Sister’s Helping Hand - Chapter 01 free porn video

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I didn’t know why I felt this way.

But when I try to hit on a girl, I freak out. My stomach tenses up into knots and my throat goes dry and raspy. Every time, without fail, when I see a girl I find attractive, it happens.

I’m eighteen and I wouldn’t say I’m particularly ugly. I’m not a model or anything, but I get plenty of looks from girls around campus. I play a lot of sports and hope to jump into uni on a football scholarship.

But that damn vee card… I know it’s not a big deal, most guys are still virgins at my age. Well, if you consider 12% of guys. I read that somewhere.

The problem was, all my mates are testosterone-filled males. Every one of them are in their prime, shagging girls left, right and center. I love the game, but sometimes the teasing can be infuriating.

I was about to leave college, after the last class of the day finished.

I rounded the corner and bumped into a lock of long, blonde hair.

Sophie Turner, one of the girls in my class. She was insanely cute and had one of the best-rated rears in college. I had a crush on her for years, just admiring her from afar in classes we went to together.

“Hey Leo, how are you?”

“H-hi…” I stuttered.

The thing with my nerves, it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. I get nervous, it makes my speech go all weird and then that makes me more nervous and then I end up in cold sweat or something.

“I just wanted to say that I watched you play on the field, I think you’re really talented. My family are big into footie.”

God, she smells nice, and her eyes were big and round and this is the bit I’m supposed to ask her for her number…

“T-thanks, I guess.”

That familiar churning in the pit of my stomach revved up like a sputtering engine.

“Say, do you fancy doing something sometime? Like, grab something to eat or…”

Yeah, that’d be nice. Lots of talking, one on one interacts and me thinking about what I’m supposed to say next and then what? She’s gonna find out what a weirdo I am and go tell everyone and I’m going to get a reputation.

“I need to make sure the oven isn’t left on.”

Yeah, my brain goes stupid too.

“Oh, well, anytime I guess,” she said, her face a mask of confusion. She walked off and I knew I made an ass of myself. Note to self, rush out after class, do not let myself get ambushed.

I drove home in my beat-up Vauxhall Corsa, blaring out some random dance compilation CDs to drown out the anxiety bubbling in my gut. The car was a bit ugly, but it was a solid motor. If I ended up in a university away from home, I need to make sure the damn thing still runs.

I stuck the car onto the driveway and when I entered the house, it was quiet. The clock on the wall said a few minutes after 6 pm. So Mum and Dad aren’t back yet and I can’t tell with Emma.

Emma was a few years older than me but unlike me, she got her shit together. She studies at a local university and as a result, stays at home to save on accommodations. Her lectures are sporadic and you never know when she’s home or not. She studies medicine so she’s a bit of a golden child as far as Mum and Dad were concerned. Not that I had problems in that regard, but while Ems was making the best use of her time, I was still kicking a football around and waiting for the next FIFA game to come out for my Xbox.

I headed upstairs for a shower. To make my day extra special, the heavens opened up and I was drenched on my way to the car.

I peeled off my wet rags and bundled them up, about to stick them in the laundry bin, until something caught my eye.

It was a dark red, lacey ball of fabric.

I gulped.

I picked it up and unfurled them. It was a pair of Emma’s knickers… I knew it was hers because it was bundled together in a pair of her jeans. Mum didn’t wear jeans.

I’m not a pervert, serious. But something triggered inside me right then.

Emma was the only girl that didn’t make me nervous. Okay, she is my sister but she was beautiful too. I’m a guy, you can’t help but appreciate a fine female body. She got a juicy curvy ass, gorgeous face with ever so slightly plump lips. Lips that promised to do wicked things if you let them. She got big boobs too, at least more than and handful. The lads liked to give me shit about how I got a hot sister and keep asking me to help them hook up with her.

As if I was going to whore my own sister out like that.

But still… She was hot. In a refined and almost geeky way.

I licked my lips as I looked at the fabric in my hands. The gusset just had her dried on juices. I didn’t know what came over me. I mean, I wasn’t hurting anyone…

My hands shook, the thrill of doing something I wasn’t supposed to made my heart pound hard.

I put the thin material against my nose and inhaled.

Fucking hell.

A thick pungent aroma flooded my nose. It was a sweet feminine scent with just the slightest hint of sourness to it. Did the smell disgust me? Not at all.

In my nakedness, my cock lurched to life.

“Fuck,” I growled.

I just wanted to know what a girl smelled like…

I should put it down and go for a fucking shower.

My other hand gripped my cock, it was awkward because I usually use my right hand, but I didn’t want to let go of the panties…

I jerked off furiously. Not even porn made me this aroused.

“Emma,” I whispered to nobody. It felt like a dirty little secret, which only made it hotter.
I pounded hard, the urge to cum overwhelming me.

“Fucking hell, Ems…”

I inhaled more, intoxicating myself with my own sister’s scent.

My cock swelled in my hand, and I had a second before the inevitable would happen.

I didn’t know why I did what I did. I pulled the panties down to my dick and with a growl, I ejaculated. I shot load after load of my pent up cum into Emma’s panties. A strange primitive part of me aimed for the gusset, wanting my cum to coat over her stains. A dark thrill crawled up my spine as I indulged in a sick fantasy- picturing Emma walking around casually, oblivious, and wearing her panties soaked with my semen. God, why did that sound so hot?

And then, something caught the corner of my eye.

I looked to the side, and there was Emma watching me.

Watching my dick emptying itself into her panties…

She turned and left. 



Fuck. Shit. Bollocks.

I considered going after my sister. But what would I say? Sorry for jerking off into your pants?
Sorry for being a perverted little shit?

Oh god.

I spent a few agonising hours in my bedroom. I felt safe and maybe I could stay in there forever. Or maybe I should plan on where to go when Dad kicks me out later. I got like £50 in savings.


My anxiety shot through the roof when I saw my parent’s car pull onto the drive.

Mum was going to make dinner and it wouldn’t be long before she’s going to tell me to come downstairs.

I had a wash earlier, but it didn’t calm me down any.

I went downstairs, passing by Emma’s room on the way and the door looked more locked than it ever was before. What will she say to our parents? Maybe I should take the initiative, tell them myself that I accidentally jerked off into Emma’s panties.

Yeah right.

Mum was busy humming away at an 80s pop song in her head and Dad was already in front of the TV catching up on his shows.

I smell pasta sauce so it was going to be a quick meal. Emma would be down in like twenty minutes.
I said hi to them and joined dad in the living room, my heart banging against my ribcage a million miles an hour.

Then a few minutes later, I sensed Emma coming downstairs. Sensed, because she was light on her feet.

Mum made some commotion, the usual ‘how was your day’ and Emma’s usual response.

Mum called for me and Dad to join them around the dining room table and that felt like the longest walk ever. I kinda felt like I was on death row or something.

I sat down, and Emma didn’t make eye contact with me. In fact, she sat furthest away from me.

Mum asked me what I did in college and all that. And I waited for Emma to spill the beans on me.

It never came.

Dad discussed about tomorrow, the big Saturday date that they did once a month- Mum and Dad disappear all day, a day just for them. Can’t blame them, it was one of the tricks to keeping their relationship healthy as far as Dad was concerned. I hope I live long enough to experience that myself one day. We all convened in the living room and Emma sat on the other side of the sofa with Mum between us. Dad took the armchair.

We watched a few programmes, and I wondered if Emma felt the awkwardness hanging in the air. For some stupid reason, my head wandered to other thoughts other than imminent doom. I loved the way the glasses framed her face. Ems kinda looked like a much sexier version of Velma from Scooby-doo, but with longer hair.

It was getting late and Dad yawned. Mum took that as a cue and they both retired for the night, leaving me alone with my sister.

When Mum and Dad were safely upstairs, Emma turned to look at me.

“We need to talk. You know what it’s about.”

I nodded, sucking in a breath.

“What I saw earlier in the bathroom… I wasn’t mistaken, was I?”

“No,” I managed to squeeze out.

“I’m disappointed in you little brother. I thought you knew better than to play around with other people’s property.”

“I’m sorry. I just got carried away.”

“How did you get carried away doing something like that?”

“It’s just… I was horny and I saw your pants and I just…” My face burned red. “I’m sorry. Please don’t think ill of me.”

Emma sighed. “You need a girlfriend. You can’t do things like that, you’ll turn into a deviant.”

“I tried! But I can’t, I’m no good with girls.”

“What do you mean? You’re not ugly and aside from that peculiar act of yours, you’re generally a pleasant person. Girls would want to date you.”

“That’s exactly it! Girls do want to date me, but I can’t. I-I freeze up when I interact with them. I don’t know why exactly but I’m not comfortable around other girls.”

“You’re okay with me and Mum…”

“That’s different I guess. You’re family.”

Emma was staring at me intently, as if she was reading my soul through my eyes. After what seemed like forever, she let out a deep sigh. “Just… Don’t do it again, okay?”

“Yes, I promise.”

“Okay.” She stood and went upstairs, leaving me feeling utterly reprimanded.


Johnny lobbed the ball over to me and I carved the ball into the net.

The friendly game ended and me and the lads whooped and cheered at the victory.

It was only a kick about, but we take sometimes take it too seriously.

I knew I had potential, but deep down I doubt I’d make it to premier league or anything. The most realistic path for me was uni, get a sports degree and be a coach or personal trainer or something.

That is, if I get over my morbid fear of interacting with women.

The boys congregated over the side of the field. I joined them and fished out my phone and bottle of energy drink. As usual, the guys were chatting up some girls who liked to hang around when we were playing. I tried to casually keep my distance while also looking like I’m with the group. The lads joked and teased the girls and they walked off.

“What do you reckon?” Johnny asked all of a sudden.


“Them birds. They going to the club tonight. We’re joining them. You should come too.”

“Uhh, I got other things to do…”

“C’mon bro, you always blowing us off!” Eric said, suddenly wrapping his arm around my head, putting me in a headlock. “Don’t be a pussy, come for a drink with us. And get laid!”

I pried myself out of his arms and my phone lit up. It was a message from Emma.

[Are you free later?]

It was Saturday and Mom and Dad were gone. Maybe sis needed me to do something with her.

[Sure, just on the field with the lads]

[I’ll be home later, got something to talk to you about]

Okay, can’t tell if that’s good or not.

“I’ll even buy you a pint!” Johnny interjected. 

“Can’t, I got plans with Emma,” I said, holding my phone up as if it was a get out of jail free card.

“Tell your sis she can make plans with me anytime,” Johnny said, grabbing his nuts. 

The other lads laughed with him.

I smirked and flipped them the bird.


I headed straight home and went to the bathroom to wash the muck off me. I stopped at the laundry bin again and guilt washed all over me. The contents were calling to me like a moth to a flame. I chastised myself for even considering it- I made a damn promise to my sister.

I shoved my dirty gear into the bin and rinsed myself off as clean as possible. Then I pulled on a T-shirt and shorts and went downstairs.

With a bowl of cornflakes for lunch, I settled down to a couple of rounds of Call of Duty in the living room. I didn’t even hear Emma come in.

She dropped a few medical tomes in front of me, on the coffee table.

“Got a minute?”


“So, I did some research, on your compulsion.”

“Wait, what? There’s a medical issue with sniffing panties?”

“Not that. Your anxiety when it comes to conversing with women.”


“Do you know what gynophobia is?” she asked, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

“Just that it’s a phobia of some sort?”

“Correct. A fear of women. Do you have any idea of what might have triggered it?”

A fear of women? Can’t say I ever been attacked by a girl or anything. I heard of people developing a fear of dogs after they’ve been bitten.

“Don’t think so.”

“Think back harder. It might not be a big deal or something that happened recently, like a subconscious fear buried deep down.”

“Uhh…” I took a focused effort to think up times I had a bad experience with women.

Then it hit me.

“Sally Saunders.”

Sally was a girl I had a massive crush on in school. I was thirteen or fourteen at the time. In the height of my puberty, I chanced it and told her I fancied her.

Not only did Sally reject me, she laughed at me and others joined in. I was weird for asking her out, go figure. I was known as ‘Spotty Leo’ back then, due to my acne issues. Thankfully it’s all cleared up now. I was traumatised back then. I couldn’t face going to school and my parents ended up transferring me to another school. With everything going on, I kinda forgot about it. I assumed my nervousness around girls was just me being shy.

Maybe it was more than that.

“I’m going to help you,” Emma said.

“How? Take me to therapy?”

“I can see two issues you’re dealing with right now; your irrational fear of women, and you’re intense libido. That’s the only logical conclusion I can hypothesize.”

“Uhh, I suppose. So what do you propose? Lock me in a room with girls until I don’t feel nervous around them?”

“Take off your shorts,” she said suddenly.


“Strip. You need to desensitise yourself. There’s no way you can do it with another girl and I don’t trigger your anxiety, so I’m the only one who can help you.”

“I don’t know if I can, it’s kinda weird.”

“Not as weird as me walking in on my little brother jerking into my panties.”

“You’re never going to let that go, are you?”

Emma smirked. “Just teasing you.”

I let out a sigh. I looked up to the ceiling, as if there was going to be answers written up there. I really don’t need to go to university being afraid of women. It’ll be hell.

“Okay, fuck it. Let’s do this.”

I didn’t feel nervous in that way, not the anxiety-inducing way- I kinda worked out that that felt different. But it didn’t mean I was comfortable whipping my dick out in front of my sister.

I pushed the band of my shorts down, together with my boxers.

Then Emma gasped.


“Nothing. I didn’t expect you to be so… big.”

“Really?” I looked down. I guess it was big, but the only other penises I saw was in porn and they all looked around my size.

Emma sat there on her knees in front of me and I was standing there with my dick out. The way she looked at me… Laser-focused and intentive, made me feel like a lab rat.


“Oh, right.”

I grabbed my floppy dick and gave it a few strokes. Emma couldn’t keep her eyes off it. Maybe it was the strangeness of the situation, but my dick wasn’t getting hard. I usually did it in the privacy of my bedroom, one hand on my dick and the other holding my phone, streaming some porn. I’d usually have the volume on silent, but if there wasn’t anyone around, I’d indulge myself in the sound of the girls moaning.

This was completely different.

It was the middle of the day, in the living room and Emma was looking at me.

“What’s wrong? Isn’t this how guys masturbate?” she asked.

“Yeah but, I can’t seem to relax,” I replied, tugging away at my dick uselessly.

“Oh. Well, do you need some visual aid?”

Maybe some porn would help. “Yeah, sure.”

All of a sudden, Emma pulled her top over her head. In seconds, Emma went from clothed to being topless, her breasts covered up by her bra.

Jesus. Whatever porn I seen up till now, it didn’t compare to the full, voluptuous tits Emma had. They were so big and round, and way more than a handful.

My cock throbbed and I felt it harden in my hand.

I pumped and pumped, sometimes I had my eyes closed, still feeling semi self-concious of Emma’s penetrating gaze, and sometimes I try not to overtly feast my eyes on her fantastic breasts.

She didn’t seem bothered by me looking at them.

I still wasn’t rock hard though.

“What’s wrong? Is it this hard for men to pleasure themselves?”

“Uhh I dunno, still feels a bit hard to fully relax.”

It was weird, but Emma’s eyes had a weird glazed over look about them. Almost mesmerized by my hand movements.

“That is understandable. These are peculiar circumstances after all. Let me help.”

She reached out and grabbed my shaft, pushing my hand away. 

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Jija apne jawaan sali ko nahate hue garden mein le aakar chodta hai. Chandni raat mein khule mein sali chudti hai.Yeh chudati salli ladko ka lund khada karegi aur unki muth maregi aur jija ka lund har is story ko padne wali aurut ko apni chut main mehsoos hogga,plz ye story bilkul free hokar aur doob kar padna,aapka sexysam aapke liye new 2 stories lata rahega. agar kissi ladki ko mere sath hindi roleplay karna ho to aur agar aap khud par story likhawana chahe to mere yahoo id pe mere sath chat...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Three

Also due the story line the names of characters have been changed. To help the reader from being confused by these changes here is a listing of the changes. Molly is now Brothel Whore 3567-A Megan is now Brothel Whore 3567-B Unnamed twin # 1 is now Brothel Whore 3569-A Unnamed twin #2 is now Brothel Whore 3569-B The stepmother Shannon is now Mistress 3567 Chapter Three Sisters become lovers As her training began to progress Brothel Whore 3567-B had learned the truth...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Five part 2

Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters are under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual immaturity of the main characters. Also this story features themes of rape, sexual slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you don't like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with comments about how sick individuals in the story are or about people that read or write...

3 years ago
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Day One "Ha Ha Hee Hee! Stop!" Tom cried breathless from laughing. "You are done being a brat. Understand?" "Yes! Yes! Just stop! Please!" Tom looked up beseechingly at Kate, his sixteen-year-old sister who was sitting on his arms, pinning them to the floor above his head. Her fingers remained poised over his exposed armpits. "Now apologize to your sisters," she said. "Or we're going to tickle you silly." Tom gulped. They'd already tickled him silly once. He didn't want to...

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Sisters weekend visit with their big brothers chapter 1

Matt and I, (Roger), are sitting home Friday night waiting for our sisters to arrive they are staying the weekend to go shopping, and look for an apartment for school next year. The girls arrive around 8 pm Nikki Matt's sister is wearing a short white skirt and a low cut yellow top her big round boobs look fantastic, Gracie is also in a white skirt and a tight pink t-shirt her perky boobs look great her nipples straining the material. The girls smile and say hello each hugging their older...

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SISTERS.TXT by Cindy V - femdom, TV, humiliation A fantasy story inspired by a two page ad for Loreal lipstick with two models with different looks who could be sisters. Sherry and Terri are two sisters getting ready for a double date. Their dates arrive to pick them up before the ladies are quite finished getting themselves ready. As they open the door to let their dates in, the sisters sigh in disappointment. The guys are in T-shirts and jeans; they didn't bother to get dressed...

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Sisters Of Eden

My mother’s decision to send me away to the Sisters of Eden Convent School to complete my education was made, she claimed, for entirely altruistic reasons; to save my soul and to instil the ‘necessary discipline’ to enable a young woman to survive and flourish in a harsh and increasingly immoral world. However, as she began to enthusiastically strip bare my wardrobe and feed items of my clothing and other essentials into a wide-mouthed and hungry silver-stucco Mossman, it seemed to me that it...

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The Kim Chandler Prison for Women

The Kim Chandler Prison for WomenBy the Bitchfinder GeneralSynopsis: Linda Marshall, now Mayor of the new town of Eastminster, has set out to transform every aspect of life within the town and its environs into a living hell for women, especially beautiful blondes. This is the story of her prison for women, named after one of her oldest enemies.The Kim Chandler Prison for WomenBy the Bitchfinder General1Linda Marshall, Mayor of Eastminster, smiled happily as she thought of the way in which,...

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Fucked My Dreamgirl Student Chandni

Hello friends I m Prsashant Sharma from Modinagar. I guy on whom girls are mad. Till now date I have fucked many girls many virgins but today I would like to share story with ,y student Chandni. The hottest girl of my collage .please mail your suggestion on Now coming to the story…. After completing my engineering I decided to work as a teacher in engineering colleges. I got as a lecture appointment in a college in meerut NIT. As a lecturer I preferred to go by bus for my teaching job. The...

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Padosi Chandni Ki Chut Mae Chocolate

Hi friends myself sunny and I’m from Nainital Uttrakhand mai aap logo ka jyada time waste nhi karunga yeh meri first story hai toh mistake maf karna, sabse pehle mai apne bare ma bta du meri height 5.6 hai, meri age 21 years Hai nd mai aur logo ki taraha jhut nhi bolunga ki mera lund 10 inch ka hai dosto mera lund 6.8 inch ka hai aur body language kafi achi hai aur dosto chandani ka bare ma batata hu chandani meri padosan hai jo bhut hi sexy Hai yeh story 3 sal pehle ki hai jab chandani sirf 18...

1 year ago
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Sisters and the little brother Part 3

Sisters, and the little brother Part 3 By Princess Panty boy Characters: Me/Nick/Nikki: 10-year old son/brother Lori: twin/she calls herself my big sister Andrea: 5-years old little sister Mom 31-years old, single Aunt Linda: 21-years old (not a relative she is just good friends with mom) Author's Note: Here are a couple paragraphs from part 2. I hope you are enjoying my story. Hugs, Princess Pantyboy SNIP, SNIP, AND...

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Sisters Teenage Friends

Introduction: I grew up in a very liberal household….nudity and masturbation was allowed. I was raised in a household where nudity was the standard mode of dress….or non-dress would be more accurate. And on top of the whole family being nude most of the time, my parents were very open minded about masturbation. I had a brother and a younger sister and we all had no inhibitions about masturbating any time we felt like it. My sister was a little less open to doing it in front of me or my brother...

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Mistaken For Chanda People

Hi this is Suraj going to narrate a real incident. While in College final days I used to roam with my Area friends. They were not studying in college but used to do other stuffs like helping their father in shops. My close friends were Bapi and Dinesh. Dinesh used to roam around full areas and used to collect all sorts of information. He used to collect Chandas also for Pujas. So oneday we were drinking and discussing about females , Dinesh told that he had seen a Hot Aunty at some function. He...

4 years ago
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Sisters of StoneChapter 2

Sara felt the full moon breach the horizon and in Her minds eye She could see it's silvery light play across the stone circle that had for so long protected Her sleeping form and She knew that as it reached it's zenith She would feed. At first Sara had sated herself with the sisters at the convent, the one's whose sexual energy had sustained Her through centuries of sleep, but now She was ready for really fresh meat, the virginal meal that would restore Her to Her full potential and She...

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Sisters broken II

The man moved his prize quickly, making sure not to leave anything behind. He drove home eagerly anticipating his coming fun. It would be something he would never get to experience again. Two sisters to break at once. This newest addition being quite the catch, with her dark auburn hair and thin little frame. And she was clearly lighter than her older sister. She was going to be a wonderful plaything for the man. He arrived at his secluded cabin once more. He carried the small girl ove his...

2 years ago
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Sisters stick together

This is my first story so be gentle with me. I appreciate feedback but please be nice. One caveat, there is a lot of unprotected sex, but it's critical to the storyline. This is fiction, girlfriends, please be careful out there in real life. Sisters stick together By Amy B Michael was just about finished transforming into Michelle. Shoulder length black wig, hoop earrings, over the months with...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Eight Part one

- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters are under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual immaturity of the main characters at the beginning of the story. Also this story features taboo themes of rape, sexual slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you don't like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with comments about how sick individuals in the...

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Sexy Chandra

Hi, hello friends, I’m back with a new story. I’m happy that my second story also got published. I feel really happy because I never knew that my stories would become so popular and I would get friends from various parts of the world. Before, I used to write a lot of stories but it was really frustrating because I couldn’t share them with anyone but now it is not the case, there are people waiting to read my stories, Thanks to This incident happened few years before. When...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter 07 part 2

- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age. Also this story features themes of rape, slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories or are one of those individuals that can’t distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are...

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Sisters and the little brother

Sisters, and the little brother By Princess Panty boy Characters: Me/Nick/Nikki: 10-year old son/brother Lori: twin/big sister Andrea: 3-years old little sister Mom 31-years old, single Aunt Linda: 21-years old (not a relative she is just good friends with mom) My life is pretty normal, or as normal as it can be surrounded by females all the time. I have a little sister Andrea who is three-years old,...

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Sisters By Princess Panty boy I am just a normal boy like most 10-year guys, and my name is Barry. I am the only boy in our family and I have a younger sister who just turned four. I also have twin sisters that are seven years older than I am. When my sisters turned seventeen the world changed for them and us. The twins just got their driver's licenses, so we do not see much of them anymore with school and there different boyfriends and cheerleading practice and games and...

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SistersAmy: I saw her do it, my big sister. There, I’ve admitted it now haven’t I? The man standing looking over my shoulder has given a sly chuckle. He is making me write this, and checking that I don’t leave anything out. It is my final humiliation, on a day that has brought so many. As I write, I am sitting at a desk, completely naked, apart from a pair of tights around my ankles, and the flat shoes my persecutor finds so arousing. My bare bottom is so sore I can barely stand the pressure of...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Four

Also due to the story line the names of characters have been changed. To help the reader keep from being confused by these changes here is a listing of the changes. Molly is now Brothel Whore 3567-A Megan is now Brothel Whore 3567-B Unnamed twin sister is now Brothel Whore 3569-A Unnamed twin sister is now Brothel Whore 3569-B The stepmother Shannon is now Mistress 3567 Chapter Four 3567-B didn't know or care how long her and 3567-A made love before they fell asleep...

1 year ago
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Sisters and Me

Back when I was growing up, my sisters treated me like I was their private fuckboy ... sorry, language. But true. See, I was the only male boy in this household of eight. My five sisters, my mom, my daddy, and of course, me. Well, most of the time, it was a house full of just women folks and me, as daddy was a truck driver. He drove tractors and combines in the season and long hauls the rest of the time. My sisters, well, they weren’t really my sisters ‘cause I were adopted. Mama and daddy...

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"Why are you always so mean to your sister?" I asked my cousin Sarah."Because she's mean to me!" Sarah yelled back."I am not!" Janet said equally as loud."You are too!" Sarah yelled as she threw a pillow at Janet.Janet caught the pillow and threw it back in a sweeping roundhouse fashion. The pillow caught Sarah off guard and knocked her over the side of her twin bed. There was a loud thump and groan as she hit the floor.I was up and off the chair by the desk in a shot. I should not have worried...

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Sisters or Cousins

Sisters or Cousins I was resting in my favorite chair, my eyes were closed, and the music was playing softly in the background. I was startled by a knocking on my sliding glass door. As I opened my eyes and focused I saw two young girls standing there in their little bikinis smiling at me. I was glad that I was dressed and not jerking off or something equally embarrassing. The girls were standing side by side at my glass doors with the bright sun illuminating their hair and the ocean...

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Sisters Completed version

Sisters (Completed Version Parts 1-2) By Princess Pantyboy Me, Chris, Chrissie 10-year-old boy Miley 4-year-old little sister Beth 17-year-old twin sister Cathy 17-year-old twin sister Part-1 I am just a normal boy like most 10-year boys, and my name is Chris. I am the only boy in our family. I have a younger sister who just turned four. I also have twin sisters that are seven years older than I...

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sisters Get Gangbanged and Bred

Sharon was desperate. She didn't know what was happening! Her petite young body was rigid. Her small breasts were so tight they were hurting. Her nipples were harder and stiffer than she'd ever seen or felt them. Her groin was rock hard, her pussy lips swollen and red, and her small, tight ass so taught it was rippling with spasms. Both her vaginal and anal openings were tingling. Her breath was coming in short gasps and pants. Even as she stood in front of the mirror, looking at her naked...

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Sisters in Slavery

Chapter One The capture of twin sisters and beginning of their training as sex slaves. Megan thought back to how this had happened and wondered if there was anything she could of done to have prevented this. Granted when something bad happens to anyone that's the first thing that goes through their minds. Still she had to wonder if she could of prevented what that woman did to them. Megan and her twin sister Molly lives hadn't been perfect but to have this happen was...

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SistersChapter 8 Fugitives

Linda awoke with a start, sitting up in bed. Someone was screaming in the hall. It was Mom. Nikki woke up too, still bewildered from sleep. Nikki lay in bed next to Linda. Last night they hadn't made love, only sweet cuddling, arms intertwined, feeling the warmth and softness of each other's bodies. "What the hell's going on?" Nikki asked, trying to snap out of her groggy state. "Dunno," Linda said, getting up and slipping on her robe. "I'm gonna see what's happening in this crazy...

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A Helping Hand3

Jan hadn’t ever had to discipline them. They were always well behaved. She had never had to do anything other than scowl at them to be presented with genuine contrition. Now that seemed to have changed. My sister Jan had been divorced for three years and the children’s father was still ‘on the scene’ although of course he no longer lived with them. They received nearly everything they wanted and saw their father regularly. They appeared happy and content with a sad but common situation. We...

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A Helping Hand2

In late June, my buddy and I left to go fishing and spend the weekend at his lake house. We had spent most of Saturday morning on the water and headed back to the house for a late lunch when his girlfriend Ashleigh drove up. I had met Ashleigh a few weeks before. I couldn’t figure out what she was doing with my buddy. He was a year younger than me and she was going into her senior year. She was very attractive with a tall slender body and long dark hair. She was in the Ag-program at her...

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Chachi Ki Chudae Thande Pani Me

Hello dosto kese ha app .Me mahi hu punjab se hu meri hight 6 feet ha me ak simple ladka hu mera lun ka size 6′ ha 3′ mota ha meri email id ha .. ha ager koi ladki aunty bhabi mujse chudwana chahe to muje mail kare . Ye stori ki gatna jo me apko share karrne ja raha hu mere or chachi ke bich ki ha meri chachi ka name rani ha wo ak simple lady ha wo hw ha or chacha govt. Job karte ha iss lie sara kam chachi karti ha ghar ka khet kaka b ab sida story pe ata hu hu . Ye un dino ki bat ha jab meri...

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Sisters Pantyhose Christmas

I’ll start by explaining the situation. My parents divorced when I was 1 and my dad got re-married and had two daughters with my step mum. So they where really my half-sisters but we were so close that I always thought of them as my actual sisters. They lived with my dad in Scotland whereas I lived with my mum down in Sussex, so I might only see them twice a year. I was always closer to Chelcie who was the older of the two. This story happens at Christmas when I was 18 and Chelcie was...

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Sisters Drug Trouble

My story begins with a discussion I overheard one night, it was my mom and my older sister Cindy, she had just turned 18 at the time, from what I could hear it was something regarding drugs and a good for nothing boy friend. No matter how much I tried I couldn’t hear very well, after some screaming and crying everything went silent and finally I went to sleep. The next night during dinner my dad told my sister Jennifer and me that Cindy had left the house and was going to be living on her own...

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A Helping Hand0

I came through a small town that was clean, but did not seem exactly prosperous, but yet it had a certain appeal to me. So I drove to the next larger town and found a motel and checked in so that I could drive back to the small town, we will call it Atown, the next day. After finding a diner and having a good breakfast, I drove to Atown to look around. It was a town of about 2500 population. There was a bowling alley and a small movie theater, and a community pool. There was a beer hall...

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Chandni Raat Me Mami Ki Jamkar Chudai

Main Kamal; Umar 22 saal Bihar ke ek gaon ka rahne wala hun. Aur ye meri pehli aur sachi kahani hai. Main 18 saal ki umar se chut ka khel khelne ki lalsa rakhne laga tha. Meri pados ki mami jo mami ki dusri biwi thi. Mama ki umar dhal rahi thi aur mami jawan aur sexy dikhti thi. Mama ke pahle ghar se 3 bache the jo apne chacha ke saath bahar shahar mein rahte the mami ko chodne ki lalsa mere man mein kafi dino se thi aur aakhi ek raat mujhe ye mauka mil hi gaya. Us raat ki baat hai garmi bahut...

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Sisters an evil friend and pantyhose tf part 1

Anna, Monica and Claudia lived with their mother in a suburban home. Anna and Claudia got along better because they were of similar age.The oldest of the sisters Monica did not understand them a bit, sometimes she got nervous, they often argued, but they liked each other so much.One day, Anna brought home a boy she had been dating for some time. The other sisters were surprised that she was the first to find a boyfriend. The boy's name was Martn and he was 23 years old just like Anna.Everyone...

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