Cheli Visits A Strip Club Blacken free porn video

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It had been a long time since Cheli had been with another black man, or any other man for that matter other than me. The last experience was the all black gang bang in the summer of 2019 and even though we fantasized about it Cheli didn't have any other black sexual partners...until recently.

It started in an unexpected way. We had taken a vacation last fall in Canada and was driving home through northern Maine and decided to stop at a motel in a small town and spend the night instead of driving straight through.

After checking in we decided to go down the street to a bar down the street. Being mid week and late evening there were only 4 patrons in the bar other than the bartender. There were 3 men and a very intoxicated middle aged woman, they were all sitting at one end of the bar. They were pretty rough looking dressed in work clothes with rough hands, one of them had pretty bad teeth. They all were white and when we walked in they leered at Cheli, she was dressed in a long skirt and a tight light green tank top with no bra.

We went up to sit at the bar opposite the other and I ordered a beer and Cheli had a gin and tonic and we sat there watching TV while we drank. Cheli and I were thirsty so we pounded down the first round quickly and ordered another. After a while the men at the bar started a conversation with us and everything seemed good for a while.

Like I said they had been there when we arrived and they must have been there awhile as they were quite drunk and the men didn't hide the fact they liked the looks of my wife and this guy named Kirk bought Cheli a few drinks. He kept up a conversation with us, crudely flirting with Cheli, telling her she was good looking and had a nice body. Cheli was feeling the alcohol now and after he told her he liked her body for the 3rd or 4th time she stands up and suddenly pulls her top up, flashing Kirk.

You like my body? Check these out!" She says and laughs.

His eyes bulged out of his head and says, "Whoa!"

"Let's go Bob." She says and unsteadily walks to the the entrance, away pulling her top back down as she does.

"Come back here you cock teaser!" Kirk yells out to her. She doesn't look back but flips him the finger. The drunk older woman cackles hysterically. I thought I would have some trouble but they just sat there there dumbfounded as I catch up to Cheli and we exit the bar and go up the street to our room. I was very relieved to be in our room with the door locked and Cheli just takes off her clothes and crawls under the covers. I strip and join her in in a few minutes we are intertwined and making passionate love.

The next morning I ask Cheli what that was all about the night before and she just tells me she was pretty drunk and got stupid. I let it go for the time being and we got into my truck and headed home. I then got thinking about her exposing herself to those guys in the bar and got fantasizing about her stripping for a whole room of men, maybe a bar or working in a strip club.

I kept mulling it over in my head, thinking about her with Dwayne and the others and I also thought of the 8 man all black gang bang and then I thought about her dancing in a strip club. All this got me aroused and finally I said to her, "Did you get excited last night when you flashed your tits to those strangers?"

She thinks for a few moments and says, "Yeah, I did get excited but I was a little drunk."

There was a minute or so of silence and I finally asked her, "Do you think you want to be with black men again...or, or maybe have you thought about dancing in a strip club?" I was stumbling over my words.

Almost immediately she tells me, "I do get lots of pleasure making love to a good looking and well endowed black man. In fact when I get undressed to take a shower I fantasize that I am stripping and crawling on top of a black man in bed. I will masturbate while in the shower and sometimes the fantasy involves more than one black man." She hesitates for a moment, she hadn't responded to the strip club idea. Finally, she leans forward in the passenger seat and looks at me and says, "Bobby, you would like me to strip in a club? Damn, you have been getting some ideas lately!"

All I did was grin sheepishly and I glance over at her and Cheli is now biting her lower lip. Her blue eyes narrow and she says, "I have also fantasized about stripping in a bar full of men. Would you want me to do something like this?"

I thought for a bit and I told her I would.

"I cannot do this anywhere near home because I could risk having someone we know show up and that would not be good for my job. Do you know where we could do do this?" Cheli inquired.

What we decided to do is have her enter an amateur exotic dancer contest at a strip joint. We found a place in Massachusetts that had an amateur night and we signed Cheli up. This was a full nude club with no touching so we felt pretty good about her doing this. It is also far enough away from home to be pretty sure no one would recognize us. We contacted them and they suggested we come down early the day of the amateur night so they could meet Cheli and she could sign up.

The day of the show we went down and checked into the hotel and went over to the club at 4:00 pm to check it out and sign up. She was surprised how nice the place was, not as seedy as she assumed. We met the managers and they suggested she have some gimmick to spice up the act instead of just stripping and dancing. Cheli told them of her costume which included a sun dress, thong, flowers in her hair, high heels and a picnic basket. We went back to the hotel and Cheli got ready.

The amateur contest started at 9:00 so we got there at 8:00 to have a few drinks beforehand and get used to the atmosphere. At 8:30 Cheli went in the back to get into her skimpy outfit and get ready to come on stage. When it was Cheli's turn to come out she strutted out and across the stage to a smattering of applause. She had on 4" high heels and and sun dress with nothing on under it but a thong. She strutted around and stopped and danced in front of these 2 guys who looked like they were in their late 50s and they each tipped her a few bucks. She then went around edge of the stage, stopping in front of different men and in a few minutes she slid the skimpy yellow dress off her shoulders and shimmies out of it with it dropping to her ankles. She picked it up and placed it at the rear of the stage and danced around for a few minutes in the white thong. When she started she was a bit stiff, she looked a bit scared but soon she loosened up. She then slowly peeled off her thong and she was now totally naked, she looked at me and blushed but then the serious money started coming out. Once she was nude, this big black man came up and sat stage side and started whipping out $10 bills and she spent some time in front of him, getting on all 4s and showing him her bare pussy and ass. She went to others, spreading her legs for them and giving them a show. She ended her set in front of the big black guy on her back with her legs spread and in the air. When she was done, she was picking up her clothes and the black man beckoned her over and whispered something to her as he slipped her some money. She came over to me as another amateur dancer took the stage. Cheli slipped her thong on, leaned over and kissed me and she then handed me her sun dress and said, "That man I was talking to wants a private table dance from me." She winks and sashays into a side room. I picked up my drink and moved over a few tables so I could see what was going on. He was sitting down and Cheli was on a small platform slowly dancing in front of him. She puts her hands on his shoulders and leans in, closely brushing her pretty breasts over his face, I couldn't tell if they made contact with his face but it looked like it. He kept peeling off bills and handing them to her and saying things to her I couldn't make out. She turns around and slips off her thong, kicking it off with it landing it halfway across the room. Once nude, she spreads his knees further apart and backs up to him, wiggling her bottom.

This black man was big, maybe 40ish or so and probably 6' 3" tall and was ruggedly built but on the heavy side with a bit of a belly. He looked like he used be in good shape but had let himself go a bit as he approached middle age. He had close cropped hair with gold earrings and he wasn't really good looking. Not ugly, just a bit homely with big droopy eyes and rough complexion with a 2" scar on his left cheek and a crooked broken nose. He kept handing money to her and he reached up a few times and grabbed her breasts with his huge hands. Cheli pushed his hands down and just laughs each time he did it. I was wondering where the bouncers were, I thought this was a no touch club. Cheli shimmies in close to him and she seemed to be reaching down and was playing with him, it seemed like she was doing something with his cock. As I tried to position myself to see what was going on, club security finally came over and talked to them. Cheli separates from him and walks over and picks up her thong and slips it on. She comes to my table and takes her sun dress and slips it over her head and sits down.

"Well they broke up what we were doing." Cheli smirks.

"What did they catch you doing?" I asked.

"Oh, I was playing with his cock. They came over and gave me a warning, I played dumb." She responds.

I didn't say anything, just sipped on my beer and she finally says kind of matter casually, "Christ, his cock was huge. Probably the biggest I have ever felt. It was still in his pants but I could tell he is hung. He told me it was over 12", if that's true he's bigger than Dwayne."

Now that name hit me in the gut with a pang of jealousy, I think he was the closest Cheli ever got to falling in love with one of her black lovers. I said nothing as Cheli glanced over at me as if to see my reaction.

"His name is Jackson." Cheli says matter of factly.

I was mulling over what to say when Jackson walks by our table and hands Cheli folded napkin.

"Call me." He said as he smiles at Cheli and as he walks off he just gives me kind of a smug smirk. I watch him as he walks away and I say to no one in particular, "He seems like a jerk"

Cheli says, "Oh, I think he is pretty nice. He probable handed over $200 to me and he was very polite to me the whole time I danced for him." She falls silent for a few moments the she holds up the napkin and says, "This is his cell number."

"I kind of figured that out." I retorted.

"He gave it to me because he wants to get together with me." She says as her eyes follows the actions of the stripper on the stage and not looking at me.

"I figured it was something like that, what does he mean by get together?" I ask, knowing full well what it meant.

She turns to me and says, "Sex! He wants to have sex with me."

"He doesn't see like your type, he's not the best looking guy in the world. Did you find out what he does for a living?" I asked, thinking he had impressed her by boasting about himself and the way he was throwing his money around, maybe he was rich or something.

"He's a parking lot attendant...and used to be a semi pro boxer." She answers and continues, "He wants me tonight but I told him we would require a report that he was free of STDs. He told me it was my lucky night because he had just got back a report and he will bring it by the hotel room if I agree to make love to him. I told him I didn't have proof I was clean but he said he didn't care."

It was then they announced the winner of the amateur dance contest. We were pleasantly surprised she ended up with the second prize losing to a gorgeous 22 years old brown eyed brunette. As we got ready to leave we continued to discuss her having sex with Jackson's.

"Dammit Cheli, this guy seems like a loser to me." I said.

"I'm not going to marry him!" She exclaims. "I am only going to have sex with him and probably never see him again and besides it's been a long time since I have spread my legs for a black man. I want one tonight!"

We were starting drive out of the parking lot and I slammed the brakes on, I put my truck in park and turned to her, "You really want to go through with this? You want to do it tonight?" I was raising my voice. What was really going through my mind was the kind of black men Cheli seemed to be attracted to lately. Other than Dwayne and a few others most were pretty poor working class types or thugs with no prospects. Sure, it was only sex but Cheli is a college educated professional like myself and our combined income is well into the six figures. It's true it is safer emotionally because she would be less likely to get attached but somehow I keep thinking she should be with someone she has something in common with. I continued by asking her, "What's appeal of this guy to you, it's the size of his cock isn't it?"

"Well of course, that's part of it but I also got pretty excited with all the attention I got on that stage tonight and I found him sexy." She tells me. "Will you let me have some fun tonight?"

I sat there thinking for a bit and finally I said, "I still think he's a smug prick, I don't really know why but if you want it I think it would be pretty exciting to see it." She smiles and as I pull out onto the highway and head to the hotel, Cheli calls Jackson.

We went to the hotel and Cheli showers and I stand in the bathroom doorway and watch her as she puts puts on her makeup. She stands on her tip toes to wipe the stream on the mirror and puts mascara and eyeliner on her beautiful blue eyes. It is times like this I sometimes look as her anew, to this day I cannot believed I have such a beautiful wife. Cheli's 32 year old body is still incredibly tight with shapely legs topped by a tight bubble butt ass. She works out constantly and her belly is flat and firm and her breasts are just to die for, just the right 34 inch size for her 5'2" 115 lb body. She slips on a robe and fluffs her long blond hair and pulls back the covers on the bed and we wait for Jackson to show up. It was no more than 20 minutes or so when there was a knock at the door. I sat in a chair as Cheli answers the door. He comes in and looks at me with that self satisfied smug look and immediately gathers Cheli in his arms and kisses her deeply without even closing the door. He peels the robe off her shoulders and it drops to the floor.

"Shut the damn door!" I tell him. He just grins at me and pushes the door closed with his foot. He turns to Cheli and she starts unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it off his broad shoulders. He turns away from me so I could only see his backside as she then unfastened his trousers and tugs them down to around his ankles, I noticed he had no underwear on. She is on her knees, untying his shoes and he kicks them off and steps out if his pants and turns around. Suddenly I saw it, his big black cock which was already springing to attention and frankly I was taken aback. Cheli had been with a few black men with cocks similar to his, just not as big. I was intimidated my the size of Dwayne's massive cock but this one on Jackson looked to me to be bigger, both longer and fatter.

Cheli, still on her knees looks up at him adoringly and reaches up and fondles his balls with her left hand and gently runs her fingers over the shaft of his monster cock. Suddenly I was remembered his STD test and said, "Stop for a minute here, before you continue where are your test results that you are clean?"

He looks down at Cheli who was staring at his cock with glazed over eyes and tells her, "Gimme muh pants." She crawls over and retrieves them and hands them to him. He fishes a folded up piece of paper out of the pocket and throws to over to me. The paper fell a few feet in front of me and when it did, he gave me that sneer again. I got up and picked it up and opened it, it was a report from STD Test Express and was dated the week before and it stated that he was free of disease. Looked up and Cheli was already sucking on the tip of his cock and it was even bigger than before. I sat back down and took in the scene unfolding in front of me. There was my little Cheli on knees with this huge black man towering over her. He had deep brown skin with a tattoo of some woman's face on his right arm, he did have a large belly but he was muscular otherwise. As she licked and sucked on his cock he leaned back and his eyes rolled back in his head and his eyelids fluttered as he grunted and groaned.

After a minute of so of this he reaches down, grabs Cheli's wrists and hauled her to her feet. Still holding her by the wrists, he pulls her arms up straight over her head and tugs her in towards him bringing her mouth up to his and shoves his tongue into her mouth, kissing her deeply. She is kissing him back madly, gasping and intertwining her tongue with his. He is now holding her wrists together with his right hand and is now tugging at her nipples with his left hand and he is now nearly lifting her off her feet and he leans in and kisses and bites her neck. He then cups her left breast and pulls it up to his mouth as he leans down and slobbers wetly all over her nipple. Her head is rolling back and forth with her long golden hair swinging back and forth. Her pretty blue eyes are closed tight and she is gritting her teeth.

Jackson pulls her to the bed and pushes her onto her back, still holding her hands together and pinning them to the bed as he continues to kiss, bite and lick Cheli's tits. He releases her hands as he licks down her belly towards her pussy. She reaches down and runs her hand over his head as he plunges his tongue into her cunt. He rubs her clitoris with his thumb as he does this and in just a minute or so he gets up between her legs and positions his bare black cock at the entrance of her pussy.

"Enough of this licky shit, you want muh dick now?" He has a crooked smile on lips as he says this to Cheli.

"Please!" She whimpers, "Please, just go slow and don't hurt me."

Jackson looks my way with that smug sneer on his face and then jabs the head of his huge cock into her and when it did Cheli's eyes fly open wide and she gasps, "OH!". It only went in a few inches with the first thrust, he then pulled almost all the way out and shoves his cock in again and when he does Cheli shudders and I saw her right leg twitch uncontrollably as he penetrated her. Jackson is on his elbows and he is clutching her head between his big black hands as he slowly plunges in and out of her. Cheli is clutching at his sides trying to reach around his back and pull him to her. As they make love I remained sitting in a chair near the bed, only getting up every once in a while to take some pictures from a different angle with my Nikon. His black cock was now glistening with her wetness as her juices start flowing around his bare cock.

I see her looking down at his bare black cock as it works in and out and she exclaims, "Christ, your penis is so big!"

"Damn right girl." he grunts, "Keep takin' it."

With that Chelis starts breathing faster and more shallow and suddenly I hear her cumming hard, "OOOOH, OH, OH, I'm cumming on your cock, I cumming on your big beautiful cock! OOOooooooo!"

Jackson keeps stroking as she cums again and she starts riding wave after wave of orgasms. She is now shuddering uncontrollably and squirming around and muttering something about him having a real cock. He then withdraws and flips over her limp body on onto her stomach.

"Gimme some lube." He says to me and I pick a bottle off the dresser and hand it to him.

"Maybe some lube will get all my cock into her, she's tight!" He exclaims. He pours some on his penis and rubs it in and reaches under her hips and brings her up onto her knees. As he works his cock back into her she has recovered somewhat and is also up on her elbows and looking over her shoulder at him. Soon he is fucking her doggy style and it appears he is actually getting deeper into her with only about 2" remaining. After a few minutes of this he flips her back over and mounts her missionary style again and he is now up on his hands and is stroking her faster, as he screws Cheli she is looking at his cock do its magic to her and she is again reaching climax and as she does, Jackson grunts and starts releasing his semen into her as they are both climaxing simultaneously.

As they lay together side by side relaxing in the afterglow or their lovemaking Cheli has her leg up over his and her legs spread. He reaches down and sticks his finger into her pussy, pulls it out and holds it up and looks at me with that smug look I still find annoying and exclaims, "Daaaamn, I pumped a big load in your wife!"

I got up so I could get a beer and when I walked by I got a look at her dripping pussy and indeed it was overflowing and oozing out. It looked like she had just been fucked by 4 men. I got a beer and offered him one which he grabbed, sat up and guzzled it down in about a minute. I looked over at Cheli and she was dozing. He laid back down and in no time he was asleep, shoring loudly. I sat there looking at them snuggled up together and thought, "Look at that confident motherfucker, he's so smug and sure of himself and thinks he's god's gift to women. What does he really have to offer them? He's a fucking parking lot attendant! I probably make 5 times more than he does and I provide for my wife very well so why am I sitting here feeling jealous of him and his big black cock? The same cock that was now wet with her pussy juices and streaked with his semen. I wonder how many women he has had? I bet women do throw themselves at him and he is not even that good looking. He seemed so sure of himself as he walked by our table and handed her his phone number. He didn't even act like he cared but he was sure she would call."

I don't know how long I was lost in my thoughts but I heard some stirring on the bed and Cheli got up and went into the bathroom. I heard her relieving herself and then some running water.

When she walks out of the bathroom Jackson gets up and embraces her and kisses her deeply and then walks towards the bathroom, I couldn't help notice his cock dangling low between his legs. After he takes a piss he rejoins Cheli on the bed and soon Cheli is kneeling on the bed and is running her fingers lightly over his chest and stomach while he lays there with his hands behind his head. She slowing slides her hands down to his now half hard cock and then leans down and engulfs his cock in her mouth. Soon Cheli has sucked him hard again and then he grabs the lube, puts some on his fingers and turns her around so her ass is facing him. He is working lube into her behind and her eyes are closed and is making little puffing sounds with her mouth. She looks back at him and says, "You're really going to try and put that monster in my ass?"

"Damn straight bitch! I think you will enjoy it, I know I will!" He says sharply.

He gets up on his knees and spins Cheli around and pushes her face down into the mattress and pulls her hips up so she's on her knees with her ass in the air and he positions at the entrance to her ass. Jackson works the tip into her anus and she is breathing hard and says, Oh my god! You're going to tear me apart!"

I stand up from my chair and say, "Are you OK Cheli? Do you want him to stop?"

"She's fine" he sneers at me and he asks her, "You want more cock in your ass don't ya?"

Cheli gasps, "Yes! Yes! It's OK Bob, he can do it." I wasn't convinced but I took some more pictures and sat back down and repositioned my chair so I could see the action better. He pulls her over and off the edge of the bed so she is standing on the floor and leaning on her elbows on the bed with him standing behind her. As he pushes deeper into her ass, she raises up on her toes to better position herself for his cock.

He has her by the hips and is shoving his black cock deeper into her and as he does she is saying over and over, "Fuck my ass! Fuck my ass with that big black cock!" as if to convince herself she wanted it. He kept a firm hold on her hips and kept a slow firm stroke going occasionally lifting her up and pulling her towards him or away as to adjust the her bottom for better fucking. Suddenly he stops with his cock buried about halfway into Cheli's ass and leans over and whispers something and she just nods. He then pulls his cock almost all the way out so just the penis head is still in her and suddenly sharply plunges it in to her. She gasps as her body jerks forward and claws at the sheet trying to pull away from Jackson's onslaught on her bung hole. When she does this he slaps her ass and the loud smack startled me and made her jump and he pulls her back to him. He lifts her back up on the bed so she is on her knees and leans over her back and grabs the back of her shoulders with his big hands and pushes her down, pinning her to the mattress with her face and tits pressed into it. Her ass is still up in the air and he is still fucking her anus trying to poke his black dick deeper into her. No matter what he does, he still cannot get any more of his big black cock any deeper than maybe 2/3 into her.

Cheli has managed to reach back and is fingering her own pussy and in a few more moments she cums with a crashing orgasm. In another few minutes he too is grimacing and grunting loudly as he shoots deep inside her bowels. It was an incredible thing to see this black brute taking her ass so forcefully but I was glad it really only lasted a few minutes because of how hard he fucked her ass and how wide he stretched her anus open. I was concerned for her ass and the possibility of him hurting her even though I had an incredible erection the whole time and a couple of times I almost cum in my pants but restrained myself, wanting to save myself for later with Cheli..

He pulled out of her, released his grip on her shoulders and collapsed on top of her, gasping for breath. She reached back and softly stroked his cheek with her hand as he kissed the back of her neck. "That was so intense!" She says softly. "Your cock is incredible, I have never felt anything like it."

"Yeah Baby, all my girls love my dick." He murmurs.

In a few minutes he gets up and grabs a beer, as he slurps on it he turns on the T.V. And flicks though the channels, ignoring us totally. His big cock which had just been in my wife's ass was hanging down with a droplet of cum starting to drip from it, the drop lengthened and finally dripped onto the carpet. Cheli was still sprawled on the bed on her stomach looking over at me with her soft blue eyes. She rolls over and gazes at Jackson, looking him up and down.

She sighs deeply and says to him, "That was really incredible Hon, you know how to satisfy a girl."

"Yeah, it was fun." He says while still staring at the T.V.

Cheli crawls off the bed , tiptoes over to him, and gives him a kiss. She grabs his cock with the tips of her fingers and gives it a shake. When She does, some more droplets come out of the tip and splatter on the carpet.

"You're making a mess of the carpet, Hon. I'm going to the bathroom." She says as she slowly sashays across the room and into the bathroom. As she does this, Jackson is leering at her backside as she walks away. Once she is in the bathroom, he looks at me out of the corner of his eyes with a crooked smirk on his face. He walks over to where I was sitting and stands about two feet in front of me. I felt quite uncomfortable with him standing stark naked that close to me with his black cock at eye level. He throws his head back as he drains the beer and when finished he makes eye contact and licks his lips and that smug smirk returns to he face.

"I think I'll fuck yo' wife's again. She one sexy and beautiful woman." He tells me and turns around and gets another beer and takes a long pull off it.

In a few minutes, Cheli comes out of the bathroom after freshening up and Jackson embraces her and kisses her deeply with my wife reaching around and clutching his ass cheeks with her tiny hands the whole time. He breaks the embrace tells her he'll be back and goes into the bathroom. Cheli comes over to me and gives me a kiss and asks me, "Having fun Bobby? Like what you're seeing?"

"Yeah, it's pretty hot. He's not hurting you is he?" I ask

Cheli hesitates and answers, "Let's put it this way, it hurts so good!"

I am now whispering, "You know, I don't really like this guy much. He's kind of an asshole."

Cheli looks at me and cocks her head sideways and giggles, "Oh you are just jealous.! He's fine"

"Jealous? No, I have actually kind of liked some of your lovers but not this jerk." I retorted.

"Shhh! He'll hear you!" She hisses and goes to the bed and lays down.

A short time later, Jackson comes out of the bathroom and joins Cheli on the bed. He starts fondling Cheli's pretty tits and kissing and nuzzling her neck, eventually working his mouth down to her nipples and starts nibbling on them. She is stroking his cock with her right hand and pulling his head into her breasts with her other hand. He is now fully erect and rolls onto his back and pulls Cheli on top of him. She mounts his cock while kissing him furiously as he places his hands on her ass cheeks and pushes her pussy down onto his bare cock. As his black member gradually disappears into her warm love hole she throws her head back and gives out a little gasp. She is looking at the ceiling initially but soon turn her attention to him and gazes lustfully into his eyes as she rides him. She has her hands on his chest and is pinching his nipples as she squirms around on his cock. She starts thrusting harder on his cock, bucking her hips wildly as she cums hard on his cock.

Her eyes are rolling back into her head and seems to be totally losing control, trembling uncontrollably with her mouth wide open and high pitched squeal coming out. He doesn't wait for her to stop her orgasm and suddenly flips her over and mounts her missionary style with arms wrapped around her. He doesn't miss a beat as his cock keeps plunging in and out of her.

It suddenly occurs to me that I didn't know for sure if he had cleaned his cock after it has been in her ass. Now it was stuffed into her tight little pussy whether or not it was clean, too late to do anything about it now I thought to myself. This thought led me to think about his clean health report and it occurred to me that I had not checked his identification to see if the person in the report was even him. I hated these negative thoughts, having them creep in like this, I needed to shake them off because it was now water under the bridge and once again too late to do anything about it other than hope for the best..

I was shaken back to reality by the sound of Cheli crying out loudly, having another crashing orgasm. This went on for a long time with her riding one wave after another and him holding back for probably 15 minutes this time until with a loud grunt, Jackson starts shooting his load inside Cheli's love hole. She is also climaxing, clutching at his ass with both hands as she does They gradually slow down and get quiet with him grunting every few seconds as he drains his balls in gradually decreasing spurts into my wife. He rolls off her, still breathing heavily and when he catches his breath he props up on one elbow and says, "Damn, Girl! Your cunt is fucking tight!" He then looks over in my direction and says, "Watcha think of that? Watcha think of your white slut wife getting fucked by a real cock?"

I didn't quite know what to say so I just blurted out, "Pretty impressive."

"Damn straight!" He exclaimed with that smirk coming back. I really was starting to dislike this asshole.

They lay there for a while bathing in the afterglow of their lovemaking and in a while Jackson gets up and gets dressed. He goes over and kisses Cheli one last time and grabs one of her tits, giving one of her nipples a little twist. "You have my number, give me a call when you want a real fuck." He says then nods at me with that self satisfied look on his face and leaves the hotel room. That left us alone, Cheli is stretched out on the bed she was sharing with a black stranger a few minutes before. I was sitting in the chair with an incredible hard on in my pants. Our eyes were locked and I was trying to figure out what she was thinking after all this. Did she think any less of me? Was she worried about what I was thinking of her? All I saw was a tender look, the looks of love for me I have seen so many times. I had a strong desire to gather her into my arms so I got up and crawled onto the bed with her, I cuddled up to her and kissed her. She responded in kind, kissing me back while she rubs me my cock through my Levis. I could smell Jackson on Cheli as I kiss her.

Just when I was getting very excited, she breaks away from our embrace, "I've got to go to the bathroom." She tells me and goes in and closes the door. I get up and get undressed as I wait for her to return. In a bit, Cheli comes out and crawls into bed with me and snuggles up to me. She is running her fingers down my chest to my raging hard on and she kisses me and works her lips from my face, to my chest and paused for a few seconds to suck and bite my nipples. I start pushing her head down to my cock and she licks her way down and softly engulfs my manhood in her moist mouth. "How did you like watching me sucking Jackson's incredible big black cock?" She asks me softly.

All I could do was moan as I could feel an explosion rising up inside me. I begged her to mount me and she obliges me, straddling me cowgirl style and lowering herself onto me. As the warmth of her sloppy wet pussy surrounds my cock I am thinking "I'm in her sweet pussy, the same sweet pussy that was filled just 20 minutes ago with Jackson's horse cock."

It was too much for me and she only humped up and down only 7 or 8 times when I shot my load into her love hole, mixing with whatever black man semen was still inside her. As I climaxed I was clutching her lovely breasts and licking and sucking them madly. My erection didn't go away and she lay on top of me and slowly ground her pelvis into me and in a few minutes I flipped her over and we started lovemaking missionary style. I am fucking her furiously now I want to get as close as I can to her. I can't believe how her freshly fucked pussy feels around my cock and the thought comes to me how much it had been stretched just minutes before. I was also amazed how tight it still felt, a bit looser than before her BBC fucking but still nice. What has happened with previous well endowed lovers was the was looser for a day or so but soon her vagina felt as tight as ever.

"Ooooo Bobby," She moans, "I'm cumming!"

She tenses up and I feel a warm wet feeling engulfing my cock as she creams on me. I can stand it no longer and I explode my cum into her, finally relieving all the pent up sexual tension that had been building all evening.

"I love much! You are incredible!" I tell her and she responds, "I love you too, thanks for a sexy night."

Same as Cheli Visits a Strip Club Blacken Videos

4 years ago
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Alcoholic slut wife at strip club

Introduction: I got my drunk wife to go to a strip club My wife has a medical condition that makes her promiscuous and an alcoholic, only adding to her promiscuousness. At times she acts like a real slut but at other times she doesnt remember a thing and acts like a nun. This true story is about one of the early times in our relationship where I got her real drunk and got her to agree to go to a strip club. I got home from work around 6 PM Friday. I could tell my wife had been drinking since...

3 years ago
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The Strip Club

This is a somewhat strange and erotic story I'm about to tell you. First, let me give you some background before I begin my tale. My name is Elizabeth or Liz, whichever you prefer. I'm forty-five years old and have a twenty-two year old non-biological daughter who is currently working on her Master's degree in Sociology. I was with her mother for almost twenty years. She passed away about a year ago in a freak accident. Lightning hit a tree, splitting it, causing it to fall into the road she...

3 years ago
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The Strip Club

This is a somewhat strange and erotic story I'm about to tell you. First, let me give you some background before I begin my tale. My name is Elizabeth or Liz, whichever you prefer. I'm forty-five years old and have a twenty-two year old non-biological daughter who is currently working on her Master's degree in Sociology. I was with her mother for almost twenty years. She passed away about a year ago in a freak accident. Lightning hit a tree, splitting it, causing it to fall into the road she...

3 years ago
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The Strip Club

My name is Daniel Winston and I want to tell you a story about the time I went to this new strip club in town. I work for a local freight company - hauling whatever they need hauled, to wherever they need it taken. It's a good job... hard work at times but good pay and some really good guys to work with.  One of my hauling buddies told me of a new strip club called Madame Molly's that I should check out sometime. He said the babes there were really hot and the place was usually always hopping....

Oral Sex
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Alcoholic slut wife at strip club

I got home from work around 6 PM Friday. I could tell my wife had been drinking since she was acting like a total bitch. She immediately got into my face and we got into a big fight. Then she ran to our bedroom and slammed the door closed behind her. I went to the door, opened it a little and peeked in. She was drinking straight from a fifth of vodka, her favorite. I knew how much fun she could be when she was really drunk, even passed out, so I softly closed the door and let her drink....

1 year ago
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My Wife at the Strip Club

We had gone out on a date that night: dinner and a movie, nothing to exciting. We had dropped the k**s off at my parents, so I thought that we could take advantage of it and not rush home. I suggested going for a walk in the park, dancing, or something else if she had any ideas. Hell, I was open for anything other than going home. Then she said no. She said that she just wanted to go home and relax. Frustrated is about the only word that I can come up with to describe how I felt. Our sex life...

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JessiKa and Serana Part III The Red Garter Strip Club

In this sex story, I get a job interview at the Red Garter Strip Club where JessiKa and Serana work at. When I get my ass fucked, I love being treated like a little slut thats begging to be fucked by women with huge strapons or transwomen with huge cocks. A slut that wants to be surrounded by women with ejaculating strapons or transwomen with huge cocks that fuck my my fuckholes fast, hard, and deep. The type of whore that wants the women or transwomen to unload all of their fat and huge...

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Strip Club Fantasy

You and I finally have a night to hang out. I texted you to see if you wanted to grab a few drinks. You've been busy and a little stressed. I want you to relax and have a good time. I’m thinking you need a night of no worries. To be honest, I don’t really care about the drinks, I just want to spend time with you. We meet up at a bar and order a pair of 'Jack and Coke's. It’s cool outside, but not cold, so we’re sitting on a patio. I've got you smiling and relaxed, I’m feeling good. It’s a good...

4 years ago
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My first time performing at a strip club

I had confessed to him that it would be exciting having strangers see me nude. It started with just someone getting a quick peek, but as we discussed it, the idea quickly grew. Our fantasy quickly escalated from wanting strangers to just stare at me. I wanted to have them grope my chest also. Joe thought a strip club would fulfill the fantasy. However, I was terrified of being recognized, and the gossip wold be very embarrassing. Joe solved the problem. He planned a getaway for us in a resort...

4 years ago
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Lisa Tries a Strip Club

(Couple meets hot slut at strip club)We'd had a long lunch with plenty to drink before Lisa dropped me at the front door, and headed off toward the bar a mile down the road. I'd told her to give me half an hour before she came back, and to wait in the parking lot. "Drive carefully" I said to her as I closed the door and entered the dimly lit strip club.I stepped inside and waited a second, letting my eyes adjust from the brilliant Canadian sunshine to the dark interior of the strip club. It was...

1 year ago
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Strip Club Sally

Sally and I paid the cover charge and walked into the club. Looking around we saw gorgeous women writhing on raised stages while rock music pounded. Single men sat around the stages, eyeing the half naked women, while a few couples talked at tables. We had been occasionally going to this particular strip club over the past several years. It had a large dance floor where couples were encouraged to dance. On the weekends the club featured topless dancing by its female customers. When Sally and I...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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A Trip to a Strip Club

A strip club has held a special place in Sam and I’s sexual fantasy world. During the first year we started swapping, we went to a strip club. We were treated very well, the club allowed us back to a private room for a lap dance. A cute stripper gave us both VIP treatment in the room where she broke many of the club’s touching rules. As we were finishing up she whispered in Sam’s ear that she was off work soon and she would love to continue with both of us, giving him a nice warm place to put...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Strip Club Slut

Introduction: Kathy loves to perform for people Chas had been going on at me for quite a while now about taking me to one of the sleazy amateur strip clubs that he had told me about since talking to some of the guys at the motorcycle club. You see I was a bit of a slut, well alot of a slut, and was really keen to strip in front of a load of horny guys, especially as he had said they were allowed to touch the strippers as well. Finally I had given in and he said he would have another word with...

2 years ago
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Sex Club Stage 1 strip club

SEX CLUBStage 1 (Strip Club)Dave was a porn addict. He just couldn’t stop watching porn. He would watch it for up to five hours every evening. He was a 55 year old divorcee and had been living on his own for ten years. He wasn’t the most personable of men, he was slightly overweight and pretty shabbily dressed. His communication skills were not good. He knew all these things so he was content with an evening watching his favourite porn sites on his computer.He knew all the genres, all the...

2 years ago
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M Visits a Swingers Club a true story FMMMM

M Visits a Swingers Club Work ran late and I had to change (short black skirt, sheer black top, 4” spiked heels, and no panties) before going to a swingers club so the night didn’t begin until around 11:00 pm. A hostess named Cassie or Carly (let’s call her Cassie), and dressed like a sluttier version of a Hooters girl, provided a brief tour of the place. The main door opens to a bar/seating area, with about 20 tables, and a dance floor with another 10-15 tables around it. The dance...

2 years ago
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STARS The Ultimate Strip Club

NOTE TO ALL! This is a re-submission of an older story. The original story CANNOT be edited, therefore, I ask 2 things. READERS AND WRITERS: Please IGNORE the original story and add any new threads to this version. CHYOO ADMINISTRATORS: Please DELETE the original story of the same title! THANK YOU... Retroguy You're an up and coming executive. Under 30 and already being considered for a partnership in a major financial firm. You're already making a 7 figure salary and have everything going for...

2 years ago
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The strip club

In Seattle my friend owns a high class strip club. The girls are selected for their beauty and sexy figures and the love of sex. They perform on a round stage so they can dance around to every one. They totally strip naked. They leave the stage naked and the men can pay for a private dance. The private dances are done in a back room in which there are several. Once back in the room more than dancing may happen. On stage the girls once they get naked will crawl to the man showing the money for...

1 year ago
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South Beach Strip Club

**Thanks for all the support.  Please comment & vote feedback appreciated** After months of planning, our girls only weekend was finally here.  Me and my three girl friends were on our way to airport when my friend Candy said “We have got to hit all the clubs especially the strip clubs".  We all looked at her and laughed.  I had broken up with my boyfriend back in 2006 and have been celibate for 3+ years.  The idea of finally seeing strippers was exciting and I was filled with anticipation. We...

1 year ago
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Erins First Visit to a Strip Club

My name is Erin. My two favorite high school girlfriends are Anna and Erica. They are really cute blondie girls. All of us are 18 years old. We're horny and looking to do new things. Last night, we went for our first visit to a strip club. Not to strip or do anything crazy. We just wanted to see what goes on in those places. We took separate cars so each of us could leave early if we wanted to.We purposely dressed down because we didn't want to cause any distractions or hustle any business away...

1 year ago
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The Strip Club

It's been a fantasy for as long as I could remember. Yes, I still loved men - but as I got older and more secure with my own sensuality, I desired a woman's touch. I certainly didn't want to give up men. I didn't even consider myself bi or even bi-curious. I just wanted - for once in my life - to feel another woman. My man had told me many times that one of his fantasies would be to watch me with another woman. He got hard just thinking of me squirming and moaning and groaning beneath a woman's...

1 year ago
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Strip Club Revenge

The Polish girl stood in front of me and wriggled out of her black panties, sliding them down her smooth legs and over her ankles before kicking them aside."You like what you see, Mr Mills?" she cooed in a thick accent while fluttering her long eyelashes and smiling coyly.I did like what I saw. She had dark sexy eyes, fine black hair that tumbled down to her slim shoulders and big round tits. But her belly was a little too rounded, her thighs were just a tad too fleshy and she had a big arse...

1 year ago
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Sandra Visits the Teen Club

Our church started a teen club as a place where teens could hang out, attend concerts, and dance without the risks of alcohol and drugs. Most of our events weren’t specifically Christian, but we included enough of those to keep the church board happy and the donations flowing. However, keeping a club for teens, drug free and safe for teens is hard work. I was hired to be the manager/chaperone/bouncer. I was hired for my size more than for my spirituality. I had been a pretty good linebacker in...

1 year ago
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The Strip Club

Sara had studied hard in High School and got good grades. She wanted to go to college and be a lawyer. It was a costly career move. She had very little money and so did her family. She went to a councilor to talk about funding. The young man there wanted to help her and he told her "Stand up and let me see your figure." Sara was surprised but she stood and let him look her over. He then asked if she was shy about nudity. She looked strange and he said "I have a club that you can work at but you...

3 years ago
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My first time in a strip club

It was a cold October night back in 2013 about two days before Halloween and I couldn’t sl**p so I got in my pickup truck and went for a drive. I was twenty six at the time and still a virgin due mostly to my upbringing I was extremely shy around women and was and still unable to display emotion. I live with my parents in Astoria, New York having been born and raised there before it was gentrified I was used to and took a liking to the gritty crime and garbage strewn streets of my youth, so...

2 years ago
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My first time in a strip club

It was a cold October night back in 2013 about two days before Halloween and I couldn’t sl**p so I got in my pickup truck and went for a drive. I was twenty six at the time and still a virgin due mostly to my upbringing I was extremely shy around women and was and still unable to display emotion. I live with my parents in Astoria, New York having been born and raised there before it was gentrified I was used to and took a liking to the gritty crime and garbage strewn streets of my youth, so...

3 years ago
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My first time in a strip club

It was a cold October night back in 2013 about two days before Halloween and I couldn't sleep so I got in my pickup truck and went for a drive. I was twenty six at the time and still a virgin due mostly to my upbringing I was extremely shy around women and was and still unable to display emotion. I live with my parents in Astoria, New York having been born and raised there before it was gentrified I was used to and took a liking to the gritty crime and garbage strewn streets of my youth, so...

3 years ago
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Tim and Abbie 70 At the strip club

After all the excitement of Timara’s birth, Mark coming out, and Les and Phoebe moving in next door, things begin to calm down by mid-October.  The weekly Thursday dinners continue, as do the football night at the sports bar.Timara’s baptism occurs during it all, which is lovely, especially as Tim and Abbie are named godparents.  An honor they somewhat tremble over, but more so gush over.  Timara finds gifts streaming down on her and a lovely start to a university savings account from her...

2 years ago
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The Strip and Fuck Club Ch 01

Ned watched the pixel-generated stripper dance on his computer screen. She was curvaceous and supple, contorting into sensual poses that displayed the exact image she knew captured a man’s interest. And Ned was definitely interested. He squiggled in his seat, trying to relieve a bit of the crowding in his crotch. It was always this way for Ned, a balance between passion and profession. The stripper was acting out the classic business woman performance. Her pin-striped wool suit was custom fit...

2 years ago
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Sneaky In A Strip Club

I went to a strip club with a budget and a plan. This is a true story.I entered the small strip club with a plan of busting a nut and spending no more than $75. As I entered the small, dark club, the smell of baby powder and perfume instantly enveloped me. The club speaker were screaming Lil Jon East Side Boyz’s “Get Low.” The DJ who reminded everyone that ten more dollars would "get her nude." I made my way to the bar and ordered a Corona. I'm not really a beer drinker but having the beer...

1 year ago
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Wildclub First Swingers Club Visit

Exactly a month has passed and, surprise-surprise, it is time again to look back and write down some words. Not only for you, dear readers, but also for future us to look back and remember…Experiences with Pamela and Maimu have taken more bold and adventurous. I remember that we both discussed we could also try sex with other couples if we cannot find the right female partner. Birgit was not very sure about it, but, as always, the topic needed some time to settle in. I have told her multiple...

2 years ago
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Strip Club Punishment

My wife, Katie, was furious.  After a brief thrashing in the early afternoon, she gave me the cold shoulder for the remainder of the day.  Well deserved, given that I stumbled into the house at 3 a.m. drunk from a night out with the fellas and smelling stiffly of strippers.  I had been given the okay for a poker night with friends, but she was incredibly unhappy that the evening turned to the strip club.  Truthfully, I was well behaved at the trashy joint known for $20 'extras', but the scent...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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A Night at the Strip Club

Barry and I took Peggy out to a strip club for our first “date”. I had been waiting for this moment ever since we connected via an adult internet site dedicated to wife sharing. I had not had the pleasure of “sharing” Peggy yet, but I am patient man and she is definitely worth waiting for the right moment. I flew into town and they both picked me up at the hotel. I was very excited to finally meet them. Photos and emails will only give you a limited amount of information about people, so it...

3 years ago
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Wife Babysitter Dance at Strip Club

As many of you may know, I had to leave for several weeks on what turned out to be a very successful business trip. I got 4 multimillion dollar contracts signed for our company. Before I left, I found a surrogate cock to keep Babs and Becca satisfied in my absence. The weekend before I left, I introduced Anatoli to Babs. He is originally from Greece and works as a stonecutter, which keep shim very fit and muscular. The sex that weekend was fantastic and both of the girls seemed to enjoy...

1 year ago
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Stories from Marcia the SlutStory 4 Strip Club Slut

Marcia had been going on at me for quite a while now about taking her to one of the sleazy amateur strip clubs that I had told her about since talking to some of the guys at the motorcycle club. You see Marcia was a bit of a slut, and was really keen to strip in front of a load of horny guys, especially as I had said they were allowed to touch the strippers as well. Finally I had given in and said I would have another word with the guys to see which was the best strip joint to go to. That...

3 years ago
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48 Strip Club

PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI Paul Clair Macon and Paula Claire Akron set in the living room of Ted Michaels, their legal guardian. Their heads were bowed, and they were frowning. Ted was there, as were several of their friends’ parents. These parents were glaring at them, and even Ted seemed unhappy with his charges. Paul and Paula had been caught. Their friend Neil had stolen six dollars from his parents and, when confronted, had sang like the proverbial canary. His parents had...

3 years ago
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A Trip to a Strip Club

A strip club has held a special place in Sam and I’s sexual fantasy world. During the first year we started swapping, we went to a strip club. We were treated very well, the club allowed us back to a private room for a lap dance. A cute stripper gave us both VIP treatment in the room where she broke many of the club’s touching rules. As we were finishing up she whispered in Sam’s ear that she was off work soon and she would love to continue with both of us, giving him a nice warm place to put...

3 years ago
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Strip Club MFF

Saturday July 25, 2015 This is the true story of my first MFF and I credit it with helping to expand my sexuality and simply make me feel better and more comfortable as a man. My girlfriend and I had been talking at great length for some time about bringing another girl into the bed. We had exhaustive conversations about how it would go and how to handle it. I don’t think it was a bad thing, just something that was always going to be relegated to conversation, rather than actually happening. ...

4 years ago
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Strip Club MFF

My girlfriend and I had been talking at great length for some time about bringing another girl into the bed. We had exhaustive conversations about how it would go and how to handle it. I don't think it was a bad thing, just something that was always going to be relegated to conversation, rather than actually happening.It was a warm muggy summer evening in Downtown Detroit and Ashley and I had just booked our room at a central hotel. The idea was that we were going to bounce around from...

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The Strip Club Diaries

January 21, It’s cold as hell outside. I should be working the books or helping to prepare the club for tonight, but that’s what I hire a staff for, right? At this moment, I got an urge to write stuff down and until the moment passes, I’m going to follow inspiration. My name is Julian Brackens II (not junior!). I’m 28 years old and the primary co-owner of The G Spot, the hottest strip club in the Big Apple for many years running. If the terminology throws you (such as my name and my title,...

1 year ago
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Me and Mr Bill Part 4 The Old Strip Club

The Old Strip Club Bill gathered up my outfit and helped me up. "I think a nice warm shower and another energy drink is in order for you." He said as he guided me on my still shaky legs to the back of the truck. There he punched a code into the door which opened the back of truck and we entered the living area. As I was removing my boots and panties, Bill turned on the shower for me. "My, those boys worked you over good, didn't they?" "They sure did. That was a first for me,...

1 year ago
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The Redhead at the Strip Club

Been a little while since I've been on here to write about one my stories. But I'm ready to share some more.I had left the Carolinas and returned to living back North in early 2017, but a year later in 2018 I returned to North Carolina to see my good friend from community college for vacation.His boss at the time offered us his summer home on the North Carolina coast for free since it was in January. We took him up on the offer. We mostly went because there was a strip club in Jacksonville we...

2 years ago
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A Blonde a Brunette and a Redhead Walk out of a Strip Club

As I watched the two girls walk out of the strip club, Ginger following after them a few minutes later, I knew there would be a story worth hearing. Just as Ginger was passing the door I was standing beside, I stopped her for a moment with my hand on her arm."Hey, Ginny," I began in a low enough voice that only she and I could hear, "you've gotta tell me about this one tomorrow." I grinned at her with a chuckle.To her credit, she just smirked right back and told me, "Sure, man, if my tongue's...

2 years ago
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At The Strip Club

Pretty early on I realized one thing about when it came to sex, I was pretty open to anything that felt good, and yes, I include pleasurable pain in that statement. I was not overly hung up on what was socially acceptable, and I didn’t reject to many ideas. This does not mean I would actively seek out things, but for some reason opportunities always seemed to present themselves to me. One specific example of this was with women. Even though I can honestly say I enjoy being with men, more I do...

3 years ago
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I Turn Out White Bois Blacken

Proceed ONLY if you want to hear about Me, and other Black men, putting "straight" white boys into female roles, and fucking them like bitches. That is what I do, and is what I am about!!! Both here, and in my private life. If you continue, you are going to read about how "straight" upstanding suburban white boys, find themselves naked, exposed, fondled, feminized, and fucked ...savagely by REAL MEN... BLACK MEN!!! Again. if this is NOT something you can stand, you should stop reading, because...

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The Strip and Fuck Club Ch 02

Ned and his daughter Karen entered the mansion’s in-house mini-studio where Ned often interviewed potential stripper employees. It was just a few cushioned chairs arrayed before a low wooden dance platform. It had a modest sound system and a simple set of stage lights. The stage was dark and quiet as Ned and Karen settled in. A light flute tune added ambiance as the stage slowly lightened to reveal a colorful heap of clothes center stage. The fabric pile rippled from underneath to the beat of...

3 years ago
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Strip Club Slut

That Wednesday at the club after speaking to them he had been told of a couple and one which they had advised him to give a miss as it was really a dump and the clients that went there were usually real rough types and there was always trouble there. I thought if he took me to that one perhaps he would be satisfied. We went a couple of days later. I had been even more highly sexed since Chas had told me and I had worn him out, wanting to be fucked all the time. Not that he was complaining...

3 years ago
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Another Night In The Strip Club by Nepals f

"A Night In The Strip Club" by Bindu Pariyar. ( A sexy true short story about Nepal's only naked stripper in Dallas USA) It's Saturday night in America, my BIG money night as a "stripper" (naked bar dancer) in Dallas, Texas. I arrive atBaby Dolls strip club by 8;00pm, check in, and go to the dancers dressing room. Its already busy on the main floor, maybe 200 guys and 50 strippers. I touch-up my slutty make-up, check my hair and belly and puti piercing jewelrys. I'm ready! I hear the DJ...

3 years ago
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Strip Club And Nude Beach Fucking With Kelly

It was late winter of 1989. Kelly and I were on vacation in Florida. We'd married after she graduated from college, and our vacations since then were pretty much just a long weekend here and there or some camping trips. This was our first “fly away” destination.A year ago, a close friend of Kelly’s at work had shared their experience visiting the famous nude beach in South Florida. Since then, Kelly was on a mission. She had been visiting the tanning beds for about six months and had an amazing...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Journalist Visits Swingers Club

It's not easy being twenty-two, fresh out of university with a degree, and not being able to find a job. You feel self-assured with the graduation certificate, why wouldn't you? It's all you have been working towards for four years. I really thought journalism was different, but I, like my friends, had a taste of reality, and along with it, great humility.I changed tactics and applied for any job that may get me in the door, so that one day I may be lucky and get to do some real journalism...

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First time in a strip club VIP room

The ocean breeze blew softly filling the air with a briny smell as I walked down the street, it was April,2,2014 and I was on vacation sort of. My parents being in there golden years had decided to buy an apartment in Florida on the beach, Cocoa beach to be exact and there I was painting and basically fixing it up. But between doing those thing I had free time so off I went on a walk avoiding the touristy areas ,I had had enough of the same idiots blabbing to each other about crap and the same...

3 years ago
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My Wife Visits a Club

My wife sue was in her late 30s. We were both second time round and both had very open minds about sex so I had no problems letting her g out "with the girls". Sue was 5'7 tall, 36C tits, blonde hair, brown eyes, slim with a cunt with large flaps but kept tight by daily exercises — she took her sex seriously and was not going to have a loose cunt! One evening Sue and four girl friends visited a club they had heard was fun. Two of them wore trousers, one wore a micro skirt and Sue wore a...

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Girlfriend Strip Club

Gangbang, It was the summer of 2011 my girlfriend Stacy and I were visiting some of her family in New Jersey.Stacy was always a super sexual girl, we had threesomes with other girls before but never with another guyand it was always something we wanted to try next. During our vacation we spotted a strip club not far from where we were staying. Stacy was always up to see tits so at the first opportunity we were there. The girlsat the this club are so much more attractive than the local club...

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The Strip Club XXXperience

I was with my highschool buddy and he offered that we go out to a local strip club. I was pretty hyped to go to the club have a few drinks and watch some hotties slide up and down the pole. Little did I know that this strip club came with extra entertainment. I am used to getting lap dances in the back and barely being able to have a feel of the girls goodies. This place was different. I went up stairs with a beautiful blonde she told me she was 23 and she was pretty flawless. The song started...

1 year ago
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Master Takes Me to a Strip Club

You ordered me to come to the strip club with you, and I was allowed to pick out my own outfit. I decided on my black and white wrap dress, white thong, and black bra, red heels. We get to the strip club and you lead me down front right by the stage. I am nervous, anxious, and excited all at the same time as we take seats front and center. The place is slow, hardly anyone else there, and a topless busty blond comes over to us, and starts dancing in front of me. You just watch me - uncomfortable...

3 years ago
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Strip Club

I got to be a familiar face in the local strip clubs. I loved watching the ladies and their bouncing boobies. The law didn't allow the girls to remove their tops when I first started my club experiences. However, a slow table dance (or should I say 'Lap Dance') in a dark corner of the room would reveal nice nipples brushing against my face. For the right tip I could find out how that sweet pussy felt under my fingers. It was always nice to smell pussy on my fingers at the end of the night...

3 years ago
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Drunk Suzy Strips in a Club

Introduction: As a tourist in Botswana, Suzy Karol does the unthinkable. DRUNK SUZY STRIPS NUDE IN A CLUB It was my first time visiting Africa. First, my name is Suzy Karol. I stay in Bretford, England, with my old husband, who is fifty-eight. We have produced three sons in fifteen years of marriage: Ryan, Dean, and Peter. I was shocked to learn that Africa can be exceedingly cold like it normally is here in Europe. The day was Tuesday, 8 September. I arrived at Gaborone International...

1 year ago
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Amanda visits Lana at the Gentlemens Club

The girl who was dancing saw me and gave a big smile. I smiled back, and sat mesmerized by her movements. She was in the middle of her routine, and was down to just a tiny g-string, gyrating her hips and sensuously stroking her own body. She was a slim light with large, obviously "bought" breasts with large areolas. Her nipples were erect and her tongue was darting in and out of her red lips, in rhythm with her dance. Soon she tugged at the bows at her hips and the g-string floated to the...

2 years ago
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The strip club and later

My wife took me out on a road trip. She would not tell me where. Just kept saying I’ll enjoy it. We ended up at an adult strip club. I was last in one of these places long before I met my wife. Now that I’m married, I have no need and no desire to come to a club and see half naked or totally nude women dancing up on stage. Walking to the door, the big bouncer greeted my wife by her first name. Said welcome back. See you brought the stud this time. My face turned red and I try to hide my face by...

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