Nina s Double Spanking
- 2 years ago
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My wife and I had been arguing. Suddenly my wife stood up, looked me in the eye and said. “You need to be spanked and spanked very hard indeed.”
That stopped the argument stone dead as I looked at her. Early in our marriage, we had experimented with spanking. But now, after fifteen years of marriage, that time was long gone. When I occasionally looked at porn on the internet, I did tend to favour spanking content. One of my daydreams was to be forced to submit myself to a spanking over a dominant woman’s knee.
“What do you mean?” I asked; I was genuinely curious about where this comment had come from.
“You disagree with everything I ever ask you; you are lazy around the house; your whole attitude needs to change. I suggest you need to be spanked to help you buck your ideas up and then maybe spanked regularly to maintain your standards.”
“You must be crazy. You would not do that.”
“You are right I would not, but I have heard of someone that spanks husbands and partners when they step out of line. She would do it, I am sure, and do it very well if the rumours are true.”
I felt just a flicker of doubt at this point. Alongside the doubt, there was more than a flicker of interest. “What are you talking about?”
“I was talking to Jean last week and she mentioned a friend of hers who sent her husband to be spanked. Apparently, he is now a changed man. I was thinking I could send you and you could change too.”
This ended the conversation. However, two weeks later, my wife said. “I have spoken to the spanking woman. She offers a very discreet service for both men and women who require discipline in their lives. I talked about our situation, and she agreed that a jolly good spanking sounded like the solution to your problem. I have booked an initial appointment tomorrow evening.”
“You have done what?” The flicker of doubt was far stronger now, but the interest and excitement remained.
“You need to change; you just take me for granted. Let us go tomorrow and at least see what she has to say.”
The conversation went on for some time without reaching a conclusion. Eventually, we retired to bed, and both lay in our own worlds. My world was a jumble of contradictions. Part was anger, how could she even think such a thing; part excitement and another smaller quieter part that knew she had a point. I had not been pulling my weight recently and maybe this was not such a crazy idea after all.
Eventually, I fell asleep, still no nearer deciding if I would go through with this crazy idea. In the morning, I reluctantly decided I could at least go and see. Meeting this woman would not commit me to anything.
That evening found my wife and myself knocking on the front door of a detached suburban house that was not five miles from where we lived. The door was opened by a very striking woman. She was tall, blond, and aged in her mid-forties. My first impression was of a woman who looked after herself and had a figure to be proud of. She dressed conservatively, giving the impression of a high-powered executive type. Very conservative whilst giving off the impression of being in control. It occurred to me that I would not mind being spanked by someone like her. She spoke to my wife.
“So lovely to meet you. I have been looking forward to this all day. Please call me Julie. Do come in.”
For the first time, she looked at me. “You had better come in. You have been causing a lot of problems, I hear.” There was no hello, no nice to see you. It felt like I had been subjected to a short appraisal and had been found wanting.
I followed the two women into the lounge and sat next to my wife on the sofa.
Julie asked my wife. “So, you would like me to punish your husband for you. What sort of thing do you have in mind?”
Before I could even think of a response, my wife answered. “I think something quite severe he is being difficult and seems to be getting worse. He needs something quite radical to make him change his ways.”
“Excuse me, don’t I have any say in this,” I asked.
Julie slowly turned her head to me. “Actually, no, your wife has reached the point where your behaviour is intolerable, she has asked for my help, and I fully intend to assist in any way possible. You are only here so you can understand what is going to happen. Is that clear?”
I looked at Julie and found myself replying. “Yes, thank you.” I could not understand why I had felt compelled to reply like that.
Julie turned back to my wife. “So, a severe punishment, and could I suggest an ongoing program to reinforce the message and to stop any backsliding.”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea.”
“I have several clients who send their husbands to me every month. They usually write a short note describing the recent behaviour of their husbands and indicating the severity of the punishment that I should consider. Does that sound good to you?
“No,” I replied for my wife.
Julie looked angry. “If you interrupt again, I will add extra strokes to your forthcoming punishment. You are in for a severe punishment already, so I would be very careful if I were you. “
“Sorry, Julie,” I replied.
“I am Mistress to you.”
“Yes, Mistress.” I was in awe of this woman. I found it natural to call her Mistress. I have never felt this way about anyone before.
Julie resumed the conversation with my wife. “Should I start with a spanking and move on to the main part of the punishment.”
“That sounds perfect. What does the main part entail?”
“Well, that depends on you; I could paddle him, use a tawse, or of course, there is always the cane. What do you think?”
“I have no experience of any of those. Could I see them?”
I was thinking I had no experience of any of them either. I had been threatened with the cane at school and that was bad enough. It did, however, look like this was about to change.
“Let me get them for you.” With this, Julie disappeared upstairs.
My wife looked at me. “This is a wonderful idea. We should have come here ages ago.”
I was at a loss of what to say. Just before I said something I would have regretted, Julie reappeared. She was carrying several fearsome-looking objects and placed them all on a small table next to her chair.
Julie then picked up a leather paddle it was eighteen inches long. It had a handle attached to which was a fearsome-looking black leather oval teardrop. She handed this to my wife. “Most of my customers fear this paddle; it does change behaviour very quickly. Do you think your husband would benefit from its application?”
My wife slapped the paddle into her hand a couple of times. You could see the excitement in her eyes. I am sure you could see fear in my eyes. “Yes, this should start to do the trick. A few with this should wake him up.”
“Excellent, I would also suggest I use the tawse on him. Many a client of mine know and truly fear this instrument.”
Julie picked up the tawse, thirty inches long by two inches wide. Thick leather with a split at the end. I could not imagine what that would feel like being used in anger.
My wife gasped as this was given to her. “This looks wonderful, exactly right for the job. Yes, Julie, please use this on him.”
“Perfect, we nearly have a plan. I would like to finish off with the cane.” She picked up a traditional school cane; it was three feet long and she flexed it to show how pliable it was. “This is by far my favourite instrument; if anything brings about change, this is it.”
My wife was in awe. She took hold of the cane as it would bite her and slowly ran her hand along its length, then looked directly at me. “Yes, could you please finish off with some strokes of this? That will give him something to think about.”
I was dumbstruck. This was not a discussion; my acceptance was assumed I seemed to have no say in the matter. I was terrified. I was also excited by the thought of been punished by this very desirable woman. She was very appealing. Scary but appealing.
“So, a good hard spanking followed by the paddle, the tawse, and concluding with a caning. Does that sound about right.”
“I think that will get the message across,” said my wife.
Julie looked directly at me. “All punishments in this house are carried out on the bare bottom. I expect you to shave; your penis and bottom will be devoid of hair. It enhances the punishment beautifully. You will be here on Friday at seven in the evening and I will punish you as your wife has directed. Do not on any account be late.”
A thousand thoughts competed in my brain. Eventually, all I said was a quiet, “Yes, Mistress.”
When we got home, I turned to my wife and said. “Ok, you have made your point. I will try harder. Can we call this whole thing off?”
“No, absolutely not. You will just go back to your old ways in a couple of weeks. I want a real change, and this will help to achieve that. You will go next Friday and get what is coming to you.”
I had three days to wait. At one time, I was not going ahead with this. Then I was excited and wanted it to happen. In the end, the feeling came down to reluctant acceptance, mixed with a lot of fear and a little anticipation.
I have never shaved anywhere other than my face. Thursday evening, I found myself shaving below the waistline for the first time. It was not easy, and my wife insisted on inspecting the results and she helped to ensure that I was devoid of hair around both my penis, bottom, and anus. It was a very strange feeling. Not unpleasant, but I was very conscious that the next evening I was to present myself for punishment and that punishment was to be from a virtual stranger. Thursday night was sleepless, worrying about my ordeal ahead.
At six-thirty on Friday evening, my wife gave me a small kiss and said. “Be brave; this is for your own good. Please do not embarrass yourself.” That was easy for her to say; I was not sure how easy it was going to be to achieve.
I did arrive on time and knocked on Julie’s front door at seven o’clock precisely.
Julie opened the door looking as lovely as I remembered her. “Good to see that you are at least punctual. I have been looking forward to this. Your punishment will take place in the office upstairs. Turn right at the top of the stairs; the door is straight ahead. I would like you to remove all your clothes and stand naked before the desk. I will be with you shortly.”
That was it, no welcome, no small talk, just go upstairs get naked and wait. That is what I did.
I entered the office; it was well lit, and a large desk dominated the room. The top of the desk was clear, except on the left-hand side, the paddle, tawse, and cane were arranged ready for their use. I undressed and neatly folded my clothes and placed them on a chair in the corner. I stood as requested before the desk to await developments. My penis was starting to find the whole situation exciting and was standing to attention. I thought was that this could be very embarrassing.
I did not have to wait long. I heard footsteps behind me, and Julie entered the room and stood on the opposite side of the desk. I was not sure what I was expecting, but this was not it. Julie was dressed as a classic dominatrix, wearing a black corset, a black bra, matching black stockings, and suspender belt, and long black boots. She looked me up and down before saying. “Good, I see you have shaved as I requested. You can behave when you need to.”
Sitting down, she asked. “Have you been spanked before?”
“No, I was terrified of the cane at school.”
“You had good reason to be. This will be quite an experience for you. I will go easy on you this first time. You will leave here in no doubt what a well-spanked bottom feels like. You will follow my instructions precisely, you will not protect your bottom with your hands, you will not make too much fuss and you will remain polite throughout this ordeal. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Julie looked directly at my erect penis. “He seems to be looking forward to this; maybe next time, we will punish him too. I will need to speak to your wife about this.”
If anything, this just excited me more.
Julie opened the top drawer of her desk and withdrew a pair of black leather gloves; they looked like they would cover a lot of Julie's arms.
“These are my spanking gloves; I do not want a sore hand. I only wish you to have a very sore bottom.” With that, she spent the next minute or so pulling on the gloves and making sure they fitted perfectly. “Do you like what you see?”
“You look beautiful, absolutely beautiful.”
“You say the nicest things. It will not let you off your punishment but thank you for the kind words. Right, no time like the present let us get started, shall we.” She pushed her chair away from the desk and took a towel from her desk drawer and placed this over her lap. “We don’t want you making a mess, do we, right over my knee, bottom uppermost.”
There is no elegant way to get over someone’s lap, but I ended up as requested, head down, bottom up, and ready for my punishment.
“Right, this will prepare your bottom for the rest of your punishment. Please keep still throughout. Your wife requested a thorough bottom spanking and that is what you will get. Anything you wish to say?”
“No, I am sorry, Mistress.”
“Oh, you are not sorry yet; you will be, though, very sorry indeed.”
With that, the first smack landed on my left buttock soon to be followed by one on the right. This pattern continued and then she delivered several hard smacks in the same place. I started to wriggle and moan my protests. Mistress was unmoved she continued my spanking, varying the pace and where she spanked and the strength of the smacks. I was finding it increasingly hard to keep quiet. I did, however, have a lovely view of Mistress's boots. This view, however, did not distract from the pain building in my bottom. After what seemed an exceptionally long time, Mistress stopped her spanking. “That is a very red bottom. However, it is not a thoroughly spanked bottom yet.”
I could not believe what I was hearing. My bottom already felt on fire.
“There is a whole area we have yet to touch. I would like you to reach behind you and pull your buttocks apart for me.”
I could not believe what I was hearing. “Quickly, we do not have all night.”
Very reluctantly, I complied. I pulled my buttocks apart and displayed myself to my Mistress. With being shaved, I felt totally vulnerable and very naked. “That is the part that still needs attention. A thoroughly spanked bottom is red all over and I mean all over. I do not like to use my hand for this part. But not to worry; I have something right here to help.”
I heard Mistress reach into the top drawer and she then held a wooden-backed hairbrush out for me to see. “This is perfect for the job. Keep your buttocks spread. You only have yourself to blame after all.”
The brush made contact with the cleft of my anus: it was way more painful than anything that I had experienced so far. The brush visited all along the valley of flesh I was so lewdly displaying. I kicked my legs, cried out, begged, but Mistress was determined I was to be thoroughly punished.
Just when I thought I could take no more, Mistress stopped. “Now that is a properly spanked bottom. Your wife would be impressed. How do you feel?”
“Very sore, Mistress.”
“Not as sore as you are going to feel, but we have made a good start. Right stand up and back in front of the desk.”
I stood as requested. My penis that had lost its enthusiasm whilst being spanked swelled again. I was after all naked in front of a beautiful semi-dressed woman. Unfortunately, I did not think her plan included entertaining my penis. All her plans seem to revolve around making my bottom suffer.
She picked up the paddle and gently slapped it into her palm. Whilst she was doing this, she looked at me and said. “I will give you six strokes of each instrument. On future occasions, it may be as many as twenty-four strokes but six will do for now. I want you to bend over the table and push your bottom right out. Please try to keep still excessive movement will result in extra strokes and I am sure you do not want those.”
I slowly did as I was told. I pushed my bottom right out. I cannot remember when I last felt so vulnerable. Julie stood and walked behind me. I looked straight ahead and saw there was a mirror on the wall behind the desk; I could see Julie paddle in hand, ready to start my punishment. I watched in fascination as she drew her arm back and delivered the first stroke into the middle of my bottom.
It was a vastly different pain. The area affected was far bigger and the pain more intense.
I watched as Julie delivered the second stroke; she seemed to twist her whole body into the next stroke. She looked truly awesome, immensely powerful, and incredibly sexy. Her breasts seemed to sway with her motion. It was a sight for sore eyes—very sore eyes and a very sore bottom.
The pain went on building. The paddle left its fiery imprint on my bottom. I continued to watch Julie deliver the remaining strokes it was a sight to behold my Mistress in total control delivering stroke after stroke to my defenceless bottom. She looked beautiful, very scary but beautiful.
Finally, the paddling was over. My bottom was very sore; the paddle had added a new layer of pain. However, watching Mistress had somehow made the experience more bearable.
Julie ran her hand across my buttocks; I could feel her leather-covered fingers stroking my burning bottom. “Getting nice and hot now. Let us give you a break for five minutes.”
She walked round in front of me, and she then leant over. “I like to see a punished bottom from all angles,” she announced.
I looked up and could see Julie’s panty covered crotch inches from my face. She smelled of arousal. She was obviously enjoying disciplining me. Although my bottom was on fire, this was becoming a very erotic experience.
Julie sat down and picked up the tawse. She ran this through her fingers in front of me. “This is one of my favourites; it does deliver a beautiful sting and will leave very distinctive marks on your bottom; you will be able to study them later. This is going to be quite painful for you after your spanking and paddling. Your wife was determined you needed a proper punishment; she is a woman after my own heart. There is no point in giving half a spanking. Let us get on, shall we.”
She stood and returned to her place behind me. “Six hard strokes coming up.”
I watched her deliver the first stroke. She needed more swing to apply the tawse properly. Again, such a wonderful sight before the pain exploded across my rear. For the first time, I cried out; this took punishment to a new level—a new extremely uncomfortable level. Tears sprang up in my eyes.
“Remember to keep still; I have a feeling you do not want extras.”
The second stroke landed, I was able to cope better with this one but still, this was very painful. By watching Mistress, I knew when the strokes would land. It was wonderful to watch Mistress in action, very painful but wonderful at the same time. Somehow, I managed to take all six strokes. Tears were rolling down my face. My bottom was on fire and there was still the prospect of the cane.
Julie sat down. She flexed the cane before me. “This is the ultimate test. You are to receive six of the best. Difficult at the best of times. Exceedingly difficult on an already punished bottom. I am going to enjoy this. How are you feeling?”
“Sore and scared.”
“Well, that was sort of the intention. So, it is working then. Let us complete the job.”
I watched as she stood behind me. She swished the cane through the air a couple of times. The sound of a cane is scary at the best of times. When it is just about to be applied to your bottom, it is terrifying.
Julie placed the cane on the lower half of my bottom and tapped it a couple of times. I knew where the stroke was to land. By watching, I knew when the stoke was to land. The sight of Julie drawing back the cane was wonderful. The pain of the stroke was dreadful. I cried out, stamped my feet wriggled on the desk and somehow managed to avoid standing up.
“One,” called Julie. “Five more to go.”
I watched the next stroke being delivered again, the second stroke was easier, not much easier but easier.
After the fourth stroke, Julie looked in the mirror and asked. “Are you enjoying watching me punish you?”
“Yes, it is very erotic. I do not know why but watching you is helping.”
“Would you like me to take off my bra and then you can see my breasts swing when I cane you?”
“Yes, yes, please.”
“If you want that, will you accept three extra strokes for the privilege?”
Without hesitation. “Yes, Mistress, I would love to see your breasts.”
“You do say the nicest things.” Julie gently removed her bra and held her breasts. She looked so wonderful. A tall Mistress, wearing boots, stockings, suspenders and a corset, holding her breasts for me to see. “Do you like what you see?”
“Yes, Mistress, you are beautiful.”
“Time to pay up. Five strokes remaining.”
I watch as Mistress delivered the next stroke. Her breasts swung to and fro; she looked magnificent. The pain of the fifth stroke was hard to bear. I struggled through to the seventh stroke. Then Mistress came and stood before me again. “Would you like me to remove my panties so you can see the full show?”
“Yes, please.”
“Three extra strokes?”
“Yes, please.”
With that, she turned her back to me and bent to remove her panties. I saw her naked bottom and its partially hidden charms inches from my face. The pain was worth it, I decided.
“You may as well get the full benefit from these, I suppose.” Julie dropped her panties on the desk just in front of my face. I could not help but smell her. Her panties smelt of a very aroused woman.
“Still five strokes remaining. At this rate, we could be here all night.”
All my senses were on overdrive. I could see Mistress in the mirror, I could smell Mistress from her panties, I could hear the cane as it was delivered. Sadly, I was not to be allowed to touch or taste Mistress. I was in heaven, although I knew hell was about to be delivered to my bottom.
I watched Mistress methodically deliver the remainder of my punishment. Watching her helped me get through the ordeal and it was an ordeal. In the end, my bottom felt on fire.
Mistress came and sat before me. She placed her feet stretched out on either side of my head, giving me a clear view of her gorgeous, shaved pussy. She slowly stroked herself.
“Your punishment is over. How do you feel.”
“Excited and sore.”
"Your excitement will have to wait for your wife.” With that, she removed her finger from her pussy and slowly pushed it between my lips. “That is all you are getting.”
She stood then walked away. At the door, she turned and said. “You can get dressed now. You know the way out. I will see you next month and remember to be a good boy.”
With that, she was gone. I slowly got dressed.
When I got home, I walked into the lounge. My wife looked at me and said. “Let’s see the damage.”
I turned carefully, pulled my trousers down and showed my wife my bottom.
“That looks a bit sore. You had better get off to bed.”
That was it; I was dismissed. That night I could not get the images of my Mistress out of my head. As the pain in my bottom turned to a warm glow, my feelings of desire grew. It had been the most one of the most erotic experiences of my life.
I cannot wait for next time.
The End
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The art of spanking and capturing it all on video is basicly very simple you just follow my few rulesThe usual spanking scenario on video has two major mistakes: the reason for spanking and camera angleSpanking is almost always for punishment, with a lot of uninteresting babbling at loud voice before itSpanking for punishment is a contradictio in terminis serious spanking does hurt but it arousesThe position of the spankee is mostly correct: bent over with arched back to bring out bums for...
Happy Mariage W/ Spanking It all started about three years ago in a town in Oregon. I was alone in a small trailer park. Things were rather depressing, and not looking to get much better. There was an older man in the park that had a real problem with his Diebetes. He would fall and not be able to get up, sometimes laying on the floor for hours. Some of the...
She said, “You clearly need more discipline. Get your clothes off and get into the living room. Now. I so should’ve spanked you last night.” Half sitting upright and still tangled up in my sheets, I stared at her, my mouth hanging open. My mind was thinking Just say no and run away, but something much deeper inside my heart couldn’t resist her, couldn’t stand that I’d angered her, that I’d disappointed her. She turned and walked out of my room; she’d changed into gray sweats, but her ass...
Spanking(This is a direct follow-up to Part 1)I lay on the bed feeling spent from having just come. I surprisingly feel fully comfortable with having let Sir take full control of me up to this point. However, I can already feel the hunger growing in me to keep playing and not have that be the only orgasm for the evening. In this selfish thought, I also realize that I will have serve my Sir as well. Although I am naked, freshly shaven, and only wearing the ribbon he tied around my waist and looped...
College Spanking By [email protected] happened to me while I was going to college. I was in a class with two sisters. I would kid around with them a lot, and one day they invited to their rented house that was next to the campus. Once inside, we talked about the class we were in and also life in general. After a little bit, they asked me if I wanted to do something kinky with them. Being a red blooded American male, I said sure, and they had me take off my clothes. They left the...
SpankingIt's been a long time coming, and you know it. The anticipation is killing you, partly because you’ve never been spanked and partly because you know that it will hurt...a lot.You and I made an arrangement for me to help with some things that you wanted to work on, guidelines to be followed, actions to be adhered to strictly. But now you find yourself waiting nervously at the kitchen island for my knock at the door. You completed getting ready as I instructed. Freshly showered, shaved...
SpankingTwo days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...
It was a beautiful ceremony. I can recall the exact moment, when I got out of the limousine…my father greeted me in his arms. He told me how proud he and my mother were of me…he kissed me on my cheeks and said, “Steve’s a good man…I’m glad you found each other.” I met Steve at UCSB and truth be known, it was kinda like…love at first sight. I met him in the library. “Excuse me. Would you like to grab a cup of coffee with me?” I turned to the voice and immediately, I was taken prisoner...
The first time I got spanked, I was in college. I was 20 years old at the time. Typical Miami party girl, didn't take class too seriously, didn't really have a direction in life. All I knew was that I was hot and I was going to take advantage of it! I had a big butt (still do) and a fit body and I was going to enjoy it. Deep down though, I knew this wasn't the way to be doing things. I had been into spanking since I was a teenager. I'd always fantasize about a big, strong man putting me in my...
'Once maiden starts to monthly bleed, Clear increase in her spanking need.' I do not recall the precise source of this charming couplet. Perhaps it is Marlowe's, or from Alexander Pope. Or perhaps I penned it myself in days gone by, inspired to its truth in the observation of a young niece's jutting bottom. Frankly, I don't recall (although I do vividly recollect eventually obeying the maxim to the max with the self-same niece!) An undisputed fact is that the Dr. Spock "bible" of...
I was getting back to Dayton late, about midnight, and had stopped at the usual rest stop to take a leak. A guy stepped up to the urinal next to mine, and I noticed that he was standing a little turned and had his arm out of the way so I could look at his cock, if I chose. And I did so choose. It was a medium sized cock, fairly big around, I thought. He noticed that I was looking and glanced down at my cock. I had turned so that he could see mine, too. After he finished peeing, He...
Friday Night Spanking Friday Night Spanking Joe relaxed and leaned against the wall of the kitchen, watching as Pita finished the last of the dishes. He looked down her long copper-red hair to the edge of her pink, cotton skirt that ended about three inches beneath her ass. He watched intently when the material swished with her movements. He knew there was nothing under the soft fabric except even softer skin. He could feel his hand itch with his want for her. Tonight was to be...
From Michelle's notebook... I was spanked any number of times when I was growing up. I'm going to share the last of those spankings with you. It happened in July of the summer after I graduated from High School. I was eighteen years and three months old. There's no reason why I should have been spanked and no reason I had to put up with it. But I was, and I did. I'm a little fuzzy about the incident for which I was punished. It's strange but typical. Often a spanking overshadows the...
I have the kind permission of Peter242 to add this chapter to his fine story The Aftermath. I recommend reading his whole series, starting with Spanked for Free. Aunt Steph was sitting thoughtfully while Becky was upstairs putting her stuff together. She had really enjoyed herself spanking Becky last night and this morning but something was nagging at her and she was having trouble getting to the bottom of it, so to speak. Gradually it dawned on her that the missing ingredient was the...
SpankingI was younger around mid 20's I was starting to feel the need to be spanked. So I put ad on a free site and waited for responses. I got several but only one that stood out. Most of the ones that responded wanted to know why I wanted to be spanked or what I did to deserve the spanking and would not take that I just wanted one as I enjoy getting spanked as a response so I knew those were not the ones for me. The one that stood out just wanted a couple more pics of me and then we arranged a time...
My apologies to whoever was waiting for me to continue about Mr. Walker. I mentioned near the end of my last story that I was humping the bed shortly after my friends dad left my bottom sizzling. I didn't understand why that spanking had evoked erotic feelings in me, all I knew was that the feelings were very intense and confusing. I won't bore you with details I can't remember clearly. I do know I had no one to talk to about what was going on in my head. Was I gay because I was bared and...
Growing up I’ve always had an interest in spankings. I’m sure it all started from being spanked as a k**. I’m a happily married 52 year old white male. To give you a better picture of me, I’m 6ft, 195 lbs, short red hair, smooth body, 5 1/2 inch cut cock, decent shape.My curiosity to receive a spanking as an adult grew more and more. I was wanting to be spanked by an older man. Not a severe spanking, but one that would leave my ass red. And to have a feeling of shame, embarrassment, guilt and...
Simply answering an advert leads to a whole new world of pleasure ! Sue sat nervously in her lounge, feeling excited yet scared as she waited for him to arrive. Over and over in her mind, she wondered if she was doing the right thing This was not the first time she asked herself this question. That morning as she answered David's text messages, following his instructions carefully, she wondered what had come over her. Each attempt to understand herself only made her more nervous and anxious....
SpankingMy first gay adult spanking.Growing up I’ve always had an interest in spankings. I’m a happily married 52 year old white male. To give you a better picture of me, I’m 6ft, 195 lbs, short red hair, smooth body, 5 1/2 inch cut cock, decent shape.My curiosity to receive a spanking grew more and more. I was wanting to be spanked by an older man. Not a severe spanking, but one that would leave my ass red. And to have a feeling of shame, embarrassment, guilt and being exposed to another man, a...
We were on the bed preparing to fuck. Debbie was on all fours, her beautiful arse should have been stimulation sufficient to arm me with a rod of steel. She was pampering my aching balls and gave my unwilling pecker an encouraging touch now and then, hoping as I hoped, for some stiff action. But all to no avail. It was me that gave up in the end and I huddled on the edge of the bed, beaten in my spirits like a schoolboy who chickened out of a dare.“It doesn’t matter.” sniffed Debbie and she...
SpankingI lay there, waiting for the first blow of the hairbrush. My "inner child" was screaming at me to call it off, and yet I wasn't scared enough. It may sound strange, but something was missing - and I was pretty sure I knew what it was. "Honey?" I said, turning my head to the side. He was halfway through the motion of spanking me with the hairbrush but stopped short. Looking annoyed, he asked, "Yes?" I turned fully over on my side, facing him. My cotton pajamas were still in place and...
Adult spanking is a curious thing. I mean, most of us did not like being spanked as children. We dreaded spankings, didn't we? So, why do so many of us long to be spanked as adults. I think for some of us, it is for sexual pleasure. For others, it is to meet an emotional need. Maybe we feel we deserve it before we enjoy fucking. Some parts of society make women feel we are bad if we enjoy being fucked. So, maybe we feel better about our longing if we are punished first. I will tell you why I...
SpankingI met Sally though She contacted me in search of a motivational spanking. She needed to be pushed to get busy with her business. She knew she was goofing off, doing everything but her business. We exchanged a few emails. Discussing what she wanted. Her likes and dislikes. I informed her (in an email) when we met she is to call me "Sir" when around me.•••••••Her dislikes may go out the window, depending on the offense!••••Sally had a boyfriend. But he just wasn't into spanking her....
Growing up I’ve always had an interest in spankings. I’m sure it all started from being spanked as a k**. I’m a happily married 52 year old white male. To give you a better picture of me, I’m 6ft, 195 lbs, short red hair, smooth body, 5 1/2 inch cut cock, decent shape.My curiosity to receive a spanking grew more and more. I was wanting to be spanked by an older man. Not a severe spanking, but one that would leave my ass red. And to have a feeling of shame, embarrassment, guilt and being exposed...
Jenny's First SpankingIt all began on the day before Halloween when Jenny decided to dress up as a ‘naughty schoolgirl’ for the party she was going to with a couple of friends.She after all still had her old school uniform, the long white socks, big blue knickers, white shirt, the school tie, blazer and that stupid straw hat with the band round it. When she tried it on she was pleased to find that it was still quite a good fit, it was however far from sexy!So she swapped the just above the knee...
Jenny's First SpankingIt all began on the day before Halloween when Jenny decided to dress up as a ‘naughty schoolgirl’ for the party she was going to with a couple of friends.She after all still had her old school uniform, the long white socks, big blue knickers, white shirt, the school tie, blazer and that stupid straw hat with the band round it. When she tried it on she was pleased to find that it was still quite a good fit, it was however far from sexy!So she swapped the just above the knee...
I’m a happily married 52 year old white male. To give you a better picture of me, I’m 6ft, 195 lbs, short red hair, smooth body, 5 1/2 inch cut cock, decent shape.My curiosity to receive a spanking grew more and more. I was wanting to be spanked by an older man. Not a severe spanking, but one that would leave my ass red. And to have a feeling of shame, embarrassment, guilt and being exposed to another man, a complete stranger, in such a naughty way.I signed up to a gay spanking fetish website,...
I have always had an infatuation with spanking. There is a certain amount of eroticism and intimacy that goes with it. When you totally submit your bottom to an authority figure, to be spanked or paddled, it is quite a feeling. I think that's why I now enjoy some light spanking in the bedroom as foreplay. Every school I went to, growing up, used spanking as a form of punishment. If you disrupted class or did anything they deemed as “hindering the educational process”, you would get your bottom...
Several people have asked about my love of punishment, specifically spanking. When I think about it, I do enjoy giving a good old spanking. But my reason for it goes back to our old family house and my sister, Ginger.If you follow us, you know my sister, brother and me were raised by our mom. Dad died when we were young. If fact, my little brother Mike was only 2 months old when it happened. Mom moved us from a large 4 room house to a 2 bedroom condo. Four people in a little condo with no...
Emily heard her brother’s request, but she didn’t move. Instead she just said, “Tommy, I haven’t heard an apology yet.” Quickly turning to Shelly, Tommy blurts out, “I’m sorry Shelly.” Then he turned back toward his sister, and with his eyes, he implored her to untie him. Instead of moving toward her brother to satisfy his wishes, she now felt herself slipping back in her unusual, but now not uncommon, role as his disciplinarian and teacher. She looked back at her brother, shaking her head...
With the school year approaching, I was getting ready to go back to college. The college life is amazing: pretty girls, pretty girls and pretty girls. Let’s just say I like to date around. I can’t be tied down to just one woman, you know? My name is Bred Jakes. I am a 6’ 1”, muscular, light-skinned black guy. I live in a small apartment complex in Dallas called Sunset Apartments. I'd decided to work at a camp for children with diabetes. The experience was breathtaking; the campers were filled...
SpankingThe gentleman's name that gave me my embarrassing spanking is David. Later that Sunday evening, the same day he spanked me, I received several text message pictures from him. Pictures he had taken of me with his phone and stills from the spanking video. I got so incredibly turned on by seeing all of the pictures he sent! But some of the pictures were a bit shocking. Pictures of the front of my house, a closeup of my house number, of my truck and license plate. A stark reminder of how vulnerable...
I see there are lots of CD spanking videos on this site. That reminds me of a couple i met many years ago. She was a dominate woman who loved to spank sissies. Her husband was a submissive sissy. I took her out to lunch and we just talked for quite a while in my car and she had me take my pants down so she could see my panties and i had on a garter belt and nylons that day. We agree that i would come to her place in a few weeks for a spanking. I went to her place and walked in and she told me...
Olivia was not surprised when the phone rang at 4:30. Scott often called before he left work. Usually, to ask if she needed something he could pick up on the way home. She checked the caller ID before she answered."Hi, baby," she said sweetly. "How was your day?""Just fine, honey. I'm glad it's Friday. It’s been a long week. Is there anything I need to bring home?""Just yourself. You're all I need tonight." Scott and Olivia had been married for only six months and their love life was...
SpankingHi, I am Alpha. I am pursuing my higher degree. I have written and listen some of the spanking stories. This spanking story which I am posting is true story of my life. When I was studying in my higher school, I was leaving on a rent. My parents were abroad. The landlord of the house was a lady. She was nice, pretty, imposing and strict lady. Her name was Demetra. She was of 26, unmarried and leaving alone. When I went to leave with her, I became very happy to see such a beautiful lady. She...
SpankingOnce again this is based on actual events. Names, dates and locations have been changed for privacy. I was asked to try and do some interesting and weird things when I was an escort. Sometimes it was a case of something the client really liked but their partners either didn’t or didn’t have a clue they had any kind of kink or fetish at all. To be honest I had to Google some of them. One afternoon I got a call from one of Mary’s friends and we arranged to meet. I usually did this first to make...
Today is the day that Karen is finally going to get the spanking she has wanted for so long and so richly deserves. Not the kind of spanking she has gotten but the kind she wants and needs. I’ve gotten us a motel room so we have a good and private place to do it. I know this motel and it is decent and clean and has just the right kind of chairs for OTK, comfortable but with no arms. I arrive about 30 minutes before Karen so I can make a few preparations. I know how much this means to Karen and...
I'd had about 10 - 12 meetings with a chap from yorkshire, not too far from where I am, called Jon,he called over to my place in the afternoons over a period of about 9 month. From the outset we made our intentions, expectations clear as to avoid any surprises. Basically I would wear tights, he would spank me, and thats just how it went for the first couple of times.On the 3rd occasion he masturbated and ejaculated on my spanked backside. I didnt particulary like the bloke to be honest,...
BisexualSex Bucket List Rules. A list of sexual fantasies to complete before we kick the bucket!We each have our own list.We take turns to choose from our listsFantasies can be as simple or as complicated as you like.If a fantasy needs props then it’s the owner of the fantasies job to provide them.If you have a fantasy you’re not allowed to introduce it in bed before bucket night!If you’re not comfortable with the fantasy you can say No.No involvement of other people without mutual agreement.Safe word...