Lupe The Colombian Guesthouse MILF
- 2 years ago
- 31
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I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife when I stayed at their guesthouse.
I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.
My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was in her mid-thirties. She was absolutely gorgeous, with an incredible busty, curvy figure. For a young twenty-three-year-old guy like myself, I definitely considered her the best MILF I had ever seen.
On my first full day, I had caught Lupe having sex with one of the other guests. She had certainly been enjoying herself and had also worked out I had been spying on her. Lupe later explained that my uncle’s financial situation was dire and that she had made a financial agreement with her two guests. For an increase in the rent, Lupe would sleep with them twice a week.
Lupe had then asked if I wanted to make a similar arrangement with her, which of course I did. Of course, these arrangements had to be kept secret from my uncle. The next day Lupe came to my room. She gave me a striptease, then sucked and fucked me all afternoon.
It was quite obvious Lupe had enjoyed bedding a younger man, as her other two guests were much older. Lupe had also said she was planning many wonderful surprises for me…
I had enjoyed two rounds of sex with Lupe that afternoon. It had been incredible. I had to admit I was addicted to her immediately.
After round two we had just laid in bed in each other’s arms for almost an hour, just chatting. Lupe had again talked about how she was saving up the extra money she was getting from the guests for providing her ‘extra services’, as she put it. She was keeping it in a secret bank account, so that her husband, my Uncle Gerry, wouldn’t find out.
This money was her little nest egg. It was there if my uncle went bankrupt. Lupe had already told me if that happened, that even though she genuinely loved my uncle, she could not, and would not go back to the poverty she had grown up in. That money was there to set herself up elsewhere if she had to leave Uncle Gerry.
Some might say it seemed a bit callous of Lupe to have such a plan, to leave her husband with all his debts. To perhaps set herself up in a new town, with money earned from fucking guests in Uncle Gerry’s guesthouse behind his back. But I understood her situation, she had previously told me she didn’t have a pair of shoes until she was twelve years old. I guess when you have lived through such poverty, and then taken out of it, you’ll do anything to make sure you don’t go back to it.
Not that I would have, but I certainly wasn’t in any position to criticize her. Here I was with her in bed naked, her hand on my now exhausted cock, and her huge tits resting on my chest.
It wasn’t like she was actively planning to leave Uncle Gerry as soon as she had saved up enough money. It was literally just a back-up plan just in case things went south. Whenever I saw Lupe and my uncle together, you could tell she was very much in love with him. Of course, Uncle Gerry was also very much in love with her too.
Yet I couldn’t forget how much Lupe had obviously cheated on my uncle. She had bedded me, Mr Cohen in the room opposite, and apparently had the same agreement with the man in room twenty-four. These other two men, the only other guests staying here, had apparently been staying here for months and months, so this had been going on for some time. But Lupe had admitted she had had similar arrangements with previous men staying at their guesthouse going back at least two years.
I wondered how many men had gotten to bed the lovely Lupe in the past couple of years. It must be quite a few. It was also apparent that Lupe didn’t have these arrangements with her guests purely for financial gain. She obviously very much enjoyed getting bedded by all these different men.
“Yes Jack, I’ve always loved going to bed with a man,” she replied when I asked her about it, “I love learning all the naughty little things they really want, but can’t do with their wives or girlfriends, you know?”
“I see,” I replied.
“I mean, I love your uncle, you know that. And I love sex with him too, we usually do it every night,” Lupe continued.
I knew that to be true too. I had heard them at it each night I had been here, as the sound of Lupe’s moaning carried down the veranda outside, from their room down to mine.
“But for me, once a day is not enough, you know? Your uncle struggles to keep up with me,” Lupe explained further, giggling, “So I need to go further afield for my second daily fix.”
“Yeah, I understand,” I said, joining in with her laughter.
“So, this arrangement with my guests here is perfect. I get more sex, and build up my nest egg too,” Lupe continued, “And the guests know my husband. So, they have to help me in keeping it a secret from him, otherwise, their fun is over, you see?”
I nodded.
“If I was off getting sex by having an affair with some local in town, it would be much more dangerous,” Lupe reasoned, “The guy could get jealous, or fall in love with me, and maybe make trouble for me with Gerry. This way is better. Everyone gets what they want, and your uncle can’t find out and get hurt.”
“As long as everyone’s careful,” I stated.
“Yes, but I’ve been doing this for two years now, so I’m getting pretty good at it,” Lupe said, smiling.
After two years, I wondered how much money she had saved up in her nest egg. Her arrangement with me was to pay her the same amount of the monthly rent for her ‘extra services’. That meant giving her 750,000 Colombian pesos for a month of getting to fuck her twice a week. It was only £150, or $200, which wasn’t that much to me, but in Colombia, it was actually quite a lot of money.
My room was much nicer than Mr Cohen’s, and also room twenty-four where the only other guest was staying. For one thing, I had an ensuite bathroom, whereas theirs were next door to their rooms, with a separate entrance on the veranda outside. In fact, I had spied on Lupe with Mr Cohen through a tiny hole in the wall, when I had sneaked into his separate bathroom.
So, I guessed they were paying slightly less in rent, and therefore slightly less to Lupe each month. But still, they must be giving her at least $150-$175 a month? If they had been here six months or so, it all added up, plus any money from other guests over the past two years. Perhaps she had saved up between five to eight thousand dollars, by my reckoning.
I guess it all depended on exactly how much of a busy lady she had been in the past two years. I didn’t have a problem with that at all. At this stage in my life, I really liked an experienced lady. The more experience she had had, the sexier she was to me.
“I mean, I like making love with your uncle, I really do,” Lupe continued, bringing me back to the subject at hand, “But it is exactly that, lovemaking. He fucks me like I’m a princess, or his queen or something.”
“He loves you, Lupe,” I told her, caressing her back.
“Yes, I know, Jack, and I love him too. And I love making love with him,” Lupe explained, “But I’m the type of woman that also needs something else.”
“And what’s that?” I enquired.
“I also like being taken by a man, being told what to do, you know?” Lupe continued, “That’s why acting the whore for my guests is perfect for me. I get treated exactly how I like with them, and also exactly how I like with Gerry, you know?”
Lupe certainly enjoyed getting what she wanted from men, and I was more than happy to now be one of them.
Lupe suddenly saw the time and leapt out of bed to shower again. Uncle Gerry could be home soon from his workshop on the outskirts of town. After her shower, Lupe quickly dressed and gave me a snog before opening the door to the veranda outside.
“I had great fun, Jack,” Lupe told me, “You’re a sexy guy. This is gonna be so great. I’ve got some really fun things planned for you.”
And with that, she left, and I heard the click-clack of her high heels as she quickly went back to her home at the end of the guesthouse. I assumed Lupe was quickly going to change her clothes, as she had come to my room in a robe, bra, panties, hold-up stockings, and nothing else. She certainly couldn’t greet Uncle Gerry like that without raising his suspicions.
Around forty minutes later I heard Uncle Gerry’s truck roll up outside. It had been plenty of time for Lupe to get dressed and put away the lingerie she had worn for me.
That evening, it dawned on me that in my first few days here, I had become somewhat obsessed with Lupe, and with good reason. But it meant I had ignored the whole reason I was here on the Pacific coast of Colombia in the first place, my photographic assignment.
So that evening I made plans for the rest of the week. I decided I would concentrate on the local area this week, which meant borrowing my uncle’s motorbike scooter to get around. I would then take the weekend off, and next week push further out, which meant using the ferry boats to access towns further down the coast.
Over the next two days, I spent my time going north and south from the town I was staying in, racing around on the scooter, and getting hundreds of photos of the local flora and fauna, as described in the list the company paying me had provided. I returned to ‘Casa Madre’, my uncle’s guesthouse, pretty late each night, as I wanted to catch up on the work I had missed doing over the past two days. It meant I saw little of my uncle, or Lupe.
On Thursday night, however, I ran into Lupe on the staircase as I was going up to my room on the second floor. She smiled, and we chatted for a moment. Before she left to go back into the family home section of the guesthouse where she and Uncle Gerry lived, Lupe asked what I was up to tomorrow.
I told her I would be off out and about, fairly locally, getting my photos.
“Will you be out all day?” Lupe asked, intriguingly.
“I might be,” I said, unsure where this was going.
“Well, if you happen to come back early, around 1 pm, you might see something you’ve never seen before,” Lupe grinned.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yes, really,” Lupe nodded, and then brushed past me, her huge bust pressing on my chest for a moment as she did so, “Goodnight, Jack.”
Lupe then disappeared down the steps and off back into her home.
I knew what she was referring to. I had come back earlier than planned a few days ago and had ended up spying on Lupe getting fucked by old Mr Cohen. She was telling me she was going to be doing the same tomorrow.
But then she had quite deliberately said I would see something I had not seen before. So perhaps she wanted me to spy on her with the man staying in room twenty-four? I still had yet to see who this man was.
Whatever it was, I was determined to be back here by 1 pm tomorrow, that was for sure. I wasn’t going to miss out on whatever Lupe had planned for me.
The next day I awoke early, skipped breakfast, and got out on the road at first light to get my work done. I was searching for a particular flower that I had yet to find. After a few hours, I discovered some and got my photos. I grabbed a quick lunch at a roadside stall and then headed back to the guesthouse.
I got back at around 12.30 pm. There was no-one about in the courtyard on the ground floor, or the veranda up on the floor above. I stopped to listen if I could hear anything, but I could only hear some distant vehicles in town.
I took a quick shower and changed my clothes. I then stood at the window that overlooked the veranda outside, wondering what was about to happen. Was Lupe going to ‘service’ Mr Cohen in his room? Or was she going to service the only other guest in room twenty-four, two doors down from Mr Cohen?
If she was going to room twenty-four, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to spy on her there. Mr Cohen, in room twenty-one, had the bathroom that he had to access from the veranda, which is where I had spied on him and Lupe before. There was a hole between a glass brick section and the rest of the wall, from where I had managed to view the action inside the bedroom.
Room twenty-four also had a separate bathroom, with access from the veranda. I could work that out just by looking at the doors on the opposite veranda. But what I did not know is whether there would be any holes in the wall for me to view inside the bedroom on the other side.
Then again, perhaps something else entirely was going to happen. Who knew? So I pulled up a chair and sat there patiently looking out the window.
I could have moved my chair out onto the veranda, and sat out there, as I had done on a few of my evenings here. But I did not want to spook Mr Cohen, or the man in room twenty-four, or whoever else could be showing up. This was all supposed to be a secret, so it needed to continue to appear to be so.
Just after 1 pm, the door opened to Lupe and Uncle Gerry’s family home section of the guesthouse up here on the upper floor. Lupe stepped out a moment later. She was dressed in a very short black satin robe, that ended just beneath her ass. I wondered what it was she was wearing underneath it. She also clasped a small red handbag.
I heard the distinctive click-clack of her high heels again. Lupe made her way down the veranda on which both rooms twenty-one and twenty-four were located. So, I knew she wasn’t headed to my room. She passed by room twenty-one, so she wasn’t visiting Mr Cohen today.
However, Lupe then passed by room twenty-four also. She went to the door of the bathroom that belonged to room twenty-four. She opened it and went inside, the door closing behind her. A few moments later she reappeared.
Lupe then looked over to my room, room seventeen, on the opposite veranda. She wouldn’t have been able to see me, but perhaps she just assumed I was there. She grinned, and then went back to the door of room twenty-four, and knocked on it. The door opened, and she stepped inside, but I could not see who was in there.
I gave it a few minutes before I stepped out. I didn’t want whoever was in room twenty-four to decide to go to the bathroom before they began enjoying what Lupe had to offer, and discover me in there. Let them get started first, then I would try to see the show that Lupe apparently wanted me to see.
About five minutes later I couldn’t wait any longer, I didn’t want to miss too much. I quietly opened my door, silently closing it behind me. Then I crept down the veranda toward the family home at the end, around on to the opposite veranda, and down to room twenty-four.
Pausing outside, I could hear muffled voices within, but couldn’t make out any of it. Also, the slatted louvered shutters were all closed, and the curtains behind them all pulled, so no chance of seeing what was going on through there.
I moved down to the adjacent bathroom and slowly opened the door. Inside, it looked virtually identical to Mr Cohen’s bathroom the other day. I stepped in, and closed the door, locking it firmly behind me. I could now clearly hear a man’s voice.
“Ah yeah, good girl,” the man said. His voice was quite deep.
I heard Lupe giggle. I wondered what exactly Lupe was doing for this man. I had to know. I needed to see what was going on.
The bathroom had the same distorted glass bricks in one section of the wall separating it from the bedroom. It was to bring extra light into the bathroom, as it has no window. I had been careful not to turn the light on in here, as surely it would be seen through the glass bricks and alert the man in the bedroom. Through the distorted glass bricks, I could see a figure, but it wasn’t much more than just moving shapes.
In Mr Cohen’s bathroom, there had been a small hole where the glass bricks met the rest of the wall. I searched along here to see if I could find the same here, but to no avail, it was pretty dark in here. How was I going to see what was going on in the bedroom? This had obviously been Lupe’s plan; she must have thought about it.
Then I saw a piece of red electrical tape stuck on the wall, past the glass section. The red tape was in the shape of an arrow. The arrow was pointing to a small ventilation fan. It was fitted in the shower section, in the wall between this bathroom and the bedroom.
I guessed it was to take away steam and moisture from the bathroom. Usually, this would be sent outside; however, the original builders here had fitted it to exit into the bedroom. My uncle had not gotten around to renovating, and therefore fixing this basic error.
There were also pieces of red electrical tape on two of the fan blades. I pulled at them, and they easily came out. Obviously, Lupe had put this tape here to guide me in how to spy on her.
I then peered through the gap that removing the blades had now created, into the bedroom behind. What I saw was not what I was expecting, and as Lupe had said, certainly something I had never seen before.
On the end of the bed sat Lupe, wearing only a red push-up burlesque-style corset, tiny red panties, and red high heeled shoes. In front of Lupe stood an older black man, completely naked. Presumably, this was the guest staying in this room. However, what totally took me by surprise, was that next to this black man, stood old Mr Cohen.
Both men were naked, and stood with their cocks fully erect and pointing directly at Lupe. Mr Cohen’s cock was pretty average, perhaps slightly smaller than mine. The black man’s cock was quite big, however, longer, and thicker than mine.
Perhaps the reason I hadn’t heard much from Lupe was that she was currently busy sucking the black man’s large balls.
“Ah yeah, good girl,” the black man said again in his deep voice.
Lupe’s right hand was slowly jerking Mr Cohen’s cock, whilst she sucked the black man’s balls.
“You like that, Mr Dubois?” Lupe asked, grinning up at the black man.
“Ah yeah. Now suck that dick, baby-girl,” Mr Dubois instructed, nodding.
His accent sounded American, but a name like Dubois sounded French. Perhaps he was French Canadian? Mr Dubois was in his early sixties I guessed. He was slightly losing his hair, and quite a few grey ones were present too.
He was slightly shorter than Mr Cohen, but with a bigger build, and a slight belly too. The only really distinct thing about him was the size of his cock, which was pretty impressive. I figured it was maybe eight inches long, and quite thick.
Lupe did as she was told and began sucking his big cock. She had to open a little wider to get it in, and she could only get just over halfway down it. She continued to jerk Mr Cohen’s cock with her right hand, whilst cupping Mr Dubois’ balls with her left.
Both men stared at Lupe sucking on big black cock.
“Yeah, suck that dick,” Mr Cohen told her.
Lupe moaned as she sucked and slurped on that black dick.
“Fuck, yeah. Fucking lovely slut,” Mr Dubois told her.
Luckily the ventilation peephole was about halfway along the bathroom wall, meaning I had a perfect view of Lupe’s left side profile, so could see all the action. I noticed the red burlesque corset Lupe wore had a zipper down the centre on the front, which either she or one of her two older gentlemen lovers had pulled down just a little. It meant the tops of her areolae were exposed, but not yet her nipples.
Lupe finally came up for air, and immediately switched to Mr Cohen, sucking on his cock. She expertly moved up her hand from Mr Dubois’ balls to start jerking his saliva coated shaft.
“You always enjoy this, don’t you, darling?” Mr Cohen said, smiling, looking down on Lupe.
“Course she does, she fucking loves it,” Mr Dubois replied for her, sighing.
Lupe nodded as she continued sucking Mr Cohen, her pouting lips covered in glossy red lipstick slowly moving up and down his shaft.
My cock was now rock hard in my shorts, and I had to pull them down so I could begin jerking off over this amazing sight. I couldn’t quite believe what I was seeing. Lupe had only kissed her husband goodbye a few hours ago. Yet here she was looking the complete whore, sucking off two men at the same time.
I wondered how this situation had come about. I got the feeling this was not the first time Lupe had allowed these two men to share her at the same time. Had she suggested a threesome at some point in the past? Or had it been one, or both, of the men?
Presumably though, this was the first time anyone had spied on them enjoying their threesome, and certainly, Lupe was the only one in the bedroom aware they were being spied upon. The two men gave no indication of my presence in the bathroom next door. Lupe had as yet given no sign she knew I was in place either, but then she was a bit busy right now.
Lupe switched back to sucking Mr Dubois again, whilst jerking Mr Cohen’s cock with her right hand.
“Ah, will you look at that?” Mr Dubois gasped, looking down on Lupe, “No finer sight than looking down on Miss Lupe sucking your cock, ain’t that right Nate?”
“You’re right there, Earl,” Mr Cohen replied.
Now I knew these gentlemen’s full names. Nate Cohen and Earl Dubois. They called each other by their first names, but Earl had referred to Lupe as ‘Miss Lupe’, which I recalled Nate Cohen had called her out on the veranda on the day I arrived.
“Wish we could clone her,” Nate Cohen said, laughing.
“Nah, she’s doing just fine all by herself,” Earl Dubois replied, joining in the laughter, “Goddamn, if this girl doesn’t know how to suck dick.”
Lupe’s lips and mouth were all stretched out, as she attempted to take as much of Earl’s cock as she could. I assumed she was deep throating him, as Lupe eventually took it all. Her nose was pressed up against Earl’s lower stomach.
Lupe’s tongue then appeared, licking Earl’s balls. A huge grin appeared across his face. I didn’t know this was even possible, especially with a cock as big as Earl’s. It was obviously one of Lupe’s many talents.
I assumed the head of Earl’s dick must be quite some way down Lupe’s throat. I noticed Lupe had temporarily stopped jerking Nate’s dick. Presumably what she was doing with Earl was taking up all her concentration.
“Goddamn girl, I love when you do that. Ain’t that something, Nate?” Earl said, still grinning from ear to ear.
“Oh yeah,” Nate replied, taking Lupe’s right hand and putting it back on his stiff cock.
Lupe made some gagging noises, and a few moans. Whether she was really gagging or not, I couldn’t be sure. She seemed quite accomplished at this.
I suspected she was deliberately making gagging noises, because that’s what Earl wanted to hear. I suspected Earl wanted to know his big-titted Latina whore was struggling to take his eight inches of man-meat, and that turned him on, and Lupe knew it.
Whichever it was, it was very, very sexy. Nate was now jerking his cock with Lupe’s hand, watching her gag on a big black cock. I suppose this was just one of the benefits of this threesome, taking delight in watching this woman suck another man. I was certainly enjoying myself, jerking off to this incredible scene.
I had to be careful I did not make any noise, as I accidentally had when spying on Lupe and Mr Cohen’s in his room a few days earlier. Here in Earl’s room, the bed was closer to the bathroom wall; the closest side of the bed being just a metre or so away. It meant I got an even better view of everything, but it also meant it would be easier for them to hear if I made too much sound.
I could see Lupe’s eyes starting to water; perhaps she was now tiring and having to fight her gag reflex. She slowly pulled back, releasing Earl’s cock from her throat, and finally her mouth. She took a deep breath as saliva dripped from her lips and chin.
Lupe immediately switched back to sucking Nate. Again, she continued to slowly jerk Earl’s dick. She was certainly very good as multi-tasking, keeping two old men very happy at the same time.
Lupe then came up for air for a moment, reached into her red handbag on the bed, and pulled out a red lipstick. She re-applied the glossy red on to her lips, as Nate smiled.
“You ready for your favourite, Mr Cohen,” Lupe grinned, pursing her lips.
Nate nodded, as Lupe took him again in her mouth. Lupe slowly got her lips to the base of Nate’s cock. It seemed a little less of an effort this time as Nate’s cock was shorter than Earl’s. However, she was still taking six inches, so I assumed the head of Nate’s dick was now firmly down Lupe’s throat too.
Lupe then pushed her lips forward. Her top lip pressed against Nate’s groin just above the base of his dick. Her bottom lip pressed against the top of his balls. Lupe shook her head a little, pressing her lips harder and firmer.
She then slowly pulled back, releasing Nate’s cock from her mouth, and smiled. There was a very distinctive lipstick kiss mark just above the base of Nate’s cock, and across the top of his balls.
“Ah Miss Lupe, it’s so beautiful,” Nate remarked, looking down at the lipstick kiss mark, “I wish it didn’t always wash off in the shower.”
“Maybe you should get a tattoo,” Earl laughed.
“There? Hell, no!” Nate laughed too.
“Don’t worry, Mr Cohen, I can put another one there again next time,” Lupe grinned.
“Now come here and gag on my cock, you little slut,” Nate ordered, taking Lupe’s head in his hands.
Lupe took him back in her mouth, and again slowly deep throated him until her lips were at the base of his dick. She again made moaning and gagging noises as she had done with Earl. Nate grinned as he looked down on Lupe gagging on his prick.
Lupe had not deep throated me during our session. Perhaps it was, like the scene happening right before me, one of the many surprises Lupe had said she had planned for me in the future.
Eventually, Lupe came up for air. She took both men’s cock’s in each hand, and pulled both men a little closer to each other. The heads of these two men’s dicks were just centimetres apart, and right in front of Lupe’s face. Lupe began licking and sucking each head, quickly switching between one and the other.
Over and over again, back and forth Lupe went between the two cocks. I noticed she made a deliberate attempt not to let the two men’s cocks touch each other. They were very close, but they never touched.
Perhaps this was an agreement the men had, that they were happy to share one woman, but they did not want to get involved in any activity that they thought might be seen as gay. Or perhaps Lupe just knew the two men wouldn’t be up for that, and so was careful to keep their dicks apart.
Seeing what an incredibly liberated and open-minded woman Lupe was. I suspected she would enjoy trying to get both of them in her mouth at the same time. But it seemed with these two that was not on the cards.
“Come here, girl,” Earl told her, as he grabbed his cock at the base.
Nate did the same, and they began beating Lupe’s face with the end of their dicks. Nate slapped his cock across the right side of Lupe’s face, Earl slapped his all over her left side. Lupe took it with a huge grin on her face, she clearly enjoyed this.
“Yeah, she always loves this part,” Nate said.
“Course she does,” Earl replied, “This whore can’t get enough dick. There ain’t enough dick in the world for this fucking busty slut.”
“It’s true,” Lupe giggled, obviously enjoying all the attention these two men were giving her.
The two men continued slapping their cocks all over Lupe’s face. I noticed her left hand had snuck into her panties, and she spread her legs a little wider, as she began to play with herself.
I had also noticed that Earl called Lupe a slut and such quite a lot. Nate did too, but perhaps not to the same extent. I suppose Lupe had told them, as she had with me, that she was their whore, and so they treated her as such. I guessed it was their way of doing dirty talk.
Lupe certainly didn’t seem to mind at all, in fact, she seemed to really be enjoying herself.
“Come on gentlemen, beat those big hard cocks over this busty whore’s face,” Lupe said, with a grin from ear to ear, “Do you need to see more?”
With that, Lupe pulled on the zipper on her burlesque corset just a little, exposing more of her tit-flesh. Her nipples were just barely visible now, Lupe certainly knew how to tease a man and keep him interested.
Earl took the zipper, and roughly pulled it all the way down, and Lupe’s burlesque corset fell away, revealing her huge tits. When Lupe had given me a striptease a few days before, I had seen the label in her bra read 36H.
“Come on baby, you know what we want,” Nate told Lupe.
Lupe smiled as she stood up, and then got onto the bed and knelt on the edge. Nate and Earl grabbed a boob each, and pushed their cocks into it. Each man then began fucking one huge boob, Nate on her right tit, Earl on her left.
“Yeah, that’s it, gentlemen,” Lupe said, smiling, “I love two men fucking my tits.”
“Yeah, there’s nothing like a fucking a big pair of tits,” Earl grinned, looking over to Nate. Nate nodded and grinned back.
Lupe put her arms around each man’s shoulders, encouraging them to fuck her titties. These two older men both carried on pumping away at Lupe’s breasts for another minute or two. It was a sight I thought I would never see.
“Oh, I feel like such a dirty whore when we’re together like this,” Lupe grinned, giggling.
Apparently, this was too much for Earl.
“Oh fuck,” Earl exclaimed, “Nate, I gotta fuck this bitch now.”
“Let’s do it,” Nate replied.
At this, Lupe looked over in my direction for a moment, grinning again, and giving me a wink. It was the first time she had let me know that she knew I was there. I hadn’t made any noise, and it was far too dark in here for her to be able to see through the vent to see I was actually here. I assumed Lupe just knew I would simply not miss out on this opportunity to spy on her again.
The two older gents did not notice her glance toward me, too busy positioning themselves for the next stage of their fucking of Lupe. Lupe began to get down on her hands and knees on the bed.
The two men positioned themselves standing on either side of the bed. However, Lupe had positioned her ass at the end of the bed, and her mouth facing the pillows and the headboard.
“No, no, let’s try it this way today, come on,” Lupe instructed. It was the first time Lupe had exerted any authority over the two men that I had seen.
Earl dutifully moved to stand at the end of the bed, behind Lupe’s ass. Nate got onto the bed and knelt in front of Lupe’s face.
I assumed Lupe had insisted on this positioning on the bed, knowing that I was there spying on her, and wanted me to get a good show. If they had fucked across the bed all I was going to see was an old man’s saggy, flabby ass pumping in and out. This way I would see all the action.
Earl placed his cock, and a condom, on top of Lupe’s ass, using it like a shelf. He then grabbed hold of her panties, and roughly tugged, and finally ripped them off. Lupe gasped, but rather in pleasure than shock. Perhaps this was a regular thing too, although I’d hate to think how many pairs of panties Lupe got through.
Earl then took the condom from Lupe’s ass, unwrapped it, and rolled it over his cock. He then pushed the head of his dick into Lupe’s pussy, rather roughly I thought. But again, Lupe seemed to enjoy being treated this way, smiling. Earl then began thrusting into Lupe, gripping her hips.
Nate positioned his cock in front of Lupe’s lips and took her head in his hands. He then pushed his stiff dick into Lupe’s open mouth. Her lips enveloped his shaft. Nate then began thrusting in and out.
It was quite a sight, the gorgeous Lupe getting spit-roasted by these two old fucks. Lupe’s tits hung down underneath her chest. Her stunning ass bounced and rippled as Earl banged away at her from behind. All she had on now were her little red high heeled shoes.
Lupe moaned again and again. Perhaps it was from Earl thrusting his big cock in and out of her pussy. Perhaps as it was an encouragement to Nate fucking her mouth. Perhaps both.
For the next few minutes, the only thing I heard from Lupe was her continued muffled moaning. Earl continued to bang away hard from behind. Nate, with a tight grip on Lupe’s head, kept urgently thrusting in and out of her mouth. He did not let her up for air.
What I did hear was all the dirty talk Earl and Nate were giving to Lupe. That and two old men grunting and moaning themselves.
“Look at this fucking slut,” Nate said, “Fucking lovely.”
“Yeah, she loves it,” Earl replied, “She loves getting used like this.”
Earl slapped Lupe on her amazing ass.
“Best thing about it is,” Earl continued, “Her husband got no goddamn idea what a total fucking whore his wife is. Ain’t that right Miss Lupe?”
Lupe nodded as Nate continued fucking her mouth.
It was the first time either of these men had acknowledged Lupe was a married woman. It was also further confirmation to me that my uncle had no clue what Lupe was up to with the guests, not that I needed any.
Lupe began gagging on Nate’s dick as he forced it deeper and deeper.
“Shit, this girl got such a fine pussy,” Earl exclaimed, panting from his efforts, “Miss Lupe, you a real fine piece of ass, you know that?”
Again, Lupe nodded.
“And she knows what to do with it, too,” Nate said, also panting heavily now.
“Yeah, she sure does, Nate” Earl replied, “She got the best ass I ever seen. And I seen a lot.”
Earl laughed, and Nate joined in.
Nate had still not let Lupe up for air, but she seemed to be coping with it very well. Perhaps she was used to it. She continued making muffled moans as she was fucked hard from both ends.
I noticed she was moving her hips back and forth against Earl’s cock, presumably enjoying his extra girth. This continued for a further few minutes, with more dirty talk directed at Lupe from her two older lovers.
Finally, Lupe waved her hand on the bed, I assumed a signal to Nate. He let Lupe up for air, and she gasped for a proper breath. A large amount of saliva dripped from her lips and chin onto the bedsheets.
“Oh, yesss,” Lupe gasped, “Love that big cock.”
“I know you do, baby-girl,” Earl smiled, banging away at her pussy.
“Give me one minute, Nate,” Lupe said looking up at him. It was the first time she had used his first name. Perhaps she only did that when she was particularly excited, which she seemed to be now.
“Oh god, si. Si, fuck me. Fuck me,” Lupe repeated, panting “Give me that big black dick.”
Lupe readjusted herself. She took all her upper bodyweight with her left arm on the bed below her, so her right arm could come up to jerk Nate’s cock. Earl continued pounding away as hard as he could at Lupe’s pussy.
Lupe’s moans got louder and louder until they were very loud indeed. It was a good job no-one else was staying in the guesthouse because surely the noise was carrying outside to make it very apparent as to what was going on in here.
Lupe’s face was in total ecstasy. She was really enjoying Earl’s big cock ramming in and out of her.
“Ohhh fuck!” Lupe finally exclaimed and collapsed on the bed for a moment. She was panting heavily, and I could see beads of sweat on her back.
Lupe got back up on all fours fairly quickly.
“Thank you, Mr Dubois,” Lupe grinned over her shoulder at him, then turned to look up at Nate, “Thank you, Mr Cohen.”
I assumed Lupe’s thank you to Mr Cohen was for him waiting while Lupe got off on Earl’s big dick. She took Nate back in her mouth again.
“You’re welcome honey,” Earl replied, with the first bit of genuine affection for Lupe I had seen so far.
Earl and Nate got back to the business of spit-roasting Lupe, thrusting in and out of her mouth and pussy.
“What would your husband say if he could see you now, huh?” Nate asked her, grabbing Lupe’s tits from beneath her, “I don’t think he’d be too pleased to see his wife getting off on Earl’s big black cock, while she gags on mine, do you?”
Lupe shook her head as she gagged on Nate’s cock.
My cock felt huge as I continued to jerk myself off. Both Nate and Earl were obviously enjoying using Lupe for their own pleasure. And while a casual observer might feel Lupe was being used, I could see that Lupe was also using them.
While Earl and Nate were being a little rough with Lupe, it seemed to me she very much enjoyed being treated this way, playing the whore for them. It was like a sexy game for her.
Nate let Lupe up for air, and she instantly had a big grin on her face. Lupe went to work licking and kissing Nate’s balls.
“What do you say, Nate? You wanna switch round?” Earl asked, still pumping away behind Lupe.
“Oh fuck, yeah,” Nate said.
Earl finally pulled his big dick out of Lupe and slapped her ass one last time. Nate moved off the bed and picked up a condom from the side table. Earl climbed onto the bed in front of Lupe. Instead of kneeling up in front of her as Nate had, he sat up against the headboard, with his legs spread either side of Lupe.
Nate rolled on a condom over his cock, gripped Lupe by the hips, and pushed himself inside her. He then began to slowly thrust in and out of Lupe’s pussy.
Lupe had to reposition herself, as due to Earl sitting down, his cock was lower down. She had to drop her upper body lower slightly, her tits now brushing across the sheets as Nate thrust from behind. This meant Lupe’s incredible ass was now pushed up in the air even more, pleasing Nate no end.
“Fuck, look at that ass,” Nate gasped.
Lupe pulled the condom off Earl’s cock, throwing it to the floor. She then cupped his balls and took the head of his dick in her mouth. Lupe then began sucking on that big black cock.
Earl took Lupe’s head in his hands and began controlling her sucking and the rhythm of her head bobbing up and down.
“That’s it, girl. Suck that fat prick,” Earl told her.
Earl forced Lupe’s mouth further and further down his shaft, until she almost reached the base, and began to gag. This time however I felt she was really gagging, as Lupe was not controlling it herself, and the angle was different than before. Lupe waved her hand, and Earl immediately released her, and she came back up for air. Lupe grinned as saliva dripped from her chin again.
Lupe took Earl’s shaft in her hand and began licking it up and down. She then turned toward me, looking through the fan. She winked again, grinning as she kissed Earl’s shaft. For at least a minute she looked in my direction as she kissed and licked on this big black cock.
Lupe was clearly enjoying herself. Not only enjoying the pleasures of having two men at the same time but also knowing she was being spied on by a third. Enjoying putting on a show; and what a show it was.
“God, you look so fucking hot,” Nate told Lupe as he pumped her pussy.
“She sure does,” Earl said, “How many times we had little Miss Lupe like this, Nate?”
“I don’t know, I lost count,” Nate replied.
“Yeah, me too,” Earl said, sighing in pleasure as Lupe sucked on his balls, “I guess you gonna soon be fucking that young guy across the way too, right?”
Earl and Nate both chuckled. I realised they were talking about me and wondered how Lupe would respond.
Lupe shook her head, even though it was buried in Earl’s ball sack.
“No? How come? I thought you’d be all over him as soon as he walked in the door,” Earl cackled.
“No, no. Not him,” Lupe replied, coming up for air, “He’s my husband’s nephew.”
“That wouldn’t stop you, Miss Lupe,” Earl replied, chuckling again.
“No, no. You guys and me, that has to be a secret from him too, you understand?” Lupe said.
Earl and Nate both nodded, accepting what Lupe was telling them. Lupe then grinned and went back to sucking Earl’s cock.
I wondered why she had told them that. Perhaps Lupe saw me and her as something different to her and these two guys. Or maybe I was just projecting that on to her. Perhaps I would ask her about it next time I saw her.
Nate was pumping away furiously behind Lupe, enjoying the feel of her pussy and the sight of her ass in front of him. Lupe began moaning as she sucked on Earl’s cock.
A minute later Lupe came up for air.
“Oh, si. Si. Don’t stop, don’t stop,” Lupe cried, burying her face in the bedsheets in between Earl’s thighs.
Lupe gripped Earl’s cock as she got pounded by Nate. Earl lifted his ball sack and placed it on Lupe’s face. He then put his hand around Lupe’s hand and guided it up and down his shaft.
“That’s it, Nate, fuck that pussy,” Earl said, “She’s loving it, just look at her.”
Lupe’s moans became louder again.
“This slut sure is something,” Earl continued, “I never seen a woman who loved fucking as much as this one.”
“Oh si, si,” Lupe cried, and then something in Spanish I didn’t understand.
“Such a great whore,” Earl mumbled, groaning, “Every man wants to fuck a slutty, busty whore like you, girl.”
Lupe finally cried out very loud indeed, and then went very quiet, panting heavily.
“Yeah, good girl,” Nate told her.
Lupe recovered from her orgasm and went back to sucking Earl’s balls.
“Oh, I do love fucking two men,” Lupe sighed.
She then began licking Earl’s big thick shaft again, and looked in my direction, blowing me a kiss.
“I love being watched while I get fucking spit-roasted,” Lupe grinned, blowing me another kiss.
This was apparently too much for Nate. He pulled his cock out of Lupe’s pussy. As he had done before when I spied on him and Lupe in his room days earlier, he placed his cock in her ass crack. He then pushed her ass cheeks together and began fucking them.
Earl took Lupe’s head in his hands and guided her back to sucking his cock, and controlling her rhythm.
“Oh fuck,” Nate cried.
With that, he came, spurting his sperm over Lupe’s ass. He held his cock there until every little dribble had spilt out.
Lupe’s head was bobbing up and down in Earl’s lap frantically, still guided by his hands.
“Yeah, fucking suck that dick,” Earl groaned, “Fucking lovely whore.”
A minute more of this and I could tell Earl was very close. He then suddenly let go of Lupe’s head, and she came up for air. She immediately opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out. Earl wildly jerked himself.
A moment later, and Earl erupted; two streams of spunk hitting Lupe on her tongue and face. The rest dribbled out onto the sheets below.
The three of them were then quiet for a moment, panting. Earl and Nate seemed to be admiring their handiwork.
“Well Nate, we done it again,” Earl finally said, “Spunked her up good and proper.”
“Good and proper at both ends,” Nate sighed, slapping Lupe’s ass.
“As she deserves,” Earl replied.
“Yes, I do,” Lupe said, getting up and looking over towards me, “I demand it.”
Lupe giggled. She got off the bed and took some tissues from the side table and began to clean her face up. She collected her burlesque corset from the floor, but did not put it on. She took her black satin robe from the floor and wrapped it around herself, and picked up her red handbag.
“Well gentlemen, thank you. But I must go shower now,” Lupe announced, glancing again in my direction.
Lupe was leaving, but also warning me it was time to leave too, as surely Earl was going to want a shower also, and would be coming to his bathroom very soon. I had been so engrossed in the events going on in the bedroom, I had forgotten about my exit strategy. I stuffed my achingly hard cock back in my shorts. I then quietly put the blades on the ventilation fan back in place, removing the red electrical tape from them, and the arrow on the wall that Lupe had placed there earlier.
I quickly unlocked the bathroom door, and opened it just a crack, peering out down the veranda. What I saw was Lupe doing the same from Earl’s bedroom door. She then stepped out onto the veranda and began walking back toward the family home at the other end of the guesthouse building.
Lupe tottered back in her red high heels and super short satin robe. I knew she was naked underneath that robe, as Lupe’s ripped red panties were useless, and left on the floor of Earl’s room. Her red burlesque corset Lupe held in her hand. I could also see where the robe was stuck to her ass, as she had not cleaned up Nate’s sperm.
She was also still cleaning the last remaining sperm from her face with a tissue. It was lucky no-one else came along at this moment. If anyone saw Lupe coming out of a guest’s room, wearing just a tiny robe, a sexy red burlesque corset in her hand, and cleaning spunk off her face, it wouldn’t take a genius to work out what she had just been up to. But I suppose Lupe had done this many times and knew what she was doing.
She turned halfway down the veranda, and looked back, giggling. Perhaps she could see the bathroom door slightly ajar and knew again I was watching her. A moment later she reached the door to the family home and disappeared inside.
Quick as a flash, I opened the bathroom door and stepped outside onto the veranda. But to my horror, as soon as I did, I heard the bedroom door to Earl’s room begin to open. My way back to my room was now blocked. So I ran the other way, to the end of the veranda, where the staircase took me down to the street entrance.
I ran out into the street and hid behind a parked car. A moment later Nate stepped out onto the veranda, wearing his robe, and headed back to his room. I waited a minute longer, and sure enough, Earl appeared and went into his bathroom.
As soon as both men had disappeared from view, I casually walked back across the street, and up the other staircase, onto the veranda on the other side, and into my room. I closed the door behind me and peered out the window. There was no-one out on the veranda, nobody had seen me.
I sat on the bed for a while, contemplating what I had seen. It had been incredible. Few people ever got to see such a thing.
Eventually, I took a shower, and jerked off, thinking about Lupe, and how lucky I was to have seen her acting the whore.
Later in the evening, I sat out on the veranda for an hour or so, sipping a cold drink. I saw Nate, although I had to remember to call him Mr Cohen, as he returned to the guesthouse. Perhaps he had been out getting his evening meal. He waved at me from across the courtyard and disappeared back inside his room.
Earl’s room had no lights on, so I assumed he was still out somewhere, or perhaps already asleep inside, exhausted from his efforts this afternoon with Lupe.
Later, I saw Lupe and Uncle Gerry walk back into the courtyard. Apparently, they had been out for the evening in town. Lupe looked very nice in a fairly conservative black dress.
Just as I was about to call it a night and go back inside my room, I heard Lupe’s high heels click-clacking up the stairs. I’m sure my cock stirred in my shorts now every time I heard that sound.
Lupe appeared out of the dark, walking down to my room entrance, smiling. I offered her my chair, but she refused, preferring to stand in front of me, leaning on the balustrade.
“So, I have time for you tomorrow,” Lupe whispered, “For your second weekly session?”
I smiled, simply nodding.
“I’ll come to your room at about 11 am, ok?” Lupe asked, still whispering.
I guess she didn’t want even the slightest chance of either Uncle Gerry, or even Nate or Earl to hear her.
“You got any requests?” Lupe whispered, grinning.
I guessed she meant about outfits for her to wear. I told her I would let her choose something that I would like.
“Quite a show earlier,” I told her, smiling.
“We talk about it tomorrow,” Lupe whispered, grinning, “I got something extra fun for you then.”
With that, she turned and walked back toward the family home, her hips swaying sexily from side to side as she disappeared back into the darkness.
I sat there a few minutes more. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow. I also wondered what her idea of ‘extra fun’ was. It wouldn’t be long before I found out…
I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...
MILFI continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...
MILFI continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...
MILFI continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...
MILFMy Maid Lupe Lupe, Lady Killer. TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. ********** Christmas 2011 ********* Tom: George, I feel GREAT! George: You look great too. No more hunched over, beaten look. Tom: (laughs) Ya, I felt that way a long time being married to...
Lupe Rodriguez was a first generation Mexican-American. Her parents were born and raised in Mexico, but she was born and raised in California. As a teenager Lupe had a very difficult time growing up. Her parents were strict, yet the culture in which she was growing was very permissive. The push/pull of everyday life was very difficult to deal with. Her parents wouldn't let her date even though she was 17, yet her friends were already going out with boys at 16. She wasn't allowed to wear...
After Jim and Donna reconciled that day on the beach, the two became totally absorbed in each other almost to the exclusion of all else. They would leave the house to do things outside at times, but mostly they just stayed in and kept each other company. Jim still worked at the bank of course, but he didn't make it the sole focus of his existence. He and Lupe had reached a plateau within the bank where the automated trading system ran so smoothly that it required little fine tuning and...
When Jim got home Wednesday evening, something smelled delicious in his kitchen. Coming over to take a peek and maybe to get an early taste, he found Jill and Sandy working at preparing a relish tray to complement the Yankee Pot Roast roasting in the crock pot. There were lots of potatoes and carrots in the cooker keeping the meat company. Sandy was putting the finishing touches on blending the catsup and horseradish sauce while Jill set out the final gherkins, peppers and stuffed olives from...
When Jim got to work the next morning, a very contrite Lupe waited in his office. She looked like she'd had trouble sleeping the night before and seemed almost on the verge of hysterics. She started apologizing to Jim, her words coming out all rushed and garbled. Jim was able to silence her by raising up his hand in the universal sign language for stop. He took Lupe by her two hands and calmly got her to sit down on her usual chair. He sat down next to her and started to speak...
Friday night started out auspiciously and dinner was a huge success. Donna had prepared a shrimp scampi that was totally awesome. The wine had flowed freely throughout the meal and everyone was loose and relaxed. When Lupe had first arrived at around 6:00, she and Donna had gone upstairs, leaving Jim to oversee cooking the pasta and to make sure the scampi didn't overcook. They were gone for about 45 minutes and when they finally came down the stairs both girls were giggling and their hair...
The cold air coming in from darkness of the open window wakes me up. I am sleeping naked with only the sheet and no blanket, which was enough on the previous nights. But tonight is clearly much colder. Shivering, I rise up and look outside via the open window. It is still perfectly dark, and Kate turns off all the outside lights for the night. I can just about make out the trees close to the house, and only seeing the light of the stars change to total darkness gives out where the sky ends and...
When Jim returned from work that Thursday evening he found a note taped to his front door from Donna telling him that she was at her Mom's and that he was to come over when he first got home. Curious, Jim made his way over to Jill's place. Inside, he was confronted with near bedlam as Sandy and Donna were running all around a seated Jill. Donna was putting the finishing touches on a hair color touch up while Sandy was applying a coat of nail polish to Jill's fingers. Jill had some sort of...
The Mediterranean Guesthouse – chapter 2As I wake up some hours later, it is still dark, but I can already feel it is close to dawn. I slept again with the windows open, and the sounds of the warm night are already gone and I can hear the odd cry of a rooster from the valley. I look to the window and I can already make out the outline of the sky against the hills. In half an hour it will be sunrise. I still cannot really believe what happened last night. It all seems like a dream. Did I really...
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. *******************The Guesthouse – chapter 1The flight had arrived on time, but the luggage was taking ages to arrive. It was already midnight, and I was feeling tired after spending full day at work and then flying to Cyprus. I was just waiting to get to the guesthouse and get in a good nights sleep. Watching the other passengers I could tell this was what other...
Jill felt very conflicted, her own personal love life was really going great. Tom Patterson had been courting her continuously for the past three weeks and the two of them had finally given in to their mutual attraction. For the past week they had made love together every day. The sex was great but the personal closeness and sense of belonging together made it even more special. It had been a very long time since Jill had felt so personally fulfilled. Unfortunately, her personal happiness was...
ArchieStanding outside the house, we wave with Kate as Christine and Julien drive away. Watching them get into the car, the last hug and kiss with Christine, the last shake of hands with Julien, it all now reminded me of my own departure soon to come. So I have all the more reasons to feel a bit melancholy this beautiful morning. Even though we all knew this moment would come, the moment where we would have to say goodbye, the breakfast this morning was still a bit difficult for all of us. At...
ArchieOpening my eyes to the dusk, I can feel my body still remembering the lovemaking of the night, and the sex with Kate and Christine the previous evening. A complete satisfaction seems to dwell all over me, my arms are tingly with memories of touching Kate during the night, my legs remember the feel of the soft sand of the beach as I was pushing into her at the rhythm of the waves. My lips remember her soft, salty kiss. And my cock remembers the sweet tightness of her pulsing pussy each...
The following day Mom and I just loafed around the house. Peter was still away and not due back until that afternoon and Susan had gone into the local hospital to continue her nursing seminar. It was nice for Mom and I to be alone for the first time in so many days. So many days of the most extreme fucking that had taken us from just a regular mother and son into a mother and son that had now shared their most intimate sexual experiences. We both needed time to relax, to chat about the...
Whilst mom and Clare had, unbeknown to us, been getting it on together, Angel and I had been exploring the gorge. We had been walking and generally making polite conversation concerning the beautiful scenery for about ten minutes when Angel turned the conversation towards private matters. She asked me if I intended to stay in our small town for the whole of my life, what plans I had, whether I had a girlfriend and all sorts of generally personal questions. It certainly didn't bother me and I...
I am going to narrate one of my experience. This happened in a guesthouse of a pilgrim center. I had been there to meet a friend. I was staying in a double room of that guest-house. This was supposed to be a part separated from a huge family suite. The door separating the two sections had some tiny holes. In the night when I had put off the lights I could notice streaks of light emanating from the adjacent room. By curiosity I just peeped through those holes and I could see a young couple...
EroticWhy do MILFs give me such a rock hard johnson? Is it because they're so stressed they always need a good pounding to get the kids off the mind? I have no idea since I'm not a fucking woman and no goddamn parent. No, I think that MILFs are fucking sexy, refined, know what they want and because they're such good parents… goddamnit, they deserve a fucking that they can finger themselves to for years to come, okay?Show me a MILF that's too busy making shit work, and I'll show you one that's ready...
Mature Porn SitesThe Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 The Do-gooder MILF -3 MILF Meat The Do-gooder MILF -4 BASTARDS The Do-gooder MILF -5 She is Mine Oh this is so sweet, my Tommy has her tits in his hands and I am grabbing them too. Oh shit, we are working together. I can actually feel him throbbing inside her. I can feel him cumming. Ah the Bitch is moaning. She likes it. Tommy shot his load in Joan’s ass. Come on, one of you guys, fuck my ass. It was hard to tell if she really...
What is it about hot fucking MILFs that makes your dick stop whatever it's thinking about and turn its attention to these refined, sex beasts? I know I'm not alone, either! These little pricks you see around college campuses wearing their stupid fucking hats and chasing young freshmen with fuck-all pick-ups lines can keep the inexperienced teens whining that they, 'have to put their mouth on that.' Give me the goddamn cougar that, 'yes please,' and, 'how deep you want me to blow it?'...
Mature Porn SitesChapter Six: Blown by the Fertile MILF A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Things changed at school rather quickly. With my older sister's help, I started dividing the girls up into different categories. Some became whores. Literal prostitutes. These were the hottest girls that I would sell to the boys who attended my college. The twins, Rosalita, Janet the lesbian, and others were sold to the boys for $50 for a...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Sisters Tease the MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! The Armstrongs would be here in an hour for their second lesson from my brother, Clint. It was two weeks since that wonderful Saturday morning when my brother showed Mr. Armstrong what sort of wife he had. Two weeks since she was spanked and fucked and shown to be a cuckold. Clint was having fun teaching Mr. Armstrong to control his wife. The...
"Hey, Amy," I said, walking into her room."Hey, Ben," she responded, turning to me. "How have you been?" she pondered before kissing me.I failed to answer and just checked her out for a moment in silence."Does that mean you like the top, Ben? Is it all the colors?""And the black pants too, they perfectly match your hair," I answered, feeling a few strands. 'I just want to see it off you though, with me not wearing anything either.'"You're staring again, dude, what's going on, and...
MILF"Hey, Amy," I said, walking into her room. "Hey, Ben," she responded, turning to me. "How have you been?" she pondered before kissing me. I failed to answer and just checked her out for a moment in silence. "Does that mean you like the top, Ben? Is it all the colors?" "And the black pants too, they perfectly match your hair," I answered, feeling a few strands. 'I just want to see it off you though, with me not wearing anything either.' "You're staring again, dude, what's going on, and please...
MILFChapter Ten: Futa-Mommy and the Hot MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow I stared in shock at Lupita Reyes, the math professor, staring with horror and disgust at us. She had caught me getting ass-fucked by my futa-daughter while I licked out Aoi's pussy, making the student cum on my face. Her cream dripped down my chin. “Madeline Marlow!” Lupita gasped in shock. “You're fucking the students. What is wrong with you? And one of...
There is a thing with mature women that I am sure we can all agree with. They are all grown in a ridiculously sexy way, and they fucking know what ticks for them as well as how to get it ticking. In fact, I must admit that those who are into the MILF kind of porn are mostly freaky assholes who want something close to real. Also, there is the fun in seeing some massive load of porn experience thrown into the mix.From the handjobs, blowjobs all the way to lengthy cock rides. It'sIt's almost as if...
Mature Porn SitesChapter Three: Futa's First MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 April 17th, 2047 “So, your boyfriend's mom walks in on you naked on her living room couch, your new futa-dick hard and thrusting before you. That sounds... interesting,” said Adelia Tash, the talk show host sitting beside me on the couch before her studio audience. The cameras rolled, the lights shining down on us, illuminating us for the entire world to watch as the interview was streamed across the internet. “Yeah,”...
Who else remembers the time when hanging out at their friend’s house was the highlight of the day? Well, I know you used to turn up at their home because you enjoyed watching your friend’s extremely hot mom walk around the house half-naked. There is actually no shame in that at all. Everyone has that secret MILF; they’d give anything to get between their legs. Personally, the thought of an aged woman flashing her tits across my face and spreading her thighs to show a set of thick vaginal lips...
Mature Porn SitesThe male love of milfs starts at a ripe young age. Basically, the moment we get our first ball hair, we begin having wet dreams about teachers and friends' moms. We can't help ourselves.From Ball Hair to Ant HillsWhile young men are certainly still attracted to their peers, when you're a kid, your peers aren't fully developed women like moms and teachers. The evolutionary urge to reproduce takes over, and women of obvious mating age become sexy as fuck.The human mind is a strange beast,...
Premium Mature Porn SitesChapter Two: Blown by the Married MILF A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! My mom, older sister, and little sister all ducked their heads down and licked my cock. All three of them were mad to suck my dick, willing to do anything for that privilege. I had fucked them all just now. Popped my eighteen-year-old sister Lisa's cherry, then pumped away at Mom's snatch and flooded her cunt, and then just pounded my...
We’re at it again, boys. About to dive into some random ass MILFs from across the world right here on CamSoda. I’m reviewing the MILF section in specific because you know I like to get really nitpicky with my smut. Plus, I know you guys appreciate the extra narrow categories. I’ve been covering a lot of live cams lately, and I think that CamSoda is doing its best to stick out ahead of the competition with some unique design choices that distinguish them from other similar websites. But, then,...
Live Mature Sex CamsJust wanted to share possibly my greatest sexual experience from when I was young with you all. When I was only 19 I got to know this uber sexy older woman; blonde, petit and busty. She was like Debbie Harry in her prime. She was 36 and was old enough to be my mother, she was confident, slim and busty and in her sexual prime and oozed it from every orifice. She epitomised the term MILF. I got to know her through a friend who worked with her, and before I knew it we were flirting over the...
Remember being a young man and going to a friend’s house for sleepovers? So many people harbor fond memories of staying up late with their best buds, playing video games, eating candy, and drinking Mountain Dew. It’s the epitome of youthful fun. Here’s the thing, though. I never had sleepovers with my best friends. Why? Well, it’s simple. My best friends’ moms were ugly sacks of shit.How much I liked someone had nothing to do with my urge to sleep over at someone’s house. For me, it was all...
Mature Porn SitesHi, all horny Indian sex stories readers.Greetings .The unsatisfied 29-year-old guy with lots and lots of fantasy, decently fit and fair.Passionate and nice guy.Life started to become monotonous.I all most was updated with all latest porn movies, sex stories and masturbating with vr glasses.I did not have a soul to spill my sexual appetite and try all the amazing things about sex.Life was so boring.The same old position sex with my girl was getting really boring.I was really looking for my...
What would you do with a Freeuse MILF? The phrase itself instantly gets your mind spinning in all kinds of perverted directions, at least if you’re a red-blooded straight dude. If I had one at my disposal 24-7, I probably wouldn’t have to spend so much money on pocket pussies and tissues. It’s a simple premise for a fantasy, but it’s one with so many immediate possibilities that I was eager to check this next website out as soon as I heard the name. Mothers I’d Love to Fuck, who are always down...
Premium Mature Porn SitesCuriously, the two most consistently popular porn genres are teens and MILFs. Both the young and the clearly adult draw our attention but for different reasons. The draw of teens is their youthful innocence and unadulterated bodies. (Pun intended) We wish to christen them into a world of sin with our penises. We anoint them with our seed, forever tarnishing what was once god’s perfection. Once her pussy has been fouled by your manhood, it can never be unfouled. It will forever be fetid and rank...
Mature Porn SitesAdult Time MILF! Two of the most popular porn categories both have to do with age: Teens and MILFS. What isn't there to love? Teens offer fresh and perfect bodies, pure and untouched, while MILFs have the experience needed to turn your cock into a cum factory.Professor MILFWhile both are fantastic, today we're focusing on MILFS. Nothing beats the knowledge of a sexually liberated MILF with a divorce under her belt and a soaked pussy. That vagine has been ignored for years by her ex-husband, and...
Premium Mature Porn SitesHeyMILF! Just when I thought that the Japanese porn industry couldn’t possibly surprise me, they go and pull a Hail Mary out of their asses with a website like HeyMILF. I have seen Japanese pornography across every single genre and every single category known to man. I have seen women insert eels into their vaginas and asses. I have seen women fuck live octopuses. I swear I once saw this dreadful porn video of a Japanese girl inserting thorns into her ass. Well, it would appear that the...
Premium Mature Porn SitesHi, I am Shekhar Malhotra, I am from Mumbai, I am a married man aged 41 now. This incident happened 2–3 years back when I was travelling to Hyderabad for some ceremony at my in-laws’ place in Hyderabad. Due to the sudden plan, I did not get train tickets and flight tickets were too expensive. I boarded a Volvo bus, it was a semi sleeper bus. I occupied my seat and was on my phone watching random videos. The bus halted at a bus stop and a lady about 35–36 years boarded the bus and came and...
I recently met a few young guys at a bar who didn't understand having a milf fetish. The guys didn't even know who I was. We just happened upon that topic as men are want to do. Obviously, I didn't agree with them and felt compelled to guide them towards the milf light.Why Milfs?First off, I explained that all the young and dumb college bitches they're fucking have no idea how to handle a dick. These dudes were only twenty-two, so they were happy to just have their dicks rubbed. It all feels...
Premium Mature Porn SitesThe Porn Dude has never been short of free porn streaming sites to enjoy and maybe blow a load in between fucking some hot women. That's right guys; your boy sees plenty of action. I guess these bitches love my dark humor, although having a big wiener certainly helps. Today I introduce another free porn streaming platform where all of you porn addicted fucks can let out your frustrations for lack of pussy. Going by the name of Daft Sex, this place offers the usual selection of streaming porn...
Mature Porn SitesI cleared the supper dishes from the dining room table and took them into my mom in the kitchen. "Hey, Lisa," I said, "how about letting me have a party for some of my friends and the jr. varsity and varsity football teams. Since Dad took Jennifer to her choir thing and they won't be back till Sunday night, our pool is still open and the guys would love that." "I don't know, D, that would be a lot of work. And young man, you know how your dad hates it when you call me Lisa." "I...
Waking up Tuesday morning Mark said he felt as if he was starting to get the flu but nevertheless he was still keen to go have as much fun as possible as it was the final 4 days before I headed back to Johannesburg on Saturday with my parents. After a hot shower we got dressed and went to the main house for a good breakfast. After breakfast we made our way to the beach front for the day. We could see the matric holiday was ending as most of the youngsters had started heading back home and the...
Do you remember the time when your highlight of the day was hanging out at your friend's house? Was it because you were having fun while playing the Play Station or because you could go home and wank to the flashbacks of how his extremely hot mom walked around the house half dressed? They are the same fucking memories that you have been stuck with to your adulthood, and now the only thing you're left with is lust and craving for older women. Just the sight of an older woman at the bus stop,...
Premium Mature Porn SitesMany societies have developed concepts of natural dualities. Perhaps the most well-known is the yin and yang symbol. It depicts in a simple drawing the relationship of opposites and how they can only exist with and within each other. This idea can be applied to a wide variety of situations in life, and one of those situations is milf and teen porn.Yin and WangMilfs and teens are consistently two of the most popular genres on any porn site. Men love playing around with age. Some want to fuck an...
Premium Mature Porn SitesHello all, this is Saif back again from Chennai. Long time no see just because my father fell sick and I had to take care of him so didn’t get much time to spend in ISS. This is a continuation story from where I left. Please read my previous story here for a better understanding. This story will also of more foreplay as I feel it turns the people ON than the full sex. It was around 9 pm and my hot neighbor milf Fareen created a scene as if she was not feeling well. Then my mother came,...
Hello folks, this is Saif from Chennai back again with yet another erotic story. Kindly read it patiently and send me your feedback. Also, read where I fucked my all-time favorite MILF for the first time. This story is the continuation of my previous story. Just a quick intro, I am Saif- 24 years old with an athletic body. Fareen (heroine of the story) is a hot milf around 45 years. She looks like film actress Vidya Balan. Let me go into the story directly. After fucking her for the first...
He has no idea what Nathan's mother looks like. Tyler was a tall 6ft one black man who is slightly muscular. Light brown complexion. Brown eyes. Today he was wearing a black T-shirt with blue shorts and Jordan shoes. “Hey, Nate. How come I Never Met Your Mother? If you wanted to meet her you could have just asked me. Come on man. I've known you all these years and you've never once suggested your mother. Or ever talked about her. How come? Because I get shy when people me her. What? Why?”...
Got MILF?by Jack WatcherI walked into the Twin Peaks and saw that my partner had kept a stool vacant beside her in the busy bar. On the corner of Market and Castro, Twin Peaks was all windows. A place to be seen. I sat down and the bartender narrowed his eyes at me, his radar detecting that I was straight. He decided to serve me thinking it would be fun to watch the dumb shit try to pick up the lesbian.I smiled and put down a hundred dollar bill. His attitude changed, but only slightly. ?Bombay...
Hi, guys, I am Suraj, I am 19 and I am a resident of Chennai. Here is my sex story. I am 7 feet tall and I am a sports person. I love mature ladies and aunties! Any hungry lady can freely contact me at I’d love to have fun and sex with you and would definitely keep your identity a secret. So don’t worry! Ok first up, this is a true story and as it is in real life, it takes a lot of time to approach a milf, I wanted to write things in detail and that’s why the story is a bit lengthy. The way I...
The day had come to select a Master for Susan. Devon pored over the information of several possibilities, trying to find any reason to disqualify them.Ronald was looking for a sub who would clean his house in addition to serving him sexually. While Devon was certain that Susan was an impeccable housekeeper, he hardly thought she’d appreciate having to clean someone else’s house as well.Mitchell was looking for weeknights only. He had a vanilla wife who traveled during the week and wanted...
MILFJim was awakened Tuesday morning by the smell of freshly made coffee and with the delicious feel of a pair of wet lips tightly wrapped around his engorged cock head. Sandy was milking his dick with a tight suctioning pull while, at the same time, running her sweet tongue along the undersideof his glans. He reached a hand down and stroked her hair softly for a few seconds before disengaging himself from her mouth and pulling her up to his face for a good morning kiss. Resting her head on his...
Gina Lawla was the hottest MILF on the planet. She was my best friend’s mother. I loved going over to their house. Most of the time, my mind would be in the gutter thinking of ways to insert her into my fantasies.My favorite fantasy was imagining we were married. She’d be on her knees in nothing but a pair of black pumps waiting for me to get home from work. She’d be all made up and her lips would be pink with a hint of gloss. She’d smile and be hot and ready for me.I’d enter the door and...
MILFThey both stopped five feet in of me as I sat on the couch at seven at night. "Mom, Monica and I are just gonna hang out in my room."I looked at them as they held hands and stayed close. "Okay, Lexi," I replied, just before they both bolted. I paused the show and my eyebrows drifted down. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were having intimate relations." Neither of them came out of her room for the rest of that Saturday night. As the clock struck midnight, I turned the TV off. "I guess...
MILFHey everyone, I am Raj. I am 26 years old and from Mumbai, working as an Engineer in a known MNC. I was a shy guy so had not been involved with any girl till now. Recently, I met a woman on Facebook whom I befriended and we started chatting. Her name was Paulomi and she was a Bengali married milf around 44 years of age. She was a voluptuous, sweet and nice woman. She had a teenage daughter and a son. We became good and most importantly close to each other when she started sharing her personal...