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Eighteen-year-old Ella was living with forty-three-year-old Mrs L whilst at university. Mrs L was an old friend of her mum’s who had moved a couple of years earlier to the university town and was happy to give Ella a home whilst at university to save the cost of rent.

Ella was doing a design project and did a search for cane furniture. Plenty of images of cane furniture came up on the search, but also a few school canes. Ella, first of all, laughed when she saw the canes, and then, when she continued the search, she found several bare bottoms with red welts across them, clearly having been caned. They weren’t the pictures that Ella was looking for, but, as she saw more and more of them, she dwelled on them longer and longer. 

Ella had never been caned, so wasn’t sure why she found looking at some of the pictures of girls caned bottoms so thought-provoking, but realised that her vagina was quivering more and more as she looked at the pictures. 

One image got her particular notice. It was of a girl she reckoned was own age, bent over a table clutching both sides, with her dress raised to above her waist and her knickers lowered to her thighs, and there was a woman she reckoned was Mrs L’s age standing there with a cane. What was obvious was that the girl had already received several strokes of the cane. There was a caption, being a thought from the girl, which said, ‘I don’t understand. It hurts so much, but I’m also so wet?’

Ella was giving that photograph some serious thought and realised that her finger was running up and down her knickers along her pussy lips and she was wondering what it would be like to be caned. Even after realising what she was doing, she didn’t stop until she brought herself to a massive orgasm.

After changing her knickers, Ella went downstairs checking whether Mrs L might have heard her erotic gasps, but nothing was said. Soon afterwards they had supper and were chatting happily, although Ella was still thinking about that captioned picture, whilst also knowing that Mrs L had been a headmistress at the local sixth form college before moving and wondered if she had ever caned any of the students.

So, pretty much out of the blue, Ella asked, “Mrs L, did you ever cane any of your students?”

Mrs L was clearly taken aback by the question, although now supposed that hearing Ella masturbate just before she came downstairs must have something to do with the question and replied, “Yes, Ella, it was part of my job to instill discipline and encourage hard work the cane was deemed a good implement for both reasons.”

Ella couldn’t stop herself and was wide-eyed as she asked, “Was it an incentive for the students to do better, or was it just a punishment?”

Mrs L again smiled as she replied, “Well, it starts off as a punishment, but pretty soon becomes an incentive. It was quite a high percentage of girls who I only had to cane the once and that shows what an incentive it was to behave properly.”

Ella felt herself blushing as she asked tentatively, “Do you think any students got themselves caned on purpose?”

Mrs L saw that Ella was blushing and knew this was a serious discussion that she wanted. “Actually, Ella, there were a small number who seemed to get double detentions and were caned several times.” After a few moments, when she saw Ella deep in thought, she asked, “So, have you ever been caned, Ella?”

Ella blushed an even deeper red as she replied, “No, no, I haven’t. I nearly was once, but got away with it.”

Mrs L pressed Ella as she asked: “Do you think with you it was more just for punishment, or would it have been an incentive to, say, work harder?”

Ella couldn’t help thinking about that captioned image as the discussion progressed and knew she was blushing as she replied, “I suppose it would have been a bit of both.”

Mrs L wondered if it was an invitation by Ella to be disciplined, and pressed a bit further with, “Well, Ella, would it help if next time I have to tell you off I give you that incentive is well? As you know, I do have a cane in my cupboard upstairs.” 

Ella knew about the cane, mainly because she had found it by accident and was looking at it when Mrs L came into the room. Ella understood the threat and said, with a wicked grin, “I suppose it would tell me whether it would work.”

Mrs L and Ella joked a bit more about it, but then Ella saw the time and said urgently, “Hey, Mrs L, I need to get changed as I have to go out pretty soon.”

Ella went and got changed into a pink vest top and white mini skirt and came back downstairs looking innocent but then, quite intentionally, bent over and Mrs L could see that instead of her normal bikini knickers she was wearing a thong. 

Mrs L saw the thong and said sternly, “You can’t go out with that thong on, Ella. I’ve told you that before.”

Ella had fully intended Mrs L seeing her thong and stood up and said intentionally sounding indignant, “All the girls wear them, Mrs L,” and saw Mrs L was looking cross, and said, now smirking, “Well, all except for Lucy, because her mum doesn’t let her.” Ella didn’t know a Lucy and made up the story on purpose. “That time Lucy’s mum saw her wearing a thong, and she refused to change, her mum made her go out into the garden and cut three switches, prepare them, and then made her pull her skirt up but leave her thong knickers up as her mum thrashed her with the switches. We all had a good look that evening.” Ella stopped for a moment to see Mrs L’s reaction and, deciding she was taking the story seriously, added, “Lucy now has lots of rules to obey and she gets spanked when she breaks any of them.” As soon as Ella said it, she wondered why she had added that as an additional lie because it could open the floodgates. Still, it was too late to take back the comment, so she just waited to see Mrs L’s reaction.

Mrs L knew Ella was lying about this made-up Lucy but reckoned it was linked to the questions about the cane, so, taking on her headmistress persona, she said sternly, “Well, Ella, that sounds like a remarkably good thing to have happened to Lucy. I doubt she had worn the thing since, nor breaks the rules set for her.”

Ella wasn’t sure what to say and replied sounding uncertain, “Not too often, anyway.”

Mrs L was now pretty sure she knew why Ella had worn the thong knickers and was ready to give her what she wanted. So, she said sternly, “I think that you need be taught a lesson like Lucy, so I will cane you on your bottom so that if anyone sees your thong knickers, they will also see the cane welts. So, go upstairs and bring me the cane. You know where it is.”

Whilst Ella started the discussion because she wanted to be caned, she was suddenly worried about the pain and hesitated following the instruction to get the cane.

Mrs L pressed Ella to see if she begged not to be caned, in which case she wouldn’t, but wanted to make sure Ella got whatever she wanted and so continued to assume the caning should happen and ordered, “I’m reckoning on six strokes, Ella, but if you delay bringing me the cane by more than a minute from now that will go up to eight strokes and then could easily go up to more than that.” She then glared at Ella in her best headmistress look to see whether Ella would back down or not.

Ella licked her lips and certainly wasn’t used to being spoken to in such a stern tone. However, it was exactly what was needed for her to react and she turned and quickly walked out of the room, went upstairs and into Mrs L’s bedroom. She went to the cupboard, opened it, grabbed the cane from the top shelf, and then made her way quickly back downstairs.

Mrs L smiled to herself at the speed with which Ella was suddenly moving. It reminded her so much of how she would deal with the naughty students at college that she had to discipline, threatening more strokes if they resisted her instructions. So, as Ella came back into the room and held the cane out to her, she took it, still glaring, and then ordered, “So, you have come back quickly enough so that it will be six strokes. Now lift your skirt up above your waist and lower your knickers to your thighs and go and bend over the dining table and grasp hold of each side as far up as you can.”

Ella knew that was exactly as she had described what made-up Lucy had to do and quickly stepped across the room to the end of the table, seeing that the chairs had already been moved away, presumably by Mrs L when she had gone to get the cane. She quickly yanked her skirt up above her waist, and pushed her knickers down, both as instructed, and then bent over and grabbed hold of the sides of the table as far up as she could. 

Mrs L shook her head in wonder as she watched Ella prepare herself to be caned, but knew it wouldn’t do any harm, just as it didn’t do the students at college any long-term harm when she caned them.

Ella was suddenly very worried about the pain that she reckoned she was about to suffer, although also realised that her vagina was quivering in anticipation. She couldn’t quite get her head around how come she had such mixed feelings of both anxiety and anticipation, but what she did know was that she was going to get the experience that she had wanted since she saw that captioned picture.

Mrs L knew that she would be right to give Ella hard cane strokes and suspected that Ella would cry and beg for her to stop, but she wouldn’t, just as she didn’t when the college students cried out with the pain and kept apologising. It would all be part of the experience Ella wanted, she told herself.

Mrs L positioned herself behind Ella and rubbed the cane from side to side across her bottom to make sure, just as she did when at college, that she was positioned so that the end of the cane landed wholly on the far bottom cheek and not on thin air to ensure the maximum pain. She could also see that the thong was now pretty much a wedgie and was clearly going to offer no protection whatsoever. 

Ella was getting more and more concerned as the cane was rubbed across her bottom, but also wetter and still didn’t understand why.

Just to add to the punishment, Mrs L said sternly, “If you get up before I tell you it will be one extra stroke each time. I don’t give any second chances, so each stroke only counts when I have given it and you have stayed in position the whole time until the next stroke. Make no mistake about that, Ella.”

Ella was now taking stuttering breaths and gasped when she heard how she would earn extra strokes, as the anticipation and anxiety were now turning solely to worry. Why did she ask to be caned, she now asked herself? However, at the same time, her vagina was quivering, so the anticipation was still there, she realised. She also knew that her nipples were taut and she was feeling pretty much as she did when starting to use her vibrator when in bed. It all confused her, but the captioned image returned to her mind and that convinced her that she needed to know the answer to her quandary. 

Mrs L rubbed the cane back and forth a few more times, knowing that whilst it would help Ella settle down it would also make her more worried. Eventually, though, she did pull her arm back, focused on Ella’s bottom, and whipped the cane down so it landed halfway down her bottom cheeks and heard the loud gasp knowing that the pain was cascading around her bottom even as she watched the red welt appear. 

Ella gasped as the cane bit into her bottom and the pain was far worse than she had imagined. It was all very well the girl in the captioned photograph saying it hurt, but she was still aroused, but as it hurt that much how could she be aroused? Ella was still thinking that as the second stroke bit into her bottom and the pain was even greater than the first stroke. However, she reminded herself desperately to clasp hold of the sides of the table to make sure that she didn’t get up as she now really didn’t want to earn any extra strokes. She still managed to keep a hold of both sides of the table as the third stroke bit into a bottom and the pain was even greater.

Between each stroke, Mrs L rubbed the cane several times from side to side across Ella’s bottom. She knew that whilst this did give some respite, it also increased the tension for the person being caned. She had questioned several students at the college who she had caned, and learnt from those questions how to maximise the punishment, both in terms of pain and giving the student the time between strokes to tell herself not to be naughty again. With Ella, she saw how she clasped hold of the table after each stroke showing she didn’t want to earn any more strokes, but also how she yelped as her head was thrown backwards and was then shaken from side to side, together with hissing in and out through clenched teeth, all told Mrs L that Ella was suffering from the pain and that it was teaching her a lesson.

Of course, Mrs L also knew that Ella had deliberately earned the caning and she wanted to make sure that she suffered properly so that she understood the true impact. She knew that Ella was basically a very well-behaved girl and if this helped in some new discovery of erotic feelings, then so be it. 

When Mrs L saw that Ella had settled down again after each stroke she pulled her arm back and whipped the cane down once again, watching both bottom cheeks surrender so easily and then bounce back out and swirl around as the cane was pulled back up. Once again, Ella’s yelp and hissed breathing was evidence that she was struggling more and more to cope, but Mrs L didn’t yet know if this would end her desire to be caned or reinforce it.

Ella’s mind was full of opposing thoughts. As the cane bit into her bottom each time so she yelped and cried out and found it so hard to deal with the pain, whilst making sure she hung onto the table so that she didn’t earn any more strokes. However, as she felt the cane rubbed from side to side and her bottom stung, she focused on the quivering of her vagina and loved the feeling of submission and loss of control knowing that Mrs L was in charge. In those few moments between each stroke, she again pictured in her mind the captioned image and understood more and more how it was so true that what was such a dreadful amount of pain could also be so erotic and arousing.

Of course, quite naturally, as the cane bit into her bottom for the next stroke, all those feelings of distress and wonder as to how she could possibly have wanted to be caned engulfed her again, only for the feelings of arousal to return even more strongly as the cane was once again rubbed from side to side across her increasingly intensely stinging bottom.

Mrs L had so much experience in caning students, and reflected on those few who did seem to come back time and again to be caned. In fact, she had told her secretary to follow one of the girls afterwards, and she reported back that the girl went straight to the toilets and into a cubicle and moments later let out very loud erotic gasps as she clearly came. Even so, that girl earned another double detention the following week, and even though she was given nine strokes instead of six, she again went to the toilets, and again climaxed, and two weeks later returned for another caning.

So, Mrs L understood what Ella might well be thinking, and, if she really did want to be caned again, she would willingly impose a set of rules and enforce them strictly, which could give Ella exactly what she wanted. As she thought that thought, she raised the cane and brought it down for the sixth stroke, which she made sure was the hardest so far, and, as the red welt quickly developed, she heard Ella let out a sob which she was confident would be followed by tears dribbling down her face. So, it wasn’t any surprise to see those tears when she ordered, “Get up, Ella, your caning it is over.” As Ella got up, so Mrs L saw the tears dribbling down Ella’s face and wondered what Ella would want to do now her caning was over.

As Ella pushed herself up from the table so her hands rushed to her stinging bottom and she started to rub feverishly, stepping from foot to foot, unable to stop. She looked at Mrs L, who was now just a blur telling Ella that her eyes were tear-filled, so she looked in the direction of Mrs L and said a weepy, “I am sorry, Mrs L. I’ll go and change out of the thong.”

Mrs L thought differently and ordered, “Oh no, Ella. You are going to keep the thong knickers on, so, like your friend Lucy, if you bend over anyone behind you will see the red welts and know you have been caned. Now, go upstairs to the bathroom and tidy yourself up, and re-do your make-up, and then come back downstairs. As you are late, I will drive you to where ever you are going.”

Ella hadn’t even thought about her make-up, so, thankful that Mrs L pointed it out, she quickly turned and left the room, going upstairs and into her bathroom. She looked in the mirror and gasped because she saw her make-up streaming down her face because of the tears. She also turned and looked at her bottom in the mirror and saw the six red welts, and gasped again. She ran her fingers along the welts wondering once again how come she had wanted to be caned, but, almost subconsciously, her other hand eased inside her knickers and along her pussy lips, and it took just a few seconds for her to climax and she didn’t even try to stifle her loud erotic gasps. She calmed down and, as she did, she told herself she still had the quandary of whether the orgasm, as fabulous as it was, was worth the almost unbearable pain, but was thinking more how the pain was worth it, as well as the loss of control and humiliation of bending over the table with her bare bottom unprotected and ready to be caned.

Mrs L stood at the living room door and listened as Ella got to the bathroom. It was only a matter of moments before she started to hear the louder and louder erotic gasps followed by Ella’s orgasm, which told her, pretty much, what Ella was likely to want in the future. She wasn’t certain, because it also depended on whether she thought more about the pain or the orgasm during the rest of the evening. Time would tell.

Ella finished re-doing her make-up, although saw that her eyes were still red and hoped that no more tears would run down my face which she would need to check again before seeing her friends. However, time was now running short and she gave herself one last look in the mirror. Now though, she was smiling to herself, and mouthed into the mirror, “Thank you, Lucy.”

As Ella went down the stairs she made her mind up and knew that she wanted to repeat this experience. She went into the living room and walked up to Mrs L, smiled, and said, “I am sorry for disobeying you, Mrs L, and know I deserved to be caned.”

Mrs L looked stern as she asked, “Did you learn your lesson, Ella, and will you obey me in the future?”

Ella gasped in surprise but knew she wanted that. “Yes I did, and yes I will, Mrs L.”

Mrs L reckoned that might even be the invitation to cane her again and asked, “So what happens next time you disobey me, Ella?”

Ella blushed but felt shock waves in her vagina and replied in a worried tone, “I’ll get caned again, Mrs L.”

Mrs L gave a maternal smile and held her arms open and saw the thankful smile on Ella’s face as she fell into them, and they hugged each other. After a while, Mrs L said, “Well you are a good girl now, but I think I should set some rules for you so we both know when you misbehave and earn the cane again.”

Ella could feel herself slipping into a naughty girl persona, but it sent more quivers around her vagina and knew she was getting aroused by the thought of having to obey Mrs L or suffer the consequences, and it scared and excited her at the same time. Ella swallowed hard and then replied, “That would certainly be good for me to know, Mrs L.”

Mrs L was smiling as she replied, “I’ll have them ready by the time you get home tonight, Ella, at least an initial list and I can add more later rules, of course.”

Mrs L kept her offer to drive Ella to her friend’s house. They chatted happily enough on the way, but Ella could not get out of her mind how much both the caning hurt, but, more importantly now, how aroused she felt with the increasing desire to be caned again. She even asked Mrs L what rules she would set and there was an immediate list including answering back, sulking, an untidy room, not doing chores, and the like, and Ella knew could even break any of them on purpose to be caned.

Ella asked for some clarification on a couple of the rules and Mrs L saw that as further confirmation of Ella’s eagerness for the rules to be applied and, no doubt, her desire to be caned again. As she drove Mrs L kept chatting but could tell that Ella’s mind was elsewhere. She could also see that Ella shuffled around on the seat, as though the welts were making sitting uncomfortable, just as would be expected, and still she asked about rules to be set and punishments to be given. It all added up, Mrs L reckoned.

Even as they got closer to her friend so Ella knew that she was aroused by the thought of being submissive and obeying the rules and even that she would earn herself a caning whenever she wanted to simply by breaking a rule. She couldn’t lose, she told herself, and knew her knickers were getting damp again as she pictured the captioned image in her mind.

Mrs L knew she would easily accept her position of authority over Ella and her concept of being aroused by receiving so much pain. After all, Ella wasn’t the first girl she had come across with feelings of arousal at the need to receiving so much pain. She reckoned Ella would indicate her desire to be caned again by intentionally breaking a rule rather than unintentionally and was pretty sure that that was the way that Ella would want it to be, although, she thought with a smirk, maybe once or twice she would discipline Ella when she didn’t particularly want to be disciplined because that would be the real test of whether she was aroused by being caned. After all, rules are rules and only one of them should be in charge, and she knew that had best be her, with Ella being submissive and obedient, or paying the price.

So, as they were both smiling, they were thinking about the good times that lay ahead.


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Burning DesiresChapter 2

"Chadwick Ponkert! This isn't the time for deadasses!" the feminine voice continued. "Up and at 'em!" Ponkert sighed as the consuming fire in his veins dulled to a pleasing warmth. His mind fought to ease back into the restfulness of DEEP-sleep and ignore the drugs that worked to wake him. "Come on, Ponkert!" the woman's voice nagged. "Stop wasting time! Time-Shift Universal is paying you good money for this job! Now let's hop to it!" The loud hiss of in-rushing air temporarily...

4 years ago
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Domination story

This is a story i wrote to a sub friend of mine who is a kinky like i am. He likes ws nd that is something i am also interested in. We could never have experience like this offline, but still, this is a great fantasy i (nd he) am interested in...But would like to be a sub also ;) Life is too short, i would like to try many many many things...I will tie u to a bed. Want u in my power…completely. So, I will tie ur arms nd legs. Legs would spread so I can enjoy in view of ur cock. Hard cock.Don’t...

2 years ago
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Realms of Eden Home Fires B2A2

Act 2 — Play Games Chapter 1 — Only women bleed Kelsey and Sydney walked back towards their motel around midnight. Kelsey was a little tipsy as she giggled beside the warm body that held her up helping her keep one foot in front of the other as they walked in the moonlight. Suddenly she stopped. ‘Syddy,’ she cried, ‘didn’t Alfie want you to do something if you ever got up here? Something for Bonnie?’ The man’s eyes narrowed in concentration for a moment and he softly asked the nano-bots in...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 3 Zanyia

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! I purred louder as I crawled out of the collapsed tent, my nose twitching. Blood scented the air. I breathed it in, savoring it. Therek’s blood. I never thought I’d smell so much of it. My throat rumbled with my joy. My tail swished back and forth, my whiskers trembling on my cheeks. I burst out into the night, crouching low, my back arching. My ears twitched, hearing the murmurs from the slave cart and the roar of fire. Kovet lay dead by the...

3 years ago
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Camp long story

Celeste: "Morning jonah she said as she walked into his cabin" Celeste is just your typical girl, at the age of only fifteen she stands around five and a half feet tall, she is what most people would call average weight, she has brown hair and hazel eyes, just your typical girl, the thing that made her stand out were her abilities with a bow, she was the best in the camp at archery Jonah just sat on his bed, his face buried in his knees Jonah is pretty much your average guy, at the age of...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 41 Feeling Out Of Sorts

April 1, 1989, Chicago, Illinois As I walked to Kimmy’s apartment I wondered if I should try some kind of ‘April Fool’ joke, but decided against it. I usually found them annoying, and it didn’t seem right to try to perpetrate one if I didn’t like them myself. I put those thoughts out of my mind and thought instead of all the changes that were occurring in my life. Penny was no longer working for NIKA, though that was a temporary situation. On the other hand, her upcoming marriage and the...

1 year ago
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Miguel And Uncle Mike Part 2

Than Miguel look for something nice to wear tonight and lays it on his bed than goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth and shave. He than hears a voice it's Mike “Hey! Miguel you want some breakfast?” Mike yelled from upstairs. Miguel reply's “No thanks I am not really hungry this morning I think I will make something later!”. Maybe now is the perfect time for ask for the rubber before he forgets. He than puts on a pair of boxers and walks upstairs. Mike than smiles to him and said “Good...

4 years ago
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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 6

Before they went any further, Elizabeth summoned a robe. Ceiling obliged. "Put this on," she said. He had to stand to do it. The robe was obviously too short. "Take that off," she demanded. Looking at the ceiling, she repeated her request. "And it had better be calf length or I'll know the reason why." "You are NO fun at all," said the ceiling. "I'm trying to keep my job ... you keep dressing John like that and we'll never get anything important done," she said. "One...

3 years ago
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The Oracle Of New Delphi Part 1

The Oracle Of New Delphi By Hypatia This is my first attempt at a story that sort of got away from me and despite the fact that I have three other short stories on the go since I started this I have not been able to finish them as this was always rearing its head to distract from my thoughts. So after six months of playing around with it I present to you my monster that has emerged from my unconscious mind. I don't know whose taste it will be for it is a very long and involved...

1 year ago
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LA FunChapter 19

Beep, beep, beep, beep. My phone was waking us up. I stretched and was hugged by both Jules and Kelly. The three of us got out of bed and put workout clothes on. Yori showed up with the appropriate attire when we were leaving to go next door to the gym. We did our individual workouts while chatting about what we would find at the office. We all went back to the hotel, showered, and dressed for the workday. There was an IHOP close by, so we went there. Jules was smiling when she said that...

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Dagmars DiaryChapter 3

After reading a half dozen more of Dagmar’s conquests (The one about her and Denis Leary was a masterpiece!), and succumbing to a strong compulsion to abuse myself (shame on me), I had to grudgingly admit that she was one of the better porn writers I’ve run across, and the imagery she created was just that much more titillating in that the stories were non-fiction. Once I got back to thinking with my brain instead of my dick, I knew that the basic issue here wasn’t her fucking those boys....

4 years ago
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Ankh of the ib

It has long been said that some men are born with the destiny to be kings, to have glory, riches and power. They are lucky, born into privileged and loving families, have their every whim answered to them from the moment they were old enough to reach for the rattle. Then is the rest of the world. They move forward into the blistering sandstorm that is life and yet know that their power in the face of adversity is the only power that can change anything. And some have it so bad that the world...

2 years ago
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The Fate of a Kingdom Chapter 4

We rode in silence for a little longer before I hurried Polia quicker to ride along side her. Rayne didn’t even give me a sideways glance as I came up beside her. “So how long will it take to get to my sister?” I asked, trying for small talk. “Around three, maybe four days,” She simply replied. We trotted along a little further. “If we are going to be traveling together for that long we could at least get to know each other?!” I offered. “I’m not the sentimental type!” “Well... I think...

3 years ago
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Meeting Minako Part 1

As usual John’s trip to Tokyo was for business not pleasure. It was just serendipity when he found out about the Bach concert the next day. John Langham really wanted to attend, but he didn’t like to go to classical music concerts alone. I mean who does—certainly not John that’s for sure. The Canadian realized from unhappy experience that a single man at such an event would stick out like a sore thumb. He’d look stupid all dressed up and sitting alone. Worse still would be standing forlorn...

3 years ago
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My Young Surprise

Ever wake up and feel you have just gone to bed? That was me this sunny morning. I couldn’t even say it was early, the kids were already on their way to school and hubby had left for work as usual. No! What I needed was something to get up for.Kicking off the bed clothes, I headed for the shower maybe that would bring me around. The hot stream of water cascaded down my body. I looked at my breasts okay they weren’t as perky as they used to be but my nipples were nice and big. I couldn’t resist...

1 year ago
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Masters slave

**My first story!!!**Chapter One I looked my Master in the eyes, but quickly returned my gaze downcast when He met my eyes with His. Even a quick glance from those piercing hazel eyes threatened to send me to subspace. Since our first meeting at that quiet, newly renovated coffee shop, I had yet to look Him in the eyes for more then a few seconds. The aura He gave off was unmistakable, and astounding, and was the first thing that had attracted me to Him. His caring, sense of humor and...

1 year ago
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Pat and Betty part 2

Later that week, pat had come home late from having lunch with the girls, we were setting their talking and she got up to go outside and leaned over to give me a kiss. As soon as she did I could smell the great smell of pussy on her face. I ask what she had been doing and this is what she had to say. After lunch she and Betty had went over to Betty and Jeds house for some some fun, she said they were giving the same show to Jed as they had for me. The only thing was Betty had already told him...

1 year ago
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Neighborly Lust Part 7

Neighborly Lust (Part 7) Don Abdul ©2010Omar was resting on a couple of pillows propped against the wall, his legs were spread open and his cock loomed menacingly in between his thighs. He must be at least 9” by 3” in size and I was immediately stricken with fear. ‘What the hell have I let myself into?’ I wondered, but my naughty inner freak soon took over and steadying my nerve.I took him in a double handed grip and knelt down as though in worship of some worthy deity. Lowering my head and...

Group Sex
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Gwylans Sensual Massage

Gwylan came home, slammed the door and tossed her purse, keys and coat across the room. Muttering to herself, she went off to the kitchen, intent on making herself a cup of tea and lacing it with a whiskey. Cautiously, Jack peered around the corner, understanding that talking with Gwylan while in this state was often like baiting a bear standing only three feet away. When she had finally settled onto the bar stool along the counter, he crept into the room. "Bad day, baby?" Jack asked,...

2 years ago
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Nom De Nos Patris

How many colours a fire can burn. This is all the dreamer could remember thinking as his father grabbed him about the waist and ordered the brother to grab his mother. The father and son dragged son and mother from the burning colours. Thatch, wood, cloth. All burning. Later that day the dreamer would add another colour to the list. That of burning flesh. The father set the dreamer down outside what remained of our hut. Time had made it so the dreamer could barely remember the face of the...

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Wizards LegacyChapter 27

I think the hug-fest might have gone on a lot longer, if my stomach hadn't announced the fact that I hadn't eaten in five days. I had something to drink in there, but the cask of ale wasn't all that nourishing. I smelled a little like the stable, too. With the scraggly whiskers I was staring to sprout, I probably looked a little like that Freddie the Freeloader character Red Skelton did on his show. As I was led away from my workroom, I had another reason to feel like a jerk. The...

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TittyAttack Cara May Suck Off Our Troops

Cara May is an All American blonde, barbie looking bombshell, and she wants to help honor the troops who have fought for her to have the right to do whatever she wants. Lucky for us, what she wants is to show off her fat tits and hot ass. She also wants to practice her right to suck cock on camera. She flops those giant hooters out at us reminding everyone why freedom of expression is such an important right to protect. As she wags them back and forth, one cannot help but admire the fruits of...

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Seducing Cindy

My name is Elizabeth. As you may remember from my journal which is entitled, 'Elizabeth's story', I am an electrical engineering student at UCLA. That is where I met the love of my life, Robert. I fell deeply in love with Robert during my freshman year. I knew early on that Robert was the man with whom I wanted to spend my life.But I had a problem, a complication of sorts. I had a deep, dark secret that had the potential of destroying our relationship. I remember the night Robert proposed to...

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First Sex With My Aunty

I was not much in talk with my aunty. But, ones my mom and dad went to out of country for sometime for some business work. I had to stay back due to my studies. I had to stay to my aunty house. My aunty is super hot woman. Her boobs are so big and sexy that everyone love to have sex with her. I also want to have sex with her. My dick was always erected seeing her sexy boobs. She wear loose sleeve blouse and also deep neck and almost backless. Due to deep neck blouse, her boobs be visible to...

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Lost at Sea Book 2 DriftersChapter 26

Jack followed the big man with the blue scar over to the bar, feeling like her whole world had just been thrown unexpectedly off kilter. Things seemed wrong, but she couldn’t put her finger on exactly how or why. The big Nivali man gave the bartender a quick hand motion and waited. “How’s your head, Hatchet?” the bartender deadpanned as he towled out a dented mug with a dirty rag. The big man snorted and rolled his eyes. “Fine.” “Good. I’m not sure how much more damage your busted face can...

4 years ago
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Miko and me

I always look forward to Mike and Miko's visits they are a fun couple but for an ulterior motive as well. Miko is my Asian whore that who loves me taking advantage of her. She has everything I want in a woman, voluminous tits, a tight ass and pussy, and legs to die for. She is also Asian which is easily my biggest fetish and has been since as long as I can remember. She reminds me a lot of the American-Asian porn star Miko Lee who I believed starred in some of the aka Filthy Whore series. I...

2 years ago
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Dads sex slave Jan

Introduction: First Time Writer [i]I was 5 when my mom died and a year later my dad remarried to Jan.She was 17 then and was concidered the hottest girl in town.When I turned 13 my dick swelled up and dark curly hair began growing around my crotch including on my balls whick had doubled in size.I began jacking off all the time and one night I became really excited when I heard my parents bedsprings squeeking. My cock grew rock hard so i jacked off while listening to my dad putting the dick to...

1 year ago
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BFFS Gia Gelato Lily Glee Emma Starletto Cheerleaders

Lily Glee, Gia Gelato, and Emma Starletto may be besties, but they are in a heated competition to be the new cheerleading captain. Each is hot in their own right, so their coach is having a little trouble choosing. He tells them they need to show off their best moves to prove they deserve the role. But soon, the chicks strip to sway the coach. They get down on their knees together and use some teamwork to share his veiny cock for a slobbery group blowjob. Then, they take turns hopping on his...

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Entering the lifestyle

                After being awake for over thirty hours, sex was definitely the last thing on my mind. I was working two jobs at the time in hopes of knocking back these damn student loans.   As I was standing against the wall smoking a cigarette trying to fight off the sandman I felt someone behind me. “What’s up man?”, I say having no clue as to who was behind me, just knowing that someone was there. “How ya doin Jarhead?” came the reply from behind me. Upon hearing this I knew it was my...

Group Sex
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Work In ProgressPart 2

She awoke to the sun caressing her face. As she slowly came to being fully awake, she was suddenly aware of all her muscles. Stiff. She pulled her eyes open, the first thing she saw was the design laid out on her kitchen floor. The last thing she remembers seeing were Stephen's black leather oxfords. "Funny, their not here anymore" she thought calmly to herself. With a deep sigh, she slowly sat up, running her fingers through her tangled tresses. Still feeling sore and groggy, she...

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MomPOV Bernadette Big tits blonde Vegas cougar

– 51 years old – She is currently single but was married once – Has done very limited adult video work in the past – Almost worked with James years ago, finally made it happen – She is more of a people pleaser loves to give pleasure – Prefers younger men, to mold them to suit her desires – A very sexual female, a lot of energy in the bedroom – She is into some freaky dominatrix shit, she is the dom – Loved fucking her, hot blonde big titties and petite body – At the end she jerked my cock until...

4 years ago
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A complete Change in life ndash Sex was everything

A continuation of the fantasy of my wife as a cuckoldressPlease note this is just a fantasyDuring the week after the record breaking gangbang my wife was in regular contact with the guy who had organised the gangbang. His name was Gary and everytime I came home my wife was either on the phone with him, skyping or wanted to talk about him and their thoughts. A week after the gangbang, a week during which she had no sex, allowing her pussy to recover, my wife announced to me that she was quitting...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Riley Reid Melissa Moore Twinning 2 Part Two

Melissa Moore seems hellbent on stealing her identity, but not only that, her girlfriend Capri Anderson. When Melissa returns home unlocking the door to the bathroom and finally freeing Riley, she gives he back her phone and keys and dress, making up excuses for the whole thing. Riley’s on to her tricks, and calls up Capri, finding out that Melissa posed as her and hung out with Capri all day! Riley is furious and comes up with a plan to get back at Melissa. Capri is obviously in on the...

4 years ago
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Horny Gal Knows What She Wants

A few years ago I posted a notice on the masturbation bulletin board on The Masturbation Page site about a proposed group jack in my area. I ended up with seven guys who said they would attend. So on a Saturday we had the session. As usual on these things, we had a lot of no-shows. It ended up myself, three guys, and my girl friend, Gia. She is a real hot little number and after we all got naked, she took turns jacking each cock. She would stroke each guy’s cock and balls for about two or three...

2 years ago
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Blind Date8

He sighed and reached out with a weary, sleep-leaden arm, feeling across the surface of his nightstand until his fingers traced the cool smooth surface of his phone and, using the charging cable to identify which way the phone was facing, he swept right on the screen, silencing the alarm. He let out a soft sigh and let the warmth of his mattress and quilts once more take him, as he always did for the glorious length of the snooze button, content and comfortable. Five minutes later...

3 years ago
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The First Thing My Boyfriend and I Ever Did

Our first year anniversary was coming up. We'd only known each other for under a month before we got together, but as the days slowly passed and we got to know each other more and better, we ended up falling in love. Looking at my beautiful boyfriend, David, I couldn't even think about what I would do without him. I didn't know what I would do if he left me or if he was taken from me. He'd become such a major part of my life and I was completey and utterly devoted to him, and he was to me.It...

First Time
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The SaviorsChapter 17 The Decision

Troy awoke on a bunk as he opened his eyes he found that he was in a small room about the size of a jail cell but with no bars. The cell was furnished very sparingly with a bunk, which he was on, and toilet facilities. His companions were gone. From above Jessie's, voice spoke, "You each are being given solitude so that you may make your decision without the influence of the others." "How will I know which decision the others have made?" he addressed to the air. Jessie's voice...

3 years ago
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Suzies fall

This story is now translated in English..... this was my first try..... the story " la vie de Suzie " is where you should go to read it in is much longer in French I intend to translate the whole story ... but you have to be very patient Thank you This is the story of Suzie, from her young age (18), until now. You will be able to navigate through the different episodes of her life (and also able to write some chapters of it) It's an ongoing story, there will be a lot of chapters...

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