Adventures in an Adult Bookstore
- 2 years ago
- 28
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This is not a story about a normal Friday. I am a
practical woman, world-wise, aware but not alarmed that
I am single and approaching my mid-thirties. Marriage
will probably happen for me one day. Children may or
not. These aren’t concerns that drive my life.
I’m sexually confident and secure with my own body, but
don’t I offer myself easily or lightly. The casual fuck
has never held much allure for me.
In other words, I’m a hungry lover when I’m in a
relationship, but otherwise I have different things to
occupy my mind. And if I get the itch for some
occasional sexual pleasure I have my own ways of
satisfying my needs. So to say that what happened that
Friday afternoon in July in the upstairs of a used
bookstore was out of character is putting it, well,
The story actually begins that Friday morning. Just a
random Friday in July. I’d taken the day off work for no
particular reason, and in the morning I went to my
health club for a workout. I did some weight and
equipment work and then headed to the StairMaster for
thirty minutes of aerobic exercise. Now, I work hard
when I’m at the gym. I’m usually focused on what I’m
doing, especially on the StairMaster, when I’m giving it
all I’ve got.
That morning I was working hard but maybe scanning the
room more than usual, and that’s how I became aware of
the man on the treadmill along the opposite wall. I
would have noticed him under any circumstances because
of his dark hair and high cheekbones and because of the
way his quads snapped into muscular definition with his
every stride. “Cute,” I would have said to myself. Maybe
even “Hot,” if I was in that kind of mood, which
possibly I was. But the other reason I noticed him is
that he was obviously noticing me.
He had thick black eyebrows over deep-welled black eyes
that were looking my way with an appreciation that
bordered on hunger. I have a good body for the gym, well
defined, and I work out in lycra shorts, sports bra, and
a loose tank top, and after I get warmed up on the
StairMaster I usually shed the tank top.
It’s not the first time a guy has watched me work out,
and I don’t mind: I like the way my body looks when I
work out. Sometimes I like to play games, to flirt a
little, but most of the time when I look back at them
they look away.
I thought I might flirt a little bit with this guy, too,
but he didn’t look away when I cut my eyes at him.
Instead, I felt such a jolt of intensity in my gut when
I looked at him that it was me who ended up quickly
averting my gaze. For the rest of my workout I was aware
of him every time he looked at me. I would feel his eyes
on me, like sunbeams radiating out of twin dark stars.
And even though I didn’t have the will to hold his gaze
with my own, I wanted to hold his attention.
His eyes beamed hot reserves of energy into my pores and
I worked that StairMaster harder than I’ve ever worked
it before. I showed him how hard my body could work,
what it looked like when I was at a physical peak, and
at the end I was exhausted and glowing. He was still
running, running hard, on the treadmill as I left the
room, and I couldn’t resist walking by him on the way
out, glancing up at him to smile and get a closer look.
He was well worth it.
His dark hair was just beginning to show the first
strands of gray, and up close his face showed more
gentleness than it had from across the room. His lips
looked soft, and tiny lines radiating out from his
intense eyes indicated that he probably laughed easily.
He smiled back at me. His eyes were kind but his mouth
was hungry.
I felt very alive on the way home, both from the
intensity of my workout and the dalliance I had had with
the man on the treadmill. I wasn’t involved with anyone
at the time. As I said before, being in between lovers
doesn’t bother me, but that day I was sorry I didn’t
have someone at home to help scratch the itch I was
Images of old lovers kept finding their way into my
head. Memories of things we’d done. Our bodies pressed
close together, the heat of touching. In the shower I
spent more time than usual soaping my breasts, thinking
of other hands that had touched me there, other showers
where I wasn’t alone. When I washed between my legs I
found my thighs wanting to part a little wider at the
touch of my warm soapy fingers.
If I had just given in and masturbated there none of the
rest of what happened probably would have happened. But
I didn’t. Sometimes I enjoy being a little bit turned
on, having it as my secret. But a secret’s no good if
there’s no one to keep it from, so I decided I needed to
get out of the house.
Not having any particular plans for the afternoon, I
decided I’d catch an easy lunch outdoors. There’s an
area of town whose old buildings have been converted
into boutique shops and restaurants. It’s a wonderful
place to shop, or to just sit at an outdoor cafe and
people watch.
I threw on a lace bra and panties, a simple cotton
sundress, some flimsy black flat sandals, and went out
to lunch. I don’t want to blame what happened next on
the attention of the sexy guy in the gym or on my own
teasing of myself in the shower, but I definitely left
the house that day with a warm buzzing glow on my skin.
The main shopping avenue was so crowded I had to park on
a side street down from the corner of a used bookstore I
enjoyed browsing in when I had the time. The sidewalks
were busy with people shopping, walking, enjoying the
summer. The sun was bright so I fished a pair of John
Lennon sunglasses out of my purse to hide behind. I
wanted to touch everyone I saw.
Well-kept wives of wealthy husbands looked beautiful
with their shopping bags, their jewels and blond hair
sparkling in the sun. Beads of sweat glowed on the
foreheads of pinstriped businessmen. Rangy youths on
skateboards, their oversized T-shirts flapping around
them, zagged rudely by, brushing everyone with brazen
teenage pheromones.
Hidden behind my sunglasses I was free to look at anyone
and I liked that many of the men noticed me when they
passed. Some gazed appreciatively at the way I moved
underneath the sheer cotton dress. Others glanced up at
the inscrutable reflection of my sunglasses.
In the midst of all of this I found the place I wanted.
It had a few tables outside and even though it was
lunchtime most patrons had decided to eat inside out of
the heat. I sat down and refreshed myself with ice water
that was immediately served by a bright-looking college
girl on summer vacation.
Resting, I felt the heat glowing from my body. I was
humid. I felt the moisture on my thighs when I squeezed
them together. Sweat tickled my sternum. I found myself
wondering how tantalizing the ice in my drink would feel
pressed lightly against my neck, along the inside of my
forearm, into the back of my knee. The thought caused a
light touch of goosebumps to tighten my flesh in the
July heat.
I ordered a Caesar salad and a bowl of fresh chilled
fruit. The romaine was cold and crisp and the parmesan
was newly grated. When I bit into the grapes and
strawberries and pineapple chunks, their succulent
juices burst into my mouth. I ate slowly, enjoying the
day, savoring the refreshing food, watching the people.
The door to the restaurant opened and closed as patrons
entered and exited. When the door was open it reflected
the tables on my side, and once I glanced up as someone
was leaving and saw in the door glass a man sitting at
one of the tables behind me.
I felt a tightening in my crotch. He looked so much like
the man I’d been trading attentions with on the
treadmill that morning! But it had only been a brief
glimpse before the door swung closed again, and surely I
was mistaken.
I resisted the urge to turn around and look, but I began
to feel warm on the back of my neck, like whoever this
stranger was, he was looking at me with a heated
intensity. It wasn’t long before someone else left the
restaurant and I caught his full reflection in the door.
This time I got a good look at him and there could be no
It was the same man.
The tightness in my loins increased and I felt myself
subtly squirming in my seat. The rational part of my
brain told me there was no way he could have followed me
home and then here. It was just a coincidence. But
another part of me said that these things aren’t
coincidence: who knows what powers draw people to a
certain place and time?
Whew! Was it ever hot! I drank some more water and the
ice melted as soon as it touched my lips. A few more
patrons came and went and I had time to see that he was
dressed for a day off as well, in walking shorts and a
T-shirt and sandals that strapped around his ankle. He
looked relaxed and yet ready, as if he was biding his
time expectantly.
He was eating something that looked like a wrap,
drinking iced tea. I had time to appreciate the nice
dark hair that covered his legs and the way he smiled at
anyone he made eye contact with before my waitress
brought my check.
I left cash on the table and walked out past him,
braving a look from behind my shades. He was wiping his
mouth and he looked up at me with the napkin still at
the corner of his lips. He smiled conspiratorially, twin
reflections of the sun in his eyes, and I was hoping my
knees wouldn’t lock right there in mid-stride.
I had already come to know what it felt like when he
looked at me, and I knew as surely as my heart was
pounding that he was watching me as I walked away. I
felt the cotton dress sliding over every inch and swell
of my skin.
I told myself maybe I should just go home. Maybe if I
just went home and took all my clothes off and found a
nice sunny window to curl up in front of and touch
myself and imagine it was him touching me until I came,
then I could doze off in the sun and get over this
I wandered away with more or less that intention in
mind, but found myself pausing and window shopping,
lingering over the items on sidewalk tables in front of
the stores. Sure enough after a few minutes I saw him
again, absorbed in a store-window display. I moved on a
little farther, a little progress towards my car, was
again distracted, and when I looked up there he was, a
little closer this time.
He was talking to one of the merchants, making a
beckoning motion with his finger. Was it just my
imagination or was that the exactly same way he’d stroke
my g-spot if his finger was inside me?
I had to get home.
This game of cat-and-mouse went on as I made pitiful
progress towards my car. But just who was the cat and
who the mouse in our game, I wasn’t quite sure. Finally
I reached the side street on which I’d parked. The used
bookstore was on the corner. The proprietress was a
woman both ancient and kind.
The actual store was on the second floor, above a
florist, in a space narrow and long and overcrowded with
books of all kinds. I had spent hours just browsing,
usually buying a book or two even if I didn’t find
anything of particular interest because the woman was so
nice and because the bookstore never had many customers.
She had been there forever and probably didn’t need my
purchases to stay in business, but it made me feel like
I was doing my part. When the weather was nice she took
her cashbox outside and sat in the sun and informed you
just as sweetly as sugar water that if you had any
questions or wanted to buy anything, just please come
back down and she’d help you out. I don’t know how she
managed it, but she usually also had some tables set
outside piled high with books.
That day she was outside as usual, sitting in the shade
of a large umbrella and sipping lemonade. We smiled at
each other and I stopped to survey the books, flipping
the pages, touching them idly, uncovering the titles in
the middle of the stacks. It wasn’t long before he
showed up.
The woman greeted him and he said a simple, “Good
afternoon,” the first words I’d heard him speak, and his
voice was rich and sonorous, the voice of a narrator. He
paused to browse at the tables, but I was certain now
that he wasn’t paying any attention to the books.
Neither was I. It was impossible to do anything but try
and avoid melting in the heat and his closeness.
To the car, I told myself. Just walk to the car. So I
wrenched myself away from the table and somehow the air
was so thick, and I began walking. To the car, to the
car. But I found myself moving instead towards the door
inside the bookstore, walking past the kind old woman
and up the stairs. I was almost dizzy as I climbed the
steps. I hoped there would be other customers up here. I
hoped the space would be empty. I hoped my stranger
would walk away down the street. I hoped he’d follow me
The interior of the bookstore was only dimly lit because
of all the rows and stacks of books, and because the
only real windows were at the front and rear of the
store. I floated up the steps, along the length of the
bookstore looking for anyone. There was no-one.
The interior of the bookstore seemed darker than usual,
and like a moth, I sought the light. I reached the back
of store, leaned up against a counter, and stared
vacantly up into the sunbeams coming in through the
window. It was hot and close in the bookstore, but still
the sun felt good against my skin.
I had just begun to be able to breathe again when I felt
a finger brushing lightly against the bare skin along my
collarbone. I hissed a sharp, startled inhalation. I
held it in, unable to let go until the rest of his
fingers touched me in a light, caressing massage, and
then I was able to let it out.
I hadn’t heard him come up the steps. Hadn’t heard him
come up behind me. It could have been any other man
except for the heat I felt against the back of my neck
from his gaze. Nobody else had ever looked at me that
way before.
He massaged me like that for a minute, turning all the
tension into jello. I felt the buckle of his belt touch
the small of my back. His breath was hot against my neck
and then I gasped when he nipped me with his teeth. He
pressed his hips closer, and I felt his weight against
my back. I pushed back against him.
It seemed to be the sign he’d been waiting for, because
as soon as I did it his hands left my shoulders tracing
down my sides along the outside of my breasts and ribs
and hips and thighs, and then one of his hands was
moving just as easily back up the back of my thigh under
my dress. He ran his hand lightly over the lace of the
underwear stretched across my butt.
I could feel the heat of his fingers through the sheer
fabric. I felt the heat building downwards as his
fingers moved lower, and before I even realized what was
happening I was sliding my feet across the floor and
turning my heels out to open the way.
His hand was between my legs and I was already imagining
how deliciously his finger would slip into me when he
paused, cupping my mons lightly in his palm. He held it
there, applying the gentlest of pressure with his
fingers, as if he were palming a peach, feeling it for
I am hot, I breathed out silently into the air. Feel how
ripe I am, how full of sweetness. I want you to taste
me, to drink my juices, to peel me and eat everything
you find inside.
He must have been able to inhale and understand those
silent thoughts, because suddenly in one whirl of motion
he was turning me around and sinking to his knees,
pulling with both hands at the sides of my lace panties,
sliding them effortlessly down my legs. He lifted one of
my feet to slip the underwear off, spreading me even
wider when he placed my foot back on the ground, and
immediately plunged his face into my cunt.
“Ohhhh!” I moaned, the first audible sound made by
either of us, as his tongue glided past my already slick
vulva and into the nectar of my pussy.
He licked hungrily up and down the length of my sex,
keeping his tongue as far inside me as he possibly
could. He had split me open and my engorged lips sealed
around his tongue as he moved it up and down. He was
making grateful sounds in the back of his throat, the
sounds of a parched man finally slaking his thirst.
After a minute he stopped probing my depths and lengths
so insistently and his tongue instead flicked its way up
towards my clitoris. He pulled the hood open with his
thumbs, forcing my clitoris up and out. When his tongue
first hit my fully exposed clitoris, it was like all
those jolts of energy I had felt earlier in the day had
come together and multiplied a hundredfold and zapped
down out of the sky directly onto my clit. My knees
buckled and I called out “Ahhhh!” into the gloaming of
the bookstore.
I leaned backwards heavily and thankfully the counter
was there or I might well have fallen all the way down.
He sucked my clitoris into his mouth, rolled it around
between his lips, and nipped at it with his teeth, each
variation sending spangles of white light wheeling
before my eyes.
After a minute of this intense teasing, I realized that
what he really wanted to do was get his lips locked all
the way around my clit, but even with my legs spread I
was too short to provide an accommodating position.
There was a stepstool parked by the counter and I
reached out with one foot and hooked it, and when it was
next to me I gave my surprise lover a much easier target
by raising my leg and placing my foot on top of the
He thanked me by accomplishing what he’d been trying to
do and getting his lips tightly around me and sucking my
clitoris into his mouth.
Ecstasy. I was in heaven.
And then, since he no longer needed his hands to spread
my lips, he thanked me again by slipping one and then
two fingers upward into my pussy all the way until their
third knuckles were snug against the entrance.
He looked up at me then without stopping what he was
doing. He smiled. His eyes were still hungry and kind
and now I saw in them something else: the simple wonder
of a young boy discovering a brand-new thing. I smiled
back at him and ran my hand through his thick black
hair, grabbing a fistful in each hand and pressing his
face back into me.
The sunlight coming in from the window above us fell on
my shoulders. I turned my face up to it like a cat, and
the heat from the sun and the heat from my lover’s lips
and tongue and fingers drizzled through my body in a
fine incandescent mist.
In a strange unrelated thought, I realized why it had
seemed so unusually dark in the bookstore. In my
hormonal haze I had forgotten to take my sunglasses off
when I came inside. I felt my delicious stranger’s
fingers probing my drenched depths, sometimes working in
tandem like a small cock and sometimes working
independently, scissoring back and forth against the
walls of my cunt.
Somewhere not far away my orgasm was forming, and as I
rocked upward on the pleasure waves, I chuckled at the
thought of what someone might find if they walked into
the bookstore at that very moment. Me, leaning back
against the counter, my head thrown back, face splashed
in sunlight and ecstasy, still wearing my sunglasses,
like a movie star, a rock star, a porn star, one leg
hitched up on the stool, and in front of me, kneeling
before me, a dark and handsome man, his face buried
happily in my cunt, licking me and fucking me with his
Me being fucked by his fingers, giving him my clitoris
to suck and lick and gobble like candy right here in the
middle of the day in this public place, and the sun, oh,
the sun, his fingers curling now just like I’d imagined
to scrape my G-spot. Only this time beckoning me, my
orgasm, rolling my g-spot between his fingers, his
tongue alternating between flattening my clitoris,
trying to smash it back into my skin, and pulling it
greedily back into his mouth, the sun drenching both of
us as the orgasm took me.
When I come, it usually begins right at the bull’s eye
of my clitoris and spreads outward through my body from
that central point, lessening in intensity as it ripples
out through my toes and fingers. This one was just the
I felt it first as a tingling in my outermost
extremities, coursing through my limbs, a million
independent sensations beginning slowly and then racing
through the trunk of my body and uniting all at once in
a deeper focal point in my loins, bursting outward
sunlight and heat like a supernova as his mouth clamped
down on my clit and my cunt clamped down around his
I must have screamed. I don’t know how I could not have
screamed, but I can’t be sure because all I heard was
the roaring of blood in my own veins as my body twisted
and curled inside out a few times before the beautiful
orgasm that I didn’t want to end and yet could hardly
bear finally coalesced into a comfortable hum in my gut.
My man was kneeling back away from me, looking up at me
in wide-eyed surprise, as if the force of what had
happened had knocked him backwards. “Oh my God,” I
managed to say, and once he realized I was human again
he rose and I kissed him openly and wetly and felt his
arms encircle me.
I was drained, happily so, but I wanted to thank him for
what he had given me, so I unbuckled his pants and
curled my fingers around his cock, which was rock-hard
and beautiful. I stroked it a couple of times, learning
a little bit about the feel of it. Now it was his turn
to moan. He had obviously been hard for some time.
I was preparing to kneel before him just like he had for
me when his arms tightened around my waist. I looked up
at him and suddenly his hands came up under my butt and
he lifted me off the ground. My legs went automatically
around the small of his back and he drew me to him. I
reached behind me and guided his cock to my pussy as he
slowly lowered me down. I was wet and open after
everything he’d just done to me and he began slipping
into me without resistance. Slowly, slowly, he allowed
his arms to lower me.
Suddenly I felt the smooth length of him filling the
spaces inside me until our pubic bones met and I could
sink no farther. We rested like that a moment, joined. I
pulled my head back long enough to look at him through
my sunglasses. He held my gaze as if he could see right
through the dark lenses. I smiled and he smiled back and
playfully arched his eyebrows. I arched my eyebrows back
at him and at the same time contracted my vaginal
muscles around his cock.
He made a sound back in his throat and I gasped in
surprise when I felt the smallest pulsing of his cock
back at me. I squeezed him again and he responded again,
a deep-space probe signaling home. Message received, I
transmitted back to him. Welcome. We were making love in
the tiniest places inside.
It must have started driving him as crazy as it was me
because he moved me again, lifting me not quite as
slowly as he had lowered me. I sighed out when he broke
the seal we’d been holding. He lifted me almost all the
way off his cock. My cunt clenched for him but all that
was there was the tapered head, which slipped away. I
moved my hips trying to capture him again and when I
find him I thrust forwards but his hands limited my
He was only in an inch or so. And then he fucked me in a
maddening way like that, moving me only an inch up and
down, just burying his cockhead before pulling me back
up again. I was getting frustrated. I wanted him badly.
Wanted him all the way inside me again, moving all the
way in and out. I glared at him with all I had and made
my mouth as pouty as possible.
He laughed then and said, “Say it,” in my ear, his
breath as warm as his baritone timbre.
“God,” I said, and he started fucking me a little bit
more deeply. “Fuck,” I gasped, and he went a little
deeper still. “Fuck me,” I finally hissed into the close
air of the bookshop. “Fuck me fuck me, FUCK ME!” and
suddenly I was impaled again along his whole cock but he
didn’t rest me there this time. Instead supporting me
with his hands while he crashed his hips into me with
all the desire he’d been restraining until now. He was
grunting and moaning like a man possessed.
His balls were slapping against my ass every time he
crashed into me. I was moaning and grunting, too. I
scarped my cheek across his stubbled beard and buried my
face against his neck. He smelled so fine I bit the
muscles in his shoulders that were bunched up with the
effort of his holding me while we fucked. I matched his
force by jamming my heels against his back every time he
split into me again.
His moans and grunts grew hoarser and suddenly converged
into one strangled cry as he plunged himself deeply
inside me and froze, his whole body frozen except his
balls as they drew up against my ass in a tightening
that continued through his cock, and I felt him again
pulsing powerfully inside my pussy, only this time with
each pulse he chanted out “Ah! Ah! Ah!” as he delivered
his payload, coating everything inside me with his milky
I suppose I could end the story there, and maybe it
really is the end. The fact is that with our passions
satisfied we weren’t quite sure what to do there in the
bookstore that afternoon. We were awkward around each
other as we fixed our clothes.
What, really, is the appropriate thing to say after
something like that? I was hoping that would happen?
What’s your name? Here’s fifty bucks?
He said about the only thing I wasn’t expecting him to
say. He turned to go but then whirled back to me and
kissed me in a way that turned my toes to butterflies.
“I’ll find you,” he said, his words like rainclouds in
my ear, and then he was gone.
It’s been six months ago now. It’s January and the rain
is turning to ice as soon as it hits the ground. I
haven’t seen him since that afternoon, but I feel him
moving again out there in these long cold nights. A
glass of wine, another log on the fire, a glow warming
somewhere deep in my gut.
Perhaps the story I’ve just told you is only a
Me and my wife true story back in our younger married years we owned a 79 Camaro and decided to go to the adult bookstore we got there and it was off the interstate and one of them small book stores that's way out of the way in the country where nothing is around we're truck drivers stopped in to get their adult novelties and videos so as you can tell by the previous stories me and my wife are a bit into the Voyager side so when we got to the adult bookstore which was rather small after we made...
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The Bookstore Part I By Michelle_TS I walked into the new adult bookstore for the first time and my life was changed forever. I had been dressing up for several months and had gotten enough confidence to go out as Michelle. It started out with short trips to the bank drive-thru where I didn't even have to get out of the car, but soon I was feeling brave enough to run out and do errands. It was very exhilarating to be out and not have anyone know who I was. When I was out like...
Wife at the bookstoreCheryl stopped the car at the curb near the front of the adult bookstore, I got out, then leaned back in to confirm our plans.“Take a short drive, maybe five minutes, then come back, park and come in the bookstore,” I said, looking at the hot outfit my wife wore for her first venture into an adult bookstore, black mini-skirt, black hose, silvery sheer blouse the I reminded her to open a few more buttons, and, of course, no bra or panties.“Looks like the store is busy,” she...
I was at the bookstore picking out a couple of books to read at the pool this summer. I had several out but could not decide what I wanted to read. I was sitting in a large chair and suddenly I felt hands wrap around my face from behind and cover my eyes. A feminine voice in my ear said, “Are you going to follow me home and fuck me crazy?” I was stunned and turned to face the questioner. She stood up straight and had this look of terror on her face. She turned and ran down the isle of the store...
Erotic Fiction126. AVIS AND JON DROP IN AT THE BOOKSTORE. Jon and I had passed an adult bookstore on our way to an apple festival and decided to stop at it upon our returning home. As we pulled in, there were only two cars outside, but we decided to check it out anyway. Going into a back room, I noticed only one light was lit above a door. “You want to try it?” Jon asked me. “Why not” I replied and slowly tested the door handle, pulling it out and peeking around the door, was nicely surprised to see a...
I overheard two women talking at the mall about going to an adult bookstore that was not very far from Indianapolis. They were talking about sucking cock and being naked in the bookstore. I just had to go it sounded so exciting. Since I was only sixteen, I needed to figure out how to get in. With my big breasts, I was sure I could make myself look older and get in to do some flashing and maybe suck a cock or two. Three nights later I told my parents I had a date and going to the...
ExhibitionismWife at the bookstoreCheryl stopped the car at the curb near the front of the adult bookstore, I got out, then leaned back in to confirm our plans.“Take a short drive, maybe five minutes, then come back, park and come in the bookstore,” I said, looking at the hot outfit my wife wore for her first venture into an adult bookstore, black mini-skirt, black hose, silvery sheer blouse. I reminded her to open a few more buttons, and, of course, no bra or panties.“Looks like the store is busy,” she...
my name is Shawn let me first start off by saying that im really into cuckold favorite is when the wife is getting plowed by a black guy my wife knows this and loves to tease me about with comments like i bet you wish a big black cock was pounding this pussy this drives me insane and gets me hard she does this so she can fuck me what really does it is when im fucking her she screams god i wish this was a black cock streching me out now thats what im into my wife stacy is into bdsm she loves to...
Disclaimer: All events and persons in the following story are ficticious. It was the first day of some well-deserved time off. My wife let me pick the hotel (which just happened to be across the street from an adult bookstore). I knew the ‘ABS’ was there, as I had done some research on it before arriving on our vacation. Through the wonderful internet, I knew that the bookstore had a theater, and a video arcade with glory holes. I also read that construction workers, college students (both...
Disclaimer: All events and persons in the following story are ficticious. It was the first day of some well-deserved time off. My wife let me pick the hotel (which just happened to be across the street from an adult bookstore). I knew the "ABS" was there, as I had done some research on it before arriving on our vacation. Through the wonderful internet, I knew that the bookstore had a theater, and a video arcade with glory holes. I also read that construction workers, college students (both...
DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please post wherever you feel and share with your friends and loved ones. All I ask is that my e- mail address remain in place, as I am the sole creator/author of this work. All characters are fictitious except for me, so any similarities are purely by chance. **All characters are OVER the age of 21 and...
Having found myself in the need of a new read, I headed out looking for a new bookstore to raid. Five blocks into the late afternoon, I ran across a small ma and pa’s bookstore. The building was well maintained and looked perfect for my next book choice. With this in mind, I walked into the store on the jingle of bells hanging from the handle.Upon first impression, I fell in love with the characterized building. Walking farther back among the shelves, I found a hidden nook with a fireplace...
Straight SexThere was a local adult bookstore in town and I had drove past it many times. Today, I finally decided to stop in. I really didn’t know what to expect. I opened the door and saw the private booth area on my right. I opened the door and walked into a dimly lit area. There was a hallway without about fifteen separate booths in it. Each booth had a door with a chain on it. I walked past a few booths and looked in. I saw a few guys stroking their cocks to porn. This turned me on. I found my own...
It has been about 4 weeks since we got our Nubie Stephanie living with us. I called them both to the living room and told them that Saturday night I will be taking you both to the bookstore. They looked at each other and I told them I want them bothe shaved completely. Remember their pussy and heads were bald. I said I would lay out the clothes that you will wear Saturday . Saturday came and I saw them in the bedroom getting ready applying make up and doing their shaving touch up. I walked and...
My wife and I had been going to the local adult bookstore to mess around for about six months. She loves to be watched and even let a few people join in and cum on her tits or face but she hadn't fucked anyone yet. We had talked about finding her a black man to fuck but hadn't found the right one. It was my birthday and when I got home she was already dressed in her adult bookstore outfit. Tight black tank top, no bra and a short jean mini skirt that barely covered her ass with a bright pink...
"Trip to Adult Bookstore" This is the third letter I have gotten from my new master who explains what MAY happen the first time we meet after months of talking on-line. My slut Laura, There is an adult bookstore near me that I would like to take you to. They have video booths, but these booths do not have doors on them, but are cubby holes that allow some privacy by not having the video screen and seating area visible unless you look into the recessed door. I would direct you to...
This story was written for the enjoyment of adults only. Please send any comments to [email protected]. I love hearing from you. Horror in an Adult Bookstore Written by 4play My wife Mary was going to visit her sister in another state for a week and I had just dropped her off at the airport. As I was driving home I heard on the radio of a wreck tying up traffic on the highway I was now on. I decided to get off the...
With the invention of the internet, you don’t see to many adult bookstores anymore and the ones you do see and nearly empty. Why leave the comfort of your home when you can download endless quantities of porn for free. I still go once in a while to pick up a new magazine or buy some lube. I just turned 19 years old and like most young guys I had a hard-on that wouldn't stop no matter how much I jacked off. So today I decided to visit a new bookstore because the one I used frequent closed about...
I woke up Saturday morning still wearing my lace panties, bra, breast forms, and thigh high stockings from the night before. I had dried cum between my breast forms in my bra, my shoulders, face, and in the front of my panties. The crack of my ass was still a little wet with lubrication. I went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet feeling like a woman, still reveling in the orgy from last night. I turned on the shower before reluctantly stripping down. When I stepped into the shower, the...
CrossdressingAs told to me from a friend : It has been awhile since my wife or I have posted any updates, but as you can see from our photos we have been busy traveling up and down I-5 looking for places to fuck. We can't wait for the rain to stop and the sun to come out so that we can start doing some outdoor fucking. But what we want to share is an adventure we took with her best friend.As you may have read in our previous writings, her friend was brought into our kinky lifestyle when I decided to cum on...
Why is it that some games get to serious? And why is that stupid games with friends always get taken too far. I won't bore you with the details of how the game started. I will say there was 4 of us. And I will say that it was the bitch Libby who dared me to go into the Adult Bookstore and come back out with a 'Glory Hole in Use' picture to prove it. She would not have suggested that for either of the other 2 girls, but she didn't like me. I am not the type of girl who could walk into...
Since a few years ago, I noticed a few things about me were changing. I didn't feel any older but gravity had certainly begun its betrayal of loyalty to me. I wasn't happy about that but what's a girl to do? The funny thing about hitting my 50's is that while everything seemed to be in a slow decline, my desire for sex was staging a rebellion. As a young woman, my cravings had a hair trigger on them and, more than a few times, the slightest stray thought of flesh or a glimpse of my own naked...
ive recieved numerous emails lately asking for more stories and i have so many REAL sex stories to tell that its incredible sometimes for me to remember them all. heres a TRUE story of an adult bookstore my husband took me to one day to have the gangbang of my life!one day me and my husband wanted to check out an old adult bookstore that is right in the middle of downtown where we live. tons of guys go in there, go right to the back of the store in the private booths and jack off to porn, some...
The Adult bookstore across town had opened my world to new experiences and allowed me to explore the overwhelming urges and desires I felt. I was young, not old enough to even drive, yet I had found my way there several times and snuck inside. Darting into a video arcade booth just inside the open doorway, I found peep holes drilled onto the side walls, some small and some larger. I also found horny, anonymous men in the booths next to mine. These men wanted, needed, to have their sexual needs...
Last weekend I came home from a week away for work and as I walked in the house my wife greeted me naked as she stays naked when home. She was very excited to see me and said she had a surprise for me. I said ok what is it. She said remember the waitress at the restaurant that we had at the steak house 2 weeks ago. I said yes why. Well what was the tip you gave her? I said yes I gave her a large tip and your thong and our number. Well she called me and wanted to talk to me so while you were...
When I walked into the tattoo parlor, there were already 3 guys ahead of me. I wanted to get a tat of a king cobra on my left shoulder. It would compliment the flaming dragon on my right shoulder and I liked to think that I could make the dragon and the cobra fight it out when I was doing lats at the gym. My ink guy told me it would be a while. I decided to wander around the corner where there was this funky, little used bookstore with a clangy old bell on the door. It was piled...
I need to tell you about the first time I went to an adult bookstore. The facility was fairly clean. I think it was converted from an old office building. There wasn't any movie theaters or small booths...but rather a lot of smaller office-sized rooms left and right down a long hallway. Each "office", so to speak, was outfitted with on-demand TV's, chairs, couches and even end tables. You could enter any of them and a small dollar machine was mounted on the wall...along with a channel changer...
BisexualI had been split up from my ex-gf, Kate for almost 2 years at this point. I was in my mid 20's and I was still emotionally fucked up from it when it came to women cause I was trying to replace her with another her. Anyhow, I had been going to adult bookstores and theaters rather regularly at this point and seeing a guy named Paul a few times a month who lived close to me. Nothing intimate, it was all about cock. I wasn't and still am not into kissing or cuddling with guys or that sort of thing....
I used to go a lot to adult bookstores back in the eighties when I was on the road. I was always horny and ready for some sex. It excited me to be around the erotica of toys, magazines, movies, and books. I would buy something to read and go back to my room, read and masturbate. I would slowly rub my erection and pause, rub and pause, building a huge climax. When I finally rubbed fast to cum, I would cum huge all over my hand and stomach. At one point, I became curious and licked my hands and...
BisexualI wasn’t very familiar with the sex scene at adult bookstores. I wasn’t very familiar with sex in general though I had experimented somewhat. I wasn’t what you would call experienced by any means. I walked into the local adult bookstore which had video preview rooms available to watch DVD’s before you rent them. I now know, this place is where you go when you want to fuck or get action of any kind! I rented a DVD and went back into the room on the couch and shut the door behind me and locked...
I wasn't very familiar with the sex scene at adult bookstores. I wasn't very familiar with sex in general though I had experimented somewhat. I wasn't what you would call experienced by any means. I walked into the local adult bookstore which had video preview rooms available to watch DVD's before you rent them. I now know, this place is where you go when you want to fuck or get action of any kind!I rented a DVD and went back into the room on the couch and shut the door behind me and locked it....
For years I'd frequented adult bookstores. I would bourse around a little pretending to be interested in buying something from the store. After what I felt was a sufficient amount of time browsing I would get tokens from the clerk, always hesitating to look directly at him so as not acknowledge what I was about to do. Then, my nose assaulted by the quasi-chlorine smell of the cum combined with the musky smell of sex and perspiration, would enter the dark, dingy area that housed the nasty little...
Gay MaleIndru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
Billie and mark were just married, while going on their honeymoon in the Pocono’s they were snuggling in the car the whole way. They arrived at the place and checked in about nine that night. Both being in there 40's and trying at love once again. They went to their room and decided to check out the place real good. So they are headed to the main building to see what was going on. They ordered a meal and a couple of drinks in the entertainment room as they listened to a band....
Route 1 south was relatively empty for a late Saturday afternoon. True, it was the long way home, but nonetheless it was on the way home and not too unusual from our normal drive around Saturday routine. This week’s fruitless adventure was to find a nice table fan at the large hardware store on the east edge of town. I soon discovered it’s easier to find moon rocks at a flea market then it is to find a table fan at a giant category killing retail store in Maryland in the middle of January. With...
Group SexToday was one of those days at work when I was really busy and to add to everything else I was extremely horny. It was difficult getting my work done when all I could think about was getting off. I finally finished work at about 9pm and was on my way home still horny as hell. There is an Adult Bookstore kind of on the way home so I decided to do a drive by and see how busy they were. As I drove by, the parking lot was full so I had to find a parking spot across the street. I went inside and...
Very young and no other place to explore my needs and desires. I went back to that adult bookstore only days after I had snuck in that very first time. I was beginning to realize my need and lust for cock was overwhelming. Almost like a need for oxygen. I rode my bike there and hid it like I had done before and quickly bolted inside before anyone saw me, I knew I was way too young to be there but I seemed to be drawn. Just inside the door, were the booths. I found this out by wonderful accident...
In 1989 my National Guard unit was activated to support Operation Just Cause, the invasion of Panama. Since we were a helicopter maintenance company, we knew that we would be busy but not have to see any action. Due to all the shots and paperwork that was needed, we got to Howard Air Force Base on the west coast of Panama after the fighting was over. My unit then set about helping the local maintenance staff repair all the birds that had been used hard during the invasion. We were there a few...
Gay MaleMy husband had taken me to the bookstore booths a few times and I had a great time sucking his cock and a few others. The store we frequented attracted a lot of black clientele, which I loved. One afternoon, when I was really horny, I pulled in to the parking lot of the store. I told myself I’d just watch a few pornos, maybe watch a few guys jerk off, maybe play with my cunt, but that was it. Ha! I got a bunch of tokens and sat in a booth with a big glory hole. I was wearing a white button-down...
InterracialI took my first trip to an adult bookstore with a married couple from my swinger group. At first it was kind of strange, but looking at all of the porn kind of turned me on, so I relaxed a bit. I kind of wondered away from Lance and Lisa over to the DVD section. I was wearing a short yellow sundress and flip flops, I never wear panties and wasn't wearing a bra. Anyway, I kind of got absorbed in looking at all the DVDs, When I realized that I was by myself with four men who were definitely aware...
I took my first trip to an adult bookstore with a married couple from my swinger group. At first it was kind of strange, but looking at all of the porn kind of turned me on, so I relaxed a bit. I kind of wondered away from Lance and Lisa over to the DVD section. I was wearing a short yellow sundress and flip flops, I never wear panties and wasn't wearing a bra. Anyway, I kind of got absorbed in looking at all the DVDs, When I realized that I was by myself with four men who were definitely aware...
It was a weekend. I went to my local adult bookstore looking for some action. I went back into the private booths where you preview a DVD (so basically an excuse to hook up and get some action.) I was very disappointed because there are 6 total rooms, 3 on each side. A, B, C, and D, E, F, on the other side of the hall. I went into the last room on the left side with a full length loveseat, TV and DVD player to "preview my DVD." I pulled my pants down and was hard as a rock. I started watching...
We went out to dinner at a fondue place that my Sexy slutwife loves to go to and she had a few glasses of wine with dinner. She was feeling pretty horny all day and the wine was helping her to get even more aroused. After dinner we went to a strip club and ran into Michael a black guy we had met there some time back.We were sitting at one of the female strip stages and she played with his cock for a long time under the bar and he was playing with her tits. She had on one of her really loose low...
“Fuck!” I screamed as my alarm clock told me it was 8 am. I was supposed to get up early to do laundry before I met an old friend for coffee, but that obviously wasn’t going to happen now. I had 20 minutes to get to Powell’s, the bookstore, where I’m meeting an old friend of mine from high school. Rummaging through my dresser I realize I have no underwear left, so I decide to wear a dress that hopefully will cover everything. I opt for a light blue number with spaghetti straps that can hold up...
After a few visits to the adult bookstore I work up the nerve and head back to the booths. I'd seen online to come prepared so I had my balls and ass smooth hoping to entice some daddy dick. Lube in pocket with my butt plug up my ass I found three occupied booths. I knocked on the first door, no answer. Second booth had two younger guys inside jerking each other off. They invited me in but they were not what i was looking for so I declined. Almost loosing hope I knocked on the last booth's...
So when I was married to my first wife I went through a period of serious curiosity of my sexuality. Now, I had "experimented" with men on more than one occasion. Once I had admit to my wife that I was sexually attracted to men as well as women, a flood gate opened in my mind. I had sexual urges and didn't have a man to act them out with. I had told my wife that I wanted to fuck my boss at the time but wasn't sure if he would be interested and wasn't about to just ask out of fear that he would...
My husband had taken me to the bookstore booths a few times and I had a great time sucking his cock and a few others. The store we frequented attracted a lot of black clientele, which I loved. One afternoon, when I was really horny, I pulled in to the parking lot of the store. I told myself I’d just watch a few pornos, maybe watch a few guys jerk off, maybe play with my cunt, but that was it. Ha! I got a bunch of tokens and sat in a booth with a big glory hole. I was wearing a white...
I have lots of stories. But lately, the male, male, female, bi stories have been making me so hard. So here is one from my personal experiences. Enjoy. The first time I went in an adult bookstore, I had just turned 21. It was in Norfolk, VA, in an outdoor mall called Granby Mall. i was very self-conscious. The graphic magazines and video covers had my cock straining to break out of my shorts. I perused the aisles, looking at every genre. It was so hot. Just the fact that other people...
This is the true story of Traci’s first visit to an adult bookstore, as she told it to me. When I was a freshman in college a girlfriend and I were messing around one night and we decided we wanted to watch an x-rated movie. Nothing was showing on cable, so we decided to go to a neighborhood ‘Adult’ book store and video arcade. When we arrived, the parking lot was nearly deserted so we put on our sunglasses so we wouldn’t be recognized if anyone came in. We then went in. There were...
So horny, so driven by lust. Like most boys that age, all I thought about was sex. Although I’m not sure if most boys had the urges that I felt. I wanted to pleasure men, at that young age I was exactly sure how to, I just knew I wanted to be with them. I had found a “Playgirl” magazine a few months before and even then my young cock ached as I looked at the pictures of naked men, Their beautiful, soft cocks looked so manly, so amazing. Looking at those pictures gave me feelings and urges I...
Last Saturday night I decide that I would take my sub wife to,a local adult bookstore since we have not been in a few months. I walked with her to our bedroom and looked at what I wanted her to wear. I found gartebelt, nylons, shelf bra and 6" red fuck me heels and a leather collar that had SLUT in studs on it. I told her to get herself ready shaved and her blond wig since she has a bald head. I left her and told her she had 2 hrs to get ready. She took a long hot bath and shoved hernpussy and...
My wife of 12 years has turned into a complete cum slut slave. She loves to be displayed and used by all. About 3 months ago I called he and told her tonged ready for tonight. I told her to shower shave her pussy and asshole are dress in garter belt hose , heels and a dress only. I instructed her to do a heavy makeup with her bright red lipstick. I said I will be home around 7 for her to be ready. I arrived and she was standing waiting for me. I said are your ready slut she said yes sir. I...
I have lots of stories. But lately, the male, male, female, bi stories have been making me so hard. So here is one from my personal experiences. Enjoy. The first time I went in an adult bookstore, I had just turned 21. It was in Norfolk, VA, in an outdoor mall called Granby Mall. i was very self-conscious. The graphic magazines and video covers had my cock straining to break out of my shorts. I perused the aisles, looking at every genre. It was so hot. Just the fact that other people...
I have posted some photos of several girlfriends of mine as they played with men and women at a local adult bookstore near downtown Dallas, Texas. I thought I’d share some details of part of one of those memorable evenings.This store has a couples-only policy on Friday and Saturday nights. At nine, the entire upstairs is swept clear of all single men around 9:00 P.M. Only single men willing to pay a sizable sum of money are allowed upstairs at that time because it is open only to couples. ...
I had just gotten a divorce a few months back and met a sexy, wonderful woman named Nancy. She was one year younger than I, and had two boys, one in college and one in Jr. High, and both lived at home. She was extremely shapely and I wanted to screw her badly but held off because of her boys being home.One night we were so horny kissing and playing with each other that we fucked in the living room while the boys were asleep. It was great but, I felt so bad knowing that we could have been...
This is the true story of Traci's first visit to an adult bookstore, as she told it to me. When I was a freshman in college a girlfriend and I were messing around one night and we decided we wanted to watch an x-rated movie. Nothing was showing on cable, so we decided to go to a neighborhood "Adult" book store and video arcade. When we arrived, the parking lot was nearly deserted so we put on our sunglasses so we wouldn't be recognized if anyone came in. We then went in. There were 2...
Straight Sex