A Girl Goes To Work For Her Stepbrother Part 02 free porn video

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by Vanessa Evans

Part 02

As we walked down the road Noah said,

“I’ve been wanting to go into that shop for a couple of years now, but I never had a suitable girl to take in until you came along Olivia.”

“Was that actually a compliment Noah?”

“I guess that it was, I would, will be proud to take you anywhere Olivia.”

Then Noah spoilt it a bit by adding,

“Especially if you are dressed in some of the clothes that we just bought.”

Never the less, it was a sort of compliment and I thought that maybe Noah really liked me.

“One more stop to get some boring clothes for you then I’ll take you for some lunch.” Noah said as we walked along. “I see you forgot to fasten some buttons again.”

“No I didn’t, I don’t want people looking at my pussy.” I replied as I looked down to check.

“Oh my gawd, I did forget.” I said as I quickly fastened the bottom buttons.

“That’s your fault Noah, if you hadn’t started getting me to walk around without any clothes on I wouldn’t have had this problem.”

“You’ve got clothes on Oli.”

“One of your shirts, I suppose that you could call that clothes for a girl even if it lets everyone see my nipples and slit.”

“Don’t forget that cute, not so little clit of yours, I can’t wait to get it in my mouth when we get back home.”

“Oh, you think that you’re going to eat my pussy when we get home do you?”

“Yes I do, and then I’m going to fuck you.”

“I see, got it all planned have you?”

“Come on Oli, admit it, you want me to fuck you don’t you?”


“When a girl says ‘maybe’ she means yes so I’ll look forward to that. Now for some boring skirts and blouses for you, I need you to look all business like when you meet my clients.”

“Meet your clients, what does that mean?”

“I’ll explain that later, now into this shop and choose some skirts and blouses. Short skirts though, I want everyone to see your beautiful legs.”

We went in and yes, they had plenty of short, plain, dark skirts that could be used for business like events, and they had white blouses.

“I want to see you in them,” Noah said, “I want to see just a hint of the darker skin of your nipples and areolae and a hint of pokies. Tweak your nipples before you put the blouses on.”

“Yes sir.” I joked and went to the changing rooms. Unfortunately for Noah there was nowhere for partners to stand where they could see the changing cubicles so I quickly took the shirt off and put a blouse and skirt on. I remembered to tweak my nipples then went out to Noah. As I stood in front of him he tweaked my nipples then pulled the front of the blouse.

“Hmm, you need 2 this size and 2 a size smaller.”

“I don’t understand.”

“The smaller ones will show your nipple bulges and the bigger ones will allow down blouse views.”

“Planning on letting people look down my top are you?”

“Yes, it will be a good distraction when we’re talking about money.”

“Oh, I see, going to use my body as a bargaining tool are you?”

“Of course, and I’ll need you to shorten one of the skirts so that you can flash your pussy at them.”

“I’m starting to wonder if it was a bad idea coming down here with you Noah.”

“And miss out on your sexual awakening and your discovery that you love letting people see you naked and tell you what to do, I don’t think so Olivia. Get changed and I’ll get what we want off the racks.”

As I was getting changed I went through everything that had happened since I’d first got into the car with Noah. It was less that 24 hours ago but so much had happened, and me, I was a different girl. The old me would never have done just about everything that I’d done in less than a day, but I was happy, brain and body. My nipples had been rock hard since I first took my bra off to have that first shower, and as for my pussy, it was now bald and it has been dripping most of the time since I’d taken off that thick top in the car. And how the hell did I end up wearing just a man’s shirt in the middle of a city. Wow, I needed time to get used to my new life.

I met Noah outside the changing rooms and we went to the checkout, As we (Noah) was paying he turned to me and said,

“Heels, shoes.”

It wasn’t until we were outside that Noah explained his words.

“We need to get you some heels, high ones so that your butt sways from side to side as you walk and emphasises your cute little butt.”

I’d only ever had one pair of 3 inch heels and they did make me walk differently. I wondered what I would look like walking in 4 or 5 inch heels.

We went to a shoe shop and I was grateful that it was one of those self-service ones where all the shoes are in their boxes out in the shop, at least I wouldn’t be in real danger of flashing my pussy to some spotty teenage shop assistant. Oops, I shouldn’t say that, if Noah has his way I might have to work in that erotic whatever shop, totally naked.

Anyway, we walked around until we found what Noah wanted for me and took 4 boxes to the rows of otterman like seats to try them on. Noah chose an end seat where people were walking passed. I was only when I sat down and my bare butt came into contact with the plastic seat that I realised that there was every chance that the shirt front would open and my bare pubes and stomach would be visible. If only I had fastened those bottom buttons.

At first things weren’t too bad, Noah was knelt in front of me helping me try-on the shoes. It may have been less that 24 hours since I got in that car with Noah but I was now almost comfortable with him seeing my pussy so when he sort of eased my feet apart I wasn’t worried about what was on display, not even when he told me to put my hands on the seat behind me and lay back a little.

It was when we got to the third pair that the problems started. They were a little tight on my feet even though they were the same size as the others. Noah went off to get me another pair and, without thinking, I stayed as I was, slightly reclined with my knees apart.

I was daydreaming trying to decide if I liked where my new life appeared to be heading, or if I should I just tell Noah that he had to stop this getting me naked and flashing people and either send me back home or let me live like a normal girl, when I realised that a middle-aged man had stopped in front of me and was looking down at me.

It took a couple of seconds for me to remember that my knees were spread, that all I had on was a man’s shirt, and that the bottom buttons were not fastened. The man was getting a good view of my bare, wet pussy. I instantly sat upright and closed my knees leaving the man to only be able to see some of my bare stomach and maybe hairless pubes.

Just as my face started to go red, Noah returned, got on his knees in front of me and spread my knees. Meanwhile the old man must have got embarrassed at being caught perving on me and walked away.

“That man was looking at my pussy.” I said to Noah,

“Well I hope that he enjoyed the view as much as I do.” Noah replied as he lifted one of my feet and slipped a shoe on before doing the same with the other foot.

”Walkies time again.” Noah said as he backed away.

I got up and did the same as I’d done with the previous 2 pairs, slightly wobble a bit as I got used to the high heels, then walked up and down the aisle before standing in front of the mirror and looking at my legs and feet.

The previous 2 times I’d just looked at my lower legs and feet, but this time I looked higher up and was shocked to see that not only could I see my bare pubes bit I could also see my clit sticking out of my lips.

I stared at it trying to convince myself that it didn’t look bigger than the last time I’d thought about it’s size but I was sure that it was bigger. Maybe it was because it was exposed, not only the air, but people’s eyes. Maybe it was because Noah had been talking about it. Maybe it was because Noah had made me be aroused for all of the day.

I’d just had that last thought when I realised that there was a young man beside me wearing a shop branded shirt.

“Look good on you.” He said, then continued, “the shoes I mean.”

“Oh, err, thank you.” I said as my face went bright red a split second before I closed my legs then turned to go back to Noah.

I had a similar problem with the fourth pair of shoes but when Noah went back to get another pair I sat up straight. I should have crossed my legs but I was afraid that the pressure that that would put on my clit would make me cum.

When Noah got back he had a look of disappointment on his face.

“I couldn’t find another pair the same size.”

“Maybe they’ll have some out the back.” I replied.

“Good point Oli, let me go and find someone to ask.”

Three or 4 minutes later another young man wearing a shop branded shirt was stood in front of me holding 3 boxes of shoes. Speaking to Noah he said,

“I’ve brought a size either side of the one that you showed me, shoe sizes can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, a bit like women’s clothes, or so I’m told. Would you like some help trying them on the lady sir?”

“That’s a good Idea, thank you.”

I was still in the relining position with Noah standing between my knees blocking the view from anyone walking by, but as Noah had said that he stepped back so that the young man could do what he had offered to do. As the young man knelt down I realised that he was going to have an unobstructed view of my wet pussy. I started to close my knees but Noah said,

“It’s okay honey, let the kind young man help you.”

I stopped closing my knees and slowly opened them again. Whilst doing that I was thinking,

“He called me ‘honey’, why was that? And why am I letting this unknown young man, probably around my age, look at my pussy? And why is it getting wetter, I hope that I’m not leaving a puddle on the seat.”

I was in a sort of trance as the young man lifted my feet, put the shoes on me then asked me how they felt. I don’t remember answering him but I must have said words to the effect that I wanted to try another pair on because he did just that, then again with the third pair before I must have told him to put the second pair back on.

It was only when I heard Noah almost shouting at me telling me to go for a little walk that I came out of the trance.

“What? Oh yes, good idea.” I replied and looked at the young man who was still between my knees looking at my pussy.

I sat up triggering the young man to stand up and I saw the bulge in his trousers and the little wet spot near where the top of his cock looked to be. I got to my feet and looked down at the seat then blushed as I saw a little puddle of my juices.

“Oh my gawd,” I thought, “what has Noah done to me? I can’t believe that I let that man look at my pussy for so long.”

When I got back to Noah and the young man I told them that the shoes were okay and Noah said that we’d take them.

“Would madam like to wear them out?”

I didn’t realise what he was meaning but Noah did.

“No, put them back in the box please. Olivia, sit.”

I did, feeling the little puddle of my now not so warm juices on my bare backside. Then I stupidly reclined and opened my knees again before cursing myself but it was too late, the young man was back knelt between my knees.

No trance this time but my face was red hot and I became aware that I was getting close to cumming.

Fortunately I managed to avoid the embarrassment and humiliation of cumming in public and I was very relieved when the young man finally stood up and I was able to close my knees.

As I stood up I pulled the shirt down as far as it would go, and I pulled the 2 sides over my pussy, but stupidly I didn’t fasten the buttons.

After Noah had paid and we were outside I looked up at Noah and said,

“Why did you do that to me, you know that I don’t like people seeing my pussy.”

“Come on Olivia, you know that you enjoyed it, I bet that you nearly creamed your pants.”

“What pants, you wouldn’t buy me any.”

“That’s because you don’t really want to wear any.”

“I do too.”

“Oh no you don’t.”

“Oh yes I do.”

Then we both burst out laughing.

“Anyway, I’m now totally convinced that you like walking around with your pussy on display Oli, look at it.”

I looked down, and yes, the shirt flaps had opened and yes I could see my bald pubes. The problem that I had then was that both my hands were occupied carrying bags of shoes.

“Will you walk in front of me please Noah?”


“To hide my pussy a bit.”

“No, you want people to see your pussy.”

“No I don’t.”

“Oh yes you do.”

“No, we’re not going there again, please Noah.”

“We’ll be at the Chinese in a minute, you do like Chinese don’t you?”


“Good, and you can let the Chinese waiters feast on the sight of your pussy.”

“I’m going to sit upright with a napkin on my lap.”


“Haven’t you seen enough of my pussy for one day Noah?”

“If I had my head between your legs for 24 hours each day I wouldn’t have seen enough of it.”

“Either you really like me or you are some sort of pervert Noah.”

“I’ll let you decide which Olivia.”

We actually had a nice meal, the lighting wasn’t very strong and I soon forgot my state of dress, in fact my pussy and nipples stopped tingling for probably the first time that day and when we left the restaurant I was feeling quite good, but I was pleased that we had actually walked round in a big circle and we were close to the car park.

We loaded the bags and Noah held open my door for me to get in, but before he did he kissed me, a nice long passionate kiss and I didn’t object when he unfastened first the belt then the remaining fastened buttons on the shirt. I thought that I could just sit in the car with the shirt open and enjoy the cooling breeze.

What I hadn’t bargained on was Noah pushing the shirt back off my shoulders and it falling to the ground leaving me naked apart from my sandals.

I broke the kiss and jumped into the car.

“You don’t expect me to stay like this whilst you drive us home do you?”

“I do, besides, you can’t do anything about it, I’ve got MY shirt back.”

“You’d better not stop at any traffic lights, it’s really easy for pedestrians and other drives to look down on me.”

“Then I’d better give then the best possible view.”

With that Noah pressed a button and the back of my seat started going back. Within seconds I was almost flat on my back, held in place by the seat belt.

“Lay back Olivia, relax and enjoy the exposure.”

“Why do you do these things to me Noah?”

“Because you like being exposed.”

“I don’t have much choice do I?”

“But you enjoy it.”

I said nothing, but I realised that perhaps Noah was right.

The car did stop at 3 sets of traffic lights, once next to a lorry. Each time I didn’t want to see anyone looking down on my naked body so I closed my eyes, and each time Noah described the people who he said had seen me and he kept telling me that they were making signs indicating that they were enjoying the view, but I don’t know if he was joking or not.

Back at home the garage door opened when Noah pressed a button on the car dash and soon all the bags were in the kitchen.

“Which is it to be Olivia, a swim then making love or making love then a swim?” Noah asked.

“Who says that I want to do either?”

“That throbbing clit of yours does, I can almost see it throbbing from here.”

I looked at Noah for a couple of seconds then walked to him and hugged him. Then I said just 2 words,

“Fuck me.”

Noah bent down, put his hands under both my butt cheeks and lifted me up so that my face was level with his. My legs automatically wrapped around his waist.

We kissed as he carried me out the back where he put me down on the grass and he did fuck me, a nice, long, slow, passionate fuck, like nothing I had experienced before.

Both of us having orgasmed we just lay the looking up at the evening sky for ages before Noah said,

“I’ve been wanting to do that all day.”

“So have I, it was wonderful.”

“I wanted to wait to make sure that that was what you wanted Olivia.”

“I wanted it when you undid my towel by the pool this morning.”

“Let’s go to bed and do that again then get some sleep, it’s been a long and eventful day.”

“It certainly has.”

As Noah was carrying me upstairs I said.

“What was it you wanted to talk about Noah?”

“All sorts of things, but nothing that can’t wait until tomorrow.”

We did make love again and we did go to sleep straight afterwards, me cuddling up to Noah with one hand on his cock.


It was mid morning when I woke up to the sounds of Noah singing in the shower. I walked right on in and dropped to my knees in front of him. Fifteen minutes later 2 happy and clean people were getting dried.

“We really do need to talk Olivia.” Noah said.

“Can it wait, I’m hungry again.”

“It will have to, I hungry too and I have to do some work today. You can start an all over tan by the pool and get that swim that you didn’t get yesterday.”

“You want me to sunbathe naked and swim naked?”

“Yes Olivia, I do.”

“What if anyone comes here?”

“There’s not much chance of that but if someone does come they’ll get the same pleasure out of seeing you naked as I do.”

“I suppose that I could wrap a towel around me again.”

“Don’t you dare young lady.”

As we were eating breakfast, both of us naked, Noah said,

“Something for you to think whilst you are sunbathing Olivia, what do you think of the idea of me giving you a job?”

“What as?”

“My naked housekeeper cum personal assistant cum exhibitionist cum lover.”

“Wow, that sounds interesting, was yesterday some sort of trial run for you, making me do all those things whilst naked?”

“Sort of.”

“So did I pass your test?”

“With flying colours Oli.”

“Does that mean that you will stop getting me naked everywhere and let me wear sensible clothes and knickers?”

“Hell no, where would the fun be in that?”

“Hmm, I’d need to see a proper job de***********ion, a contract of employment and get a proper salary.”

“I can arrange that.”

“So who’s going to write these documents?”

“We are, together.”

“So can I add some conditions?”

“Sure, what were you thinking of?”

“Well I’m sure that there will be more, but the only one that I can think of at the moment is

that my employer must fuck me every day, even on my days off.”

“I’ll have to think about that one Olivia.”

“Hmm, it’s like that is it?”

“Only if you don’t look after your body, I don’t want you getting all fat and ugly.”

“I could use your gym, you could teach me how to use the machines in there.”

“I can and I will, naked workouts for you my girl. Talking about exercise, I forgot to get you some running gear yesterday. I’ll be taking you jogging. I’ll get you a nice, very short tennis skirt to jog in, one that bounces up as you run and shows everyone that you haven’t got anything on underneath it.”

“You want me showing my goodies when I’m out jogging?”

“Of course, my personal assistant has to be proud of her body and not ashamed to show it, or what she can do with it.”

“What does the ‘or what she can do with it’ part mean?”

“Masturbation of course.”

“You want me to masturbate in public?”

“As I said, my personal assistant has to be proud of her body and not ashamed to show it, or what she can do with it.”

“Wow, I don’t know that I could do that.”

“What not Oli, you’ve already shown your cute clit to the world.”

“That was an accident.”

“Are you sure about that? I think that you are already proud of your clit and really wanted people to see it. You damned well should be proud if it, it’s a real beauty and it sucks really well. You certainly didn’t complain when I ate your pussy last night.”

“No, thank you Noah, that was amazing, I’ve never cum so hard before.”

“And my personal assistant will get a lot of that.”

“Stop it Noah or I’ll climb over this table and ride your cock into submission. You know, I never really thought about my clit before yesterday, of course I’ve rubbed it and made myself cum but I never realised how big it was, you don’t see these things when you’re masturbating in bed late at night.

“So does my offer sound inviting?”

“It does, but there’s just a couple of things that I’m not sure about.”

“No time to discuss it further at the moment, get a towel and some sunblock and go and start your all-over tan, and don’t forget to keep your legs wide apart so that the insides of your thighs get brown.”

“Yes boss.”

“Not yet my love.”

I cleaned up in the kitchen then I did what Noah had told me to while he went to his study to do some work. After about an hour of tanning I decided to have a dip in Noah’s pool. Wow, swimming in the nude is a whole new ball park for me. The sensations of the water rushing passed my nipples and pussy are just out of this world. I thought that I was going to cum just swimming around.

I didn’t, but I couldn’t resist playing with my pussy when I got back to the sun lounger. I made myself cum twice before I had to have a rest. The second time I tried to imagine people watching me and I have to say that the thoughts did make me cum quicker, and the orgasm was more intense than the first time, maybe Noah was right, that I am an exhibitionist.

Anyway, after another tanning session I thought that it would be a good idea to phone my mum to let her know that I was settling in nicely and that I’d had my first job offer.

Mum was so thrilled for me and asked me what the job was. All I told her was that it was a personal assistant to a businessman and that I should find out if I got it in the next couple of days. I could have told her that it was for Noah but I didn’t want to risk more questions. I also didn’t tell her what some of the job de***********ion requirements were.

Mum also asked me how Noah and I were getting on and if we’d had any disagreements and if I needed to find a place of my own. I didn’t tell her that there was every chance that we would become lovers and that we’d already fucked. I wasn’t sure what her reaction would be, Noah being my stepbrother.

I told her about Noah’s house and his sports car and mum asked me if I’d need to learn to drive and get a car. I told her that transport wouldn’t be a problem.

At that point Noah appeared and sat on the edge of the sun lounger. I was trying to talk to my mum as Noah played with my clit. I managed to tell mum that I had to go just before Noah brought me to an orgasm.

“You did that on purpose didn’t you Noah?”

“Yes I did. All part of your getting used to being naked all the time.”

“That’s assuming that I accept your job offer.”

“You will.”

“You’re not planning on putting something in the contract that says that I have to masturbate and orgasm in public are you?”


“Oh my gawd Noah, what are you trying to turn me into?”

“A beautiful, sexy, scantily clad, efficient personal assistant who is good in bed.”

“Oh, so you’d let me wear clothes while I’m working.”

“I didn’t say that, but there will be times when you have to come with me to visit clients or go to exhibitions and I’d let you wear maybe a dress or a skirt and top.”

“No knickers then?”

“Not ones that cover your pussy.”

“Okay. So was it coincidence that you appeared out here when you did?”

“No, I’ve been watching you all the time.”

“You saw me masturbate then?”

“Oh yes, and an amazingly beautiful sight it was.”

“Thank you Noah, I think. So have you finished work for the day then?”

“Unfortunately not, another hour or so.”

“Then you’ll come and fuck me?”

“Try and stop me.”

As I lay there enjoying the sun and waiting for Noah to come and fuck me I wondered if I was turning into a sex maniac, but could I really masturbate with lots of people watching me? I didn’t think so, but there again, 48 hours ago I could never in this world have imagined me doing what I had done since I got there. I wondered if I needed to go and see a shrink.

Noah finally came back outside and told me that he’d finished for the day. I got up off the sun lounger and got down on my hands and knees with my head nearly touching the grass. As I waggled my butt at him I said just 2 words,

“Fuck me.”

Thirty minutes later we were again sprawled out on the grass in post coital bliss.

“We have things to do and to talk about Oli, how do you fancy a pizza?”

“That sounds good to me Noah.”

Noah ordered the pizza whilst I went up to the shower and was joined a few minutes later by Noah who got my pussy all wet again. Once dry we went downstairs with one of Noah’s laptops ready to do some work.

The first thing that we did was order a sewing machine, Noah insisting that we get an all singing and dancing one. We also ordered cotton and other things that I’d need.

Next Noah ordered a Laser Hair Removal Tool and I managed to get him to agree to me using it on his pubic area, He agreed when I said that it was unfair that I had to have bald pubes and he didn’t. Also I told him that I’d got one of his pubic hairs stuck in my throat the last time that I gave him a blowjob.

Noah also ordered some more clothes for me, including, and surprisingly, a leotard, although it is made of a very fine mesh and is very see-through.

Then we started on the PA’s job de***********ion. Noah wanted all sorts of things in it but the more interesting things were:-

The PA will be naked at all times that she is on company property.

The PA will open the door to every caller as directed by the CEO.

When the PA is off company property she will wear only what is designated by the CEO and said clothing whenever the CEO directs her to.

The PA will wear any sexual stimulation device that the CEO directs her to and will allow anyone to controls said devices who the CEO permits.

The PA will sexually stimulate the CEO whenever and where ever the CEO directs her to.

The PA will sexually stimulate herself whenever and where ever the CEO directs her to.

The PA will allow the CEO, or any other person named by the CEO, to sexually stimulate her in any way that the CEO wishes, whenever and where ever the CEO directs her to.

The PA will make every effort to reverse the habit of crossing her legs every time that she sits and will get into the habit of manspreading.

The PA will allow anyone permitted by the CEO to photograph or video her as they wish.

The PA will take part in any physical exercise that the CEO deems appropriate.

The PA will entertain any guest on company property as directed by the CEO.

The PA will carry out any off site work as directed by the CEO.

The PA will submit to any physical punishments that the CEO deems appropriate.

The PA will work all hours that the CEO requests.

The PA will accompany the CEO on all trips that he request her attendance.

The PA will have 2 days a week off. These to be specified by the CEO and may not be that same 2 days each week.

The PA will carry out all household tasks as specified by the CEO.

The PA will agree to any body modifications that the CEO deems appropriate.

The PA will agree to the addition of any further items to this list of duties.

We were about half way through compiling and agreeing these items on the job de***********ion when the doorbell rang.

“That will be the pizzas Oli, go and get them off the delivery guy, they’re already paid for.”

“But I’m naked, he will see me.”

“I believe that we’ve just covered events like this, off you go, it will be good practice for you.”

Noah was right I had just agreed to answer the door naked. I got to my feet and nervously walked to the door, realising that my pussy was tingling and getting wet. I wondered if Noah knew me better than I did.

The delivery guy’s face was a picture and I wasn’t sure which of us was more nervous, but that didn’t stop him looking at me or me getting very aroused. I bet that he wished that he had to collect the cash and be able to stare at me for longer.

When I carried the pizza boxes over to Noah he asked me if I’d enjoyed answering the door and being seen by the pizza boy.

“Well I was very nervous and a little embarrassed. My pussy got all wet so does that answer your question?”

“Yes Olivia, it does, you did enjoy the experience. We might just get takeaway every evening.”

I wasn’t sure that I was happy about that but I guessed that my brain would get to like it as much as my body obviously did.

As we were eating the pizza Noah had to remind me to uncross my legs and to sit with my knees open. He also said that if I forgot too often he’d invoke the part of the agreement where he can punish me. When I asked what the punishment might me he said spanking. Well I’d never been spanked before and I wondered how painful it would be. When I told Noah that he told me that some girls actually have an orgasm whilst being spanked.

He also said that it would hurt him to have to spank me but that some girls need to be spanked occasionally just to keep them inline and remind them who the boss is.

I asked Noah if he could spank me one time soon just so that I would know what I had to avoid.

After I had agreed to the last 2 on the above list I said,

“Noah, I have just agreed to basically be your slave and to let you do whatever you wish to my body, is it worth us discussing this any further? I’ll just sign the document giving my body and soul to you, although I’d rather think of it not as being your slave more as a job with benefits.”

“I prefer to think of you not only as my employee with a lot more than benefits Olivia, but also as my submissive lover.”

“Are you saying that you love me Noah?”

“I think that it’s probably a bit soon to say that I love you Oli, but things are certainly going in that direction.”

“Well you may be pleased to hear that I feel the same, I have never met a man anything like you and I have to say that I am liking what I see and have experienced so far, although you do push my limits.”

“Are you admitting that you are a submissive exhibitionist then Olivia?”

“I really am starting to think that I am, and that I’m liking it.”

“Don’t worry lover, I may, no, I will stretch your limits but I would never make you do anything that I believe that you don’t really want to do.”

Noah gave me a long, passionate kiss whilst fondling my tits then my pussy making me even wetter than I already was.

Noah did a little bit more work on the document then printed it.

As I signed it I said,

“Noah, I’m just signing my life over to you, I do hope that I am not making a mistake and that you will not make me regret it.”

“No Olivia, I will love and cherish every second of our time together. You are everything that I always wanted. No man could want more.”

“Some men only want girls with big tits.”

“Well it’s a good job that I don’t like big tits, I feel sorry for women who need a bra for support.” Noah replied as he tweaked one of my nipples.

“Now my new employee, come to bed, it’s been another long day and I need to fuck you then get some sleep.”

“As your new employee, your wish is my command sir, may I start by giving your a blowjob?”

“Only if it’s with us in the 69 position.”

After about an hour of passion we both fell asleep whilst in post coital bliss.


I woke early feeling very happy and wide awake. I looked down and Noah’s naked body complete with morning woody and wanted to climb on him and ride him until he woke, but instead I got up and went and put the kettle on.

Five minutes later there were 2 mugs of coffee on the bedside table and one morning woody still pointing to the ceiling belonging to the still sleeping Noah, so I gently climbed on and rode it until the owner woke up.

“Morning boss,” I said when Noah’s eyes opened, “or should I call you Master if I am now your slave.”

“You are not my slave and I am not your master Olivia, I’d prefer it if you just called me Noah, or occasionally Boss. Now keep up that rhyme.”

Five minutes later we were in the shower soaping each other and teasing each others genitals, but not to more orgasms.

As we were getting dried Noah told me that I was to spend some time with him in his study learning things about his business and what some of my PA’s duties, the ones that your average PA does.

We talked about that some more over breakfast then Noah went and got dressed whilst I cleaned up. I met him in his study and we got on with my education and my duties. When we got to his calendar I discovered that he had to go to London on the Friday for a meeting and on the Saturday evening he was to attend the Summer Ball of the local Round Table at a nightclub in the city.

“Do you have to dress as knights of the round table, swords and helmets and ride in on a horse?” I asked.

“No Olivia, but there may be serving wenches there.”

“Lucky you.”

“Lucky you as well Oli, the invite says Plus One and you are the lucky Plus One.”

“I can’t be, I haven’t go anything to wear?”

“Yes you have, there’s those 2 long dresses that I got you.”

“Aren’t they too sexy for a formal do like that?”

“Absolutely not. With you on my arm I will be the envy of all the men there.”

“You say the nicest things Noah, but I haven’t properly tried those dresses on yet, and what if they need shortening or something?”

“Your sewing machine should be here tomorrow, if it hasn’t arrived in time you’ll have to do whatever by hand. Let’s wait and see. If you can’t get it sorted before the ball you’ll have to go in one of your other new dresses.”

“When can I try them on Boss?”

“Right now Oli, go and get them, and a pair of your new shoes. And whilst you are at it bring all your new clothes and try them on.”

“Okay boss.”

I went and got them and went back to the study. Noah was working away on his computer as I stood almost behind him and put on the first of the long dresses.

“What do you think Noah?” I asked.

It was the long dress that is backless with the halter part only big enough to cover my areolae and a little bit more.

“Nice Oli, give us a twirl.”

I did, the skirt part revealing that I was naked under the dress.

“I like how your nipples make those tents Oli, put a pair of heels on and do that again.”

I did, and the skirt part lifted even more.

“It needs to be a few centimetres shorter.” I said.

“Okay, try the other long dress.”

I changed as Noah did a bit more on his computer.

“Ready.” I said.

This dress has an extra split at the front middle, right up to my pussy and when Noah told me to sit on the chair behind him the split appeared to be right up to my waist. The material of this is also very thin and also slightly see-through. When I held a panel of it up to the bright sunlight it was like I had sunglasses on.

“Hmm, decision time.” Noah said, “I think that you’ll wear the second one.”

“Okay, do you want me to try on the other clothes Noah?”

“Yes Oli, the light in that shop wasn’t as bright as the sunlight coming through the window so we’ll see just how see-through they all are.”

“Well the knickers can’t get any more see-through, there’s no material in them.”

“Still put them on and model them for me.”

As Noah was saying that I noticed that he turned his monitor, with his webcam on the top, a little to face where I would be modelling the clothes.

“Are you going to video me changing Noah?”

“Do you have a problem with that?”

“No, I signed the contract that has a clause in it saying that I agree to being photographed and videoed.”

“You did indeed Oli.”

Over the next 15 minutes or so I tried on each item and walked a little and twirled in them. When I had a skirt or dress on Noah told me how much he wanted them shortened by and after the last one I just knew that there was every chance that people would be seeing my butt and pussy when I was wearing any one of them.

That was even more so when I modelled the knickers and bra that he had bought me. The ones intended as a bikini have material that is so thin that you can see literally everything, and the knickers with their total lack of material frame my pussy and attract your attention to it complete with my protruding clit.

Back to being totally naked I stood beside Noah and asked him if he was happy with his purchases. Noah’s response was to click on a minimised window on his computer. The Zoom window that popped up showed 3 men all staring at their monitors.

“You didn’t did you Noah?”

“I did, meet James, Harry and John.”

All 3 said hello and I said hello back.

“Did they see everything?” I asked.

“Yes we did.” Harry replied, “and we are all looking forward to meeting you in the flesh.”

“Err yes, me too.” I replied.

“Guys,” Noah said, “Olivia is my new PA, a PA with benefits. I’ll bring her with me the next time that I need to be there, but sorry guys, she’ll be wearing some clothes. You could come here instead and I promise that she’ll be dressed as she is right now.”

“Send us your address Noah.” John said.

“Okay guys, I think that we covered everything that I wanted to talk about, do you have anything else?”

“Only to ask you if I can keep the video recording of the best part of this call” James asked.

“That’s very polite of you to ask James, yes you can, and I’m sure that Olivia won’t mind if you share it with others.”

“Thanks Noah.” James replied then all 3 terminated the call.

“You could have warned me Noah.”

“Why, what would you have done differently? Play with yourself?”

“I would have if you had told me to.”

“Okay Oli, put those clothes away then you’re free to do whatever you like for a couple of hours. Sunbathe, explore the garden or the woods at the back. Go for a walk down the road if you like, but no clothes on this property or the woods”

“You think that I’d go out onto the public road naked?”

“You will do sometime.”

“Will I now?”

“The woods are very tranquil at this time of the year and the path that you’ll see is circular.”

“Do you own the woods?”

“No but you very rarely see anyone on the path, especially mid week, you’ll be okay without clothes.”

“Well see.”

I put the clothes away then went out into the back garden. It was another glorious day and I was feeling a bit restless so I did wander around the garden. First the back one, then I felt a bit brave, or stupid, and went round to the front of the house. Noah was right, I couldn’t see another house anywhere.

Noah’s front garden was a bit boring, and still feeling a bit brave I went to the font of the drive and looked down the road. Everything was deadly quiet so, with my heart starting to race a bit, I started walking. I’d got about 50 metres when I thought I heard a car so I turned and ran back. I’d just got back onto the drive when a little red van pulled up outside the gate.

I wanted to run and hide but at the same time I knew that I had to receive deliveries for Noah. With my heat pounding I just stood there with my hands at my sides waiting for the postman to appear. And appear he did, I didn’t see him until he got to the back of his van which is when he saw me.

“Hello there young lady, it’s a nice day out.” He said as he opened the back door of his van.

I could see him looking at me between the van and the open door as he took his time getting the package for Noah. Finally he backed out, shut the van door and started walking towards me.

“I didn’t know Noah had someone living here with him.” The postman said.

“Yes, I’m Olivia and I’ve only been here a few days, I’m Noah’s step, err personal assistant.”

“Well Noah is a very lucky man to have found a personal assistant like you, I’m sure that you’ll make him very happy.”

“Thank you, I’ll do my best. Just the one package, I was hoping for more.”

“Not today I’m afraid, maybe tomorrow. Will you be outside waiting for me?”

“I may be round the back sunbathing, if I don’t answer the bell come on round, I’m sure that Noah won’t mind.”

“He won’t, he’s asked he to leave things in the shed if he’s not here.”

“Okay, thank you.”

“My pleasure, and you have a nice day and let’s hope that tomorrow is just as good. Bye.”

I stood and watched him get into his van and drive off thinking,

“Jeez, that was nerve racking, but I guess that I’m going to have to get used to it. At least I wasn’t on a sun lounger bringing myself off. Now that would have been embarrassing.”

I took the parcel inside then went back out. Not wanting to brave the road again, I went to the bottom of the back garden and through the gate into the woods.

“Shall I, or shall I not.” I thought. Then,

“Well Noah obviously wants me to, but I’m on my own, what if I meet someone? But I met the postman like this a few minutes ago. Tell you what, I’ll only go a short way then come back.”

My internal decision making over I started walking. It wasn’t long before I could see nothing but trees and all I could hear was the birds.

“Wow,” I thought, this is like going back to nature, absolutely nothing man made for as far as I can see and hear. So peaceful, so natural. I could get used to this.”

I kept walking, enjoying the peace and tranquillity and after possibly 10 minutes I heard something that wasn’t natural.

“Damn, that sounds like people.” I thought. After a couple of seconds of panic and wondering what I should do I turned and ran, all the way back to Noah’s garden.

I was hot and sweaty from the run and the air temperature so I jumped into the swimming pool and relaxed, almost instantly getting the feeling of the water on my bare pussy.

When I got my breath back I started swimming. After a few lengths I got out and went to one of the sun loungers. I’d just got totally relaxed when I heard a noise that sounded like someone walking and dragging something.

“Not again.” I thought as I got up and ran inside the house.

From in the kitchen I watched as a man in his late twenties put some garden tools down on the grass and started walking over to the pool. I ran up the stairs to the study.

“Noah, there’s a man in the back garden.”

Noah looked out of the window and laughed.

“Relax Oli, that’s Ben, my gardener cum pool man. Come on I’ll introduce you, he’ll probably be seeing quite a lot of you. He’s harmless.”

“If he sees me like this there isn’t much more of me to see.” I replied as Noah took me down the stairs.

Noah stopped, turned, put his hand on my pussy and bent a finger inside me.

“He’ll be seeing this as well when you spread your legs on the sun lounger and start masturbating while he’s watching.”

“You want me to …. I don’t know about that.”

“You signed the contract Olivia.”

“I think that my mind was clouded by my arousal when I signed that.”

“Well you did sign it, besides, you know that you want Ben to see you rubbing one out for him.”

“Oh I do do I?”

“Think about it Oli, you do.”

“Noah, I have a confession to make.”

“And what would that be Olivia?”

“Well, a bit before Ben arrived I did what you suggested and went for a walk in the woods.”

“I trust that you aren’t going to tell me that you put some clothes on first?”

“No, I wouldn’t do that, it’s just that when I was walking along the path I heard someone walking towards me and I turned and ran back here.”

“Hmm, that was a bit naughty, should I spank you for that?”

“If you wish Master.”

“I’ll let it slide this time. Olivia, I’ve told you before, when you’re in public dressed like you are you must never try to hide any parts of your body, walk proud. If it helps, imagine that you are fully clothed. If people see you waking like you are doing nothing wrong, say ‘good morning’ or whatever, act normally and there’s every chance that they will accept your nudity. Of course there’s always the remote chance that it will be a sanctimonious prude who wants to force their archaic views on everyone, but hold your ground, brave it out, look them up and down with a ‘who the hell do you think you are’ look on your face, but don’t tell them what you think of them, that will get their backs up. Ignore any comments that they make and walk proudly on.”

“Yes Master.”

Noah pulled me to him and gave me a passionate kiss the said,

“You can do it Oli, I know that you can.”


Same as A girl goes to work for her Stepbrother Part 02 Videos

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Mrs Fletcher Chapter One Brothers Motherinlaw

I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. My...

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My wife cousin Sheryl part3

(True Story!)After seeing Sheryl and having sex we had taken a shower got dressed talked about our lives and family. I had taken Sheryl out to dinner. We had opened up about sexual likes and dislike. Had been honest told her sex between me and the wife had changed due to medical problem for the wife. We would have sex maybe if I was lucky 3-4 times a year. I told her that I was Bi but preferred women. She said she was also Bi but preferred men. That couple years back she worked as a Dominatrix...

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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

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Sheriffs Forester

I was young for my post but I had been doing it as a deputy it for several years with the old sheriff's forester. My father was a baron but I was only a younger son so I was not going to inherit. I carried the heavy stag into kitchen and ignored the quiet that fell. I shifted it off my shoulder and onto the large butcher table, "I took this from a poacher Anna." She wiped her hands as she crossed the kitchen, "how long..." I snorted as headed into the Keep, "a half day." When I...

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Preacher Slut Dresses from Preachers Daughter Seri

If you have followed the stories, I first black mailed and fucked the preachers 23 year old hot daughter, Jaimie, she is now carrying my baby. See preachers daughter chapter 13 and preacher sucks for lead in to this story:Over two months ago I sucked my first cock and fucked my first man pussy, unbelievable, it was our preachers, so wrong but made me so fucking hard!He sucked and cum hard and recovered quick, he said he would be my sex slave cum slut #3. Well, I had been letting him wait as I...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 19 Preacher and Preach

Well the plan as outlined and stage was set as mentioned in previous story, "Preachers Daughter Chapter 18, Preacher and Preacher.The following occurred yesterday as follows for Jaimie's birthday on her 24th birthday:I arrived and Jaimie looked hot and ready. I kissed her and told her we would play and get very naughty for the next 3 or 4 hours. I had her dressed in stockings, garter belt, heels, makeup perfect, her six month old pregnant little belly showing, I tied her, blind folded her...

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Gallaghers IslandChapter 4 Gallagher Meets the Female HeadHunters

After they had the huts finished, the water supply taken care of and even finding they had plenty of food with the coconuts and the bananas, the fishing was good and Mr. Candleford even managed to trap a wild pig in a pit trap that worked perfectly. The only hard part was to get the carcass out and get it prepared for eating and then to smoke and keep the remaining meat safe for future use. In a sense, it was good that they were there on the island because the things would have started to...

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Sherri takes pity on her Guinea Pig8217s enforced celibacy and gives him some pleasure

An original story based on a real-life experience. Sherri turned off the living room TV and yawned as she walked into the kitchen to fetch a bedtime Diet Coke, her firm breasts outlined under her t-shirt as she lazily stretched her arms upward. As she opened the refrigerator door a blast of cold air raised goosebumps on her bare legs; just panties and a shirt was Sherri’s standard nighttime garb. The noise of the refrigerator door was followed almost instantly by a high-pitched...

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Herman to Hermione

Herman to Hermione -------------------- My name is Herman and this is my story. I am a 28 year old living in Dubai with my wife. Its been 4 years since we have been married and Julia and we both have a very good sex life. I met her one night while I was bar-hopping with a couple of mates and the same night we were all over each other like a couple of jack-rabbits. As I said sex has never been dull for the both of us and Julia likes to think up of new ways to keep the magic alive....

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The Gigolo Chronicles V Cherrie

Nearly twenty-seven years ago, a baby girl was born with a full head of flaming red hair. Her parents took one look at the color of that hair and decided the baby's name would be Cherrie. Originally her parents planned on calling her Amy since up to then, they had no idea she would be a redhead. Her mother was blonde and her father had dark hair. But her maternal grandmother was a redhead as was Cherrie's aunt. I met Cherrie about ten years ago and right from the very start, I found she had a...

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Cherri was a sixteen year-old school girl. The loveliest and hottest looking young girl in school. Since she reached puberty folks have been saying that she was a very beautiful girl. Recently they have described her as being exceptionally gorgeous and voluptuously sexy. She had a baby face with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks and luscious lips. Her blond hair cascaded in lovely curls down to her shoulders. Her face alone, together with its captivating smile, could arouse even an impotent man,...

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Patchwork People XXVIII Departures

XXVIII. Departures. It was one of those mornings that seem unable to decide what it wants to be. Halfway to the airport, a fine rain blew up against the windshield of the pick-up. A few miles later, the sun unexpectedly broke out from a temporary gap in the impregnable line of gray clouds massed like battleships laying siege on the horizon It had finally been agreed that Phoebe would return to New Jersey and sign in to an outpatient rehab clinic. At the same time, she would take...

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Therapy for Cheri

Therapy, Part 1It was my medical doctor who suggested that I should speak to a counsellor, or ther****t about my sexual fantasies, and how they had started to overwhelm my life.  At first, I was not particularly interested in talking to anyone about this, but obviously my doctor felt that a counsellor could help me, and that not seeing one could eventually harm me.I booked an appointment for two weeks ahead, thinking that this would give me some time to get my shit together, and I could call...

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Stepford Brothers Change to Sisters

Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...

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Cheryl8217s First Sexparty

The evening was not going well and Cheryl knew it. Only 18, she had almost passed out when a college junior had asked her here. Telling her mother and father that she was going to a girlfriends house for the night, she met her date, Billy, at a convenience store near her home. Just getting in the car made her feel much older than her years. Now, several hours later, sitting on a couch in a crowded fraternity house, she was feeling like fifteen again. A bunch of guys had made a...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Spiderman part 3 Ultimate heros part1

Ultimate h?s part 1 Gwen Stacy took Spiderman's dick like a pro. She was back against the alley wall as Spiderman pummeled her with his huge cock. Gwen Stacy's big tits swung freely as her legs wrapped around Spiderman's back. Her hips gyrated up and down as spiderman thrust into her receiving pelvis. Stacy's hips ground into Spiderman's dick. Her pussy wrapped around his cock milky it as the hot rod pulled in and out sucking her pussy lips with it as it moved. Gwen's black high heel...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 3 from Preadhers Daughter

Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...

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Ex GF Stepsister Cheryl part2

Sorry a little late writing a another chapter about my ex girlfriends cock teasing stepsister ( Cheryl) and how we ended up fucking. Now on to the story. Well as you probably know if you read my first post on her that Cheryl had been teasing me for sometime and we ended up finally fucking. Well Cheryl and myself have been fucking for a good 6 months up to this point and it was the best 6 months a guy could ask for. Cheryl would be waiting for me to get home from work at times and we would...

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Cuckold by my stepbrother3

I know that she likes sex because she's told me so. She's told me how much she likes sucking cock, but she's never sucked mine. She say's she loves doggy style, yet, I've only seen her nude once, and that's only because we were in a fitting room together. Every time I try to make a move on her she say's "No, baby, not now!" Then she say's "It's not that I don't love you, or find you attractive. Because I do. I think you're sexy as hell. You have a ripped body, a big cock,...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

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Our Stories Sheris Wild Lesbian NightThe Recap

After our encounter with Tara and Charlene, I had a feeling Sheri was going to keep exploring. We were getting on the bus to go home the following morning. I was up early, so I went down to the beach one last time. Sheri saw me from her balcony and blew me a kiss. I did the same and headed back to my room to get my stuff. I got on the bus and found my seat near the back. I watched out the window as Sheri, Charlene, Tara, and a junior named Heather were headed to the bus together. That was odd...

Wife Lovers
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Alison Goes to London chapter 11 A Dirty Filthy Motherfucking Assfucking Whore

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.It was Saturday morning,...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Present For CheriseChapter 2

Cherise let out a squeal of surprise and jumped from the bed. "A dog!" she shouted. "You brought a dog for me to fuck? Oh James, you're the best brother in the whole wide world." She jumped up into her brother's arms and kissed him then turned and knelt on the floor next to Tobie. She wrapped her arms around him and stroked his fur. "Oh he's beautiful," she exclaimed hugging the dog to her naked body. Toby whined softly in his throat and responded to Cherise's caresses by licking...

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