Stepmom Godaughter From Portugal. Pt7 free porn video

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As I got in my truck I looked at the clock as I started it up. O Shit it’s 4:15PM I have been here for 3 hrs fucking Heather. I was thinking to myself Fuck, Fuck, why did I let her blackmail for this job. What if Maria finds out...FUCK ME. I can’t tell her or anyone about this day. I started driving out as I passed the security gate and I noticed Mr Lopez coming through the gates but I don’t think he saw me as I passed. I pulled to the side of the estate exit before the main road to make a call to the store. I looked at my phone with 3 miss calls Pat, Juan, and Maria. She called me at 2:15PM so I had to think of something before I called her. Well I did leave my phone in the truck as I was serving a customer so that is not a lie. I first called Pat and then Juan to find out the reason for the call and everything was a ok with them both. I called Maria and got her voicemail sweet “Hi Baby Sorry I missed your call. Call me back when you are free”. I called the store to see how everyone was doing as Jackie picked up the phone. Hi Boss. How is the new customer? She is doing fine now. Good to hear. I am just heading back but not might not make it before closing because of the traffic. So I will see you all tomorrow morning. Ok, Boss have a good evening. You too. I decided to head to the attorney office for a 6PM appointment to review the contract then head home for a shower, dinner, and bed. Heather did a job on me and drained me. I had to stop at a 7 Eleven for something to drink to get my fluids back in me.

I got home for a shower and dinner as I started up the grill. I put some chicken on the grill as my mom came home from work. Wow two nights in a row home. Did you breakup already with Maria. No, we are both are busy with work. I am glad you both have your careers as your first priority. Maria is going to Brazil on Monday for work so I will not see her next week. I hope she is traveling with other people. Why? It could be dangerous for a single woman traveling alone in Brazil. Thanks mom you make me feel great now. Wow..You really like this girl. Yes, Mom she is a great person and mother. She has a kid? Yes, Marco. Great kid and very well mannered too. I didn’t know she had a son so who watches Marco when she is gone? Her mother Rose. They live together? No, she has her own condo in the same building. Ok, I will stop asking all the questions and don’t burn the chicken. We ate dinner and I headed to my room for a little TV and bed.

I called Maria again and she picked up. Hi Baby. Hi Sexy How was your day? Mark it was the craziest day this week. How was your day and the new development? It was crazy and a busy day for me too. I got a copy of the contract so I can bring it to you tomorrow night. Sweetie I will not have anyone to look over your contract because I will be out of the office next week. Can you drop it off tomorrow afternoon sometime so I can give it to one of my real estate attorneys to review it? Sure, I can stop in tomorrow afternoon if that works for you? Yes that would be perfect but call me before you head to the office? Sure, will do. Mark are you coming over for the weekend? Well I am not sure because I need to do some yard work, laundry, trim some tree, and other stuff. Mark are you fucking with me right now? I start laughing yes. Baby I am dying to see you this weekend plus the shopping. I was going to hang up on you telling me you had yard work over spending time with me. I will call you tomorrow afternoon before I head your way. How is Marco? He is doing great reading your magazine from the game. Really? Yes, he love it and specially the cheerleaders. He is pickup some of my good You are so bad. I know I am a bad boy and need to be punished. Well I might just have to keep you in my room and no playing video games. O we both laugh. Baby I should let you go get Marco ready and I need to hit the pillow myself after today. Ok, bye Baby..Sweet Dream Maria.

Friday morning arrived and I started my day like yesterday to the gym, shower, breakfast, then off to the store. As normal I had the morning meeting with the staff and gave them a treat by telling them to give me 2 customers so we can all finish up early. Steve says really boss you are going to clean the pools with us today? Yes, is that a problem. No, but can you tell your girlfriend Thank you. All the staff laughed out loud and I smiled too. Ok, smart ass you can keep all your pools. Dead silence..Boss I was just joking. I know and I am just fucking with you should see all your Give me 2 customers from each of you or you can keep all your customers as they started pulling out 2 customer sheets for me. Also I want everyone to tell Jackie what you want for lunch from Mel’s and be back here at 12N. Wow..Boss I want to meet this lady you are dating from Jackie. Everyone departed except Jackie to manage the store and I asked Jackie you didn’t tell anyone about my plan at lunch? No Mark and all the numbers I gave you are correct because I recounted them to ensure I was correct. Thank you Jackie. I grabbed the customer sheets and headed out to complete the route.

I completed 8 out of 10 customers so far as it was almost 12N. I headed to Mel’s to pick up the food and drinks. I went in as I noticed my first girlfriend working at Mel’s Hi Jennifer (5’2 32C/28/30 Long Blonde, Green eyes, maybe 110 lbs) Hi Mark How are you doing as she walked around the counter to give me a hug. Wow Mark you have changed. I hope for the better? O yes, what happen to the old Mark as she squeezed my right bicep. You look good too. Thanks. I am here to pickup an order for the store. Yes, right here as she hands me 2 bags and let me carry out this bag for you. Ok, Thanks Jennifer. I watched her lead the way to my truck as I held the door open for her. I looked at her small ass move with each step and had to make a comment. Jennifer you still got that High School walk as she turned her head. You will never change about my butt. Well it always catches my eyes. She smiled at me as she opens the passenger door to place the bag inside. My mother was talking about you last month saying that I should find someone like you because she always liked you. Your mother was always nice to me and a sweet lady. Thanks I love her so much more since my dad cheated on her with his secretary. Wow..I am sorry to hear that for you both. Mark you should surprise my mom by stopping over and play a game of pool like the high school days. Maybe I will stop over next week. Great, I will not tell her that we talked about it. Ok, take care and maybe we can have a drink some day (What the fuck Mark you are seeing Maria in my head) Sure, that would be great Mark. Take care Jennifer as I drive to the store.

I walked into the store with the food and Jackie laid out all the food in the lunch area. I joked around with everyone telling “Kids please wash your hands”. Steve the joker says ok Dad as we all laugh. After everyone ate the food and chips I told them to come over here for a minute. I want to really tell you all I couldn’t have a successful business without each one of you. I really appreciate all your hard work and the extra work coming down the road with the new home development. So I want to tell you all that I am giving everyone a $3.00 hr pay raise starting this week. I heard a lot of thank you’s. Let’s finish up the routes and call it a early day for us all by 3PM. I never seen my staff move to the trucks so fast to finish the work. After everyone was gone I told Jackie I want you to have a $4.00 hr pay raise and she walked over to me and gave me a strong hug as she crushed her big 34DD tits against me. Jackie was 31 yrs old 5’7 a middle bone 34/30/30 est 130 lbs waving long dirty blonde, brown eyes, with a firm round ass. Thanks Mark. You are welcome so can you get them big titys off my chest before I change my mind. She breaks the hug and slaps me in the arm “You Pig” as I laugh at her. You need to control them watermelons. You think I have big tits as she holds them? Yes, not Hugh. You better finish your route before you think you are leaving to visit your lucky girlfriend. Yes, will do because they are only chemical drops.

I departed to finish up the 2 customers and after completing them I headed back to the store. I walked into the store and saw Jackie bending down under the front counter on her hands & knees. Wow...Jackie nice view. She turns her head with a smile and tells me you are such a young pig. Yes, I am as I smile back. Do you need any help? Yes, I am trying to pull the cable thru the counter dividers. Ok, let me help you as I move down to my hands and knees next to her. I will push the cable thru the hole and you pull my cable. She looks at me really..pull my cable. Mark I think you need your girlfriend to pull your cable. O boy that didn’t sound right sorry Jackie as she laughs at me. As I looked at hear she had her shirt hanging low as her tits were in view a little. She noticed and told cable or tits? Sorry you got me..Cable. Jackie grabbed the cable as she pulled it and I had to do it. O Yes Jackie. She elbowed me as we both laughed. Jackie I have to tell you one thing you can handle a cable. Only if you knew how well I can handle a cable. I was speechless after her comment. Mark does the cat have your tongue? No comment. We both got up and I told her to call me if anything comes up because I am heading home. Have a great weekend Mark. You too as I headed to my car around 2PM.

When I got home I pulled my overnight bag together so I could crash at Maria’s for the weekend. I shaved and showered then put on some jeans with a Green Tommy short sleeve shirt. I left my mom a note that I was staying with Maria for the weekend before she leaves to Brazil. I called Maria as she picks up Hello Mark..thank you for calling. Hi Maria bad time? No, I needed this call to make me feel better. You having a bad day? Sadly yes, I need to be in the courthouse for 4PM so when are you coming. I can be at your office in 30 minutes. Really? Yes. That will be great I will be waiting for you in the lobby so call me when you are 5 mins out? Ok, will do. See you soon sexy bye. I started driving to her office and when I got 5 minutes out I called her. Hi Sweetie you almost here? Yes, I am at the exit to downtown. Ok, see you in the lobby and I can’t wait for a hug and kiss. I pulled up the valet area and gave my keys to the guy as Maria was talking Spanish to him at the same time. Si Ms. Garcia. I walked over to her with the paperwork in my left hand. Hi Babe as she gives me a soft short kiss and grabs my right hand with a squeeze. Mark you just made my day coming in. Maria you always look great with anything you wear. Thank you. Maria I am so glad you are happy seeing me because anytime I see or hear you it make me happy. Mark stop talking sweet or I will be taking you to my place now. I learned over to her ear I can’t wait to eat you up. She squeezed my hand and told me to stop teasing her because I can’t have wet panties for court. We walked into the elevator alone as the doors close and she turn to me so fast to kiss me deep and strong. I moved my right hand to her butt for a strong squeeze. She broke the kiss as I grabbed her butt. O baby you are teasing now because you are making me have a issue in my jeans. She moving her hand over my crotch. Wow..are you getting hard for me. Yes, it’s not the elevator buttons.

The doors opened wide and she grabs my hand leading out of the elevator and tells me to be nice. It feels like a thousand eyes looking at me as we walk on the 35th floor of her office. As we walked through the floor I kept my contract in front of me crotch as she introduced me to a couple employees until we got to her office. I watched her walk around her desk in the shoes that had a min 3” heel. Please take a sit as she point to the table next to her desk. Can I see the contract? Sure as I hand it to her..Wow it’s a thick one. Really no teasing Maria. She smiles at me and tells me you bring it out of me. She moves to her phone and clicks on on button Ha Luz Can you come in? Sure. We are going to Luz wedding in Mexico. As the door opened up and Luz came in closing the door. In my head I said “Damm” maybe a 25 yrs old, pretty 6’4 but had some high 4’ heels with a 36/32/34 body for the first 5 seconds looking at her. Maria introduce me with Luz and sat down with us at the table. Mark Luz is the best on real estate development contracts so you are in good hands. You both are the experts so Luz I just need to make sure the contract is fair to me and the builder. Mark that will make the contract review a lot easier if that is the way you want it? What other way can it be? Maria tells Luz he is a virgin on Miami uturn contracts. What does a uturn contracts mean? Luz tells me uturn contracts are what is all good for you even if the builder writes the contract to favor them. Luz I don’t want to be bending over holding my ankles and not enjoy it. Ok, I understand Mark as Luz says but sometimes it’s ok to bend over when you get a reward on contracts and other things. Wow in my head was that an invite to me and is Maria going to take that as an offer to me. Maria tells me she means sometimes it’s ok to give a little on somethings if you get a bigger reward somewhere else. I understand Luz I trust you.

Maria tells Luz as I told you earlier do it on your free time next week and you can contact Mark directly because I will be in Brazil. You lucky lady going to Brazil. You want to take my place? I wish I had your International Law experience and degrees. Mark are you going with her? Maria looks at me as I felt her hand on my knee. I can’t go because I have a business that I need to run and it’s moving very successfully right now. What is your business? I own a Pool Service & Building company for 2 yrs but been in the business since my teens. Mark can I ask a favor from you? Sure, name it for what you are doing for me. My parents pool has a leak and they always have to put water in it daily. Please give the address and I will gladly come out myself to fix it for your parents as long it’s not a big problem. Thank you Mark my parents will be so happy they can stop filling the pool. No, thank you for looking at the contract. Here is my parents address and my cell phone to call me when you are coming out because my parents don’t speak English “Cuban” so I can translate. I work from home on Wed if that makes it easier for you to stop over? Sure, that will work around 2PM? Ok, deal. Maria looks at the clock Mark let me take you to the other Partners real quickly before I head to court. Luz and Maria got up to walk out as Maria says come with me sweetie. I watch both Luz and Maria walk out of the office damm I would love to have a threesome with them. Wow did I just say that in my head as I follow Maria now. I have a great girl so why do I think this way.

I walk behind her to another big office as Maria talks to this lady to introduce you to Mark as I walked in. Maria tells me this is Maria Sanchez another Partner. Hi Mrs Sanchez..Mark call me Maria or Mimi. Ok, can I officially call you Mimi because I got 1 Maria in my life. Mimi looks at Maria wow sweet talker too. Nice to meet you Mark and see you at the wedding. Maria when are going down to Mexico? Thursday. Great me too but I still need to go shopping. Maybe we can have lunch one day together in Mexico. Sure we can do that. I followed Maria to another office and it was a man this time Carol Sanchez on his door. Maria introduce me with him and headed back to her office. I asked Marian is Carlos and Maria married. Not anymore but I will tell you more about them later. Ok. As we got back in her office she was placing paperwork in her briefcase for court and asked me do you want to wait here for me or meet me in the lobby bar? Can I just sit on the couch right her and rest because I might need it tonight. She smiles..yes you better rest for me because it’s been 2 days without you. Good luck in court! she walks over to me and bends down to give me a quick kiss as I rub her thigh as butt under her skirt. Don’t start as I laugh.

I had my eyes closed when I had the feeling someone was looking at me. I opened my eyes and turned my head as it was Luz. Sorry did I wake you? No, it’s ok do you need me? No, I was just dropping off some paperwork on her desk. Maria was right about you. What did she say about me may I ask? You are great looking, great body, and great smile with sexy green eyes. Really..that is a lot of Yes, but she was right. Thank you. I feel the same way about Maria and more. guys are in love if you feel that way based on my father words. The Love word means a lot to Maria and I but I don’t know if we are their yet to say it. I understand Mark. You are in Love with your man because you are getting married next month. Yes, but I still have so much more work with the resort on the wedding plans. Mark do you want to look over contract together and I can teach somethings to look for in future contracts? Sure. She goes to get the contract and we sat around the table as we review it together. Luz shows me a couple terms and new words that we can change to favor you. Your contract is pretty simple but I would give the highlighted statements to remove for your safety. Ok, thank you so much. Mimi comes in and asked Luz if she was going to join us in the lobby bar. You want to come Mark for a drink? Sure. Mimi says I will text Maria to tell her we are in the lobby bar. Thank you. I stood up as Mimi head down to the bar and I told Luz thank you again as I reached out for a hand shack but Luz shocked me with a hug as I gave her a quick kiss of the cheek. She handed me the paperwork and I had to use it again to leave the floor after that hug.

I walked with Luz into the elevator as it jammed up as Luz stood to the right of me against the back wall. I reached my left hand behind to hold the back rail and Luz lost her balance as people got in the elevator. I reach around her waist to held her from falling holding a little of her ass...thank you I held here close. I moved my hand to her butt and I felt her lean more to my side. The doors opened and everyone started moving out as I moved my hand up her back letting her out first. I kept the paperwork in front because I was getting a little monster. In my head I told myself to be cool she is a coworker with Maria. As we walked in I asked Luz what would you like to drink because I am buying you a drink for reviewing this contract as I waved it in the air. Luz looked at me and then to my waist and looked back up fast to my face..ok house white wine. I went to the bar as Luz went to find the others. I placed the order with the bartender white house wine, Jack & coke, and Cabernet wine. I looked at my phone 5:15PM so I text Maria..I am at lobby bar waiting for you with some coworkers. I have you a wine wait with a kiss.

I stood at the bar waiting for the drinks and then I felt a hand rub up my back with a voice you got my wine. I turned around to see Maria as I reached to pull her closer to kiss her. How was court? It was a waste of time because they pushed it out for another 2 weeks. Baby I am very happy that you are here. Here are your drinks Sir. I gave him $50 for the 3 drinks and Maria asked who’s the White wine for? Luz for completing the contract already. You are joking! In my head I was not sure if she was pissed or couldn’t believe she reviewed the contract. Yes, she showed me some parts of the contract that need to be removed and a couple term that need to be changed. Wow..I told you this girl knows her shit. I am so glad we have her at our Firm. Well I am glad I met you as I gave her another quick kiss. Give me the contract and I will place it in my briefcase. We walked over to the others after I got my change. I handed Luz the white wine. Thank you Mark. Maria moved over to Luz to whispered something in her ear and gave her a kiss on the cheek as she smiled. Mimi comes over to me so how are you doing with us ladies? I couldn’t be in a better place. I can think of better place with a smile. Mark you have all the right words at the right time. You sure you are not a lawyer? Nope, I am not that smart. Thank you. Mimi have you lived in Florida all your life? Yes, South Miami mostly and went to UF and Harvard. See you are smarter then me. Maria walks over as she puts her arm around me and jokingly to Mimi is he getting fresh? Nope, but I would not tell you if is was as she puts her hand on my shoulder right Mark? I plead the fifth. They both laughed at my comment “He was a lawyer in his past life”. Maria ask me can I have a minute with Mimi..sure as I step over to Luz seating alone. Hi Luz do you need another wine? No thank you need to drive home soon. Ok, thank you again on reviewing the contract and I think Maria was shocked that you got it done so fast. Yes, she just thanked me. I will call you Wednesday when I am head out to your house. That will be prefect and I can’t wait to tell my parents.

Maria and Mimi comes over to Luz & I so does anyone need another drink because M & M are having another one. Luz said no thanks because I need to head home after I finish this wine. I will take another Jack & Coke. Mimi walked to the bar and Maria wrapped both arms around me as she looked at Luz from my side. Luz is he a cutie? Yes, you are lucky lady. Your man is lucky not a positive way. Maria tells me I guess I will keep you and gives me a kiss on the cheek. Maria asked Luz when are you going down to Mexico? We all are going down Wednesday. I can see she was getting happier talking about the wedding. You staying in Mexico for your honeymoon too? No, we are going snow skiing in Colorado. Wow...Go from warm temperatures to cold within days. Where is your fiancé from and what does he do? Mark are you being the big brother with all the questions? As they both laugh at me. No just trying to find out more about my little sister fiancé. Luz you better answer your brother’s questions or he will not approve of your marriage. Well big brother Mark he is in construction and originally from Columbia but been in Miami since he was a little kid. Mimi comes back with 2 drinks and says she needs to get the Jack still no problem I will get it as I walk to the bar. As I reach for my drink between to people when I felt a hand touch my back as I was think it was Maria. I turned around to see Mimi looking at me and asked me can you get my credit card from the bartender. One of the customers moved out from the seat so I was able to take the seat as Mimi moved between me and the other customer at the bar. The bartender came back with her credit card and receipt to sign. I had my legs open as she was stand between them as she rest her hip against me. I placed my right hand on her back rubbing it up and down Thank you for the drink. It’s my pleasure as long as you keep rubbing my back. problem I didn’t say stop that as she moved her right hand over my lap as she exited between the seats. Maria is a very lucky girl I see. I froze in my seat knowing she felt my semi hard cock so I decided to visit the bathroom before returning to the girls.

More is coming.


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House of empress Toya pt7

The House of Empress Toya pt7     Once we were finished in the pool, we climbed out and found an empty corner, me and belle sat holding each other and described everything we had done and seen since being at the orgy.   I was getting aroused listening to belle, she took my cock in her hand and began stroking it.   Another man now appeared before us and said it was time for some fucking, he demanded that I lay down, he then lay down with his right leg over my left and mine the same with...

4 years ago
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415 Daves reassuring hand holding pt7

(415) Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt7 After film 1 time was spent comforting and fixing up the many tiny scars, stopping the trickles and antiseptic dressing the pin holes, Dan was very complimentary, and the obligatory vanilla sex followed both with Gaye and Mary. The following week was spent recuperating for Gay, and in a frenzy of cutting and editing for Mary. Then the film went to what dan described as a friendly copier, a greasy little man called Pedro who ran a backstreet photographers...

4 years ago
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House of empress Toya pt7

The House of Empress Toya pt7     Once we were finished in the pool, we climbed out and found an empty corner, me and belle sat holding each other and described everything we had done and seen since being at the orgy.   I was getting aroused listening to belle; she took my cock in her hand and began stroking it.   Another man now appeared before us and said it was time for some fucking, he demanded that I lay down, he then lay...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Stepmom Gets a Deep Anal Pounding

I was right in the middle of finals week at Reed College, and I wasn’t in a good mood. The spring weather was glorious for a Portland campus; the flora was intensely green and in full bloom, and girls were dressed in light summer clothing, which meant that as I drove out of the parking lot, it was hard to miss the legs, cleavage, and everything else that gets a 19-year-old guy’s hormones flowing. I was horny but pissed that I couldn’t stay. I had to drive 30 minutes back home to walk the dog....

3 years ago
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Stepmom Gets a Deep Anal Plundering

I was right in the middle of finals week at Reed College, and I wasn’t in a good mood. The spring weather was glorious for a Portland campus; the flora was intensely green and in full bloom, and girls were dressed in light summer clothing, which meant that as I drove out of the parking lot, it was hard to miss the legs, cleavage, and everything else that gets a 19-year-old guy’s hormones flowing. I was horny but pissed that I couldn’t stay. I had to drive 30 minutes back home to walk the dog....

4 years ago
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Stepmom Gets a Deep Anal Plundering

When I arrived home, I noticed that Cassandra’s car was parked in the driveway, which was odd because she typically worked until late in the evening. It was only 2:00 in the afternoon. I sat in my car for a few minutes, unsure, before I finally made my way to the front steps of my stepmom’s house. As I peered through the living room window, I spotted my stepmother dancing by the stereo and really getting into it. The mushy, lazy sounds of Jack Johnson wafted from the speakers. She never...

3 years ago
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Stepmom helps out 1

It was well past midnight when I got home from my last date with my now-ex Sarah. I had dropped her off at her house, having resisted the urge to tell her to go to hell and walk home. Getting dumped was bad, but having to drive her home was extra insult. As I pulled into the driveway I shook my head. This was the second time in a year I had been dumped, and for the same reason. I unlocked the door as quietly as I could, hoping to wake no one. I passed my stepsister Liz's door and then turned...

3 years ago
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Stepmom sleeping

True story. My stepmom and my Dad came home one night both drunk after being at a party. Stepmom is 45 and a total milf, she has huge tit's and a biggish ass, she has the classic hour glass figure. Dad is 49 he has kept himself well over the year's, I was 15 at the time. stepmom was wearing a knee length skirt, she sat down opposite me, I caught a glimpse of thigh as she sat down, she sat there with her leg's slightly apart, I was enjoying the show, when Dad said to Mom "come on honey bed time"...

3 years ago
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Stepmom Goes to the Prom

When Jillian's period came a few weeks after her encounter with the boys she breathed a huge sigh of relief. So far her stepsons had not said anything to their father and she felt this was the last bullet she had to dodge. Despite taking a "morning after" pill she would not believe she was in the clear until she was sure she wasn't pregnant. She had never been so happy to have her period in her life. Her husband had asked during those weeks why she was so nervous, but she kept putting him...

3 years ago
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stepmom grace

So I knew my stepmom would be really horny after a while. ”see you soon Jon im heading to Chicago for 3 Weeks”. Ok bye dad I hugged him and left to my room. after about half an hour my stepmom grace walked in. ”hey Jon” . I looked up and said hello. This is going to be the first time your father leaves us alone and I think this will be a good time for me and you to get to know each other. Yea I think so to. ”good well im going to order a pizza for us to eat im to lazy to cook today. Ok. All I...

3 years ago
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Gypsy Sex in Portugal

Whilst on holiday in Portugal recently, a rather filthy event occurred... on a day excursion to a large gypsy market, I ended up buying more than just some counterfeit merchandise, I bought myself some down and dirty sex with a hot gypsy woman!It started by walking down one of the many rows of stalls. That's where she caught my eye. I had noticed some of the girls and women weren't too bad on eye, but she stood out the most. I saw her first from behind. Wide grabbable hips and a chunky peachy...

3 years ago
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Vacation in Portugal

I looked at my wife, my daughter, then back to the sunbathers. My wife Inez and I had been to a couple of nudist beaches before, but that was years before we had a fifteen-year-old daughter and her brother in tow. My son didn’t look so hesitant, he was ogling damn near every female within range of his view with a broad smile distorting his lips. But his sister; she was ready to dig a hole in the sand and bury herself to keep her eyes from straying, “What do you think?” I asked Inez. “I’m...

1 year ago
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Susanna gets her tits felt in Portugal

This is another true story about Susanna F., who is featured on my channel in pictures and videos. Again, I won’t use her full modelling name so as not to embarrass her. This story was told to me by a friend. ‘We were on a holiday in Portugal. We were staying in a villa to relax but also to take lots of pictures. The first day we were there, we went into the local town to buy a few clothes for Susanna to wear. As we walked through the town, the local men kept looking at Susanna. She was wearing...

3 years ago
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Stepmom Flashes

Shortly after my eighteenth birthday, I was in my head with resentment that my dad and stepmom had kept me in all-boy schools since I was nine. They were strict about dating, my ascetic lifestyle and the health risks about intimacy. With those fears drilled into me, I barely dated, and those dates I did have were always chaste. Emotionally, I knew I was still thirteen. When a girl tried to kiss me, since I wasn’t trying, I made fearful excuses and avoided the inevitably painful death from...

2 years ago
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Help from IT pt7

Chapter 7 The tv had been on for at least an hour, but Charlie still had no idea what was on it, he had spent most of it completely engrossed in Dani. They had stayed wrapped in each others arms for what felt like forever, after the amazing blowjob she had given him. Eventually they settled back and started flipping through channels. It was only a few clicks before they found a scene in a nightclub, attractive women pressed together and dancing. Between the girls on the screen and the one...

2 years ago
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Stepmom8217s Way To Son After Hubby Death

The house was eerily silent. Even at 10 pm, I generally expected some noise, despite the events of the past few days. Dad and Andrea had been fighting constantly lately, only changed up by his epic snoring and the very rare round of make-up sex they had. My kid sister Chloe was at the grandparents for a few weeks during the summer, as I think my folks hadn’t wanted to expose her to their fighting and whatever was going on over these weeks. They were in counseling, but honestly, it seemed like...

3 years ago
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The Best Week of my Life Pt7

Four o'clock in the afternoon, and I looked down dejectedly as another text message came through offering well wishes but apologies for absence. This latest one from Bonnie Tranter was a real body blow. My own fault, I guessed, for giving such short notice, I'd hoped nonetheless that a dozen close friends and relatives might mark the occasion. Yet half that amount now seemed wildly optimistic. Espying my long face, Sophie offered a look of condolence, supplemented by the consolatory words:...

3 years ago
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Horny Little Women Pt7

In an ideal world, he would remain in England with his new family and live happily thereafter. But things were never that simple. His father had been a wealthy man, one of the wealthiest in Manila, with a bulging portfolio of business interests. Matthew needed to be there to ensure he gained his rightful inheritance and the money wasn't salted away by corrupt lawyers and bankers. A heartbreaking wrench to leave England so quickly, sadly it was something that had to be done. The pleasant...

3 years ago
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The Truth About Nikki pt7

It was now early January 1998 and I was now “legal tender” as they say because I had turned 18 years old in December. Anna and I both agreed that our new life was almost perfect if you ignored the fact that we were both still whores. It was weird living this way, we had a schedule, so and so at 12:00, another guy at 3:00, dinner and a dick at 7:00. It varied every day; some days were full with maybe 5 or 6 guys to service, others would have maybe 1 in the morning and another way late in...

2 years ago
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accidental fantasies pt7

‘WHAT? Oh my god, oh my god,’ I cried and I watched as the tears began to flow down Jenni’s cheeks. She had a death grip on my hand and I wanted so desperately to kiss her and hold her and love her at that magic moment but we both knew we didn’t dare. We hurried through the process of paying the bill and literally danced around the car all the way home. Mom almost got knocked down as we held her and kissed her and told her how much we loved her, but then it was our turn and we cried and...

2 years ago
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Fun at the beach pt7

‘I’ve been waiting for this a long time Angel. I’ve been following you career for several years. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen .’ ‘Thank you Mrs. Whitman, that is very kind of you.’ Angel stood still as she felt the woman’s hands lightly touching the diamonds on the front of the panties. Her fingers spread across the front and were gently massaging just above Angel’s pussy. ‘Omigod,’ Angel thought, ‘this is going to be good.’ Angel put her hands on the woman’s shoulders...

1 year ago
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A new start The love story of a sub pt7

********** Thank again for the priceless help of NaughtyAnn. I suggest to read the previous parts before this. ********** I was standing there in the slave position and I had taken her request as a test on my will power. Also I was strong in my determination to stay there without making a move. The time passed and, after several hours, my legs began to go numb. Thinking to myself that it was quite a long time I was determined to wait at least until the next morning. Having a strong faith...

4 years ago
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accidental fantasies pt7

‘WHAT? Oh my god, oh my god,’ I cried and I watched as the tears began to flow down Jenni’s cheeks. She had a death grip on my hand and I wanted so desperately to kiss her and hold her and love her at that magic moment but we both knew we didn’t dare. We hurried through the process of paying the bill and literally danced around the car all the way home. Mom almost got knocked down as we held her and kissed her and told her how much we loved her, but then it was our turn and we cried and...

4 years ago
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Cinema aftermath pt7

With my hand on her inner thigh I now reached the hem of her skirt. I leaned across to risk another look at her husband. He was totally gone, his mouth wide open. I just hoped he wouldn't start snoring. I looked at Anne. Even though she was still looking at the screen I wasn't sure how much of the film she was seeing as her eyes appeared to be glazed over.I slipped my hand higher, hooking her skirt with my thumb and taking it up with me. And then I gasped. I had just touched a suspender belt...

3 years ago
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Jamaica Blacken PT7

Sunday – Ist Day as BBC slut wifeWe managed to get up and shower for a late breakfast, and my wife surprised me by not wearing her ever-present bra and panties to the dining room - only a T-shirt and shorts. The waiter, Andre, did his usual flirting,"Missy, ja look especially good this mahning! (his eyes on her chest) Didja have a fine night?"She blushed, and I thought her nipples pushed harder against their slight covering."Yeah, I did!" she answered."A fine Jamaican night, Missy?" he asked...

2 years ago
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Boston Lez Contest PT7

After enjoying an orgasm that took longer to achieve than usual since the drunk redhead who had been munching ineptly between her legs had definitely not been a natural lesbian, Jasmine returned to the club ready for her next conquest.The redheaded, Lori, mortified by what she had done, had fled the club to race home, terrified at the prospect of facing her friends after participating in such a spectacle... especially Amanda, who had actually caught her in the act of getting fucked by a woman!...

2 years ago
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How I Started Turning Girls into Lesbians PT7

Mary JaneAfter a couple months of ass training my pets, I was again craving the seduction process. When a new student moved to Boston from London on an exchange program for the rest of the year, I knew I'd found my new target. She was very pretty, and her posh accent was really sexy.I invited her to join the cheerleading squad, and after a week of practice, invited her over for a special weekend initiation.She eagerly agreed to her first American sleepover, something she said they did regularly...

1 year ago
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Read before you sign pt7

Six months had passed since Samantha became Paula's slave. The young woman was in her bedroom naked looking at the mirror. She had changed a lot in the past six months.Her breasts were now A cups. Her waist was now narrow with her hips widening, her ass was round and filled out. It was wasn't a big ass, but it jiggled when Paula fucked her.Samantha's face changed as her cheekbones became more define and her face became a lot softer and feminine as did the rest of her body. Her lips did receive...

1 year ago
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Payback pt7

Chapter Nine: Rebirth So, what had I been up to during the months that followed? I had attended a few meetings in Serena’s clubs, meeting a few of the members including the Masters and Mistresses. Serena kindly loaned Daisy to me and let her stay with me in my family home for long periods. During that time I also met a Master who had the reputation for treating his slaves with a lot of respect. He would be firm and dominant, but never disrespectful; unless they were playing humiliation games...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Iam Not Gay Yet But PT7

About a month ago, my wife started giving me the cold shoulder. She wouldn't look me in the eyes. She started making sarcastic comments -- something she rarely did before. Generally, I could feel that I had done something but I wasn't sure what. When I brought it to her attention, she gave me that quasi-genuine smile that wives give their husbands to convince them nothing is wrong. It was clear that the smile was hiding something though.Obviously, my paranoia kicked into high gear. She knew!...

2 years ago
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the neighbor needs my help pt7

If you read part 1 Thru 6 of (the neighbor needs my help) this starts where Part 3 & 6 ended.Lynn's Birthday PresentThe week started out pretty normal on Wednesday evening Joan came over. Lynn answers the door and Joan comes in with a shopping bag in her hand. We sit and talk for a while then Joan tells Lynn if is going to have sex with Chuck she might want to try her fake Chuck toy first to be sure that she can handle his huge cock. Lynn's smiles and says do you think I really need to. I...

2 years ago
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Sharing the good times of my wife I pt7

Cherry had landed a job she really loved as a property management consultant at a local real estate firm and had been working there for a couple of months. The girls from her office quite often went out for drinks after work on Fridays and had asked her to join them most weeks. This was something else Cherry had been deprived of while living in the small town we were from as well as her religious upbringing which frowned upon such activities.  Cherry would join her friends regularly on these...

2 years ago
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Measuring My Cum pt7

I decided to have a quick shower, put on a fresh pair of boxer's under my gown, and then went downstairs. Mom was in the kitchen, still wearing her tight shorts and low cut top. She served up the plates and we both took them into our dining room. Mom had already set the table. I was surprised to see a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses there. Mom normally only drank alcohol on special occasions or social events and had rarely allowed me to drink at home, although I did drink if I went out...

4 years ago
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A fine f amily pt7

After the shower with his mother, Kevin went to his room to relax. He plopped down on his bed naked, with no intention of getting dressed or closing his bedroom door. There was nothing left to hide, since it was just him and his mother Linda at home. Then again, there really wasn't anything to hide with his sister Kelly either, since the two of them were now messing around. Just thinking about his sister was giving him a boner, picturing her blowing him until they both fell asleep. Then of...

4 years ago
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Chapter 4 FemDom pt7

i was a bit frozen with shock. Baroness was nude, bent over in front of me, on her hands and knees and demanding that she suck my cock. i had never met a Dominant woman like her before."Come on bitch, I want some cock in my mouth, so get it over here.""yes Baroness." i said as i made my way around her. my cock pointed right at her face.Baroness reached out and grabbed my throbbing cock with her right hand, pulling me to her. Baroness gave my cock one vary hard pump, pulling all the built up...

3 years ago
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Summer Holiday Education pt7

I awoke in the morning to find myself lying in a spoons position behind my sis Mary. My nose nuzzled into her rich auburn hair, my chest against her back, my groin pressed in against her buttocks my stirring cock laying in the crease of her ass, the tops of my legs curved with the backs of hers, my feet a shadow of hers, we probably looked like Siamese twins welded together.   The smell of Mary’s clean hair and the soft feel of her skin was such a turn on, my cock now...

4 years ago
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A new start The love story of a sub pt7

******** Thank again for the priceless help of NaughtyAnn. I suggest to read the previous parts before this. ******** I was standing there in the slave position and I had taken her request as a test on my will power. Also I was strong in my determination to stay there without making a move. The time passed and, after several hours, my legs began to go numb. Thinking to myself that it was quite a long time I was determined to wait at least until the next morning. Having a strong faith that she...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Fun at the beach pt7

"I've been waiting for this a long time Angel. I've been following you career for several years. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen .""Thank you Mrs. Whitman, that is very kind of you."Angel stood still as she felt the woman's hands lightly touching the diamonds on the front of the panties. Her fingers spread across the front and were gently massaging just above Angel's pussy."Omigod," Angel thought, "this is going to be good."Angel put her hands on the woman's shoulders as she...

3 years ago
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All I wanted was a simple life pt7

In a misarable mood I finished cooking the dinner I then set the table out as planned by Mistress Tara and went back to the kitchen where I waited for the first of the guests to arrive, the door bell eventually rang and I went to open it. "Oh Tiffany my maid don't forget to curtsy to each guest," shouted Mistress Tara from another room, my face blushed at the idea, gritting my teeth I opened the door to find my ex employer Miss York standing there. Her black hair was tied back and she...

3 years ago
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accidental fantasies pt7

"WHAT? Oh my god, oh my god," I cried and I watched as the tears began to flow down Jenni's cheeks.She had a death grip on my hand and I wanted so desperately to kiss her and hold her and love her at that magic moment but we both knew we didn't dare.We hurried through the process of paying the bill and literally danced around the car all the way home. Mom almost got knocked down as we held her and kissed her and told her how much we loved her, but then it was our turn and we cried and yelled...

3 years ago
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accidental fantasies pt7

"WHAT? Oh my god, oh my god," I cried and I watched as the tears began to flow down Jenni's cheeks.She had a death grip on my hand and I wanted so desperately to kiss her and hold her and love her at that magic moment but we both knew we didn't dare.We hurried through the process of paying the bill and literally danced around the car all the way home. Mom almost got knocked down as we held her and kissed her and told her how much we loved her, but then it was our turn and we cried and yelled...

1 year ago
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Old Bob pt7

Part 7Ken arrived home from work as Misha was finishing the dinner; she heard the crunch of the car wheels on the gravel and felt a flutter. Tonight, if it went well, she would be one step closer to a life with Bob.She was setting up, placing the three plates on the dining table, just as she heard the car door close. She took the cutlery and placed it precisely on either side of each plate as the front door opened; her heart raced.Ken made his way through to the kitchen. "Hey, hon, smells...

Mind Control

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