- 3 years ago
- 24
- 0
A special thanks to Laura for helping me edit this and keeping it real…
Today was one of those days when you keep hoping you’ll wake up and realize it was all a dream. Just in case, let me pinch myself.
Nope, I’m awake.
It all started out innocently enough for a Friday. The alarm went off at six and I proceeded to do the three ‘S’s’ of the morning, yelled up the steps for the kid to get up, and let my dog Jack out in the yard to do his one ‘S’. I watched the news as I drank my coffee and then let Jack back in. At seven I dragged my kid to the car and took her to school.
It’s been all downhill since then…
* * *
As I pulled into the company parking lot I noticed that someone had parked in my spot. The nerve of that jerk! How could they park in a spot marked ‘Reserved Parking for Percival Sweetwalker’? I intended to make a scene out of this so I put my car in park and wandered over to the offending minivan. Looking through the driver’s window I could see an assortment of snack wrappers littering the floor and passenger’s seat.
‘The jerks a slob too,’ I thought. Then I noticed the sign. ‘Reserved Parking for Frank Fuchs’.
‘Fucks?’ I muttered as I looked around making sure this was it. It was indeed my spot. I knew it perfectly right down to the cracks in the bricks on the side of the building. I knew who Frank was too. He was the asshole from accounting that kept breaking the copiers.
I got back in my car and drove around until I found my name in the furthest spot from the building. ‘Somebody has got a lot of explaining to do…’ I thought, as I walked a few hundred yards to the entrance.
Just as I cleared the metal detectors there was a general page made through the building.
‘Sweetwalker, report to my office right now! You’ve got a lot of explaining to do!’ bellowed Mr. Whipschmear, the company president.
I looked up at the security camera and knew he was watching. ‘Thanks for sharing that with all seven hundred workers…’
‘Sucks to be you,’ said a clerk as I entered the elevator and headed to the top floor.
As the elevator doors opened, Whipschmear’s secretary motioned that I should go right in. ‘He’s in a bad mood,’ she whispered as I passed her.
‘Yeah, well so am…’
‘Sweetwalker! Get in here!’ shouted a voice from the other side of the door. Above it was another security camera pointed directly at me.
‘Must be some kind of voyeur…’ I thought as I entered.
‘Sit down, Sweetwalker,’ he said.
As I sat across from him at his desk, I noticed a bank of video monitors that showed various areas of the building including a few employee restrooms. A woman was clearly visible in a stall. ‘Yep, he’s a voyeur…’
‘How long have you been with the company, Sweetwalker?’ he asked, turning the monitor with the woman away from my vision.
‘Twenty one years, Sir,’ I replied proudly.
‘And what is your position here?’
‘I’m the head of ‘Cost Analysis”, I replied.
‘Notice anything different this morning besides that you were late?’ he asked.
‘Well, I was late because of what I noticed different. Someone moved my…’
‘Correct! That’s because you are no longer the head of that department.’
I suddenly had a real bad feeling about this. ‘What?’
‘That’s right. Fuchs is now in charge.’
I was in shock. ‘How did that little prick wind up with my position?’ ‘Sir, I don’t understand.’
‘Do you know what this is?’ he asked, holding up his mechanical pencil.
Not having a clue as to where he was going with this, I just nodded.
‘Yep, it’s a real beauty too. A top of the line refillable that takes 7mm replacement lead, both available at the office supply department on the third floor,’ he stated as he made a doodle on his legal pad in front of him. ‘Got this one about a year ago and it’s served me well,’ he said, as he clipped it in his shirt pocket and tapped it a few times.
I just gawked at him waiting for him to continue.
‘Oh, I notice you don’t have one,’ he said, pointing to my shirt.
I looked down. Indeed I did not.
‘I want you to take a look at this,’ he said, pulling a picture out from his desk drawer and handing it over. It was a picture of me heading out of the building through the metal detectors with yesterday’s date stamped on it. The time notation was way after my shift had ended so he couldn’t be accusing me of leaving early.
‘Notice anything?’ he asked, leaning back in his chair.
I looked harder at the picture. ‘Oh, my shoe’s untied.’
He tapped his shirt pocket.
I looked at the picture again but had no idea what he wanted me to see. He pulled out another picture that apparently was a blow up of the other that centered on the shirt pocket.
There were two pencils identical to his in my pocket.
‘Where are they?’ he asked.
I drew a blank. ‘I…I…suppose on my desk…my desk at home…’
‘How about these?’ he asked, tossing me another set of pictures from the day before coming in with no pencils and leaving with three in my pocket at the end of the day. ‘And these, and these, and these…’ he said as he repeatedly tossed more pictures at me with more and more pencils in my pocket as I left but none as I came in. ‘You have any idea how much those things cost?’
I was totally embarrassed, exasperated, and at a loss as to what to say. I felt weak and light headed. I momentarily lost bladder control.
‘I told you they were top of the line and only available to executives in the company. In bulk, they cost $3.21 each. In these pictures alone, you walked out with $67.41 worth of pencils.’
I shifted in my seat feeling a bit moist in the shorts.
‘Fuchs brought it to my attention that too much money was being spent on office supplies, namely pencils. Together we discovered the offender.’
‘But Sir, Fuchs is an ass…’
‘Fuchs crunched some numbers for me. Want to know what he discovered?’ asked Whipschmear as he rocked in his chair.
I was close to loss of sphincter control.
‘Well, let’s take a look. If you took two pencils a day, five days a week, fifty two weeks a year minus vacations, plus extra work on the weekends, times twenty one years, you owe the company $35,000.00,’ he stated, as he finished the multiplications on his calculator.
I lost all function control below my belt.
‘So, unless you can bring back all the pencils you took, you’ll have a new position in the company that is suited for your talents as well as having a good chunk of the salary garnished as reparation.’ He sniffed at the air. ‘Do you smell something?’
‘No Sir. What is my new position?’ I asked, adjusting in my slightly soiled seat.
‘You’re now the head of daytime janitorial duties and copier repair. You’ll have a tough time sneaking out with cleaning supplies.’ He reached into his desk and produced a rather large pocket pager. ‘Take this, you’ll need it.’ As I took it from him I noticed a red indicator light blinking away. ‘I sent out a company memo this morning on your new position and gave out the pager number. Looks like you’ve got a call already.’
‘But Sir, what am I supposed to do as a daytime janitor?’
‘Well obviously you can’t clean offices with people in them. Your services are more for fixing and cleaning up after toilet overflows.’ He glanced at one of his monitors and looked surprised. ‘Seems we have one already on the third floor. Of course there is the copier repair as well.’
‘Sir, I don’t know how to fix copiers.’
He pulled a six inch thick book from a drawer and chucked it at me. The title was ‘So, You’ve Decided to be a Copier Repairman’: or, I had twenty bucks but didn’t know what to spend it on so I bought this book’.
‘Now you do.’
The pager beeped and the light was flashi
ng frantically. There was a button on the side and I pushed it. ‘You have…forty two…new messages of which…forty one…are marked ‘urgent’.’
‘How many people are in my department?’ I asked, wanting this to end.
‘Two. You and a guy I demoted yesterday that was stealing straws from the cafeteria. Now get going, but first find out what the stench is in here.’
‘Sir, I need to go home and change into attire that is more appropriate.’
‘Fine, just add the time to the end of the day,’ he said waving me out of the office.
I went out and hit the elevator button.
‘What the hell is that smell?’ asked his secretary.
‘You have…forty three…new messages of which…’
* * *
As the elevator took me down, I realized I had a change of clothes in the trunk I was going to use for a trip to the gym following work. I doubted I was going to feel like doing bench presses later so I took a hike to the car, grabbed the clothes and hiked back.
When I returned, I asked the guard at the desk where my new ‘office’ was. He pointed to a door with a piece of poster board taped on it marked ‘Toilet and Copier Repair’. ‘Thanks,’ I said, as I headed over to what used to be a janitorial supply closet. I opened a door and there was a young man that looked like a teenager sitting on a bucket with straws sticking out of his nose.
‘I guess you’re my assistant, huh?’
The kid jumped up and pulled the straws from his nose. ‘Yes Sir, I’m Darren Dagwood, at your service,’ he said, giving me a salute.
‘At ease. What’s with the straws?’ I asked pointing at the recent nostril invaders.
‘Fetish, Sir.’
‘Up your nose?’ I asked. That was a new one on me.
‘No, I only do that when I can’t shove them up my…’
‘Alright. Alright,’ I said not wanting to hear anymore. ‘Get a mop and bucket ready. We have a lot of rounds to make,’ I said, holding up the pager.
‘You have…fifty nine…new messages of which…’
I changed and did my best to hide the soiled jockeys.
‘What’s that smell?’ asked Darren.
‘Let’s go,’ I mumbled.
* * *
Darren and I actually lucked out because half of the calls were for the same overflowing toilet. The bad part was it was one mighty stinky overflow. Darren spent half the time cleaning up his own puke. Speaking of which, I had several piles to clean up in the cafeteria after they decided to substitute halibut parmesan for the standard Friday fare. The thing is, I have no idea how they managed to make it look just like beef-a-roni.
By the time five o’clock rolled around, Darren and I managed to clear out all the messages and made our way to the ‘office’ to put our equipment away. In the close quarters of the room I couldn’t decide what reeked worse, the clothes I had on or the ones that I soiled in Whipschmears’s office. Well, I guess I did have virtually every type of human excretion on me somewhere. Actually I may have had them all because the last overflowed men’s room stall I cleaned I backed into something sticky on the door.
‘Well Sir, it was nice working with you today,’ said Dagwood as he stuck a few straws in his nose and left. I dumped my bucket in the sink and headed out when the pager went off.
‘You have…one…new message…in which…one…is marked ‘urgent’.’
I hit the button to retrieve the message and a voice I had heard before came on. It was Fuchs.
‘Hey, Sweetwalker, the copier on twelve just died. Let’s go pencilhead!’
* * *
I finally managed to unjam the copier that Fuchs fucked up and headed home around eight o’clock. By then my clothes had dried and were as stiff as cardboard. All I wanted to do was get a shower and get something to eat, preferably something other than fish parmesan. I walked up to the front door, unlocked it and entered. There in the middle of the living room floor was a present from my dog Jack and a mighty present it was rising majestically nearly six inches from the carpet. The saddest part about that moment was that I didn’t even smell it. My own stench was drowning it out.
‘Priscilla?’ I yelled up the stairs for my daughter. ‘Priscilla, why is there a pile of dog shit the size of a Studebaker on the floor down here? Don’t you know how to let the dog out?’
There was no response.
That’s when I noticed that Jack was sleeping on the forbidden sofa. He lifted his head and looked at me like I should keep my voice down while he was resting.
‘What’s that?’ I asked him, pointing to the mammoth pile on the carpet.
He yawned, jumped off the couch, and waddled over to his gift to the world and sniffed it. Then he lifted his head to look at me and wagged his tale.
‘What, are you proud of it or something? Look at that!’ I said, trying to reason with him. ‘Did you eat a whole bag of Dog Chow or something?’
He started sniffing my clothes and lifted his leg.
‘Oh no you don’t!’ I said, grabbing him by the collar and ushering him out into the back yard.
‘Priscilla!’ I shouted up the stairs again. Well, it was Friday night. She was probably at the mall with her friends. Since her Mother left six years ago, she’s gone from ‘My Little Girl’ to a full grown sixteen-year-old. Damn, they grow up fast!
As I entered the kitchen to get the cleaning stuff, I noticed that Jack had also been garbage hunting. The can had been full that morning and the kid was supposed to empty it on the way out to school today. When I dragged her out this morning I completely forgot about it.
It was empty now alright.
I waded through the trash until I could get to the sink and the cleaning supplies underneath. Thirty minutes later the floor in the kitchen was clean and the pyramid in the living room was removed.
I decided it was time for a shower but I wanted to know where Priscilla was. I called the cell phone I let her use. It rang three times. Then she answered.
‘Oh, hi Dad, what’s up?’
‘Where are you?’
‘I’m at the mall…will you stop that!…I’m staying at Kim’s tonight, okay?’
‘Did you eat, honey?’
‘Yeah, I’m fine…will you stop it!…I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.’
‘What’s going on?’ I asked as the line went dead.
Well at least she was having a good time. I shucked my clothes and got in the shower. I turned on the water and shivered as I waited for the hot water to work its way from the heater to the spigot.
It didn’t.
When I waited long enough for my balls to turn blue I turned the water off and headed to the hot water closet. The red trip light was on. I hit the reset button and it sputtered and spit but the thing wouldn’t come on. I memorized the emergency number that was on it and dripped my way to the kitchen to call them.
‘Could someone be home somewhere between eight am Monday and six pm Wednesday?’ Yeah, someone could if I wanted to keep the kid home from school or resign from my new position.
I got back in the shower and froze my ass off.
Afterward I grabbed a robe and headed to the fridge. Somewhere in the twenty-four hours since the last time I had opened it, the thing got stuck on defrost. The blast of hot air and smell of sour milk that accosted me as I opened the door ensured that I would be calling out tonight. I checked my wallet for cash and found five bucks. The kid must have scalped me when I wasn’t looking.
Maybe I would have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich instead.
I went to the cupboard and found a post-it note stuck there in Priscilla’s handwriting.
‘Shopping list: Cereal, tuna, peanut butter, jelly, bread, milk, eggs, pasta, rice, potatoes, soda…’
I looked at the time and it was nearly eleven. I decided to skip dinner and headed into the den to check my e-mail. As I booted up the computer a naked Elvis sta
rted dancing across the monitor and sang a song about how all my files were being erased from the hard drive. ‘…I’m all shook up…’ I watched as one by one, all the icons disappeared off my desktop. When the song ended, the computer shut off. After that, all I got was a blue screen when I booted the thing. All my files and pictures of my kid stored there were gone. Shit!
I went into the living room and turned on the TV, hoping to find something I wanted to watch, but it was a bad night. Everything that looked interesting I had already seen. I went to the video case and pulled out my favorite movie and popped it into the VCR, and flopped down on Jack’s forbidden sofa.
Nothing happened.
I got back up and pushed the buttons again and the tape ejected. I pulled it out of the machine and a long stream of tape came with it. Somewhere, the ends of the tape were hopelessly snarled inside the mechanism. Gingerly I tried to coax the tape out of the jaws of the thing, but it wouldn’t let go. After fifteen minutes of this, I decided to go ahead and snap the tape. I could always tape the ends back together. As I fiddled with it, I dropped the cassette itself and it shattered on the floor, spilling tape all over the rug.
‘Looks like Dorothy’s going to be stuck in Oz a lot longer than she planned,’ I groused to myself.
I went to my bookcase and pulled one out that I had read sometime before. I went to my room to read in bed when I noticed an odor. My nose had been accosted enough during the day to cancel out many things, but I knew what this stink was.
The cat sprayed something in the room.
I looked around sniffing this and that and found that she had gotten both my spread and pillows. I pulled both off the bed and tossed them out into the garage to be dealt with later, but when I went back to the room to read, the smell was still strong in the air. I couldn’t take it.
I went back out into the living room, let Jack back in and decided to sleep on the couch. I laid down and closed my eyes. The cat jumped up and curled beside me. Jack laid next to the couch under my dangling arm.
God, this day sucked. My stomach growled as I pushed all the crap that happened today out of my mind and allowed myself to believe that everything would work out tomorrow. As my pets purred and snored next to me, I fell asleep.
The phone rang. I answered it.
‘Hello, Dad? I’m at the police station…’
Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation from the fourth part of the story. I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my stories. Since things have started opening up, I got a little busy, so I couldn’t update this series further. So I will continue from where I had left off. By now, I was fucked by Mahesh and Shekhar, groped by the Swiggy guy, Moin, and top of it, Vikram had made recordings of it. Daniel and I are now on the complete...
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Them bois were out at sea, chilling on their boat trying to start a fishing show for the web. When they just happen to see something in the distance. That something, turned out to be a hot chick on a raft trying to make it to Miami from Cuba. They guys decided to extend their hand and let her on to boat. They gave her water and everything she needed. She returned the favor by sucking off Jmac, then taking his cock in her pussy all over the boat. Finally, when it was all said and done, they...
xmoviesforyouMy son is banging a neighbor house full of sluts. Trying to get back in his wife's good graces he drafts me.... Hang on for what happened next!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~About two months before their third anniversary, my son called and asked if I would be willing to help him surprise his wife by helping him build a deck on the back of their house. I agreed and over the next few weeks we measured, made plans and I even pre-made the railings and a few other features for it in my shop. So last Saturday...
She stepped out of the shadows and Bumfelt almost shit himself. "Detective," she said, her face briefly visible in the light from the cigarette that she drew on. "Jesus, lady!" exclaimed the Detective, regaining his composure, fumbling for the keys to his car. "You want to get a drink?" she said, stepping into the weak light of a failing street light. "You look like a man who's had a hard day at the office and someone who could use a drink." Bumfelt looked her up and down. She looked good....
It was a lovely spring afternoon and Hannah decided to visit a working museum near her home where many old buildings had been taken to avoid demolition.She spent all day there wandering round old shops, the blacksmith’s shop, the station with a steam train and the school building. Many volunteers were in period costume and she felt out of place in her skirt and top and sandals.It was this latter building that really caught her imagination. As soon as she entered she felt a strange feeling. The...
The Army is still screwing me even after six years. They tell you one thing then change it just to piss you off. I joined the Army to get College benefits but was now ready to get home and start school. I was supposed to get out on Monday. But here is was Friday morning and I just found out I could get my papers now and be gone in an hour. I had called my mother and told her I would be in later Monday evening. But now it looked like I would be home late tonight. I was flat busted so I did not...
Hi! This is me Monica again. Hope you have enjoyed my two stories before and now this is my third story happened last week. You have already knew my structure and how I look. . even though for new readers I will tell you that now exact structure is 40-34-36. I am a complete sex chick. I love having sex all the times and always expose my boobs to my classmates so that they could enjoy sucking and taking pictures of it. In my college I had a crush on one of my professor his name is Baling. He is...
1964 was a far different world than the one we all live in today. Ronnie couldn’t know that of course, he was fresh out of high school and like most young men at the time, there was not a single clue in his mind of what he would do with his life. His world had been school, and work, it was the only world he knew. As far as anything like a social life, there just was not any time and even going to something sports practice was impossible. Growing up on the farm didn’t help one bit, the family...
Leaving the store, Elaine stepped off the kerb and blinked in surprise. With the added length in her stride as she stepped down from the gutter to cross the road, the seam down the middle of her jeans parted her labia, pressing more firmly against her clit. She hoped she wouldn't chafe. Shorter steps lessened the pressure, but lengthened the walk. She rued the couple of extra pounds on her ass left over from last winter. Her jeans felt like a hand holding her crotch. Combined with the rhythmic...
My wife michelle, of almost ten years in absolutely gorgeous.. Five foot tall and in very good shape, dark brunette hair with a nice set of fake ds we have added.. She is amazing to say the least.. For several years i have shared with her my fantasy of sharing her in a hot steamy three way with another man.. We have in the past had another woman join us as well as played partially with other couples.. It has been a main item in the sheets to add to the moment.. For several years my wife has...
Daylightcomes creeping in through the curtains. I’m still holding Nancy in the same position as fell into last night. We’ve had passionate sex before, but nothing as animalistic. I can still see the expression of pure lust on her face as I drove myself into her. “Where the hell did that come from,” I thought, ”and would it change the way she felt about me?” I was beginning to feel more for her than just some woman I had sex with. I wanted more from her than just a weekend of pleasure. Tonight...
Hi, this is IF here! This is my 3rd story, but first in this category. So, hope u enjoy it. Feedbacks regarding my story is always welcome! This story is about my friend & his sexual encounter with his girl. We are a group of 5 friends….who grew up together close & still r the same, unaffected by age. As every group has a flirt, who does well with girls, gives relationship advices to others, our group had him too….I should say, a very good one! Right from our school days, he had a lot of GFs....
It was fun while it lasted. We lay on our lounge chairs enjoying the cold beer and the beautiful sun. The beach was slowly repopulating with a cacophony of cell phones and liquid music, mixed in with the squeal of children and mothers scolding them. It was intolerable, making it impossible to relax, so we decided to take a stroll along the beach, hoping to find a quieter spot and resume our fun. I grabbed my camera, a beach towel, and we headed toward the cliffs on the left of the beach. We'd...
VoyeurMy name is Renuka. I am doing my final year engineering in Coimbatore. My native is Chennai. Since I can’t travel to Chennai every weekend I used to go to my auntie’s house in a village near by Coimbatore. I used to spend the week end in her house. She was a widow and she has a daughter, my aunt satyapriya age was 45. Even at this age she looks damn sexy with her huge tits and folded hip. Her lips will look like an orange dipped in honey. I was practiced to be lesbian in my hostel. Every day...
LesbianHi, my name is Deva, I am 26, and today I will narrate how things changed between my mom and me. It’s going to be exciting, so hold on and get ready for some sexy reading! This happened when I was 23 and my mom was 48. My mom’s name is Rani. She is tall and a bit dusky. She is very busty with big boobs and an ass. She usually wears sarees. And my dad Raj is 52 and is a police officer. So he doesn’t have much time for us. I was studying for government exams after finishing my engineering degree....
IncestI arrive at the house to do some work as promised the week before on the back garden for some family friends as the husband has a bad back from an accident and the damn thing is getting over grown.I have always had a thing for Mags - about 50 I would guess with a large pair of breasts that always keep me occupied when we go round to visit, and always gets my vote when I see her in her skirt and tights/stockings (wasn't really sure what they were until that day)It was hot and sunny when I...
Your name is John McQuaid. It is something you remind yourself everyday, for it is not your name. Not your real name, anyway. You reach down the lunch hamper you brought with you, your fingers seeking the comfort you always find in your gun.
Lauren stuck her head in the kitchen to let her mom know she was going to visit her best friend just down the street, and her mom called back that dinner would be ready in a couple of hours. Her reply was in vain, as Lauren was already out the back door and crossing the yard, headed toward the path through the woods to her friend’s house. Their house was actually the next house down the street, but there were a couple of empty lots in between that were still wooded and overgrown with brush,...
It was a cloudy night with forecasts of thunder showers. Distant lightning could be seen from the southern horizon. I lay awfully frustrated on the bed, my overtly rich husband lying on one side of the king sized bed, fully sated after his 2 minutes fuck session with me. An impotent male chauvinist, whose money bags lured me in his trap and now I am stuck with him. I know some of you are thinking ‘why not divorce him?’ It’s true the thought also entered my mind, but then, I am the sole...
My sister room is down stairs and my room is opposite to my brothers room on first floor. Our parents room is adjacent to kitchen, and granny's room is opposite to our parents room. But she passed away last year. Sometimes when i miss her, i go and sleep in her room. When no one's home i get naked and wander around house. Sometimes i play with myself. Or just move around in every one's rooms use their beds and masturbate. And think about ,they walking on me while i have an orgasm, and...
I have had this dream for a while now, and the pieces have finally came together and now it is a fantasy that i would love to share with all of you and something i would so love to have come true.-- I have been going through a lot recently, and just needed to do something really fun, and exotic. I am single now, long story, just like i said been a lot of crap going on, and during this time, i have been on this awesome site, talking to these four ( yes four awesome guys on here). All of them...
18-Year-Old Internet Star Mila Monet gets her porn initiation from Jules! Mila’s a spunky bubble butt beauty that’s made a huge name for herself online fucking her boyfriend and some of her girlfriends, but she’s ready to be BIG time and so off her cock-handling skills. She’s wearing a fuzzy white sweater and a black miniskirt and high heels as Jules examines her monstrous curves. Mila lifts up her sweater to show off her perky pierced nipples before making her way over to the umbrella pole so...
xmoviesforyouIt was an incredibly emotional and exhausting couple of weeks for Kathy and Kevin. There was the funeral, interviews with the police and FBI, lawyers to talk to, and piles of papers to sign. Kathy didn't know what half of it meant. The house was constantly abuzz with activity. People were coming and going all day and into the night. When everything was finally settled, Kathy was a rich widowed woman. It may not have been enough for Quentin but it would plenty for her and Kevin to live very...
White girls do not change, even christian church girls. He also noted that her inexperience couldn't be any more obvious. She continually watched him as she displayed herself, seeking evidence of his interest in her with quick glances at his crotch. Now not wearing the protection of her blue checked shirt, she flaunted her 34C breasts, already swelled with excitement, pulling her shoulders back and allowing her taut, deep pink teats to press against the thin material of her half cup bra...
She was happy, at or least she thought she was. She had a boyfriend that seemed to care about her, her career was on the rise, and she was stunning. Her name was Emily, a young petite Asian girl with a body that could make any man go wild. She had a firm, toned body with curves on her ass not normally seen on a Korean girl. Her breasts, though not large, we’re firm and snug nicely into a b-cup bra. On cold nights or when she was especially turned on, her perky nipples pierced the fabric...
A long time ago when I was 17 years old, my mother was awaiting the birth of my younger brother. My father worked 3rd shift so my parents made arrangements for my mother's younger sister, my 21-year-old aunt Marianne, to stay with us and baby-sit overnight while my father was at work when my mother was in the hospital. At first I thought, why do my 14-year-old brother and I need a babysitter? But then I stopped to think about it, my aunt Marianne is one of those women who looks a little plain...
IncestAuthor's Note: I'm a big fan of Kate's terrific forced fem stories featuring the "Sissy Mister" store, so this is my attempt at writing something along those lines. However--because it's me--it's different, so while some elements may seem familiar to readers of those stories, I've tried to treat them primarily as loose inspirations. The biggest difference is that while forced fem stories focus on the humiliation aspect--and this story has plenty of that!--I quickly realized that the...
At first, the President of the entire planet Earth has assigned a hot andsexy-looking space-babe known only as Barbarella to travel to a distantplanet in order to search for a missing scientist named Durand Durand andbring him back to his homeworld, but that was before she had arrived onthat planet and experienced one hot and steamy sexual encounter afteranother before she had finally reached the palace of the planet's femaleleader who has called herself The Great Tyrant.But as soon as she was...
Interlude (It didn't even start, and it's already nonsense) Okay guys, before I start to tell you this story, I have to make sure you are prepared. This one is really weird, and it doesn´t make any sense at all. It's stupid and ugly and wears a pink tutu for some reason. And the fact that I can´t explain to you why is the fucking point. I, for example, and I don´t make this shit up, am a green 19.5-inch large demon with a 20-inch large dick (if erected). Yes, I know that's nuts but don´t tell...
After the meeting there were a couple of quick meetings. The first was with Roger Gifford and Bob Jackson. I figured that Roger wanted an update on the Nimule; that was the first question that he asked. “The flight is leaving two weeks from Monday; it’s going to be a good flight to go on. Along with the medicines you donated, we are taking 100,000 pounds of food.” “St Agnes hospital has sent several crates of medical equipment for the doctors. There are two students from KCC and one from...
This story is fantasy fiction set in a fantasy world depicting extreme and very graphic torture. It is intended for mature adults not offended by such material and the author does not endorse or excsue violence of any kind.Chapter 1 - From the DeadThe thumping of boots and the clanking of metal echoed eerily in the rough, winding corridors. No light had graced their descent except for the wavering flames of their own torches, and the triumphant pace of the first steps had become more and more...