Daughter & Friend Seduce Dad free porn video

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Sara let those works hang for a bit before saying, "Fuck that and you know it. The boys that like me are all little dicked losers from this little fucked up Podunk town. And oh yeah, I don't have any colleges beating down my door because of my grades, I'm not exactly Dolly Parton and I won't win any beauty contests anytime soon. And hey, I get depressed too. And yeah, I smoke which most people hate but it helps me get through my depression sometimes. And you'd better rethink your parents too. Your dad is really cool."

Sara went to her window, opened it and then went to her dresser drawer and pulled out a pack of her Virginia Slims ultra light menthol 120's. Abby watched her friend closely light up one of her long and slender cigarettes and said, "I can't believe your parents let you smoke let alone in the house. Mom smokes but she'd kill me if I'd start."

Sara said, "Well, mom said she started when she was 14 and as you know, I only started a couple of years ago. She said that it was my decision and I was mature enough to make up my own mind. Dad is really cool with it for some reason and almost encourages it. Whatever, but sorry, I think your mom is a bitch and hypocrite. You're dad is so fine, kind, still fairly young and handsome too. I'd love a man like him to marry me some day and keep me barefoot and pregnant."

"Sara! You don't mean you have the hots for my dad?" Abby asked.

"Well, uh, a little. I mean, uh, I've seen him looking at me sometimes when I'm in the backyard sunbathing and he's out doing yard work. Don't get me wrong, I'd don't think he's a perv or anything. Hey, he's just like you, me, our mom's and everybody else; we've all got needs and that's just as natural as being human. Nothing to get hung up about." she said as she took a long drag and then cocking her head sideways, blew a long tight exhale towards the window.

"Speaking of that, I've haven't heard mom and dad fucking at night in a couple of years now come to think of it. I'll bet she's cut him off. I heard him jacking off once in the bathroom a couple of months ago and I'll bet that's why. She's a real bitch. Now that I that I also think of it, I'll bet she's been fucking around on him too. I heard her in the library the other day talking in a real low and sexy voice on the phone and I know it was to a man but dad was at work. She never talks to him that way at home. She's always riding his ass about something in her whiny voice. Poor dad."

The two were quite for a minute. Abby could see a change in Sara as she smoked. She also noticed that Sara's nipples become very erect under her braless tee-shirt she was wearing.

"What?" Sara asked as she noticed Abby watching her.

"I don't know, you look so...uh..., turned on?" Sara looked down at nipples poking out almost obscenely through her tee-shirt and blushed.

"Yeah, smoking has that affect on me along with some other things and I like the way it makes me feel." but she didn't tell Abby how horny she got or how wet her panties became every time she smoked a cigarette.

"What other things?" Abby asked.

"Uh, never mind." Sara said. "You'd know if you smoked. Maybe you should try one. Here." Sara said as she pulled a long cigarette out of her pack and extended one to Abby with her lighter.

"Uh, I don't know." Abby said.

"What! And miss a chance to piss off your mom. It's time that you showed her who the real fucking woman of house is. Fuck her."

"I guess." Abby said.

She took the cigarette from Sara and tentatively lit it. With a small draw, she held it in for a few seconds and exhaled. "Wow, I expected it to taste a whole lot different. Not bad though. Kind of sweet and minty." She took another drag but a little deeper this time and held it a little longer. When she exhaled a small blue stream, she felt a flush of wetness in her crotch and her chest had goose bumps along with her nipples.

"Whew, that one hit me." she said not wanting to tell Sara what she was feeling in detail. She took a few more puffs before putting it out in Sara's ashtray.

"Enough for now if you don't mind. Different for sure but not bad and I enjoyed it actually. They make quite a statement." Abby finished. "Good. Glad you enjoyed it. I just opened the pack and keep it with the lighter. My treat. Dad buys them for me anyway." Sara said.

"I love you Sara. You always know how to cheer me up and keep me straight." Abby finished getting up to leave. She hugged and kissed Sara, left for her house and was a much different person from that day forward.

Once home, it wasn't long before Abby heard her mom bitching about her dad about something in the kitchen. She decided it then and there that it was time for things to change. She'd had enough of her mom an she knew her dad did too. She made up her mind that Hell was about to come to breakfast and fuck the consequences.

Abby took off her shirt, unsnapped her bra and put back on a low cut blouse that showed off a hint of her 34C breasts and put on a tight pair of jeans she hadn't worn in a couple of years. She then went to the bathroom and applied her makeup more heavy than usual. She especially put on more lipstick which was bright red. She brushed her hair in wavy pattern that let her bangs slightly hang over her right eye.

"Now, that's the look I've been missing." She turned around admiring herself in a mirror. She liked the feel of her ass felt tightly wrapped in her jeans and the way her perky tits felt under her loose blouse. "Slightly slutty but that's what'll get both his and her attention."

She eased down the stairs and could still hear her mom in the kitchen more talking at her dad than talking to him. Abby watched them unnoticed from the dinning room. She saw her mom light up a cigarette and her dad, who'd been looking down suddenly pick his head up and watched Abby's mom as she smoked. "That certainly got his attention." Abby thought. Abby's mom went back into another one of her lectures about something petty when she thought it was time to make her move. She took a couple of deep breaths to build up her courage and walked into the kitchen.

"Hi Daddy." she said cutting off her mother in mid-sentence. Abby slowly leaned over and gave her dad a firm hug and quick kiss on the lips. She was sure that he gave him a good look at her cleavage too which was really her intention. After Abby straightened up, she turned to her mom and said, "Can I bum a smoke off you?" in more of statement than a question.

Her mom's cigarettes were nearby on the counter and Abby simply reached over, took one out of the pack and lit it trying to act as she was an experienced smoker. She held down the urge to cough and exhaled trying to imitate how Sara did it which was a thin fine stream out of a perfect "O" in her lips and a slightly upturned chin. After she exhaled a pretty decent amount of smoke which almost surprised even her, Abby almost burst out in laughter as she didn't know who's mouth was more open; her mom's or her dad's.

"What is the meaning of this!" came her mothers squeaky voice cutting through the silence like a siren.

"What do YOU mean?", Abby shot back with more seriousness in her voice than she'd planned. "I smoke like you do so get over it. Also, I'm nineteen, I haven't killed anyone and besides, even if you say I can't, I will anyway. I'm sick and tired of you bullying and belittling me and dad. He works damn hard so you don't even have to go to work at all. And I do a hell of a lot of chores around here too in case you haven't noticed. I sweep, mop, vacuum, do the clothes, keep my room spotless, cook, clean up the dishes after dinner, the stove and a lot of other stuff. Me and dad deserve to be treated better and with respect!" she finished by emphasizing the last word by raising her voice.

Abby needed her next drag because she felt her need to calm down. It was hard and long but she managed not to cough and exhaled towards the ceiling partly through her nose and mouth to fully clear her lungs. She also immediately felt it's affects on her as her pussy moistened and her nipples protruded. Abby noticed too that her dad was staring a hole in her but her mother still stood gaping as though she'd been bitch slapped.

Not knowing where this was going, Abby was surprised at her mom's next statement. "You know what, fuck ya'll! I'm was going to my sister's house this Friday but I'm going to start my trip right now.

"Sure you're not going to someone else's house?" Abby asked. Her mom lost a good deal of her facial color for a minute but regained her composure just long enough to ask, "What in the fuck is that supposed to mean, you slutty-looking little cunt?"

After taking a drag on her cigarette, Abby had just enough control and courage to say, "Well, I heard you talking on the phone with another man the other day and I know it wasn't dad because I never heard you talk to dad like that since I was a kid. Sure you're not going to see him?" You could've heard a pin drop.

Abby's mom dropped her cigarette in the sink and said, "Why you fucking little meddling bitch!" and then rushed at her daughter with her finger nails bared. Her dad, who'd been calmly sitting by this whole time, suddenly rushed between them as Abby got up ready to tangle with her mom as well. He was a big man and caught both wife and daughter by the nape of their shirts with out stretched arms and easily held them apart. He wasn't the worse for wear though. Through their swearing and missed blows, both arms had quite a few scratches that drew blood.

"Now I've have quite enough with the both of you." he said but it went unheard. As they continued to flail, he shouted, "STOP AND CALM DOWN!". His voice boomed so loud that both stopped immediately in shock as they'd never heard him say anything over the level of normal conversation. Never letting go of his wife, he pulled Abby back to her sitting position in her chair, slowly let her go and said "Stay!" He walked his wife backwards to her position at the sink. "Now you stay," he said, "and listen to me carefully as I'm only going to say it once."

He never sat back down but withdrew only a couple of step so he could keep a eye on them and talk to them both at once. He looked at his wife and said, "I agree with Abby about the first thing she said in that we've both taken a lot of verbal abuse from you and that it's time to for it to stop and we won't take it any more. Understood!" which from him was more of a statement than a question.

"And from the second thing she said, if it's true, your behavior to us may be stopping on it's on accord. I'll talk to you further in private." She had no reply other than to just continue staring down at the floor.

"Now as for you young lady," he said to Abby, "I don't know what's gotten into you but you should've come to me about your beef with your mom. I could've taken this in a whole other direction with her myself but instead you've come in here and provoked her to the point of a fist fight which I will not stand for in this house, understood? Also, you'd better be 100% certain of your accusations about her because they are the subject of extremely serious consequences."

Abby started to speak but her mom spoke up first. "They're all true and I'm leaving now. Ya'll can fucking have it all and I won't be back." Without another word, she left the room and thirty minutes later she was out of door and gone forever. Abby's dad just sat down in a nearby chair with his head hanging and his heart broken. Abby pulled up a chair near him and they cried together for nearly an hour before going to bed.

The next several months were hell. The divorce, anger, should haves, would haves, could haves, etc. Lots of bitter emotions from both Abby and her dad separately and together. Abby withdrew to her room, to doing the housework or to her friend Sara's house. Her dad poured himself back into his business which was doing quite well despite his woes at home. It was still not a good Spring that year. Regardless, the two were managing to put the pieces back together again as summer approached.

Before Abby's semester ended, a boy from school asked her to their Jr./Sr. prom on a Friday night which she accepted. Her dad bought her an exquisite dress, hired a professional photographer and a limo. He also couldn't believe how stunning she looked in her prom dress as she came down the stairs. His mouth literally dropped open when she did a little curtsey before him. Tears welled up in his eyes as she gave him a kiss and told him thank you for all he'd done. He told her he'd be waiting up until she got home. "I hope you are." Abby said, smiled at the thought and was on her way.

When she got home around 11, Abby kissed her dad quickly on the lips, said thank you and went straight to her room to change into her night clothes which was simply a long tee shirt. When she came back downstairs with only her phone, cigarettes and lighter in tow, Abby asked her dad if she could get him something. "And me." she thought to herself. "A refill of my drink would be nice. You can have something too but not too strong." he answered.

"I want something strong," she thought "but it has nothing to do with liquor. Lick her maybe and a special kind of drink for me for sure. Ha. If he could only read my dirty little mind, he throw out of the house. Or on second thought, maybe not."

She put her stuff down on the end table near him, went to the liquor cabinet to refill his glass with ice and bourbon. Abby decided on a peppermint snaps and diet 7-Up. Mixing it stronger than she wanted, she poured it into a slightly larger glass and added more ice. She returned to their den and handed him his drink. He couldn't help but to notice her chest bounce a little as she walked in and that her hips swayed in an attractive way. She'd sure matured over her years without him almost noticing. She sat down by him in a love seat and lit up her cigarette. After a long drag and even longer thin upward exhale that he'd watched intently from start to finish, she said "Cheers." They clinked glasses and both had a good draught from their drinks.

They sat silent for a couple of minutes as she smoked. He noticed the rise in chest as she inhaled and that her nipples became very erect under her tee shirt. He also noticed that some her smoke would come out of her cute little nose as she exhaled which also turned him on. He felt a rise in his crotch and tried to avert his stare to other things. Abby noticed him watching her from her peripheral vision but continued smoking as though nothing was happening.

After her fourth swallow of her drink and with the nicotine kicking in, she felt her nipples stiffen and cunt become very wet. She also felt all tingly as though she was being slowly being lowered into a warm bath and noticed the bulge in his lounging pants. Smiling to herself, Abby was also getting high on the powerful affect she was having on her father. Abby thought too that power went both ways.

To break the tension, he asked "Well, how'd it go?" As he said it, he noted how much like her mother she looked not only from her features but in the way she smoked too. Just like a younger version so to speak. "Man where had time gone?" he though to himself. "One day she was a little girl and the next a grown woman."

"It went well. Dinner was great, the hall was gorgeous and the DJ was good too." Abby said. "Well? her dad asked pausing. "What?" Abby said almost exasperated. "Your date silly?" her dad continued. "Oh, he was ok. He was more immature than I'd imagined but he was courteous and acted like a gentlemen if that's what you mean. He had to as well. We picked up Sara and her date on the way to the prom since she lives right there. Hope you don't mind but I didn't want to waste the room in the limo. Sara said thanks you by the way and she owes you a big favor which she said you'd like very much when she pays you back one day soon." Abby finished.

"Tell her not to worry about paying me back anything and that I'm happy that she enjoyed it. Tell you what, I'll take you two out shopping tomorrow. Summer's is here and the pool is 80+ degrees."

Abby got up on wobbly knees and put out her cigarette in the ashtray. With the intent of leaning over and giving her dad a big hug to say thanks before going to bed but as she said "Thanks Dad." while leaning down, she toppled into his arms before he could get up.

"Whoops, some one is a little tipsy. Time for bed. Let me help you up."

Abby immediately responded with an "I'm sorry Dad. Just wanted to give you a hug." She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She could feel his hard cock throbbing under her exposed ass as she held tight. As she took in his cologne, his strength and masculinity, she had a massive orgasm. He felt her rock a couple of times on his erection, felt her grow totally stiff for about 15 seconds, shutter and then go completely limp. He simply continued to hold her while stoking her thin strawberry blonde hair for another couple of minutes.

Abby broke the silence with another, "I'm sorry Dad. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. It's all my fault." and she gently began to sob.

His calm and measured reply was, "Don't worry about it and don't cry because things like this can happen. I know we've both been under a lot of stress and probably most of my fault too. Things get built up and need to get released. I hate myself for saying it but that's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen you do."

"Really, Dad you're the greatest. That makes me feel a little better. Can you put me to bed?" He picked her up and carried her up stairs. While climbing them, he looked down to watch his steps and saw her naked cunt lips as her tee-shirt had slipped up above her waist to her around her belly button. "Damn, why shouldn't she have had panties on. I'll have to talk to her about that later. Just a few more steps." he thought. He rounded the corner to her room and gently put her down on her bed.

Abby on the other hand had felt her tee-shirt ride up and glanced down to see the same thing he did. She thought none other than she'd feign sleep to risk the embarrassment of pulling them down towards her knees. It thrilled her to know that the whole time that he'd carried her upstairs, he'd had a beautiful view of what she desired him to have in the first place. Though under the circumstances, it was just what she'd wanted albeit a little earlier in the evening before the booze hit her. When she touched the comforter of bed, she thought she'd been placed there on cloud by an angel.

"Stay with me Dad." she told him when he finally got her under the covers. With all his might, he resisted and told her that he was tired from a long days work and that they'd discuss things more in the morning. With that, Abby reached up and gave him a kiss on the lips not like that of a daughter but as a lover. His response was unusually slow. He recovered by saying "Good night my love." and closed the door as he left.. Abby smiled as she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

He got back to his room in a fog. He looked down at his crotch which was tented out and saw a wet spot which is where his daughter's cunt had been as she' cum in orgasm. A clearly defined wet spot which was nearly the outline of his erection was very evident. He rubbed his fingers on it and held it to his nose. His cock hardened again as he tried to banish the thought.

"That much cloth held us apart as he thought of the thin material of his pajama pants. "Just that much. I don't know if a plate of steel could keep us apart if there's a next time."

But as always, the morning comes calling and clearer heads are in recollection of last night's activities for better or worse. "The sober dawn awakens a different man." as the saying goes. His thoughts were, "I can't believe that we almost..." Abby's thoughts were, "It's not if but when..."

Breakfast between the two was almost as normal as ever. He'd taken aspirin and she'd taken Tylenol, each for head aches more than anything else. Each had slept long past their normal waking hour of 5 and 6am respectively. It was nearly 10:15 when he'd asked her if she'd told Sara about him taking them shopping that afternoon. "Shit, I'm glad you reminded me. I'll text her." And with blinding speed as he'd put it, a text was sent, received and accepted from Sara in a matter of about 20 seconds. "Kids these days." he thought.

They both showered and were ready at 1:00 o'clock. He'd dressed in kaki shorts, a polo shirt and sandals and headed down the hall to see if Abby was ready. As he approached the door which was open about 4 inches, he reached up to knock and suddenly stopped in shock as he looked in. She was sitting at her vanity mirror in the nude and smoking one of her long cigarettes applying her lipstick.

He watched her take a long drag and perform a French Inhale. He marveled as a thick ball of smoke hung just inside her pouty lips then perfectly curl up into her nose. Then with a sharp inhale, the ball disappeared. Then as Abby exhaled a thin fine stream against the mirror, a brief second passed as she finished with a nasal exhale like a slow foggy waterfall between her breasts. His cock was like a rock as he gazed at the perfect outline of her tits tipped with very erect nipples nearly 1/2 inch long atop her 34C cups. It was the second most beautiful he'd ever seen her do.

What he didn't know was that she was sitting on a cum soaked towel with a mini vibrator happily buzzing away in her virgina as she came through her third orgasm thinking of him. Timing was everything she though as her peripheral vision watched him back away from the door.

He backed off ashamed of himself at his invasion of her privacy. But dammit if she wasn't as pretty and sexy as her asshole mother. Now what was he going to do with a hard-on that wouldn't go away. He couldn't get those images of her out of his head now or ever.

Hurrying downstairs, he entered the laundry and closed the door behind him. He had to have some relief and looking down, the first thing he saw were a pair of Abby's panties. He picked them up and looked at them carefully to see that they were only slightly outlined where her discharge was. Sniffing it first, he then wrapped them around his iron hard 7" member and began stoking. As worked up as he was, this wouldn't take long. After stoke number 10, two things happened. His cum gave way and he faintly heard Abby call his name.

"Fuuuucccckkkkk." he groaned trying his best not to be heard. He quickly balled up her cum soaked panties and threw them back on the pile. "Damn, she dresses fast." he thought. He'd have to start the wash before they left but for now, they'd have to wait. He quietly opened the laundry room door and peered out and didn't see her. Good. He walked out and into the kitchen. Not seeing her there, he called out, "Abby?"

"Oh there you are." she said from the den as he approached her. She was dressed in a deep purple kami top with spaghetti straps that came down to just above her naval. It was fairly low cut and her nipples were visible. He felt a small shutter run through his cock which surged again dripping cum from his previously and nearly interrupted ejaculation.

Abby continued with "Hey, Sara said she be ready in about 15 minutes."

"Great. I think I'll do some laundry then." he said as he looked back in that direction. When he did, Abby looked down and saw his cum spot at the bottom of the head of dick that was clearly outlined in his shorts that was about the size of half dollar. Quickly looking back up as he turned back to face her Abby said, "I'll do the laundry. You might need to change your shorts first."

He looked down to see what Abby had seen and his face turned red. "Uh, ok." was all he could say. "Don't worry about it. As you said, things get build up and need to be released." He face reddened further. "Uh, sorry..." Abby strode past him saying "Hurry Dad, Sara will be here any minute."

Remembering her panties and thinking quickly, he said, "Hey, I can do laundry when we get back. Could you go and make me fruit shake for the road while I go change?" The way he said it gave her pause. "Sure. Why not?" "Thanks." and he proceeded up the stairs.

Now her that her curiosity was peaked about why he seemed so intent on doing the laundry so bad, she went there first. Looking down the first thing she saw was her panties balled up in a wad. She picked them up noticing that they appeared to be wet. With the tips of her fingers, she unfolded them as long strands of cum clung to each other. Over come with lust, she felt her pussy gush. "He came in my panties. Ha. Bet my little smoky makeup show did the trick." She held them close and smelled his scent. She resisted the thought of masturbating again right there using her cum soaked panties but resisted. She had a shake to make and dropped the panties back onto the pile. "That man."

The ride to an upscale shopping center in town was as uneventful as he'd planned. Abby insisted that they take his black convertible Corvette. With the top down and Abby sitting in the middle, the three made quite a sight as Sara shared her cigarette with Abby who had her left arm draped around her dad's shoulders and her breast pressed into his arm. Sitting that close to two smoking and hot looking females with one nearly glued to him was having an affect on his cock which totally failed to obey his mental commands.

Abby noticing his erection nudged Sara in her side and glanced her dad's way. They came to stop 1st in line at red light and Sara coyly looked over. She took a very deep drag on her cigarette and exhaled at the dash board nearly filling the inside of the car before handing it over to Abby who did the same. He raced away from the red light when it turned green where all were pressed back in their seats accept Abby who almost fell backwards into the storage compartment.

"Whoa Dad. You don't won't to lose me." Abby laughed as she rearranged herself. "Take your time." "Yeah, I'm having a great time. Aren't you?" Sara chided Abby's dad when they'd slowed down ahead in traffic. "Just wanted to give you little ladies a thrill I guess." he said.

He dawdled around behind them as they walked through the stores as they shopped for clothes, shoes and some costume jewelry. Taking a break after an hour or so, they decided on a light lunch at an open air Italian bistro. He ordered a couple of imported beers while the girls had a generous glass of wine offered by their waitress. Upon their second glass of wine, she glanced at him and winked at them as to say, "You lucky ladies." They giggled between themselves as she left leaving him slightly amiss.

"What's so funny?" he said. "Oh nothing," Sara and continued with "I think our waitress thinks you're handsome." "I think it's time to get going. Think you said there are a couple more shops you'd like to visit and though I've just eaten, I'm already thinking about some steaks I'm grilling for supper tonight." "Great. What time is dinner?" Sara asked.

"Oh, I thought I'd be eating alone. You two don't have dates? It's Saturday night you know."

"Yes, we know and no, we don't have dates." Sara said. "Uh Dad," Abby said, "I forgot to ask but I forgot to ask but would it be ok for Sara to stay over tonight?" "Fine by me." he said. "Ready to get going?"

"Oh wait.." Sara begged. "We've got a little more wind and I want to smoke a cigarette before we go. Please?" "Ok but it's almost 4 already." "Thanks." Sara said. "Do you mind?" Abby said as she took out her cigarette. "Sure." he said.

While to the two smoked, he intentionally turned his attention to gazing around the courtyard as if uninterested in what they were doing but his cock had other ideas. He dropped his hand in his lap to cover us his tenting shorts again. Good thing too as a pair of nipples on each of the girls became even more visible.

Sara noticed his predicament first and was drawing hard on her cigarette starring at him as his gaze shifted around. Abby noticing Sara kicked her lightly under the table to get her attention. Sara mouthed the word "what?" and Abby mouthed the words "Stop starring at him". Sara rolled her eyes and smiled as she exhaled a long thin stream of smoke in his direction though he continued to stare away from them.

"Ready when you are." Abby said putting out her cigarette and chugging the rest of her wine. Sara did the same to the great relief of her dad. "Two more stores and we're done." he said in a deep mocking voice. "Yes sir, we promise." Sara said giggling.

The next store was swimwear. "Want to join us? Abby said. "No. You go ahead and I'll hang around out here. Off with you now." The two entered and picked out two new bikinis that left little to the imagination. Abby got a red one and Sara picked out blue. The two exited with tiny bags for each as the bikinis came in a small cylinder that would easily fit in one's hand. "Though you were going in for bathing suits?" he said. "We did." Sara said taking hers out showing him the tiny package it came in. He blushed and said "Oh."

The last store was a well known lingerie store. "Sure you don't want to come in with us? Sara teased. "Absolutely not. I'm a gentlemen and would never dare." "We'll see about that." Sara retorted. As they entered, he gazed at the window displays of women mannequins as thought how shameless advertising had become. And to think that his daughter and her friend were in there now. "Who and what were they buying in there for anyway?"

The girls on the other hand had other ideas and each bought a pair of heels that would have been in place in a high-dollar strip club along with a matching baby doll outfit and the other a dominatrix outfit, thongs, stockings and bustier which completed their order. These left nothing to the imagination. The female attendant whistled at the two while they paraded around inside after trying them on. Abby who was already turned on by her reflection in the mirror smiled at her saleswoman who said "Somebody is going to a happy man or woman tonight." Sara looked around at her and said with a laugh, "You can be fucking sure about that." A credit card was swiped and the two were on their way home and he dared not even ask a single question on the way home.

He marinated the steaks, put them in the frig, blew off the decks, lit and cleaned the grill and skimmed the pool. In the warm glow of the late afternoon sunset, the patio and pool lights came on automatically. He set the hot tub to 96 degrees and poured himself an expensive double bourbon on the rocks from the outside bar. He kicked back in a lounger with his drink and one of his favorite Honduran cigars as the he felt the affect of both kick in. Looking around, he thought about what he had and though life wasn't perfect, it wasn't bad either. His inward bliss lasted only another moment though as the glass doors to from the den opened and two bikini clad girls walked through them onto the patio where he was. Things changed fast and he'd have to adjust, again.

While he was outside prepping for the evening, the girls had gone upstairs to try on their things from the days shopping. Abby got into teddy and heels first. She came out of the bathroom to see Sara totally naked by her bed looking through what she'd bought. Abby opened her window and lit a cigarette. "So, how do I look?" she asked Sara. Turning around Sara said, "Shit you look absolutely totally hot and fuckable." Abby's nipples and areoles were clearly visible as was her bald pussy lips through the very sheer fabric. "Thanks. Same to you. Almost forgot what you looked like nude."

Abby drew hard on her cigarette and was about to exhale when Sara took another step closer and gave her a deep French kiss. Abby responded by pushing her tongue back and exhaled through her nose. When Sara broke her kiss, Abby said, "What was that for?" "I felt like it. Got any other questions?" "Eat me." was Abby's reply. Sara took Abby's hand and pulled it to her cunt. Abby immediately felt the dripping wetness of her friend. Sara took Abby's hand, brought it to her mouth and licked her fingers. Sara repeated the move wiping Abby's hand through her juices again and brought it up to Abby's mouth who licked her own fingers clean. Sara took a drag from Abby's cigarette and kissed her again as she exhaled. Abby said, "Fuck, eat me now." and Sara licked Abby though three orgasms and Abby returned the favor by licking Sara through two of her own. "Bikini time." Sara said.

"There you are Dad." Abby said. "Well, what do think of our new bikinis?" His mouth hung slightly agape as he tried to form an intellectual reply. "Uh, wow, uh, they look great." was all he could stammer. "Can't believe how, ummm, all grown up ya'll look. I mean..." "Go get your swim suit on and join us." Sara said. "Well, uh, I'm about to cook." he replied. "That can wait. Turn off the grill and go change." "Ok." he said knocking back the rest of his drink.

When he'd gone, Abby asked Sara if she thought what they wearing was a little too much or way too little as the case may have been. Sara said "Are you fucking crazy! Did you see the look on his face! I thought he was going to drop his drink and swallow his cigar." Abby burst out in laughter to the point of tears. Sara walked over and picked up his cigar and took a couple of drags on it. "Hmmm, not bad. Sexy even. I heard some men have a fetish for women smoking cigars. Cigarettes too but you never know."

She handed it to Abby who drew in a light drag and exhaled. "Smooth but I think I'll stay with my cigarettes." "Good choice." Sara replied. "Hey, think he'll mind if we have one of his drinks?" Abby said, "I don't know but as they say, it's easier asking forgiveness than permission." and they each poured themselves a bourdon and coke. They lit up a cigarette and were chatting away when he came back out.

While he was upstairs, he couldn't get over what those two looked like. Their bikinis barely covered their tits and rode way up their asses. Camel toes could easily be seen and to just think of what they'd look like after they got wet from swimming. His cock was throbbing. "Shit, now what am I going to do? Can't go down there with a hard on sticking out. I know." He put on his swim trunks and peeked out. Still quite. He walked down the hall and peeked in Abby's room. Clothes were strewn about the room. "Don't know who's panties these are but they'll do. They were actually Sara's and smelled heavily of female discharge. He wrapped them around his cock and with the visions of those two bikini clad girls in his head, he exploded rope after rope of cum in them. He balled them up and went back to his bedroom and put them in a wastebasket by his bed and then made his way back outside.

"Hey you two. I can't leave you alone for a minute. Now your are into my best bourbon to boot." "Ah, please Dad?" Abby said. "They aren't strong and we mixed it with coke." "Ok but don't even think of leaving this house again tonight." "We promise." Sara said with in best little pouty voice. He made himself another drink, picked up his cigar and said, "Looks like someone has been trying my cigar too." "Well..., we were just little curious." Sara said. "Think we like the bourdon better though." "Figures."

Feeling better by the minute, the three smoked and drank in silence for a few more minutes before Abby said, "I see you have the hot tub going too. Great. Let's go swimming first though." and they brought their imbibements to the pool.

The girls were the first in. He lagged behind getting some towels from the shower room near the patio. He returned to see them talking low to each other. They stopped their little private chat when he neared the pool. The water was warm as he climbed in and eased over their way.

"Dad," Abby asked, "when was the last time you had a date?

"Oh, I don't know. Not since you mom left. Lady from the office and I went out one night. Why?" he said.

Abby paused then said, "Well, you know Sara and I have been thinking about some things and one is that we'd like to show you our appreciation for the prom and taking us shopping today."

"Think nothing of it but what does that have to do with me having a date?" he said.

"Oh, well, uh, if you were involved with another woman, we didn't want to have getting the wrong idea."


"Uh, you know, like if Sara and I wanted to give you, uh, like a message or something."

"Well, no, I'm not serious about anyone right now so I don't think that'd be a problem but it really isn't necessary."

"Yeah, well we'll see about that." Abby said moving behind him and messaging his shoulders. "Just relax."

He sunk to his knees with his head just about the water. Her hands felt great as she kneaded between his shoulder blades up to his neck and his cock was back to full erection. Sara moved behind Abby and lightly kissed her on the nape of her neck and reaching around, caressed her tits teasing her nipples which went into overdrive. Abby let out a faint low moan. He thought he'd heard something as he felt Abby's grip grow firm and said, "What are you two up to?"

"Can't tell you. You'll have to guess." Sara said teasingly and moved back into his view.

Now that the girls were in front and behind him, he felt like he was a bloody fish and two sharks were swimming around him sizing up their meal. To top it off, they all were standing in about 4 feet of water and their wet bathing suit were hiding even less since they were wet. Nipple and areolas seemed to watching him like eyes that were on him from every angle.

Feeling like walls were closing in on him, he said, "How about another drink and the hot tub? I'll be along in a little bit. I've got to get the grill going again."

"Ok." Abby replied and she and Sara left the pool. He noted that Abby's nipples were way out there and wondered what'd gotten her so excited. That pool water wasn't that cold. He felt his almost painful erection finally subsiding after a bit and was relieved. He got out of the pool, dried off a bit joined the girls on the patio where they were smoking and talking in low voices again.

"Here Dad." Abby said handing him his drink. "Just the way you like it." "Thanks. Now how do like your steaks?" he asked.


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Seduce Aunt

Hi everybody, I am great fan of ISS. This site has helped me to fulfill my dream. This is real story. I am Sandip 26 years old. I am basically from Kolkata am 5’8”, brown complexion and average built. I am in buisness. I love ladies having nice boobs and butt. This incident took place last year in the month of November at Kolkata.This story is about my sexy aunty (mother’s sister-in-law). Her name is Varsha. I had a great sex fantasy towards my sexyyyyyyyyy auntyyyy when I was in 10th class....

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Daughter and friends blindfold Dad

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Neighbour Aunty Nude Bath Seduce

Hai friends, I am rajan from Pondicherry. I have earlier written my first sexual encounter with my aunty few months ago. I have received marvelous response from the readers. With that inspiration I am going to write another real incident which happened a year back and also continuing now. As stated in the previous encounter, I like much to see the women bathing which makes me more excited than even seeing them fucking. Now I and my wife are living in the town street (I don’t want to mention...

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Girlfriend Ki Bua Doctor Ne Seduce Kiya Aur Chudwai

Hi friends, starting with my introduction I am Rohit (name changed) a B.Tech final yr student from Chennai(basically from Karnataka) age is 25,ht 176 cm,wt 67 with flat stomach. I was suffering from fever,so went to a near by clinic which was small but neat and well furnished. Bus bhout hogai angrezi Waha mai dr bharti se mila, unhone mujhe kuch tablets diye aur rest karne ko kaha.Next day jab utha toh mujhe kafi acha feel ho raha tha toh maine college jana start kiya. Kuch 4 din bad fir wahi...

2 years ago
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Male teen his friend and his friendrsquos dad

That night, after having seen my friend Jon’s dad pleasure himself, it was all I could think of. (my post, “Male teen watches his friend’s dad masturbate”) I was staying at their house for the week and as I layed awake on the floor of my friend’s room, the image of that big, thick, hairy cock spilling out its thick, white creamy cum haunted me. Every teen boy knows the overwhelming sexual drive at comes with puberty, and I was no different. Curiosity and the sights and sounds of watching his...

2 years ago
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I seduce my neighbour

My mother, truth be told had not really put a lot of effort into raising me. I think she partly blamed me for the fact that my father had left her as Thissoon as she had got pregnant with me. Anyway, she frequently told me she was too young to just be a mother, and as a young woman apparently "she had her needs".Every weekend it was obvious what those needs were as from a relatively young age she would leave me at home, coming home invariably with some guy and then fucking the guy without any...

4 years ago
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A Nice way to seduce girls 1

I am Ravi Prakash from Bangalore. 26 years of age and medium built. Well…to start the story I am working here in Bangalore from the past 3 years, and this story was happened about 1 and half years back! At that time I was staying alone and desperately searching for a girl to make myself comfortable staying alone here in a far away place from my home town. One day I wanted to recharge to my mobile and went to nearby shop. That shop was a Std booth and I found a stunningly beautiful girl there....

3 years ago
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My Friend And I Seduced My Wife 8211 Part 1

I was a professional engineer. My friend and ex-colleague Anil, was a smart 33 years young chap same as I and a very close friend of mine. Anil had athletic body and was really handsome. We enjoyed sexy jokes and had a secret desire to share our wives. My wife Neena, is very attractive. After seven years of marriage she had lost interest in sex. During sex in the night with my wife, I kept speaking to her of my friends craving for her. Whenever I mentioned Anil’s name, although she reacted with...

3 years ago
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My Best Friend James8217 Dad

Hello people.Greetings of the day .This is Raj from Goa. I have always wanted to speak my heart out about my real sex story and yeah I guess today I will share it out with you guys.You could sure get back to me on my email id Looking forward to make some great friends. Well to begin with I would like to tell you guys about me. This incident goes way back to the time when I was a kid.I had just hit puberty with a trail of moustache beginning to sprout above my lips, a 18 year old cute guy...

Gay Male
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Daughters friend calls him Daddy

He watched his full seven inches slide into the teen's cunny beneath him. The sight of his thick member sliding into such a tight hole made him even stiffer and he shoved it into her extra hard, rocking her body and making her squeal as her tits bounced back and forth. In and out, he fed her horny wet puss the meat it craved. "Oh, Mr. Jones," was her horny moan as he picked up speed. She relished the sensation of his balls rubbing up against her asshole while he pumped his stiff erection in and...

4 years ago
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Make a Little Wager I win you let me Seduce your

Recently my wife Tracey ran into an old college friend of mine, actually a girl, and the two of them hit it off. While that in itself might not seem bad, I've tried to distance myself from college and some of the friends who knew my girlfriend and I at the time.Lynn and I started dating in the last semester at N.C. State and after graduation we both stayed in Raleigh. I was from there anyway and Lynn was from Charleston. I was not Lynn's first lover nor was she mine, but neither of us was...

4 years ago
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Seduce Attempt Of Tamil Maid Part 2

Hi guys this is tamil payyan (name changed for privacy). This is my second part of the story “seduce attempt of tamil maid”. Few days passed and ofcourse my ass feeling towards suganthi also increased. And I started my plan. Suganthi came to my room. I lied on my bed and doing some silly things on my phone. She said thamby bed sheet mathanum knjm elunthiru (i.E.)( brother I should change the bedsheet please stand up).I left from my bed simultaneously she also coming to remove the bed sheet in...

2 years ago
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Daughter Seduced Father

Hi, I am Rucha from Mumbai, working one of the good firm after completing my master’s degree. I am now 24 year old, 5.7 feet tall, very fair complexion, black long silky hair. I have figure of 38 33 35 and looking sexy and hot. During the hostel life, when studying , we used to have sexual fun like touching or pressing or kissing with room mate with cloths or without. We used to watch porn on our mobile as well. But no male touch so far. I like to be well dressed and try to presenting my body...

2 years ago
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Daughter seduces hardworking dad to get more attention from him

It seemed to me that my father was always too busy to pay attention to me. He seemed to stay at his computer all day, not doing anything but staring at his business spreadsheet. You see he was an accountant, and ran his business from home. I needed to find a way to get his attention. Momma was long gone, having run away with the guy next door. And I could hardly even think about her without a feeling little hostility. There was never any thought of custody. Dad had raised me from the...

4 years ago
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My Best Friends Dad

“I’m 18, and a senior at a parochial high school. I have a boyfriend. We’ve been with each other since I was 15. I actually lost my virginity to him.He is a year older than me. He graduated last year from public school. I love him so much. He’s always been good to me. He likes my friends, and Ilike his. I friended a new girl at our school. She was from out of state. I kinda felt bad for her. I just figured it would be so hard for me to leave the kids that I grew up with only one year left...

3 years ago
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How to seduce your daddy

Let me preface this tutorial by saying that fucking your daddy is illegal in the United States. In the state of New York it is a felony with a maximum penalty of four years in prison. So go to France where fucking your daddy is not illegal if you are an adult. The rules of this How-To Contest say, “We will not accept How-To submissions that teach people how to do acts that are illegal in the United States.” So let me emphasize, I am NOT talking about your REAL daddy. No, I am talking about your...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Ritu ko Seduce Kar K Choda

Hi I’m Pankaj aaj apko sunane ja raha mere gf Ritu k sath pehlee chudaii. Ritu ek gao ki ladki hai vo mere gf colg me bani pehlee hum sirf baaten karte thae clg me ghumtee thae ek din me osko apne ghar le aya Mere ghar koi ni hota day me because mum n dad dono job karte hai. Toh first time humne baate kii and kissing ki hor kuch ni then v decided k har Wednesday hum mere ghar aaege next Wednesday hum aae again kissing hui bus. Next Wednesday mene kising k sath oske moomee bhe dabaee vo mana...

3 years ago
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Wendy seducer of youth

Wendy, seducer of youth First a brief description of the lady, she is a white American, five feet six tall, auburn hair, brown sparkling eyes, she weighs an attractive 129lb`s has 34c tits a slim 29inch waist and a delectably smack able 36inch arse, though the odd spank is all that she allows as anal turns her completely off, however she keeps her Jack and Danny waxed and trimmed, Her hubby is Trevor and he works away a fair bit, and though a good man at home and in bed, he`s never quite been...

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