No Strings Attached - A Mutual Interest - Chapter 26 free porn video

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I wake up disoriented with my head pounding, hungover from the sheer amount of alcohol I'd consumed last night. Stretching out in the bed with a yawn, I notice it's still dark, so I turn onto my front to go back to sleep, pulling the cover over my shoulders. It can't be later than seven at a push, and an extra few hours in bed before I deal with Liam is definitely what I need today.

Annoyingly, the morning exercises begin, and I reach down to rearrange my cock within the pyjama bottoms, but I'm too uncomfortable after being tormented last night repeatedly. Deciding I should deal with it, I roll onto my back to touch myself when a foot kicks me in the face, and the covers are pulled back off me. Suddenly, I remember that I'm in Justin's bed, and not my own, and we'd sat up smoking and talking for most of the night to lift my mood.

"Oi, you're stealing all the covers!"

"Fuck off, am I. You've been pulling them off me all night, and I've had your shoes in my face," Justin responds, holding onto them tighter.

"Why didn't you take the guest bed then?"

"Well, why didn't you take it when you're the guest?"

"It's lumpy and too small."

"Exactly, and I'm taller than you. You'd have less of your legs hanging off than me," he says, drawing the duvet around himself. "Plus, this is my room."

"As if that extra inch even matters!"

"Well, I wouldn't know. Does an extra inch matter, Matt?" he taunts, raising his eyebrows at me.

"I'm not answering that!" I say, turning away. "Dammit, Justin, I'm cold! Budge over at least, and let me steal your body heat if you won't share."

As I move to his side, someone knocks on the bedroom door, and with little thinking, Justin throws the duvet over me, attempting to hide me from his mother. With my forehead pressed against his shoulder, I'm forced to breathe in his natural, masculine musk at this distance, and the old feelings start resurfacing.

"Ah, you're up, and Matthew, my dear, I know you came back last night," his mum says, rumbling us in an instant. "If you're going to sneak in, keep it down at two in the morning. Also, don't you boys think you're getting too old to share a bed like this?"

"Good morning, Mrs Wilson," I chirp, popping my head out, too close to Justin's for my own comfort.

"Looks like you had a good night, Matthew," she says, and with horror, I realise I'd forgotten to remove my makeup. "I'll make you some breakfast in a minute. Justin, can you bring your laundry down with you."

Justin seems relaxed around me, so I turn around to lay next to him, not quite ready to get up and deal with my cracking headache. We'd always done this when we stayed over at each other's houses, chatting, smoking or drinking until we fell asleep. Even when my father set up a sofa bed in my room, we didn't use it unless we needed the extra space to fuck someone. It was an unspoken aspect of our friendship. However, it had always been entirely platonic to my frustration, and as I look at him now, my heart begins thumping at his nearness.

I'd love to have felt his lips just the once against my own. Why does he have to be so fucking gorgeous with those inviting, heavy, lashed, brown eyes? It makes wanting him, but not being able to have him so much harder. I'd heard that confessing to get rejected helps you deal with your feelings for good, but after concealing it for so long, he may see me as creepy or perhaps even repulsive.

I shouldn't even have these thoughts when I'm already in a relationship.

"So tell me more about that girl you were seeing? She seemed... Nice?"

"Oh, Selena? She was fun, but I can't see her anymore," I sigh, remembering last night. "I'm going to be in so much trouble with Liam when I go home."

"Sounds like you're going back to your dad. Does he dictate your life to you too?"

"Ah, it's not like that. Liam's just worried about my well-being. I should have told him I was going out, so he knew where I was, that's all."

"He's like Chaz, isn't he? I don't understand what you see in those kinds of people. I wouldn't dream of treating someone like that," he snaps. "Is it possible for a sadist to love someone?"

"He loves me," I say quietly, pausing to gain the courage to continue. "And I love him, and he's only done what I've consented to. I like what he does to me."

Justin doesn't appear shocked by my admittance, but wordlessly, he climbs down from the bunk and opens his dresser. I can't help but feel he is disappointed with me, but he hadn't understood what I saw in Charlotte either. He'd been the one to help me after she'd snapped and injured me, so I doubt I'll be able to change his mind now after he'd seen the state she'd left me in.

I'd meant to tell him about my current arrangement with Liam, but as I watch him pull on a shirt, his jaw clenching as he mulls over a response, it's clear it may not be in my best interest. We'd been closer than brothers, to the point we'd shared women and been alike in nearly every aspect, but that is no longer the case. I don't want to alienate him further. I need him in my life.

"Take these, Matt," he says, throwing a pair of tracksuit bottoms up to me. "I'll drop you back home after breakfast."

"I thought we were skating today?"

"With those shoes on?"

"We can pick up a bolt cutter on the way. My skateboard's still in your cellar, isn't it? I was hoping to go back to the stairs outside the cinema. Come on, you know that you want to. We haven't had fun together in so long."

"Where I broke my wrist? Are you crazy? I spent twelve weeks in a cast after listening to you the first time."

"Yeah, but you over-thought it. There's no difference between a twelve and an eight set. It's all in your head, so just go fast and commit."

"That's easy for you to say. You get injured and just walk it off. Why don't you take your skateboard back with you, and I'll drop you off there. I completely forgot I'm supposed to be seeing Becka, and she's done four nights in a row. We can play on the X-box for a bit if you'd like?"

"I don't really fancy it. I'll just head back if you've got other plans," I reply, reading his reluctance. He probably doesn't want to get me in further trouble. "Just promise we can hangout soon, alright?"

After dressing, we head downstairs to the kitchen, and his mum dishes us up a double-decker sandwich filled with bacon and fried egg with a strong cup of tea. She pauses whilst handing me my plate as she notices my shoes, but then she smiles reassuringly, setting me at ease and sits down at the table with us.

"Thanks, mum!" Justin says before shovelling food down his throat, abnormally fast.

"Thank you, Mrs Wilson! You're the best," I beam, acting the innocent like I've always done after a messy night.

"I can't believe how grown-up you've both got," she says, leaning over to pinch Justin's cheek. "I've told your dad you're here, Matthew. I know he's been worried about you recently. Why don't you pop over there afterwards and let him know you're well?"

"I can't really do that, unfortunately. I can't forgive him."

"I think he's missing you. It was just a big shock to him, I'm sure? I know it'll mean a lot to him," she says, looking thoughtful. "Have you met his girlfriend, Claire? I think it's seriou-"

"Mum, can we just drop it? His dad is a dickhead and kicked him out."

"Language, Justin!" she warns before reaching out for my hand. "Look, you might not be ready for it now, but when you are, come here, and we'll all have a cup of tea together. You don't have to see him alone, okay?"

I nod my gratitude, doubting I'll ever take her up on the offer, but it gave me something to think about. I have some support here, at the very least.


Justin drives me back straight after, and we arrive at Liam's by ten-thirty, giving me plenty of time to freshen up before explaining myself. He may not even be awake yet or noticed that I'd gone missing if I'm lucky.

"Matt, promise me you'll go online and speak to me on there if you need me next time? I don't want you thinking you can't speak to me."

"Yeah, I will, but I'm fine, Justin. You don't need to worry about me," I smile, attempting to reassure him before climbing out of the car. "See you soon, mate."

I wave him off, watching as he pulls away before trudging up the driveway, wondering what kind of punishment this will lead to. I hope he hadn't been too concerned about me, which is my main worry. Perhaps I should have left a note to let him know where I was?

Raising my hand to knock on the door, I notice it is already ajar, so nervously, I give it a push. Liam is sitting on the stairs in last night's clothes, staring at his phone, with Will beside him, who immediately locks eyes on me, as I place my gift bag down.

"Well, well, the dirty stop out has returned. So, whose bed were you sleeping in last night?" Will says, giving me a devilish grin.

I know that by admitting the truth when Liam is aware of my feelings for Justin, I'll be landing myself in trouble because it'll look bad. If I lie, he'll see through it instantly. I didn't take my keys or dress warmly when I left last night. There's no way I can fib my way out of it, especially with Will here to stir us up.

"I saw Justin."

"Justin? I thought you weren't talking to him?" Liam responds, appearing puzzled. "I thought you'd had a disagreement?"

Oddly, I don't remember mentioning that I hadn't heard from Justin? Did I say anything? I guess I must have.

"It appears to just be a misunderstanding, and my phone isn't working. He came by last night, and we spent the evening catching up."

"You know both James, Will and myself spent all night searching for you? You left with no keys, no phone or any money. We were thinking the worst after the state you were in, so I called the hospital. What on earth were you thinking?" he says, moving to stand in front of me.

"I only saw my friend..."

"A friend that you want to screw. You've already cheated on me at least once that I know of, and your behaviour regarding Selena has been sketchy at best. I cannot trust you to tell me the truth. How do I know you weren't fucking him last night?"

"Woah, I definitely didn't fuck him! He doesn't like me in that way for a start. All he did was drop me off a gift, and he thought I could do with some space. Absolutely nothing happened. He's also happy with Becka, and I'm not the kind of person to interfere with a good relationship and embarrass myself."

"You still broke the rules of our agreement. We signed a contract, and I'm upholding my end to look after you. I deserve to be told at the very least. We even had to send Jade home."

"So what about, Jade? You ignored me to fuck her. You don't need her when you have me."

"Actually, Jade was a potential replacement for Selena."

"Replacement for Selena? Why are we replacing her already? I'm not ready to meet someone new..."

"That's why I met her, and not you," Will volunteers. "You did tell Liam he could choose the next person."

I might have said that, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't get a say in the decision. I wasn't even introduced to her, and he'd shooed me away. How was I supposed to know? He seems awfully keen to move on quickly. Is he getting bored with only me?

"Well, is she coming back? Do I get to speak to her?"

"She wasn't a good fit," Will responds, smiling as he strokes Liam's arm. "Actually, your Master has decided that he'd rather share you with other doms, so here I am gladly accepting that position. Isn't that right, Liam?"

Two sadists? I have to deal with Will too? Although, now I think of it, the idea of being fucked by both of them is appealing, and I know I won't accidentally find myself in love with Will either. I know where I stand with him. It may work?

"William is joining us for the time being. You are to address him as 'Sir' only. We will need to sign an amendment, but all punishments need to be approved by me. Is that amenable?" Liam answers, pushing Will's hand away.

"I'm not averse to the idea; I just don't want to get involved with drugs again or play with either of you when you're on something. That's my main concern."

Both of them look at each other, appearing disappointed that partying is no longer on the table, which they clearly seem to have in mind, but I can't put myself through that again. I need to cut back on the drinking too. When Rebekah is finally back, I want to be the best possible parent for her. That scene isn't healthy for me.

"We will respect that," Liam nods. "Now, about that punishment..."

"Ah, the spanking, or whatever it is that Dollie gets? Want me to sit over your knee?"

"Were you Dollie at the time?" Will asks.

"I'm still wearing the heels, aren't I?"

"You're acting like Matthew, with no consideration to anyone but yourself. You have done since you fooled around with Selena, and don't make excuses that you didn't because Noah told us."

Shit! I didn't consider him finding out.

"I didn't sleep with her."

"She returned to him crying and with smudges of black lipstick on her neck. He called me this morning to let me know about it. Liam should chastise you for the best part of a year for it," Will adds. "Did you cum when you were with her?"

"...No... I didn't touch myself either."

"You are never to approach her, do you understand? She is with Noah now, and if you dare to speak to her, he will step in. I took the blame for it this occasion by trusting you, but I won't calm him down next time. Will also won't interfere."

"Okay, I'm sorry..."

"Good. Now strip out of those clothes. I'll have Janet clean and return them later."

"Yes, Master..."

Slowly, under their watchful gaze, I remove my sweatshirt, then the jogging bottoms that Justin had kindly loaned me, folding them into a neat pile on the floor. I think Liam is scrutinising my body for signs I may be lying as he circles me, and I hold my breath, trying not to make eye contact with Will. I can't remember if Selena left me with marks or not when we first got carried away, but with relief, he appears satisfied.

"Perhaps Will was right. Maybe I should have you branded, so everyone knows that you belong to me? Or we could get a tattoo? Which is it to be, Slut?"

Liam's hand drops to my abdomen, caressing the faded mark of his initials. I'd felt loved the first time he'd given it to me using the violet wand. I wish we could get back to those earlier days. Everything changed when we got tangled up with Selena. If I'd been cautious with my feelings, perhaps I wouldn't have ruined our relationship.

"What would Master prefer?"

"Mm, well, a tattoo right here, stating your ownership would leave no uncertainty," he says, lowering his voice seductively as his fingers move downwards, and he grasps my penis. "Wouldn't that be something?"

"Ah, that would hurt, Master," I respond, hating the way my body is tingling with excitement. It would be a terrible idea.

"Does the idea turn you on, my dirty masochist? You're gushing all over my floor. Wait, you still haven't released since we were rudely interrupted yesterday? If you've truly kept to our agreement, then you must be tormented by this point," he smiles. "Come with me."

Will stays back, but I follow Liam out of the front door, baffled by what he could possibly have planned for me. Standing in the wait position as instructed, with my hands behind my back and legs apart, I watch as he disappears into the garage.

Curiously, his car engine starts up, then he backs it up before getting out and returning inside. I have a bad feeling, certain the punishment will be severe with it being determined that I broke the rules as Matthew, but then he comes back a few minutes later carrying two buckets, which he chucks at my feet, spilling sponges and cloths over the gravel. He then hands me a bottle of car shampoo.

"Clean my car."

I'm stark, bollock naked in heels, and dark clouds loom overhead, but he wants me to wash his car? Is he crazy?

"Are you sure, Master? It's going to rain."

"Did I permit you to talk? Now, I expect you to be finished by three. Wait in front of the car when you're done," he dismisses, then strolls back into the house.

I'm bewildered by this bizarre punishment, but it's not the first time he's chosen something unusual but cruel for what he deems a serious misdemeanour. Spanking a masochist is a reward rather than a deterrent. On the other hand, making me do a tedious chore gives me a lot of time to reconsider the decisions that led me to this. I'm impressed by the ingenuity.

I set to work with a smile, running to fetch the hose from the garden to remove most of the dust and the debris first. It would be easy to do a half-arsed job like I do for my own car when I can be bothered, but that would be a massive disrespect towards my Master. He always has a mobile valet come to the home, but this task has been entrusted to me this time. I should be honoured he has allowed me anywhere near his car with how much it's worth.

With the majority of dirt sprayed off, I fill the buckets from the hose, pouring shampoo into one, and then I work from the top-down, starting with the roof and windows, methodically cleaning the sponge of any trapped grit and rinsing as I go. By the time I've finished cleaning around the panels, under the handles, and the doors' edges, I'm already shivering from the cold. Still, I continue by washing the wheels, between the spokes, tyre valves and wheel nuts, agitating the dirt before giving it a final rinse.

Now, with all the soap off, I gently dry the car with a microfiber cloth, but I don't feel like I'm finished even though I've spent the best part of an hour on it. Instead, I go back inside the garage, and after a quick rummage, I find a 12V vacuum and some wax.

I know his car won't be visibly unclean inside, but I still remove each floor mat before cleaning the interior. I even go as far as moving the driver's seat back to vacuum under there, where I discover a discarded receipt, before moving to the footwell and the backseats.

Pleased with my effort, I finish by wiping around the surfaces, sure that the receipt may have been planted as a test to see how well I'd complete my task. Perhaps I'll even receive a reward if I meet his high level of expectation. Maybe I could exceed it? The thought of being fucked takes over, and lewd images come to the forefront of my mind as I begin the arduous job of waxing his car with a hard-on.

I hope he remembers what we spoke about last night before we ruined it by angering each other. I signed the agreement, hoping that selfishly abandoning myself to lust will lead to a simple relationship with fewer stresses in it like he promised. Of course, when my daughter is finally returned to my life, my priority would be her, but until then, I don't want to think about anything else.

With the wax finally done, I step back to admire my handiwork, stretching out my aching shoulders. There's no dramatic difference between the before and after like there usually is when I do my own crappy car, but I know in my heart I've been meticulous for him. Hopefully, he'll see the effort and love I've put in.

Quickly, I put all of the equipment back, reel the hose away to the garden, then resume my position in front of the Mercedes. I don't know how much time I have left; I just know that I'm cold, my feet are aching and blistered, plus it's begun to rain, but with relief, I hear gravel crunch underfoot behind me minutes later.

Have they been watching me?

"Completed with only minutes to spare? You sure like cutting it fine," Will taunts on his approach. "Better hope you've done a good job with how long you kept us waiting."

"Did you wax this?" Liam demands, stepping towards the car.

"Yes, Master. Did I do it wrong?" I respond, anxiously worried I've ruined something as he examines my work. "I followed the instructions on the back. I'll pay to fix it when I go back to work next week..."

"No, actually, I'm surprised," he says, standing before me. "It seems you put effort into everything you do, more than I ever expected, Matthew. I can't fault it. Did you clean inside too?"

"I just gave it a vacuum and a wipe over, although I did find some rubbish that was missed, Master," I say, turning over the tattered receipt from my hand. "I don't know if you need it."

Intrigued, he gives it a quick glance before scrunching it back up and shoving it in his pocket.

"It seems the valet doesn't do half as good a job as I pay him for. Good job, Lover!" he says, patting me on the back, then moving to the boot of the car, which he opens. "Now lay on the hood for your reward."

"Y-yes, Master!"

I knew there was going to be a catch, but eager for some form of release, I climb onto the car, as he produces zip ties from a black carryall; the same heavy-duty zip ties I'd sold to him several months ago, that he hasn't used on me yet. He appears smug, knowing I recognise them, but I lay back and entirely submit myself to him.

"You have no objections, Sub?" Will asks, switching on a camcorder, to which I shake my head. "I kinda feel bad for this after you did such a great job cleaning his car, but we may as well have some fun today to make up for yesterday's disappointment."

Liam fastens my wrists to the wing mirrors, then he moves down and positions my legs into a frog tie using three cables on each. It's immediately uncomfortable, but he continues by splaying me apart and tying my ankles together, taking only a few minutes to immobilise me. With bated anticipation, I watch as he opens a new packet.

"I love the versatility of cable ties," he says, chuckling as he threads another through the one at the top of my thigh. "This may hurt a little."

With it passing through to the one on my opposite thigh, he traps my cock between my legs, at the base. The pain of plastic digging into my flesh is instant, but I don't stop him, even as the next ensnares me by the head of my now semi-erect penis. His touch lingers, caressing the tip, and with my teeth now gritted, I watch as he makes his next decision and tautly attaches me by my piercing to my fastened feet. If I try to wiggle or move my legs, it's going to hurt, and as I increasingly become excited, they're going to dig in more.

"Now, my adorable slut, pain or pleasure? You pick your reward."

Ah, the allusion of choice. If I pick pleasure, I'm definitely going to get an erection and have to deal with those cable ties. I can't win either way.

"Pain, Master," I sigh, resigned to my fate.

I really just want to cum.

"Are you pouting? What's wrong slut? Wishing you'd not abandoned me last night? Now, then..."

He removes what looks like some kind of steel weight in the shape of a doughnut and a tube from the bag. Unfastening it with an Allen key, it becomes clear what this is used for, but I'm not afraid as he begins to lubricate my balls then closes it around my scrotum.

The weight, surprisingly, isn't unpleasant. In fact, it feels fantastic being squeezed and pulled, and the memory of Selena tugging on them in the hallway comes back to me. I wish I'd been able to have experienced her abusing my body and been her plaything. We could have explored so much together.

"How does that feel? Heavy? Painful?" he asks as he applies clamps to my nipples.

"Good... tight, and..." I groan, feeling myself beginning to swell at the stimulation. "I'm so turned on, Master... Ah!"

"That didn't take long, did it?" he smirks as I grimace in discomfort. "Try not to yell too much, or the neighbours might come running and spoil our fun early."

"Uhh, fuck... It hurts so bad," I gasp, glancing down to watch my sensitive flesh straining inside its prison. "I love how mean you are to me... Please, fuck me... Fill me..."

He laughs in amusement at my outburst while removing his tunic, then he produces an anal hook with three stacked balls on the end from his bag. A smile spreads across his handsome face as he applies lube to it, and butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach. I can almost forget that Will is even here.

I cry out in surprise at the coldness of the steel being shoved in without a warm-up, and it cleaves deeper within my arse as he tugs the end. It stings being stretched around something so unyielding, but I'm distracted by a small vibrator being brushed against my cock. Moaning with delight, my tongue flicks over my bottom lip with my arousal peaking. He promised me this last night; to be simultaneously kept in ecstasy, and pain, a potent blend of sensations for someone like me. I'm touched that he's remembered.

"You complete me," he whispers, his intent face close as he continues to run the vibrator over my penis. "Perhaps I should keep you like this always, my beautiful pain slut?"

"Please do, Master. I'm yours, and I only want to be yours. Please kiss me?" I plead.

His expression softens, and gently his lips graze against mine. Closing my eyes as his mouth claims me with his tongue delving inside, I sigh in contentment. I hope I can remain his willing captive forever.

He leaves me breathless when he pulls away, then with cable ties connected together, he attaches my collar to the hook, passing it up the front of my torso. I try to change my position with my calf muscles aching and discover that the hook plunges further inside. Flinching with it rubbing firmly against my prostate, the ties attached to my cock are jerked in response.

"Fuck!" I call out, setting off the reaction again as I move my head in surprise. "Oh, Jesus... Ah!"

I didn't expect to fail spectacularly this early on, and I writhe hopelessly, moaning and making it worse for myself with the plastic pinching into my skin. He watches with glistening eyes and continues to torment me with the vibrator moving to my frenulum, and doesn't stop even as the rain drops harder around us.

"If you don't get yourself under control now, the next part will break you," he smirks. "Now, breathe..."

Closing my eyes and exhaling evenly, I try to get it together and focus. Listening to the gentle pitter-patter of rain rhythmically beating the earth and the way it feels caressing my skin. The almost musical whistling of the wind, whispering through the nearby woods and whipping fallen leaves into the air. The aroma of petrichor emanating from the damp soil, soothing my soul in its familiarity and grounding me.

Calmed, I blink my eyes open and swallow at the sight of my Master's glistening, bare, naked chest... Tousled angel touched hair... Gorgeous, handsome, perfection.

"You disappeared on me with another man and kissed Selena. This deserves a deterrent, so I want to approach a soft limit. Agreed?" he asks with a rattan cane clenched in his hand, and I nod. "Good. Count each of them as they come."

He unlocks my high-heels with a key removed from his pocket and then carefully tugs them off, followed by my knee-highs, giving me respite from my blisters temporarily. We haven't touched anything on my soft limits yet, and I am apprehensive, although the utterance of my safeword ends it, so I'm in no real danger. This is just going to hurt an awful lot, and with my skin damp from the rain, this pain will be amplified.

The cane strokes over the sole of my foot as I hold my breath, then with minor effort, he flicks it against the arch, and my stomach lurches as pain shoots up my leg. It's as bad as I envisioned, and I cry out, "One!" in agony and pull my wrists against the bindings.

"There will be one strike on each foot for every hour you were missing, Slut. How many was that? Ten?"

In succession, the strikes land against my foot, lightly but to maximum effect, with tears welling in my eyes. Still, I fight against the urge to scream out my safeword. I can't give in. I'm stronger than that, and if I can endure it, the reward that follows could be wondrous. I just need to hold it together.

Switching to my other foot, the cane continues to bounce over my heel, the instep and ball of my foot as I whimper. It's not hard enough to cause lasting damage, but pure, concentrated pain intensifies on each stroke and my resolve breaks by the third, although I don't stop him. Instead, the following strikes are carried out without humility, my yells disturbing the silence, putting us at real risk of being found, as I cry my way through it, unable to disappear into subspace.

The punishment stops, but readily my body reacts as my Master strokes the vibrator over the tip of my cock again, distracting me from the lingering pain in my feet. I'll never forget this in a hurry, and I'm sure to be crawling away from here when he's done, but he knows just how far he can go in his cruelty before reeling me back.

I love his maliciousness and the way he toys with me...

My body craves this...

Reacts to this...

Simultaneously, I feel like I can't handle any more, but I also want to be pushed further, spread wider, fucked deeper and hurt harder. It's cathartic, toeing that line between agony and orgasmic bliss with him, so it's difficult to not get carried away to the point he destroys me.

Breaking through the throbbing ache in my balls and the pinching against my ensnared cock, I ejaculate over myself thickly, moaning as I release. I didn't have permission, and with a smirk, he presses the vibrator firmly to my frenulum, and my noises turn to cries of anguish as I jerk uncontrollably from the ongoing stimulation.

"Please, Master... Too much!" I beg, unable to cope. "Mercy, please?"

The vibrations cease, and with scissors, he cuts the plastic entrapping my penis and removes the hook putting an end to my torment. My legs remain bound, but with my wrists released, he pulls me to the edge of the bonnet, drops his trousers and penetrates me. Leisurely he uses my body for his pleasure, kissing me as we fuck in the rain, with my arms wrapping around his neck.

"You are mine, and I will never let you go, do you understand?" he growls against my neck, his ragged breath betraying his excitement.

"Yes, Master," I sigh in happiness.

His thrusts deepen, then with a groan he releases, before cuddling into me in exhaustion, our bond firmly consummated, and our transgressions against each other forgiven.

"I will follow you to the end of the earth if you ever forget," he murmurs wearily, stroking my hair away from my face.

"How sweet," Will drawls, interrupting us and pushing the camcorder at Liam. "Now it's my turn with the Sub."

"Fine, but I'm going to shower. Meet me back in the house when you're done."

Left alone, with my legs finally cut free, Will shoves me, so I'm leaning over the car before fucking me with his thick, lengthy cock. I bite down on my hand, restraining myself from making too much noise as he takes me deeper than my Master ever could. Interestingly I find that the deeper Will slams my rear, and the further those inches work fully inside, the more my balls swing under the weight still attached to me.

"Tell me how good it feels, fuckboy, to be wrecked by me?"

"You make me feel dirty, Sir... and so turned on and stretched... It's so good! Ah, fuck me, harder, Sir!"

"You sound like a size queen. Perhaps after this, we should fist you again and destroy this snug boy-cunt of yours for good," he hisses. "What would you say to that? Masturbate for me."

I grasp my tender cock, and rapidly I stroke myself, using my fluids for lubrication. I can normally last a while after my first orgasm, but being slammed by him like this has quickly pushed me back to the edge.

"I still want to feel nice for my Master..." I groan, my legs trembling with the need to cum rising.

"It may ruin your usefulness, but you'll still feel tight being double penetrated... So Liam may need to keep me around," he whispers, squeezing my aching balls firmly in his fist and filling me with his release.

My knees buckle, and I collapse against the car as I cum, my body exhausted and spent, but something strikes me as odd. What did Will just say?

Liam may need to keep me around?


"Do you have feelings for Liam?"

"Is it a problem if I do? Are you going to tell him, fuckboy?" he sniggers, tickling my neck with his breath, with his arm still wrapped around me. "I know what happened in that bathroom last night... The pregnancy test, and Selena trying to tempt you away."

He knows? Why hasn't Liam said anything yet?

"Noah didn't call you, did he? Were you spying on me?"

"I wanted to confirm something for Liam, but I guess I can keep your secret for as long as you keep mine. I don't know what you're playing at, but you clearly want to stay for some reason... Scratch my back, and I scratch yours?"

Is he threatening me?

"Why haven't you just told him? Why bother with me?"

I shove him away, done with whatever it is he is trying to drag me into. I won't be used like this, but as I attempt to leave, I stumble with my feet being sore, and his hand tightens on my wrist.

"You know his affliction, just as well as I do. I'm not a masochist, so you're an unfortunate necessity for me. What d'ya say fuckboy? He doesn't know you cheated again, and we all have fun together? No-one loses out, and Liam remains happy."

"I'm not sure..."

"Look, if you decide you want out at any point, then fine. You're not the first sub I've made deals with, and you won't be the last. Liam wants to line up another already. What's to say he doesn't fall in love with them like you did with Selena? I won't steal him away, and you have my word that you can leave Liam when you please, and your dignity remains intact when it happens. I swear it."

It seems too good to be true, but there doesn't appear to be any obvious glowing issues. I've already decided I'd rather have Will involved with us than an unknown coming in, plus the sex has always been good. How long will it be until he replaces me? Everyone leaves me in the end. I can also relate to how Will must be feeling, with my affection towards Justin having to remain a secret.

Do I have anything to lose?

"Okay, but if you dare try using something against me again, I swear I'll drag you down with me. You will not make me your fool."

"I wouldn't dream of it, slut. Now should we kiss to seal the deal?" he smiles, stepping forwards to press his lips against mine. "Treat me well, and I promise you'll have nothing to worry about again."

Same as No Strings Attached - A Mutual Interest - Chapter 26 Videos

2 years ago
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My First Mutual JO with another Guy

Well, I finally got horny enough to meet up with another guy, in person, for a mutual JO session. I put an ad in Craig's List asking for a guy close to my age (61) to join me for a JO session and maybe mutual touching/stroking.I had quite a few replies and was hot for several guys including a very serious one from an extremely well hung 73 yr old guy who promised to gently introduce me to cock-sucking!Anyway, last week, my wife was away for a few days so I contacted one of they guys who said...

2 years ago
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Mutual Masturbation

Introduction: Naked bodys and sex talk. Mutual Masturbation. Four internet friends all living in different countries had one thing in common, they were all turned on by the thought of mutual masturbation. All members of a porn forum they had discussed this topic long and often. I had observed their discussions but had never entered into conversation with them. Then one day they were discussing how hot it would be if they could all masturbate together live on camera. They could have had a cam to...

3 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 2 Leliana

Leliana had been concerned about the brooding, dark-haired noble. At first, she’d worried Aedan, enraged, would put the man out of his misery, and then she’d worried that the smelly, injured, traumatised, damaged man they’d rescued would save Aedan the trouble and get himself killed by his father’s guards. He could barely walk – several badly healing broken bones had been set and mended by Anders, not to mention the dehydration, malnourishment, scrapes, bruises, and contusions his ruined...

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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 3 Nathaniel

He had dreaded telling his story, dreaded the inevitable revulsion he so richly deserved, especially when he finally opened his eyes and met her gaze. But what he was greeted with was not what he expected; he faced only sympathy and understanding, despite everything. Mixed with some pity, there was no way to hide that, but the overwhelming disgust he’d braced for never happened. Her reaction was the most surprising. She knew. She looked at him, had listened to him, seen right through him,...

2 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 5 Nathaniel

Nathaniel woke slowly, his mind foggy, his head aching and his stomach roiling. Really, he thought it should be much worse – he’d started drinking early, and while he didn’t remember how much he’d had to drink, his actions the previous evening indicated that he should have stopped much sooner than he had. Given that he’d apparently drunk until enraged, then pathetic and sloppy, and then blacked out, he was surprised he wasn’t feeling more ill – he would have expected to spend the day with his...

3 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 6 Leliana

Her assignment as a messenger shouldn’t have been a surprise, but as she galloped through the rain between one army encampment and another, she cursed the luck that had made her one of the few fast riders the army had access to. The mages had been training – there were now a handful with the ability to shape-change into a bird – but that didn’t negate the need for horseback messengers, especially when it came to communications with the Chantry, who none of the Dalish mages would approach...

3 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 7 Nathaniel

Nathaniel watched the bard surreptitiously through half-closed eyes, forcing himself to focus on her face, and not the long expanse of pale skin on perfectly formed legs that he’d been unable to avoid noticing in the night. It was clear from her frenzied movements and her quick, shallow breaths that she was anxious, and he couldn’t blame her – when he’d asked to have Leliana directed to his tent once she’d arrived, he hadn’t expected to find her undressed and dead to the world in his own...

3 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 10 Leliana

Leliana had almost managed to resign herself that her – increasingly ardent – fantasies were just that: fantasy, and pure fiction. Nathaniel had shown no sign of wanting more, and as she kept reminding herself, he was a Fereldan Arl – he was never going to choose her, even if he was interested. And he’d made no overt moves to show that he was interested in her; he’d been friendly, and he still watched her the way Alistair looked at cheese, but he’d done nothing else. But it was only ‘almost’...

1 year ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 12 Leliana

If he hadn’t been turning to look at her, Leliana knew, he would not have missed the pack of Blight wolves that suddenly appeared in their path – and he’d never have fallen off his horse. He’d shown himself to be a good horseman, and she was experienced enough to know from his stance that he was probably better than she’d seen so far. But he’d had his mouth open, his eyes wide, and he hadn’t known the wolves were there until he’d been airborne. She thought she’d probably always feel a little...

2 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 13 Nathaniel

Nathaniel woke with a terrible but familiar taste in his mouth: elfroot. His head ached worse than the worst hangover he’d ever had, and he tried to think back to what he might have been drinking that would have affected him like this. He gradually became aware of the rest of his body, as he thought; his leg was sore, the ribs on one side felt bruised, and he was almost unbearably cold – and slightly damp. It was this last that convinced him to do something despite the pounding in his head;...

4 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 15 Nathaniel

She giggled and turned her head, lashing him with her damp hair, and he sputtered while she laughed. When she settled back down, she tilted her head back until he could press his forehead against her skull, his breath ruffling her hair. His heart was in his throat, and he felt deliriously short of breath. “Leliana?” “Yes, Nathaniel?” He could feel the vibration caused by her voice against his forehead, and he closed his eyes as he inhaled, her scent somehow exotic despite the undertones of...

3 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 16 Leliana

When she finally pulled away, panting, Leliana’s lips were tender and swollen from kissing, and she buried her face in the crook of his neck as he adjusted his position and wrapped both arms around her again. She was surprisingly comfortable, his strong arms cradling her against his chest and sharing his warmth. She was still cold, not that she’d paid any attention to that recently, and he shuddered as her cold nose pressed against his skin. He was an incredible kisser, she had to admit –...

3 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 17 Nathaniel

He watched her sleep for hours, in the end, reluctant to wake her after everything she’d been through during the day. She slept with her mouth slightly open, her face looking younger when slack, and he’d contented himself to hold her, shifting his grip periodically to avoid cramping up – and to make sure he warmed all of her as much as he could. He hadn’t been joking when he said she’d saved his life; he’d seen what happened to people who’d been bitten by Blight wolves, and it wasn’t pretty....

1 year ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 18 Leliana

The morning dawned sunny, for the first time in forever. Leliana woke, still wrapped in Nathaniel’s arms, finally starting to warm up as warm sunlight shone through the cave’s opening. She heard snoring, and realised that the handsome archer must have finally fallen asleep. She blushed when she remembered the night they’d spent, the kissing…Andraste preserve, had she actually bit him? She rolled her eyes at her own impulsive antics. She sat up carefully to look down on the nobleman,...

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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 19 Nathaniel

Now she’d managed to distract him with imagining their first time – and the second, and the third, preferably all in the same night. They’d both laughed uncomfortably, and then avoided eye contact as they’d extracted themselves from the rather intimate embrace they’d found themselves in. Getting dressed had been somewhat awkward; there was little room inside the tiny cave, so they nearly couldn’t avoid accidentally bumping into each other as they attempted to don their respective armour....

2 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 20 Leliana

Returning to camp took less time than Leliana would have liked; they were discovered by a patrol after they’d walked only a few minutes on the trail where they’d been ambushed. King Cailan had noted that they – or really, Nathaniel – was missing and had sent out search parties at sunrise. As the patrol hadn’t realised they would find Leliana with their missing Arl, they’d only brought one spare mount, but neither archer could bring themselves to complain about sharing. As they rode,...

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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 21 Nathaniel

The whole thing had gotten completely out of hand. Nathaniel sighed and tried to object for what had to be the fiftieth time since this plan had been suggested. “It’s simply too dangerous, Leliana. I won’t allow you – or anyone else – to be hurt in my stead. This is my problem—” “And this is how you’re going to solve it, yes? You’re going to get help from others who have more specific experience in this area.” He turned to the King, hoping for some support. “Your Majesty, surely you don’t...

1 year ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 22 Leliana

Leliana yawned, fighting the urge to stretch. Unlike Zevran, she’d never trained for stealth or ambush; her strengths ran to seduction and manipulation. She’d never practiced lying in wait, motionless, for a target. But there was no one else she’d trust to do this, no one with her aim – or her motivation to do the job well. So she stifled a sigh and remained still, watching over the darkened camp like a hawk. She was grateful for Anders; he’d known a spell to temporarily sharpen her vision,...

2 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 23 Nathaniel

Nate’s smile fell, his hands clasping into fists at his side. “Maker take me, we had him. If I wasn’t such a blighted idiot...” Leliana turned to him, her smile sympathetic. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known—” “You did.” Nate sighed. “I’ll bet you all did. And I’ve just ruined any hope of pinning this on Esmerelle.” “He wouldn’t have talked.” The Antivan seemed completely confident in his assessment. “I know the type. Anyone willing to poison themselves to avoid capture...

3 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 24 Leliana

She made a small, pleased sound when their tongues touched, and he swallowed her gasp as he nipped at her lips. Before she realised what had happened, she found herself sprawled across his chest, her knees on either side of his hips, as he laid back unceremoniously in the middle of the tent. They kissed for an eternity, lips sliding deliciously against each other, their breath intermingling. He was a good kisser, not too aggressive, but nicely assertive, his tongue teasing hers, his breath...

3 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 25 Nathaniel

He sighed. Any other time the woman had asked him to take his clothes off, he’d have been thrilled. However, she’d made it quite clear that nothing was going to happen that night, and as he got a whiff of the alcoholic stench coming off his clothes – to both disguise the liquor he hadn’t drunk, and also hide the fact that his breath didn’t smell very strongly – he admitted she was probably wise to decline. But now he was supposed to shuck his trousers so she could inspect his bare skin –...

3 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 26 Leliana

He was gone in the morning when she woke, but he’d left a piece of parchment with a note scrawled across it in hasty handwriting: Your route is being handled by another scout for the day. I thought you could use some rest. I hope to see you tonight. She sighed and stretched. She could admit she had been looking forward to waking up together but knew Nathaniel would be eager to report back to Cailan. It left her with a day to herself – a rare luxury – and she was determined not to waste it....

2 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 28 Leliana

She led him through the tree the way she’d come, to another, smaller clearing just out of line of sight. She had laid everything out already – two tarps for standing on, one already wet and one dry except for a few small, damp footprints; a clean towel; soap and shampoo, the scents he favoured; a blade to use as a straight razor; and a pile of new, clean clothes that had been harder to obtain than she’d admit. She turned to face him from the edge of the tarp and held out her free hand,...

1 year ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 29 Nathaniel

After an eternity of lavishing attention on her neck, her ears, and the delightful dip between her collar bones, he returned to her lips, gentling the kiss until he pulled away, touching his forehead to hers instead. He rolled to one side, propping himself on one elbow to look down at her, running his hand from her shoulder, down her arm, until he found her hand, loosely draped across her belly. “Lel—” Whatever he’d planned to say was interrupted by the noisy grumbling of her stomach, and...

4 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 30 Leliana

Sneaking back to her tent was a simple matter. Nathaniel had demonstrated his abilities back in Denerim, and he’d been half-starved and weakened from weeks of torture at the time. Now only her own, considerable skills even allowed her to follow him when he disappeared into the shadows of the darkened camp. It would have been even easier, if not for the slight shaking in her hands, and the queasy sort of quaking in her stomach. It had been a long time since she’d had nerves related to going to...

2 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 31 Nathaniel

He released her arms with a huff, unable to keep the serious frown on his face. Leliana had a gift – one of many, he admitted – for making him laugh, something no one had really been able to do in years. It felt good, even if it was entirely inappropriate in the middle of an intimate ... interlude. It wasn’t better that he was half-naked and more than half-hard from the sinful feeling of her hands on his skin. He’d let her take the lead at every step so far in their relationship, terrified...

3 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 32 Leliana

She thought she would lose her mind; he’d played with her body, driving her mad with teasing licks and touches for what felt like hours, until she couldn’t take it anymore. He’d reclaimed her free hand, so she could do nothing but wriggle and pant under his talented lips and fingers. “Nathaniel, please!” she gasped, and finally – finally! – she felt his hand creeping lower, across her smooth stomach to the gap between her thighs. He paused to stroke over her mound, stirring the hairs there...

4 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 33 Nathaniel

Finally buried inside her, the heat and damp of her, like a tight velvet glove, was nearly his undoing. He clenched his hands, his nails digging into his palms painfully, as he struggled to think of something – anything – else to distract him from his imminent need. And then she moved, rising up slowly and slamming back down until her skin impacted against his thighs, and he almost shouted. The woman he’d been dreaming of for months was in his lap, making love to him, and he was about to...

2 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 34 Leliana

“Nathaniel,” she sighed, her tone embarrassingly breathy. She was overwrought, her aching muscles clenching every time she touched herself, every time he buried himself inside her; she didn’t think she could firm up her voice if her life depended on it. It was too much, but at the same time it was too good to stop – she never wanted him to stop. This was her punishment, she was sure of it. He was trying to pleasure her until she gave out. And as much as they’d both been joking about the...

2 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 36 Leliana

She kissed him one more time, her heart feeling like it was overflowing. Things had moved so fast, but the only thing she regretted was that they’d waited so long. He was everything she had expected – methodical, deliberate, passionate – and so much more. She was anxious for the future; it was easy to say they didn’t care what others thought, and yet harder to live by – and they both had responsibilities. But she’d decided she’d cross those bridges when she came to them. The Maker had...

2 years ago
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Mutual Masterbation a step too far

If you haven’t already read the story called ‘mutual masterbating’ before you read this.After daisy and jame were married our mutual masterbating gradually faded. It had been 4 months since our last session which ended with Daisy saying that it has to stop.I agreed with her but I missed the sexual pent up frustration that it created, now we were just friends with an awkward secret.I still regularly stay over at Jamie and Daisy’s, last week I stayed over, it was the last weekend that I could...

3 years ago
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Mutual Rescue1

Dave sat watching TV and sipping a cold beer. He needed to go to the grocery store but had no urgent need to get going. Sadly, at this point in his life, he had no need to be anywhere or do anything. His wife of forty years had left and divorced him soon after. He had no strong reason to to anything. Dave wasn't rich, but he was financially comfortable. His house was free and clear. He had a nice pension coming in as well as Social Security. Apparently that was not enough to keep...

3 years ago
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Mutual Masturbation

Four internet friends all living in different countries had one thing in common; they were all turned on by the thought of mutual masturbation. All members of a porn forum they had discussed this topic long and often. I had observed their discussions but had never entered into conversation with them. Then one day they were discussing how hot it would be if they could all masturbate together live on camera. They could have had a cam to cam; but they wanted to all be on the same screen watching...

3 years ago
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A Relation In Mutual Interest

Hello Everyone, This is Rajeev from Bhopal. Age 29, married. If any girl/lady wants to have a secret relationship, reply to my E-mail. Let’s not waste time. I’ll directly come to the story. One night I got a poke from a girl on Facebook. I saw the profile and poked her back. We started chatting. She told me that she’s interested in seeing my profile. I asked her what she does. She said she works in a BPO in Bhopal. Didn’t chat much that night. She asked for my number and I gave it to her. The...

2 years ago
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Mutual Masterbation

The first time I remember pleasing myself was when I was 5 or 6. I loved playing with my cock and sticking it in the soap bottles I played with in the tub. My favorite pleasure was wrapping a warm soapy washcloth around it and using my hands to squeeze and massage it. As I grew older, I became bolder and would often go behind a tree to stroke myself under the guise of taking a pee when I found myself aroused. I look back on those days and embarrassingly realize I was most likely not fooling my...

4 years ago
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Mutual Attraction Part 3

Morning came again, and for the second time, I woke up next to my sister, Louise, except this time we were in her bed and not mine. I looked at her, asleep beside me in her bed, as her chest rose and fell in her sleep, and then after a few moments, she also woke up. We talked for a few minutes, and then she casually reached down, felt my morning erection, and she rolled over on top of me. However, the moment she pressed her soft mouth onto mine, the phone rang, and she jumped out of...

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A Case of Mutual Seduction

I guess you could say Janice and I were destined to be together. I first saw her at work. She was an intern with the company and there for three months of training. After she had been with us a couple of weeks, a group of us asked her to join us one evening for drinks at our favorite hangout. Once the evening got underway, I found myself sitting across from Janice. We both joined in conversations with those around us for awhile, but then our eyes met and almost immediately I became aroused. I...

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349 Cuckold by mutual agreement

349 Cuckold by mutual agreement.Peter was a rose grower, a bricky by trade but that only filled in the days, in reality he now lived for his roses. His first wife had died after 20 years of a great marriage, she had been a model wife, soft, loving, caring and wonderful she had had the dreaded big C. He had been devastated, as you would expect. luckily, they had had no c***dren, and though not rich, at 39 and fit he had taken life by the reigns got off his backside and gone looking for...

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Mutual masturbation Part Three Can I use my

Mutual masturbation: Part Three "Can I use my mouth" It was only a couple of days before we started planning our next mutual masturbtion session. At this point we had both come to the realization that masterbating with a friend was a lot more fun then doing it alone. Experimenting and trying new things with one another was very exciting. We were both learning new things we would never have thought of on our own. Another and possibly the best advantage to having a friend jerking you off was how...

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Mutual Masturbation Part Two Would You Lik

First Mutual Masturbation: Part Two. "Would You Like to Touch it?"For the better part of the following few days thoughts of that night were running through my head.  I definitely had mixed feelings, but every time the picture of us in that tent in my backyard I became highly aroused. I still liked girls, but something about what we did was different and exciting.  About a week after our first mutual masturbation session my friend and myself were hanging out enjoying the second week of summer...

3 years ago
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Mutual fun

I had been hoping to try some MM mutual masturbation for ages. I last wanked a guy off when I was at school and that was a long time ago, believe me!!I've had the usual array of time wasters make contact and I had began to think that nobody was interested until I was contacted by a guy who lived locally called Steve. He is about my age and said that he wanted to watch porn and wank and he was available most days. I got him to pop round to my place and after exchanging pleasantries and having a...

3 years ago
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Mutual Attraction Part 3

This story continues on directly after my last story, Mutual Attraction Part 2. Morning came again, and for the second time, I woke up next to my sister, Louise, except this time we were in her bed and not mine. I looked at her, asleep beside me in her bed, as her chest rose and fell in her sleep, and then after a few moments, she also woke up.     We talked for a few minutes, and then she casually reached down, felt my morning erection, and she rolled over on top of me. However, the moment...

2 years ago
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Mutual Safisfaction

It’s been a couple of months since that day the cute boy at work sent me a text to cheer me up. It was real nice and appeared to be the start of a sincere friendship. Tanner and I have spent hour’s texting each other about random shit, playing silly, finish the sentence type guessing games and have really been getting to know one another. We joke around a bit at work but really keep our friendship to ourselves... its a little taboo where we work, for us to be so close. Plus, he’s a lot younger...

3 years ago
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Mutual Understanding

Hi to all the readers of ISS this is my very first post, and also the first sexual experience I had other then my wife. To start with let me tell you about myself I am Raghu 35 yr old from Hyderabad, around 5.11’ in height, whitish in colour n slim body. I am happily married and blessed with one kid, my wife is good looking women and we have good understanding with each other, and till now we never had any type of problems in between us. Not to mention I am very reserved kind of a guy who as...

3 years ago
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Mutual Benefits Chapters 610

It definitely wasn’t just wishful thinking, nor a coincidence – Taylor and I were seeing each other more and more. We went from seeing each other once a week and maybe doing something sexually at the end of the study session, to seeing each other once every two days or so, with at least half of our time spent with our tongues busy working on one another. “Mmmh,” Taylor moaned as she engulfed my cock with her mouth for the second time that day. We hadn’t moved on from oral, and I was probably...

1 year ago
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Mutual Masturbation

This actually happened about ten-years ago. I’ve been to Key West a number of times, and as many people who have been there know, it’s a sexually-charged city. If you go there horny, you’ll just get hornier. It's probably because there are a lot of sexually-charged people that visit there. Last time I was vacationing the Southernmost island with my girlfriend, we fucked just about every chance we had while we were down there. I fucked her from behind on the Hard Rock balcony with dozens of...

First Time
1 year ago
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Mutual attraction with my master Led to Sex

I had been working for Perez for a year and had seen his roving eyes watch me. I knew what he thought of me and wanted me to sleep with him. But I hadn’t given him that opportunity yet. As a result I did get secret gifts and requests to give in to him. The truth was, I was attracted to him and was just about to give in. That mutual attraction with my master would lead to a blasting sex, I didn’t know. That day I was dusting and he was sitting on the couch working. To give him the go ahead...

2 years ago
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Mary And Lucy Discuss A Mutual Interest

The public caning that sixty-year-old Lucy Hogarth had been a twofold success in her view because it raised funds for the local Women's Institute and it brought Lucy sexual pleasure. It had also caused sexual excitement for some other ladies present, one of whom was Mary Littleton. Prior to the evening Mary, who was some three years younger than Lucy, had never had any serious sexual thoughts regarding the application of corporal punishment but she had found the occasion hugely erotic, so much...

3 years ago
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Mutual Rescue

Dave sat watching TV and sipping a cold beer. He needed to go to the grocery store but had no urgent need to get going. Sadly, at this point in his life, he had no need to be anywhere or do anything. His wife of forty years had left and divorced him soon after. He had no strong reason to to anything. Dave wasn’t rich, but he was financially comfortable. His house was free and clear. He had a nice pension coming in as well as Social Security. Apparently that was not enough to keep his wife...

2 years ago
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The Mutually Beneficial Affair

Misha just turned 31, had three kids, and a husband that works far more than he earns. She was telling me his boss was taking advantage of Bert’s work ethic, ‘do the job until it’s done’. I thought she was hinting for an influx of cash but I couldn’t help, not much anyway, “Ah, sorry Misha, I don’t have a lot of spare cash right now, with Connie furloughed.” My sister looked at me surprised, “Oh, no, Pat, I didn’t mean it like that. We are fine that way, I just don’t like how he is with...

3 years ago
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Mutual Assurance

An original story by Starrynight. Enjoy. Kate and her sister, Lydia, were meeting for their weekly meeting in one of their regular Cafes. With full time jobs, managing the house, and taking care of their kids, they both cherished these weekly get togethers. It was during these times that they could vent and gossip, a glass of wine in hand, and no one around to judge them. Kate was already sitting, a glass of Chardonnay in her hand and a plate of edamame on the table, when her older sister...

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Mutual Support Mutual Pleasure

Every now and then life hands you a bag of lemons. As one author has said, ‘If you have lemons, make lemonade!’ I didn’t realize that circumstances would set me up to do exactly that. My name is Jack Smith and I am a widower. I’m also financially secure and own my own business. Amy, my only child, and a close friend of hers, Lois, had been on their way to visit me. Amy had a good heart. Her friend, Lois, had lost her only surviving relative six months before the trip. She hadn’t yet been able...

2 years ago
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Mutual Masturbation Part Six A weekend of c

Mutual Masturbation: Part Six ‘A weekend of cum’ The next time the three of us were able to get together was about two weeks, but it was worth the wait! Jeff was going to have his house to himself for the entire weekend. He had invited John and myself to stay over Friday through Sunday. He said he had a surprise for us, but we would have to wait till we got there to find out what it was. I got to Jeffs around 7:00 on Friday night, put my bag in his room and went back into the f****y room....

3 years ago
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Our First Mutual Masturbation Experience

This story took place a few years ago when I was a mere sixteen years old and grew up with my five sisters (one older and four younger). We lived on what had become known as a truck farm working for our parents as field hands or common laborers. We had two other families living on our place working for my dad. The family living furthest away (about a mile) had five girls and four boys who were all much older than any of us.The family living closest to us (about a quarter mile away) had seven...

First Time
3 years ago
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Mutual Therapy

Life had been what I thought was picture perfect, until I turned s*******n. I was in my junior year of high school when the bomb went off in our house. I had come home from school to find suitcases and boxes sitting on the front porch.I had found the door locked, and after ringing the bell and knocking a few times, my mother had peeked through the front glass, unlocked the door to let me in, and then relocked the door.You got it, mom had caught dad with another woman; or another girl to be...

1 year ago
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Mutual Joy

Mutual JoyBy: Londebaaz ChohanThere was no specific reason other than the fact that this coffee shop was open till late night hours and Antony had developed a habit to walk in, sit and slowly consume his tea or coffee and read a few pages of his book before heading home. Mr. Jorge Lukas, the owner was also a very nice and friendly guy and always freshened up Tony’s drink even more than once for the same one price. This warm May evening too, soon as Jorge said goodbye to the only customer other...

3 years ago
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Mutual Decision

[ Note: This story contains a big dose of interracial sex content. So, if that is off-putting to you do not read any further. But for those who enjoy this sort of content, feel free to read further! Thanks. ]Nadine and I had attempted having a baby for several years after we were married, but to no avail. In searching out the reason for this, it was discovered that I was the problem; namely, that I had a very low sperm motility factor, as well as having a very small amount of viable sperm! Next...

1 year ago
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Mutual Therapy

Life had been what I thought was picture perfect, until I turned s*******n. I was in my junior year of high school when the bomb went off in our house. I had come home from school to find suitcases and boxes sitting on the front porch.I had found the door locked, and after ringing the bell and knocking a few times, my mother had peeked through the front glass, unlocked the door to let me in, and then relocked the door.You got it, mom had caught dad with another woman; or another girl to be...

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