- 4 years ago
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"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Jo could hear, a sexual cry that woke her up at three in the morning. It was her first day in her new house for University and to be fair the other two girls had warned her of Sarah, the sexual siren whose bedroom was next to hers.
The dual wail of her man and her high pitched shriek was evidence that their midnight tryst was coming to its orgasmic end.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Screamed Sarah at the top of her voice along with accompanying energetic male grunts.
She sat up in her bed and listened as she had no choice. It was the first time she had ever heard anyone having sex, and she found it quite a turn on. She was getting a little stirring in her loins until she heard to the laughable cry of,
"There she blows!" from Sarah's nautical lover. She laid back wide awake, 'two more years of this' she thought to herself, wondering if she would be able to get through? She was studying Theology, not exactly cool considering what her other new housemates were studying.
The noises had got her on heat and left her wide awake. Getting back to sleep was going to be a problem. She put her hand down between her legs and had a cursory inspection. She then heard a rustle in Sarah's room and a girlie cry of, "Oh Babe, not again!"
That was enough for Jo, she stood up and slipped on her robe and made her way down the corridor of the big Victorian house and down the stairs to the Kitchen. She entered to see another housemate Jane had already had the same idea.
"Can't sleep, darling?" She purred with a plum English accent as she filled the kettle, "we did warn you."
Jo laughed, "Yes, you did, but I didn't expect it to be that loud."
"I must confess Sarah's a little louder than usual, maybe the poor dear didn't get her typical maintenance during her summer break."
Jane came from money and looked immaculate in her long red satin robe and matching nightdress, lipstick and varnished nails. Her hair was long black and straight with a fierce parting in the middle of her head.
Just as the kettle was boiling Charlotte made her way into the Kitchen.
"Oh, I see you as well," she laughed.
Charlotte was the most amiable girl of the housemates. She was tall well built with smallish breasts, long legs with swept red short hair. She squinted all the time as she was short-sited despite wearing big black-framed glasses.
"Charlotte, my dear, you may pretend not to feel the cold, but your body is telling me otherwise," smirked Jane looking at Charlottes nipples.
"Hey, I didn't expect anyone to be here," beat off Charlotte covering her nipples that were standing prominently through her short translucent nightie.
With Jane in her red satin robes and Charlotte in her short nightie, Jo felt decidedly frumpy in her PJ's and heavy, woolen robe.
"I'll make the teas, unless you want a coffee, Jo?" Offered Charlotte making her way to the overhead cupboards where the cups were kept.
"I'll have a coffee please."
"Jo, how on earth do you sleep drinking coffee at three in the morning?" Asked a surprised Jane.
"Just a knack, it never bothers me," Jo answered, distracted by Charlotte reaching for the cups standing on tip-toe revealing her plump sexy ass.
"Charlotte, darling, you're embarrassing our new housemate, do wear some panties if you must wear that tarty nightie."
"Oh sorry," blushed Charlotte, quickly bringing down her hands to cover her exposed bottom.
"Oh don't apologise to me sweetheart, I love that peachy ass of yours you must let me paint it sometime."
"I'm quite happy with the colour it is," joked Charlotte.
"Lame darling, lame," Jane bitchily nitpicked.
"It'll cost you, "smirked Charlotte turning to Jo. "Janes doing Fine Art, as well as being a dyke so don't be surprised if she tries to get you to model for her," she illuminated while filling the three cups with hot water.
"I wouldn't mind modelling," Jo surprisingly offered.
Charlotte looked around while idly stirring a cup of brew, "you surprise me, I didn't think you were that sort of person."
"What do you mean?" Worried Jo feeling she was already being pigeonholed because of her subject.
"Darling when I want you to pose, I mean, au naturel."
"Naked?" Jo exclaimed.
"Yes," sneered Jane, "In the raw, butt naked, tits out, pussy aired."
'"Oh!" Jo cut in stopping Janes litany of descriptions aimed at embarrassing her.
"So?" Teased Jane.
"Well darling, do you still want to pose for me butt ass naked?" She slurred with a wicked smile on her face.
"Yes, yes, why not?" she replied, calling her bluff.
"Watch it, she'll hold you to that," warned Charlotte pushing a mug of coffee towards Jo.
It was just at that moment Sarah came blustering in. Her large boobs were struggling to stay in her all too small robe. She held them in with one arm while her other hand trashily pushed a tissue to her vagina to plug in any deposits that had recently been made.
"So sorry babes, This guy just doesn't know when to stop." Apologised Sarah in her estuary Essex drawl. She started scratching her head, making her long blonde hair reveal its actual colour at the roots—her free boobs jiggling all over the place released from her arm bind.
"What, there's more to come?" Said Jane stamping down her cup of tea on the tabletop.
"Afraid so Babes, this one's a keeper, he's a fuck machine," Sarah giggled, "not that I'm complaining, I needed a good nailing after the loser summer I had."
"What, Just the six lovers, in the same number of weeks," sneered Jane.
"Seven actually," corrected Sarah oblivious to the insult, "anyway gotta go I've got a pussy to be stuffed! Ciao!"
And off she went.
Charlotte looked at Jo and laughed, "Don't worry, she'll cool on him in a week or so, she always does."
Jo smiled to herself with inward relief, too many nights like this would be unbearable.
"What exactly did our one-woman harem come in here for?" Asked Jane finding it hard to hide her annoyance.
"Just to show off I think," offered Charlotte as she sat opposite Jo.
It was the first time Jo had seen the promiscuous Sarah, and so far she lived up to all expectation.
"What's she studying?"Jo asked before quickly adding, "If that's not a stupid question."
"Only stupid if you mean whats her subject in the confines of the university," said Charlotte before delicately lifting her hot cup of tea to her lips.
Jane smiled, "You know darling, I love watching you drink tea in that little nightie, regardless of how much it turns me on."
"Thank you."
"It's so much fun to watch, you doing your upmost not to spill hot tea on those perky tiddies of yours," she sighed.
Charlotte blushed, "You'll have to forgive Jane, she's bi-sexual, we couldn't mention it in the advert," she laughed.
"I don't have a problem with that," Jo informed, wondering if she and Charlotte were an item.
"Just as well darling," she sighed with a slightly affected Prussian slur of a Marlene Dietrich, "especially when I have you in the nip posing for me," she teased.
Jo quickly realised how sheltered her first year at Uni had been. She was already feeling right out of her depth with her new exotic housemates.
It was then Sarah's new Bo made an entrance at the kitchen door.
"Hello girls, Sarah tells me I've been keeping you up," he disingenuously apologised. On his face, the smirk declared that he was proud to have an all-female audience listening to his performance on the willing Sarah.
"How much longer are you going to be?" Asked Jane with a hint of hostility in her voice.
"Oh, not long, just got to get rid of this boner and I'm done," he replied to Jane gripping and shaking his swollen penis under Sarah's ill-fitting robe. Answering Jane while studying Charlotte.
"Hello, and what's your name?"
"Never mind that Don Juan, you've got Sarah to finish off first," Jane boldly cut in.
"She can wait, I've got the bitch so horny she'll be good and ready for a good poke for at least another hour," he rudely boasted.
"My God," vented Jane," what on earth does she see in you?"
"This!" John Proudly declared standing back with his robe held wide open, revealing a prominent erection. Jo openly gasped at his fine specimen.
"Oh good grief put it away, do you really think we're impressed by that thing," rebuffed Jane.
"I'm impressed," Laughed Charlotte," And so is Jo by the look on her face."
Jo realised she was spellbound by his manhood and quickly closed her mouth and averted her eyes after Charlotte's disclosure.
"Like a poke form this?" John brazenly joked, pushing his erection in Jo's face.
"Please, it's a little early in the morning."
"Leave her alone," interjected Jane, "we're not impressed by your little cock."
"I am," laughed Charlotte.
"Charlotte, darling, please!" Exclaimed a shocked Jane.
"Leave her alone diamond knickers, she knows a good thing when she see's it," boasted John, "you'd have to pay for a cock like this."
"I will," shockingly replied Jane," Fifty pounds for an hour with you."
"Wot!" John reeled in confusion.
"I said sweetheart, fifty pounds for an hour with you naked."
"You serious?" Asked a baffled John.
"She means she wants you to pose for her," smirked Charlotte.
"That's correct darling," affirmed Jane rummaging for a card in her handbag."
"Fifty quid, its a deal. When?"
"Tomorrow, 11 o clock, at my studio," answered Jane sliding her card across the kitchen table for John to pick up.
Jo swayed back as his erection came a little too close for comfort as John leant over the table to pick up Janes's card. Charlotte laughed at Jo's discomfort, watching her lean back from John's appendage.
"John, get your cock back from over the table, we don't want your dribbles on it," admonished Charlotte with a smile at Jo.
Jo looked at Charlotte and smiled, thanking her for her intervention, knowing it was for her comfort.
John stepped back and slowly studied the card.
"My god, it can read," Jane sarcastically mused.
"All right it's a date," declared John oblivious to the insult, "right, I'll leave you, ladies," He started before coming to a halt, "hang. on I came in here for something."
Jo nervously watched his dick swinging from the corner of her eye, sipping her tea in defiance.
"You came in here to show us your cock," sniggered Charlotte.
"Oh, Was always going to give you a flash of this, he declared holding his erection and giving it a hefty tug. He pulled back his foreskin as he thrust his hips forward.
"Oh please!" Spluttered a disgusted Jane hastily dumping her tea on the table, "You're not that impressive, now go before we have nightmares.
"Yeah, wet dreams more like. That reminds me, any of you saucy girls got a spare condom?"
To Jo's surprise, Jane picked her handbag up and rummaged in it. She threw a sheath over the table. Jo went stiff in horror as again John leant over the table cock first to pick up the packet. She looked at Charlotte who smiled and her unease but thankfully didn't say anything.
"Cheers, diamond knickers, I'll wash it out and return it when I see you tomorrow," he joked.
"Don't mention it, anything to stop Sarah giving birth to an ape. Just one more thing, make sure you shower before coming to the studio."
"I'll do that!" Said John unwrapping the condom.
"What are you doing?" Jane asked Incredulously as John went about rolling the condom expertly down his shaft.
"Jo, jaw!" Quickly said Charlotte noting her shocked face once more. Jo quickly regained her, composure and mouthed a 'thank you' to Charlotte. She had assessed her inexperience rapidly and was grateful she hadn't mocked her.
"Right, ready for action!" John boasted, holding his cock and waving it about.
"Sorry girls, I've got a bitch on heat upstairs, and it'll be cruel not to finish her off! We artists like to finish our projects, don't we, Mrs Snotty?"
"Oh fuck off, and don't be late tomorrow," admonished Jane.
"Will do!"
Jo watched still in a daze as John turned on his heels and strode out of the door.
"On your back sweetheart," he yelled,
"I'm gonna tickle your tits, slap your bum, spread your pussy, and fill you with cum!'
John cried walking up the stairs.
"Charming," sighed Jane.
Charlotte burst out laughing, "My God is he for real?"
"This isn't a regular evening," Jo nervously put forward not wanting to show herself as a prude.
"Good god no, Its just the Sarah effect," informed Jane, "she's very active, to say the least, but even she's outdone herself this time."
No sooner as Jane had finished her utterance, the rhythmic sounds of sex could be heard reverberating through the ceiling above. Jo looked up, worried about the strength of the ceiling.
She leaned back in her chair and noticed Charlotte and Jane both looking up as well. Very soon Sarah was crying out to every one of his thrusts.
They all looked at each other and burst out laughing.
"I think he's skipped foreplay," joked Charlotte.
"If he knows what foreplay is," coldly added Jane.
"Oh, Baby!" They all heard Sarah cry out aloud, her words echoing through the corridors.
"Good god, there is something to be said for Lesbianism,' offered Jane, "at least we spare the neighbours."
"Oh, really," smiled Charlotte, "You're not so quiet yourself."
"That was just the once and that was me trying to get you interested," smouldered Jane, staring at Charlotte with obvious intent.
Charlotte ignored Janes noticeable advance and turned to Jo, "I think the sounds are getting Jane wet," she joked. Jo smiled and kept silent, desperately wanting to escape.
"If you blank out the ape rogering her its quiet erotic isn't it?"
The rhythmic sounds of sex accelerated, and they all stared at the ceiling.
"Phew! I hope he cums soon this is getting me going," Charlotte exclaimed, her face slightly flushed.
"Is there anything I can help you with?" Purred Jane smiling at Charlotte's unease. Even the inexperienced Jo could see she was having a bit of a moment. She looked adorable, struggling to keep still on her chair. Shifting from side to side and then holding her boobs roving with-in her loose nightie.
Jane giggled looking directly at Charlotte struggling with her arousal until they all heard the cry from upstairs,
"There, she blows!" Came Johns nautical cry as he speared his grateful whale.
Jane busily tidied up her studio and put the kettle on to wait for John. She had become a little stale in her course work, which she put down to her uninspiring models. They were all strictly clothes on which bored the red-blooded Jane senseless. The Universities Grand painting competition was only a month away and Jane had nothing inspirational to offer.
Jane's father was well off and paying for his little girl's education, even renting out a studio for her. At the moment though she was looking like a case of 'all the gear and no idea'.
At least John would be getting his kit off, and she'd have some naked flesh to work with, which hopefully would inspire her. There was also the promise of Jo stripping for her but thought she would chicken out once the reality of her commitment had dawned.
Jane wondered what she could do with her anyway as she wasn't exactly endowed with curves. Mind you, her pixie looks with a flat chest, and short hair really did it for some people, especially the more progressives in the art world who loved androgyny.
She thought of posing her face down on a sofa, her head propped up on the arm, her white body juxtaposed against her red velvet chaise lounge. Yes, that would really accentuate her divine little bottom thought Jane just as a loud banging was heard on the door.
It was her first project of the day, Sarah's Piltdown man come sexual athlete. Jane opened the door.
"Mornin' Sweetheart," John joyfully sang, rubbing his hands together.
"Yes good afternoon, would you like a cup of tea first or just get straight down to it?"
"Get down to it and tea afterwards, that's the way I usually roll," sordidly suggested John rubbing his hands together.
Jane sighed, "Yes all right I've heard and seen quite enough of your sexual politics, you're here to pose and not talk," she cold-shouldered turning on the lights over the bed, which she wanted John to pose on.
"Put your clothes on the back of the chair, and then we'll see the best way to pose you."
"Alright, Darlin'."
John quickly started ripping off his clothes, the top first and then trousers as he kicked off his shoes. He was soon stark naked and stood proudly with his hands on his hips, pushing forward his already rampant erection.
"Oh, God!' Sighed Jane.
"Like what you see love? Its all yours sweetheart," he boldly declared walking toward Jane with his arms open. He roughly took her in his arms and kissed Jane's quickly turning cheek in aversion as John pulled her body onto his.
"Come on Darlin' you know you want it?"
"Oh, do fuck off you moron, do you really think we're so impressed by your dick that we'll all fall down and worship you?" Jane said with a fit of controlled anger even though his hardness was pressing into her thigh.
"Most girls drop to their knees to start off with," John smirked into Janes face his breath stinking of stale alcohol.
"You're here to pose and nothing else, now get on the bed or go away," Jane seethed.
"Come on, let your mother down, let your father down, let your panties down!" He slurped, trying to kiss Janes ever evading lips.
Jane was slowly losing patience until she finally cracked.
John suddenly stiffened up as Jane grabbed him by the balls with an iron grasp.
"Oh! Kinky!" Croaked John, instantly bringing his hands to try and protect his balls.
"I'm not playing!" Raged Jane lifting him up onto his toes, "now if you don't want me to twist these off I suggest you lay on the bed!"
"Okay, Okay," submitted John, his hands tenderly lifting up in surrender.
Jane released him from his tender connection, and John gasped bending over to grasp his balls.
"Now, could you get on the bed, if you please?" Sharply Instructed Jane turning to get her paint palette.
She picked up the shaped wooden board liberally splattered with different coloured paints. She took a brush in the other hand and mixed in colour. She turned towards the bed and abruptly stopped and sighed in frustration. John was on the bed, still proudly supporting his massive erection.
He did have a good muscular body and a fine cock, but the pose it made him adopt, and the proud smirk on his face spoilt the aesthetic and made it almost impossible to paint anything worthy.
Jane sat on the bed next to John.
"Darling, we simply have to do something about your cock."
"Make up you're mind love, hop on the bed, and let's get rid of it," he suggested patting the bed.
"You know what I mean. Lose it." Jane requested pointing to his erection with the end of her paintbrush.
John looked up puzzled, "hey, I don't know what limp dicks you've been sleeping with but to make 'that' go, isn't easy."
"Oh come on even you have to revert to manual once in a while," Jane sneered giving a masturbation gesticulation.
"Na, I'm not wanking for anyone?" John informed lifting to go, "my wanking days are over."
"Oh come on," exhaled Jane in expiration, "You're getting paid."
"Yeah to pose, not to put on a sex show for you," as he lifted from the bed and reached for his socks.
"Come on surely we can sort something out?"
"You got any ideas?"
Jane held John back on the bed, and he looked on expectantly.
She took hold of his cock and slowly pulled this foreskin back.
"Oh yes, that's more like it!" Gasped John.
"Shut up!"
Jane sat on the bed, looking away as she methodically wanked Johns cock as he lay back to enjoy. Time limped on, and Jane's wrists began to feel the strain as she jerked away.
"Come on, cum!" She instructed impatiently, you're not supposed to be enjoying this, it's just to make your dick go down."
"Can't help you, love, I'm a stayer," John smirked laying back with a cat that got the cream look much to Jane's annoyance.
Jane started jerking him aggressively angrily looking away!
"Oh, baby, I love it rough!" John exclaimed tipping Janes patience over the edge. She turned around and stuck up one of her sharp red nails.
"You see this," She hissed wagging her threatening red nail as her other hand kept jerking him, "If you don't cum soon I'm going to ram this right between your balls!"
John gulped his expression breaking into one of apprehension, assessing if he would enjoy it or not.
"And if that doesn't do the trick, it'll be going straight up your ass. Hard!"
John gulped as Jane glared down on him, still threateningly holding up her finger.
"Come on cum!" She charged.
"I'm trying, I'm trying," he pleaded, fear etched across his face.
This wasn't enough for Jane, she carried on masturbating Johns hard cock while lifting it to pull his balls to present for attack.
"I'm cumming soon!" John cried, trying to scramble upwards to stop his attack.
'Soon' was too late for Jane, and her fist went down nail first and pranged him right between his hard balls!
John cried out in pain but still didn't cum.
Jane withdrew her finger and readied it to attack again.
"No please, not my arse!" He pleaded.
Jane smiled and made several cruel false starts to attack him again.
Each time John winced, squealed and clenched his ass. Jane suddenly began to enjoy her power, and her once scowling face was now smiling in malicious glee.
She speared his balls with a quick hard piercing and kept her nail dug right in between his orbs, twisting it as he yelled.
The attack had its desired effect as he ejaculated high into the air.
"Oh," exclaimed Jane, "I was enjoying that," as Johns sperm showered down.
She got up to get a towel wiping the semen off her arms as it continued to rain down.
John look embarrassed as Jane mocked him, "Oh, so you like a sharp nail to the balls," she laughed, "I must tell Sarah!"
John blushed and grunted as his semen continued to rain down on his stomach.
"Mucky pup," she laughed wiping away the offending goo.
She returned to see John sheepishly wiping his semen away with a sheet.
"Oh, no!" cried Jane.
"Well, what else am I supposed to use?" A flummoxed and embarrassed, John replied he cock still spewing his ejaculate.
"It's not that dear it's just that your mess has landed on my pallet and mixed with the paints," Jane explained taking the pallet away.
"Water, spunk, same thing."
"It oils dear, they don't mix with water." Corrected Jane studying the spunk trying to mix with the paint. Jane looked down and thought. "If I mixed it with watercolours?" She broke off.
Jane was suddenly struck with an Idea. The zeitgeist of the time was "Organic". It seemed to permeate every aspect of artistic media. Marc Quin had once sculpted his own head using ten pints of his own blood immersing it in frozen silicone.
Semen was organic. It would be a great idea to present a sexual picture with a sexual organic mixing agent! Jane sized up how much semen she would need for a modest-sized painting and turned to John.
"How would you like to earn a hundred pounds?" Asked Jane as John washed away the sticky sputum from his body. He stopped and quizzically looked up.
"A hundred pounds, what do I have to do?"
"Produce for me half a litre of your semen."
"Half a litre!" he thundered, "By when?"
"Next week."
"Next week, What do you think I am? A bull!"
"You boast you are!" Accused Jane.
"It's just not possible," stated John, "there are five cubic centimetres in one ejaculation, and I have to produce five hundred of them! Impossible."
"Okay, then two hundred pounds as long as you produce it in two weeks?" Jane reassessed.
John went to his phone and clearly went to the calculator app.
"That's 72 wanks in two weeks!"
"I'm sure a wanker like you can do it, just stop fucking Sarah and work for your living," Jane smirked realising the peace it would bring to the house.
John went into thought, he needed the money and what more enjoyable way to earn it.
"Okay, deal," agreed John. "Half a litre in two weeks."
"And no diluting your semen, I'm not stupid," Jane warned.
"Okay then, I'll go now and make a start," he said, starting to dress.
Janes smiled to herself, euphoric with her idea of an organic painting. Thrilled with the prospect of at least two weeks of uninterrupted sleep.
Charlotte sat in the living room with its antique-like furniture. Huge dark armchairs with dark wooden tables and cupboards surrounding the vital asset of the room. The television set. Charlotte sat with her knees drawn up under her chin as she nursed a cup of coffee. She watched morning Tv half asleep as Jane, John, and Sarah paraded out of the house.
She wasn't up for any reason, she just wanted to show the rest she wasn't intending waste the day in bed.
Charlotte hadn't slept as the rough sex Sarah was getting had really got to her. She had masturbated twice to orgasm, and yet sleep was still evading her.
Charlotte loved rough sex. She hated the slow caring caressing gentle lover. Charlotte always seemed to attract that kind of boy. What she really wanted was a big muscular bruiser to slap her around and put her in her place. She wanted to be pinned down and have her panties ripped off and pounded by a huge battering ram of a cock as he groped her boobs hard.
Considering all the male chauvinistic pigs out and about she arrived at Uni with high hopes of her desires being met but alas nothing was forthcoming. It was challenging to explain to a gentle lover, just what she wanted. A few had tried, one had slapped her around and taken her roughly over the back of the sofa, but he couldn't keep it up. It just wasn't him, and she could feel the act he was putting on and the lack of enthusiasm to hurt her.
She always remembered a time before Uni when she and her friends were swimming in the river. Diving off the bridge horsing around. She teased three boys who chased her into the long grass.
She had managed to get a fair way from the bridge deep into the grass where she let herself be caught.
She let out a theatrical low scream as the three erect boys with their wet bodies easily pinned her down. Charlotte tried to fight them off as they quickly ripped her bikini top off. All three contested her boobs pushing each other's arms off so they could have a good squeeze. Charlotte shrieked and laughed as the boys fought over her tits. A roundabout of sucking mouths on her nipples was always quickly replaced by a tweaking hand or another sucking mouth.
It was quickly apparent to the boys that there wasn't enough of her to go around and so hands dived down her bikini bottoms and fingered her pussy. She was being ravaged and was loving it.
They quickly ripped her bikini bottoms right off and spread her legs. One boy exposed his erection and straddled her body, he grabbed her tits with both hands and then leant forward to feed her his cock.
"Suck it bitch!" He demanded as the boys working her pussy while lowering their trunks. Charlotte submissively gobbled his cock as the other two bottomless boys stood wanking their cocks ready to fuck her.
"Get her on her front and her ass in the air!" Excitedly yelled one.
They quickly changed positions and flipped her over, pulling her ass into the air. She tried to look back before a cock was rammed into her mouth.
Her legs were well parted and her ass being spanked as she felt a cock making ready to fuck her.
Charlotte was in heaven, and then...
"Oi, leave her alone!" A booming masculine voice roared.
All three boys got to their feet and ran, leaving Charlotte naked with her red spanked ass in the air and the remnants of her ripped bikini strewn around her.
"You okay love?" Asked the interfering busybody.
"Yes, thank you," grumbled Charlotte hastily covering herself with the tatters of her bathing suit.
The part-time hero had robbed her of her wished-for gang bang. She smiled sweetly at her Sir Lancelot and feigned thankfulness when truthfully she was seething inside.
"What are you watching?" Asked a smartly dressed Jo, entering the living room holding a cup of tea.
Charlotte broke out of her trance. That was just as well as she was sure that frustration would live with her forever. Her once in a life-time gang bang moment had gone. She knew she would never have the same opportunity again.
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“Wow, tell me more.” “We share a third person around once a month. My man loves to masturbate while he watches a younger man tongue fuck me. If I give that man a blow job my man expects a blow job from that man in return while I watch and tease his nipples. “To be fair to my man we sometimes share a woman. Very exciting sucking my man’s nine-inch erection while another woman is tongue fucking me. “We both find it very exciting sitting on our couch holding hands and tongue kissing with...
Kinky Kay is a fine female friend, who was away for a while. As she told us recently: "Abroad in Asia" ... 'A broad in Asia', who finally finds sexual satisfaction in seducing some sexy sweet students, as tiny titted as she is.Kinky Kay is a fine friend and source of some intimate information on her love life as a sexy student. She is as nerdy as naughty. We wrote several series of short stories on her amorous adventures of hot habits, like erotic exhibitionism or listening in to her nice...
I love her caresses on my cheek. Kira’s slender fingers trailing over my face and mouth, down along the soft sensitive skin of my neck. Then to my breasts, gently massaging and teasing at the same time, each stroke designed to please me. I push Kira down on the bed. She looks so cute and edible in her tank top and red tartan mini skirt. I kiss her tenderly, sliding my tongue into her mouth and kissing her deeply. Hungrily we explore each others mouths with our tongues. It feels so good. I...
A month ago an old friend asked if her little sister could stay with me for three months as she had been kicked out of her apartment. I am quite a generous person and I have an extra bedroom, so I agreed immediately. Kristen is a university student, a mousy little bookworm who studies most of the time. She’s small and petite with brown hair that hangs just below her collarbones. Since she’s always busy studying I don’t see much of her and she prefers not to be included when I have friends...
People always react in different ways when they find out about my cross dressing. Girls are usually more accepting than guys but everyone is different. I was twenty-two when I went to university and decided I would be completely open about it with everyone I met there. I found that most people were pretty cool with it, although some took some time to get used to it. I spent the first year living in halls with three girls and two boys, and thanks to the first night together where we all had a...
My girlfriend Twyla moved into a house with two guys. This was all fine to me as I knew both the guys she was living with. I’m 3 years older than Twyla - who just finished highschool - and we had dated 2 years by this point. Max and Blake were both chill guys - pals of mine before i met Twyla - and I secretly fancied them both. My fantasy was pretty half baked: we’d get stoned and then i’d suck their cocks. Once i’d finished they’d both dress and we’d go back to getting high. Twyla had no...
August 1981, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning, I made my usual call to Karin. I described everything in the apartment and all the things I’d done during the week, including the reception. Both of us would start school in a week and we were both looking forward to it. When we finished talking, I went out for my run, showered, and ate breakfast. I made some tea, started a load of laundry, and then turned on the stereo. I put on an REO Speedwagon album and then relaxed on the couch with the...
Mark My dear friend and lover, Brita Jean Thorsen, was one of the most influential women in Europe, and except for the Queen of England and one or two others maybe one of the richest. She was the chief executive officer of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. She was a multi-billionaire. She was beautiful. She was a slut. Brita had loved the day and a half she’d spent in front of the cameras with Rolfe and Juul filming her slutty behavior. Eight men had fucked her,...
Joan and Doug slept over after our Saturday night of revelations and open sex. Doug ultimately went off with Penny and Misty, and Joan and I bedded down. We all made love with our partners in the middle of the night. We sat down after breakfast the next day and had a two-family pow-wow. I kind of led the meeting, but I urged Penny, Misty, Joan, and Doug to speak up with any comments about anything we talked about or that had happened. Penny had provided some robes and casual clothing for...
How long have they been held by those people transporting them? The only difference between how the twins looked when they came out of the showers was the towel around the girl’s head. I checked both out. The girl had a nice set of firm breasts, each about the size of half baseballs and her pussy juices already making the inside her of thighs shiny. Her brother was sporting a boner about six inches long and a bit thicker than mine. Neither of them seemed to care that they were there naked in...
I broke the silence. “So are we going to talk about this?” “Well, I don’t think there’s much to talk about, is there?” She seemed almost put out that I’d asked the question. She continued: “If you must know, I was thinking we’d take things a bit further… when we’re ready.” My concern was Luca as much as anything. When he came to visit they seemed very much in love. I couldn’t work out what was going on here, and I had to find out first. I asked Lin straight out. “But, what about Luca?...
Kinky Kay got a lot more of ferocious fucks after the 'surreal' sex at that unusual couple in their first evening together. Luckily, three of her major turn-ons occured to her with that guy during the remaining days of their hot holiday: awesome anal, explicit exhibitionism and voyeurism. A brilliant balcony sex scene and the funky follow-up of it, is the memory she is most fond of.Kinky Kay again answers most of my curious questions in the intimate interview about her hot holiday in Greece,...
I've been thinking a lot about kinkiness and perversion lately. What's normal? What's just kinky, and what is out-and-out perverted? Normal people, I guess, like simple, normal sex. Man-woman vaginal intercourse stuff, with a little oral thrown in for variety. Kinky people like their sex with a twist, maybe with some adventure and some unusual circumstances. And props. Sometimes kinky people get a bit obsessed about their sex - about the thing that turns them on. I've been kinky in...
Kinky Kay learns to play it cool in the pool to turn-on a father playing with his two doddies there. Later that day, the mom watching them invites her along for dinner and up into their apartment for more white wine and some games. In the end, she gets the sex she longed for, albeit a lot different than she imagined earlier that erotic evening.Kinky Kay has a few fine fancies. Nothing of the hard stuff, like gang-bangs or submissions into spanking. She just likes bits of exhibitionism at times,...
Let me introduce again -I am Abijeet R. and my wife Nitisha .R, well you must had read the first series which I told about my kinky fantasies where I saw my wife Nitisha having sex with other man (Vijay). I wanted to see how my wife goes wild with him, naughty, hidden lust of another man. We loved each other since college days so trust and bonding has been strong. First she hesitated to have other man in our sex life reason was my jealously & Indian culture. But I made everything ease and told...
Kinky Kay is a fine female friend, who was away for a while. As she told us recently: "Abroad in Asia" ... 'A broad in Asia', seeking sexual satisfaction in seducing some sexy sweet students, tiny titted as she.Kinky Kay finally found time for an intimate interview, mostly about her new erotic experiences in Asia."I love their looks, how pretty, sweet and sexy they are. How wet they get and moan, when I turn them on."Initially, I assumed Kay went to one of the countries, which often have...
I had moved into a flat of a friend who was away for a year and it suited me perfect, close to work and the city centre and I was later to find out a very sexy neighbour! The first time I had met Dumebi was on the stairs and we passed each other with a friendly ‘hello' to each other and a couple of weeks later Dumebi and her partner invited me over for a few beers to welcome me to the block, they seemed really easy going people, very laid back and we had a great laugh and got real drunk.From...
Hi Friends, am a small time contributor to this site with some of the incidents that have happened in my life. Today what I am going to tell you is a story which is not true, but is based on some true sexual incidents that I have had. So it’s a combination of real incidents as well as my fantasy. The main aim to write this story is to connect with like minded ladies who have kinky fantasies, but being in Indian society are unable to fulfill them. If there are any ladies who like my story I...
Hey guys KINKY MONSTER here, Let me start this episode with a small message. “When A Thing is followed too much, the purpose of the thing itself will change”. A very good example is Religion and so called Culture. As also my writing for this site. Rape is one of the biggest problems in our country, technically speaking it is due to the mismatch of supply and demand. (I cant propagate this publicly but only through secret media like this.) While other reason could also be the extreme greed and...
Romantic Raza, Today, as soon as you entered the door, I greeted you, ‘Namaste, Razaji. Welcome home my dear Shiva.’ You were in no mood to play my kinky sex games, however, and shouted at me angrily, ‘Shut up you little kinky mischief. Do you know how you’ve embarrassed me?’ ‘How? What?’ I stammer, but again you silence me with a command. ‘Silence, witless waif. I’ll have to teach you not to pester our professional office male box with your silly female email.’ You seat yourself on a stool....
My life was a bit of a nightmare. I had to grow up real fast. My mother was a single mother. She didn’t have any college education, so she had to do shit jobs. She mostly worked in a bar as a cocktail waitress. Although, I do think she might have done other work on the side. She had the neighbor next door watching my young siblings. I was old enough to take care of things in the house. She expected me to do the cleaning and all of the cooking. I was basically her slave.She’d always bring men...
WatersportsGratuitas: (Latin) gift/favorKang Seulgi thinks her girlfriend Bae Joohyun forgot to get her a birthday present but she was shocked to find out that it was something completely different - something kinky.Seulgi had a normal birthday. All day, she was showered with love from the staff and the other members. She was surprised with a cake when the clock hit 12 midnight. Yet, something was missing. And that something was her girlfriend Bae Joohyun. Yes, she was there with the members...
Hey all, KINKY MONSTER here but not really kinky from now on.This is my best incident that ever happened in my life. Story is bit lengthy but worth reading. Dont skip paras as few of you mentioned in the mail. Read fully or dont read at all is my suggestion. This event happened during one of the weekdays. And I had to visit NCT for a meeting and also had to stay in a pvt restaurant due to unavailability of accommodation. The most superb thing was that the room service was a young lady and she...
Hey all, Kinky Monster here. This is the third part of Kinky Adventures of my life series.After successfully getting the tamarind girl in my bed. Let me quickly go to how I got my cook to satisfy my sexual appetite. When I first moved to the quarters allotted to me I asked to arrange for a cook cum maid to the Campus Manager with certain conditions. A mid-aged widow without children would be perfect, but may have a girl child if couldnt find one. I added that this was because I didnt want an...
Disclaimer: This story is not for the faint hearted. This is an incest heavy kinky story. The story contains bro-sis, mom-son, mom-daughter, father-daughter incest. And loads of Kinky stuff covering farting, shit, piss, lactation, spit apart from others. In case you are not into any of these you please close this story. For others you may continue reading this and post your comments to me at Part of the story is true and part is fiction, but the story between mom-son-daughter-mother in law is...
IncestI am back with another story with all the kinky stuff. You can check out my other stories on ISS page. This is a story from a train journey, which became more of an erotic journey for me. It involved some very steamy teasing and ended in a very kinky erotic venture. I was going from Mumbai to my native place for some paperwork. It was an overnight journey. I boarded the train in the morning. I climbed in my coach and headed towards my seat. I was a bit sad because my wife had to stay back. I...
That night was burned into my brain. I had broken up with my boyfriend, my dom, but I couldn’t get him out of my mind. His pleasuring skills still tormenting me day and night. It had been only a week and here I was rethinking going back to him. One of these days I was remembering one kinky night we had where we did it and it was so memorable. I had orgasmed so hard and he had seemed so proud to give that to me. That night I had gone to his apartment hoping to get pleasured by him. He tied me up...
BDSMHey all, This is my first let out of my writing my encounters.I am 24,M, a govt officer.I cant give anymore details about me for privacy reasons.All my life i have been a kinky nut right from my adolescents. This Part1 will be full of small nasty activities of my life without much elaboration later in Part 2 i will give greatest possible details of my taking down my cook and office attendants. And later about colleagues. And whats ahead is a complete truth which i always wanted to share. I been...
By: DamonX ([email protected]) Kayla laid her arm across my chest and pressed her warm, sweaty body against mine, nuzzling her face into my neck. "That was great baby," she said, kissing me on the cheek. "Thanks." "No need to thank me," I returned, wrapping my arm around her. "I think you did all the work this time." Kayla let out a giggle as she snuggled closer. "Yeah, I think you're right. I even worked up a bit of a sweat." "I'll say!" I exclaimed,...
Introduction: An evening of lust in the dusk Kinky Evening in the park Bondage, kinky, wife, secret threesome For almost a year now, Sally and I had been experimenting with a little innocent bondage. She had enjoyed me tying her to the bedposts with silk scarfs. We tried it with me too but I felt too uncomfortable with it, even though she was wonderful in her efforts to please me. It just seemed to me that men are concentrated on their penises, and women are total sexiness in every part of...
John and Andy moved quietly through the gate and into Andy's yard. Moving up on the deck behind the chairs they knelt down."Ohh ohhh Andy....damn your mom is so fucking hot!" John moaned looking through her bedroom window seeing Reba come into her bedroom naked. Her firm tits bouncing with her movements, her large dark brown nipples were hard and erect. He pulled his hard cock from his shorts looking over to see Andy's hard cock sticking out already. " I would love to fuck your mom and have her...
Hello sexy ladies, this is Ash, an avid traveler who often travel for business or personal reasons. This story is one of my favourite casual encounters of an banged in Bangalore while on a business trip. I was staying in a five-star property at MG road and I had a busy day at the conference. I was coming out of the hotel room after getting ready for the evening to look for food and drinks. In front of the elevator, I noticed a slim and sexy lady with one piece short black dress. She looked...
Hey all, kinky monster again, In this part I’ll quickly describe how I took down on my office Secretary. Let Me Clearly give The CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER of the various incidents of All the three parts First – the cook cum Maids story. Although i described it in PART 3 ONLY. Second – After maid, I hired the tamarind girl as assistant. This current Office Secretary story was happening in parallel to the taking down of tamarind girl. Only after taking down Tamarind girl I went for Office...
Hey all, Kinky monster here. This is the continuation of Kinky Adventures of my life Part1. After assuming my position in Office, I was so convinced of the way my life went. For the first time, things going so well and i becoming a lucky guy.I don’t really know why, but i wanted to go for the tamarind girl. She completed her 12th and was just staying at home and was doing some odd jobs at the house where her family was staying in servant room. I was posted in a nearby district and i came home...
My Girlfriend and I get into some pretty kinky things, but a threesome with one of her friends taught us both what kinky really meant. I was in my dorm room talking to my roommate when the phone rang. "Hello?" "Jack?" It was Brenda, my girlfriend. "Hi babe. Where you at? Been looking for you for a while." "I'm at Jill's house. Her parents are out of town for a few weeks and she wants us to keep her company this evening." "Okay. That's cool with me. I'll be over in a few." "Bye." I hung up the...
My Girlfriend and I get into some pretty kinky things, but a threesome with one of her friends taught us both what kinky really meant. I was in my dorm room talking to my roommate when the phone rang. "Hello?" "Jack?" It was Brenda, my girlfriend. "Hi babe. Where you at? Been looking for you for a while." "I'm at Jill's house. Her parents are out of town for a few weeks and she wants us to keep her company this evening." "Okay. That's cool with me. I'll be over in a few." "Bye." I hung up the...
Story: Kinky Kat (F/M femdom)It was obvious to him from the start that Kat was dominant. She was very attractive, with the athletic appearance of the kind you see in photos of women's track and field events. When Kat first saw Rick at the bookstore she decided that he was the kind of guy she wanted. She noticed him frequently looking at her, and after a while she came over to him with a friendly smile and asked if he would take a look at her laptop computer to determine why it was not...
Hey guys. HarDick69 is back after not at all following the ‘No nut November.’ You guys must have read . I went inside girls’ washroom and masturbated onto a door after writing kinky stuff about my Mallu Milf Queen Beena. This incident which I am about to tell you happened a few days after that. I was walking down the verandah of the college to my classroom in the morning. The nerdy girl, Riya from my class, joined me. Riya wasn’t sexually attractive like her friends. It was as if you could see...
My life was a bit of a nightmare. I had to grow up real fast. My mother was a single mother. She didn’t have any college education, so she had to do shit jobs. She mostly worked in a bar as a cocktail waitress. Although, I do think she might have done other work on the side. She had the neighbor next door watching my young siblings. I was old enough to take care of things in the house. She expected me to do the cleaning and all of the cooking. I was basically her slave. She’d always bring men...
His eyes were following her every move. Katya was serving the drink in the billionaire’s party, moving graciously, heads down, shying away from anyone who made a pass at her. His gaze had so much intensity that even I could feel them from a distance, the strength of kinky sex and roughness. I had no idea what he has in mind but I was about to find it out soon. I, Anaita, am 24 years old, just the same as Katya. We have been friends for quite some time now and we even work for the same catering...
BDSM"329, 331, 333..."I muttered to myself, reading the numbers off the doors as I made my way down the narrow hotel hallway. I could almost hear the sound of my own nervous heartbeat over the quiet buzzing of a nearby ice machine as I pushed my hand into my pocket to pull out a folded, crumpled piece of paper. Cursing myself for the inability to calm my shaking nerves, I unfolded the small parchment and read the number scrawled upon it. "335." My eyes moved from the paper up to the door before me....
Introduction:A short, vague beginning to a long seriesA word of warning: I am a very wordy writer and my stories are almost more about the stories and characters than the sex. If this isn't your cup of tea and you're looking for raunchy stories that get right into it, this story and others by me are not for you. This chapter is the prologue and is thus intentionally vague to begin with and somewhat heavy with exposition. I predict this series will go on for many, many chapters but I know it...
“My Seduction of Carla.” Or was it hers of me?For the rest of the weekend, I kept picturing that lewdly exciting scene I witnessed in the parking garage. It quickly dawned on me that I was becoming increasingly obsessed with Carla. I was anxious to go to the office, then to figure out a way to connect with her.I knew that Carla was a smoker, because I often saw her sitting on the courtyard benches where smoking is allowed. As with most smoking areas, it was pushed off to the downwind side,...
Hello Readers, I live in Pune and now regular in terms of writing stories on ISS. This is in continuation of my previous story ‘Kinky Group Sex – Part 1’. If you haven’t gone through it please read it to have the complete background. After the wonderful session between all four of us, we all were tired and hungry as well. So we decided to have our lunch. We decided to have it naked. But as it would be served by the caretaker someone has to wear the clothes. I wore the T-shirt and jeans and...
Hey everybody! This is Raman & I wanted to share this experience with you kinky readers. I was working as a personal trainer in a gym, so I had a few personal clients whom I used to train one-on-one. One of them was Naveen, in his mid-thirties who started treating me like a friend. He started telling me everything about his life. Things like where he works, what he does, about his wife & k**s and pretty much everything. He was a nice guy who had everything but only one problem. He was...
Hie everybody, I would like to share my experience with my aunty. She stays next to my house. About myself: I am sunny.5’8.Athlete body. I am 20 yrs old.Fair and good looking boy. Am passionate about making love. I have a 7.5 inch meat which is hard all day. About aunty: she is 36 years old. Her name is sonia.Cute and mature lady. With sexy figure. Big and firm boobs with big ass. I will describe them in detail further. She is a typical indian housewife who looks after her home. Now let’s...
Hey guys KINKEY MONSTER here, regarding my writings.. I must not be doing this Being a Civil servant, but I do not propagate anti social activities. It is just tactical usage of tricks combined with exhibition of love and lust to take down women. However I should also not be abetting crimes done when my suggestion was interpreted mischievously or used for other anti social activities. Hence I have not replied to many of the mails sent to me by readers asking for tips and suggestions. As I...
IncestHey everybody! This is Raman & I wanted to share this experience with you kinky readers. I was working as a personal trainer in a gym, so I had a few personal clients whom I used to train one-on-one. One of them was Naveen, in his mid-thirties who started treating me like a friend. He started telling me everything about his life. Things like where he works, what he does, about his wife & kids and pretty much everything. He was a nice guy who had everything but only one problem. He was unhappy...
KINKY CLUB ASSIGNMENT by Throne It all seemed so innocent at the start. My boss, Mr. Jameson, at Reveal, the popular tabloid newspaper, gave me an assignment. I was to infiltrate a kinky nightspot and capture some incriminating images with a miniature camera I would conceal on myself. I was thrilled when he picked me for the job. My impression up until then had been that he didn't like me. When I made slyly nasty remarks about one of the gay employees, he let it upset him. And...
Kinky Vacation with my Mistress Chapter 1 - Arrival at our Nest of Kink by sissy kristie for Ms. SEVEN The trip was planned carefully and long in advance and both my Mistress as well as Her sub, me, were looking forward to this adventure for almost an eternity.? As soon as the opportunity for the real life adventurous encounter was known, my Mistress decided where we should spend the week in a luxurious and remote house in Avignon, France. It did not take very long until the right place was...
Welcome to the cage! Welcome to Kinky Fight Club! The audience surrounded the cage ecstatic that another edition of their favorite program made the airwaves. Currently, an African-American male stood tall with black short hair, black shorts and taped hands while his opponent is a white blonde woman in a slutty cheerleader outfit. It has “Cockstar” in white color, but red trim on a white top background, the top half is red and the bottom half is maroon. Her short skirt is pink and her blonde...
I am Michael, in my late twenties, 72 inches tall, 168 pounds, a toned, fit body and genetically lucky to possess a large, thick cock - ten inches when erect. I live in Sydney, Australia and used to moonlight as a gigolo or male escort. That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual...