Número 18 free porn video

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Después de la pelea con cell, dónde Goku se sacrifica para salvar la tierra, la androide número 18, quedó con Gohan y sus amigos. Bulma, le ofrece ir a vivir a su casa y ella, al no tener a dónde ir, acepto la propuesta.

Pocos minutos más tarde, después de saludar a sus amigos, emprendieron viaje.

-vas a ver qué te va a gustar vivir en mi casa. Es amplia y cómoda, te va a encantar convivir con nosotros. -Le dice Bulma, contenta de tenerte invitada a su hogar.

La androide la mira de reojo y le sonríe, no muy convencida. Pero Bulma, a pesar de verla sería, solo sigue manejando su Jett, porque sabe que esa es su forma de ser.

-Bueno, ya llegamos. -Dice Bulma, bostezando un poco, después de un largo viaje.

Número 18, ya a bajo, mira para todos lados, observando el lugar.

-Es más grande de lo que me lo imaginaba. -Dice la androide, contemplando la casa de arriba a bajo.

-Yo te dije que era grande y acogedora. -Le responde Bulma mientras termina de bajar sus cosas del avión.

La androide sigue observando el lugar y en eso ve a Bulma, que cuando se agacha a recoger sus cosas, su vestido rojo se levanta y ve la ropa interior que lleva puesto.

Número 18 se quedó observando, ya que le quedaba muy sexy. Una tanga negra bien metida en la cola, dónde se le marcaba bien los labios de la vagina, hacían de algo digno de ver.

-Hola linda. Yo soy la madre de Bulma, mucho gusto. -Dados presentándose.

La androide empieza a mirar para todos lados, tratando de disimular lo que estaba mirando y enseguida la mira de reojo, no muy contenta.

La madre de Bulma, queda sorprendida por su reacción y no sabía que hacer.

-Tranquila, mamá. Ella es 18, es uno de los androide y ahora es amiga de nosotros. -Dice Bulma tratando de tranquilizar a su madre.

Ella se queda mirando a la androide, después de lo que su hija le había dicho. No podía creer que sea un robot, su cuerpo parecía humano y como decía su nombre, parecía una joven de dieciocho.

-Vamos adentro, mamá. -Dice Bulma, dándole una palmada en la cola a su madre.

-Vamos, ya va a estar la cena. -responde su madre haciendo lo mismo mientras ríen.

Número 18 se queda observando lo que hacen mientras van adentro, tratando de entender lo que paso.

-¿Querés darte un baño antes de cenar, 18? - Le pregunta Bulma.

-No tengo otra ropa, más que la que llevo puesta. -dice la androide.

-No hay problema, te presto. -Le respondió Bulma.

La androide acepta y sigue a Bulma hacía donde está el baño, observando y conociendo más la casa.

Ya adentro del baño, Bulma del otro lado de la puerta, le pide que le pasará su ropa sucia, así se la ponía a lavar.

Número 18 duda pero luego de sacarse todo, se lo pasó y se metió a bañarse.

Bulma observa la ropa sucia y nota que no le pasó ninguna ropa interior, así que le golpea la puerta pidiéndole la misma.

-¿Que sería ropa interior? -Respondió 18.

Bulma se queda sorprendida al darse cuenta que no llevaba ropa interior, así que busco su mejor conjunto y se lo preparo junto con la ropa, que ya estaba lavada y lista para que se pusiera.

Observa el conjunto que le había elegido y comienza a imaginarse a 18 con el puesto. Para cuándo se dió cuenta, ya tenía su mano sobre su vagina y empieza a frotarse con los dedos por ensima de lachita negra.

Se empezó a mojar toda mientras sus dedos iban y venían, poniendo las cosas más caliente.

Con eso de que Vegeta vive entrenando, atiende muy poco a Bulma y al estar algo necesitada, se pone hot enseguida.

-¿Qué estás haciendo? -Le pregunta 18, algo sorprendida.

-No, no, nada. - Responde Bulma, levantándose rápidamente de la cama.

-Aca te deje la ropa limpia y te agregue este conjunto de ropa interior para que uses también. -Le dice Bulma, tratando de disimular lo colorada que estaba.

-Esta ropa es como la llevas puesta, la llegue a ver cuándo te agachabas a recoger tus cosas del avión. Muchas gracias. -responde 18.

Bulma se queda sorprendida con el comentario que le hizo la androide y se pone más colorada, al saber que mostró sin querer, su ropa interior.

Un poco más tarde, ya todos aceados, se encontraban cenando. Todos contaban algo sobre lo que vivieron en el día, sin dejar de lado la gran pelea que dieron los guerreros z.

La madre de Bulma, sin querer voltea un cubierto y al agacharse a buscarlo, observa unas piernas abiertas, dónde ve una bombachita rosa que le llama la atención.

Ella al ver ese color, supuso que era su hija Bulma. Así que se acercó a agachas y le tocó la vagina por arriba de la ropa interior. Tenía ganas de correrla y mandarle lengua pero estaban cenando, así que enseguida se volvió a sentar.

Pero se lleva una sorpresa cuando levanta la vista y nota a la androide con los ojos grandes y toda sonrojada. Enseguida se dió cuenta, que a la que le manoseo la vagina, fue a ella y no a su hija. Sin saber que hacer, se levantó de la mesa y dijo olvidado algo en la cocina.

-¡¡¡Maldita sea!!! Pensé que era Bulma. Espero no se halla dado cuenta número 18 porque no se que voy hacer. -piensa la madre de Bulma.

Iba y venía en la cocina, no sabia si volver a la mesa o que. Pero mientras pensaba, alguien la agarro de los pelos y la hizo arrodillar, dónde fue de su asombro para la madre de Bulma, al notar que era la androide 18.

-No sabes con quién te metiste, perra. -Le dice 18 pecado titubear.

La madre de Bulma no sabía que hacer, miraba desde a bajo a la androide sin saber que hacer.

—Perdón, 18. Vi la bombachita rosa de mi hija y pensé que eras ella. —Le dijo la madura.

—Te equivocaste de persona, ahora te voy a enseñar. —Le respondió 18 muy enojada.

En eso se abre de piernas y con su mano libre, se corre la bombachita y sin decir más nada le pone la cara de ella en su vagina.

—Ya que tanto te gustó tocar, ahora chupa, perra. —Le dijo la androide sonriendo. La madre de Bulma no le quedó otra que empezar a pasarle la lengua para que nada dijera.

—Mmmm ... Pensé que era de plástico o algo así pero no. Sabe bien rico, como una vagina. —Pensaba por dentro mientras empezaba a disfrutar mamarle la vagina.

—Que bien se siente, no se si será así como se debe mamar pero tú lo haces tan bien, que me haces mojar toda. —Decía 18, disfrutando tal sexo oral, que la madura le estaba dando. La madre de Bulma deja de chuparle la vagina y secándose los jugos vaginales le dice: No sabía que te gustaba que te chupen así la vagina, 18.

Jamás lo hice con una mujer pero verlas como jugaban entre ustedes, me hizo querer experimentar algo así. —Le dice la androide mientras la ponía de vuelta a qué se la siga chupando un rato más.

Después de disfrutar de tal mamada la levantó bruscamente y poniéndola de espalda, le bajó el pantalón para luego correrle la bombachita azul que usó puesta y comenzar a comerle, ella la vagina.

Era la primera vagina que probava y estaba a gusto con eso. Le mandaba lengua hasta el fondo, disfrutando sus jugos vaginales.

—Espérame un ratito que voy a buscar unos juguetes, así nos divertimos mejor. —Le dice la madura mientras gozaba esa lengua que le entraba y salía.

—¿Quien necesita eso? —Dijo 18 sonriéndole.

Ella se paró y corriendose la bombachita dejá salir un pene de su vagina. No lo puedo creer !! Tenés pene también. —Dice la madura algo sorprendida.

—Yo lo puedo hacer a mi imagen. —Le dijo 18, la cual sin dar vueltas, le mando el pene dentro de la vagina.

Oh, oh, uff. Hacía rato no me cogían así. —Decía, mientras la androide le hacía sentir el pedazo que había sacado.

—¿Te gusta, perra? —Le decía al oído mientras la tenía de los pelos.

—Si, mi marido vive en su laboratorio y no me lleva el apunte. —Le decía la madre de Bulma con los ojos cerrados, disfrutando la cogida que le estaba dando. La androide al escuchar eso, empezó a acelerar el movimiento de pelvis, haciéndola acabar toda a la madura. En ese momento la vuelve hacer arrodillar y le tira todo el esperma en la cara.

—Esta vez lo hicimos rápido porque debemos volver pero en otro momento, hasta la cola te voy hacer, perra. Ah y no te asustes que el esperma es ficticio. —Le dice la androide tirándole los últimos fluidos.

—Ooh si. No sabes cómo voy a disfrutar que me lo hagas.

Mmm ficticio o no, sabe bien rico. —Le dice la madura, chupándose los dedos. La androide vuelve su vagina a la normalidad y acomodando su ropa, fue enseguida a seguir disfrutando de la cena.

—¿No sabes dónde fue mi madre, 18? —Le pregunto Bulma apenas la vio entrar.

—Si no escuché mal, me dijo que se iba a pegar un baño y acostarse, porque no se sintió bien. —Respondio la androide.

—Bueno ven a sentarte, que tú cena se enfría. Le pedí que te trajeran más porque lo otro se había enfriado. —Le dijo Bulma, abriendo la silla a su lado.

Número 18 se sentó enseguida para no levantar sospechas de lo que había pasado y en ese momento, Bulma poniéndole la mano en su pierna le dijo: —Espero te sientas cómoda en la casa, 18. Capaz que por ahora no pero en unos días, te vas a sentir más a gusto. La androide la mira de reojo y poniendo también su mano sobre la pierna de Bulma, sonríe y le dice: —Dalo por echo, linda.

Ya habían terminado de cenar y esperaban el postre. Su padre ni siquiera termino la cena y volvió a su laboratorio. Bueno su madre, después de la cogida que le dió la androide, se fue a dormir muy plácidamente.

—Espero te halla gustado la ropa interior que te dí. No es de muy buena calidad pero es linda. —Le dice Bulma volviendo a poner su mano en la pierna de 18.

—Si me gusta, es cómoda. No sé a qué le llamas calidad pero está que me diste, es linda. —Le responde la androide.

—Mira, te explico. Te muestro la calidad de la que te hablo. —Le dice Bulma mientras la toma de la mano. La androide la queda mirando pero ella sin soltarla le lleva la mano hacia su vagina y haciéndole tocar la bombachita roja que llevaba puesta le dice: —Mira, está que tengo puesta ahora es de mejor calidad. Siente su textura, es diferente a la que llevas puesta vos. La androide aprovechando la ocasión, no solo siente la textura de la tela sino que le empieza a frotar la vagina por arriba de su bombachita. Ya había visto esa vagina bien marcada cuando bajaron del avión y no podía dejar pasar esa oportunidad.

—ah, ah ¿Qué haces, 18? —Le dice Bulma algo sorprendida.

—Nada, Bulma. Estoy haciendo lo que me pediste, que sintiera la tela. —Le dice la androide, mordiéndose los labios.

Bulma la miraba fijamente, dónde en segundos sus pómulos se pusieron colorados. Trataba de disimular, que le estaba gustando como 18 le estaba frotando la vagina.

Para cuándo se dió cuenta, la androide le corrió la bombachita y le mando dos dedos dentro de la vagina. Bulma abrió los ojos sorprendida pero no tardó en empezar a besarla mientras 18 la masturbaba.

Después de unos besos de lengua bien humedos, Bulma le dijo: —Espera, puede venir alguien.

—Bueno avísame si viene alguien. —Le dijo 18 mientras se metía de bajo de la mesa.

—Para, 18. ¿Qué vas hacer? —decía Bulma mientras miraba para todos lados si venía alguien.

En eso sintió algo húmedo en su vagina. Mira para a bajo enseguida y ve a la androide chupándole la vagina.

—ooh, ooh, que lengua, 18. —Dice Bulma entregándose por completo.

Ella le acaricia la cabeza mientras disfruta de la lamida que le estaba dando la androide y de ves en cuando vigilaba si alguien venía.

—Aca está el postre, señora. —Le dice la mucama, tomándola por sorpresa.

—Eh eh, si está bien. Ahora la llamo a 18 para que venga a comer. Muchas gracias. —le contestó Bulma, disimulando lo que estaban haciendo. La mucama se retiró y la androide aprovechó para salir de bajo de la mesa mientras se secaba los jugos vaginales que aún tenía.

Se miraban y se reían mientras comían el postre y alguna que otra mano se mandaban disimuladamente.

—¿Dónde podemos seguir, Bulma? —Le pregunto 18 mientras se pasaba la lengua por los dientes.

—No, hoy no va a poder ser. Vegeta me está esperando en el cuarto. Vemos mañana que pasa y dónde se da para seguir con esta delicia. —Le dijo Bulma.

Así que al terminar el postre, Bulma se levantó de la silla e inclinándose, le da un beso de lengua a 18, donde con la mano izquierda, le manosea la vagina por en sima de la bombachita.

—Hasta mañana, muñeca. En cuanto pueda voy a comerte ese chocho suavecito. —Le dijo Bulma y se fue a su cuarto. La androide la siguió por detrás y se fue a su cuarto también, esperando con ansias el día siguiente. Abre la puerta y prendiendo la luz, encuentra a la madre de Bulma semi desnuda en la cama.

—Mi marido va a estar toda la noche en su laboratorio, así que tenemos todo el tiempo del mundo para divertirnos. —Le dijo la madura mientras le mostraba algunos consoladores con los que pensaba jugar.

—No tenés idea de la cogida que te voy a dar, perra. —Le dijo la androide mientras cerraba la puerta.


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As soon as Chance and Dee got off the bed, Cathy and Bobby crawled on. Cathy’s cries of pleasure as her son pounded her pussy were so erotic that Chance’s cock revived. That was okay, though. Dee had wanted to finish him with her mouth the first time. And now she could take her time to taste her son. They got a lot done, all things considered. The boys, young though they were, were about tapped out after the third time the women got the sperm out of their balls, whether it was with a...

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The One Stroke Challenge

Denise Smith a was beautiful woman. Her life had not been easy. Her parents were drunks. When she was sixteen, she ran away from home and never returned. She began dancing at seventeen. Her body had matured fast and she could easily pass for a college aged girl. Ten year later, now she owned several strip clubs, and they were very successful. At the young age of twenty seven, Denise, now known as Desire, had all of the money she would ever need. Although she no longer needed to perform to make...

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Anyone for tennis

Knowing I went to a gym close by my friend Dan asked a favour one week. He had to work late so asked if I would collect his wife Helen from the tennis club after her lesson. I didn't know her that well but agreed telling him he owed me.On the day in question I finished in the gym and not bothering to get changed drove round to the club to collect Helen. When I got there I parked in the car park looking over the tennis courts and soon spotted her having her lesson. I quiete liked what I saw with...

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Afterschool Fun

The following is fiction, it is long, and it is good.For the most part I was an average 16 year old tenth grader in the spring of 1982. I played sports, did ok in school, hung out with friends, and thought a lot about girls. I had no idea when I got off the school bus that Friday afternoon that my world was about to change. This was the age before computers, the internet, and cell phones and I just planned on watching some TV when I got home. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice calling my...

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The Student Teacher BluesChapter 7

When class was over and the kids were leaving, Cecelia stood up and walked to the front of the room. "You talked to Mr. Grimes about Ted Masters," she said. "I did, indeed," said Bob. "I didn't ask you to do that." "I didn't do it for you," he said. "I did if for the next woman. He's a jerk with no morals. Why expose the kids to that kind of mentality?" "Isn't that a little harsh? I mean you got him fired." "He got himself fired," said Bob. "All I did was send him to...

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My Sweet Sister After Her Marriage

Hello friends my name is Ravi and this story is about me and my younger sister Pooja , let me first tell you about her she is now 30 yrs big boobs and a nice butt. Believe me I have not seen a better girl than her till now she is dam sexy. Now let us come to story. This story is about 5 yrs old when I and she were unmarried. Our parents were searching a good boy for her but we did not succeed and it took us about 4 years to search boy for her. I started feeling for her when she was 20 yrs, I...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 50

8PHE0050 word count 1175 ******** Day 50, Tuesday The next three days passed in a similar way. Chastity got off work at 4 a.m. most mornings. She picked up breakfast at the Globe and Guard. It was on the way home, one of a few coffee shops open at four in the morning. It was a cop shop. Eventually Brennan would tell her to avoid the place but she figured it was safe. Who would assault her here? She brought home breakfast sandwiches and pastries and shared them with her...

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Blind Obedience Chapter 2

"That's good to know. Such information will be helpful to me," I said. "Now remember this position you are in now. You will be in it a lot–I use it whenever I want to talk to you or give you a lesson. There are a couple of other positions I use as well but this is the most used. The others I will tell you about when the need arises.""Yes, Sir.""Now Eve let me give you an idea of what you have signed on for with me. Master's like myself have two main philosophies on how to train a submissive....

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Weekend with Kelly my new lover

Kelly was ecstatic when I asked to stay for the rest of theweekend but she said shoe couldn't this weekend butshe definitely would like to.It's been almost a month, but the weekend was here.I made sure that my house had been cleaned really good thatweek by the cleaning crew and that I was completely hairless.I went to a place a friend told me about who specialized inwaxing men.When Kelly called me at lunch on Friday to tell me she wascumming over right after work, my cock was hard the wholerest...

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Saali Seduction 8211 Part 1

Hello ladies and gentleman / boys and girls, I am Yash and this is my third story on ISS. I am a 28 year old guy, married to a wife I love and have a good sex life with my wife. I have been a ‘sex lover’ all my life and have unusually high sex drive. To fulful my sexual desires, I am not just satisfied with my wife. So, to fulfill my sexual desires, I have engaged in sex with several girls / women since I was 16 years old. I want to narrate each of those incidents here. However, I would go one...

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Sensations Escort ServiceChapter 13 Successful Makeover

Amber and Edie exchanged air kisses with Kir – Mike’s stepmother – as they greeted each other at Louie Modern – a high-end restaurant in the downtown area right in the midst of a dozen exclusive art galleries and another exclusive boutiques that they frequented. The thrift stores were long behind them in their salacious careers. The two younger women were dressed in chic business suits and wearing CFM heels. Kir was dressed more casually in shorts, sandals, and a colorful top. After a round...

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Getting Some Attention

I was on my way home yesterday afternoon; so were a lot of other guys. When I approached the parking lot of a porn store/theater that I like, I could not believe the number of cars in the parking lot. It was hard to even find a place to park. I walked in and paid five dollars at the counter to enter the theater. Just one girl behind the counter and no customers in the merchandise part of the store. At the right, the arcade featured a sign that said closed and was taped off. It was that way the...

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The Bathroom Mirror

The next night, after staring at her ass all day again, I was out in the living room of the apartment and she went for a shower. I have no idea why she didnt notice the full lenghth mirror hanging across from the bathroom doorway. And the way the apartment was set up, if you sat on the end of the couch, you could look right at that mirror and see in the bathroom, which luckily did not have a door on it from it needing repaired. I knew It was wrong, but I just couldnt help myself. There she...

2 years ago
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A mother visits her daughter but daughter already has some unpleasant visitors

A rare sunny day in England. A modest two storey detached house, in its own grounds, surrounded by a high hedge. A gravel drive with two cars parked on it. Signs of wealth, not to wealthy but comfortable. Standing about to put her key in the front door, is 40 year old Marion Davidson. Marion an attractive five foot six brunette. With a nice figure for a mother of two, one boy of 17 and a daughter of 21. Emma, the daughter, is the reason Marion is here. This is the house she shares with her...

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5 Party Time

Once in the bathroom, I sat on the toilet. Cum was dripping from my b0yhole, I wiped myself. I had to pee, and after relieving myself, I drank some water. I looked into the mirror; my makeup was in bad shape. I fixed it the best I could and thought to myself that I would bring some extra make-up with me next time. I pulled my hair back and fixed my braids. I applied another generous helping of P juice up my ass. I knew that the fucking wasn’t over. I put my shorts and Cami back on. I got ready...

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Hearts BloomingChapter 8 Changes in the Wind

Jennifer’s confidence in her abilities from defeating Patrick helped her gain full control of them. After spending the rest of that week showing her the rest of my tricks, Jennifer was as capable as any other telepath I’d run across. There were some things she would never be able to do, but things like cloak personalities weren’t really something she would ever need with her immunity. I still had hopes we’d find a way to get full two-ways to work, but after trying it once even without the...

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The Island chapter 140

He still could not understand how the boys could do it. He felt the boy beside him tugging on his arm. The boy obviously wanted to tell him something, however, they could not understand each others words. The boy thought for a moment, and then smiled. Pointing to the sticks in the sand, he raised five fingers. He then lowered two, looking a little sad as he did. The pointed to the remaining three fingers, and then closed them down into his little fist. He opened the five fingers...

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Rogue MagusChapter 26

The rest of the trip to the Dive was quiet. I didn’t have anything to say for the time, my thoughts filled with what I would do about my House and its members. Chloe seemed content with the silence. We pulled into the parking lot for the Dive. She pulled up beside the entrance and killed the engine. She looked over at me. “Well, it’s good to know violence doesn’t get your engines going,” she said. I frowned. “What do you mean?” She reached over and rubbed my thigh. “We have to get you...

5 years ago
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Public Performance

The resident DJ churned out one dance-floor smash after another. The combination of loud music, frenetic dancing, and alcohol made Kenny’s head spin. It was his twenty-first birthday party—even though he’d been twenty-one for almost a week. It was his best friend’s birthday in a couple of days too, so he and Adam had hired the small nightclub at Westmouth Athletic, one of the town’s two non-league football clubs & a popular hire venue for the University’s many club and societies. Kenny...

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Woman Type 2 Chapter One

Woman Type 2.Chapter OneThe year is 2050. Women through the years had gained more and more power. Jobs and tasks had become split and all the senior, high level and well paid jobs could only be done by women.It was now illegal for men to hold certain jobs. Men could only do menial work. Cleaning, building and maintenance works etc.This situation led to more and more single sex relationships with many leading women being lesbian.The rest of the women took male partners who were required to keep...

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An Unexpected Lover Brocks Story

I guess I’ll start at the beginning: I was 18 and figured it was time I dated someone seriously for once. Sure, I had a few flings here and there in high school, but it was senior year and I wanted…I needed…something real. As you know by now, I met Cameron on a dating site. I figured most people on there would be serious, but managed somehow to get a very serious relationship with the one guy there as a joke. We ended up meeting in a coffee shop at a local mall on accident. I remember...

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Private Alexa Flexy Enjoys Anal with her Stepfather

Alexa Flexy has been a naughty girl in Private Specials, Horny Beauties 3, her grades at college were not good enough and now, she’s grounded at home for the summer! Fortunately for Alexa however, her mom’s boyfriend, Ralf Christian, is around to keep her company and give her some extra punishment. So watch the sexy Alexa in action right here on www.private.com as she takes a break from sunbathing and enjoys the outdoor fuck of a lifetime, first starting with a kinky spanking before going on to...

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Two Beauties and The Beast

She’d had butterflies in her stomach for a week now. Jeremiah would be meeting Samantha tonight and Juliana was more than a little bit nervous. Early on in their relationship Juliana had told Jeremiah about her relationship with Samantha. They’d been seeing each other for ten years. For the last year or two they saw each other only on birthdays and special occasions. Samantha was living near San Francisco with her rich boyfriend and Juliana hated the two hour drive. It had been eight months...

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CHAPTER 7: PREPARATIONSeveral days later I was back at the medical unit for a checkup by Danna. She had to certify that I was fit for combat. My unit was scheduled for the first mission I would be on and the time was getting close. I wasn’t going if Danna didn’t approve me.In the same room I always seem to be assigned to, I removed my clothes and I was thoroughly prodded and inspected. She was pleased with my healing and certified that I should be fully recovered by mission time. While this was...

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More Than Just A Game Part 3

Donny jumped off of me and quickly covered himself up with a pillow. ‘Not what it looks like?’ Dad said walking into the room. ‘Donny your naked and on top of your b*****r…. what am I supposed to think?!’ The whole room was in silence from the awkward moment. Instead of dad doing much worse then I thought, he shook his head and walked out. Donny and I stared at each other, both of us with fear still on our faces. The silent treatment was never a good thing… I guess we were so scared that...

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Watching Jenn

I could feel my cum inside Jenn's pussy as the three of us sat chatting over brunch. Me, Jenn and the guy she wanted to fuck. If my memory serves me his name was Kevin. I had Jenn wear her short black dress so I could discreetly finger her while she made the introductions and guided the conversation. Our day started two hours earlier making love. Her makeup hid the lingering flush of exertion that came from putting her through her paces. Jenn is my mistress. She is my lover and my slut. We...

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Random Building Maid Part 2

Hello guys, so this is a continuation of my earlier story. I’m sure you guys must have read it. In case you haven’t, I suggest you guys do that to get a feel of the build up till now. So now continuing the story. Next day I get home about the same time and quickly change and get to my plan. I see her sandals outside the same flat and keep waiting for her. This time she gets done in like 5 minutes and gets out. I just throw the condom and wait for her again. She is getting out alone and I see...

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Maami Chudi Train Mein

Hi to all ISS readers. To be real the story is a pure work of fiction and my imagination. So I would like you to at least read and then comment also so that I would write again. To begin with I am Rohan (not real name), 20 years of age. I live in Kanpur. The story which I am going to narrate is about my hot and sexy aunt Ritu who is 40 years of age. She has a great figure of 38-30-38. Black hair up to her waist is my weakness. The incident happened in May last year when we were travelling to...

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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 4 No Worries Were Good to Go I Think

So I'm at the Dinner table, taking in everything my Mom is saying ... and though I am nodding in agreement, my mind is still downstairs in that Basement. I had just been with a Girl for the first time – I didn't know that at 15, whether I was running behind, or getting in there about average age ... but if the stories all my Guys told in the school yard were true, I knew I couldn't be ahead of anybody in the Sex Department. No, I didn't Fuck her, but I still felt GREAT ... I saw her...

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"Your brother's got the biggest cock I'd ever personally seen." My girlfriend Lily came staggering through the door in an exaggerated manner and collapsed across he bed where I was sitting. It had been nearly an hour since she left. "Step brother, " I quickly corrected her. "I've done some weird things but I haven't gone that far yet." "Oh, my poor little girl," Lily moaned She pulled up the hem of her nightshirt and looked down between her legs. Her pubic hair was neatly trimmed to form an...

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The CabanaChapter 5

Valerie Roger's '51 Ford was running fine. The twin glass-pak mufflers provided a sexy roar of exhaust and the evening was warm and perfect for a drive. When Roger started the project of pulling the old original motor and transmission and then replacing it with a 2-year-old V-8 motor and transmission from a wrecked Corvette, the idea sounded great at the time ... but GM motors and Ford bodies don't match up very well. However, with a lot of barked knuckles, words I had never heard in my...

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EmilyChapter 3 After the kiss

It was going to be a scorcher, I could tell when I woke up early the morning after our first kiss. Emily and I often ate breakfast together during the summer, and when I got downstairs that morning Emily was already at our patio door. Mom greeted her and we sat down at the kitchen table for our usual yoghurt and fruit when it was so hot. There was only one thing to do on a day like that, so I waved at Mom and we headed for the pool, our pool this time. We ended up standing in the shallow end,...

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Breeding Season At The Rocking R Ranch Version AlphaChapter 3

At breakfast, Chance didn’t mention that he knew about his mother and aunt “doing things” with Bobby. Of course neither Bobby or Cathy mentioned it either. And, for whatever reason, Dee didn’t see fit to tell Cathy that she had told Chance that Bobby had done something with the women. Dee hoped that with both women and both boys present, inhibitions would return and things would stay under control. “Okay, so how do we do this, this morning?” she asked. “I told Chance that there were...

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