TearsOf A Vamp Chapters Five and Six
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Two hours later I had Alex pinned face down on the remnants of what had once been a queen-sized mattress. I'd held it atop of her at one time during our fight, hoping to pin her down. Fingers clawing like badger claws had ripped through the fabric like a buzz saw.
Our fight had been much closer than I would have believed considering my new muscles and Alex's slight frame. I was much stronger than her. Especially since she'd let me drink so much of her blood earlier. I was at full strength while she was, literally, running on empty. But Alex was fast. Blindingly fast. She also had the advantage of experience. I'd been a vampire for an hour. Alex had had decades, perhaps even centuries, to hone her Vampiric abilities.
Though she looked no older than her early twenties, she'd let it slip that she'd lived (un-lived?) through World War Two. I wondered how old she really was in the very few moments I had the chance to do anything other than defend myself during our fight. In the end, it was Alex's twin desire to fight and fuck which shifted the balance in my favor.
Any time Alex began gaining the advantage, my Tear's influence upon her made her pause to try and slide my cock between her legs. As our fight progressed I gained experience with my new strength and speed quickly through necessity. I'd had Alex pinned beneath me for the last fifteen or twenty minutes. During that time I'd been satisfying my desire, and Alex's Tear driven need for sex. While thrusting hard into Alex, I discovered another ability I'd gained as a vampire. I could prolong sex until I was ready to come. After coming, I could will my cock to stay hard with a thought.
I wasn't certain how I could tell, but I knew when my Tear's influence upon Alex left her. Though her Tear driven need for sex disappeared she showed no less pleasure from my rough usage of her body until I felt satisfied again. My Human side felt satisfied sexually. Another part of me, apparently my newly awakened Vampiric side, felt satisfied that I had proven my mastery over this other, interloping vampire.
Alex's cries and screams had crescendoed through an orgasm during our sex as I used her hard, enjoying the slim, writhing body under me until I took my own satisfaction and loosed more cum into her pussy. I didn't need to regain my breath. In fact, I'd found I didn't need to breathe at all. As I slowly pulled my cock from her, I continued to hold her down in case her immobility was a trick to make me relax before she attacked again. Instead of attacking, she continued to lie quiet. To my amazement, she only asked, "Bite me."
"Bite. Me. You idiot," Alex said in measured tones as if explaining something simple, "You dislocated my arm from my shoulder. Bite me and pull it back into its socket."
Alex didn't move except to sigh deeply, "I forget you don't know anything. Something, we call it Venom, coats our fangs when we extend them. A bite from one of us turns pain into pleasure. The more intense the pain, the more pleasure. It lasts only about a minute once our fangs are withdrawn but while we feed the Human has only pleasurable feelings. Bite me and while I'm still under the influence of your Venom set my shoulder!"
I hadn't even known I'd done so much damage while wrestling Alex down. Then I thought of how much pain she must have been in during the long minutes while I held her down and fucked her. If some of her screams had been caused by the pain of her torn shoulder, others had ripped the air as she came in a long, shuddering orgasm. I knew this because I'd smelled the scent of her sex wet up as she came. I shook my head in disbelief. This was taking enjoyment of rough sex to the extreme!
"I can't bite you, I don't have fangs," I told Alex. Running my finger over my teeth, I checked to make certain.
She groaned, completely convinced I was an idiot. "Of course you do. You're a freaking vampire now! They're behind your canines. Just think about extending them."
Again, like trying to produce a Tear, I concentrated on using something I hadn't known I had. I felt something move and when I probed with a finger, I felt... Fangs! Forgetting Alex, I ran into the bathroom to look in the mirror. They were very slender, extending perhaps half of an inch past my canines and curved slightly inwards. My Mother had sewing needles thicker and much longer than my fangs. I extended and retracted them several times getting the knack of it.
I told Alex how thin they were. She answered, "What did you expect? We don't go around ripping Human throats open. Well, not unless we want to." Just then she gritted her teeth, trying to control the volume of her scream as her arm moved to pop back into the socket. I felt sickened from the sound of bone scraping against bone as her arm had moved. Pressing her face into the mattress while hitting the floor with a fist, she was angry. "Why the fuck couldn't you have bitten me before the damned Buggies decided to heal my shoulder!"
"Umm, sorry?"
Alex let out a long breath and sat up. Gingerly extending her arm, she nodded. "I'll be good as new in an hour. Damn, it will be dawn soon. Not enough time for me to hunt and get some blood to replace what I gave you."
"You can feel the sun about to rise?" I couldn't feel anything different.
Alex pointed at my alarm clock which amazingly had remained unbroken and plugged in during our fight. "Weather Channel," was her simple answer.
"So we go to sleep now?"
"Hell no! What the fuck would be the use of being apex predators if we were helpless half of each day. Just more shit from stupid writers. Artistic license my ass! All of 'em should be drained! We do sleep. An hour a day is all we need and it's a natural sleep, not a coma like in the movies. You'll wake up if someone tries to sneak up on you. If we need to we can stay awake for a week."
"That will come in useful this semester when I'm studying."
"You're not going to college anymore," Alex told me as if stating a fact while still flexing her arm. "We're leaving tonight before the damned witches get our scent. I've been here too long already."
"I'm not leaving my home! I've got classes!"
"Really? And how are you going to attend your classes?"
I didn't catch her meaning for several seconds and then, "Sunlight?"
"Yep! That's one thing the writers got correct. Oh, we don't burst into flame or crumble to ash but our Buggies REALLY don't like sunlight. It's the UV rays our brainy vamps say. Helpful tip, stay away from tanning salons. That's a mistake I won't make again! A couple of minutes in direct sunlight and you'll be paralyzed by pain. Death, real death, in maybe fifteen agonizing minutes later. Under a large, shady tree with thick clothes and a blanket, you might last out a day. Maybe... But you sure aren't going to enjoy it."
"Damn," I muttered. I was close to graduating with dual majors in Education and History. I wanted to teach at the university level. There had to be a way! I was standing at the door to the master bath when Alex walked over to reach up to pat my shoulder in a comforting gesture. Looking down at her I thought I saw a look of compassion on her face. But then she looked down to gaze at my newly acquired super-sized dick and... Nope! Not compassion. She was just horny...
Looking down at Alex... Wait a minute! I began to realize I was looking down... When I met Alex, we were so evenly matched in height I hadn't needed to look down! I grabbed an arm and pulled her to stand beside me in front of the bathroom mirror. Oh, shit!
"Oww," she squealed. "You don't need to be so rough!" Then she ran a fingertip down my chest and cooed, "But, it's appreciated."
I ignored Alex and stared at our reflection in the mirror. I was at least..."I've grown four, maybe five inches," I said, still not believing it.
Alex patted my once flabby belly. "The Buggies had a lot to work with. I guess your new dick wasn't the only thing they wanted to up-size."
"But..." Okay, think about this, Chuck. No reason to panic, I told myself as I went down the list. Eye surgery will explain why I no longer wear glasses. Diet will explain the weight loss. Gym membership to explain muscles. But... "How the hell do I explain to my Mom how I grew four inches overnight!"
If Alex was paying any attention to my dilemma she didn't show it as she shook her head to make her hair move and, "I need a haircut."
I was still lost in thought as I wandered out of my bathroom and noticed the window was lighting up as the sun rose. My quilt was... My quilt? MY QUILT! My handmade quilt was nailed to the wall to cover my bedroom window!
"Alex! What did you do? That quilt was over a hundred years old and you nailed it to my wall!"
Alex gave me a so-what shoulder shrug. "What's the big deal? I'm over a hundred years old and you don't see me crying that you nailed me." Alex shook her repaired arm. "Damn thing tingles. Must be some nerve damage."
"That quilt was worth a lot of money to collectors. All of my quilts are..." Oh, shit! "Alex, my other quilts..."
"Maybe you should just stay here and not look at the windows on the first floor."
I ran downstairs. Every window had a quilt nailed to the wall to cover it. Not just tacked to the walls with itty-bitty nails but with huge nails that would leave holes! I slumped. A voice at my side made me flinch in surprise, "What was I supposed to do? Shut myself up with you in your bathroom until the sun went down? I would have missed my game shows."
My quilt collection had just lost 90% of its value. The majority of the walls in my house had huge damned holes in them. I'd have to fill them in, sand them down, and good luck trying to match the paint perfectly. I'm gonna have to re-paint my entire house, I moaned and banged my forehead into a wall.
I was rewarded with the sound of a crack as I put a large dent into the drywall. Vampiric strength was going to take some time to get used to. I needed a beer! It was early in the day but I really needed a beer. Then I had a depressing thought, "Alex, is blood all we can eat?"
"Nah," she answered over a shoulder as she walked towards my den. "We can drink or eat anything. Helps us pass as Humans. But we don't get any nourishment from any of it. And be careful! Everything we eat comes out the same way it went in. Listen to the voice of experience, chew everything up really good before swallowing."
Alex was in my chair, remote in hand as she turned on my TV and began flipping through the channels. I just knew my good china plate she was using as an ashtray was ruined. I'm dead. I'm a vampire. My house is wrecked. What else can go wrong, I asked myself as I walked over and pushed on the swinging door that separated the kitchen from my den. The next moment I was cringing on the opposite side of my den. It had been like trying to walk through a door into a blast furnace. Alex changed the channel to HGTV. "I ran outa quilts before I got to the windows in your kitchen," she said as Fox News appeared on the screen.
"And you didn't bother to tell me!?"
"It's one of those things you just have to experience before you really believe," she said, lighting another cigarette and clicking to pass on the PBS channel as Mr. Rogers began putting on his sweater.
Okay! Sunlight bad, beer good. I can work with this...
I sat on my sofa and put my head down in my hands. Is this Hell? Am I really, really dead? Have I been condemned to an eternity of no beer and having to watch crappy daytime TV programming, I asked myself as an episode of Charmed I'd seen a million times appeared on TNT.
'Mmm, witches,' I heard Alex murmur. It sounded like she was salivating.
Meanwhile... Outside a supermarket
"Lieutenant, I'm sorry to have called you out on a Sunday," Cynthia called out as I ducked under the crime scene tape. My former partner was always respectful of my new promotion when others were around. I stopped to take in the entire scene before I'd have to concentrate on the specific. Walking over to me so we could talk, Cynthia glanced around to make sure no one was near, "Brian, we got a bad one here."
Without consulting her notes, Cynthia began filling me in. "Ida Knowles. Female, Caucasian, sixty-seven... The store manager noticed the car parked in the same spot for three days. He came to get the plate number and phone a tow truck when he noticed the smell. Iraq veteran, he knew what it was. She's probably been in the trunk for three days." Cynthia grimaced. "In this heat? It wasn't pretty. Uniforms arrived, popped the trunk to make sure no one needed assistance, called us. I got the call two hours ago and knew I'd need to call you when..." Cynthia stopped and took a deep breath. "Brian, someone ripped her throat out."
"Dogs," I asked as I hunkered down on my heels to look under the car. I knew others had looked but it never hurts to check for yourself.
Cynthia shook her head. "CSI guy says it looks more like someone just yanked the flesh away. No bite marks or signs of cutting. Of course, we'll wait for the M.E.'s report but... Brian, he's good. We've worked cases with him before. If he was a rookie I wouldn't have called you out."
I saw George walking towards us. I remembered him from cases before I made Lieutenant. He was a good CSI. Good enough to know he stank of death and to stop several feet away downwind. He nodded at me and let his eyes wander to Cynthia. Despite being a great detective, I think Cynthia was the only one in the department who didn't know George had a crush on her.
Pulling his eyes away from my former partner, George said, "M.E. took the body away an hour ago, Lieutenant. I've been doing my thing and..." George shook his head. "Unless I'm wrong we've got a very strong, very psychotic killer."
I made a go-on hand wave and George continued, "There's no blood! A few drops here and there on the asphalt and in the trunk. Looks like someone dragged her from the driver's seat and put her in the trunk here. But there's no other signs of blood! With the throat ripped out there should have been blood all over! Unless she was killed somewhere else and then driven here before being stuffed in the trunk, I can't explain it. But why do it that way? Anyway Lieutenant, I've got house keys and her address from her driver's license. Keys are clean. No blood on them."
I took the evidence bag containing the keys and signed to take possession. "Cynthia, I'm going to check out her house. Have the uniforms do another sweep of the tall grass in the back of the store to make sure we haven't missed a blood pool."
Ida Knowles' home wasn't far away. With a uniform to back me up, it wasn't long before we were parked in front of a single-story brick house. Small lot, small house in the fashion that was built just after the last world war ended and the vets were flooding back to the States. The front door was open but the screen door was closed. As I stepped onto the porch I could hear someone moving around inside.
Before I could rap on the screen door a voice called out, "Grams, where have you been? I've got..."
The voice stopped as a young woman appeared from around a corner. Five-five or six. Blue blouse tucked into jeans. Very pretty with long, copper-colored hair.
"Sorry," she said wiping her hands on a dishcloth she was holding. "I thought you were..." She stopped talking again when she noticed the uniform behind me. "Grams! Is she okay?"
Death notices are never easy. But Miss Terry Knowles took the news pretty well. After asking permission, the uniform and I did a search of the house looking for signs of struggle or blood. Nothing. The house was tidy as if Ida had just stepped out to pick up a few items at the market. Which my gut told me she had.
"I live out Winchester road," Ms. Knowles told me as we sat. "I've got my own life and job. Sometimes Grams and me didn't speak for a few days but we always tried to have Sunday lunch together. Her car was gone when I showed up but the door was open. I just thought she'd stepped out for a couple of minutes. I was peeling potatoes when you showed up..."
I tried not to give details but, 'I need to know something when I phone the family in Tennessee, Lieutenant!' Terry Knowles had a way of asking questions and I ended up saying more than I'd intended.
I gave Ms. Knowles my card, asking her to call if she remembered or noticed anything in the future. The uniform and I were standing next to my car when I asked, "Did anything strike you as odd, Officer Franklin?"
Franklin took his cap off and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Putting his cap back on, he said, "Lieutenant, if anyone just told me my Grandmother had her throat ripped out, I'd be looking for someone to kill! But, she seemed to get calmer."
I nodded. I'd noticed that, too. My gut was churning. Something about this case spelled trouble. I just knew I hadn't seen the last of Terry Knowles as we drove back to the crime scene. Cynthia needed to check out this other Knowles.
* * *
I stood out of sight behind the screen door. Witch hearing isn't as good as Elven but I heard every word. Those cops were wrong. I wasn't calm. I was a long way from being calm! Vampire! It had to be one of those animals who'd killed Grams. Blood loss. Throat ripped out to hide the fang marks. Vampire! I continued to stand long after the cops drove away. Hatred burned a scar in me.
I knew what I had to do and I moved with purpose. I knew what was in Grams' will. This house was mine now. I needed to claim it. Going downstairs to the small utility basement I toed off my shoes and stripped. With no one to see me naked, I didn't bother to put on one of the robes hanging from a peg. Crossing to the shelves built along one wall I found the hidden latch and pulled. One portion of the wall clicked and shelves moved out an inch. Pushing the wall and shelves open, I lit candles in the room beyond with a simple cantrip.
No one but Grams and me knew that her small basement had once been a full basement. Spells had helped but it had taken her months back in the 1950s to make this, her hidden spell room. I almost forgot and turned to lay my earrings on the top of the clothes dryer. No metals except pure gold, silver, or platinum were ever to go into the spell room. I walked down the steps to the floor which was several feet lower than the other. Bookshelves, tables, chairs, and the steps I was descending were all held together with wooden pegs, not metal nails.
In the center of the room was a circular indentation cut into concrete. Fifteen feet in diameter, the indentation wasn't large but it gleamed with the poured gold which filled it. This Power Circle was one of the largest in North America. I walked to the center of the Circle and, raising my arms, recited the incantation Grams had made me memorize. A golden haze filled the Power Circle. The Earth could explode under my feet now and I wouldn't be harmed until the Circle was drained of Power. In less than a minute I gained command of a huge reservoir of Power. The larger the Circle the more Power it could store. I never imagined how much Power Grams had control of. It was mine now along with everything else.
I checked all the household spells the Circle Powered. The Shield was still tight. Since it would be impossible to explain to her Human friends why they kept smashing their noses on an invisible barrier, Grams had crafted her Shield to accept Humans. Anyone else, anything else would be denied entrance unless invited. Useful for keeping pesky flies and other Supernaturals out. I checked. Nothing had tried to force its way past the Shield.
I lowered my arms and the golden haze around me disappeared. My command of the circle didn't. I could draw on its Power from anywhere in the world now. Oh, how I wanted to use that Power! Crossing the room to the bookshelves I looked over the books, tomes, and parchments that filled every horizontal surface. For over a century it had been Grams' passion to catalog spells and other lore. I slipped out the first book. Aardvark... Was ground-up aardvark liver necessary for a nightmare potion? I grimaced and replaced the book. I never wanted to find out but if I knew I'd just been drinking ground up aardvark liver? I sure as hell would have nightmares!
I'd never taken my studies seriously. There had been boys and my job and boys and the thrill of living on my own and boys... I was only twenty! I thought I'd have decades, centuries, to do all this stupid studying. Grams had taken me in six years ago when my Dad had kicked me out of his house. I thought of all the times she'd tried to convince me that I needed to learn about my Power. Sorry, Grams. I was a pretty piss-poor student, I said to the room and choked up. Rubbing the sudden wetness from my eyes, I started looking through books towards the end of the shelf. My intuition that every subject was filed alphabetically paid off. In the Vs, I found what I was looking for.
Upstairs I went to my old room and got the bottle, ashtray and, cigarettes I kept stashed there. Grams had never let me smoke in the house. In the den, I lit up and began making the house smell like I owned it. With equal amounts of nicotine and good Kentucky whiskey in me, I began reading. There was a vampire to kill!
Next Chapter Coming...
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Terry's House...My whiskey bottle was three-quarters empty. I had three cigarettes left. All day I'd been researching vampires. Half the day was gone before I realized that to kill the damned vampire, I had to find him first. It took most of the remaining daylight to find a locator spell to let me do that.I should have known all of this, I berated myself with whiskey honesty. If I'd listened to Grams more and chased boys less... I rubbed my eyes clear of the tears that welled up whenever I...
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Chapter 7: Angel's Stained Passion by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Aurora the fallen angel had thrown off the shackles of Heaven's pathetic rules. All they did was constrain the forces of good and allow evil to flourish unchecked. To allow Jezebel to flourish unchecked and protect her client, Faust. Aurora would see the vampire Faust slain and Jezebel's plans undone. She would not flinch in the pursuit of righteousness. She would use every tool at her disposal, including the vampire...
First a few words, I did not write the first version of this story, this is merely an unauthorized rewrite of the original. JR wrote the original version and the basic idea's, plot, and setting belongs to JR, not me. I took the liberty to make any changes I saw fit to make this story more to my liking. I changed the names of those involved but the plot remains basically unchanged. Any and all continuations are my work but based upon the work of JR, not mine. So without further adieu I...
How I Became A Vampiress By JRD I used to be a normal guy. Actually, that's not quite true. I used to be a wimp. Truth was, I aspired to wimp. Physically, I was barely a man. I was 5 ft. 6, weighed barely 100 lbs., had a cock that was barely five inches when hard, and was, as they say, gay as Caesar, although considering how big, strong, and dominant some gay men are, I don't suppose that last means much. But my physical shortcomings were only the beginning of it....
Introduction: The angel Aurora faces down the vampire Damien. But is she still righteous after falling from Heaven? The Vampires Kiss Chapter 7: Angels Stained Passion by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Aurora the fallen angel had thrown off the shackles of Heavens pathetic rules. All they did was constrain the forces of good and allow evil to flourish unchecked. To allow Jezebel to flourish unchecked and protect her client, Faust. Aurora would see the vampire Faust slain and Jezebels plans...
The ecstasy of the feminine ghost's embrace fled Father Hyrum Augustine. He shuddered and blinked as realty leaped back around him. He had moved. He stood by Faust the vampire. The pair were before the large windows that looked out on Chicago. The eastern horizon lightened. The vampire Faust, a wineglass in hand, eyed the priest. Faust sipped from his chalice. It held wine instead of blood. Everything had made sense while the ghost controlled the priest's body. It still made sense. The...
The long awaited day arrived. He was completely free, and finally, he was free to start a new life. He then faced a difficult question, what to do now. The mayor was kind enough to offer him a place in one of the military labs on Mars, and he gladly accepted. There he worked on many new technologies and weapons for the Alliance, but stayed only a short time, due to the frequent quarrels with his colleagues that he is working on his own projects and is refusing to share research data with...
Chapter 2: Chained by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Damien's corpse slumped in the hot tub style bathtub, his vampiress wife and murder still straddled him, convulsing in orgasm as she sucked the last drops of his blood from his neck. Scarlet spread through the steaming water. Even now, the change transformed Damien. It would be an hour or more before his corpse awakened to undeath. The angel Aurora sighed in disgust as she watched from the Ether, the realm that lay between the Spiritual...
Chapter 1: Night Falls by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Abigail D'Angelo controlled her fear as she pushed open the doors of Neil Armstrong High School. She hadn't expected to be on the hunt when she came back to town to visit her sick mother. She stared into the dark school. It had been fourteen years since she strolled the hallways. The last time had been to kill a vampire, too. In some ways, the school looked unchanged since that bloody night, in others it was radically...
Chapter 5: Feeding the Fangwhore by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 The angel Aurora trembled. Her wings fluttered. She had crossed over from the Ether into the material world and intervened on the vampire Damien D'Angelo, preventing him from killing the youthful Mary. Instead, the Angel twisted him to turn Mary into a vampire. “It...it was the only way to keep him on track,” Aurora spluttered. Gideon's eyes were wide behind his glasses. The more scholarly angel swallowed....
Chapter 13: Bloody Orgy by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The vampire Faust stared with fear at the priest. Father Augustine had changed in the time since they first met in the early hours of the morning. The priest was possessed by the demon Jezebel, Faust's patron, sent to protect him. Augustine's eyes bored into Faust's while the priest's hand gripped Lynette's black hair, working her mouth up and down his cock. Lynette was Faust's vampiress and lover. Her wanton moans twisted...
Chapter 4: Slut on the Altar by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 The metal door boomed shut behind Abigail D'Angelo. The room was pitch-black. Her naked feet flexed on the cold concrete. She didn't mind the cold or the dark. She could see. Everything was painted in hues of blue in the absent of light. This was her room now. Her Sire's orders. Abigail felt the oppression of the sun outside the room and the walls of Faust Tower in downtown Chicago. She curled down naked on the floor,...
Chapter 3: Virgin Blood by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Abigail turned the sedan into the parking garage beneath Faust Tower in downtown Chicago. The sun's rays lightened the horizon. Fear rippled across her skin. The sun meant death. Its light was fire reduced to its most pure essence. And purity was deadly to a vampire. But Abigail didn't fear for her own safety. Dawn lay a few minutes away and already she had pulled the car into the sanctuary of the parking garage. The dark,...
Chapter 15: Angelic Lusts by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Damien D'Angelo thrashed in the inhuman grip of the priest. Iron fingers clenched tight about the vampire's throat. He could not snarl and rage at the priest who fucked his wife, pounding Abigail hard as she lay bent over the desk in Faust's office at the peak of the skyscraper. Shame, humiliation, rage, and pain clenched Damien's blackened soul. His wife's every gasp and pleasure-filled moan stabbed into his undead heart....
As the centuries passed, Martos spent more and more time in study and research, planning his next move, and caught up in his work, he stopped caring for anything else. Finding they were free from Martos's strict control, the others felt strange at first, not knowing what to do now. As time passed, they slowly became more and more decadent and out of control. They totally forgot what happened the last time humanity discovered the truth about them. Most vampires separated from the main group,...
Chapter 14: Passion's Trap by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The scent of feminine lust filled the SUV as Damien D'Angelo drove it through the streets of Chicago, the impending violence exciting Abigail and their women. Abigail sat beside him clad only in her red hair, thighs glistening, eyes dilated, cheeks pale, nipples hard. In her hand she cradled her 9mm automatic handgun with an extended clip. They were all armed. Damien's silver-plated machete hung from his belt, the blade...
Chapter 11: Bloody Incest by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Father Hyrum Augustine, unknowing pawn of the demon Jezebel, faced the vampiress, Rosa Reyes, in her realty office, the sunlight streaming through the window onto her golden-brown skin. It did not consume the foul creature. The Latina woman's face transformed as the priest's snarl of “Vampiress” echoed through the room. Fangs flashed between her ruby lips. Damien turned her and she was gifted daywalking. Every vampire had a...
Chapter 10: Sinful Holes by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The ecstasy of the feminine ghost's embrace fled Father Hyrum Augustine. He shuddered and blinked as realty leaped back around him. He had moved. He stood by Faust the vampire. The pair were before the large windows that looked out on Chicago. The eastern horizon lightened. The vampire Faust, a wineglass in hand, eyed the priest. Faust sipped from his chalice. It held wine instead of blood. Everything had made sense while the...
Chapter 6: Unholy Communion by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Aurora's words of defiance echoed through Heaven. The crystal foundations reverberated with her defiance. Aurora had rebelled. She was tired of Heaven's rules allowing Hell's success. No longer would she play the game that led mankind to ever increasing levels of depravity. She would guide her tool, the vampire Damien, and use him to right the wrongs. She would see Faust destroyed along with all the others whom polluted the...
Chapter 12: Wanton Sin by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Jezebel groaned in delight as her enemy, her hated foe, pleasured her cunt. The demon gloated in the depths of the priest's soul. He howled in agony as he was changed, transformed by the demon's domination over an angel. Even an angel as corrupted as Aurora had become still held a tenuous connection to Heaven. The succubus's red wings spread wide in Father Augustine's soul. The angel and demon were both inside the priest,...
I’m just trying to be helpful with these disclaimers. They let you know if my story is for you or not. Please read this. There’s some WEIRD shit in here. I use extreme taboo themes and consider my stories "horror". If any of the following aren’t your thing, just back out now. You’ve been warned! -Snuff / Blood (I mean it’s a vampire, I’m going for it, but I keep it minimal) -Creeping around (lots of this, sorry if it’s boring) -Sniffing / tasting (panties, armpits, sweat,...
Chapter 8: Unholy Hungers by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “Wow, I'm surprised at the talent at Walmart at 3 in the morning,” Mary said as she strolled in front of the shopping cart. “Talent?” Britney Kingston asked her best friend and sort of mistress. Britney was only a thrall to Damien while Mary was one of his vampiresses. “Look at him,” Mary purred, licking her red lips. “Wouldn't you like to writhe beneath him and taste his blood.” Britney cast her gaze in the direction...
Damien's corpse slumped in the hot tub style bathtub, his vampiress wife and murder still straddled him, convulsing in orgasm as she sucked the last drops of his blood from his neck. Scarlet spread through the steaming water. Even now, the change transformed Damien. It would be an hour or more before his corpse awakened to undeath. The angel Aurora sighed in disgust as she watched from the Ether, the realm that lay between the Spiritual and the Material Realms. Damien was too good of a man...
Aurora the fallen angel had thrown off the shackles of Heaven's pathetic rules. All they did was constrain the forces of good and allow evil to flourish unchecked. To allow Jezebel to flourish unchecked and protect her client, Faust. Aurora would see the vampire Faust slain and Jezebel's plans undone. She would not flinch in the pursuit of righteousness. She would use every tool at her disposal, including the vampire Damien. He had once been a good man, a vampire hunter until he and his...
Jezebel groaned in delight as her enemy, her hated foe, pleasured her cunt. The demon gloated in the depths of the priest's soul. He howled in agony as he was changed, transformed by the demon's domination over an angel. Even an angel as corrupted as Aurora had become still held a tenuous connection to Heaven. The succubus's red wings spread wide in Father Augustine's soul. The angel and demon were both inside the priest, possessing him at the same time. Aurora had entered to do battle...
We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...
Note: I do not own Blade or any movies or characters affiliated with him, the geniuses at Marvel do. Also my first attempt at a TG story. Please be kind. The Vampiress "Yo, that's awesome!" My friend Tony said as we watched Blade kill a vampire. We were sitting on my couch watching Blade II. Tony was my best friend, and we loved action movies. "Yeah, Blade is one bad-ass." I replied to him. The credits rolled and I took out the DVD. I placed it in the case and handed it to Tony....
..so it happened when i was 17.. ..I was on a club night out in London. I had actually started my love affair with the capital a few years earlier, simply I had hit puberty early and so looked older than i was. The excitement of being well out of my league in terms of age/experience etc.. was always something i found attractive and so really up until it became legal for me, i spent as much time as i could with a few like-minded friends finding new places to explore. ..so it was then at...
The multiverse is a vast place. We have filled it with our imagination. This is not a choose your own aadventure story per se, it is a compilation of stories, a compilation of incursions of the fanged ones in the familiar lives of our prefered shows and movies. Of course I don't own any of the characters, yada yada yada. And of course all the characters are of age. All this being said, let's get to it.
This story uses characters from Domino's T.V. series I don't own the characters so here it goes The characters live in Japan. I've aged them all to be at least age 18 this about a encounter that changes one of the digital destioned for ever and in return he/she turns the rest of ttys you'll have to read to find out this this story happens alternate from the shows. and I'm not using any Solomon either. eveerybods paths can connect possible.
Fetish-----Earlier that year---- I had picked up Kayla at a bar earlier in the year. She was cute and very drunk. It was pretty clear that she was using a fake ID, but she was just so adorable and wasn’t causing any issues, so the bartenders just shrugged and looked the other way. I figured that I’d get a snack and probably get laid at the same time. It had been a while since I’d had any action in that regard. Kayla was extremely hyper and was just about at the point of dancing on the bar when I’d...
See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story Each chapter is like a 'stealth mission', with lots of slow build-up and pervy creeping around. The protagonist's mission is always to rape and abduct his victims, adding to his harem of vampires. Then occasional chapters show his sexual family lifestyle with his mind-controlled free-use slaves. Then right back to another stealth mission. This chapter is another sort of interlude like Chapter 2 was. Coming...
An hour later I walked up to the bar. The brunette was still working, though she looked rather tired. “Double shot of O negative and double of B positive if you have it.” I called out. The bartender nodded, slid two glasses over towards me and then handed me two water bottles. “What are these for?” I asked. “You’ve been busy tonight. Quite a show back there. You might be a vampire but you still need to hydrate on something other than blood.” She replied, giving me a slight smirk. I’d...
When I woke up, it was dark outside. Both figurative and literally. I was lying on something hard and cold. I rolled over slowly, finding that to be very difficult. I slowly realized that I was inside a huge concrete drainage tube. “Hey, are you OK? You’ve been out for a while.” The soft voice asked. I looked over my shoulder to see the blond woman staring at me intently. “Uhm, I think so? Where are we?” I asked. “There’s a storm drain under the hill. I’ve, uhm, been here for a little...
“Vampire sex is the best!” Kayla exclaimed. We were both on our backs, cuddling after a few hours of screwing. She seemed to have a limitless capacity for sex. I didn’t know if that was because she was a vampire, or still essentially a sex crazed 20 year old. Either way, I couldn’t say that I minded. After our post coital cuddle, Kayla rolled over and grabbed her phone. “How are the girls doing?” I asked. “Pretty good. Amy is in San Francisco. Vanessa is in Washington. We are teasing her...
Is it ever possible for a vampire to be utterly and depressingly bored? Lafitte was sprawled on his throne in the middle of his church basement lair surrounded by his naked children. There were twenty of them in all. 15 females and 5 males made up his band of bloodthirsty followers. He had returned the last batch of food to the streets of the French Quarter. Only the middle-aged female called Marcy Underwood remained chained to his bed. The 450 year old vampire was smitten with the...
Vampiress ep. 1 Saedra [say•der•uh] Piques [peaks] As she gazed at herself in the old dusty mirror, Saedra couldn't help but smiling. The brilliant white of her canines glinted out past blood-red lipstick. Her large breasts were ensconced in a black corset which did surprisingly little to hide them. They peeked out–devilishly full–from under a low cut red dress, beneath which she wore tightly knit fishnet stockings. Her legs disappeared into tall leather boots. Around herself she wore a...
VAMPIRESS This is another fantasy I have had for years. Apart from wanting to be a Shemale, how about wanting to be a Shemale Vampire or even a Female vampire? This is my version of how I would like to be changed. As usual I am out wandering the country side, its summer and its quite warm, no street lights and no cars. I am a TV out for a walk dressed like a hooker, which is my favourite outfit. I am not on hormones and don't have breast implants but its something I really want. I am...