The Cheating Parkers, Chapter 2 free porn video

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As I led my dream girl down the hallway, I listened to her. In the quiet of my house, I could hear everything as if it was amplified. I heard the click-click of her heels as she walked.

I heard her breathing increase the closer we got to the bedroom, I could hear her heart (or maybe it was my own?) beating rapidly with the excitement of what was to come.

At last, we reached the door to my bedroom. I opened the door with a click that sounded like a gunshot to me but she didn't seem to notice. Once we stepped inside I shut the door behind us and led her over to the bed.

"So Mr. Taylor, now that you have me in your 'den of iniquity', whatever will you do with me?"

She smiled a smile that brightened the room despite the fact that the lights were already on. I reached up and began unbuttoning my shirt. But as soon as I started, she stepped forward putting her hand over mine.

"Please... let me do it. After all, you got to unwrap your present – it's only fair I get to play too!"

I lowered my hands and she began unbuttoning my shirt. She unfastened each button carefully and slowly taking her time and enjoying the process. When my shirt was finally completely unbuttoned, she reached into the opening and ran her hands over my chest.

Now, I'm no musclebound weightlifter – I will never be a Lou Ferrigno or Arnold Schwarzenegger. But I do go to the gym and work out a couple of times a week and I was in pretty good shape.

I was on my high school's football team and we worked out at least three times a week during football season and I had to stay in shape during the off-season as well if I wanted to play the next year. And I guess hitting the gym carried over into my post-high school life as well.

Whatever the reason, Eve appreciated the efforts I had gone to in order to stay in shape.

"Ooh, Peter! Mmm, I love a man who takes care of himself. David used to when we first got married, then he let himself go. Well except for lately. He's gone back to the gym... but for her, not for me."

Right then I took her by the shoulders and looked her square in the eyes. "Okay Eve, Rule Number One: we don't talk about David, his secretary, or anything to do with them. You and I are here because we both want this. Everything outside this room, stays outside this room, got it?"

She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Yes Peter, I'd like that very much."

With my shirt off now, Eve knelt down on the floor to work on my pants. I watch as her trembling fingers worked to get my belt unbuckled and my pants unfastened.

After a moment or two of struggling with them, she unzipped the zipper and looked up at me for direction. I smiled and nodded and she pulled my pants down to my ankles so I could step out of them. 

Eve carefully folded my pants and laid them neatly aside, then turned her attention back to my crotch.

With only my boxers on now, the bulge that had gotten her attention earlier was now more pronounced and visible. She knelt there biting her fingernail as if wondering to herself if she should or not.

"Go ahead, Eve, you can touch it."

She glanced up at me when I spoke and then she reached out to touch it gingerly. After that first initial touch, she stroked the bulge and traced its outline in my underwear. As she was running her finger along the underside, it twitched and she jumped back startled.

"It's okay, Eve, he likes you. He likes what you are doing."

She looked up at me again with a blush back on her cheeks. "I-I like him too."

"Don't tell me, tell him. And you could give him a kiss too if you wanted."

"I like you too, Mr. Cock," she said, giving it a kiss on the tip. Then, feeling more adventurous, she kissed her way down the length of my shaft and nuzzled into it, taking a deep breath and smelling my scent.

"Okay, now take off my underwear so you can meet face to face."

She reached up and took hold of the waistband of my boxers, pulling them down slowly. The tip of my cock came into her view and she licked her lips. She continued pulling my shorts down and more of me came to light.

As my full size was finally revealed, Eve gasped. "Oh, Peter! Oh, I could tell you were big, but I never realized!"

I pushed her gently backward a couple of steps until the bed mattress caught her behind the knees and she fell backward onto it. I moved up over her and kissed her again. Then I moved lower to gaze, up close, at her perfect tits.

Eve watched as I lowered my head towards her ripe tits. I licked one hard bud, letting my tongue circle the meaty bud and then drag across the tip. Eve moaned as she watched me tease her sensitive nipple.

I licked and sucked and chewed on first one nipple then the other as Eve squirmed and moaned under me.

She arched her back and pushed her magnificent tits into my mouth, trying to stuff them in as far as they would go. I used my hands to paw and maul what didn't get shoved into my mouth as I feasted on her soft, creamy mother's meat.

After I had spent some "quality time" munching on the delicacies upstairs, I decided it was time to see what was going on downstairs.

I could tell by the urgency and desperation in her moans that Eve was good and warmed up an observation confirmed by the tempting scent coming from her dripping pussy.

That wet spot I had noticed earlier had grown considerably by now and I was eager to investigate the source of this apparent, and aromatic, leakage.

I pushed her legs apart and took up residence kneeling between them. My face was mere inches away from heaven as I inhaled her sweet fragrance, my mouth watering. 

How many times had I dreamt of just such a scenario? How many late-night fantasies had Eve and I right here in my bedroom with me about to make this wondrous creature mine?

Stop it, Peter! You're gonna blow a nut before you ever get a chance to fuck your dream girl! I thought.

I regained what little composure I still had and focused on the job at hand. I lowered my face into her crotch and took a long slow lick of the wet spot in her panties with the flat of my tongue.

I pressed hard enough that she could feel me lick her. I guess the idea that I would lick her sopping panties while she still wore them was exciting to her, because she moaned quite loudly, reaching down to grab my head and push me into her harder.

As she pushed my head down, she raised her hips higher and I slipped my hands under her ass to grab those tight cheeks through the filmy cloth.

"Oh Peter, please! Please take my panties off and lick me! Please, I haven't had anyone eat me in so long! David won't do it anymore, and I miss it soo much! Please, please eat my pussy, Peter! Please!"

How could I refuse such a request? I took hold of her skimpy panties and pulled them slowly down.

I felt like a child opening a Christmas present as the source of my most erotic and sexual fantasies came slowly into view. I watched as the sticky fabric clung to her pussy, a sign of the sticky sweetness waiting inside for me.

When her slit was uncovered, a warm blast of her aroma hit my nostrils at full potency and I relished the musky-sweet smell. I have always loved the smell of a woman in lust and Eve was the best I had ever experienced.

"Eve, you're shaved!" The sight of her bald pussy made my cock jump. 

"Yeah, David said he liked it shaved like this. Or at least he did when he paid attention to it. I guess I still shave it as a habit now though."

"Well I like it shaved too... and what did I tell you about talking about him here?"

"Oops, sorry."

"If you do it again young lady, I will turn you over my knee and give you a sound spanking on that bare ass!"

"Oh, God! Oh please! I love being spanked!" 

I was learning all sorts of things about my dream girl!

I pulled her soaked panties down over her hips and down her long, lean shapely legs. I hung her panties over the knob on the corner of the footboard and Eve giggled seeing her underwear on display like that.

"Now let's see if you taste as good as you smell!"

I lowered my face again, this time over her bare, uncovered pussy. As my mouth closed over her pussy lips and my tongue dove in between them and down her honey hole, she squealed in delight.


Once again her hands flew to the back of my head pushing in a desperate attempt to shove my whole head into her neglected pussy. Her hips bucked upwards as if to help in the endeavor and her legs splayed further open to ease the access.

Truth be told there's no place I would rather have been than inside her warm wet baby hole and, had I had a shrink-ray, I would have gladly shrunk myself to fit.

But I had to settle for shoving my tongue as deep into her as I could, all the while wishing I was that member of the rock band KISS with the exceptionally long tongue!

Eve writhed and twisted and squirmed under me, but I held her tightly. I'd had a lot of experience holding down women while I devoured them–I do love eating a juicy pussy! And the women who I have feasted on seem to like me doing it, at least I've had no complaints so far!

Eve coached me and encouraged me with her moans and whimpers, sometimes using words when she could to guide me and spur me on.

I paid attention to what worked and what didn't–I wanted to learn this woman and remember this occasion, just in case this was the last time I was given such an opportunity.

I had only been eating her out for a couple of minutes at the most when she announced, rather adamantly, her impending orgasm.

"Oh God, Peter! I'm going to cum! Oh please make me cum Peter! Please, please, please make me cum!"

Of course, I was going to make her cum, her pleading aside. That was my goal, after all, to give her the most pleasure I could possibly give her while I had the chance. I wanted her to know how I had felt about her and how much I had wanted to do this for a long, long time.

I stopped what I was doing for a moment and raised my face to look up at her. 

"You'd better find something to hang on to." 

It was an audacious, boastful thing to say, I'll admit, but it served my purpose. She moaned aloud and grabbed fistfuls of the sheet as I returned to her pussy.

I had learned a trick that always seemed to get the girl off and I used it on her now. As I licked her pussy and clit, I slipped the two middle fingers of my hand under my chin, palm up, and curled them up under her pubic bone to rub her g-spot as I fingerfucked her.

I continued to lick her clit as I did and all the sensations and stimulations pushed Eve right over the edge almost as soon as I had started.


Eve began pitching and rolling and bucking as her orgasm overwhelmed her, taking control of her body and making her look like she was laying on a live electrical wire. She arched her back, holding herself up like that despite the trembling and shaking strain.

Then she fell back onto the bed, trying to push me away from her hypersensitized pussy. But I continued licking and fingerfucking her through her orgasm, drawing it out agonizingly long for her. She poured out a fresh supply of her sweet honey as fast as I could lick it up, not wanting a single drop to go to waste. 

After the first spurts were finished I pulled away, but not too far–I only wanted her to refill her pussy for another blast. She lay there gulping in breaths of air and when I figured her squirter was replenished, I went back for another round.

This time it didn't take near as long before she was once again in the throes of a wrenching orgasm. She emptied herself once more and I licked up her fresh juice.

Letting her rest a moment I went back for one last taste before letting her recuperate. I crawled up and scooped my weary, sweat-covered Eve into my arms and softly rocked her back to earth. 

We lay cuddling in each other's arms in rapturous bliss until she had regained enough of herself to speak again.

"That was... incredible, Peter. I haven't... cum like that in... ages. Thank you," she said in her broken panting.

"Well, we aren't done yet, Eve... someone else wants to play as well." I looked down at my hard, throbbing, eager cock then back up at her.

"Of course we can't forget Mr. Cock! After all, he was one of the reasons we came in here!" Eve said with a grin. She reached down and took hold of my cock softly stroking it and jacking me to keep me "interested" while she rested a bit more.

After a few more minutes she seemed to be rested. I moved up and kissed her again. "Are you rested, Eve? Are you ready to continue?"

"Yes, but can you do me a favor when we do? I know that you have these feelings for me and that you have had them for some time. And I am honored and a little flabbergasted by the whole thing.

"But you said something earlier that made a lot of sense. You said that 'he' was the one who was cheating and 'he' was the one who broke the marriage and the trust. I am just doing what he already has. That's fair isn't it, Peter? I mean I deserve some happiness too, don't I?"

"Of course you do, Eve. You weren't the one who started this cheating thing. You have been a devoted, patient wife as far as I can tell. He's the one with his boots under someone else's bed."

"That's right. So now it's my turn to have a little fun. Peter, I want you. I want you to fuck me hard and fast and deep. I don't want to make love, I want to fuck. Fuck me, baby, and right now! I want your cock in my pussy and I want to really feel it!"

So much for the soft and gentle approach! Okay, if she wanted it rough, I could do that. She wasn't the first girl I ever had who wanted a hard fucking.

She wasn't exactly the type I would picture as a hard animal fucker, but hey, this was her poker game–I was just happy to be at the table!

I got up off the bed and stood between her spread legs. "Eve, honey, I'd like nothing more on this earth than to fuck you hard and fast. But I didn't expect this and... well I don't have any... um... protection."

"That's okay, Peter, I don't care. I hate condoms on a guy, I want to be able to feel you inside me. With a rubber, I might as well be using a damn dildo!

"Besides, it would serve the bastard right if I did get pregnant! At least it would show him someone else cares enough about me to fuck me!"

I looked down at the woman lying on my bed. She was so beautiful and yet so in need of reassurance. Even though she was in her mid to late thirties, she was as fragile and vulnerable as a teen girl about to have sex for the first time. I had to prove to her that not all men are inherently assholes!

I bent down and gently kissed her mound reverently and then stood back up. Taking my cock in hand by the base, I rubbed the tip over her swollen pussy lips and then up and down the slit, letting her feel my cock as it parted her pussy lips. I ran the tip up and down her wet slit, and up to rub her clit as well before I moved down into position. 

"I want you to pull your pussy lips apart and hold that pussy open for me. Show me where you want my cock."

She smiled and did as I said, opening her pussy and showing me the wet pink inside. I guided my cockhead in until it rested against the entrance to her tunnel.

From that point on I would not need to guide it, so I moved my hands up to just above her hips where I could hold onto her.

I gave her one final smile and then with a medium-speed thrust, I entered her, sliding down the slickened hole until I bottomed out inside her and my nuts slapped against her ass.

"Ohhh, Peeeter!"

Now, I am not a porn star by any measure–I don't have one of those giant foot-long cocks that all the porn stars seem to have. But at seven and three-quarters inches long and two and a half inches in diameter, I am bigger than the average guy. And judging by Eve's moans and groans, I was certainly big enough for her to feel me inside her like she wanted.

I stayed there buried to the hilt for a few moments, enjoying the feeling of her pussy walls hugging me and holding me there while she got used to having a cock inside her again. She was definitely tight – I don't know how long she had been without a stiff one and I wasn't going to ask, but it must have been a while. 

Once I had her "sized" to me, I began stroking in and out – again at a moderate speed to start with. I wanted to make sure she was comfortable before I ramped things up.

But it turned out I didn't have to worry so much. I had done three or four strokes in and out of her lubing my cock up good and getting into a good rhythm when she wanted more.

"C'mon Peter, let me have it! Don't be afraid, I'm not going to break! Fuck me, baby, fuck me like you mean it!"

She asked for it. I drew back once more until the head of my cock was just inside her opening and I gathered myself. She wants it hard and so she's gonna get it hard! I said to myself. 

I lunged into her hard after that, thrusting my cock fully into her and causing her to grunt as our bodies slammed together.

I used the rebound from her ass to move me back and I lunged forward again just as hard. I thrust into her like I was trying to poke a hole through her, fucking her with everything I had.

I was ready to stop in an instant if she protested it was too hard or I was going too deep or something but her protests never came. Instead, she cried out, "More!' and, "Faster baby!" and, "Yes, just like that!"

I pounded that woman's pussy for a good ten minutes, giving her the fucking she had been missing for far too long. Eve moaned and cried and groaned as I punished her pussy with my forceful, unrelenting assault.

I do have to hand it to her though – she took everything I gave her and was ready for more. For awhile that is. Eventually, though, my persistence began to pay off and I made headway on her. The previous orgasms had created cracks in her defenses that my battering ram thrusts finally broke through.

"Peter, baby, I'm gonna cum! You're going to make me cum again!"

With her announcement, I increased the depth and power of my thrusts... I wanted her to get her to cum on my cock and I knew that's what she wanted as well.

I lunged into her shoving every millimeter of my cock into her I could. She reached up and pulled me down so she could wrap her arms around me. Just as she did I felt her walls give way.


She raked her fingernails down my back as I kept pounding away. She gushed pussy juices out around my pistoning cock as her pussy clenched and unclenched like a milking machine trying to coax my cock to release its own reward.

But I wasn't quite there just yet. And that was fine with me – my whole purpose was to please and pleasure this wonder of femininity. That was my goal and hearing her screams of utter bliss was my reward. Anything above that was a bonus.

I lay on top of her pumping in and out of her until she had finished her orgasms and only an occasional spasm remained. She held me tightly and I enjoyed this post-coital cuddling until I felt a wetness on my shoulder and heard her softly crying.

I raised up to see her eyes wet with tears. "What's wrong, Eve, did I hurt you? Dammit, I knew I shouldn't have been so rough!"

"No, no, it's not that, Peter, you were wonderful. You were too wonderful – I'm not used to someone thinking of my pleasure and my feelings. I'm used to just being a tool for them to get off."

"Well, that's not how I work, Eve. I want you to have fun as well. In fact, I insist on you having fun. You are not a tool to me. And your having fun and getting pleasure was my whole goal, ever since that second kiss..."

"Peter Thompson, you are the sweetest, kindest, most considerate man I have ever met. Thank you, Peter, for making me feel like I matter. For making me feel beautiful and special. For making me feel like a woman again.

"Eve honey, you are all those things... and so much more. You should always feel like you are beautiful because you are. And you should always matter – you should be the number one priority in your man's life. I know that if you were mine you certainly would be."

Right then she took hold of me and rolled us both over so she was on top. She looked down at me like she wanted to say something but wasn't sure. I saw her eyes dart back and forth and I noticed she held her breath for a couple of moments.

"What is it, Eve?"

She took a deep breath and I waited nervously. "Peter, sweetheart, you say that you have had feelings for me–a crush on me for a long time. And I believe you. I don't really understand yet why me, but I believe you. 

"I do know that tonight when I was in the worst place I could possibly be in, you came to my rescue. Without a second thought of what you might be getting involved in or what the outcome might be, you were here when I needed you. And you have treated me sweeter, kinder, and more special than anyone ever has.

"David has decided he doesn't want me anymore. For whatever reason, or no reason at all, he has found someone else to dote on and basically abandoned me.

"Peter darling, I would very much like to feel beautiful again and feel like I matter to someone. So, if the offer still stands... I would like to be yours."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! The woman I had secretly been longing after for all this time was now asking me if she could be my girl? It was all I could do to hold myself from bowling the girl over in my excitement!

I had to lay there under her for a few seconds processing this development and calming myself down so I didn't look and sound like an idiot in front of her. This was a serious moment and deserved serious respect.

"Peter?" Her voice snapped me out of my daze. I looked up to see a very concerned look on her face. Eve was afraid she had made a foolish mistake.

"Eve, you have made a very tempting offer and I would like to say yes, but I don't want someone else's hand-me-downs. I don't want a cast-off and be a secondhand boyfriend..."

"Oh. I see. I just thought..."

"You didn't let me finish, Eve. I was about to say I don't want to be a secondhand boyfriend so would you mind if I make you my firsthand girl?"

"Oh, Peter! Yes! Yes, I will be your firsthand girl! Oh yes, yes, yes!" She bent down to kiss me over and over all over my face.

We lay in bed for a couple of hours before she fell asleep in my arms. I listened to her soft breathing as she slept, a smile on her face. I determined that I would make it my life's work never to let that smile fade.

Eve and I continued to see each other regularly. For reasons of legality, we decided to keep our relationship a secret until she could secure a lawyer and file for divorce, which put the entire cause for their divorce squarely on him. 

The divorce was finalized about six months later although we were able to "come out" about our relationship after the papers were filed and the process had begun fully. 

After the final decree was done and she was officially free of him, David and his secretary-girlfriend decided they would move to another city and open their own business together. Which worked out great for us.

Eve had gotten custody of the house in the divorce and she sold it, putting the money in the bank for us to start a nice nest egg together.

I asked her when the house sold if she wanted to move – if living next to the house she and David lived in would be uncomfortable but she said no, she wanted to live right where we were so she could see the house and it would remind her how lucky she was to have me.

Personally, I think I got the better of this deal.

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The ParkersChapter 48 Was it safe

That Saturday afternoon, December 13th, 2003, Amy Parker could put her big plan on motion. She had already taken Natalie. Their goal now was to get into Sue's panties. Like her best friends, Amy and Natalie, Sue Reynolds was also 15. But, unlike Amy and Nat, Sue was not blonde. Her hair was dark brown, her eyes were green, and she had a fantastic mouth. And a stunning face. The green eyes, the beautiful mouth, the cute little nose... Sue Reynolds was beautiful. And she also had a...

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The ParkersChapter 9 Party Party Part 2

Laurie looked at everybody and said: "This is fun." It sure was. Brad, Arthur, Vera, Elaine, June, Kay, Don, Gerry, Sarah, Derek, Joan and Maggie were all there, naked and recovering. Carl and his boyfriend, Gus, were filming it. It was lots of fun. Laurie hugged Kay, kissed her on the lips and asked: "Will you leave me?" "Nope." "Okay... Vera, Sarah... I saw you too, while we were busy here... Do you want to join?" Vera and Sarah didn't even thought about it. They were not...

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The ParkersChapter 24 To fuck and be fucked

On Tuesday morning, after the sex with his brother the afternoon before, Jack Parker went to school, as usual. After sex, Jack was already more confidant. Sure, he could even be gay, but the idea of being gay didn't seem bad to him (not bad at all!) and he wasn't worried about the size of his penis anymore. Amy also went to school, wondering about Natalie Jones. And how she could get her best friend into bed with her. Julie and Linda also went to college. And Laurie had to meet her...

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The ParkersChapter 56 What the fuck

That Sunday, there was sex in the Parker's home, sure. But no huge orgy. They had to make their house presentable for their parents. And they talked. Julie, of course, was the one who came up with a plan. A perfect plan. To get into their mother's panties. After all, Ronnie had told them that both Lucy and Roger loved sex with boys and girls, and had no problem with incest. It was time for mommy and daddy to join the fun! Ron had been instructed to say nothing. To anyone, including his...

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The ParkersChapter 22 What a glorious feeling

While Roger and Lucy Parker were fucking their nephews, one of their kids, who would love to fuck mom and dad, was on a date. While Sally Parker was with Jill Davis, Matt Parker, her brother and lover, was with Sarah Colvig. Now, Monday is not a good night for dates, we all know that. But Matt and Sarah had met last Saturday, had really liked each other, but could do nothing about it, thanks to the jealous Sally. When they talked again, Sunday, they decided to meet again, alone, as soon as...

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The ParkersChapter 49 Secrets

Frank and Janet Stone knew about their son's drinking habits. Greg was 16, old enough to be left alone when his parents left the house, but Frank and Janet realized that, in the last few weeks, there's always some bottle missing when they returned. They were not that worried. They didn't confront Greg, and thought he was simply being a teenager. It's not that they didn't care, but they realized that their only son was simply experimenting some alcohol. Both Frank and Janet had started...

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The ParkersChapter 10 Aint no party

Jack Parker was pretty, sixteen and virgin. I know, you're probably thinking that, if he was a virgin, he couldn't be that pretty, right? Well, you're wrong. Jack Parker was really pretty. But he was too shy. Too much, actually. Girls were always around him, they often came closer, they always gave him all the hints, but Jack was always nervous. Unlike his brother Matt, Jack didn't know how to talk to girls. He started to stutter and most girls thought he was stupid. Others thought he...

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The ParkersChapter 29 Jack and his older sister

Jack Parker was excited. He knew that, that Wednesday, December 10th, 2003, after school, he would have sex. Again. He knew it. Matt had promised him. And Jack had no reason to doubt Matt. But Jack thought that he would fuck Matt again. And suck Matt again. And, this time, he hoped (he was so curious about it, he had to try it), he would (maybe) be fucked by Matt. That's what he thought. He didn't dare to mention any of it to Matt, but he was ready. And, after the night before, with...

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The ParkersChapter 40 One of us

Lucy Parker had no fear. No second thoughts. She wanted this. She wanted sex with her nephews. And she wanted sex with their girlfriends. And she wanted sex with their mother. She should be worried. She should even be disgusted by the thought of having sex with them. But she wasn't. In fact, she was kissing Claire Parker. Claire was 48, but she was in a terrific shape for her age. She tried her best to keep herself fit. And, of course, she had a very intense sex life, which only helped...

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The ParkersChapter 59 Here cums Santa Claus

Ever since that Monday night, December 15, 2003, the Parker family had fucked each other in every possible way. And they often brought friends! Or family! They did it all. And they were happy. Their friends were happy! It was perfect. That Christmas, there was a big party at their home. George and his family were invited, of course. And so were Rachel, Grace and Valerie. And Troy. Jill, Brad, Joan, Carla, Sarah, Sue and Nat were even more important. Since Nat wouldn't spend the...

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The ParkersChapter 54 It was true

When Sarah Colvig arrived that Saturday night to Matt Parker's house, with Matt, she couldn't believe her eyes. Sure, he had told her some stories, but she was sure he had been lying. She couldn't really believe them, right? Well, as soon as she saw them, she started to believe. Her dear friend Laurie Parker was sucking Martin's cock. Laurie was sucking her own brother! Brad, Laurie's boyfriend, was sucking Jill's great tits, while Sally sucked his cock! And Amy, Laurie's younger...

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The ParkersChapter 14 The first threesome

That Saturday night, while the kids were having fun at Laurie's party, Roger and Lucy Parker were trying something new. New for both of them. It was Lucy's first threesome. And Roger's first, too. Lucy was the first woman who knew and accepted his secret. Also, she was the one who accepted a threesome. And the chosen guy was Larry Harper, the only person in the whole world that both Roger and Lucy had fucked. It was important, for them, to be with someone they knew. Somehow, it made...

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The ParkersChapter 28 Jack and his sister

That Tuesday night, while Sally and Martin were having sex, Jack had no idea that he and Sally would do it the next day. He did know, however, that Wednesday would bring more sex. Matt had told him that, but Jack didn't know that he would, at last, fuck a woman for the first time. In fact, Jack wasn't even in such a hurry to fuck a girl. Matt's ass (and mouth) had proved to be lots of fun, and Jack spent his time thinking about his brother's body. Not only Matt's ass and mouth, but...

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The ParkersChapter 11 New York

Martin Parker had been Roger's first baby. Martin had been the reason why Roger had married a girl he didn't love. Years later, on that December 5, Martin was 25, beautiful, and in love. Her name was Jill Davis. She was a knockout. She was more than beautiful. She was stunning. She was blonde, with a fantastic pair of blue eyes and a big pair of breasts to match. She was tall. And she had fantastic legs. Jill was the most beautiful girl Martin had ever seen. Or almost. She was as pretty...

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The ParkersChapter 16 Looking for sex

That Saturday night had been terrible for Matt Parker. He had not been expecting to meet a girl in his sister's party, but he did. He met Sarah Colvig, a lovely blonde. And she was interested on him. But nothing happened. Why? Because, the night before, Matt Parker was stupid enough to lie so he could make his wildest dream come true. He had sex with his sister, Sally. And then he told her the truth, and Sally was angry. And, that Saturday night, Sally just couldn't leave Matt and Sarah...

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The ParkersChapter 55 Much better this time

Jack Parker was a shy boy. Very, very shy. It wasn't until recently, thanks to Matt, that he had started having sex. He was too shy to talk to girls, and every time he tried, he failed. In these last days, Jack had been lucky. A number of boys and girls have been available. They were easy. Boys, especially, didn't scare him that much. So Jack started to think that he was probably predominantly homosexual. He liked girls, he liked the sight of girls, he liked sex with them, but... They...

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The ParkersChapter 37 Incest in five phases

The word spread quickly: Lucy Parker would be out that Friday afternoon. That meant that Martin, Sally, Laurie, Julie, Matt, Jack and Amy Parker could be free to fuck. And Jill Davis could fuck them al. It's not that their relation was only sex. But talking was something they could do with no fear of being caught. Sex, however, was special. And forbidden. And something they had started doing (with each other) very recently. It was still new. So they felt they couldn't pass an opportunity....

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The ParkersChapter 39 Her own guilt

That Friday afternoon, Lucy Parker didn't want to go home. Her best friend (and most recent lover) had just confessed that she had sex with Julie Parker, Lucy's daughter. Lucy felt weird. Almost disgusted. Julie was, after all, her sweet lovely daughter. Sure, Julie was bisexual, she knew it. And Julie had an active sex life. And Lucy had never minded that, because as far as she knew, Julie always had sex with people around her age. Sometimes, a little older, but never with someone who...

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The ParkersChapter 53 Yes

Julie and Joan did go to the movies, yes, and when they returned to Julie's home, they found someone waiting for them. Sue Reynolds. Sue was just dying to be with Julie and Joan. They were so beautiful, so stunning, so sexy... And they were women. Which means, in case you don't know, that they had pussies. Sue had no risk to get a little disappointed, like she had been sucking a cock. She was sure Julie and Joan had delicious pussies! When Julie and Joan arrived, naked Sue Reynolds...

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The ParkersChapter 44 Still free still pleasing

After Linda and Carla left for the bedroom, the action continued in the living room. No one really missed them. Each of them had already a partner or, in some cases, more than one partner. Cliff Silver, for instance, was being sucked by his girlfriend Gwen and by Laurie. And Alice, Gwen's sister, was sucking one of Jill's breasts, while she fingerfucked Jill's pussy. But this couple was quickly joined by Natalie and Sally. Sally kissed Jill, and Natalie started to suck Jill's...

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The ParkersChapter 3 Openly bisexual

Julie Parker was nineteen and openly bi. She was a slut, just like her twin sister, Linda. Julie loved sex. But, unlike Linda, Julie didn't concentrate only on men. No, she knew the pleasures she could get with female companion. And she still couldn't believe how some girls (like Linda) could live their whole lives without feeling a feminine touch on their hot bodies. They're missing so much! Women bring with them lots of fun that men simply can't provide. It was true, however, that...

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The ParkersChapter 13 Something lesbian

Julie Parker smoked several cigarettes that afternoon, alone in her room. What she had just done with Amy was horrible. Funny thing is that, while she was doing it, she thought it was wonderful. It wasn't just the incest. Amy was just fifteen. A child. Sure, Amy had teased her as much as possible, but Julie, as a responsible adult (crap, when had she become that?) should say no. She should have gone to her room. That's what she wanted to do. Why didn't she? Sure, she was horny. Sure, she...

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The ParkersChapter 41 Violence

What was the matter with Linda Parker? For these last few years, she had been enjoying all kinds of different sex. With men. She loved to suck and to be sucked, she loved anal, she loved more than one guy... Guy. Yes. So far, guy. But... What about something... Someone... Some girl? It wasn't just thanks to Julie. Sure, when her twin sister ate her, Linda had a fantastic orgasm. One of the bests of her life. But that had nothing to do with it. She had also seen lesbian sex, just in...

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The ParkersChapter 36 Want more

So much had happened with Lucy Parker during this last week. Ever since she got married, when she was just a teenager, her sex life had become satisfactory, but predictable and ordinary. Just sex with Roger, her husband, for twenty years. But everything had changed last Friday, when Lucy had sex with Larry Harper, and discovered about Roger's bisexuality. Ever since that Friday, her sex life had become even better. And nothing ordinary. Plus, she was amazed by the fact that she seemed to...

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The ParkersChapter 23 Three sisters

Okay, here what was going on with the Parker family that Monday night: Roger and Lucy were at his brother George's place, fucking George and his sons. Matt was with Sarah Colvig. Sally and Jill were together. Martin, since Jill went to a lesbian club, called two of his old friends, and went out for some beers. Jack went to Greg Stone's place, to study. The whole evening, he wondered about Greg's cock, but did nothing about it. Linda met Hank Portman, and spent the whole night with...

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The ParkersChapter 38 Two bitches lost in an incest orgy

There were two things in Matt Parker that interested his sister Linda: First, he had a cum-covered face, and she had never seen one in real life. She liked what she saw. Second, Matt had an eight-inch cock, hard as a rock. She had seen that in real life before, and that always meant pleasure. And, when she asked him to move closer and kiss her, he did just that. Linda didn't care for the fact that he was her brother. Not after Julie had sucked her to an amazing orgasm. Not after watching...

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The ParkersChapter 6 Talking secrets

They all had dinner together, that night. Roger and Lucy, and all the kids, except for Martin, of course, who would arrive just the next day. But the rest of them were there. The center of all attention, of course, was Sally. She was the one who had just arrived from Boston. She was the one no one saw for months. She was the one who brought gifts with her, for the whole family. Everyone asked her a million questions. Even Matt, not knowing that his sister had seen him performing gay sex...

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The ParkersChapter 45 Lets spend the weekend together

Now, that same Friday the 12th, while his children were starting the orgy, Roger Parker had a delightful surprise. He had been worried about Lucy. After all, she had left Frank's house in such a strange state, and then she decided that they would spend the weekend on George's. He didn't know what was going on. Now, sure, he knew that, in George's house, sex and incest just ran wild and free. So, yes, he had knew that sex was a possibility. But just a possibility. It wasn't a sure...

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The ParkersChapter 30 Jack his older sister his brothers and his sister

There they were. Naked. In Matt's bedroom. Matt, Jack, Martin, Sally and Jill. All naked. Jack was surprised. He had just had sex with Sally; he had sex with Matt a couple of days before, but he had no idea that... Martin and Jill were there. Naked. Wow! They both had beautiful bodies, and Jack's cock started to grow. Jill's tits; Martin's cock, wow! Sally closed the door, in silence. Jack couldn't say anything, he didn't want to spoil the moment. So Matt said: "Come here, Jack....

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The ParkersChapter 33 Jack Matt and Laurie

That Thursday night, Linda Parker watched TV for hours. She didn't know, but she was the only one under that roof that wasn't having sex. Roger and Lucy simply had to fuck. They had plans for the next day, and those plans were very exciting. Matt and Jack were also excited. While their parents were fucking, they skipped to Laurie's bedroom. Yes, Laurie. Their sister. At last. Matt had already fantasized a lot about Laurie, and the fact that he had seen her naked, once, in a play, only...

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The ParkersChapter 19 Being gay

Matt Parker couldn't wait to get back home, after school, that Monday morning. He arrived as soon as possible and, when he did, he quickly said: "Jack, we need to talk." "What? Why?" "Upstairs, bro." As Jack was going upstairs, Matt told everybody: "No one interrupt us." Lucy asked: "What's the problem, son?" "No problem. I just have to talk to him. Everything's okay, it's just a little thing. Late I'll talk to you." Lucy was a little worried. But hell, they were...

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The ParkersChapter 47 The closest possible match

That Saturday morning, Janet Stone got a phone call. It was Lucy, saying that she wanted to talk. She said she was sorry, and she invited Janet and Frank to George's house. Lucy said nothing about all the sex that was going on in George's place. So Janet didn't know what would happen. Frankly, she just thought they would talk, trying to get things straight. She was pretty sure that she would never have sex with Lucy again. Lucy was very upset when she found out that Janet had had sex...

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The ParkersChapter 58 The whole family

Roger Parker couldn't believe his eyes! Everybody was naked. Fucking! Not just Lucy, but their kids! All of his kids! The eight of them! Naked. Fucking. Sucking. The whole family! How did this happen? In what? A few hours? He had left home this morning, and everything was normal as usual! How did this happen? Who the fuck cares? His dream was right there, in front of his eyes! He smiled! And his kids started to move closer. They kissed him. They said things like "hi, dad" and...

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The ParkersChapter 34 The urban legend is true

Julie and Jill talked for hours. In the previous days, they didn't have much time to talk, but that Thursday, knowing that they would end up fucking, they took their time to get closer. During the day, they just talked. The sex would only happen at night, after Roger, Lucy and Linda were sleeping. It was too risky to try to fuck while they were awake; they couldn't be caught. But they spent their time talking. Julie was interested on Jill's career. Jill wrote for a big magazine in New...

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The ParkersChapter 57 Lucky Lucy

Julie was the one who came with the plan, and she was sure it would work. Like she said: "these three (Jill, Carla and Sue) can seduce a statue. Made of ice!" But how long would they take to seduce Lucy Parker? Julie had no way of knowing that. So she gave them until five-thirty to succeed. Then, Jill, Carla and Sue should leave. That night was for family only. Jill slept over Carla's. If anything went wrong, and Lucy freaked out or anything, the girls had Laurie's cell number. The...

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The ParkersChapter 25 Taste my pussy and lets get dressed

Amy Parker could not stop thinking about it. Sex. Lesbian sex. With Natalie. Her best friend. She wanted to do it. She had to try to seduce Natalie Jones, and she just thought about it during the whole day. If Jack, after the gay sex, was more confidant, walking around the school as if he ran the place; Amy was just nervous for more. Jack, knowing that he had a piece of ass in his house, didn't really care for his schoolmates. Amy, on the other hand, checked every hot girl she saw. She...

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The ParkersChapter 32 The fun began and it wont stop

Julie didn't move. She was naked in her brother's bed, and Matt had just called Martin, their older brother. She didn't move. She wanted to fuck Martin. And everybody else in her family. Martin, downstairs, knew what he should do. And so did Jill, Jack and Sally. They knew Matt's plan. Laurie, Amy and Sally were watching a movie on TV. Martin came with Jack and Jill, and said: "Laurie, Amy, Sally... Matt's calling us." Laurie asked: "Why?" "Dunno. He's in his room." Laurie...

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Playing with the ParkersChapter 3 Meeting Don Parker

Saturday night finally came, and since I'd already "warned" Tad that he was in for a voyeuristic treat at the Parker Residence, we were both looking forward to our evening. Louise answered the doorbell and immediately wrapped both arms around me with a huge hug. As soon as I was released, Tad got the same treatment. Louise had only met Tad once before -- an afternoon when we'd met for a drink after work -- but the way she behaved, you would have thought they were long-lost...

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Life With The ParkersChapter 9 Happy Birthday Daddy 2

Next to come over was Mayling Chuan. Mayling was as petite as Amy was statuesque. While her 32B breasts weren't nearly as big as Amy's, but looked larger on her tiny frame. Mayling came home with Amy on Friday after school. They cooked a wonderful Chinese meal complete with rice wine and green tea. It was almost ready when Frank walked in the door. He had had a particularly tense and hectic day. Amy handed him a Gin & Tonic and told him to go change into some comfortable clothes while...

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The ParkersChapter 18 Girls are so interesting

That Monday morning was an usual Monday morning. But, afternoon... On that afternoon, Amy knew, she had to talk to Julie. Which was also what Julie had on mind. After all, Julie had something to give her baby sister. So, when they were both home, both wanted to go to Amy's room. Amy made the invitation, and Julie accepted. But, when Amy closed the door to her room she said: "I know about you and Laurie." "What do you mean?" Julie knew what her sister meant. She had the fear to be...

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The ParkersChapter 8 Party Party Part 1

Laurie Parker's 22nd birthday would be on Sunday, December 7. Her birthday party would be on Saturday, December 6. But on that Friday, as usual, Laurie would spend the night in her boyfriend's apartment. She had already promised she would come home Saturday morning to go out with her family. Like Laurie, Brad Johnson was an actor. And a dancer. That's how they met, they were both in the same group. Brad was bisexual. Which wasn't rare. He was an actor, he was a dancer, he had seen too...

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The ParkersChapter 51 More like tit

As soon as Susan Reynolds discovered the pleasures of lesbian sex, thanks to her friends Amy Parker and Natalie Jones, it was clear that she would spend the night at Amy's, where they could have even more sex. She called her mom, and told her she would sleep at Amy's. Her mother had no objection. And the girls rested for some time. But Sue knew the whole story, including the orgy that had happened the night before. She knew about the incest. And she was damn curious. She wanted to be...

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The ParkersChapter 4 Trying some gay incest

Linda Parker, Julie's twin sister, was not like Julie. First, both girls were beautiful, but they were not identical. Both had dark hair, blue eyes, big tits and a fantastic ass, but that was all. The truth must be told, and Julie was the most beautiful. But that didn't mean that Linda was not something to see. And kiss. And lick, and... You know! Linda was beautiful, too. And, like her sister, Linda loved sex. Since her second time, Linda knew it. Her first time, when she was fifteen,...

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