Número 18 free porn video

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Después de la pelea con cell, dónde Goku se sacrifica para salvar la tierra, la androide número 18, quedó con Gohan y sus amigos. Bulma, le ofrece ir a vivir a su casa y ella, al no tener a dónde ir, acepto la propuesta.

Pocos minutos más tarde, después de saludar a sus amigos, emprendieron viaje.

-vas a ver qué te va a gustar vivir en mi casa. Es amplia y cómoda, te va a encantar convivir con nosotros. -Le dice Bulma, contenta de tenerte invitada a su hogar.

La androide la mira de reojo y le sonríe, no muy convencida. Pero Bulma, a pesar de verla sería, solo sigue manejando su Jett, porque sabe que esa es su forma de ser.

-Bueno, ya llegamos. -Dice Bulma, bostezando un poco, después de un largo viaje.

Número 18, ya a bajo, mira para todos lados, observando el lugar.

-Es más grande de lo que me lo imaginaba. -Dice la androide, contemplando la casa de arriba a bajo.

-Yo te dije que era grande y acogedora. -Le responde Bulma mientras termina de bajar sus cosas del avión.

La androide sigue observando el lugar y en eso ve a Bulma, que cuando se agacha a recoger sus cosas, su vestido rojo se levanta y ve la ropa interior que lleva puesto.

Número 18 se quedó observando, ya que le quedaba muy sexy. Una tanga negra bien metida en la cola, dónde se le marcaba bien los labios de la vagina, hacían de algo digno de ver.

-Hola linda. Yo soy la madre de Bulma, mucho gusto. -Dados presentándose.

La androide empieza a mirar para todos lados, tratando de disimular lo que estaba mirando y enseguida la mira de reojo, no muy contenta.

La madre de Bulma, queda sorprendida por su reacción y no sabía que hacer.

-Tranquila, mamá. Ella es 18, es uno de los androide y ahora es amiga de nosotros. -Dice Bulma tratando de tranquilizar a su madre.

Ella se queda mirando a la androide, después de lo que su hija le había dicho. No podía creer que sea un robot, su cuerpo parecía humano y como decía su nombre, parecía una joven de dieciocho.

-Vamos adentro, mamá. -Dice Bulma, dándole una palmada en la cola a su madre.

-Vamos, ya va a estar la cena. -responde su madre haciendo lo mismo mientras ríen.

Número 18 se queda observando lo que hacen mientras van adentro, tratando de entender lo que paso.

-¿Querés darte un baño antes de cenar, 18? - Le pregunta Bulma.

-No tengo otra ropa, más que la que llevo puesta. -dice la androide.

-No hay problema, te presto. -Le respondió Bulma.

La androide acepta y sigue a Bulma hacía donde está el baño, observando y conociendo más la casa.

Ya adentro del baño, Bulma del otro lado de la puerta, le pide que le pasará su ropa sucia, así se la ponía a lavar.

Número 18 duda pero luego de sacarse todo, se lo pasó y se metió a bañarse.

Bulma observa la ropa sucia y nota que no le pasó ninguna ropa interior, así que le golpea la puerta pidiéndole la misma.

-¿Que sería ropa interior? -Respondió 18.

Bulma se queda sorprendida al darse cuenta que no llevaba ropa interior, así que busco su mejor conjunto y se lo preparo junto con la ropa, que ya estaba lavada y lista para que se pusiera.

Observa el conjunto que le había elegido y comienza a imaginarse a 18 con el puesto. Para cuándo se dió cuenta, ya tenía su mano sobre su vagina y empieza a frotarse con los dedos por ensima de lachita negra.

Se empezó a mojar toda mientras sus dedos iban y venían, poniendo las cosas más caliente.

Con eso de que Vegeta vive entrenando, atiende muy poco a Bulma y al estar algo necesitada, se pone hot enseguida.

-¿Qué estás haciendo? -Le pregunta 18, algo sorprendida.

-No, no, nada. - Responde Bulma, levantándose rápidamente de la cama.

-Aca te deje la ropa limpia y te agregue este conjunto de ropa interior para que uses también. -Le dice Bulma, tratando de disimular lo colorada que estaba.

-Esta ropa es como la llevas puesta, la llegue a ver cuándo te agachabas a recoger tus cosas del avión. Muchas gracias. -responde 18.

Bulma se queda sorprendida con el comentario que le hizo la androide y se pone más colorada, al saber que mostró sin querer, su ropa interior.

Un poco más tarde, ya todos aceados, se encontraban cenando. Todos contaban algo sobre lo que vivieron en el día, sin dejar de lado la gran pelea que dieron los guerreros z.

La madre de Bulma, sin querer voltea un cubierto y al agacharse a buscarlo, observa unas piernas abiertas, dónde ve una bombachita rosa que le llama la atención.

Ella al ver ese color, supuso que era su hija Bulma. Así que se acercó a agachas y le tocó la vagina por arriba de la ropa interior. Tenía ganas de correrla y mandarle lengua pero estaban cenando, así que enseguida se volvió a sentar.

Pero se lleva una sorpresa cuando levanta la vista y nota a la androide con los ojos grandes y toda sonrojada. Enseguida se dió cuenta, que a la que le manoseo la vagina, fue a ella y no a su hija. Sin saber que hacer, se levantó de la mesa y dijo olvidado algo en la cocina.

-¡¡¡Maldita sea!!! Pensé que era Bulma. Espero no se halla dado cuenta número 18 porque no se que voy hacer. -piensa la madre de Bulma.

Iba y venía en la cocina, no sabia si volver a la mesa o que. Pero mientras pensaba, alguien la agarro de los pelos y la hizo arrodillar, dónde fue de su asombro para la madre de Bulma, al notar que era la androide 18.

-No sabes con quién te metiste, perra. -Le dice 18 pecado titubear.

La madre de Bulma no sabía que hacer, miraba desde a bajo a la androide sin saber que hacer.

—Perdón, 18. Vi la bombachita rosa de mi hija y pensé que eras ella. —Le dijo la madura.

—Te equivocaste de persona, ahora te voy a enseñar. —Le respondió 18 muy enojada.

En eso se abre de piernas y con su mano libre, se corre la bombachita y sin decir más nada le pone la cara de ella en su vagina.

—Ya que tanto te gustó tocar, ahora chupa, perra. —Le dijo la androide sonriendo. La madre de Bulma no le quedó otra que empezar a pasarle la lengua para que nada dijera.

—Mmmm ... Pensé que era de plástico o algo así pero no. Sabe bien rico, como una vagina. —Pensaba por dentro mientras empezaba a disfrutar mamarle la vagina.

—Que bien se siente, no se si será así como se debe mamar pero tú lo haces tan bien, que me haces mojar toda. —Decía 18, disfrutando tal sexo oral, que la madura le estaba dando. La madre de Bulma deja de chuparle la vagina y secándose los jugos vaginales le dice: No sabía que te gustaba que te chupen así la vagina, 18.

Jamás lo hice con una mujer pero verlas como jugaban entre ustedes, me hizo querer experimentar algo así. —Le dice la androide mientras la ponía de vuelta a qué se la siga chupando un rato más.

Después de disfrutar de tal mamada la levantó bruscamente y poniéndola de espalda, le bajó el pantalón para luego correrle la bombachita azul que usó puesta y comenzar a comerle, ella la vagina.

Era la primera vagina que probava y estaba a gusto con eso. Le mandaba lengua hasta el fondo, disfrutando sus jugos vaginales.

—Espérame un ratito que voy a buscar unos juguetes, así nos divertimos mejor. —Le dice la madura mientras gozaba esa lengua que le entraba y salía.

—¿Quien necesita eso? —Dijo 18 sonriéndole.

Ella se paró y corriendose la bombachita dejá salir un pene de su vagina. No lo puedo creer !! Tenés pene también. —Dice la madura algo sorprendida.

—Yo lo puedo hacer a mi imagen. —Le dijo 18, la cual sin dar vueltas, le mando el pene dentro de la vagina.

Oh, oh, uff. Hacía rato no me cogían así. —Decía, mientras la androide le hacía sentir el pedazo que había sacado.

—¿Te gusta, perra? —Le decía al oído mientras la tenía de los pelos.

—Si, mi marido vive en su laboratorio y no me lleva el apunte. —Le decía la madre de Bulma con los ojos cerrados, disfrutando la cogida que le estaba dando. La androide al escuchar eso, empezó a acelerar el movimiento de pelvis, haciéndola acabar toda a la madura. En ese momento la vuelve hacer arrodillar y le tira todo el esperma en la cara.

—Esta vez lo hicimos rápido porque debemos volver pero en otro momento, hasta la cola te voy hacer, perra. Ah y no te asustes que el esperma es ficticio. —Le dice la androide tirándole los últimos fluidos.

—Ooh si. No sabes cómo voy a disfrutar que me lo hagas.

Mmm ficticio o no, sabe bien rico. —Le dice la madura, chupándose los dedos. La androide vuelve su vagina a la normalidad y acomodando su ropa, fue enseguida a seguir disfrutando de la cena.

—¿No sabes dónde fue mi madre, 18? —Le pregunto Bulma apenas la vio entrar.

—Si no escuché mal, me dijo que se iba a pegar un baño y acostarse, porque no se sintió bien. —Respondio la androide.

—Bueno ven a sentarte, que tú cena se enfría. Le pedí que te trajeran más porque lo otro se había enfriado. —Le dijo Bulma, abriendo la silla a su lado.

Número 18 se sentó enseguida para no levantar sospechas de lo que había pasado y en ese momento, Bulma poniéndole la mano en su pierna le dijo: —Espero te sientas cómoda en la casa, 18. Capaz que por ahora no pero en unos días, te vas a sentir más a gusto. La androide la mira de reojo y poniendo también su mano sobre la pierna de Bulma, sonríe y le dice: —Dalo por echo, linda.

Ya habían terminado de cenar y esperaban el postre. Su padre ni siquiera termino la cena y volvió a su laboratorio. Bueno su madre, después de la cogida que le dió la androide, se fue a dormir muy plácidamente.

—Espero te halla gustado la ropa interior que te dí. No es de muy buena calidad pero es linda. —Le dice Bulma volviendo a poner su mano en la pierna de 18.

—Si me gusta, es cómoda. No sé a qué le llamas calidad pero está que me diste, es linda. —Le responde la androide.

—Mira, te explico. Te muestro la calidad de la que te hablo. —Le dice Bulma mientras la toma de la mano. La androide la queda mirando pero ella sin soltarla le lleva la mano hacia su vagina y haciéndole tocar la bombachita roja que llevaba puesta le dice: —Mira, está que tengo puesta ahora es de mejor calidad. Siente su textura, es diferente a la que llevas puesta vos. La androide aprovechando la ocasión, no solo siente la textura de la tela sino que le empieza a frotar la vagina por arriba de su bombachita. Ya había visto esa vagina bien marcada cuando bajaron del avión y no podía dejar pasar esa oportunidad.

—ah, ah ¿Qué haces, 18? —Le dice Bulma algo sorprendida.

—Nada, Bulma. Estoy haciendo lo que me pediste, que sintiera la tela. —Le dice la androide, mordiéndose los labios.

Bulma la miraba fijamente, dónde en segundos sus pómulos se pusieron colorados. Trataba de disimular, que le estaba gustando como 18 le estaba frotando la vagina.

Para cuándo se dió cuenta, la androide le corrió la bombachita y le mando dos dedos dentro de la vagina. Bulma abrió los ojos sorprendida pero no tardó en empezar a besarla mientras 18 la masturbaba.

Después de unos besos de lengua bien humedos, Bulma le dijo: —Espera, puede venir alguien.

—Bueno avísame si viene alguien. —Le dijo 18 mientras se metía de bajo de la mesa.

—Para, 18. ¿Qué vas hacer? —decía Bulma mientras miraba para todos lados si venía alguien.

En eso sintió algo húmedo en su vagina. Mira para a bajo enseguida y ve a la androide chupándole la vagina.

—ooh, ooh, que lengua, 18. —Dice Bulma entregándose por completo.

Ella le acaricia la cabeza mientras disfruta de la lamida que le estaba dando la androide y de ves en cuando vigilaba si alguien venía.

—Aca está el postre, señora. —Le dice la mucama, tomándola por sorpresa.

—Eh eh, si está bien. Ahora la llamo a 18 para que venga a comer. Muchas gracias. —le contestó Bulma, disimulando lo que estaban haciendo. La mucama se retiró y la androide aprovechó para salir de bajo de la mesa mientras se secaba los jugos vaginales que aún tenía.

Se miraban y se reían mientras comían el postre y alguna que otra mano se mandaban disimuladamente.

—¿Dónde podemos seguir, Bulma? —Le pregunto 18 mientras se pasaba la lengua por los dientes.

—No, hoy no va a poder ser. Vegeta me está esperando en el cuarto. Vemos mañana que pasa y dónde se da para seguir con esta delicia. —Le dijo Bulma.

Así que al terminar el postre, Bulma se levantó de la silla e inclinándose, le da un beso de lengua a 18, donde con la mano izquierda, le manosea la vagina por en sima de la bombachita.

—Hasta mañana, muñeca. En cuanto pueda voy a comerte ese chocho suavecito. —Le dijo Bulma y se fue a su cuarto. La androide la siguió por detrás y se fue a su cuarto también, esperando con ansias el día siguiente. Abre la puerta y prendiendo la luz, encuentra a la madre de Bulma semi desnuda en la cama.

—Mi marido va a estar toda la noche en su laboratorio, así que tenemos todo el tiempo del mundo para divertirnos. —Le dijo la madura mientras le mostraba algunos consoladores con los que pensaba jugar.

—No tenés idea de la cogida que te voy a dar, perra. —Le dijo la androide mientras cerraba la puerta.


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Madison was finally at her favorite place, the beach, but not just any beach, Myrtle Beach, S.C. Her children were nearly grown now and she had promised them a trip to the beach and as everyone went through the hustle and bustle of settling in, she decided to do her favorite thing and walk on the beach. It was late, they hadn't arrived until after 7 and after unpacking and eating dinner, it was now almost 11. She changed into her one-piece bathing suit and grabbed her flip-flops and headed...

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My Sister Kelly Pt 2

She quietly walked into my bedroom and glided up behind me as I was rearranging some clothes in my closet. She slipped one hand around my waist and the other down the front of my sweat pants. She gently stroked my cock to life. “Mmmm, Eric I have been dreaming about your wonderful cock all night.” She whispered into my ear. “I can’t believe what we did yesterday and just how horny you have made me.” I tried to turn around but she would not let me. She pressed her large, luscious tits...

4 years ago
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My Lil Slut Wife Joe Pt2

Introduction: Second time with Joe I waited impatiently knowing my wife was being used by another man. She is my living porno, yeah, even better than porno because it was real sex with a real woman. I guess every guy wants their wife to be a slut, but usually with only them. I suppose I just have enough confidence to assume that she isnt going to fall in love with someone else. She always comes home to daddy and she seems to be a rare woman built for sex, although she doesnt look the part....

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BarbaraChapter 19

Roberta Kramer was back on her feet. "Your Honor," she declared, "this trial has been a complete farce!" You've got that one thing right, Callaway thought, even if you're totally wrong in your sense of direction. "I suppose we have established that at least a few of these children are a bit brighter than average..." There was a ripple of laughter through the courtroom as Callaway could no longer control himself and rolled his eyes to the amusement of the spectators. " ... but can...

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Toms AdventuresChapter 43

Tom called to Mei. He noticed that just his presence was enough to make Wei blush. He smiled at her and it only made it worse before she dropped her head. Ming and Ping didn't drop their heads, but studied him intently. "Mei, please ask Su to find Robert and have him take Jenn to pick up her things, and bring back her brother and sister. Also, I am sure that at least one of Li's relatives makes clothes. Talk to him and arrange for the girls to all have six new dresses; five of them for...

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The Retired Doctor Gets a Stiffy

The Retired Doctor Gets a StiffyI read this story below, written by hairymature from Iowa, USA and felt there was possibly a story waiting to be written about the Doctors experience, Here’s her story firstThis Doctor Wants My PussyA few days ago my husband received a call on his cell phone. The man on the other end said, "I hear your wife has a good pussy." Stunned all my husband could asy was "Yeah, she does, but how did you know." The story that came out that this was a retired doctor, 70...

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Irsquom in love with my husband and my new boyfriend ndash

Life took a new turn a couple of months ago. I have a new boyfriend, and we really like each other. How it started? It started with a cuckold session with my husband. I got in contact with a man.. with a big thick cock via a swinger contact page. The setup was to have sex in front of my husband. Nothing new, in that area. We had amazing sex for hours. He is a very good lover, a good listener and communicator..amazing cock, very thick.. ? After the date we started to chat a lot on a daily basis...

4 years ago
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Mind Blowing Experience With Neighbour Aunty

hi guys I’m Rahul aged 24 living alone in chennai my parents are staying in my native, I’m doing my masters, this is my first story so please forgive me for any mistakes. story which I’m gonna narrate is about my neighboring aunty she is Anitha, aged 30 and her husband died 4years before and she is having a school going daughter 4th standard. about anitha aunty she is fair good looking, to say about her asserts 34 30 36…. In my apartment 6 houses in that only my house is a bachelor house i...

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French MaidChapter 9

It was about 9:30 one Monday morning when I was asked to go to a room on the top floor. I was told it was for some dictation, and I was to take a notepad and pencil. I found one in the office and headed upstairs. Entering the room I found a man in his early forties wearing a three-piece suit with shirt and tie. He had brown hair, fairly short and a pleasant face. He was medium weight and in the suit looked really good. "I need you to take some letters for me." He said ushering me into the...

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A Fresh StartChapter 18 Opening A Present

Saturday, December 18, 1971 I went over to Jeana’s about 5:30 on Saturday to pick her up. I had made reservations at a steak house in Timonium for 6:30. The dance was at the school, from 8:00 until 11:00, and then the party was at Ray’s afterwards. His parents were away for the weekend, which was like leaving the hen house unlocked and inviting the foxes over for a free chicken dinner. He would cover for us. “Well, don’t you look dashing!” commented Mrs. Colosimo as she ushered me inside....

3 years ago
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Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Thomas Eagle's eyes popped open at the unexpected startling sound. His heart was beating loudly as the noise dragged him from a deep sleep. He lay still for a moment, then groaned and grabbed his phone to shut off the alarm. He was still exhausted from his past several weeks of roaming the hills in Afghanistan as well as the long flight back to Ft. Bragg, NC. To top that off, after they were released the night before he and some friends from his unit who did not have...

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Real Surprise

It had been about a month now, since I moved out of my parents house into my own apartment which was located in a rather “seedy” side of town but it was close to my work place and that made it convenient for me – and oh yes it was also fairly cheap rental. At 22 this was a major move for me as I had always lived at home and was always under the scrutiny of my – well – very strict parents – so to say the least it was like REAL freedom. Well, it was one night, late, when i was woken up with...

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His Daddy was behind

I sat on his lap and there was an unmistakable feeling nestling between my cheeks, I knew what it was, but it felt exciting, even though I was meant to be ignorant about such matters, the feelings were too powerful, and the waves of erotic thoughts, swept though my immature mind, as powerful as the spasmodic urges emanating form my crotch, I could feel my own heat and wetness in response to his erection, lying several layers of clothing, away from my own, I squirmed and ground down on it, I...

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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 21 Transformation and Transfiguration

They entered the study and the professor rose to meet them. She embraced Luna and said, "I take it this is your Fiancé and your inherited readymade daughter. Congratulations to both of you on your engagement. I was delighted to hear about it even if it all happened so quickly. I think it has taken everyone's breath away" Luna laughed and said, "I won't need to publish it in the announcements column of the next edition of the Quibbler. It seems to be spreading like wildfire without any...

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Finding My Love

Finally, they noticed me and started throwing clothes onto themselves but by that time I was already out of the house. I ran to the nearest coffee shop and sat there dazed, don't know for how long. I didn't even want to go back home, my own place felt desecrated and defiled. My phone was blowing up with texts from both Finn and Linda but I was past caring what happened with them now. Finally I paid for my coffee and left. The first thing I did after going home was dump the sheets in...

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Happy Moment With Girlfriend8217s Mother And Her Friend

The credit for this story goes to ISS, I didn’t know that the community here is not only composed of readers but also enthusiasts. All your emails and messages mean a lot and the appreciation for my stories here is humbling, I thank thee readers!!! Please continue to support like this and all your feedback is welcomed on Hi ladies and gentlemen, I am Ab here working in reputed MNC in bangalore I am going to share my experience with my girlfriend mother and friend which happened due to...

2 years ago
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dad love daughter when mom was away

Hello friends.I like to send you’re my experience of many years. There some I can not write due to my or others age.I will try to make it easy in code wordsMy name is Reeti. I am 22 year old. I don’t write good. We are me b*o and mom/dad.We lived in India now are in Canada.It is very open minded people here. When I first went to school many girls and boys Hugged me. We became very good friend.School was mostly white people.We use to play together out in field.All the girls told me about...

4 years ago
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ElenaChapter 11

Zoe pulled me farther from the door then off to the side. I was getting angry that she wasn’t letting me stop my wife from having sex with my father. I then noticed the worry in her eyes then I said, “Why shouldn’t I stop this from happening? That’s my wife and your husband in there.” “I can’t really explain it right now but look at them in there. Just don’t go barging in there and pulling them apart.” she quietly demanded. I looked into the room and saw that Elena still had her pussy...

2 years ago
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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 12

"Nonsense!" Jarrah gasped. ""I will be nobody's wife, let alone that blow-hard brother of ours! Do you hear this, May? Can you believe this?" All eyes turned to Makro who, while looking a little stunned, didn't appear to be particularly disturbed or outraged. "Jar," she said slowly. "You have always said you would be no man's servant, no one's sex toy and I don't remember anyone ever telling you that you had to. So why the vehemence? All you have to do is say no. It doesn't...

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my first 3some

(all true)I'm 52 and I think I'm the only person on the planet who has never had a threesome. I had always wanted it to be two girls and me, but hell, ya gotta take what comes along.I was on a mission to put together a threesome and live out my fantasy, so I hit Craigslist. I answered an ad a local guy posted about giving BJ's during the day, I was feeling horny and adventurous so I replied to the ad and later that day went to his place. I was greeted by a 50something half naked guy who...

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“I’ve waited all day, ”She said, “What kept you anyway?” She sat on my sofa with a pout, Early I guess her classes were out. “I do work from time to time,” said I, “But now you are mine,” she chimed, The pout left as she stood, Replaced with a smile of mischievous looks. She swaggered to me with a kiss full and deep, Her long lanky arms laced about my neck, I remember the night we met saw eyes to eyes, Me six foot three and she with four-inch heels. She lead to my bedroom hand in hand, The bed...

Erotic Poetry
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Bottoms UpChapter 15

“What do you want to bet that if you hadn’t specifically told them not to do it, Mark and Martin would be presently engaged in some serious buggery, Mark’s dick so far up Martin’s butt that my brother would feel it in his chest? Those two ... I’ve done some sodomy a few times, of course, especially at your direction of late, but those two have the serious hots for each other! Even the thought of fucking Martin in the ass has Mark hard every time!” Lowell chuckled as we talked of Mark and...

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Its dark in the park

There used to be a park that I went to as little girl. It was close to home and there was a tunnel there for bikers and walkers but I remember men just being under there for no reason. Now that I'm older I can go there whenever I please. And one night me and some friends all went to a party. Our ride had been drinking when we didn't want her to so we decided to walk home which it wasn't that far anyways at 2 in the morning. When we came up to this park I remembered as a girl I knew I could go...

3 years ago
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The CircleChapter 13 Apologies Wishes and Babies

Willow Mendez knocked on the door of the large home. This was her second visit. It was Saturday and another warm day, almost nine months after what The Courier newspaper internally called the Atkins Incident – an unfortunate set of events that ended up costing the paper several million dollars. She'd parked on the street and walked up the long driveway because she didn't want to impose on the people living there. There were many cars parked in the garages and spacious carport. Zoey opened...

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Service SocietyChapter 17 Mail Call

“John said that he wants to have your babies.” “What?” Dexter asked in shock. Dexter had just stepped into the office. That was not the kind greeting he had been expecting. Of course, hearing that some man wanted to have his babies, was a little out of the ordinary. Even at the best of times, he’d have had problems with that kind of greeting. “John is a very happy man, and he owes it all to you,” Eric said. That was a bit of good news. Dexter had hoped to help John and he assumed that...

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NaughtyBlog Facials

What makes a webmaster name his website Naughty Blog?! Naughty is a huge understatement when it comes to this website because the content is anything but vanilla and kinda hot, and it's not a blog in the traditional sense of the world. What happened with adjectives like sizzling, mind-blowing, tantalizing? Naughty is so meh that I would ban it from becoming a part of any website name!I am over this shit! I don't give a fuck about the name as long as the content is fine. I stumbled upon...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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my rape fanatasy0

The ad read horny bottom with rape fantasy. I hit accept on the terms of use with the ad for a big guy who would love to help play out my rape fun. After a few responses some just wanted to hook up and get a lift I settled on one with a white guy with a fairly large dick pic and that was all I saw of him. His email read that he would love to meet and use me as his fuck toy some time. A few emails later we agreed to meet at the park later that night and play out our little fun. I told...

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Salon Surprise

The usual trip to the hairdressers promised nothing new but, on this occasion, it took a new twist. I had done some work for Yvonne, nothing strenuous, but she appreciated it all the same. Yvonne run a small hairdresser in the village and had help at the weekends from Emma, a 17 year old student. Anyway, on this visit I was the last appointment and as I went to the counter to pay, Yvonne asked me how much she owed me for the work."Err, thirty quid should do it, if that's ok." I offered."That's...

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Rockin w the Band

The new band singer knew just how to put her new band mate at ease.She looked up at him and began to pull on her pussy hairs, and slowlypull apart her vulva."Here I am!" she sang. "Rock me like a hurricane!"***************************************************(Time now for something different, This story is the firstof a new series that has has nothing to do with Trangender,bisexual,chubby chasing, Larry/Lori, Ready Jane at Wild Crescent) He was a man of few words. Most of the time his bass...

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MFM at Anchor

After a long week of sailing our sailboat to get her where she was going to be kept for the next season, primed and ready for adventures. It was a good job we’d left the k**s with the grandparents and a very good job we’d taken on some help as it’d been a long few days short handed sailing. You weren’t quite confident as yet to sail on your own at night while I slept so I agreed to find someone who had the experience to get us where we wanted to be. Trouble was that I wasn’t happy him sailing...

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Kasc 20101204

When I first got to the party I was a little stressed out, since there was some rushing around after dinner and a series of events made me very late. When I got there, however, I immediately was love-bombed by my girlfriends, and then pulled over by a couple of very attractive women who wanted to play with my long hair. Being petted by hot girls was definitely a calming way to relax, and it got even better when Kasc, a geeky friend of ours whose company I’ve always greatly enjoyed, sat down...

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10 Book2Chapter 10

This was shocking for a young boy but he was pack and he got his thoughts from the rest of us. I said, "No, we better interrogate her while we can." Tiffany and Nicolas went over to Knox. We watched in case anybody else decided to try to enter or leave. Our guns were hidden and cars even came by. The drivers noticed the iron gates on the ground and I worried even more. My arm hurt like hell but there was little I could do. We stood guard as the house was searched for people. There were...

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It Happened One Evening 3

In the glowing light of my bedroom Liz uncoupled herself from me giving me a deep passionate kiss before exiting the room and creeping downstairs. I laid back warm and contented stroking on my nipples excited at what pleasures were still to come.It took only a few minutes before the naked form of Liz reappeared moving quickly around to the bed. I could make out in the light that she was carrying a small Purple Dildo that glowed in her hands. Sliding back next to me she turned to face me and...


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