Camping With Futa Sisters free porn video

As I arrive at the campground I am excited to see that the place is mostly full. It's been almost a year since the last time I made it out to my cousins seasonal site. It's one of the hottest summers we have ever had but everyone is still happy to be outside. I get to the camper and do the obligatory hello how are yous to my cousins and their friends. I throw my backpack and blanket in the camper. I notice they need ice and decide it is the least I can do as payment for two weeks of vacation. I start walking down the street to the little store at the front.. Least to say I don't make it.... About 2 mins into my walk I hear the voice of one of my least favorite people "hey little guy are you not gonna say hello to your favorite and most attractive friend??" Bleck it's abbie. She and her younger sister have a camper a few doors down. She is always hassling me it gets old pretty quick. Abbie is 22 about 6'4, dirty blonde hair, tan and lean with a six pack. She has to keep in shape for volleyball I hear she has a full scholarship and is dominating at her school. Her sister jane is the same age as me and just graduated (She's the opposite of her sister) about 5'5, pale with brown hair in a messy bun and the brightest blue eyes. She is petite in every way except the beautiful round ass she is always trying to hide. "Hey abbie so good to see you how goes it." I say in a mono tone voice not hiding my distain. "Well obviously worse now that you are here.".... bleh here we go. "So are you getting shorter or what? Hell jane might be taller than you now." She knows that isn't true but loves reminding me she is taller. "Nope same size maybe you've been hit in the head by one to many volleyballs?" I see her pale green eyes flash with anger as she bites her lip and then softens again "whatever I need your help with my sister's computer and you seem like the nerd type so come fix it." "In case you forgot little lady we are camping why does she need a computer?" I say with heavy attitude. "Cuz unlike you she wants to get into a good college so quit being a baby and help me." Damn well if it's for jane I guess I'll help I've always liked her. "Alright fine lead the way abbie let's make this quick." As I follow her to the camper I can't help but notice how chiseled her ass is, even in baggy basketball shorts you can see the statuesque lines of it. If she wasn't the actual devil I might actually find her sexy. We arrive at the door of her very large camper "ladies first" she says with a smile as she opens the door.

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