Continuing With Her Son's Best Friend free porn video

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Patrick Lawton was both elated and deflated when he returned home after his night with forty-seven-year-old Amala Gupta. The elation was because he had lost his virginity and he was 'in love' but the deflation was because he now wanted to be with Amala all of the time.

Amala too was feeling mixed emotions because she had really enjoyed having sex with the handsome seventeen-year-old youth, whose lovemaking skills would no doubt get even better with practice, but she was wondering just quite what she had started, or at least allowed to start. She had initially rejected Patrick's advances but she now took full responsibility, in her mind at least, for what had happened.

Patrick's parents, Tim and Susan, having asked him if he had a nice evening at Sunil's house, detected something different about him but it did not register with either of them that the difference was because he had shagged a sexy mature woman. Patrick could not settle during Saturday because all he wanted was to be with Amala, preferably in bed, so he went for a walk.

Whether it was consciously or not be found himself walking very close to the Gupta house but seeing Amala's next-door neighbour in her own front garden he headed Amala's warning about being seen by the neighbours and he kept walking. He did, however, phone Amala's mobile from his.

Amala had been thinking about Patrick a lot, not surprisingly, and had considered phoning him but if she had happened to call whilst he was with his parents then that could have caused problems. She was delighted when Patrick's name came up on her mobile.

"Hello baby, how are you?" she almost gushed.

Amala's voice caused an instant reaction in Patrick's trousers and he blurted, "I am okay, I want you."

"I want you as well babe but we have to be so careful," said the sultry Amala.

"I know but I need to see you, please," Patrick almost begged.

"Honey, you can't come here at the moment, someone might see you and I could never have Sunil knowing about us," replied Amala.

"I am on the next road, can you come to me now?" asked Patrick.

Amala was so tempted and her mind working overtime and she replied, "Meet me in the park in ten minutes but we still have to be careful."

Patrick was back to elation again as he made his way to the park which was two streets away. He was standing in the park, near the entrance, when Amala walked in and fuck she looked stunning. Patrick wanted to rush to her and throw his arms around her but he had the sense not to. The beautiful Indian woman indicated with a nod of her head and the pointing with one finger in the direction of a path off the main pathway and Patrick moved to follow her.


He was a few steps behind her with his eyes on her fantastic arse inside tight green trousers as Amala kept walking. She slowed slightly and looked back over her shoulder towards the youth who was a few yards behind her, "We will just go to the wooded area up here," she said.

The park was quite busy but they were away from the main walkways and Amala entered the small wood with Patrick close behind her and then she turned to face him and she put her arms around his neck and pulled him to her and their lips met in a long and deep kiss.

"Mmm, I have been wanting to do that since you left me this morning," said Amala after they broke from the kiss.

"Oh Amala, I want you so bad, I love you," said Patrick before he initiated another long kiss.

There were people not far away and Amala knew that they had to keep their relationship if indeed there was a relationship, as secretive as possible, "Baby, it is important that Sunil and your parents do not find out about us," stressed Amala as she looked into Patrick's nice eyes with her own gorgeous dark eyes.

"I know, but I want to be with you," said the lovestruck teenager.

"We will not be able to be together as much as we want but if we are careful we can see each other sometimes," said Amala.

They kissed again but then they became aware of someone else approaching the small wood so they broke away from each other and Amala almost whispered, "You go now, I will catch up with you in a minute," so a slightly bewildered Patrick wandered out of the woods.

He wandered a bit aimlessly in the park and then saw Amala approaching from beyond the wooded area so she must have continued walking through the woods after Patrick had left the way that they went in.

In their brief time apart Amala had been thinking and as she drew close to Patrick she said, "You go and wait near my house but do not come in until I phone you, we must not be seen."

Patrick looked at the departing backside and he became aware that he was erect in his trousers, he left the park after Amala had and wandered back in the vicinity of her house. When Amala reached her house her neighbour from one side was still in her front garden and Amala knew that the neighbours on the other side were out so that meant that Patrick would be able to enter Amala's house via her back gate without being seen.

She phoned her young lover, "Go down the lane behind my house and come in the back gate, my back door will be open," she instructed and Patrick hurried towards the lane.

After opening her back gate and leaving her back door open Amala closed her front downstairs curtains but that was not an unusual event because her television was positioned in such a way that at certain times of the day the sun shone on it. The next thing that Amala did was remove her trousers and blouse so when she saw Patrick enter her back garden she was standing in her bra and knickers.

Patrick came in the open backdoor and came face to face with the stunningly attractive and scantily dressed Indian woman. They embraced and Patrick pawed Amala's buttocks as his trousered erection pressed against her front. Amala freed that erection by undoing and pulling down Patrick's trousers and underpants and Patrick, after a bit of nervous and excited fumbling, undid Amala's bra so that her impressive tits were bare.

Amala tugged Patrick's T-shirt off over his head and then a combination of Patrick's and Amala's hands got Amala's knickers down and off. They kissed frantically before Amala lowered herself onto the lounge carpet, bringing Patrick with her, and after rubbing his erection against her cunt lips two or three times she guided him into her.

As his only previous experience of lovemaking had occurred in about the last twenty hours he was very much picking things up as he went along but with Amala's quite thick legs locked behind him, he moved his hips to have his penis sliding in and out of his best friend's mother's cunt. They were both enjoying incredible sensations as they fucked on the carpet and Amala was getting fast driven towards orgasm.

"Oh baby, mmm, oh, oh, yesss," she shouted as the young hard cock inside her drove her wild. Patrick ploughed on and on but he was now getting close and his body tensed before jet after jet of semen spurted deep into the writhing, groaning Amala causing her to again cum.

They lay giggling and then giggled some more when they realised that Patrick, having been distracted by seeing Amala in her underwear on his arrival, had neglected to close the still wide-open backdoor.

"Fuck, I hope nobody heard me yelling when I came, " laughed Amala before belatedly closing the door giving Patrick a great view of her arse as she did so.

"You are getting to be a great lover Mister Lawton," complimented Amala.

"You are a wonderful teacher, Mrs Gupta," responded Patrick.

Amala giggled again as Patrick attempted to stand with his trousers and pants still around his ankles and he promptly fell over. Amala then licked a small blob of spunk off the end of Patrick's cock before the couple kissed yet again.

Despite wanting to be together, every minute that they did spend in each other's company increased the chances of being caught so Amala persuaded Patrick that he had better get dressed and go home and after checking that the lady next door was still in her front garden, Amala saw Patrick off out the backdoor and into the lane. He was on his way home when he received a message from Amala reading, 'Thanks for the fuck lover boy'.

The trouble for both of them was that the more that they had each other the more they wanted each other but they both knew that the discovery of their relationship would cause consternation to Sunil and to Patrick's parents.

At this stage, Amala did not know how many days and nights Sunil would be spending with his father and his father's girlfriend but she thought that she had better try to find out when he was planning on coming home. She phoned Sunil and he said that he would be returning on Tuesday so with it currently being Saturday evening she had to think about how she could spend some more time with Patrick in the next two days.

When Sunil told his father that Amala had asked when he was going home his father, who was not on the best of terms with his ex-wife, responded, "Why does she need to know that, has she got a toyboy moved in or something?" Although he did then apologise to Sunil for saying that about his mother. He was, of course, not far from being right but luckily just what was going on did not enter Sunil's head.

It was eleven at night and Amala was restless as she lay naked on her bed, she had masturbated once and was considering doing it again. She picked up her mobile and typed a text and, having selected the recipient, she pressed send.

Patrick was also awake and restless, still with cum from his recent wank on his naked stomach, and his mobile which he had on silent lit up, 'R U awake?' the text read.

'Yeah can't stop thinking of U' was his return text.

'Can U talk?' was the message from the other person and Patrick pressed 'call' because although his parents were only two doors away from his bedroom they were probably asleep.

"Hey baby," said Amala.

"Hey, I wish I was with you," said Patrick who now had a hand on his penis.

"I know, so do I but Sunil is away until Tuesday so do you fancy a drive out into the country tomorrow?" said Amala.

"Yes but I have to be home late afternoon because mum does Sunday roast," said Patrick.

"Oh yeah, I am not worth missing Sunday roast for," teased Amala.

"No I did not mean it like that but mum would..." started Patrick.

"I know babe, I was teasing," laughed Amala who then went on to arrange to pick Patrick up near his house at ten in the morning.

"Maybe we can have an outdoor fuck," said Amala before the conversation ended.

It was a hot and sunny day and when Amala saw Patrick as she pulled up to pick him up she felt a surge in her body because the youth looked so handsome in shorts and T-shirt and with his strong-looking thighs.

"Shit Patrick, I could fuck you now," she said as the young man got into her car but as he leaned in to kiss her she said, "Not here sweetheart we do not know who might see us."

Amala drove out of town and the couple chatted and giggled and just occasionally Amala would touch Patrick's thigh or he would touch hers, with Amala being in what appeared to be tight trousers.

"Where did you tell your parents you were going?" asked Amala.

"Just said I was going to have a walk around town and see some mates," replied Patrick.

"Hope you told her you would be back for Sunday roast," teased his lover.

"Yeah, I did," confirmed Patrick.

There were several wooded areas near to town and Amala eventually parked up. Although there was another car or two parked in the vicinity the woods took up such a large area that they should be able to have plenty of privacy. Amala took a blanket from the boot of her car and as she bent forward Patrick caressed her arse, he had so grown in confidence in the last few days.

They walked into the woods holding hands and frequently kissing before Amala led Patrick off the path into denser undergrowth. "Looks like a good place to fuck," she said as they came upon a patch of grass in amongst the trees.

She spread the blanket on the grass and the two met in a long snog as hands roamed over bodies and already aroused sexual parts got even more aroused. Amala dragged down Patrick's shorts and he only had a jock-strap underneath and Amala fondled his balls and giggled as he tensed up. "I think that I will ride you, baby," she breathed.

She removed Patrick's T-shirt and then her own before they kissed again as she freed Patrick's penis from his jock-strap and Patrick fondled her tits, which were at the moment still inside her bra. Next, Amala's trousers came down and Patrick fingered her wet snatch through her knickers before Amala got Patrick to lay on his back on the blanket and she got him totally naked with his erection standing proud.

Amala removed her bra and then her panties and she stood with her legs on either side of Patrick's body before crouching, taking his cock in her hand, and lowering herself onto the solid appendage. They both sighed and groaned as Amala's body slowly slid down and Patrick's penis went further and further into her.

"Let's ride," she said before, slowly at first, moving herself up and down Patrick's rod and then increasing the speed.

"Ummm, ummm, yeah, ummm," she panted as she rode up and down with her eyes closed and Patrick reaching for and grabbing her swinging tits. Amala's buttocks slapped against Patrick's thighs as she bounced up and down on his penis and the movements and utterances were getting more and more frantic.

Patrick also now had his eyes shut as he savoured the feeling of having his stiff cock ridden by this gorgeous mature woman and he loved the fact that she seemed to be enjoying being with him as much as he did with her.

"Oh, oh, fuck, yes, yes," Amala announced her orgasm's arrival as she continued to bounce and grind her body against her lover and Patrick then yelled, "Oh god, oh god," as his spunk suddenly rose up the length of his penis and spurted into Amala.

Amala greeted her latest injection of semen from Patrick Lawton with laughter as she breathlessly stopped her bouncing and leaned forward and kissed her young lover. They eventually uncoupled and then lay together on the blanket kissing and cuddling in post-fucking relaxation before getting dressed and making their way back to the car. Amala had got some wipes in the car and they cleaned themselves as best they could.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" asked Patrick hopefully.

"I have promised my friend that I will help in her shop tomorrow because she is short-staffed but hopefully we can get together after for a little while," replied Amala trying to balance their wishes with the need for secrecy.

"But it will be even more difficult when Sunil comes back on Tuesday," said Patrick.

"I know baby, it is so difficult," said Amala before kissing the youth.

They spent about another hour together, just talking because just being together was enough before Amala dropped Patrick off near his home with a promise to text him later.

When Amala drove back into her driveway her next-door neighbour, Fiona Brabrook, was in her front garden. Fiona was a good neighbour to Amala and was almost a friend but Fiona liked to take an interest in other people's business so Amala certainly wanted to keep Patrick a secret from her.

"Hello Amala, is Sunil alright, I have not seen him lately?" asked Fiona, and Amala suspiciously thought was she asking that out of genuine interest, or was it based on something else.

Amala's mind worked fast, she did not think that Fiona could have seen Patrick the previous day because he arrived and left through the back door and Fiona was out front both times and she did not think that she could have seen him Friday night either. She decided that there was no point in pretending that Sunil was at home when he was not though.

"He is having a few days at his father's he will be back on Tuesday, " replied Amala still wondering if there was an ulterior motive for the question.

Fiona just said, "Oh" but the way she said it made Amala wonder if she knew or had seen something because if Fiona Brabrook knew something it was quite likely that half the town would know it soon.

Amala sent Patrick a text later on as promised but she felt a bit subdued but was fighting to convince herself that her nosey neighbour did not know about her and Patrick.

The next day Amala was working in her friend's shop and she looked up to see Patrick walk in the door and she felt much the same way as she had when he appeared at her house when he knew that Sunil was out, she was both pleased to see him but also a bit apprehensive.

"Hello Mrs Gupta, how are you?" asked Patrick with his eyes fixed on his beautiful lover.

"Oh, I am very well thank you, Patrick, how are you?" she replied, amused by his confidence.

"I am very well too, Mrs Gupta, thank you," said Patrick smirking a little at the fact that his being there seemed to be making Amala uncomfortable, even if in a good way.

Amala and Patrick were standing close together and both longing to get their hands on the other but they both had the sense to know that they could not, "Anything that I can help you with, Patrick?" asked Amala meaning the shop but also aware that all sorts of other things could be read into the question.

"Um, no thank you, Mrs Gupta, I am just looking," replied the seventeen-year-old who mentally congratulated himself on his response.

"Well okay, I will leave you to look," said Amala although she gave him a wink as she turned away and just knew that his eyes would go to her bottom, which of course they did.

Patrick spent a while just moving around the shop and he and Amala would smile at each other until, after one more look into each other's eyes, Patrick left the shop.

Coincidently, it had to be a coincidence didn't it, as Patrick left the shop Fiona Brabrook was outside. Fiona knew that Patrick was a friend of Sunil and was a frequent visitor to the house next to hers but she did not really know him as such, whilst Patrick knew of her in the same way but they had hardly spoken.

"Oh hello, you are Sunil's friend aren't you?" she asked although she already knew the answer.

"Yes, yes I am, " replied Patrick.

"I was just going into the shop, Amala, I mean Mrs Gupta, is in there today isn't she?" asked Fiona in a way that made Patrick feel a bit uneasy, Fiona had a way of making people feel uneasy because they often wondering what the thinking was behind her questions.

"Yes she is, I was just asking her when Sunil was coming back," Patrick lied but wished that he had not added the last bit.

"Tomorrow I understand," said Fiona whose suspicions were now being raised.

"Yes, that is right," said Patrick wondering what was going on in Fiona's head.

"Well, I will go and say hello to Mrs Gupta now, nice to see you," said Fiona as she entered the shop.

Amala looked up to see her second surprise visitor in quick succession although the second one was a bit less welcome than the first.

"Hello Amala, I just saw Sunil's friend, Patrick isn't it?" said Fiona who had a knack for always making her questions sound probing.

"Yes, yes he just called in to um..." started Amala who was then struggling to explain just why Patrick had been there.

"To ask when Sunil was coming he said," said Fiona apparently helpfully but the gap before the 'so he said' seemed pointed.

"Um yes that's right," replied Amala hoping to hell that was what Patrick had told Fiona.

Her two chats with Fiona, Sunday afternoon and in the shop, had made Amala uneasy, and as much as she wanted to see Patrick that Monday evening she did not think it worth the risk because she had almost convinced herself that either Fiona knew about them or, at least, suspected.

Patrick was distraught when Amala phoned him to ask him to stay away for a while, and that in turn further upset Amala, but she eventually was able to convince him that it was for the best.

With Sunil coming home the chances of the two age-difference lovers getting together anytime soon became more remote and they were both, for the moment, very unhappy about that.


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Young Widowed Mother Loves Her Two Sons

Hello all, I am a regular reader of ISS. Today I am going to narrate a story and it is 100% fictional. This story revolves around an Indian mother and her 2 sons. I am going to narrate this story from a mother’s point of view. My name is Brinda and I am from Kerala. In the year 1988, I was happily married to a person who was handsome and down to earth. He was a caring and lovable person. My parents were also happy because their only girl was married to a good person. His name was Manohar....

3 years ago
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The Gigolo Chronicles V Cherrie

Nearly twenty-seven years ago, a baby girl was born with a full head of flaming red hair. Her parents took one look at the color of that hair and decided the baby's name would be Cherrie. Originally her parents planned on calling her Amy since up to then, they had no idea she would be a redhead. Her mother was blonde and her father had dark hair. But her maternal grandmother was a redhead as was Cherrie's aunt. I met Cherrie about ten years ago and right from the very start, I found she had a...

2 years ago
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Mothers and Sons Chapter 1 Date Night Part 1

Several of my closest girlfriends had confessed to me over the years that they were having sex with their sons. I never judged them for that or thought less of them as friends. They told me that Roger and I were going to become lovers too when he got a little older, but I didn't believe them at the time. When it did happen, I decided to start this journal. My girlfriends thought that writing about the love affairs between mothers and sons was a great idea and asked me if I would include their...

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Fucked at the BBQ by sons friends BBC part 2

I sat on the toilet for several minutes trying to gain control of my body and mindHow could I be thinking of allowing my sons young friend to fuck me with his BBC while my loving husband was stood only feet away entertaining his friends.I jumped out of my daze as my son banged on the door shouting for me to get out as he needed to pee.I looked in the mirror to make sure everything was hidden away, then opened the door and let my son in.I walked slowly down the stairs like a big cat hunting its...

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Two Moms Two Sons 24 Josh And Will Discuss What To Do With Their Wives

POV: Josh"Seriously, man, what the hell was going on last night? Granted, we were both a little buzzed still, we both know what we saw and what they were doing too," I said, coming to his desk. "Can it really be that cut and dried?""Fuck if I know, man, but how do we bring it up to them though?""Maybe start by asking what they did last night because we just happened to go back to your place. Could they want to be new moms again so badly that they both hooked up with their sons' best...

Office Sex
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Moms Stockings My Sons Cum Bucket

Introduction: A slut going wild Moms Stockings: My Sons Cum Bucket I have wanted to fuck my son for a while, ever since he graduated high school this year and really buffed up over the summer working construction. It was then, one random day, while he was in swimming trunks to go for a dip in the pool that I noticed that my son had turned into a man. In fact, my son had grown into a very handsome man, a virtual replica of his deceased father (who died serving his country two years ago). I...

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Two Sons Two LoversChapter 9

Time passed, winter arrived. It was cold and windy outside, but in our house there was allways warmth and love. Tim and John was doing good at school, and they had really looked forward to their Christmas Vacation. I was very happy myself. Whenever my son's weren't at home and I didn't have any chores, I would go into town and meet with some old friends in a cafe. I felt like I was again alive, after so many years, thanks to my lovly sons. Of course, word got by that I was pregnant. But I...

3 years ago
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Donnas Three Sons

DONNA'S THREE SONS(by Eros) Chapter 1. On a hot June day in Los Angeles, Donna Mason looked out her living room window and watched the gardener mowing the front lawn of her house. He was naked to the waist, and he had a broad, hair-matted chest. The sight was turning Donna on like crazy. The guy was in his fifties, and he didn't even speak English. Donna knew she had to be pretty hard-up to get turned on by the gardener. He'd never attracted her before. But she'd been almost three months...

2 years ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 13 The MILFs Meet Gia And Keisha

POV London."Oh, someone is knocking on the door, boys, is that your secret girlfriends?" I asked, getting up off the couch."No, Mom," Joe objected, grabbing my arm. "I wouldn't cheat on you; I love you.""I know, Joe, I was joking. I know how much I mean to you; now I'm gonna answer the door, because whoever is there, is still knocking," I made clear before walking to the door.As I made it there, I opened the door. 'Holy shit, there are two stunning ladies at our sons' door now,' I...

4 years ago
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My Tit Hungry Sons

Chapter 1 "Oh mom, your titties are so big and i always wanted to fuck them to my heart content. please mom lemme fuck them and i wanna cum all over your titties". said Paul, my elder son. As i said i have two sons and a daughter, i have become a slave to them and they treat me like they treat a slut. "Oh mommy, i crave for your big boobies and i too wanna play with them and fuck them with my big cock. Paul, let's fuck mommy's big boobies today to our heart content. Mommy, you son...

1 year ago
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Cherri was a sixteen year-old school girl. The loveliest and hottest looking young girl in school. Since she reached puberty folks have been saying that she was a very beautiful girl. Recently they have described her as being exceptionally gorgeous and voluptuously sexy. She had a baby face with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks and luscious lips. Her blond hair cascaded in lovely curls down to her shoulders. Her face alone, together with its captivating smile, could arouse even an impotent man,...

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Chapter 1 =-On a hot June day in Los Angeles, Donna Mason looked out her living room window and watched the gardener mowing the front lawn of her house. He was naked to the waist, and he had a broad, hair-matted chest. The sight was turning Donna on like crazy.The guy was in his fifties, and he didn't even speak English. Donna knew she had to be pretty hard-up to get turned on by the gardener. He'd never attracted her before. But she'd been almost three months without a man, and it was...

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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now. I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it’s thin enough that when my...

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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now.I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it's thin enough that when my...

Straight Sex
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Tit loving sons

"Oh mommy, your titties are so big and I always wanted to fuck them to my heart content. please mom lemme fuck them and I wanna cum all over your titties," said Paul, my elder son. As I said I have two sons and a daughter, I have become a slave to them and they treat me like they treat a slut. "Oh mommy, I crave for your big boobies and I too wanna play with them and fuck them with my big cock. Paul , let's fuck mommy's big boobies today to our heart content. Mommy , you son fucking whore ,fuck...

4 years ago
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"Oh mommy, your titties are so big and I always wanted to fuck them to my heart content. please mom lemme fuck them and I wanna cum all over your titties," said Paul, my elder son. As I said I have two sons and a daughter, I have become a slave to them and they treat me like they treat a slut. "Oh mommy, I crave for your big boobies and I too wanna play with them and fuck them with my big cock. Paul , let's fuck mommy's big boobies today to our heart content. Mommy , you son fucking whore...

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DunrossiterChapter 4 Father And Sons

In the six months of her marriage, Katherine Dunrossiter had learned much of her husband’s household and way of life and had begun to suspect that her marriage had been a mistake. For one thing he was incredibly high-handed with the servants, indeed, with anyone of Irish blood. He taxed them unmercifully, worked them piteously, and was prone to chastise any errors, whether real or imagined, fiercely. Her attempts to alleviate the suffering she witnessed were only partially successful. The...

1 year ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 14 Gia And Keisha Get A Sexy Surprise

POV Keisha"I guess we'll see you later then, bye Pete and Joe, and nice to meet you two, London and Sandra. Maybe we'll see each other again considering you two love to frequent here," I said before we walked away."I hope so because you two are lovely ladies," London added before we waved to Pete, Joe, Sandra, and her, as we left.I waited for the door to close before I spoke. "Gia, is it just me, or do you think it just might be possible that Joe and Pete are, you know?" I muttered,...

1 year ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 28 The Dads Find Out Everything

POV: Will, then Keisha, Will again. "Holy shit, I can't believe we both just had sex with our daughters-in-law, Josh." "Yes, but we did it, man. I mean, we fucking did it, regardless of what the reasons were. No matter how we developed crushes on them, we got into their panties and had our ways with them too, Will." "Dude, this is bad," I said, shaking my head. "How the hell can we expect this to stay locked up forever? What if just one of them lets it slip? Then the other one will...

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Two Moms Two Sons 9 London And Sandra Talk And Sext

"So, you really had sex with Pete in the library?""Yes," I answered as we both sat down on the couch. "I fully realize that it's not as classy as the shower, but we did it.""Weren't you worried about getting caught?""Well, don't tell Pete I told you, but it actually started with him jacking off under the table. I couldn't help, but to please myself to him. Even with me on his mind, it took him a few minutes to pop, but he did. Then he praised me with one line, and I had to say...

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Drunken Mom and her four sons

Betty is tired of anonymous sex, so one night after she’s all ready to go out, she gets drunk instead. Her four sons come home and find her skirt up to her hips, and extremely drunk. They help her to bed, making sure to undress her nice clothes and lingerie before doing so. As I do maybe a couple times a year when my boys are out for the evening, I dressed in sexy clothes and prepared to go out, pick up a man, and get laid. Sometimes I just get so horny that I need to have a cock inside...

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My Sons Girls

Okay I know this is a little twisted. Some may even call me a pervert or cradle robber but I could care less. Young pussy is so sweet. There was no forcing them, they consented, I am single and have no one to answer to. So what would the problem be other than the fact they were my son’s girlfriends. The ladies found out that I am the real man of the family.I have two sons I am in my mid forties take care of myself and look about five years younger than I am. I love young sexy women but thought...

3 years ago
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE NOTE! All characters depicted in the following story are over the age of 18 years. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING: The following FICTIONAL account is a story of unbridled, uncensored i****t. Read at your own risk, while considering the strength of your own sensibilities. All characters are over the age of 18 years. day, one moment captured in time, of an i****tuous situation. Donna resembled Natale Wood in many know? ...From "Sex and the Single Girl?" Her young...

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Two Moms Two Sons 12 First Half London And Sandra Push Their Luck

"Well, here we are again," I said, coming next to her. "Back at your house, as you're cooking dinner for us, our sons, and our husbands.""I noticed, but I guess this time you have a different young man to eye-fuck," London added, flipping the chicken breasts. "Then to actually fuck when no one else is looking.""Well, you have the same game to play here. At least this time, you already know you want to play, you don't have to be pushed into it this time.""I pushed myself, Sandra,"...

1 year ago
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Lauren and Her Loving Sons

My name is Lauren. I am 39, about 5'6", shoulder length red hair, and have managed to keep my body in very good condition. I am a little plump, but my curves are womanly as a woman should be. It isn't easy, but I have managed to keep my figure to 36C-26-38 (yes, my butt is still a little big, I know)with exercise and dieting. Since being left a widow 10 years ago, my time has been devoted to providing a home for my two sons, Kevin, 18 and Patrick, 16. They were just boys when their dad was...

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Two Moms Two Sons 27 The MILFs Make Their Time With Their Sons Count

POV: London "I love you, Joe," I told him, taking his hands in mine. "And I love you, Pete," Sandra told him as well. "We've been having sex with our sons and their wives, and I know we both love you two, along with your wives and grandkids, more than life itself. We can't thank you enough for allowing your wives to do some dirty work, but you two aren't upset with us now, are you?" "No, Mom," Pete made clear, before kissing her. "Even if we weren't having sex, we'd love you two...

1 year ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 12 Second Half It Is Gutsy Fuck Time

POV: London We all quickly got dressed as we heard footsteps approach."We're back," Will announced."Hey babe," Josh greeted me before pecking my cheek. "We never heard from you two, so we're hoping this wine is alright," he said as they put it on the counter."And we got some more beer too," Will added before he opened the fridge and they both filled it up.I couldn't resist, but to come to Joe, grab his hands, and kiss him. "Holy shit, that was close, what a rush, son. Can you feel...

2 years ago
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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Fucked at the BBQ by my sons friends BBC 3

My mind was spinning.I had just been fucked by my sons friends BBC whilst being forced to suck my sons cock, whilst he licked my pussy, then watched him suck the BBC that had just been fucking his mother.What on earth was happening to me this weekend.I heard my son say please don't do anymore you win the bet, you can fuck me, just please don't do anymore to my family.I turned to ask what was going on, and I was told to follow my sons friend and he would show me, there in the family was my...

4 years ago
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My sons friend

Being 36 and divorced wasnt much fun. Even though I kept my shape I didnt go out much. I was being messed around by a few fellas so I suppose my confidence took a knock too. One friday night I had got all dressed up up ready to go out on a date with an old friend. I thought he might be after a bit of extra and didnt mind the attention. I started a bottle of wine and jumped into the bath. I hadnt had it for so long and played with myself to orgasm in the bath thinking about the night ahead. I...

3 years ago
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My sons friend

Being 36 and divorced wasnt much fun. Even though I kept my shape I didnt go out much. I was being messed around by a few fellas so I suppose my confidence took a knock too.One friday night I had got all dressed up up ready to go out on a date with an old friend. I thought he might be after a bit of extra and didnt mind the attention. I started a bottle of wine and jumped into the bath. I hadnt had it for so long and played with myself to orgasm in the bath thinking about the night ahead. I got...

4 years ago
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Anna the Slave Prepares Her Sons

I lay between the boys on my tummy. I looked at them and giggled and shook my head. Moments before I had told them of the landlord Cyrus’s demand of me. They both had threatened to go slay him. Now I was laughing at my two little hot heads. Look you two we really have no choice. Brutus’s face was dark with anger. Listen Brutus this was and is no easy thing for me.I know mom Janus spoke up. Good I said. This could be worse really, although you’re my sons, what if he would have demanded I have...

3 years ago
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Life With Our Mutual Sons

It was on parent’s teachers meeting that I first saw Ajay’s mom. She was so radiant and energetic that she instantly made friendship with me. Her charisma was so overpowering that I invited her to our home. And there started the beginning of a long relationship that changed our life.Let me introduce myself first. I am Sandhya, 35 year old, single mom to my only son Shyam. I am a widower and live alone with my son. I am left to fend myself as I invoked the wrath of my relatives by marrying a...

2 years ago
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Life With Our Mutual Sons

It was on parent’s teachers meeting that I first saw Ajay’s mom. She was so radiant and energetic that she instantly made friendship with me. Her charisma was so overpowering that I invited her to our home. And there started the beginning of a long relationship that changed our life.Let me introduce myself first. I am Sandhya, 35 year old, single mom to my only son Shyam. I am a widower and live alone with my son. I am left to fend myself as I invoked the wrath of my relatives by marrying a...

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