Ash's New Career Pt.4 free porn video

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Chapter 5 Beatrice was the first to regain her composure. Not because she was over how amazing Ash looked, but because as the director of this shoot she needed to be professional. "Alright Jolene, I believe you can take it from here. You got the shooting schedule right?" Beatrice asked trying her hardest not to stare at her son too much. The change was shocking to be honest. Never in a million years had she thought Ash would come out looking this good. "Yeah, right I'll get my stuff," Jolene said forcing herself to snap out of it as well. This was her first time working with a trans model and while at first she had been nervous that she would have a hard time selecting outfits for him or should that be her? That nervousness had now completely disappeared. This would be just a job like any other as far as selecting clothes went. Ashely looked good enough to probably even pull off just wearing a trash bag. He job would be very easy. Ashely herself felt overly excited. Everyone's reactions had been so much better than she had ever dared dream of. At the same time a slight sadness filled him as well though. This was only for a day. After today he would just be back to his plain normal self. Then there was also a slight nervousness. He could tell that Keira was pissed and it scared him to no end. No matter what happened he knew his sister would come after him. Maybe not right away, but the moment they were alone she would try something. A few moments later Jolene rolled in two big racks of clothes and pushed them into the room he had just come from. "Alright Ash, follow me please," Jolene said casually trying her hardest to just make this business as usual. She had to admire this guy doing a shoot like this all dressed up and made up like a girl had to take balls and she wanted to treat him as normal as any other model. No need to make this more awkward for either of them. She was a professional after all. While Ash disappeared back into the changing room Sarah poked her friend Dean. "Quite staring ass hat or I'm going to become jealous," She giggled jokingly at Dean who obviously had a hard time wrapping his head around what he just saw. He always tried to keep an open mind, but he never imagined he himself would ever have a crush on a guy. It just felt somehow weird, but he didn't mind. After all no one could blame him after seeing how hot Ashely looked right, shifting uncomfortably he had to adjust something in his pants. "See, I told you she looked spectacular right? I mean just wow. Keira your brother really is a hotie I mean wow, just wow," Sarah spoke in sheer awe. Unlike Jessy she hadn't been able to see the potential, then again she had never really worked with guys dressing like girls and she was simply blown away by the result. "I guess he looks okay yeah. I mean Jessy did a really good job that's for sure," Keira said somewhat reluctantly, complimenting Jessy as she didn't want to compliment her own brother. Inside her anger only grew though. This was all so fucking unfair and she hated it. How the hell could that shit head look so much better than her? On top of that it seemed like she had just lost all allies in mocking her brother. Just great. Jessy who had been observing everything from the side was very pleased. This deep routed fear Ash had wouldn't just disappear from one day onto the next, but all the positive reactions should certainly help in making him feel a little more comfortable in his skin. She was very pleased that not only had she been able to show Ash what an amazing girl he made, but that she had also been able to show the others, all of whom looked pretty convinced. Back in the changing room it was just Ash and Jolene. Keira hadn't felt the need to join them now that she realised she wouldn't be able to mock Ash anyways. "Alright Ashely, I believe you already put on the base for the first outfit. Would you mind dropping that robe so I can see?" Jolene asked as casually as she could. When Ash dropped the robe however she couldn't help but catch herself staring once more. His crotch looked so flat and those breasts so realistic. It was simply shocking. Quickly regaining her composure Jolene spoke up once more. "Alright, Looks like you just need a garter belt, a pair of stockings and a pair of heels to make this first outfit work. We're going to shoot a number of different things. The first shoot will be in lingerie," Jolene explained as she handed ash a matching pink lace garter belt, a pair of nude coloured sheer nylon stockings with a broad pink welt, back seam and Cuban heel. Ash had no problems at all putting on the garter belt. He didn't have any problems with stockings either, forgetting how this wasn't really normal for a guy to know after the confidence boost he had gotten from Jessy. He simply rolled the delicate nylon material up in a doughnut which he then expertly rolled up his smooth leg. Stockings were really his favourite piece of clothing. They just felt so sexy and good on a pair of smooth legs. Jolene was somewhat shocked seeing how easily he managed his stockings. It was something she usually had to help many models with, but Ash seemed to have an appreciation for just how delicate the material was. There was no way that this was his first time doing this. Hell he even took care of the back seam. It was even more surprising after working with Keira who always treated the material rather brutishly. Jolene always brought extra stockings along if she knew they were for Keira. The girl simply did not learn or care. With one of the stockings rolled up his legs Ash then took the other and repeated the process before attaching the garter straps, front and back with relative ease, once again checking to see if his seams were straight. This baffled Jolene even more. Back garters was something she needed to help nearly every model with, especially if the stockings were seamed, yet Ash put them on perfectly without help. When he looked up and saw the surprised look on Jolene's face he blushed. There was no way this woman didn't realise he had had practice at this. In any case it was too late to fix that now. "Good now all you need are the heels. It's important to take smaller steps and walk heel to toe when wearing them. If you walk nonchalantly or take big steps you might lose balance and trip. Just keep your back straight and imagine you're walking a tight rope," Jolene said helping Ash in a pair of very high lacquered pink heels. She supported him for the first steps which assuming that as a guy Ash wouldn't be able to walk in heels, especially not ones this high. When he seemed to have no problem with them however she quickly let go, not all that surprised after what she had seen when he put on the stockings. "Alright, I guess my work's done for now. You're ready to go for the first part of your shoot. I just know you're going to do a fantastic job," She said encouragingly as she opened up the door for Ash to enter the living room once more. The room where Dean had set up the scene to shoot. Just like last time everyone went silent once more as Ash, now quite a bit taller and looking just as realistic even though he was now only clad in lingerie emerged. "Damn, I still can't believe she isn't like a real girl," Dean exclaimed a bit too loud. "Ah Ashely you look fantastic. So are you ready to start shooting? If you need a moment that's fine as well. We're ready when you are," His mother said trying to put her dressed up son at ease. After all it was important for a good shoot that the model felt at ease. "I think I'm ready," Ash said somewhat nervously as he trotted forward, stepping on the set Dean had prepared. It consisted of the huge white leather couch usually just standing in the living room. White faux fur blankets and pillows along with a solid pink background screen matching Ash's lingerie. Stepping on set Ash stood around quite awkwardly. This was the part he really had no clue about. Sure he liked striking poses in front of his mirror when he played dress up, but now that he was on the set for his first ever professional shoot he didn't know what to do with himself. Once again Beatrice couldn't help but notice how natural Ash seemed at walking in heels. She didn't comment on it though. No now the shoot was the most important thing at hand. There was no need to potentially embarrass her son. Especially not with how he was slowly starting to feel at ease. "Alright Ashely. Why don't you sit down in the centre of the couch? About right here. Place your feet slightly apart, rest your elbows on your knees and let your arm hang in between them. Try to give a serious look in the camera," Beatrice said as she helped position Ash who was feeling nervous but also excited. Stepping back Beatrice could see the nervousness show on his made-up face. "What's wrong sweetie? Look I can understand you're quite nervous about this, but there is no need to be. You look amazing and I'm sure you'll ace this shoot. Now try to relax. Breath in and out, deep breaths. You can take as long as you want. When you're ready just try to give the camera a serious look. Imagine Dean just said something clever and deep. Obviously you need to use your imagination for that one, but try," Beatrice offered, throwing in a joke to lighten the mood a little. Dean helped along by pouting lightly while everyone shared a giggle. It did help a little, but he wasn't quite there just yet. It all got ruined when a frustrated Keira tried to push her own agenda through. Fuck all this bull shit she wanted to embarrass her brother and so she suggested. "Why don't you just make him do a limp wristed wave and a giggle? I'm sure those come much more natural to the sissy," Keira said viciously as the room fell quiet and Ash's nerves returned full force. Beatrice turned around and Keira instantly knew she had fucked up. Her mother looked pissed. Making her realise she had gone too far, at least further than this situation allowed. She would have loved nothing more than to see her brother perform what she had just said, but it didn't fit with the genuine shoot everyone else wanted to participate in. "Keira! You're insufferable today. You were the one who insisted on this bet. As far as I remember you were more than eager to take this all the way, to do this shoot, to give Ash the best possible chance to either win or lose the bet. It isn't because you are about to lose that you should be a bitch about it. I'm heavily starting to suspect that you're the sore loser here instead of Ash. One more interruption like that and you can take the bus home. Now get out of here while we do this shoot cause I have a feeling it's you who are making Ashely nervous," Beatrice ranted to her shocked daughter. "But mom!" Keira started trying to build herself a defence. She was instantly cut off by Beatrice though. "No buts, get out of here right now or go home if you think you can behave you can come back but I don't want to see you here again for at least the next hour. Go take a walk or something to cool off," Beatrice reacted firmly, having lost her temper. Knowing better than to continue arguing Keira just cursed under her breath and angrily stormed out of the lakeside house, taking her mother's advice and going for a walk. She was pissed out of her mind, but without allies to humiliate her brother there was nothing she could do. Ash should count himself lucky. At least until she had him alone once more. Oh he might be safe now, but he would pay eventually. That's what Keira told herself as she walked along the lake's side. Back in the house the peace had returned. Everyone had gone completely quiet after Beatrice's outburst actually somewhat scared to face her anger as well. Beatrice was professional enough not to let that anger shine through to others though. "Where were we. Oh yeah, Ashely sweetie. You just try to throw a serious look in the direction of the camera," She said taking a pleasant tone again. The sigh of relief going through the room was nearly graspable. To Ash it came as quite a surprise to have his mother stand up for him like she did, and that against his sister who nearly always got what she wanted. It felt good though to be supported like this. Together with the removal of Keira from the room it did really help his nerves. Adding to the support Jessy put her thumbs up and gave him a sweet smile. Finally feeling a little more confident now everyone present seemed to accept him like this Ash was able to put on the serious look his mother had requested. "Perfect!" Beatrice commented encouragingly as she shot her made up son a bright smile while Dean took shot after shot, narrowing down the best ones was something to be done after the shoot. "Now lift one hand up to your cheek and imagine Dean told a really fun joke. Yes I now, there's a lot of imagination involved here," Beatrice said with a smirk, gently guiding her dressed up son through the poses, directing him in ways that would work best in her opinion. From sitting on the couch she directed him to lay down, to stand, to act like he was adjusting his stocking,... At the start it had felt a bit awkward to direct her son in how to seductively pose in lingerie, but he was playing along perfectly. Soon Beatrice managed to put herself over her slight reservations and look at her son as if he was just another model and they were trying to sell a product. It worked out great for the both of them when that awkwardness disappeared as it was one less distraction. Soon Ash was able to forget all about his nerves and just enjoy life as Ashely, the professional model he had always dreamed off being. No one in the room gave him any funny looks. At least not once they had gotten over their amazement of how good she looked as a girl. After that everything just changed into pretty much a normal shoot. Not only Ashely was genuinely smiling, but so was Jessy. This was the entire reason she did what she did. She loved helping her clients on a path to self-acceptance. After the lingerie shoot the background was changed to a plain white one and Dean took close-up shots of Ashely's face and hair. Sarah performed a few light touch ups to the hair in between shots, but even from this clos up angle Ash looked amazing thanks to the amazing make-up job from Jessy and his naturally pretty features. From the close-ups things progressed to the shooting of a long stylish evening gown. Then to a more playful summer dress, followed by a casual pair of pants and a t-shirt. Eventually they changed locations to the home gym looking out over the lake to shoot a workout outfit. Beatrice wanted to add as much variety as possible in this shoot. It would make Ash's portfolio all that more desirable. It would also make things way easier to pitch Ash for a wide variety of fields in the future. A future that was looking very bright judging from the results they were getting. "Jessy, quick question. How well will your makeup and work hold up against water? Can we risk a waterside shoot? Maybe even in the water?" Beatrice asked as they wrapped up the workout part of the shoot and Ash went back to the dressing room with Jolene. "I guess a dip in the water should be possible without ruining the look. The only thing that might fail is the makeup, but unless you use makeup remover or soap I don't see it getting ruined that easily. Still I would advise to do the in the water part last of all just to be sure," Jessy suggested, her job here might have been done for a while already, but she was more than happy to stay along for the shoot. It was wonderful seeing Ash blossom like he had. The shoot might have been going strong for a few hours already, but Keira had never returned. Her walk did nothing to appease her. It only made her angrier. Why did her mother have to ruin this just when she had Ash right where she wanted him? It had originally been a threat from her mother, but the more she had thought about it the more she was in favour of the idea. She had no desire to see all the supportiveness and care for Ash. This was supposed to be her day, her time to shine, her fun at humiliating Ash. Instead it had all been about him. If she couldn't have what she wanted then she might as well go home and come up with a way to get what she wanted anyway, maybe not now, but soon. Very soon. Keira didn't bother to let her mom know that she had gone home. Back at the lake side house Ash had been dressed in a simple yet sexy neon pink bikini. It looked amazing on him, just like every outfit he had put on had. All his working out, the underground hormones although Jessy had made him realise how dangerous those were and Jessy's work had made sure of that. As he was led out Ash was giddy with excitement, seeing the surfboard at the lake side. This was the exact kind of shoot he had always been dreaming off. His excuse of the surfer dude to though hiding his real desire to be the bikini model in a similar setting. By now Ash had slowly turned out being a natural at modelling. His confidence was way up. All the tips from his mother as far as posing went at the start of the shoot had paid off big time to the point where he now pretty much found the best positions on his own, even improvising from time to time. It had actually turned out being so much fun that he nearly forgot that he was trying to hide the fact that he was actually enjoying this. Modelling with the surfboard was a blast. It looked extra spectacular with the setting sun over the lake. While the water was on the cold side Ash was simply out of his mind when he got to go in the water, recreating those very same pictures he had idolised over and over again. Although he didn't spend long in the water it was amazing. Coming out he was cold though. His mother waiting on him with a thick cosy towel. "You did amazing honey, I'm proud on you. Now why don't you follow Jessy, ask her to help you with taking everything off and take a nice shower to warm up again?" Beatrice offered nicely. She was very pleased with the results of the shoot and what she had seen today only confirmed her suspicions of these past few days. Ash was a little too good at all of this and he had a little too much fun to supposedly hate it. Not that she minded in the slightest. He seemed happy and it also made for a nice business opportunity for her. Maybe he would be up for more of a career instead of just helping her out with the difficult situation of the model who had fallen. "That sounds like a plan," Ash said now a little shyer again. The shoot was over and he realised he might have been acting way too happy modelling all those outfits. The self-doubts and self-consciousness returned once more full force. Jessy was right there waiting for him though. Wrapping an arm around his towel wrapped torso she guided Ash back inside while Beatrice remained behind handling business with the others. "Your mother is right. You really did amazing Ashely, now let's get you all cleaned and warmed up," Jessy said sweetly. Ash might not fully realise it yet, but she had seen that his mother knew something was up. She had seen that she seemed to support it and that made her happy. She would of course keep her promise and not tell a soul about what Ash confided to her, but knowing that he would be met with support when he decided it was time to come out filled her with joy. "So did you have fun sweetie? What was your favourite outfit to shoot in? It seemed like you manged your nerves really well, but did you? I hope you weren't too concerned while shooting," Jessy asked once they were out of earshot, genuinely curious to know whether Ash's enjoyment had bee a charade or if he had stayed nervous only hiding it well. "I was so nervous at first, but to be honest after how amazing everyone was during that lingerie shoot I kind of forgot about how weird and wrong this shoot actually was you know? I mean this all shouldn't have made it out of my room let alone on camera, I..," Ash started ranting, his insecurity after the fact returning full force, but Jessy was quick to silence him with a finger to his lips. "Did you like the shoot, did you have fun?" Jessy asked interrupting him. Asking a straightforward and simple question. "Yes, I did, I loved it, it felt so good, hell I felt better and more confident than ever, but..." Ash started, as soon as he sad but however Jessy cut him off once more. "But did you hurt someone?" She asked keeping a straight face as she saw Ash's confusion. "No, of course not, how the hell would that hurt someone?!" Ash exclaimed confused and some annoyed at the insinuation that he might have hurt someone. "Well if you had fun, felt better than ever and didn't hurt a soul, then please enlighten me about what was so wrong about what you did and why it should remain hidden from everyone?" Jessy asked him. Ash's annoyance went back to confusion then to realisation as Jessy's previous questions suddenly made sense. Still he tried coming up with a way in which it was wrong, but when he took to long Jessy took the word once more. "It shouldn't remain hidden from anyone because you didn't do anything wrong. If you felt better than ever then letting that side of you out, showing it to the world is the right thing to do and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise, most importantly don't tell yourself otherwise," Jessy exclaimed. It made sense what Jessy said, and still Ash couldn't shake that nagging feeling that it was wrong. Jessy realised full well what was happening. Coming out, changing your life up so drastically after years of keeping it secret down to some pretty extreme lengths with the black-market hormones wasn't a process of a day. Doubts, being scared, it was all completely normal but she couldn't let Ash spiral down to thinking it was wrong. No today they had made a very important step forward to Ash's self-acceptance and she wasn't going to let it get ruined by negative thoughts. He would get there someday after building enough confidence. She was sure of it. Wanting to distract him from thinking to much on it, Jessy asked her question again. "So what outfit did you like modelling most?" "Uhm, well that's hard to say actually. I liked them all a lot actually. I guess if I had to pick one it would be the bikini though. It has always been my dream to model in some kind of sexy surf swimwear shoot so it was definitely a dream come true and an experience that was hard to top," Ash said. "Well I can tell you one thing. You looked really spectacular in that bikini. There's no doubt in my mind that the pictures from that setting will be fitting for pretty much any magazine cover," Jessy agreed, helping boost his confidence back up as they entered the house and the changing room once more. "Let me help you get off those breast and hip forms as well as your makeup. I know you might want to keep them on, but trust me, after wearing them all day your skin will thank you for being able to breath again. We wouldn't want you to develop a rash now would we?" Jessy asked playfully as she helped Ash out of his towel and bikini top, going to work with the glue solvent and the makeup remover. It was somewhat weird and in a way it also was a bit concerning to see the 'breasts' he had had all day suddenly fall of his chest bringing him further back down to reality. "You can take them home with you, and when you want you can always give me a call to put them back on for you," Jessy said, a little concerned, knowing full well what the impact can be of seeing yourself get stripped from that perfect body again. After removing the hip pads and makeup Jessy said. "I believe you can do the rest yourself in the bathroom. Here are the clothes you wore here, oh and about the nails and the hair let's just act as if I didn't notice those shall we? It looks really good on you," She complimented with a playful wink helping him deal with the going back to normal. Ash couldn't help himself from embracing Jessy in yet another tight hug. She was so sweet to him and even now after watching his breasts disappear she refuelled his confidence. "Thank you so much Jessy, you are the best," He exclaimed before taking the clothes he had arrived in. The ones Keira had selected for him to humiliate him, but after how everyone had just seen him he wasn't too bothered to put them back on. While Ash was in the shower Beatrice went about seeing that everyone was paid correctly. She did pull Dean to the side though. "Hey Dean, I know it isn't really usual when I ask for you work, but could I get all unfiltered and non-altered pics on top of the finished collage? It would mean a lot to me," Normally she wouldn't really care about the non- filtered pics, but these would make a nice memory, a memory of the kind of daughter she had always dreamt off. There were times at which she could have sworn that all of it seemed very natural to Ash, too natural for this to be new to him even. There were times she thought he was having a little too much fun for this to be really forced for him, but the fact remained that Ash had been pressured into this shoot. She couldn't be sure whether or not he wanted this and she was afraid that straight up asking him would put him on the defensive. That Jessy girl and him seemed to get along fine. Maybe she could ask her, or ask Ash some subtle questions in the hope it would clear things up. Besides Beatrice couldn't risk Ash crashing and potentially doubling down on the denial. Not only would it be a real pity to see him lose his self- confidence and potentially miss the chance at telling her about how he felt if her suspicions were right. It would also risk her plan of pitching Ash as the substitute model getting ruined. No whatever Beatrice did she had to be careful and let this come from Ash himself. As Beatrice rounded out payments and bid everyone farewell Ash moved out of the bathroom. His very long wet hair was wrapped into a towel and he was back to wearing the dress and lingerie his sister had selected for him. Even though he had to do it without breast or hip enhancements it still looked pretty good on him even if he did say so himself. Moving back into the dressing room he was instantly met by Jessy who gave him a quick wolf whistle, further boosting his confidence. "Look at our natural beauty," She exclaimed, letting Ash know that he didn't use those silicone forms or makeup to look good. "Now remember what I said about those black-market hormones. You really have to stop taking those. I wouldn't want to see you ruin yourself like that. If you want to use hormones and you are serious about it, my offer to take you to that doctor still stands. If you need me for anything else don't hesitate to call me at all," Jessy once again urged, she really wanted to let it get through to Ash just how important that it was that he stopped those hormones which could have dangerous consequences as their exact composition was unknown. "I won't Jessy, I promise," He once again said as Jessy pulled him into yet another quick hug, just as his mother arrived in the dressing room to check on them. Realising his mother was there, looking at him in this dress Ash couldn't help but blush a little. Like Jessy had said though, there was nothing wrong about this even if it was hard to express that in front of his mother. "Jessy, thank you so much again for your service and if we ever need you again in the future I'll make sure to call you. Now it's getting late and I think it's pretty much time for all of us to go home," Beatrice said as she paid Jessy and she and Ash said their goodbyes. She then remained quiet as she walked to the car with Ash, not wanting to jinx anything. In fact it just once again amazed her how natural Ash moved in his dress and heels. (If you like my story and would like to see more and support me please consider joining me on Patreon: . If you don't want to or can't then don't worry, everything will eventually be available for free, but it'll take a bit longer to become available.)

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A new start The love story of a sub pt4

Thanks to the priceless help of NaughtyAnn. ********** I suggest the reading of the previous parts. Comments are greatly appreciated. ********** Thenext morning I woke up before my Mistress did, it was one of those rare occasions when she stayed at my place and slept with me. I quietly moved down the bed, checked if my collar was in the right place, took a glance at Mistress, and went to the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. I made some croissants, opening some jams made with different...

2 years ago
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I knew you were a Faggot PT4

Tomorrow? Graduation? What are they talking about? I would find out soon enough...I was so... So nervous!Were having a graduation for you with 19 of my friends from the football team Yes I mean, after all, it's not every day you're going to have 19 of the biggest black cocks of all time over for a gangbang!Like I said I have 19 fat cocks coming over tonight, and I want it to be amazing. Of those 19, 1 of them is my long time friend. I stop at the liquor store for booze for mixed drinks. I...

4 years ago
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Step Brothers Bride Pt4

It had been just over 2 weeks since the wedding. I had agreed to pick up the happy newlyweds after their honeymoon in Majorca. I was looking forward to seeing them especially Jennifer. They were flying into Glasgow airport which was almost a 2-hour drive from the small town we lived in. Jennifer had text me to let me know they had landed, so I parked in the short stay and awaited them. I noticed Jennifer first, her red hair and bronzed body attracted most men’s eyes. Then I saw Shaun,...

4 years ago
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Sneaky Panty Smeller pt4

 As we enter into part four of this story, I can't help but feel even more connected with Becky. She is truly, amazing.  So, leaving off in part three when Becky and I had fucked in the shop outside. I fucked her perfect, tight ass and filled her full of my cum. I left her full and leaking on my wife's panties that she was wearing. Such a naughty girl indeed. So that evening at home, before taking a shower, I thought I would follow through with my idea of seeing if my wife would give me a...

2 years ago
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Sisters helping hand Pt4

When l was going back to my van after spunking over Dora and being watched by her husband Neal, l saw Annie going into her gate we began chatting, l informed her that Tina my sister had a girl. Annie started telling me about Sasha getting home at 1.30pm, she had no idea how it was all my fault, she asked if l would talk to Sasha as she seemed to listen to me, so l said l’ll be around the next evening, Annie told me to be there at 5pm for dinner, l was hoping Annie might have invited me to fuck...

2 years ago
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Master PC Kyles Adventure pt4

As my wife still laid sprawled across the bed, I couldn’t sleep. My mind was going in too many directions. One such direction was the extremely attractive neighbor girl that brings us fresh chicken eggs twice a week. Her name is Katrina Winzer. She lives a few blocks down. We’re pretty good friends with her parents. Just finished high school and is taking the summer off while she finds work. She normally stops by on Friday morning before school. With tomorrow morning being Friday, I thought I...

1 year ago
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My First Knot pt4

I turned my head just in time to be rewarded with a spurt of hot, sticky cum hitting my nose and open mouth. "That's right bitch! Eat my cum!" John urged through gritted teeth, as spurt after spurt of his cum hit me in the face. I have only tasted cum once before, and that was my own. I was alone and very horny and figured I'd try it. Didn't really care for it. John's cum was thicker than mine, and tasted much saltier. I liked his cum even less than my own. But, remembering the pics and...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Girl Needs Help pt4

“Look, I don’t know what I’m doing, why I’m even in here, I just… I don’t know, maybe I should go” Miranda says as she walks further towards the back of my living room, turning to face us. “Do you want to see his cock or not?” Jemma replies, pushing me forward away from the door, towards Miranda. “I….I don’t know. Like I said, maybe this is a bad idea. I just, I guess I was just turned on from the thought of whatever you two were doing” Miranda says again, her voice trembling. “It’s ok, you...

2 years ago
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Am I Strong Enough to Say No pt4

She felt her dad get back in the bunk. She didn’t know what to think. She knew she smelt of being extremely wet. A person with a head cold could smell that. But, he didn’t say anything. He did stay up front for a long time. She wondered what he was thinking. There were so many confusing thoughts going threw her head. She knew what she was dreaming and thinking was so wrong. Wrong enough that if anyone ever found out, she would be taken away from her dad forever. That scared the...

2 years ago
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Becoming a hotwife Pt4

Following on from my night of unbridled sex.There was so much going through my mind as I drove home. If I was being honest, I was probably too distracted to drive safely. My daze was broken by the phone ringing; it was Dave.I sheepishly answered, not really knowing what to say, or how Dave would react. My fears were immediately eased as he just asked, “How is my little hotwife?” I could feel myself welling up with tears as I told him I didn’t think he’d want anything to do with me after what I...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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My Sister and Me Pt4

And now, on with the show! I couldn't believe what had happened in just the last few days. And now, I was sitting in my sister's living room waiting for her to get home from work. She was bringing her girlfriend into our mini-orgy. It was all a bit mind boggling. I was drinking a beer when I heard a key twist in the door lock and my sister came in. Behind her was her friend, Marty Brewer. If I had been the kind of person who was surprised easily I would have spit my beer out and probably...

2 years ago
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Sister finds my toys Pt4

'Shit,' Chris said. 'How long will she be here?' I kind of gave a little shrug. 'She said two weeks.' This was going to ruin everything. Chris and I had just about settled into our brother/sister relationship. Things were going so well for both of us and now everything would have to be put on hold. Carol had always been the thorn in our sides. She’d always been the one to tattle on us, to spy on us and to generally make our lives miserable. Looks like nothing had changed. Chris laid...

3 years ago
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The Vine Pt4

Recap from pt3 Jill and Becky start thrusting into the chubby girls harder and harder making the chubby girls scream harder. They cum hard and shake hard as they get the hunger of wanting more on their faces. They release their breasts you can hear then as pull off of their nipples. As they sit up and say you want hard and fast, we will give you hard and fast. They sit up and starts fucking the two hard and fast you can hear each slap the other inner thighs. Pop…pop faster as the...

2 years ago
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The Best Week of my Life Pt4

In no hurry to rise on Thursday morning, when eventually I did, the storm of the previous day's malaise had been washed away by the kind of beautiful sunshine the girls would doubtless have given up their precious cherries for. Though I did like to think that two of them, at least, had enjoyed their time indoors with me. Talking of the girls, as I hobbled from the couch, it was hard not to notice that the bungalow was as quiet as a library. A scribbled note from Sophie on the kitchen side...

1 year ago
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The Sick Day Pt4

His own plight having reached an almost satisfactory conclusion, immediately his attention turned to stepdaughter Lucy. The subject of just about every wakeful and sleeping fantasy throughout a night of intense rest, he'd experienced the first wet dreams since outgrowing puberty. Yes, he was definitely feeling a whole lot better. Sadly, the same could not be said of the girl on his mind, a hacking cough permeating the closed doors of both their bedrooms. Rising and meeting Josh on the...

2 years ago
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Teacher Training Pt4

Manly baritone voices from downstairs wafted up the stairs as they took their seats in readiness for the game of poker. Stealing a lungful of air and a glance in the mirror, the petite blonde was far from sure that the little black mask around the eyes would conceal her identity, especially from those that knew her intimately, like Jack Willis, the former lover with whom she'd shared six blissful months. And if not Jack, Bill Mason and Jeff Andrews, the headmaster and games teacher at...

3 years ago
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Horny Little Women Pt4

Apparently, he discovered, it was a family tradition on the girls' birthdays to gather in their mother's bed to unwrap their gifts. Feeling decidely under-dressed in just the t-shirt worn for bed, Matthew reached for the boxer shorts, only to be tugged away forcibly. There wasn't time for that, Meg advised. Besides which, both girls had on just t-shirts too, two lovely little backsides half on display, their owners seemingly unconcerned that their pussies flashed visibly as they skipped...

1 year ago
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24 Hours To Live Pt4

Fifteen-year-old Barbie clone Tiffany Standish was clasped tight on his lap, back to his chest, the kitchen knife threatening to sever an artery should any of the women step out of line. The white tank top discarded, Joel amused himself by playing with a pair of peach sized breasts that felt like two stress balls. And oh was he ever about to relieve some stress. The pleated blue skirt remained in place, from time to time riding up Tiffany's thigh when Joel's hands squeezed those sweet...

2 years ago
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Morning Surprise Pt4

Sunday morning, I woke with a slight headache. Too much to drink. I normally spend Saturday night at the police club; I have a couple of pints with my mates, sing a few rugby songs and head on home. Last night my neighbour and colleague Dave decided that we should get an Indian on the way home. We always have a couple more pints to help wash it down, that is always a mistake. My head would pound away for a few hours; I would be forced to go for a run to clear it, have a shower and I would...

1 year ago
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Falling off the wagon pt4

I was so very confused; I was upset at being maneuvered into a position where I had become nothing more than a fuck toy by Ray and his friends. Yet on the other hand I had enjoyed it, I had enjoyed every thing about what had happened. Being taken like that was like being on some kind of drug or something, it was a high that continued for all of those hours. It would have momentary lulls, as one man would slip from me and another would take his place, but I had to be honest with myself, I had...

2 years ago
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Who Took My Cherry pt4

"Are you Ok in there?" My mom said in a concerned voice. "I'm not feeling good Mom, and not going to school today" I replied. "Anything I can do?" She questioned me again. "We need to talk, but after Mike goes to school" I said to her while holding my hands over my tummy as the pain returned. Mike leaves for school about the same time I do. I waited another 20 minutes before getting out of bed and looking for Mom. Dad already left for work, I heard his car pull out of the...

3 years ago
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Dominant Wife pt2 pt3 and pt4

Mj walked to the side of her slave and used her hands to bend him at the waist to push his tight little arse out ready to be punished. Using her bare hand to begin she slapped first one arse cheek and then the other trying to find a different spot each time using the redness that was forming to decide where to hit each time. Each slap got slightly harder than the last as she found how much fun it was to watch her husband squirm and try to cry out with each slap but the ball gag meant that...

4 years ago
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Badge Bunny Adventures Pt4

Mrs. Mays took me for a tour around their facility. I was introduced to several of the road deputies working that day. I met deputies, Hatch, Marshall and Ward, of course with Ward, there was no introduction needed. Ward was dispatched to a call and jokingly shook my hand saying it was nice to meet me. I giggled and told him bye. Hatch offered to finish my tour and Mrs. Mays told him that would be fine. Marshall was an older man about 60 and didn’t even register on my radar, Hatch on the other...

2 years ago
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Wisconsin Ranger PT4

I was all alone and seeing as I was I wasn’t sure where to start. I paced around the house. I cleaned it and wiped down corners that never needed it at all. I tried busying myself for that “fateful”, or better yet, that exciting get together I was about to have with Lucy. I don’t know what she was doing but I sure wished I knew. I couldn’t wait. I’d taken a shower already and felt like a kid again. Then I took a second one. Having taken a first already, I even shampooed my hair for a second...

2 years ago
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Intriguing Marshall PT4

He had finally met her husband who actually is the father of Maxine but he never knew it, and he wouldn’t know that until that week. He discovered Mary was going out of town with him. The woman who he had fornicated with a few times and loved doing it with him too was on her way out of town for about a month. He didn’t know why but he decided to stop in anyway. Mary and her husband had been making plans to head east and see family. It was to be a short vacation for her and as usual business for...

3 years ago
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Former Teacher PT4

“I can’t give him that” said the headmaster. “No way” he went on to say. Then he thought further. “Let me think about this a little. We’ll figure it out.” That was three days prior. Jonathan Johnson wanted this job. To be a departmental head in a school like this would raise his salary enormously. He knew he’d get it. He was called back in to re-interview with a new group of people, including the headmaster’s wife for some reason too. He was introduced to them all. The headmaster’s wife, a...

2 years ago
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Who Took My Cherry pt4

Introduction: A simple talk takes many twist and turns… When I awoke Friday morning, I was feeling sick and nauseated again. This was the third day that I awoke feeling so horrible. The past two days I managed to go to school, but today I decided against it. Three men have shot loads into me, and the odds are one of them has knocked me up. Since my period was also late. I decided to talk to Mom before she left for work. Mom already knew something was wrong when I didnt wake up on time. I heard...

3 years ago
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accidental fantasies pt4

She kissed and licked her way over my cheeks and into my crease, then she moved to my other cheek and licked her way back to my crease. He tongue started at the top of my crease, and slowly slid through my crease to swirl gently around my anus, then move down over my perineum to just shy of my pussy, now wet and wanting. I wanted her so bad by that time but she was nowhere near done torturing me. She moved her tongue up slowly to once again rim my anus, move up my crease, then slide it back...

2 years ago
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A teachers erotic adventure pt4

Are you sure, you’ve had enough for now? Do you want to give so easily?’ the Chinese wife, teased, friendly taunting her victim. ‘Yes, ‘Jennie panted still exhausted from the wild female tussle.’ ‘Okay, then, ‘Peggy laughed, ‘I’ll let you. ‘ Peggy said with a hard little laugh, as she taunted Jennie. ‘Now, let me check to see what MY husband wants me to do to you, ‘she said laughing down into a dispirited Jennie’s face. ‘O.K.,’ Jennie panted, ‘but, just get it over with, okay?’ Peggy...

2 years ago
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All the Teachers PT4

It had been one hell of a night. He walked out, of the bedroom, wearing a smile as he told himself how fun and enjoyable the night had been. Before he left he made sure he wrote her a note. He told her how terrific he thought the evening was. He also told her how gorgeous he thought she was and that he’d do what they’d done “a million times over” as he smiled. He wrote on the note that she was a sweet and wonderful woman. After he signed his name, he quietly walked out, and headed home. That...

3 years ago
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Fun at the beach pt4

Elizabeth was a makeup artist, one of the finest in Miami, if not in the country. She had been hired by World Elite Modeling to do the makeup for a new calendar that was in the works. Elizabeth always looked forward to working for World Elite and she was especially pleased to be on this job. Angel Enriquez was the star model for this calendar and Elizabeth had been having fantasies about Angel for quite awhile. Every time Elizabeth was anywhere near Angel, it was as if she lost her composure....

4 years ago
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diary pt4

The next morning, I woke up with a silly grin on my face. I stretched lightly and searched for my companion. Deep down I dreaded the morning after, knowing things wouldn’t be as simple as they were last night, but I was ready and willing to face the new day head on, whatever it may bring. I couldn’t even imagine how wrong I could possibly be. Jeanie, whom I had spent the night making glorious love to, was standing at the end of the bed holding her diary in her left hand, pointing it accusingly...

3 years ago
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The Group Pt4

Miss Burke returned to the bedroom carrying a tray with a decanter and two glasses. “Here,” she offered a glass. “It’s ginger wine. It will restore and reinvigorate you.” She sat on the bed alongside me and took a long draft from her glass. I sipped and warmth spread from my stomach through my body. She stroked me, smoothing a hand over my chest, caressing my nipples. Her gown stretched to contain her breasts, visible through the sheer nylon. It fell open below her waist and I could see the...

2 years ago
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Stacy Lancaster Stacys First Swing Pt4

Helen pressed a hand against her sex as she lifted herself off Jared's softening member. Her inflamed labia were open so wide that her entire palm nestled between them. Cupping her sex as she stood, the hard-bodied older woman crossed the few feet to where Stacy lay sprawled. The pale younger woman's hand was jammed to the knuckles into her own cunt but seemed frozen there as Stacy stared at Helen. Specifically, she stared at the other woman's groin. Despite her best efforts, goo was...

3 years ago
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Lesson Pt4

The next time Rick paid us a visit, it was obvious that I'd have to see what he could do with his cock, but I wasn't expecting quite what I got. He arrived all flustered and wet from the rain, afraid he was going to be late, he said, due to the idiots who can't drive in the weather. Letting him recover, we chatted about nothing really, until my man appeared and called us to attention."Rick, glad you made it. It's time you fucked my girl," was his opener, never one to talk in circles,...

Wife Lovers
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My Husbands Cock in Chasity PT4

Steve had been locked in his cage for about four months. I would occasionally let him out to clean up but for the most part he remained locked up. He had become very attentive since we had started his chastity. Steve made sure he did all of his chores around the house quickly and completely. I had begun to love my new role as the controller of his sexual releases. I found myself getting wet when I would think about his next release. Planning his releases became a challenge for me. Each time I...

3 years ago
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Flat Tire leads to BBC PT4

Six weeks from my first meeting with Jerome, in a seedy warehouse, the home pregnancy test showed positive. I made an appointment with my doctor, it was confirmed. Jerome had fertilized my garden with his potent seed.I called Jerome that night and asked him to come over, he agreed. I had not seen him since I moved out of my house, this worried me.Jerome showed up at 9:00, which pissed me off. I had made dinner to celebrate our pregnancy. When Jerome knocked on the door, I answered...

1 year ago
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Jamaican Vacation turned Gay PT4

Rebecca studied me up and down."What happened to you?" She asked."I...uh...I..."Ty cut me off, "you look like you are in shock Rebecca. Let's fix you a drink and I'll explain everything to you.""Make it a double," she said as Ty started to make her a screwdriver.He handed her the drink, grabbed a joint, and ushered us outside.Rebecca sat down in one chair, Ty in the other. There wasn't anywhere for me to sit, so I stayed standing, leaning against the railing."Come sit here and smoke your joint...

2 years ago
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Wife had girls weekend so I had GURL weekend pt4

see parts 1 through 3 before reading this.SO it is now Saturday evening and I am trying to find someone to get into me tonight. I had several replies to decide on who to invite over. I wanted a black man that wanted to fuck my ass as well as get sucked. I picked a 35 year old man who said he lived in town and loved breaking in white gurls he said the fact I was married was even better. I have been fucked by black men before but what the hell let him think he is breaking me in.I decided on my...

3 years ago
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Party pt4

"James!... No!... You put me down right now!" Ignoring her various pleas and demands moving steadily towards her room, pushing open the door with a slight nudge of his shoulder made his entry delivering quite easily the most delicate, cherishable cargo he'd ever been privileged to care for. Bending down, setting her gently atop her bed, lingering momentarily inhaling the sweet fragrance of perfume permeating from the silent, temporarily overwhelmed beauty... Stepping back voicing his approval,...

2 years ago
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Cuckolding my boyfriend pt4

"Huh, oh! Fuck!" Jay jumped when feeling my warm tongue touch his asshole."Mmmm. Daddy, your ass tastes so good. Do you like that? Does it feel good?" I would snicker in-between licks and kisses.Both guys had their heads down on the bed, looking at each other when Chris said to Jay, "This girl is a total freak. You didn't tell me she 'tosses the salad."Jay didn't answer him but only moaned while enjoying his rimming. I mostly licked in circles before sticking my tongue inside the sphincter and...

2 years ago
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Cinema the aftermath told by the groper pt4

This is the sequel to Cinema - leads to the seduction of my wife which was posted recently in Loving Wives.It's probably not essential but if you haven't already done so it may be better to read that story first as I hope you will derive more enjoyment from this tale if you know what happened to begin with.Finally, whilst I am happy to receive good or bad comments about my stories please take this in the vein in which it is intended. Luedon finally gets it. I just wish some of you others who...

2 years ago
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First gloryhole pt4

I was deepthroating it and would pause when the head entered my esophagus just to lengthen the feeling and to press my lips against the denim. I was so horny, I wanted to literally swallow his cock. I was getting a good rhythm when I was startled by Philip entering the room without my knowledge.Seeing only the back of my head bobbing inward, my ass, and the bottoms of my bare feet, he asked, "Hi Honey. I figured I would find you back here doing your thing. I was going to order a pizza. How long...

4 years ago
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Landlord Deals a deal PT4

Whatever the long-term results, Jess's cuckolding me with my brother and father seemed to have shredded whatever need for privacy and discretion she previously required. Courtesy of my father, she'd had all her body hair removed by laser and was now completely smooth and soft. Much to my discomfort, she'd "outed" us to her mom and older sister, but her mom had been supportive and her sister – 26 and married – had been intrigued and expressed considerable interest in meeting Derrick, the hung...

2 years ago
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Wife Trains My Ass Pegged PT4

"Good. Then let me partially introduce myself. For your purposes, my name is only Mistress. Your wife hired me from an escort site online. With very specific requests, mainly that I had experience fucking men with a strap on." Mistress continued in a whisper.After the word strap on, she grab the base of the one still in my ass and gave it a little tug. I moaned at the sensation inside me."And while plenty of men have felt my cock in their ass, fucking a man with his wife is a first for me." she...

3 years ago
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Training the Wife for BBC PT4

My name is Jim. I'm an interracial addict. Just an ordinary white guy who happens to love watching a white woman have sex with a black man. To me it is the most beautiful sexual union between a man and a woman possible. I tried to resist this desire to watch interracial sex over the years because I felt it was an unnatural and unhealthy behavior. Over time I thought I had my interracial obsession beat, but a few years after I married my beautiful wife Anna, it came roaring back.Eventually Anna...

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