Camgirl Confidential - Pt. 1 free porn video

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Sophie was depressed. Her first semester was only just beginning, but she had pretty much decided that college wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. She had entered university life full of expectations about an exciting new life, one full of parties, new experiences, and new friends that shared her interests. If maybe those interests were a little on the nerdy side, so what? Surely at college she would find people like her, who loved video games, art, astronomy, and writing short stories.

She had spent all of high school with just one best friend, and although he was great she was starting to admit she wanted more. She would never admit that she was jealous of the popular kids, but she knew she wanted some of what they had: friends, shared stories, even the drama she knew they all pretended to hate. She would have loved to be talked about, to be the center of attention. But as high school ended, and she spent one final summer alone with her friend Rob, she decided she would settle for less, as long as she got to be a part of something. Maybe she could just be part of a big friend group, or a club of some kind. College, she decided, would be her chance at a fresh start. She could become the person she secretly wished to be, free of the judgement of anyone who had known her since elementary school. She could join a club, buy new clothes, and do her best to become more extroverted. Of course, it didn’t end up that way at all.

It was almost like the University was trying to prevent her from doing anything. For starters, she was never assigned a roommate. The summer after graduation, she filled out a questionnaire designed to pair her with the ideal dorm partner. Sophie knew that she would have to force herself to get out of her shell, that the only way to do that was to surround herself with exciting people. So she put down answers that she thought would attract an outgoing person. To, “Are you a people person?” “Do you like to try new experiences?” and “Do you consider yourself a leader?” she made sure to mark down “strongly agree.” To questions like, “Do you need time to re-charge your social battery?” she wrote: “strongly disagree.” These were the total opposite responses she normally would have chosen, but if she didn’t lie a little bit, she was afraid she’d end up with someone just like herself: timid and shy.

Her plan backfired. She arrived at a one-person dorm and realized that her answers had probably led the housing staff to assume she would have so little trouble finding friends that she wouldn’t even need a roommate. So instead of bonding with a new person, being introduced to others, she spent all of her free time alone in her one-bed room, watching Netflix or playing video games.

Next, she realized that most of the clubs that she assumed she’d be able to join required a certain amount of credits. Usually, this was a number of credits she’d only be able to earn after a full year at school. Most of the ones she had wanted to join fell into this category, including Gaming, Outdoor Club, Photography, and Astronomy. The only free ones were dedicated to things that seemed like work, like Language or Math.

Finally, she made a common freshman mistake and spent all of her money on new textbooks. Without any possibility of becoming that social butterfly she wanted to be, she resigned herself to a year of intense coursework just like she had done back in high school. Figuring that the only way to succeed was to stay up to date on reading material, she blew her whole money allowance on books, which it turned out she didn’t even need. That meant no new clothes, no new hair, no new style at all. For at least a year she would be the same old Sophie: mousy, unfashionable, and decked out in hoodies and baggy jeans.

It wasn’t that she was ugly. She was a natural beauty, although she didn’t realize it. And if she hadn’t been so reserved and shy, a lot of her fellow students would have admitted she was pretty cute. Some even felt that was what made her cute in the first place, though they never approached her for fear it would be social suicide. At 5’1’’ and thin, she tended to disappear into her baggy clothes, but she couldn’t hide her freckles, button nose, or hazel eyes, even behind her big, round glasses. She usually wore her long brown hair in a modest ponytail, unaware that when she let it down its natural, gentle wave surprised boys and girls alike. She would never have guessed that the very popular kids she was envious of talked about her often, with the boys she secretly crushed on bashfully discussing what kind of body she might be hiding.

But no one ever interacted with her. It didn’t help that everyone assumed Rob was her boyfriend. He was not the mega-geek that most assumed he was, but Sophie never thought of him as anything other than her dorky best friend. They were simply two kids who were too socially awkward to be around anyone else. She considered him a brother, and the two shared details so intimate that she could never have imagined him being anything else. But since they shared every free moment, it was easy for people to assume that they were even more.

Even now, separated by schools a thousand miles away, the two only had each other for company. Rob seemed to be having similar issues to Sophie, finding it more difficult than they had expected to adjust to college life. And although Rob had a roommate, he still spent his free time texting his friend, calling her on the phone a few nights a week, and sending photos of his daily life at the same pace as it occurred. And although Sophie was basically desperate for a bigger social circle, she had to admit that it wasn’t so bad, having someone to talk to whenever she felt like it. A month before Christmas, she called him to tell him that she wouldn’t be visiting home.

“I just don’t have the money,” she said, after breaking the news.

“Come on,” he said. “Won’t your parents take care of that?”

“They said that they wanted to save up for a trip with me in the summer.”

“Well,” Rob said slowly. “What if I got you a plane ticket?”

“You can’t afford it,” Sophie said, although a part of her jolted to life at the idea. The more that time passed, and the more isolated she felt, the more she felt as if she should transfer closer to him, if not to home.

“So?” he asked.

“Why don’t you ask your parents?” she mocked.

“Ha-ha,” he said. “I just know you’re bored and, uh… lonely. And it sucks that you’ll be alone on Christmas.”

“Maybe I’ll meet some other lonely soul,” she said. “It has to happen sometime.”

“I’d rather you hang out with me,” he said.

“Obviously,” she agreed.

“Do you want to FaceTime?” he asked.

“No,” she said nervously. “I’m ugly.”

“So am I,” he said.

“So you agree that I’m ugly?”

“Stop it, you know what I mean.”

“Whatever,” she laughed. “I’m serious, though. I have no clean clothes, my hair is a mess, I haven’t even left the dorm all weekend.”

“Not even to eat?” he asked.

“I have a microwave,” she said, realizing how depressing she was sounding.

“Come on, I don’t care. I’m in the same boat as you are.”

“I’m sure that’s a lie,” she said, although she knew it was probably true.
“Well, uh…” he said. “I met like, one person. In the dining hall. It’s no big deal, though, she -”

“She?” Sophie said with mock jealousy. Or, maybe a little real jealousy. Rob had never, ever been a romantic interest for her, and in fact it was Sophie that made that clear back in high school. But for some reason the thought of him with some girl made her feel even worse.

“It’s not a big deal!” he said. “She just likes the same stuff as I do.”

“I wish I had that with someone,” Sophie pouted.

“You have that with me,” Rob said.

“I know. But it’s not the same when you’re over there, and I’m over here.”

“Are you still thinking about transferring?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” Sophie said tiredly. A few moments of quiet passed between them, the kind of quiet shared by two friends who are growing apart, but are afraid of doing so. Finally, Rob changed the subject.

“So, what did you do today?”

“I got the new ElfTome game.”

“What? I thought you didn’t leave the dorm.”
“I may have lied a little bit.”

“And I thought you didn’t have any money?” Rob asked.

“I traded in all of my old games,” Sophie said.

“Dang. It must be pretty good, then,” he said. “I know you love RPGs, but that’s a lot for one game.”

“I haven’t played it yet,” Sophie admitted. “It sounds stupid but it’s not the same when no one’s watching.”

“Have you ever thought about streaming?” Rob asked. “If you’re having trouble meeting people, it might be a cool way to make some friends. Not best friends, obviously. That title belongs to me.”

“Obviously,” Sophie laughed. “I’ve never thought about it, though. I don’t really know much about it.”

“Well, I could make you an account, and then I could watch you play. If I posted it online, you could make some money, too.”

“Really?” she asked. “Is that like, weird?”

“I watch streamers all the time, am I weird?”

“Yes,” she said, seriously. “Yes, you are.”

“Well, I still don’t think it’s weird. Do you have a webcam?” Rob asked.

“You know I do, we talked on it yesterday.”

“I’m just making sure you didn’t sell it for more video games,” he laughed.

“Very funny,” Sophie said.

“Okay, I’m on my laptop now,” Rob said. “I’m going to make you an account and send you over the information.”

“I don’t know,” Sophie said shyly. “What would I even do? I don’t know how to stream anything.”

“Oh, come on. You’re telling me you’ve played, like, every video game ever and never watched a live stream?”

“I mean yeah, a few. But I don’t think anyone’s going to be interested in me if I try it.”

“You’d be surprised,” Rob said. “Besides, who cares if anyone sees, other than me? It’ll be like we’re hanging out.”

“Well… okay,” Sophie said hesitantly.

“Awesome, I’ve got it all set up. I’ll text you the password, but you need to send me a photo for the profile.”

“Is this just a complicated plot to see my ugly face?”

“Well, maybe a little bit,” Rob said. “I mean, to see your totally regular face. But it could be fun! I’m just getting really sad hearing how lonely you are, and I think this could get you out of your shell a little bit. Just send a nice picture.”

Sophie, after some searching, settled on a photo of her that Rob had taken over the summer. She was sitting next to a fountain at their hometown park, her freckles livened by the sun, with a big smile.

“I love this photo,” Rob said. “You know, if you make some money doing this, you could come visit for Christmas.”

“I thought you said we weren’t worrying about that!” Sophie said, although she admitted she liked the idea. She had seen a few streamers, and wondered exactly how they made their money. She was well aware that some people would pay money just to see a girl, and was anxious she might attract some kind of creep. But on the other hand, it’s not like she could turn down the chance at popularity. The fact that she was even considering doing it, showing her face online where there was even a slight chance someone would see her, spoke to that. Then she realized that if she wanted anyone to see her at all, she’d have to clean herself up.

“Can I be right back?” she asked. “I’m going to shower and stuff.”

“Duh,” Rob said. “I’ll set up a stream for you, and when you can get back, we can finally give the new ElfTome a spin.”

She hung up and stripped down, looking over herself in the mirror. Though she was still thin, she had gained more than a little college weight - just not the kind that most people would have thought. Just because she was shy and modest didn’t mean she wasn’t aware of that not-so-modest fact: her boobs had gotten massive.

She was well aware that they were bigger than average. Disproportionately big, actually. The problem was she wasn’t entirely sure what to do with them. They had blown up pretty much as soon as she had gotten to school, and grown so fast that her instincts told her to cover herself up, instead of showing herself off. Her introvert personality was mostly responsible for that, as well as the fact that most of her tops quickly had become too small for her. She had grown out of all of her bras, too. Although she had tried her best to squeeze into what she had, after just two months she snapped her last B-cup in two. A month after that, she was so big that she couldn’t button her shirts all the way, and by December the growth was beyond belief. It was part of the reason she hadn’t really pushed to come home for Christmas. And of course, she hadn’t told Rob.

It wasn’t that she hated them. Although she was, at first, a little terrified at just how quickly they had exploded, she started to admit that they made her feel like a whole new person. Soon, she bashfully realized that the bigger they got, the more she liked them. Part of the reason she had always been so shy was that for most of her life, she was skinny as a rail, with practically no body at all. As some of her classmates turned eighteen, they had blossomed into goddesses, with the kind of curves people worshiped. She watched with envy as those girls grew into their wide hips, their shapely thighs, their perfect breasts, and practically glowed with all the attention. She had been afraid that she’d never catch up, that she’d always be the kind of featureless person who disappeared into the background. But almost as soon as she settled in at college she became twice as developed as her rivals. She figured that if she could only take advantage of her new assets, she really could become a new person. The only problem was she had no idea where to start.

Running her hands over her chest, she had to admit that even as she loved her new body, its intense proportions were something she’d have to be careful with. She didn’t want to be the “boob girl,” and she didn’t want anyone from her old life (Rob, mostly) to look at her weird, or treat her differently. But now, she thought, if she could just act like they were normal, they might help her pay for a plane ticket. Or some new clothes. Or, maybe, even a chance at popularity. Either way, internet strangers wouldn’t care who she was.

She was no slut, and didn’t consider herself the kind of girl who put her body up for sale. It was, at that point, really just a practical thing. She wouldn’t act slutty on camera. No, nothing like that. She’d be regular old Sophie, and people could either enjoy her gaming or her, uh… well, other traits. Why hadn’t she thought of this sooner?

She showered quickly in the bathroom at the end of the hall, and returned to her single dorm. Pawing through what little clothes actually fit her, she felt an odd combination of anxiety and excitement, as if she were doing something she shouldn’t be. She wondered why: it wasn’t like she was doing something awful. Even if Rob set up a good stream, he would most likely be the only person watching. So she opted for something that was mostly modest: a striped wool sweater that had been stretched out by her new figure. Of course, she didn’t have a bra left, but the sweater was black-and-gray, and you could hardly tell unless the light was just right. She pulled it on over a baggy t-shirt, and struggled into a pair of tight jeans. She braided her long brown hair over her shoulder, and, wondering why her heart was beating so quickly, texted Rob. Okay, I’m ready. What do I do? He responded immediately with the username and password.

I know you know how to screen share and everything, he said. So you have full access, obviously. But I set up a stream for you, with tags and everything. All you have to do is connect and get started.

Sophie logged in, and found that while she was away Rob had set up a profile for her, with a screen name, bio, and everything. Her bio read:

'Sophie, 18. University student, amateur photographer, nature lover, and gaming queen. I love RPGs, adventure games, sci-fi and fantasy. Follow for weekly content and please donate!!'

Weekly content? Sophie texted.

You don’t have to, I just wanted to see if it would attract anyone.

Well I think it did, she wrote. She only had one stream, with a banner over it that said 'TONIGHT @9PM - Live playthrough of ElfTome VI.' In the waiting room there were almost fifty people.

That’s not that many, don’t worry! Although it is a lot more than I expected for a first stream.

I’m nervous, Sophie wrote, even as she tested her webcam. She set it on the small TV so that the only thing that was in view besides her head was the blank back wall of the dorm. Shaking a little, she plugged in her headphones. Maybe this is a bad idea.

You’re going to do great! Do you see me in there?

Are you RobMaster99?


What do I do?

You just start a new game… and just talk about what you’re doing.

Okay, she wrote. She took a deep breath, and clicked “START.”

Her TV screen popped up on her computer monitor, alongside a small window where she could see her own face. She was lit up by the TV, and she had to position herself so that her eyes could be seen behind her glasses. ElfTome booted up, and as she waited, she watched the chat room come to life. As soon as her face came into view onscreen, she was shocked to find herself the center of attention.

“knew it was a girl”


“hii xoxo”

“finally some new girl content”

“hey baby, add me”

“add me”

“follow me”

“fucking hot”

“marry me”

Sophie felt a rush of dopamine hit her straight in the brain. It was more attention than she had gotten in months. Or, maybe ever. Her eyes widened, reading all the messages directed at her, even the lewd ones. It was like in a single instant, every person in the world wanted to spend time alone with her. And while she wasn’t quite ready to admit it yet, it was intoxicating.

Uh, sorry… Rob texted her. I didn’t realize that all these guys would be so thirsty. I can boot them if you want, or you can block whoever is being weird.

But it was too late. Sophie had already put her natural shyness aside. Aided by the adrenaline feeding from the chat room, she dived right into her first stream.

“Um… welcome, everyone,” she said. Only her head was visible onscreen, so she held her hand up to wave. “I’m Sophie, and this is my first ever stream.”

Immediately, the chat exploded.

“fuck yes”

“you’re doing great!”

“dm me if you need tips”

“perfect cocksucking lips”

“can I share you on my page?”

“looking great”

“keep going!!”

Sophie blushed, toying with her long braid. “Thank you, everyone! I didn’t know so many people turned out for things like this. Thank you for your support, and please bear with me if there are any tech issues. Can everyone see my screen?”

A wave of affirmation swept through the chat.

“Great! Okay, um… so I’m not sure where to begin with this. If anyone would like to message me privately with tips or reviews, I would be happy to hear from you! I’m sort of alone at college right now so I could use the company.”

Bad idea, lol, Rob texted, but Sophie didn’t see.

“As you all can see, I’ve got a special day-one edition of the new ElfTome game. I love RPGs, obviously… I’m not one for multiplayer stuff. Although I could probably use the friends.”

The chatroom fired up again.

“we can be friends”

“we’re friends”

“love you”


“you’re beautiful”

“dm me”

“i’ll be your best friend”

Sophie turned bright red. This must be popularity, she thought. In spite of her instinct to be modest, she pressed forward. “Aw, guys,” she said. “You are so sweet! I’ve never really gotten compliments before, so I’m sorry if I don’t get to everyone.”

“so innocent”

“wife material”

“can I dm?”

“tits plz”

“you’re the cutest”


Sophie fingered her ponytail. “So obviously the first thing in an RPG is to make your character. I’ve played every ElfTome game and I always go with the same character, which pretty much looks like me… hopefully that isn’t lame?”


“do it baby”

“fuck yeah”

“so excited”

“following you”

Sophie entered the character customization screen. The default character was a plain-looking - yet muscular - man, with short blonde hair and a short beard. “So this is basically the guy on the box, I think,” she said. “Typical fantasy stuff. I think a girl dragonslayer is much cooler, but that’s just me.” She switched the first slider from “Male” to “Female.” The character changed from the fantasy man to a fantasy warrior woman, barely dressed in female “armor,” which was more like a metal bikini. She had long blonde hair and was well-defined.

“And of course, I’m not an elf in real life… but it is ElfTome so I play as one,” she said, changing her race from “Human” to “Elf.” The warrior woman onscreen changed to an elven one, a little shorter, with a button nose and pointed ears. “I feel like I sort of look like an elf, though. Does anyone agree?”

“fuck yeah”

“seriously you are perfect”

“elf princess??”

“do you cosplay?”

“Uh, yes,” Sophie said, laughing a little. “I do cosplay a little, but it’s just for fun, nothing serious.”

Her phone buzzed again, a text from Rob. This time she saw it, but didn’t respond. Really? I didn’t know that!

Instead of responding to Rob, she responded to the chat. She could text him after, or call. She felt like she was on a roll already. “I actually have some elf ears, for photos and stuff. But I’ve never really shown anyone.” She blushed, laughing nervously. Why did she feel like she could show off to these strangers? Why didn’t she care, like… at all?

“put them on”

“lets see”

“i bet you look awesome”

She hesitated. “Is everyone actually like… cool with that? I’ve never met anyone I thought would be into the same sort of thing.”

Hey! Rob texted. I would be, you never even asked.

But he was drowned out by the chatroom. And the response was overwhelming. After some pressure, she reached into her desk drawer, and put on the prosthetics. Her face was still deep red, but she managed to keep going. “Oh-okay, guys. I didn’t expect the response to be so overwhelming, but… here we are! I guess this gives you an idea what my character will look like after the creation screen.” She eyed herself in the screen, admiring the pointed ears. She was still herself, plain, spectacled, freckled old Sophie, but she had to admit that the elf ears were sort of exotic. Cute, too.

Wow, Soph… you look great! Rob texted.

This time, Sophie managed to text back a quick Thanks before moving on. 

“Okay, so, uh… oh, gosh, I feel so silly,” she laughed, catching herself again.

“looking great”


“this girl is so cool”

“finally someone real”

“Oh, thanks again!” Sophie said. “Let’s keep going! It looks like I can make my character’s hair braided, just like mine… but we can have a little fun. I’ll let her wear it down, sort of behind her ears. But I’ll make sure she has freckles, and brown eyes.”

After a few tweaks, Sophie managed to make her elf counterpart look nearly exactly like her, at least in the face. It was when she got to the next set of sliders that she hesitated - the first option was for “breasts.”

“Oh…” she said. “Um, it looks like ElfTome has gotten a little more specific in the character creation section.”

“keep going”

“best part”

“you have to make her look like you!!”

“Okay, okay,” Sophie said. “I did say I would, so, uh…” She moved the slider all the way to the right, and her character’s breasts ballooned outwards, hanging disproportionately on her thin frame. Sophie had to admit, it looked almost identical to her body. But the chat wasn’t so sure yet.

“holy shit”


“let’s see them irl please”

“will pay for more”

“yeah right lol… pranked”

Sophie bit her lip. “I actually do look like that though. Don’t you guys believe me?”

“i have to see”

“show us baby”

“just stand up”

“please, I have to know”

Sophie looked at her phone. For all her confidence so far, she suddenly felt like she needed the go-ahead from Rob. But for once, there was nothing. And even without him, something told her that she needed to keep going.

“Well, um… okay!” she said with mock confidence. “Here goes nothing, I guess.” She stood up, so her torso filled the screen, showing her tiny hoodie being stretched to the breaking point. Her nipples poked through the fabric, and the collar was ripped a little bit so she could get it over her chest. She held a pose for a few minutes, watching the response. And she could barely believe it.

In a matter of seconds, her first donations started to come in. She could barely keep track of them on the screen, as the chat moved so fast she couldn’t keep up. All she heard was a series of “ping!” noises as money entered her inbox, alongside private messages and friend requests. Without even thinking, she took one of her breasts in her hand, squeezed it playfully, and sat down before she actually realized what she had done. She probably never actually thought about it, because when she saw what an effect it had, she knew that there was no turning back.

In about thirty seconds, she had made five hundred dollars, and nearly that many followers. Her inbox had fifty messages in it.

“You guys!” she said excitedly. “You are so sweet! This is amazing. I hope you’re half as into my gaming as you are in my character creation!” She laughed, and a series of hearts popped up in the chatroom. “If you’ve messaged me, I promise I’ll get back to you! It might take all week, but I’ll make sure I respond before my next stream. Should we keep going?”

Sophie continued for an hour, making another two hundred dollars. She could barely believe it. To her, this was like living a fantasy: feeling popular, feeling sexy, feeling noticed. When she shut her stream off, she practically passed out from her total excitement, not even realizing that she had three missed calls from Rob.


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Introduction: A teacher gives her students a ride home for some fun Adventures of Catherine Walker Teacher Student Confidentiality Traits of the main characters Amy Rayne-18, White, B-Cups, Cheerleader, most sexually active of her friends, 510. Samantha Mill-18, Black, G-Cups, Nerd, watches the most varied types of porn, 52. Tiffany Prelin-17, Asian, C-Cups, Volleyball & Karate, stamina of a bull, 55. Lily Inferno-16, White, A-Cups, Poetry, no unique sexual traits, 65 Catherine Walker-25,...

1 year ago
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Cam Girl Fap! I love camsluts. I’m a sucker for watching a whore spread her legs and get absolutely pounded by a fuck machine for an audience of thousands. Man, what a world we live in. Could you imagine telling some dude from the 1950s that we’d have the hottest babes you could ever imagine shooting fake eggs out of their pussies and riding arm-sized horsecocks for people to jerk off to in the future? You’d get locked up in a goddamn insane asylum faster than you could pull out your cell phone...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
2 years ago
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DoctorPatient Confidentiality

*This is a work of fiction. Feedback will be greatly appreciated. Here is the biggest mistake I made in my life. I slept with a patient. That is due to the second biggest mistake in my life. I am a doctor. Of course, there is a story involved. Here goes. As a kid, I wanted to be a doctor. But not to people. I wanted to be a vet. That didn't work out. My old man pointed at medical school. I loved my dog, and my dog died, and soon, I found my dream dead. I was a people doctor. I studied my...

3 years ago
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Highway to Krell Bisexual EditionChapter 5 Doctor Patient Confidentiality

Sousa sat down heavily on a nearby chair, going over the fresh information in his head. At this very moment more of the Krell population could be changing gender, had some kind of delayed breeding season brought this on maybe? Some other environment change they weren’t aware of? Some reptiles and amphibians were so sensitive to temperature changes that an increase or decrease of just a few degrees was enough to radically alter their behavior and biology. The Krell served in the capacity of...

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Highway to Krell Hetero EditionChapter 5 Doctor Patient Confidentiality

Sousa sat down heavily on a nearby chair, going over the fresh information in his head. At this very moment more of the Krell population could be changing gender, had some kind of delayed breeding season brought this on maybe? Some other environment change they weren’t aware of? Some reptiles and amphibians were so sensitive to temperature changes that an increase or decrease of just a few degrees was enough to radically alter their behavior and biology. The Krell served in the capacity of...

3 years ago
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Nicole Webcam SlaveChapter 5

Nicole cried for a while. Then she remembered that she had homework to do. It was difficult to study when you knew people were staring at a photo of your pussy on the internet and debating if you should shave. She tried not to think about having to fuck a bottle tomorrow. She needed to concentrate on the present. Get through this one day at a time. The photos inside her pussy and ass made her feel weird. If at least she could take them out while she was doing her homework. She took a deep...

1 year ago
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The following story is true. Only the names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there were any.Bethby theduck1930Beth is an anomaly. How she got into the picture is really odd. My wife met her and god only knows how. Might have been during one of her bowling events, or maybe a local bar.Anyway, I had a service station selling gas, tires, batteries, accessories, and of course service like oil and lubrication services. Now that was a lot of labor let me tell you. I was...

3 years ago
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Love Is To Be Together Always

© SusanEngland January 04 – This story may not be quoted in whole or in part at any other site without the express permission of the author. The author would appreciate any comments on this work at her email address. I wrote this story in response to a Club ‘Valentine’s Day Competition.’ I cried the whole of the time I was writing. I hope that it is not too sad for you. Love is — to be together, Always The phone call came in the early hours. “Hello, is that Mrs Lawrence?” “Hello, hello –...

1 year ago
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Wife Needs Other Men

Hi to all. My name is Wife K and I live near Worcester. My husband and I love roleplay and we really love the cheating fantasy. We both cum VERY quickly when we talk about me having other guys! I've never been able to help myself when it comes to men, but then I finally met Steve and he has never minded my appetite for men.When we had only been going out for less than 6 months I had started seeing two other guys (one of which used to come over to mine regularly) I had been sleeping with them...

2 years ago
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Her Duty

Her Duty My mother always told me to be obliging and submissive before the men in my life. ‘Their lives and ours are too different to understand each other. You’ll make a better man of your husband if you are his wife, mother, nurse, and teacher, all at once. And the same for your sons and father. They don’t know it, but they need it. You should be obliging even when they don’t ask for your help,’ were her words of wisdom. I never forgot her lesson. I watched her oblige to my father’s every...

1 year ago
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The Hitcher Changed My Life

When I was a young lad in the 1950s, I began caddying at a private country club. My only means of transportation to and from the golf course was hitchhiking. I would be up before dawn and hitchhike to the golf course in the dark. Often the hitchhike home was also in the dark.I lived in a rural area of central Ohio and the traffic was always light, so I was very grateful for the rides I got. Often, I received rides from the same people, including a Franklin County Deputy Sheriff. I always...

3 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 20 On Cloud Nine

The thoughts of Jared’s day were still running through his head as he entered his own home in Upland, California and quietly closed the door behind him. His early morning meeting with the president of BSC, his apparent good success with the students so far, and his little ‘fling’ with Cindy Black in one of the college’s storage closets ... had all had such a profound affect on his mood. He walked in through that door floating on air not knowing that another little happy surprise was about to...

2 years ago
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MageChapter 25

“Do we know where he is?” I asked as our team sat around a table in Kurukshetra. “I have a good idea, yes,” Morgana replied. “Care to tell us, oh wise one?” Arch chuckled. “He’ll need supplies; he might have no common sense, but he will be cautious in approaching danger and will need allies.” “Fen,” I murmured. “That’s what I believe, John, yes.” “The Seer gestalt still have a track on the persona of Mage Fen, but it might be a false sign. She knows how we operate,” Seer Alameda...

2 years ago
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School Time

‘Over the desk, you naughty little girl!’ Cheryl smiled and leaned over at the waist placing her hands on the cold desk in front of her, her firm rounded bum stuck out under the little schoolgirl skirt she was wearing, the thin grey material dropping just below her bum on the top of the backs of her thighs. ‘I’m sorry Miss’ she said with a grin as she felt a soft hand rub over her firm bum then slip under her skirt, rubbing the white cotton panties that were covering her skin, the touch...

1 year ago
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How I Met Your MILFChapter 6

Supper was weird. I know I'm using that word a lot, but it's the perfect word for what was happening to me. I mean, think about it. Lots of teenage guys have fantasies about women like Mrs. Carson. It's as common as breathing. Lots of those guys are actually around one or more of the women they fantasize about. I suspect that some of those women realize that, and some of them might even tease the guys a little, just to string them along. After all, when a woman reaches that age, she's...

3 years ago
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Master Strangelove or How I Learned to Love the Leash and Stop WorryingChapter 2

I woke up the next morning, not sure if what had happened the night before had been a dream. Before I even opened my eyes I felt Chris's hairy chest against my cheek and smelled his musky male scent. The reality of the previous day came back to me. I totally lost my will to this young man, who could light up my body like a Christmas tree. I had tried to resist him, and got only pain as a result. My resistance was futile. I could not deny my Master. I heard Andrea let out a moan, and I...

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sis AND I

Where to start!? I guess the beginning is always the best place, but where does this tale truly begin? When we were young? When I left for Bootcamp? The day I got back? Who knows really!?I was always close with my younger sister, she was the reason why I chose the military over college. I decided to join the Marines because of my family situation. Everyone always says they do it for the fact that they want to protect their country, they want to take care of those that can't take care of...

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BlacksOnBlondes Kenzie Madison 12242019

Kenzie loves football. She likes to watch games on Sunday at her friend Prince’s house. This Sunday’s match-up is her Baltimore team against New England. Prince’s boy Slim happens to be a New England fan and loves to talk shit. Kenzie is tired of it and tells him to put his money where his mouth is. $20 to the first team that scores. Slim has a better bet in mind. If New England scores first…Kenzie has to strip for them. If Baltimore scores first, he’ll give Kenzie...

2 years ago
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Network Adaption

Jenny put on a brave smile. How do I get myself in these things? she asked herself. It was too late to back out now. She'd wanted to work here, and she'd stayed, even when she'd found out what was going on. And because she'd stayed, she knew this was going to happen. She unhooked her bra and put it with her blouse. Then she lay back on the cot. She could see her mother on the next cot, and how her mother's legs wrapped around Mr. Graham's legs as they did it. She'd read all of the...

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Rachel Fire and Innocence Part 2 The Fun Begi

Rachel: Fire and Innocence – Part 2 – The Fun Begins When I opened my eyes, I looked up to see Rachel straddling my outstretched body, and patting my bare chest with a cool, damp wash cloth. I could feel a cool cloth folded on my forehead, and another one behind my neck. I could also see right down Rachel’s dress, as she leaned over me. Her breasts were perfectly round and firm and her nipples were aroused. She asked me how I was feeling, poor thing, as she continued to administer her version...

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Tape SlavesChapter 10 The Prescription

"Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rage at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light." DYLAN THOMAS "There are many who dare not kill themselves for fear of what the neighbors will say." CYRIL CONNOLLY Blackness. More blackness. Take a black handkerchief, drop it, and let it drift to the floor in a pitch black room. It falls to the ground in a second or so. Now take away the lights, the furniture, the rug, the doors, the walls, the...

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Sucking My First Older Cock

My name is Michael, and I had just turned 19 years old in the spring of 1985. I was an average height young guy standing slim around 5'8'' tall and tipped the scales at a lean 175 pounds of trim physique. I was frequently told that I was an attractive young man who resembled the younger version of the county western singer Clint Black. I guess I was a typical male at that age who had a little bit of untapped potential and a whole lot of selfish, cocky, know it all attitude. I personally thought...

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Kitchen clean up leads to the bedroom part 2

Scott had got up from the bed before me. He went into the living room and turned the TV on to one of his favorite shows. I walked into the room wearing one of my favorite skirts that reached the top of my knees and a tank top.I laid down on the couch and put my legs on Scott's lap and began to read one of my books. He put his hand on my knee, and gently caressed it. He moved his fingers to my thigh and under my skirt. He slipped a finger into my boyshorts and into my wet folds. He chucked when...

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The Prom Queen

At Mindy's suggestion I will try to add on, to, or embellish this story. (Prom.txt) Janet Stickney [email protected] The Prom Queen My name is Tim Grant, I'm 17. I live with my Grandmother now because my parents wanted to retire to another state, and since I still had my Senior year to go in high school, I wanted to stay here. Without my knowledge it was arranged that I would stay with my Grandmother. She is in her fifties, a slender, beautiful woman with blond hair...

3 years ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 31

Heather banged her fist on the keyboard tray hard enough to bounce the mouse off its pad and send it sliding towards the edge. She grabbed the mouse by its cord before it could fall to the floor and slammed it down with an exasperated sigh. She hated giving up part of her lunch hour. It was the only time she had to share with Diane, and her stomach was rumbling loud enough to be heard over the whir of the PC cooling fan. She stared at yet another page of fruitless search results. She did not...

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Rachels Fire 07


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Sex With Cousin

Hey, Indian sex stories dot net readers, this is my first story so I am expecting your suggestions and love, this is my email id . All the girls who wish to contact me can do so via this email id. So let me begin by giving you a brief about myself. I am 25 years old, fair in texture, 5ft 9 inches tall and I have a tool of 6 inches. My cousin is a doctor, who is older than me by 4 and half years. Her stats are 36-32-38. Her body is just wow, every time I meet her at family occasions my dick...

2 years ago
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The HomestandersChapter 20

The opening day of the renfaire was in early July, and it was hot and sweaty. It was not a day to be wearing a woolen skirt, a woolen sash, and a long-sleeved white peasant shirt, along with the other accessories that went with the outfit. Vicky was wilting more than a little by the time the day came to an end, although knife sales had gone very well. It was a little easier on Jason; he was wearing a sleeveless shirt, less regalia, and a kilt of a wool/synthetic blend that, while it may not...

1 year ago
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An Evening in the Lounge

I have been called into the lounge.   It is a large room with a fireplace, two couches and a number of easy chairs.   I have no idea why He wishes to see me but I have nothing to fear.   If he wished to punish me I would have been told to report to The Special Room that he has set aside for that purpose. There are three men with him and they rise at my entrance.   He announces, ‘Ah!   The entertainment has arrived.’   I am confused until He tells me to take off my shoes and leave them by...

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Caveworms 4

Anticipation can be a difficult thing to deal with. I can't say I was worried about mum's reaction when she came down and saw us, but not knowing exactly what was going to happen was making me excited, though somewhat impatient. I could tell Hannah was feeling it too. After we heard the ominous silence after the footsteps, I knew that mum had noticed the smell. Remembering the effect it had on me in the cave, I knew she'd be drawn down here, but she sure seemed to be taking her time.After a...

4 years ago
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Forgive Me Father 2

So the nuns and the priests attempted to curb my voracious appetites for four years. They failed miserably. By the time I was a senior, my birthday just passed in a haze of alcohol and sex—the drinking age hadn't yet been changed from eighteen—I'd been disciplined more times than I could count, suspended from classes, and nearly expelled, twice. I was always scraping by, just barely, but it was enough for me. Father Hamilton had the task of disciplining me for my latest transgressions....

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 16 Violent Gifts

Even with the shock and daring of The Blade, Rebecca considered her first gathering with the full circle on Lughnasad to have been a high point of her life. There were more celebrations, dancing, and even couples slipping into the shadows of the huge stones to make love. After the circle had dispersed, Rebecca and Mrs. Weed made their way back to the Bed and Breakfast in Keswick. Breakfast Sunday morning was a typical English affair with boiled sausages, beans, soft boiled eggs, and dry...

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Who I Am Ch 02

Hello Again Friends, I want to say thank you to everyone who voted for Who I Am chapter 1. For everyone who left a comment, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to each of you. I am so grateful that you took the time. Please don’t stop!! Did I already say I was grateful? FYI Session: New Readers: Each chapter is a continuation of the previous. It is highly suggested you start with chapter one. Returning Readers: I am not sure how long it will take to complete Karen’s story. This specifically...

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Isabellas Unconventional LifeChapter 4 Dogsitting

When they got back to the stables Isabella saw it was 7 o’clock. They would have gotten there faster but she couldn’t move as fast on all fours as the dogs could. Felicity led the three of them into the den where she unleashed the three of them. Isabella got up and walked straight to the shower. Isabella sighed as the hot water cascaded down her body. She saw Barghest’s fur collecting in the drain. Felicity’s description of fucking a dog in missionary was accurate. It felt new and incredibly...

1 year ago
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A Return To Masturbating

Two things have caused me to return to masturbation as my single source of sexual gratification. The first is becoming a widower 3/8/15 and the second is this damn coronavirus.I never really stopped masturbating, but it was greatly reduced when I was married way back on 4/23/60. My masturbating began to increase again during the 14 months I spent as a full-time caregiver for my late wife, during her valiant struggle with pancreatic cancer.I was a late bloomer and did not get into masturbating...

4 years ago
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sazsub24 and butchbahn part 2

Sarah left the chat room instantly after their cyber session. Siobhan was filled with conflicting emotions and thoughts, was Sarah embarrassed? Had she been disturbed? Was it just a one off thing for Sarah? Siobhan wanted more, she wanted to take it to the next level. She clicked onto Sarah's profile expecting to see that she had only recently joined the site but was surprised to find she had been a member for six months. That fact made Siobhan think that it wasn't a one off thing for Sarah,...

2 years ago
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Blood of BrothersChapter 14 Ghosts

How do we measure the passing of time? Humans tend to measure it in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years. But how long is a minute? There are many worlds out there. All of these worlds rotate at different speeds, they revolve at different speeds. When we arrive on a different world, be it planet or dimension we are not prepared for the difference in time. The first time I found myself transported through a dimensional rift I was stunned. Time moved so slowly to me for a while. I...

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Check and Mate

That Monday night in December of 1970 started well, got better, and ended in disaster. My girlfriend, Carmella, and I were resident students at the same university, but in different colleges. After a lovely dinner with her parents, we'd gone back to her room on campus, and for the first time, we were both completely nude in her bed.It had been coming for a while. When we'd started dating about three months earlier, she'd told me that she was determined to stay a virgin until her wedding night....

3 years ago
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Helen Ch 13

Harry looked at the number again on his mobile phone. It was definitely Saskia’s number filed under her name. ‘Where did you get that number?’ he asked. ‘I never gave you any numbers, not even mine?’ ‘A phone was delivered to the apartment this morning. It had a number on it, so I called.’ Helen explained. ‘It came by parcel post.’ She looked at the package closely. ‘It’s stamped and the postage mark is London. Is Saskia in London? And why is she sending me her phone?’ Harry had to think...

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Purely pleasure

You walk into the bar, glancing nervously around the room. You spot me sitting in a secluded corner. Straight away you notice my dark hair, tied into pigtails, slowly moving your eyes over my body you notice the black lipstick, my cleavage, almost bursting out of the black leather corset. Panic runs through your veins, have you made a mistake? Your head is reeling with so many thoughts, but deep down an inner voice is telling you that you need this, you want this. You walk over, I stand to...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Summer with my Stepsister Part 2

Val wasn’t in the bed when I woke up. I walked downstairs and found her eating a bowl of cereal in the kitchen. I thought things may have been awkward, but she greeted mewith a, “Good morning,” like nothing had happened. This was fine with me as I sure as hell didn’t want to discuss what’d happened between us.Our parents entered the kitchen wearing beach clothes and holding a gym bag.“We’re going to the lake today,” Mom said. “You kids care to join?”“I’m okay,” I said, knowing there was another...

4 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 118

While Charles drove Frederik home, something unexpected happened. They had only been driving for a short while, when Charles said, “Frederik, I’m going to park the car for a moment, because I want to have a private talk with you. Is that okay?” “Um, sure,” Frederik responded, somewhat surprised by Charles’s question. After Charles had parked his car, he looked at Frederik and said, “This is maybe a little strange, but I want to ask you some questions about Sandra.” “That’s fine with me,...

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Sometimes Life Is Not a Bowl of CherriesChapter 13

Dad and mom and I got in the car and drove over to the Edward's house when it was time. We had been ordered to get there early to prepare for the party. Lisa was there too. She had arrived just before we got there. She was naked and sitting in Andy's lap getting groped. I was tempted to tell her that it wouldn't be bad. When Andy raped you it was over before it got started. But I had to keep reminding myself to wait until it was over to start putting the little pervert in his place. I...

2 years ago
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The Reader Of My Previous Story

Hi dosto, I am rohan here with a hot encounter with a really unsatisfied lady from Dharwad who had mailed me for my previous story. Currently m working in Bangalore. Now, coming to the story let us say her name is priyanka age 30 I think, married with one kid in 2nd std. She is wheatish in color with flawless skin. She takes good care of her body by regularly visiting beauty parlour. She is from a upper middle class family and a housewife. She look decent but has a very voluptuous and lusty...

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My Father Fucked The Maid Dudhiya

Hi everyone. This is Nisha here. I’m a young girl of 19 years with a sexy body and big boobs. I have been an avid reader of ISS and have wanted to write some of my fantasies. For a sample, I want to share about how my father, Brij has had sex with our gardener’s wife, Dudhiya. Incidentally, her name Dudhiya which means Milky is because of the color of her skin- milky white. She’s a fair female of about 25 years. She has a figure of a voluptuous item number girl. Round curvaceous boobs, thin...

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Mani Aunty And Me 8211 Part 1

This story happens at my place Kerala. I am 19yrs old Achu. I am 6ft tall good physic, white and has good humour sense and personality that attracts others.As any youngster I was also thirsty to feel the first women of my life.. It was my collage vacation days. It was a lazy Sunday and it was the day my new neighbours were coming.It was around 1 pm …. I heard a sweet but strong voice saying Hai;;; She was standing near my windows smiling at me. She was my new neighbor. Around 36 years old only...

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A Scandalous Surprise

I didn't know it was her until later. But I was lying on my back in the dark and she reaches underneath my shirt and grabs my breast. Her hands were cold and I was surprised that she was doing this. Already at a young age I was masturbating, so her sexually touching me didn't confuse me. She squeezed my nipples and then took her hand out of my shirt, going around the bed and lying down with me. She kissed my neck and squeezed my breasts from outside the shirt, stroking my tummy. Her hand...

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Christina Ch 03

As I look back on it, I realize that that night marked a watershed in the history of my affair with Paul Bayard. I had a great deal of opportunity to analyze why things went wrong in the months that followed, as I much later walked the decks of foreign ships in unfamiliar oceans or waited to meet some new link in a chain of seeking that somehow seemed to grow longer with each new attempt on my part to reel it in. with the benefit of this cheap hindsight I came to know that our decline was...

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Sundance Lust

Sundance LustThis is made up, the only real thing is there is a rest stop near Sundance Wyoming and I have been there on my travels across the US. I have never witnessed anything like this in any rest stop but suspect it does happen. This is a gay story, hopefully I did it justice, if not be kind and tell me what I missed.My cock was so hard in my trousers from listening to a recording of gay men talking about their first time with another man I thought I would explode. I pulled into the I-90...

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