real. But now I was standing on the sidewalk with nowhere to go. The thought of the long ride back home irked me. I went east and then north along South Street. For a while I hung on a railing and watched barges and other passing craft in the East River. I was actually feeling sorry for myself. Maybe his game wasn’t that great after all.
Holly must have been trying for more authenticity, because for three days she didn’t return the messages I left on her answering machine.
On Wednesday evening, she finally relented and called me. I was invited to have coffee with her in Manhattan the next day. I remember her saying, “We need to decompress from this thing, I mean discharge any feelings we have about it.”
When we were in the booth of a diner, I took her little white panties out of a bag and handed them to her.
“Why thank you; that’s very thoughtful of you.” She then said in a deadpan voice, “I assume you ejaculated into them at least once.”
I was deadpan too, “I did, but I washed and dried them afterwards.”
She looked askance at me. “Holly, you’re so gullible.” She was amused by that. “In fact, if you sniff them, you’ll find that your scent is still on them.”
“So, you’re one of those panty-sniffing perverts, I see. I should guard my laundry hamper when you’re at my place.”
“And speaking of masturbation . . .”
“We were?”
As well as I knew her, I still hesitated before telling her the next fact. “Okay, before I came down on the train on Sunday, I sneaked in a quick jerk-off at home. I wanted to be sure I had enough stamina to please you.”
She blinked at me and said, “You know, under your mild exterior, you’re actually rather perverse.”
“And under your classy exterior, so are you.”
“Also, it was rather presumptuous of you to assume I was going to bang you that day.”
“I was in the Boy Scouts. ‘Be prepared.’ ” Then I said, “The weird thing is, I did feel a regret when you said you were never going to see me again.”
“These things start as games, but they can feel very vivid as they go along. Real emotions come up. It’s like some version of method acting.”
As I sat across the table from her I thought, Holly, I love you. But I couldn’t say that and I didn’t think she’d ever say it to me.
Now I did feel a pang. What was going to happen when the new semester started? I assumed I’d be looking for a girl close to my own age. Could I do that and still “date” my two mature Manhattan ladies? Something would have to give. I assumed that Holly and her friend Tiffany were aware of this. However, they never mentioned it. Everything on the surface was open-ended. All three of us were just living in the moment.
I did a quick calculation in my head; they had been born around 1939. When they were twenty-one, I was in pre-Kindergarten nursery school. Yet, somehow they were my lovers now. The fact that they seemed not to be jealous of each other was puzzling.
I distracted myself by asking her, “By the way, how did you find that room in the first place?”
“Just luck I guess as I wandered around the area. You see, if a man walks into some place where he doesn’t belong, people can get suspicious. But if it’s a woman, and she’s well-dressed, they relax and give her a pass. Some remnant of chivalry, I suppose. Or they just assume she couldn’t be a threat.”
She give me a crooked little smile that I had seen before. It made her look younger and a bit shy. I knew she did have a bit of reserve or insecurity in her, and that smile usually confirmed it.
Then she said, “Tiffany and I have cooked up something new for you.”
“And may I ask what it is going to be?”
“Oh, we’ll tell you when the time is right. It will be soon, however.”
The building described here is now called The Battery Maritime Building. It still has ferry service, but the Coast Guard has turned Governors Island over to civilian use.
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Several years ago, when I was 15, there was a school trip to Holland. We spent a week in Amsterdam and the teachers gave us lots of free time. Me and a few friends went into the red light district and looked in all the windows and gazed at all the stuff. We couldn't buy anything but there were some of us who almost passed for 18 and on the last day they went in and stole magazines.The ferry back to the UK was an overnight ride so we were all split up into groups and allocated cabins. When...
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OUR NAUGHTY ESCAPADEHi baby, first let me say what a great time I had this morning, the thought that I helped put a smile on your handsome face brings great joy to my heart. However, we didn’t get to finish our naughty escapade, so just lie back and let me give you the kind of pleasure I know you deserve. It’s late and you have had a long day at work. We have been together for close to a year and the relationship is great, but the sex is of the chain. I hear your key in the lock and I rush...
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The ferry was due to sail just before midnight. While we were waiting to drive our hire car onto the ship, my wife and I had sat in a taverna knocking back Metaxa Greek brandy. By the time that we had stowed the car and found the lounge I was shattered. Susan, my beautiful but wanton wife, had consumed enough Greek brandy to feel horny, so she told me to get another round of drinks and then find somewhere quiet for us to fuck. I had been driving all day and badly needed a few hours sleep, so I...
I had mentioned to Helene a few days ago that I had started on a new project at work and that I would have to work closely with a member of staff from the client for a few weeks. I had my initial meeting with this person a few days later, and we got on well. That evening at home Helene and I were chatting over dinner.“Oh, you remember I told you I would be working closely with a client for a few weeks?”“Yes, I remember.”“Well we met for the first time today, and it went well. His name is...
Group SexAfter returning home from my night away with Jo, Helene and I had a welcome home fuck, and I told her all about Jo and the fact that she seemed like a changed woman when I left her.In the middle of the next week, Helene disappeared off to Serena’s one evening, getting back about 8.30.“Do you want to see the next stage?” Helene said.“Yes of course.”Helene sat down and raised her skirt to reveal two more hoops in her left labia. I nodded in approval.“Nice. I can guess where the next ones will...
Straight SexOne evening on the ferry ride back home, Helene told me that she had received a message from Serena to call her back later. We had no idea what about but guessed that sex was involved somewhere. When Helene came off the phone later, she told me that Derek wanted to see her again and introduce her to a friend of his.“I assume you said yes?” I asked.“Yes I did, even though I don’t know if the friend is male or female, or what he expects of me.”“In a way, I guess the not knowing makes it more...
Group SexThis is the continuation of how Phil & Helene met and the start of their sexual journey together. It starts by repeating the first few lines of the first part of the story.I then heard her footsteps returning and as I stood up and turned towards the door I said, “I like your taste in m...”I stopped mid sentence as she entered the room. The yellow heels were still there but apart from that, all she wore was a matching (of course) yellow g-string oh and the gold necklace. My mouth stayed open but...
Straight SexThe ferry was due to sail just before midnight. While we were waiting to drive our hire car onto the ship, my wife and I had sat in a taverna knocking back Metaxa Greek brandy. By the time that we had stowed the car and found the lounge I was shattered. Susan, my beautiful but wanton wife, had consumed enough Greek brandy to feel horny, so she told me to get another round of drinks and then find somewhere quiet for us to fuck.I had been driving all day and badly needed a few hours sleep, so I...
InterracialHolly’s night out Chapter 1 © 201 by Jennifer O’Donnell Feel free to send me an email telling me what you liked and disliked. I even enjoy getting emails from people helping me with my grammar and technical issues! Please help point out any mistakes or spots that could be written better. My skin is pretty thick and I appreciate people pointing out flaws with my writing. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic means, including...
OUR NAUGHTY ESCAPADE Hi baby, first let me say what a great time I had this morning, the thought that I helped put a smile on your handsome face brings great joy to my heart. However, we didn’t get to finish our naughty escapade, so just lie back and let me give you the kind of pleasure I know you deserve. It’s late and you have had a long day at work. We have been together for close to a year and the relationship is great, but the sex is of the chain. I hear your key in the lock and I rush...
My First EscapadeHi to all Readers, This is Arjun i'm here to submit my "Escapade" experince which is the third one that i enjoyed in my college . A little bit introduction about me my name is Arjun 26 years old , 5'8 Ft tall and Slim Built guy and to an extent Energetic or Enthusiatic most of the time or a careless mindset guy with enthu always. I'll try to post all my RAVISH experience in a series and will try to narrate it in a intresting way.This Story will be a bit odd to believe but this...
Terminal Farmby slavegirl xDaddyThis is the way I like them best. Mindless, oblivious, walking sex. Of course, part of the charm is that they won't last long. If I had to live with someone like this for any length of time it would be exasperating. A week in her case, that's all the time she has left. Then she'll be finished. There's something incredibly sexy about turning boys into girls and girls into meat.From this distance, you'd be hard-pressed to recognize that she wasn't a natural born...
The blast of the boat horn stopped our conversation.The Washington State Ferries, particularly this one, on this day, were perhaps not the select place for a sexual liaison. I knew Silkie pretty well by now. She was not easily discouraged. "Are we gonna do this?"We roamed the ship. We would stop in the passages and little alcoves that we could find. Because of the weather, few people were leaving the large passenger area on deck 2 with the over-priced under-cooked food and the bad coffee. If...
Autumn was now fast approaching, and the kids were back at school. I only knew this because in the next flat lived a single mum, Michelle, who had a little boy who was at school. We often bumped into her on the landing or even in the shops, and we did speak, but not in great detail, but we did know each other’s names.Helene had asked me if I fancied her, and I did admit that I did, but it wasn’t likely that anything would happen, because of her son, but things were about to change.It doesn’t...
SeductionJust to recap. Phil met Helene on a ferry journey to work one day. They had sex on their second date and moved in together shortly after. Helene is bi and has a lesbian girlfriend. Lisa and Phil have agreed to have an open relationship, allowing both of them to have other lovers. After Helene’s gangbang, we didn’t have sex for a few days because she wasn’t sure she could cope with any while her body recovered.We did talk about it though.When I mentioned that she had now achieved her second...
Straight SexWith the better weather, Helene now regularly wore crop tops to show off her new belly button piercing, although she couldn’t do so at work. We often chatted about her experience with Derek and about getting me to tick off at least one of my fantasies Helene had yet to replace her first fantasy with a new one but I knew she was thinking about it.A couple of weeks later Helene told me that she was going away the next weekend with Lisa to a spa for relaxation and fun!I didn’t have an issue with...
Straight SexHe sighed as they drove their car onto the ferry bound for hull, one week was nearly all he could spend with his family on holiday nowadays. As they locked the car and made for the reception, with the stench of petrol filling the air, he spotted another teenager nearabouts his age. She was kind of cute with straight blonde hair dark brown eyes and a look on her face suggesting she was as bored as him. She was small though around 5 1/2 foot approximately. Their eyes met and he gave a half...
We open with our beautiful animation of the United Kingdom – from space ... Pause for a moment – then fall toward the planet at hyper-sonic speed, dropping from a low-Earth orbit – dropping all the way down to the North Sea, just off the coast ... Reaching sea level in a few seconds. From here we race toward the coast, between two piers, under a couple of bridges, and up a wide and winding river ... Under an old steel bridge, over a new concrete bridge, then deep inland ... At speed ......
He awoke to frigid cold. His fingers were stiff, and his breath hung in the air, forming crystals that glittered in the waning light of the dirty bulbs. He wasn’t sure how long he had slept, but the heating still had not come on. There was some kind of problem. He tried to rise to a sitting position, noting with discomfort that his chapped lips were welded together, but the gravity gripped him like an angry fist and chained him to the bed. It felt as though an elephant was sitting on his...
He awoke to frigid cold. His fingers were stiff, and his breath hung in the air, forming crystals that glittered in the waning light of the dirty bulbs. He wasn’t sure how long he had slept, but the heating still had not come on. There was some kind of problem. He tried to rise to a sitting position, noting with discomfort that his chapped lips were welded together, but the gravity gripped him like an angry fist and chained him to the bed. It felt as though an elephant was sitting on his...
Daring Escapade (Pt.1) Sometimes it's diffucult to actually remember how certain things happen, or get started. I have a tw***e year old daughter,almost th*****n as she would tell you if you asked. We are very close, always have been. She is absolutely beautiful and a serious wet dream. Whenever you think of l****a, well that's my daughter. Thin, but lithe and tight with the those wonderful small but prominent breasts...her breasts, small but beautifully shaped with pink puffy aureaolea and...
By : Sushmit Patel I’m Shusmit Patel, aged now 27; handsome dark, working as a Marketing Manager in a Chennai-based multi-national. And my loving wife Sudeshna is 3 years junior to me in age; very beautiful to look at, endowed with a voluptuous figure (34 C/29/35), very fair in complexion, tall in height (5’7”), and a happy housewife. Ours was an arranged marriage, held only two years ago. But she’s not a Gujarati girl; She is a Bengali girl whose father had been my father’s colleague and...
‘Are my dreams and expectations so unrealistic? All I ever wanted was to love and be loved. I put off getting involved in a relationship till I was established in my career, so I could have more to bring to a partnership. I never wanted to be dependent on anyone and wanted to feel I could carry my fair share of the load. I’ve kept myself in shape for my partner. I’ve done my best to be the best partner I could be. Now, I get this diagnosis and Pete jumps ship. To top it off, I discover he’s...
Doctor Alan Monroe sat behind his desk and looked at Mr. and Mrs. Smith. "I know how hard it must be to accept the news about your son, and there are no words I have that will match the grief you must feel." Three days before the tests had removed the last doubt: the brain cancer was spreading. Their son had at most weeks to live. The doctor paused to see how the parents were reacting. If they seemed very upset or angry, then there was no point in going further. However, they both...
My hot little redhead, Ann, and I have fucked in some of the most unusual places. The woman is generally insatiable when it comes to her sexual appetite and she certainly doesn’t get it sated at home. Her executive husband never has time to take care of his wife’s needs but she also figures that he’s fucking his secretary anyway. He certainly has made life convenient and “satisfying” for me. The sight of those perky, firm little tits, those overly sensitive hard nipples and that...
Michelle finally returned home mid-afternoon, we heard her door close. After a few minutes, we went and knocked on her door.'Oh hi,' she said, looking flustered. She welcomed us in.'Sorry,' she went on when we had sat down in her lounge. 'I'm in a daze and my son is due back in just over an hour.''Is that a good daze or a bad daze?' I asked.'A good daze. In fact a fantastic daze!' Michelle smiled.'That’s good then. We are so pleased for you. So give us the details?' Helene asked.'Well, it went...
LesbianIf you remember I had seduced our neighbour, Michelle, and after Helene convinced her she was okay with that, the two girls had bathed together, washing each other. Helene had told Michelle she wouldn’t force her into anything she didn’t want to do, but the idea was implanted in Michelle’s mind.So Wednesday arrived, and we got ready to all go out together. We still hadn’t told Michelle where to but had told her she would love the music and to dress smart casual.It wasn’t until we got in the...
Group SexHelene went with Carolyn the next weekend to meet her first date. She stayed with them for half an hour and then left them to it. Carolyn contacted us the next day to say he was wonderful and they had fucked. She admitted to us on the phone that she was now a slut and was loving it.We were so pleased for her, and as Helene was planning to stay with Lisa one night later that week, we agreed that Carolyn would spend the night with me. In fact, Carolyn asked me to go to her house as her husband...
Group SexWith English not my native language I’ll try to give you an inside what happened lately..At last ... After spending 2 weeks abroad I could collect my wife from the boat in Rotterdam.The past 2 weeks have been sexually low profile and of course I had seen myself several times jurked off while looking at photos and videos of her by me/us reviewed. Also XHamster I had regularly visited. But masturbating yourself remains a placebo; She does it differently and I'm not nimble enough to her mouth to...
I was visiting the student union where my son goes to college and was simply amazed at all the cute girls going to the college. I’m pretty sure there were some mighty fine-looking women in college back when I attended twenty years ago, but because I was always paying attention to my studies, I probably missed out on a lot of fun times.I got on an elevator to head up to the second floor where there were several quiet rooms to sit and study, and a cute coed got on the elevator with me. Our eyes...
Quickie Sex******************************************************************************************** Just for the record, the people portrayed in this story are fantasy characters. The office is real. The first names are real. The events and actions of the characters are not. This story is intended to be read only as a fun, erotic fantasy. Aside from a few, non-identifying details to make the story more entertaining for select readers, Yvonne has NOT -- in any way -- divulged any...
Sarah the receptionist was bent over the desk, her tantalizing rear standing out like a beacon calling out to me. The elbow of one hand rested on the formica-topped desk while the other hand cradled a receiver into which she cooed softly. I stepped around her high chair, and keeping well out of sight, placed a hand on her brazenly stuck out bum and ran it lightly over her bottom. She turned her head slightly and shot me a rather spiteful glance but continued talking. I fondled one cheek,...
Let me introduce myself first. My name is Rommi and have been married to beutiful wife simi for 10yrs now. It so happened that we were married at an early age as I was staying in a remote part of Taanzania where I was extremely lonely. I had requested my dad to arrange my wedding soon as Where I was I would have all sorts of problems at home as Most of the day I was at work. After 3yrs we moved to Kenya where most of our relatives were. When we were staying in the country side my wife and I had...
The carriage you ride upon is not exactly what you would call comfortable, the wood has long since made your bottom stiff and the annoying creaking drives you mad if you had you're way you would- "Hey you, finally awake?" You're thoughts are interrupted by the blond Nord you've learned is called Ralof speaking to the Nord who has been asleep for the journey "you were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that imperial ambush, same as us and that thief over there" Ralof nods his...
First lets start off describing yourself. You wouldn't be egotistical if you called yourself handsome. You would have no trouble getting the ladies, if that's what you wanted which you don't. You love the chiseled look of a man's jaw, and his wonderful set of cock and balls. You yourself have blonde hair that isn't too long but not too short. It nicely frames your blue eyes. You have gotten a lot of compliments about your eyes, you think that they are your best visible feature. Finally you are...
GayIt has been a while since I have had anything to write about... well the other day I met a wonderful woman... why she wanted to talk to me who knows... anyway we met in the ranges walking... well in the car park actually. we said a few pleasantries just to pass the time as we both got ready to walk really. As I got myself sorted out I wished her a safe walk (never to careful during the week, few people around and the weather has been a bit hairy!), she asked me which track I was going to take,...
I lick and suck your huge cock gently squeezing your balls and taking it deep as I can. "Awwww yessss fuuuck thats good." You reply. And just as you're close to cumming release your tip from my lips with a pop and stand and back away beaconing you to the back door of my house. I Open the door and slowly unbutton my dress and let it slide off my shoulders and hit the floor. Mmmmm..... You sigh in reverence as you rake you gaze up and down my body. "Damn babe fine as ever!" I smile shyly as I...
Hello everyone, let me introduce myself, my name is avin, 30 happily married, average built ,fair and a decent enough tool to satisfy woman. I stay in bangalore, I read a lot of stories in iss, some are fantasy, but I really am interested in only real stories. A guy with lots of fantasies, but you know, they just remain your fantasies. And one day a silver lining strikes and your fantasy becomes true. Let me introduce the lady, she is around my age, married with 2 kids, wheatish complexion but...
Author: XXXAuthor In the previous episode, Gautam had met Divya on the train. Divya was a bored and lonely housewife. She was travelling with her husband who too looked uninterested and equally boring. After eyeing each other throughout the day, the two finally found courage to meet near the toilets. Divya’s husband was asleep when she had silently followed Gautam to the passage, near the toilets. No words were spoken, and Gautam had then silently led her inside one of the cramped toilets. And...
Well this comes straight from my own experiences, the type of story that you read on these forums only this one is real and it happened to me.As I grew up through my teens I became somewhat of a sexual deviate, it wasn't unusual for me to jerk off 5 to 7 times in a day! When I turned 15 I became obsessed with my older sister Lilly. She was two years older but in my relentless pursuit of getting off she became more interesting to me. I wanted to have my first sexual experience and the teen girls...
Sarah the receptionist was bent over the desk, her tantalizing rear standing out like a beacon calling out to me. The elbow of one hand rested on the formica-topped desk while the other hand cradled a receiver into which she cooed softly. I stepped around her high chair, and keeping well out of sight, placed a hand on her brazenly stuck out bum and ran it lightly over her bottom. She turned her head slightly and shot me a rather spiteful glance but continued talking. I fondled one cheek,...
Quickie SexHi, I’m Ashleigh, and Basically I’m someone who loves the idea of being caught, or doing this stuff right next to someplace where it’s little expected. So it should surprise no one that I began my little adventure in a risky way: I packed up all of my stuff into a bag and drove in to work. Now, keep in mind, my bag had in it handcuffs, leather cuffs, a harness?ballgag, tape, clover clamp sets (plural), an?estim?box (with matching dildo, plug and pads), a riding crop and a vibrator?in addition...
This story is between my wife my bhabhi n me. To start with the story one needs to understand the basis of this…..so here it goes me’ (amit) am married to my wife Sonia for the past 8 yrs 2 kids happy family excellent sex life and vy vy decent standard of living. Although being younger of the two brothers I got married earlier to my elder brother by 3 years. My brother along with his wife stays in Australia and come every diwali back home. M y sexual life is very pleasing as I can openly...
As anyone who has read my stories will tell you I love and always have loved grannies. There is something far more sensual in sex with them. Anyway, this one starts when I made my first move to London.Within a couple of days I rented a bedsit in Cricklewood. My girlfriend, as mentioned in another story, joined me two weeks later and everything was fine. The ground floor in the house was occupied by the landlord and landlady, both in their sixties. Very early I built up a friendship with them...