The Sisterhood, Part 2 - The Crossing (Chapters 5-8) free porn video

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Exactly how many gods are there? With so many faiths, surely the heavens must be overrun? Or are there only a few with countless different names? Maybe it simply depends on how many believe?

Whichever gods exist, and whatever they are called, they are undoubtedly a fickle lot. Whether Greek, Roman or Egyptian; Norse, Celtic or Hindu, they gleefully prance and frolic, laughing and making fun of those less powerful than they.

At least, most of them do.

Placing the Stones on the Earth was Gaia’s idea. The Earth-Mother wanted a way to thwart the arrogant ones if they got too unruly and possessive. And let’s face it — most gods were arrogant; it sort of went with the job.

Most gods believed that Man would eventually learn; like a child who has to be guided as they grow. Man! Ha — Men couldn’t be trusted. Men were petulant and power-hungry and would destroy everything if they weren’t reigned in. Just like the conceited gods that created them.

So Gaia, and some of the more enlightened immortals discretely made their plans. They carefully hid their preparations from the elder, more traditional supreme beings, knowing they would be angry if they discovered their scheme.

It took time to ensure everything was in place, though time was often meaningless when you were a god. Success would ultimately be in the hands of their children on Earth; across time they would come together. She only hoped they would be strong enough; for they were so incredibly young and vulnerable compared to those who resided in the heavens! If they were not, She knew there was little hope for her creation.

And so we join the sisters on their journey…


How had we gotten here? I could no longer remember. I’d lost count of the days that had passed since our ordeal had begun, and we hadn’t seen another soul in that time.

Had I missed something? I hadn’t seen it ending like this — our tongues swollen and mouths parched as we slowly died of thirst. My sister Brianna had foregone her share of water to give the youngsters more of a chance. I looked across and was frightened to see that she was unresponsive, barely conscious. It surely wouldn’t be long now.

Had we made the wrong decision; chosen the wrong path? Or was this just another trial that we had to endure and overcome? If so, it looked like we were doomed to fail; it was hard to see past the next few hours. One of our numbers had been taken already. We would soon be joining him.

How had it come to this?



Chapter 5 – Lanis

I was in that semi-conscious state common just before you wake up; aware, but wanting to remain asleep. I wasn’t dreaming; rather I was reflecting, the metamorphic events of the last few days playing through my mind. Last night — last night would have to wait; It was too soon, and everything far too raw for me to consider right now.

Instead, I cast further back. Back to another occasion; a different ceremony. I gave thought to the ritual the night before the battle, where a fateful decision had been made.

Brianna had done well to miss it. She knew what would happen, as did I. But she also knew that they didn’t want to hear it. She was so much braver than me, my sister. And so much more decisive and outgoing. All the men liked her — desired her, even. Sometimes I was jealous of that.

But she chose only a few. And then only for a fun roll in the grass; a temporary distraction to while away the time. Jenna was her true passion, and most knew and respected it. Woe betide any who didn’t.

I’d often watched them together. Their hunger for each other — their devotion — was obvious. Their strength of feeling frighteningly intense.

I may not yet have been a woman, but I had seen what happened when people came together. Brianna didn’t hide her sexuality. She revelled in it; rejoiced in the pleasure. I envied that, too. I wanted to be like her, but I was the quiet one; 'The Mouse' I'd heard them call me when they thought I wasn't listening. I didn't mind being a mouse, but I missed what they had.

That night — the night of the Decision, their coupling was particularly powerful; ravenous even, as if they would never have the opportunity again. After the ceremony, I’d seen them meet and I had once more become a voyeur. I suspect they knew I was watching — and didn’t care. Bri had plainly already been with someone else, but she was insatiable, her appetite demanding to be filled on such an inauspicious night.

I admit I was turned on by watching them. I observed as lips and mouths searched; nipples were sucked, and fingers explored. I heard their moans and could feel my own passion rising as I feasted my eyes on their strong, sensuous bodies…

My fingers did some investigating of their own. My folds were already slick with excitement and my fingers slipped easily between them. My bud throbbed in anticipation; I wanted to join them in their climax — needed the distraction from the knowledge that had become mine that night.

I digress. I was speaking of the ceremony, and it was an important event, for both my family and the destiny of the tribe.

The ceremony was attended by all the key members of our clan; the leaders and the priests all come together. Everyone knew what Boudega wanted; what she expected. She wanted — needed— a great victory to reinforce her challenge to the Romans. And so everyone told her what she wanted to hear — even me.

I didn’t see what else I could have done. When she looked to me, towards the end, I told her there would be a decisive victory, and I didn’t lie. I just didn’t say it would be a Roman triumph; that the power of the Iceni was over.

Afterwards, I'd sought my mother out. I told her what I’d seen. It wasn’t easy, telling your own mother that you’d seen her death. She just smiled at me and said that she knew it too.

“Then why are we fighting?” I had asked in anguish. “Why didn’t you say?”

“Because it’s our destiny,” she calmly replied. I cried then, and she comforted me. She told me that Brianna would look after me when she was gone, and it was true; she had.

“You and your sister are part of something much greater,” she told me. “You both have such talent — no, don’t deny it. You hide much of what you see, I know that.”

I had looked down, suddenly ashamed. My visions had revealed much, but they had also warned me of the dangers. You couldn’t assume something would happen just because you’d seen it. You had a part to play, and if you didn’t play it with conviction and commitment you could so easily fail. It sounded contradictory — especially given what I’d seen about the upcoming battle. But some things were more set than others.

“It’s not a bad thing, hiding what you see. The knowledge gives you power. As you get older, you will gain wisdom and learn how to use that power; what to tell and what not to reveal. And don’t worry about me; all I want is a good death, and I’ve seen enough to think I’ll have that.”

“Yes,” I had whispered sadly.



I watched Brianna stir. Exhausted after getting us to the Coritani, she had slept soundly after our initiation the night before. It was the first opportunity she’d had to truly rest. The tea we had drunk had undoubtedly had its own effect.

I could see the new tattoo she wore by her eye; identical to the one I myself had. The soreness would soon go, I knew. But we were now forever marked as Ban Draoithe.

Contemplating her now, I felt a sense of wonder. I looked up to my sister. I admired her strength and her force of character. She was assured, determined and vigorous. Not like me; I was the hesitant one who liked to think things through before doing anything.

Of course, she got in trouble sometimes, earning the disapproval of the elders. Some called her rash, impetuous and headstrong; not the sort of person you would want as a leader. But others, admiring her courage, her vision and outspokenness, said she was exactly the sort of person who you would look to.

I knew Brianna herself sometimes had doubts, but she rarely displayed them. I had learnt that from her. Don’t let others see your weakness. It was she who had taught me to use the sling. Now I was nearly as good as she was.

I would follow my sister anywhere. Wherever she went, I wanted to be there for her, like she had been there for me, for I knew that one day she would need me.

Like me, Brianna had visions, seeing glimpses of the future. What I saw, though, was something more.

We had both seen that we would lose the battle. No wonder Brianna hadn’t wanted to be at the ceremony. She’d known very well that they would ignore what we had seen. She hadn’t seen as much as I had, but she had known enough.

The strength of the Iceni was over. We would no longer be the paramount clan in these Isles. The Romans were too strong; too organised. Each tribe preferred to fight independently, and that would be our downfall. I understood that already, even though I only had sixteen years.

The last few days had been a maelstrom, the events too much to absorb. The defeat of our army, the death of my mother. Our flight northwards.

I had seen them all, but seeing them and living them were two different things.

Just like last night; I had known the ceremony was coming, but it didn’t stop it from being frightening. I had become a woman last night, as well as a Ban Draoithe. I knew my sister was worried about me — I could see it in her eyes, sense it in her mind.

I pushed the memory away; there would be time to think about that later.

My sister’s eyes were open. She was looking directly at me; at my tattoo. I watched her fingers reach up to her own face and the tender skin.

We knew each other well, but she was hard to read this morning. Taking a deep breath, she sighed, got up, and walked toward the pool by the spring. I rose to join her. Her back to me, she knelt and drank. I knew she could sense my presence behind her.

“How are you, Lanis?” she asked.

“I’m okay. A bit sore, but they were gentle with me.”

Rising, she turned, came over and put her hands on my shoulders.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, pain in her voice.

“You don’t need to be sorry,” I said. “It wasn’t painful, and it was an experience I will never forget.”

“It was supposed to be after you’d — you know — had your womanhood ceremony at Samain.”

“Well, I don’t have any regrets, and at least now I won’t have to be so jealous of you all the time. So stop worrying about me.”

Brianna was still looking unsure of herself, feeling guilty. I sighed, and in an attempt to lighten the mood I wrinkled my nose. “You smell of goat,” I said raising my eyebrows in a question.

It broke the tension and Brianna laughed. “Come on — let’s clean up.”

We both stripped and stepped into the water. It was cold and clear, and very refreshing.

My sister was hesitant at first, but finally began to speak.

“I should have come to the ceremony. I’m sorry,” she said again.

“You did the right thing, Bri.”

She gave me a haunted look. “Did you know?”

I paused. “Yes.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“It wouldn’t have made any difference. You knew that; it’s why you stayed away.”

I could see how pensive Brianna was; could see the doubt in her eyes.

“I could have persuaded them. Stopped them! I could have made a difference, Lan! It’s my fault we lost, that our mother and so many others died, the tribe has been destroy…”

“Shhhhh — it’s not your fault!”

I put my arms around her, hugging her tight.

“I told mum,” I whispered. “And — and she knew too. And she didn’t tell them either.”

My words startled Brianna and I could see she was upset by this revelation. I felt the wetness of her tears as she began to shake.

“You didn’t tell me that,” she cried into my shoulder.

My sister, the bravest warrior I’d ever seen, was nearing the end of her endurance. She needed someone to help her through this.

It was my turn to look after her.

“She asked me not to. And anyway, we really haven’t had much of a chance to discuss it.”

Bri had gone still. I could feel her thinking about this.

“She knew she was going to die, Bri. And — all this — it was going to happen anyway.”

Infuriated, she suddenly pulled away.

“Does nothing we do make a difference then, Lan? Is it all foretold? Do we make our own fate, or is it already decided? I thought we were here for a purpose, and yet all I actually did was fuck Eógan, and help my people destroy themselves. The gods are laughing at us, playing their stupid games. Don’t they understand it’s life and death for us? Fuck them!”

“You did what you needed to do, Bri. It’s okay. I know I don’t always tell you everything. But you’ve been busy keeping us alive. And yes, what we do does make a difference.”

“How? How do you know?” Her rage was rolling off her in waves.

“Haven’t you been listening? Haven’t you been waking up because of your visions? I know you’ve seen things — things that are going to happen to us. There are choices to make, Bri. Choices that will make a difference!”

I watched her pace up and down. She was still angry, still frustrated. Eventually, she turned to me, fists clenched tight.

“What about now. Will you tell me what dreams you’ve been having, Lan?”

Oh, this wasn’t going to be easy. How much should I tell her?

“I’ve seen many of the same things you have, Bri,” I said slowly.

“Can you see what I see, then?”

“Sometimes, yes. But then I also see more. It’s like I see through your eyes, but then I — I get a different view. A wider view.

“I knew your gift was stronger than mine. I guess this shows you’re the one, Lan.”

She paused. “What does the Stone mean? I heard our mother speak of it, but never to me — only to others.”

“She told me,” I said quietly.

I could see the surprise on Brianna’s face, and the hurt. I answered her unspoken question.

“She told me that there are many stones. But that some are more important — more powerful, than others. This is one such stone.”

I hesitated. “She also told me it was in our path. She said she didn’t know what exactly would happen, only that she knew we were destined to be guided by the stones; that they would play an important role in our future.”

“Am I a Traveller, Lan? Can you see that?”

“I don’t know the answer to that, Bri — that’s something only you can determine. But — “

“But what?”

“You’re important, Bri — I can see that. Whether I’m the one, or you’re a Traveller I don't know, but I think we both have a key role to play.”

An image of the red-haired woman shimmered in my consciousness.

“Have you seen the woman with red hair?” asked Brianna guardedly. It was my turn to be surprised. I wondered if she was reading me for once.

“Yes, but I don’t think she has seen me yet. I don’t exactly know — I think maybe, somehow, I’m blocking her.”

“Blocking her…?”

“Yes. It’s not deliberate — at least I don’t think it’s deliberate. She sees you — knows that you exist; but me — well, she might sense me, but she’s not sure if I’m real yet.”

“Your power must be strong if you can see all that. And block another of those blessed with the gift.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. We both had the gift but in different ways.

We had more pressing things to think about.

“What now, Bri?”

She sighed, recognising that, for the moment, I didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“We head for the coast like Gildas said. We make for Ériu. There doesn’t seem to be much doubt about that. I see us at sea on board a ship.”

I watched her shudder as she said the words. We both knew it would be much more than a simple sea voyage.

“What about the Stone?” I asked to distract her.

“I think it's done what it's meant to do — for now, anyway. Unless you see something different?”

“No. I think you’re right. We have already taken a significant step on our journey.” I reflected. “What about the others?”

“We need to do what is best for them — which might be to leave them with the Coritani. If they stay with us then it could be very dangerous for them — though I think both Atlan and Erin will want to come with us.”

“Why don’t we ask them what they want to do?”

Brianna smiled at me. “Good idea, Lan.” She put her hand on my shoulder and her smile became tinged with sadness. I hadn’t told her everything — and she knew I was holding something back.

But I couldn’t tell her what it was. My sister may have been strong, but I thought it would rip her apart if she knew what was going to happen. My destiny was entwined with hers — to a point. But then I would have to leave her, and it would break her heart. Now wasn’t the time…

In my dreams, I had seen the sword. It was magnificent but I didn’t yet fully understand its significance. I just knew that I was tied to it in some way. The sword was my destiny and would play a major role in the coming conflict.

It would also tear me away from my sister.



Chapter 6 — Rendezvous

Gildas was as good as his word. Led by Cinuchan, he sent a strong party with us to the coast. Eight days It took us. Eight days of travelling almost exclusively at night with our escort.

In the end, all the youngsters came with us. They trusted us and wanted to be with their own clan. Jenna had recovered well and could keep up much more easily now; it wouldn't be long before she was back to her usual self. I always marvelled at her resilience; she had been wounded before — usually whilst trying to save Brianna.

We passed through the lands of the Setantii — another tribe paying homage to the Romans, but that nonetheless, seemed happy to grant us safe passage, perhaps willing us to succeed against our oppressor.

On that last night of our journey to the coast, we covertly met with a small group of locals who guided us to a river not far from where it joined the sea — the Merswy I heard them call it. Several ships rested there along the near bank.

Money was exchanged. It was an uncomfortable feeling; I felt like a commodity for barter, with no control over what would happen. I could tell that Brianna felt as I did. I had no sense of the conversation as the transaction was completed, but Cinuchan told us that he had paid for our passage across the sea to Ériu. He warned that we would have to hide on board the ship until we were well out to sea the following day.

I knew nothing about ships, and I didn’t enjoy the experience as we said goodbye to Cinuchan and were guided by our unknown new hosts onto the vessel. The motion was unsettling and we had to scrunch down out of sight under a number of unrecognisable animal hides. It was cramped and confining and I could see that the youngsters were fearful; I quietly tried to reassure them, attempting to look calmer than I felt.

We lay quiet during the darkness and I eventually fell into an uneasy sleep. When I woke everything was moving, and I could tell that we were underway.

The hides were suddenly pulled from us and we were blinded by bright sunlight. Several faces with grim expressions looked down upon us.

“Now then. What are we going to do with you?”



“Gwen! They’re in trouble; she needs help!”

Merlyne’s eyes were closed tight, her breathing irregular and brow furrowed in concentration.

“Can you help her?”

Her eyes snapped open.

“Ahh — I don’t know. She is so far away. But I will have to try.”



This didn’t look too good.

My sister and Jenna had their hands on their sword-hilts, but they were in no position to draw them.

The captain of the vessel had a smile on his face, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.

“I am in a quandary and I am not sure what I should do. There we are, getting ready for sea when we are approached by a band of Coritani asking us to take a group of young Iceni across the sea. They are insistent and have more money than sense.

He paused, his eyes studying each of us in turn. Clearly no fool, he was paying very close attention to Jenna and Brianna and where their hands were.

“There is a price on your heads; the Romans want you. Of this, we know."

A picture of the red-haired woman suddenly appeared in my mind. At the same time, I sensed that Brianna was about to try and draw her sword. I placed my hand on hers in warning; she glanced at me in surprise. I gave her the smallest shake of the head. She frowned, but I felt the pressure in her hand reluctantly ease.



“There are two of them! That is what I couldn’t see before, Gwen. Sisters! Gwen, this is important! I must help them. Their journey is only just beginning, but they have been betrayed.”

“What can you do?”

“They need — they need a ship. And they need to be free from their captors. I will have to focus — they are distant in ways I have not had to deal with before — hmm, I wonder if she is strong enough — whether she is ready? No — now is not the time. There will be opportunity later.”

Merlyne closed her eyes again. Grasping the hilt of the sword that lay in front of her, she started to concentrate, calling upon the power that was hers to draw on, channelling it to join that of the sword, preparing to direct it where it was now needed.

The magic she summoned would need to cross both space and time. She needed to take control and channel her power through another. There wasn’t time to teach her how to draw on the magic herself; for now, she would have to be a conduit only.

The energy and effort required were enormous, and the use of such power came at a cost. Gwen watched with concern as Merlyne expended the life-force she had been given so she could help her sisters…



I could feel the presence of another. The woman with red hair! Merlyne — the name popped unbidden into my mind. She was called Merlyne, and somehow she was here with us — here to help.

“Who speaks for you?” asked the leader.

“I do.”

It was my sister who had spoken, only it wasn’t really Brianna. I looked at her eyes, and was startled; her irises were blazing like fiery shards of ice.

In the last few moments, I realised that everything had changed. A power was emanating from Bri and for the first time in my life, I felt true fear.

“You will release us,” she said. “Who we are is not important, and this ship is yours no longer.”

The pitch of her voice was completely different; it was resonant, strong and commanding. Those who had so recently posed a threat to us started to back away, looking suddenly terrified.

“Leave us now and you may live to see another day.”

They didn’t hesitate; the men scrambled over one another to get away, jumping over the side of the ship without a second thought. I watched, shocked at their actions; awed by the power my sister had just revealed.

Brianna blinked, and the fire in her eyes slowly went out. Then she looked at me. “What happened?” she said hesitantly.

“You told them to leave. And they did.”

Bri looked around at the rest of us. The youngsters were wide-eyed with fear.

“I heard a voice in my head,” she said uncertainly. “A — a friend telling me it would be alright. Her voice filled me with — with love and warmth and an incredible sense of power. I felt like — like I could do anything I wanted. I just had to tell them to leave and — and I knew that they would.”

She directed her tone to the young ones.

“Don’t be afraid. I just needed them to go, and someone — someone important helped us.”

Bri turned back to me looking thoughtful and just a little bit worried.

“I don’t suppose you know how to sail a ship?”

I frowned. “Of course not — when would I have learnt that?”

“No, I didn’t think so. Nor me. Then it looks like we really are at the mercy of the gods after all.”

“What about them?” I said, pointing at the men in the water now some way behind us.

“Them too,” she said ominously.

I watched as they disappeared into the distance. Then I looked up at the sky and had a sudden revelation.

A storm was coming…




Chapter 7 – Battle of the Sea Gods

There were many gods of the sea, and some were more powerful than others. In the heavens, Poseidon scowled. He sensed the use of Earth magic; magic that threatened the balance of power. There was something strange afoot, but he wasn’t entirely sure what it was. No doubt some of the young upstarts were meddling in matters that should be left alone. Whatever it was, he thought he should put a stop to it. Those red-haired sirens were definitely involved — and they were entering his domain; he would show them what it was to tangle with one of the most powerful of the gods!



It started on the second day. A cloying mist descended, and sight of land was soon lost. The sea became incredibly calm; millpond calm. Looking down, I could see my reflection in the still, iron-grey water. With no wind, the sail hung uselessly from its mast.

The air was thick with moisture. It was an eerie sensation, and a sense of unease permeated our little band. Tempers became short. This unusual weather lasted nearly the whole day until the light was starting to fade. There was relief when the wind finally picked up, but it was short-lived. As the mist dissipated, dark clouds started to roll in, presaging a more turbulent time ahead.

The swell started to increase and our small ship, driven by the sea, soon began to rise and fall steeply, churning our stomachs. Without sight of land, we were lost and completely at the whim of the weather. The troughs started to become even deeper as the storm increased in intensity, and we started to take on water as our boat began to rock more violently with the colossal waves.

We had nothing to bail with save our hands, and we frantically strove to keep our vessel from sinking. But the wild motion threatened to eject us from our temporary home, and in desperation, we simply held onto anything that came to hand and hoped we wouldn’t be thrown into the abyss.

Our little ship rose to the top of the most enormous wave yet, and then fell, our stomachs lurching as we crashed shatteringly into the dark sea below. Terrified now, we hung on for our lives.

It was undoubtedly one of the most unnatural and freakish storms that had ever been seen. How long could it possibly last?



Merlyne could see their plight. This time her power alone wouldn’t be enough. She was already exhausted and would need help. This time she called for the gods — her gods — to help.

It would be another huge effort. She had to be careful. Each time she used her power like this, it took a terrible toll, draining her of all she had. Afterwards, she would be like a husk; dried and empty. She knew Gwen hated to see her like that. It took time for her to recover, and even then, it was as if a tiny piece of her had died. Her age ebbed and flowed with the use of her magic. One day, she knew, it would be too much and she would be called into the otherworld. But for now, she had to help her sisters.

And when she called, the gods heard.

Lir heard Merlyne’s cry for help. The Celtic sea god saw what Poseidon was doing and prepared to help those in need. Manannán Mac Lir did not see why the Greek god should dictate the fate of this forlorn band of travellers.

Tethys also saw what her fellow Greek was up to and the nimble sea goddess moved to join Lir; in this at least they surely had common cause? And was it not her granddaughters that were threatened here?

Manannán felt her presence and frowned. The time of the Greeks was over. Why was she concerned with those who worshipped him?

Ah, but they are mine too! She showed him her thoughts and he understood. Sighing, he realised that the Greeks were at it again — even now, when they should be quietly fading away. Nothing was ever as straightforward as it seemed.

And so the gods battled, the sea both their sword and shield. With the fate of one small boat at stake, the power and fury they unleashed were truly awesome. Only in reality, the stakes were much higher than that of one ship and its fragile occupants.

It was true that separately the younger gods could not match the staggering power of Poseidon, but together they were almost a match.




“Atlan…!” I watched in horror as he was ripped from his precarious hold and carried over the side.

He was gone.

My anguish and my tears were lost in the wind and the spray. I had been afraid we would crash into rocks or smash into land, but all we saw were walls of leaden grey and white; the lash of the rain pummelled our aching, tired bodies. Mind-numbing hours passed before I finally detected a decrease in the ferocity of the storm.

Bone-tired and overwrought with emotion, I finally eased my hold on the wooden strut I had been gripping and fell into an exhausted sleep.




Chapter 8 – Adrift

Later — much later — I woke to the sun on my face. There was still an uncomfortable swell and no sight of land. Bri was awake and looking at me with hollow eyes.

We were battered and bruised with no idea where we were. Our sail had been ripped from its mast and we had no way of steering. We went where the sea drove us.

We were also thirsty. Thirst like you have never known. We were surrounded by an ocean of water, yet even we knew that you couldn’t drink from the sea. You would retch and vomit everything you had and die all the quicker.

When the storm had finally abated, I had thought the worst was over. But I had been wrong. Atlan had already gone and if we didn’t drink soon we would follow him.

Where were the gods taking us? I wondered.



How many days now? I could no longer remember. Had I missed something? I didn’t see it ending like this — tongues swollen, dying of thirst. It couldn’t be long now.

Had we chosen the wrong path? Or was this just another trial that we were expected to endure and overcome?

It was hard to see past today. How had it come to this?

My mind drifted; floating through the air just like our tiny boat riding the endless waves.

There I was, seeing Jenna and my sister together for the first time. I was in a tree, incredibly curious and perhaps a tiny bit jealous too. I desperately wanted someone to touch me like they were touching each other but was sure it would never happen; things like that didn’t happen to me.

At first, they had been quiet and intimate, sharing gentle kisses. My loins had tingled as I watched them explore each other’s bodies. They were both naked, tangled together like one sinuous mass of limbs in the firelight. I wanted to touch myself but was suddenly very conscious of their presence, not wanting them to know I was there. And I just knew I would cry out if I put my fingers in the same places where theirs were finding such pleasure.

The scene changed, and now I was hiding again; this time in a set of bushes. It was the day of the battle; I knew it wasn’t going well — could hear the shouts and screams of both men and women. Bri had told me what to do if things got desperate, and grabbing Atlan and Erin, I’d headed away from the encampment toward a line of trees to the north.

Once amongst the trees, I'd thought we were safe, but I suddenly came across a Roman legionary blocking my path, a triumphant grin on his face. I hadn’t hesitated; I’d unleashed my sling before he could react, and he fell, his skull split by my stone.

After that we’d hid, helpless until Brianna and Jenna found us. My heart had thumped with fear whilst we waited, listening to the cries of others. It was my friends out there, being slaughtered by the Romans. But I stayed where I was, knowing that I could do little except save myself and my two friends.

The relief I’d felt when my sister reached me was almost overwhelming. After that I’d been swept along on our journey, not knowing from one moment to the next whether we would survive.

Only part of me did know. Because I’d seen that we would go on a journey. But at the time it didn’t feel very reassuring at all. The fear never left us; not until the Coritani found our group by the Stone.

For the first time, I thought about that night with the druids again. I had been afraid, but that night was so much more than I could ever have imagined. The tenderness and care were unexpected but very welcome; the experience — the raw carnality and otherworldliness combined into something I would never forget.

They were firm but gentle. Careful hands had held me and gently parted my legs; the fear had dissipated and my level of excitement rose as they tenderly stroked my sensitive areas. I could hear the rhythmic chanting from the watchers as the ritual continued. Fingers caressed and tongues worshipped my shy little bud and my virgin canal, bringing them into the light for the first time.

When I was finally penetrated, I was more than ready. Wet and so incredibly slippery, I had welcomed the sensation; the firm maleness had slid inside me without resistance, making me gasp with wonder. I had felt welcomed by all those around me, and part of something much greater.

The warmth of the first ejaculation made it even easier for those that followed. One after another, each filled me with their seed, eager to be part of such a significant initiation.

I confess that from the moment of the first entry, I had orgasm after orgasm. But when things progressed and I felt my rear being opened, I felt an even more incredible ecstasy — it was undoubtedly the most fulfilling moment in my life to that point and my primaeval scream was one of pure unadulterated pleasure and oneness with the world.

The climax of this sexual feast was a fertility offering for the Earth-Mother. Legs apart and dripping with their essence, I propped myself up on my elbows and watched with delighted awe as their abundant ejaculate spewed and splattered over my belly and breasts, drenching me in the seed of life.

And so I became a woman. But that was not all. During this wild night, the primal lust of the bacchanal was just a part of the ceremony. As I passed into the dream state, crossing into the otherworld, my mind, like my body, was opened fully and flooded with powerful visions that only enhanced the supernatural essence of that night; the things I saw had such presence that it surpassed anything I’d experienced before. The same but not the same; old things and new. And with it, I gained a new knowledge and fear of what was to come, and an understanding of the part we would have to play.

The visions flicked rapidly through my consciousness, back and forth, defying logic and order; I was running with Brianna. We were both the deer and the wolf, hunter and hunted, at one with the Earth-Mother. I could feel the presence of Danu and Cernunnos — our gods were welcoming us into their world; for a brief moment, they showed us what lay beyond the mortal world — and what was at stake in the turbulent future.

Then I was standing naked in the forest. Someone was resting their hand on my shoulder. It was that Greek rascal Pan, whom few now had heard of, save those of us being trained. He put his head close to mine and whispered in my ear, “you smell delightful, little flower, but I shall wait for another time — another time, when you are ready for me.” I could hear the smile in his voice and for a moment experienced disappointment. “Why not now?” I wanted to ask, but I could feel my sister drawing his randy attention.

Were these still memories, or was I hallucinating? Isn’t it the same thing? I heard the voice of that itinerant goat-god in my head, his tone gently mocking as he laughed at my question.

Now I could see the huge town in front of me; it was the one with the two fantastically tall towers, and an enormous iron bird flying into it. I kept on seeing this image — “What does this mean?” I asked. But I heard no answer.

I was hovering over a Stone; similar to the one we had left behind in the lands of the Coritani, but not the same. This Stone was a long way away and was another of those that my mother had talked about. Was I destined to find this stone also?

I could see the woman with red hair again — the same one who had helped us — Merlyne! But there were others, too — all with red hair. Each was far from the other, but they were all linked, as if there were a piece of leather cord running through them, connecting them across the heavens.

One was beautiful and strong like Brianna. I could see her moving through the woods. She was a hunter; a hunter, but not a killer; she was a lover who had already lived many lives. I felt incredibly young and naive compared to her. But there was something not right with the picture. She was lost somewhere — stranded and unable to find her way back.

Another was less clear; she was so very far away — so incredibly distant she was almost out of reach. Her destiny kept changing, like it wasn’t yet decided. I sensed she was the one who would show us the right path to follow, but she could only do that when she knew what she was looking for.

And then I saw one that really intrigued me. This one had short spiky hair — still red, but it was unlike anything I’d seen before. She had impish features, but was gentle. “How do I know that?” I asked myself. I also felt a particular affinity with this one, though I had no idea why or what her importance was. She appeared incredibly innocent though — like me in so many ways.

Brianna had not seen these others. This was my gift, to share as I saw fit. But now the one we both had seen — Merlyne — was calling out, summoning. She could see our plight and had asked the gods to help us. But it was too late. I could sense Donn calling; the god of death awaited our arrival with a heavy heart. He didn’t want us; not yet. Too soon, he thought.



“They have travelled far, but I sense they are much closer now. And this other one — the younger one. I think she is the key to the answers we seek. She just doesn’t know it yet.”

Gwen sighed. “I swear I’m going to hit you over the head with that bloody sword if you keep talking like that.”

“You love me too much for that.”

“Okay, but you’re not too old for a good spanking, you know. Just because you’re a witch, you think you can get away with anything.”

“Why is it that my power holds everyone in thrall except you?”

“Oh, it does, But It’s good to bring you back down to earth every once in a while.”

“That’s what Arthur said.”

“Well he was usually right, wasn’t he? And if I do recall, he did put you over his knee once.”

“That was a very long time ago!”



It surely wouldn’t — couldn’t be long now. I glanced up as a shadow blocked out the light. Unsteadily, Jenna was trying to stand up.

“What is it?” I croaked.

She pointed. “Land!”



Through the veil, Manannán and Tethys smiled. No — they weren’t as strong as Poseidon. But together they had outwitted him.





Footnote — for those wanting to know a little more about the origin of Merlyne and Gwen, you can read ‘Carpe Diem’ which, whilst it is a little more tongue-in-cheek and has a lighter tone, gives you an idea of their beginnings. Who knows — it might contain the odd helpful nugget of information…




Same as The Sisterhood, Part 2 - The Crossing (Chapters 5-8) Videos

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

Finally, here are the next two exciting chapters in my on-going saga. I want to thank reviewer 'anon' for his comment on 9/23/10 for inspiring me to finally get these chapters finished. I'd been just short of half done with these chapters for the better part of a year but between lack of initiative and wondering if anyone even cared if I kept going I'd just sort of let it fall through the cracks. I apologize to any readers that thought I'd given up on this series and just want to point...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Two and Three

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The Sisterhood

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The Sisterhood

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The SisterhoodChapter 11

Each afternoon, Susan, Jill and Ron would meet in the shady courtyard where Jill and Susan had first touched, to study and help each other though their classes. Others started to join them and they became tutoring sessions between students. The circle of students grew until it outgrew the small courtyard. Susan moved the sessions to an area beneath a group of large trees. Large pools of shade dotted the area, accompanied by benches and seats, even rocks that became the perch for students as...

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"Did we do anything wrong, Beth?" I'm standing naked in the basement of the new local Sapphire Club as Bethany and Marta, one of the members of her black team that helped with the rescue of Chelsea, are searching through my trunk, trenchcoat, mask, and even my hair to make sure no tracking devices were planted on me during the session. They find nothing and I dress in clothing that stayed in Bethany's care while I exposed myself to the students and burqa babes. "I don't think so. I think we...

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Sisterhood of Sin 27 Tumbled Into Trouble

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Promptly at sunrise I arrived at the East Gate of Naples old city. From the back of my hired horse I scanned the cluster of mules and men milling around the gate, and one man did indeed stand out from the crowd. As Shadrach had said the man looked less intelligent than the mule he was holding, but it was not just his apparent lack of intelligence that drew my eye to him but also his lack of stature. Although his torso appeared to be of normal size his legs were unnaturally short. His head...

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Sisterhood of the Succubus

Isaiah 3:12 "As for men, children will be their oppressors, and women will rule over them." By the year 2030 the American culture was in a state of chaos, somewhere the powers to be, figured out that single parent households weren't good for society. To repair the mess, it became the law that if a woman became pregnant the father would be required to marry her and would remain with her till the child reached 18 years old. With every one's DNA being of public record, establishing who the...

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The SisterhoodChapter 60

Within an hour the remainder of the people from Prendwick arrived at the palace. Although they had left much later, they had flown in a direct line down over Germany, and didn’t have any problems getting from the airport into the city, either. Finishing lunch, there was a phone call reporting that a large church delegation headed by the Pope himself had arrived at the palace to review plans for the coronation. “Oops!” Karla exclaimed. “Here’s trouble ... maybe.” Then she said, “Susie, I need...

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The SisterhoodChapter 14

Jane found Susan working in her office. "Hi Hon, got a minute?" Jane asked. "Barely. But I'll take whatever time I need for you. What's up?" Susan said, closing her books and giving Jane her full attention. "Not me. The Rod wants you." Jane said. "I beg your pardon?" Susan said. "The rod wants you." Jane repeated. "You're joking, right?" Susan asked. "Not at all. You know very well I never joke about the rod. I'm quite serious. The rod told me to have you prepare...

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"You're an unholy fuckin' bastard. Fuck you, the horse you rode in on, the blacksmith who shod him, and the priest who baptized him." Dan pauses the movie, comes into our bedroom and switches off the vibrating egg that he previously stuffed up my ass. Then he returns and resumes the movie and turns the volume on the home theater system up. That's the worst part about this torture session. He knows I really wanted to watch that movie with him. We are both suckers for really good suspenseful...

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"Get naked now, you naughty boy!" My husband is already hard by the time he's finished undressing. I remain dressed in my business suit, but I made a point of letting him see that I was removing my panties as he came into the bedroom after coming home from work, and I deliberately wore sexy red panties to work that day. "Over here. Hands on your knees." I like this position, me standing over him as he bends and waits for it. I land the single hard smack on the opposite ass cheek from the last...

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My positive experience with caging my husband's cock in chastity and spanking his plugged ass has me on a sexual high for several days. I make love to him, and I mean really make love several times each day during those days. I had worried that I would think less of him, that he would no longer seem as manly to me, but I discover that I can't keep my hands off him and I aggressively undress, cuddle, kiss, suck and fuck him as soon as we get home from work and again before sleeping. I know that...

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sisterhood of the Fist

Derek Halsey Looked up from the slip of paper in his hand and regarded the stately old Victorian house in front of him. Located on the western fringe of wine country in Northern California, it was miles away from civilization. The estate towered in exalted majesty in the middle of a large garden filled with neatly trimmed bushes, decorative flowerbeds and gravel paths, all surrounded by a tall hedge. This must be it, Derek thought and opened the black iron gate. Atop the iron gate was an ornate...

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Welcome to the Sisterhood

Chapter 1 As his train pulled into the station, Chris's heart sank. He'd not been to this part of town before and the graffiti, boarded up windows of the former waiting room and general decay everywhere reminded him why not. Still, he'd been out of work for four months and, by the time the agency phoned him about the role the previous week, he was getting desperate for work. So he gathered his belongings, stood up and left the train. The 10 minute walk to the offices of Glow...

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The Sisterhood Part 1 Defeat Chapters 14

In the beginning was Chaos. And Chaos detested organisation and structure. He was roguish and full of mischief. Whenever order and logic looked likely to prevail, he would chuckle, wave his divine hand and delight in thwarting such impudence. Exasperated, the other gods sighed. How would the mortals below ever be able to prove themselves with such troublesome interference? It was always the same; the wheel turned, and mankind managed to make a mess of everything. Again.The debate continued to...

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The SisterhoodChapter 28

The General did not give up. "I'm sorry sir. I was not able to make entrance into the temple. I broke a hard tool-steel pry bar on that door. The women never touched a key hole. They'd just walk up and walk in. I'd run up after them and the door would be locked tight. Wouldn't budge." said the agent. "Damn peculiar things going on there. I believe you about the door. I tried it myself. There were no visible locks, but it sure as hell locked solid when it closed." the General...

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The SisterhoodChapter 19

Susan surveyed the land at one of the possible spots for the new European University. It would be an all girl school. Eliminating many of the problems that existed back in the states. She looked out over the Austrian countryside, picturing the University layout in her mind. She had several good locations to choose from; one each in France, Hungary, Italy and this one. She'd even visited Lesbos as a possibility. While she'd felt a reverent feeling walking the streets of Sappho's home of...

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The SisterhoodChapter 75

Within an hour the remainder of the people from Prendwick arrived at the palace. Although they had left much later, they had flown in a direct line down over Germany, and didn't have any problems getting from the airport into the city, either. Finishing lunch, there was a phone call reporting that a large Church delegation headed by the Pope himself had arrived at the palace to review plans for the coronation. "Oops!" Karla exclaimed. "Here's trouble ... maybe." Then she said, "Susie,...

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The SisterhoodChapter 2

In the morning Susan awoke to her alarm. She slapped at it and stretched. Smiling to herself. She felt a curious feeling of sensuality. With a start she realized that she was naked in her bed. She rolled around a bit and savored the feeling of the sheets, sensual against her skin. She decided then and there that she would sleep this way from then on. She sat up and caught her reflection in the mirror. She looked sexy, she thought. A feeling inside her drove her to pull on the discarded...

1 year ago
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Sisterhood of Sin 23 Bush Bound

I come off the plane feeling refreshed but very disturbed by the dark fantasy that I just masturbated to. I embrace Margo as Mindy and Keri are herding their kids onto the other plane. Keri doesn't recognize me at first but Mindy must be telling her who I am. I hear her say, "Oh, she's pretty," and I wonder at her sanity. She's never seen me without my mask, but I haven't had time to touch up my eye makeup since I took it off. "It's good to see you, Cate." "Just like old times, Margo." The...

2 years ago
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Sisterhood of Sin 19 Clothed Females Naked Husband

"Good evening, sisters, and welcome to the first of our new orientation courses for new sisters. Our goals are to help you to get the most out of your new relationship with us, and with your husband, and to inspire you, and maybe even him, to fully embrace our cause. Thank you all for volunteering to be our first focus group, to help us improve these new courses. Your feedback will be very important to us. Tonight's session is called Re-imagining Your Male." Mrs. Malibu had their attention...

3 years ago
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Sisterhood of Sin 10 Out Of The Comfort Zone

I have an ulterior motive for reminding my husband that he can order me to suck his cock. Actually I have three. Sucking his cock will give my overheated pussy a chance to cool down. Maybe that will help me make it more than two hours before I pull the pins keeping me in chastity. Secondly, he'll be able to last longer when I finally get this damn chastity belt off, get my ass spanked, and earn my orgasm. After only one hour, it's driving me a little crazy. I only had it on for no longer than...

4 years ago
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Sisterhood of Sin 4 Private Revelation

"What do you mean, 'Give him the stiffy test'?" "You really don't know? You can find out if he likes something by seeing if it makes him hard when you do something or talk to him about something. For example, if you hold his cock, not stroke it, just hold it, and suck his nipples, his cock will tell you if he likes that." "I don't think that will work with Dan. If I even touch his cock it gets hard." "That happens with a lot of men, but it passes. If you hold it until it goes soft again, then...

2 years ago
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The Heatwave The Sisterhood of Sappho Part One

The Sisterhood of Sappho – Part One Judi allowed the Bentley to coast gently up the drive towards where Aldrington Hall lay nestling regally in a verdant fold in the Surrey hillside. It was hard to imagine a more quintessentially English scene, she thought, as she drank in the imposing façade, slumbering gently in the golden light of the afternoons lengthening shadows, the great British stately home, glorious residence of generations of landed gentry. Actually, she knew this to be an illusion...

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The Heatwave The Sisterhood of Sappho Part Two

The Sisterhood of Sappho (Part Two) At the top of the stairs leading down to the main hall she encountered Jo, wearing a short black dress and carrying a tray of drinks, her sun-streaked hair now freed of its leather clasp, flowing freely down her back and reaching nearly to her buttocks. As Judi approached Jo looked her critically up and down and nodded appreciatively. “Looking good!” she grinned. “Someone’s in for a treat tonight – makes me wish it was my turn to serve as Acolyte, instead...

2 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 44 New Partiers KC Threatened

Mark I held Kim’s limp naked body in my arms as she lay in her comatose state following my administering of The Experience to her. I had lapped my hand clean of her beautiful and tasty emissions, and then continued to kiss her and stroke her body as she purred. I could almost feel her consciousness returning even though she hadn’t stirred or opened her eyes. I wanted her to feel safe and loved when full consciousness returned. Kim was one beautiful woman who I had connected with on many...

3 years ago
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The Sisterhood of Spite

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? The Sisterhood of Spite.  Chapter 1. The Brides of the Emperor.  ???????? The house was impressive, even by year 2537 standards. As was the fashion in the Empire, and had been since the first Emperor had ordered it some ninety years before, the building was of Ancient Roman style. An exact replica of a second century Roman Villa in fact. Plush and luxuriously furnished and...

4 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 17

Cindy flowed into the empty diner like a warm wind over the tundra. Like she carried her own entourage, even though she was alone. She picked a spot and plunked down. Gale came over to her to take her order. "Hi" Cindy bubbled. "Hello, what can I get for you?" Gale asked, as if the question didn't matter. "Ouch, why so negative?" Cindy asked. "Huh? I just asked what I could get for you?" Gale said, puzzled. "Well, since you put it that way. How about a piece of pecan pie and a...

4 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 22

Ron removed the ceramic bricks one at a time from around the oven. The thermostat read a constant forty degrees Celsius. The basement chamber was filled to capacity. Over three-hundred nude women gathered on the padded bleachers, which had at best puzzled the construction crews. The campus had been cleared of all but the Sisterhood, Ron and Steven -who had flown in that morning. All present were nude. All were solemn. Elsewhere, in the two temples, similar assemblies waited as they watched...

2 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 59

The next day a small group headed over to the Newcastle airport. In the group were only Karla, Doug, Mary, Mike, Ann, and Mark, accompanied by Duke and Sheena. Early that morning, a second trade had been executed. Karla pointed out that Duke had been her tiger since his youth and had been her friend while she was teaching in Los Angeles. It was because the poor tiger had been pining away for her that he had been flown to Europe. Duchess, on the other hand, had been the Carlsons’ gift to the...

3 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 74

The next day a small group headed over to the Newcastle airport. In the group were only Karla, Doug, Mary, Mike, Ann, and Mark, accompanied by Duke and Sheena. Early that morning, a second trade had been executed. Karla pointed out that Duke had been her tiger since his youth and had been her friend while she was teaching in Los Angeles. It was because the poor tiger had been pining away for her that he had been flown to Europe. Duchess, on the other hand, had been the Carlsons' gift to the...

3 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 76

When they had withdrawn, the Pope said, "Lord, it is my understanding that you will be handling the coronation personally. Is that correct?" "It is," the Voice replied quietly. Then He chuckled and added, "There have been rehearsals in progress Up Here for weeks." Then he outlined what was in store. When he concluded, the Pope slowly shook his head and said, "I cannot tell You how honored I feel. Just think! I will be present when the Multitudes of the Heavenly Host sing...

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