Home Visit Nurse
- 3 years ago
- 36
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I have no idea why I decided to skip school for the fourth time that term.
It was a totally stupid thing to do and I knew it. I just hated my Friday timetable at school, and knowing that my adopted mum, Zoe was out at work from early morning until late evening that day made it easy for me to skip school. Zoe Rudd was far too trusting when it came to me, and over the years I had been living with her, I had managed to find out what her email passwords were and even the code to unlock her mobile phone. I simply used her email account when she had left for work, typed out a message explaining my “illness” and sent it to the school, deleted it from her sent items folder, and then closed down the laptop.
I knew from being at the school for over six years that sometimes the Head Mistress asked the School Nurse to visit the homes of those students who were absent frequently but brushed this thought off. The School Nurse, Ms. Sherrington, hardly knew me as I kept out of her office at all costs. I was also a reasonably well-behaved student who had never been in any serious trouble before. The thought of being caned by Mrs. Lacey, the Head Mistress, in her office, and hearing the stories of those who had experienced a caning from the no-nonsense Head Mistress, definitely kept me on the straight and narrow around school. Little did I know that the school nurse, Dawn Sherrington, knew my adoptive mum and that it would lead to an unexpected visit that Friday afternoon.
I still ask myself to this day why I was so stupid. I mean, why did I actually go and open the front door when the doorbell sounded? I knew that it would not be Zoe, who would be working late that evening. Plus, she always had her house keys with her so she would let herself in when she arrived back from work. If I opened the door to anyone, then chances were that I would drop myself right in it. Like an idiot, I went to the door and opened it, only to be confronted by a smiling Ms. Sherrington and her nasty little assistant, Miss Brown.
Until that moment, I had felt absolutely fine. On seeing the two young ladies standing there looking at me with smiles wide across their faces, I suddenly felt very unwell indeed. I had been caught out, and I knew what that was going to lead to that Friday afternoon. I stood there in the doorway staring in absolute shock at Dawn Sherrington, the School Nurse with the long, blonde hair, and Stephanie Brown, her trainee with the long black hair which she wore tied up behind her head. My stomach churned and I felt absolutely sick, knowing about the punishments that these two ladies administered to students at school who had been foolish enough to feign illness in order to avoid PE or had been sent to them if the Head Mistress and her two Deputies weren’t available to punish misbehaving students.
Stephanie, despite her very young age, spanked hard and had a real temper on her, according to friends who had been dealt with by the young lady. She had an extremely hard right hand and could lay the clothes brush, bath brush or slipper across a misbehaving bottom harder than almost any other member of staff at the school. Ms. Sherrington wasn’t so severe when using her hand or those kinds of implements, but she strapped and caned hard, definitely up there with the most severe female teachers at the school. I really was going to get it that Friday afternoon.
“Hello, Peter. I hope that we’re not disturbing you, but Mrs. Lacey noticed your absences this term and asked us if we could pop round and check up on you.” She spoke softly and looked across at Stephanie Brown, who was staring right through me.
“You’ve been off quite a lot recently, and so we need to check on you in case you’re just skipping school,” Dawn laughed.
“I’m not – my mum has emailed the school about my illness this morning!” I spat out in a panic.
It came too quickly, and the two ladies looked at one another and nodded.
“Well, I’m sure that you aren’t trying it on, Peter, so we’ll just check you out and leave you in peace.” Ms. Sherrington smiled at me and took a step nearer to the front door.
“Aren’t you going to invite us inside, young man?” she added.
Reluctantly and nervously, I stepped back from the door and turned and walked awkwardly down the hallway and into the living room. I tried to spend those few moments I was alone in the large room to try and get my act together. From the hallway, I could hear both women stepping inside the house, closing the door behind them and locking it with the key that had been left in the back of the door. A few moments later, I stood facing them with a concerned look across my face. The fact that the television was on and that I had scattered snacks and drinks around the living room immediately gave me away.
Ms. Sherrington noticed this and licked her lips before turning her full attention to me.
“Right, young man. Miss Brown here is going to examine you and see if we can get to the bottom of your illness.” She smiled at Stephanie Brown as she emphasized the word “bottom.”
Dark-haired Stephanie Brown flicked her black hair behind her head and walked over to me until she was standing within inches of me in her light blue nurse’s tunic and navy jogging bottoms. She wasted little time in opening her large bag and bringing out her instruments, with which she was going to prove that I was not ill at all.
“Don’t look so worried, Sweetie. We’re just going to see what’s wrong with you.” The young, dark-haired nurse took my left hand in her small right hand and gently led me to the sofa.
“Lie down on the sofa and I’ll have a good look at you,” she continued, smiling sweetly as she continued to play along.
She, like Dawn, knew very well that I wasn’t unwell, and they really were going to cure me of my truancy problem.
Over the next five minutes, twenty-three-year-old Stephanie Brown took my blood pressure, listened to my heart and my breathing and took my pulse. After each procedure, she nodded and smiled at me before adding, “Mmm!”
I looked across at Dawn, who was sat on one of the armchairs across from where Stephanie was checking me over. She had taken out her mobile phone and was texting someone, throwing me the occasional glance as I was being examined by her assistant.
“I need to take your temperature, Sweetie. So stand up, take your jogging bottoms and your underpants off and lie face down on the sofa for me,” the young, dark-haired trainee nurse instructed softly.
“But Miss!” I protested.
Stephanie Brown smiled at my reaction and looked down at me as I lay there on the sofa.
“It’s the best way for me to take your temperature, Honey. We’ve left the thermometer that goes in your ear at school, so when we use one like this, It gives a much better reading doing it that way than leaving it in your mouth for an age. So, up you get and do as you’ve been told,” she replied quietly, staring at me until I complied.
Across from where we stood, Dawn Sherrington had listened to my protests and got up from the armchair. She looked thoroughly pissed off and stood, hands on her hips, staring at me.
I decided to do as I was told and soon found myself lying face down on the sofa with the thermometer inserted up my bottom. As I lay there with my eyes closed, knowing that I had been caught out, the two ladies stood watching me in silence. Eventually, it was Ms. Sherrington who spoke.
“I think that I’ll go and get my things from the car, Miss Brown. If you’ll check his temperature and then we’ll see if we can’t come up with a treatment that cures his 'illness', shall we?” she laughed.
The two nurses smiled as they looked at me, lying there, naked from the waist down, with the thermometer sticking out of my bum. Dawn left the living room and opened the front door, walking the short distance to where her car was parked and retrieving her long hockey stick bag, in which she had packed her spanking implements.
On her return, Stephanie had removed the thermometer from my bottom, shook it vigorously in her right hand and shook her head at the older, blonde-haired woman.
“Spot on thirty-seven degrees, Ms. Sherrington,” she smiled sweetly.
The shorter woman nodded and turned her full attention to me. She stared at me lying on the sofa as she unzipped the long, thin hockey stick bag.
“Just as we had suspected, Miss Brown,” she replied icily.
She took a few breaths and stood there, just looking at me.
“Stand up, young man. I think you know what is going to happen now,” she hissed as she began removing each of her spanking tools from her bag, placing them on one of the armchairs in the far corner of the living room.
I remained bent over the arm of the sofa and looked across at Dawn and Stephanie. A few moments passed and Ms. Sherrington grew increasingly annoyed that I had not followed her instructions the first time. She took a few steps across to me and raised her small right hand in the air. Knowing what was going to happen if I didn’t move, I shot up and was soon standing facing the two nurses, cock fully erect pointing at them. Dawn Sherrington stopped and looked at my cock before looking over her shoulder at Stephanie Brown.
“Well, Miss Brown. It looks like you’re going to get your penultimate punishment out of the way this afternoon, doesn’t it?” the short, blonde-haired school nurse spoke softly as she returned her full attention to me.
I looked down at my feet, trying hard not to look at the clearly angry woman who was standing opposite me. I wanted to place my hands over my cock to hide my embarrassment but decided to place them behind my back, fighting the constant urge to cover my cock with them.
“It does indeed, Miss,” Stephanie Brown replied quietly, looking at me before walking past me and taking a seat on the sofa.
I bit my tongue in anticipation of what was coming my way.
“Peter. You will do exactly what Miss Brown tells you to do. Am I making myself clear?” Dawn Sherrington spoke sternly as she stood within inches of me.
I could feel the tears beginning to form in my eyes at the thought of being punished and decided to do something stupid again that afternoon. I pleaded for mercy.
“Please, Miss. I didn’t mean it. I’ve learned my lesson. Honest!” I spat out in a panic.
Dawn Sherrington licked her lips and deliberately closed the distance between us so that her dark grey nurse’s uniform was touching me, her prominent breasts touching my t-shirt.
“I’m sure you will learn a lesson, young man – a very painful lesson,” she whispered.
“You will be spanked, strapped and caned and you will take what Miss Brown and myself give you without causing a fuss – or woe betide you, Peter!” she scolded.
I shivered and stood there in silence, looking at Dawn. She continued to push herself against me, her breathing deep, her lovely breasts touching me.
“You don’t have much of a choice, young man. Either Miss Brown here and myself spank your naughty little bot-bot this afternoon, or I can call Zoe and we will wait until she arrives home and see what she says about punishing you. Or we will leave you this afternoon and you can report to Mrs. Lacey’s office first thing on Monday morning. What would you prefer, young man?” She spoke quietly and pushed herself against me again.
I thought to myself for a few moments, avoiding looking at the short, blonde-haired School Nurse. I did not want to be spanked. I had never been spanked before in my life, and knowing what my friends had said about their punishments, I had no desire to find out what a spanking felt like. Neither did I want to upset Zoe or be punished in front of her, or on her instruction. And I definitely did not want to report to the Head Mistress’ office that following Monday morning. I would undoubtedly receive twelve strokes of Mrs. Lacey’s cane from cold and I would not be able to take that amount of punishment without crying like a baby.
Dawn Sherrington continued to stare into my eyes.
“So, young man. What is it to be? Miss Brown and myself? Punished in front of Zoe? Or a thrashing from Mrs. Lacey? The choice is yours.” She smiled angelically as she walked away and stood next to the armchair where she had laid her implements.
It took me a few moments to decide. I looked across at the dark-haired Stephanie Brown, who was concentrating upon ironing the creases from her navy jogging bottoms and light blue, short-sleeved nurse’s tunic. I then looked across at Ms. Sherrington, who had picked up her thick, tan-coloured leather strap and was studying it closely.
“I’ll take my spanking from Miss Brown, Miss,” I replied in a whisper.
Both ladies smiled.
“Very well, young man. You will do exactly as Miss Brown tells you and without question. Am I making myself clear, Peter?” The blonde-haired lady continued to run the heavy leather strap through her hands.
I nodded nervously, looking at Dawn, and then at Stephanie, before replying.
“Yes, Miss Sherrington.”
The short, blonde-haired nurse nodded.
“Very well, young man. You have made your choice. Over to you, Miss Brown,” she smiled at her younger, dark-haired colleague.
Stephanie Brown shuffled around on the sofa and stared at me.
“Right, young man. I want you to take off the rest of your clothes – place them where your trousers and underpants are and then come and place yourself over my knees. Do you understand?” She patted her navy jogging bottoms.
I nodded, heading over to the other armchair where my trousers and underpants had been placed before my medical examination.
“Yes, Miss Brown,” I answered in a nervous whisper.
Minutes later, I had piled my remaining clothes onto the armchair and stood facing the wall, away from where Dawn was standing and from Stephane, who was watching me from the sofa. The ladies left me standing there for a short while before it was Ms. Sherrington who spoke.
“Miss Brown. Shall we begin? “ she asked quietly, standing there with her hands on her hips.
Out of my sight, Stephanie Brown nodded at her older colleague.
“Very well, Miss Sherrington,” she replied sternly, ensuring that her uniform was perfect and that she was comfortable on the sofa.
I stood there, biting my tongue gently, worrying about what was going to happen to me. I knew from the tales from my friends who had been spanked by the two ladies that they spanked hard and spanked until they had reduced the unfortunate students to tears. I could already feel the tears welling up in both eyes at the thought of it. I had never been spanked in my life. However, this was going to change in the next few minutes.
“Peter. Turn around and come and lie across my knees,” Miss Brown instructed softly and watched as I slowly turned to face her.
Nervously, I took the few steps across to where the dark-haired nurse was waiting and paused at the young woman’s right-hand side. I tried to ignore the fact that my cock was rock hard and stood out proudly before me, pointing at the young nurse on the sofa. Miss Brown couldn’t help but notice, but said nothing about it, however she was thinking about how impressive it was.
“Over you go, Sweetie.” Stephanie sat back and moved her arms out of the way to allow me to position myself, smiling as I carefully lowered myself down.
I could feel my cock touching the twenty-three-year-old’s navy jogging bottoms and moved around until my head was at the arm of the sofa. I took hold of the cushion in both hands and placed my face into it, waiting for my punishment to begin. Miss Brown smiled across at Dawn, who had taken a seat on the arm of the other armchair, and Stephanie used her right arm to lift both my legs from the floor, struggling, but eventually positioning them across the arm of the sofa. My bottom was raised high and presented the perfect target for the hard-handed young nurse. She shuffled around on the sofa until she was totally comfortable with me over her lap before placing her small left hand flat on my lower back. Her right hand began to wander gently across my bottom and backs of my legs, rubbing every inch and not saying a word as she did so.
Stephanie Brown continued doing this for a few minutes before she looked across at Dawn, who was watching her with interest. Feeling the sexy young nurse’s warm, small hand on my bottom, her fingers touching me everywhere from my buttocks to between my thighs, where her fingernails made me gasp as they touched my cock and balls, I began to relax and enjoy smelling the twenty-three-year-old’s discreet perfume and scent. The dark-haired woman sensed that I was enjoying myself and decided that it was time to begin. She looked at Dawn Sherrington and smiled. She stopped touching my bottom and raised her small right hand in the air. She was going to teach me a lesson that I would never, ever forget.
“Naughty boy. I’m going to smack your bottom for being so naughty today – and for the last few times you have missed school this year – and you had better take the punishment with no fuss, otherwise I shall make sure that you can’t sit for a week, young man.” Stephanie licked her lips and held her right hand in the air.
I pushed the cushion deeper against my face and tried to prepare myself for the pain that was coming my way. The young woman said nothing as she brought her small hand down. It landed against the centre of my fleshy bottom a moment later with a loud “Slap!” The sound echoed around the living room, but Stephanie ignored this and raised her hand in the air once more.
I buried my face deeper into the cushion and winced with pain, wondering how the sweet and innocent-looking Stephanie, with her tiny hands, could hit so hard. I could feel the tears in my eyes but tried to stop myself from shouting out and bursting into tears. Out of my view, Miss Brown watched me squirm and wriggle around on her knees as the pain registered in my head, pausing until I had settled myself once more. She then laid out half a dozen slow and hard slaps across my bottom, alternately delivering three heavy blows to my left and right bum cheeks.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
As I moved around, trying desperately to avoid her hand, Miss Brown used her left hand to push down on my lower back to hold me in place while she continued her work. The tears had started to fall onto the cushion in front of me, but Stephanie Brown ignored this, pushing on with my punishment, continuing to smack my bottom and backs of my legs at regular intervals.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Stephanie must have spanked my bottom with her hard right hand for a good ten minutes, ensuring that she visited every inch, turning my bottom a bright shade of pink, the heat building across my buttocks and the backs of my legs as the young School Nurse spanked. Near the end of my hand spanking, a car pulled up outside the house, and a few minutes later, the front door was opened and then closed and locked loudly. I was too busy crying into the cushion to realise that this meant that Zoe was home.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
As my adopted mum sorted herself out in the hallway, Miss Brown continued my punishment, looking across at Dawn Sherrington and smiling as she continued slapping the backs of my legs. The next sensation I felt was the young dark-haired nurse placing her left arm around my waist and pulling me into her light blue nurse’s tunic, the cold material touching my bare skin.
“You know how to finish this part of the young man’s punishment, Miss Brown,” Ms. Sherrington said as she got to her feet, aware that Zoe had arrived.
Dawn Sherrington walked out of the living room and began speaking with Zoe, who was still removing her jacket and sorting out her handbag.
“Sorry we had to do this, Zoe, but we do need to nip it in the bud, right here and now,” the blonde-haired school nurse explained.
I couldn’t hear the rest of their conversation, instead trying to ignore the pain that Stephanie Brown was inflicting on my poor bottom.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
The dark-haired nurse tightened her grip around my waist, ensuring that I could not go anywhere. She then unleashed a two-minute-long, rapid-fire hand spanking that concentrated upon the creases in between my buttocks and thighs. The young woman did not say a word, instead focusing upon driving her extremely painful message home.
Zoe and Dawn walked into the living room and stood watching the twenty-three-year-old as she continued the first part of my punishment. I was crying and sniffing into the by-now sodden cushion that I held tightly to my face and tried to ignore the fact that my adopted mum was watching my punishment. My bottom and thighs were burning, and the smacks just seemed to keep on coming. I wriggled and squirmed to try and avoid Stephanie’s hand, but it was no use. The young lady had obviously been taught well by Dawn and expertly pinned me in place over her knees, using the strength in her left arm whilst slapping me hard with her right hand. After she was satisfied, she paused, looked across at Dawn and Zoe, and placed her right hand on my sore bottom.
“That’s a perfect warm-up, Miss,” Ms. Sherrington spoke softly, still standing next to Zoe Rudd.
“He is definitely beginning to learn what happens if he lies and truants from school.” She took a few steps over to where Stephanie had me over her lap and leaned over to take a closer look at my bottom.
“Yes. Indeed, Miss Brown. I can definitely see this as being a one-off. I think Peter has realised what happens if we pay a visit to a student at home.” She laughed as she stood up straight and looked across at Zoe.
My adopted mum was shocked. Firstly, at the fact that I had been accessing her emails and sending messages to school pretending to be her. Secondly, that her friend Dawn punished students in this way, and that this time, I was the one being spanked. The thirty-eight-year-old with the long blonde hair felt uncomfortable watching the young dark-haired nurse spanking my bottom. She did not believe in corporal punishment and had had no need to use it on me before. She had only ever had to ground me once before and confiscate my electrical gadgets and mobile phone as a punishment. We had always got on well and I did what she asked me to do without argument. Seeing me draped over Miss Brown’s lap, watching the young dark-haired lady smacking my bottom and seeing my tears, she felt uneasy.
On noticing the implements laid out, Zoe Rudd looked at her friend and spoke.
“Are those really necessary, Dawn?” she asked worriedly, staring at the crook-handled cane, small clothes brush and slipper.
The shorter, blonde-haired woman in the grey nurse’s uniform smiled and touched Zoe on the arm to reassure her.
“Oh, Sweetie. Like I said on the phone, this is the fourth time that he has done this, and we need to put a stop to it, right now,” she replied softly.
“Plus, Miss Brown and myself will punish him appropriately and that will be the end of the matter as far as we’re concerned. If he was to go in front of Mrs. Lacey, then she will cane him a lot more severely than we’re allowed to.” She smiled at her little lie.
Dawn Sherrington punished harder than any other member of staff at the school – the Head Mistress included.
Zoe continued to stare at the implements before turning her attention to me. I was still draped over Stephanie’s lap, my face buried in one of the cushions, my sobs and sniffs the only sound in the living room. Miss Brown had released the grip she had on me with her left arm and had now rested both hands flat on my back.
“Come on, my dear, let’s go and have a chat in the kitchen and let Miss Brown finish her work, shall we?” Dawn smiled at Zoe and walked over to where her implements were.
She picked up the ebony-backed clothes brush and the large, black slipper before turning and walking back to the sofa. She held the implements out to her younger, dark-haired colleague and smiled as Stephanie Brown took them from her before placing them down on the sofa beside her. She shuffled around a little so that she was comfortable and smiled at her older boss.
“We’ll leave you to it, Miss. You know the routine.” Ms. Sherrington smiled and then turned to Zoe, who she took by the arm and began to lead her gently towards the kitchen.
The dark-haired trainee school nurse watched Dawn and Zoe leave the living room, smiling as her older colleague closed the kitchen door behind her. Once alone with me, still sobbing and sniffing into the cushion, the twenty-three-year-old woman began to rub her hands softly over every inch of my red and swollen bottom, gently touching my skin with her black-painted fingernails. As I began to calm myself and return my breathing to some kind of normal, I felt Stephanie Brown’s fingers reach between my open legs and touch my cock and balls. I was still semi-hard, and she gave my cock a playful squeeze with her small right hand.
“You won’t be thinking about using that for a while once Miss has used her implements on you, Peter,” she leaned over and whispered into my left ear.
The young woman let go of my cock and slipped her left arm back around my waist, pulling me tightly into her navy jogging bottoms and light blue, short-sleeved nurse’s tunic. I buried my head back into the cushion and became tearful, knowing what was coming my way next. Out of my sight, Stephanie reached down and picked up the small, oval-headed, ebony-backed clothes brush in her small right hand, contemplating the innocent-looking implement for a moment before laying it against my red bottom. She smiled to herself before she began to tap the wooden brush against my buttocks.
“You’re going to receive a spanking to remember, you naughty, naughty little boy, so that I don’t ever have to come over again and give you a repeat performance. Am I making myself clear to you, young man?” the trainee school nurse asked in a stern tone of voice.
I did not reply and began crying into the cushion once more, even before the punishment had restarted.
In the kitchen, Zoe waited for the kettle to boil before making Dawn and herself a cup of coffee, carefully pouring some milk into each and stirring each cup noisily. She tried to pay full attention to what Ms. Sherrington was talking about, but the anticipation of hearing the sounds of punishment and then my shouts and cries as the implements did their work on my bottom was foremost in my adopted mum’s mind. She was just pouring the boiling water into the cups when she heard the first nasty swipe with the clothes brush connect with my bare bottom with an almighty “Thud!”
Ms. Sherrington simply smiled at Zoe, the smile growing wider across her face as they both heard a second, third, fourth, fifth and then a sixth smack hit home.
“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”
“It’s for his own good, Zoe.” Ms. Sherrington remarked, smiling as she looked at my adopted mum.
Zoe Rudd nodded uneasily and picked up the two cups of steaming hot coffee, walking across to where Dawn sat before handing one of the cups to the younger woman in the nurse’s uniform.
“It’ll teach him not to play truant and lie in future,” Dawn continued, placing her hot coffee on the table in front of her.
In the living room, I was crying uncontrollably into the by-now sodden cushion in front of me as Stephanie Brown slowly, and methodically, spanked me with the small, oval-headed ebony-backed clothes brush. She spanked hard, deliberately landing the brush on my already sore bottom before pausing and landing it once more. The more I squirmed and wriggled around in a vain attempt to avoid the brush, the tighter the young, dark-haired school nurse held me into her stomach and knees, spanking me harder as a result.
“Stop your wriggling, young man,” she hissed.
“The more you struggle, the longer and harder I’ll spank you, am I making myself clear, you naughty, naughty boy!” she continued.
She didn’t wait for a reply. There wasn’t one. I simply buried my face into the cushion and cried. The solid little clothes brush resumed its work on my bottom a moment later. The no-nonsense trainee school nurse slowly, carefully and painfully landed it another half a dozen times across my sore and reddening backside.
Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”
Miss Brown spanked in silence, concentrating upon landing the clothes brush as hard as physically possible against the fleshy part of my bum cheeks, pressing each painful swipe into my bottom as far as she could. Stephanie smiled to herself as she admired her work. Within no time at all, the ebony-backed brush had left a series of deep red marks against both buttocks and she was determined to give me a lot more with it.
Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”
The young, dark-haired nurse tightened the grip she had around my waist with her left arm as she spanked for all she was worth. I sniffed and sobbed and yelled into the cushion as the pain and the heat in my bottom grew. I couldn’t believe that Dawn Sherrington and Stephanie Brown were allowed to punish misbehaving students at my school in this way. I always assumed that nurses were supposed to be caring and compassionate. The twenty-three-year-old with the long, jet-black hair certainly wasn’t.
Stephanie continued spanking me with the brush, slowly and methodically smacking every inch of my throbbing backside with the nasty little wooden implement. She calmly ignored my sniffs and muffled cries and the constant wriggling, my vain attempt at avoiding further punishment from her. The young woman could feel how hot she was becoming from her exertions, but also from having me over her knees. Miss Brown tried to ignore the fact that it was happening again. During each of her previous punishments, she had quickly become aroused and felt her juices flowing. On those occasions, she had had to wait until she returned home to take care of her urges, masturbating on her bed until she had satisfied herself. She wondered if this was normal.
Did her boss, Ms. Sherrington feel like this after administering one of her legendary, severe thrashings with her prized crook-handled dragon cane? Stephanie thought to herself, before laying another half a dozen full-force smacks with her brush across my lower buttocks.
“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”
The young school nurse continued to spank me with her brush for a few more minutes, slowly and carefully, just as she had been taught to do by Dawn. When she was satisfied that she had spent long enough using the clothes brush, or perhaps had simply got fed up with me crying, wriggling and squirming around over her knees, she concluded this part of my punishment with twelve full-force and cold smacks across the creases in between my thighs and lower bottom.
“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”
I tried to wriggle free to bring an end to my spanking, but it was no use. Miss Brown had anticipated this and simply held me tighter into her nurse’s tunic and jogging bottoms. Stephanie held me for a few minutes once she had finished with the brush and said nothing as she waited for me to calm myself. Once satisfied, the young woman brought her left arm out from around my waist and placed her small left hand flat on my lower back. She placed the clothes brush down on the sofa beside her and touched my burning bum cheeks with her right hand.
“Ssshhh, sweetie,” she soothed, continually rubbing my hot bottom with her right hand.
“There, there. This is for your own good, Peter,” she spoke softly.
“You need to be taught a lesson that you won’t forget so that you don’t misbehave again,” Miss Brown continued.
The young nurse rubbed my bottom for a few minutes, until eventually her right hand wandered from my bottom, down the backs of my legs and then, between my legs. I sniffed and gasped as her warm right hand touched my semi-hard cock. The dark-haired lady smiled to herself as she touched it before moving her hand until I could feel her fingernails rubbing against my balls that were resting on the woman’s right thigh. She licked her lips. My cock, even though I was only seventeen-years-old, was much longer and thicker than her boyfriend’s. She doubted that she would be able to fit it in her mouth or suck it as comfortably as she did his.
“Ssshhh. It’s for your own good, young man,” Stephanie continued to soothe.
The twenty-three-year-old suddenly became conscious that her boss and my adopted mum were in the kitchen and returned her right hand to my bottom, giving it one final rub, before deciding to conclude my punishment.
“Peter. I want you to stand up and then come and kneel up on the sofa, place your hands on the back of the sofa and stick your bottom out for me. Do you understand, you naughty boy?” she instructed as she lifted her hands and sat back, allowing me to get to my feet.
In the kitchen, Zoe Rudd and Dawn Sherrington had finished their coffee and sat looking at one another across the small kitchen table as Stephanie had continued my punishment with the clothes brush. The nurse with the dark-blonde hair, which she had tied up behind her head with a hair clip, smiled at the older woman as they heard the clothes brush smacking my bottom at regular intervals. The younger school nurse reached across and took hold of my adopted mum’s left hand in her right and squeezed it gently.
“It’s for his own good, Zoe. You know that, don’t you?” Ms. Sherrington spoke reassuringly.
Zoe Rudd nodded anxiously as another smack with the brush landed across my bottom in the living room.
“Hopefully, he’ll learn his lesson, and this will be a one-off. It won’t do him any harm, Zoe.” She smiled at her lie.
She hoped it was doing me some harm. At least enough to prevent me from sitting for a few days, being reminded each time when I tried, what I had done that had resulted in my sore bottom.
“Plus, I think we’ve been pretty kind with him this afternoon – I mean, would you really prefer it if Mrs. Lacey or myself put him over our knees and then caned him?” She smiled sweetly as she squeezed Zoe’s hand again.
My adopted mum shook her head and unintentionally winced as, in the living room, the brush landed once more.
“Perhaps you need to put him over your knee from time to time just to remind him of his place?” the School nurse said seriously.
“I can’t!” Zoe Rudd replied in an instant and paused, looking at Dawn.
My adopted mum smiled uneasily.
“But I’d appreciate it if, maybe, you would come over every so often to 'discuss' his behaviour with him and then put him back in his place,” she continued.
The dark blonde-haired nurse nodded and sat in silence as if she were thinking this over. In reality, she was delighted and tried her best to hide this from my adopted mum. She let Zoe’s hand go and got up from the chair, ironing the creases from her dark grey nurse’s uniform, before adjusting her navy belt, with its silver buckle, that fitted snugly around her waist.
“I’m sure I could do that for you, Zoe. If that’s what you want. I still think a spanking would be better coming from you, and you may surprise yourself if you try it. I could teach you?” Dawn smiled wickedly.
“I can’t, Dawn. Please. It would really send a message to him if he knew that you would come over and spank him if he misbehaves. He’d never be as terrified of me,” Zoe Rudd said as she stood up and placed her chair under the table.
Ms. Sherrington laughed again.
“I think you’d be surprised at what you could do with a little bit of training. I mean, look at sweet and innocent looking Stephanie. You’d never think that such a slight thing could punish like she does.” The thirty-year-old woman licked her lips and nodded as she heard the clothes brush landing against my bottom once again.
“Maybe we could even get Steph to come over instead of me. I’m sure that she wouldn’t mind,” she added.
My adopted mum nodded nervously and busied herself placing the two empty cups in the sink and then ironing the creases from her short-sleeved white satin blouse and expensive knee-length black skirt. The two women continued chatting in the kitchen, both noticing instantly when the sounds of punishment stopped.
“We’re getting there,” Ms. Sherrington smiled as she stood staring at Zoe Rudd.
Back in the living room, I had struggled to my feet and Stephanie Brown had stood up, watching me in silence as I reluctantly positioned myself on the sofa. I knelt on the middle of the three cushions and placed my hands over the back of the sofa, burying my face in them. My bottom stuck out behind me and the young nurse spent a moment inspecting it closely before she reached down and picked up the large black, rubber-soled slipper from the seat to my right-hand side. She contemplated this for a moment, ensuring that she had it in the perfect position in her small right hand before she sat on the sofa to my left and placed her left arm around my waist, holding me tightly.
“You bad, bad boy!” she hissed as she measured the size-eleven slipper against my bottom.
“I’m going to make sure that you don’t want to be punished by me ever again, young man!” she continued.
I think I had already started crying again, even before Stephanie’s first full-force and extremely painful smack with the slipper kissed my right bum cheek. It connected with a thunderous “Whack!” that seemed to echo around the whole house.
I muffled my cries by placing my left hand in my mouth and the tears fell freely as the pain registered in my brain. Miss Brown said nothing. Instead, she adjusted the grip she had on me, looked down at my red backside and thought about where her next smack with the slipper was going to land.
My left buttock received the exact same treatment as the right one had a moment before. I squirmed as the pain registered and the young nurse with the long black hair struggled to hold me in place on the sofa. She held the slipper tightly in her right hand and waited to land her next painful swipe.
“Bottom out!” she barked as she waited for me to position myself correctly.
Once she was satisfied, the large slipper crashed against my lower right buttock.
Again, I struggled and squirmed for all I was worth, and the young nurse fought to keep hold of me.
“Stick that bottom out!” she hissed, trying to use her weight to push me into the correct position.
Miss Brown slowly smacked the nasty, heavy rubber-soled slipper across my bottom, careful to catch each bum cheek alternately. She paused between each swipe, allowing me to settle myself as the pain burned into my already red and sore backside. Stephanie said nothing as she administered her first dozen smacks, struggling to hold me in position on the sofa.
“Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!”
I was crying and sobbing loudly and turned to face the young, dark-haired nurse once she had paused to inspect her work with the nasty slipper.
“Please, Miss. Please stop. I’ll be good – I promise. I won’t misbehave again!” I sniffed almost pleadingly as I stared at the young woman through teary eyes.
Stephanie simply shook her head and laughed, tightening the grip she had around my waist with her left arm, pulling me into her light blue nurse’s tunic. She raised the large black slipper in the air once more, preparing her next dose.
“I know you won’t, young man. Otherwise, you know what I’ll do to you and next time – I won’t be so understanding with you!” She raised her voice, staring at me emotionlessly through her bright blue eyes.
A moment later, Miss Brown resumed my punishment with her slipper, slowly laying out another dozen smacks as hard as she physically could with the large black shoe.
“Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!”
The more I cried, sniffed and sobbed, the harder the young school nurse seemed to spank me with the slipper. After a further dozen smacks, most of which landed across the creases in between my lower buttocks and tops of my thighs, Miss Brown stopped and threw the slipper onto the sofa next to where I was positioned. She continued to hold me still with her strong left arm, smiling as she listened to me crying and sniffing.
As I knelt up on the sofa, head bowed into my arms, crying, Miss Brown released her grip on me and got to her feet. The young woman walked over to my right-hand side, bent down and picked up the clothes brush and slipper from the seat of the sofa. She returned them to the armchair across from where I was positioned, and she picked up Dawn Sherrington’s crook-handled, senior dragon cane. The young, dark-haired nurse flexed it in both hands before swishing it through the air several times to get the feel for the implement and also to announce to me what was coming my way next.
I continued lying face down over the back of the sofa, sobbing and sniffing loudly. The dark-haired young nurse smiled to herself as she continued to swish the dense dragon cane, only stopping when she touched it against my red and sore bottom that was standing out in front of her. The twenty-three-year-old carefully laid it across the fleshy centre of my bruised bottom before she began to tap it gently against my already sore backside.
“Now, young man. I’m going to give you the maximum number of strokes for repeatedly breaking school rules – that’s eighteen strokes of the cane across your bottom,” she spoke softly, continuing to tap the cane against my bottom as she did so.
“In school, you’d be given the first six over your trousers, then the next six across your underpants and then, finally, the last six on the bare bottom, but I can’t be bothered wasting time allowing you to get dressed only to have you remove them again, so I won’t tell Mrs. Lacey if you won’t.” She giggled and drew her cane back.
“It can be our little secret, young man,” she continued, adjusting her stance and flicking her long dark hair back behind her head.
“Shall we begin, Peter?” Stephanie licked her lips and paused, waiting for a reply.
She did not get one, and after a few moments, she simply decided to get on with the punishment. Miss Brown brought her first stroke down relatively lightly across the centre of my right bum cheek. It landed with a “Thwack!” I cried and tried to muffle my shout by placing my hand in my mouth. That first cane stroke was unlike anything I had ever felt before and it burned into my right buttock, leaving a neat, straight red line.
I swayed and wriggled, and, out of my sight, Stephanie Brown watched and waited until I was back in position before administering her next stroke.
“Thwack!” “Thwack!” “Thwack!” “Thwack!” “Thwack!”
It took the young school nurse several minutes to lay those first half a dozen strokes across my bottom as she had to pause between each stroke until I had calmed myself and resumed my position on the sofa. Although I was a first-time offender, the young dark-haired nurse laid those strokes across the fleshy part of my bottom as hard, and as unfeeling, as she possibly could. The twenty-three-year-old smiled to herself as she saw the first set of six, thin red tram lines appear across my left and right buttocks.
Stephanie leaned in closer and bent down, laying the cane across the lower part of my bottom. Over the next five or so minutes, she administered the next half a dozen full-force swipes with the crook-handled cane across my lower bum cheeks, again smiling as she saw another set of thin red lines appearing on my already red, swollen and sore backside.
“Thwack!” “Thwack!” “Thwack!” “Thwack!” “Thwack!” “Thwack!”
As I cried and shouted into my arms as I lay bent over the back of the sofa, I did not notice that Dawn and Zoe had walked into the living room and stood watching the young trainee nurse, who smiled at Ms. Sherrington. The thirty-year-old blonde-haired lady walked across to where I was sniffing and sobbing and leaned in to inspect my bottom, nodding at Stephanie as she stood up.
“Excellent job so far, Miss,” she commented as she ironed the creases from her dark grey, short-sleeved nurse’s dress.
“Perhaps we can do this a little differently?” She stared at my red and bruised bottom pointing out in front of her.
She looked across at Zoe and smiled.
“I think we’ll have him over the arm of the sofa, and I’ll hold him in my lap so that you really can drive those last six strokes home, Miss Brown.”
My adopted mum simply nodded at the younger woman and walked over to one of the armchairs and sat down.
“Up!” Ms. Sherrington snapped, before pulling my left arm with her right hand to help me on my way.
Within a couple of minutes, I was bent over the left arm of the sofa, my face once again in the cushion which Dawn Sherrington had placed over her knees. I felt the thirty-year-old’s arms pushing me down, making my bottom rise higher in the air, giving Miss Brown a clear target to aim for with her cane.
“The final six, Miss. Hard as you can!” Dawn instructed, pushing down with even more pressure on my back.
Behind me, Stephanie had taken up her position. She stood with her left foot in front of her right, left knee slightly bent and she placed her left hand on her left hip. The dark-haired nurse laid her cane out once more against my bottom and took careful aim where her next batch of strokes would land. She targeted my lower bottom and tops of my thighs and licked her lips.
I was just preparing myself for those final six strokes when out of my sight, Zoe spoke.
“I think that he needs six strokes for each act of truancy, Dawn.”
It took me a moment to realise what my adopted mum was saying, and once I had realised that she was asking for even more punishment to be administered, I found some strength and pushed myself up, turning to look at her through blurry, tear-filled eyes.
“Please, Mu…” My plea for mercy was muffled by Ms. Sherrington, who quickly pushed me back down into the cushion and held me there using every ounce of strength she had.
“Shut up, naughty boy!” Dawn Sherrington hissed, before turning her attention to Zoe Rudd.
“Oh, Honey. We’re only allowed to give a maximum of eighteen strokes with the cane no matter what they may have done. Only Mrs. Lacey can give the maximum of twenty-four, and for that, they would have to have done something really bad.”
There was a short silence in the living room before Dawn continued.
“However, I guess if you have asked for him to receive extra punishment, then as long as you write a note for the Head Mistress, explaining your desire that he receives extra strokes, then I don’t think that she’ll object.” She spoke quietly, concentrating upon holding me still over her knees.
“I can’t believe what he has been up to, so I want him to realise how upset and disappointed I am by his behaviour. I think that he should receive extra strokes, Miss,” Zoe spoke quietly.
Dawn nodded.
“Very well, Zoe. Just write a note for Mrs. Lacey before we leave and I’m sure she’ll understand. Twelve of your very best, please, Miss Brown.” The blonde-haired school nurse smiled at her younger colleague.
The next sensation I felt was the dragon cane being tapped against my bottom before Stephanie Brown drew it back, paused and then sent it hurtling towards my defenceless bottom. It landed across my lower right buttock a second later with a loud “Thwack!” which seemed to echo around the house.
Over the next five or so minutes, Stephanie Brown, the trainee school nurse, laid on those final dozen strokes, putting every last ounce of effort she had into them.
“Thwack!” “Thwack!” “Thwack!” “Thwack!” “Thwack!”
I screamed and cried for all I was worth, but Dawn Sherrington used her experience and strength to hold me securely until after that final stroke had bitten deep into the crease between my left buttock and top of my left thigh. Miss Brown bent down and carefully examined my bottom, nervously wondering if the punishment she had administered would be enough to please her uber-strict boss.
Dawn kept me over her lap for a few minutes until she was satisfied that I had calmed down. Once allowed to stand, I struggled to my feet and stood next to Stephanie, who stood there with the cane in her right hand, looking at her older, blonde-haired boss. Ms. Sherrington looked up at me from the sofa before she got to her feet, placing the cushion in the corner of the sofa. She ironed the creases from her uniform and focused on me.
“Back over the arm of the sofa, Peter,” she spoke quietly and watched as I obeyed.
The thirty-year-old school nurse spent a few minutes examining my sore and red bottom, running her cool hands over my red hot backside. She invited Zoe to join her and she explained to my adopted mum which implements had done what, why each one had been used and estimating how long it may take before I would be able to sit down without feeling Stephanie Brown’s handiwork.
“Ooh, much better than what Paige had done to her the other week. I think she couldn’t sit for three days after Miss had dealt with her, so I’d say at least a week for this naughty one.” She laughed as she planted a playful, yet still hefty slap across the back of my right leg.
“Do you want me to clean him up, Ms. Sherrington?” Miss Brown asked softly.
Dawn looked at Stephanie, and then at Zoe, and smiled.
“I think that may be necessary as this naughty little bottom is a bit of a mess.” She smiled at my adopted mum.
“Perhaps put him to bed without any supper as well,” she added.
Ms. Sherrington turned and walked over to the armchair where she had placed her bag. She took out her mobile phone and walked back to where I was lying face down over the sofa and snapped several pictures of my red, bruised and swollen bottom. She smiled at Zoe and Stephanie.
“Just so that I can fill in Miss Brown’s evaluation sheets when we get back to school,” she explained as she checked the pictures that she had taken.
“Definitely in the 'exceptional' category, Miss Brown.” The thirty-year-old smiled as she watched her younger, dark-haired colleague help me to my feet.
A few minutes later, I found myself face down on my bed and Stephanie sat to my right-hand side rubbing cooling cream into my hot and throbbing bottom. She said nothing as her hands wandered over every inch of my bottom and thighs before her right hand wandered between my legs. The young, dark-haired nurse smiled as she touched my cock and balls, holding her warm hand there for a while, before getting to her feet and pulling the sheets and duvet over me.
“Naughty boy,” she whispered as she leaned in close and stroked my shaven head with her left hand.
“Stay there until your mum tells you otherwise. Do you understand?” she asked softly.
I did not reply and closed my eyes and tried to think of something other than the young, dark-haired nurse in her light-blue uniform. I really wished that she had done more than just touched my cock and balls.
Stephanie picked up her tube of cream and left my bedroom, closing the door quietly behind her. She returned to the living room and the three ladies remained there for a while discussing my punishment. Once Dawn and her assistant had left, Zoe spent a while tidying up and sorting things out before she came to see me. We discussed my behaviour and why she was so disappointed with what I had done. I had let her down and I felt bad about that – freely crying and promising that I would never do that again. She cuddled me and said that I had been forgiven before leaving me to think about what I had done. Later that evening, I had masturbated at the thought of Stephanie Brown and thought about how I could have a repeat performance from the strict young nurse.
Zoe Rudd had used her vibrator to take her mind off thinking about Dawn Sherrington. She really wanted to be pleasured by the stern, no-nonsense blonde-haired woman and perhaps even punished by her herself. Ms. Sherrington had masturbated at the thought of my adopted mum and thought about what it would be like to have sex with a woman for a change. Miss Brown had failed to calm herself down and was wet when she arrived home after work. On hearing the front door being locked as her boyfriend returned home after work, she had almost jumped on him and kissed him hard on the mouth, quickly getting on her knees and unzipping his trousers and pulling down his boxer shorts.
Stephanie smiled to herself on seeing his erect cock, which was still so much smaller than mine, but placed it in her mouth and sucked for all she was worth, taking every hot, sticky drop when he came in her mouth. She had then taken him to their bedroom, and they fucked hard, Stephanie Brown not stopping until she had had three noisy and intense orgasms.
That following Monday morning, Miss Brown escorted me to the Head Mistress’ office. Ms. Sherrington was already there. The two women were already discussing why I had been punished and what punishment had been administered to me that previous Friday afternoon. On the mature woman’s large desk, I could see my adopted mum’s note, in which she had explained why she had requested additional strokes of the cane for me. This lay next to Mrs. Lacey’s crook-handled school cane. After a few minutes, where the three women talked about my punishment as if I weren’t there, The Head Mistress got up from her chair and stared at me. She looked absolutely pissed off and spent a moment or two contemplating me standing there facing her.
“Peter. I want you to take your trousers and underpants down and bend over my table over there.” She spoke sternly and left me in no doubt that I needed to obey without argument.
I walked across the large office and did as I had been instructed in silence, soon finding myself bent over the table, bottom pointing out behind me. The short, slim Head Mistress took the few steps over to me and spent several moments inspecting my bottom, bending down to take a closer look at the marks that Stephanie had imprinted on my backside with her hands and implements, before standing up and running both hands across every inch of my still delicate bottom. After a few minutes, she walked back to her desk and smiled at Dawn and Stephanie.
“I think that is more than sufficient. Well done, Miss Brown,” she said cheerfully as she scribbled something into the notebook on her desk in front of her.
As I lay there, face down over the table with everything on show, I became aware that my cock had gone hard at the thought of the lovely, twenty-three-year-old nurse. Mrs. Lacey then scolded me severely, explaining if there was a repeated incident of truancy, then I would be caned by her, the slightly-built Head Mistress swishing her cane through the air several times just to illustrate her point. I was then informed that I would be made to serve a fortnight of after-school detention to make up for the schooling I had missed, and this would be supervised by the formidable Head of Sixth Form, Mrs. Corrigan and the Deputy Head Mistress, Miss Kominski.
I was then allowed to get dressed and escorted to my first lesson of the day by Miss Brown, who could feel her juices flowing once more. She hoped that she could get her tenth, and final, punishment out of the way soon and then she could begin administering punishments without the supervision of her boss, Dawn Sherrington. I made up with my adopted mum, Zoe and avoided any further punishment. Although once was enough for me, I yearned for Stephanie to do naughty things to me whilst she was dressed in her nurse’s uniform, which I found such a turn-on.
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April 17th, 2047 “Two nurses?” Adelia Tash asked me, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning closer to me. That did such interesting things to her breasts pressing at her blouse. “That must have been such an exciting time.” “Oh, it was,” I said. “I just wish the past me had been relaxed enough to really appreciate what was happening.” A chuckle ran through the studio audience watching the celebration of my life as the world’s first futa. When I grew a cock almost thirty years ago, it...
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MatureJack listened to the sounds of wailing come from his little brother's room and sighed, "Doesn't that kid ever shut up," he thought bitterly. It was bad enough that his dad had married his stepmother so soon after his actual mother had disappeared, but within the span of three years she had already had three kids. There was his one and half year old brother Jackson and the twin girls that his stepmother had just had a few weeks ago. "Come on," Jack thought to himself trying his best to...
Tom sighed as he waited to be seen by the doctor in casualty. It wasn’t his lucky day. His girlfriend was away with work and now he had dropped a car battery on his foot. To cap it all, tomorrow was Valentine’s Day. “Mr Roberts?” Said the young nurse, appearing from behind the curtain. “Yes.” Tom hobbled past the other patients who were waiting in the row and sat in the small cubicle, where the doctor was waiting. The white-coated medic looked tired. It had been a hard day. “Bad foot?” He...
Oral SexThis is the story of a young man by which we will refer to him as ‘Mr. Fernando,’ well, Mr. Fernando, a 25-year-old was in a hospital, had suffered a car accident, but mild, recuperating in hospital , Mr. fernando met a very special nurse, she referred to as ‘Heloiza’ Heloiza was particularly special, as it was a very dedicated and loving with Mr. fernando nurse, was a woman much older than the young fernando, but what lamaba the young of this nurse’s attention was her big hips, which so...
This is the story of a young man by which we will refer to him as "Mr. Fernando," well, Mr. Fernando, a 25-year-old was in a hospital, had suffered a car accident, but mild, recuperating in hospital , Mr. fernando met a very special nurse, she referred to as "Heloiza" Heloiza was particularly special, as it was a very dedicated and loving with Mr. fernando nurse, was a woman much older than the young fernando, but what lamaba the young of this nurse's attention was her big hips, which so...
Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
"Oh dear! Did we have a little accident in the night, then?"Heavily-accented and in her best admonishing tone, the pretty young Scottish nurse looked down at the semen stain on Michael's bed sheet."Err... wet dream, nurse."She took a step back and looked ascance at the muscular 36-year-old, her hands planted on her hips. "At your age, Mr Reynolds? I hardly think so; nocturnal emissions are usually experienced by adolescents. Do you want me to get that sheet changed?""No, don't bother. I can...
Straight SexIt was about four summers ago when I had to get rid of this polyp I got on my intestine.Nothing major. I have a 2mm scar where my pubic hair is and an easy surgery to laser this pimple sized lump in my stomach. It was a hot and humid day and my mother helped me to get to the hospital. So the next morning was the day, everything went smoothly and I didn't feel a thing obviously with the help of anesthesia. Next thing I knew, I woke up, my mother next to me asking if I was ok.I also distinctly...
Sasha Green was a nurse at Loving Heart nursing home. She had worked there for a few years. Most days were very depressing, but other days were happy and bright. Some of the patients there had no family visiting them. Sasha tried to be nice to everybody but some of the patients were hard to deal with.Their health problems made them difficult. A lot of the patients had dementia and really were not in their right mind. Some of the women would sit in their wheelchairs rocking plastic dolls who...
OccupationsI was on detention at school, I had been told to empty the litter bins an clean all the blackboards in the classrooms it wasn't hard just took up a lot of time walking back an forth to the big bin outside to empty the rubbish into. As i walked along the corridor an past the gym i seen the after school netball class was just starting so i peeped at the sixth form girls, who where a year older then me as they done a quick warm up. I could feel myself getting hard an needed to have a quick wank,...
Dr. Maxwell Straus finally warms up to his new nurse Eric Hollis, a 30-year-old personal aide to Dr. Maxwell Straus, knocked on his boss’s door before entering, ‘Cabot has you by the balls on this one.’ ‘Goddammit. For the last time, No! How much more paperwork am I going to have to fill out now to make them go away,’ Maxwell Straus replied. ‘There may be no away out of this one. The budget for all our supplies and medications now go through his office. The governor signed a new order...
While camping alone in northwestern Montana , Ben accidentally brushed his penis on the leaves of a poison huckleberry bush when he went out of his tent to urinate during the night. Poison huckleberry causes intense itching but no visible rash, and it is not transmissible from one person to another. By daybreak he was in intense discomfort and could hardly refrain from scratching his penis so hard that he nearly made it raw. He quickly drove to a nearby hospital he had passed the evening...
Straight SexThe affair between Julie Jenkinson and her now eighteen-year-old son Christopher was not abating and they were having sex,on average, three times a day.Julie had purchased a cane as one of Christopher's eighteenth birthday presents and he now felt that across his arse more frequently than his mothers hairbrush with him usually wearing female clothing when the beatings were administered although they had long ceased to be punishments as both parties got pleasure from them.For a change Julie was...
IncestMy last patient of the day needed a check-up after a minor operation. I was running late so I’m the last one at the outpatient clinic, the rest of the staff had already left for the day.“Wow, this is a very nice young stud,” I thought, as soon as I saw him. I invited him to come with me to the examination room. He had dark hair, brown eyes, was a little muscular, not too tall and an aura which made me at the least, very curious. As soon as we were in the examination room, I locked the door. I...
Oral SexDot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
Well, I just had my health insurance renewed and went through my yearly physical while meeting my new doctor at the same time. I would never have guessed that my physical would get so...well, let's just say so physical. In fact it was positively orgasmic!After I had gotten stripped down to my tighty-whities and into that very thin, light hospital gown that is open in the back, I sat on the hospital bed in anticipation of meeting my new doctor. "Good afternoon, I'm Dr. Smith," said a tall, White...
Introduction: This is my second story. Part 1: Is absolutely 100% true down to every word of dialog (as I remember it.) Other than minor descriptive embellishments, its true. It was just a really hot erotic experience that still turns me on when I think about it. Part 2: Is fiction. Its inspired by a real event and a real woman (a hot nurse.) But what I did with that nurse was a fantasy I had after meeting her. I know its a bit odd to mix non-fiction and fiction, but the stories are related...
After I finished my schooling, I had an opportunity to take a gap year, so I backpacked around the world. During my journeys, I met many people and experienced life in many ways. It was a most rewarding experience.When I returned home, I settled down and decided to pursue my ambition to become a nurse. I studied and graduated and found work in a large hospital close to my home.I worked in the Emergency Department (ED) for almost a year before requesting a move to the wards. Initially, I loved...
MedicalMaybe it’s just me, but I’ve always had this thing about nurses, I swear I’m going to marry one someday, or in the very least buy my wife a nurses uniform and accessories to dress up in. There is something about the white uniform, I even like the old fashioned hat, but the stocking thing gets me going and it just makes my hard. Anyway as Luck would have it I’ve been hanging around with some new friends, and don’t you know it, one of them is a nurse, in fact she’s a teaching nurse at a local...
Had a call from MrJ who told me he was not feeling very well ,had a high temperature, a stiffness that ached and needed sorting out and could the on call nurse visit to make him feel better.Well nurse Mandy to the rescue. I got my uniform on PVC White nurses outfir, hat, and oh yes some sexy stockings. I was feeling a little warm myself so decided not to wear any underwear so I did not get too flushed if you know what i mean. I arrived at MrJ's house and was met by a man who did look a little...
The Royal Wet Nurse By Celeste Ann Taylor Being the youngest child can suck big time, especially when your name is Frederick. My oldest brother is the heir to the kingdom and my sister's married to the heir to the neighbouring kingdom, so I'm left on my own; the forgotten spare that no one wants. Most of my days are spent just wandering the castle being shepherded politely away from anything that's remotely interesting. I spend a lot of time reading, I get lost in the tales...
I’ve spent the last thirty days in this hospital and it’s costing my insurance company a fortune. After twenty years without a claim for anything I figure I got it coming, so fuck ‘em. During the day I plug my computer in, log into the wireless internet and work, just like I would if I were out and at home, so it’s not like I’m actually slacking. It’s more like I’m working from a really expensive hotel room with only mediocre food. It’s the side benefit that keeps me here. I would have been out...
Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels ChastityCategories Bondage Femdom Castration Forced TransgenderingSynopsis Janet and John were happily married until the day she discovered....This is a nasty story, don't read it if you are sensitive or if you are under 18. The NurseBy Janet BakerI am a surgical nurse. I don't cut mens' testes off but I know how. I do sew up scrota after the surgeon has done his or her work and my stitching is very elegant. Of course I...
Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Categories Bondage Femdom Castration Forced Transgendering Synopsis Janet and John were happily married until the day she discovered.... This is a nasty story, don't read it if you are sensitive or if you are under 18. The Nurse By Janet Baker I am a surgical nurse. I don't cut mens' testes off but I know how. I do sew up scrota after the surgeon has done his or her work and my stitching is very elegant. Of course...
I grew up in a rural suburb of a major city on the east coast. Ours was a normal family by most accounts. We lived in a small rambler at the edge of our development. Our family was friendly with all of our neighbors. My sister and I were the only children of a loving couple. We are fraternal twins, but unlike many twins, we weren't very close. All through our childhood, my sister and I were indifferent to each other. We didn't fight or hate. We just got along. Like I said, normal.Our...
IncestOur Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
I work in a small country hospital as a chef or I guess a cook as is all I am required to be to fill this position. I used to work in the city and did the restaurant circuit for a few years and had a great time. Met some awesome people, made some awesome cash and yes had some awesome sex. I even rubbed shoulders with some celebrities on the odd occasion, well to tell the absolute truth I cooked for them is all. Despite all the fringe benefits I started to get restless in my work. I could cook...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Most men are used to having their prostate examined by a doctor as part of their physical exam and I am no exception. However, since my job required a prostate exam as part of their annual physical, I would have to say that I’ve had more than the average male. This is a short story of how one of those exams changed my curiosity of anal sex into a strong desire. Two years ago, my wife accompanied me to one of my visits with the urologist and on that visit, he gave me the exam in front of my...
If I thought that gym class would be uneventful after that, I was very much wrong. The girls were, waiting for me by now, and they had already heard of the attempted rape. A few of them smirked a little, but most did not, and when the few saw that I was annoyed, they quickly became apologetic ... especially when Katrina and Sarah basically threatened them with social pariah status. They changed their tune very fast after that. Besides, they had all seen my cock and they all seemed eager for a...
Prologue: While camping alone in northwestern Montana, Ben accidentally brushed his penis on the leaves of a poison huckleberry bush when he went out of his tent to urinate during the night. Poison huckleberry causes intense itching but no visible rash, and it is not transmissible from one person to another. By daybreak he was in intense discomfort and could hardly refrain from scratching his penis so hard that he nearly made it raw. He quickly drove to a nearby hospital he had passed the...
VoyeurTHE PROBLEM WITH VISITING BROTHELS Arabian Nights World Story 3 I'm another unfortunate friend of Asam, being his friend is clearly quite a dangerous occupation. My name once was Paul, not anymore I'm afraid. Like John I also took up Asam's offer of a visit to the Arabian world and like him I went on a tour of the brothels and the slave markets of that fascinating place. My tastes however where cheaper than John's and I found I preferred to frequent the more seedy establishments...
I jumped at the chance when my agent asked me if I wanted to be Miss July in a 2013 calendar. It was going to be naughty rather than full on erotic and each month would feature a model in some sort of uniform. I was given the choice between police woman or nurse. I quite liked the idea of police woman but I thought my voluptuous figure was more suited to the latter. I’ve actually fantasised about being a naughty nurse on more than one occasion so I plumped for that option. I’m not sure if it...
I jumped at the chance when my agent asked me if I wanted to be Miss July in a 2013 calendar. It was going to be naughty rather than full on erotic and each month would feature a model in some sort of uniform. I was given the choice between police woman or nurse. I quite liked the idea of police woman but I thought my voluptuous figure was more suited to the latter. I’ve actually fantasised about being a naughty nurse on more than one occasion so I plumped for that option. I’m not sure if it...
Oral Sex"Ough..." I groaned. I wasn't sure where I was, but I knew I was thirsty and uncomfortable. I opened my eyes slowly, wincing at the bright fluorescent lights above me. I was laying in a stiff, uncomfortable white bed with what appeared to be an IV coming out of my arm. That's when it all came back to me. The accident. Another accident. My whole body was aching, especially my head. I tried lifting my non-IV'ed arm, only to find it in a cast. Wincing against the sting of the IV, I gingerly...
Straight Sex