Distraction free porn video

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“Thank you, darling,” he said. “That was lovely.”

He patted his mouth with his napkin and leaned back, taking a sip of red wine.  The meal that they had just eaten together, poached salmon with hollandaise sauce on a bed of salad leaves was one of his favourites.

“Good. I’m glad you liked it, sweetie,” she replied, smiling.  “Shall we go and watch TV and have a cuddle on the sofa?  We can leave clearing the table until we go to bed.”

“Mmm, I’d love to, my dear, but I have to get a report finished for presentation to the board tomorrow morning.”

“Oh, you’ve been working so much in the evenings lately. Can’t you spend a bit of time with me tonight instead of writing that ratty old report?”

“Darling, you know I would prefer not to be working in the evenings, but it’s what keeps this roof over our heads,”  He gestured with his hand, vaguely indicating their surroundings, a very smart house in a nice part of town. “I promise I’ll make it up to you at the weekend.  We’ll go somewhere nice and have a meal and maybe stay and make a weekend of it.  I promise.”

She pouted slightly, her bottom lip pushing forward. “But you’re doing it so often these days. You don’t want me to feel neglected, do you?”  She inclined her head slightly to one side and frowned slightly, her eyes looking at him appealingly, wide and blue.

“Well, I’m sorry but I’ve got to do it, so the sooner I start, the sooner I’ll be finished and come and sit with you,” he said with an air of finality.  He folded his napkin, got up off the chair and came round the table to kiss her on the cheek.

“No. Don’t like you,” she said in the little-girl voice she used when slightly cross, and turned her head away, before smiling and turning back to allow him to kiss her cheekbone

“I’ll try and occupy myself with the TV, seeing as how you don’t want to spend time with me.  I’m sure there will be some riveting soap opera or an essential guide to plumbing that will keep me on the edge of my seat till you feel that you can honour me with your presence”

She got up and flounced out of the kitchen, turning at the doorway to give him a smile.  He grinned to himself, thinking how much in time, effort and treasure this was going to cost him at the weekend.  Perhaps a shopping trip for some clothes to start with, then a meal in the spa hotel they had stayed at last year, followed by some pampering in the spa itself for her on the Sunday morning.  He knew he was in a position that most guys would sacrifice an arm and a leg for (and any other appendages that they had to offer) to be with her.  Beautiful, smart, charming and elegant with a body to die for, she turned heads wherever they went, and he continually had to pinch himself that it wasn’t a dream each morning when he woke up next to her, her long hair spread on the pillow, her legs entwined with his as she snuggled closer to him.

He padded into his office, where he’d been working from regularly during lockdown.  It was a reasonable size for what he needed; a desk, a black leather higher-backed swivel chair that he could relax into, a couple of filing cabinets for work and home papers, and an old Ikea sofa-bed from his bachelor pad days that they used as a put-you-up when they had too many friends staying.  On his desk, he had a letter tray for correspondence that needed dealing with, a desk lamp, a picture of her, and his laptop. 

He had it set up in a docking station off to one side, feeding a pair of monitors, one directly in front of where he sat, the other abutting the first but slightly angled towards him, which he used for keeping his mail application visible and any documents open that he needed to refer to.  The monitor directly in front of him was where the real work happened, and he had a keyboard and mouse on the desk too – he could never get on with the layout of the keyboard and trackpad built into the laptop itself.

The latest addition to the setup had been provided by his company, a high-end video camera for conference calls during lockdown.  It seemed that the IT department must have had more budget than they knew what to do with, as this camera would auto-focus, zoom, and could be moved to tilt and pan so that it could be pointed where the user needed it.  'Totally over-the-top,' he had thought when it was delivered, but he set it up with guidance from the geeks in IT, placing it slightly to the right of centre on his main monitor, clamped to the top of the screen.  Since then, he’d only used it in the position he had left it after setting it up, and it had seemed reliable enough using it with Zoom.

He flipped on the laptop and logged in and before long was absorbed in the position paper he was writing to outline the company’s investment strategy for the coming year.

In the lounge, she was bored and channel surfing, trying to find something that would grab her attention, but a mixture of programmes on antiques, car restoration and home improvement simply wasn’t doing it for.  The movies that were available she either didn’t care for or had seen already, so after thirty minutes of aimlessly flicking from one channel to the next she gave up.  She went to the study door, leaning on the door surround.

“There’s nothing on.  Would you like a cup of coffee?”  He was staring hard at a row of figures on the screen.  He frowned, his concentration broken and a flicker of annoyance passed over his face. 

“Yes, that would be nice, thanks,” but his offhand tone let her know that he hadn’t appreciated the interruption.  Biting back a tart reply, she left to go into the kitchen.  She made a cafetiere of coffee, plunged it and poured a cup for him, silently fuming about the way he had spoken to her.  Slowly the germ of an idea crept into her brain, causing her to smile inwardly.  Perhaps there was a way to get his attention after all and get even with him.

Carrying the cup to the study, she placed it on the corner of the desk, taking care not to disturb him. She then walked out into the hallway, up the stairs, and into their bedroom.  There, she entered her dressing room, filled with the work of many a long hour of online shopping and in extended bouts of retail therapy around town. 

Opening one of the wardrobes that lined the room, she took out a light blue floaty summer dress, patterned with small white and lemon butterflies.  Reaching below her knee, it was one of her favourites, for one it being so pretty and cut so nicely that it fitted her  perfectly, but also because he had helped her choose it.  It was only after she had worn it a couple of times that she realised he had had an ulterior motive when selecting it; when outdoors and with the summer sun behind her, the material seemed to dissolve to the interested onlooker, showing the shape of her legs through the thin material.  Still, she had a good body and he obviously wanted her to show it off, so she was secretly pleased when she saw the photo he had taken with his phone while out for a walk on a summer’s evening last year.

She took off her clothes and changed into the dress; she left her bra and panties off. She wouldn’t be needing them if her plan came to fruition, in fact, quite the contrary.  Reaching behind she pulled the zip up to the top, and adjusted herself inside the bodice, making sure that her breasts were showing the cleavage he adored.  She looked at herself in the mirror, pleased with the effect – all the gym work was paying off and she was the same weight as when they bought the garment, and if anything her bottom was firmer thanks to all the step trainer work she had been doing. 

Going into the main bedroom, she walked over to the cabinet on her side of the bed and picked up the book she was currently reading, before returning back down the stairs into the hallway. 

She called through to him. “I’m going to come in with you and read my book while you work.  Promise I won’t make a sound.”

“Ok, well you have to promise. I don’t want to hear a peep from you while I get this stuff finished off.”

She walked into the study and sat down on the sofa, crossed her legs and began to read.  The sofa was situated directly behind his chair and to get there she walked past the side of his desk where she had left the coffee.  Although concentrating hard, he was aware that she had changed her clothes and could smell the dab of perfume that she had placed between her breasts, which puzzled him.  Why had she bothered to change, just to read a book?  Putting the thought to one side with a mental shrug, he resumed his calculations.

They sat together quietly, the one crunching numbers and the other reading her book, turning the pages carefully to avoid disturbing him with the rustle of the paper.  From memory, she was reading one of those pot-boiler novels she had picked up at the airport as light reading when they went on holiday last year; a bit of a story with liberal doses of soft sex thrown in.  He finished his work but stayed staring at his screen as though still engaged, rather than announcing he was done.  He had heard the rustle of her dress as she shifted on the sofa – had he also heard her catch her breath in that familiar way?  Surreptitiously, he opened a browser and clicked on the webcam to see what she was doing over his shoulder.

She had been reading but sensed that he had stopped typing and looked up. Yes, he didn’t seem to be doing anything but stayed with his back to her, seemingly engrossed in the screen.  She uncrossed her legs and opened them slightly under the fabric of her dress before putting her plan into action. Holding the book in front of her with one hand, she began to rub between her legs through the material of the dress with the other, causing an involuntary start as she pleasured herself.  A second later, she saw the red light on the top of his webcam come on, indicating it was being used.  'Not working now, then,' she thought.

The image from the camera appeared in the browser on the screen in front of him.  He watched her rubbing herself through her dress, apparently concentrating on her book, thinking that she must have reached one of hornier passages.  He adjusted the zoom of the camera to frame her better in the image and carried on watching.

She heard the click of his mouse, followed by a soft whirring coming from the camera, but didn’t see anything move.  Apparently, she had his full and undivided attention now, even if he wasn’t going to let on.  She knew his liking for a little voyeurism now and again so decided to play along, leaning back into the sofa and continued to rub herself.  She put down her book and opened her knees a little more, staring directly at the camera.

He saw the lap of her dress grow a little wider as her legs parted, and watched as the hand she had planted in her crotch continue to move, working on her mound.  He could feel his excitement increase as he watched.

With her free hand, she reached down and took hold of the hem of her dress which was still below her knees, and gradually began to gather the material into folds within her hand, inching them hem the higher until it was resting above her knees, exposing a little of her lower thigh to the gaze of the camera, and revealing the dark tunnel made by the dress fabric above her legs.

He watched as she showed him her legs and the gap between them, but was frustrated to find that he couldn’t see her pussy on the image.  He clicked on the camera controls a couple of times more, once to tilt the camera down in an attempt to see further up her dress and the other to zoom in again to try and pick up any detail on the area where she was rubbing.

She heard the clicks and saw the camera tilt down.  'Got you now!' she thought triumphantly.  She removed the hand between her legs and transferred it to her face, opening her mouth and extending her tongue to lick the index finger, her other hand moving up her body to her breast which she cupped and weighed in her palm, before pressing the heel of the hand into its softness.

He watched as she teased him with her finger and played with her breast, feeling his mouth going dry.  No matter how many times she did this, it always had the same effect on him.  He stared in rapt attention at the image on the screen.  She stopped licking her finger, and with both hands, gradually drew the material of the dress higher and higher up her thighs, before slipping the hand that had been in her mouth down to her groin again, to rub unhindered between her pussy lips.

She knew the effect this display would be having on him. 'Once a voyeur, always a voyeur,' she thought, recalling a previous adventure early in their relationship.  She leaned her head on the back of the sofa and enjoyed the sensations emanating from her pussy as she teased and rubbed her clit, eyes half-shut but still gazing at the camera,  the index finger on her other hand held between her teeth and half-open mouth. 

She decided that both she and he needed to up the pace, so moved her bottom deeper into the cushions to become more upright, and then raised first one leg and then the other so that her feet were on the seat cushion of the sofa, knees together.  Her slit was now visible to the cold eye of the camera; she gradually parted her knees and displayed her pussy properly to him for the first time.

He watched as she flicked the hood of her clit with her fingertip and then reached down with both hands on her buttocks before reaching round and pulling apart her fleshy pussy lips, damp from the juices stimulated by her play.  She held herself open for him, displaying the pinkness of her pussy, before using the fingers on one hand to keep her lips separate and stretched while deploying the index finger of the other to return to stimulating her clit.  She circled her nub with the finger, teasing herself, the odd shiver resulting when she pressed a little harder on her button.  Sometime very soon she would need to feel something inside her as the sensations she was generating within herself grew to consume her.

Licking her finger she swiftly returned it between her thighs, first rubbing up and down her lips and then inserting it into her pussy. Her finger slid inside easily, lubricated both by her saliva and her pussy juices which were now starting to leak from the base of her slit, down her perineum to her butt hole. She began to work the finger in and out and round and round in a circular motion to try to satisfy her need, but it was too great.  She needed filling up properly, so bent her middle finger and inserted it to join its companion inside her.  Using her thumb to stroke her clit, she began to work the two fingers in and out, first slowly, savouring the new feeling of fullness, but then quickening her pace as her breathing became more urgent.

He watched as she finger-fucked herself, watching her head tilt to one side, but with her eyes fixed firmly on the camera, daring him to look away.  He had no intention of breaking his gaze, but was now sporting an erection inside his slacks which was threatening to become painful.  He could hear the squelch of her fingers as they moved in and out, and smell the perfume of her juices, both of which were conspiring to make his already engorged manhood stiffer still.  Reaching down, he undid the zipper of his fly, adjusting himself to allow his cock to spring out of his trousers.

She was becoming more and more involved in creating her climax, but when she heard the sound of him releasing his cock, she slowed the rate her fingers were entering and leaving her pussy, and withdrew them completely.  With her free hand she curled her index finger, beckoning him to join her, while at the same time opening and closing the fingers which had been inside her like scissor blades, showing the strands of sticky juice which were coating them.

He spun his chair round to face her and got up swiftly to stand in front of her, his cock level with her nose.  She reached forward hungrily, capturing his hardness in a tight grip and pulling him towards her mouth as she worked her hand up and down his length.  Her lip closed over his glans and he could feel her tongue sliding over and round the sensitive ridge where glans meets shaft, then under the tip, all the time sucking hard, threatening to turn his penis inside-out. 

He leaned forward, pushing his cock deeper inside her mouth, and put his hands behind her head as he started to work his hips backwards and forwards, fucking her mouth.  She gagged as his cock hit the back of his throat, her mouth opening and a string of saliva leaking from the corner where his cock was not filling her.

She was in need of his meat in her pussy as soon as possible.  While he continued to fuck her mouth, she reached up to his waistband and undid the belt and button on his trousers.  His motion allowed the garment to slide down his legs, and she tugged down the briefs he was still wearing, breathing a prayer of thanks that his cock was not entangled in the fabric.  She disengaged her mouth from him and lay back as far as she could on the sofa, knees still up on her chest and wide apart. He dropped to his knees and guided his cock into her pussy. 

Neither wanted slow, luxurious lovemaking; this would be a frantic coupling to satisfy themselves as quickly as possible.  She moaned as he slipped inside her, feeling the walls of her tunnel expand as he stretched her apart; likewise, he grunted as he felt the warm, wet tightness close around his shaft.  His hips pistoned backwards and forwards, slapping into her thighs with a flat thock, thock sound as he endeavoured to get as deep inside as possible.  She reached up and clasped her wrists behind his neck, opening her mouth and accepting his tongue as he continued to ride her, trying to match his rhythm with the thrust of her own pelvis.

Soon the inevitable began to overtake them, he, feeling the pressure building at the base of his cock, she, reaching down to finger her clit in an attempt to hurry on her impending climax.  She moaned, “I’m cumming…” her voice tailing off as the wave of her orgasm hit her, provoking him to drive into her even harder to release his own cum.  He felt her pussy walls contract, milking his shaft and triggering the familiar feeling, cum rising from his balls into his shaft and spitting from the end of his cock inside her. 

He jerked heavily twice and then continued to fuck her as the remains of his load issued from his cock.  She clung to him, her legs encircling his waist, pulling him close, as he held her tightly.  Her own climax shuddered through her, her legs tightening around him as she tried to squeeze them together.

They fell, still locked inside one another, onto the length of the sofa.  She covered his face with kisses, holding his head between her hands and smiling at him in the afterglow of her climax.  For his part, he was spent, but still hard inside her so began to move slowly back and forth to pleasure her until his rigidity began to subside, and he eventually slipped out of her.  They cuddled on the sofa, kissing leisurely, playing with each other’s tongues as they slowly recovered their poise. 

She became aware that they were both still half-dressed, such had been their urgency to mate, he in his shirt (although that seemed to have lost a couple of buttons in the melee of their lovemaking), and she with the skirt of the pretty blue dress rucked up around her waist.  He pushed his hands up inside the bodice of the dress and absent-mindedly played with the nipple on her left breast, rolling it between finger and thumb, and stroking it with his forefinger.  She pushed her chest up to meet him, closing her eyes as she relaxed with him.

After a time of mutual touching and kissing, she biting his nipples and he kissing her neck, he stood up and bending down, scooped her up in his arms.  She clasped her hands behind his neck as he carried her upstairs to resume the night’s activities, all thoughts of reports and work left behind, replaced by their passion for each other.

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Carmen birthday was due in a few days time within the next few days. Carmen woke up feeling a little different, lonely as she look to left to see the empty side of the bed where her husband Ali would sleep, he was on a business trip, she missed him dearly and the love for each other wasn't there. She felt different after having this particular strange dream during her sleep. Carmen dreamt of having a beautiful young black female slave to use and humiliate. The bed sheet rippled over her body as...

2 years ago
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hands and kisses

I find it amazing what i have achieved with only my hands and kisses.Blindfolded and hands tied, she knows i am near as Mandy waits barely covered by nothing mare than a large shear scarf that does nothing to hide her form. The first thing she feels is a soft rush of breath on her neck. Then a gentle nibble on her ear. I know how it sends tingles all over her. Then i kiss her mid riff. She’s a bit ticklish but all she can do is wriggle as her hands are bound. soft kisses move to her navel then...

1 year ago
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Screwing my way to the top

Sweat dripped from his forehead and splashed down onto my chest. Trickling past my clavicle and down my sternum as it hid between my cleavage. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes back as I felt the sensation of him entering me with such fervor. I could feel my body rocking back and forth as his hips continued to thrust forward between my legs. The sound of the table scooting across the panel flooring echoed in the glass room, which paralleled the vast metropolis outside. My hair kept tapping my...

2 years ago
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Rescued by 4 Indian Coworkers ndash Paying them back

Rescued by 4 Indian Co-workers – Paying them back Here’s how my Friday went … and it only got better!!! ======== I cursed my luck. For once I was going to be early to work and I mean by like 20 minutes! Then I had a flat. I jumped out, jacked the car up, got the tire off, retrieved my spare… and it was flat! “Just my luck!” I was about a mile from the exit and there were three gas stations there, so I stuffed the spare under the body of my jacked up car in case the jack fell and started...

3 years ago
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Sex With Teacher

By: sneha nair My name is Sneha 18 years. I am studying in Degree College in Hyderabad. My body shape is 32-26-32. Last week a new teacher joined in my college. She was about 39 years. She was married and had one boy 15 yrs and one girl of 12 yrs. She had good figure 38-32-36 with big boobs and sexy body and I was attracted to her sexy body, and a family look. Her hubby lives in US and come to India twice in a year. Her name is Jessy. As I am a clever student, we became closer very sooner. One...

4 years ago
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Vixen Capitulates

Vixen found her little green dress right where she had put it, at the bottom of her box of old clothes, still in a plastic bag and still stained. She looked at the label and put it in the sink with some hand soap and let it soak trying not to recall the battering she had taken that summer afternoon when she was sixteen. She had put the little dress away, feeling it had been a mistake, too daring. Now she was older and had a lot more nerve. Mr. Valpor, the English teacher she had taken two...

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Bahen Ko Kaise Seduse Kiya

Mera nam raju hai aur mai ek middle class family se hu.Mere pariwar me hum 5 log hai mai meri sister,parents aur mere grandmother.Mai aur meri sister aur grandmother meri sister ki padai ke liye saher(city) me rehte hai.Mere parents chote se gau (village) merehte hai aur khetiwadi karte hai.Hamari jamin zyada nahi hai aur mai padhai me kamzor tha esliye maine padhai chhod di aur mai ek company me kam karne laga.Meri age 20 sal ki hai aur meri sister 18 sal ki hai wo 12 wi class me padhai karti...

1 year ago
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Marcus Is Persuasive

For the last three years this was Marcella Walden’s daily ritual. The young and pretty co-ed was studying interior design ever since enrolling in the college after graduating high school and leaving her hometown of Colby, Kentucky to come out to the big city. The product of a lower middle-class family, Marci’s budget was very tight. She was barely scraping by and had limited funds especially after paying her student loans every month. She always splurged on a nice cup of morning coffee...

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Aruna Chennai Part 8211 1

Name : Aruna Age: 43 Location : Chennai Status Married Education : Graduate Occupation: Home maker Height : Medium Bra Size : 38C We had been flirting on chat for a few months before I had the chance to travel to Chennai. on work. She had agreed to meet I picked a hotel close to where she lived and put aside an afternoon to meet her. Our chats had been fairly flirty but without any cyber-sex. She came across as a simple , uncomplicated and shy person. One of the things she was curious about was...

1 year ago
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Sisters friend and Then sister better format and gramer

Mikayla and my sister’s name is Shayna. So one night very late I and my sister’s friend were sitting talking to people on the internet. She was asked if she'd ever fingered her self and she said yes. I kind of got excited but it didn’t go anywhere that night and she walked out the door and shook her nice round ass a bit. She has 32 Cs a nice ass and a gorgeous face. So we'd all play board games every Friday of the week. But one night it was different Mikayla had brought a friend over and...

1 year ago
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First Kiss 8 Fuffy 6

B.t.V.S. – First Kiss #8 – Fuffy 6 ‘F-fuck!’ Faith gasped as she was brought to her climax by the blonde’s tongue. Her body was shaking as the woman climbed back up her body and laid down beside her. ‘Damn, I really got you going, didn’t I?’ The blonde asked. ‘Yeah.’ Faith whispered as she sat up and got out of bed. Her knees were weak after her orgasm, but she managed to keep her balance as she walked over to the other side of the room, grab her robe and threw it on. Once again, Faith...

3 years ago
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It had been 3 weeks since that fateful day when Helen, and her daughter Clare, had discovered the vibratory delights of their washing machine, and as a consequence had gone on to make passionate love to one another. Helen's first lesbian experience at the tender age of 42! The incident had been praying heavily on Helen's mind ever since. Surprisingly it was not the i****tuous aspect that concerned her. Clare had been positively enthusiastic to make love to her mum, and had instigated some very...

3 years ago
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Dont Change Book 1 HopeChapter 5

Saitx passes a wand over Amy's naked body, covering her in a blue light. "And that's all there is to it. Your scan is done. The information will display in a moment." Saitx says. A screen pops up next to her and displays all of Amy's medical information in a few moments. It's in Saitx's language but she understands it. "Height 5'2". Weight 123. Cup size B. No diseases. No Cancers. Not pregnant. Well that's good to know." Amy says. Amy sits up on the table. "So would you mind...

3 years ago
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The Matting Bug

The phone rang just as Matt was emptying the lawn cuttings into the compost bin; it rang and rang. Finally with a gasp 'why can't the silly cunt answer it' the ringing stopped; either she had answered it or the caller had hung up; it wasn't till he came in that he was told that the call was from one of her friends, inviting them down to her and her brother's beach house for the weekend. "Cathy feels that as we were very nice to her and let her bunk here for a couple of weeks, when her...

2 years ago
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The Soccer Mom in the Minivan

At work some called Melissa the "pajama lady" -- she always wore really funky leggings and baggy t-shirts -- but I loved that she popped her gum and pissed off my boss. She would always smile or wink after doing so, which even 20 years ago and looking for any sign a woman was DTF, I just took as being friendly even though I wondered about her under her "pajamas".After all, in my office, there were women who seemed to just like attention: The hot married woman a few years older than me who got...

1 year ago
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Analized Aidra Fox Has An Asshole That Never Gets Enough

Aidra Fox never gets enough cock. She has just been ass fucked and creampied and within moments is crawling towards the camera man and begging him to fill her up with another load. No one could resist Aidra’s tight holes and all natural body, so she is given her wish. Aidra pulls out the camera mans cock and starts to suck him off. He passes the camera off so he can throat fuck this whore right. She opens up her throat to take down the whole cock until her eyes start to tear. The young...

2 years ago
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Watcher Chapter III

You know Frank I was about to have my first orgasm when you brought me up here. Slapping Mrs Lee’s ass, I let her know I was hungry and to fix me a sandwich. Next I said, from now on call me Master or Master Frank. Once you have fed me I will make sure you get that orgasm that you want so badly. With a ham and cheese sandwich in me and Mrs Lee getting me hard again, I had to ask why are you so horny tonight? Taking my dick out her mouth she says that her daughter/Mistress has been teasing...

3 years ago
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Secret Moments 2

Secret Moments 2 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised,...

1 year ago
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Some mistakes cant be fixed MISTAKES… Some mistakes can’t be overcome…. I came home at my normal time on Friday and was surprised Susan, my wife wasn’t home yet. I got off at five o’clock and was always home by five thirty, every day. Susan got off at four and was home before me all the time. I assumed that she was going out with her coworkers after work. She did that a lot on Fridays. But she almost always told me she was going before she went. I started dinner...

3 years ago
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Slut Melanie part 3

Bill didn’t ask; he just walked into her bedroom, undressed, and got into her bed. Melanie pulled off her dress, leaving it on the floor, and got into the bed. She was exhausted, she had been quite active today, but her mind was going at ninety miles an hour. She had undoubtedly been slutty today. She had gotten fucked more than any time in her life. She also had a man in her bed that seemed to think that he owned her.He had fucked her several times, and she craved him doing it again. He had...

Straight Sex
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Watching Ana with Helenas black boyfriend

Anita’s girlfriend Helena had got divorced recently and she had moved to Jacksonville.Then one day, my sweet Ana asked me if I would join her to visit her good friend; who was inviting us to stay at her house for a couple days. When we got there, we found Helena was having a kind of relation with a young black guy called Omar. We spent the first day chatting and talking a walk with Helena. At the end of the evening, after dinner, Helena was tired and went to bed.I dropped down at the end of the...

1 year ago
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Me and John try outdoors

Summer was turning to autumn, it was hard to believe the year was passing so quick but what a year it had been, John and I had found new pleasures between us and Dee was getting more sex than any woman could hope for. If other women could be told Dee would have had many jealous girls to contend with, more than one had shown an interest in John and remarked on his similarity to pop star Robbie Williams,infact he could have been his body double judging by the photos in the press and a video when...

3 years ago
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TolMarinea Empire the EndChapter 4

"Captain?" "Yes computer?" This was new. The computer had never asked for permission or even shown initiative except when in battle and within its parameters. Something was up. "Since we have reentered this system I have been picking up several broadcasts from Earth. All of them seem to be directed at us, but they don't know where we are. Several of the big governments like Russia and U.S.A have ordered us to reveal ourselves and to give over any advance technology we might hold. They...

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Coke Makes Everyone Cum

“Your name is Cocaine? You’re kidding right?” Lilly gaped with wide eyes. She’d never met a woman like this before, standing there in a skirt that barely covered her crotch, a blouse that strained to cover her pert breasts; breasts that appeared to have pierced nipples gauging by the ring shaped outline. She wore heels that pushed her up onto her tip-toes. Even in the heels the girl was several inches shorter than Lilly. “I usually go by Coke. Guess my parents had a sense of humor.” Coke...

2 years ago
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The Trap Public Show Part 1

Hi all… I am overwhelmed with the sort of response I got for my first story “The Trap – Beginning!!!”. I will not waste time describing me now, but to let you all know I look more like Amy Jackson in my stats. I did not know exactly who Kailash was. Even the profile pic on whatsapp was of a Bollywood actor. But I went in a shock for a while. However, in a while I got a ping from him that he is about to upload this video on FB tagging me and also on youtube. I wrote in no time “NO – u can’t do...

1 year ago
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Friday night fun

I was down the pub on Friday night, playing pool with the boys, when my mobile phone bleeped into life. I'm having a girl’s night in. When they've gone I'd like you to come round. I laughed at my phone. I'm with the boys having a laugh, why should I leave them for you?A few minutes later I got a reply. I've had a drink. We've talked about men and sex, now I want you to have sex with me.I smiled to myself. Tell me when they've gone and if you're lucky I might come around.Be here for midnight...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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I WANT TO ONCE AGAIN THANK MY EDITOR ‘WIRES’ FOR HIS EDITING AND IDEAS ON THIS STORY. HIS EFFORTS MAKE MY SUBMISSIONS MUCH BETTER AND MORE READABLE. ***** Three weeks after Baghdad was taken things were still dangerous but were calming down somewhat. Platoon Sergeant (PSG) Thomas Simms was with his Platoon Leader 2Lt (Second Lieutenant) Marvin Paul inspecting checkpoints his platoon were responsible for when once again they found themselves in the middle of a hot zone. A large Russian truck...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Sex Object

Velvet’s hand hoveredover the dial button on her telephone. She hesitated, unsure of the consequences in dialling the number she had just keyed in. The man she had taken the number from yesterday, after work at the bar, was at the forefront of her thoughts, he was hard to forget. His smouldering gaze was etched into her mind’s eye, sending a shiver down her spine again and again, exactly as it had done the first time she stood before him. “I have been looking for someone like you. I’d like you...

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The Interview

Brendan sat nervously in the waiting room. He wasn’t looking forward to the interview. He had never been any good at them. He fidgeted in his seat and played with the locks of the briefcase he’d brought with him. He jumped a mile when one of the latches suddenly sprang open. Closing it quickly he looked round the room to see if anyone had noticed then realised he was the only one there. The door of the interview room opened and a young man came out. His hair was mussed up, his glasses were...

3 years ago
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The Longest SaturdayChapter 3

I chose this moment to freeze Time again, so as to not only give me more of a chance to do what needed to be done without distractions for myself or others, but also to reduce any risk of a rush or hurry. This would not be a rush to judgment at all, so most of humanity was indeed frozen. During that time I made one very essential tweak to all sentient adults of all races and sexes, making them hypersexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, and omnisexual: all of them! I would usher in a world that...

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Swinging Neighbors Part 1

My wife and and I had been happily married for 12 years, we owned our own 3 bedroom bungalow in a quiet area near Ottawa.Shelly was a nursing assistant, and I was a HVAC technician.Shelly was my high school sweetheart, 5'8 150lbs, long brown hair, brown eyes, slim waist, fat juicy ass, and an impressive big set of tits.I am 6 feet, 205lbs, blond haired, blue eyed, and a fairly athletic build.We had no c***dren, and spent most of our time off traveling around Canada.It was winter 2015, and we...

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Younger Niece Blackmails Uncle

Younger Niece Blackmails Uncle (Sequel to “Horny Niece Lets Uncle Help”) By Billy69boy I was excited to hear that my nieces would be coming for a visit the week before school started. Thoughts of my secret sexcapade with my niece Beth was still fresh in my mind. I could get a hard-on just thinking about her tight young body, and her shameless display of raging hormones. Every so often, I would still sniff the musky panties that she had left for me in the bathroom that night. The girls...

3 years ago
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Pajama Party

About a month ago, a local woman’s group sent Vicki a letter, asking her to speak at one of their upcoming meetings. Since my wife is an accredited counselor, they requested that she talk about, ‘How to handle sexual harassment in the workplace,’ and then host a question and answer session afterwards. Vicki was quick to reply, saying that she would be happy to help. Truth be known, my wife is well qualified to speak on the subject of ‘sexual harassment.’ When she was young she had a well paying...


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