Tim And Abbie 49: About Tim’s Mates free porn video

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Tim always viewed himself as an outsider.  He felt everyone viewed him as a bastard in school for not having a father and wanted nothing to do with him.  In truth, except for one day in school when he was about seven, no one ever thought about that at all. 

That day was when the children were asked to say what their fathers did.  When it came to Tim’s turn, he blurted out that he didn’t know as he did not have a father.  The children giggled some, and at the break, one boy did ask Tim if he was a bastard.  Which caused another avalanche of laughing.  By the next day, as is in primary school, someone else was the target for ridicule for the day.

But Tim always felt that his classmates were always judging him about his illegitimacy.  And in the same way that Tim viewed himself as friendless often, he had a group of close friends since secondary school who cared for him and included him in things.

Tim’s mates started as a small group of guys and now include their wives or girlfriends. He has been a part of their lives for twenty years now. The group has been friends since their beginning at secondary school.  Tim felt they were just individuals who tolerated him for what he offered them when he was fourteen, but over the years, Tim came to accept that they did like him.

In many ways, Tim was surprised that they still were friends and included him in things almost twenty years later.  Though over the years, except for special events like weddings or children's christenings, Tim only met them at the sports pub on Friday nights to watch their team play.

Since meeting Abbie in April, Tim has not seen them or been to the sports pub for the last five months.  Most of the group have called him to join them for the game or just drinks on several Friday nights, but Tim declined.  This week they insisted he stop ‘avoiding them’ and join them to watch the game on Friday night.

Tim realizes he does want to see them all and have them meet Abbie, so he promised they would be there.


But back to the start.

Altogether, besides Tim, there were five guys in the group that developed in school. It started when one of them sat behind Tim in math class their first year of secondary school.  Mark, the football captain, who was chosen for that role more for his aggressiveness on the field and his muscular build than any real skill or intelligence.  Mark was far from being a good student, barely passing a test, if even that.

Tim had known who Mark was for a few years but had never interacted with him until they were in the class together. 

During the first test that autumn, Tim could feel Mark trying to see his answers.  Math always was easy for Tim, along with most other subjects.  Knowing Mark was trying to cheat off him, Tim didn’t care.  If that was what Mark needed to succeed, whatever.  Tim did not try to hide his paper, and actually, when he had finished the test, he pushed it to one side so Mark could have a clear view of the answers.

Mark did have enough sense not to use all of Tim’s answers, so it wouldn't be apparent he was cheating.  Tim always aced the tests, so Mark knew he was the right person to copy from.  When the graded tests were returned, Mark managed to get a B. 

For the next few weeks, Tim did the same thing for their weekly tests.  Mark’s math grades were improving, even if he did not know how to do the math.  Mark was surprised and pleased that Tim so readily allowed him to cheat off him.

By October, Tim grasped that he was not helping Mark at all and took a big chance.  After class, Tim asked Mark if he could talk to him for a minute.  Mark agreed, thinking, ‘I should have known, the little shit is going to want money to keep helping him cheat.’  But he was surprised by what Tim suggested.

“Mark, just copying my answers is not helping you learn or prepare you for work down the road.  Football for you is not going to last, and eventually, you will need to be able to perform well in the job you chose,” Tim said with more confidence than he felt.  Tim was sure Mark was about to punch him out for his comments.

Breathing deeply, Tim continued, “How about after your football practice, we spend an hour of me tutoring you in math so you can understand it?  We could meet at the library, or wherever is good for you.”

Mark was amazed at what he was hearing.  No one had ever offered to help him before.  For someone to be willing to spend their time to try to get him to understand was beyond Mark’s expectations of people.  When Mark asked Tim how much he would charge for tutoring, and Tim replied nothing, Mark was overwhelmed.

Mark readily agreed but suggested they meet in the equipment room after practice.  Mark did not want to damage his image by being seen in a library.

And so it began.  Tim helped Mark, first with his math, but then with other subjects.  Within a month, Mark asked if Tim would mind assisting a couple of his buddies in the same way.  Tim agreed, and first, two more, and a few weeks later, another two joined the tutoring sessions.

All five of the guys were on the varsity football team.  They were grateful for Tim helping them.  So afternoons, Tim spent an hour or so in the gym equipment room helping them understand what went over their heads in the classroom.  Tim did have a way of carefully explaining things using analogies that the five could understand.

Soon they were all improving in every subject and actually started enjoying what they were learning. When football ended, the tutoring continued.  Now they met for a couple of hours each afternoon to cover all the subjects the five had questions about.

The five were well known around the school and were considered part of the elite. Suddenly when passing Tim in the hall, they would say hello.  If they noticed Tim in the lunch line, they had him join their table to eat.  None of the other students knew about the tutoring sessions. Instead just surmised that the jocks had made Tim their mascot.

For the most part, Tim still kept to himself and was sure all were judging him for being a bastard.  During the tutoring sessions, Tim relaxed and felt more confident.  The guys all were getting better grades, on their own now, without cheating.  After passing a test, the five would come into the equipment room cheering about the grades they just got.

Early on in these tutoring sessions, the school coach became aware of them in the equipment room each afternoon.  He was worried at first about what they might be doing, especially having Tim with them.  Were they doing something to Tim which he should be concerned about?  But after eavesdropping on the group and realizing that Tim was tutoring his team, the coach made sure they were never disturbed during their time in the supply room.

The coach never told anyone, but after that, he would go easy on Tim when he was not always successful in gym class’ physical activities.  He would listen in from time to time.  Hearing Tim explain concepts and formulas in a way that the jocks could comprehend, the coach thought Tim would make an excellent teacher one day.

But to back up a little.  Why did Mark even agree to Tim’s suggestion from the start? 

The truth lay in his family life.  Mark had two sisters ten years older than him.  His mother and sisters did coddle him, but his father was a different story.  So pleased to have an heir when Mark was born, he rode Mark hard with high expectations for him.  He never finished school and felt that held him back from advancing at his job on the railroad.

Mark’s father’s measure of success for his son was first athletic prowess, second, being attractive to the ladies and sexually active, and third having good enough grades to improve Mark’s chances of getting a decent job.  He did not expect an all-A student. Bs and Cs were acceptable.  Though when Mark brought home Ds or a failing grade, his father did not waste any time escorting Mark to the shed for some attention from his belt.

In reality, Mark’s father led him to the shed somewhat regularly for one indiscretion or another.  His theory was that such discipline made Mark stronger and built his character.

This led to Mark learning the skill of cheating.  Tim's offer to help Mark was readily accepted as Mark knew deep down, cheating through school was not accomplishing anything.  Mark was afraid of what his father would do to him if he ever learned about Mark cheating.  Mark knew that his days of cheating without being caught would probably come to an unwelcomed end soon.  It was only a question of how long his luck held out.  Underneath, Mark did want to learn to be able to get passing grades on his own.

With Tim’s help all through their time at secondary school, Mark did improve.  Mark actually came to enjoy history and literature, and even math to a degree.  Mark’s father, seeing his grades at first, wondered what racket Mark was playing.  Over time, with Mark spilling out things he had learned over dinner to his mother and sisters, his father’s view changed.  Maybe Mark wasn’t the dummy he had thought.  As the years went by, the dinner conversations would often be over Mark’s father’s head. Then he would just nod off and on during the meal.

By their last year at school, the guys besides Mark – Matt, Peter, John, and Luke all had steady girlfriends.  Matt and Luke were with the same girls they started dating a few years earlier.  At first, the girlfriends were jealous of what the guys were doing each afternoon after practice.  But as soon as they learned what was going on, they encouraged the guys.  They all had their futures pinned to the four guys and did want their future mates to be able to provide for them well.  They, too, showed attention to Tim at school.

Mark would have fleeting girlfriends over the years, but he never stayed with any of them for more than a couple of months.  And rumors around the school were he would be a bit aggressive with females, egging them on to go further with him than they wanted to.

When one of the five passed a test, there would be a whoop and holler session at the start of tutoring.  Then one day, Peter came in busting with pride.  The history paper he had written earned an A.  The teacher even commented on his insight into the consequences of the historical event.  The whole crew celebrated his accomplishment.

What began as Tim just helping the guys with their school work turned into a friendship with them.  In truth, Tim was the one who held back.  The guys would invite Tim to parties, but Tim would come up with excuses why he could not attend. 

When secondary school ended, the five guys were determined and dragged Tim with them to a local pub.  None of them were of age yet to get beers served directly to them.  Tim’s mates managed to get pints of ale by having one of the older customers buy the drinks for them, being the ‘parental’ unit with them. 

At the pub that day, Tim tasted his first beer.  Oh, his mother would give him glasses of wine to accompany the gourmet dinners she would make; occasionally, an apéritif or digestif before or after dinner. Ale, though, was considered too plebeian to Cynthia.  Tim did find he liked the taste.  Perhaps in part as the others had encouraged him to join them. 

There was more to this outing than just bringing Tim to a pub.  After a round of drinks, the guys started making toasts, first to all of them passing and graduating.  Then for Tim being second in their class and earning a full scholarship.  But the most cheers were for Tim’s help over the last few years to bring them all to a successful end of school.

Then Mark stood up and fumbled over the words, thrusting a box at Tim, “Just something we all got you for helping us through all this.  We do appreciate what you did for us, Tim.”  He sat down as Tim, his face fully blushed at this surprising addition, opened the package.

Inside was a new cell phone, a RAZR.  It wasn’t the best model, but for them to get him one in thanks was overwhelming to Tim.  Mark mumbled that they paid for a year of service for Tim, “To make sure you keep in touch with us while you’re absorbed in your college courses.”

Tim thanked them all profusely, with tears in his eyes for what they had done.  He knew they all had jobs after school and on weekends, but the idea that they pooled their money to get him this, meant the world to Tim. 

Tim did stay in touch and met them at the same pub on most Friday nights.  They all were fans of one football team and enjoyed evenings of beer and cheering their team on.


Over the years, Tim finished college and got the position at Microga.  The five guys all took different routes learning skilled trades or just jumping into jobs.  The girls they had each been with since school days often accompanied them on Fridays. Soon these women became their wives or fiancées.  Only Mark did not have a steady girlfriend.  He would have a woman with him for a week or two. Then it would be someone else, or him by himself as it had been in school.

Mark was the most boisterous of the group.  He would make inappropriate advances to women in the pub and egg the other guys to hit on other women if their spouses weren’t there.  In time Tim did come to know that overall, Mark really was an ass.  It was only due to the past kindness Mark had shown and interest in the other guys' lives that kept Tim meeting them on Friday nights.

The group had shown such concern and were there when his mother died, though none of them had ever met Cynthia.  That kindness had meant a lot to Tim.

After fifteen years of Mark’s bigoted and homophobic remarks, the evenings had been losing their charm for Tim. It was only knowing what Mark had shared with him over the years about his father that kept Tim continuing with him.  Tim knew this negative side of Mark came from trying to be like his father and live up to his view of the world.  And even though Mark’s father died a few years after Cynthia, those feelings were still embedded in Mark.

After starting at Microga, Tim recommended Matt and Peter for positions in the factory.  Both were very appreciative of Tim’s help getting them the jobs.  Tim always made a point of stopping and saying hi to them when he was in the plant.  They knew about Tim’s promotion, and both are so proud of their friend.

Matt, now married to Martha for a few years, was awaiting their first child's arrival.  The last time Tim saw them at the pub was in April. Martha had just learned she was pregnant.  Now she should be almost to her due date. 

Peter and Sarah have had an on-again, off-again relationship for about twelve years.  But now they are engaged and planning a wedding next spring. 

John went to trade school to learn computer programming and has a good job with a gaming company.  He and Debbie have been married for over ten years but have no interest in starting a family. 

Since finishing school, Luke has worked at a commercial construction company.  He married Mary right out of school and now has a couple of kids.  The older one was getting ready to start secondary school.

And then there is Mark.  He, too, looked for work with no offers to play football at a professional level when he finished school.  Mark had known that football would end with secondary school, as he was not good enough to play with the ‘big boys.’  Instead, he was offered a full-time position from his part-time job while in school as a stocker at a local grocery store.  Over the last several years, Mark has advanced in the company.

Mark went from stocker to cashier and then to being a merchandise buyer for the store.  Five years ago, when a large chain purchased the grocery store, Mark was promoted to head buyer for the district.  All five, well, six including Tim, have done well for themselves and were living comfortably.

As of last spring, all of the others are married or soon to be so.  That left Mark and Tim as the only single guys.  It was interesting that while he egged the others on to flirt and try to pick up women, Mark never pushed Tim to approach women.  Somewhat knowing that Tim was too shy and unsure of doing so.

It was just one of the small ways they all have looked out for Tim over the years.  But now, with Abbie, and his promotion, Tim realizes that to not respond to their invitation would make it appear that he was now too above them, which Tim did not think at all.

Tim is proud of all of them and the accomplishments they have made.  That Tim being a small part of helping them learn and succeed has been one of the shining lights in Tim’s dull life over the years.  But to both the men and their wives, Tim was much more than a ‘small part’ in their lives.  They all clearly remember what Tim did and feel they can never repay him.


When the request comes asking Tim to join his mates for the game in September, Tim knows it is time for them to meet Abbie and understand his life now.  Tim does not think about how they might react to Abbie as he still is blinded by his love for her.  He could not comprehend anyone finding fault with her or their relationship.

Tim tries to tell Abbie about his mates and what they mean to him, but he is so unsure of the emotions he feels about them, he stumbles over his words.  Abbie comprehends what Tim is trying to say but is still nervous about meeting them.  How would they react to her? 

Abbie knows she can ‘pass’ with strangers if just in a chance meeting of no length.  But to meet up close, for an extended period, with people who would be judging if she is good enough for their mate is something different.

Abbie anguishes over what is ahead, and by Thursday night, her apprehension is apparent to Grace right away.  Taking Abbie aside to question her, Abbie spills all her worries out to Grace.  Hugging her, Grace says, “So what if they figure things out?  What does it matter to you and Tim?  There is no way they can throw a wrench into things, and if they are loyal friends of Tim’s, as you say, they will be supportive of you when they see how happy Tim is.  If it would make you feel better, Sam and I could join you tomorrow night, so you have some of your ‘team’ there for reinforcement.”

Abbie hugs Grace back and tells her, yes, them being there would be good.  So after joining the rest and Grace having quiet words with Sam, Abbie tells Tim that Grace and Sam would like to join them for the game at the pub tomorrow.

Tim agrees that would be nice, not comprehending the reason for their participation.  Plans are made, and it is agreed that Grace and Sam will meet Tim and Abbie at the pub around seven the next night.



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Tim and Abbie 38 A Housekeeper

Saturday arrives when Abbie and Tim awake at eight AM.  They have hours until Grace, the candidate for a maid, will be there at three o’clock.  Tim shyly asks Abbie if she would put a plug in him, a bit larger than the other day.  Abbie is surprised that Tim is enjoying such play, though she is happy to do so for him. Abbie makes sure both Tim and the plug are well lubricated and presses the larger piece in place.  Tim gives a sigh of contentment, feeling it fill his ass.  His cock is showing...

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Tim And Abbie 48 The Summer Comes To An End

Back home from the coast, it is soon September.  Work for Tim and Abbie is fulfilling, as is the time they spend with their new circle of friends.  It is a wonderful balance for them all.  Since Ruth’s visit to Pathways, she and Phillip Clarke share a meal with Tim and Abbie about once a month.The two do find plenty of time to share pleasures.  Tim is learning to enjoy wearing a cock ring that holds his shaft tightly during foreplay and slows down the final release during intercourse.  Abbie...

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Tim and Abbie 11 A relaxing Sunday

They finally go to sleep that night, holding each other as now is their habit.  Both find having Abbie snuggled up against Tim’s chest and stomach, his cock just against her crack is their favorite way to sleep.Sunday sun rises and they stir from sleep.  While Abbie has the question on the tip of her tongue all last night, she held back from asking it.  But now, as they lie together arm in arm adjusting to the new day, she asks Tim in a small voice, “Do you have things you have to do today?”Tim...

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Tim And Abbie 57 The Weekend For Others After The Friday Night At The Pub

Les and Phoebe have no real concerns about Mark and Brian.  They know Brian from the Peacock and feel he is a gentleman.  Mark, they only know about from what Grace, Tim, and Sam disclose to them Friday night.  Grace, Tim, and Sam tell Les and Phoebe about what went on earlier.  They mention the incident in terms of their concern about how it affects Abbie.Les and Phoebe hope it all has a good outcome.  For themselves, they are more interested in what Sam can tell them about Les’s house...

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Tim And Abbie 19 The Long Weekend Begins

Wednesday night, Abbie and Tim sleep very well in their sizeable new bed.  They cuddle together in the center.  Tim is learning to enjoy Abbie’s back, pressing against his chest and other parts as his arms hold her to him.  Waking to smell Abbie’s hair, and then more of her lovely scent. Thursday, they take their time rising, as it is a day off, and neither needs to rush to work.  The morning play is extended some too.  Tim, going down under the sheets to finger, lick, and pleasure Abbie.  His...

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Tim and Abbie 16 What the fashion show leads to

Abbie’s hand is firmly around Tim’s shaft, helping it get harder and harder.  Tim moves between Abbie’s legs, which are pulled up, so her heels touch her ass.  He reaches over into the drawer of the nightstand and takes out the container of lubricant.  Tim squeezes some over his glans and shaft.Abbie gasps and is wide-eyed, realizing what Tim intends to do.  Tim stares into her eyes as he lifts her legs to be over his shoulders.  He leans and kisses her, then pulls back with a questioning look...

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Tim And Abbie 41 Tims promotion

Yes, midsummer dreams are really a part of the beginning of summer solstice, but there is still is so much magic in the air.  Sexual desires are lingering as the summer moves on through July.  The weather has been perfect, and from working in the yard, Tim and Abbie are both golden brown.Both look so healthy and happy at work.  Colleagues wonder what magic has happened.  Abbie is enjoying having Les at the Institute now.  They are even working on a couple of projects together.  This new aspect...

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Tim and Abbie 60 Monday at Microga

Monday morning, Matt and Peter speak shortly before work starts about the meeting later that day.  They trust Tim and know he will not do anything to jeopardize their jobs.  But how much should they tell?  Both agree they would see how things go in the meeting and who all is there.At the break at ten, Matt and Peter meet again and hurry to get out of their coveralls.  Both wear suits today, at the insistence of Martha and Sarah.  They straighten their ties and put on the jackets before heading...

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Tim and Abbie 70 At the strip club

After all the excitement of Timara’s birth, Mark coming out, and Les and Phoebe moving in next door, things begin to calm down by mid-October.  The weekly Thursday dinners continue, as do the football night at the sports bar.Timara’s baptism occurs during it all, which is lovely, especially as Tim and Abbie are named godparents.  An honor they somewhat tremble over, but more so gush over.  Timara finds gifts streaming down on her and a lovely start to a university savings account from her...

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Tim And Abbie 37 Something Different

The next week or so is calm.  A couple of evenings each week, Tim and Abbie spend cleaning the house and washing clothes.  They are doing it in the evenings to have the weekend to work in the yard and play more.  But the task of keeping up the house while both are working is rather time-consuming. Abbie does not complain, but it only took an hour or so for her to clean her apartment weekly.  She sent most of her clothes to the dry cleaners so there would only be one or two loads needing doing. ...

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Tim and Abbie 50 At the Pub for the Match

Friday arrives, and Abbie drives herself to work, telling Tim she will see him at home afterward.  She is a bundle of nerves today and keeps admonishing herself to relax and not worry.  She is experiencing the same worries as she did over the party at Microga.  Abbie tells herself to look at how well that worked out, worrying for nothing.Abbie herself has self-esteem issues almost equal to those that Tim had.  Tim has learned that most of the things he attributed to others were all just in his...

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Tim And Abbie 26 Taking Les Out

Saturday morning is sunny and pleasant when Abbie and Tim awake and start their day. In the high seventies, it is cool enough not to be overheated as they walk through the outside market.After a quick breakfast where Tim tells Abbie he wants to learn to do the prostate massage properly for her enjoyment, they find themselves aroused again.  They will have to put some reins on things, but for now, in the early days, it is fun giving into longings and desires.Back upstairs, their clothes...

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Tim And Abbie 68 Abbie And Grace Playing DressUp

Earlier in the week, Brian called Tim, inviting him and the rest of the ‘gang,’ including Sam, to a football game on Saturday.  Not just any football game but a match between ‘their team’ and the one that Brian roots for.  They are terrific seats as they are comps from the bank.  Brian also is hiring a van and driver to take them to the stadium about fifty kilometers away.Matt, Luke, John, Peter, Mark, Tim, Sam, and Brian will make a day of it.  The van is picking everyone up in the morning and...

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Tim And Abbie 40 Thursday dinner

After Abbie’s night in Abigail’s Room before showering Thursday morning, Tim removes the cockcage from Abbie’s clit.  It isn’t that bad wearing one, Abbie realizes. However, the extra weight and pull make it a bit confining.Tim takes care for Abbie so gently in the shower she knows it is in response to what he had to do last night.  Tears again start to form in her eyes, remembering it was her misbehavior that made that have to happen.  She hugs Tim tightly.As he drops Abbie off to work in the...

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Tim And Abbie 14 Friday Night At The Wilde Peacock And After

The Peacock is just starting to jump. Tim realizes that his pub-crawling time always is early evening.  From seven until perhaps ten at the latest.  And if a Saturday game is on, the drinking is an afternoon sport while watching.  He knows pubs don’t ramp it up until when he often calls it a night.  Open until eleven with a wind-down and afterglow at some places.  But Tim is just not into that level of nightlife.For Abbie, she usually goes out for fun and games, never gets to the bar until...

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Tim And Abbie 42 Three conversations One topic

After all six celebrating Tim’s promotion, they all gather together again a couple of days later.  It is the first Thursday suppers at Tim and Abbie’s home.  Dinner fixed by Tim is delicious, and they were having a wonderful time enjoying the food and conversation.During dinner, Tim turns to Abbie and says, “Honey, Microga is having a reception and then dinner tomorrow night to formally acknowledge my new position.  We will have time to come home and change before it.”Abbie says nothing in...

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Tim and Abbie 06 Wednesday

Abbie wakes Wednesday morning feeling so good.  She had dreamed of Tim and her together, in such erotic ways.  The dreams slip back in her head, leaving her smiling as she showers, dresses, and prepares for the day.It will be fun to be back at the London site.  Abbie will get to see the friends that helped her through her transition to what she is now.  And okay, so a few of them are also ones she romped with in the past. While Abbie would not go back to that life, especially with Tim now as a...

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Tim And Abbie 63 The Next Friday At The Sports Bar

So much has happened since last Friday night and Mark’s outburst.  For all who had been there on different levels. Monday afternoon, about the same time Tim, Matt and Peter finish their meeting at Microga; Mark arrives for his appointment with James at Pathways.  He does not see Abbie today.  Mark feels bad as he wants to apologize to her in person for his bad behavior on Friday.Mark’s time with James, relating how he and Brian are reconciled, is for Mark filled with soul-searching.  Relating...

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Tim and Abbie 31 Off To Work Again

Monday morning dawns.  Tim and Abbie rise to get ready to return to work after their days off.  Abbie thinks about how funny it is, how things have so changed since last Tuesday, the last time the two went to work together.  Then it was from her stop by her apartment, which is no longer hers.  Now, getting on from Tim’s stop, the two go together.While they haven’t got the morning down to a routine yet, they shower together, enjoying running their hands over each other’s bodies.  After dressing,...

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Tim and Abbie 36 An evening with Les and Phoebe

Monday night, after devouring a throw-together dinner, Abbie and Tim meander to the sitting room with drinks.  Both are thinking about playing with their new toys.  After the reaction they had shopping, leading to primal sex; perhaps they will wait a while before experiencing their purchases more. Instead, Abbie brings up her news about the letter sent to Les.  She does preface her comments by stating she received this news as fact, not gossip.Tim laughs a bit at her and tells her yes, this is...

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Tim And Abbie 47 The Vacation Continues

As the first week of their time at the shore winds down to the midpoint of their vacation, Tim and Abbie have chatted with several other guests about things they have done.  There is one that stirs them as it is something they have never experienced.  The choice of options to do so are varied, with each of the guests offering suggestions about their favorite.They talk about the possibility as they lazily play with each other one evening.  Abbie is up straddling Tim’s waist and crotch but just...

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Tim and Abbie 21 Friday morning

Friday dawns clear and nice outside.  The sun is shining, making the May air feel even warmer.  After morning fun, Abbie and Tim are up and ready to head back to the apartment to finish emptying it.Tim knows they need to get a rented truck to move the larger items, and going out the door, he mentions it to Abbie.  As they reach the car, Les comes over and asks if they need help today moving?  Tim realizes that a third person would be an asset considering what they want to move and thanks Leslie...

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Tim and Abbie 22 Tims discovery

Recovered from that little mid-day romp in the kitchen, Tim wondering if, in time, Abbie and he will play this way in every room of the house.  Tim and Abbie pull themselves together.Tim suggests that they clear out the clothes and things of his mother’s in the spare room so it can be redone.  With Abbie’s furniture to put in the room, he would like to have it repainted and ready for that soon.Going through the clothes, they decide which to donate and which are not really good enough to do that...

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Tim And Abbie 25 Abbie Explains What Tim Experienced That Afternoon

Tim and Abbie head to bed. As they undress and climb in together, Tim broaches a topic that has been on his mind since this afternoon.  With everything else that had happened, it had been pushed aside, but now he wanted to understand.“Abbie, when you soothed me this afternoon, besides talking to me calmly, you did something which I don’t quite understand,” Tim starts.Abbie smiles and pulls Tim to her, his head on her breasts as she strokes his head as she talks.  “You mean with the latex gloves...

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Tim And Abbie 24 Les Continues Her Story

Tim leaves for a while to get ice cream for dessert.  Also, for some time to think about what Leslie has told them.   Today, which was supposed to be celebrating Abbie and him together, has taken a strange, and to him, a somewhat bothersome turn.  He needs some time to sort it all out. Abbie knew that instinctually, offering him a way to step away for a bit.Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, Abbie turns to Les.  Abbie urges her to tell about how sensational sex was with Cyn the first time.  Les...

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Tim and Abbie 23 Dinner with Les

Tim is calmer now, but it is six already, and Les is coming soon.  She will be expecting dinner to be ready.  Tim’s insecurities are out entirely.  Having taken in so much in the last few hours, he is reverting to how he was before Abbie. Abbie hugs him and tells him to let her get out her ‘recipe book.’  This at least makes Tim laugh a little as Abbie speed dials a local Italian restaurant.  Three orders of spaghetti with marinara sauce, which she tells them, can be put all together.  Same...

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Tim And Abbie 61 Matt And Marthas Celebration

Getting off earlier than usual after the positive ending to their meeting, Matt makes one quick stop on his way home to share the news with Martha.  The stop is to get some sparkling grape juice to toast the new job.  With Martha unable to drink as now within days of her due date, sparkling juice will have to do.Arriving home, he takes Martha in his arms and spins her around while kissing her.  She could see the excitement in Matt’s eyes from the moment he walked in the door.  She giggles as he...

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Tim and Abbie 64 Followed by a visit to Wilde Peacock

Brian, when talking with Abbie on Friday night, quietly thanked her for helping Mark get to this point.  And how pleased he is that Mark’s friends are so accepting and welcoming.  There are more hoops Mark still has to jump through, and Brian hopes Abbie and Tim could be at Wilde Peacock tomorrow afternoon.  Brian is going to take Mark there for the first time.Abbie laughs, telling Brian he will be introducing Mark to the Peacock in full force.  Tomorrow is Phoebe’s annual bar birthday.  The...

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Tim And Abbie 55 And What About Brian

Brian is a highly intelligent and educated man.  His high-level job at the bank requires him to make decisions quickly and decisively.  He has a gentle authority which made others accept his requests and decisions without question.  His humor is quietly made but always on target. Others might take a second to understand but then laugh heartily at the joke.At forty-two, appearance-wise, Brian always is well-dressed and appropriate for all occasions.  His clothes are perfectly pressed.  Hours...

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Tim and Abbie 66 Les and Phoebe as neighbors

As September comes to a close, Les’s house is finished.  All the special-order tiles and cabinets have arrived and are installed. Thursday night, after a day of moving in, Les and Phoebe just walk across the drive to join the group for dinner.Afterward, they all troop back to Les’s to have a tour.  Sam is embarrassed at all the praise Les is bestowing on him as they enter each room. She is pointing out all the details of the work Sam and his crew have done.At the end of the tour, she promises...

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Tim And Abbie 69 Grace And Sam

Driving to pick up her car left at Abbie and Tim’s the night before, Sam tells Grace about the game the day before and how awesome everything had been.  But more than the food, drinks, and great football game; the talk between Luke, Tim, Brian, and him about his construction business.  His concerns about meeting all the requests at the level he wants.Brian offered terrific suggestions on the financial side and Luke on managing higher volumes of supplies and staff.  Tim was just supportive and...

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Tim And Abbie 59 Finishing Off The Weekends For The Rest In Attendance Friday Night

Luke and Mary have been together the longest of the four couples, first meeting when six years old when their families moved next door to each other.  All through school, they were inseparable, walking to school together, playing in the afternoon, and in and out of each other’s houses all the time.By secondary school and now sixteen, they were exploring more and more of each other.  It did not take long after they blew out the candles on their sweet sixteen cakes that Mary was blowing some...

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Tim And Abbie 54 Mark And Brian 2

Draining the water from the tub, Mark fills it again with hot water.  His tears are still flowing.  He is not ready to get out of the bath yet.  His life has changed so much being with Brian.  Mark knows that at times he acts like a teenage girl having her first big crush. Mark can’t explain it even to himself.  Brian is the world to him.  Never has he felt so alive and like he finally is in the right place.  Mark knows that if his father were still alive, even as old as Mark is now, he would...

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Tim and Abbie 30 Meanwhile Between Les And Phoebe

After receiving the text of thanks from Les, Phoebe checks out the stock and set-up for the day before replying.  She wanted to immediately but did not want to disturb Les with a text while she was driving.Phoebe:  Memories of last night and this morning linger in my mind.  You are who deserve my thanks.The text comes through to Les just as she pulled into her drive.  Parked, she replies.Les:  I cannot believe what happened between us and cannot wait until this evening to see you again.Phoebe: ...


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