Dawn Visits Kansas Chapters One Six
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Chapter Seven: Wednesday
Part 1: Morning - Business Update
I woke at sunrise, but Patti was still sound asleep, so I snuck out of bed, gathered lingerie, clothing, shoes, wig, and purse going into the bath to shower and shave. My dress for the day was a very simple, short-sleeve tie-waist shirtdress in tartan. After getting dressed and applying my makeup, I tiptoed out of the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Then I put on my two-inch black open-toe heels and went into the kitchen to make coffee. Taking a cup, I went into the office and checked my email.
There was an update from my business partners. I printed it off to show Patti when she got up. I went back to the kitchen and began fixing our breakfast of bacon, eggs, hash browns, and wheat toast. Patti came out of the bedroom wearing a dressing gown, her hair a little disheveled, but still looking beautiful.
"What a sweetheart you are. Fixing breakfast for me. How do I deserve you?"
"You are such a fantastic person, I am the one that cannot figure out how it is that I deserve you!"
I poured her a cup of coffee and served breakfast. We ate and I cleaned up the kitchen while she went back to the bedroom to shower and get dressed. Patti returned wearing a powder blue A-line dress that showed off her bosom.
"WOW! You look fantastic in that dress. What a beautiful woman you are!"
"Thank you, Sweetie. I appreciate your compliments. You look very beautiful in that dress."
"I have some great news for you. Please sit down."
Patti looked at me with wide eyes, then sat at the table. I handed her the email I had printed earlier.
She read through the message, then read it again, then looked up at me. "Is this for real? Are you certain? I am in shock!"
"Yes, if you will take $2 million up front, then payments of $2 million per year, the total will be $20 million. That includes the interest. Payments would last for nineteen years. You can split the money with your daughters to reduce taxes."
"That is fantastic! Yes, I would want to split the money with the girls. I am in shock at the amount. This is beyond belief. I had no idea this property would be worth so much. WOW! How can I ever thank you?"
“I thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life."
She hugged me and gave me a very passionate kiss, which I returned. As it was only nine o'clock, Patti took the time to call her financial advisor and discussed the offer presented by my partners.
She completed her call and came into the office. "I accept the offer. Please have them split the payments between me and my daughters equally."
I stood up and went around the desk to hug and kiss her. "I am very happy that you are pleased. Is there anything else I can do to make you happy?"
"You are fantastic. I am thrilled at the outcome of this business arrangement. Please, just hold me."
I held her.
I emailed my partners and let them know she would be accepting the offer and would be splitting the payments with her daughters.
Part 2: Afternoon - Trip to the Bank
A few minutes later, a return email contained several documents that would need to be notarized. I printed the forms off and took them to Patti.
"You will need to have your signature notarized on these forms and we will send them back to my partners."
"Okay, we can go into the bank for that."
We drove into town, parked in front of the Farmers State Bank. Taking the paperwork, we entered, and Patti was greeted by a middle-aged woman.
"Patti. So very good to see you. You look so beautiful. What brings you to us today?"
"Valerie, it is so good to see you. How have you been?"
"I am doing just fine. So very sorry about your parents. We were all devastated."
"Thank you, Valerie. It has been very comforting with all the praise for Mom and Dad."
"How can we help you today?"
"I need a notary for some documents."
"Of course, come over here and Robert will be happy to take care of you."
Patti went over to a desk. I sat in a chair near the front door. Robert witnessed as Patti signed the documents, then applied his stamp and signature. Patti thanked Robert, then went back to Valerie, said goodbye, and gave her a hug and cheek-kiss. The next stop was the FedEx office across the street to return the documents to my business partners.
Part 3: Evening - Charity Wine Tasting
The charity wine tasting was to start at seven o'clock, so we hurried home. Patti reheated our leftovers from the country club and made a salad. I poured two glasses of Chianti, and we hurriedly ate dinner.
We undressed, removed our makeup, showered and I shaved again. Both of us put on fresh lingerie, then re-applied our makeup. I put on my wig and large hoop earrings, thigh-high stockings, and two-inch strappy sandals. Patti selected a red bodycon sweater dress that hugged her curves very nicely.
"You look simply stunning in that dress. Which do you feel I should wear? The burgundy or the brown?"
"Well, since you wore the burgundy last night, I vote for the brown floral. Do you agree?"
"I agree. Both are very beautiful. I like the brown floral just as much as the burgundy."
I slipped into the brown floral print fit and flare with a belted waistline; we grabbed our purses and departed.
Patti drove us to the McPherson Center for Health.
We checked in, got our name tags and wine glasses then began exploring the wines available for tasting. The kitchen had prepared trays of cheese, crackers, hors d'oeuvres, and small dishes of mixed nuts. There were multiple tables with various wines to sample. We wandered, sampling both wines and snacks. Patti encountered several friends from a time gone by, introduced me as a friend from Florida, and we moved on. After a few minutes, we encountered Brenda. She was wearing a cap-sleeve crocheted blue and white lace overlay dress.
"Brenda, you look fabulous. What a beautiful dress." I hugged and gave her a cheek-kiss.
"Thank you, Dawn. I appreciate your compliment. You look fantastic as well. That is such a beautiful dress. Patti, you are the star of the evening. You look stunning!" She gave Patti a hug and cheek-kiss as well.
"Thank you, Brenda, you are beautiful. That dress is outstanding."
We wandered through the banquet room together, sampling wines and nibbling from the trays of snacks. Patti chatted with many attendees as I tried to remain invisible.
About an hour into the event, I needed to go to the restroom. I leaned into Patti's ear and whispered this to her.
She smiled at me. "Are you afraid to go by yourself? You look beautiful. No one will even think of questioning you."
"Please, I don't want to take the chance that someone might make me and cause a scene."
"Okay, let’s go." She led me to the ladies’ room.
Fortunately, it was unoccupied. We went into separate stalls, I pulled my dress up and my panties down, sat and relieved myself. Exiting, I washed my hands and refreshed my lip gloss. Patti came out and did the same. We returned to the party.
"You have nothing to fear. There is no reason for anyone to think you are anything but a beautiful woman."
"Thank you, but I am not as confident as you are."
We resumed wandering through the room. Patti continued encountering old friends.
Brenda came over and chatted with me. "How are you doing? You looked lonely."
"I am fine, Patti is reconnecting with old friends. No need for me to be involved. This is a great turnout. Are these most of the adults from around McPherson?"
"Just about. A few are from the Wichita headquarters."
Part 4: Evening - Later - Outed!
A server was coming through with a tray of champagne flutes. I shifted to get out of the way and bumped my purse onto the floor. Everything dumped out and scattered across the tile. Patti heard the thump and turned around, saw me scrambling to pick up everything.
"What happened?"
"I was getting out of the way, bumped my purse off the table, everything spilled out."
I collected everything in reach; Patti handed me some makeup and other items. I put my purse back on the table and started getting everything where it belonged.
Brenda had picked up some cards and brought them over to the table. She then went to the bar where the tray of Champagne had been placed, picked up three flutes, and came to the table, placing one in front of me and one for Patti.
Patti looked at her quizzically. "To what do we owe this honor?"
She leaned over the table and said in a low voice, "Here is a toast to a very beautiful lady that I am thrilled to meet." We all took a sip of Champagne.
Brenda smiled warmly at me. "I think we should toast the most beautiful DAN I have ever seen!" and she handed my drivers’ license to Patti.
I was mortified, to say the least.
"Dawn, I am a clinical psychologist, so this does not offend me in any way. Why don't we leave and go to my house so you can tell me all about your crossdressing?"
Patti hugged me. "I knew this would happen sooner or later. Let's go to Brenda's and explain everything."
I gulped the remainder of my Champagne. We left the party and drove to Brenda's.
She greeted us at the front door and led us into the bar.
"What can I get you to drink? Do you want to stay with wine, or something stronger?"
"I will stay with wine. Don't need to start mixing my drinks right now."
"Wine for me as well," answered Patti.
Brenda poured our wine and ushered us over to seats.
I was embarrassed beyond belief but sat down in a love seat. Patti sat in a recliner.
Brenda came over, sat next to me, and took my hands in hers.
"Dawn, please, just relax. I have counseled many crossdressers and transgendered, do not be afraid. I am the one that should be embarrassed," she laughed. "We have spent three dinners, time at the pool, a fashion show, and several hours together, and I had no idea you were a crossdresser. I was totally surprised when I picked up your drivers’ license. You present yourself beautifully with very feminine mannerisms. You certainly pass as far as I am concerned. To be very honest, I thought you and Patti had become lesbian partners. Please, tell me how you came to be a crossdresser."
I took a sip of wine, then began relating my history of crossdressing, from teen years through the dissolution of my first marriage to the few women I had dated who had somewhat tolerated my dressing. Coming to the trip where I decided to finally come out to old neighbors, found out that they were swingers, and a party the next evening where I met Patti. This led to Patti accompanying me for two nights on a business trip to Steamboat Springs, where she insisted that I wear a dress unless I was to meet with someone. While in Steamboat Springs, Patti insisted that I go to dinner wearing a dress, and when the waitress discovered me, she was thrilled. After Patti left, I went to dinner at the same restaurant. The waitress and I took a selfie and sent it to Patti.
When my business trip was completed, I returned to my former neighbors for the weekend, spending that time dressed as well. During both weekends, I had been introduced to sex as a woman, starting with orally satisfying a man, also being penetrated by a man. Lesbian style sex had also ensued. Patti had enjoyed this during the first weekend at the party, also the two nights she spent with me in Steamboat Springs. That is why she insisted I come early and spend the week en femme.
Brenda had listened to this dialogue without comment. I stopped and sipped my wine.
"Dawn, first, I thank you for being so forthcoming with your story. I know it is difficult for you to tell this to a stranger, thank you for telling me everything. I want you to know that I view you as a very beautiful woman. Had your purse not dumped, I would have had no clue you weren't as advertised."
She gave me a big hug and a soft kiss on my lips. I returned her hug and kiss.
Patti came to me. "Sweetie, I was certain that Brenda would be understanding and accepting." She hugged and kissed me.
Brenda stood up. "I think a refill of our drinks is in order."
She refilled our wine glasses and we toasted. "Dawn, thank you for coming out to me, albeit unintentionally. I am honored to meet you."
We clinked our glasses and sipped wine.
"Patti, why do you encourage Dan to dress as Dawn?"
"Dawn is so happy and at peace. I met her first and liked who I met. She is very comfortable to be with. Dan is a very nice man, but Dawn is a sweetie."
"And Patti, I had no idea you were into swinging. Would you care to tell me about this?" asked Brenda.
Patti blushed. "I only did this once. When I went through Denver on my way to Aspen, I spent two nights with some old friends. The first night, after dinner and a few drinks, Jean asked if I had any lesbian experiences. She explained that her husband, Harry, and she were in a swinger’s group and that they had both expressed a desire to have sex with me. She then asked if I would be interested in exploring that lifestyle.
"After a few drinks, I wasn't feeling inhibited and agreed. Jean got undressed and had me get undressed. Then she went down on me, and when I had climaxed with multiple orgasms, she turned around and had me pleasure her.
"This was the first time I ever had sexual experiences with another female.
"I brought her to multiple orgasms, and she rolled away, and Harry went down on me, repeating what Jean had done to me earlier. Harry then asked if I wanted him to fuck me, or for me to give him a blowjob. I gave him a blowjob. The next morning, Jean asked if I would enjoy going round and round with her, so we brought each other to rousing climaxes, and then I gave Harry another blowjob.
"While driving to the party, Jean explained that this was not a swinging party, but they did swing with the host couple, so there might be some random experiences.
"The hostess, Marie, quietly told Jean that Dawn was a crossdresser, but one with a very talented tongue. Later, while we were watching a football game, Jean took Dawn to the guest bedroom, and a few minutes later Harry joined them. While Harry and Jean were still with Dawn, another swinger, Debbie, also went to the bedroom. Harry and Jean came out and chatted with Marie, confirming her description of Dawn's talents. Jean then came to me and, without telling me about Dawn being a crossdresser, suggested I might enjoy having her pleasure me. I went to the bedroom while Dawn was still pleasuring Debbie. Shortly, she climaxed and rolled away and told me that Dawn was fantastic. Why not? I lay down and invited Dawn to pleasure me as well, which was fantastic.
"I rejoined the other women and we all raved about how wonderful Dawn had pleasured us. It was then that Marie let on to me that Dawn was Dan. At that point, I didn't care. When the trip to Steamboat was mentioned, I jumped on the chance."
Brenda was chuckling. "So, both of you are now experienced swingers! Do you plan to continue swinging? Is this something that you feel comfortable doing?"
"Not sure. We are both new to this. I only had one weekend, while Dawn participated two weekends, with more participants. We haven't discussed this," answered Patti.
"It was certainly a new experience for me. I never before had any sexual encounters with another man, but I cannot say that I didn't enjoy those two weekends."
"There is nothing wrong with enjoying same-sex experiences. How you decide to continue or not is your choice," said Brenda.
"We only met just over two weeks ago. Spent two nights together in Colorado, then five nights here, so far. Not sure what direction we will follow," I offered.
"I would like to know more about your swinging. Do you think this will be a part of your relationship? Are you comfortable with same-sex experiences? What do you think of your partner being with someone else?" Brenda asked.
"To be honest, we have not discussed this. I don't feel that swinging would inhibit our relationship. As far a same-sex, I did have an enjoyable experience. Since we are not in a committed relationship, I don't think that would be an issue," answered Patti.
"As Patti said, while we certainly enjoy each other, I also had an enjoyable same-sex experience, so I guess I can go both ways - pun intended. If she is comfortable, I would not object to her being with someone else. Why do I feel there is an ulterior motive to this line of questioning?"
"I would say, okay, we might be interested in experimenting with swinging. What do you have in mind?" asked Patti.
"I have a male friend, Martin, and we have been known to swing with other couples. Would you two be interested in partying with us?"
"We are new to this but would certainly be interested in at least meeting him," suggested Patti, "So, tell us, how does this work?"
"We will meet here, introduce everyone, have a drink, and relax. We then randomly pair off and individually decide what we are comfortable with doing together. It may be male and male, female and female, or male and female. The penetrating male wears a condom, whether paired with a female or another male. Oral sex may be one on one or 69, personal choice. We normally get naked before we start, but I am not going to tell Martin about Dawn beforehand, just let him discover that she has a little 'extra'! Women normally remove their makeup and lip gloss, but I am not going to mention that for the same reason," she chuckled.
"When would you like to get together?" asked Patti.
"What do you have planned for tomorrow evening? Say five o'clock?"
"I think we can do that. What should we wear? Can we bring anything?"
"Something comfortable that comes off easily. Some women wear swimsuits as they are easy to remove," Brenda chuckled.
"Okay! We will see you tomorrow afternoon." Patti hugged and cheek-kissed Brenda.
"Brenda. I want to thank you for being so accepting of Dawn. I am certainly glad you were the one to find my drivers’ license, instead of some stranger. That could have been awkward. I feel very comfortable with you knowing about me. Thanks again for everything." I hugged her and gave her a soft kiss. She returned the hug and kiss.
Patti and I returned home, undressed, removed makeup, put on nighties.
"I am certainly glad that Brenda was so cool when she picked up my drivers’ license. Anyone else might have caused a scene. You were right, she is very accepting.
"I am looking forward to tomorrow, which should be an enlightening evening."
"Yes, it was a good thing Brenda was there. Are you ready for tomorrow?"
"I think so. This is all new to me as well. If we don't enjoy it, we don't have to do it anymore. Would you like to do anything tonight?"
"I think this evening has had all the excitement we can take. Just hold me, please."
We cuddled and went to sleep.
Chapter Eight: Thursday
Part 1: Noon - Travel to Wichita
Patti and I slept in until after nine o'clock.
I woke and hugged Patti. "You make me feel so wonderful. What did I ever do to deserve you?"
She hugged me tightly. "Oh, Sweetie, you are the one that makes me feel wonderful."
Patti's cell phone rang; it was Brenda. They chatted for a moment. "Do we have anything planned for tomorrow morning, say until about noon?" Patti asked.
"Nothing I can think of. What's happening?"
"Slight change of plans. Brenda wants us to go overnight to Wichita. Leave here this afternoon, drive to Wichita, go to dinner, then back to Martin's, spend the night and return Friday morning?"
"I have no problem with that. What time does she want to leave here?"
"She will pick us up at two-thirty. We go to Martin's and then change for dinner. When we return, we will have an evening of swinging."
I got up, showered, shaved, put on panties and a bra, then applied my makeup, put on my wig and stud earrings. Brenda had told us to dress casually, so I chose a pink flower-pattern, button-front blouse, knee-length white A-line skirt, with white sandals.
Patti put on pastel blue walking shorts, a sleeveless navy blue knit sweater, and sandals.
We made some coffee and fixed breakfast. After we cleaned up the kitchen, we went to pack what we were bringing for the trip.
As requested, I packed the khaki sleeveless front knot dress with an empire waist and V-neck. Added the two-inch-heeled sandals and thigh-high stockings, decided I better add a pair of panties. Might need a nightie, so I chose my sky-blue lace peignoir. For the return trip, I decided on a navy floral V-neck dress, white sandals, panties, and a bra.
At two-thirty, Brenda drove up to the house.
"You look beautiful!" Brenda hugged and kissed me.
Patti and I loaded our suitcases into the trunk, and we departed for Wichita. It took about an hour and Brenda went into the parking garage for Martin's condo.
She has been here before!
We each grabbed our suitcase and then followed Brenda to Martin's unit. Brenda used a key and opened the door, ushering us in and directing Patti and me to the guest bedroom.
"Hang up your clothes and come to the kitchen for a drink."
Patti and I went into the guest bedroom, opened our suitcases, removed our dresses, and hung them up. Returning to the living room, Brenda told us that Martin would be here in a few minutes. "That will give us time to relax a bit before getting dressed for dinner."
Brenda proceeded to make a pitcher of martinis and poured four glasses just as Martin came in the door. "How lucky can I get? Three beautiful women and a martini to greet me!" Martin came in, gave Brenda a big hug and passionate kiss.
Brenda then introduced us. "Martin, these two ladies are Dawn and Patti. They are new to swinging, so we are going to dinner first, then back here."
He picked up his martini glass and we all toasted and clinked glasses.
"I am pleased to meet such beautiful women and will do my very best to show you a good time."
We relaxed for a few minutes, sipping our martinis.
Brenda announced that it was time for us to start getting dressed for dinner.
Patti and I went to the guest bath and showered together, washing each other, some areas more thoroughly than others. We dried and I shaved again, put on black lace panties and we both applied our makeup. I donned my wig, large hoop earrings, thigh-high stockings, my dress, and strappy two-inch heel sandals. Patti wore a black V-neck fit and flare dress with lace trim that looked fantastic.
"You look stunning. That is a fantastic outfit. You are so very beautiful!" I commented.
"Thank you, Sweetie. I appreciate your compliment. Your outfit is unbelievable. You are beyond beautiful," she replied.
We went out to the living room to await Brenda and Martin.
Martin showed first. "You both look so beautiful. It is hard for me to believe I am in your presence!"
"We are thrilled to be with you," I answered.
Brenda came out wearing a metallic body-contouring dress.
"WOW! What a beautiful outfit. You look stunning! That dress is fantastic!" I offered.
"Thank you, Dawn. You look fantastic as well. We will see who gets the most compliments tonight!" she answered.
"Between you two, I feel like a wilted rose! You both look fantastic!" offered Patti.
"I cannot believe how beautiful all three of you are. I am thrilled to be in your company!" added Martin.
Part 2: Evening - Dinner
Martin called up Uber on his phone and we went down to the lobby to await a driver. Our Uber car arrived and took us to Chester's Chophouse and Wine Bar.
The hostess seated us in a booth.
Our waitress, Toni, was very beautiful, with at least DD-cup breasts on full display in a white deep V-neck short-sleeve blouse.
"You are a very lucky gentleman. With these three beautiful ladies. How do you choose one over the other?" she asked Martin.
"I just do the best I can for each of them. They keep coming back for more!" he laughed.
She described the specials for the night: Chicken Saltimbocca, Maple Mustard Salmon, Almond Crusted Trout, or Veal Adriana.
We asked for a pitcher of vodka martinis, and four glasses to start the evening. Dinner decisions would be later. She left to get our drink order.
Toni returned with the requested pitcher of martinis and glasses. She set the glasses and began pouring and distributing the drinks.
"Can I get you anything more at this time?"
"Thank you. Please give us a few minutes. We will order later," answered Martin.
"Here's to the most wonderful people I have ever had the privilege of meeting. I am thrilled every time we get together!" offered Brenda.
"Here! Here!" we responded, and we sipped our martinis.
Toni returned, reiterated the specials, and we each ordered dinner. As we were all ordering beef, I ordered a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. We sipped our martinis.
Toni returned with our wine and four glasses. A few minutes later, another server delivered our dinners. We sipped our wine and savored our meals.
Toni returned, asked if we would like to look at the dessert menu. Everyone declined, and I asked for the check.
Toni presented the bill. I gave her my credit card and she went to process the charge.
"You don't need to pay the entire bill. I will split it with you," objected Martin.
"Thanks, but this is my treat. You are being very gracious allowing us to invade your home."
"I thank you for a wonderful dinner." Martin excused himself and went to the men’s room.
Patti chuckled, "What will she say when she sees your male name on your credit card?"
"Not to worry. She will probably never see me again," I answered.
"Brenda, have you told Martin about Dawn?" asked Patti.
"No, he doesn't have a clue. Let him find out later," she chuckled.
Returning, Toni was smiling. "You are the most beautiful Dan I have ever waited on. Do I win the bet that you are much prettier than your drivers’ license picture?"
"How many of your customers look anything like their drivers’ license picture?" I asked.
"I think you are a very beautiful woman. No matter what your photo ID says!" she answered.
"Thank you, Toni. You are a very beautiful woman as well. This has been a wonderful evening," I responded.
Martin returned, cued up Uber, and requested a car. I signed the charge for dinner, with a very nice tip for Toni.
We went out the front door as our driver arrived.
Part 3: Evening - An Introduction to Swinging
Returning to Martin's condo, Brenda prepared everyone a drink.
"Martin, these ladies are both new to swinging but are willing and able. Why don't you pick one of them and get the evening started?"
Martin came over to me, gave me a soft hug and kiss. "You are so beautiful. I look forward to being with you."
I returned his kiss, happy that the lighting was very dim in the living room.
He then went over to Patti, also giving her a soft hug and kiss. "You look fabulous. How would you like to start the evening with me?"
Patti looked nervously at me; I smiled. "Just relax and enjoy yourself. This is supposed to be fun."
She smiled back, took Martin by the arm, led him over to the sofa, and asked, "Why don't we start with me giving you a blow-job?"
He kicked off his shoes, pulled off his shirt, dropped his trousers and briefs, and, now naked, sat on the sofa. Patti knelt, took him into her mouth, and began pumping.
Brenda came over to me. "I am the lucky one tonight. I want to find out what Patti was raving about yesterday. She said you were fantastic!"
I whispered into her ear, "Does he know about me?"
She shook her head. "No, just roll with everything and let him discover on his own. He will be fine."
She removed her dress, peeled off her panties, and, now naked, sat down next to Martin.
I knelt between her legs and did my best to deserve the accolades Patti had given, sucking and licking all her sensitive parts. She moaned and squirmed, then began bucking and finally rolling aside, pushing me away. Martin convulsed and exploded into Patti's mouth about the same time. She gulped and gulped, doing her best to contain his load. When she had all she could handle, she turned to me and gave me a big kiss, feeding me Martin's cum. I swallowed and gave her a passionate kiss.
"WOW! You two certainly don't perform like newbies. Martin and I have entertained several couples that have been swinging for years that are not nearly as good as you."
"It helps to have exciting partners. You and Martin certainly put us at ease, which makes everything much more enjoyable," I answered.
We all went back to the bar, retrieved our drinks, and relaxed for a few minutes. Martin then took me over to the sofa and suggested that I get undressed.
I looked at Brenda; she smiled and winked at me. Nervously, I sat and unbuckled my sandals, rolled off my stockings, stood and removed my dress, revealing my breast forms, then peeled off my panties. I was now standing naked, and yes, I was excited; my penis became rigid.
"Dawn, I am totally surprised. You are such a beautiful woman. I had no idea that you are not female!"
"I hope you are not offended. Brenda just found out last night by accident," I responded.
He took me behind the sofa, had me bend over the back, put on a condom, lubed my anus with KY jelly, and penetrated me. He pumped several times before gushing into my ass. My legs buckled and I held on to the sofa for support. Martin withdrew, took a towelette, and removed his condom, depositing it in the trash. I took another towelette to remove the excess KY jelly from my ass. Martin laid me down onto the sofa and proceeded to suck me until I exploded into his mouth. He came up and gave me a big kiss, feeding me my cum. I moved him onto the sofa and went down on him, sucking him until he exploded into my mouth. I swallowed and swallowed, not letting any of his cum go to waste.
Meanwhile, Patti had completely undressed. She and Brenda were satisfying each other in a 69. They finally came up for air and we all retired, naked, to the bar and our drinks.
"We would like to thank you both for a fabulous evening. This was a first for both Patti and me. As far as I am concerned, I would love to party with you both again. Martin, I hope you weren't offended that we didn't tell you in advance that I was not what you were expecting."
"Not at all. You are a very wonderful partner. We enjoyed you as well and would love to entertain you again," he answered.
"Patti, I want to thank you for sharing Dawn. She is fantastic. You are a very lucky girl."
"Oh, how I know. From the first time we met, I have been in heaven with her between my legs!"
We enjoyed an after-dinner drink, then gathered our clothes and retired for the evening.
Patti and I, already naked, removed makeup, put on nighties, snuggled in bed, and drifted off to sleep.
Chapter Nine: Friday
Part 1: Morning - Breakfast and Return to McPherson
I heard noises from the kitchen, rose and showered, shaved, put on my panties and bra, applied makeup, put on my wig and stud earrings. Went back into the bedroom, put on a navy floral V-neck dress, with white sandals. Gave Patti a shake - time to rise and shine! - and went out to get a cup of coffee.
Martin was preparing breakfast - scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, and wheat toast. "Hello, Dawn, you look beautiful this morning." He gave me a hug and kiss.
"Thank you, Martin. I appreciate your hospitality. Last night was wonderful."
"Dawn, I have certainly enjoyed every moment we have been together. You are a very beautiful woman. I am happy to have met you." He poured me a cup of coffee, and I sat at a high-top table to read the newspaper and wait for Brenda and Patti to emerge.
Brenda came out first, wearing a halter top and shorts, looking fantastic.
"Wow! Brenda, you look beyond beautiful. That outfit looks wonderful. May I get you a cup of coffee?" I offered.
"Thank you, Dawn, you look very sexy as well. Please. Coffee would be wonderful?"
"Certainly!" I poured a cup of coffee and handed it to Brenda, picked up my cup, and clicked cups with her. "Here is to a fantastic friend!"
"Oh, Dawn, you are so wonderful. I am so happy that we met. These past few days have been outstanding!"
Patti emerged, looking beautiful wearing her painted-on pink V-neck top and white shorts. "WOW! I cannot even begin to describe how sexy you look. What a breathtaking outfit!" I exclaimed.
"I certainly agree with Dawn. You are beyond beautiful. I cannot begin to describe how fabulous you look!" agreed Martin.
"Patti, you look stunning. I certainly agree with Martin and Dawn," offered Brenda.
"Thank you all. I certainly appreciate your compliments. It feels very nice to be appreciated. To have my friends give such wonderful reviews makes me feel very satisfied. Thank you for your support."
Martin served breakfast. We consumed all he had prepared, then helped clean the kitchen.
"Thank you, Martin. This has been a wonderful overnight. I hope we can get together again soon," I offered.
"You are very welcome. I have enjoyed your company."
Brenda suggested it was time to return home, so we packed up. Martin kissed each of us as we left.
Brenda drove us home and we unloaded our suitcases.
"Thanks, Brenda. That was a very fun evening." I hugged and kissed her.
"Yes, we had a wonderful time. Thanks for everything." Patti gave her a hug and kiss as well.
"You are both welcome. It was very enjoyable for me as well. On another subject, Dawn, would it be possible for you to appraise my property, as you have done for Patti? Maybe it is time for me to move. I certainly don't need a large house. I could move to Wichita and be closer to my two daughters, and also Martin."
"Come on inside and we can discuss this,” I suggested.
We went into the family room.
“Brenda, I can certainly do an appraisal. However, my investment partners might not be able to make an offer quickly. We have a significant investment into Patti's property, and yours would also be in the same market, making it a competing listing. If we can quickly find a buyer for this property, yours would certainly be of interest."
"How long would it take you to do an appraisal? When could you get started?" Brenda asked.
"Well, when I came to appraise this property, Patti invited me to stay with her, and she also feeds me!" I chortled.
"Oh, Dawn, you can certainly come to stay with me, and I will feed you as well!" Brenda chuckled.
"Really! Both of you! Okay, fine - you can pack up and go home with Brenda if that is what you want!" Patti laughed.
"Brenda, you make a wonderful offer, but I think I better stay with Patti. I do enjoy being in her company." I hugged Patti.
"And I think you two make a wonderful couple. Both of you are very beautiful. When could you appraise my property?"
"I am scheduled to leave Sunday and return to Florida. If I stay here to appraise your property, I am going to have to do laundry! Even with all the dresses I have liberated from you, it is time to wash some panties and bras! Patti, may I borrow your washing machine?"
"Oh, so now you need me for my laundry facilities?" chuckled Patti.
"I was able to spend three days on the McPherson County website before coming here for the physical inspection. We spent an entire day in the County Clerk’s office and about four hours of walking the property. How many acres of land do you have now?" I asked.
"We divested everything but the five-acre homestead," she answered.
"Patti, may I stay with you for another week so I can do an appraisal for Brenda?"
She hugged me. "Yes, you may. As long as you come home to me every night."
"Patti, you can come over and we can lay out by the pool while Dawn is working. Maybe she can give us another fashion show by going through all the clothes still in the bins."
"Sounds like a wonderful plan. Dawn, you will have to change your return flight. As a special bonus, I will do your laundry!" Patti hugged me. I gave her a hug and kiss.
"I want to thank you both for a wonderful dinner and evening of swinging. Martin was completely surprised when Dawn removed her dress and panties. He had no idea that she was anything other than a very beautiful woman. And I want to reiterate that I was totally surprised when I picked up your drivers’ license on the floor. Looking at you right now, even though I know the truth, I still view you as a very beautiful woman."
"Thank you very much. I certainly appreciate your compliments. We had a wonderful introduction to full-scale swinging. We would be interested in getting together again. Martin was very gentle with me. And I certainly enjoyed pleasuring you!" I replied.
"Yes, last evening was a thrilling experience. I was more than satisfied and am still exhausted!" laughed Patti.
Brenda hugged and kissed me, then Patti, and returned home.
Patti and I took our suitcases into the bedroom and unpacked.
Part 2: Afternoon – Relaxing, At Home
I went into the office, powered up my laptop, and checked email. There was a confirmation from my business partners that everyone agreed on the deal for Patti's property, so I printed it off for Patti. I sent an email to my partners explaining that I would be staying next week to appraise another property. Then changed my return flight to the following Sunday.
A few minutes later, Patti came in and announced that lunch was ready. I took the email and went into the kitchen and gave it to Patti.
She was thrilled. "How soon will they take possession? When do I need to get moved?"
"It will be at least thirty days, so you have plenty of time. Even after that, until a new buyer is found, you can stay here."
We sat and ate the sandwiches and chips she had prepared.
"What do you want to do for dinner?" she asked.
"We could go to the grocery store and get some steaks, or even go back to the country club. What do you feel like doing?"
"Last night was wonderful, but I am still tired. How about staying home and grilling some burgers?" she answered.
"That sounds just fine."
We lounged around for a few hours, really doing nothing.
Patti was able to grill the burgers on a side burner of the kitchen stove, adding a slice of cheese to each patty just before removing from the heat, then quickly toasting buns. She put out bottles of ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, a plate with sliced onions and tomatoes, lettuce, and pickles, then poured a bag of chips into a bowl, and we served ourselves.
We sat and ate our hamburgers with chips and wine.
Patti and I cleaned up the kitchen. There was still some wine remaining, so I refilled our glasses, emptying the bottle.
We took a few minutes to finish the wine, then retired to the bedroom, undressed, put on nighties, removed makeup, and crashed for the night.
"If you get up early tomorrow, I will do laundry, so don't get all dressed up," she reminded me.
Chapter Ten: Saturday
Part 1: Morning - Breakfast and Begin Research
I woke early Saturday morning and slipped out of bed, trying my best to let Patti continue sleeping. Since Patti had said she would do laundry this morning, I chose the white walking shorts and powder blue sleeveless knit top she had picked out for me at Brenda's. May as well go commando, no panties or bra. I showered, shaved, and did light makeup, put on my wig and stud earrings, tiptoed out of the bedroom, and then put on my white sandals.
Went to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. While that was brewing, I went into the office and started researching Brenda's property by accessing the McPherson County website and began downloading tax records and building permits. Letting the computer do some work, I had time to go back to the kitchen for some coffee.
About two hours into this process, Patti came out wearing a dressing gown, hair disheveled, but still looking wonderful.
"Hi, Sweetie. You got up early this morning. And look at you, braless as well!"
"Since you said you were going to do laundry this morning, I thought we may as well wash everything. It is just you and me here right now. If someone other than Brenda shows up, I will go put on underwear."
She laughed, came over and kissed me, went to get herself a cup of coffee, then started a load in the washer. I continued working.
Patti took a shower and dressed, came back to the kitchen, and prepared breakfast. She interrupted me and we ate, then I helped her clean up all the dishes.
Back at work while Patti continued with the laundry.
A little after noon, she interrupted me again to announce that lunch was served: tuna salad sandwiches and chips. Mid-afternoon, Patti came in and announced that the laundry was done and asked what I had in mind for dinner.
"We could go to the BBQ place where we had lunch on Monday. That would be different. Or did you want to get dressed up and go back to the country club?"
"It is Saturday night. Why don't we get dressed up and go to the country club?" she answered.
"Okay with me. Let me wrap up here, and I will go get ready."
Part 2: Evening – Out, To Dinner
Patti went to change while I finished work and shut down my laptop.
She came out wearing the red bodycon sweater dress that hugged her curves very nicely. This was the same dress she wore on Wednesday to the wine tasting.
"You look stunning! That is a very beautiful dress, and it fits you in all the right places!"
"Thank you, Sweetie. Now go get yourself ready."
What a wonderful gal - Patti had hung up all my dresses and folded my panties and bras, putting them in the dresser for me. I kicked off my sandals and peeled off the sleeveless top and white shorts, putting them into the dirty clothes bin. Taking a bra and panties, I went to the bathroom and showered, shaved again, put on full makeup and my large hoop earrings. What to wear? Already wore the burgundy dress to the country club. The chiffon and the knot-front were not appropriate. Guessed the brown floral print fit and flare with a belted waistline would be the best option, which was the same dress I wore to the wine tasting. Rolled on thigh-high stockings, buckled the heeled sandals, grabbed my purse, and went to the living room.
"You look wonderful. That dress is perfect for you."
"Thanks. It is also very comfortable. Glad we liberated it from Brenda!" I chuckled.
We drove to the McPherson Country Club and asked for a table overlooking the golf course.
Janice was again our waitress. "Good evening. I remember you from Tuesday evening, Patti and Dawn. Correct? Welcome back."
"Yes, and you are Janice. Correct?" I responded.
"Very good. Thank you for remembering me. Can I start you with a drink?"
"I will have a glass of Chardonnay," said Patti.
"Make that two glasses," I added.
"The specials tonight. We still have the Copper River Salmon, cooked on a cedar plank and topped with spinach. Our second special is baby back ribs. I will be right back with your drinks."
"We had the salmon and prime rib on Tuesday and the leftovers on Wednesday. Are you interested in doing something like that again?" asked Patti.
"I am not that hungry. Maybe just an entree salad instead," I answered.
"That sounds like a good idea."
Janice returned with our wine and asked if we were ready to order.
I looked at Patti and she asked for the Strawberry Avocado Salad: fresh spinach, grilled chicken, strawberries, avocado, goat cheese, candied walnuts with raspberry vinaigrette dressing.
Janice turned to me, and I requested the Harvest Salad: spinach, Granny Smith apples, bleu cheese crumbles, toasted walnuts, dried cranberries with a sweet apple vinaigrette dressing.
We sat back and relaxed, sipping our wine.
"My goodness, no matter where I go, there you are!" laughed Brenda as she pulled out a chair and sat down with us. "You two look very lovely this evening. What are you doing tonight?"
"Patti ran out of lasagna, so we had to go out for dinner," I quipped.
"How are you doing, Brenda? Did you play golf today? Would you care to join us for dinner?" asked Patti.
"I am just wonderful. One of my better days of golf, and I took all the money! If you don’t mind, I would love to join you!" she gushed.
"Fantastic. It is always satisfying when you have a solid round. And a bonus to take all the money," I responded.
"What have you two been up to today?"
"Patti did all the laundry while I started research on your property."
"How did the research go? Did you find anything out of the ordinary?"
"No. Everything was as expected. I will have to spend part of Monday in the clerk’s office, but nothing like when I verified Patti's property. Will you be home on Tuesday? Would it be convenient for me to come and do a physical inspection then?"
"Would you need me to be there? I normally play golf on Tuesday. I could give you a key."
"Why don't we come over Monday afternoon to inspect the house, and I could come back on Tuesday to do the outside? Would that work?"
"That would be perfect. Plan on staying for dinner and another fashion show!"
Janice saw that Brenda was sitting with us and came to take her order.
“Please bring me a glass of Chardonnay and the Strawberry Avocado Salad.”
Janice left to add another salad and brought Brenda a glass of wine. Shortly, she returned with our salads, and we ate quietly.
We finished, pushed the plates away, and sipped our remaining wine. A busboy cleared away the empty dishes.
“I am so happy that I ran into you. It is always a pleasure having dinner together. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
She hugged and cheek-kissed Patti and me, signaled Janice, signed for her dinner and wine, then departed.
When our wine glasses were empty, Janice returned and asked if we wanted dessert or anything more to drink. We declined, Patti signed for dinner and we returned home.
After getting undressed and into nighties, we removed makeup and snuggled in bed.
I removed her panties and went down and brought her to a massive orgasm.
“Oh, thank you! That was fantastic. I am so happy we are together.”
We cuddled and drifted off to sleep.
Chapter Eleven: Sunday
With nothing planned for the day, we slept in until nine o'clock. Rising, we showered and dressed casually.
Patti chose a light blue knit blouse and navy-blue walking shorts with sandals. I put on my red poppy festival dress with white sandals.
We started a pot of coffee and began fixing breakfast. Hash brown potatoes, wheat toast, bacon, and scrambled eggs were ready about the same time as the coffee.
After eating, we cleaned up the kitchen and walked to the end of the drive to retrieve the Sunday paper. Returning, we read the paper, did the Sudoku and crossword puzzles together.
“Do you have any idea where you want to look for a place in Denver?” I asked.
“Nothing specific. Maybe the western suburbs. Maybe a two or three-bedroom condo with attached garage,” she mused.
“With the cash you will be getting, you can pick and choose. Would you like for me to research the area market and see what is available?”
“That would be wonderful.”
I went into the office and started looking at available properties in the Denver Metro area. Using the criteria Patti had requested, there were over forty properties for sale, ranging from two hundred thousand to over two million. Sorting through these listings, I identified eleven that would be of interest and printed fact sheets for each property.
Patti was lounging on the veranda, so I took the printouts to her.
“These are all beautiful properties. I will have to visit and check them out.”
“You will have plenty of time. Properties will come and go. No need to get in a hurry. What do you feel like doing this afternoon?" I asked.
"I am just fine doing nothing. How about you?" she answered.
"Works for me." And I sat down with her and watched the day go by.
About four o'clock, Patti asked what I wanted to do for dinner.
"I am just fine with hamburgers or meatloaf, even ham and cheese sandwiches, whatever is easier."
"Ham and cheese sandwiches with chips sounds fine to me."
We went into the kitchen and fixed our gourmet dinner, accompanied by glasses of Chianti.
After cleaning up the kitchen, we refreshed our wine and sat on the veranda watching the sunset.
Finished our wine, rinsed the glasses, and left them in the sink.
Undressed, removed what makeup we had on, put on nighties, and cuddled in bed.
*** To be continued ***
classified information, but he has done his research at home. If nothing else, he’s curious, naturally and always, as any scientist should be. There was a news article he found in a local small-town newspaper from 1967 that described a meteor landing on a cornfield in Kansas. Differently from the many of its kind — the mysterious, conspiratorialist fodder — that one didn’t mention aliens at all. It did, however, talk about a viscous, large, grey mass that was collected for study by the...
Chapter Seven: After The Party"That was an interesting evening. What did you think when Jean took me away?""We have known Harry and Jean for quite a while and have swapped with them and Clint and Debbie a few times. We knew what was happening and were not concerned," answered Marie."I guess you and Patti have hooked up. Is she going to Steamboat Springs with you?" Asked Andrew."Yes, I am going to meet her at Harry and Jean's at one o'clock tomorrow. She will follow me to Steamboat, but will...
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I made it through an entire state without having sex – about three hundred almost 'nonstop' miles through Nebraska, and not one woman threw herself in front of my motorcycle, not one situation emerged in which a daring rescue of some sex-crazed maiden was required, and nothing else happened of note, except I stopped for gas and a couple of times to stretch. Nebraska was boring, and so was a good part of Kansas on my way to Salina where I'd made overnight reservations at a Best...
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AnalWhen I woke at six in the morning, Barb was still sleeping so I started a pot of coffee for myself, got dressed and left the room to go outside for two cigarettes. When I quietly returned to our suite, she was sleeping so poured a cup of coffee and turned on her laptop computer to check our joint e-mail account for messages.I couldn't believe that we had received almost sixty messages, most of which seemed to be in response to our videos regarding the upcoming trip to Natural Pines Resort and...
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Kansas City Embassy Suites Although this story is true, I have changed a few things to protect the not so innocent and to set my wife's mind at ease so she may enjoy this little bit of our history as much as she did at the time. This took place on a trip from Kansas City to the west coast. I was moving the last of my belongings back home to California , Gloria, my new girlfriend at the time flew out to drive one of my vehicles back. Sounds weird to call her a girlfriend as we are so much...
Wife LoversClosing her lips tight around his shaft, Lara slowly slid Jonathan into her mouth as her tongue felt every ridge and valley of his flesh. She pressed him deeper into her mouth, teasing his cockhead with the entrance to her throat. By the sounds that were being made by him, Lara figured that he had never gotten this intimate with anyone before. She gently caressed his balls as she began moving slowly back and forth on his shaft, looking up as he was watching her slide her mouth on and off...
HistoricalPulling at the Red Thread of Fate - Chapter 4 - We're Definitely not in Kansas Anymore. The period of time from the locker room to when I got into my car with Jen and Steve was a blur as I went through the motions of showering and getting changed. I wasn't even bothered by my earlier locker room hang ups because I was still trying to work out in my head what had just happened with Mike. I don't want to sound hyperbolic or hysterical about finding Mike attractive. By any measure,...
Dawn looked around the room as she knelt naked on the bed. Her room looked as it always did; the wallpaper, the pictures, the posters hiding the solid plaster construction of the old mansion. They don't build houses like that anymore. But you probably don't care about the construction of the house; certainly you don't care as much as you might care about the way Dawn and Alan were constructed and the way they were about to join those parts. Her legs were slightly spread for bAlance and his...
"MAMA!" Dawn screamed at the top of her lungs. She knew that Mama hated men, hated sex. From what Mama had told her, Dawn was the seedling of Mama'a sole sexual encounter. Virginal before and chaste after that one night of pleasure — pleasure not for Rosa but for the forgotten young man who had emptied the sperm of his balls into her — Rosa had eschewed all relationships with the male of the species. Dawn had no doubt that the cock in her mother's mouth had not been invited there. And as...
Back at the Dean mansion, they met Alan as he drove up after work. "Well, hello, ladies, where have my two lovelies been this afternoon?" he asked. Dawn glanced at Melody, but there was no hesitation in her reply. "I took Dawn to meet Tony. We had a nice time," she said with a twinkle in her eyes. "Did you two get along?" Alan asked Dawn. "Do you mean did he fuck me? Hell yes. That man is hot, truly hot. He's almost as hot as you are, Alan. Not hung quite as well, though," she...
The problem with falling asleep after multiple orgasms — the cums, not the cocktail lounge drinks — is that a girl tends to forget that she usually pees before sleep, and that it would break the mood for her to get up and brush her teeth as well. But the memory returns before the sun rises. At about five in the morning, Dawn felt the pressure building up in her bladder, and the taste of cotton in her mouth. Common sense would have dictated that she slip out of bed and attend to those simple...
And so, just 6 weeks after the idea had been formed, Dawn and Gavin flew out from Cape Town via London to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They arrived the day before sailing, and spent the night in a hotel to catch up on jet-lag. It was there that Dawn hinted to Gavin what he might expect! "I've been a very forgetful girl", she confessed. "I forgot to bring my diaphragm or any panties!" "Wha... Wha... What are you saying?" For a fleeting moment, Gavin wondered whether this would be a...
Two days later, with the house fully occupied, Alan walked past Dawn in the kitchen. Without so much as a glance at her, he said, sotto voce, "My den at midnight." Our little fledgling strumpet smiled to herself. After two nights of somewhat satisfying masturbation — her orgasms pleased her clitoris greatly but she still couldn't get the sight of the Senor's cock out of her mind — Dawn was ready to spread her legs, to take him inside her, to feel the throb of his ejaculation. The day...
So I called Dawn. “Okay, so, you wanna go out?” “Sure,” she said easily, “What do you have in mind?” “Not clubbing. Dinner and a movie?” Things got really quiet for a second. “What movie?” “I don’t care...” “Liar!” “Well, okay, there’s that sci-fi flick, but I understand if you want something else.” “No, I like sci-fi. I’m not big on horror, but sci-fi is okay.” “Sweeet! My kind of girl!” I bubbled. “Dinner before or after?” “After?” “Okay, I need to get you by six. Where do I pick...
The next few years merged into one big sexual blur. Dawn became the official entertainment for the weekly card game. Each of the players had his own surrogate wife, but none of them were as young as Dawn and none cared to spread her legs for the entire group. In addition, Dawn wanted the work badly, planning to use the money to finance her college education. She treated each man, and most of the wives, with the attention they would have gotten had she spent the night alone with each...
And this became Dawn's life for the next 6 or 7 weeks! She met up with Jeff and Andy at least twice a week for a quick or slow fuck depending on circumstances. Enrico reappeared three times over that period, and this almost inevitably involved a threesome with Jeff. During the next poker game at their place, Dawn was totally naked within a couple of hours. Gavin had to play his golden chip later again, and lost to Andy. As she had nothing left to strip, Andy declared that she would have to...
What Melody had said was, "It's not so bad, Dawn; you'll get used to the taste. Meanwhile, let me clean off both of you." Two heads whiplashed toward the doorway. There stood the mistress of the household, casually leaning against the door frame. I haven't described Melody Dean for you, have I? She stood a lithe five foot four, the extra few inches above some of her friends serving her to good advantage on the tennis courts. Without a moment's thought, Dawn could see that her blonde...
Dawn’s thoughts of the last weekI had hid my feelings for almost a year and just as I got the confidence tell Faith she was the object of my desire, she was being rushed to the hospital with a nasty stomach wound, caused by my s!ster. I hate her for trying to kill my possible girlfriend before I could even tell her how I felt, I hoped that Faith loved me as well. I just wanted to confess my feelings to her but before I could Buffy had gone into Faith’s apartment so I made my way towards an open...
A quick per story before the action starts. I meet Dawn at my friends Bob’s house. It was a party for me for completing my six-month anniversary from my divorce. I am 6 feet tall 180 lbs, good physical shape, 32 years old and an above average cock (12 inches long & 4 inches in diameter). Now Dawn is 30 she only looks 14, 5 feet 2 inches tall, 100 lbs, small tits 34 B, her measurements are 34-22-32 a very small lady but very cute & looks very young. Once I arrived at the party Bob...
Dawn & Dianne practically Identical Twins Author’s Note; ADULT’S ONLY The characters in this story are entirely fictitious, but some of the elements of the tale are not.. By Whipsaw Chapter One I watched interestedly as they strolled down the sidewalk, both of them were very attractive, blonde hair over blue eyes. I estimated their measurements at 42DD-26-38. Both had that peaches and cream complexion that is so attractive to me. They would be about twenty years old now, and they were...
It was Saturday night in Sunnydale. Dawn sat on the edge of her bed in her bedroom. She felt restless and bored. Buffy had told her that she had to stay home tonight. She was mad about some silly incident at school. Dawn had gone to Willow, but she wouldn’t help. So here she sat all alone in the big house. She kept trying to think of things to do, but all she wanted to do was get out of here. No one understood her. She felt like no one paid much attention to her anymore either.The group of new...
DAWN REBORNDawn Carson sat at the neatly laid table at the back of the restaurant feeling worried, yet with some excitement. Why mixed emotions? Partly because she had never done anything like this before. Thirty-four years old, separated from her husband for nine months, and here she was waiting to meet a man she did not know, who could be bedding her by the end of the evening. And she had set it up herself.Her simple black cocktail dress with two narrow straps that left her tanned shoulders...
Group SexDawn was in her bed, relaxing in the dark with her long legs spread apart just enough to allow room for her busy hand. The pillows were propped up against the wall so that she could almost sit upright. Certainly she could watch herself if she wanted to. If she could have seen through the covers. It was fall and the nights were just starting to cool off, so she was using a light blanket and not the heavier comforter that she knew she’d be using in a few weeks. The clean sheets felt crisp and...
by stevie3624 The "Coffee & Cake" was as packed as the mall since Christmas was only two weeks away. Ginny and Dawn were fortunate that a small booth in the corner opened up just as their turn came to be seated. Ginny said, "Ooh this is nice, and those cinnamon buns smell fantastic...share?" "Why not," her friend said. "But you're such a bad influence on me Ginny, you never gain an ounce, and I gain a dress size after we're together, but we do have fun – not to mention all the money you...
This is a continuing story about an old friend of Carol’s ,who was asked if she would like to play . It was an unexpected or unplanned invite as Dawn was working in housekeeping at the hotel we were staying in. She happened to walk in to change the sheets and saw us naked ,she will definitely have to change them when we are done. Before I start let me describe Dawn to you, she was a short rather stocky woman of native american descent. She was very pretty , soft spoken and at the age of 40...
Dawn and Patti Move to Denver By Kathi Jo Daniels Background: In the first story, Dan Becomes Dawn, Dan had visited former neighbors in Denver, coming out as Dawn, a crossdresser. The next afternoon, at a party attended by some swingers, Dawn had met, and connected with, Patti. In the second story, Dawn Visits Kansas, Dawn travels to appraise Patti's deceased parents' property for a venture capital buyout. Patti and Dawn also enjoying swinging with another couple. In the end,...
Just the very next week, Dawn needed to go to a week-long conference in Johannesburg (two hours flying from Cape Town). On the Monday morning, she was scheduled to give a talk on new systems which they had been developing and wanted to market. She had been well-coached on the presentation, but her bosses urged her also to socialize with other delegates. A few months earlier, that might have been a frightening instruction, but she was now much more relaxed. Hilary was roped in to advise her on...
You could say I was fat, dumb and happy. I'm really not fat--it's just a figure of speech—but I was dumb because I thought I was in a solid marriage. I was wrong--she's a lying cheating slut. I'm John T. Miller my friends call me JT or BeerMan. They call me BeerMan because I brew 5 gallon batches of beer in my home. Most guys in my Beer Club keg their beer. I, however, bottle mine. My wife, Dawn, drinks wine. She hates beer. No, I don't have a beer belly. I work out 5 days a week at the...
Around this time I discovered a website that was basically all about hooking up. Sure, plenty of women made their profiles look as if they were wanting to date, but really they just wanted to hook up. I’ve always been a big city boy and I had no idea how many lonely, horny women there are in small towns across the country that just wanted to fuck. With the pickings often slim where they lived, and the potential to become labeled as the town whore if they did mess around with a local, I was...
My small dick flayed back and forth as he rammed his thick cock into my ass. Pre-cum oozed from the head of my tiny clit as a woman encouraged him to fuck my brains out. Another thick cock was pushed into my mouth and down my throat, as I was face-fucked by another stud that wreaked alcohol. He held my head and and fucked my mouth mercilessly. I thought forsure I was tasting my own blood from my lips. Within a minute, he was bolting a volley of sperm into my gullet as I gagged on another...
Although this story is true to a point, I have changed a few things to protect the not so innocent and to set my wife's mind at ease so she may enjoy this little bit of our history as much as she did at the time. This took place on a trip from Kansas City to the west coast. I was moving the last of my belongings back home to California, Gloria, my new girlfriend at the time flew out to drive one of my vehicles back. Sounds weird to call her a girlfriend as we are so much more than that actually...
I am a Sissy Faggot! I have been programed by hypnosis to write (beg) to be owned and femenized by a black Master in Kansas City Mo. For months I have watched repetedly sissy hypnoses videos and black cock worship videos. My girl freind set it all in play when she found me dressed in her panties bra and stockings. She has comanded me to tell all who read this that the phrase (black cock sissy) will in fact make me your sissy cock slave to dress me and use me as you wish. She has also instruced...
Although this story is true to a point, I have changed a few things to protect the not so innocent and to set my wife's mind at ease so she may enjoy this little bit of our history as much as she did at the time. This took place on a trip from Kansas City to the west coast. I was moving the last of my belongings back home to California, Gloria, my new girlfriend at the time flew out to drive one of my vehicles back. Sounds weird to call her a girlfriend as we are so much more than that actually...
I had noticed that most of the house lights were on as well as the bedroom so I walked her down to the beach.”Would you like to take a dip” I said then started to strip when she smiled and nodded yes. But as we both started walking naked in the lake we both stopped quickly and agreed it was too cold. We gathered our clothes and started walking back to the house stopping along the way to kiss and fondle one another.As we made our way to the patio I pointed to the windows “looks like they...
The following story is about consensual, informed, extramarital sex. If this is a subject that offends you, please stop reading now and seek out one of the thousands of other stories available on this website that would be more to your liking.All events depicted in this story are absolutely true and accurate, or at least as accurate as my memory can reconstruct. With that said, the names of the guilty have been changed for their protection. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this tale. I have a...
Wife LoversAll events depicted in this story are entirely true and accurate, or at least as accurate as my memory can reconstruct. With that said, the names of the guilty have been changed for their protection. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this tale.Some couples get into threesomes or hot-wifing later on in life, after the initial spark has faded and the doldrums of life start to lean in, they begin to look for a way to invigorate their sex lives.Dawn and I were not that couple.Our very first threesome...
TeenAs Dawn tried hard to stretch her lips around Joe’s and my cock in her mouth.Carol got up,sarcastically saying she better go and get some Vaseline ,chuckling as she walked away. Dawn looked at her leaving, then up at me with some tears in the corner of her eye. I didn’t want to fuck Dawns pretty ass and I knew she didn’t want it either. So when Carol left the room I turned to Joe and said “do you remember Becky” ? Becky was a friend of Amber's and was having a gang bang that Joe...
Dawn and I watched Kay leave then sat staring at each other for a few minutes”wow was that planned”Dawn asked.”What did she whisper to you”she then asked ,then stood up and sat down on my lap. “I hope she told you to take me back to bed”then wiggled her but around, “so are you’? I gave her a kiss ,sliding my hand up between her thighs,you would like that wouldn’t you. But I thought we would take a walk and maybe relive some memories down by the creek.You know , the place where we almost...
Redistribution: No restriction except that the story may not be changed/edited and the title, author’s name and email, and request for feedback must remain intact. I was in a pretty pickle, though I guess it’s one a lot of guys wouldn’t mind being in. Until a few weeks, before this began, I’d been a carefree, though overworked manager at a Dot-com start up. I had a salary I didn’t have time to spend and girlfriend wannabes falling all over me. My downfall, if that’s what it was, began after I...
“I don’t know if David is happy or not and yes I got laid and it was wonderful” Dawn was not telling all. Diane noticed something about Dawn and then an idea crossed her mind, “I don’t think it was David and so who was the lucky boy?” “I am not telling you right now, maybe later after I figure it out better.” Diane was puzzled but this and then it hit her “oh god you did it with daddy, oh man was it good, you have to tell me”. “Quiet, okay but you have to promise not to say anything to...
Part Three: A New HomeAt one-thirty, we left for the title company offices. First American Title Company was located less than two miles from the hotel, and the same distance from our new home. Teresa met us in the lobby.“Thank you for inviting Laura and me to the inaugural party tomorrow. I understand Andrew and Marie, as well as Harry and Jean, will also be there. We look forward to the evening. It should be a fun time. Let us get you the keys to your new home!”Teresa led us into the title...
CrossdressingBTVS: DAWN'S CONFUSION PART 1A young teenager closed her door and jumped on her bed. Reaching over, she pulled her journal from a bedside table. Still laying across the bed she opened the journal and retrieved the pen laying inside and commenced writing.'I Dawn Summers, am admitting that I have no idea what to do. Things have changed as of late. Feelings have escalated and are out of my control. What started out as an educational/informal question and experiment has turned into an unexpected...
our friend, Tyrell giving Dawn her first ever BBCThis is a fantasy about how I would have liked things to have gone if Dawn was still with me. I like to think that she would have been very excited,hot and turned on getting her first black dick from my friend Tyrell from Xham. On several occasions Dawn and I talked about what it might be like for her to get her first black cock ... and I after meeting and talking with Tyrell I'm certain she would have loved getting fucked by him while I watched...
Celebration at Jimmy's HouseDawn looked out the kitchen window at the friends of her son Jimmy as they swam in their pool. The high school baseball season had just finished and the team was to take part in the State All-Star Play Offs. Jimmy's Dad, Will, had excused himself from the swim party and had gone out with his golf buddies. He would probably be gone for the entire day as he always seemed to do whenever he didn't want to be bothered leaving all the work on Dawn's beautiful...
Dawn loved to watch the slayers training, they were all so hot but what she really loved was watching faith, a vampire slayer just like her sister buffy, but unlike buffy faith had this exotic side to her that made dawn tingle all over. She loved that faith always wore those leather pants which seem to cling to her body, dawn could tell that faith either didn't wear any panties or if she did they would be so tiny, dawn let out a little moan at the thought of this, she was pretty sure that faith...
Recently my wife and I took a weekend trip to go visit my parents. We stayed at the hotel nearby because there was other family in town; who were staying at my parent's house. It started that Friday night with all of us going out to dinner. The night would end very quietly, tho my wife got drunk so she was a mess. We walked back into the hotel, well I did and helped her to the room. I came back around to the front desk. Before me was a young woman. Her brown hair in a tail but some covered her...