Hot Desi Pics
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Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Hi. My name is Reeti Saxena, and this is my story about desi porn. If you have read , then you know me. I hope I don’t have to give details about myself again. Also, thank you for all the love you have shown me via emails and chats. It’s always fun talking to you guys. Let’s begin with the story.
I was low on cash and needed a job that paid. By this point, I had worked as an extra in many Bollywood films. Still, nobody wanted me as an actress. I was ready to do bold scenes. But the directors kept on saying my breasts aren’t big enough to show ample cleavage.
I am a decent-looking woman with an average fit figure. But they were looking for a milf with double D breasts. Apparently, that is more in demand these days. Disgusting! I had applied for many jobs, but only one came back with a positive response. That job was a scary one.
The role was of an office woman called Babla Chutti. Yes, that is the name they gave the character. They actually made me perform a scene where I had to introduce myself as Babla in the audition. They sent me a message that night with a six-figure salary note. I was tempted, but the story scared me.
At first, the director did not tell me it is a porn film. He said in a Bengali accent, “It’s a beautiful short film with a social message about women protecting themselves from molesters.”
I did not feel suspicious until the director started touching me during casting. Even though there was a costume girl there, the director came forward to adjust my outfit. He came close, unbuttoned my shirt, and pulled up my bra such that it was visible. He then gently squeezed my buttocks to see if they were firm.
It was very embarrassing. The costume girl was embarrassed too, so she looked away. He was taking a lot of pictures from all angles. At one point, he hinted to the costume girl to get on her knees and press my breasts together while he took my picture. He wanted to see how deep my cleavage can get.
The moment I stepped out of the office, I decided not to do this job. Sadly this was the only job that paid more than decent money. One night I got a call from casting people. He said that it is the last time they are offering me this job. They are willing to increase the price by 20%, but I have to decide now.
If I say no, they will give it to someone else. I did not have time to decide, so I said yes. The next day I went to the office. There the same pervert director was sitting with a smile on his face. He was an ugly fat guy with long black hair and a white beard.
I sat in the room with just the director and a producer. It was a scary small room with just one door. No windows. They were sitting quietly. They simply gave me a big contract to read. I did not understand most of the stuff. The only thing that got my attention was the number 6.7 lakhs.
My eyes sparkled as I waited for them to speak.
“Sir. Can I know the story?” I asked the director.
“Please… we are waiting for another actor. Then I’ll tell you the story together.”
While we sat there, I kept on looking at the producer. He was a younger-looking fit man. Every time I looked at him, he smiled back. I had seen him somewhere but couldn’t recollect.
“Do you ever go on a ‘money date’?”
The producer spoke while closely observing my every reaction. He was staring so hard at me that I was embarrassed.
“What is a Money Date?” I asked.
“Single guys who can’t get a girlfriend pay cute women like you to go out with them,” he said.
I sensed he wanted to touch me inappropriately. But he was sitting on the opposite side of a large table. So his hands couldn’t reach me.
“Sir, I’m not a prostitute.”
“No… no! You don’t have to have sex. Just talk with them. Sit in public and have food. For a girl like you, you can earn good money doing that.”
I did not know such a thing existed before that. So I ignored his comment. After all, after doing this role, I’ll be rich and be famous. That’s what I thought. A young, fair, slightly chubby guy walked in and sat next to me an hour later.
Seeing him, both of them stood up to greet him. Then all of them sat. The director started with the story. What I heard totally shocked me.
“Ms. Reeti. You are a corporate woman – a successful woman who is good at her job. You are so good at your job that you have your own personal assistant. Golu will play that part.”
“Chachu (uncle), please, not Golu. Call me Govind,” he blushed. This young man had a sort of feminine voice.
“…so you are in your usual outfit, formal shirt, and medium-size skirt – something like what you tried a couple days back.
You are done with your day, and you go to the parking lot with Govind. There your car will be parked. You are talking to your assistant regarding tomorrow’s meeting. Suddenly 6-7 guys jump in front of you.”
“Six or seven?” asked the producer.
“Not decided yet.” said the director.
“Then decide fast. Otherwise, use a dildo attached to a pillow.”
“‘Dildo?’ what do they need that for?” I wondered.
The director was interrupted by the producer. This annoyed him. “Please don’t break my flow,” grunted at him.
“…so you are making your intern carry a lot of files while you are checking one of them. Meanwhile, eight guys are fixing the electric wiring. They see you and are immediately seduced by your beauty.”
The director was changing the story at will, but I didn’t interrupt him. I fear he might shout. As it is, he is huge and seems to be short-tempered.
“As you walk past them, they start whistling. They follow you. One of them throws water on you. Suddenly your assistant gets angry… that’s you, Govind… You throw all the files and get angry.
You say, “You mother fuckers! How dare you talk like this with my boss. Say sorry or else…” you’ll say in an aggressive tone. As much as you can.
But then the tall guy will get angry. In one swift move, he will grab you by your ba… belt and pull you close.”
Suddenly the director stops. He stands up and makes Golu stand as well. He then performs the action while saying the dialogue. He gets instantly angry and grabs Golu by his belt. Then pulling him close,
“Otherwise, what?! Otherwise, what!” He shouts, pulling the belt back and forth. Suddenly the belt breaks and lands in the director’s hand. Meanwhile, Golu’s pants uncontrollably fall, giving us an accidental glimpse of his private part.
“So cute!” Is all I can think. Apparently, he wasn’t wearing any underwear. His penis was tiny, fair, and circumcised. Further, he was totally hairless down there. Looking at his penis, I wondered what his age is. I was shocked to later learn that he is 34. He didn’t look a year older than 21.
It was an embarrassing situation for him. Golu got decent and then took the seat. The director alone performed the action while narrating the story.
“….So he will threaten you. Then you have to say, “Don’t even try to touch her. Otherwise, you will have to face my wrath.” But then this huge intimidating guy throws you to his men. They immediately tear your clothes until you are completely naked.”
“Naked!” yells Golu.
“Yes, naked.” says the director. “You have already shown us yourself. You just have to do that in front of the camera.”
At that moment I got scared. But then I calmed myself down. “Male nude scenes are very common these days. Netflix does it.”
I continued to listen to the story. The more I heard, the scarier it got. By the time I was done with it, I just wanted to exit the building. I was so disgusted that day to hear his pitch. “That asshole thinks I’ll get naked in front of 50 people. Never!” I cursed while returning home.
Yet, the next I remember, I was being disrobed by a costume girl inside a dark abandoned parking lot. There weren’t 50 people there, just twenty, including the actors, director, and producer. It was the shooting day, and I had agreed to play my part.
Thankfully they had a strict policy of no mobile phones on set. The only camera allowed was the main filming camera. That was not comforting enough. So I closed my eyes and thought about the number on that signed check while undressing.
It was nighttime, very chilly. I was shivering initially. But this daring thing I was doing got my heart pumping. Suddenly I felt cold no more. Before I had to put on the costume, they made me lay naked on a single bed while the makeup man put makeup all over my body.
He first shaved all the unnecessary hair, cleaned my body with a wet cloth, and then started putting makeup on me. By the time he was done, I was looking like a beautiful barbie doll. I had the urge to photograph myself like this. Unfortunately, my phone, too, was kept with others inside a locker.
Then they made me wear tight officer wear. A push-bra that raised my bust. They put some packing to make my cleavage look bigger. They also gave me a beautiful pair of heels. By the time I was ready, I had looked like a professional, highly qualified, office-going woman.
The shooting began. First, they shot all the initial scenes – me entering the parking lot with my assistant. Walking past those workers and stand next to a car. Then Golu was pulled, stripped, and he cried.
He was natural at this. I was impressed by his performance. That is until I realized that he was actually crying.
Meanwhile, I was simply there. I had little to no dialogues. I just had to react and look scared. Once this scene was done, the director walked to Golu to comfort him. Then he shouted, ‘Pack-up.’
I was surprised at him saying pack-up. “Why did they make me strip if I had no nude scene to perform?”
My doubt was immediately cleared when the director said, “That’s a pack-up for Golu. Let’s move to the climax scene.”
The next thing that happened was very scary. I did it, still scary. My heart was racing just before the scene. I had no lines to prepare, yet it felt challenging. “You have to do this in the first shot. There is no repeat.” said the director.
I was feeling nervous and desperately wanted to pee. When I asked the producer to direct me towards the nearest washroom, he simply said, “You are already naked! Just go do it in that corner.”
It was very embarrassing but too late to turn back. When the shot was ready, I was called. As I approached the scene location, I could see those eight guys completely naked and stroking their erect dicks. Once I was there, they took the robe from me and made me kneel.
“Action!” shouted the director. “Just make sure that all of you are ready to cum by the end of the next sixty seconds.”
On that command, there was a guy counting downtime. All eight dicks were in different shapes, sizes, and shades. Since they were just a couple of feet away from my face, I looked at each one of them.
I had no dialogues, no actions. I simply had to be there and wait to receive the cum. The director told me to close my eyes and smile. I did that. I was unable to see anything but was able to hear the countdown.
The moment the countdown reached zero, like clockwork, all of them shot their juices on my face. I could feel projectiles hitting my face from all sides. The moment all of them were drained, the director shouted.
“And… cut! Reeti, just stay there and look as if you are enjoying it.” he paused and then, “Camera go handheld.”
I did not see the next part. But I have seen enough shooting to know that the cameraman lifted the camera on his shoulder and brought it close to me to record from top to bottom in close-up.
Meanwhile, I simply gave my best performance, smiling, opening my mouth to let some droplets fall in, spreading it all over my face, then spreading more of it on my tits. I kept on touching myself, forgetting that I was being watched by twenty pairs of perverted eyes.
Suddenly I had the urge to move down south. I was about to slide my finger inside my pussy when I felt a hard spank on my butt.
“That’s enough acting for today, baby! This is just the beginning,” said the Director.
He was right. In the following six days, we had to shoot individual shots where I would be naked and pleasured by eight men. There’s blowjobs, handjobs, tit-fuck, anal, and countless pussy penetrations I had to look forward to.
The director then repeated what he said to me in the pitch meeting, “Don’t worry, Ms. Reeti. I’ll make sure that none will penetrate you deep enough to take your virginity.”
He said it as if preserving my virginity was my biggest concern.
In just a few hours, I was shaved in public, cleaned in public, I peed in public, eight different men ejaculated on my face, all the while being recorded on camera. And he still thinks I am worried about losing my v-card.
Once the scene was done, the makeup and three volunteers took me to a corner and bathed me. They cleaned me thoroughly. I could see an erection in their pants. Still, they didn’t make any move. They settled only for groping my body parts whenever possible.
I enjoyed it. At first, I was embarrassed at the beginning of the shoot, but now I was having fun. I might have even teased them by spreading my pussy and telling them to clean it properly. I was so excited at that moment that I wished to get a room with four of them and fuck them hard.
Instead, I simply closed my eyes and lived this fantasy. It was a blissful moment that got rudely interrupted by someone shouting. I opened my eyes to see the director arguing with the producer.
“What the fuck do you mean?!” asked the director.
“The streaming platform refused to fund this project. So…” The producer paused.
“So what! Bitch!” said the director. He was very pissed. I watched the argument from a distance while the guys wiped my body.
“So…” the producer said in a low tone, “We can still make this short film, but you won’t get the promised premium fee.”
As it is, the director was pissed and cursing left and right. There was a filming light next to him which he picked up and smashed on the floor. While his back was turned, the producer whispered something more.
“What more?!” asked the director.
The producer, in his shaky voice, spoke, “Mm… Also, you can’t put this parking lot orgy scene in the film.”
The director was getting angrier as he grunted louder. He cursed a lot. The moment he closed his palm to form a fist, the producer took a few steps back out of fear of getting punched.
I was so engrossed in the action that I didn’t realize that the makeup man had latched on to my tit, sucking on it. Meanwhile, the other three were masturbating, staring at my ass. Ignoring that, I continued to watch.
Suddenly an assistant walked to the director, saying, “Sir, where should I put this memory card. It has today’s recorded footage.”
That idiot was oblivious about this fight which is why he naively interrupted. The director in aggression took the memory card from him. He grunted, “No sex scene!” and he broke the memory card in two in a quick move.
“Happy! No more sex scene!” Saying that, he walked away.
That was the end of the shoot.
A few days later, I met Golu in a restaurant for a Money Date (I’ll tell you about that in a different story). That’s when he told me that the project was canceled, and the footage that was recorded was all lost.
So the filming of the orgy climax scene that we shot is lost as if it never happened. To some extent, I was relieved. I wasn’t ready to let my family see a nude scene of me. Thankfully now, no one will get to see it.
That’s the story of my first acting job in a porn film. Do tell me if you liked it via email to [email protected]. Please don’t ask me for the video of that scene because I don’t have it.
Just one thing before I go, I want to tell you why I shared this story. A couple of days back, I got a call from the director saying that they have revived this short film project. He wants me back in that role.
He says that there won’t be a sex scene this time as he is . But I don’t trust him anymore. So I am not sure. What do you think? Should I take that job?
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I went to the desi party in the block around 7 PM on March 2012 in South Brunswick Manor Community, in New Jersey. It was a holi party hosted by the good Indian folks residing there. All residents and guests were invited. The crowd turnout was quite a large, considering it was a week night. Since it’s been a while the last time I played holi, it was in Bombay, when I was 17 years old, I didn’t know what to wear. So I decided on a white tee, which showed my muscles and pecks. I am 5’10’ in...
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The online world can be a funny and erotic place. You meet a lot of fake people, at the same time you meet horny women. Continuing with the excerpts from my life, I give you another tantalizing literotica event. Enjoy reading it. A foreign woman is a delight to any desi boy. We boys watch an enormous amount of porn filled with naked white women making our cocks dance to their tunes. Luckily, I found one right in my city, not that she is a pornstar but an amazing American lady. She was married...
/** * Image Gallery * * @author Spartacus * @since 1.0 * */ jQuery(document).ready( function($) { $( '#grid-gallery' ).imagesLoaded( function () { $( '#grid-gallery' ).masonry( { itemSelector : '.item' } ); } ); $( '#grid-gallery' ).masonry(); $( '#grid-gallery' ).masonry( 'bindResize' ); //swipbox fix title as alt $( '#grid-gallery a' ).each(...
Dosto aap sabke response aur comments k liye thank you. Jesa ki pehle aapko meine apne aur kaya k baare m bataya hua hai. Par yeh desi hot sex kahani kaya aur mere baare main nhi hai. Lekin kaya mere purane affairs k bare mai bhi janti hai. Hum dono purani sex life bhi discuss karte hai kyuki ye kaya ko excite karta hai.Mere hi purane sex encounter mai se ek kahani hai.Yeh kahani aaj se 10saal pehle mere aur meri ek frnd jiska naam roshni hai uske beech ki hai. We were both 18 at the...
Hello dosto mera nam shan (name changed) hai, main kolhapur maharashtra ka rehne wala hun. Ye meri pehli desi hot sex story hai. Ummed karta hun apko pasand aajaye. Meri age 24 hai aur filhal mai competitive exams ki preparation kar raha hun. Mai average looking hoom height 5 feet 6 inch hai aur lund ka size 5.6 inch hai but size me mota hai. Sach kahu to maine aajtak kisi ki chudai nahi ki hai. Ye meri ek fantasy hai. To chalo kahani suru karta hun. Jaisa ki maine kaha mai competitive exams ki...
Hey guys!Abhi is back. First of all mai aap sab ko thanks kehna chahunga meri desi hot sex “From sister’s saari to bed” ko like kerne ke liye aur mujhe appreciate krne ke liye. Horny girls, please apne messages bhejte rahiye I really love them. My email id is Meri next story us time ki hai jab mai school me tha. 2008-09 me mai 12th class me tha and I was 18 only. Jaisa ki aap sab jaante hi hai ki school me banda bhut horny hota hai kyuki uska sex krne ka chance bhut km hota hai aur zaroorat...
Hello indian sex stories dot net doston, ye kahani meri bua ki hai jo ek sarkari teacher hai,38 saal ki auart hai aur do bachchon ki maa hai. Ye baat 5 saal pahle ki hai main 12th ke exam ke baad bua ke ghar gaya tha jo ki up me hi ek chhote shahar me hai. Tab bua koi 30-31 ke aas paas hogi aur ek hi beti thi jo 3-4 saal ki hogi. Meri age tab18 saal thi, bua mujhe bachche ki tarah pyaar karti thi aur mujhe bhi unke sath achchha lagta tha. Fir ek din aisa aaya ki sabkaafi kuchh badal gaya, bua...
Hello friends, my name is Sumit () and I am from Bangalore. My height is 5’9″ and this is my first post on ISS. So, please forgive me if I am wrong anywhere… Now lets come to my story. Ye ek desi sex story hai and baat 2015 ki hai jab main pune mein job karta tha. Mera ek friend bhi pune mein he job karti thi, jo ki meri kafi saalo se friend thi aur uska naam anamika(name changed) hai. Dikhne mein ek dum maal thi, height 5’6″ thi uski aur boobs 34C the. Jab main Pune gaya toh uske next day main...
Hi friends this is the third part of my seires taarak mehta ka desi adult chashma. Please read the the last 2 parts which are filled with fun and sex. To ab mai kahani pe aata hoon. Jethalal ghar se dukan ke liye nikal rha tha tabhi daya boli are tapu ke papa bohut din ho gaye aap ne mujhe theek se choda nhi. (jethalal babita ji ko jo chod rha tha roz) Jetha: are meri daya aaj raat tayar rehna aaj teri sari icha poori kar doonga. Daya: theek hai……Majja aa jayega Jetha: chal ab mai chalta hoon....
Hello Indian sex stories readers.This story is in Telugu. Na peru shivaji. Na height 5’11, strong muscular body nadi, konchem white ga vuntanu.I story na life lo jarigina real incident. Idi nenu B.Tech chadive rojulalodi. Nenu ma parents tho vizag lo vundevadni. Ma edurintlo oka 65years age vunna athanu vundevadu.Vadi koduku army lo panichestadu, kodalu valla village lo vundedi. Kani 3 months ki okasari vizag vachi musalodni chusi vellido. I kodale na kama devatha. Ame peru KAMALA. Age 29...
Hello doston This is Rahul from Mumbai. Iss story aaj se ek saal pehle ki hai tab main 12th Maine padhtatha. Hamari class ki sabse brilliant ladki aur topper ladki ka naam tha Sonam Rajput.Uski umar 18 saal tha aur uske breasts,eye,lips & hair par main dibanatha. Sonam hamare class ki sabse sundar ladki bhi thi.Hamare saare ladke,seniors,juniors sab uske piche the.she is gifted with beauty & brain.Lekin Bo kisiko bhao nahin deti thi hamesa Bo ek intense aur serious look main sirf...
Hi mein Reshma hoon, 23 saal ki. Meri figure hai 34,28,36. Mein Hyderabad ki rehni wali hoon. Yeh kahani kai saal pehle ki hai jab mein graduation ke liye kisi dost ke ghar pe reh rahi thi. Un dino mein apni saheli Nasrin ki ghar pe reh ke apni graduation kar rahi thi. Hum rehte the unke ammi aur khala ke saath. Nasrin ki abbu Hyderabad se bahar kam karte the. Uski bhai boarding school mein rehta tha. Ghar pe koi bhi mard rehta nahi tha. Nasrin ki ammi ne keh rakhi thi koi ladka ghar pe na...
Meri sexy or chudakkar auntiyo or bhabhiyo ko mera lund ka Namaskaar… Hi mera naam hai Mr.X and im from Uttarakhand. Any unsatisfied aunty or bhabhi who wants to get laid and fulfill their sexual needs may contact me on my email id :- All information and relations will be kept 100% secret and memorable guaranteed. My personal info:- Age:- 25 Height:- 5’10 Body:- athletic Penis:- 7′ Fun loving and handsome guy with a average size of penis 7′ but a guarantee to give satisfaction n maximum...
Hi mei parmnder from punjab eh meri pehli story aaa mei kive apni aunty nu chodya meri height 6 feet aa te mei student aa meri age 24 aa mei pind wich rehna mere nal de ghar meri aunty honi rehde aa ohna da ik munda te husband nahi hega aunty di age 37 c te height 5.7 aa te figure 34 ,30,34 aa aunty da sade ghar aouna jana bhot c je koi kam hunda ta aunty menu karn nu keh dindi te mei hamesha kar dinda ik din aunty ne bazar cho kuj mangouna c ta ohne meri mummy nu keha vai parminder nu bhej do...
Hi thi issliye kafi jaldi ghul mill gayi.usski figure dekh ajj sudhir ka mann machal gaya.ajj raat to apni biwi ki bhi acche se thukai kiya,usse kya malum tha buddhe ko TANISHA ne pagal bana diya hai. Next din hi TANISHA ka saman lekar kuch worker aa gaye aur shift karwa diye.ussne batay ki usski ek friend ,jo khud bhi ek airhostess hai 2 din baad anne wali hai,actually usski new shadi hui hai issliye ussne leave le rakhi hai.TANISHA ka sudhir ke flat me khub anna jana laga rahta ,kabhi usski...
Namaste bhai an behnchods. Randibaaj n bagal chatne n sughne wale kutto. Mera naam Ravi Sinha hai n merit gf ka naam Uma hai. Him dono ke relationship ko 5 saal ho chuke h but maine kabhi Uma ko choda nhi hai. Iss site pe aur Google pe desi armpits ki pictures aur kahani ke ichcha mein maine hila hila ke saare sperms barbaad kiye. Aj main apni aur Uma ki armpit fetish kahani aap sbko hilane aur moot girwane ki koshish mein likh rha. Apko zarur pasand ayega. Yeh meri apni kahani hai. Main Ravi...
Hi to all Sex Stories fans. I just love this site and wanna keep sharing my experiences with you all. I m Suju from Hyderabad and just back from US. This is my real story story which happened with me in US with Desi Girls over there. I hope you will enjoy it. Any females want to share their experience, mail me at It was now 8:35 AM on a Sunday morning, As I was brewing the coffee in the Kitchen I was feeling quite numb emotionally and sore physically. I had just had the most intense sexual...
Hi friends, thank you for liking my story so muchb on public demand, I present you with the Desi Version of “Akshay- The Watchman and I hope you like it as much as you liked its original version, here it goes. Mera naam Nilesh hai aur ye mera ek ladke ke saath chudai ka pehla tajurba hai jo mai aap sab ke saath is kahaani ke roop me share karna chahta hu. Mai ek reputed society me rehta hu mere society me do watchman hai day duty wala watchman aur night duty wala watchman. Ek din jab me...
By : Isswriter Hello Mere Pyare ISS readers ye meri pehli story to nahi hai par kafi dino ke bad me apni story likh raha hu. Chalo aap logo ko bore na karte huye apni story pe aata hu me abhi london me rehta hu, I am 27 yrs old boy , average body and height, good looking me jabhi india me tha tab mene bahot mastiya ki hai apne gauv me muje pehle se hi apne se badi aurato me jyada dilchaspi thi. aur meri ek friend bhi thi jisase se me aksar chudai kiya karta tha par ye bat to purani ho gayi...
No one would want to miss watching a dusky desi village bhabhi at her horny best and especially when her lust for sex is unleashed by her partner at night, right? Yes, just like these dick-hardening naked xxx images which I am going to show you below! Welcome to another sensual Indian imagery to make your day sexually lucky! And this time, it is a recently leaked private, homemade pictures of an innocent-looking dehati bhabhi. This village wife’s husband came home horny...
Sai, a young Desi man, was wedded to a woman he barely knew, thanks to the still-active custom of arranged marriages in India. She had seemed sweet and obedient when they were introduced and spent a little time together but after the ceremony she changed drastically. Actually it was a little later than the ceremony, occurring after she opened her legs in the marital bed and passively allowed him intercourse. As soon as it was completed she arose and told him in a harsh voice that he had never...
Dehati girls can be very naughty inside despite their shy nature outside. Check out these nude selfie images of this horny village girl who is bold enough to take her nudes even outside her house. This young desi girl from a remote village has been aroused by her boyfriend’s big dick pics that she received on a Saturday morning. The village babe couldn’t hide her excitement and sensed the wetness in her cute, hairy pussy increasing after seeing those private pics of her lover...
We go to the video store and rent Peter Sellers in “The Party”. Shyly she says, “I’ve never seen a porn film”. I am overjoyed. This promises to be an exceptionally sexual evening. Porno videos are in a separate room in the store. The door is an old-fashioned latticed pair of saloon swinging doors. Over the entrance is a sign: “Adults Only”. I go in and scan the titles. One is something like “Swinger Party”, so I grab it and leave the adult room. She has a naughty face when she sees...
I like my pornos to be as dirty as possible, with sticky liquids everywhere, cumshots, facials, and all that crap. However, that does not mean that sometimes I do not like to sit down and enjoy classic pornographic scenes, or the ones that are called “artistic”. It all really depends on our mood, and I think everyone can agree on this with me. Sometimes I love to watch hardcore porn scenes with choking, spitting, and gagging, but then again, I also enjoy watching sensual and passionate...
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