One Cow Two Cow Pink Cow Blue Cow free porn video

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"Look Becky, Cows!" I pointed excitedly. First rule of society, if you see cows on a trip, you have to point at them and announce their presence. And this was no ordinary trip. I wondered if it was some sort of sign. My lovely young wife Becky stuck her tongue out at me as she drove. "Toby, you silly, why do you always do that? We pass that cow field once a week at least!" She said with mock exasperation. Her voice trailed off as she realized that maybe after this weekend, we might not head that way every again. At least not if everything goes to plan. We sat back and enjoyed the wind in our hair as the very exotic rental convertible thrummed down the road. All engine and noise, and no trunk space, it was everything our practice little sedan hadn't been. And with no more luggage to speak of, why not splurge a little? We weren't going to have much use for the money we might have saved going with a cheaper rental car in a while anyways. I glanced at Becky as she drove. She was short and petite, a good foot shorter than me. Her straight blond hair cascading down past her shoulders, tied back by a nice silk scarf. You could just see the one streak of purple running down the back, with a matching streak offset in the middle of her bangs. Wide, deep blue eyes would have been visible had she not been wearing large round black sunglasses, and I could see those glasses hooked on her lovely ears, pierced multiple places from top to bottom. Today she was wearing a pair of curious plastic tags she had picked up off etsy, that bore her new favorite number, S-24. Below her glasses I could see the massive septum ring she had been wearing for the past month as our plan grew and took shape. Her bare arms and shoulders supported a yellow spotted sundress, and you could see the mottled white and black tattoo on her left bicep, reminiscent of a dairy cow. Looking further down as my hungry eyes drank her in, you could see her lovely 36DD breasts above her trim waist and shapely, if a little short in the leg. I wondered how much bigger she would get after the process was complete. On her wrist you could see the large metal bangle cuff where her wedding band now resided. an intricate gilt bit of work. I had a similar one on my own wrist. She saw me eyeing her over, and stuck out her cute little tongue at me, tiny tongue stud glinting. God I would have loved to stop and make out with her, but we were running behind for our appointment, and this was one appointment we didn't intend to miss. Becky continued to drive down the road, but if she had stopped to look over at me, she would have seen your average 22-year-old Arts major, fresh out of college, with an average looking sandy colored guy haircut, plain ears, and a bit of morning beard shadow below my own newly pierced small septum ring. My lips were in a wide grin as I pondered my wife and our future together. I was dressed fairly average, T-shirt and shorts, my hairy legs sticking out below. The only thing not really average about me at that point would have been the pink plastic chastity cage I was wearing underneath my shorts, concealed by cow print panties. Becky wore a matching set. There was a reason for that, beyond the obvious sexy thrill I was getting from the feel of this very new purchase. Becky and I were on our way to become Cows! Well, not exactly cows, but more of what the internet had dubbed the "HuCow" or Human Cow. I would have gone with BimBovine personally, but I didn't get to choose. I trembled with excitement as I remembered how we got to this point. It started half a year ago, when Becky and I were flipping through channels and happened to come across a documentary about Internet personality Mina Stackopalis, and her plan to undergo human Bovine synergy surgery. Becky and I just shared a look, and started laughing at the title. We decided we had to take a look and see what kind of crazy quasicelebritory gimmick this was. I'm glad we decided to tune in. We watched the 3-part series with rapt attention after the first scenes previews of what we were in for. We watched as Mina quickly went from a lovely looking normal (for a vlogger) lady, to a very, very, very well-endowed version of herself, starting to grow tiny but shapely curved horns atop her head, her ears now long and flappy. By episode 2, she was having difficulty talking and making long sentences work due to her very large cow tongue and what was apparently the effects of her now rampaging libido. The final episode showed the finished product, Mina's vocalizations deliberately reduced to simple moos forever by choice, as they showed her being hooked up into the milk machine where she would spend her work days producing rare and sought after hucow milk, a tag reading S-24 riveted to her ear for the rest of her days. Becky was practically dripping through her skirt by the time Episode 3 started. They showed the other cows on the dairy farm there, in all stages of transformation. Part time day cows that other than the large breasts and horns were still pretty much the same people as they started, going home every night to their families and loved ones. The few large Bulls, transformed to service the cows and keep them happy and satisfied, which produced the best quality milk. The one that caught my eye the most though was one special cow that hadn't started out a female at all. Male hucows that were two small to be bulls, were converted into she-cows. Their milk was the rarest of all, and highest grade possible, simply for one intimidating fact. To give good milk as a she-cow, the castrated former male had to be kept in a constantly aroused state, never granted release, always on the edge of orgasm but never allowed to get there. It took good she-cows' months to reach that milk delivery plateau, and so it was a demanding and exceedingly rare career choice all things considered. Becky practically tore off my pants and started to fuck my own hard penis at that point, video paused on the view of the she-cow in the yard. It was an image that burned into both of our brains. We watched that documentary over and over again. It never failed to get our motors going. It started to permeate all aspects of our sex life. Becky and I would speak only with Moos as we made love. We bought cow bells and wore them around our necks. Becky got her tattoo, and convinced us both to get tiny septum rings. The bank where she worked wasn't really a fan, but it was allowed by their dress code. The art supply store I worked at could have cared less. Eventually, we started toying with the idea of leaving our boring dead-end jobs, and starting over as cows ourselves. It was just a persistent fantasy until one day I got a call from a teary-eyed Becky about the bank layoffs. My own job wasn't really going to support us both, and I'd had no luck selling my paintings or getting another one in the down economy. We were both wondering what we were going to do, when the old fantasy intruded on us again. A new farm was opening up not too far from our apartment, and they were taking applicants for full or part time work! We talked it over, via our near constant lovemaking that day, and decided that we were going to do it, we were going to go for the full-time option. Becky surprised me with this new pink chastity, she started wearing a much larger septum ring and her new ear tags full time. I had always been a submissive type, and my marriage to Becky was no exception, so talk turned to the possibilities of the future, of her as a Hucow cow, and me as a She-cow attending to her needs in between milking. It was such a hot fantasy for me, as well as her. We sent in our applications, and got a provisional acceptance back! I quit my job, we sold or donated our meager possessions aside from essentially the clothes on our back, and let the lease lapse on our tiny apartment. After we sold our car, we got a ride to the rental place, and were on our way. We rolled into the parking lot of the HuMooToo Dairy and locked the keys to the rental car inside with the top up. We had paid extra for the one way with retrieval option, so the rental company would be by in a day or two to pick it up. There was no going back now. Either we made it here, or we would have to start over somewhere else. Talk about burning your bridges. We headed inside. The Dairy had a modern glass and steel framed entryway, with windows everywhere. Plants were everywhere, and a small artificial stream ran under the glass floor from an artificial waterfall off to one side of the foyer. The reception desk was staffed with women dressed either as milkmaids or hucows. A couple of the latter bore signs of some transformations, particularly in their mammary assets. These may have been some of the part time hucows we had heard about. We checked in, and were directed to a large classroom style conference room in the back. Becky and I sat together in the middle. We were soon joined by a group of people from all walks of life. Several large bulky males sat alone throughout the room, and there were more than 12 other women of all shapes, sizes and body types seated around us as well. We seemed to be the only people here as a couple. After a short time, a very busty lady dressed more or less in a traditional milkmaid uniform with the HuMooToo logo stepped up to the lectern in the front of the room. She spoke. "Greeting's applicants! I am Amelia Thorpe, or Miss Amelia as you may call me, and I am the director of training and Human Resources at this facility. All of you have passed our initial screening process, and are guaranteed a job here with HuMooToo enterprises if you wish." This was greeted with cheers from the class. Miss Amelia continued. "Some of you are here to join the HuCow program. Thank you, Mina,! You should know that you may not be accepted into that program, and applications for Bulls in particular have a less than 1% acceptance rate." The other males in the room shifted uneasily. I wasn't here to be a bull, so the news didn't faze me. She continued. "But fear not, we have plenty of positions open for milking technicians, agriculture specialists, as well as openings in our cheese and dairy product facilities. We have a brief aptitude survey and test for you to fill out, then we will break for a catered lunch. Afterwards, those of you chosen to proceed with the hucow program will undergo brief psychiatric evaluations for compatibility, and we will see where things go after that!" Miss Amelia finished, and handed out the simple forms. The test was general dairy knowledge for the most part, did we have any experience with farm equipment, any other skills, were we secret cheese makers, the like. I was able to skip almost all of those with a general "no experience". The latter half was more interesting. There were interest questions about the Hucow program, what level of interest we had in what type of options. I selected everything relevant to full time She- cow, and checked the "permanent employment desired" box at the bottom. My penis was really straining the plastic cage I was wearing at that point. The last question was an essay question. It asked simply "Tell us why you want to be a Hucow, and what it would mean to you". I thought about it for a long time. I looked over at Becky, I could see she was flush with excitement while filling it out. I smiled at her, then knew what I had to write. It was simple, and not all that long, but it was some of the best writing I ever did. I wrote from the heart, on how I loved my wife and this pervasive idea, on how we could be together in happiness for as long as we lived without a care in the world. Almost as an afterthought I mentioned how much of a sexual turn on I found the idea of being on the edge of orgasm for long periods of time to be. At the bottom I used my art skills to draw Becky and myself as Hucows, holding hoof covered hands, smiling as we stood next to one another, waving at the test reviewer. It never said we couldn't doodle on the form. We turned our forms in, then headed out to the lunch selection. Lunch turned out to be a selection of dairy products, grilled cheese sandwiches, milkshakes, yoghurts, and other fruits and veggies. There was also a curious bowl of brown crunchy crispy pellet shaped things, which was labeled simply "Hucow food". Becky and I selected from all of the offerings, and I even grabbed a bowl of the hucow pellets. It turns out they were lightly sweetened, crunchy oat clusters. They were delicious. We later learned that all of the dairy on display was produced with Hucow milk, and probably would have fetched a few thousand on the consumer market. HuMooToo clearly wanted to impress their applicants. Becky, myself and 3 of the other women in the applicant pool were selected to move on for the psych evaluation. The other three, A well- endowed but somewhat older lady named Rita, a young busty raven-haired beauty named Sarah, and a slim waiflike red head named Chrissy all briefly introduced themselves before we were whisked away to individual examination offices. We all underwent an intensive battery of questions and tests. Mine lasted nearly 2 hours. As they reached the end, the psychologist looked down at her notes, and asked me one final question. "So, Toby. You put down that you want to be a she-cow, and a permanent one at that on your aptitude survey. You are the first applicant we have ever had do so at this facility. So, let me be perfectly blunt, and I really would appreciate an honest, forthright answer. Why do you want to undergo this transformation? One that will see your testicles removed, you locked up in chastity practically for the rest of your life, your male qualities washed away in time. Why would you want to do this to yourself?" She asked, looking at me over her glasses rimmed eyes intently. I thought for a moment. I rejected the first answers that came to mind as trite or irrelevant. Finally, I answered her "I've never really fit in, or found a place I belong. I'm not a great contributor to society, I have no legacy to look forward to if I stay the way I am. But I also have a lovely wife who is deeply passionate about this fantasy, as am I." I shifted, and continued. "And to be honest, the idea, the concept of that life, is the hottest, most persistent fantasy I have ever partaken of. The opportunity to live that forbidden life, to take it further outside the bounds of normal society is a tremendous turn on. Quite frankly if it wasn't for the chastity device I am wearing right now, I would likely have been kicked off of the premises for how turned on I have been all of today." I finished and smiled at her as I squirmed a bit in my seat. The phycologist stared at me got a minute, her eyes searching my face. Then she sighed, shrugged, and stamped my application with a large red "Approved" stamp. She smiled at me. "Well Toby, it seems like you are going to get your chance. I must say, hearing you talk about it gets me a little revved up as well, not that we are supposed to mention that bit." She winked at me. I walked out of the office in a bit of a daze, to see Becky, Rita and Chrissy all seated in the waiting room. Sarah hadn't made it past the screening process. I would later see her on the milking line eventually as a milkmaid, always a wistful look in her eye. Miss Amelia reappeared and congratulated us each with a big hug. I could feel her massive J cup breasts against my chest as she kissed me on the cheek. I wondered if mine would get that big someday. The 4 remaining Hucow applicants were brought into what proved to be a large medical room. Miss Amelia explained "Welcome to the mad science room! This afternoon you will get your initial HuCow serum shot. This won't do much beyond increase your libido a bit and kickstart your milk production expansion, but it lays the groundwork for the rest of your transformation later in the week. We'll go into that with more detail later. for now, after you receive your shot, we have prepared guest quarters for you for your stay until you receive your permanent assignments, and a meal will be sent up shortly. We each lined up to receive the large shot in our arms. The nurse administering the shots smiled in a very peculiar way, her face flush as she emptied the syringe into my bicep. I received a big pink band aid with happy cows on it over the injection site. That night, Becky practically tore off the chastity device and gave me my first ever blow job. She had always been resistant to that before, but I guess the libido increase was working. I pivoted and started eating her out as well, something I always enjoyed doing. We made love like a pair of horny rabbits, right there in the lavishly appointed guest room. It was an amazing night, one of the best since our wedding night. I'm afraid we were a little tired the next morning for day two of our transformation. Little did I know it was the last time I would be with Becky as an intact male. The next morning, Becky and I found ourselves alone in a smaller exam room. Holding hands, we waited a short time until a lab coated doctor with a name tag that read "Rogers" entered the room. He shook both our hands, then sat down and begin to glove up. "Hi Becky, Toby, I'm Doctor Rogers. Good morning, it's time for you both to start the next steps of your transformation." he consulted his notes. "Let's see, You both get a stage 2 booster shot, Toby is scheduled for an Orchidectomy and horn bud implants, and Becky, we have you scheduled for your own horn buds in exam room 4. We figured you would want to be present for the operation on Toby though Becky, and maybe to help out of you like?" he asked with a smile. My stomach felt like I had just dropped off a cliff. This was it; this was for real. I started to blush with excitement. Becky nodded and indicated that she would indeed very much like to help out. The doctor quickly gloved up, and injected some numbing agent into my scrotum. he had Becky glove up as well, and remove my chastity cage. it wouldn't be much use in a minute without the retaining ring anyways. The doctor quickly made two incisions on either side of my hairy scrotum sack. He had Becky maneuver first one, then the other testicle out of its former cozy home and out of the hole with a squelching noise. he handed Becky a pair of surgical scissors as he stitched my testicular cords shut, first the left, then the right, then had her cut through the cords as he stretched my testicals away from my body with a surgical forceps. The stricken orbs dropped into a catch pan with a loud . Becky's knees were shaking as she watched the last of my balls drop into the pan. She jumped up and down with a happy little squeal, shouting "Honey, I castrated you, woo!!!" I was shaking a bit from the shock and my own excitement. I wondered what they would do with the removed orbs. The Doctor just shook his head, and readied the next part of the process. He injected another pair of Vials of the Hucow Serum into my arms, left and right this time. He mentioned that I would start seeing major chest growth very soon, and not to be alarmed by the prospect. He then picked up a pair of sealed medical packs and showed me the pair of small round flat disklike objects that appeared to be made of what looked like fingernail material. Each one was just a little bigger than a quarter. Becky watched , at the time I thought fascinated, as the Doctor quickly numbed up two appropriate sections of my forehead, made two incisions and sutured both disks in place. There was a decent amount of blood, but it was quickly cleaned up. Becky looked pale as the doctor finished up. "Well, we're all done here for you Toby. Next up for you is a meeting with Miss Amelia. Be careful with your sutures and those horn buds for the next few days. They should start growing out later in the week if all goes well. Becky, you are due in Exam 4." He said with a smile, as he headed out the door. A nurse brought me some pain killers. I waved goodbye to Becky and made my way to the indicated meeting room. Miss Amelia excitedly waved me inside, and gave me a hug. "Look at you! Those horns are going to be adorable! But sit, sit, we have much to go over." I sat down on the lush cow print couch. HuMooToo definitely had a bit of a theme going with their decor. Miss Amelia consulted her notes. "So, you have some decisions to make for your future. As you know She- cows, in order to give usable milk, need to be uh, prepared for months at a time. We typically keep a she-cow in rotation for a period of 5 years, then we let them lose with the bulls for a bit of vacation fun and then start the process again. Since you and Becky are married, and you are only going to be able to get off via a penis up your anus in the very near future ever again, we are either going to have to start training her to get used to wielding a Strap on, or figure out something else. Either way, I have your starter plug here. You'll want to start wearing this later today. Later on, your tail will affix to something similar. "She smiled as she handed me what looked to be a fairly large plug to my uninitiated eyes, in a bag with some tubes of something. I took it and nodded. Miss Amelia continued. "Next, we need to figure out how far you want to go with your transportation and lifestyle. The Hucow serum will rapidly feminize you to a point, especially your breasts, but HuMooToo is also willing to fund a list of optional procedures for you." She handed me a list. On it were things like Laser hair removal, facial feminization, Bovine ear styling, Faux surface vaginal opening reconstruction from scrotal tissue, the list went on. I shivered with excitement at the thought. I looked the list over, handed it back to Miss Amelia and said "Becky and I talked about this already, so I am ready to agree to any and all of this, at your discretion." Miss Amelia beamed a smile, and said "Wonderful! You are going to be a very cute asset to this company. Now, we have another set of things for you to decide as well. How cow-like do you want to become, and for how long?" She handed me another list. On it were fewer options, but they made me tremble even more. There were things like Hoof hands, bovine speech pattern reconstitution, boviform skin tattooing, Facial bovinification, as well as durations for 3, 5, 10 or indefinite service. There were salary and benefit levels assigned to the service levels, and my eyes widened significantly at the listed figure for the indefinite service option. Miss Amelia noticed my reaction and added. "That's based off your expected level of milk production, the expected increasing market value of She-cow milk, which is currently higher than the price of silver per ounce, and a few other factors. But you can treat that as a low end of the actual figure. Of course, a permanent cow doesn't really have any need for money, so we can have it deposited with family, or for a charitable organization of your choice, or if you prefer, we can put it towards a retirement pasture somewhere. We find we don't get too many willing retirees though; they don't want to be separated from the heard. So, any thoughts?" She asked finally. I trembled like a leaf, as I answered quietly, "All of it. Forever." I knew that Becky would answer the same in her own interview later. Miss Amelia beamed again and said "Wonderful! we can start you on Laser this afternoon if you are up for it!" I nodded. Soon I was seated in the laser chair, the technician using the latest generation fiber hair removal laser to quickly and quite painfully burn away my hair follicles. I was told this new process would require just one sitting and maybe a follow up. I looked like I had a sunburn over my entire body. The technician also plucked my eyebrows into a much more feminine shape. She then sent me over to the in-house piercing center for my next procedures. At the piercing shop, another lab coated technician put on gloves, and started marking me for more adornments. I received two large grommet backed piercings in both earlobes, one of which would eventually hold my ID tag. They left the rest of my ear alone for now, more would be done when I was modified to have floppy cow ears. They also pierced my nipples, and added two large cheek piercings that would later house swivel rings to attach a feed bag to during long milking sessions. The piercings were painful, but not too bad. Finally, the technician smiled at me, and said "These are going to really hurt." She reached down to my somewhat hardening penis, and quickly jabbed two piercing needles straight through, one at the front just behind the head, and one near the rear at a 90-degree angle, forming a separated plus shape. My chastity anchors. I screamed quite a bit at that, and passed out. When I awoke, I was back in our shared guest room. Still dressed in my surfer shorts and T-shirt, I looked quite a sight. I noticed my hair had grown considerably longer in the two days I had been here. I was also starting to show two pert cones on my chest. My everywhere hurt, and I noticed a set of pain pills on a tray next to me. I washed them down with the provided water. Becky wasn't back in the room yet, and I didn't know when she was coming back, so I figured I would surprise her by installing the butt plug Miss Amelia had provided me. I applied a generous amount of what turned out to be lube that was supplied with it, then slowly worked the plug into my backside. It took me quite a while to get it in past the swell of its widest part. I found that by sitting it on the counter, and then slowly lowering my weight onto it I was able to make steady progress without too much pain, and finally it went in. Wow, that was going to take some getting used to. It was a good several hours later when Becky came back. I noticed with some alarm that her forehead wasn't bandaged like mine. I asked her about it, and she muttered some excuse about the horn grafts being contaminated. I kissed her lightly on the cheek and said I was sure they would figure it out in the morning. She shivered a bit. I tried to show her my new piercings and the new plug, to lighten her mood, but she said she was really tired from the long day and just wanted to get some sleep. I smiled at her, and tucked her in, then turned off the lights and joined her in bed, hugging her to cuddle. She didn't seem to be in the mood for some reason, so I let her be. I told her that I loved her, and kissed her on the cheek before going to sleep. Plenty of time to sort things out in the morning. I fell asleep dreaming erotically charged dreams about wide open fields filled with cows. The next morning when I woke up, Becky was already gone. I figured she must have been hungry for breakfast. I ran into Rita and Chrissy in the hallway, their own transformations well underway. They both sported new horn buds, and I noticed that Chrissy in particular had started to grow a really large set of breasts since she arrived. They both wanted to see my castration scars, so I showed them both. They hugged me, then I headed to get breakfast. Becky wasn't there either. I grabbed a tasty bowl of hucow nuggets and milk, then headed to my first appointment of the day. Doctor Rogers awaited me in the same exam room today. After a brief examination of my castration site, he injected me with the Stage 3 HuCow serum, as well as injected several large vials of what he explained were stem cells into my chest and hip area. I also got a couple of injections into my lips to make them plumper and more feminine. As he finished up, he turned to me and said "All done here for the morning, go head off to visit miss Amelia again like a good cow!" He patted me on the rump as I headed out the door. That was new. As I headed inside, Miss Amelia inspected me once more. She had me spin around and admired the changes to my form. "Looking good, girl!" she said with a wink. She had some paperwork for me to sign today. "The last paperwork you ever need sign, as a matter of fact," she said with a smile. I looked over the scary forms. Power of attorney granting HuMooToo control of me and all aspects of my life, medical and insurance beneficiaries, salary disbursement directives, a last will and testament short form. I shrugged, named Becky as the primary beneficiary just in case, and asked Miss Amelia if there were any HuCow charities she could recommend. She listed a couple that helped older orphans find gainful employment, so I listed them as well as secondary beneficiaries. Miss Amelia gathered all the forms, put them into a file, then smiled at me. "So, my dear, are you ready for the next steps of your transformation?" I nodded, excited. She continued "we have you scheduled for surgery to adjust your remaining scrotum into something a bit more resembling a vagina, as well as your first bovinification! We're going to remap your speech patterns so that you only moo like a cow!" She shivered. "It's so tasty and hot! I'd do it myself if I didn't get such a kick seeing young cows transformed." she finished. I shivered myself with excitement. I asked Miss Amelia if she knew where Becky had gotten off to. She frowned, then looked at her schedule. "Hmm, it says here that she missed her last couple appointments. I'll have some of our handlers look into it. You have some time to wait before your procedures, I'll send her around as soon as we locate her. I sat waiting in the room outside the operating theater for hours, but Becky didn't show. I was starting to get worried. We had gotten rid of our mobile phones, so it wasn't like I could call her. Finally, the surgery technicians came to get me. I almost called the procedure off, but I reasoned me being only able to Moo would be such a turn on for Becky that it would really cheer her up. As the anesthesiologist started to work, the doctor who would be doing the surgery arrived. He looked at my chart. "Toby, huh? You don't look like a Toby. This might be your last chance to easily pick a new name. Any ideas?" he asked. I replied with the name Becky and I had come up with for myself. "Blossom" The doctor nodded, smiled, and made a note on the chart. He then placed some sort of metal cap with electrodes on my head, and asked me to say my best Cow Moo. I complied. He then had me read a sentence that contained most known English language syllables. I did that too. The machine beeped. I got a thumbs up. The doctor said, we're all set, any last words? I simply said, "Tell Becky I love her!" I soon drifted off to sleep. When I awoke, I noticed my crotch had a large bandage over it. My breasts seemingly had grown in my sleep as well, and were now a very large B cup at least. I tried to ask for some water, and noticed that all that came out was a soft feminine "moo". I was thrilled! I tried saying other things. I found I could vary my pitch and delivery, but basically, I was limited to variations of Moo, or other variations of noises a cow might make. I found I could make a soft "wuf" sound to laugh for example. This was better than I dreamed! I noticed I had a new neck collar with a name plate that read "Blossom" in shiny silver letters. A small cow bell dangled beneath. I smiled. A short while later, the door opened. I mooed at whoever was entering. I saw Becky. She looked different. Something was missing. I finally noticed it was her ear tags and septum rings. I mooed again, and tried to get up to hug her, but I fell back as my lower surgery made itself known. I winced. Becky ran over to hug me. I could tell she had been crying. I mooed inquisitively at her. She started crying again, and saying over and over "I'm too late. Its all my fault." I consoled her as best I could, kissing her hand and cheek. I judged silence was the best course for the moment. Finally, she settled down, and collapsed into a chair. She looked at me, then broke my heart. "Toby, I..., I couldn't go through with it. The horn implant procedure freaked me out, and then all your changes on top. I ran away." She looked down, unable to meet my eyes for the next part. "I hoped I could get back here in time to stop you from going further, but I guess I wasn't in time. I can't do this. I can't be here. I know it was my dream, our dream. But it turned into a nightmare for me, and there's nowhere for you outside like that. I love you, and I always will, but... I can't." She finally looked back up at me. "I'm going to move back in with my parents. HuMooToo offered me a place here, but it's too much. It would be too much pain to be here. To see you every day. To remind me of how weak I am." She shuddered. Then she twisted the knife in. "I have asked for a divorce. HuMooToo has granted me one. Goodbye Toby... Blossom." She stood up and kissed me softly on the cheek. I mooed softly at her. I looked around for pen and paper, anything to write with, to convince her we could make this work somehow, that I would go with her, do whatever. There was nothing. By the time I looked up from my search, she was gone. I learned two things that day. A crying cow is the saddest sound in the universe, and it isn't possible for me to die of heartache. Here I was, highly modified already for my lady love, and she had rejected us. Me. I sighed unhappily as I considered my neutered future alone. Miss Amelia eventually heard about the scene, and came to visit. "Oh, you poor dear, I'm so so sorry." She hugged me as I mooed softly at her. "Is there anything we can do to help? would you like to stop the process so you can consider what to do next?" she asked, sincerely. I mooed and shook my head in the negative. She sighed. "Ok, well you are going to be here for another day while you heal anyways, then we'll see." She patted me on the head between my horn buds. "Goodnight Blossom!" she called as she left. Rita and Chrissy, now Buttercup and Petunia according to their own neck collars stopped by and visited later in the afternoon. They had also opted for the Bovine speech upgrade, so we softly mooed at each other. Petunia and Buttercup both patted me on my growing breasts, admiring my new piercings, then they both kissed me on the cheek as they headed to their own rooms for the night. The next morning the bandages were removed from my crotch, and I could see my new appearance down below. It now looked like I had a small vagina, with my penis occupying the spot where a clitoris would normally reside. The Faux labia lips had been pierced several times as well during the procedure, and I now sported a nice set of rings below my pierced penis. it looked incredibly sexy, and my penis twitched with excitement. I was still a bit sore though, so explorations were definitely going to have to wait. I found that there was a simple skirt waiting for me in the room in place of my old clothes, along with a black leather small triangle bikini bra and a set of cow print nylon stockings. I put on my new female attire, and waited for the nurse to discharge me I was starting to look like a very sexy female, though with a masculine face still. I noted that my hair had grown rapidly, and was now down past my shoulders. A gift of the HuCow serum no doubt. I mooed a sexy moo at myself in the mirror to try and cheer myself up. it kind of worked. Eventually, Doctor Rogers came for me. He arrived with an entire tray of injections, which he declared were the final set of HuCow Serum injections I would ever need. 16 vials later, and I was feeling a bit like a pincushion. I mooed at him. He responded by inspecting my nipples in a most familiar manner. I moo squealed in pleasure. "Wow, these are coming along great! I can't wait to see how they turn out. You have a busy day of processes today, then you are back in the operating room for more surgery, lucky you!" he finished. I mooed sarcastically at him. I don't think he noticed. Next up, I visited Miss Amelia. She declared my Mooing to be most sexy, and directed me to the leather shop for hoof fitting. Miss Amelia grabbed my hands, and then slowly kissed each of my fingers in a very sexy manner. I mooed inquisitively at her. She smiled "Just kissing your cute little fingers goodbye. They'll be trapped forever in hooves soon." I trembled and mooed softly at her. I noticed that even through my sadness about Becky, I was getting extremely turned on and aroused by everything constantly now. Another gift of the serum. She finished, shooed me out of her office. I found myself sitting in a fitting shop. Cow feet and hand shoes and glove like appliances lined every wall. A cheerful young nurse wearing a nametag that read "Nurse Fran" arrived with a tray filled with a curious white cream, several syringes of some sort of gluelike substance, a scalpel, and a suture kit. "Well, hello there Blossom! Are you ready to get your hooves today?" She asked. I mooed at her; my eyebrows raised at the tray. She continued. "well, we can't have your nails growing inside of a permanently attached hoof glove or shoe, and they will fit better If your fingers and toes aren't in the way, sooo..." she trailed off. I moo sighed at her, and nodded. "Good cow!" she beamed. After a few minutes of numbing injections and scalpel work, I found my fingers sitting in a tray, stitches closing all of the wounds. Nurse Fran then squeezed a generous amount of adhesive into a long mittenlike glove that ended in a human arm scale cow hoof. She mentioned the glue was the latest in biocompatable adhesives. The glove was a stretchy but strong material that felt like cow hide as I nudged it with the back of my hand. It even had cute purple cow shoes already fitted to the end. I stretched out my left arm as the first shoe glove went on. My right arm followed. My hands were now lost to me forever. I trembled just a little and softly mooed as I held my new hooves up to my face. A few more injections and 10 more toes then followed, and I was soon wearing two hooved high heel like platforms, with reinforcing braces that went up my foot and ankle. I found I could move my foot and articulate the hoof on the bottom. Nurse Fran informed me that I wasn't to go walking around for another couple of days until my sutures healed. I noticed that I now had greatly limited ability to do much of anything that required hands. So much for exploring my new genitals later. Nurse Fran noticed me trying to paw at my skirt. "Oh girl, are you getting excited about your new hooves? Well, since you aren't officially fitted with your chastity yet, maybe I can help you out a little, but try to keep quiet ok?" She asked. I nodded, practically beet red. Nurse Fran began to give me a very nice handjob, mostly ignoring my still healing faux labia. She was clearly an expert at it, and a short time later I practically shot Cum straight at the ceiling. She scraped it up off my chest, then fed it too me gently. I lapped it up eagerly despite it being my first time. It was delicious. I craved more. I Mooed wantonly. Nurse Fran just waggled her fingers at me, and said "Maybe Later" From there I was wheeled back into the operating area. I soon went through the now familiar procedure at this point, and found myself with Cow ears, wide and floppy out the side of my head. I had also had work done on my face and various places on my body. I was now sporting cow spot tattoos that matched the cow print on my new hooves. My face had been modified to look much more feminine, and I found that I now had tattooed makeup on my lips and eyes, whenever wasn't tattooed with cow pattern. A large black spot now graced my right cheek. My nose had been slightly flattened and made more cowlike, and I now sported a septum ring down to the middle of my mouth. As I tried to Moo, I realized that my tongue had been somehow lengthened and widened, and now had a series of tongue studs running down its center. I noticed I was wearing a new larger Butt plug, with a cow tail attached to the top. The plug was completely hollow. Any bowl movement I had to make now was going straight on the floor. I noticed I was also fitted with some sort of bag on a harness to catch said floor poops. My Tail seemed to somehow have movement, and I could feel the skin along its length. I would later learn it was a very advanced robot prosthetic. It ran off the inductively charged batteries in my apparently vibrating butt plug, which as I touched the tail began a low vibration. It would increase in intensity over the next 5 years until my first scheduled vacation. Miss Amelia was my first visitor. She informed me that several days had passed, and I was cleared to stand up if I wanted to try. It took a little doing, but I found I was able to walk around on my new hooves without too much issue. She smiled and hugged me from behind. I noticed that my breasts were now rapidly approaching large D cup territory. She fingered my now large and protruding nipples under my tight bra, I mooed in pleasure as waves shot all the way down to my pierced penis. She dropped to her knees there in the hospital room and proceeded to give me an exquisite and thorough blowjob. She started with the just the tip, licking the slowly dripping precum I constantly leaked these days. I shivered with pleasure, and emitted more low moos. I increased my moo intensity as she moved down the shaft. She was able to deep throat my throbbing member easily, and I shivered as I felt her throat muscles work. I mooed loud and urgently, and she started to swallow as I shot my load straight down her throat. She stood up, then kissed me deeply and passionately. My new longer tongue was able to follow where my penis had been, and I tasted my own juices once more. I broke our kiss, then raised an eyebrow and said a questioning moo? as I pointed at her own crotch. She smiled and trembled happily, then quickly dropped her panties. She was waxed smooth, with lots of rings in her pussy. I dropped slowly to my knees, uncertain on my new feet, as I licked her out to a screaming orgasm, wave after wave causing her knees to almost buckle. She was definitely loud. No one from the surgical area came to investigate though, so I figured this must not be an uncommon occurrence. Finally, Fshe was spent and helped me back to my hooves. She smiled at me, and said "that was wonderful! Are you ready to be fitted with your chastity restraint now?" I shivered, and mooed softly as I nodded yes. Miss Amelia smiled, and led me back to an area behind the administration wing, where I had never been to before. There she removed my skirt and had me lay on a bed as a technician approached with a long metal tube. It had holes for the two locking posts in my penis, as well as links to secure my penis to my new neovagina labia rings. The Technician quickly slipped on the assembly, then inserted two locking posts with break off screwheads. Miss Amelia looked deep in my eyes, then said "Welcome to the world of permanent chastity!" as the technician quickly broke off both locking post screwhead. A vibration foam lined cover slid over the main penis tube, then the whole thing was secured to the labial rings and soldered shut. Any competent tool using human could probably have drilled out the bolts and cut the rings, but my new hooved state meant that I might as well have tried jumping over the moon instead. I pawed at the plate with a hoof, a happy and excited, yet scared for the future moo escaped my lips. The Technician injected me with one last syringe, a compound that would work to increase my horneyness slowly day by day over the next 5 years. I shivered at the thought. A Tag labeled T-34 was fitted to my large, now multiply pierced ear. I was finally complete. I soon found myself transferred to the cow pasture. I had my own stable stall, a mix of human comforts and climate controlled open-air spaces. I had a nice rubber topped bed, but no need for trappings such as blankets or the like. I happily greeted Petunia and Buttercup when they entered the pasture as well, their breasts now an easy P cup, in contrast to my now JJ cup breasts, their horns grown in just like mine, nice and white and shiny. We all were leaking milk like crazy. I noticed that Petunia and Buttercup were both fitted with rapidly working vibrator dildos, that kept them in a near constant state of orgasm. They had a distant and vacant happy expression most of the time now, and Petunia in particular had a tendency to drool. We kissed and made out as the mood took us, along with the other established members of the herd. The bull mostly ignored us, though I did get his attention after offering daily blowjobs. There wasn't much else I could do as revved up as I was. I got some relief during milking, which was very pleasurable, and some pressure relief during the other milking I periodically received to relieve the buildup in my prostate after months of no release. I was definitely looking forward to the end of my 5-year term where I would finally get to have a bull chase me around and hammer my still virgin ass. Periodically I thought of Becky. I wondered how she was doing these days. I was happy she was at least getting to live a life of luxury with all the milk money I was bringing in. I was truly almost in heaven, I just wished she was there with me. I would never know what her fate was though. There wasn't any way to ask anyone, per my design and desire. Miss Amelia visited us frequently, and I ate her out at every opportunity. She quickly became my favorite. Any of the rest of the milking staff were allowed and encouraged by us cows to engage in their own extra credit sexual activities. I soon developed a reputation as a blowjob queen. I thought back to all the decisions I had made up to this point. If I had to do it all again, I wouldn't have it any other way, good with the bad. Life as a HuCow is awesome!

Same as One Cow Two Cow Pink Cow Blue Cow Videos

3 years ago
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My transformation into a hucow

I fantasize about being a*****ed, bound tight in leather and steel. Hooded to stop me seeing where i'm going. After an eternity i am manhandled to a room. My clothes are unceremoniously stripped away, the restraints removed except for my hood. At this point I am coated in a substance. As the people processing me are working silently I have no idea what it is or why it is done. i am pusehed back onto a chair, feet lifted and held as something tight is pulled up my legs slowly and carefully. It...

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My wife her Catholic School Friend and her Cowor

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My wife her Catholic School Friend and her Cowor

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My wife her Catholic School Friend and her Cowor

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My wife her Catholic School Friend and her Cowor

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The Queen of Spades bar n grill 2rewriteby Cowb

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The Queen of Spades bar n grill 1rewriteby Cowb

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the time my wife started sharing me to her coworke

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Connie McCowen

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My slave My Hucow

Today I had a quick look here on Hamster, one of the first vids that popped up was one of a Hucow, a submissive that was on all fours, with a milking machine attachment on each breast and nipple which was clearly milking her.She was dressed in a Black & White suit, she was dressed in that manner to give her the appearance of a real Cow and to conform with her mind set of being a cow. This immediately brought memories of my first slave when I resided in Qld to the north of Brisbane.We had...

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SLAVE WIFE TANYA: LACTATING IN LAS VEGASLas Vegas is world famous for gambling. Secondly for all the various exhibitions, and thirdly for famous artist performances. And then the sex. Prostitution is forbidden within city limits, but in the local phone book you will find about 100 pages solely for “private dancers”. A euphemism for female entertainment anyway you like it.Just outside city limits, you will find the famous chicken farms, large legal brothels, where almost every sexual desire can...

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Woman fullfilled as Hucow

Standing there, exposed and vulnerable with so many strange men critically evaluating her, she felt nothing but eager to please ... with a slightly expectant dull ache in her loins.It no longer mattered to her why she was here ... a dare gone wrong ... a fantasy taken too far ... perhaps simple karma. She found herself here, naked, cuffed at the wrists and ankles, gagged tightly and collared. The long line of men walked by her, occasionally slapping her ass or tits or slipping a finger in her...

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The Evolution of a Hucow

18-year-old Tamara was getting ready to jump in the shower when she stopped and looked at her breasts. She had always had large ones but they seemed a little larger today and they were tender to the touch. She was pretty sure she wasn’t pregnant as she was on the pill. Not having any idea what was going on, she just shrugged and jumped in the shower. Her boyfriend would be home soon and she knew he’d want some action as soon as he got home. So, she wanted to be sure she washed the stink of her...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 33 Cowpens

That day, the 16th of January it was, I looked up the date, we found Tarleton's bunch only about five or six miles away and coming on pretty fast. Captain Foster said the army would be leaving Thicketty Creek and that Dan Morgan was looking for a place to stop running. He planned to stand and fight. I hurried back with my information while Reedy stayed to shadow the British and Tories. He never came back so I guessed he must have made a mistake somewhere. Morgan had camped near a low hill...

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Celebrity Hucows

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Even Cowgyrls Get The Blues

                 Even Cowgyrls Get the Blues!                   Gay interr trans morph                           TJ Ryder            year 2054Place    New South African republic of Obeah.*****************************************************************pic 1    The lightning and heavy rain lit up the grim brickbuilding of the orphanange, its placque the only bitof ornamentation on its street-facing side exceptfor long, high narrow windows    Ojobango Banto...

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LocoweedDay Two

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One day on the Hucow farm

Early morning in the middle of nowhere, a dark barn sat in a valley, it’s weather beaten wooden cladding showing signs of disrepair and derelict. It sat, although completely out of sight, like a thorn amongst roses. The rolling hills and green grass surrounding was breath-taking as the rising sun painted the dark sky blue and silky clouds travelled across the sky without purpose as the growing sunlight danced along the ground and bathed the blades of grass with an orange hue. If you didn’t see...

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

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MindControl Panties Story 13 HuCows Delicious Milk

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HuCow Induction

Mel looked lovingly at Jane across the bed room. Jane was so beautiful. Mel still had to pinch herself to prove she was not dreaming, and that Jane had chosen her to be her partner. Mel was no beauty, her tits were huge she knew but so was her tummy, several people had assumed she was pregnant which was quite embarrassing, she never had any luck with girlfriends or boyfriend until Jane inexplicably swept her off her feet. Not literally swept her off her feet as she was twice Jane’s weight...

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The Cowers experience

Julie Cowers – nineteen years old – returned home after her freshman year in college. Her mom, Sara Cowers – in her late forties, worked at the county’s hospital in the emergency care unit as a nurse.  Ever since her dad died in the car accident when Julie was eleven, she had to grown up fast and be mature to support her mom to run the house.  She worked hard to get multiple scholarships for her college. Sara felt guilty that Julie was not having a normal teen life, being interested in boys and...

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Connie McCowen1

She climbed out of bed and slipped on her shorts under the t-shirt that she normally slept in, and flip flops. Sure enough, the old man was passed out in her chair when Connie got into the living room. She looked with hatred at the half full beer can perched on his bloated belly, ready to fall at any moment. "Can't we just call the cops", she asked of her mother, already well aware of her answer. Emmett was dad's friend and there was no way that she'd make that call. "Just go and turn...

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Cowboys New Slave

Hanna is a college educated black woman from Georgia. She is a healthy 30 year old petite woman, 5'4" 105 pounds, beautiful brown eyes, black hair, and a sexy smile. Never married and no children since she had dedicated her life to school and work. She, like a lot of women, felt as if something was missing in her life. She is a supervisor at her work place controlling several employees and responsible for their actions. Even though she has to be a dominant person at work Hanna new her...

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Las Vegas is world famous for gambling. Secondly for all the various exhibitions, and thirdly for famous artist performances. And then the sex. Prostitution is forbidden within city limits, but in the local phone book you will find about 100 pages solely for “private dancers”. A euphemism for female entertainment anyway you like it. Just outside city limits, you will find the famous chicken farms, large legal brothels, where almost every sexual desire can be satisfied. Almost. There are...

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Grandpas Journals The Cowgirls Confidence Partr 1

I headed up on I-95 until turning west on I-10, pulling my big 5th wheel behind my duel cab pickup traveling back towards my ol’ stomping grounds in Arizona. It would take me several days of traveling before I got my driving stamina back, but since I had all the time in the world to get out to Oregon and my son’s house in Sisters, it really didn’t matter how many miles I put on in a day. I really didn’t mind the solitude of driving by myself because I had time to think, to plan and to...

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The Cowboys Wife

Country Knights and China Ladies Leeann Franklin Fen was everything to Braxton. Everything and he could never tell her that enough. He brushed back a lock of short, black hair and leaned down, kissing her cheek before shifting slightly to kiss the corner of her mouth. Fen looked gorgeous, just how she was right now. Hair messed from sleep, lips slightly parted as she breathed evenly, dark lashes gracing creamy skin and curled up around one of his feather pillows. Braxton kneeled by the edge...

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A Cowboys Delight Ch 01

It was a warm, sunny day at Meadow Creek Farms and Christopher found himself repairing some fencing around the horse pasture. He felt his muscles straining as he wrapped barbed wire around the heavy fence posts. Christopher had been working all day long on repairing this pasture — a tree had fallen on the fencing, leaving it in complete disarray. A few of the horses had managed to gallop up to the mountain pastures. They hadn’t escaped, but they needed to be rounded up before the business trip...

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Hucow Farm

You just turned 18, the last one of all the seniors and Lakeview High, about a mile North of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. You force your school uniform over your chest, and after a minute or two, you can finally fit it over you C cup breasts. “Jennifer, I made pancakes!”, comes a voice from downstairs. “Thanks, Mom!”, you holler back. You rush downstairs and have a healthy serving. You scarf down the pancakes, a golden brown, with warm butter and dripping syrup. You grab your back pack, and are on...

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The Hucow Database

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Cowboys Story

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Lord Cowie of Queenstown

Lord Cowie of Queenstown was the rather spoiled son of the Viscount of Queenstown. Lord Cowie indulged himself in his father's great wealth everyday. Having been sent down from university the errant young Lord Cowie was looking for anything to keep his salacious appetite, which was any sexual experience, satisfied. It happened one October morning when Lord Cowie had took liberty with the local milk maid,a beautiful girl who enjoyed the hard sex that Lord Cowie and herself partook of in the...

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Affair With Her Coworkers Husband

She's Leaning up against her red 2001 ford escort standing outside a hilton hotel, dressed in a black sleeveless dress with red heals. She dials her best friend Callie. While Brandon, one of her coworkers husbands is getting out of his SUV. She has no idea he is there. "Hey... You sure you don't wanna come to this dinner?" She asks practically begging. "Jess, I'm with jimmy." "Put it on speaker." "Jimmy, someone wants you to hear this." "Jimmy, I hate you." "Awh, kiddo, you'll be alright." He...

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Visit to the Farm ndash Female Hucow Slut

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Making Of a HuCow Jenny

The employment want-ad in Sundays Daily Mirror caught Jenny's eye:SALES REP. WANTEDMedical supply at S.F.L. in need of energetic, enthusiastic individual for immediate part time opening. Flexible hours, excellent salary. Will train, no experience necessary. Some travel required, company vehicle supplied. Please contact:555-123-4567She had been searching for a part-time position since quitting a full-time stint as a legal assistant three months ago. The experience had left a bad taste in her...

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LocoweedDay One

Locoweed.-Day one My life was simple. I had a wife, three great kids, three dogs and a nice home. Two years ago, all that changed. My wife of thirty years died in a car accident. A drunk driver hit our car. Just like that, she was gone. I was in the passenger seat. I screwed up my knees pretty good. I walked with a cane and limp. The death of my wife devastated me. After time, the mental pain slowly went away. But my knees always hurt. I tried all the different pain pills. None of...

2 years ago
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Coworkers Curse

Coworker's Curse By: Monsta It was a typical Wednesday at the office when my life suddenly got turned upside down. Nothing stood out as unusual about the day at first, it had begun as any typical workday. But then around 10:30am my coworker Carl came into my cubicle and started talking about some printer issue he was having on his computer. I was kind of busy, but he was insistent so I agreed to go over to his cubicle and help him. I reinstalled the network printer and printed...

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Hucow brothel

Devon was the owner of a brothel that was known far and wide for entertaining just about any sexual fantasy a man could dream up. He was a shrewd businessman with a good reputation. He treated his customers right, he treated his working girls right. His creativity helped maximize both his profits and his customer's pleasure.He offered both the basic and the elaborate. He always had fresh, new ladies ready to please for those who craved variety. He arranged "party packages" of ladies to...

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Hucow daily life

Amanda turned another corner sharply. The downtown sidewalks were jammed with the usual lunchtime crowd of suits and casual tourists, waiting in line at hot dog stands and enjoying the spring weather. She pushed her way through as quickly as she could, mouth set firmly in a tight frown and eyes fixed down the street on her destination. Come on, come on... she thought, weaving past a woman walking a dog very slowly and squeezing through a group posing for a picture. As Amanda came to a reluctant...

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Becoming a HuCow Part 1

Becoming a HuCow part 1 "Fuuuuuuuckkkkkkk," I scream in my head but all that comes out is a long loud moo as my rancher pumps his magnificent 12 inch penis inside and out of his pussy. Secured in the barn with suction cups milking my tender breasts and another pump sucking my clitty dry over and over again. The sound of moos filling the barn and the ringing of the bell's on all the Rancher's cows ringing wildly as we are all fucked senseless. He's mad today, I think in my head, some...

3 years ago
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Becoming a HuCow part 2

Chapter 2 My mind has long since been bent to My ranchers will as I feel him pumping inside and out of me. It's Milking time at the moment which occurs twice a day once in the morning and once early evening. This is the best part of us Cows day. The formula that we had been injected with, my Ranchers own design, I think he must have been a doctor or scientist in his previous life but I digress, means that us cows produce a huge amount of milk every day. By the time milking...

4 years ago
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Becoming a HuCow part 3

Becoming a HuCow -Part 3 As my morning milking is finished, and I'm subdued in the after glow of ecstasy, My Rancher whispers in my ear "good cow, see how nice I can be when you obey". As I slowly recover from the assault on his pussy and my feelings I can only issue a contented moo as he forces his cow's clitty back into the confining cage. I always shudder as I hear the lock as now I spend the rest of the day with my hormones unabated and my lust and desire peaking again not even...

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Becoming a HuCow part 4

After I felt my Bull release his seed into me we nuzzled together for a while in the sun with my bum resting against his gradually re-emerging erection. As much as I would have love to have him inside me again one of the rules was that each cow and bull cannot fuck each other twice in a row. My bull had 4 other cows that he needed to take care of every day and so peeling away from each other I wandered around the field whilst he went off to find the other cows. Out of his stable of 5 cows...

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Mindcontrol Panties 13 Hucows Delicious Milk

The figure moved with ease through the department store. It was excited to leave its current pair of panties behind in this location. After the last one, Cherry Tart, had made Delilah White into a perpetual virgin, the figure wanted to try another form of body modification. It had an idea for a delicious one. It was why the current pair of panties looks so much like the white and black pattern of a dairy cow. There was a simple question written on the rear. Got Milk? The figure was eager for...

3 years ago
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Coworkers Revenge

Kim sighed as she looked at all the paperwork she still had to do. She had had plans to go out tonight and relax, but those were quickly evaporating as she estimated she still had a couple more hours to go. Still, the temp couldn't say she hadn't enjoyed the reason for her delay. Ever since her boss Martin had started what he called "open office relations" a few weeks back, Nichole the beautiful brunette secretary would stop whatever she was doing and give the closest person a good fuck...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 167 Back to the Cowboys BG

Gwen seemed to be pretty far out of her comfort zone. I could tell that the rough talking cowboys were striking fear into her heart. Most likely she needed Earl to come along on any future visits to CB&G. I had no idea. if there would be any more visits, I was just thinking ahead. "You are the woman that they are making the TV show about, aren't you?" A late twenties or early thirties woman with wild chestnut colored hair asked. "I guess I am, there might be more than one, but I...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e17 Elaine Cowan 48

We open with a mini montage to show our location ... A wide, dark, river running through a city, a ferry crossing from one side, a large old building with the statue of a bird on the roof, hundreds of football fans celebrating in the steets ... Yes, no prizes for guessing we’re in Liverpool this week. The sequence ends on the historic Albert Dock- usually a tourist hotspot, but today, almost deserted due to the wind and spitting rain. We watch as our long-time host walks her golden retriever...

2 years ago
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A Horny CowpokeChapter 2

Andy didn't get back to camp until late. He had missed the regular supper, so he had to heat up some beans and biscuits on his own, at least the coffee was still warm. His father asked, "How come ya ta be so late gittin' in, son? We ain't gone far enough ta start runnin' inta trouble, yet." "It weren't no big deal, Pa. I came across a farm what had a fire started in their hay shed, an' I stopped ta he'p. Then the wife washed up my shirt fer me, soz the hay fines wouldn't itch so...

2 years ago
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A Horny CowpokeChapter 3

Sarah moaned, "Oh, God, Andy, fuckin' ain't felt this good since I started in the business 15 years ago! Ya're pecker just hits all my good spots. Try movin' up just a bit ta put more pressure on my clit. OH ... OH ... OH ... I'M COMIN', I'M COMIN'! ... HERE I COME, AGAIN! ... SHIT! ... THIS AIN'T POSSIBLE! ... OH ... OH ... OH ... I'M COMIN', AGAIN! ... DAMMIT, ANDY, WHERE YA BEEN ALL MY LIFE?" This was when Andy finally exploded in the biggest come he ever had, even in his...

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A Horny CowpokeChapter 4

Andy had been only 40-50 yards from the source of the screams, so it only took him moments to arrive on the scene. Two naked women, who appeared to be 15-17 years old, were standing waist deep in a pool formed by the stream. They were facing a monster cougar that looked like it was about to leap at one of them. Without a thought for his own safety, Andy pulled his Spencer from it scabbard and lay down a rain of bullets on the fierce-looking animal. It was impossible to tell which bullet might...

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A Horny CowpokeChapter 5

They were deep into Choctaw territory and Andy was doing his usual job of scouting ahead of the herd. The country around here was pretty much open plains, except for lines of trees that ran along the banks of permanent streams. Andy saw such a line of trees and rode toward it to determine if it was a suitable place for the herd to spend the night. As he got close, he discovered that the trees grew in splotchy patches, that is, the trees were clumped close together in places and widely...

4 years ago
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A Horny CowpokeChapter 6

Josh, Will, and John were surprised when Andy and Elizabeth rode up. Andy quickly gave a short description of his adventure and why Elizabeth was with him. They headed the herd toward the pool where Andy had found Elizabeth, and Andy headed back to clean up the horse and human bodies before everybody else got there. His instructions were quite detailed on how to find the place, and Elizabeth could provide directions if that were not enough. They arrived at the pool about an hour before dark,...

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A Horny CowpokeChapter 7

Author's note: Jasmine said that she was ready, so Andy quickly shucked his clothes and jumped into the tub with her. "OK, Jasmine, I need ta wash off. Kin ya he'p me?" Jasmine grinned and began washing the biggest cock that she had ever seen. "Dear Jesus, Massa, ya have sho' got the biggest pecker I ever did see. There wuz some big 'uns at the 'breeding farm, ' but none of the studs had anythin' like ya gots." "Ya gotta stop callin' me 'massa, ' or I'll git in trouble...

3 years ago
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A Horny CowpokeChapter 8

Three days later, they were close to a small town, so Josh sent Andy in to pick up some supplies. All of the women wanted to go, too, since they all needed new clothes, and they were sure that the general store in town would have something that they would want. Andy was agreeable, so they all left early that morning with Andy on his horse and the three women in the mule-drawn wagon; Jasmine was driving, since she had learned how at the breeding farm. They arrived in the town in mid-morning...

4 years ago
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A Horny CowpokeChapter 9

As usual, Andy spent most of the day on his scouting assignment before returning to the herd. He was met by Jasmine, holding the tweezers and wearing nothing below her waist. "Andy, I needs ya ta do yer hair pullin' now, cuz last night the pain put me a bit off my feed. I want ya ta pull now soz I kin rest afore my fuck session with yer pa." "I'm agreeable, but I'll need ta talk ta Pa fer a few minutes 'bout my scouting, afore I does anythin' else. Ya climb inta the wagon, an' I'll...

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A Horny CowpokeChapter 10

The couple on the bed finally recovered, so Sue Ann fulfilled her promise to wash the blood from Andy's clothes. They talked as she washed. "I don't know what I'm gonna do. My folks is all dead, and I can't stay on the farm by myself. Ifen I tried, some other bastard would try to take me afore I could git turned around. Ain't there sumpthin' ya kin do fer me?" "Well, ya could join the drive ifen my pa agrees. We got 3 women with us already, soz ya would have company. The one thing...

4 years ago
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A Horny CowpokeChapter 11

"Shit, where do those bastards get off thinking that they kin charge fer water that way?" Josh looked over the number of cattle he had and said, "Fer one thing, I ain't got enough cash ta pay that much, even ifen I wanted ta. Ten miles is too far ta push the cattle this late in the day. Tell the women ta git their guns ready, cuz we may need their he'p when the time comes ta reason with those galoots." They continued to push the cattle toward the water and soon saw it in the distance....

2 years ago
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A Horny CowpokeChapter 12

Cicero led Andy and Jasmine toward the possible water supply for the herd, and they talked as they rode. Andy asked how Cicero happened to be riding alone like he was, and Cicero explained, "I was born a slave of the Cherokees, but I managed ta escape ta Kansas jus' afore the war started. I stayed there 'til the end of the war. I'm on my way back, now, ta find my old massa an blow his fuckin' head off fer the way he treated me an' my momma. Yeah, in case ya're wonderin', my momma said...

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