Amelie part 8
- 4 years ago
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Diese Story ist ein Spin Off - so nennt man das wohl - der Ronja-Triologie um das schüchterne Kindermädchen Amelie. Ihren ersten Auftritt hat sie in der Story
Ronja der Familienmensch
im Kapitel 28:
Und die Fortsetzung der Story
Amelie entdeckt den Sex
Ich bin Amelie und mittlerweile 20 Jahre alt. Bei Ronja und Viktor, den Nachfolgern in der Hartmann-Spedition bin ich als Kindermädchen angestellt und wohne in ihrem Haus in einem Appartment im Dachgeschoss.
Als ich dort angefangen habe, war ich sehr schüchtern und sexuell noch völlig unerfahren.
Ronja erweis sich als geile Mentorin und so habe ich bald meine Jungfräulichkeit verloren und gleich mit Jan meinen ersten festen Freund gehabt, mit dem ich viel Neues in der Sexualität ausprobiert habe.
Meinen Look habe ich dank Ronja und meiner Mutation zur 'neuen Amelie' völlig verändert.
Selbst wenn ich schick unterwegs bin, bin ich immer auch ein wenig sexy gekleidet.
Oft bin ich aber auch nur sehr sexy gekleidet
Meine Eltern sind erfolgreiche Ärzte, haben mich aber immer so unter Druck gesetzt, dass ich zur Schulversagerin wurde. Aber ich habe die Kurve gekriegt und per Fernschule sogar meine Mittlere Reife nachgeholt. Nun bin ich dabei, das Fachabitur zu machen. Das geht ganz gut, wenn ich die Kinder betreue, weil ich da Zeit habe zu lernen. Außerdem unterstützen mich dabei Viktor und Ronja auch.
She was one or two minutes early. The door was locked. As she turned to get up on the pavement, an old lady was passing by and mumbled “whore” under her breath and spat that way only old ladies do, more sound than spit. Amelie got back up onto the pavement and almost wished that she was smoking, a cigarette smouldering between her fingers would have made the picture complete. She walked a few meters in one direction, before going back again. Considered waiting there, with on foot resting on the...
She was one or two minutes early. The door was locked. As she turned to get up on the pavement, an old lady was passing by and mumbled “whore” under her breath and spat that way only old ladies do; more sound than spit. Amelie got back up onto the pavement and almost wished that she was smoking; a cigarette smouldering between her fingers would have made the picture complete. She walked a few meters in one direction, before going back again. Considered waiting there, with on foot resting on the...
It was Wednesday. Sure, Amelie had made a mistake at her new work, but that had to be expected. She had, after all, only been working there for1½ week! It was not a huge mistake, but one that her boss, Mr Bergman took very serious, and he called her to his office and spend several minutes telling her stuff like that they would have to let her go if anything like that ever happened again, and that she still was on her probation and could have her job terminated at any moment. In fact, Mr....
It was Wednesday. Sure, Amelie had made a mistake at her new work, but that had to be expected. She had, after all, only been working there for1½ week! It was not a huge mistake, but one that her boss, Mr Bergman took very serious, and he called her to his office and spend several minutes telling her stuff like that they would have to let her go if anything like that ever happened again, and that she still was on her probation and could have her job terminated at any moment. In fact, Mr....
Das ist die Fortsetzung und damit der 3. Teil um das ursprünglich schüchterne Kindermädchen Amelie, ein Spin Off der Triologie um Ronja. Die ersten beiden Teile findet man unter Amelie entdeckt den Sex und Amelie - sexuelle Freiheiten Was bisher geschah Ich bin Amelie und mittlerweile fast 30 Jahre alt. Bei Ronja und Viktor, den Nachfolgern in der Hartmann-Spedition bin ich als...
It was going to be the most boring Friday evening ever! Amelie still hadn´t had her first pay from the new job, and she was all out of clean clothes and had to spend her Friday night doing the laundry! The only good thing was that there was a relatively new laundry-room in the building where she was living and that there usually wasn´t any-one else using it on Friday, around dinner-time. So, as all her neighbors were having dinner, she started descending the steep back stairs to the basement....
Thursday Amelie got told by Mr Bergman to go to the basement archives to find all she could on any art related to the Spanish civil war. Not really her field, and she knew that it was another punishment for mixing up 2 famous artists (and nearly sending the wrong picture to the owner in Switzerland), but she didn´t really mind. All her male colleagues had begun to look at her in a strange way and not just those that had been present during her involuntary strip-act the previous week. The...
We don´t know much about Amelie. We don´t need to know much, but the very basic things, that she is a woman in her late twenties and that we will make her live in the suburbs of a larger European city and that she commutes to the city on a daily basis. We also know that, for some reason, she suddenly began to end up in situations that most people wound find very, very intimidating. There was no obvious reason for this sudden change, but we know that things started to happen on a Wednesday...
In spite of the new job and all the strange things that had begun to happen to her in the last week, Amelie got out of bed early on Saturday morning, because she had things to do! A new gym was opening just down the block and she had managed to get a coupon that would get her a large discount by joining that day AND there would be an additional free first session with a personal coach to the first 10 new member! She had never had a personal coach, so she wanted to get there really early, to at...
Later that same Wednesday, Amelie left her small, but cozy apartment and took the bus down-town. The incident had been an eye-opener to her. She had not really thought about such things before, but she was keen to learn more about it. At that time, the internet in the building where she lived, was having stability-issues, so when she got off the bus, she walked back a bit and turned down a narrow side-street. There was an old and very friendly second hand bookstore that she had visited on...
Later that same Wednesday, Amelie left her small, but cozy apartment and took the bus down-town. The incident had been an eye-opener to her. She had not really thought about such things before, but she was keen to learn more about it. At that time, the internet in the building where she lived, was having stability-issues, so when she got off the bus, she walked back a bit and turned down a narrow side-street. There was an old and very friendly second hand bookstore that she had visited on...
Thursday Amelie got told by Mr Bergman to go to the basement archives to find all she could on any art related to the Spanish civil war. Not really her field, and she knew that it was another punishment for mixing up 2 famous artists (and nearly sending the wrong picture to the owner in Switzerland), but she didn´t really mind. All her male colleagues had begun to look at her in a strange way and not just those that had been present during her involuntary strip-act the previous week.The...
In spite of the new job and all the strange things that had begun to happen to her in the last week, Amelie got out of bed early on Saturday morning, because she had things to do!A new gym was opening just down the block and she had managed to get a coupon that would get her a large discount by joining that day AND there would be an additional free first session with a personal coach to the first 10 new member!She had never had a personal coach, so she wanted to get there really early, to at...
It was going to be the most boring Friday evening ever!Amelie still hadn´t had her first pay from the new job, and she was all out of clean clothes and had to spend her Friday night doing the laundry!The only good thing was that there was a relatively new laundry-room in the building where she was living and that there usually wasn´t any-one else using it on Friday, around dinner-time. So, as all her neighbors were having dinner, she started descending the steep back stairs to the basement. She...
We don´t know much about Amelie. We don´t need to know much, but the very basic things; that she is a woman in her late twenties and that we will make her live in the suburbs of a larger European city and that she commutes to the city on a daily basis. We also know that, for some reason, she suddenly began to end up in situations that most people wound find very, very intimidating. There was no obvious reason for this sudden change, but we know that things started to happen on a Wednesday...
No, the 2 books didn´t offer any solutions! In fact, they gave her even more questions (plus she became awarer aware of thing she had never even thought about before). Her next day at the new job was hellish long and it was almost 6 o´clock when she could leave. There was quite a walk from her job to the bus-station, almost 15 minutes, but on most days, her colleagues offered her a lift. But not on this Thursday, they had all left shortly after five. A light rain fell and it was already...
No, the 2 books didn´t offer any solutions!In fact, they gave her even more questions (plus she became awarer aware of thing she had never even thought about before).Her next day at the new job was hellish long and it was almost 6 o´clock when she could leave. There was quite a walk from her job to the bus-station, almost 15 minutes, but on most days, her colleagues offered her a lift. But not on this Thursday, they had all left shortly after five.A light rain fell and it was already completely...
Diese Story ist ein Spin Off - so nennt man das wohl - der Ronja-Triologie um das schüchterne Kindermädchen Amelie. Ihren ersten Auftritt hat sie in der Story Ronja der Familienmensch im Kapitel 28: Mein Name ist Amelie und bin 18 Jahre alt. Meine Haarfarbe ist dunkelblond, 165 groß und sehr schlank mit meinen 44 kg. Folglich ist auch mein Busen recht klein mit 70b. Auf Geheiss des Arbeitsamtes...
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James had always fascinated Lola, she’d spent many a night dreaming of him and many days lost in a world of him. He had a power over Lola that he never saw, with his tall muscular body, strong arms, broad shoulders and thick thighs, he was everything that was masculine. But it wasn’t just his body that Lola looked at appreciatively, it was his strong jaw and dark sapphire eyes, his thick jet black hair, deep blood red lips and his utterly flawless smooth creamy pale skin. Lola couldn’t think of...
It’s the weekend! Finally. Or, as the French call it, le week-end. I know, right? The sky is overcast today, so we’ll stay in, but tomorrow is supposed to be warm and sunny. Mom is on some kind of work trip again, so staying in today won’t keep us from the kinky stuff. The Dungeon First order of business for today, however, is home improvement. Yes, you heard that right. We two kids... ahem young adults are going to improve our house. It will probably sound a lot more believable when I...
The angels descended on Rome in the dead of winter. Three of them – forsaken, pale and naked creatures arriving in the black night like falling silver stars. Sophrosyne watched the heavenly bodies approach with a shiver. She had seen angels before, but these were different – they made an uneasiness crawl in her bones. There was something ragged about them. Something broken and awful. When the angels landed at the temple steps before the clergy, they were unsteady, weak and disoriented. The...
This story is written for the enjoyment of Adults only. Please send any comments or remarks to [email protected]. I love hearing from you. My Big Mistake My wife Mary and I had been married for over 40 years and still loved each other very much. When she wanted to go on a trip with her sister and my daughter, I gave her my blessing. I felt she needed to have some fun times and some bonding with those ladies dear to her. We spend all of our time...
Twila loved the winter. Every night during the long, dark northern winters, she sat in front of her fireplace, drinking some hot chai tea, looking out the window. The light of the fire made the falling snowflakes glimmer as they fell from the heavens. Her long, chocolate-colored hair cascaded over her back and shoulders in decadent curls. She was a short girl, but her curves were the root of all envy in every other girl she encountered. Her short peach satin nightgown hugged her curves, not...