SLuT9 Pt 10_(1) free porn video

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Wednesday, December 20th Evening
Dave stepped out of his apartment building and found his girl of the day leaning against a Prius, parked behind his car. She met him at the stairs to the building. She just stopped and waited.

"I know you, don't I?"

"Yeah, I used to spend quite a bit of time over at your house with Em."

"Michelle, right?"

"Yeah. But it's Mishy now. Nobody calls me Michelle anymore, except my parents. You call me that, it'll really put me out of the mood."

Dave nodded, turned and waved for her to follow him into the building.

"You've changed quite a bit since I saw you last."

"Yeah, I guess. My appearance just doesn't seem important since I realized we were all doomed."

"Doomed? Why are we doomed?"

"Oh, please! This war for oil, polluting the environment, the destruction of the ozone layer, the mass extinctions of dozens, maybe hundreds, of species, the melting of the polar ice caps. Do you really think that at least one of them won't kill us all?"

Dave stopped in front of his apartment door and looked at the girl before him.

Dave couldn't wrap his head around why Emily would send him Mishy after his experience with DeeDee.

Just from looking at her, it was obvious Mishy was depressed, and now, he was finding out she was depressing to hang around with, too, with her doom and gloom attitude. He had expected Rosario Dawson and ended up with Rosie O'Donnell.

Mishy was dressed in all black: black denim jeans, a black man's dress shirt, and a black leather jacket. She had a studded black leather dog collar around her neck and at least six piercings in each ear.

Mishy's Asian features were still apparent but the dark skin of her face was covered by white make up. Dave remembered her with beautiful, long, shiny black hair when she was younger. It was now all cut off except for the top of her head. The sides and back of her head had been shaved. Even her eyebrows were shaved and new ones were drawn on with black ink.

Dave kept coming back to the same question: Why did Emily send this girl to me?

Dave opened the door, dreading what was about to happen. For the first time Dave wondered if maybe he shouldn't use the SLuT on this girl. Dave stepped aside and allowed Mishy to enter the apartment first.

She went in, stopped in the living room, and looked around as if checking things out for weapons or drugs. Dave came in behind her and closed the door. Once the door was closed, Mishy turned to him and slipped the black leather jacket off.

"May I hang this up?" she asked, holding the coat up.

"I'll take it." Dave took the coat, went to the coat closet behind the door, and hung up her coat along with his own.

When Dave turned around his eyes grew wide. Mishy was still standing right where she had been but she was now unbuttoning the black shirt she was wearing. Already it was obvious to Dave that she wore nothing beneath.

"Where do you wanna do this?" Mishy asked calmly.

"Uh, Mishy, could we sit down and talk for a few minutes?"

Mishy shrugged. "If that's what you want."

They both moved to the couch. Mishy wasn't done with surprises yet though. As she moved to the couch, she finished unbuttoning the shirt and slipped it off. The complexion of her chest and abdomen made the white of her face stand out even more.

Mishy was a beautiful, small young woman with almost girlish features. She had small rounded shoulders, her tits were no larger than when she had been twelve as far as Dave could tell. The small size of her breasts were emphasized even more by the two silver hoops that hung from her pierced nipples. She had small narrow hips and skinny little legs.

As soon as she sat down, Mishy pulled up the leg of her black jeans to show calf-high black boots with four inch heels, which she began to unlace as Dave talked to her.

"Mishy, why are you here?" Dave asked.

It was the burning question. She just didn't seem the type to throw herself at a man. She didn't seem the type who would volunteer to have sex with a man she barely knew and who was old enough to be her father.

Without looking up from the strings of her boots Mishy said, "I don't want to die a virgin."

This took a second to sink into Dave's brain. "You've never had sex before?"

Mishy laughed and looked up at him. "If you were a boy, would you take me on a date?"

Dave had to agree with her on that one. He imagined she scared off most of the boys either with her dress or with her doom and gloom perspective on the world and humanity.

"Couldn't you change yourself somehow to..."

Mishy stopped untying her boots, sat up, and looked at Dave hard.

"Mr. Bernard, if you don't wanna have sex with me, that's fine with me. Just say so. I won't hold it against you. Em is one of the few friends who has stood by me through everything. She was there when my father told me I was a disappointment, not because of anything I had done, but simply because I was a girl. Em was there when my mother stopped talking to me. When I started dressing all in black, Em was one of the few kids at school who didn't tease me and tried to stop others from teasing me. When she called and said she had a way for me to lose my virginity and that it was with someone I knew and liked, I said I'd do it. I didn't think I'd get into your apartment before you tried to talk your way out of it. I had a little ray of hope when I got this far. Guess I should have known better."

Mishy turned back to her boots and began retying them.

"Hold on, Mishy. You're reading a lot into one simple question," Dave told her, mad that she was putting words in his mouth.

Mishy sat up and stared at him again. "Are we going to have sex? That's why I'm here, Mr. Bernard. I don't need a shrink. I've got one. I don't need to talk. I've got friends like Em to talk to. I want someone to make love to me! To fuck me! Are you gonna do it or not?"

Dave could see the tears building up in her eyes. He wondered if her white face paint would come off with the tears. Dave sat and stared into the young girls eyes for a long moment as he made his decision.

"Yeah, Mishy, I'll fuck ya."

A single tear dropped from her eye and rolled down her cheek.

"Thank you."

She once again turned her attention to her boots.

Dave stood up. "I need to go to the bathroom. You wanna drink or something?"

Mishy shrugged. "Whatever you got."

"I'll be back in a minute." Dave turned and headed down the hall. He passed by the closed door that hid Olivia and went into the master bedroom. He went into his closet and pulled out the medicine bottle that he had taken from Olivia's purse the day before that held the SLuT10.

"Looks like I might be able to put you to some good use after all," he said looking down at the bottle. He slipped it into his pocket, went into the master bathroom, flushed the toilet and washed his hands. He then went back down the hall. Before going into the kitchen, he peeked into the living room and saw Mishy sitting back on the couch. Her boots were now off as were her black jeans. She was naked except for a pale green bikini.

Dave went into the kitchen and pulled out a can of Coke. He got two small glasses, put some ice in both, then poured about half a can in one glass and the other half in the second glass. He then quickly opened the bottle of SLuT10 and dripped two drops into one of the glasses. He resealed the bottle and placed it on top of the refrigerator, way in the back where most people couldn't see it, much less reach it.

He picked up the glasses, noting the one with the SLuT10 in it was in his right hand and carried them out to the living room. He handed Mishy the glass in his right hand and moved back to his seat on the other end of the couch.

"Thank you," Mishy said and chugged almost the entire glass in one drink.

Dave laughed. "Are you nervous or thirsty?"

Mishy looked over at him, looked back to the now empty glass and then smiled. "Both. Being nervous makes me thirsty."

"Why don't you slide down here. Sit next to me." Dave patted the couch beside him. Then picked up the remote and turned on the TV. "Let's just relax for a few minutes."

Mishy seemed to approve of this idea. She set her empty glass on the coffee table, stood up and sat back down right beside David. He wrapped an arm around her bare shoulders and pulled her close. She laid her head on his chest and Dave kicked off his shoes and put his feet up on the coffee table and got comfortable.

"So why'd your mother stop talking to you?" Dave asked, waiting for the drug to kick in.

"I dyed my hair blond without my mother's permission. When she found out and asked me why, I told her I wanted to be white, blond and beautiful. That I wanted to be a cheerleader, not a math whiz or a cello player. I told her I hated the Cello and I would never play it again. She didn't approve. I refused to give in and she refused to let me be who I wanted to be. Now we're polite to each other."

"What about your father?"

"My father has never thought too much of me. When I was twelve or thirteen, I asked him why he never loved me like he did my brothers. He told me he had never wanted a girl. He wanted boys. He was very disappointed when I was born. He said it was my mother's job to take care of me and teach me to be a woman. His job was to teach my brothers how to be good men. I don't think my father and I have said more than a dozen words to each other since that day."

"How old were you when you dyed your hair blond?"

"It was a few months before you and Em's mother broke up. I remember that because when Em told me that you'd moved out, the tips of my hair were still blond. Ummm!"

"You okay, Mishy?" Dave asked.

He pulled his arm out from around her shoulders and sat up. Like SLuT9, the SLuT10 made her eyes go flat and her face take on this look of contentment.

"I'm fine," Mishy said with a strange smile on her face. "I feel so relaxed."

"Mishy, I'm going to ask you some more questions and I want you to answer them as honestly and completely as you can. Understand?"

"Um hmm."

"Mishy, why do you dress the way you do?" Dave asked again.

"To upset my family."

"Why do you want to upset your family?"

"My parents are old fashioned and my father doesn't love me. My mother thinks a wife's place is at her husband's side, right or wrong. My father does everything for my brothers even if it means I lose out. He doesn't care and my mother won't stand up for me. One day I got sick of it. I decided if they were going to do what they want, I was going to do what I wanted. So I dyed my hair blond. Mom hated it but it got me what I wanted."

"Which was?"

"To be left alone. To be who I wanted to be. They threatened to kick me out but it would have looked bad for them as well as me. They wouldn't do that. Now, I do what I want and they do what they want."

"Must make for a rather lonely and tense home life?"

"Not really. They ignore me and I ignore them. My older brothers tell me I'm an embarrassment to the family and won't talk to me or be seen with me. Same with my father. My mother goes out in public with me only when she has to. I'm allowed to come and go as I see fit. They wouldn't care if I never came home again."

"Why are you here today?"

"Because I don't wanna die a virgin."

"You probably won't die for a very long time, Mishy. What makes you think you'd die a virgin?"

"Cuz I'm gonna kill myself."


Mishy shrugged. "I don't have a date set yet. I'll know when it's time."

"How?" Dave asked.

"Cuz I'll have accomplished all the things on my list of things to do before I die."

"What's on the list?"

"Have sex, graduate high school with a four point oh GPA, better than either of my brothers did. Have a baby. Make a good home made apple pie. Play Cello at Radio City Music Hall."

"I thought you hated playing the Cello?"

"I just told my Mom that to upset her. They forced me to take Cello lessons and they were so proud that I was getting good at it. They have no idea how good I am. My parents don't know it, but I'm still in the orchestra at school. I'm first seat. I'm composing music. I'm going to direct the orchestra at our next show. My teacher says I have real talent."

"Why would you kill yourself, Mishy? You seem to have a lot of dreams."

"No. All my dreams died. These are just things I wanna do before I die."

"That's all a dream really is, Mishy. Something you really want to do. What about having a family?"

"I'd like to have a baby but there's no way I'm getting married."

"Why not?"

"Because. Look how my father treats my mother and I. I'm not going to let any boy do that to me. Ever!"

"There are boys who won't do that."

"No. I know there are nice guys out there, like you. But I'm pretty sure they'd all turn asshole on me the day I married them. Mom says, once a woman marries, she becomes her husband's property. Nope. I won't marry. I'll just find a lover and have a baby."

"Won't your lover want to be with his child?"

Mishy laughed. "My lover will be a woman. The child will be from some anonymous donor at a sperm bank."

"Have you been with a woman, Mishy?"

"No. I'm waiting for the perfect person."

"Who's that, Mishy? Who's the perfect person? Do you know?"

"Oh, yeah. I know. It's my best friend, Emily."

Dave was taken aback at this announcement. "Mishy, are you gay?"

"I prefer girls. So yeah, I guess that makes me gay."

"If you're gay, why are you here?"

"So I don't die a virgin. A woman can't fuck me. Not really, anyway. I think I should know what it's like, at least once. Don't you?"

"That's your decision, Mishy. Not mine."

"I know what I want," Mishy said, sounding a lot more confident that she really appeared to be. "I want to know what it's like to have sex with a guy. I think everyone should try it, at least once. But I think I'd rather live, long term anyway, with a woman. Someone like Em."

"Why Emily?"

"She's sweet and kind and beautiful. I guess you know that though, don't you?"

"What do you mean?" Dave asked, a little suspicious.

"You being her father and all."

Dave nodded, relieved.

"Are you going to fuck me?"

"Do you really want me to?"

"Oh yes. Very much. I used to have a crush on you. From what Em tells me, a lot of girls did."

"Yeah. She told me the same thing."

Before Dave could say anything else, Mishy sat up, pressed her body into his, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hotly on the mouth. When Dave's tongue touched her lips, Mishy eagerly opener her mouth for him. Dave wrapped one arm around her back, slid the other arm beneath her knee and easily lifted the small teen into his lap.

Mishy put up no resistance as Dave stood up, Mishy in his arms and her mouth still glued to his. Dave turned and headed for his bedroom. Once in the bedroom Dave pulled away and then dropped her on the bed. Mishy laughed as she bounced on the big bed.

Dave stripped off his tee shirt and started working on his jeans. Mishy lay on the bed, nearly naked and without a care in the world. She had no idea what had happened to her, all she knew was that, right then, all of her cares in the world had been washed away and for the first time in a long time, she was happy, relaxed and unafraid. She laid there and watched as Dave's pants fell around his ankles. A moment later, he was naked and she was seeing her first real live penis ever.

Dave moved right to the edge of the bed and stood there, looking down at her as she looked up at him. Dave's eyes roamed up and down her lithe, young body. Mishy's eyes never left his cock though. Mishy rolled onto her left side, propped herself up on one elbow. She pulled her eyes from his cock just long enough to look up and beg his permission. With only a smile and a slight nod, Dave gave it and she took his semi-hard cock in her hand. For a long time, or it seemed like a long time to Mishy, Dave stood there and allowed her to touch, rub and inspect his cock. She examined his cock, starting at the tip by squeezing the piss hole open to look inside. She pushed his cock sideways so she could examine the pink mushroom-shaped head. She slid her hand down over the now solid shaft, her fingers traced the outline of the various blue veins that stuck out the top, bottom and sides. She enjoyed the different textures, the soft skin that coated the outside, surrounding the hardness of the cock itself. Then she ran her fingers through the thick forest of hair that surrounded his cock. Finally her hand slid down to lightly cup and weigh his balls in her hand. She examined each of the two testicles equally. A simple squeeze drew a gasp from Dave. He didn't say anything but she was much more gentle with them after that.

Finished with her inspection, she looked up at Dave. A huge smile on her face. "It's beautiful."

Dave rubbed her cheek with his fingers and smiled down at her

"Just like you are."

Mishy's smile grew to am almost blinding level.

"Lay back," Dave told her.

Mishy laid back on the bed. Dave scooped her up and easily turned her and placed her so her legs below the knees were hanging off the edge of the bed.

"Put your feet on the edge of the bed and lift yourself up."

Without hesitation, Mishy planted her feet on the edge of the bed and raised her hips up off the bed. Dave hooked a finger into each side of her bikini and quickly and smoothly stripped the bikini down her legs. Without Dave saying a word, she dropped back to the bed, raised her legs and Dave pulled the bikini off of her and tossed it away.

Dave looked over Mishy's now naked body, noticing she had only a single thick line of pubic hair. He dropped to his knees onto the floor in front of her, picked up her feet and placed them squarely on his shoulders. He then gave Mishy a confident smile.

"I want you to lay back, relax, close your eyes, and enjoy this."

Mishy smiled a sweet, little smile and lay back. She not only closed her eyes, she grabbed one of the pillows from the head of the bed, laid the pillow over her face, then laid her arms over the pillow.

Dave smiled. "Ready?"

Mishy nodded.

"Here we go," Dave said as he reached out and ran one single finger down and then up her tiny slit. Mishy gasped at the touch and Dave was surprised to find Mishy's slit already wet with anticipation. Dave ran his finger down her slit again. This time he continued to slid down, causing Mishy to giggle and thrash a little as he tickled the skin on either side of the crack of her ass.

Dave leaned forward and did the same thing, this time using the tip of his tongue to slide up and down her slit dragging a moan of pleasure from deep inside Mishy. Dave could taste her on his tongue already and could feel it making his cock even harder than it had been. He used his fingers to spread her open, exposing the pink beneath. He put his face close, inhaled deeply, and could feel his cock start to bulge. He slipped his tongue out and touched her clit, making Mishy jump.

Dave smiled, waited for her to calm down, then put his tongue on her again and ran it from the top of her slit to the bottom, making Mishy gasp. He then looked over her, licked his lips a few times.

"Umm, sweet as honey."

Mishy lifted the pillow, blushed and giggled at him.

With Mishy now relaxed, Dave turned to the serious business of giving her serious pleasure. He buried his face in her slit, found her clit with his tongue and flicked it over and over again until her hips rose from the bed. Once her hips were off the bed, Dave jammed his tongue into her and swirled it around, driving Mishy to her first orgasm. She didn't scream. She just tensed up, grunted, and whimpered as the orgasm rocked her. Dave continued tongue fucking her, keeping her orgasm going for as long as possible. Once she had come down, he started over, licking her until she was close and then tongue fucking her through her orgasm.

After six such orgasms, her legs dropped from his shoulders and she pushed him away.

"Stop, please. You're gonna kill me."

Dave looked up and smiled at her. "I think I'm going to call you honey pie from now on because you taste so incredibly sweet."

Mishy blushed again as Dave stood up. He picked her up once again thinking there were definite advantages to have a really small girlfriend and carried her into the bathroom. Mishy wrapped her arms around Dave's neck and nuzzled his shoulder and chest.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked.

"You and I are going to take a shower together," he told her as he set her down on the toilet. He stood up and went to the shower. "You're going to wash off all of that silly white face paint and then I'm going to take you back to bed and make love to you over and over again."

Mishy sat there, relaxed and dazed from the orgasms she'd just had, as Dave turned on the water and got the temperature just right. He made the water so it was as hot as they both could stand. He then picked Mishy up once more and carried her into the shower. She slid the shower door closed behind them.

"Do you like carrying me around?" She asked as he moved them into the spray of the shower.

"Not especially," he told her with a smile. "I just really wanted to see you wet and naked and carrying you was the quickest way to get you here."

They both laughed and shared a soft, passionate kiss. Then Dave set her down. He opened the shower door, reached out, and returned with two wash cloths from the shelf over the toilet. He laid both aside and picked up the shampoo.

"Time to wash the hair."

He motioned for her to turn around, which she did. He pulled the shower head off it's holder and wet her short black hair down.

"You should let your hair grow out again," he told her as he hooked the shower head back into it's holder and poured shampoo onto his hands. "Personally, I think your hair is much too pretty to be cut so short and you're much too pretty to look so severe."

"If you want, I will," Mishy said as he began rubbing the shampoo into her hair and scalp.

Dave was pretty sure her instant agreement was the work of the SLuT but he hoped she remembered it and let her hair to grow out.

Washing Mishy's hair, which hung down not even to the tops of her ears, did not take long. There just wasn't much to wash. Once washed, Dave once again got the shower head, had her lay her head back, and rinsed her.

Dave picked up one of the two wash clothes and drenched it under the spray of water. He rubbed the cloth over the soap until the wash cloth was covered in soap suds.

"Close your eyes, close your mouth, and breathe through your nose."

The SLuT made Mishy comply without question. He then used the wash rag and scrubbed and scoured the white face paint from her face. He was forced to wash, rinse and repeat to get it all off. When he finished, Dave rinsed her face once more, stepped back and looked down at her beautiful face. The face paint was gone, as were her drawn on eye brows but he still smiled.

"You're much prettier this way."

Mishy smiled and blushed again.

"You're just saying that because I'm wet and naked."

"I'm sure that has something to do with it but I think I'm right anyway."

With the hard part done, washing her face, it took only a few more minutes the get the rest of her washed. After he finished washing her, she washed his hair and used the second wash cloth to wash his entire body. She spent an exorbitant amount of time making sure his still very hard cock was good and clean. After rinsing him with the shower head, she kneeled in front of him and examined his cock once more.

Dave was surprised when she leaned forward and placed a soft kiss right on the tip, then another, and then her tongue flicked out and ran over and around the head of his cock. She opened her mouth, wrapped her lips around the tip, and began to suck and lick him.

"Oh, God, Mishy!" Dave groaned as he searched for someplace to hold on to. His knees went weak and his eyes closed.

She pulled her mouth away and looked up at him.

"I've heard that boys don't like girls who don't give oral. Is that true?"

"No, Mishy, that's not true. Don't get me wrong, I very much enjoy getting a blow job but whether you do that or not, it won't affect how much I like you."


She then turned back to his cock and proceeded to swallow most of it. Dave took a few seconds to explain how she should use her fingers in conjunction with her mouth to get him off. After that, she jacked him off with her hand at the base of his cock while continuing to suck and lick the rest of him.

"Honey, I don't think I'm gonna last much longer," Dave warned her when he felt his orgasm building. "Unless you want me to come in your mouth, you might wanna step back."

Mishy did as he said, she pulled her mouth from his cock but didn't move quite quickly enough. Dave's cock exploded almost at the same instant she pulled away and the first two shots had landed on her face before she even knew what was happening. The next one landed on the side of her cheek as she turned away and the last two landed on her chest, one running down over one of her small tits to coat her nipple in his cum.

Mishy looked up at him, his cum still on her face and began laughing. Dave followed suit and laughed right along with her. Dave reached back to get the shower head to rinse her off but before he got it, Mishy took a finger, dragged it over one of the globs of semen on her face and brought it into her mouth for a quick taste.

As Dave watched, she sucked the finger clean, licked her lips, and considered the taste for a moment. She licked her lips again, smiled, and said, "Umm, sweet as honey."

They both laughed as Dave rinsed his cum off of her with the shower head. Then they turned off the water, climbed out, and spent a few minutes drying each other off. The two lovers moved back to the bed. They pulled down the covers and both climbed in to escape the cold air on their still damp bodies.

Dave pulled Mishy close, both laying on their sides facing each other, and he began gently kissing her. Mishy eagerly returned the kisses. Between kisses, Dave whispered to her, telling her how beautiful she was and how he loved having her in his arms, how good her kisses tasted and how warm her hands felt as they rubbed his back.

With his cock once again hard, Dave pushed Mishy onto her back and moved on top of her, continuing to kiss and whisper to her. He moved down, kissing her neck and shoulders, then down to her small breasts which he licked and kissed and sucked much to Mishy's enjoyment, even giving her another small orgasm.

"Are you ready?" he asked her as he supported himself above her.

Mishy smiled and nodded.

Dave used one hand to line his cock up with her once again wet slit, rubbed the head of his cock up and down her slit to get it well lubricated, and then lined himself up.

"This might hurt a little. If it does, you let me know and I'll stop for a few until it feels better. Understand?"

Mishy nodded and Dave slowly pushed his cock between her pussy lips and then into her tunnel.

"Oh!" Mishy shuddered as the head of his cock slipped into her. Dave held himself still for a moment as her body adjusted to his intrusion. Then he pulled back just a bit and pushed in a little further.

"Oh!" Mishy moaned again. "Do it again. Do it again, please?" she begged.

Dave pulled out a bit and this time when he pushed in, fully half of his cock sank into her.

"Oh!" This time her exclamation was drawn out even more and she threw her head back. "Faster, please?"

Dave obeyed. He pulled about a quarter of the way out and sank into her completely. He held himself fully inside her as her body adjusted. When she was okay, Mishy gave a nod and Dave lowered his torso down on to his elbows and kissed her as he began to slowly hump in and out of her.

"This feels so good," Mishy cried between kisses. "Go faster. Please go faster. It feels so good."

Dave decided to torture her a little and continued at the same slow pace.

"Please, Mr. Bernard, please. Go faster, please?"

Dave smiled at her use of the phrase, "Mr. Bernard," but realized he had never told her to call him Dave or anything else. He kissed her again and then he did speed up some.

"You're driving me crazy," Mishy told him just before she had her first orgasm with him inside her.

"That's the idea," Dave whispered to her. "I want you crazy. I want you to beg me."

"Oh, I'll beg you. I'll beg you. I'll do anything. Please. Fuck me harder. Fuck me faster. Please, Mr. Bernard. If you don't, I'll... I'll tell Em you teased me."

"I think Em wants me to tease you. She wants you to enjoy this as much as I do. Are you enjoying it, Mishy?"

"Oh, yes," she groaned and pulled herself up and covered his mouth with hers once more.

Dave sped up again. He could now feel his balls starting to roil and began fucking her as fast as he could given their position and how tight she felt. There was no more talking as they began to rut in sincerity. There were just groans and moans of pleasure, a full out scream as Mishy went over the edge once more, and then a shared moan as Dave came deep inside her taking her once more over the edge.

Dave pulled himself out of her, getting a groan of protest for the trouble. He then rolled off and laid down beside her. Mishy rolled over, laid her head on his chest and curled up beside him.

"That was wonderful," she said and kissed his nipple. "Thank you, so much."

She hugged him tightly.

"You're very welcome, honey pie. It was wonderful for me, too. So, thank you."

He kissed the top of her head and they both lay still, catching their breath.


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Back to School Badly By Ingrid Halb Bunnie Toy sat scowling, looking at her shoes. She had wanted to get the calf-high boots with the three-inch heel. At 4'2 and 55 lbs, she was the smallest person in her class, and wanted the extra height to make herself taller. Her foster mother on the other hand had wanted to get her patent leather mary janes and white ruffle socks, which would have made her look like a total baby. In the spirit of compromise, her foster mother had bought her...

3 years ago
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The HandymanChapter 3 Tracy Demands

His new Housekeeper Freda was a complete asset. She settled in to the work and took over all the housekeeping, and cooking leaving Tony to pursue the renovation of his home. She did not seem to mind how many hours she put in, and they soon reached a new agreement where she would take two of the spare bedrooms for her and her daughter Joan and they would live in... Her daughter Joan frequently came to help Tony with his work on the house, and soon they became firm friends. After a while Tony...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Lena Paul Tanning My Big Tits Led To Great Sex

Lena Paul and her great big tits sun tan in the nude inside the pool. Her neighbor Tyler gets a sneak peak before getting the bright idea of getting snorting gear to get a closer look. We get a nice look at her amazing body before he gets caught and she freaks out. She kicks him out the pool but got distracted by his hard on. She lets him know that he’s lucky because he’s big and she’s horny. She sucks him off before we get too see her big ass and tits bounce as she gets fucked. She looks great...

3 years ago
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Sex With Dusky Elder Sister

Hi am Nanda from Hyderabad; here with my second story. As I got good response to my first story which was a real incident that took place in my life and even the story am writing now is a story which am making myself from a small real incident that I came across with my elder sister Mounisha, as u know I love incest. The girl whom am describing is none other than my dad’s elder brother’s daughter. I always loved fucking ass of a women but I never knew my interest would turn like this on my...

4 years ago
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Jilnar Jardaly and the Pirates

A warm, gentle breeze blew across Jilnar Jardaly's sexy bikini-clad body, caressing her completely hairless skin, which was as smooth as silk and as gold as honey. She loved nothing more than chartering a private yacht on the beautiful Pacific Ocean, nor did two of her closest girlfriends who had come to enjoy the Caribbean getaway with her. It was just the three girls together, along with the yacht's owner and captain, a local girl named Elly, who was every bit as hot and gorgeous as Jilnar...

3 years ago
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Angel 4

©This is a fantasy; any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. **************************************************************** Angel had been following the flagstone path for two days now. Not to long ago she saw a tall castle on a mountaintop in the distance. Bright flags flew from tall towers set in high-buttressed walls. She wondered who would live there and if they would know how she could get home. By now, her tits had stopped growing. They were now an enticing ‘C’ cup...

3 years ago
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Terrorized Family Of Five

Terrorized Family Of Five Terrorized Family Of Fiveby Ynyn ([email protected]) *** A family of illegal immigrants is attacked by a group of vigilante border patrolmen. (M+/Fff, nc, rp, 1st, oral, anal, gb, mexican) *** In the Border States, illegal immigration is a big issue that divides communities. While many people protest to try to get politicians involved, others take aggressive action. There is the well-publicized group known as the minutemen, these citizens actively patrol...

4 years ago
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After The Preview

Jens smiled as he and his girlfriend Presea entered the house, crashing into chairs in the living room. Jens was just over 6'0, had short black hair, and dark green eyes. His muscles were well defined, but his whole frame was relatively slim. Presea on the other hand, was just a little bit over 5'7, she had long, dark pink hair, and bright, radiant green eyes. She had a small, tight frame, very sizable breasts for someone of her size, and a nice, tight ass, and long smooth legs. Her skin...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Kristen Scott Chloe Couture Teen Runaway

Teen Chloe Couture finds teen runaway Kristen Scott sitting on the sidewalk in front of her house. As the girls get acquainted, Kristen divulges that her parents kicked her out of the house for being a lesbian. Chloe invites her inside for a shower and coffee, reassuring the runaway that her parents aren’t home to object. After Kristen takes a shower, Chloe gives her an outfit and dolls her up with makeup and a hair do. Chloe wants to adopt Kristen as her sister. She tells her she’s...

1 year ago
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Cable girl

"I'm from Central Cable Company," the voice in the intercom said, "you called in and saying you 're having a problem with your reception!!!" "I'll buzz you in," Erin replied, "I'm in apartment 1308, come right on up!!!" "Finally," Erin said to her room mate, Shawna, "you don't realize how much you miss television until you don't have it!!!" Shawna looked up from her magazine and said with a laugh, "You are turning into a couch potato, hon, the only exercise you've been getting lately is from...

2 years ago
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The online collector

I pressed the cloth into her cute little face. My thumb stung, yesterday I had bitten of a little bit of skin next to my nail and now the chloroform was pricking me. She wasn’t out yet. She was still struggling, although not with her full force anymore. Muffled protest came from behind the rag. Her eyes looking up at me in fear. Begging me, pleading me to let her go. I stroke a strand of hair from her forehead. ‘Don’t be scared, honey,’ I said. ‘Just breath. Take a another few deep breaths. I...

3 years ago
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Extreme Sex Pleasure

Hello thanks for reading my previous one which I title as Hungary for pleasure that was my 1st sex experience with Riya. As I had mentioned after Riya left and no contact from her I was missing her lot and masturbating thinking my memorable moments of sex had started to quench my sex hunger. For sex I was going mad and irritating with my life I couldn’t concerting arrange good reasonable call gal. First she didn’t let me allow having sex as per my wish even I got scared n angry. I carry with...

2 years ago
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The Unexpected1

1. I write for myself. To get myself off. If you like it, good if not move on. 2. If I'm feeling up to it, I may do requests but don't expect them to be prompt, I'll write them on my time. 3. If you don't like the ages, genders or events (story line) in my stories, no one is forcing you to read them. 4. If you want to be rude in your comments, go ahead. It bothers me none. Refer back to rule #1. ---- Brittani twisted the door knob of the front door and crept inside, trying...

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The Breeding Room Part V

Al was the last one to come to her bed that afternoon. He had waited patiently for over an hour for the others to take their turns with her. One by one they had slipped into bed beside her to make love. There was no raw, hard sex this time with them. They had kissed and caressed and Judy took time to suck their cocks. She wanted to taste them; wanted to arouse them. She wanted to show them her gratitude. This time she also mounted them. Each one started off with her on top. Judy wanted them to...

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Players Trick Book7

Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...

4 years ago
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The story of Zachary Alexander


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Life Changing Encounter

My name is Tony and I want to relate my story about a recent change in my sexual attitudes and preferences. When I was small my parents were divorced and my father never came back to visit me or even write a letter so I grew up with my working single mom. During most of my life I was heterosexual. When I was twelve I came by some Playboy magazines, given to me by a friend, that displayed impossibly beautiful women in various suggestive positions. I had not had an orgasm yet but during the last...

1 year ago
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Reddit HoleWreckers, aka r/HoleWreckers! Alright, guys, I hope you’re ready for a wild one. As far as big holes are concerned, /r/HoleWreckers is unmatched. What is /r/HoleWreckers? Well, it’s a sub on the popular website Reddit that is centered around people sharing pictures and videos of chicks who just can’t stop themselves as far as size is concerned. They always have to push their limits with bigger dicks, dildos, fists, wrists, cans, and just about anything else that they can figure out...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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Slave for Hire

                       SEX SLAVE FOR HIRE                           Chapter 1                    My first Day on the Job     I've been beaten and tortured, had rigid cocks and worse stuffed into me fore, aft, andtopside.  And I consented to it.  I did it for money.     Do you know what it's like to be without a job, with rent to pay, a family to support?  Ido.  I walked a hundred miles, it seems, trying to get a job.  Even the fast food places weren'thiring.  I pawned everything of value that I...

2 years ago
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Swinging gone to the dogs Part Two

With Jenna and Amy both three months pregnant and experiencing morning sickness and Bella about to give birth any day, Tom, Max and I wound up intensely aroused with what seemed no outlet for our sexual frustrations. This became an even greater problem when we spent sensual moments with our pregnant wives who we knew were carrying babies that weren't ours. That night, Jenna and Amy decided we should all meet up at our house and discuss how to resolve the issue. When they came over,...

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Yearning for Hot Illicit Sex Try Email You Will Love ItChapter 3

5th email from Brenda: responding to my 4-1th email From: Brenda McKay ([email protected]) Sent: Mon 4/22/13 8:31pm To: Harvey Landers ([email protected] Dear Mr Landers, Golly, I don't know what to think now. I was so pleased to get another email from you and it started off lovely. I thought you were really trying to be open and everything with me and I felt real good and thought your email was quite hot. I understood what you were saying about slut not being a bad term as my...

1 year ago
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David Masters His Mom

So...After receiving some cash from my step-mother, I decide that my car payment can wait, especially now that I know how to get money from her. I decide to go to a local bar to check out the scene. I slide up to the bar and order a beer. As I pop the top, I turn around to face the rest of the place. It wasn't the nicest place in town, but it was certainly no dive. I start checking out what items are on 'the menu' when I see someone I recognize - my mother. And she's wearing something I'd...

2 years ago
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Secret Sex Story 8211 Part 1

I am a 30 years old unmarried guy. Professionally, I work as a service engineer and travel a lot inside and outside the country. This happened a few months ago. I was at a site near my hometown. I was there for a month. Talking about my appearance, I look decent with good looks, physique and height. I am 5’10”, white, with dark hair. I work out whenever possible to maintain my body, and I normally keep my beard well-trimmed and groomed. Overall, I look attractive and not going to lie. I have...

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Three sisters

Hi ISS readers, I am Rahul, age 28 years, 5ft. 9 inch tall, well built, handsome guy from Mumbai. This is my 3rd posting, in the series THREE SISTERS, the 1st story & the 2nd have been well read & rated hot by the readers, I hope you all will also like this one. Having had several sexual encounters with Baby & Rupali I was habituated to have sex as and when I got an opportunity. Rupali had a big appetite and I was always ready to oblige her. The time she told me that she will be leaving the job...

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Titcage Chapter 44 The Flight

Fucktwat wasn’t sure where the honeymoon was, not that she needed to. That kind of information wasn’t necessary for a dumb slut like her to know. While receiving his morning blowjob from his new property, Michael explained that while Titcage had made serious progress reforming the country’s views on a woman’s purpose and what was appropriate in society, there were still people who would be alarmed by a pregnant teenager crawling naked and leashed on all fours. Therefore, Fucktwat would have to...

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Whoops Payback

Whoops Payback By Marina Kelly For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a story about the aftermath of a wife's conduct toward her husband continuing my story 'Whoops'. This story was previously posted on FM; but has been heavily edited and rewritten, thanks to the creative mind of Monica Rose. The ending is a drastic change from my last version. Marina J @ @ @ @ Carol had just arrived home from her office, poured two glasses of Phil's favorite...

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In my dream, I met God. God looked like a nude, perfectly androgynous man or woman, like a female bodybuilder or a man with breasts - a little like one of Michelangelo's interpretations of women. His muscles were highly developed; the curves of his body exquisitely feminine. He had neither genitals nor navel. His skin was a deep mocha. His long, kinky dark hair reached His feet. A halo of light shown all over His body. God said, "Come here, my son. Let me look at you." So I did. I...

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Tammys tale of being blackmailed

"Please don't make me do this," Becky pleaded, her gorgeous green eyes filling with tears. "I'm not making you do anything," I told my pretty neighbor, leaning back into the couch, legs akimbo, waiting for my show. I was ready, wearing only boxers and a t-shirt. Her eyes flickered to the side, once again taking in the collage of pictures on the coffee table. "You know that if John ever saw those pictures he'd kill me." "So am I supposed to lie to him?" I asked her, pointedly. She stood quietly,...

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SamChapter 18C

"I hope we're not getting here too late," I said as the chime above his shop door announced our arrival. Morton popped into view immediately, wearing his professional expression. You've probably heard the expression, 'face lit up with a smile'. Let me tell you, Mr. Morton's face suddenly looked like sun rose inside his head. I could see every tooth in the man's mouth. I started to introduce my partner, but he recognized her immediately and even knew her nom de guerre. "You've been...

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Punching Above Ones Weight Ch 1

Tommy King was at a crossroad in his life. Since school he'd worked a successful pizza franchise but was forced to go bankrupt after a failed marriage. Having never touched anything illicit, not even so much as a cigarette, his newfound underworld friends coached him with a different path. He quickly became a drug dealer in one of the craziest nightclubs in town. This club even issued VIP-membership lollypop look-alike key rings which doubled as a snorting devices!Inness Bendsson, having...

Love Stories
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Honeymoon With Heather Owwh Part 2Chapter 7

“Let’s eat,” Heather said, pulling out a chair at the table. I did the same, as did Jess, but she was stopped by Heather. “You can eat in a bit. Right now, you are going to provide the entertainment for the meal,” Heather said, sitting down. “What do you mean?” Jess asked. “Masturbate for us,” Heather said bluntly. “What?” Jess asked. “You heard me. Play with yourself. Don’t act like you never have.” If she had, she had never done it in front of me. She went to sit on the bed but was...

2 years ago
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Kate Gets a Puppy

Introduction: During the past week, Kate had begun noticing the same dog every day as she took her morning run. It was an English Mastiff, and one of the largest shed ever seen. Based on her observances as she jogged by, it stood nearly a meter in height and had to weigh more than 100 kg. Kate Gets a Puppy Every morning, Kate started her day with a jog along the beach. The fresh sea air, the sand under her feet, and the sense of freedom was the perfect way for her to clear her head as well as...

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TMWPOV Jane Nedon An insatiable sexual appetite

Jane Nedon is a gorgeous brunette with a mischievous smile and a penchant for pleasure. She knows how to surprise and turn her boyfriend on. Today, she is wearing a new tight outfit to emphasize all the advantages of her perfect body. Jane enters her boyfriend’s room and starts seducing him. She undresses slowly in front of him and allows him to pinch her lovely nipples. When Jane gets very horny, she is ready to show off her insatiable sexual appetite with professional cock-sucking and...

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Moving On by robcub31 from Literotica

"That's nice, Dale," I moaned as he sucked on my neck.My husband's right hand was between my legs. His wet finger pushed into my ass. My cell phone phone rang and it momentarily distracted me. I glanced at the screen. Damien."Shit," I muttered."Don't answer it," Dale growled.I ignored the phone and returned to making out with my husband. A minute later, the phone rang again.I let out an annoyed sigh. "I'd better answer it or he'll just keep calling back.""God damn it," Dale mumbled and rolled...

2 years ago
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My Wife My Partner

My Wife - My Partner By Karen Kay Jerry couldn't believe it had been six weeks since that dreaded night that his wife came home early from her usual Thursday night card game with the girls and caught him in that dreadful act. How could he have been so stupid and let it happen so easily? It was something that he enjoyed doing since he was fourteen years old and now he had been caught by his own wife. Tammy was so angry at him that night that she almost...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 18 Aftermath

"Captain, I request we go secure-com: Sierra Charlie six niner. Code Delta," Tib said into his helmet microphone. They were almost halfway to their Guard base in Wenatchee, after departing the North Valley Hospital helo-pad in Tonasket. They had left their critical burn victims for transfer to an en-route Med-Evac helicopter that would fly them the one hundred twenty miles to a burn unit in Spokane, the closest major city. "Say again, Helo 757?" the Captain's voice came loud in his...

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I call you late at night

I call you late at night. You’re sleeping and it takes a couple of rings for you to pick up the phone. I tell you that you need to get up and meet me somewhere. You tell me that it’s late and you're not dressed. I tell you it doesn’t matter and to put on a coat; then I give you the address. You do as you’re told. You get in your car and you drive over to the address. It’s a bar that you've never been to before. When you get inside there are a half of a dozen people but you don't see me.Everyone...

3 years ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 31 Sale

Slave auctions were not common in New Jersey, that was certain. I never heard of such, but I am told that they did occur in the port cities from time to time. The one I discovered was evidently a local institution of some sort with a list of regulars and certain protocols that everyone in the know recognized and adhered to. As an ignorant newcomer, I stood back and learned as men, women, and children of colors ranging from dusty black to chocolate cream were sold for prices ranging from ten...

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its cuck time

The first time I ate another man's cum out of Mitzi’s pussy, I didn't even know it. Months later, after we were married, we were naked and playing "have you ever...." as foreplay when I asked if she had ever had 2 men in one day. She said "Oh Yeah!" I asked "Did you ever have one right after the other?" "Yes" , she said that she had. I asked how soon was the second one following the first one.? She said "..about...maybe 20 minutes...maybe not that long…probably not nearly that long actually." I...

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Jon the Bull Part One

“Eight!” The trainer called out from the computer screen. As the trainer called out the number, Jon dug deep and bent his knees to enter into another squat.“Nine!” The trainer called out to Jon.Jon could feel his legs shaking, beads of sweat on his forehead accumulating, as he entered another deep squat.“Ten!” The trainer shouted as she signaled for the final rep.Jon mustered his strength and, legs shaking, entered his final squat. He returned to a straight standing position, legs slightly...

Oral Sex
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Badi Ke Sath Pahli Bar

Dosto mera naam vivek hai aur main ISS ka regular reader raha hoon. Jisse mujhe bhi apni ghatna likhne ke liye prerit kiya. Ye ghatna mere aur meri badi bahan jiska naam anushka (name changed) hai k beech hui ek raat ka hai. Main apni family k bare mein bata du. Hum sadharn log hai papa govt. job mein hai mummy house wife hain. Didi ki sadi ho chuki hai aur main abhi graduation kar raha hoon. Hum apas mein jayada baat nahi hai. Humare ghar mein sex ko lekar kabhi koi baat hi nahi karta. apni...

3 years ago
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Waiting For My Sonny Ajay To Cum

My name is Arpita 45 years old living with my son Ajay 24 years old. It all started when my hubby was transferred to a different city. I started inviting my son Ajay to sleep with me during the nights. I reasoned to him that I was afraid to sleep alone. Although my son was an adult, we shared the same blanket. Both of us under one blanket caused a lot of chaos as we both were attracted to each other’s bodies. And my son being a virgin killed him inside. And with him being a virgin and a shy boy...

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My friend surprises me

Over time I found many girlfriends in the gay/lesbian scene. One of them was Maria. She was a little smaller than me and very thin, with a long, thin face and big dark eyes behind black-rimmed glasses. She was of some middle-eastern heritage and had the blackest hair and the palest skin I've ever seen. She grew up in a religious family, which would not accept her as a lesbian, and was filled with conflicts about that. Despite that, or maybe because of it, she was horny as all hell.She helped to...

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I already have an idea for a part 2, so hopefully I will have that up soon.I didn't think it was possible. I didn't believe in hypnosis. I even told Jake, my best friend, that if it worked he could make me do whatever he wanted. But here I am, watching the video proof of him hypnotizing me.I don't remember it at all. My mind is completely blank. Jake showed me the video on his phone. I'm sitting there, completely under his spell. All of a sudden he pulls out his big, but still slightly soft...

2 years ago
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byALotInCommon©My twin sister, Britney, plays on the varsity volleyball team at our private high school. We are both 18 years old, finishing up our senior year. Britney is 5 feet 4 inches tall and has long, light brown hair with faint blonde highlights in it. She has beautiful bronzed skin from frequent trips to the tanning bed, as well as several hours spent sunbathing in her skimpy bikini on our back porch. She has large, beautiful, D cup breasts that hang proudly from her chest. Even in a...

3 years ago
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Top Teacher Pados Wale Rahul Bhaiya

Mera nam roopa hai bat un dino ke hai jab mere umar 16 sal ke the hamare pados me rahul bhaiya rehte the unki shadi nahe hue the wo ek school me teacher the unki umar kareb 28 sal ke how ge wo badiya english bolte the wo mujse english me he bat karte the or hamare gar jab wo school se aate tow aaksar sham ke chai hamare yaha he pete mare mummy unse kafi aache dosti how gaye the mare pitaji roz sham ko 8 baje he kam se aate khana khate or sojate or subh 7baje mujhe school lee jate or dophar me...

1 year ago
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alex amy and charlie

Charlie was looking across the coffee shop longingly. God he’s just SO hot! she was thinking to herself. She got off whilst thinking about him all the time, yesterday had been amazing. She had sat in her comfy grey chair outside of the coffee shop, and discretely rubbed herself until she came – right there in the middle of the school. She had managed to justify it however – she was a 16 year old girl, she was horny all the time! Of course it had to be the same for the others… didn’t it? The...

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To Love Honour And Fingers CrossedChapter 2 The Answers

They settled in the lounge. Kenneth took one of the two burgundy coloured armchairs while Ricky took the other settling himself so that he was facing his father. Beccy, as was her want, sprawled out on the couch that was the third of the family's three-piece lounge suite so that she too could look in the direction of her father. "Come on daddy," said Beccy excitedly as she reached across, grabbed the glass of orange juice she had placed on the coffee table and carefully took a drink...

4 years ago
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Kissing Cousins Part 13

I arch my back in waves of pleasure. Your tongue smothering my pussy lips, making me moan out in pleasure of your sexual ways. My nipples are hard, my pussy is wet, your cock is hard, and my body is in the zone. I pinch my nipples for more intense pleasure; you stroke your cock as you eat my pink, wet, moist pussy. I push you back against the wall, thrusting your cock into my hungry mouth. My mouth aching for your hard, juicy cock, I swallow your cock, down to the edge of your balls. Tilting...

2 years ago
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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Ch12

The Great Hall of Castle Mombi began to fill with guest. The banquet held in honor of Dorothy. But the true meaning was to get together to discuss the rise of, The Wicked Nome Queen of the West. A gobkin guard stood by the door, announcing the guest as they arrived."Lord Omarion and Lady Talika, it is with great honor to announce the arrival of The Scarecrow, The Tin Woodman, and The Cowardly Lion." The trio of friends stood in the entrance of the castle as the crowd clapped, welcoming the...

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At Jakes Cabin

Jake and I had been secretly seeing each other for about a year. We took every chance we could get to go and fuck. Jake’s famly had a cabin on a private pond in northern Minnesota. He had asked me to go up there with him for spring break. He told the fam that it was a guy’s weekend to fish and drink. It would be just us two up there the whole week. We did do some drinking but we fucked instead of fished. We stopped at a small town just south of the cabin, probably about ten minutes away. He...

4 years ago
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Pyaari Bhabhi Aur Sweet Daver Ji

Hello friends .Kese ho app. I am preet singh .From ludhiana . My heroine ( matlab bhabhi) naam sonia. Main B.A first year main tha uss time. J story ajj sye 2 saal purani hai. Main sab kus sach likhu gya and mera vishwas kana.To abb story pye aata hu. To boys apne lan pakr lo and girls apni cut main ungliya dal lo. Agar koi v mujhsye glti ho gyi to mujhe maff kar dena meri fast story hai j. Abb sedha story pye jate hain. Mere parivar main main meri mom and mere dad hain .Aur mere padoos main...

1 year ago
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The Cabin

Let me begin this by telling you a little bit about my girlfriend, Lyndah. We have been together for 5 years and will be married soon. Lyndah is in her mid thirties, a little on the heavy side and loves sex, any kind of sex. She loves to be tied up; she is a world class cocksucker and swallows every drop. She loves to fuck but she loves to clean all of the cum from any cock that had just fucked her, she will also scoop the cum out of her cunt with her fingers and eat it. She is kind of nasty,...

Adult Humor

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