GATEWAY 4: SAVED free porn video

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I had fallen into the mindset of wondering how idyllic my situation had become. The house and property are a dream come true. This is comfortably isolated, private, beautiful, and peaceful. For once in my life since … a very long time, I am content and satisfied physically and emotionally. Professionally, my writing flows with detailed eroticism; I am actually nervously excited to see what my agent thinks. And, personally, I have a group of middle-aged women in town I enjoy from time to time (almost like groupies) and Marge has become someone I enjoy being with. And also, personally, I have these seven young man-boy-ghosts.

I have ordered on-line a wardrobe of clothes suited to the sense of arousal I constantly feel. Underwear is seldomly worn anymore except when I venture into town or if I know someone is expected to visit. I have a lot of full, short skirts that I pair with t-shirts or button blouses that I seldom fully button. The shorts I wear at home, if I wear them, are the short, loose, runner-type with tank-tops or sports-bras.

The guys accept my conditions for privacy and time for concentrated work. That still doesn’t stop the feeling of being watched, though. I gave up on panties because they just became soaking wet early in the day. I can’t see the guys unless they let me. Although I trust they are honoring my writing time and my places of privacy, I still have the sense of being watched. It can be like stepping into your backyard naked. You don’t see anyone; you don’t think anyone is watching; but you aren’t sure and stepping outside naked drives the exhibitionistic arousal, excitement, thrill. That’s me all the time and it has driven my ***********ion of clothes to those that tease. The short, full skirts move in the wind. They ride up my thighs and ass when I bend over and I do a lot of that. Both the t-shirts and blouses are ***********ed to display my nipples without the bras and to allow my breasts unrestricted movement.

It is idyllic. I couldn’t imagine anything that could ruin it. That was my mistake. Superstitiously.

It happened on an otherwise perfect day. One of those days you think is impossible not to be outside in it. Not too hot but hot enough. A slight breeze to be refreshing. Clear, sunny sky and clean, fresh air. It wasn’t enough to have the windows open in my writing room. I had to be outside. I told myself, screw it. I’m my own boss for a reason and deciding skip some hours of work should be one of the perks on a day like this.

Maybe nothing would have been different if I hadn’t. But maybe I would have reacted quicker if I had been in my second-floor office space that overlooks the narrow driveway approaching the house through the trees.

I was outside on the far side of the house digging in a new bed of flowers. I had changed into a pair of skimpy, loose running shorts and bikini top. The bikini top wasn’t a full support cup type but a simple layer of material providing no support and designed to form to the breast when wet. Not that I was intending to get wet, but ….

I had ear-buds inserted, humming to U2, an old favorite, and kneeling on a foam pad while bent over the freshly turned ground as I placed the plants and seeds. My hair was up in a pony-tail and the sun was beating down on my essentially bare back. I had pulled my feet from the cheap, foam sandals. I was oblivious to everything but the beats, the feel of the sun, and the image of this new bed in full bloom.

I noticed a shadow fall over me but I didn’t react. Although I was alone here, I wasn’t really alone. It was one of the boys who formed and was deciding how to get my attention without scaring me. I was about to pull one of the earbuds when two rough hands grasped me, one arm around my waist and the other tightly over my mouth. I couldn’t image Jacob or Samuel treating me this way even in play and it took some moments for my mind to catch up that it couldn’t be them and I was in trouble.

I was half dragged and half carried around the corner of the house. “Found her”, the man holding me yelled. Another man was standing beside a car as another came around the other side of the house.

The man at the car seems to be in charge. I was brought before him. “Are you going to behave if he lets you go?” I nod and the hand slowly is removed from my mouth, then my waist when I don’t yell.

“What do you want? I’ve got a little cash inside. Take it and leave.”

He chuckles. “We’ll take what we can find, lady. What we really want is to hide out for a few days and your place is perfect. We just robbed an armored car and we need to wait out the road blocks. Just cooperate and we’ll be out of here in a couple days.”

A hand snakes around me and grabs my breast. The hand rips the thin bikini top apart with one strong pull. He smiles evilly. “Oh yeah, I promised them they could enjoy you, too.”

I scream, “Get out of here. What makes you think you won’t be found here?”

They all laugh. “We cased this all out. This was part of our plan … not a desperate thought. We know you live alone. We know you are new here and don’t get visitors and you’re a long way from the nearest town or traveled road. You’re yelling isn’t going to help.”

I was breathing hard. That I was naked on top hardly mattered at the moment. I was scared but I was angry, too. I stepped to the man, “You want my cooperation? You’re going to use my house, rob me, and abuse me … and you want me to cooperate?”

He nods with a look that said he was in complete control. I swing my right hand so fast he doesn’t have time to react. My initial intention was to slap him but I curl my fingertips at the last moment and rake the nails across his face leaving three ragged gouges across his left cheek and lips that quickly turn red. He screams and his own right hand reacts but his is clenched in a fist. He makes contact high on my left cheek and eye socket. He follows with his left hand which lands a glancing blow across my mouth. Almost immediately, I feel a blow into my kidney that sends more sparks in front of my eyes. Darkness comes at the edges of my vision and I think I am going to pass out and fall to the gravel.

Everything seems hazy and I feel a hand grab me. I flail wildly with my fists, miss everything and only hit the gravel in my effort. But it’s not a hand but several hands and they are not roughly taking hold of me but carefully and protectively. I am in somebody’s arms and as my vision begins to clear and focus, I can see it is the boys. I am held my one with two others forming a shield in front of me. Between their formed bodies I can see what’s happening. Jacob and Samuel each are pounding one of the men each while two others are beating the third.

I wiggle free and push through the protection of the boys. I charge across the rough gravel with bare feet but hardly notice. “STOP!” I scream it. “You’ll kill them! STOP!”

Samuel turns in a rage, Jacob’s arm was raised to strike but stopped. Samuel hisses out, “That was the idea! They touched you.”

Jacob added, “They HIT you! We were supposed to protect you. I said we would protect you …”

I put my arms out and they came to me. I hug each of them. “You did protect me. You saved me from them.” I pull my phone from my waist band. “I have to think.” I step hard on my own foot which brings tears to my eyes and raises my heart beat. I punch in three numbers.

“9-1-1, what is your emergency?”

“Gateway House … Gateway House … three men … HURRY!”

I can hear the operator still talking calmly as I drop the smartphone and crush it under my foot. The pain of stomping on the gravel shoots up my leg. They all look at me without understanding. “The Sheriff. Now, how do I explain this?”

“They attacked you.”

I smile. That’s not what I have to explain. Almost immediately we can hear sirens. The Sheriff must have had a car nearby that is already responding. The other men are moving. I look at them, “Hold them where they are until the Sheriff is coming up the drive. Then … disappear but stay close. Just in case.” They are still confused but Jacob nods.

My mind is racing for a likely story but despite my imagination nothing sounds plausible to me. I am distracted from my thinking when I hear a new car crunching gravel. The boys have disappeared and the other men are scrambling to their feet with wild looks on their faces as they consider me before running. I trip one of them and the other two suddenly fall, too. I chuckle knowing why. They are scrambling up, again, but two Sheriff Deputies are screaming for them to stop. They have their guns drawn.

Soon, two more Sheriff’s cars and an EMT unit arrive. A blanket is draped over me and the techs begin examining me and cleaning me up. The Sheriff patiently waits. I have bandages on my cheek, lip, and my knuckles are wrapped. I don’t explain that my knuckles are the result of punching the gravel by mistake. My damaged knuckles are my story.

In a patient, calm, and reassuring voice, the Sheriff questions me about what happened. I give him a mostly true accounting of the events but suggest the events were very surprising and confusing and scary. He offers sympathy and prods me to relate what I can. He really wants to know about the fight.

“The fight?” The best lie is one very close to the truth.

“Yes … once they assaulted you. How did you fight them off?”

He’s watching me, my reaction. He’s trained to see tells, clues of lies. I know that. I chuckle, which I see he finds curious. “Sorry. It isn’t funny. But … I know I am small and not a young woman. It is probably the only reason I could surprise them. They weren’t ready for it. I came from Chicago, Sheriff. After my divorce, I took years of martial arts. I only took it for the exercise and confidence but I guess I learned something along the way.” I looked up at him with eyes I tried to make look tired and vulnerable. “I surprised them long enough to punch in 9-1-1 and get some punches and kicks in.”

The medical tech volunteered, “Her knuckles and foot are a mess, Sheriff.” Amazing what a scared, vulnerable look and bare breast flashing can get you.

The Sheriff thank me, assured me it would be just a bit longer as a deputy continued taking notes. The medical tech is advising me to go to the hospital. I might need several stitches and check for concussion from the blows to my head. The Sheriff eventually returns with a bemused, yet puzzled look on his face.

“They say a half dozen young black men fought them, not you.”

I looked nervous but before I can speak the crime scene tech offered, “Sheriff, her finger nails contain a lot of skin tissue consistent with the marks on that one guy’s face. The contusions on her face are consistent with being punched and her knuckles show cuts and bruising consistent with giving punches.”

I manage a confident smile, “I got lucky, Sheriff. I got in some quick licks by surprising them and thankfully your deputies arrived quickly. They’re going to admit what a small, mature woman managed to do to them?”

He didn’t look like he completely believed my side of the story but one of his deputies had already looked over the house and found no evidence of other men living or being here. My injuries and my ruined phone indicate a major struggle. He was perhaps struggling with his own prejudice about women. They took the three men away and called for a tow truck to come take the car away. I walked to the house, shrugged off the solar blanket the EMT had draped to cover me, and went into the kitchen for a glass of wine. All seven guys followed me. Samuel and Lupe guide me to a chair at the kitchen table, Jacob sat across from me, and another pours me the wine and serves me. They all gather behind Jacob.

He said, “We’re sorry, Ma’am. This shouldn’t have happened. We all feel awful.”

I reach forward and touch his hand. I look into the face of each of the young men. I’ve made love and fucked each of them. “None of this was your fault. You saved me. If it wasn’t for all of you, it would have been much worse.” I could see they didn’t buy it, though. They felt bad. And, I also knew Jacob was thinking about what they would do about protecting me better. I decided to let him do what he needed to do and we would have to have another talk about privacy. And, to highlight how I have changed with them, I felt a tingle at the fleeting thought. My moments of privacy are going to be very limited. Even if I didn’t see one of them, they were going to be nearby. The tingle made me look down at myself and I found my bare breasts with erect nipples. I shyly fold an arm over them and glance up. They all saw the move. They all smile.

I change … or I should say, I dress … and Jacob insists on accompanying me to be checked over at the hospital. It is different to have him with me away from home. He has so many questions about everything. They have restricted themselves to the property while the world has evolved over the past 170 years. The car, the traffic, the phone, the lights, the people, the stores … everything. He’s a constant flow of questions and it helps to divert me from the pain and discomfort but I am constantly scolding him to not form as he talks. It’s a change. Always, I have insisted that they form if they communicate with me. Now, away from the house, I have to amend that. And, it’s a complication emotionally for me. At the same time, he is a lover who deliciously arouses me and satisfies me, he now is causing a feeling that I am a mother trying to calm an overly excited youngster at Christmas. The wonders of this world must be overwhelming and I know I will be making numerous similar trips with each of the others soon to quell their curiosity.

In the examining room, the nurse hands me a gown and instructs me to change into it. She leaves to give me privacy but Jacob is still here. He forms as soon as the door closes and I swat my hand at him not to. He dissolves into a smoky shadow as he moves around the room. After removing my bra and panties, I feel my nipples aroused by a soft touch, my chin raised, and his lips on mine. I put my hands up to push him away with a giggle but my hands push through the smoky shadow and I hear his chuckle. He is helpful, though, by tying the gown in back.

After receiving stitches in my eyebrow and cheek and heavy bandaging to my foot, I am cleared of concussion. I am surprised as I enter the lobby to find Marge pacing. As she rushes to me, I know the news will be spreading to the other women, too, then to the entire town. This is not the kind of notoriety I wanted to have. After assuring her the security on my property would be increased, I stopped at the lone large store. Pre***********ion pain killers and a new phone.

On the drive back home, “Jacob … I have much to learn about … you and the others … what you are … how you exist in the physical world. But I am curious about something. You said you have no fluids so you don’t sweat or bleed or produce semen, but … how does you cock swell if not for blood flowing into it?”

A puzzled look covers his face. He shrugs. “Well, Ma’am, I guess it is a mystery we don’t understand, either. Would you prefer we didn’t?”

I move on hand from the steering wheel to his thigh and stroke up close to his crotch. “Don’t be silly, dear boy.”

* * * *

I was pampered for days. I was never alone and generally whoever was attending to me was formed. Once the stitches were removed and the coloring around my eye and other major bruises subsided, they reluctantly conceded that I might be able to do things for myself. In actuality, I was way past that point but I also understood their desire to pamper me.

I pushed back away from the computer. I stood and gazed out the window. My black eye was fading and the sole of my foot was still a bit sore but after less than a week I felt good. I decided I felt good enough. I have learned to spot them. The lawn mower moving over the lawn is obvious but there are large and small tools being used all over the property. I have my own yard and property crew. The house and property never looked so good from the attention.

I still had a slight limp as I made my way to the kitchen for a lunch of salad. As I clean my plate at the sink, I feel an intimate touch at my butt over my shorts. I rinse the plate and silverware, place them in the rack to dry, and turn. Jacob is standing close. I put my arms up and he steps into me. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a hungry kiss. He is very gentle.

I pull back and show him a playful scowl. He tilts his head and asks, “What?”

“I’m okay, Jacob. Despite the slight limp and the bruises, I am okay.” We look at each other. I take a breath and continue, “I need you guys … and not to pamper me. I NEED you. You guys have turned me into a …” I don’t finish. He smiles, though. I search his face. “Okay?” He nods.

I grab the bottom of my t-shirt and pull it over my head. I shake my hair and my now bare breasts shake, too. I unfasten my shorts and push them down over my hips. They fall to the floor and I kick them to the side. I am naked. His hand fondles my breast. I sigh as I kiss him.

“I have a week’s worth of need built up. Tell the guys to meet me at the little beach.” Even as he dissolves into smoke, I can feel his hand on my breast. Everything about being with these guys is erotic.

There is a small beach below the bluff. It is protected from access as a little cove. The only access is a narrow, steep trail off the bluff near the house. I see all seven of them on the beach as I start my way down the trail. I am only wearing cushioned sandals to protect my feet on the hard-packed trail. I am carrying a large blanket and a liter of water. As one sees me, the rest look up and see me nakedly descending to them. They look at each other instantly, and in the way only they can do it, they are naked. Lupe and another float up to take the blanket and other items. Samuel lifts me in his arms and floats me off the trail, over the edge, and down to the beach where he puts me down.

I say, “I said I don’t need pampering.”

Samuel laughs, “That wasn’t pampering, Ma’am. You were taking too long.” They all laugh and I join in.

I blush. I am standing in the middle of seven naked young male bodies on a small sand and rock beach with full exposure to the open ocean. My feeling of need is off the charts. I have not felt such arousal and desperate need for satisfaction and relief. It is a combination of built-up lust but is also driven by a desire to thank them, as a group, for the way they saved me from those men and the caring gentleness they show me as I recovered. Yes. A gangbang.

The setting is perfect. The sun beating down warm on my body, the breeze coming in on the waves is like a soft caress on my skin. The excitement displayed by my body, though, is a reaction to the seven young naked men around me. Seven men I have enjoyed individually. Seven men who have each provided me with exciting sexual delights, each in their own way. I look from each of the face to each of the cocks. I am not about to be ashamed or embarrassed by my desires. They know my desire and lust. They have brought out of me what I had only guessed might be inside. I am their eager lover, wench, slut.

I know there is a lusty smile displayed on my face. Their cocks displayed, aroused. Seven black and brown cocks. All of them showing arousal as they firm up. All their cocks from seven to ten inches and varying thickness. All their cocks bring me delights. And, I delight in pleasuring all of them, too.

I have no thought as to order or plan or expectation. I merely step to the one directly in front of me with one hand on the side of his face to kiss him as the other hand grasps his hardening cock for slow stroking. I move from one to the other around the tight circle of young bodies. They are patient. I like that about them, too. Despite my slutty behavior and my openness to be used, they are respectful in the way they do it. Halfway around the group I feel other hands on my back, arms, and butt. After once around, I smile at them as I drop to my knees in the sand. I take the cock in front of me in my hand and open my mouth. I suck the cock, lick it, and take as much into my mouth as I can depending on its size. I massage the balls and openly moan the pleasure I feel by doing it. The hands of others are more active now. Not only hands on my back and butt but also on my breasts and venturing between my legs. I keep my knees spread and my ass up and out to accommodate the touch and exploration.

I am panting with arousal and need as I release the seventh cock from my mouth. From my knees I swivel my head. Seven hard cocks. Seven pair of hungry, lust-fill eyes. I utter five words and they take over. “I need to be fucked.”

The large blanket is spread on the sand. I am lifted and carried to it by four of them, my body supported and my legs already spread. My pussy has been leaking since I started down the trail from above, since before I was floated down because I might take too long to walk it with my injured foot. But I also brought a tube of lubrication. Seven cocks and no semen … I might need it.

I am placed on my back with my legs spread. I lift my knees and spread them further apart. The guys are all looking. It will take one to begin it all. I see the one directly in front of my spread legs being nudged forward by others. I nod to him. It is one of the more reserved boys but all of them are confident of my feelings for them. He glides the short distance to me. The lack of walking on feet is something I still can’t help to notice. He kneels between my thighs and leans over me to kiss me. While he is, I reach between us and move his cock head to my pussy. As we kiss and he feels his cock at my pussy opening, he thrusts forward. I groan into his mouth at the initial penetration and he thrusts deeper. He begins slowly with long, smooth strokes. Our kiss breaks and we are looking into each other’s eyes. I smile at him, “Thank you.” He smiles back and his thrusts become more powerful.

After several minutes, he stops, pulls out and stands. Another takes his place quickly. He drives his cock deep in the initial thrust and I gasp. I instantly remember him. His cock has a unique curl to it that rubs me inside like none of the others. I can feel an orgasm rising as he too pulls out and is replaced by another. They have a system, apparently. The change is quick and barely an interruption. This third is Samuel and his cock fills my pussy completely. It always does. The largest in circumference. My gasps are joined with moans. A cock is touching my cheek. I turn my head without caring whose it is. I don’t care whose. I want them all. I open my mouth and the cock slips inside. I suck but it is awkward for me to move my head so the cock moves, instead. My mouth becomes a vacuum as an orgasm steadily rises in me. Then, Samuel is out. Only a moment does my pussy miss it, though. Another cock is back inside me. My face turned to the side; I don’t know who this is. It doesn’t matter.

My orgasm is cresting. I arch my back. My mouth stops sucking but the cock in it still moves, pushing out the side of my mouth. Suddenly, hands and fingers are on my body. Both nipples are trapped in fingers, twisted, pinched, and pulled. Hands caress my stomach. More fingers probe between me and the boy fucking me, stroking and rubbing my clit. When my orgasm strikes, my cry is muffled by the cock in my mouth. My back arches high, then collapses back to the ground. My feet and hands press into the sand as my body goes rigid, shaking and shivering.

The boy inside me continues to fuck me through it all as my pussy creams on his cock and the walls clench and spasm around him. Only when my body begins to relax does he too pull out and another replaces him. Their plan becomes clear as the cock in my mouth disappears and I am able to glance at them as this new one drives into my still spasming pussy. They are going to fuck me to multiple orgasms by changing frequently. I moan loudly. I have just exploded and I can already feel another surge building within me. The next one is Jacob. He quickly takes his turn and drives his long cock against my cervix. My back arches in response. I am crying and moaning, gasping and panting, muttering and begging. They just flow from me. My mind is numb. My body is inflamed, reacting, responding to the cocks, hands, and fingers. With another powerful thrust against my cervix which also causes his pubic bone to crush my clit, I explode again. The cock I was stroking with one hand and the one in my mouth fall away as my body quakes and my eyes roll back.

For a moment, I think I might have passed out. Maybe I have. They are kneeling around me when my eyes open. One hands me an open bottle of water as another raises and supports my back. Others are lightly stroking my breasts, stomach, legs and back. After gulping several mouthfuls, I look around at them. I shake my head in an effort to better focus.

“WOW! Was that planned?” My eyes find Jacob. “Jacob?” He would be the likely one to get them all to coordinate such an effort.

He chuckled. “You said you were in real need, remember?”

“Oh my God, you guys! Now, I want you guys to cum, too.” It was going to be a long day. So, I was surprised, and overwhelmed, when a tube of sunscreen appeared and they began coating my body with it. “You thought of that, too? You guys are so good to me. I need a bit of rest. Maybe a swim.”

Jacob and Samuel shared a look and they quickly huddled with the others. When they turned back to me, I could see they were up to something. Jacob said he thought a swim would be soothing and refreshing. I nodded, suspiciously. I had good reason, it turned out. He and Samuel took my upper arms and shoulders while two others took my legs. I was up into the air quickly. At first, they hovered ten feet off the ground.

I wiggled my arms and legs exclaiming, “Don’t you dare.” The look of playful delight in their eyes, though. I knew what was going to happen. “Guys … oh, damn.”

They effortlessly glided out over the water at the same height. They had big smiles on their faces and the other boys were gliding with us. A swim had sounded like a good idea. I relaxed and played along. When I dropped, I hit with my butt, sank into the deep water, and bobbed back to the surface to the cheers of the guys. I tread in place, cleared the water from my eyes, and shook my head. I joined them in laughing. It seemed heartwarming that we had reached this point of playfulness and comfort.

After swimming to shore, I stood in the sand as they dried my body and recovered it with sunscreen. The blanket had been shaken of sand. I expressed my heartfelt feelings for them, causing some to blush and shift self-consciously. I then kiss them before dropping to my knees as they again formed a tight circle around me.

With hard cocks again surrounding me, I moved to the blanket. I lay on my back with legs opened. It took only a moment for one of the boys to crawl between my legs and sink his cock into my pussy. He fucked me with long, hard, and aggressive strokes. We were watched by the others and after many minutes of good fucking, I asked him to roll us. I had fucked each of them in multiple positions during our sessions alone. I knew they could and would move comfortably through multiple positions now. Even the younger inexperienced of them no longer felt self-conscious. Now that I was on top, I smiled down at him as my body took over the fucking and I took over aggressively. I rose up on his stiff cock and drove back down forcefully. His hands come up to grasp my bouncing breasts. He didn’t use a gentle fondling cupping of them. He grasped them with force like he was holding onto me through my breasts. It was delicious. Some of these boys had been virgin, others just inexperienced, but they were now lovers who could use my body as well as love it and honor it.

I reached out to the side to grasp another hard cock and brought it to my mouth. My other hand blindly extended to the other side in search of another. When a hand moved my waving hand to a hard cock, I immediately began stroking it.

I orgasmed on this cock but he also climaxed in the way they do: jerking and gasping, cock swelling but no semen.

The next young man took me on my back, my legs over his shoulders and pressed forward, nearly folding me upon myself. I was still fed cock for my mouth and hands.

The next boy wanted me on my hands and knees. I appraised him … or his cock … and made a decision quickly before I could chicken out. I pointed to another to lie on the blanket. I sat on him, taking his cock into my pussy. The one who was to be next looked dejected but I bent forward and used my hands to spread my ass cheeks.

I looked over my shoulder, “Use the lubrication.” He was dumbfounded but prodded on by the others. I asked for my first anal with a cock already in my pussy. My first anal would also be my first double penetration, but I also knew it would also be my first air-tight.

I shivered when I felt the cool lubrication spread on my asshole, then the greasy head of the cock pressing at my puckered hole. My hole resisted for a prolonged moment, then it seemed to pop inside past the sphincter. I cried out and he stopped.

“Wait … just … let me … oh fuck … okay … yes, now … fuck me, you two.” They did, too. It was clumsy and awkward at times and in unison other times. Maybe it was why it was so damned exciting. I was right, too. I was fed a cock for my mouth and two more for my hands. It was the wildest fucking my mind could have imagined … far wilder, in fact. I was orgasming and cocks were climaxing. It seemed forever.

I didn’t want it to stop. They stopped it, though. I was turning pink from the sun which did explain the prickly feeling from our rubbing bodies. They carried me back to the house … I could get used to this kind of travel … fed and made to drink lots of water.

The guys remained naked, their cock swinging and exposed. Despite being ravaged for hours and brought to countless orgasms, I found my body responding after the rest. I honestly couldn’t believe it. I was getting horny, again.

I stood from the kitchen table and began walking to the stairs. I called over my shoulder, “Anyone not too tired … my bedroom.”

It was quiet behind me, but I don’t hear them moving, anyway. Going up the stairs, I turned and peeked behind. Nobody. Not one of them? When I stepped into my bedroom, though, I found all seven of them waiting. Samuel was waiting on his back on the bed greasing up his monster cock.

“I want to try that double penetration …”, he said just as matter-of-factly as if he were asking to try a dessert.

I sighed, “Oh God … you’re going to be in my pussy, though. I’m not ready to try you or Jacob in my ass.” The entire room burst into laughter.

They fucked me well into the night. They fucked me in so many ways and into so many orgasms my mind was numb. I merely reacted to the next cock or pair of them. I fucked and was fucked. I fucked until my mind shut down.

When I woke in the middle of the night, a soft breeze wafting over my naked body, the sheer curtains at the French doors to the balcony softly shifting, and filtered shadows shifting in the room as if to remind me I would never be alone, a thought peeked from my curious mind: What if I were to share all of this with Marge and the other hopeless romantic middle-aged women in town? How would it be to share seven young, horny men with them?

I actually chuckled out loud. It was a lascivious and wanton sound.

My hands cupped my breast and stroked my tender, puffy, abused pussy. No … definitely, no. This I keep for myself.


Thanks for reading.


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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 26

Clara was indeed pissed off with me when I showed up at the enclosure with the injured man, but then she got over it. In truth, Clara was just happy I’d come back alive. Gabby was happy as well. I ended up giving them both hugs and comfort, before Clara got down to work treating Carlos, the injured man. I’d driven one of the ATVs back to the enclosure, bringing Carlos and Cora with me. They were brother and sister and Cora had no intentions of letting her brother out of her sight. She told...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 74

“I just can’t believe I’m really here,” General Ridgeway declared freely, not speaking to anyone in particular. “This is amazing.” We were sitting in the upper mess hall. We’d just gotten ourselves settled after I’d sent one of the locals to fetch Kim and the others and they’d just arrived. We were all sipping mugs of herbal tea. My people looked just as surprised to see the General sitting at the table with us, as he seemed to be there. Surprisingly, nothing much had been said yet by anyone...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 64

The first order of business the next day wasn’t Sygor. Neither was it chasing after the two men that Winslow had sent to hunt Struthers and the others, weeks ago. Instead, it was food. We were low on food and had too many mouths to feed. What food resources that we’d brought along with us had been used up. All we had was the left over plunder that Winslow had been dragging along behind him as he’d trekked westward, and whatever fresh meat my men brought in. We needed either a resupply of...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 73

It took two weeks to organize my trip to California. The main reason for the delay was the fact that I had other matters to attend to. I had to check at each of the settlements to address a few minor problems. People always had complaints and as the tribal chief and shaman, it was my job to sit and listen to those complaints and to arbitrate solutions that were just and equitable. On top of that I had to meet with my sub-leaders and talk with them. In particular I had to spend time in the...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 33

Kim, Dunbar, and Burton, all met me when I pulled up at the gate to the compound a few minutes later. Kim was looking at me with concern etched on her face, while Dunbar and Burton were simply eyeing my prisoner. My people, Sygor and Gogra, were standing behind them looking a little out of place. “Are you okay?” Kim asked in English. “Were you hit?” “I’m fine,” I grunted in reply as I climbed out of the captured ATV. “I only picked up a few scratches, but that’s it. Your medic can probably...

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CHAPTER 2: JACOBIf that appearance I encountered in the hallway was what scared the other buyers of the house off over the years, it had a different effect on me. Could it have been the wine? Or, was it my already peaked arousal? Or, could it merely have been that in the short time since my arrival I had committed to new experiences and opportunities for both my personal and professional lives? Whatever I saw, it had quite an effect on me.After the apparition disappeared, I continued to my...

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If that appearance I encountered in the hallway was what scared the other buyers of the house off over the years, it had a different effect on me. Could it have been the wine? Or, was it my already peaked arousal? Or, could it merely have been that in the short time since my arrival I had committed to new experiences and opportunities for both my personal and professional lives? Whatever I saw, it had quite an effect on me. After the apparition disappeared, I continued to my bedroom,...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 40

I didn’t kill Gus in the morning. I did, however, have a long chat with the man. Gus Richards was a twenty-four year old California born young man, who’d gone to college and he’d gained himself a degree in English Literature. He’d done well academically, but a general degree had meant nothing when it had been time to find work. He’d ended up having to work two jobs, both in the food services industry, just to make ends meet. Some time along the way between graduating college and working for...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 46

Burton met me when I got to the other side. He looked rough, but in one piece. We hugged each other in greeting, as did Dunbar and Kim. Then he slapped me on the shoulder and told me that I was a sight for sore eyes, and was grinning when he said it. I smiled back warmly in reply, and told him the same. With greetings exchanged and heads counted, Burton turned and led us off towards his encampment. He guided us up a hill and through the trees for about half a mile. He explained as he went...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 47

We marched into the fishing village around noon that day. I led the way into the village once Gort and Ohba had verified that there weren’t any armed men there. My troops had been deployed around the village so that if anything did happen, my people would be in place to respond. I went in with Dunbar, Carmen, and two men from Durt’s squad. Our arrival caused quite a stir. The village stood about ten feet above the high water mark and roughly thirty feet from the water’s edge. It consisted of...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 70

I had no time for Sygor, literally. I came back to the settlement late in the afternoon. I was tired, both emotionally and physically, from the two ceremonies that I’d presided over down south, but ready to press on and finish up what I’d started that morning. I was on a very tight schedule, since even on horseback it would take over an hour to ride to the mouth of the valley and where I wanted to hold the final ceremony, and stopping to deal with the fact that Sygor had shown up out of...

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CHAPTER 3: THE GATEWAY BOYSMy eyes crack open the next morning to the filtered light of a clear sky. The sheers softly move on the breeze. The muted sounds of my isolated property filter in through the open balcony French doors. I tentatively search the room without moving my head. I see nothing except the furnishings of my bedroom. I cautiously lift my head and turn my body to search further. I still see nothing. Of course, all seven could be here and I wouldn’t know it unless they...

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CHAPTER 1: GATEWAY HOUSEThe real estate agent turns her signal on. We are traveling down a county road dozens of miles from the nearest small town that held her office. I find myself leaning forward against the seat belt in anticipate that we must be getting close but I can’t see where the next turn is among the trees ahead on either side of the narrow, paved road. From all reports, the property we are nearing by the mile is a steal, almost a give-away … perfect for what I have been looking...

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The real estate agent turns her signal on. We are traveling down a county road dozens of miles from the nearest small town that held her office. I find myself leaning forward against the seat belt in anticipate that we must be getting close but I can’t see where the next turn is among the trees ahead on either side of the narrow, paved road. From all reports, the property we are nearing by the mile is a steal, almost a give-away … perfect for what I have been looking for. I turn from the...

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My eyes crack open the next morning to the filtered light of a clear sky. The sheers softly move on the breeze. The muted sounds of my isolated property filter in through the open balcony French doors. I tentatively search the room without moving my head. I see nothing except the furnishings of my bedroom. I cautiously lift my head and turn my body to search further. I still see nothing. Of course, all seven could be here and I wouldn’t know it unless they materialize. I throw off the...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 61

There really isn’t a good way to describe what we found when we got to the northern compound and actually had a look around. We hadn’t gone north blind. We knew that we were going to find the compound in ruins, and that most likely we’d find dead bodies there. The video feed from the drones that Monty had sent north had shown that much to us. Even so, knowing and expecting the worst, hadn’t actually prepared us for it. Thank God I’d sent Dunbar and Burton in first. The Gateway had dropped us...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 63

For the next three days we rode on, heading westward the whole time, unwavering in our pursuit of Winslow and his men. We rode for the most part in silence. It gave me time to think and to reflect on how things had changed for me and my people over the last several weeks. I started wondering if it really was for the good. To say that killing Ferguson hadn’t affected me would have been a lie. The man wasn’t inherently evil, but he had killed people who shouldn’t have been killed. Giving me the...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 72

We arrived back at the base early in the morning, rousing Koo from her bed to activate the Gateway and receive us. Once back and after reassuring her that everything was all right, we ditched our gear and we headed off to breakfast. By the time we’d eaten, Kim, Monty, and Hendrick had been rousted as well, and they had come and joined us in the upper mess hall. It was one of the few structures still standing on the base. While they ate their breakfast, and my people drank tea, we...

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Gateway o heaven

I started my journey home. Just out of college I got a job, in the city, and was in my probation period. It was not wise to go on leave, but I received a call from my father saying that my mother became mad and my presence there was essential. On the way home, along the hilly road, our bus was stopped, at a hamlet, for tea. Getting down, I walked a bit away, went behind a bush and started emptying my bladder. As I was doing so, I was not aware, then, that a woman nearby was looking at my...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 5

“Gort and Unna are too perfect,” I declared in reply. “Just look at him. I might be totally mistaken, but besides the fact Gort needs a good bath and to have his hair shampooed, he doesn’t look like I would expect him to look, given all the briefings that Dr. Jenkins gave us on what the locals looked like. Oh I know that technically there really isn’t that much difference between early modern man and us; but there were a few, and I’m not seeing them in either Gort or Unna. In fact, given that...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 13

We made it to the mouth of the valley five days later. We were all tired and sweaty and most of us just wanted to get home. It was midday and the weather was hot. Thankfully, the end of our trek was near and as we turned into the valley our spirits picked up. Then it happened. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted something in the air. “Stop,” I cried out as my mind registered what I’d actually spotted. As I spoke I dropped the travois I’d been pulling and grabbed my carbine....

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 27

Katherine didn’t bite; or, to be more precise, she didn’t bite my cock. She did leave bite marks on my shoulder when I pounded her through her fourth straight orgasm, while she lay under me with her tits jiggling with every thrust, on a bearskin that Clara had thrown down by the stream where the women had bathed me. I didn’t mind at all. Katherine’s biting me helped to keep her from disturbing the wildlife with her cries of pleasure. The woman was definitely a screamer. I met with Rolf...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 31

I hadn’t been prepared for that. Fortunately, Katherine was, and answered the calling flash with a quick reply. “Don’t,” I snapped when I realized what she was doing. “This could be a trap.” “It’s not,” Katherine responded dismissively, although she did lower the flashlight she was holding, shoving it once more into her coat pocket once she’d turned it off. I just glared at her sternly in the dark and then I glanced back towards the compound. By then the message was coming in. It repeated...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 32

Kim’s people showed up shortly after Ohba and I had conversed. I had the young woman stay in the kitchen area, while I took Kim and the others into the communications centre to have a chat. The room was bigger than the kitchen area, but it was still a tight squeeze for all of us to get into it to have a chat, even after displacing the people who were already there. Kim introduced me to her four technicians before we got down to business. Not surprising to me, three of them were women. The...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 36

The shot hadn’t come from the compound. That much was certain. It sounded a lot further away than where we were in relationship to the compound. It also sounded a little further to my left, towards where I’d fought the assholes that had shot at me. It made sense, as I remembered the terrain in that area. That was where the trail from the southwest came out of the forest on the other side of the valley where the compound stood. Obviously, whoever had fired the shot was somewhere off along that...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 38

I called a meeting the next morning, inviting Ozmat and the other surviving youth to attend. We had things to speak about and I figured the two young men needed to attend, if only so they felt included in our discussions and would know that we weren’t just bullying their people. The second youth’s name was Nolgar. We met outside in the courtyard about a blazing fire. “We’ll be staying here for a few days,” I told everyone who was gathered there with me. “I’ve spoken to Clara and Alexa and...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 39

The wait lasted longer than I’d hoped. We ended up staying in our hides for almost forty-eight hours. The wait had gone on for so long, that I had begun to think that Lottie’s distress call hadn’t been heard. I was actually contemplating the thought of bugging out and heading home. I would have, if I hadn’t instinctively known that if someone did show up here after we’d pulled out, then the shit would undoubtedly hit the fan, once those people realized that the compound had been taken, and...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 41

I held a council of war the next day, right after breakfast. I invited Kim, Clara, Dunbar and Burton, Gogra, Rugar, and Tonko, and Penny. I had matters to discuss. The fact of life was that I had to start taking Quantum a little more seriously than I had been. I had thought that we had months to prepare to confront them, without worrying that they’d show up suddenly and unexpectedly. As their base was hundreds of miles away, I had let myself treat the problem as if we had all the time in...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 48

The capture of the two Cougars changed my plans completely. I still intended to use the ‘Heather’ to land a raiding party on the seaward side of Winslow’s base, but instead of me leading that raid, I sent Burton. He took his original team plus Dunbar. They also took along a pair of guards to watch Terry once he’d dropped them off beneath the cliffs that overlooked the sea. Their orders were the same as before; capture the two shelters and the occupants of them, strike down any of Winslow’s...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 52

I met with the men first. To put it bluntly, they were the most important. Our biggest issue with the men was the fact that most came from different villages. While they were all River People, and most were fishermen, a lot of them were suspicious of each other; particularly the men who’d been captured and used as slaves. It meant getting them all to come together as a single group was hard. In fact, I had to meet each major group of men separately first before moving on to the next stage;...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 54

We rode out again the next day early in the morning, and headed east again to another small valley that stood just north of the one we had checked the day before. This one was even smaller in size than the first one. It had a small stream flowing through it that actually fed into the river that flowed out of the first valley. The valley was quaint, but nothing special. It took us an hour to get to it on horseback, an hour to check it out, and an hour to ride back to the base. We made it back...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 62

Kirov didn’t make it through the night. My people had staked him out as ordered, and the sentries had been told to keep an eye on him. They did, at least for the most part, and then someone turned a blind eye in the middle of the night. When that happened, one of my people had slipped out into the night and they had slit the man’s throat. I wasn’t happy about it. While I hadn’t expected to get anything out of the man, beyond what Struthers had told us the night before, I had wanted to ask him...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 67

We rose early the next morning to get ready to go. The women started breakfast while I went outside with Tonko and Bogdi to tend to our horses. Tikál joined us after a few minutes, offering to help out. Between the four of us, we led all the animals to the river so they could have a drink and then turned them out on the grassy area between the river and the ruined enclosure so that they could graze. By the time we were done, it was time for us to eat. I sat with Dunbar and Burton as we ate....

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Gateway of the Mind

/* Author’s note: This is a short story I wrote with a close friend of mine quite a while back for a creative writing project at school. Since then, it has been labeled as a ‘creepypasta’ and re-posted in several different places on the internet. I asked the co-author for permission to post this here, and she is completely fine with it. This story is completely non-erotic and may contain some sensitive religious topics. It also contains some ‘horror’ elements. If you’re likely to be offended, I...

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Gateway To My Girlfriend8217s Ass

Hey guys, My name is Karan and I am a regular visitor if this site. I m 5’9” lean build …average looking guy. The story I m going to narrate happened with me about 6 months before.. any girls interested to mingle with me after reading the incident can reply me or mail me.So now without wasting any time coming back to the story. This all happened when I was in 2nd year of my graduation. I am pursuing my graduation from Delhi. I wanted to do MBA in post graduation so I decided to join a coaching...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 2

“We need to clear out of here quickly, Doc,” I told Dr. Beaufort a second or two later, my voice taking on a hint of urgency as I spoke to her. “It’s not safe to stay here.” We’d all been just standing there looking about and taking in the death of Jenkins and the four hunters, who’d all been alive, just a moment ago. I think we were all simply stunned. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for us to recover. “Agreed, Mr. Ryerson,” Dr. Beaufort replied without giving it any thought. “What do you...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 3

I saw to it that all our water bottles and skins were filled up before we started. We ate a couple of energy bars for lunch and then we headed out. It took us all day to work our way down from the cave to the edge of the tree line. The first five hundred yards was so steep that all three of us had to shift one sled, and then return for the other, to get them both down. I had to tie a rope to the sled and anchor it with my weight as Clara and Gabby guided the sled down the slope to where the...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 4

Gabby started by squatting down across from where the boy was standing so she could speak to the boy without shouting, and to look him in the eye. She started with the old stand by in trying to communicate with the pointing to herself and saying her name and then pointing to the boy. It didn’t take long for the boy to catch on. The boy pointed to himself and said, “Gort.” From there Gabby moved on to Clara’s name and then mine. Once the boy had repeated those, Gabby got into the really...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 6

It happened the morning of day fifteen of our sojourn into the past, a week after having met Gort and Unna. By then Unna was up and about, wanting to prove her usefulness. To my amazement I found out that the little girl was smart. I know I shouldn’t have assumed otherwise; but then again, I’d spent the last dozen years or so of my life being a soldier. I hadn’t been exposed to kids, and I had no idea about how smart they really were. I found out the error of my ways when Unna pointed out to...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 8

Our trek back to the cave took us four and a half days of walking. The main reason it took so long, was the fact that I wanted to do some sightseeing. I picked a route that took us down towards the lake, before swinging west. I wanted to get a good look at the lay of the land in this region. Before leaving, I’d held a short council with the men of the village and the shaman. Many were concerned that I was leaving them without a leader. I didn’t care too much about that, given that we were...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 9

The next three weeks were work, work and more work for my little community. While on the trek back to the cave, I had learned that it was early summer in the region. That meant we still had time to establish ourselves as a community. However, every day was important. We needed to gather food for the coming winter, we needed to gather firewood to keep us warm, and we needed to protect ourselves from both the elements and any predators that might turn an eye in our direction. Clara, Gabby, and...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 11

We camped by the lakeside reeds again once we’d trekked back from our hunting camp. It took us two days to get there. As I had pointed out before, the terrain was rougher on the far side of the lake and there were a number of small streams to ford. With our heavy load, it took a little effort to get back. The women settled us in, as usual. The men took up watch over the site, keeping an eye out for any uninvited guests, both two legged and four. While they did that, I took the kids duck...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 12

The horse had speed. I think it was the first time that the horse had ever been let loose to stretch her legs, and she was making up for all those years. I hung on tightly and just went along for the ride. Eventually the horse got winded. By that time we were past the lake, and halfway to the foothills. When she did start to slow down, I decided it was time to see how willing this animal was to be ridden. I reined in gently until the horse came to a standstill. Then I turned her around, back...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 15

Clara gagged the man for me and Bogdi tied his wrists with rawhide. Then I plopped him down on his ass, next to the gate into the compound. With that taken care of I went hunting. Seeing that the door to the upper level was open, I decided to try my luck there. The stairs were steep. They led up to a hatch in the ceiling that was like a hatch on a warship. It had a big metal wheel that you turned to open the hatch and then you pushed it up. The hatch was already open and secured in place by...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 16

It was three full days before Gabby eventually showed up at the compound with the work team that I’d requested. With her were Rugar, Tonko, Tula, Gabon, Gort, Geeta, Bogdi, Zela, and Thela. They had the three horses with them and our two sleds. Piled on the sleds and tied down, were the travois for the horses and a couple of spares. I welcomed them with open arms. They greeted me with looks of surprise. I had been expecting that. I could understand the surprised look on their faces. I must...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 17

It took four weeks for us to empty the compound, and in truth we still left a lot of stuff behind. Unfortunately, it started raining near the end, making dragging travois and crossing fords much more difficult than they had been previously for my people. It actually rained all the way home to the cave, on the last trip. The locals moved in with little or no problem. By that point the communication issue had been resolved. It also helped that all of them knew at least half of the people in my...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 18

November led into December and we became even more cave bound than before. It snowed almost every week for at least three to four days per week, and it was definitely cold outside the cave. Sneaking off to the latrine was a major endeavour. In fact, chamber pots started springing up in secluded corners of the cave. The women had brought them with them from the hilltop village and from the Horse People. They helped, but they needed to be emptied every day, too. Water also became a problem...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 19

I will not brag that my chat with my people in December resolved all the difficulties facing our budding community, and I will not imply that my relationship with the other women improved once I’d bedded Binda. In truth it didn’t, in either case, though life did get easier in a manner of speaking. People started coming to me to arbitrate for them when something came up. Even Sygor seemed to have relaxed a bit. It helped that he’d taken an interest in Trika. Trika was a cute girl who was...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 20

Our arrival at the Horse People’s encampment caused quite a stir. The Horse People were camped up on a hill overlooking the far side of the lake. Because the river was still near to overflowing its banks, my party had to ride beyond the lake and then uphill quite a bit from it, to find a passable ford. Then we had to ride back down the stream we’d crossed and over to the hill where the encampment stood. Our progress had been marked by the hunters of the tribe well in advance of our arrival....

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 21

We rode out of the encampment the next morning with the best wishes of Agar. With us rode Gogra, his younger brother. In addition to our mounts, I was leading a pair of pack horses. That had been another surprise for the Horse People. I’d spent the afternoon the day before, educating Balto and the kids on how to take care of the cattle. Agar I was showing how to hunt from horseback. Both exercises had gone well. Balto and the kids had caught on fast. The young ladies were over their...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 22

We had broad smiles on our faces when we rode into our valley, four days later. It had been a quick, uneventful trip and we were grateful to be close to home. We’d been gone from the cave for over a month now, and we were all looking forward to getting home. It was therefore with some regret that I told my companions to rein in and walk the remaining few miles to our enclosure. I had to remind them that anything could have happened in our absence, and that to just ride in without scouting...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 23

We left the next morning just after dawn and right after breakfast. My people were ready to go, and thankfully Gogra and his people were ready as well. We formed up on the other side of the stream and then, after a final farewell from Agar we were off. Gogra rode beside me, riding on my left. We were mounted. Behind us our joint party marched, with my group on one side and Gogra’s on the other. Hopefully in time, once acquaintances had been made, the two groups would become one. We’d see....

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 24

We lived in the valley for two whole winters and then some, before any trouble showed up on our doorstep. In that time our new settlement had been established. As planned it had been built upon the flat that stood before our cave. It was massive. A huge palisade enclosed the flat holding in all the construction that I had accomplished in that time and more. We were doing more than surviving in the here and now; we were in fact, thriving. Then Gogra returned. Gogra and his people had wintered...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 25

I was down below our valley, amongst the tree shrouded slopes that dominated the terrain south of where we lived. I’d been down there hunting often over the past two summers, once all the construction had been taken care of up at the enclosure. It was a great place to stalk deer and wild boar and even an occasional bear. I was with Gogra, Rugar, and Sygor that day. We were on foot, our horses trailing behind us on lead ropes as we walked the hillside path in search of our prey. The gunshot...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 28

Life got interesting shortly after my party took off to go hunting, and the two young women returned to their people in the compound. I’d paced about for a bit, waiting for something to happen. I’d figured that once the two young women got inside the compound and they’d told their story to this Womack character that he’d be back up on the roof of the command post container shouting down at me. Hopefully from there, we’d strike up a dialogue. I didn’t expect him to throw open the gate to the...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 29

We didn’t make it off the plateau and into the pass without an incident with the Horse People. Fortunately it was a very minor incident, at least from my perspective, and one that I didn’t mind addressing forcefully. More importantly, it didn’t take more than fifteen minutes to resolve. By midmorning we were into the foothills and winding our way upward into the pass. It was a clear warm day and the trail was good. I was feeling good, even after the long night I’d experienced the night...

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