The homeless and poor peoples winter feast
- 4 years ago
- 36
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The conversation with Sadie was more straightforward than I had imagined. We had met three times after finding each other on an adult dating site and had come to like each other in more ways than one.
Finding chances to meet was not easy, because although we both lived in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, I spent a lot of time on business in the neighbouring island, Tobago. For her part, Sadie was unavailable sometimes, for reasons she didn't reveal. Our second meeting had been for anal sex, because the only date we could agree on had been during her period, so I had suggested a backdoor liaison and it had proven to be oddly romantic, a departure from the norm for practical reasons and confirmed because we really wanted to see each other.
Sex of any sort with Sadie was nothing less than brilliant and we had pushed each other's boundaries because we trusted one another. Things that I had had to suggest or even campaign for in other relationships, Sadie would volunteer, taking the lead in a way that made it all seem so natural. And at the same time, I liked her very much as a person and we had come close to getting emotional, even though that was not what she and I were looking for.
So when the idea of a threesome occurred to me, there were no feelings to hurt, no ambitions to damage. I knew she would go along with it; in fact, I was pretty sure she was thinking of suggesting it herself.
We communicated electronically because I have never been comfortable with the phone, and messages have a sort of mystique that really suits a relationship such as Sadie and I had. Our WhatsApp conversation that evening was a curious mixture of playful, romantic, and challenging.
“Hello you gorgeous woman. Hope you had a good day. There's something I want to discuss with you.”
“Oh my God,” she sent back. “You're not pregnant, r u?”
“Well,” I replied. “You did put your finger right up my ass last week. And you had just taken it out of your pussy, so it had sperm on it.”
We continued in this vein for a while until it was time to get to the nitty-gritty.
“Have you ever had a threesome? FFM?”
“No,” she replied. “You want to?” Messaging gives you those few seconds of uncertainty. Was her response encouraging or was she offended? Did she think I was implying she wasn't enough on her own?
“I would like to try it if okay with you,” I said.
“Great,” she replied. “You got someone in mind?” Again, was the “great” sarcastic? And was I now to confess that my search for womanly paradise had not stopped when I met her?
“No,” I said. “But I can start looking if you like the idea.”
“Call me,” she wrote with finality.
In a few seconds we were talking on the phone and it was as if we had quickly undressed.
I could tell by the way she said hello that all was well.
“So,” I said. “Do you want to?”
“I would love to,” she replied. “Love to. I've thought about it sometimes. Have to be the right girl, though.”
“Okay. So, what should I be looking for?”
“I'll tell you what I don't want. I don't want a big black woman,” she said flatly. She was, I should point out, a big black woman herself. Not enormous, but as tall as me and with a full, generous body style that in the Caribbean they call “thick”. I love women like that and to me, Sadie was both beautiful and exciting.
“Okay,” I said. “There will be one beautiful big black woman in the bed anyway.”
“Exactly,” she said.
“Not too many white women on the site, though,” I pointed out.
“Indian,” she suggested. “There's even less of them, but it would be great, wouldn't it? You'll have to reword your profile and be very specific.”
“Maybe you should reword yours too,” I suggested.
She thought about it for a few seconds, then said, “Nah, better if it's you. We don't want a lesbian because they won't want to include you.”
This was typically considerate of Sadie and one of the things I liked about her.
“Whoever it is is going to be in bed with a very sexy woman,” I said. “She might not be able to stop herself.”
“That's cool,” she replied. “That would be great. As long as it's balanced.”
At that moment I was full of love for Sadie and if we had been together in person I would have wrapped my arms around her and told her so.
As soon as we finished our conversation – both of us excited and giggly – I got to work on a new profile, having created an extra email account because some of these sites won't allow a second profile with the same one.
The new profile was easy to create because we had discussed it.
I called it Interracial Trio.
“Mature white man and black woman seek Indian female for threesome. Looks unimportant. We are very discreet and respectful and expect the same.”
The part about looks being unimportant was Sadie's idea and I agreed with her. Neither of us had film star looks but we were attractive to one another and happy to be seen together. In fact, I was very proud to be with Sadie and she seemed to feel the same about me. Obviously, we wanted to find a good-looking woman, but we didn't want to put off the modest ones who didn't see themselves as Bollywood material.
I trawled the site for candidates and found just one possibility. I'm not sure if Indian women don't go in for this kind of thing or if they prefer to be with men of their own culture, but you don't find a lot of them on a race-neutral site. The Trinidad site was full of black people because they are the majority of the population. There were a handful of white women and no Chinese at all.
I sent a little teaser to Guyanagirl, asking her to read the profile.
By eight in the evening, she had responded and after a few nervous formalities, she wanted to know what we expected of her.
“You will be kissed and caressed lovingly and intimately,” I told her. “We will kiss you and lick you all over and when you're ready, I will fuck you. What you do to us is up to you.”
I kept Sadie informed. She wasn't keen on having her picture on display, but had sent me one of her fully clothed in a smart, sensible black dress, with her face obscured by some art software or other. I sent Guyanagirl the sensible Sadie pic plus one of me full-frontal, cropped at the neck. She sent me a message saying “Oh my god!!”, and a photo of her in a one-piece swimsuit with big black sunglasses and her hand over her mouth. She was slender; not exactly skinny, but narrow of shoulder and hip. Nice big breasts. I liked her a lot and I knew Sadie would too. When she saw the pic, she said, “Grab her. Soon as she can.”
I left it there for the night.
Guyanagirl and I moved off the site and on to email. Her name was Kira and she was a laboratory technician. We chatted about this and that; she was interested in local history and would spend some lunchtimes at the library. She was also interested in where her family had come from. The Indian community in Trinidad and Tobago consisted largely of workers brought over when slavery had been abolished and the plantation owners had to try to keep their businesses going without the benefit of free labour. The Indians were not slaves as such, but were paid very little: “indentured” workers, they were referred to as, the word meaning contracted, so they weren't forced to work, but bound by a contract that presumably was better than what was on offer at home.
Sometimes I found myself deep in an email conversation with Kira, forgetting that she was Guyanagirl and that we were in touch because we planned to have sex together along with Sadie.
Kira had to go away for a week for a course, but said she would keep in touch and we could get together when she returned.
That Sunday, Sadie's family threw a party and I was invited, not as the boyfriend but just as a friend. It was a big family and her parents lived in a large house in Arima, not too far from Port-of-Spain, where Sadie and I lived.
It was loud, of course. In the Caribbean, they don't think they're having a good time unless a PA system is being abused to distortion level. There was a reggae band as well as a DJ at the front and a row of trestle tables sagged under the weight of a feast. Curry crab, curry goat (they don't go in for 'ied' endings in that part of the world), saltfish and ackee, and a range of salads that seemed to have been provided by someone else – someone who wasn't obsessed with being of Caribbean origin.
Beneath a tree in the back yard sat a middle-aged woman with long dreadlocks and African features but pale skin. This was Sadie's Aunty Ginny, who lived mainly in England and was here for a few months, as she was every year. She was dressed like the English idea of a gypsy, in flowing robes and a headscarf, and was giving tarot readings and gazing into a crystal ball. To help with creating her own little world, she had an iPod with a small external speaker that was oozing 60s and 70s hippie music.
“Incredible String Band,” she would inform me when I asked, and when she realised I was interested she would call out, “Love, the Forever Changes album” or “Doctor Strangely Strange: nobody's ever heard of them.” I was fascinated by Aunty Ginny and found myself hanging around nearby, eavesdropping on the readings given by Virginia Fox, as she styled herself.
“Virginia Fox,” I enunciated slowly and with an implied request for clarification.
“To be more correct,” she said in a dry tone, “Virginia likes to fuck but doesn't get asked much anymore.”
I teetered on the verge of saying, “I would” before deciding it wouldn't be a gallant thing to do after all. But it was there on my face and she saw it. She gave me a sad, stoical smile.
Ginny was Sadie's favourite aunt and they were as close as mother and daughter – in fact, Sadie told her things she wouldn't dare confide in her Mum about. So Sadie approved of my obvious immediate connection with Ginny. This older woman radiated sensuality. She smoked weed like it was sustenance and for the first time, I saw the sharing of a joint as an intimate thing. Sometimes she would take the hot white object further into her mouth than was necessary so that she could give me some of her saliva when she passed it to me.
When Ginny and Sadie disappeared for half an hour I sat in the gypsy's chair and turned the music up.
It was a long, hazy day, and Sadie and I decided to end it together, making love in her bed after an X-certificate taxi ride in which she sucked my cock with no regard to the presence of the driver. That night was heavenly, like a dream. Sadie was less stoned than I was, and she treated me to the most sensual, dreamlike sexual experience of my life. She was all over me, bouncing up and down on my dick, then sliding up my body and sitting on my face, rubbing her crotch all over me and presenting me with her arse to lick, which I did gratefully, and adoringly. I began to think I could spend my life with this woman and her fabulous body, her womanly loving ways, and her fearlessness. I started a rambling, impromptu speech about this but she shushed me, smothering me with her ample body and kissing me until I slipped further into heaven and fell asleep.
The next morning I went home and when I checked the site, there was a message from Biryani Mami, who must have been new.
“Might be interested,” she said. “Is your girlfriend bi?”
“Yes,” I replied. “We both want to do nice things with you.”
“Photos?” she asked.
I sent Biryani Mami the pic of Sadie in a dress plus the full-frontal one of me.
“Now you,” I suggested. She sent a picture of her in denim shorts and a singlet, sitting cross-legged on a rock by the sea. Long, silky black hair and big eyes, brown skin, and a faraway expression. She sent no words with the picture.
Sadie was delighted at the quick response and wanted to meet her, but we had agreed that meeting Kira was a weekend project and we were hoping to have her over that Saturday night. Biryani Mami would have to wait.
By the time Saturday arrived and Kira appeared at my door, I felt like I had known her for years through our mutual love of libraries and research. I found myself introducing her to Sadie as one would a colleague to a business contact. Sadie, though, had one thing on her mind, and it wasn't 19th-century churches. She fetched drinks – large measures of rum and coke – and arranged us in the chairs around the coffee table. She was wearing a different black dress: this one was close-fitting and short, showing off her bountiful chest and her full, shiny, naughty thighs. With her high heels and lipstick, there was little doubt what he was thinking of.
Kira looked like the same person as in her photos, which is not always the case in these circumstances. Her slender shape was in marked contrast to Sadie's voluptuousness. She was wearing a white blouse and short, burgundy skirt and she looked smart and attractive, but not dressed to kill. Suddenly I felt protective of her. I was certainly full of desire for her, but the idea of this being purely a sexual liaison seemed wrong somehow. I was crazy about Sadie but also getting slightly obsessed with Kira.
I went to the bathroom to think, piss and rinse my dick, and when I returned, the girls were not in the lounge. I heard voices from the bedroom and saw them standing, wrapped around each other, Sadie feeling Kira up beneath her skirt. I walked behind them and unzipped Sadie's dress, sliding it down and placing it on a chair. Then I unhooked her bra and placed it on the dress. Finally, I knelt and pulled her panties down and off. She stepped out of her shoes and leaned forward with her hands on the bed.
“Vic likes to lick my ass,” she said. Kira had undressed and was standing, enraptured, watching us.
“You can do it if you like,” Sadie told her warmly. I stood up and Kira replaced me behind the Caribbean queen, tentatively getting her tongue going as if she had never done it before. I knelt on the bed and kissed Sadie, then slid off again and got down beside Kira, kissing her arms and her back and down, down to her crack. She gasped as I put my tongue between her buttocks, then adjusted her position to give me a better angle.
A minute later we were all lying on the bed in a tangle of limbs, kissing and licking whomever and whatever came to hand. Then I was on my back with Kira sitting up on me, my cock buried in her cunt, and Sadie straddling my head, opening herself up for me. If she could have turned inside out, she would have, so I could lick the inside of her body.
Sadie could tell I was getting close to cumming.
“Save some for me,” she said admonished, and Kira lifted herself off my thrusting cock.
She lay on her back and invited Sadie to lick her pussy, in a neatly trimmed little garden with its pretty, rose-like lips. Sadie needed no further encouragement and was immediately engrossed in lapping at Kira's cunt. I got behind Sadie and started to fuck her.
“Make me cum, Sadie,” Kira squeaked and screwed up her face as the big woman between her legs sucked her clitoris. I was so turned on watching them that I was losing control and I sensed that the girls were in the same condition. There was no way any of us would be able to stick to whatever plans we had vaguely worked out. We would just have to do it again and again in different configurations, but for now, we were all going over the same waterfall in our helpless canoes. I banged Sadie from behind as I unloaded my desperate cargo into her and Kira saw the look of ecstasy in her first female lover's eyes and it took her over the edge too. We collapsed into a gasping, writhing heap, sweating, hearts pounding, and smiling helplessly.
“Wow,” Sadie hissed. “That was incredible.”
“Incredible,” Kira echoed.
“You two are the sexiest women in the world,” I declared, and we all stroked and kissed what we could find.
Sadie had emerged as the MC. “Time for you to shag our special guest,” she announced, walking over to the chair and sitting in it. I kissed Kira and ran my hands all over her firm, silky body. She slid down and sucked me, licking the length of my cock, kissing my balls, and sucking my scrotum. She was doing it like she meant it, as if she was doing more than having sex. She was making love to me, demonstrating her love through sex. I knew Sadie would be aware of this and just hoped it wouldn't upset her. On the other hand, I had seen how the two of them looked at each other. They might not have been in love – not yet, anyway – but each clearly thought the other was pretty wonderful.
I fucked Kira face to face and we kissed and I sucked her lower lip like a baby with a nipple. My right hand quickly found its way around her hip and into her crack and I just caressed her there with my middle finger. I was careful not to suggest through my movements that I wanted to penetrate her arse. I hoped she would just understand that I thought she was wonderful and there was no part of her I didn't adore. Then she did it for me. By some subtle pelvic movement, she impaled herself on my finger and she looked deep into my eyes to verify that I had noticed what she had done and why. I kissed her again and we stayed locked at the lips as we came to simultaneous, heaving orgasms.
“Shit...” Sadie said. “You two...” She sounded approving.
We made love several more times that night and Kira was persuaded to stay over, so we did it again in the morning. When she eventually left we were all quietly terrified that we would never be able to do it again. “Call me.” “You call me.” “Take care, lovely girl.” “My first. Love you both.”
Sadie went off to meet her sister and I caught up with the digital events that had happened while we were busy.
A message from Biryani Mami. “Hey. If mutually convenient dates for both of you are difficult to come by, I can always meet you one by one. Let me know.” Ordinarily, that would have been exciting, but being tired and loved out, I didn't pay much attention.
I checked again later and there was another message. “Seriously. We can arrange a trio one day, but for now, I can get to know you, can't I?”
I decided not to tell Sadie about this. I didn't intend to do anything about it but it violated an unspoken agreement I thought we had: a threesome was a threesome, not individual pairings.
We arranged for a return match with Kira the next weekend and Sadie and I took a few days away from each other – which was our natural state, after all.
Biryani Mami sent me something every day. “Confession time,” she said eventually. “That pic isn't me. I'm not Indian. I'm not that young or that slim. But I know you will like me and I like you already. Forgive me and give me a try.” She attached a body pic wearing a small bra and a tiny thong. Her skin was pale and not just soft but a bit loose. She had tattoos of clouds just above her pubic hair, which I could see was left natural. One cloud about an inch wide, another diagonally below it, slightly smaller, and a third with a halo on it, just peeking out above what would have been the waistband if it was anywhere near her waist.
“Discreet,” I sent her.
“Absolutely,” she replied. I wasn't sure why I was so worried about this. Sadie and I were still not an item, not officially, but I felt I was betraying her. And not just her, but also Kira, who had lodged herself in my subconscious in the drawer marked “girlfriends”.
I arranged to meet Biryani Mami at a beach bar. She hadn't given me her name but told me I could call her Biry. I would recognise her because she would be all in green, she said.
The sun was going down but it was still very warm when I arrived. I sat and tried not to drink too fast, a bottle of a local brew, Carib, sweating in front of me.
Nobody in the room was wearing anything green. It's not a popular colour for clothes: makes you look pasty. I tried to look nonchalant, but a man waiting for a first date to show up probably has that look about him, watching the door, unable to relax.
After 20 minutes a familiar figure walked in. Aunty Ginny, looking great in a denim skirt and a man's Levi shirt. She stopped and surveyed the room. When she caught sight of me I waved bashfully. Caught in the act, although really I was doing nothing wrong, and if anyone would understand the situation it was Ginny. She got herself a rum punch and came over.
“So what's happening?” she asked brightly. “Waiting for Sadie?”
“No,” I said. “Just someone. Sadie and I aren't, you know, official. I like her a lot, but...”
Ginny patted me on the arm. “I'm only teasing,” she said and picked up the drinks menu. She began reading out the name of the cocktails. “Ever had one of those?” she would say, and if I hadn't, she would order us one each. This went on for half an hour until the bartender could hardly keep up and nor could I.
“She does like you, you know,” Ginny said. “A lot. And she told me about the Indian girl. You both like her, don't you?”
“I wasn't meeting her,” I said uncomfortably.
“I know,” she replied, and then, “Anyway, it's not going to happen, is it?” I shook my head and smiled at her. “Probably for the best,” Ginny said. After a pause, she lit up. Like an eco-friendly light bulb. “Hey, we'd better get something to eat. Priya's is just up the road. Fancy that?”
“Sure,” I said, and we both stood up. “What I could really do with,” Ginny said, “is a biryani.”
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Introduction: Christmas is here and the awaited sequal to the thanksgiving feast is upon us, will Jessica meat her spit lover or will she escape her fate once again!. Jessicas Christmas Feast The Sequel Story: #36 Copyright 2005 Written: December 25 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Jessica sat at the kitchen table bits of girl bacon left...
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Introduction: Jessica finds out that she is to be this years Turkey-Girl unless she can find a replacement and fast!. Jessicas Thanksgiving Feast Story: #35 Copyright 2005 Written: December 14 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Jessica came down from her room on Thanksgiving morning not bothering to dress since nudity was common in her house,...
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The Sequel Story: #36 Copyright ©2005 Written: December 25 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Jessica sat at the kitchen table bits of girl bacon left over from breakfast dribbling from her mouth, not sure if she had heard her mother correctly over the clang on the oven door being slammed shut with Lina inside to begin...
Story: #35 Copyright ©2005 Written: December 14 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Jessica came down from her room on Thanksgiving morning not bothering to dress since nudity was common in her house, she was expecting to find her mother busy in the kitchen cooking up the traditional Thanksgiving turkey-girl they got from hill's...
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I had had no idea such arrangement in advance. You hired me to help out with some holiday feast for 6, even I told you I can’t cook. You said I was definitely fit for the job. Now I know why you made me stripped naked at the job interview.. examining my body parts every spots every skin. I showed up to work today not knowing that I was to be the plate, blindfolded and tied down on the dining table spreading my legs wide apart, exposing all to the guests: my sexy lips, my round firm breasts, my...
Fetish?Porn For Breakfast? A Love story: ?love lost, love found, responsibilities and redemption, tattoo’s, an affair, a beautiful dorky that overcomes overwhelming odds to triumph & a wall street pirate who risks everything and takes many bullets for his soulmate, crazed family members, puntuated with liberal doses of the hero & heroines extreme, obscene & fetishistic sexual habits. A two year time frame for the story, most of the fact is easily recollected between two brains. The background of the...
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Behind him, a low sucking noise gradually becomes louder. Jonothon’s eyes widen. He tries to escape. His penis wanks gently as Jonothon twitches forwards, futilely trying to free himself of the slime. It becomes stiff with sexual excitement, hard and slimy. Gently, spunk pumps from the stiff, horny penis. But Jonothon does not notice his orgasm as the jism sticks to his shirt. His brain is soft and prepared. He thinks only fear. The brain bug slowly approaches behind him. Jonothon watches in...
A note from the author: This is an entry in the 2007 Winter Holidays Contest. The story is a collaboration from michchick98 and myself. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it. Special thanks goes to Daniellekitten, t0nst3rs and MugsyB for their valuable feedback and input on this story. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to vote. ””” ‘Oh my God! How could anyone let themselves get that low?’ The questions and comments bombarded Gloria as she pushed her shopping cart...
My lover, Patrick and I never meet up and have the same kind of sex, unless you call playful the same. We also don’t really have many patterns and habits other than a whole lot of kissing and sucking and rubbing and sighing and laughing and … you get the picture. Actually, I’m getting the picture all over again too and it’s doing nice glowy things to me. I keep our little bag of toys and sometimes I bring them, sometimes I don’t. If they’re there, we might remember to use them, but often we...
It was a delicate balance, the temperature and texture of the chocolate I was preparing to pour over his cock. It wasn’t really something I was prepared to get wrong, so I worked carefully, meticulously. Of course I had to test and taste it often, but one has to make sacrifices for true art. I gently warmed the thick cream in a double boiler with a stick of cinnamon, carefully avoiding bringing it to the boil. The chips of dark Lindt chocolate melting in the cream took on a warm gloss as they...
"Damn it, Brie, you cost us another match!" Nikki Bella shouted at her twin sister, who had just been pinned in another tag team match. Nikki was desperate to get the Divas title again, but only being able to prove herself in tag team matches meant her chances of seeing gold again were getting slimmer and slimmer with her sister losing them every match."It's called a tag team match, you stupid bitch, just cause I got pinned doesn't mean it's my fault," Brie retorted, showing a rare flash of...
Life in the navy had it's share of ups and downs,but this particular day promised to be something special.We had been out to sea in the pacific in the stale confines of our submarine for the past six weeks gathering intelligence on human traffickers known to be operating in an area off the east coast of Japan.Within two hours we were scheduled to arrive in Iwiki,where from there my buddy Derek and I would take the high speed train south to Tokyo to meet up with a couple young ladies that Derek...
Miss Aparna (not her real name) was the replacement, and when she came in to the class, I am sure all boys got a hard on. She was just out of college, sharp features, very fair, thin and sexy looking. We could make out that she was new to sarees, and could hardly hold the pallu in place. She used to wear a front opening blouse, and we would get a free view whenever her pallu abandoned her Saree. She mostly wore a flowery bra which we could make out from under the sheer material of her blouse,...
I am Kiran ( Name changed ) from Kerala.I am recently explored this site and got excited.I am 42 year old married man with 2 children.My neighbor has a housemaid of 52 yrs old.In that house only one grantma and her pregnant daughter.All the works in that house was done by the house maid Saroja( name changed ). Mean time i want to tell the maid.She was 52 yr old and slight bend and good round buttocks, and beautiful face and black hairs.I was very much attracted her beauty of her face.I started...
Kelly returned home from college, ready to continue her torrid affair with her brother-in-law Danny, her sister Jenny’s husband. He rented a small cabin near the house they could use all over the Christmas break. Kelly hid a camera in one of the guest bedrooms at the mansion, and caught her aunt having sex with her uncle Christmas Eve, but not the one she was married to. Confiding in a friend, Kelly admits to her voyeuristic desires, and invites a receptive Charlotte to watch that...
Hi guys, I’m Kiara. I’m a 44 years old single mother. I have 18 children of my own. I am a mixed-race woman. My father was an American diplomat, and my mother was Indian. I was born and raised in India. It wasn’t until I completed my education I moved to Australia. It was 9:30 at night. Our dinner was made, and boys were sent to the room where they were supposed to sleep. But for my sisters and me, there was no room. Principal sir held us back. The other 5 teachers who taught us other subjects...
Sue surveyed her image in the bathroom mirror. The maid's dress that she wore was not as revealing as she had imagined, but she had to admit that she still looked very sexy in it. She wore no shoes, underwear or stockings, just the dress itself. The dress came to mid-thigh, showing off her terrific legs. A deep plunging neckline showed plenty of cleavage and the lovely rounded tops and sides of her firm, high tits. Satisfied, Sue left the bathroom to show Tim how she looked. When she...
In the weeks following her winning the First Annual 24-hour blowjob marathon and shattering the old record of blowjobs by a single girl in 24 hours (240 blowjobs versus the old record of 163), beautiful, blonde JoAnne found herself even busier than she had been. Of course, the event had been televised. In fact, our station had broadcast 24-hour live coverage. Because of this, EVERYBODY knew about beautiful Jo’s amazingly talented mouth and EVERY GUY with a dick wanted her to blow it. Jo’s cell...
Group SexOne might consider me a connoisseur. I am a connoisseur of cock: hard cocks, soft cocks, cut cocks, uncut cocks, male sex organs, I like life very spicy. I like to look at, feel, smell, and taste well formed, animated, responsive cock. When attracted, I will be solicitous, affectionate, and pandering toward the cock, balls, bush, and ass of any man who meets my fancy. In the following account, I will confess more about my narcotic predilection toward the most vital part of those of my own...
GayOn Wednesday last it was a lovely morning so I had an idea to go up to the downs for a walk, I stopped by the tea hut to get a nice cuppa, sat on the bench to drink it, spoke to a few dog walkers as they went on theyre way across the race course. Which is where I had planned to go also. after finnishing my cuppa. Well I thought I had better go for a pee before heading out for my walk. I headed down to the public toilets about 200 yards away from the tea hut, when I went in, there were 2 guys...
For the rest of the trip I avoided Abhay. I made sure that we weren’t close by. I couldn’t face him as I was filled with guilt. But just the memory of that night makes me wet. Finally we got back to our place and dispersed to our respective houses. Things were pretty normal for few days. After my office I use to assist Simran and our business also slowly but steadily gained momentum. Whenever I felt the need for sex I used to imagine my encounter with Abhay and masturbate but after masturbation...
After my divorce, a couple of months ago, I took to meditation and yoga. All I wanted during that time was peace and meditation helped me a lot. Getting divorced at the age of 33 is never easy. Especially if you are married to the love of your life just a year ago. We had our share of differences and felt it would be best if parted ways. I was really thankful that we never had the time for kids or else I couldn’t imagine how I would manage being a single parent. But finally I got out of it and...
Wow. I closed my email program and looked down at my swollen, throbbing cock. I very much wanted to masturbate, but I felt even more committed to my imaginary solidarity with Denise and Lissa, as I put them through these tasks, even though they appeared so wrapped up in their own excitement and experiences it had been quite some time since either of them had shown any interest in my own erotic situation -- as Finn, not as Jason, obviously. I really suspected both they preferred it that way,...
While Joe spent his Sunday normally, jogging a couple miles, showering, working on law, Mary and Roger spent it getting to know each other intimately. After her roommate and his brother left, Mary finished the bloody Mary which proved a curative. Roger showered and Mary had one after. They cleaned themselves thoroughly, Roger removing the growing stubble on his face and detritus between his teeth. Swiping her hand across his towel covered groin as she passed him in the hallway, Mary said,...
Reddit Outercourse, aka r/Outercourse! Everyone loves having sex. I don’t think there’s a single person out there that doesn’t like a good shag. Even asexual dudes probably get a rush of dopamine when they get inside a chick. Here’s the thing, though, since we're all about penetration, penetration, penetration, is there any other way in which we can get satisfied? Well, I think we’re on to something here and we should give it a close inspection. More specifically, we should talk about the...
Reddit NSFW List"Hey, Daniel! Guess what?!" I looked at my roommate, Louise. She was waving her phone wildly with a massive grin on her face. "Come look!" I set my snack down and got up. I walked over to the counter where she was bent over, butt raised high in the air. I could've sworn she wiggled it a bit, but that might've just been my imagination. I walked up alongside her and she turned her phone towards me. "Hold it," I started, "you want me to help you with another one of those-" "Before you jump to...
FetishAvery texted me to ask what I was doing for dinner tonight. When I called her back, she said, “So are you going to have a monster-sized thirty-ounce steak or show them their sushi-eating contest isn’t a challenge?” “Can I do both,” I asked back. After she asked someone, Avery came back to say, “Sushi and Steak it is then. We will meet you at their Asian-themed resort building. The restaurant straight back from the front doors. You can’t miss it.” “I need to go change first. I’m only...
Three Course Meal (A night out in pantyhose)by Gaia_Lorraine©Chapter 1. A Night Out Sitting on the edge of my bed performing the final ritual preparations for a night out, I glided my pantyhose upward over the smooth skin of my legs. And as I felt that first sensation I began to look forward to the evening that lay ahead.Pete had specifically asked that I wore these particular items of clothing because, he said that, not only did I look stunning in them they also turned him on. The shiny sheen...
“Laura, why don’t you just eat a cunt!” Alyson blurted across the room. “You know what wench, why don’t you just eat me!” Laura retorted in the same shrill voice. “LADIES!!” Leo popped his head out of his door. “Why don’t you use your inside voices, and why don’t you cut the potty mouth talk. That really is enough.” Leo turned back into his own cage, and he slammed the door behind him. All of the women laughed in unison, even Dana, and they all got a good laugh from the tyraid. “Whore!” You...
When the clock moved a few minutes passed the top of the hour, her vehicle rode up the incline, onto the parking pad, and I walked toward the door to greet her she walking in the door. To my surprise, another car was coming in behind her, and I watched as she moved to the back of her car to greet the visitor. She disappeared around the corner of the house, and I hesitated for a moment with wonder of the goings on. I reached for the knob, unlatching the door, and headed toward the side of the...
I did the best I can to contain myself for all this time. Quite often she tried to get me alone and have her way with me but I had to turn away out of respect for Carla my fiancé. This time it was different. She was a masseuse and my Carla insisted that I set up an appointment with her mother, bragging how good she was. When I came over Pam’s house (Carla’s mother) she was outback sunbathing in a string bikini beside the pool. We were alone, Carla was working. It was a hot summer...
My excitement matched the general buzz on the train as it departed towards its dedicated destination, a benefit concert in Ellis Park. We were a group of strangers on our way to the same party so everyone was bent on having fun. Clearly, the party had started early for some, as I could smell the odd whiff of alcohol.I had to work that morning, so I was traveling alone and would be meeting two friends, Mack and John at the station. They had planned to arrive earlier so that they were there...
ThreesomesHey.... (It was Brittany) "Whats up? " I know I said we would hang out tonight, and I hope you still want to, but Erin's mom just called my house and apparently some thing happened with her grandma.... She is gonna have to staying the night. "Oh...I mean, I still want to, but how are WE gonna hang out?" Call up Steve? They should be able to keep each other company... "Alright ill see what I can do" Erin and Steve met a few weeks ago at this party we were at....
hi my names kate id like to share a true storie with u. i was 15 at the time going out with a older boy it was so good because it ment so much more things to do. well one night he decided to try and get me in to our local as he new the landlord. I was abit nervous because iv never met hes friends before and thought id end up showing myself up. i dressed up to go down there in my short skirt and low cut top as i always like to give the men a good view wich they did when i was on the pool table...
I could tell that Kay was excited by the news that her friend was on her way. To be honest, so was I. The thought of tasting Maura made my re-forming cock twitch, and I was looking forward to watching the two women get it on while I watched. In a short while, there was a knock at the door. I answered, wearing nothing, giving Maura a hug and whispering in her ear, “I can’t wait to taste you.” She replied, as she gave my erection a squeeze, “This old dyke has never had a cock between her legs,...
BisexualWe waved from the door as Maura stepped into the cab, heading for her conference. I turned to Kay and said, “You really enjoy her company, don’t you?” She blushed, recalling her tryst last night with her best friend. “Yes, I do,” she replied, turning to me, her hand cupping my balls. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy yours.” Looking up into my eyes, her free hand on the back of my neck, she pulled me into a kiss. Our lips brushed, but only for a moment. Her mouth opened, her tongue licked...
Straight SexI popped into the store, instantly recognizing Kay from the numerous snapshots we had exchanged over the years. I stepped into her embrace like an old friend, giving her ear an air-kiss. We were old friends, in a sense, between the e-mails and chatroom meetings that we had entered over the years, even though this was the first face-to-face. It was a quarter to six, the store set to close, so I sat in a chair watching the last customer get checked out and head out the door. “You ready?” “Let me...
Lesbian“Here’s to Sophie.” Brian raises his glass in salute to me. “And to her newly renovated flat.” “Hear, hear,” Jonathan concurs as we clink our three glasses. The bubbly tickles my nose when I sip it. “Are you so ready to get rid of me?” I tease. “Of course not, beautiful,” Brian says and envelops me in a bear hug, making my tiny frame disappear in his embrace. “We’re just happy for you, that you’re getting your apartment back,” Jonathan says, soothingly kissing my cheek. “And you won’t have to...
BisexualAs the party wound down and everyone left, Rich decided he’d go out to buy a fresh pack of cigarettes. He told his girlfriend Jess and his best friend Seb that he’d be back shortly. Seb and Jess had hooked up during the summer and they they got along extremely well, sometimes better than Rich and Jess did which sometimes worried him. He'd noticed how well they’d been interacting all night long and, half-jokingly, he'd texted her “suck his dick, already!” when he caught her nuzzled up against...
Group SexVanna and I are what you might call sexual predators. We visit bars and clubs in search of women to seduce. We are pretty successful at this and sometimes we hit the jackpot. This is a story about such a night. We arrived at the nightclub around 9:00. It was an average place, with a bar area and tables set back and dimly lit. It was famous for being a hookup bar, just what we were looking for. Vanna and I took seats at the bar and immediately began scanning the place for possibilities. There...
Group Sex