Mom Caught Me Fingering My Sister So I Fucked Her Instead free porn video

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11pm. Dang, it was late.

Well, all that’s left is to go see what’s in the fridge, grab a bite, jerk one out and go to sleep.

I didn’t get as far as outside my bedroom door before I nearly tripped and broke my damn neck.

“What the fuck?” The hallway was dark so I assumed I was home alone. I wasn’t. My sister’s high heels strewn across the floor was proof enough. For Christs sake, Jenna was the messiest girl I know. They were her going out shoes too, so she must’ve come home from her night out.

She’s got to be dead drunk. Even she wouldn’t just leave her shoes laying around for me to trip over.

Sure enough, not only shoes, but pieces of clothing trailed from the hallway leading all the way into her bedroom. I followed, picking up her clothes piece by piece.

By the time I got to her room, Jenna was splayed out on her bed, practically naked. Her bedside lamp was lit and it looked like she managed to strip completely naked; her bra and panties were on the floor too, managed to put on her silky bed robe, and crashed out cold on top of the bed.

“God, you’re going to catch a cold like that,” I said to her, but knowing she wouldn’t hear me. When she’s knocked out from liquor, even a bomb exploding wouldn’t wake her up.

I tried to shift my sis aside, trying to shift the sheets from under her so I can cover her up.

That was harder than it sounds; she was a big busty girl. I tried my best not to glance down at her voluptuous breasts as I struggled. But it was no good. She didn’t tie up the robe properly so as I shifted her, her breasts fell out.

“Oh crap,” I said to myself. I never seen tits in real life before.

Yeah, yeah laugh at Tim, the 18 year old virgin. Fuck you too.

There they were. A pair of big juicy mounds of flesh with the biggest, most delicious nipples that I’ve ever saw in my life. I swallowed down a gulp.

I should cover her up, protect her dignity and all that.

My hand shook as I hovered over her breasts, intent on pulling the robe over.

“Jen?” I called to her. Gingerly, I gave her shoulder a nudge. “Jen?”

No answer. She was out cold.

I should just go grab a spare blanket from the wardrobe, throw it over her and leave.

My hand was perilously close to her breasts.

I looked around, all of a sudden extremely aware of my surroundings.

Mom was out.

No one will know.

I swallowed down another lump in my throat.

Then I cupped my Jen’s tit.

It felt unbelievable. I haven’t felt anything like it before in my life. It was soft, smooth and bouncy. Her nipple felt slightly hard too. Tentatively, I used my fingertip to push on her nipple.

No reaction.

Satisfied, and somewhat excited in a dark, illicit way, I felt more confident. No one will find out. And it was a chance for me to get acquainted with the female body.

I pushed and rubbed the nipple. Why did it feel so nice? It was like my own, right?. My breath quickened when the nipple went hard against my touch. I pinched it ever so lightly, delighting in the feel of it.

This was so wrong, I shouldn’t be doing this. But it was so exciting. My cock throbbed and tented my shorts. This was hotter than anything I watched on the internet.

But its my own sister!

My body didn’t seem to care. All I know was that she was a beautiful, busty girl and chances like this didn’t come very often. This could be my one and only time with a lady, as far as I know.

I wondered what a pussy looked like.

The soft glow of the bedside light illuminated my sisterr’s curves. The shimmery fabric clung over her breasts, and followed downwards over her belly and between her legs. With a bated breath, I pinched the fabric, gingerly peeled it to the side and revealed my sister’s crotch.

Oh my fucking god.

She was trimmed, but still had a some bush. My breath quivered. I licked my suddenly dry lips. A pussy in real life looked so much better.

I let my fingers run through her bush; I never felt anything like it. It was rough and coarse but it felt good all the same. Then I bumped into her clitoris. It was hard, like a fleshy pea. It was covered over by a fold of skin and I couldn’t help but peel it back a bit with my finger. The pink nub was exposed to me fully now.

God, I wanted to suck on it.

But I couldn’t. It was wrong. Or truthfully, I was scared of getting caught. I learnt that it was a really sensitive part of a woman’s body. What if that’ll wake her up?

But still, I came so far already, maybe I could just… Feel what a pussy is like and then go to my room and rub one off. My cock throbbed painfully against the fabric of my shorts. I don’t think I have ever been this turned on before. I was half tempted to do it there and then.

My heart pounded against my ribcage. In one smooth motion, I cupped my fingers over my sisterr’s mound.

Holy shit.

It was wet. It was warm and wet and the juices coated my fingers.

Still, she didn’t stir.

Slowly, very slowly, I moved my hand up and down, easing over her lips. I didn’t really know what I was doing at that point, but I had this instinctual urge to coat my fingers in her juices.

I had to stifle a groan as my middle finger accidently slipped inside her pussy.

Holy fuck. It was at once felt like a velvety heat, tight and slippery and indescribably wonderful. God, I wanted it.

Wanted what?

Did I just think about sticking my cock into my own sister? Maybe I could get away with-

“What are you doing?” A clipped voice called out to me from behind me.

Like a deer in headlights I shot back away from Jenna. I was wide eyed as my finger made a squelching sound and a moan escaped my sister’s lips. She stirred a little, but otherwise, she was still immobile.

I turned as if to face the voice, or to distance myself from my sister, from the act of what I was doing to Jenna.

“Oh my God,” Mom said. She had her hand over her mouth.

“Wait, Mom, its not what it looks like,” I jabbered out.

Her eyes went from the bulge in my shorts to my pussy soaked hand.

“Looks like to me that you were fingering Jenna, Tim.”

My face felt hot and flushed. I am so fucking dead.

“It was an accident, honest!”

“How is touching Jenna up an accident?” she whisper-hissed.

“I-I was trying to cover her up, you know what Jen is like when she’s drunk. And then one thing led to another. I just… I never… been with a woman before and she was there and…”

Unable to face Mom’s judging gaze, I shielded my face with my hands, trying to block it all out.

I was acutely aware of how pungent Jenna’s aroma was on my hand. And I tried not to get distracted by it.

“I’m so sorry.”

It felt like an eternity that we just stood there. “Tim, you can’t just go touching people like that.”

“I know, I’m sorry.” I must’ve sounded like a whiny bitch but apologizing was all I could think of doing right then. I would say anything to get Mom to forgive me. “Its just, I’m so wound up and I never had sex before and… Oh God, I’m sorry.”

Mom gave me the pitying eyes. “You’re a virgin? Well… just don’t do it again.”

I simply nodded. I didn’t know what else to say.

“You might want to sort that out too.”

I looked down and realized that I was sporting a massive boner, and it was pointing at my mother.

“Oh shit, sorry.”

“Is it painful?” she asked.

“Yeah, if I don’t sort it out. Do you think you’d want to give me a hand?” I joked. “Oh crap, sorry I didn’t mean that.”

I didn’t know if Mom realized it, but she was biting her lip. “Well… If I help you out, you promise to not do this again?”

Did I hear her correctly? “Umm, yes. Definitely.”

“Come over here,” Mom said, leading me over to the bed. “I can’t have my boy turning into a degenerate.”

“Here? But Jen is right there.”

“She’s out cold, it’ll be fine.”

Mom sat on the edge of the bed, and I stood in front of her with my rock hard cock pointing at her.

“So what now?” I asked.

“I guess you should do what you guys do.”

I sighed a little and pulled down my shorts. My cock sprung free. I thought Mom suppressed a moan.

“Timmy, you’re… quite big,” she said.

“Thanks, I guess.”

She looked like she was waiting for me to do something. I took one final glance over at my sister to make sure she’s still asleep. Without further ado, I started tugging at my cock.

It felt strange. I never had an audience before. Mom just sat there, watching.

I tugged and tugged for several minutes but it didn’t feel like any where near close to cumming.

“You okay?”

“I… I never done it in front of anybody before. It’s weird.”

“Do you need me to help you relax?”

“Yeah, if you can.”

Mom paused a moment, she looked like she was weighing out her options in her head, and then she reached out and grabbed my cock.

Oh fuck.

Her hand felt soft and smooth. And she gripped me confidently, as if she done this before.

My cock twitched in response to her pumping me. It felt better than doing it myself!

“Does that feel good?” she asked me.

“Y-yeah it does. But I kinda feel like it’s a bit unbalanced.”

She continued pumping my shaft. “What do you mean?”

“Uhh, well it’s just that I’m kinda buck naked and you’re not. Don’t worry, I’m just thinking out loud.”

“Would it help speed things up if I stripped too?”

“I think so.”

With that, she let go of me momentarily, moved back and pulled her T-shirt over her head, exposing her firm, juicy breasts. She was wearing a simple cotton white T-shirt and some leggings.

“Holy fuck,” I gasped.


I couldn’t help but marvel at her breasts. Her nipples were bigger than Jenna’s, and they were just as delicious looking. It probably helped that I had a thing for MILFs and Mom was definitely one.

Mom went back to stroking me. She looked up at me expectantly, as if she was hoping she was doing a good job. I didn’t know if it was the right thing to do, but I reached out and cupped her face – she didn’t seem to mind.

Here I was, standing there in my Jenna’s room with my mother jerking me off. I was quite surprised at how hot I found the entire situation.

Mom gripped tighter around my shaft, pumping fervently. “How is it?”

“It feels really good, Mom,” I moaned out. I felt that all too familiar pressure build up in my balls.

“Are you going to… you know, cum soon?” My mother whispered through heavy labored breathing. Was she getting turned on too?

“Uhh not quite,” I lied.

She made a show of looking like she was considering something. “You tell anyone, I’ll kill you. Especially your father.”

Before I could respond, Mom stopped pumping me with her beautiful, soft hand and stood. Using the hook of her thumbs, she yanked down her leggings and panties in one go. Then she turned around and climbed onto the bed on all fours.

“Well? This should do it.” She gave her ass an alluring wiggle.

Fuck. My cock throbbed even more desperately at the sight of Mom’s delicious, pink pussy.

“W-what?” I stammered. My brain momentarily went stupid.

She turned her head over her shoulder. “You going to fuck me or what?” she whispered. “You might as well lose your V-card while we’re at it.”

Yeah, that made sense. My hands trembling, I grabbed her hips. I took a second to look at Jenna, making sure she’s still asleep. I swallowed another gulp. God, Mom felt so good. Her skin was so smooth and I loved the way her long hazel brown hair fell all the way down to the base of her spine.

Then she reached under, grabbed my aching cock and guided it to the entrance of her pussy.

She wiggled back a bit and my cockhead was enveloped with the warmest, tightest feeling I’ve ever known.

“Oh fuck,” I groaned.

“Be quiet!” she whispered, but it sounded like she had to stifle a moan.

Oh God, what the hell did I miss out on all this time. I never knew how good a pussy actually felt. My hands clawed tighter on her hips as I pressed further, inch after inch of my cock being swallowed by my mother’s sweet pussy. I bit down hard on my lip to stifle my moans.

I tried my best to hold it in, but sensation of Mom’s pussy was intense. The inner walls of her pussy milked every inch of my aching cock.

I pulled back instinctively, and before I was all the way out, shoved it in. Right up to the hilt until the base of my cock rested against her ass.

“Fuck,” Mom hissed into the sheets.

In and out, I built up a rhythm. My mind went in a euphoric haze as I enjoyed the wet, velvety sensation of her cunt. Fuck, she felt so good.


“What?” I asked, momentarily snapped out of my mindless bliss.

“I said, do it outside. I’m not on the pill.”

“O-okay,” I said, while pushing into her in slow, deep thrusts. I marvelled at how round and juicy her ass was, at hot erotic her cute little asshole puckered at me with each thrust.

I felt my cock throb and tighten. Fuck, I wasn’t going to last. I best savor this moment, burn it into my memory.

“You feel really good, Mom,” I moaned.

“Y-you too, honey. Your cock feels amazing,” she replied.

That made me feel good. My stomach pooled with a warm feeling of pride, knowing that im not the only one enjoying this. My throbbing, aching cock in my Mom’s unprotected pussy… Wait, wasn’t there a risk still? I was sure in biology class, we were taught that precum still had sperm in it.

Oh God, there was a very real possibility that my sperm was already inside Mom, making its way up into her womb, heading towards her fertile eggs…

My cock tensed at that thought.

I wanted it so bad.

I wanted to impregnate my own mother.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry Mommy,” I groaned. My hands gripped tighter, nails digging into her soft flesh. I was going to mate with her and there was nothing that was going to stop me.

“What? No don’t!” she groaned. But I couldn’t stop myself, I pumped into her even harder, with complete abandon.

“I’m gonna cum!” I growled. I didn’t care anymore.

“Oh fuck,” she groaned, and she reached under and started to rub her clit furiously.

“Fuck!” I cried out. My cock tensed and I came. My balls released a flood of my cum, deep into my mother. Spurt after spurt of hot, thick cum filled her.

“Oh God, Timmy!” Mom cried out. “Mommy’s cumming..!”

Mom moaned out, her hands clawed helplessly into the bedsheets as she trembled and shivered; riding out her own delicious orgasm. I felt her entire body tense around my cock, her toes curled tightly.

I was just there, clinging so tight to her, that I bruised her hips. My cock kept twitching and spurting into her, until all was left was the weak satisfied afterglow of an amazing orgasm. Spent, I collapsed on top of Mom’s back.

We led there shaken and covers with a slick sheen of post orgasm sweat.

Eventually, I rolled over to the side.

“I’m so sorry, Mom,” I panted, caressing her face. She was going to be pissed, but it was so fucking worth it.

Instead of being angry, she just smiled back at me.

“It’s okay, it felt good for me too.”

The room felt cold all of a sudden, and my brain started working again. We were buck naked with Jenna asleep next to us. The room smelled of sex.

“We should leave,” Mom said.

“Yeah, good idea.”

Quietly, we picked up our clothes and snuck back out of the room, but not before putting a blanket over Jenna.

I was at my bedroom door before Mom called out to me from hers.

“Hey, the next time you have these urges… Just come to me okay?”

I smiled. “Okay, Mom.”

The End

Thanks for reading and if you enjoyed it, please checkout my other stories on Smashwords! Stasia Grey xoxo


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Mom Fucked By Teacher 8211 Part 2

Dear friends, after a tremendous response for my first story ” mom fucked by teacher” I am writing a sequel to it. Hope you enjoy it. After the steamy episode of a hard sex with my teacher Aravind my mom and me returned to our home. She didn’t talk much to me the whole evening and I too didn’t want to disturb her. Though she was blushing, I could notice the guilt in her face sometimes. Aravind might be the second man to fuck her till now. She bid good night and went to sleep. I was lying down...

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Mom Sister And Grandpa

This happened on my grandpa’s birthday afternoon before the party….Let me tell u how my sister look..Now… Imagine hansika or anjali..With big boobs long hair covering her ass…And my mom… Imagine nadiya or rasi or meena for south and north…Imagine a mature woman with 5″9 height medium sized skinny lady with heaviest breasts always trying to explode making my mom feel uncomfortable every time when she wears a punjabi or some time silk sari’s…No one will see my mom’s face up to 15 mins after u see...

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Mom I Want to Make Love to My Sister

My eyes were still closed but I could tell it was morning from the sound of birds chirping outside my window, when I felt her fingers trace across the skin of my bare upper body. She tapped and slid her nervous fingers down my sides as though trying to decide whether to wake me or…“Hey,” I turned around on the bed, to face my older sister, “What’s happening with you, what’re you doing?”This was now the second time she had done something like this. The first time it was her fingers though my...

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The Gigolo Chronicles V Cherrie

Nearly twenty-seven years ago, a baby girl was born with a full head of flaming red hair. Her parents took one look at the color of that hair and decided the baby's name would be Cherrie. Originally her parents planned on calling her Amy since up to then, they had no idea she would be a redhead. Her mother was blonde and her father had dark hair. But her maternal grandmother was a redhead as was Cherrie's aunt. I met Cherrie about ten years ago and right from the very start, I found she had a...

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Mom helps out sister got courious

Hi,This happend some years ago, and it was the thrill of my life. Living on the countryside, with my mom and little s*s named Jenny. I was s******n when it happend, and my s*s only t*****e, and my mom just under her 50:s.One evening at dinner my mum suggested we should go for a ride with our bikes and into the forestto look for mushrooms. I was not to entusiastic, but promised to join, just to keep mum happy. Early next morning we started, and we had our breakfast and lunch in some boxes.After...

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Mom And Sister 8211 Sex Slaves

Hello, I am Jagnesh. I am 28 years old. This is a sex story of how I made my Mom(45 years old) and Sister(26 years old) into my personal sex slaves. Yes, you read it right. They both are still busy sucking my dick while I write the whole story. A friend of mine told me about this site, So I wanted to share and here I am ! At first, it wasn’t like this (Obviously). We used to be a normal family. My mom, me and my sister living a normal life. My father had died a long time ago when I was just 10...

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Brothers Mindcontrolled SistersChapter 3 Slut Sisterrsquos Anal Punishment

I had never grinned with such excitement in my entire life. I would enjoy this. My cock slid out of my baby sister’s fourteen-year-old pussy as I stood up. My body buzzed with the euphoria from deflowering her snatch. My eldest sister, the eighteen-year-old bitch who always got me in trouble with my abusive father, had such a look of shock on her face. For once, the bitch was speechless. Her mouth worked. Her hazel eyes almost bulged out of her sockets. Her normally sultry face looked...

2 years ago
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Mother Caught Fucking Sister

That evening I went to market and brought a box of condoms for me, and a complete course of contraceptive pills for Najma. I didn’t like using rubbers but I knew that I would have to use it with Najma until the pills start working. I didn’t face this problem with Sheila or my landlady at Mumbai because they were married. Late in the night, I sneaked into Najma’s room after my mother retired to her room. After feigning reluctance for some time, she surrendered to her lust, and we fucked whole...

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Momsister and make three

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am a twin.My sister and I just turned 18 last week.We are juniors at the local high school.We look so much alike its uncanny.I think she looks like a boy and she thinks I look like a girl. We are very close and have had many long talks about sex.A year ago I talked her into us helping each other get off.We both thought masterbation alone was no good for either of us.So we would play with each other until we both came. I night I got realy hot and...

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Mom Replaced My Breastfeeding sister

Mom Replaced My Breastfeeding sisterThe story starts from the time my mom caught me fucking my sister. She was very angry with both of us. She beat me like anything but I could not say a word. Next day my brother in law was summoned and by evening my sister Tanya was packed off to her place. I do not know what mom told my brother in law but she achieved her goal.The atmosphere in the house was too charged from that day. Not to mention we were not talking to each other. Then I stopped eating...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 4 Twin Sisters Anal Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Twin Sisters' Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn't in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a...

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Mom Replaced My Breastfeeding Sister

Hi, this is 32nd story written under the pen name of Sultana Sinha. My real name is Aloke a 36 yrs old, married Male from Patna Bihar. Many readers mail me thinking I am female. If you like the story, please say so via mail or Hi I am Manish(nickname Munna) again with second part of the story My Breastfeeding Sister. I hope all of you liked my earlier story. The story starts from the time my mom caught me fucking my sister. She was very angry with both of us. She beat me like anything but I...

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Cherri was a sixteen year-old school girl. The loveliest and hottest looking young girl in school. Since she reached puberty folks have been saying that she was a very beautiful girl. Recently they have described her as being exceptionally gorgeous and voluptuously sexy. She had a baby face with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks and luscious lips. Her blond hair cascaded in lovely curls down to her shoulders. Her face alone, together with its captivating smile, could arouse even an impotent man,...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 3 Twin Sisters Incestuous Secret

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Twin Sisters' Incestuous Secret By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint's cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint's basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all...

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Brotherly Love Sisterly Love Part One

Brotherly Love, Sisterly Love - Part One RICHARD My brother and I were especially close, as twins often are. We shared everything, including all our thoughts, feelings, experiences and desires. Even though we were eighteen, we still shared a bedroom too. It wasn't like there were things that we kept private from each other, it was the two of us wanting privacy from the rest of the world. This closeness and togetherness was often particularly valuable to us as neither of us had...

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Fun With My Sister Husband With His Brothers And His Father

Hi All, I am Bhavya and got name as Sult and Bitch Ramya. Let me describe myself. I am about 5.7ft, fair, average built, curvy body, and my vital status is 32 28 32. I maintained my curvy structure so well that many guys approached directly for dating. It was more when I wear body fit sexy t-shirt and skin tight jeans. In that dress my body structure was revealed and guys use to get disturb in my place and collage. I am BBM graduate and now pursuing MBA. Let me tell you hint when I got fucked...

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Stepsister Gets Stuck Stepbrother Gets In

Becky creeped around the bushes of her house, trying to be stay quiet and out of sight of any nosy neighbors. Her parents were likely already asleep, but it never hurt to be careful. Her friend, Harper, had had a big party at her house, and Becky had snuck out to go to it. Not only would her parents not approve of her going to a party that started at 10:00 pm and ended at two in the morning, but she had also been grounded for getting caught smoking weed by her mother.It was a big risk, but she...

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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 1 Brother and Sisters Incestuous Desires

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Brother and Sister's Incestuous Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Sean Reenburg I stepped out into my backyard, strings of lights running from the various sculpted plants and statues to illuminate everything. Knots of people were gathered throughout while servers in crisp, white shirts (whether they were men or women) and black slacks moved through the crowd holding trays with various horderves...

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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 7 Sister Helps Breed Mom

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Sister Helps Breed Mom By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Sean Reenburg Anger was rising in me despite the bliss that billowed through me from cumming in my sister's pussy. She was trembling against me, sandwiched between Dad and me, his cock buried in her asshole. He had a pale look on his face. He wasn't thrilled having to deal with his secretary, Vanessa, who he, apparently, was fucking. A woman who'd abused my little sister today. When I...

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Mom And Sister Slaves Part 1

Hi to all ISS readers. I am a very frequent reader of all the stories in ISS and finally, I come up with my first sex story and this is the real life story of mine. Even when I wrote this sex story, my mom and my sister were sucking my dick and balls respectively. Let’s me a take a little time describing my mom and sister. Coming to my mom she’s a 44-year-old milf with stats of 38D-30-38. She has an ass to die for and no extra skin at wrong places. And my sister is a hot sex bomb. She is 21...

4 years ago
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Mom sisters and me watch a DVD with them

This is sort of long, I hope you enjoy it. If you do I will post more of me and my sisters. So vote. Mom had found a flick for us to watch (which meant I had to watch it to.) Just before we started to watch it she told us to go change for bed. She winked at the girls and then told me to ware what she had laid out. Going into my room I found a pair of shorts and that was it. They were red satin short pants. Just then mom walked into my room. Mike"ware just them no...

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Sisters Needs Brothers Desires Fathers Nightmares Part 1

Introduction: Read below.. all the intro needed is above the story A note about me: I write for my pleasure not yours. I write for my fantasies not yours. If you find pleasure in my writings awesome. If not so be it. I do not cater to peoples tastes, likes, and dislikes. If you dont like my ages move on. If you dont like my grammar move on. If you dont like my spelling move on. Ive written for this site before a long time ago under a different name long gone. Ive had rave reviews, and Ive...

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Ex GF Stepsister Cheryl part2

Sorry a little late writing a another chapter about my ex girlfriends cock teasing stepsister ( Cheryl) and how we ended up fucking. Now on to the story. Well as you probably know if you read my first post on her that Cheryl had been teasing me for sometime and we ended up finally fucking. Well Cheryl and myself have been fucking for a good 6 months up to this point and it was the best 6 months a guy could ask for. Cheryl would be waiting for me to get home from work at times and we would...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Therapy for Cheri

Therapy, Part 1It was my medical doctor who suggested that I should speak to a counsellor, or ther****t about my sexual fantasies, and how they had started to overwhelm my life.  At first, I was not particularly interested in talking to anyone about this, but obviously my doctor felt that a counsellor could help me, and that not seeing one could eventually harm me.I booked an appointment for two weeks ahead, thinking that this would give me some time to get my shit together, and I could call...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 3 from Preadhers Daughter

Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...

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I Fucked My Godmother Who Became My Girlfriend Aft

-I Fucked My Godmother Who Became My Girlfriend After-I met my godmother, Amanda, at my high school job when I was only a junior. And I kept the job as a part time while I am going to my first year of college, so we see each other every day at work. She was 42 when I meet her and I was only 16. I was shy to talk to her, especially she was so gorgeous and I thought she was only in her early thirties. She was the one who approached me and we started to talk like good friends ever since. I...

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Fucked My Little Sister After She Saw Me Fucking Her Mother

Hi all, Nishant here again. Last time I told you how I managed to managed to fuck my unsatisfied chachi whose sex life was non-existent with my alcoholic uncle. Because of this, we ended up making a lot of love during my summer holidays after one day she caught me masturbating calling out her name and got horny. In out fuck sessions, we never bothered about a condom because she clearly told me she wanted to get pregnant. She got pregnant and to convince my alcoholic uncle, one night when he was...

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Brother and Sister Discover Eachother

My name is Josh and I’m 15 years old. I’m about 6 foot and well built with a 9 inch dick with a 7 inch girth. I have a younger brother, Matt, at 12 years old. I have one sister, Ashley, who is also 15. I never really paid that much attention to her when she was younger until now because she has a perfect body with nice sized tits and a nice round ass. My story starts when our parents went on a weeklong vacation leaving us at home alone. They felt it was ok because we were both perfect student....

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Photographer For My Tiktok Queen Sister 8211 Part 3

Hello dear readers, sorry for keeping you waiting. But as they say, better late than never. Here I am back with another part of my story. My stories are slow to unfold so please have patience and enjoy. I woke up in the morning and gathered all that had happened in the past few days. From making innocent TikTok videos we bro-sis duo had entered into a new realm of modeling and professional photography. It was my passion to be a pro photographer and Anu didi wanted to be a supermodel. Everything...

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How I Forcefucked My Sister

Hey guys and girls this is the story for every brother who wants to fuck their sister, my name is rakesh I am 17 and my penis is 6.8 inches long enough to satisfy a woman. The story starts when my sister hits puberty I started getting atraction towards her as she became super hot, she is 16 and has big boobs and a very sexy big ass , all the guys in the street and in her school wants to fuck her and so was I. I start seeking fir moments to fuck her but never got one, she is my cousion sister...

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Little Sis Caught by my big sister wearing her panties again

Author's note: Lil sis: 'Caught by my big sister wearing her panties again' is not part two of 'Lil Sis'. This is another version of the original 'Lil Sis'. I am trying something different and I would enjoy your feedback on this. I am posting the ages at the top of the story because they may change between the different versions of 'Lil Sis' that I have planed. My thoughts with these new stories in the 'Lil Sis" series is that the story can go all different directions, and that is...

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